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Dogfen CYNLLUNIAU PENGWERN …  · Web viewVarious organisations, companies and individuals have also been approached

Jul 20, 2020



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Page 1: Dogfen CYNLLUNIAU PENGWERN …  · Web viewVarious organisations, companies and individuals have also been approached
Page 2: Dogfen CYNLLUNIAU PENGWERN …  · Web viewVarious organisations, companies and individuals have also been approached

PENGWERN CYMUNEDOLThis venture belongs to all of us!This brochure contains the latest news about Pengwern Cymunedol’s plans to buy and re-open the Pengwern Arms Hotel in Llan Ffestiniog. It contains information about the plans for the building and the business, as well as our vision for the future. It stresses what you can do to help make this community venture a success.

A brief history of the PengwernThere has been a pub on the site of the Pengwern in the centre of Llan Ffestiniog for nearly three hundred years. The Pengwern used to be an important location for the drovers as it was used as a place to shoe the animals before crossing the Migneint. It was originally called ‘Yr Efail’ (The Smithy) but was changed to The Pengwern Arms Hotel sometime in the 19th. century. The Pengwern was reportedly a very popular place to stay, and would be full of guests from far and wide every summer. This popularity lasted until relatively recently, until the Pengwern came into the hands of absentee owners who did not seem to show much of an interest in the success of the business. The local community has set up a company, Pengwern Cymunedol, to purchase and run the hotel as a free house, and to make the Pengwern a popular venue once again, for visitors as well as for the locals.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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The development of ‘Pengwern Cymunedol’ A public meeting was held at the Pengwern in the spring of 2009, just before it closed. The purpose of the meeting was to gauge the support of the community. Over fifty people attended, all of who were very keen to try and re-open the hotel. Several messages of support were also received from people who were unable to attend.A Management Committee was voted in at the public meeting, Councillor Linda Wyn Jones was voted President, Councillor Mel Goch ap Meirion as Chairman, and Bini Jones as Vice Chairman. The Pengwern Cymunedol Management Committee has since been researching ways to raise the money to buy, refurbish and run the Pengwern as a community venture. Initially, as a vehicle for people from the area to show their support to the venture, membership of ‘Friends of the Pengwern’ was offered for a pound. Membership forms are available at Tŷ Saron, Pen Bryn shop, Llan Ffestiniog Post Office, the ‘Hen Bôst’ book shop in Blaenau Ffestiniog as well as on the Pengwern Cymunedol website. By the end of December 2009 there were almost three hundred members. A Pengwern Cymunedol website, e-mail address and Facebook group have been set up in order to openly and effectively consult and communicate regarding the plans and future of the Pengwern. As of the end of December 2009 the website has had nearly eight hundred unique ‘hits’ and the Facebook group has over 150 members.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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An open meeting is held every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in ‘The Caban’ in Llan Ffestiniog to discuss developments.A number of popular events have been held to raise money and to communicate and consult regarding the plans and proposals for the future of the Pengwern. Various organisations, companies and individuals have also been approached for their advice and assistance. The outcomes of these consultations form the basis of the plans contained in this brochure. In December 2009 the vendors accepted Pengwern Cymunedol’s offer of £185,000 for the hotel. In the next few weeks we need to raise £18,500 to pay the deposit to secure the building.

Pengwern Cymunedol’s Vision

The main aim is to buy and re-open the Pengwern and to develop it as a community venture. It will belong to the community and will be run democratically by the community and for the benefit of the community.

To run and develop the Pengwern as an environmental, economic, social, educational and cultural asset for the benefit of the community. Pengwern Cymunedol will be a sustainable community venture that will contribute to the regeneration of the wider area through example and training.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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To offer local opportunities for work, also resources and support for entrepreneurship, training and education. Especially in the catering, hospitality, tourism and

outdoor pursuits areas.

To encourage local social and cultural activities with the

emphasis on the use of the Welsh language.

To create amenities and opportunities for the youth of the area. To encourage green tourism and to offer a warm Welsh

welcome to visitors.

To place an emphasis on the use of quality local produce and services.

To consult and work with other community ventures such as ‘Antur Stiniog’, in order to integrate

development of the local community enterprise sector.

