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Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003

Jun 03, 2018



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  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003





    The Hon Justice Michae !i"#$ A% %MG **


    In Lawrence v Texas & the Justices of the Su !e"e Cou!t of the

    Unite# St$tes of A"e!ic$ #i%i#e# o%e! the %$&i#it' of $ Te($s st$tute

    unishin) se(u$& inte!cou!se et+een e!sons of the s$"e se( ' . The

    "$,o!it' u he the contention th$t the &$+ +$s in%$&i# $s cont!$!' to the

    Unite# St$tes Constitution. In #oin) so- the' !e%e!se# Bowers v

    Hardwick ( . In c!iticisin) the "$,o!it' o inion- Sc$&i$ J- fo! the "ino!it'-

    s$i# th$t it +$s i" ossi &e to #istin)uish ho"ose(u$&it' f!o" othe!

    t!$#ition$& "o!$&s offences. /e u!)e# $#he!ence to the Bowers

    !inci &e th$t: The &$+ is const$nt&' $se# on notions of "o!$&it'- $n# if

    $&& &$+s !e !esentin) essenti$&&' "o!$& choices $!e to e in%$&i#$te# 0

    the cou!ts +i&& e %e!' us' in#ee# ) .

    * P$ e! on +hich +$s $se# $n $##!ess to the confe!ence of theC!i"in$& L$+ Associ$tion of the No!the!n Te!!ito!' $n# the C!i"in$&L$+ Section of the L$+ Institute of icto!i$- Po!t Dou)&$s-2ueens&$n#- 34 June 5443.

    * * Justice of the /i)h Cou!t of Aust!$&i$.& 637 US 1 854439- 5 June 5443.' Texas Penal Code Ann ; 51.4 8$9 854439.(

    US 1> 817> 9.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    It is t!ue th$t "ost &e)$& s'ste"s- in thei! e$!&' h$se- #e!i%e# thei!

    !u&es f!o" the co""$n#"ents of $ #eit' o! of $ "on$!ch o! e?ui%$&ent

    e!son +. It is in this +$' th$t $ !inci &e $)$inst #ou &e unish"ent +$s

    inhe!ite# ' "ost &e)$& s'ste"s f!o" !e&i)ious !u&es $tt!i ute# to @o#.

    Thus- in the Ju#eo Ch!isti$n t!$#ition- in the Boo of Nahum - $ $ss$)e

    in the O Test$"ent st$tes th$t: Aff&iction sh$&& not !ise u the secon#

    ti"e . This te(t +$s inte! !ete# ' scho&$!s to sust$in $ c$non &$+

    "$(i" e( !essin) the !esu" tion: Not e%en @o# ,u#)es t+ice fo! the

    s$"e $ct . The!e +e!e si"i&$! !u&es in te(ts e%en "o!e $ncient- such $s

    the Co#e of /$""u!$ i . A &i e !inci &e +$s o se!%e# in @!ee &$+

    $n# in the &$+ of the Ro"$n Re u &ic - . In the &$tte!- $ "$)ist!$te s

    $c?uitt$& $!!e# fu!the! !ocee#in)s of $n' in#- $&thou)h $ "$)ist!$te s

    con%iction cou e the su ,ect of $ e$& to $n $sse" &' of Ro"$n

    citi ens . . The ,ustific$tion fo! the #iffe!enti$& +$s the !ese!%$tion-

    u&ti"$te&' to the eo &e- of #ecisions o%e! &ife $n# #e$th / .

    It +$s th!ou)h e$ch of these sou!ces i &ic$& $n# $ncient &$+

    th$t the !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#' ente!e# the &$+ of En)&$n#. !o"

    the st$!t- the !inci &e +$s !esiste# ' the o+e!s of the st$te- e" o#ie#

    ) US 1> $t 17 817> 9- cite# ' Sc$&i$ J 8#issentin)9 inLawrence .

    + @ Tho"$s- Dou &e Jeo $!#' Po&ic' $n# /isto!' in @ Tho"$s-Double Jeopardy: The His ory! he Law 8177>9 =5.

    Cite# Tho"$s- $ o%e n 6- =5.- 2uote# Tho"$s- $ o%e n 6- ==. See Bar kus v "llinios 367 US

    151 $t 161 165 817679.. "bid - =3./

    "bid - =3.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    $t fi!st in the "on$!ch. In the Cons i u ions o# Clarendon 811 < ?uotin) H B&$c stone- Commen aries on he Law o#

    $n%land 81=>7 17 !e !int9- Boo

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#' & . Su ,ect to %$&i# &e)is&$tion- the cou!ts

    of Aust!$&i$ u ho th$t !u&e +he!e it $ &ies.

    The !u&e is $&so !ef&ecte# in $ !o%ision of the "n erna ional

    Covenan on Civil and Poli ical )i%h s 8ICCPR9 &-. Aust!$&i$ is $ $!t' to

    th$t Co%en$nt $n# $&so to the i!st O tion$& P!otoco& to the Co%en$nt.

    The &$tte! )i%es e!sons the !i)ht to co""unic$te to the Unite# N$tions

    /u"$n Ri)hts Co""ittee co" &$ints th$t the "unici $& &$+ of count!ies

    oun# ' the Co%en$nt #o not co" &' +ith its !e?ui!e"ents. It +i&& e

    necess$!' to !etu!n to the si)nific$nce of this o &i)$tion. /o+e%e!-

    sufficient h$s een s$i# to #e"onst!$te the $nti?uit'- en#u!$nce $n#

    uni%e!s$& o! )ene!$& $cce t$nce of $ !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#'- $s $

    !inci &e of ,ustice $n# $ fe$tu!e +hich ci%i&ise# &e)$& s'ste"s st!i%e to

    u ho.

