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Chest pain
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Chest pain

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The epidemic of chest pain

According to a study conducted by HHS, chest pain is the fourth most common for an emergency visit Accounted for more than 2 million ER visits last year

Five percent of patients with normal or non diagnostic ekgs will go on to have an acute MI

The missed diagnosis of acute MI is around 2%. Patients with acute MI (AMI) that are mistakenly

discharged from the emergency room have a short term mortality rate 25%. This is twice the in hospital mortality rate for AMI

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Chest pain is difficult to interpret

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Case 1

A 64-year-old woman is evaluated in the emergency department 6 hours after the onset of severe crushing chest pain associated with diaphoresis, nausea, and vomiting. Her medical history is significant only for mild hyperlipidemia; her medications include atorvastatin and aspirin.

Her blood pressure is 140/88 mm Hg, and her pulse rate is 88/min. The lungs are clear; she has no murmurs; examination of the abdomen and extremities is normal.

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Case 1: ECG

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Key details in a chest pain history Quality

In your own words, how would you describe the pain? What adjectives would you use? Location

Point with your finger to where you are feeling the pain Radiation

If the pain moves out of your chest, trace where it travels with your fingers Size of area or distribution

What is the area on your chest where the pain occurs? Severity

On a scale of 1 to 10, can you rate the severity of the pain? Time of onset

Is the pain still present? Has it improved or worsened since it first started? When did it begin? How long is each episode of pain?

Frequency How many times per hour or per day has it been occurring?

First occurrence When was the first time you ever had this pain?

Similar to previous episodes If you have had a heart attack or angina in the past are these symptoms similar to your

previous symptoms?

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Precipitating factors Pleuritic pain

Is the pain worse if you take a deep breath or cough? Positional

Is the pain made better or worse when you change body positions? What position makes the pain better or worse?

Palpable If I press on your chest wall, does that reproduce the pain

Exercise Does the pain come back or get worse when you exert yourself

Relieving factors Are there any things that you can do to relieve the pain oce it has

begun? Associated symptoms

Do you typically get other symptoms when you get this chest pain?

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Typical versus typical chest pain

Substernal Pressure like sensation or heaviness in

the chest Increased with exertion and relieved with

stress or nitrglycerin Must meet all three requirements

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Likelihood ratio

The likelihood ratio for a positive result (LR+) tells you how much the odds of the disease increase when a test is positive.

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Pain Descriptor Positive likelihood ratio

Radiation to R arm or shoulder


Radiation to both arms or shoulder


Associated with exertion 2.4

Radiation to left arm 2.3

Associated with nausea or vomiting


Worse than previous angina or similar to

previous MI


Described as pressure 1.8

The importance of a history

Swap JAMA 2005

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The importance of a history

Pain Descriptor Positive likelihood


Describes as pleuritic 0.2

Described as positional 0.3

Described as sharp 0.3

Reproducible with palpation


Not associated with exertion


Swap JAMA 2005

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Physical Exam General Appearance Vital Signs – temperature, tachycardia or

bradycardia, hyper or hypotension, respiratory rate and oxygen saturation

JVP Rate, rhythm, murmurs, S3, rubs Crackles or signs of pulm edema Peripheral edema, distal pulses,

extremities are warm or cold

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Markers of myocardial injury

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Reperfusion Indicated for STEMI within 12 hours of presentation Early invasive approach may be preferrred for high risk NSTEMI Patients in cardiogenic shock should have reperfusion therapy

Medical Therapy Antiplatelet therapy – aspirin and clopodigrel Antithrombin – heparin Beta blocker – beneficial, PO is now preferred

Contraindications include HR<60, SBP< 100, signs of pulmonary edema or cardiogenic shock, heart block.

ACE inhibitors High dose statins shown to be beneficial

Of note – calcium channel have not shown benefit in acute MI and there may be associated with an increased risk in the acute phase of an MI

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PTCA, percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty.










ay M



y (%


5.0%- 6.5%5.0%- 6.5%



Pre-CCU Era CCU Era Reperfusion Era

Improvement in Mortality

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Case # 2

43 yo F with h/o of HTN presents with constant retrosternal chest pain for two days. The pain becomes worse when she sits up and leans forward. On physical exam the patient is afebrile with no other positive findings.