The broader vision is that Pengwern Cymunedol will be a key contributor to wider changes, i.e. to nurture community enterprise and a new social economy within Wales.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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Pengwern Cymunedol ConstitutionPengwern Cymunedol will be a co-operative company, registered as an Industrial and Provident Society. The Company’s share Prospectus, which is due to be published soon details the form and rules of The Company and provides information on buying shares in The Company. A brief summary is included here: -

As a community enterprise, it is envisaged that mainly local people will be prepared buy shares, but all supporters will be more than welcome to invest in the venture, wherever they may be from.

The minimum individual shareholding will be £100 but it is anticipated that many will want to invest more. In accordance with the democratic nature of a community enterprise each shareholder will be eligible for one vote

in the Company’s Annual General Meeting.

The Annual General Meeting will be open to all shareholders and will decide the general direction of Pengwern Cymunedol. This meeting will vote in members of the Management Committee who will be legally responsible for the running of the company.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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Community benefit is the main purpose of Pengwern Cymunedol, and in this way we are different to most private companies. Profits will be re-invested in the company and in the community. However, once the business has been established, some profit distribution to shareholders may be considered.

By registering as an Industrial and Provident Society no individual can take over the assets of the company. The constitution of Pengwern Cymunedol guarantees the Pengwern will remain as an asset for the community into the future.

As in any business venture, there is an element of risk. Despite the Management Committee of Pengwern Cymunedol being very confident of the potential of the business, it is only fair to point out that there is a risk that shareholders could lose part or all of their investment.

Even if the worst should happen individual shareholders cannot be held responsible for losses in an Industrial and Provident Society. Management Committee members can however still be personally liable for losses where they have failed to act responsibly, for example in relation to negligence, fraud, wrongful trading, or breach of statutory duties.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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Pengwern Cymunedol’s PlansWith the backing of the Wales Co-Operative Centre, Cynan Jones of the company ‘TJB’ has facilitated the work of preparing the Pengwern Cymunedol Business Plan. The Business Plan details the company constitution, plans for the building, market research as well as business accounts forecasts.

Plans for the buildingWith the aid of ‘Cymdeithas Tai Eryri’, a grant of £7,500 was secured from the Welsh Assembly Government in order to employ an architect and quantity surveyor to draw up and cost outline plans for the building. The architect Selwyn Jones of ‘Pensel Cymunedol’ was chosen by competitive tender to work with the Management Committee on the project. The outline plans have now been completed. These ambitious plans include improving the general looks and standard of the building and hotel facilities throughout, and in a way that will reduce the running costs both financially and environmentally. The plans include refurbishing the bar, upgrading the restaurant and kitchen, providing access for the disabled, offering seven high quality double guest bedrooms, as well as converting another part of the building into

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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quality self-catering ‘Eco-Accommodation’.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

Ground Floor


1st. Floor




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Marketing PlanWork on developing a marketing plan for the hotel, restaurant and pub is underway with the assistance of Gwynedd Council, The Wales Co-operative Centre and in consultation with the tourism industry.

A Phased ApproachThere are several phases to the business plan.

The main steps as currently envisaged are noted below.

1. Purchasing the buildingIn the next few weeks we propose to pay a deposit on the Pengwern to secure it from other potential buyers such as

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10


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property developers. We will then take up a lease for a period in order to have the time to raise the finance to complete the purchase. We will have to be in a position to complete by December 2010.

2. Running the businessDuring the first year the business will be managed by depending on volunteers to do most of the work. As the business develops and strengthens local staff will be recruited on fair salaries, and will be given opportunities for necessary and relevant training. In time we foresee full time posts for a Manager, an Assistant Manager and a Chef; and staff to work in the kitchen, restaurant and bar as well as cleaners and caretakers. Some of these jobs will be seasonal or part-time.

3. Raising the fundsDuring 2010 we will need to raise the funding to enable us to complete the purchase of the Pengwern, as well as running the business and beginning to realise the plans for refurbishing the building. Work has already begun on applying for various grants.

4. Refurbishing the building

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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The refurbishment and upgrading work is likely to take place as and when funding and grants become available, the exact timetable depends on the amount and timing of the funding. In the long term, and when the architect’s plans are fully realised, we believe that the Pengwern Arms Hotel will be an asset worth well in excess of a million pounds.

