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DD your connection to the world of Doncasters Welcome to the 2nd edition of INTRAcom, the electronic based publication now expanded to include Doncasters’s Global Leadership Team (GLT) and their direct reports. Those of you that attended the early November call heard that we need to lead a coordinated effort to answer an all important “call to action”. In this month’s issue we cover in detail PDR and other initiatives that are designed to create a more positive environment for success in 2013. But our immediate focus through the end of the year must remain finishing November and December with the best possible results. Remember: daily meetings & weekly progress reports are integral to achieving all we can in terms of meeting our 2012 goals and setting the stage for a more successful 2013. -Tariq Jesrai Chairman and CEO issue 2, November 2012

Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

Mar 10, 2016



King Group IMC

The November edition of Doncasters INTRAcom
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Page 1: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

DDyour connection to the world of Doncasters

Welcome to the 2nd edition of INTRAcom, the electronic based publication

now expanded to include Doncasters’s Global Leadership Team (GLT)

and their direct reports. Those of you that attended the early November

call heard that we need to lead a coordinated effort to answer an all

important “call to action”. In this month’s issue we cover in detail PDR and

other initiatives that are designed to create a more positive environment

for success in 2013. But our immediate focus through the end of the year

must remain fi nishing November and December with the best possible

results. Remember: daily meetings & weekly progress reports are integral

to achieving all we can in terms of meeting our 2012 goals and setting the

stage for a more successful 2013.

-Tariq Jesrai Chairman and CEO

issue 2, November 2012

Page 2: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

overview: the importance of Performance Development Review appraisals

Effective Appraisals Provide Opportunities for


Appraisals are the starting point for serious company growth

through its most valuable asset — people. The appraisal process,

when done correctly, develops a solid baseline understanding

of an employee’s current performance. Building upon this

perspective, we can establish realistic goals for an employee

to accomplish that will help push both the employee and our

organisation towards the realisation of our full potential.

The purpose of the PDR is to provide employees with the

opportunity to engage in meaningful dialogue and gain

constructive feedback that focuses in on performance, skills,

behaviour, personal development and career progression within

Doncasters. The appraisal is an important piece of our PDR

process used to accomplish this, so we as managers must

conduct comprehensive appraisals that effectively outline an

employee’s strengths as well as areas where improvements can

clearly be made.

The following guidelines have been developed to assist you in

comfortably conducting thorough, objective appraisals:

• Aim to keep the performance review as objective as possible.

Constructive criticism based in fact will be much more

successful in eliciting change than what is, or what may

appear to be, your subjective opinion.

For example, you can measure the

number of objectives completed

successfully, the number of peer

group complaints received, the

number of goals met, the success of

projects and the number of customer

complaints or compliments received.

• An accurate performance review is

not done in just a few hours. Instead,

it is an ongoing yearlong process.

Keep a fi le open for each employee

where you can easily add monthly

performance measures, compliments and complaints, along with dated memos regarding

your observations of the employee’s performance and behaviours.

• Do not surprise an employee with issues that should have been discussed long ago. Issues

should be addressed in a timely manner after a specifi c incident has occurred. A motivated

employee requires ongoing feedback on a regular basis; so do not save it all up for a

once-a-year praise or criticism meeting. If you have concerns, do not give an employee the

impression that you are pleased with their performance only to surprise them with those

concerns during the PDR.

• Professionalism, both in writing the review and in your presentation, is an important

standard to practice. Remember that an employee performance review could support

decisions about the individual’s capability, redundancy selection scoring, development and


It is important that we strive to become a company that truly embraces this process, because

a company that does so will experience growth for its people year on year — and that

development provides as much value to our employees as it does to our organisation as a

whole. Please take this to heart when conducting your end of year reviews and together we will

continue to cultivate an increasingly talented Doncasters.