    A)$inst this $c )!oun# I tu!n to the !ecent #ecision of the /i)h

    Cou!t of Aust!$&i$ in The (ueen v Carroll &.* It is $ #ecision in +hich I #i#

    not $!tici $te. It st$tes- in $ +$' in#in) on cou!ts- offici$&s $n# eo &e

    th!ou)hout Aust!$&i$ the o e!$tion of the !inci &es $)$inst #ou &e

    ,eo $!#' $t co""on &$+ $s the' $ &' in this count!'. It is $ #ecision

    th$t h$s &e# to !o os$&s fo! !efo!" of the &$+ +hich it is "' u! ose toi#entif' $n# $n$&'se.

    & "bid $t 1=1 K>< .&- ICCPR A!t 1 $t 57.


    854459 == ALJR 16=.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003




    The f$cts in Carroll +e!e co" $!$ti%e&' si" &e. On 1< A !i& 17=3

    the o#' of Dei#!e Fenne#'- $)e# 1= "onths- +$s foun# on the !oof of

    $ toi&et &oc ne$! he! $!ents ho"e in I s+ich- 2ueens&$n#. She h$#

    #ie# f!o" st!$n)u&$tion. She +$s #!esse# in fe"$&e un#e!+e$!

    $ $!ent&' t$ en f!o" $ c&othes&ine in $ ne$! ' !o e!t'. The!e +e!e

    !uises on he! &eft thi)h th$t "e#ic$& e( e!ts s$i# +e!e consistent +ith

    teeth "$! s. A sin)&e ite" of u &ic h$i! +$s !eco%e!e# f!o" he! o#'.

    The!e +$s no othe! "e$ns of i#entif'in) the i&&e!. No $!!est +$s "$#e.

    E&e%en 'e$!s $sse#. Des ite the est effo!ts of the #etecti%es

    $ssi)ne# to the c$se- no &e$#s cou e foun# to i#entif' the "u!#e!e! &/.

    In e !u$!' 17>

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    e!"ission to t$ e h$i! s$" &es $n# $ c$st of ! C$!!o&& s teeth. In


  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    $tte!n of the ite "$! s in the o#' of the #ece$se# )i!& fitte# the c$st

    t$ en f!o" the $ccuse# s teeth. /o+e%e!- the!e +e!e +e$ nesses in

    this e%i#ence too. The s eci$&ists #is$)!ee# et+een the"se&%es

    conce!nin) the teeth th$t h$# een !es onsi &e fo! $!ticu&$! "$! s.

    The' h$# to !ocee# on the $sis of hoto)!$ hs of the !uises. No

    othe! t$cti&e "e$ns +$s $%$i&$ &e to "$tch the "$! s +ith the $ccuse# s

    teeth. The $ccuse# c$&&e# his o+n e( e!t e%i#ence to contest the

    testi"on' of the C!o+n s e( e!t +itnesses.

    /$%in) !ecei%e# $&& of the fo!e)oin) e%i#ence inc&u#in) !

    C$!!o&& s #eni$&s- the ,u!' in the "u!#e! t!i$& foun# hi" )ui&t' of the

    "u!#e! of Dei#!e Fenne#'. /e +$s con%icte# $n# sentence#. /e

    $ e$&e# to the Cou!t of C!i"in$& A e$& of 2ueens&$n#. On 5=

    No%e" e! 17>6- th$t Cou!t 8C$" e&& CJ- Fnei $n# She he!#son JJ9

    u he the $ e$&. It set $si#e ! C$!!o&& s con%iction on the $sis th$t $

    !o e!&' inst!ucte# ,u!' cou not h$%e een s$tisfie# e'on# !e$son$ &e

    #ou t on the e%i#ence efo!e the" th$t the $ccuse# +$s )ui&t'.

    A&thou)h $ %ie+ +$s e( !esse# th$t it +$s o en to the ,u!' to

    $cce t th$t the $ccuse# +$s in I s+ich on the !e&e%$nt #$'- the Cou!t

    conc&u#e# th$t the testi"on' conce!nin) the ite "$! s on the $ccuse# s#$u)hte! ou)ht to h$%e een e(c&u#e# $n# th$t the #is $!ities in the

    testi"on' of the o#onto&o)ists- $n# the #i%e!)ence et+een the

    !osecution e( e!ts- +$s such th$t $ con%iction $se# on th$t e%i#ence

    +$s uns$fe $n# uns$tisf$cto!' '+ . It fo&&o+e# th$t $ %e!#ict of $c?uitt$&

    +$s ente!e#. ! C$!!o&& &eft the cou!t $ f!ee "$n. In $cco!#$nce +ith'+

    Carroll 817>69 17 A C!i" R

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    the !esu osition of ou! c!i"in$& &$+- he +$s entit&e# to t!e$t the

    $c?uitt$& $s $ #ec&$!$tion of his innocence of the c!i"e of +hich he h$#

    een $ccuse#.

    The!e thin)s +ou no!"$&&' h$%e !este#. /o+e%e!- those +ho

    h$# een !es onsi &e fo! in%esti)$tin) the "u!#e! of Dei#!e Fenne#'

    $n# !osecutin) ! C$!!o&& +e!e not s$tisfie#. o!e th$n thi!teen 'e$!s

    &$te!- on 15 e !u$!' 1777- ! C$!!o&& +$s ch$!)e# +ith the offence of

    e!,u!' ' . The in#ict"ent !esente# to the Su !e"e Cou!t of

    2ueens&$n# in Octo e! 1777 $!ticu&$!ise# the ch$!)e $s !e&$tin) to

    e%i#ence in $ ,u#ici$& !ocee#in)- n$"e&' the t!i$& of K ! C$!!o&& fo! the

    "u!#e! of KDei#!e Fenne#' in +hich it +$s $&&e)e# th$t ! C$!!o&& h$#

    no+in)&' )i%en f$&se testi"on' to the effect th$t he 0 #i# not i&& the

    s$i# KDei#!e Fenne#' '- .

