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CHAPTER XIX Artificial Intelligence: Prospects "Almost" Situations and Subjunctives AFTER READING Contrafactus, a friend said to me, "My uncle was almost President of the U.S.!" "Really?" I said. "Sure," he replied, "he was skipper of the PT 108." (John F. Kennedy was skipper of the PT 109.) That is what Contrafactus is all about. In everyday thought, we are constantly manufacturing mental variants on situations we face, ideas we have, or events that happen, and we let some features stay exactly the same while others "slip". What features do we let slip? What ones do we not even consider letting slip? What events are perceived on some deep intuitive level as being close relatives of ones which really happened? What do we think "almost" happened or "could have" happened, even though it unambiguously did not? What alternative versions of events pop without any conscious thought into our minds when we hear a story? Why do some counterfactuals strike us as "less counterfactual" than other counterfactuals? After all, it is obvious that anything that didn't happen didn't happen. There aren't degrees of "didn't-happen-ness". And the same goes for "almost" situations. There are times when one plaintively says, "It almost happened", and other times when one says the same thing, full of relief. But the "almost" lies in the mind, not in the external facts. Driving down a country road, you run into a swarm of bees. You don't just duly take note of it; the whole situation is immediately placed in perspective by a swarm of "replays" that crowd into your mind. Typically, you think, "Sure am lucky my window wasn't open!"-or worse, the reverse: "Too bad my window wasn't closed!" "Lucky I wasn't Artificial Intelligence:Prospects 641

Douglas Hofstadter - Godel Escher Bach Chapter 19a Artificial Intelligence Prospects

Oct 03, 2015



Igor Bojceski

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Artificial Intelligence:


"Almost" Situations and Subjunctives

AFTER READING Contrafactus, a friend said to me, "My uncle was almost President of the U.S.!" "Really?" I said. "Sure," he replied, "he was skipper of the PT 108." (John F. Kennedy was skipper of the PT 109.)

That is what Contrafactus is all about. In everyday thought, we are constantly manufacturing mental variants on situations we face, ideas we have, or events that happen, and we let some features stay exactly the same while others "slip". What features do we let slip? What ones do we not even consider letting slip? What events are perceived on some deep intuitive level as being close relatives of ones which really happened? What do we think "almost" happened or "could have" happened, even though it unambiguously did not? What alternative versions of events pop without any conscious thought into our minds when we hear a story? Why do some counterfactuals strike us as "less counterfactual" than other counterfactuals? After all, it is obvious that anything that didn't happen didn't happen. There aren't degrees of "didn't-happen-ness". And the same goes for "almost" situations. There are times when one plaintively says, "It almost happened", and other times when one says the same thing, full of relief. But the "almost" lies in the mind, not in the external facts.

Driving down a country road, you run into a swarm of bees. You don't just duly take note of it; the whole situation is immediately placed in perspective by a swarm of "replays" that crowd into your mind. Typically, you think, "Sure am lucky my window wasn't open!"-or worse, the reverse: "Too bad my window wasn't closed!" "Lucky I wasn't on my bike!" "Too bad I didn't come along five seconds earlier." Strange but-possible replays: "If that had been a deer, I could have been killed!" "I bet those bees would have rather had a collision with a rosebush." Even stranger replays: "Too bad those bees weren't dollar bills!" "Lucky those bees weren't made of cement!" "Too bad it wasn't just one bee instead of a swarm." "Lucky I wasn't the swarm instead of being me." What slips naturally and what doesn't-and why?

In a recent issue of The New Yorker magazine, the following excerpt from the "Philadelphia Welcomat" was reprinted:'

If Leonardo da Vinci had been born a female the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel might never have been painted.1The New The New Yorker commented:

And if Michelangelo had been Siamese twins, the work would have been completed in half the time.

The point of The New Yorker's comment is not that such counterfactuals are false; it is more that anyone who would entertain such an idea-anyone who would "slip" the sex or number of a given human being-would have to be a little loony. Ironically, though, in the same issue, the following sentence, concluding a book review, was printed without blushing:

I think he [Professor Philipp Frank would have enjoyed both of these books enormously.2Now poor Professor Frank is dead; and clearly it is nonsense to suggest that someone could read books written after his death. So why wasn't this serious sentence also scoffed at? Somehow, in some difficult-to-pin-down sense, the parameters slipped in this sentence do not violate our sense of "possibility" as much as in the earlier examples. Something allows us to imagine "all other things being equal" better in this one than in the others. But why? What is it about the way we classify events and people that makes us know deep down what is "sensible" to slip, and what is "silly":

Consider how natural it feels to slip from the valueless declarative "I don't know Russian" to the more charged conditional "I would like to know Russian" to the emotional subjunctive "I wish I knew Russian" and finally to the rich counterfactual "If I knew Russian, I would read Chekhov and Lermontov in the original". How flat and dead would be a mind that saw nothing in a negation but an opaque barrier! A live mind can see a window onto a world of possibilities.

I believe that "almost" situations and unconsciously manufactured subjunctives represent some of the richest potential sources of insight into how human beings organize and categorize their perceptions of the world.

An eloquent co-proponent of this view is the linguist and translator George

Steiner, who, in his book After Babel, has written:

Hypotheticals, 'imaginaries', conditionals, the syntax of counter-factuality and contingency may well be the generative centres of human speech.... [They] do more than occasion philosophical and grammatical perplexity. No less than future tenses to which they are, one feels, related, and with which they ought probably to be classed in the larger set of 'suppositionals' or `alternates', these `if' propositions are fundamental to the dynamics of human feeling... .

Ours is the ability, the need, to gainsay or 'un-say' the world, to image and speak it otherwise.... We need a word which will designate the power, the compulsion of language to posit 'otherness'. . . . Perhaps 'alternity' will do: to define the `other than the case', the counter-factual propositions, images, shapes of will and evasion with which we charge our mental being and by means of which we build the changing, largely fictive milieu of our somatic and our social existence... .

Finally, Steiner sings a counterfactual hymn to counterfactuality:

It is unlikely that man, as we know him, would have survived without the fictive, counter-factual, anti-determinist means of language, without the semantic capacity, generated and stored in the `superfluous, zones of the cortex, to conceive of, to articulate possibilities beyond the treadmill of organic decay and death .3The manufacture of "subjunctive worlds" happens so casually, -so naturally, that we hardly notice what we are doing. We select from our fantasy a world which is close, in some internal mental sense, to the real world. We compare what is real with what we perceive as almost real. In so doing, what we gain is some intangible kind of perspective on reality. The Sloth is a droll example of a variation on reality-a thinking being without the ability to slip into subjunctives (or at least, who claims to be without the ability-but you may have noticed that what he says is full of counterfactuals'.). Think how immeasurably poorer our mental lives would be if we didn't have this creative capacity for slipping out of the midst of reality into soft "what if'-s! And from the point of view of studying human thought processes, this slippage is very interesting, for most of the time it happens completely without conscious direction, which means that observation of what kinds of things slip, versus what kinds don't, affords a good window on the unconscious mind.

One way to gain some perspective on the nature of this mental metric is to "fight fire with fire". This is done in the Dialogue, where our "subjunctive ability" is asked to imagine a world in which the very notion of

subjunctive ability is slipped, compared to what we expect. In the Dialogue, the first subjunctive instant replay-that where Palindromi stays in bounds-is quite a normal thing to imagine. In fact, it was inspired by a completely ordinary, casual remark made to me by a person sitting next to me at a football game. For some reason it struck me and I wondered what made it seem so natural to slip that particular thing, but not, say, the number of the down, or the present score. From those thoughts, I went on to consider other, probably less slippable features, such as the weather (that's in the Dialogue), the kind of game (also in the Dialogue), and then even loonier variations (also in the Dialogue). I noticed, though, that what was completely ludicrous to slip in one situation could be quite slippable in another. For instance, sometimes you might spontaneously wonder how things would be if the ball had a different shape (e.g., if you are playing basketball with a half-inflated ball); other times that would never enter your mind (e.g., when watching a football game on TV).

Layers of Stability

It seemed to me then, and still does now, that the slippability of a feature of some event (or circumstance) depends on a set of nested contexts in which the event (or circumstance) is perceived to occur. The terms constant, parameter, and variable, borrowed from mathematics, seem useful here. Often mathematicians, physicists, and others will carry out a calculation, saying "c is a constant, p is a parameter, and v is a variable". What they that any of them can vary (including the "constant"); however, there is a kind of hierarchy of variability. In the situation which is being represented b~ the symbols, c establishes a global condition; p establishes some less global condition which can vary while c is held fixed; and finally, v can run around while c and p are held fixed. It makes little sense to think of holding v fixed while c and p vary, for c and p establish the context in which v has meaning. For instance, think of a dentist who has a list of patients, and for each patient, a list of teeth. It makes perfect sense (and plenty of money) to hold the patient fixed and vary his teeth-but it makes no sense at all to hold one tooth fixed and vary the patient. (Although sometimes it makes good sense to vary the dentist ...)

