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Don't Spend a Dime On Infrared Thermal Imaging Until You Know What You're Getting Origin . . . A Brief History of Thermography Thermography, also known as Infrared Thermal Imaging is relatively new to the public sector. This technology dates back to the 1950's, and was used by the military for detecting targets through the use of infrared thermal imagers. These 'cameras' produced 'night vision' which could pick up the heat signatures (temperatures) of a target in the dark that was invisible to the human eye. Fast forward sixty years, and you are seeing Infrared Thermal Imaging 'cameras' being used all around you in your everyday life: 1) Medical Field uses digital infrared for breast exams. 2) TV Weather Man uses infrared maps showing rain locations 3) Auto Makers like BMW offer infrared night vision options 4) Airports used it to locate travelers with the Swine Flu. INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115
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Don't Spend a Dime On Infrared Thermal Imaging

Until You Know What You're Getting

Origin . . . A Brief History of Thermography Thermography, also known as Infrared Thermal Imaging is relatively new to the public sector. This technology dates back to the 1950's, and was used by the military for detecting targets through the use of infrared thermal imagers. These 'cameras' produced 'night vision' which could pick up the heat signatures (temperatures) of a target in the dark that was invisible to the human eye.

Fast forward sixty years, and you are seeing Infrared Thermal Imaging 'cameras' being used all around you in your everyday life:

1) Medical Field uses digital infrared for breast exams. 2) TV Weather Man uses infrared maps showing rain locations 3) Auto Makers like BMW offer infrared night vision options4) Airports used it to locate travelers with the Swine Flu.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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5) Building Industry: found many uses including finding missing insulation, drafts, leak detection, find water leaks in a roof, broken pipes in walls, overheating equipment (before it reaches failure), and mapping hidden moisture in structures that can cause destruction of buildings -from the inside out- as well as health issues such as MOLD

How Does It Work?Thermography is the act of using a high-tech infrared thermal imager (camera) to photographically portray the surface temperature of an object. HUH? Okay, I'll explain. Science 101: Everything on earth radiates energy. Even an ice cube. but, we can't see the actual energy that is being radiated.

A glass of HOT water with ICE addedThink about it like this. You are at the beach, and you are getting sunburned. You FEEL the heat of the sun on your shoulders. But, since the infrared spectrum is invisible to the human eye, you can't SEE the heat, Infrared thermal imaging cameras work because they 'see' the radiation that our eyes cannot. They take (2) 'pictures' simultaneously. ne is a visual image like you cell phone camera takes. The other is called a thermogram. Think of it as a page out of your kid's coloring book – but, MINUS the outlines it originally had – JUST THE COLORS. Let's say that your are looking for a hard-to-find water leak from a broken pipe in the ceiling. When you look in the viewfinder of a thermal imager, the image you see is a collection of colors that represent different surface temperatures:.1) the WARMER COLORS represent the warm temperatures of

your drywall that is registering 72 degrees because your furnace is on, and this particular area of the ceiling is still DRY (unaffected)) by the leak.

2) the COOLER COLORS r epresent the cooler temperatures of building materials (like your drywall ceiling and the insulation behind it) that have become cooler due to the (56 degree) temperature of the water, and the evaporative process.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

Infrared thermal imagers can 'see' the infrared rays (heat) that the human eye cannot.

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Seeing Is Believing

Some Infrared Thermal Imaging companies have invested in special software that enables them to make a custom report. This gives you hard-copy evidence of what your issues are – whether you are doing an infrared survey to find missing insulation, water leaks in walls that can lead to MOLD, or even electrical hotspots is walls (or your electrical panel) before they become expensive, destructive, dangerous, or begin to threaten your health.

Infrared thermal imagers allow you to 'SEE' root causes and the (hidden) location) of issues that were invisible to your eye,That is powerful! Now you are empowered to accurately asses the LOCATION, the EXTENT, and the CAUSE of your issues. No more costly guesswork and 'educated guesses' of contractors.

Who Do You Call ?

If you're sick, you go to the doctor. If you need heart surgery, you look for a specialist. Maybe you interview a few. Then, you choose one that has the experience and is up on all of the latest procedures and technology to ensure your success.

Ditto for thermographers. Infrared thermal imaging has fast become the Gold Standard for inspections in the Building Industry – and the word is spreading.

For that reason, lots of newcomers are jumping on the bandwagon – looking to make a buck. These instant 'experts' are not equally qualified or equipped to ensure that you are successful in finding (and resolving) the hidden issues in your structure that you are looking for. Bottom line, you need guidelines on how to determine who is the right one for YOU.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

No more expensive guesswork and educated guesses from contractors.

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RULE #1:

CERTIFIED THERMOGRAPHER. Do NOT entrust your home or business structure to anyone without the training to be a Certified Thermographer.