    ! C$!!o&& #i# not #e"u! to the count of the in#ict"ent. No! #i# he

    &e$# au re#ois ac&ui . The ch$!)e of e!,u!' +$s not the offence of

    +hich he h$# e$!&ie! een $c?uitte# ' o!#e! of the u&& Cou!t. Inste$#-

    on $ !et!i$& $ &ic$tion efo!e ui! J in the Su !e"e Cou!t of

    2ueens&$n#- he "o%e# fo! $ e!"$nent st$' of the ne+ !ocee#in)s

    !ou)ht $)$inst hi" on the footin) th$t !osecution of those !ocee#in)sconstitute# $n $ use of !ocess.

    A $!t f!o" the issues of &e)$& !inci &e !$ise# ' the su))este#

    si"i&$!it' of the oints inhe!ent in the $ccus$tion of e!,u!' $n# the' Pu!su$nt to the Criminal Code 829- s 153819.'-

    Carroll 854449 116 A C!i" R 1 < $t 1 = K 4 .

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    e$!&ie! $c?uitt$& of "u!#e!- ! C$!!o&& !e&ie# on #isc!etion$!'

    consi#e!$tions occ$sione# ' the &$ se of ti"e inhe!ent in the

    !ocee#in)s. Not on&' h$# $ fu!the! thi!teen 'e$!s $sse# since the

    $c?uitt$&- so"e t+ent' si( 'e$!s h$# $sse# since the #e$th of Dei#!e

    Fenne#'. ui! J !e,ecte# e$ch of these $!)u"ents. /e conc&u#e# th$t

    it +$s not necess$!' to )!oun# $ ch$!)e of e!,u!' to sho+ th$t the f$&se

    e%i#ence "ust- o! "$' h$%e- c$use# the o!i)in$& $c?uitt$&. /e !e,ecte#

    $s in$ &ic$ &e $n' $ e$& to res .udica a o! the #oct!ine of au re#ois

    ac&ui . /e conc&u#e# th$t- in the e!,u!' t!i$&- the C!o+n c$se +$s

    si)nific$nt&' #iffe!ent $n# st!on)e!- fo! $ #iffe!ence offence $n# th$t it

    occ$sione# no !e&e%$nt $ use of !ocess. /e #is"isse# the contention

    th$t the &$ se of ti"e o &i)e# the inte!%ention of the cou!t to st$' the

    !ocee#in)s '. .

    In conse?uence of these !u&in)s the t!i$& of ! C$!!o&& fo! e!,u!'

    !ocee#e# efo!e $ secon# ,u!'. A)$in- ! C$!!o&& +$s foun# )ui&t' '

    the ,u!' $n# con%icte#. A)$in- he $ e$&e# $)$inst his con%iction. /is

    $ e$& +$s he$!# ' the Cou!t of A e$& of 2ueens&$n# '/ . Th$t Cou!t

    8Hi&&i$"s JA +ith +ho" c u!#o P $n# /o&"es J $)!ee#9 $)$in

    un$ni"ous&' u he ! C$!!o&& s $ e$&. It #i# so u on t+o $ses. The

    fi!st +$s one of !inci &e to the effect th$t the t!i$& shou h$%e eenst$'e# $s $n $ use of !ocess ec$use the !inci &e of #ou &e

    ,eo $!#' h$# een su st$nti$&&' !e$che# (0 . The secon#- +hich

    in%o&%e# $ !e%ie+ of the e%i#ence 8inc&u#in) the ne+ e%i#ence c$&&e# $t'. "bid*'/ Carroll K5441 2CA 376.(0

    Carroll K5441 2CA 37< $t K < K=5 .

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    the e!,u!' t!i$&9 +$s $se# u on $ conc&usion th$t- on the f$cts- the

    %e!#ict !etu!ne# ' the ,u!' of e!,u!' +$s uns$fe $n# uns$tisf$cto!' (&.

    o! the secon# ti"e $fte! s en#in) se%e!$& "onths se!%in) his secon#

    sentence- ! C$!!o&& +$s #isch$!)e#. o! the secon# ti"e- he &eft the

    Su !e"e Cou!t +ith $n o!#e! of $c?uitt$&. /o+e%e!- on this occ$sion

    $ &ic$tion +$s "$#e ' the !osecution fo! s eci$& &e$%e to $ e$& to

    the /i)h Cou!t of Aust!$&i$.

    The /i)h Cou!t )!$nte# s eci$& &e$%e to $ e$&. The Cou!t

    confine# its $ttention to the fi!st of the t+o oints u on +hich the Cou!t

    of A e$& h$# #eci#e# the c$se- n$"e&' the issue of &e)$& #oct!ine

    !esente# ' the su))este# $s ect of the !inci &e of #ou &e

    ,eo $!#' (' . The /i)h Cou!t #i# not !e%ie+ fo! itse&f the !e$sons )i%en

    fo! the $&te!n$ti%e conc&usion !e$che# ' the 2ueens&$n# Cou!t of

    A e$&- $se# u on its $ssess"ent of the e%i#ence $t the t!i$& fo!



    Th!ee o inions +e!e u &ishe# to su o!t the /i)h Cou!t s

    e%entu$& o!#e! )!$ntin) s eci$& &e$%e ut #is"issin) the $ e$& of theC!o+n. The !e$sons of @&eeson CJ $n# /$'ne J e($"ine# the +$' in

    +hich the #ou &e ,eo $!#' !inci &e h$s een u he ' the co""on

    &$+ ' 819 The in%oc$tion of the &e$ of au re#ois ac&ui in c!i"in$&(& Carroll K5441 2CA 37< K=5 . The use of this e( !ession h$s een

    c!iticise#: /ipp v The (ueen 8177>9 17< CLR 14 $t 1

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    !ocee#in)s (( 859 Issue esto e& $n# !ec&usion to !e%ent $ secon#

    ,u#)"ent f!o" ein) o t$ine# in cont!$#iction to $n e$!&ie! one () $n# 839

    Re&ief $)$inst $ use of !ocess (+ . /o+e%e!- thei! /onou!s $&so !efe!!e#

    to ce!t$in fun#$"ent$& consi#e!$tions of c!i"in$& &$+ ( inc&u#in) the

    incont!o%e!ti i&it' of $n $c?uitt$& ente!e# $t the conc&usion of $ #u&'

    constitute# c!i"in$& !ocee#in).