5. Further PlansThere are several exciting possibilities for the Pengwern once the business is established. For instance, a microbrewery could be set up on the premises; and the facilities can be used to develop further opportunities for employment, especially in the catering and hospitality fields. There are also ideas to develop the educational, training and cultural aspects of the venture.

6. A bright future!The Pengwern was reportedly making a small profit when it closed in the spring of 2009, with the managers then in place not being motivated to grow the business. With strong local support and with the investments as described in the Business Plan, we foresee a bright future for the Pengwern. There has been much good will shown to the venture, both locally and nationally. After researching the possibilities and preparing the business plan, the Management Committee of Pengwern Cymunedol are confident that the Pengwern will

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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be a notable success and an example and inspiration to other communities.

THE PENGWERN CYMUNEDOL APPEALLocal support is crucial to the future of the Pengwern. This is possibly our last chance to secure the Pengwern as a pub, restaurant, function venue and hotel in the centre of Llan Ffestiniog, to be run by the community, for the community. If we don’t secure it now, it is likely that it may be bought by a property developer for other uses, and lost forever as a hotel and pub, as has happened already with The Abbey. The Pengwern Cymunedol Management Committee is appealing for the support of the local community. There are several ways you can assist the venture: - 1. Assist by providing suggestions and comments on the plans for

Pengwern Cymunedol by attending the public meetings, communicating electronically through the website or by e-mail, or by speaking to members of the Management Committee.

2. Supporting and patronising the hotel facilities, pub and restaurant once the Pengwern re-opens.

3. Joining ‘The Friends of the Pengwern’ for only one pound. The more members we have, the better it strengthens our case when applying for grants.

4. Volunteering to help, especially during the first year. We will need volunteers to run the pub, to run the kitchen, restaurant and hotel as well as people to assist in the decorating, care and maintenance of the buildings.

Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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5. We need to raise £25,000 over the next few weeks to pay the deposit on the building, with some working capital remaining to re-start the business. This is a golden opportunity that is unlikely to be available to the community ever again. The future of the Pengwern is now in your hands and in the hands of the community. The time has come for everyone in the community to show their support. We therefore appeal for all to purchase as many shares as they can afford. The minimum holding is £100, several individuals and families have already pledged to buy substantially more than the minimum. Each and every contributor and every contribution is extremely important.

SHOWING YOUR SUPPORT If you want to help, please complete the form below and send to this address: -Pengwern Cymunedol, Tŷ Saron, Llan Ffestiniog, Gwynedd. LL41 4lY

Telephone: 01766 762401.

E-mail: [email protected]


Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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I support this community venture and I am prepared to help in the following way(s). Please indicate how by ticking the boxes below: -

1. I am considering buying shares in Pengwern Cymunedol

The amount I am considering buying is £......(Minimum of £100 and a maximum of £20,000)

2. I offer to help by volunteering my services in the following field(s)Please indicate how you can help: -

The Pub Bar work Cellar work Cleaning

The Hotel Preparing breakfasts Waiting on Washing up Preparing bedrooms Cleaning

The Restaurant Buying food Preparing food Cooking Waiting on Washing up Cleaning

Care & Maintenance Building

Plastering Woodwork & joinery Stone & brickwork

Electrical work Plumbing Painting & decorating Wallpapering Glazing Carpeting & flooring

Textiles (e.g. curtains etc) Gardening General labouring tasks

Administrative Secretarial, typing & word processing Accounts & bookkeeping Translation services

Welsh / English Other languages

Computer work, graphics & design

Activities & Events organisationArranging & managing:

Organising fundraising events Outdoor activities Musical events Film & Theatre Pub games & events Other events, please note below:


General Driving, carrying goods or people

Please note any other way you can help:


Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10

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Name: ......................................................................







E-mail: ......................................................................

Please return the completed form to a member of the Management Committee, to the address below, through the website or by e-mail. Thank you. Pengwern Cymunedol, Tŷ Saron, Llan Ffestiniog, Gwynedd. LL41 4lY

Telephone: 01766 762401.

E-mail: [email protected]


Bod Pengwern, bod pentref.Bod cymuned, bod cenedl.V 06.01.10