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UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT FOR THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH DAKOTA SOUTHERN DIVISION UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, CR 12-40040 Plaintiff, Vs. NOTICE TO THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT OF COUNSEL OF CHOICE IN CR 12-40040 JEROME ADRIAN; JARED ADRIAN; RAYNOND EHRMAN, Defendants. STATE OF SOUTH DAKOTA ) )ss COUNTY OF MINNEHAHA ) COMES NOW, Donald V. Anderson your Affiant, being competent to testify and being over the age of 21 years of age, after first being sworn according to law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that he has firsthand knowledge of the facts stated herein and believes these facts to be true to the best of his knowledge. 1. That your Affiant is one of the People of these united States of America, being a creation of God and born in one of the several States. 2. Your Affiant is a living, breathing, sentient being on the land, a Natural Person and therefore is not and cannot be any ARTIFICIAL PERSON and, therefore, is exempt from any and all identifications, treatments, and requirements as such pursuant to any process, law, code, or statute or any color thereof. 3. This Affiant is a Lawyer Registered at Clay County, South Dakota by the Fictitious Business Name, Lawyer, Donald V AndersonIDONALD ANDERSON. (exhi bit "a") 4. That attached is this Affiant's Private Bond to protect all parties of interest who can prove up a claim for damages in this case, CR 12-40040. (exhibit "b") 5. That Affiant, by Registered Mail # 70993220000630429987, postage prepaid, caused to be delivered to George W. Bush, CEO of (corporate) United States, dated November 15,2001 is this Affiant's copy of that "Declaration of Expatriation/Repatriation" . (exhibit "c" 1-9 pages) 6. That this Affiant took an Oath to Uphold and Protect the Constitution of the united States of America at the time he entered Military Duty on September 24, 1968, I took that Oath very Serious. Case 4:12-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 07/30/12 Page 1 of 15 PageID #: 126

Don Anderson Aff

Nov 08, 2014




Affidavit from Don Anderson outlining demands in the Jerry/Jared Adrian case
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Page 1: Don Anderson Aff









COMES NOW Donald V Anderson your Affiant being competent to testify and being over the age of 21 years of age after first being sworn according to law to tell the truth to the facts related herein states that he has firsthand knowledge of the facts stated herein and believes these facts to be true to the best of his knowledge

1 That your Affiant is one of the People of these united States of America being a creation of God and born in one of the several States

2 Your Affiant is a living breathing sentient being on the land a Natural Person and therefore is not and cannot be any ARTIFICIAL PERSON and therefore is exempt from any and all identifications treatments and requirements as such pursuant to any process law code or statute or any color thereof

3 This Affiant is a Lawyer Registered at Clay County South Dakota by the Fictitious Business Name Lawyer Donald V AndersonIDONALD ANDERSON (exhi bit a)

4 That attached is this Affiants Private Bond to protect all parties of interest who can prove up a claim for damages in this case CR 12-40040 (exhibit b)

5 That Affiant by Registered Mail 70993220000630429987 postage prepaid caused to be delivered to George W Bush CEO of (corporate) United States dated November 152001 is this Affiants copy of that Declaration of ExpatriationRepatriation (exhibit c 1-9 pages)

6 That this Affiant took an Oath to Uphold and Protect the Constitution of the united States of America at the time he entered Military Duty on September 24 1968 I took that Oath very Serious

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 1 of 15 PageID 126

7 That Affiants Contract with Jerome Adrian is in a wet ink signature as Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary dated February 102010 (exhibit d)

Further Affiant sayeth not i

~rv-~pounddJ_~ 1 f

r [ Donald V Anderson I (


Before me Llt11I 7frl~ e a Notary Public duly authorized by the State of

bullSouth Dakota personally appeared Donald V Anderson who has sworn to and 1 f

I subscribed in my presence the foregoing document on this ~th day of July 2012

ti - cR 8 - ~ 0 ~7--____

My commission expires

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 2 of 15 PageID 127

middot BNRS-Main South Dakota Secretary of State Business Name Registration System Page 1 of 1

Fictitious Business Name Registration Receipt from the County Register of Deeds Office

The described business hereby certifies that they will engage in conduct or operate a business for profit under the fictitious name of

Lawyer Donald V AndersonDONALD ANDERSON

Owner Name Residence Address Post Office Address Donald Anderson 29771469 Ave

Beresford South Dakota 57004

That the address where the main office of such business is to be maintained is 46935 298 Street Beresford South Dakota 57004

Registration Identifier Clay Original Registration Date 7272012

Filed By Ray Hofman

Amount Paid $1000

Finished for Confirmation and Details

Amendment An amendment should be filed when some substantive item about the business changes such as change in ownership business name change address change etc When an amendment is done it automatically renews the business registration information and extends the expiration date by making it 5 years from the amendment date

Renewal A renewal needs to be filed every 5 years if no amendments are made to the business

httpsllappssdgovapplicationslst08BNRSSecurel ASPXlBNRS _Register _Receipt_ Actual 7272012

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 3 of 15 PageID 128

ill4yIlcent d-s-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~raquo2poundgt~~~])~~~~~i()~~iIi()~~IGgtIGgtgtgt~~~~D~~~laquo-Mmiddot ~~ ~ ~ No RR521349965US-DV A ~

~ PRIVATE DISCHARGING AND INDEMNITY BOND [1 Iif 1J ~ ~ uSPS REGISTERED MAIL TRACKING NO RR 521 349965 US Cp A ~t ~ ~ ~~rbullbull ~ ~ ~ Face Value $ 300bullbull00 Three Hundred Million US Dollars Date of Issuance October 1 52007 ~ ~ Date of Expiration October IS 2037 ~ ~ ~ ~ To Henry M Paulson Jr hereinafter Fiduciary ~ ~ ~-~ of the US Treasury ~ g ~~-~ ~