    In the o inion of @$u#!on $n# @u""o+ JJ- thei! /onou!s +e!e $t

    $ins to e( &$in the f!$)"ente# ch$!$cte! of the &e)$& !u&es th$t- in ou!

    s'ste" of &$+- )o to)ethe! to su o!t $ !inci &e !e%entin) #ou &e

    ,eo $!#' - s ecific$&&' ' fo&&o+in) u $n $c?uitt$& in one t!i$& ' $

    ch$!)e of e!,u!' $se# on testi"on' )i%en $t th$t t!i$& (- .

    The thi!# o inion- +!itten ' c/u)h J- $ !o$che# the issues in

    contest s?u$!e&' on the footin) of the fun#$"ent$& !u&e of the co""on

    &$+ st$te# ' B&$c stone. Des ite the #iffe!in) +$'s in +hich the th!ee

    o inions $ !o$che# the issues in the $ e$&- the' constitute- to)ethe!-

    $ si)nific$nt !e$ffi!"$tion of the fun#$"ent$& !u&e of the co""on &$+

    $s $ &ic$ &e in Aust!$&i$ in c$ses such $s ! C$!!o&& s.

    (( "bid $t 167 K= .() "bid $t 1 5 K57 .(+ "bid $t 1 3 K3< .( "bid $t 1 1 K51 .(- "bid $t 1=1 K>< K>= +ith !efe!ence to )o%ers v The (ueen 81771 CLR 561 $t 5=3 5=< $n# Pearce v The (ueen 8177=9 17< CLR

    14 $t 1< 16 K7 K16 - 56 5 K63 K6 - 3 3= K>7 K71 .

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003




    B' !efe!ence to the !e$sons of the /i)h Cou!t ,u#)es in thei!

    o inions in Carroll - it is ossi &e to i#entif' ten se $!$te )!oun#s- o!

    e( &$n$tions- offe!e# ' the &$+- fo! u hoin) $ !u&e $)$inst #ou &e

    ,eo $!#'- $&thou)h the $ctu$& c!i"es consi#e!e# in the successi%e t!i$&s

    $!e #iffe!ent. These !e$sons of &e)$& !inci &e $n# o&ic' +e!e

    "entione# in the cou!se of the Cou!t s !e$sonin). St$te# !ief&'- the'


    819 Con rollin% s a e power: It necess$!' to ee the o+e! $n#

    !esou!ces of the st$te in !o e! chec - )i%en th$t- in e%e!' c$se-

    the' +i&& e )!e$te! th$n those of $n in#i%i#u$& $ccuse# of c!i"e (. .

    Un&ess such cont!o&s $!e "$int$ine# ' the &$+- the!e +i&& e $

    !is th$t st$te o+e! +i&& e #e &o'e# to su ,ect $n $ccuse# to

    e" $!!$ss"ent- e( ense $n# o!#e$& 0 co" e&&in) hi" to &i%e in $

    continuin) st$te of $n(iet' $n# insecu!it' (/ . Thus- the !inci &e of

    #ou &e ,eo $!#' is one th$t he& s to #efine the in# of societ' th$t

    ou! &$+ #efen#s. In th$t sense- it is fo! the enefit of $&& eo &e-

    not ,ust the $ccuse#

    859 0pholdin% accusa orial rial: One of the fun#$"ent$&

    un#e! innin)s of the c!i"in$& t!i$& !ocess in co""on &$+

    (. 854459 == ALJR 16= $t 1 1 K51 .(/ /reen v 0ni ed 1 a es 366 US 1>=- 1>7 8176=9 B&$c J. See

    Tho"$s- $ o%e n 6- 64.

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    e( ose the $ccuse# to $ ne+ $n# $##ition$& e!i& of !osecution

    fo! e!,u!' th$t cou e use# $s $ s$nction in the c$se of

    un+e&co"e outco"es in e$!&ie! !ocee#in)s )( .


  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


    1 .

    of ,u!' t!i$& $n# ,u#ici$& #ete!"in$tion "$' e +e$ ene# o! e%en

    un#e!"ine# )+ . This is +h' o!#e!s $n# othe! so&e"n $cts of the

    cou!ts 8un&ess set $si#e o! ?u$she#9 K$!e to e t!e$te# $s

    incont!o%e!ti &' co!!ect ) . So"eti"es this !u&e +i&& see"

    into&e!$ &e to those +ho continue to contest the co!!ectness of the

    #ete!"in$tion. The' "$' h$%e o o!tunities fo! $ e$& $n#

    ossi &' ,u#ici$& !e%ie+. Inc!e$sin)&'- the' "$' h$%e fu!the!

    o o!tunities fo! e(ecuti%e $n# ,u#ici$& !econsi#e!$tion )- . But

    +hen $&& these o o!tunities h$%e een e(h$uste#- continuin) the

    ch$&&en)es ' !eo enin) the o!#e!s so&e"n&' $!!i%e# $t in $n

    e$!&ie! t!i$&- +e$ ens u &ic confi#ence in the ,ustice s'ste" ). . It

    $&so un#e!"ines the !o e! conse!%$tion of ,u#ici$& !esou!ces $n#

    cou!t f$ci&ities )/ .