“I have yet to meet someone who likes to do appraisals,” Joe Comeau, Human Resources

Director of Doncasters’s North America Operations, observed. “Why? Because many people

have a tendency to shy away from confrontation and sharing honest thoughts, which makes

them uncomfortable when having to conduct an appraisal. But the reality is, the value in

executing honest appraisals is exceptionally high to both our company and the future of each

individual employee inside it.”

Page 3: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

Performance Development Review process procedure & clarifi cations

To assist you in preparing for PDRs,

we have provided an outline, schedule

and summary of the current end of

year PDR process. In addition to these

aids, we will be sending our PDR form

out to you shortly after this issue of


It is important to note that while our

PDR process will be experiencing

changes in the next calendar year,

we will still be following the current

procedures through the end of this

year. In addition, please be reminded

that managers who do not complete

their PDRs may not receive a pay

increase. The following is an outline of

each section to help guide you through

successful Performance Development

Reviews in the weeks to come:

In this area, SMART (Specifi c, Measurable, Achievable,

Relevant and Time Bound) objectives are set, reviewed

and achievement rated. At least 4 objectives should be

set with each employee. You can agree upon more, but

please remember that 4-6 objectives are optimum.

Performance objectives should be specifi c expectations,

objectives, targets or development plans and each objective/goal will pertain to

a job function or task, a strategic initiative or operational/process improvement.

Objectives must be SMART and may be revised during the review period as

expectations change.

Review of objectives discussion points might include:

• Improvement targets achieved

• Progress against projects/project plans/roadmaps

• Supporting evidence, documents, emails

• KPI’s achieved/exceeded

section 1 - performance objectives

In this area requirements/developments in job

knowledge, skills and qualifi cations should be reviewed

and rated. Review of technical skills and functional

knowledge discussion points might include:

• Level of functional technical expertise, areas for development

• Best practice awareness

• Ability to keep abreast of relevant business changes/updates

e.g. legal requirements

• Continuous personal development

• Achievement of professional qualifi cations

• Progress against development plans/functional career paths

• Skill gaps to be addressed prior to next job move

section 2 -technical skills &functional knowledge

The Leadership have identifi ed 11 Company Competencies. For each

competency we outline expected behaviours that may be demonstrated

and/or observed. These should be reviewed, discussed and rated. This

section provides the opportunity for discussion on the manner in which

the employee behaves in their job role.

Review of Competencies and the associated behaviours discussion points might


• The individual employee initially reviewing himself or herself against the


• The individual employee gaining feedback from their peers/team

• The individual employee talking this through with their manager whilst

providing examples

• The line manager giving feedback on their views, offering the perception

of others, providing input on the behaviours observed and documenting

a resultant rating

• Documentation of the areas you have discussed including identifi ed

development needs

section 3 -competencies & behaviours

Page 4: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

In this section please consider any

development requirements needed. These

may include:

• Performance improvements to achieve the objectives

• Continuous personal development, updating best

practice, formal training or courses

• Support for behavioural development

• Evaluation of any training completed

• A summary of discussions relating to future career

development options, possible next roles, projects,

assignments, aspirations, succession plans, etc.

• Actions/feedback from the TMAP process

It is also important to jointly assess training needs and

development for the next review period to help job and career

growth. Training and/or development can be internal or

external and on or off the job. On the job resources include:

• Training with senior member of team or a person from

another department

• Company training session

• Special assignments

• Staff Meetings

• Reading selected

periodicals/trade publications

• Meetings with selected in-house professionals

• Mentor

This rating indicates the overall rating that best refl ects how successful the employee

was at meeting Performance against objectives, Technical Skills and Functional

Knowledge and the Behaviours demonstrated in line with the 11 Company

Competencies while fulfi lling the job role. The overall rating is not only used as the

performance rating within the TMAP process but also taken into account, along with market rates, at

the employee’s pay review.

This section is for the employee and line manager to comment and provide a composite statement

of the individual’s performance along with a narrative overview of their work performance. There is

also a section for the Senior Manager/Functional Director (one level above the review manager) to

comment on the appraisal and overall process. Signing this document acknowledges the content

accurately refl ects the discussion held. Once completed and signed off, the individual should retain

a copy. The Line Manager should then send a copy to Human Resources for fi les (for 2012 this

should be an electronic copy).