~ United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ~ A Washington DC 20220 ~ ~ ~ ~ For Donald Victor Anderson Account Holder ~ ~ DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON [sic1 Account Holder ~ ~ 504-38-4689 Account each severally ~ ~ ~ ~ 14

~ 8yOnffhrough Donald Victor Anderson Principal Private Offset Account No 504384689 i ~ hereinafter Creditors Steven Terry Kragh First Surety Private Offset Account No 468661833 ~ ~ La Lonie Marie Koob Second Surety Private Offset Account No 469581627 ~ ~ ~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS only fiat money exists in cireulation for the discharge ofdebt ~

~ ~

I ~ NOW THEREFORE the undersigned Creditors being ofsound mind and honorable intentions for the purposes ofprotecting secured ~ ~ interests reserving rights of recourse remedy and subrogation and maintaining the honor of the above-named Account Holders and ~

Accounts do hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit In our rightful Sui Juris status the Creditors do ~ hereby knowingly and with full disclosure hold bind and obligate ourselves jointly and severally by this instrument as voluntary sureties for ~~~

Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON aIkIa DONALD ANDERSON aIkIa DON ANDERSON amp ~ aIkIa ANDERSON DONALD aIkIa D V Anderson and 504-38-4689 each severally for any amount up to and including Three Hundred ~ Million United States Dollars (S300 bullbullbullbullbull00) insuring underwriting identifYing and discharging the said Account Holders and ~ ~ Accounts against any and all pre-existing current and future losses costs debts taxes encumbrances deficits deficiencies Jiensjudgments ~ ~ True Bills obligations of contract or performance defaults charges and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during ~ ~ the term of this Bond (jointly and severally Liabilities) thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligations M 1_ until the sum or the term of this Bond is exhausted The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from presentment to dishonor the Bond by ~ ~ returning it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor ~ ~ ~ shy~~ ~ It

~ I The Fiduciary shall discharge and VBaIte all pre-existing and current Liabilities as may exist without exception for against and on behalf i of the Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON and Social Security Account No 504-38-4689 ~ ~ dollar for dollar through the above-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~ 2 Each of the above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured underwritten and indemnified against any and all ~ ~ future Liabilities as may come to exist discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without exception through the ~ ~ above-noted Private Offset accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~I 3 The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from the Date of Delivery specified on United States Postal Service Form No 3811 to dishonor ~ I this Bond by returning it to the Principal with all associated transactions annexed thereto by United States Certified Mail at the mailing W ~ location identified hereunder The Fiduciarys fhllure to return the Bond as indicated will stipUlate the Fiduciarys acceptance and ~ ~ honoring ofthis instrument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation of law ~ ~ 4 All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the location noted hereunder exactly as shown ~ ~ Service in any other manner will be defective The Principal will accept post at the said postal location only_ ~ ~ 5 This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the ~fit of the United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 6 This Bond expires at II 5959 PM October 15 203 7 ~ ~ I~ ~ Lord Two Thousand and Seven

~ ~ ~ ~ Terry La Donald Victor Anderson ~ Private Offset Private Offset Acoounl No 469581627 Private Ofampet Account No E504384689 ~ co general delivery co 307 N Bertha Avenue co 29771461 Avenue ~ PipestOne Minnesota Ihlen Minnesota stale Beresford South Dakota state I bull

~ W ~=~do haltby Oh~_IDr~7~~g~ and seWCIt~yesz of ~ ~ Our Lord Two n t---- ~

~ l refer La i5scl~== llri1lC-r0---ti ~ I Afrtlli1t f KcJ 12 ~~ Qt~N ~ ~ PriI1t ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~~IGgt~~~~~IGgt~~~~i()~IGgt~iIltigt~~~~~iIraquo~raquo~iIiIIGgtIGgt$~~raquo~iIiIltigtIGgt~raquo$~IGgtIGgtIGgtIGgtiIraquo~~~$IGgtIGgt~$ltigt~$ltigtIGgt$~ltigt~$raquoltigtIGgtltigt~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 4 of 15 PageID 129



FILE NUMBER 140-1937-466437



DATE OF BIRTH 1212611937

FILE DATE 121311937




This is a true cerliflCation of the official Vital Record filed in the Deparlment of Heah as provided in Chapter 34-25 ofthe SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAWS


~ 0112212004



Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 5 of 15 PageID 130

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 2: Don Anderson Aff

7 That Affiants Contract with Jerome Adrian is in a wet ink signature as Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary dated February 102010 (exhibit d)

Further Affiant sayeth not i

~rv-~pounddJ_~ 1 f

r [ Donald V Anderson I (


Before me Llt11I 7frl~ e a Notary Public duly authorized by the State of

bullSouth Dakota personally appeared Donald V Anderson who has sworn to and 1 f

I subscribed in my presence the foregoing document on this ~th day of July 2012

ti - cR 8 - ~ 0 ~7--____

My commission expires

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 2 of 15 PageID 127

middot BNRS-Main South Dakota Secretary of State Business Name Registration System Page 1 of 1

Fictitious Business Name Registration Receipt from the County Register of Deeds Office

The described business hereby certifies that they will engage in conduct or operate a business for profit under the fictitious name of

Lawyer Donald V AndersonDONALD ANDERSON

Owner Name Residence Address Post Office Address Donald Anderson 29771469 Ave

Beresford South Dakota 57004

That the address where the main office of such business is to be maintained is 46935 298 Street Beresford South Dakota 57004