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Acute pericarditis Most of the pericardium is insensitive to pain

Noninfectious causes of pericarditis rarely cause pain In contrast, infectious causes usually involve the

pulmonary pleura, so patients experience pleuritic pain

Incidence – 5 percent of patients who present to the ER with chest pain, but no acute MI haver pericarditis

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Chest pain is usually retrosternal, sudden in onset, and pleuritic

Increased pain when the patient lies down and improved when the patient is sitting forward

As in MI, chest pain can radiate to the neck arms, or left shoulder

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Physical Exam

Eighty-five percent of patients with pericarditis have an audible friction rub at some point of their illness Corresponds to the movement of the heart within the pericardial

sac Patients can develop pericardial effusion and

subsequent tamponade so a pulsus paradoxus should be checked >10 mm Hg systolic arterial decrease suggests tamponade

Body temperature > 38 degrees is uncommon and may indicate purulent pericarditis that could require drainage

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NSAIDS are the mainstay of treatment for idiopathic pericarditis Symptoms should improve in two weeks

Colchicine is generally reserved for patients who have recurrent or non resolving pericarditis

Steroids are only given to patients who have connective-tissue disease or severely symptomatic recurrent pericarditis

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Case #3

56 yo F with PMH of HTN, CAD s/p CABG 2004, hyperlipidemia presents with sudden onset of chest pain and dyspnea for the past three years. Patient was in her usual state of health before her symptoms began. She works as a corporate lawyer spending 10 – 12 hours per day.

On physical exam the patient is uncomfortable with VS 100.6 120/70 120 27 92% RA

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Pulmonary Embolism

About 79% of patients who present with PE have evidence of DVT in their legs If DVT is not present then it is likely that the entire

thrombus embolized PE occurs in 50% of patients with DVT Dual pulmonary circulation makes pulmonary

infarction rare Obstruction of the pulmonary artery leads to

increases in RV afterload Death ensues from RV failure

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Incidence and risk factors

Average incidence is 1 episode per 1000 patients

Annually, 100,000 patients die from PE Risk factors include

Hip and knee replacement Trauma and spinal cord injury Decreased mobility Prolonged air and ground transportation Sedentary occupations may also increase risk Cancer Prothrombotic states – protein c and s deficincy,

Factor V Leiden, antiphosopholipid syndrome

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Clinical manifestations

Look for signs of a DVT – leg warmth, pain, swelling Dyspnea or chest pain Pleuritic chest pain Hemoptysis – usu occurs in pulmonary infarction Tachypnea and tachycardia are common, but non

specific Elevated neck veins, loud P2 Possibility of massive PE should be considered in

patients who have a sudden onset of near syncope or syncope, hypotension, extreme hypoxia, or cardiac arrest

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Wells Prediction Score

DVT symptoms or signs 3 points PE as likely as or more likely 3 than other diagnosis HR > 100 bpm 1.5 Immobilization or surgery 1.5

in previous 4 weeks Previous DVT or PE 1.5 Hemoptysis 1.0 Cancer 1.0

Total Score < 2 points – low pretest prob2 to 6 points – moderate pretest prob> 6 points- high pretest prob

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Making the diagnosis

D – dimer has a high negative predictive value and a high negative likelihood ratio (ie if it is negative, then PE is unlikely)

CTA chest has excellent sensitivity and specificity for detecting emboli in the main, lobar, or segmental pulmonary arteries

V/Q scan is most likely to make the diagnosis in the absence of cardiopulmonary disease Normal perfusion scan effectively rules out PE

TTE can be used in patients if there is hemodynamic compromise as it can diagnose elevated PA pressure and RV strain.

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Treatment Anticoagulation with heparin and coumadin is

the mainstay of treatment Although, they do not have thrombolytic properties

themselves, they allow the thrombolytic mechanism to act unopposed thereby decreasing clot burden

PTT goal 60 to 80 and INR goal 1-2 Indications for IVC filter

Contraindication to anticoagulation Major bleeding complication Recurrent embolism with anticoagulation

Thrombolytics should be considered in patients with massive PE and hemodynamic compromise

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Case #4

77 yo M with h/o CAD s/p CABG 1998, HTN, hyperlipidemia, IDDM presents with severe chest pain four hours prior admission that came on suddenly. Patient describes a stabbing sensation that radiates to the jaw, but which has been improved over the past few hours.