We build up our mental representation of a situation layer by layer. The lowest layer establishes the deepest aspect of the context-sometimes being so low that it cannot vary at all. For instance, the three-dimensionality of our world is so ingrained that most of us never would imagine letting it slip mentally. It is a constant constant. Then there are layers which establish temporarily, though not permanently, fixed aspects of situations, which could be called background assumptions-things which, in the back of your mind, you know can vary, but which most of the time you unquestioningly accept as unchanging aspects. These could still be called "constants". For instance, when you go to a football game, the rules of the game are constants of that sort. Then there are "parameters": you think of them as more variable, but you temporarily hold them constant. At a football game, parameters might include the weather, the opposing team, and so forth. There could be-and probably are-several layers of parameters. Finally, we reach the "shakiest" aspects of your mental representation of the situation-the variables. These are things such as Palindromi's stepping out of bounds, which are mentally "loose" and which you don't mind letting slip away from their real values, for a short moment.

Frames and Nested Contexts

The word frame is in vogue in Al currently, and it could be defined as a computational instantiation of a context. The term is due to Marvin Minsky, as are many ideas about frames, though the general concept has been floating around for a good number of years. In frame language, one could say that mental representations of situations involve frames nested within each other. Each of the various ingredients of a situation has its own frame. It is interesting to verbalize explicitly one of my mental images concerning nested frames. Imagine a large collection of chests of drawers. When you choose a chest, you have a frame, and the drawer holes are places where "subframes" can be attached. But subframes are themselves chests of drawers. How can you stick a whole chest of drawers into the slot for a single drawer in another chest of drawers? Easy: you shrink and distort the second chest, since, after all, this is all mental, not physical. Now in the outer frame, there may be several different drawer slots that need to be

filled; then you may need to fill slots in some of the inner chests of drawers (or subframes). This can go on, recursively.

The vivid surrealistic image of squishing and bending a chest of drawers so that it can fit into a slot of arbitrary shape is probably quite important, because it hints that your concepts are squished and bent by the contexts you force them into. Thus, what does your concept of "person" ', become when the people you are thinking about are football players? It certainly is a distorted concept, one which is forced on you by the overall context. You have stuck the "person" frame into a slot in the "football game" frame. The theory of representing knowledge in frames relies on the idea that the world consists of quasi-closed subsystems, each of which can serve as a context for others without being too disrupted, or creating too much disruption, in the process.

One of the main ideas about frames is that each frame comes with its own set of expectations. The corresponding image is that each chest. of drawers comes with a built-in, but loosely bound, drawer in each of its

drawer slots, called a default. If I tell you, "Picture a river bank", you will invoke a visual image which has various features, most of which you could override if I added extra phrases such as "in a drought" or "in Brazil" or "without a merry-go-round". The existence of default values for slots allows the recursive process of filling slots to come to an end. In effect, you say, "I will fill in the slots myself as far as three layers down; beyond that I will take the default options." Together with its default expectations, a frame contains knowledge of its limits of applicability, and heuristics for switching to other frames in case it has been stretched beyond its limits of tolerance.

The nested structure of a frame gives you a way of "zooming in" and looking at small details from as close up as you wish: you just zoom in on the proper subframe, and then on one of its subframes, etc., until you have the desired amount of detail. It is like having a road atlas of the USA which has a map of the whole country in the front, with individual state maps inside, and even maps of cities and some of the larger towns if you want still more detail. One can imagine an atlas with arbitrary amounts of detail, going down to single blocks, houses, rooms, etc. It is like looking through a telescope with lenses of different power; each lens has its own uses. It is important that one can make use of all the different scales; often detail is irrelevant and even distracting.

Because arbitrarily different frames can be stuck inside other frames' slots, there is great potential for conflict or "collision". The nice neat scheme of a single, global set of layers of "constants", "parameters", and "variables" is an oversimplification. In fact, each frame will have its own hierarchy of variability, and this is what makes analyzing how we perceive such a complex event as a football game, with its many subframes, subsubframes, etc., an incredibly messy operation. How do all these many frames interact with each other? If there is a conflict where one frame says, "This item is a constant" but another frame says, "No, it is a variable!", how does it get resolved? These are deep and difficult problems of frame theory to

which I can give no answers. There has as yet been no complete agreement on what a frame really is, or on how to implement frames in Al programs. I make my own stab at discussing some of these questions in the following section, where I talk about some puzzles in visual pattern recognition, which I call "Bongard problems".

Bongard Problems

Bongard problems (BP's) are problems of the general type given by the Russian scientist M. Bongard in his book Pattern Recognition. A typical BP-number 51 in his collection of one hundred-is shown in Figure 119.

FIGURE 119. Bongard problem 51. From R1. Bongard, Pattern Recognition (Rochelle Park, N.,J.: Hayden Book Co., Spartan Books, 1970).]

These fascinating problems are intended for pattern-recognizers, whether human or machine. (One might also throw in ETI's-extraterrestrial intelligences.) Each problem consists of twelve boxed figures (henceforth called boxes): six on the left, forming Class I, and six on the right, forming Class II. The boxes may be indexed this way:







The problem is "How do Class I boxes differ from Class II boxes?"

A Bongard problem-solving program would have several stages, in which raw data gradually get converted into descriptions. The early stages are relatively inflexible, and higher stages become gradually more flexible. The final stages have a property which I call tentativity, which means simply that the way a picture is represented is always tentative. Upon the drop of a hat, a high-level description can be restructured, using all the devices of the

later stages. The ideas presented below also have a tentative quality to them. I will try to convey overall ideas first, glossing over significant difficulties. Then I will go back and try to explain subtleties and tricks and so forth. So your notion of how it all works may also undergo some revisions as you read. But that is in the spirit of the discussion.

Preprocessing Selects a Mini-vocabulary

Suppose, then, that we have some Bongard problem which we want to solve. The problem is presented to a TV camera and the raw data are read in. Then the raw data are preprocessed. This means that some salient features are detected. The names of these features constitute a "mini-vocabulary" for the problem; they are drawn from a general "salient-feature vocabulary". Some typical terms of the salient-feature vocabulary are:

line segment, curve, horizontal, vertical, black, white, big, small, pointy, round ...

In a second stage of preprocessing, some knowledge about elementary shapes is used; and if any are found, their names are also made available. Thus, terms such as

triangle, circle, square, indentation, protrusion, right angle, vertex, cusp, arrow ...

may be selected. This is roughly the point at which the conscious and the unconscious meet, in humans. This discussion is primarily concerned with describing what happens from here on out.

High-Level Descriptions

Now that the picture is "understood", to some extent, in terms of familiar concepts, some looking around is done. Tentative descriptions are made for one or a few of the twelve boxes. They will typically use simple descriptors such as

above, below, to the right of, to the left of, inside, outside of, close to, far from, parallel to, perpendicular to, in a row, scattered, evenly spaced, irregularly spaced, etc.

Also, definite and indefinite numerical descriptors can be used:

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... many, few, etc.

More complicated descriptors may be built up, such as

further to the right of, less close to, almost parallel to, etc.

FIGURE 120. Bongard problem 47. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]Thus, a typical box-say I-F of BP 47 (Fig. 120)-could be variously described as having:

three shapes


three white shapes


a circle on the right


two triangles and a circle


two upwards-pointing triangles


one large shape and two small shapes


one curved shape and two straight-edged shapes


a circle with the same kind of shape on the inside and outside.

Each of these descriptions sees the box through a "filter". Out of context, any of them might be a useful description. As it turns out, though, all of them are "wrong", in the context of the particular Bongard problem they are part of. In other words, if you knew the distinction between Classes I and II in BP 47, and were given one of the preceding lines as a description of an unseen drawing, that information would not allow you to tell to which Class the drawing belonged. The essential feature of this box, in context, is that it includes

a circle containing a triangle.

Note that someone who heard such a description would not be able to reconstruct the original drawing, but would be able to recognize drawings

FIGURE 121. Bongard problem 91. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]which have this property. It is a little like musical style: you may be an infallible recognizer of Mozart, but at the same time unable to write anything which would fool anybody into thinking it was by Mozart.

Now consider box I-D of BP 91 (Fig. 121). An overloaded but "right" description in the context of BP 91 is

a circle with three rectangular intrusions.