Registration Identifier Clay Original Registration Date 7272012

Filed By Ray Hofman

Amount Paid $1000

Finished for Confirmation and Details

Amendment An amendment should be filed when some substantive item about the business changes such as change in ownership business name change address change etc When an amendment is done it automatically renews the business registration information and extends the expiration date by making it 5 years from the amendment date

Renewal A renewal needs to be filed every 5 years if no amendments are made to the business

httpsllappssdgovapplicationslst08BNRSSecurel ASPXlBNRS _Register _Receipt_ Actual 7272012

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ill4yIlcent d-s-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~raquo2poundgt~~~])~~~~~i()~~iIi()~~IGgtIGgtgtgt~~~~D~~~laquo-Mmiddot ~~ ~ ~ No RR521349965US-DV A ~

~ PRIVATE DISCHARGING AND INDEMNITY BOND [1 Iif 1J ~ ~ uSPS REGISTERED MAIL TRACKING NO RR 521 349965 US Cp A ~t ~ ~ ~~rbullbull ~ ~ ~ Face Value $ 300bullbull00 Three Hundred Million US Dollars Date of Issuance October 1 52007 ~ ~ Date of Expiration October IS 2037 ~ ~ ~ ~ To Henry M Paulson Jr hereinafter Fiduciary ~ ~ ~-~ of the US Treasury ~ g ~~-~ ~

~ United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ~ A Washington DC 20220 ~ ~ ~ ~ For Donald Victor Anderson Account Holder ~ ~ DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON [sic1 Account Holder ~ ~ 504-38-4689 Account each severally ~ ~ ~ ~ 14

~ 8yOnffhrough Donald Victor Anderson Principal Private Offset Account No 504384689 i ~ hereinafter Creditors Steven Terry Kragh First Surety Private Offset Account No 468661833 ~ ~ La Lonie Marie Koob Second Surety Private Offset Account No 469581627 ~ ~ ~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS only fiat money exists in cireulation for the discharge ofdebt ~

~ ~

I ~ NOW THEREFORE the undersigned Creditors being ofsound mind and honorable intentions for the purposes ofprotecting secured ~ ~ interests reserving rights of recourse remedy and subrogation and maintaining the honor of the above-named Account Holders and ~

Accounts do hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit In our rightful Sui Juris status the Creditors do ~ hereby knowingly and with full disclosure hold bind and obligate ourselves jointly and severally by this instrument as voluntary sureties for ~~~

Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON aIkIa DONALD ANDERSON aIkIa DON ANDERSON amp ~ aIkIa ANDERSON DONALD aIkIa D V Anderson and 504-38-4689 each severally for any amount up to and including Three Hundred ~ Million United States Dollars (S300 bullbullbullbullbull00) insuring underwriting identifYing and discharging the said Account Holders and ~ ~ Accounts against any and all pre-existing current and future losses costs debts taxes encumbrances deficits deficiencies Jiensjudgments ~ ~ True Bills obligations of contract or performance defaults charges and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during ~ ~ the term of this Bond (jointly and severally Liabilities) thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligations M 1_ until the sum or the term of this Bond is exhausted The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from presentment to dishonor the Bond by ~ ~ returning it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor ~ ~ ~ shy~~ ~ It

~ I The Fiduciary shall discharge and VBaIte all pre-existing and current Liabilities as may exist without exception for against and on behalf i of the Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON and Social Security Account No 504-38-4689 ~ ~ dollar for dollar through the above-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~ 2 Each of the above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured underwritten and indemnified against any and all ~ ~ future Liabilities as may come to exist discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without exception through the ~ ~ above-noted Private Offset accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~I 3 The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from the Date of Delivery specified on United States Postal Service Form No 3811 to dishonor ~ I this Bond by returning it to the Principal with all associated transactions annexed thereto by United States Certified Mail at the mailing W ~ location identified hereunder The Fiduciarys fhllure to return the Bond as indicated will stipUlate the Fiduciarys acceptance and ~ ~ honoring ofthis instrument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation of law ~ ~ 4 All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the location noted hereunder exactly as shown ~ ~ Service in any other manner will be defective The Principal will accept post at the said postal location only_ ~ ~ 5 This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the ~fit of the United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 6 This Bond expires at II 5959 PM October 15 203 7 ~ ~ I~ ~ Lord Two Thousand and Seven

~ ~ ~ ~ Terry La Donald Victor Anderson ~ Private Offset Private Offset Acoounl No 469581627 Private Ofampet Account No E504384689 ~ co general delivery co 307 N Bertha Avenue co 29771461 Avenue ~ PipestOne Minnesota Ihlen Minnesota stale Beresford South Dakota state I bull

~ W ~=~do haltby Oh~_IDr~7~~g~ and seWCIt~yesz of ~ ~ Our Lord Two n t---- ~

~ l refer La i5scl~== llri1lC-r0---ti ~ I Afrtlli1t f KcJ 12 ~~ Qt~N ~ ~ PriI1t ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~~IGgt~~~~~IGgt~~~~i()~IGgt~iIltigt~~~~~iIraquo~raquo~iIiIIGgtIGgt$~~raquo~iIiIltigtIGgt~raquo$~IGgtIGgtIGgtIGgtiIraquo~~~$IGgtIGgt~$ltigt~$ltigtIGgt$~ltigt~$raquoltigtIGgtltigt~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 4 of 15 PageID 129



FILE NUMBER 140-1937-466437



DATE OF BIRTH 1212611937

FILE DATE 121311937




This is a true cerliflCation of the official Vital Record filed in the Deparlment of Heah as provided in Chapter 34-25 ofthe SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAWS


~ 0112212004



Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 5 of 15 PageID 130

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 3: Don Anderson Aff

middot BNRS-Main South Dakota Secretary of State Business Name Registration System Page 1 of 1

Fictitious Business Name Registration Receipt from the County Register of Deeds Office

The described business hereby certifies that they will engage in conduct or operate a business for profit under the fictitious name of

Lawyer Donald V AndersonDONALD ANDERSON

Owner Name Residence Address Post Office Address Donald Anderson 29771469 Ave

Beresford South Dakota 57004

That the address where the main office of such business is to be maintained is 46935 298 Street Beresford South Dakota 57004

Registration Identifier Clay Original Registration Date 7272012

Filed By Ray Hofman

Amount Paid $1000

Finished for Confirmation and Details

Amendment An amendment should be filed when some substantive item about the business changes such as change in ownership business name change address change etc When an amendment is done it automatically renews the business registration information and extends the expiration date by making it 5 years from the amendment date

Renewal A renewal needs to be filed every 5 years if no amendments are made to the business

httpsllappssdgovapplicationslst08BNRSSecurel ASPXlBNRS _Register _Receipt_ Actual 7272012

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 3 of 15 PageID 128

ill4yIlcent d-s-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~raquo2poundgt~~~])~~~~~i()~~iIi()~~IGgtIGgtgtgt~~~~D~~~laquo-Mmiddot ~~ ~ ~ No RR521349965US-DV A ~

~ PRIVATE DISCHARGING AND INDEMNITY BOND [1 Iif 1J ~ ~ uSPS REGISTERED MAIL TRACKING NO RR 521 349965 US Cp A ~t ~ ~ ~~rbullbull ~ ~ ~ Face Value $ 300bullbull00 Three Hundred Million US Dollars Date of Issuance October 1 52007 ~ ~ Date of Expiration October IS 2037 ~ ~ ~ ~ To Henry M Paulson Jr hereinafter Fiduciary ~ ~ ~-~ of the US Treasury ~ g ~~-~ ~

~ United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ~ A Washington DC 20220 ~ ~ ~ ~ For Donald Victor Anderson Account Holder ~ ~ DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON [sic1 Account Holder ~ ~ 504-38-4689 Account each severally ~ ~ ~ ~ 14

~ 8yOnffhrough Donald Victor Anderson Principal Private Offset Account No 504384689 i ~ hereinafter Creditors Steven Terry Kragh First Surety Private Offset Account No 468661833 ~ ~ La Lonie Marie Koob Second Surety Private Offset Account No 469581627 ~ ~ ~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS only fiat money exists in cireulation for the discharge ofdebt ~

~ ~

I ~ NOW THEREFORE the undersigned Creditors being ofsound mind and honorable intentions for the purposes ofprotecting secured ~ ~ interests reserving rights of recourse remedy and subrogation and maintaining the honor of the above-named Account Holders and ~

Accounts do hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit In our rightful Sui Juris status the Creditors do ~ hereby knowingly and with full disclosure hold bind and obligate ourselves jointly and severally by this instrument as voluntary sureties for ~~~

Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON aIkIa DONALD ANDERSON aIkIa DON ANDERSON amp ~ aIkIa ANDERSON DONALD aIkIa D V Anderson and 504-38-4689 each severally for any amount up to and including Three Hundred ~ Million United States Dollars (S300 bullbullbullbullbull00) insuring underwriting identifYing and discharging the said Account Holders and ~ ~ Accounts against any and all pre-existing current and future losses costs debts taxes encumbrances deficits deficiencies Jiensjudgments ~ ~ True Bills obligations of contract or performance defaults charges and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during ~ ~ the term of this Bond (jointly and severally Liabilities) thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligations M 1_ until the sum or the term of this Bond is exhausted The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from presentment to dishonor the Bond by ~ ~ returning it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor ~ ~ ~ shy~~ ~ It

~ I The Fiduciary shall discharge and VBaIte all pre-existing and current Liabilities as may exist without exception for against and on behalf i of the Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON and Social Security Account No 504-38-4689 ~ ~ dollar for dollar through the above-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~ 2 Each of the above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured underwritten and indemnified against any and all ~ ~ future Liabilities as may come to exist discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without exception through the ~ ~ above-noted Private Offset accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~I 3 The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from the Date of Delivery specified on United States Postal Service Form No 3811 to dishonor ~ I this Bond by returning it to the Principal with all associated transactions annexed thereto by United States Certified Mail at the mailing W ~ location identified hereunder The Fiduciarys fhllure to return the Bond as indicated will stipUlate the Fiduciarys acceptance and ~ ~ honoring ofthis instrument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation of law ~ ~ 4 All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the location noted hereunder exactly as shown ~ ~ Service in any other manner will be defective The Principal will accept post at the said postal location only_ ~ ~ 5 This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the ~fit of the United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 6 This Bond expires at II 5959 PM October 15 203 7 ~ ~ I~ ~ Lord Two Thousand and Seven

~ ~ ~ ~ Terry La Donald Victor Anderson ~ Private Offset Private Offset Acoounl No 469581627 Private Ofampet Account No E504384689 ~ co general delivery co 307 N Bertha Avenue co 29771461 Avenue ~ PipestOne Minnesota Ihlen Minnesota stale Beresford South Dakota state I bull