    8 9 1ubs ance no echnicali ies: To the su))estion th$t the #ou &e

    ,eo $!#' !u&e is $##!esse# to the !e e$te# !osecution of

    $!ticu&$! offences o! &i"ite# to offences in%o&%in) &ife $n# #e$th of

    the $ccuse#- it "ust e ointe# out th$t the su st$nce of the

    !inci &e is +h$t is $t st$ e. Th$t su st$nce is conce!ne# +ith the

    !is to +hich the $ccuse# is e( ose#. So "uch +$s st$te# '

    )+ Carroll 854459 == ALJR 16= $t 1=1 K> .) "bid! 1=1 K> .)- $as man v Direc or o# Public Prosecu ions 3+CT4 854439 17> ALR

    1 $t 1 K < ff- 5> K146 e! /e'#on J.). Carroll 854459 == ALJR 16= $t 1=> K15> e! c/u)h J.)/ J !ie#&$n#- Double Jeopardy 817 79- < cite# Carroll 854459 ==

    ALJR 16= $t 1=> K15> .

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  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    ci!cu"st$nces +he!e- !oof of such f$&sit' +ou on&' $tt!$ct the

    unish"ent fo! e!,u!'- not the unish"ent !o e! to "u!#e! itse&f.

    8>9 0pholdin% he privile%e a%ains sel#5incrimina ion: To unish $

    e!son effecti%e&' fo! )i%in) e%i#ence in his t!i$&- $n# to ut th$t

    e!son on t!i$& once $)$in on $n $ccus$tion of e!,u!' !e !esents

    $ +e$ enin) of the !i%i&e)e $)$inst se&f inc!i"in$tion- itse&f $

    $sic ci%i& !i)ht. It +$s to o%e!co"e this #$n)e! th$t the !o%ision

    e!"ittin) $ccuse# e!sons to )i%e e%i#ence o! "$ e uns+o!n

    st$te"ents in c!i"in$& t!i$&s +$s en$cte#. Those !o%isions

    !e !esente# $ co" !o"ise +' . To e!"it $ !osecution fo!

    e!,u!'- in !es ect of the %e!' su st$nce of the su ,ect #eci#e# in

    $n e$!&ie! !osecution- +ou un#e!"ine th$t co" !o"ise in $

    +$' not s ecific$&&' !o%i#e# fo! ' &e)is&$tion.

    879 "ncreasin% convic ion chances: Se&f e%i#ent&'- the &$!)e! the

    nu" e! of !osecutions e!"itte# ' &$+- the )!e$te! the

    ossi i&it' th$t e%en thou)h innocent Kthe $ccuse# "$' e foun#

    )ui&t' +( . Hith e$ch ne+ !osecution- #e$&in) in su st$nce +ith

    the s$"e $&&e)e# c!i"in$& #ee#- the C!o+n- +ith $&& of its

    !esou!ces- secu!es $n inc!e$se# ch$nce of o t$inin) $ con%iction.Not on&' "i)ht this e $ fo!" of un,ust h$!$ss"ent. It cou ti the

    sc$&es in $ +$' in$ !o !i$te to the con%ention$& !o&e of the

    !osecution in ou! fo!" of societ'.

    +' "bid $t 1=4 K=> .+(

    /reen v 0ni ed 1 a es - $ o%e n 37- cite# Tho"$s- $ o%e n 6- 64.

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    the Su !e"e Cou!t of 2ueens&$n# in such ci!cu"st$nces to st$' the

    secon# t!i$& $s $n $ use of !ocess +$s !ese!%e# ' the 1upreme

    Cour o# (ueensland +c 1771 829 !o%i#in) fo! !etention of the inhe!ent

    o+e!s of the Su !e"e Cou!t + .

    Possi &e fu!the! !e"e#ies fo! the #is$ffecte# +e!e "entione# in

    the /i)h Cou!t !e$sons- such $s the u!suit of $ ci%i& $ction th$t "i)ht e

    $%$i&$ &e- $!isin) out of the s$"e f$cts +- . But so f$! $s the c!i"in$& &$+

    +$s conce!ne#- the fu!the! !osecution fo! e!,u!' +$s he &e)$&&'

    i" e!"issi &e. The e!"$nent st$' !o%i#e# ' the Cou!t of A e$&

    +$s $ffi!"e#


    I""e#i$te&' fo&&o+in) the /i)h Cou!t s #ecision $ c$" $i)n +$s

    initi$te# ' The +us ralian ne+s $ e!. Its initi$& !o onent +$s ! Ch!is

    itche&&- e#ito! in chief of th$t n$tion$& ,ou!n$& $n# one ti"e e#ito! of the

    B!is $ne Courier 'ail ne+s $ e!. /e +$s ?uote# in The +us ralian $s

    st$tin) th$t A &ot of eo &e in 2ueens&$n# fe&t the secon# t!i$& Kfo!

    e!,u!' +$s $ ch$nce fo! !s Fenne#' to )et so"e ,ustice +. . /e s$i#:

    I )uess I fe&t $+ +$!# $ out $ ,u!' s #ecision ein) o%e!tu!ne# t+ice$n# th$t s co" oun#e# ' the "ish$n#&in) of the DNA e%i#ence .+ Carroll 854459 == ALJR 16= $t 1 > 1 7 K=4 K=1 .+- The ossi i&it' of !in)in) ci%i& !ocee#in)s fo&&o+in) Hel on v

    +llen 8174 K13> e! c/u)h J cf C R Hi&&i$"s- Bu!#ens $n#St$n#$!#s in Ci%i& Liti)$tion 854439 56 1ydney Law )eview 1 6 $t1>=.


    H$& e!- $ o%e n 54- 51.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    The "ish$n#&in) !efe!!e# to +$s the &oss ' the !osecution of

    the sin)&e u ic h$i! t$ en f!o" the o#' of the Dei#!e Fenne#' s$i# to

    h$%e een #est!o'e# ' $ &$ o!$to!' un)&e +/ . A&thou)h this +$s not

    occ$sione# ' $n' f$u&t o! +!on) on the $!t of ! C$!!o&&- it is ossi &'

    co!!ect to s$' th$t- h$# the st!$n# of h$i! een !ese!%e# 8$s it shou

    h$%e een9 DNA e%i#ence cou to#$' conc&usi%e&' st$te +hethe! the

    h$i! c$"e f!o" ! C$!!o&& o! #i# not. The c$se fo! !efo!" of the &$+

    "ust e consi#e!e#- not so "uch on the $sis of the f$cts in ! C$!!o&& s

    c$se ut on the footin) th$t- $fte! $n $c?uitt$&- DNA e%i#ence "$'

    so"eti"es no+ eco"e $%$i&$ &e to est$ &ish scientific$&&' $ &in

    et+een $n $c?uitte# e!son $n# the c!i"e scene o! %icti".