Notice the sophistication of such a description, in which the word "with" functions as a disclaimer, implying that the "circle" is not really a circle: it is almost a circle, except that . . . Furthermore, the intrusions are not full rectangles. There is a lot of "play" in the way we use language to describe

things. Clearly, a lot of information has been thrown away, and even more could be thrown away. A priori, it is very hard to know what it would be smart to throw away and what to keep. So some sort of method for an intelligent compromise has to be encoded, via heuristics. Of course, there is always recourse to lower levels of description (i.e., less chunked descriptions) if discarded information has to be retrieved, just as people can constantly look at the puzzle for help in restructuring their ideas about it. The trick, then, is to devise explicit rules that say how to

make tentative descriptions for each box;

compare them with tentative descriptions for other boxes of either Class;

restructure the descriptions, by

(i) adding information,

(ii) discarding information,

or (iii) viewing the same information from another angle; iterate this process until finding out what makes the two Classes differ.

Templates and Sameness-Detectors

One good strategy would be to try to make descriptions structurally similar to each other, to the extent this is possible. Any structure they have in common will make comparing them that much easier. Two important elements of this theory deal with this strategy. One is the idea of "description-schemas" or templates; the other is the idea of Sam-a "sameness detector".

First Sam. Sam is a special agent present on all levels of the program. (Actually there may be different kinds of Sams on different levels.) Sam constantly runs around within individual descriptions and within different descriptions, looking for descriptors or other things which are repeated. When some sameness is found, various restructuring operations can be triggered, either on the single-description level or on the level of several descriptions at once.

Now templates. The first thing that happens after preprocessing is an attempt to manufacture a template, or description-schema-a un form format for the descriptions of all the boxes in a problem. The idea is that a description can often be broken up in a natural way into subdescriptions, and those in turn into subs ubdescriptions, if need be. The bottom is hit when you come to primitive concepts which belong to the level of the preprocessor. Now it is important to choose the way of breaking descriptions into parts so as to reflect commonality among all the boxes; otherwise you are introducing a superfluous and meaningless kind of "pseudo-order" into the world.

On the basis of what information is a template built? It is best to look at an example. Take BP 49 (Fig. 122). Preprocessing yields the information that each box consists of several little o's, and one large closed curve. This is a valuable observation, and deserves to be incorporated in the template. Thus a first stab at a template would be:

large closed curve:-----

small o's:-----

FIGURE 122. Bongard problem 49. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

It is very simple: the description-template has two explicit slots where subdescriptions are to be attached.

A Heterarchical Program

Sow an interesting thing happens, triggered by the term "closed curve". one of the most important modules in the program is a kind of semantic net--the concept network-in which all the known nouns, adjectives, etc., are linked in ways which indicate their interrelations. For instance, "closed curve" is strongly linked with the terms "interior" and "exterior". The concept net is just brimming with information about relations between terms, such as what is the opposite of what, what is similar to what, what often occurs with what, and so on. A little portion of a concept network, to be explained shortly, is shown in Figure 123. But let us follow what happens now, in the solution of problem 49. The concepts "interior" and "exterior" are activated by their proximity in the net to "closed curve". This suggests to the template-builder that it might be a good idea to make distinct slots for the interior and exterior of the curve. Thus, in the spirit of tentativity, the template is tentatively restructured to be this:

large closed curve: ----

little o's in interior: ----

little o's in exterior:----

Now when subdescriptions are sought, the terms "interior" and "exterior" will cause procedures to inspect those specific regions of the box. What is found in BP 49, box I-A is this:

large closed curve: circle

little o's in interior: threelittle o's in exterior: threeAnd a description of box II-A of the same BP might be

large closed curve: cigar

little o's in interior: three

little o's in exterior: threeNow Sam, constantly active in parallel with other operations, spots the recurrence of the concept "three" in all the slots dealing with o's, and this is strong reason to undertake a second template-restructuring operation. Notice that the first was suggested by the concept net, the second by Sam. Now our template for problem 49 becomes:

large closed curve:----

three little o's in interior: -----

three little o's in exterior:-----

FIGURE 123. A small portion of a concept network for a program to solve Bongard Problems. "Nodes" are joined by "links", which in turn can be linked. By considering a link as a verb and the nodes it joins as subject and object, you can pull out some English sentences from this diagram.Now that "three" has risen" one level of generality-namely, into the template-it becomes worthwhile to explore its neighbors in the concept network. One of them is "triangle", which suggests that triangles of o's may be important. As it happens, this leads down a blind alley-but how could you know in advances It is a typical blind alley that a human would explore, so it is good if our program finds it too! For box II-E, a description such as the following might get generated:

large closed curve: circlethree little o's in interior: equilateral triangle

three little o's in exterior: equilateral triangleOf course an enormous amount of information has been thrown away concerning the sizes, positions, and orientations of these triangles, and many other things as well. But that is the whole point of making descriptions instead of just using the raw data! It is the same idea as funneling, which we discussed in Chapter XI.

The Concept Network

We need not run through the entire solution of problem 49; this suffices to show the constant back-and-forth interaction of individual descriptions, templates, the sameness-detector Sam, and the concept network. We should now look a little more in detail at the concept network and its function. A simplified portion shown in the figure codes the following ideas:

"High" and "low" are opposites.

"Up" and "down" are opposites.

"High" and "up" are similar.

"Low" and "down" are similar.

"Right" and "left" are opposites.

The "right-left" distinction is similar to the "high-low" distinction.

"Opposite" and "similar" are opposites.

Note how everything in the net-both nodes and links-can be talked about. In that sense nothing in the net is on a higher level than anything else. Another portion of the net is shown; it codes for the ideas that

A square is a polygon.

A triangle is a polygon.

A polygon is a closed curve.

The difference between a triangle and a square is that one has 3 sides and the other has 4.

4 is similar to 3.

A circle is a closed curve.

A closed curve has an interior and an exterior. "Interior" and "exterior" are opposites.

The network of concepts is necessarily very vast. It seems to store knowledge only statically, or declaratively, but that is only half the story. Actually, its knowledge borders on being procedural as well, by the fact that the proximities in the net act as guides, or "programs", telling the main program how to develop its understanding of the drawings in the boxes.

For instance, some early hunch may turn out to be wrong and yet have the germ of the right answer in it. In BP 33 (Fig. 124), one might at first

FIGURE 124. Bongard problem 33. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

jump to the idea that Class I boxes contain "pointy" shapes, Class II boxes contain "smooth" ones. But on closer inspection, this is wrong. Nevertheless, there is a worthwhile insight here, and one can try to push it further, by sliding around in the network of concepts beginning at "pointy". It is close to the concept "acute", which is precisely the distinguishing feature of Class I. Thus one of the main functions of the concept network is to allow early wrong ideas to be modified slightly, to slip into variations which may be correct.

Slippage and Tentativity

Related to this notion of slipping between closely related terms is the notion of seeing a given object as a variation on another object. An excellent example has been mentioned already-that of the "circle with three indentations", where in fact there is no circle at all. One has to be able to bend concepts, when it is appropriate. Nothing should be absolutely rigid. Onthe other hand, things shouldn't be so wishy-washy that nothing has any meaning at all, either. The trick is to know when and how to slip one concept into another.

An extremely interesting set of examples where slipping from one description to another is the crux of the matter is given in Bongard problems 85-87 (Fig. 125). BP 85 is rather trivial. Let us assume that our program identifies "line segment" in its preprocessing stage. It is relatively simple for it then to count line segments and arrive at the difference

FIGURE 125.Bongard problems 85-87. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

between Class I and Class II in BP 85. Now it goes on to BP 86. A general heuristic which it uses is to try out recent ideas which have worked. Successful repetition of recent methods is very common in the real world, and Bongard does not try to outwit this kind of heuristic in his collection-in fact, he reinforces it, fortunately. So we plunge right into problem 86 with two ideas ("count" and "line segment") fused into one: "count line segments". But as it happens, the trick of BP 86 is to count line trains rather than line segments, where "line train" means an end-to-end concatenation of (one or more) line segments. One way the program might figure this out is if the concepts "line train" and "line segment" are both known, and are close in the concept network. Another way is if it can invent the concept of "line train"-a tricky proposition, to say the least.

Then comes BP 87, in which the notion of "line segment" is further played with. When is a line segment three line segments? (See box II-A.) The program must be sufficiently flexible that it can go back and forth between such different representations for a given part of a drawing. It is wise to store old representations, rather than forgetting them and perhaps having to reconstruct them, for there is no guarantee that a newer representation is better than an old one. Thus, along with each old representation should be stored some of the reasons for liking it and disliking it. (This begins to sound rather complex, doesn't it?)