If an individual is unhappy about any aspect of the review process they have the opportunity

to submit an appeal. To do so an employee should write to their local HR Department within 5

working days of the end of year review being completed. The employee should outline reasons

for the appeal and enclose any documentation they wish to rely on. An independent Appeal

manager will then be asked to review the information. Based on the information provided by the

individual and the line manager, the Appeal Manager may amend the rating. Please note that as

a result ratings could move up, down, or remain the same and the outcome of this appeal will be

fi nal — there are no further internal appeal stages. A letter confi rming the outcome should be sent

to the individual from the Appeal Manager (HR will provide this letter).

It is also important to note that as a manager you may be asked to hold appeal reviews for

employees outside of your direct working area/department/division.

Performance Development Review process procedure & clarifi cations (cont.)

section 4 -current & future development

section 5 - overall performance rating

Off the job resources include:


Correspondence courses



Interpersonal skills training

Further/Higher Education

comments & sign off


End of Year Review Timeline

01/12 — Set a date for the review meeting.

Employee drafts self-evaluation of their

performance on the PDR form and send to PDR

Manager in advance of the review meeting.

PDR Manager prepares content of review


Hold review meeting

Line Manager sends updated PDR, with

provisional ratings, to:

HR Lead for calibration of rating across the Group/


Line Manager for review, comment and sign off

Any comments/reviewed ratings discussed and

agreed between are sent to the manager and PDR


Updated form with confi rmed ratings and

manager’s comments/sign off discussed with


Objectives for the following year’s review

period are proposed, discussed, agreed and


Employee signs PDR to confi rm content is a true

refl ection of the review discussion.

Employee sends fi nal copy of PDR to HR for fi les

(electronic wherever possible).

31/01 — Appeal process

Outcome of appeal communicated to employee

by Appeal manager and confi rmation letter.

28/02 — HR send pay review and bonus data

to Payroll.

01/03 — Payroll process deadline.

Page 5: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

We are proud to announce the November 19th launch of

our Doncasters UK Benefi ts Club. Similar programs are

being rolled out for our employees in North America (see

following story) and investigated for those in Germany. The

UK Benefi ts Club is an economical way for the Company to

further show its appreciation for UK employees by offering

them FREE access to exclusive discount offers on a number

of different everyday purchases.

The club, developed in partnership with an outside

organisation, is an online portal that offers signifi cant

discounts on purchases like food, shopping, toiletries,

clothing, electronics, furniture, holidays, cinema tickets,

restaurants and more. With over 5000 products available

in the portal, chances are that if there is something our

employees want, we will be able to provide it at a price they

will love. On top of that, employees who register will be

entered in free monthly prize drawings where they can win

£150, £75 or £25 worth of gift vouchers.

We already offer a strong benefi ts package to our employees

in the UK, and the Benefi ts Club further enhances that

package by making it easy for employees to save

signifi cantly on daily expenses. Its simple,

its fast, and the savings are real. In

short, we are happy to provide our

employees with an almost effortless way

to maximise their income.

We are currently sending out welcome

materials to all of our employees in the UK to

acquaint them with the programme and provide the

basic login instructions. Employees without internet

access will also be able to enjoy the Benefi ts Club by taking

advantage of a dedicated UK call centre.