    In the "$nne! of such c$" $i)ns - the effo!t of The +us ralian to

    secu!e $ ch$n)e in the &$+ +$s e!son$&ise# ' !efe!ence to ! C$!!o&& s

    c$se. L$!)e hoto)!$ hs of hi" $n# of !s F$' Fenne#'- "othe! of the

    #ece$se# chi- $ e$!e# !o"inent&' in The +us ralian $n# in

    ne+s $ e!s of the s$"e u &ishe!. Le$#in) $!tic&es +e!e +!itten c$&&in)

    fo! the en$ct"ent of +h$t +$s c$&&e# Dei#!e s L$+ 0 . This +$s $

    !o ose# st$tuto!' ch$n)e th$t +ou e!"it $ secon# t!i$& of $ e!son

    $c?uitte# of $ se!ious offence- inc&u#in) "u!#e!- su ,ect to uni#entifie#!oce#u!$& !otections- +he!e f!esh e%i#ence &$te! ec$"e $%$i&$ &e.

    +/ "bid - 51.0 D $c $!&$ne- 56-444 Si)n U fo! Dei#!e - The +us ralian! 11

    June 5443- .

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    Justif'in) its c$" $i)n - &e$#in) $!tic&es in The +us ralian #!e+ $

    $!$&&e& to E"i&e Mo&$ s #efence of C$ t$in D!e'fus- f$&se&' $ccuse# of

    es ion$)e $n# to the c$" $i)n ' Ru e!t u!#och in the 17 4s to

    s$%e $( Stu$!t- $n A o!i)in$& Aust!$&i$n sentence# to e h$n)e#- $&so

    fo! "u!#e! of $ 'oun) )i!& & . Both +e!e c$ses of con%iction not $c?uitt$&.

    In su o!t of the c$" $i)n The +us ralian secu!e# the o inions of $

    nu" e! of ,u#)es $n# fo!"e! ,u#)es. Si! /$!!' @i s $n# Si! Anthon'

    $son +e!e ?uote# $s $cce tin) the nee# fo! $ !e%ie+ of the &$+ of

    #ou &e ,eo $!#' ' . But The +us ralian +ent fu!the! th$n this. It

    co""issione# $n# fun#e# &e)$& !e o!ts on the o tions o en to !s

    Fenne#' to u!sue ci%i& !e"e#ies. It ?uote# o inions !ecei%e# f!o" &e)$&

    counse&- $&& unf$%ou!$ &e to ! C$!!o&&. It u &ishe# c!iticis"s of the

    2ueens&$n# $ e&&$te cou!ts s$i# to h$%e een e( !esse# ' the t!i$&

    ,u#)e in the fi!st t!i$& 8no+ ! An)e&o $st$ 2C9- ' the o!i)in$& t!i$&

    !osecuto! $n# ' othe!s. These o!t!$'e# the $ e&&$te ,u#)es $s

    &$'in) She!&oc /o&"es in $n $!e$ e'on# thei! co" etence $n#

    e( e!tise ( . The ne+s $ e! c$" $i)n &e# to co%e!$)e of the issue in

    othe! Aust!$&i$n "e#i$ out&ets ) . It !esu&te# in the initi$tion of $ u &ic


    1 uar v The (ueen 817679 141 CLR 1 cf Fi! '- B&$c $n#Hhite Lessons fo! the Aust!$&i$n Ju#ici$!' 854459 53 +delaide Law)eview 176. The $!$&&e& is #!$+n ' the -eekend +us ralian! 1 Dece" e! 5445-

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    etition- s$i# to h$%e )$the!e# 56-444 si)n$tu!es fo! the en$ct"ent '

    the 2ueens&$n# P$!&i$"ent of Dei#!e s L$+ + .

    So"e "e#i$ co""ent$to!s- outsi#e the Ne+s Li"ite# )!ou +e!e

    &ess th$n in# $ out the c$" $i)n . ! Rich$!# Ac &$n#- $ fo!"e! host

    of the ABC s 'edia )epor - su))este# sou!&' in the 1ydney 'ornin%

    Herald th$t the c$" $i)n +$s $ "e#i$ stunt en)inee!e# ' !

    itche&& to oost s$&es . This- in tu!n- &e# to se%e!e c!iticis" not on&' of

    ! Ac &$n# ut $&so of the $i!f$( "e#i$ in +hich his o inion h$# een

    u &ishe# - . Pe!h$ s stun) ' ! Ac &$n# s c!iticis"- The +us ralian - $

    +ee &$te!- in%ite# $ co""ent ' ! Te!!' O @o!"$n- P!esi#ent of the

    Aust!$&i$n Counci& fo! Ci%i& Li e!ties. /e #ec&$!e# th$t- if the &$+ +e!e

    ch$n)e# $n# $ !et!i$& fo&&o+e# $ "e#i$ c$" $i)n of the t' e The

    +us ralian is !unnin) Kin the C$!!o&& c$se 0- the !et!i$& +i&& en# u ein)

    $ sho+ t!i$& . . /e #!e+ $ttention to the f$ct th$t the 2ueens&$n# Cou!t

    of A e$& in the secon# $ e$& h$# ch$!$cte!ise# the so c$&&e# ne+

    e%i#ence Kten#e!e# in the e!,u!' t!i$& $s ein) so +e$ th$t it cou e

    not ch$!$cte!ise# $s ne+ e%i#ence .

    + The etition is !efe!!e# to in The +us ralian - 11 June 5443. Acco!#in) to the !e o!t- the 2ueens&$n# P!e"ie!- ! P Be$ttie s$i#The success of the etition sho+e# "ost 2ueens&$n#e!s +$nte#$n o%e!h$u& of the &$+ .