Meta- Descriptions

Now we come to another vital part of the recognition process, and that has to do with levels of abstraction and meta-descriptions. For this let us consider BP 91 (Fig. 121) again. What kind of template could be constructed here? There is such an amount of variety that it is hard to know where to begin. But this is in itself a clue! The clue says, namely, that the class distinction very likely exists on a higher level of abstraction than that of geometrical description. This observation clues the program that it should construct descriptions of descriptions-that is, meta-descriptions. Perhaps on this second level some common feature will emerge; and if we are lucky, we will discover enough commonality to guide us towards the formulation of a template for the meta-descriptions! So we plunge ahead without a template, and manufacture descriptions for various boxes; then, once these descriptions have been made, we describe them. What kinds of slot will our template for meta-descriptions have? Perhaps these, among others:

concepts used: ----

recurring concepts-----:

names of slots: -----

filters used:----

There are many other kinds of slots which might be needed in metadescriptions, but this is a sample. Now suppose we have described box I-E of BP 91. Its (template-less) description might look like this:

horizontal line segment

vertical line segment mounted on the horizontal line segment

vertical line segment mounted on the horizontal line segment

vertical line segment mounted on the horizontal line segment

Of course much information has been thrown out: the fact that the three vertical lines are of the same length, are spaced equidistantly, etc. But it is plausible that the above description would be made. So the meta description might look like this:

concepts used: vertical-horizontal, line segment, mounted on

repetitions in description: 3 copies of "vertical line segment mounted on the horizontal line segment"

names of slots-----

filters used:-----

Not all slots of the meta-description need be filled in; information can be thrown away on this level as well as on the Just- plain-description" level.

Now if we were to make a description for any of the other boxes of Class I, and then a meta-description of it, we would wind up filling the slot "repetitions in description" each time with the phrase "3 copies of ..." The sameness-detector would notice this, and pick up three-ness as a salient feature, on quite a high level of abstraction, of the boxes of Class I. Similarly, four-ness would be recognized, via the method of metadescriptions, as the mark of Class II.

Flexibility Is Important

Now you might object that in this case, resorting to the method of metadescriptions is like shooting a fly with an elephant gun, for the three-ness versus four-ness might as easily have shown up on the lower level if we had

constructed our descriptions slightly differently. Yes, true-but it is important to have the possibility of solving these problems by different routes. There should be a large amount of flexibility in the program; it should not be doomed if, malaphorically speaking, it "barks up the wrong alley" for a while. (The amusing term "malaphor" was coined by the newspaper columnist Lawrence Harrison; it means a cross between a malapropism and a metaphor. It is a good example of "recombinant ideas".) In any case, I wanted to illustrate the general principle that says: When it is hard to build a template because the preprocessor finds too much diversity, that should serve as a clue that concepts on a higher level of abstraction are involved than the preprocessor knows about.

Focusing and Filtering

Now let us deal with another question: ways to throw information out. This involves two related notions, which I call "focusing" and "filtering". Focus-

FIGURE 126. Bongard problem 55. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

FIGURE 127. Bongard problem 22. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

ing involves making a description whose focus is some part of the drawing in the box, to the exclusion of everything else. Filtering involves making a description which concentrates on some particular way of viewing the contents of the box, and deliberately ignores all other aspects. Thus they are complementary: focusing has to do with objects (roughly, nouns), and filtering has to do with concepts (roughly, adjectives). For an example of focusing, let's look at BP 55 (Fig. 126). Here, we focus on the indentation and the little circle next to it, to the exclusion of the everything else in the box. BP 22 (Fig. 127) presents an example of filtering. Here, we must filter out every concept but that of size. A combination of focusing and filtering is required to solve problem BP 58 (Fig. 128).

One of the most important ways to get ideas for focusing and filtering is by another sort of "focusing": namely, by inspection of a single particularly simple box-say one with as few objects in it as possible. It can be

FIGURE 128. Bongard problem 58. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

FIGURE 129. Bongard problem 61. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

extremely helpful to compare the starkest boxes from the two Classes. But how can you tell which boxes are stark until you have descriptions for them? Well, one way of detecting starkness is to look for a box with a minimum of the features provided by the preprocessor. This can be done very early, for it does not require a pre-existing template; in fact, this can be one useful way of discovering features to build into a template. BP 61 (Fig. 129) is an example where that technique might quickly lead to a solution.

Science and the World of Bongard Problems

One can think of the Bongard-problem world as a tiny place where "science" is done-that is, where the purpose is to discern patterns in the world. As patterns are sought, templates are made, unmade, and remade;

FIGURE 130. Bongard problems 70-71. [From M. Bongard, Pattern Recognition.]

slots are shifted from one level of generality to another: filtering and focusing are done; and so on. There are discoveries on all levels of complexity. The Kuhnian theory that certain rare events called "paradigm shifts" mark the distinction between "normal" science and "conceptual revolutions" does not seem to work, for we can see paradigm shifts happening all throughout the system, all the time. The fluidity of descriptions ensures that paradigm shifts will take place on all scales.

Of course, some discoveries are more "revolutionary" than others, because they have wider effects. For instance, one can make the discovery that problems 70 and 71 (Fig. 130) are "the same problem", when looked at on a sufficiently abstract level. The key observation is that both involve depth-2 versus depth-1 nesting. This is a new level of discovery that can he made about Bongard problems. There is an even higher level, concerning the collection as a whole. If someone has never seen the collection, it can be a good puzzle just to figure out what it is. To figure it out is a revolutionary insight, but it must be pointed out that the mechanisms of thought which allow such a discovery to be made are no different from those which operate in the solution of a single Bongard problem.

By the same token, real science does not divide up into "normal" periods versus "conceptual. revolutions"; rather, paradigm shifts pervade-there are just bigger and smaller ones, paradigm shifts on different levels. The recursive plots of INT and Gplot (Figs. 32 and 34) provide a geometric model for this idea: they have the same structure full of discontinuous jumps on every level, not just the top level-only the lower the level, the smaller the jumps

Connections to Other Types of Thought

To set this entire program somewhat in context, let me suggest two ways in which it is related to other aspects of cognition. Not only does it depend on other aspects of cognition, but also they in turn depend on it. First let me comment on how it depends on other aspects of cognition. The intuition which is required for knowing when it makes sense to blur distinctions, to try redescriptions, to backtrack, to shift levels, and so forth, is something which probably comes only with much experience in thought in general. Thus it would be very hard to define heuristics for these crucial aspects of the program. Sometimes one's experience with real objects in the world has a subtle effect on how one describes or redescribes boxes. For instance, who can say how much one's familiarity with living trees helps one to solve BP 70% It is very doubtful that in humans, the subnetwork of concepts relevant to these puzzles can be easily separated out from the whole network. Rather, it is much more likely that one's intuitions gained from seeing and handling real objects-combs, trains, strings, blocks, letters, rubber bands, etc., etc.-play an invisible but significant guiding role in the solution of these puzzles.

Conversely, it is certain that understanding real-world situations heavily depends on visual imagery and spatial intuition, so that having a powerful and flexible way of representing patterns such as these Bongard patterns can only contribute to the general efficiency of thought processes.

It seems to me that Bongard's problems were worked out with great care, and that they have a quality of universality to them, in the sense that each one has a unique correct answer. Of course one could argue with this and say that what we consider "correct" depends in some deep way on our being human, and some creatures from some other star system might disagree entirely. Not having any concrete evidence either way, I still have a certain faith that Bongard problems depend on a sense of simplicity which is not just limited to earthbound human beings. My earlier comments about the probable importance of being acquainted with such surely earth-limited objects as combs, trains, rubber bands, and so on, are not in conflict with the idea that our notion of simplicity is universal, for what matters is not any of these individual objects, but the fact that taken together they span a wide space. And it seems likely that any other civilization would have as vast a repertoire of artifacts and natural objects and varieties of experience on which to draw as we do. So I believe that the skill of solving Bongard

problems lies very close to the core of "pure" intelligence, if there is such a thing. Therefore it is a good place to begin if one wants to investigate the ability to discover "intrinsic meaning" in patterns or messages. Unfortunately we have reproduced only a small selection of his stimulating collection. I hope that many readers will acquaint themselves with the entire collection, to be found in his book (see Bibliography).

Some of the problems of visual pattern recognition which we human beings seem to have completely "flattened" into our unconscious are quite amazing. They include:

recognition of faces (invariance of faces under age change, expression change, lighting change, distance change, angle change, etc.)

recognition of hiking trails in forests and mountains-somehow this has always impressed me as one of our most subtle acts of pattern recognition-and yet animals can do it, too

reading text without hesitation in hundreds if not thousands of different typefaces

Message-Passing Languages, Frames, and Symbols

One way that has been suggested for handling the complexities of pattern recognition and other challenges to Al programs is the so-called "actor" formalism of Carl Hewitt (similar to the language "Smailtalk", developed by Alan Kay and others), in which a program is written as a collection of interacting actors, which can pass elaborate messages back and forth among themselves. In a way, this resembles a heterarchical collection of procedures which can call each other. The major difference is that where procedures usually only pass a rather small number of arguments back and forth, the messages exchanged by actors can be arbitrarily long and complex.