~ W ~=~do haltby Oh~_IDr~7~~g~ and seWCIt~yesz of ~ ~ Our Lord Two n t---- ~

~ l refer La i5scl~== llri1lC-r0---ti ~ I Afrtlli1t f KcJ 12 ~~ Qt~N ~ ~ PriI1t ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~~IGgt~~~~~IGgt~~~~i()~IGgt~iIltigt~~~~~iIraquo~raquo~iIiIIGgtIGgt$~~raquo~iIiIltigtIGgt~raquo$~IGgtIGgtIGgtIGgtiIraquo~~~$IGgtIGgt~$ltigt~$ltigtIGgt$~ltigt~$raquoltigtIGgtltigt~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 4 of 15 PageID 129



FILE NUMBER 140-1937-466437



DATE OF BIRTH 1212611937

FILE DATE 121311937




This is a true cerliflCation of the official Vital Record filed in the Deparlment of Heah as provided in Chapter 34-25 ofthe SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAWS


~ 0112212004



Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 5 of 15 PageID 130

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 4: Don Anderson Aff

ill4yIlcent d-s-o ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~raquo2poundgt~~~])~~~~~i()~~iIi()~~IGgtIGgtgtgt~~~~D~~~laquo-Mmiddot ~~ ~ ~ No RR521349965US-DV A ~

~ PRIVATE DISCHARGING AND INDEMNITY BOND [1 Iif 1J ~ ~ uSPS REGISTERED MAIL TRACKING NO RR 521 349965 US Cp A ~t ~ ~ ~~rbullbull ~ ~ ~ Face Value $ 300bullbull00 Three Hundred Million US Dollars Date of Issuance October 1 52007 ~ ~ Date of Expiration October IS 2037 ~ ~ ~ ~ To Henry M Paulson Jr hereinafter Fiduciary ~ ~ ~-~ of the US Treasury ~ g ~~-~ ~

~ United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 1500 Pennsylvania Avenue NW ~ A Washington DC 20220 ~ ~ ~ ~ For Donald Victor Anderson Account Holder ~ ~ DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON [sic1 Account Holder ~ ~ 504-38-4689 Account each severally ~ ~ ~ ~ 14

~ 8yOnffhrough Donald Victor Anderson Principal Private Offset Account No 504384689 i ~ hereinafter Creditors Steven Terry Kragh First Surety Private Offset Account No 468661833 ~ ~ La Lonie Marie Koob Second Surety Private Offset Account No 469581627 ~ ~ ~ ~ KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS WHEREAS only fiat money exists in cireulation for the discharge ofdebt ~

~ ~

I ~ NOW THEREFORE the undersigned Creditors being ofsound mind and honorable intentions for the purposes ofprotecting secured ~ ~ interests reserving rights of recourse remedy and subrogation and maintaining the honor of the above-named Account Holders and ~

Accounts do hereby necessarily issue this Private Discharging and Indemnity Bond to wit In our rightful Sui Juris status the Creditors do ~ hereby knowingly and with full disclosure hold bind and obligate ourselves jointly and severally by this instrument as voluntary sureties for ~~~

Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON aIkIa DONALD ANDERSON aIkIa DON ANDERSON amp ~ aIkIa ANDERSON DONALD aIkIa D V Anderson and 504-38-4689 each severally for any amount up to and including Three Hundred ~ Million United States Dollars (S300 bullbullbullbullbull00) insuring underwriting identifYing and discharging the said Account Holders and ~ ~ Accounts against any and all pre-existing current and future losses costs debts taxes encumbrances deficits deficiencies Jiensjudgments ~ ~ True Bills obligations of contract or performance defaults charges and any and all other obligations as may exist or come to exist during ~ ~ the term of this Bond (jointly and severally Liabilities) thereby honorably discharging and vacating dollar for dollar all such obligations M 1_ until the sum or the term of this Bond is exhausted The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from presentment to dishonor the Bond by ~ ~ returning it to the Principal by certified mail at the location below-noted Failure to return will stipulate acceptance and honor ~ ~ ~ shy~~ ~ It

~ I The Fiduciary shall discharge and VBaIte all pre-existing and current Liabilities as may exist without exception for against and on behalf i of the Account Holders Donald Victor Anderson and DONALD VICTOR ANDERSON and Social Security Account No 504-38-4689 ~ ~ dollar for dollar through the above-noted Private Offset Accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~ 2 Each of the above-noted Account Holders and Accounts shall be severally insured underwritten and indemnified against any and all ~ ~ future Liabilities as may come to exist discharging and vacating all such obligations dollar for dollar without exception through the ~ ~ above-noted Private Offset accounts up to and including the full Face Value amount ofthis Bond ~ ~I 3 The Fiduciary shall have three (3) days from the Date of Delivery specified on United States Postal Service Form No 3811 to dishonor ~ I this Bond by returning it to the Principal with all associated transactions annexed thereto by United States Certified Mail at the mailing W ~ location identified hereunder The Fiduciarys fhllure to return the Bond as indicated will stipUlate the Fiduciarys acceptance and ~ ~ honoring ofthis instrument and all terms and provisions herein as an operation of law ~ ~ 4 All communication shall be sent by United States Certified Mail directly to the Principal at the location noted hereunder exactly as shown ~ ~ Service in any other manner will be defective The Principal will accept post at the said postal location only_ ~ ~ 5 This Bond shall be ledgered as an asset to the ~fit of the United States Department ofthe Treasury ~ ~ 6 This Bond expires at II 5959 PM October 15 203 7 ~ ~ I~ ~ Lord Two Thousand and Seven

~ ~ ~ ~ Terry La Donald Victor Anderson ~ Private Offset Private Offset Acoounl No 469581627 Private Ofampet Account No E504384689 ~ co general delivery co 307 N Bertha Avenue co 29771461 Avenue ~ PipestOne Minnesota Ihlen Minnesota stale Beresford South Dakota state I bull

