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Infodemiology: Computational Methodologies for quantifying and visualizing key characteristics of the COVID-19 infodemic Authors Dominic Vincent Ligot, Frances Claire Tayco, Mark Toledo, Carlos Nazareno, and Denise Brennan-Rieder. Correspondence to Dominic Vincent Ligot (email: [email protected]) Abstract Objectives. Infodemics of false information on social media is a growing societal problem, aggravated by the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development of infodemics has characteristic resemblances to epidemics of infectious diseases. This paper presents several methodologies which aim to measure the extent and development of infodemics through the lens of epidemiology. Methods. Time varying R was used as a measure for the infectiousness of the infodemic, topic modeling was used to create topic clouds and topic similarity heat maps, while network analysis was used to create directed and undirected graphs to identify super-spreader and multiple carrier communities on social media.

Dominic Vincent Ligot, Frances Claire Tayco, Mark ... - OSF

May 11, 2023



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Infodemiology: Computational Methodologies for quantifying and

visualizing key characteristics of the COVID-19 infodemic


Dominic Vincent Ligot, Frances Claire Tayco, Mark Toledo, Carlos Nazareno, and Denise


Correspondence to Dominic Vincent Ligot (email: [email protected])


Objectives. Infodemics of false information on social media is a growing societal problem,

aggravated by the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The development of infodemics has

characteristic resemblances to epidemics of infectious diseases. This paper presents several

methodologies which aim to measure the extent and development of infodemics through the lens

of epidemiology.

Methods. Time varying R was used as a measure for the infectiousness of the infodemic, topic

modeling was used to create topic clouds and topic similarity heat maps, while network analysis

was used to create directed and undirected graphs to identify super-spreader and multiple carrier

communities on social media.

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Results. Forty-two (42) latent topics were discovered. Reproductive trends for a specific topic

were observed to have significantly higher peaks (Rt 4-5) than general misinformation (Rt 1-3).

From a sample of social media misinformation posts, a total of 385 groups and 804 connections

were found within the network, with the largest group having 1,643 shares and 1,063,579

interactions over a 12 month period.

Conclusions. These approaches enable the measurement of the infectiousness of an infodemic,

comparative analysis of infodemic topics, and identification of likely super-spreaders and

multiple carriers on social media. The results of these analyses can form the basis for taking

action to stem an ongoing spread of misinformation on social media and mitigate against future

infodemics. The methods are not confined to health misinformation and may be applied to other

infodemics, such as conspiracy theories, political disinformation, and climate change denial.


COVID-19, Infodemiology, Network Analysis, Topic Modeling, Reproductive Number,

Misinformation, Disinformation, Infodemic, Fake News, Crowdtangle, Facebook, Reddit


Misinformation reduces individual capacity to discern fact from fiction and causes harm

(2,27,16). With 4.66 billion people having access to the internet and 53% of the global

population using social media (17), significant numbers of people separated by space and time

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are affected (2) and the damage caused by inaccurate or fabricated information can be profound.

Misinformation has caused widespread lack of understanding of major public health issues,

sometimes resulting in life-or-death impacts (28).

An infodemic on social media bears a resemblance to an epidemic of a viral disease in that it has

similar properties: a population “infected” with a piece of inaccurate information and

transmission of that piece of information from one “infected” individual to others (7). The

propagation of social media information in an infodemic is not limited by boundaries (2),

crossing countries, continents and languages (20).

The WHO recognizes inaccurate information as a threat and recommends systematic monitoring

and control measures (18). This paper describes three methodologies to analyze the content and

spread of misinformation in the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic that was

caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and it aims to

analyze key characteristics such as morbidity and rate of spread of information and the social

media groups and pages that are spreading the false information.

The methodologies outlined in this paper are applicable not just applicable to health

misinformation but also other domains such as conspiracy theories, political and election

disinformation, and climate change denial.

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Topic Modelling

Topic modeling is a dimensionality reduction technique, which links words of original texts with

identical context, by examining repeating patterns of co-occurrences of words in a combined set

of documents (also known as a corpus), and discovers themes that run through them, called

topics (1).

Topic modeling can be performed on any text corpus, or any dataset with a field containing

free-form text values to build inputs or features from. To demonstrate this method,

COVID19Misinfo.Org’s daily COVID-19-related claims data from January 1 to October 20,

2020 (13) was used, containing fields for the texts of claims in English and fact-checker ratings

(e.g. True, False, Misleading, Unproven).