Actors with the ability to exchange messages become somewhat autonomous agents-in fact, even like autonomous computers, with messages being somewhat like programs. Each actor can have its own idiosyncratic way of interpreting any given message; thus a message's meaning will depend on the actor it is intercepted by. This comes about by the actor having within it a piece of program which interprets messages; so there may be as many interpreters as there are actors. Of course, there may be many actors with identical interpreters; in fact, this could be a great advantage, just as it is extremely important in the cell to have a multitude of identical ribosomes floating throughout the cytoplasm, all of which will interpret a message-in this case, messenger RNA-in one and the same way.

It is interesting to think how one might merge the frame-notion with the actor-notion. Let us call a frame with the capability of generating and interpreting complex messages a symbol:

frame + actor = symbol

We now have reached the point where we are talking about ways or implementing those elusive active symbols of Chapters XI and XII; henceforth in this Chapter, "symbol" will have that meaning. By the way, don't feel dumb if you don't immediately see just how this synthesis is to be made. It is not clear, though it is certainly one of the most fascinating directions to go in AI. Furthermore, it is quite certain that even the best synthesis of these notions will turn out to have much less power than the actual symbols of human minds. In that sense, calling these frame-actor syntheses "symbols" is premature, but it is an optimistic way of looking at things.

Let us return to some issues connected with message passing. Should each message be directed specifically at a target symbol, or should it be thrown out into the grand void, much as mRNA is thrown out into the cytoplasm, to seek its ribosome? If messages have destinations, then each symbol must have an address, and messages for it should always be sent to that address. On the other hand, there could be one central receiving dock for messages, where a message would simply sit until it got picked up by some symbol that wanted it. This is a counterpart to General Delivery. Probably the best solution is to allow both types of message to exist; also to have provisions for different classes of urgency-special delivery, first class, second class, and so on. The whole postal system provides a rich source of ideas for message-passing languages, including such curios as selfaddressed stamped envelopes (messages whose senders want answers quickly), parcel post (extremely long messages which can be sent some very slow way), and more. The telephone system will give you more inspiration when you run out of postal-system ideas.

Enzymes and AI

Another rich source of ideas for message passing-indeed, for information processing in general-is, of course, the cell. Some objects in the cell are quite comparable to actors-in particular, enzymes. Each enzyme's active site acts as a filter which only recognizes certain kinds of substrates (messages). Thus an enzyme has an "address", in effect. The enzyme is "programmed" (by virtue of its tertiary structure) to carry out certain operations upon that "message", and then to release it to the world again. Now in this way, when a message is passed from enzyme to enzyme along a chemical pathway, a lot can be accomplished. We have already described the elaborate kinds of feedback mechanisms which can take place in cells (either by inhibition or repression). These kinds of mechanisms show that complicated control of processes can arise through the kind of message passing that exists in the cell.

One of the most striking things about enzymes is how they sit around idly, waiting to be triggered by an incoming substrate. Then, when the substrate arrives, suddenly the enzyme springs into action, like a Venus's flytrap. This kind of "hair-trigger" program has been used in Al, and goes by the name of demon. The important thing here is the idea of having many different "species" of triggerable subroutines just lying around waiting to

be triggered. In cells, all the complex molecules and organelles are built up, simple step by simple step. Some of these new structures are often enzymes themselves, and they participate in the building of new enzymes, which in turn participate in the building of yet other types of enzyme, etc. Such recursive cascades of enzymes can have drastic effects on what a cell is doing. One would like to see the same kind of simple step-by-step assembly process imported into AI, in the construction of useful subprograms. For instance, repetition has a way of burning new circuits into our mental hardware, so that oft-repeated pieces of behavior become encoded below the conscious level. It would be extremely useful if there were an analogous way of synthesizing efficient pieces of code which can carry out the same sequence of operations as something which has been learned on a higher level of "consciousness". Enzyme cascades may suggest a model for how this could be done. (The program called "HACKER", written by Gerald Sussman, synthesizes and debugs small subroutines in a way not too much unlike that of enzyme cascades.)

The sameness-detectors in the Bongard problem-solver (Sams) could be implemented as enzyme-like subprograms. Like an enzyme, a Sam would meander about somewhat at random, bumping into small data structures here and there. Upon filling its two "active sites" with identical data structures, the Sam would emit a message to other parts (actors) of the program. As long as programs are serial, it would not make much sense to have several copies of a Sam, but in a truly parallel computer, regulating the number of copies of a subprogram would be a way of regulating the expected waiting-time before an operation gets done, just as regulating the number of copies of an enzyme in a cell regulates how fast that function gets performed. And if new Sams could be synthesized, that would be comparable to the seepage of pattern detection into lower levels of our minds.

Fission and Fusion

Two interesting and complementary ideas concerning the interaction of symbols are "fission" and "fusion". Fission is the gradual divergence of a new symbol from its parent symbol (that is, from the symbol which served as a template off of which it was copied). Fusion is what happens when two (or more) originally unrelated symbols participate in a "joint activation", passing messages so tightly back and forth that they get bound together and the combination can thereafter be addressed as if it were a single symbol. Fission is a more or less inevitable process, since once a new symbol has been "rubbed off" of an old one, it becomes autonomous, and its interactions with the outside world get reflected in its private internal structure; so what started out as a perfect copy will soon become imperfect, and then slowly will become less and less like the symbol off of which it was "rubbed". Fusion is a subtler thing. When do two concepts really become 'one? Is there some precise instant when a fusion takes place?

This notion of joint activations opens up a Pandora's box of questions. For instance, how much coo we hear "dough" and "nut" when we say "doughnut"? Does a German who thinks of gloves ("Handschuhe") hear "hand-shoes" or not? How about Chinese people, whose word "dong-xi" ("East-West") means "thing"? It is a matter of some political concern, too, since some people claim that words like "chairman" are heavily charged with undertones of the male gender. The degree to which the parts resonate inside the whole probably varies from person to person and according to circumstances.

The real problem with this notion of "fusion" of symbols is that it is very hard to imagine general algorithms which will create meaningful new symbols from colliding symbols. It is like two strands of DNA which come together. How do you take parts from each and recombine them into a meaningful and viable new strand of DNA which codes for an individual of the same species? Or a new kind of species? The chance is infinitesimal that a random combination of pieces of DNA will code for anything that will survive-something like the chance that a random combination of words from two books will make another book. The chance that recombinant DNA will make sense on any level but the lowest is tiny, precisely because there are so many levels of meaning in DNA. And the same goes for "recombinant symbols".

Epigenesis of the Crab Canon

I think of my Dialogue Crab Canon as a prototype example where two ideas collided in my mind, connected in a new way, and suddenly a new kind of verbal structure came alive in my mind. Of course I can still think about musical crab canons and verbal dialogues separately-they can still be activated independently of each other; but the fused symbol for crab canonical dialogues has its own characteristic modes of activation, too. To illustrate this notion of fusion or "symbolic recombination" in some detail, then, I would like to use the development of my Crab Canon as a case study, because, of course, it is very familiar to me, and also because it is interesting, yet typical of how far a single idea can be pushed. I will recount it in stages named after those of meiosis, which is the name for cell division in which "crossing-over", or genetic recombination, takes place-the source of diversity in evolution.

PROPHASE: I began with a rather simple idea-that a piece of music, say a canon, could be imitated verbally. This came from the observation that, through a shared abstract form, a piece of text and a piece of music may be connected. The next step involved trying to realize some of the potential of this vague hunch; here, I hit upon the idea that "voices" in canons can be mapped onto "characters" in dialogues-still a rather obvious idea.

Then I focused down onto specific kinds of canons, and remembered that there was a crab canon in the Musical Offering. At that time, I had just

begun writing Dialogues, and there were only two characters: Achilles and the Tortoise. Since the Bach crab canon has two voices, this mapped perfectly: Achilles should be one voice, the Tortoise the other, with the one doing forwards what the other does backwards. But here I was faced with a problem: on what level should the reversal take place? The letter level? The word level? The sentence level? After some thought, I concluded that the "dramatic line" level would be most appropriate.

Now that the "skeleton" of the Bach crab canon had been transplanted, at least in plan, into a verbal form, there was just one problem. When the two voices crossed in the middle, there would be a short period of extreme repetition: an ugly blemish. What to do about it? Here, a strange thing happened, a kind of level-crossing typical of creative acts: the word "crab" in "crab canon" flashed into my mind, undoubtedly because of some abstract shared quality with the notion of "tortoise"-and immediately I realized that at the dead center, I could block the repetitive effect, by inserting one special line, said by a new character: a Crab! This is how, in the "prophase" of the Crab Canon, the Crab was conceived: at the crossing over of Achilles and the Tortoise. (See Fig. 131.)

FIGURE 131. A schematic diagram of the Dialogue Crab Canon.