~ W ~=~do haltby Oh~_IDr~7~~g~ and seWCIt~yesz of ~ ~ Our Lord Two n t---- ~

~ l refer La i5scl~== llri1lC-r0---ti ~ I Afrtlli1t f KcJ 12 ~~ Qt~N ~ ~ PriI1t ~ ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~~~IGgt~~~~~IGgt~~~~i()~IGgt~iIltigt~~~~~iIraquo~raquo~iIiIIGgtIGgt$~~raquo~iIiIltigtIGgt~raquo$~IGgtIGgtIGgtIGgtiIraquo~~~$IGgtIGgt~$ltigt~$ltigtIGgt$~ltigt~$raquoltigtIGgtltigt~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 4 of 15 PageID 129



FILE NUMBER 140-1937-466437



DATE OF BIRTH 1212611937

FILE DATE 121311937




This is a true cerliflCation of the official Vital Record filed in the Deparlment of Heah as provided in Chapter 34-25 ofthe SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAWS


~ 0112212004



Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 5 of 15 PageID 130

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 5: Don Anderson Aff



FILE NUMBER 140-1937-466437



DATE OF BIRTH 1212611937

FILE DATE 121311937




This is a true cerliflCation of the official Vital Record filed in the Deparlment of Heah as provided in Chapter 34-25 ofthe SOUTH DAKOTA CODIFIED LAWS


~ 0112212004



Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 5 of 15 PageID 130

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 6: Don Anderson Aff

lot NOvember~1

( I t 1 IlEx 111 ~EXEC1ITIVE OFFICE OF 11IE PRESIDENT 1600 PemsylwDia AYCIl1Je NW Washington DC 20500 Attn Georae W Bush Preaident oCthe [corporate] United States

RE The enclosed Declaration oCExpatriationlRepatriation

SENf Rqistercd mail return receipt requested tI 7919 31ilt1 000$oYj 9131shy

Dear Mr Bush

Enclosed please find including this cover page a nine (9) page DecIaratioII cf ExpatriationRe-by and for Donald Victor Anderson The enclosed Declaration will serve 88 -pormat Notice oCmy expatriationlrepatriati~ NUNC PRO nJNC ftom the corporate United States returning IN TOTO to the Republic oCtile several States It is understood that ifl do not usc the Social Security Number I am not permitted to earn a livelihood therefore hereafter I use it under protest Further anyaU uses oCthe Postal Service ale without prejudice

Ifyou bne any meritorious qucstioDs statements disputes or the like regardina my expatriatioDfrepatriation please notify me in writinJ If howewr you have not nspooded in writing by midnight twadY (20) days ampom the date oCtile enclosed Declaration oC ExpatriationRepatriation with lawful evidence to the contrary then this expatriatioDlrepatriation is in fuU Corce and effect without objection

Thank you in advance for your cooperation

~dampL~ Donald Vietor Anderson Without prejudice co 29Tll 469t1l Awnue Beresford South Dakota 57004

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 6 of 15 PageID 131




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 7: Don Anderson Aff




WHEN in the Course ofhuman Events it becomes necessary for the Sovereign to

dissolve the Political Bands which have connected him with another and to assume among the

Powers ofthe Earth the separate and equal Station to which the Laws ofNature and ofNatures

God entitles him a decent Respect to the Opinions ofMankind requires that the Sovereign

should declare the causes which impel him to Expatriate


I DonaJd Victor Anderson hold these Truths to be self-evident that ail Men are created

equal that all are endowed by their Creator (Almighty God) with certain unalienable Rights that

among these are Life Liberty and the Pursuit o~Happiness

n That to secure these Rights Governments are instituted among Men deriving their just

Powers from the Consent of the Governed as to the Sovereign shall seem most likely to effect

his Safety and Happiness Prudence indeed will dictate that Government 1008 established

should not be changed for light and transient Causes and accordingly all Experience hath shown

that Mankind are more disposed to suffer while Evils are sufferable than to right themselves by

abolishing the Forms to which they are accustomed But when a long Train ofAbuses and

Usurpations pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a Design to reduce him under absolute IDespotism it is the Sovereigns Right it is the Sovereigns Duty to throw offsuch Government


and to provide new Guards for his future Secwity I I

III I Such has been my patient Sufferance and such is now the Necessity which constrains me i

to alter my current Status The History ofthe present Government [Federal corporation] is a I History ofrepeated Injwies and Usurpations all having in direct Object the Establishment ofan

tabsolute Tyranny over the Sovereigns in the Republic To prove this let Facts be submitted to a icandid World [The foregoing language ftom the Declaration oflndependence bas been

minimally altered to reflect my personification]

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 7 of 15 PageID 132

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 8: Don Anderson Aff

Page 3 of9

DECLARATION OF Donald Vietor Anderson

I Donald Victor Anderson being a native born American Citizen in the South Dakota

State in the year ofour Lord One thousand nine hDldred and thirty-sevcn [1937] 00 in the

Names of Almighty God the Declaration ofIndependence the right to foreswear allegiance

and expatriate oneself [Committee for Industrial Organization v Hague 25 FSupp 127 141

(DCN1)] United States Statutes at Large Vol IS chap 249 page 223 oftile Fortieth Cong

An Act concerning the Rights ofAmerican Citizens in foreign States and out ofdecent

Respect to the Opinions ofManlcind DECLARE the causes which have impelled me to this


unalienable and remedial] to EXPATRIATE in personam and my res from the foreign

jurisdiction [legislative democracy] (bound over in trust by the Republic to the municipal

corporation oCthe District ofColumbia) and return IN TOTO to the Republic ofthe several