If you have any questions

or comments regarding the

Doncasters UK Benefi ts Club,

please contact:

Charles Lubek

Group Employee Benefi ts


Direct: +44(0)1332 694128

[email protected]

• Up to 15% off paper and reload-

able voucher cards for retailers

including; Asda, Argos, B&Q,

Boots, Curry’s, Homebase, IKEA,

New Look, Marks and Spencer’s,

Morrisons, Top Shop, Sains-

bury’s plus many more

• Save up to 45% off cinema

tickets for Cineworld, Odeon,

Showcase, Apollo, Empire and

independent cinemas

• Online discount codes, help-

ing you to save at your favourite

online retailers

• Save up to 14% off package

holidays through the online travel

portal – lifestyletravel where you

can browse, compare and book

discounted breaks

a sampling of benefi ts

The Doncasters Benefi ts Club portal is accessible by any computer and an exclusive gateway for

Doncasters employees and their families to a world of savings and adventure.

spread the word: the Doncasters UK Benefi ts Club rolls out November 19thEconomical For The Company. Big Savings For UK Employees



Page 6: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

Much like our employees in the

UK, our employees in the U.S.

will soon have access to their

very own exclusive Doncasters

Benefi ts Club. In early December,

the Doncasters U.S. Benefi ts

club will begin providing U.S.

employees with signifi cant savings

on a seemingly endless amount of

everyday purchases.

The Club is an online portal that has been developed to provide

our U.S. employees with exclusive offers at over 100,000 local and

national vendors. Offers span from 15% off Firestone tires to 10% off

monthly cellular phone services through T-Mobile, and even include

substantial discounts on groceries. However our employees choose

Doncasters U.S. Benefi ts Club rolling out early DecemberHousehold Savings For U.S. Employees Next

“In our pursuit to provide

employees with the most

complete benefi ts programme

possible, I couldn’t be happier

that we have successfully

developed such a cost-effective

method of providing our people

with so much additional value —

especially given the economic

climate we all fi nd ourselves in.”

Joe Comeau

Director, Human Resources

NA Operations

to save, the impact remains the same — a signifi cant reduction in household expenses.

In fact, the program has been demonstrated to provide annual savings of up to $4,500 to

participating members.

Beyond indicating a deep appreciation for our employees, the Club further integrates with

our approach to HR in the U.S. by offering a number of valuable online wellness resources.

Wellness resources available include:

• Healthy recipes and video tutorials accompanied by applicable grocery coupons

• Athletic club discounts

• A comprehensive nutritional guide

• Online fi tness resources including a Virtual Wellness Coach

• A wellness application allowing members to defi ne their current Basal Metabolic Rate

(BMR), weight, waist size, blood pressure, and then track their progress and monitor

improvement over time

We are currently creating login details for our employees across the U.S. and will be sending

out a welcome email to acquaint employees with the programme and provide direct access

to the Club.

If you have any questions or comments

regarding the Doncasters U.S. Benefi ts Club,

please contact:

Joe Comeau

Director, Human Resources

NA Operations

Direct: +1 (860) 677-1376 Ext. 3201

[email protected]

a few samples of typical savings

Page 7: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

In an effort to better equip managers to conduct investigations, our UK HR Team has worked with a 3rd

party to develop an Investigation Training program in the UK. To date, 40 of our managers have partici-

pated in the program by attending an Investigation Training session. The program has been derived from

feedback received through the PDR (Performance Development Review) process, which identifi ed a clear

need for training relating to:

• Investigations relating to disciplinary and grievance issues

• Issues raised through Expolink which needed independent investigation

• HSE risk/accident investigation and reporting

• Investigations into potential Quality issues

We found our managers spending a signifi cant amount of time conducting investigations and having to do

so without formal training, standard tools, or set formats. To remedy this our UK HR team and Eversheds,

an organisation that provides legal advice to our sites across the UK and Europe, have been conducting

training sessions that will better prepare our managers to:

• Plan and conduct an investigation independently

• Carry out interviews with witnesses

• Use effective questioning techniques

• Take appropriate notes of witness evidence

• Evaluate the evidence

• Deal with confi dentiality and other issues

• Anticipate likely pitfalls along the way

• Write clear and effective investigation reports

• Identify and manage the legal risks posed in investigations

Managers which have passed through the program will now be able to maximise time spent in an inves-

tigation whilst allowing our organisation to realize the full business benefi t of the exercise. Consistent and

thorough investigations will allow us to enhance procedures for mitigating risk and lay a strong foundation

for further progress towards our overall Quality and Safety goals.