METAPHASE: This was the skeleton of my Crab Canon. I then entered the second stage-the "metaphase"-in which I had to fill in the flesh, which was of course an arduous task. I made a lot of stabs at it, getting used to the way in which pairs of successive lines had to make sense when read from either direction, and experimenting around to see what kinds of dual meanings would help me in writing such a form (e.g., "Not at all"). There were two early versions both of which were interesting, but weak. I abandoned work on the book for over a year, and when I returned to the Crab Canon, I had a few new ideas. One of them was to mention a Bach canon inside it. At first my plan was to mention the "Canon per augmentationem, contrario motu", from the Musical Offering (Sloth Canon, as I call it). But that started to seem a little silly, so reluctantly I decided that inside my Crab Canon, I could talk about Bach's own Crab Canon instead. Actually, this was a crucial turning point, but I didn't know it then.

Now if one character was going to mention a Bach piece, wouldn't it be awkward for the other to say exactly the same thing in the corresponding place? Well, Escher was playing a similar role to Bach in my thoughts and my book, so wasn't there some way of just slightly modifying the line so that it would refer to Escher? After all, in the strict art of canons, note-perfect imitation is occasionally foregone for the sake of elegance or beauty. Andno sooner did that idea occur to me than the picture Day and Night (Fig. 49) popped into my mind. "Of course!" I thought, "It is a sort of pictorial crab canon, with essentially two complementary voices carrying the same theme both leftwards and rightwards, and harmonizing with each other!" Here again was the notion of a single "conceptual skeleton" being instantiated in two different media-in this case, music and art. So I let the Tortoise talk about Bach, and Achilles talk about Escher, in parallel language; certainly this slight departure from strict imitation retained the spirit of crab

At this point, I began realizing that something marvelous was happening namely, the Dialogue was becoming self-referential, without my even having intended it! What's more, it was an indirect self-reference, in that the characters did not talk directly about the Dialogue they were in, but rather about structures which were isomorphic to it (on a certain plane of abstraction). To put it in the terms I have been using, my Dialogue now shared a "conceptual skeleton" with Gdels G, and could therefore be mapped onto G in somewhat the way that the Central Dogma was, to create in this case a "Central Crabmap". This was most exciting to me, since out of nowhere had come an esthetically pleasing unity of Gdel, Escher, and Bach.

ANAPHASE: The next step was quite startling. I had had Caroline MacGillavry's monograph on Escher's tessellations for years, but one day, as I flipped through it, my eye was riveted to Plate 23 (Fig. 42), for I saw it in a way I had never seen it before: here was a genuine crab canon-crab-like in both form and content! Escher himself had given the picture no title, and since he had drawn similar tessellations using many other animal forms, it is probable that this coincidence of form and content was just something which I had noticed. But fortuitous or not, this untitled plate was a miniature version of one main idea of my book: to unite form and content. So with delight I christened it Crab Canon, substituted it for Day and Night, and modified Achilles' and the Tortoise's remarks accordingly.

Yet this was not all. Having become infatuated with molecular biology, one day I was perusing Watson's book in the bookstore, and in the index saw the word "palindrome". When I looked it up, I found a magical thing: crab-canonical structures in DNA. Soon the Crab's comments had been suitably modified to include a short remark to the effect that he owed his predilection for confusing retrograde and forward motion to his genes.

TELOPHASE: The last step came months later, when, as I was talking about the picture of the crab-canonical section of DNA (Fig. 43), 1 saw that the 'A', 'T', 'C' of Adenine, Thymine, Cytosine coincided- mirabile dictu-with the 'A', 'T', 'C' of Achilles, Tortoise, Crab; moreover, just as Adenine and Thymine are paired in DNA, so are Achilles and the Tortoise paired in the Dialogue. I thought for a moment and, in another of those level-crossings, saw that 'G', the letter paired with 'C' in DNA, could stand for "Gene". Once again, I jumped back to the Dialogue, did a little surgery on the Crab's speech to reflect this new discovery, and now I had a mapping between the DNA's structure, and the Dialogue's structure. In that sense, the DNA could be said to be a genotype coding for a phenotype: the

Structure of the Dialogue. This final touch dramatically heightened the self-reference, and gave the Dialogue a density of meaning which I had never anticipated.

Conceptual Skeletons and Conceptual Mapping

That more or less summarizes the epigenesis of the Crab Canon. The whole process can be seen as a succession of mappings of ideas onto each other, at varying levels of abstraction. This is what I call conceptual mapping, and the abstract structures which connect up two different ideas are conceptual skeletons. Thus, one conceptual skeleton is that of the abstract notion of a crab canon:

a structure having two parts which do the same thing,

only moving in opposite directions.

This is a concrete geometrical image which can be manipulated by the mind almost as a Bongard pattern. In fact, when I think of the Crab Canon today, I visualize it as two strands which cross in the middle, where they are joined by a "knot" (the Crab's speech). This is such a vividly pictorial image that it instantaneously maps, in my mind, onto a picture of two homologous chromosomes joined by a centromere in their middle, which is an image drawn directly from meiosis, as shown in Figure 132.


In fact, this very image is what inspired me to cast the description of the Crab Canon's evolution in terms of meiosis-which is itself, of course, vet another example of conceptual mapping.

Recombinant Ideas

There are a variety of techniques of fusion of two symbols. One involves lining the two ideas up next to each other (as if ideas were linear!), then judiciously choosing pieces from each one, and recombining them in a new symbol. This strongly recalls genetic recombination. Well, what do chromosomes exchange, and how do they do it? They exchange genes. What in a symbol is comparable to a gene? If symbols have frame-like slots, then slots, perhaps. But which slots to exchange, and why? Here is where the crabcanonical fusion may offer some ideas. Mapping the notion of "musical crab canon" onto that of "dialogue" involved several auxiliary mappings; in

fact it induced them. That is, once it had been decided that these two notions ,ere to be fused, it became a matter of looking at them on a level where analogous parts emerged into view, then going ahead and mapping the parts onto each other, and so on, recursively, to any level that was found desirable. Here, for instance, "voice" and "character" emerged as corresponding slots when "crab canon" and "dialogue" were viewed abstractly. Where did these abstract views come from, though? This is at the crux of the mapping-problem-where do abstract views come from? How do you make abstract views of specific notions?

Abstractions, Skeletons, Analogies

A view which has been abstracted from a concept along some dimension is what I call a conceptual skeleton. In effect, we have dealt with conceptual skeletons all along, without often using that name. For instance, many of the ideas concerning Bongard problems could be rephrased using this terminology. It is always of interest, and possibly of importance, when two or more ideas are discovered to share a conceptual skeleton. An example is the bizarre set of concepts mentioned at the beginning of the Contrafactus: a Bicyclops, a tandem unicycle, a teeter-teeter, the game of ping-ping, a one-way tie, a two-sided Mobius strip, the "Bach twins", a piano concerto for two left hands, a one-voice fugue, the act of clapping with one hand, a two-channel monaural phonograph, a pair of eighth-backs. All of these ideas are "isomorphic" because they share this conceptual skeleton:

a plural thing made singular and re-pluralized wrongly.

Two other ideas in this book which share that conceptual skeleton are (1) the Tortoise's solution to Achilles' puzzle, asking for a word beginning and ending in "HE" (the Tortoise's solution being the pronoun "HE", which collapses two occurrences into one), and (2) the Pappus-Gelernter proof of the Pons As' norum Theorem, in which one triangle is reperceived as two. Incidentally, these droll concoctions might be dubbed "demi-doublets".

A conceptual skeleton is like a set of constant features (as distinguished from parameters or variables)-features which should not be slipped in a subjunctive instant replay or mapping-operation. Having no parameters or variables of its own to vary, it can be the invariant core of several different ideas. Each instance of it, such as "tandem unicycle", does have layers of variability and so can be "slipped" in various ways.

Although the name "conceptual skeleton" sounds absolute and rigid, actually there is a lot of play in it. There can be conceptual skeletons on several different levels of abstraction. For instance, the "isomorphism" between Bongard problems 70 and 71, already pointed out, involves a higher-level conceptual skeleton than that needed to solve either problem in isolation.

Multiple Representations

Not only must conceptual skeletons exist on different levels of abstraction; also, they must exist along different conceptual dimensions. Let us take the following sentence as an example:

"The Vice President is the spare tire on the automobile of government."

How do we understand what it means (leaving aside its humor, which is of course a vital aspect)? If you were told, "See our government as an automobile" without any prior motivation, you might come up with any number of correspondences: steering wheel = president, etc.. What are checks and balances? What are seat belts? Because the two things being mapped are so different, it is almost inevitable that the mapping will involve functional aspects. Therefore, you retrieve from your store of conceptual skeletons representing parts of automobiles, only those having to do with function, rather than, say, shape. Furthermore, it makes sense to work at a pretty high level of abstraction, where "function" isn't taken in too narrow a context. Thus, of the two following definitions of the function of a spare tire: (1) "replacement for a flat tire", and (2) "replacement for a certain disabled part of a car", certainly the latter would be preferable, in this case. This comes simply from the fact that an auto and a government are so different that they have to be mapped at a high level of abstraction.