You would never think of going to your Chiropractor for an elective surgery. And, you shouldn't rely on handyman with a camera and a caulk gun to solve your complex roof leak issues.

Structures today are a complicated combination of interconnected, interdependent systems that make up the 'whole.' When you ''mess with” one facet of the structure you are affecting the entirety. Spend a little more for the right guy today – and you'll spend a lot less on Aspirin for the headaches coming tomorrow.


RULE #2:

QUALIFICATIONS Don't reach for a hammer when you need a screwdriver. No matter how nice it is.

You need the right 'tool for the job.' Find a Thermogapher whose past WORK EXPERIENCE has built a good translates into a fine foundation for the Building Performance Inspection you are asking for.

If the career highlights in his Resume turn out to be teaching Tae-Bo exercises, or working in the Circus he's probably a better (more interesting) candidate for being a dinner guest than your contractor.

All kidding aside, find someone with a foundation of experience and

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

In any industry, there are 2 kinds of companies: those who 'play checkers' and those who 'play chess.'' Go with the one that plays chess!

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knowledge that will make him serve him well when you entrust him with the inspection of your structure.



These are all good skill-sets and valuable experiences that will translate into a better Infrared Inspection and the ability to articulate the findings.Remember, anyone can buy a camera. But, you can't buy experience.

Type of Equipment

RULE #3:


You'd never hire your Wedding Photographer without checking out his work and his EQUIPMENT. You would

never put up with someone using his cell phone to do your Wedding video.

This is no different.

Do not be misled. ALL INFRARED THERMAL IMAGING CAMERAS ARE NOT THE SAME. The vast majority of Infrared cameras bought by thermographers are at the entry level - ranging from under $2,000 to $7000 . They don't want to 'spend too much' in case things don't work out.

THERMOGRAPHERS SETTLING FOR A LOWER PRICE CAMERA results in inferior images – and that becomes YOUR problem. “Fuzzy images – or, worse yet, missing small temperature differences and minor nuances altogether - results in inferior data collection.


Better Tools Yield Better Results. It's like buying a flat-panel TV. If you want a true HD viewing experience, be prepared to shell out some more money for more Pixels. You'll be glad you did.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

Infrared thermal imaging cameras are NOT all the same. It's like buying a flat panel TV. High quality units have better resolution. That superior resolution equals BETTER DATA. That translates into MORE ACCURATE INFORMATION for litigation or defining the scope of repairs.

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When a Business invests $20,000 or more in their Infrared Thermal Imaging it tells you that they take their business seriously, and that they are striving to give you the best service that can be had.

THE DIFFERENCE IS CLEAR - and, it's YOU are the beneficiary.

1. BETTER RESOLUTION. (crisper images clearly identify issues) 2. BETTER DATA COLLECTION (more accurate information) 3. BETTER REPORTS (for Hard-Copy Evidence / and repairs)

4. INFRARED VIDEO DOCUMENTATION (easier to understand)

Don't Stop There

No one goes to the doctor to get a HALF OF A DIAGNOSIS ? In fact, if the initial physical exam doesn't find anything – he may suggest taking X-Rays or an MRI. If you still aren't getting to the bottom of the problem, he may want to do a Biopsy to see what's going on inside.

Thermography is no different. Initially, a Physical Inspection ( Visual Inspection ) is performed by using a trained eye and Building Science.

Next, a non-invasive, Infrared Scan is performed to enable you to 'see' things otherwise invisible to the human eye without being destructive.

Some cases require another layer of testing. Forensic Building Defect Diagnosis is performed as a more Invasive Test called Destructive Testing. Similar to our example of a doctor doing a site-specific Biopsy, this targeted invasive inspection 'opens up' the suspect area

identified in the scan, and reveals what is going on below the surface.

So, make sure your thermographer is experienced & fully equipped to finish the job (give a diagnosis) – he's not just a 'point & shoot' guy . . .

Full Service



Every inspection starts out being non-invasive. Many need to expand into a deeper investigation requiring another level of knowledge, equipment, and methods to ensure that you capture the results that youdeserve. Consider the following:

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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DESTRUCTIVE TESTING (DT) is sometimes necessary to get to the solutions that you are looking for.

We're NOT talking about demolition here.

(DT) is a carefully executed , minimally invasive FORENSIC method to gather information without randomly and destructively removing massive amounts of building materials or wall coverings.

BORESCOPES are a tool for inspection professionals that allows them to look inside of walls, floors, or building envelopes after a very small hole is bored to facilitate access of this 'snake camera.'

Images and even VIDEO can be seen in REAL-TIME of the inspected area on the viewfinder of the borescope.

SPRAY RACKS and calibrated Spray Guns are often needed to re-createa 'water event' ( an EXTERNAL water leak or water intrusion into your structure) by doing a 'SPRAY TEST'.