    R Ac &$n#- C$!!o&& c$se ?uestions #ou &e ,eo $!#' ut sin)&eissue of "e#i$ stunt is not in #ou t - 1ydney 'ornin% Herald! 13Dece" e! 5445- 1=.

    - e#i$ h$s !o&e to &$' in &$+ !efo!" - The +us ralian - 1- 7.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    con%ictions- su))ests th$t e"otion $n# o&itics !$the! th$n $ i#in)

    &e)$& !inci &e $!e the "oti%$tin) f$cto!s -/ .

    8 9 Jury awareness: A $!ticu&$! !o &e" is !esente# ' the f$ct

    th$t- $ ,u!'- con#uctin) $ secon# t!i$&- +ou e &i e&' to no+ th$t

    $n' ne+ e%i#ence &$ce# efo!e it h$# een the su ,ect of

    sc!utin' ' $ "ech$nis"- ossi &' ,u#ici$&- to e!"it the

    e(ce tion$& cou!se of $ !et!i$&. Such no+&e#)e +ou su ,ect the

    $ccuse# to the !is of $ !esu" tion of )ui&t .0 . Ce!t$in&'- if this

    h$# een $cco" $nie# ' $ "e#i$ c$" $i)n of the in# th$t

    fo&&o+e# the Carroll #ecision in the /i)h Cou!t- it +ou !esent

    #ifficu&ties fo! secu!in) $ co" &ete&' i" $!ti$& !et!i$& of $ e!son

    once $c?uitte#. The $ sence in Aust!$&i$ of )ene!$& st$tutes of

    &i"it$tions $)$inst !osecutions fo! se!ious c!i"e- the !u&es th$t

    &i"it the $%$i&$ i&it' of st$'s $n# the inc!e$sin) heno"enon of

    !e t!i$& u &icit' of c!i"in$& $ccus$tions h$s "$#e consi#e!$tion

    of the conte(t of the !o ose# !efo!" of the #ou &e ,eo $!#' !u&e

    i" e!$ti%e .& . C!itics of the !o os$& $sse!t th$t it +ou !e !esent

    'et $nothe! iece"e$& ch$n)e- ut in $ fun#$"ent$& !es ect- th$t

    +ou un $&$nce $n i" o!t$nt fe$tu!e of the c!i"in$& t!i$& s'ste"

    th$t h$s en#u!e# fo! centu!ies .' .

    -/ cf N Co+#e!'- /e in% Jus ice -ron% 5 'y hs! 'edia and Crime854419 5- 1> 55-

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    In $#o tin) !efo!"s of the &$+- es eci$&&' c!i"in$& &$+- it is $&+$'s

    i" o!t$nt to consi#e! the i) ictu!e. Hhe!e$s it c$n e conce#e# th$t

    occ$sion$& inst$nces +i&& $!ise +he!e $n in#i%i#u$& o t$ins $n un"e!ite#

    $c?uitt$&- such c$ses h$%e to e consi#e!e# in thei! societ$& conte(t.

    The o onents of ch$n)e to the !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#' e%entu$&&'

    s$'- in +o!#s !e"iniscent of B&$c stone- th$t the occ$sion$& #efecti%e

    outco"e of the c!i"in$& !ocess "ust e to&e!$te# in o!#e! to $%oi# the

    inst$ i&it' th$t +ou e int!o#uce# ' e!"ittin) e(ce tions to the !u&e.

    In this sense- the !u&e of #ou &e ,eo $!#' is si"i&$! to othe!s th$t

    +e to&e!$te $n# +hich occ$sion$&&' h$%e $ #o+nsi#e. One inst$nce is

    the o se!%$nce of constitution$& !est!ictions $n# con%entions u on the

    !e"o%$& of ,u#)es $n# the !econstitution o! $ o&ition of thei! cou!ts .( .

    A&thou)h in $!ticu&$! c$ses this "$' &e$# to $ sense of ,ustifi$ &e

    )!ie%$nce- it is one th$t h$s en#u!e# fo! the )!e$t enefit of ensu!in) $n

    in#e en#ent $n# tenu!e# ,u#ici$!' i""une $s $n institution f!o"

    "ech$nis"s of e(cessi%e #isci &ine th$t +ou e o en to $ use $n#

    +ou &essen the in#e en#ence $n# cou!$)e of ,u#)es in the #isch$!)e

    of thei! #uties. The!e is "uch to e s$i# fo! %ie+in) the o%e!$&& o e!$tion

    of the !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#' $s f$&&in) +ithin $ si"i&$! c$te)o!'.

    .( Aust!$&i$n Constitution- s =58ii9. See )e )eid< $x par e Beins ein854419 1>5 ALR

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    h$s e( !esse# the %ie+ th$t $ !eo enin) of c!i"in$& !ocee#in)s

    ,ustifie# ' e(ce tion$& ci!cu"st$nces #i# not inf!in)e the !inci &e of

    #ou &e ,eo $!#' !ef&ecte# in A!tic&e 1

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


    3 .

    /eneral Commen of the /u"$n Ri)hts Co""ittee. It sust$ins the

    #istinction et+een !esu" tion o! !eo enin) of c!i"in$& !ocee#in)s

    $n# $ f!esh !et!i$& .

    So f$!- the Aust!$&i$n !o os$&s fo! ch$n)e of the &$+ in !e&$tion to

    #ou &e ,eo $!#' $ e$! to h$%e en%is$)e# $ !et!i$& fo! the su st$nti%e

    offence in !es ect of +hich the e$!&ie! $c?uitt$& +$s secu!e#. So "uch

    see"s c&e$! in ! C$!! s st$te"ent +hich $sse!te# th$t the Carroll c$se

    enc$ su&$te# the nee# to e $ &e to re ry so"eone- e%en if the' h$%e

    een $c?uitte# . The oint is un#e!&ine# ' the !o"ise th$t one re rial

    +ou e $&&o+e# .- .