Data Preparation

As a data cleansing and preparation step, the texts from documents in the corpus were tokenized,

stop words were removed, and the tokens were lemmatized. A document-term matrix

representation of the processed data was derived, with term-frequency inverse document

frequency (TF-IDF) statistics as values (30).

Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) (6) was employed to mine the topics. To select the

optimal number of topics, different numbers of topics were tested. Topic coherence score, which

measures whether pairs of terms used to describe a topic tend to co-occur together relative to the

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whole corpus was computed at each iteration. Cv was the variant of coherence score used, as it is

the one most aligned with human interpretability (26). The NMF model with the highest Cv,

obtained with an elbow (the point of inflection on the plot of scores) method, was chosen as the

best one (29).

Time-varying reproductive number of infodemic time-series

For infodemics, instances of false information mentioned in social media are treated as

analogous to cases of infections. A reproductive number, which epidemiologists use to describe

infectiousness of a disease, can be estimated from social media posts with false information to

characterize the information diffusion process among users of those networks (21, 31).

During an actual course of an epidemic, an effective reproductive number or time-varying

reproductive number, Rt, is calculated as a way of monitoring the trend of an epidemic. Rt

estimates the average number of new infections caused by a single case at time t. An epidemic

that maintains Rt above a threshold of 1.0 is considered growing, while Rt below 1.0 denotes a

weakening trend (8).

An Rt figure was generated from a time-series of number of posts about a particular false

information topic to provide a measure of the rate of its spread. Counts of engagements and

interactions on the social media posts were considered a secondary measure of the virality of the

topic, and were also used to generate an infodemic Rt (8, 21, 31).

The results of the topic modeling of debunked COVID-19 claims were used to score daily

Facebook page post data on reliability. The dataset posts were from January 16 to October 23,

2020 and contained the keywords Coronavirus or COVID (9, 32). The dataset fields included

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date created, post texts (e.g. message, link text, image text, description) and interactions (e.g.

likes, comments, shares, reactions). This was compared with John Hopkins University Center for

Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) COVID-19 daily cases data from January 22 to

October 20, 2020 (10). Rt was then estimated for both time-series (8).

Topic similarity

Latent topics automatically generated using NMF were evaluated for the similarity of their

content using cosine similarity, a popular measure for detecting similarity between documents of

varying sizes (15). Using the cosine values, a similarity matrix between pairs of topics, based

on their top 20 terms (3) was constructed. Cosine values range from 0 to 1. The closer the

values are to 1, the more similar the topics.

The matrix was visualized as a heat map, which showed high similarity values in green, low

values in yellow, and zeros in red, for ease of interpretation. This type of visualization enables

one to easily identify topic pairs that are quite similar or related.

Network Analysis

A network graph is an easily interpretable format for representing multi-relational data. A graph

G consists of vertices or nodes denoted as V(G) and edges that link the nodes denoted as E(G).

Nodes represent entities while edges describe the relationships between the nodes. Graphs that

have directional edges are called directed graphs otherwise they are referred to as undirected.

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Graph Characteristics and Metrics

Once a graph is constructed, key measures can be calculated for each node. In directed graphs,

in-degree is the number of of edges pointing into a node , while out-degree is the kiin = ∑


number of edges pointing out of a node . Adding in-degree and out-degree results in kiout = ∑


degree , which is also the total number of edges in undirected graphs. (23)kitot = ki

in + kiout

Important nodes in a graph are highlighted using centrality measures such as: page rank (24)

which ranks nodes based on the structure of incoming links; betweennessR(u)P = ∑


P R(u)

centrality (5) which is based on the shortest path between nodes; and (v)cB = ∑



closeness centrality (12) which is the reciprocal of the average shortest path (u)c = n−1Σ d(v,u)n−1


distance to the node over all other reachable nodes.

Contact Tracing of False Information

Social media groups that spread false information were considered infected hosts and formed the

nodes in the networks. Infodemic spreaders were identified through topics and URLs that were

being shared in Facebook and Reddit through undirected graphs. Super-spreaders and multiple

carriers were identified through directed graphs by considering the period topics were shared.

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Dataset and generating the networks

NewsGuard, an entity which uses journalists to rate news sites on reliability, released a list of

Red-Rated Sites with False Claims about the Coronavirus (22). This list of sites was used to

sample URLs spreading misinformation. Crowdtangle was then used to extract social

engagement data from these Facebook and Reddit communities, e.g. (i) Red-listed URL Link -, (ii) Source - /r/conspiracy, (iii) Followers - 1,189,707, (iv) Date -

Wed Apr 29 2020 17:02:37 GMT+0000, (v) Interactions - 343, (v) Post Type - Reddit, (vi) Link


The data also included community size, posting frequency, and member interactions for each

platform. The CrowdTangle free browser extension was used and up to 500 rows of data per

URL was gathered. CrowdTangle is a public insights tool owned and operated by Facebook (9).