Moving forward, Eversheds and our UK HR team will be running training sessions on grievance, dismissal

and appeals in quarter 1 of 2013. Managers wishing to take advantage of this training should be instructed

to contact their line manager who can request, via their HR team, that the individual be considered for a


Which part of the course will be most relevant to your role?

Insight on how to plan an investigation and how to record one

Skills to improve my investigatory ability

The framework to proceed with but also the discussion regarding how

decisions can be relevant to a plant culture, not just the most harsh

stance in fear of repercussions

All parts

Structure/process for undertaking said activities

Understanding how to structure interviews and the associated detail

All parts in the constructive approach to carry out an investigation

Having a template for a clear process

The whole course was of benefi t giving me further confi dence in car-

rying out investigations

What has been the most useful part of the course?

Being provided a structured template for conducting investigations

All of it

The ability to get the legal viewpoint

The full breakdown of the investigation process

The practical session on interviewing

Interaction between delegates and how to plan for investigations

The structure of how the investigation should take place

The planning and setting out of the investigation

UK investigation training — creating a roadmap for investigation


Course leaders pictured left to right:

Cathryn Harrex, Emma Pugh, Rob

Smedley, Kate Sheehan, Ian

Molyneux, Linda Brown

Course participants pictured left to

right (back row): Matt Cusworth, Jim

McCurrach, Ian Harrison, Lyndon

Tomblin, Paul Young, Mick

Cadwallader, Martyn Lee

Left to right (front row): Simon

Cowell, Dave Jordan, Ian Walker

Page 8: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two

employee benefi ts: our program is outstanding, we just need to communicate it.

We care for our employees worldwide, and in the U.S., where the cost of

healthcare can be quite high, we have gone to great lengths to provide a very

generous Employee Benefi ts Programme. Because of the efforts and invest-

ments we continue to make, we would like our employees in the U.S. to

further understand how valuable their benefi ts programme truly is.

As you know, since the HDHSA was introduced we have been moving away

from “managed care” plans in favour of embracing a “consumer driven “con-

cept. Why? Managed care plans divorce the employee from making the effort

to learn about their own health risks (genetic factors), those of their family

members (dependents) and the cost of services and RX. In essence, “man-

aged care” plans place no employee responsibility for prevention or cost.

When looked at in total, the “consumer driven care” plans proved to be bet-

ter for the company — less expensive for the employee — and better for the

individual employee in terms of health. In addition, these plans are consistent

with the approach embedded within our wellness initiatives.

The Benefi ts Advantage Helps in Rough Times

Employees probably understand that the last few years have been a tough

road for everyone. This recessionary period, with rising health care costs, has

been a diffi cult time for us all as economic conditions and fi nancial markets

have been poor.

But do employees know that through it all, Doncasters continues to offer a

more comprehensive Employee Benefi ts Programme than many of the other

employers in our industry? Probably not. Our employees truly are our most

valuable asset and the calibre of benefi ts the group provides shows, very con-

cretely, that the company knows this and acts accordingly. It is important our

employees share this perspective and to do so, employees must be provided

with just that — perspective.

As we all continue to navigate this diffi cult economic climate, whilst continu-

ously offering the best benefi ts programme we can, our employees will have

a deeper appreciation for this challenging endeavour. But understanding is

paramount to appreciating. For instance, although the vast majority of our US employees

have opted for the advantageous “consumer driven” plans, there are some that don’t yet

understand the bigger picture. It is up to us to continue to educate our employees on

this and other important benefi t programmes — and by doing so allow our employees

to understand that they are working for, or hiring into a company that truly has their best

interest at heart.

Our U.S. Employee Benefi ts Program consists of the following:Medical and Prescription Drug Coverage — While many other employee benefi ts have

changed signifi cantly over the last fi ve years, our PPO Plan has changed only slightly and our

High Deductible Health Plan (“HDHP”) has not changed during the last several years.