Now when the particular sentence is examined, the mapping gets forced in one respect-but it is not an awkward way, by any means. In fact, you already have a conceptual skeleton for the Vice President, among many others, which says, "replacement for a certain disabled part of government". Therefore the forced mapping works comfortably. But suppose, for the sake of contrast, that you had retrieved another conceptual skeleton for "spare tire"-say, one describing its physical aspects. Among other things, it might say that a spare tire is "round and inflated". Clearly, this is not the right way to go. (Or is it? As a friend of mine pointed out, some Vice Presidents are rather portly, and most are quite inflated!)

Ports of Access

One of the major characteristics of each idiosyncratic style of thought is how new experiences get classified and stuffed into memory, for that defines the "handles" by which they will later be retrievable. And for events, objects, ideas, and so on-for everything that can be thought about-there is a wide variety of "handles". I am struck by this each time I reach down to turn on my car radio, and find, to my dismay, that it is already on! What has happened is that two independent representations are being used for the radio. One is "music producer", the other is "boredom reliever". I am aware that the music is on, but I am bored anyway, and before the two realizations have a chance to interact, my reflex to reachdown has been triggered. The same reaching-down reflex one day occurred just after I'd left the radio at a repair shop and was driving away, wanting to hear some music. Odd. Many other representations for the same object exist, such as

shiny silver-knob haveroverheating-problems haver lying-on-my-back-over-hump-to-fix thing buzz-maker

slipping-dials object

multidimensional representation example

All of them can act as ports of access. Though they all are attached to my symbol for my car radio, accessing that symbol through one does not open up all the others. Thus it is unlikely that I will be inspired to remember lying on my back to fix the radio when I reach down and turn it on. And conversely, when I'm lying on my back, unscrewing screws, I probably won't think about the time I heard the Art of the Fugue on it. There are "partitions" between these aspects of one symbol, partitions that prevent my thoughts from spilling over sloppily, in the manner of free associations. My mental partitions are important because they contain and channel the flow of my thoughts.

One place where these partitions are quite rigid is in sealing off words for the same thing in different languages. If the partitions were not strong, a bilingual person would constantly slip back and forth between languages, which would be very uncomfortable. Of course, adults learning two new languages at once often confuse words in them. The partitions between these languages are flimsier, and can break down. Interpreters are particularly interesting, since they can speak any of their languages as if their partitions were inviolable and yet, on command, they can negate those partitions to allow access to one language from the other, so they can translate. Steiner, who grew up trilingual, devotes several pages in After Babel to the intermingling of French, English, and German in the layers of his mind, and how his different languages afford different ports of access onto concepts.

Forced Matching

When two ideas are seen to share conceptual skeletons on some level of abstraction, different things can happen. Usually the first stage is that you zoom in on both ideas, and, using the higher-level match as a guide, you try to identify corresponding subideas. Sometimes the match can be extended recursively downwards several levels, revealing a profound isomorphism. Sometimes it stops earlier, revealing an analogy or similarity. And then there are times when the high-level similarity is so compelling that, even if there is no apparent lower-level continuation of the map, you just go ahead and make one: this is the forced match.Forced matches occur every day in the political cartoons of newspapers: a political figure is portrayed as an airplane, a boat, a fish, the Mona Lisa; a government is a human, a bird, an oil rig; a treaty is a briefcase, a sword, a can of worms; on and on and on. What is fascinating is how easily we can perform the suggested mapping, and to the exact depth intended. We don't carry the mapping out too deeply or too shallowly.

Another example of forcing one thing into the mold of another occurred when I chose to describe the development of my Crab Canon in terms of meiosis. This happened in stages. First, I noticed the common conceptual skeleton shared by the Crab Canon and the image of chromosomes joined by a centromere; this provided the inspiration for the forced match. Then I saw a high-level resemblance involving "growth", "stages", and "recombination". Then I simply pushed the analogy as hard as I could. Tentativity-as in the Bongard problem-solver-played a large role: I went forwards and backwards before finding a match which I found appealing.

A third example of conceptual mapping is provided by the Central Dogmap. I initially noticed a high-level similarity between the discoveries of mathematical logicians and those of molecular biologists, then pursued it on lower levels until I found a strong analogy. To strengthen it further, I chose a Godel-numbering which imitated the Genetic Code. This was the lone element of forced matching in the Central Dogmap.

Forced matches, analogies, and metaphors cannot easily be separated out. Sportscasters often use vivid imagery which is hard to pigeonhole. For instance, in a metaphor such as "The Rams [football team are spinning their wheels", it is hard to say just what image you are supposed to conjure up. Do you attach wheels to the team as a whole% Or to each player? Probably neither one. More likely, the image of wheels spinning in mud or snow simply flashes before you for a brief instant, and then in some mysterious way, just the relevant parts get lifted out and transferred to the team's performance. How deeply are the football team and the car mapped onto each other in the split second that you do this?


Let me try to tie things together a little. I have presented a number of related ideas connected with the creation, manipulation, and comparison of symbols. Most of them have to do with slippage in some fashion, the idea being that concepts are composed of some tight and some loose elements, coming from different levels of nested contexts (frames). The loose ones can be dislodged and replaced rather easily, which, depending on the circumstances, can create a "subjunctive instant replay", a forced match, or an analogy. A fusion of two symbols may result from a process in which parts of each symbol are dislodged and other parts remain.

Creativity and Randomness

It is obvious that we are talking about mechanization of creativity. But the this not a contradiction in terms? Almost, but not really. Creativity s essence of that which is not mechanical. Yet every creative act is mechanical-it has its explanation no less than a case of the hiccups does. The mechanical substrate of creativity may be hidden from view, but it exists. Conversely, there is something unmechanical in flexible programs, even today. It may not constitute creativity, but when programs cease to be transparent to their creators, then the approach to creativity has begun.

It is a common notion that randomness is an indispensable ingredient of creative acts. This may be true, but it does not have any bearing on the mechanizability-or rather, programmability!-of creativity. The world is a giant heap of randomness; when you mirror some of it inside your head, your head's interior absorbs a little of that randomness. The triggering patterns of symbols, therefore, can lead you down the most randomseeming paths, simply because they came from your interactions with a crazy, random world. So it can be with a computer program, too. Randomness is an intrinsic feature of thought, not something which has to be "artificially inseminated", whether through dice, decaying nuclei, random number tables, or what-have-you. It is an insult to human creativity to imply that it relies on such arbitrary sources.

What we see as randomness is often simply an effect of looking at something symmetric through a "skew" filter. An elegant example was provided by Salviati's two ways of looking at the number it/4. Although the decimal expansion of 7r/4 is not literally random, it is as random as one would need for most purposes: it is "pseudorandom". Mathematics is full of pseudorandomness-plenty enough to supply all would-be creators for all time.

Just as science is permeated with "conceptual revolutions" on all levels at all times, so the thinking of individuals is shot through and through with creative acts. They are not just on the highest plane; they are everywhere. Most of them are small and have been made a million times before-but they are close cousins to the most highly creative and new acts. Computer programs today do not yet seem to produce many small creations. Most of what they do is quite "mechanical" still. That just testifies to the fact that they are not close to simulating the way we think-but they are getting closer.

Perhaps what differentiates highly creative ideas from ordinary ones is some combined sense of beauty, simplicity, and harmony. In fact, I have a favorite "meta-analogy", in which I liken analogies to chords. The idea is simple: superficially similar ideas are often not deeply related; and deeply related ideas are often superficially disparate. The analogy to chords is natural: physically close notes are harmonically distant (e.g., E-F-G); and harmonically close notes are physically distant (e.g., G-E-B). Ideas that share a conceptual skeleton resonate in a sort of conceptual analogue to harmony; these harmonious "idea-chords" are often widely separated, as

measured on an imaginary "keyboard of concepts". Of course, it doesn't suffice to reach wide and plunk down any old way-you may hit a seventh or a ninth! Perhaps the present analogy is like a ninth-chord-wide but dissonant.

Picking up Patterns on All Levels

Bongard problems were chosen as a focus in this Chapter because when you study them, you realize that the elusive sense for patterns which we humans inherit from our genes involves all the mechanisms of representation of knowledge, including nested contexts, conceptual skeletons and conceptual mapping, slippability, descriptions and meta-descriptions and their interactions, fission and fusion of symbols, multiple representations (along different dimensions and different levels of abstraction), default expectations, and more.