Undirected graph - grouping cases by strain of URLs

Data was exported within a date range of November 2019 to November 2020 and the following

metrics were generated through aggregation: (i) Share Rate (SR) derived by counting the times

the URL is shared in a specific group, (ii) Interaction Rate (IR) derived from the total number of

user interactions of a red-listed site.

In the graphs, the red-listed site was represented as red nodes with a fixed size while the social

communities were represented as the blue nodes with sizes reflected by either SR or IR. SR and

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IR per URL were then represented as colored edges, with all edge values normalized to 1-50.

Color assignment is as follows: blue (1-10), yellow (11-20), orange (21-30), red orange (31-40),

and red (41-50).

Directed graph - grouping cases by sequence

Using the same dataset, cases were grouped by time and edges were created from paths

generated between the nodes in temporal sequence to visualize the v , , ..v )P = ( t vt+1 . t+n

infodemic spread over a time window.

Network Metrics and Visualization

Degree, betweenness, closeness, and page rank centrality values were generated for each node.

Network visualizations were generated using the Force Atlas 2 algorithm (19) with a random

seed of 300.

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Topic Modeling

Forty-two (42) latent topics were discovered and visualized as word clouds, which display

clusters of words with varying sizes that represent the weight of the relevant terms in the topics.

The combination of words and their sizes give us an idea of the contents of the posts under each

topic. For labeling, top posts under each topic were examined.

Figure 1 shows some of the topic word clouds generated. For example, word cloud (a) highlights

the terms throat, drink, hot, water, prevent, and kill. Some top posts under this topic include

“Drinking water or hot teas kills the coronavirus, which is weak and cannot resist heat”,

“Drinking water and gargling helps against the coronavirus”, and “The coronavirus, before it

reaches the lungs, remain in the throat for four days…” This topic was labeled Virus in the

throat + water, gargling and tea as COVID treatment.

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Figure 1: Example of Latent Topics’ Word Clouds:

(a) Virus in the throat + water, gargling and tea as COVID treatment; (b) Anti-masks; (c) COVID studies +

hydroxychloroquine; (d) Bat + 5G Origin + tracing; (e) President / VP related news; and (f) COVID cases numbers.

Different topic categories also surfaced. Categories include health-related misinformation (e.g.

diagnostics, preventions, treatments, symptoms, transmission), as well as false information

related to governments and public figures, false claims about virus severity, and speculations

about the origin of COVID-19 and conspiracy theories, to name a few.

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Infodemic and Pandemic Rt

Time varying reproductive numbers, Rt, were derived based on the number of posts with

misinformation, number of interactions with such posts, number of posts by topic, and number of

COVID-19 cases.

Figure 2: Brazil’s Infodemic Effective Reproductive Number

Figure 2 presents comparisons of the Rt figures using Brazil as an example. The first graph

compares the Rt based on the number of posts and the COVID-19 case counts. In the example,

both series fluctuated mostly above the threshold of 1.0 within the covered period, which

suggests that an infodemic is happening simultaneously with the epidemic.

The second graph compares Rt based on all misinformation against posts about a specific topic.

In this example the Rt on the topic “President and Vice President” was observed to have

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significantly higher peaks at 4-5 than the general Rt of misinformation with peaks at 1-3.

Recurring peaks in the Rt of the “President and Vice President” topic were observed from May


Topic Similarity Study

The topic heat map shows similarity in the content in several of the 42 misinformation themes

identified. Cosine values range from 0 to 0.31, which indicate some shared content between

some pairs of topics.

Figure 3 shows an excerpt of the heatmap. In the example, topic Coronavirus + claim +

evidence + share shares similar features with COVID Pre-2019 and Early News About It, with

cosine value of 0.25. Likewise, the topic Coronavirus / COVID transmission + treatment +

survival in high temperature appeared quite related with the topic Virus in the throat + water,

gargling, and tea as COVID-19 treatment (cosine similarity = 0.29).