On physical exam, vital signs – 97.4 176/65 76 23 95% RA. Cardiac exam shows a diastolic murmur and reduced distal pulses.

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Aortic Dissection

Acute aortic dissection occurs – only 7,000 cases per year in the US, but is potentially catastrophic

Early mortality is as high as 1% per hour if left untreated

Occurs when blood penetrated the medial layer of the aorta dissecting the wall causing a false lumen

Type A dissections involve the ascending aorta and Type B involve are all other dissections.

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Epidemiology and pathogensis

Cystic medial degeneration Marfan’s Ehlers-Danlos

Biscuspid aortic valves – risk factor for proximal dissection

Woman in their third trimester are at increased risk

Peak incidence is in the sixth and seventh decades of life and three-quarter of patients have hypertension.

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Chest pain is resent in up to 96% of cases Typically severe and of sudden onset with a

decrescendo type pain Patients describe a tearing, ripping, sharp, stabbing

pain Pain tends to radiate and follow the path of the

dissection Less common presentations include heart failure and


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Signs and complications

Hypertension – but only seen 36% patients with ascending dissection Hypotension can occur with acute aortic insufficiency

Decreased pulses, AI murmur, and neurologic manifestations are more charactersitic of proximal rather than distal dissection

AI murmur occurs in 1/3 of all cases and can be due to aortic root dilation or the dissection can travel proximally detaching an aortic flap

CVA, renal failure, or mesenteric ischemia can occur branching arteries lose their blood supply due to the dissection.

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Chest xray shows a widened mediastinum 81 to 90% of the time

EKG may show an acute MI if the dissection flap involves the coronary artery

CTA is the diagnostic modality of choice MRI/A can also be used if CT is contraindicated TEE is well suited to see the proximal ascending

aorta, but may not be able to assess the proximal or distal ascending arch due to artifact from the trachea and bronchi

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Blood Pressure Management Arterial bp monitering is perferred SBP should btw 100 -120 Beta blocking agents should be used to decrease the shear

stress on intima Nitroprusside + beta blocker can be used Labetelol IV fenoldopam can be used in patients with renal failure Hydralazine should be avoided because the reflex

tachycardia may exacerbate shear stress Definitive therapy is surgery to repair the dissection

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Case # 5A 52-year-old man telephones his physician to report a 4-week history of episodic left-sided chest pain lasting 3 to 5 minutes, often occurring at rest, and resolving spontaneously. He is unsure whether the episodes are related to meals. He has not had any shortness of breath, orthopnea, exertional dyspnea, nausea or vomiting. History is significant for hyperlipidemia.

Patient has been sedentary for the past several years until 3 months ago when he began exercising. The patient is experiencing significant stress related to his job; he is also in the midst of a divorce.

During the course of the phone interview, the patient is asked to determine whether he feels any pain while pressing on his chest over the lateral aspects of the sternum. The patient reports that this maneuver does vaguely reproduce his pain.

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Costochronditis Most common cause of anterior chest

musculoskeletal pain Local chest wall tenderness – reproducible pain by

palpation. Occasionally, patients have swelling and

inflammation over the costochondral joint The pain often occurs at rest and during chest

movement Lasts up to several hours or days Ranges in severity from a dull ache to a throbbing

intense discomfort May be increased with deep inspiration.

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Case #6

48 yo M with PMH of CAD s/p PCI to LAD, hyperlipidemia, current smoker presents with mid strenal chest pain occasionally associated with cough. The patients symptoms can occur during exertion. The patient runs one mile every day with no symptoms. Chest pain is, however, increased when the patient is sleeping or in a recumbent position. Pain is not reproducible upon palpation.

Of note, the patient does not report any new stressors in his life.

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Gastroesophogeal reflux disease GERD is the common cause of non cardiac chest pain.

The pathophysiology of GERD – related chest pain may be related to the fact the esophagus and heart share a common innervation. Prior acid reflux events may sensitive the nerves leading to chest


Patients often present with epigastric pain and dyspepsia often provoked by recumbency and swallowing.

Usually, the patients are given a short trial of high dose PPi to make the diagnosis and treat the symptoms

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