These days, it is a safe bet that if some program can pick up patterns in one area, it will miss patterns in another area which, to us, are equally obvious. You may remember that I mentioned this back in Chapter 1, saying that machines can be oblivious to repetition, whereas people cannot. For instance, consider SHRDLU. If Eta Oin typed the sentence "Pick up a big red block and put it down" over and over again, SHRDLU would cheerfully react in the same way over and over again, exactly as an adding machine will print out "4" over and over again, if a human being has the patience to type "2+2" over and over again. Humans aren't like that; if some pattern occurs over and over again, they will pick it up. SHRDLU wasn't built with the potential for forming new concepts or recognizing patterns: it had no sense of over and overview.

The Flexibility of Language

SHRDLU's language-handling capability is immensely flexible-within limits. SHRDLU can figure out sentences of great syntactical complexity, or sentences with semantic ambiguities as long as-they can- be resolved by inspecting the data base-but it cannot handle "hazy" language. For instance, consider the sentence "How many blocks go on top of each other to make a steeple?" We understand it immediately, yet it does not make sense if interpreted literally. Nor is it that some idiomatic phrase has been used. "To go on top of each other" is an imprecise phrase which nonetheless gets the desired image across quite well to a human. Few people would be misled into visualizing a paradoxical setup with two blocks each of which is on top of the other-or blocks which are "going" somewhere or other.

The amazing thing about language is how imprecisely we use it and still manage to get away with it. SHRDLU uses words in a "metallic" way, while people use them in a "spongy" or "rubbery" or even "Nutty-Puttyish" way. If words were nuts and bolts, people could make any bolt fit into any nut: they'd just squish the one into the other, as in some surrealistic

painting where everything goes soft. Language, in human hands, becomes almost like a fluid, despite, the coarse grain of its components.

Recently, Al research in natural language understanding has turned away somewhat from the understanding of single sentences in isolation, and more towards areas such as understanding simple children's stories. Here is a well-known children's joke which illustrates the open-endedness of real-life situations:

A man took a ride in an airplane.

Unfortunately, he fell out.

Fortunately, he had a parachute on.

Unfortunately, it didn't work.

Fortunately, there was a haystack below him.

Unfortunately, there was a pitchfork sticking out of it.

Fortunately, he missed the pitchfork.

Unfortunately, he missed the haystack.

It can be extended indefinitely. To represent this silly story in a frame-based system would be extremely complex, involving jointly activating frames for the concepts of man, airplane, exit, parachute, falling, etc., etc.

Intelligence and Emotions

Or consider this tiny yet poignant story:

Margie was holding tightly to the string of her beautiful new balloon. Suddenly, a gust of wind caught it. The wind carried it into a tree. The balloon hit a branch and burst. Margie cried and cried.'

To understand this story, one needs to read many things between the lines. For instance: Margie is a little girl. This is a toy balloon with a string for a child to hold. It may not be beautiful to an adult, but in a child's eye, it is. She is outside. The "it" that the wind caught was the balloon. The wind did not pull Margie along with the balloon; Margie let go. Balloons can break on contact with any sharp point. Once they are broken, they are gone forever. Little children love balloons and can be bitterly disappointed when they break. Margie saw that her balloon was broken. Children cry when they are sad. "To cry and cry" is to cry very long and hard. Margie cried and cried because of her sadness at her balloon's breaking.

This is probably only a small fraction of what is lacking at the surface level. A program must have all this knowledge in order to get at what is going on. And you might object that, even if it "understands" in some intellectual sense what has been said, it will never really understand, until it, too, has cried and cried. And when will a computer do that? This is the kind of humanistic point which Joseph Weizenbaum is concerned with making in his book Computer Power and Human Reason, and I think it is an important issue; in fact, a very, very deep issue. Unfortunately, many Al workers at this time are unwilling, for various reasons, to take this sort of point

seriously. taut in some ways, those Al workers are right: it is a little premature to think about computers crying; we must first think about rules for computers to deal with language and other things; in time, we'll find ourselves face to face with the deeper issues.

AI Has Far to Go

Sometimes it seems that there is such a complete absence of rule-governed behavior that human beings just aren't rule-governed. But this is an illusion-a little like thinking that crystals and metals emerge from rigid underlying laws, but that fluids or flowers don't. We'll come back to this question in the next Chapter.

The process of logic itself working internally in the brain may be more analogous to a succession of operations with symbolic pictures, a sort of abstract analogue of the Chinese alphabet or some Mayan description of events-except that the elements are not merely words but more like sentences or whole stories with linkages between them forming a sort of meta- or super-logic with its own rules.'

It is hard for most specialists to express vividly-perhaps even to remember-what originally sparked them to enter their field. Conversely, someone on the outside may understand a field's special romance and may be able to articulate it precisely. I think that is why this quote from Ulam has appeal for me, because it poetically conveys the strangeness of the enterprise of Al, and yet shows faith in it. And one must run on faith at this point, for there is so far to go!

Ten Questions and Speculations

To conclude this Chapter, I would like to present ten "Questions and Speculations" about Al. I would not make so bold as to call them "Answers"-these are my personal opinions. They may well change in some ways, as I learn more and as Al develops more. (In what follows, the term "Al program" means a program which is far ahead of today's programs; it means an "Actually Intelligent" program. Also, the words "program" and "computer" probably carry overly mechanistic connotations, but let us stick with them anyway.)

Question: Will a computer program ever write beautiful music?

Speculation: Yes, but not soon. Music is a language of emotions, and until programs have emotions as complex as ours, there is no way a program will write anything beautiful. There can be "forgeries shallow imitations of the syntax of earlier music-but despite what one might think at first, there is much more to musical expression than can be captured in syntactical rules. There will be no new kinds of beauty turned up for a long time by computer music-composing programs. Let me carry this thought a little further. To think-and I have heard this suggested-that we might soon be able to command a preprogrammed mass-produced mail-order twenty-dollar desk-model "music box" to bring forth from its sterile circuitry pieces which Chopin or Bach might have written had they lived longer is a grotesque and shameful misestimation of the depth of the human spirit. A "program" which could produce music as they did would have to wander around the world on its own, fighting its way through the maze of life and feeling every moment of it. It would have to understand the joy and loneliness of a chilly night wind, the longing for a cherished hand, the inaccessibility of a distant town, the heartbreak and regeneration after a human death. It would have to have known resignation and worldweariness, grief and despair, determination and victory, piety and awe. In it would have had to commingle such opposites as hope and fear, anguish and jubilation, serenity and suspense. Part and parcel of it would have to be a sense of grace, humor, rhythm, a sense of the unexpected-and of course an exquisite awareness of the magic of fresh creation. Therein, and therein only, lie the sources of meaning in music.

Question: Will emotions be explicitly programmed into a machine?

Speculation: No. That is ridiculous. Any direct simulation of emotions-PARRY, for example-cannot approach the complexity of human emotions, which arise indirectly from the organization of our minds. Programs or machines will acquire emotions in the same way: as by-products of their structure, of the way in which they are organized-not by direct programming. Thus, for example, nobody will write a "falling-in-love" subroutine, any more than they would write a "mistake-making" subroutine. "Falling in love" is a description which we attach to a complex process of a complex system; there need be no single module inside the system which is solely responsible for it, however!

Question: Will a thinking computer be able to add fast?

Speculation: Perhaps not. We ourselves are composed of hardware which does fancy calculations but that doesn't mean that our symbol level, where "we" are, knows how to carry out the same fancy calculations. Let me put it this way: there's no way that you can load numbers into your own neurons to add up your grocery bill. Luckily for you, your symbol level (i.e., you) can't gain access to the neurons which are doing your thinking-otherwise you'd get addle-brained. To paraphrase Descartes again:

"I think; therefore I have no access

to the level where I sum."

Why should it not be the same for an intelligent program? It mustn't be allowed to gain access to the circuits which are doing its thinking otherwise it'll get addle-CPU'd. Quite seriously, a machine that can pass the Turing test may well add as slowly as you or I do, and forsimilar reasons. It will represent the number 2 not just by the two bits "10", but as a full-fledged concept the way we do, replete with associations such as its homonyms "too" and "to", the words "couple" and "deuce", a host of mental images such as dots on dominos, the shape of the numeral '2', the notions of alternation, evenness, oddness, and on and on ... With all this "extra baggage" to carry around, an intelligent program will become quite slothful in its adding. Of course, we could give it a ' pocket calculator , so to speak (or build one in). Then it could answer very fast, but its performance would be just like that of a person with a pocket calculator. There would be two separate parts to the machine: a reliable but mindless part and an intelligent but fallible part. You couldn't rely on the composite system to be reliable, any more than a composite of person and machine is necessarily reliable. So if it's right answers you're after, better stick to the pocket calculator alone-don't