States as guaranteed by Article IV section 4 of the Primary Contract [Constitution of the United

States and Amendments I through X unencumbered]

Any and all political connections implied by operation oflaw statute custom usage

regulation or OTIIERWISE in trust with said legislative democracy is hereby DECLARED

NULL AND VOID and dissolved NUNC PRO TIJNC this ~day ofNovember in the year

ofour Lord Two thousand and one [2001]



I Fraud (consttuctive and actual)

A United States citizenship [Amendment XIV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Socia) Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oftbe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 8 of 15 PageID 133


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 9: Don Anderson Aff


n Undue Influence

A United States citizenship [Amendment XlV]

(1) Coerced education

(2) Social Security Insurance contract

(3) Use oCthe Postal Service and

(4) Other instruments ofUS citizenship


I(A)(l) - Coerced ee1eatioamp

While in my impressionable years federal withholding agems coerced my parents into

registering me and thereafter requiring me to attend schools While attending these schools

teachers certified [licensed] through the federal withholding agents conditioned me to serve the

federal corporation I was conditioned into acquiescence then proceeded to openly proclaim a

status oCUnited States citizenship unwittingly being contracted into the federal sovereignty

empire (Amendment XIV sections 1 and 4) The foregoing cabal directed me away from my

native American Citizenship and into a contractual situation called United States citizenship

So being federal agents and their licensed teachers misrepresented material facts to me

in my impressionable years Because I acted in reliance thereof I have suffered injmies to my

(natural) Person Property and Rights

I(A)(2) - Sodal Seau1ty lnSUrampBce eoBtract

It was dccland by the Department ofJustice and concurred with by a US District

[mercbant1judge that He pays Social Security he uses the Postal Service therefore Mr

Cooper is a United States citizen It (United States ofAmerica v Austin Gqrv Cooper 89-109-0shy

HoeveJer DCSFI 1990 and concurred with by the 11 Circuil Court ofAppe41s Urdted States of

dmericQ v Austin Gtuy Cooper 9O-5597)

I was coerced into the Social Security Insurance [hereinafter referred to as SS1 written

and implied contract by and through the deception offederal agents who informed me that I

could not earn a living without first agreeing to that contract

While still a minor I was informed by school officials (as wen as potential employers)

that I could not get a job unless I agreed to the contract and obtained a SS number While true

federal and state agents did not inform me that in order to protect my birth (unalienable) Rights I

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 9 of 15 PageID 134

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 10: Don Anderson Aff

PageS of9

would have to execute the SS contract without prejudice or under protest (Unifonn

Commercial Code sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted into State statutes) Additionally I was

not exposed to this infonnation inasmuch as the necessary publications are not found in

~te school and public libraries I succumbed to this deceptive coercion while still a

minor and applied for (and subsequently received) an SS number

In summary through constructive fraud I was drawn into contracting for SS (which was

proffered as insurance) Deceitful federal agents conditioned me into believing that SS

payments were required by law I was not infonnedltaught that contracting with SS would

bind me into a co-surety obligation ofthe federal [debtor] corporation to the federal [creditor]


Today the SS is still misrepresented as insurance (Federal Insurance Contributions Act

[FICA]) However through diligent research I have deduced that SS is not insurancel but is

welfare according to the general Welfare clause ofthe Primary Contracf Therefore dwing

my impressionable years and beyond federal agents misrepresented material facts to me and

acting in reliance ~ I have suffered injury to my (natural) Person Property and Rights

L(A)(3) Use of tile Postal Service

The Primary Contract under Article I section 8 clauses [I) and [7] states The

Congress shall have the Power to Establish Post Offices and post Roads Approximately

ninety-two (92) years later ampmder federal martial law the basis for United States citizenship

[Amendment XIV] was added Circa July of 1971 the Post Offices were converted to the Postal

Service a United States person I have been unable to unearth any Thing published that declares

that any further uses ofthe Post Offices now the Postal Service constitutes a voluntaJy

acceptance into co-surety obligation ofthe federal corporation My understanding bas always

been that I was using the Post Offices provided for in the Primary Contract inasmuch as the

buildings that I have done business in have all displayed the words -united States Post Office

somewhere on their exterior Moreover I have accepted the paradox that the -united States Post

Office and the -Postal Servicemiddot is at present a Constitutionally legitimate entity lawfully

serving the needs ofCitizens in the Republic as well as citizens ofthe [corporate] United States

Helyerig v Davis 301 US 619 81 LEd 1307 57 So 904 FJqmninr v Nestor 363 US 6034 LEd2d 1435 80 So 1367 (1960)

Constitution ofthe United States Article l section 8 clause [1] [g]eneral Welfare ofthe United States 2

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 10 of 15 PageID 135


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 11: Don Anderson Aff


As such it is not unreasonable to conclude that Congress converted the Post Offices to

the Postal Service for the purpose ofbinding any natural person using same into co-surety

obligation of the federal corporate debt Rather the federal corporation should have acted in

good faith by advertising that any further use ofwhat had become the Postal Service without a

specific reservation ofones Rights [writing the language without prejudice under protest or

the like (UCC sect 1-207 and its filial relations adopted as State statutes)] above the Postal address

used would bind one into such co-surety obligation

I(A)(4) - OtIaer lDstrumeots of US eitizeosJUp

In the case ofUSA v Cooper supra the trial tnbunal judge averred that there were

other mediums also used to conferpersonamjmisdiction by the federal corporation OOwewl he

would not expound on his averment nor when asked would he identify such

Tbe foregoiag P(A)(l) - (4)] vehicles of eollStrudive aDd adllal fralHl readers any

aad aU iDstn8leIlts pertaiaIDg thereto as void 08 their face FRAUD VITIATES A


D(A)(l) - Coerced edacatioa

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(l) supra

D(A)(l) - Sodal Seeurlty lDsunmee eoatrad

Federal agents [employers schools etc] inundated me sublinrinaJly as wen as

consciously by espousing propaganda that insurance protection in the form ofSS were

mandated After having been sufficiently coerced I applied for the SS number without