Health Savings Account (“HSA”) — If employees participate in the HDHP, Doncasters contrib-

utes a substantial amount each year to their personal HSA

to assist them in managing their account and correspond-

ing healthcare expenses. This contribution is very generous

when compared to the rest of the industry.

Dental and Vision — We offer two dental and two vision

plan options (basic and enhanced plans) to give employees

greater fl exibility in meeting different family needs.

Flexible Spending Accounts (“FSA”) — We offer Healthcare and Dependent Care FSAs so

employees can reimburse themselves for qualifi ed medical expenses on a tax-free basis.

Life and Disability Insurance — We offer basic life and disability coverage at no cost to em-

ployees. We also offer a low cost option to purchase additional life insurance for themselves,

their spouse, and their children.

Retirement Plan — Doncasters sponsors a “401(k) Plan” which enables employees to save

money for retirement and on a tax favourable basis. The company makes generous matching

contributions and this plan offers approximately 20 investment options over a broad spectrum

of fi nancial sectors.

in 2011, we developed our Health-

Links Health Improvement Pro-

gramme and established a company-

wide Wellness Committee whose sole

function is to develop and introduce

programmes aimed to keep our em-

ployees and their family members as

healthy and productive as possible.

Some of the group’s programmes are

as follows:

Company-wide “Biggest Loser”


Employee health and wellness com-

munications from Mayo Clinic

Employee Educational Series

Health Risk Assessment Campaign

Annual Physical Exam Campaign











Page 9: Doncasters INTRAcom Issue Two



NEW Doncasters Chard Gains Supplier

Approval From Snecma

Approval is Aid in Achieving Future Growth on Existing

and Future Civil Aero-engine Programmes

Doncasters Chard is pleased to announce that it has gained

Supplier Approval from Snecma and has already been

awarded development phase purchase orders on three part

numbers for the CFM LEAP-1A and LEAP-1C.

Supplier Approval was gained following a successful

completion of an extensive 3-day on site Quality Audit. The

audit entailed a thorough dive into all of Chard’s procedures,

methods, standards and working practices, in addition to

preparation work prior to the visit on detailed questionnaires

and quality procedure information.

“We needed to demonstrate to Snecma that we are

technically capable, commercially attractive and have a

sustained delivery performance.” Steve Moore, Doncasters

Aerospace Division Business Development Manager

continued, “And it was essential to convey that we have an

appetite to work with Snecma at each and every level of our


The team at Chard accomplished this by developing a

strategy to back up their presentations to Snecma with

fact. During the site visit, the team presented the customer

with SLA’s and soft tooling for both a wax pattern die and a

ceramic core. This not only served as a demonstration of the

happenings around the company

divisional logos createdAs part of the Doncasters branding initiative,

the divisional logos have now been created.

Site logos have also been created, but we are

going through the branding evaluation pro-

cess to fi nd the best solution for each site in

terms of maintaining maximum brand equity

while increasing the overall brand equity of

Doncasters. If you need any logo, please

contact m.murphy@kinggroup. He’ll discuss

your specifi c need and provide the right for-

mat for the application.

Please let us know if you feel this publication

serves a useful purpose. This is your publication,

and we can provide the type of information you

would like to see. Please email your comments to:

[email protected]

Note: if you would like to have your comments

anonymous, please indicate so and we will honour

your request.

site’s advanced technical capabilities but also instilled

an overall confi dence regarding our new product

development introduction process.

Doncasters Chard has been pursuing Snecma for some

time now with the aim of winning business specifi cally

on the LEAP engine programme. Securing approval is a

signifi cant milestone in our Structural Casting strategic

development as the LEAP will be the engine of choice

for the A320neo, B737 MAX and COMAC aircraft. The

engine will enter service in 2016 and Doncasters Chard

is in a strong position to secure signifi cant production

phase contracts.

Please join us in congratulating our colleagues at Chard

on their hard work, determination and success in

cultivating this new strategic relationship.