    Hh$t- the!efo!e- see"s to e conte" &$te# $s $n Aust!$&i$n &e)$&

    !efo!" is $ f!esh he$!in) of $ ch$!)e conce!nin) the c!i"e in !es ect of

    +hich $n $c?uitt$& +$s e$!&ie! ente!e#. This !esents the th!esho-

    $+ +$!# necessit' of !e"o%in) f!o" the cou!t !eco!# the fo!"$& o!#e! of

    $c?uitt$& +hich- in the c$se of $ se!ious c!i"e- +ou no!"$&&' !est u on

    $ ,u!' s %e!#ict.

    Assu"in) this fo!"$& i" e#i"ent +e!e o%e!co"e ' so"e

    !oce#u!e- the !o os$& +ou then !esent $n $ $!ent&' #i!ectch$&&en)e to the o &i)$tion of Aust!$&i$- $s $cce te# in A!tic&e 1

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    u!sue#- it +ou constitute $ !e$ch of Aust!$&i$ s inte!n$tion$& hu"$n

    !i)hts o &i)$tions.

    Inte!n$tion$& o &i)$tions h$%e con%ention$&&' een t$ en se!ious&'

    in this count!'. In the #ecisions of the cou!ts- the' h$%e so"eti"es

    een inf&uenti$& in the $#o tion of i" o!t$nt !inci &es of the co""on

    &$+./ . o!e i" o!t$nt&'- the' h$%e e(ce tion$&&' foun#e# fe#e!$&

    &e)is&$tion +hich h$s een $#o te# to o%e!!i#e the inco" $ti &e &$+ of $

    St$te /0 .

    Co""on &$+ cou!ts $!oun# the +o! $!e $'in) c&ose! $ttention

    to the uni%e!s$& !inci &es of hu"$n !i)hts. Th$t f$ct is i&&ust!$te# not

    on&' in the #ecisions of the /i)h Cou!t of Aust!$&i$ ut $&so in #ecisions

    of the Unite# St$tes Su !e"e Cou!t /&. /ithe!to it h$s een !e)$!#e# $s

    the Co""on+e$&th- St$te $n# Te!!ito!' $utho!ities h$%in) !e)$!# tothei! !es ecti%e constitution$& o+e!s $n# $!!$n)e"ents conce!nin)thei! e(e!cise .

    ./ 'abo v (ueensland =No 9> 817759 1=6 CLR 1 $t $t 641 645 K3> K

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    $ se!ious thin) fo! Aust!$&i$ to fin# itse&f in !e$ch of its o &i)$tions un#e!

    inte!n$tion$& &$+- inc&u#in) the ICCPR. Pe!h$ s this is ch$n)in) /' . But-

    if it is not- $ #e $!tu!e f!o" A!tic&e 14 of the Constitution.

    It $ e$!s th$t the !o os$&s of so"e St$tes to "o#if' the &$+ of

    #ou &e ,eo $!#' h$%e een #e $te# $t the St$n#in) Co""ittee of

    e#e!$&- St$te $n# Te!!ito!' Atto!ne's @ene!$&. Hhethe!- $t th$t

    Co""ittee- the e#e!$& Atto!ne' @ene!$&- o! his !e !esent$ti%e h$s

    /' cf E Hi&&hei"- '? Tampa : the Aust!$&i$n Res onse 854439 16"n l Journal o# )e#u%ee Law - 171 J Fins&e!- Fi&&in) Off Inte!n$tion$&/u"$n Ri)hts L$+: An e( &o!$tion of the Aust!$&i$n @o%e!n"ent s!e&$tionshi +ith Unite# N$tions hu"$n !i)hts co""ittees 854459 >

    +us ralian Journal o# Human )i%h s - =7./( The Ne+ South H$&es B$! Associ$tion !$ise# the ?uestion

    +hethe! !o os$&s to !efo!" the &$+ of #ou &e ,eo $!#' in th$t St$te+ou e cont!$!' to the ICCPR- A!t 1

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003



    c$&&e# to notice the o &i)$tions $ssu"e# ' Aust!$&i$ un#e! A!tic&e 1 June 5443- 1.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


    K15> e! c/u)h J.

  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


  • 8/12/2019 Double Jeopardy Clj, August 2003


    The $utho! t!$ces !e&ief f!o" #ou &e ,eo $!#' $c to Bi &ic$& $n#

    c&$ssic$& ti"es. In En)&ish &$+ it #$tes to the No!"$n Fin)s. In

    Aust!$&i$n- the !inci &e +$s !ecent&' !e$ffi!"e# $n# e( &$ine# ' the

    /i)h Cou!t in The (ueen v Carroll 854459. o&&o+in) th$t #ecision $

    c$" $i)n +$s &$unche# ' e&e"ents of the "e#i$ fo! the en$ct"ent of

    e(ce tions to the !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#'. A !i"e inst$nce

    no"in$te# $s !e?ui!in) ch$n)e +$s the c$se +he!e $ffi!"$ti%e DNA

    e%i#ence st!on)&' incu& $tes $n $c?uitte# $ccuse# $n# so it +$s s$i#

    +$!!$nt !et!i$&. The $utho! e( &$ins the ten !inci $& foun#$tions fo! the

    !u&e $)$inst #ou &e ,eo $!#' i#entifie# in Carroll* /e &ists the "$in

    $!)u"ents fo! $n# $)$inst ch$n)e of the &$+ on the su ,ect. /e out&ines

    #ifficu&ties !esente# to $n' such ch$n)e ' the te!"s of the

    "n erna ional Covenan on Civil and Poli ical )i%h s - to +hich Aust!$&i$ is

    $ $!t'. in$&&'- he notices ossi &e constitution$& ?uestions !$ise# '

    $n' ch$n)e of the &$+- ' !efe!ence to +h$t +$s s$i# in Carroll .