D(A)(3) - Use of tile Postal Service

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates L(A)(3) supra

DA)(4) - Other iostnuDeats of Us dtizeasldp

Declarant herewith adopts and incorporates I(A)(4) supra

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 11 of 15 PageID 136


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 12: Don Anderson Aff


De foregoiag (D(AXl) - (4)] bull CODtIidoD Wlaereby lIlY bmIuIo to dlle

laflueDce was mulfested by tile lIefariou mudates of federal ageats reJMIen uy ad aD

instruments pemialag tltereto IS void

I have sutTered repeated injuries from federal agents [both US and its fumchisees (eg

the corporate STATE OF SOUl1l DAKOTA)] My (alleged) United S1aks citizenship has

manifested assault and battery simple assault threatened assault extortion conspiracy bud

ampaudulent breach ofcontract theft violations ofmy right to privacy (to be secure in my person

and effects) and nwnerous other crimes against me Moreover my God given

(unalienablesubstantive) Rights have been denied me through conversion to corporate liceDsed

privileges [eg earn a livelihood in a lawful calling travel on the highways get married own

real property] Through ampaud conspiracy to deampaud and a conspiracy against my rights a US

corporate subsidiary known as Beresford SD has attempted and is attempting to take my private

property in the form ofproperty taxes unless I pay tribute to their de facto govemment Tq date

I have suffered ineparable injury to my Rights to Life Liberty and the Pursuit ofHappiness


As you well know the IRS its principal the Federal Reserve and the principals army

the BAR (British Accreditation Regency) Association have conspired to overthrow the American

government of We the People Below is evidence of criminal conspiIacy whereby the President

of the United States Judges Prosecutors private practice Attorneys and other government

agents brokers and intermediaries receive rewards for their Iiaud and deception upon the

American PeopJe Thus I have unearthed the vested interest the BAR Association and its puppet

govetnment has to prosecute and support the status quo anent income taxation Thus evidence

of treason deception criminality ampaud and collusion have been unearthed


The Internal Revenue Manual Handbook ofDelegation Orders January 17 1983 PAGE

1229-91 outlines the alleged Internal Revenue Services system of monetary awards of up to

and including S500000 for anyone individual employee or group of emplo~ in hislher

immediate offi~ including field employees engaged in National Office projects and

contributions of employees of other Govellullent agencies and armed forces members WITH

THE APPROVAL OF the Deputy Commissioner of $500100 to $1000000 for anyone


I i

I I i I I i (

t f I

I I i I i

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 12 of 15 PageID 137

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 13: Don Anderson Aff

i I Page 80r9 J I i

individual or group with the approval of the Deputy Commissioner of 51000100 to 525000 l for anyone individual or group with the Commissioners concurrence an additional monetary f


reward of 51000000 (total 53500000) TO THE PRESIDENT 1lIROUGH TREASURY AND

OPM with the Commissioners coneurrence

As a result ofthe foregoing I have begun to understand that the federal corporation

appears to be acting to overthrow the government of the Lord (Isaiah 96-7) and the displeasure

that Christ bad with lawyers (Luke 11 46-52) I am further beginning to understand Almighty

Gods displeasure with his people being numbered [eg SS number] (II Samuel 24 I Chronicles


I Donald Victor Anderson Sui juris an American Citizen in the South Dakota State the

Republic do remind the reader of the circumstances ofmy forebears emigration and settlement ihere and further DECLARE that I have full power to CONTRAcr and establish COMMERCE ~

as secured by the Declaration ofIndependence and the Primaty Contract f f

i Though I am forced to use the SS number (504-38-4689) to cam a livelihood or function

in this society it is understood that any such usage does not grant the federal or state I governments the authority to assume that funds can be taken in order to contract me into United

States citizenship [see I(A)(2) page 4 supra] Thus my unalienablesubstantive Rights are not shyI

prejudiced I

I must therefore acquiesce in the necessity which denounces my Separation and hold I the democracy ofthe United States [the federal corporation its withholding agents and its

franchisees] as I hold the rest ofMankind Enemies in War in Peace Friends









Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 13 of 15 PageID 138

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 14: Don Anderson Aff

1 Page 9 of9

That further the Declarant sayeth naught

Subscnbed and executed on this the ~y ofNovember in the year ofoW Lord


~Kd Donald Victor Anderson without prejudice clo 29771 469th Avenue Beresford South Dakota 57004

South Dakota State SSe

Beresford City

Subscnbed and swom to before me this ISfhday ofNovember 200 1

My Commission Expires q- 5 0 I Notary Public ~~

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 14 of 15 PageID 139

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140

Page 15: Don Anderson Aff

W6Y IEx I )r Ir d 1

Appointment of DirectorlBeneficiary This is a matter of Pu blie Record

F or the Record I Jerome Lee Adrian am PresidentCEO and only Share Holder of the JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation On this GJ day ofFebruary 2012 I appoint Donald Victor Anderson as a DirectorlBeneficiary ofthe JEROME LEE ADRIAN Corporation to act on behalf of said corporation for the purpose of investigating possible criminal and fraudulent acts of agents using that corporation and to act as an agent in all Ecclesiastical Court action for same

Case 412-cr-40040-KES Document 32-1 Filed 073012 Page 15 of 15 PageID 140