Leak Detection Professionals find these SPRAY RACKS Indispensable because they eliminate our relying on

' Mother Nature' to return at our convenience. In short, the SAVE MONEY, TIME, and MESSES (due to eliminating unnecessary demo)

SPRAY RACK WATER TEST INSPECTIONS help you find issues PROACTIVELY – So, you save your structure, the contents, and the occupants HEALTH from harmful, moisture-related issues like MOLD.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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HYGROMETERS are an essential toolto the professional Thermographer because they perform an important role in the CONFIRMATION of anomalies that the Infrared ThermalImaging Camera 'sees.'

Is the 'cold' thermal pattern that is seenmerely cold (air) infiltration? Or, is it truly the cooler temperature of waterbehind the wall? The hygrometer canread the actual moisture content of thematerial that shows a particularthermal signature.

It is also an important tool in the Professional Thermographer's 'toolbox' for dong MOISTURE MAPPING. As you know, latent moisture in a structure can be a precursor to MOLD.

1) The Thermographer uses the Infrared Thermal Imager to scan large areas quickly - identify thermal signatures along the way.

2) HYGROMETERS can then measure the moisture content as he 'maps' these areas (saving hours of time) and determines if the pattern (and moisture content) is heaviest in one area – and what the DIRECTION of the moisture is (which leads to causation)

'One-Stop Shopping'



Find thermographers who keep investing in continuing education. They are up on the latest techniques, and have become 'fluent' in many different disciplines using Infrared thermal imaging.

There is a lot of value in working with one party for all of your needs versus having to hire and coordinate 2 or 3 different thermographerswhen a project takes a turn – and new issues arise.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

Don't settle for a 1-TRICK PONY ! Find yourself a Thermographer that has invested in continuing education – and is well-versed in several areas.

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Infrared Thermal Imaging is a great tool to identify areas of of heat loss and causation of excessive cooling bills. An expert can even use his high-end infrared camera to do INFRARED VIDEO to SHOW YOU DRAFTS in real time.


Infrared Thermal Imaging has become the gold standard for professionals that do

do leak detection. No more guesswork- and no more needless, costly Demolition.


It's no secret that latent moisture in a structure can be a precursor to mold. Left unchecked, it can cause structural damage to a building, damage contents and be harmful to those living inside. By utilizing Hygrometers for moisture- mapping techniques; scanning for hidden moisture with infrared thermal imaging cameras; and collecting readings from a certified mold inspector's equipment; issues like toxic mold are – not only identified – but, traced to their source and causation.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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Hotels, Hospitals, Schools, and Government buildings have enormous amounts of duct-work that carries the conditioned air through-out the building. The Depart of Energy saysthat up to 30 PERCENT IS WASTED due to leaky ducts. Periodic Infrared Scans help you to 'see' what's happening, make repairs and harness savings that more than pay for them.


Hotels , Hospitals, Schools, and Lumber-Mills are but a few of the buildings that areREQUIRED TO HAVE INFRARED SCANSon their electrical distribution panels by theirinsurance company. Millions of dollars aresaved annually because you are able to CATCH DANGEROUS ISSUES EARLY that could lead to fires (applies to commercial buildings and residences too)


PdM or Condition-Based maintenance savesyou money by monitoring your equipment for issues that cannot be seen by the human eye. By catching anomalies early, one can prevent the overheating of motors and pumpsthat leads to failure, unscheduled shut-downsloss of revenue and the potential loss of collateral damage caused by fires.

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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Engineering companies that specialize in R&D don't normally own a high-quality thermal imager. An R&D session can be set up onsite (at their facility) to utilize the thermographer's technology to capture anomalies, data and document issues in Real Time. The smallest of temperaturedifferences would have been difficult to uncover – and may have been missed altogether (image to right is a heated seat)

The Bottom Line



It will only lead to disappointment. Don't let some rookie 'practice' on your home or workspace.

Not all Thermographers are equally qualified.

Do your homework !

Be Sure To Look for: 1) Areas of Expertise 2) Years of Experience ' 3) Quality of Equipment Used

4) Certification & Licensing 5) Referrals & Testimonials

Most of all, don't forget the “5 RULES” OF SUCCESS on the

preceding pages of your free E-Book, “Don't Spend A Dime On Infrared Thermal Imaging Until You Know What You're Getting”

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115

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Follow these guidelines, and you will ensure that you are getting the energy-efficient, safe, structurally-sound, and healthy living-space or workspace that you deserve.


INFRAVISION LLC Call the Pros: (888) 954.1115

We 'Get The Picture'

USGBC Green CertifiedCertified ThermographersFamily-Owned for Over 30 YearsA-Plus Better Business Bureau RatingMichigan Builders Dating back to 1978

Nominee: 2011 Michigan Green Leaders Award

Web: www.infravisionllc.comEmail: [email protected]

INFRAVISION LLC 170 WATER ST MILFORD, MI 48381 (888) 954.1115