Figure 3: Topic Similarity Heat Map

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Network Analysis

Figure 4: Undirected Network Graph from Reddit Groups (left)

and Directed Network Graph from Facebook Groups (right)

The left portion of Figure 4 is an undirected network graph that shows how 20 red-listed sites

(red nodes) are being shared across Reddit subgroup communities known as Subreddits (blue

nodes) and how much users in each community interact with the site link posting. There are a

total of 385 groups and a total of 804 connections found within the network. Examining the

graph shows r/Conspiracy and r/Conservative as the largest nodes which are central to the

network, and that these groups are major hotspots for misinformation. It also mirrors the findings

that conservatives are more likely to share articles from fake news domains (14). r/Conservative

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also has the most share count totaling to 1,643 shares and most interaction counts totaling

1,063,579 interactions and this data was normalized to the ranges 1-50.

This undirected graph resulted in a clustering of hosts based on the specific URL. Each URL is a

source node (virus) and each social media group is a target node (host), an edge is created by

sharing or interacting with a red-listed site within the group (viral transmission), and a collection

of nodes and edges are clusters of digital hotspots (33) within the network (infected population).

The graph indicates the existence of super-host communities, illustrated by large interaction rates

and shared site postings which further suggests that red-listed site operators or subreddit

members are sharing questionable content to target communities.

The directed graph visualizes the sharing of a red-listed site over time, showing which groups are

more susceptible to infection, what links are driving the infodemic, and which central nodes are

possible superspreaders. Groups with themes such as vaccine, anti-aging, and conservative were

observed to spread and react to content shared by the community more often than other groups.

Figure 5: Network Analysis Metrics Output

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Figure 5 shows the network analysis metrics for the reddit network containing the 20 unique

red-listed URLs with the highest interaction rates in the entire dataset. Interactions (likes,

comment, shares) correlate with degree (number of node connections) which indicates that users

were interacting heavily with the red-listed content being shared in the group. Higher share rates

also indicate that more members are actively and deliberately sharing red-listed content to the

group. Nodes with higher closeness centrality are spreading information more efficiently relative

to other nodes.


This paper presents methodologies to measure the extent and development of infodemics: Time

varying R to measure the infectiousness of an infodemic, topic clouds and topic similarity heat

maps to analyze content of false information, and directed and undirected graphs to identify

super spreader and multiple carrier accounts on social media. Posts from Facebook and Reddit

extracted through CrowdTangle were used to illustrate the approaches, but other data sets such as

from Twitter, Instagram, and other platforms may be substituted.

Topic modelling was used to describe the major misinformation topics and categories and

encapsulate the major misinformation narratives of the infodemic. Carried out over smaller

windows of time, it may be possible to use this approach to demonstrate evolution of

misinformation (35). In addition, topic modelling provides a means of monitoring the social

media landscape for the appearance of new topics/categories which could possibly enable early

detection of disinformation.

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The Rt provides a means to illustrate both the relative popularity of a given piece of

misinformation over time. Additionally, having the ability to estimate topic-level Rt and monitor

the ones exceeding the overall Rt helps in identifying the primary viral themes that are driving

the misinformation spreading during the infodemic. Furthermore, having the ability to visualize

and compare both infodemic and epidemic Rt can serve as a foundation for future research on

their relationship.

Identification of topic similarities can aid in development of communication campaigns that can

counter multiple misinformation themes. Moreover, since cosine values suggest the level of

similarity of the most relevant terms between topics, and automatically generated topics are

assumed to be distinct, identifying topics that are highly related with numerous other topics

might indicate potential cases of deliberate disinformation being engineered towards the

unsuspecting public. The similarity heat map analysis can serve as an alert system if subsequent

investigation would be necessary.

The network analysis identifies the propagators of misinformation, major influencers, the extent

of their networks and the particular misinformation they are pushing. Ranking nodes by graph

metrics and user shares and interactions might identify digital hotspots that tend to be more

susceptible to misinformation, which are candidates for proactive management strategies. Pareto

principle or power law dynamic might apply to infodemics where 80% of new transmissions are

caused by fewer than 20% of the carriers, with individuals or members who are aggressively

spreading false information (25, 34).

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The approaches described in the paper are not confined to health misinformation, and may be

applied towards understanding other infodemic themes such as political disinformation, climate

change denial, and conspiracy theories. These approaches empower the analysis and

management of infodemics through an epidemiological lens, and provide bases for strategies to

stem an ongoing spread and mitigate against future infodemics.


The CirroLytix Research Team includes Dominic Vincent Ligot, Frances Claire Tayco, Mark Toledo, Carlos Nazareno, and Denise Brennan-Rieder. All team members jointly conceptualized the study, analyzed and interpreted the data, wrote and revised the manuscript and decided for submission. Corresponding author: Dominic Vincent Ligot, [email protected].


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