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1 © Copyright 2008 EMC Corporation. All rights reserved. Documentum TaskSpace Performance Deep Dive Daniel Hata

Documentum TaskSpace Performance Deep Dive

Dec 31, 2015



Edward Powell

Documentum TaskSpace Performance Deep Dive. Daniel Hata. Topics. Introduction to TaskSpace Tuning TaskSpace For Performance Page Serving Using Accelerated Content Services Custom Inbox, Custom Search, Folder Content Views Best Practices and Tuning Advice Benchmark Results. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Documentum TaskSpace Performance Deep Dive

Daniel Hata

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Introduction to TaskSpace

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Page Serving Using Accelerated Content Services– Custom Inbox, Custom Search, Folder Content Views

Best Practices and Tuning Advice

Benchmark Results

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TaskSpace - Rapid TCM

Processing task

TaskSpace Simplifies task processing Optimizes document access and

improves decision making Accelerates development and

deployment of case-based applications Integrates imaging and business

process management into a single UI

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Introduction to TaskSpace

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Page Serving Using Accelerated Content Services– Custom Inbox, Custom Search, Folder Content Views

Best Practices and Tuning Advice

Benchmark Results

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Tuning TaskSpace For Performance

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Page Serving Using Accelerated Content Services– Custom Inbox, Custom Search, Folder Content Views

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Use-case: Random Access through a file

Many Content Management applications need fast access through a set of pages

There are several ways to model this.

#1 – Large Documents modeled as multiple content objects

#2 – Large documents modeled as a single large file

Access to random pages in the 2nd case can be slow if the entire file has to be extracted

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Byte and page serving for improved random content access

Prior to 6.0 if a file was stored as a large multi-page document ( but single page in documentum) then retrieval typically required entire document to be retrieved

– The API supported seeking through the file, but lacked content format awareness to make it easy on the applications to do so


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Byte and page serving for improved random content access

The option of storing the file as separate content objects allowed for random access, but slowed down access of the whole set


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Byte and page serving for improved random content access

TaskSpace allows for easy access to individual TIFF and PDF pages

Files now can be access quickly in a random page fashion or in a entire document fashion


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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

How do We Know ACS Page Serving is Working?– Verify the ACS URL– Verify the ACS Port– Observe the Amount of Data Sent Over– Observe the Time it Takes to View the Document

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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

Use the Daeja Viewer to Investigate ACS Performance

The “i” Button Invokes the ViewOne Pro Image Properties


The “i” Button Invokes the ViewOne Pro Image Properties


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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

Ensure URL Contains ACS Port and the Words “getpage”

File Length Should be In Kilobytes

Check the Network Time and Download Rate to Rule Out Network Issues

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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

Ensure URL Contains ACS Port and the Words “getpage”



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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

ivf_config.xml File Controls the Behavior of ACS– Set Content Server ACS ON/OFF– Set Document Serving Level or Page Serving Level



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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

Three Essential Settings to Check in the ivf_config.xml File:

– Set Content Server ACS ON/OFF

– Set Page Serving Level or Document Serving Level

– Set Page Serving Level Threshold (in bytes)

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Accelerated Content Services ACS technology

Additional ACS Configuration Information:– ivf_config.xml Located at {clientserver}\webapps\taskspace\wdk\config\imaging\ ivf_config.xml– Any Change to the File Requires Restarting the Application Server

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Tuning TaskSpace For Performance

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Page Serving Using Accelerated Content Services– Custom Inbox, Custom Search, Folder Content Views

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Custom Inbox -Example

Users Inbox Filled with Invoices Located in Many Different States

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Custom Inbox -Example

Go Into Process Builder to View the Process Templates of the Tasks in the Inbox

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Custom Inbox -Example

Double Click on the Initiate Step to See the Process Variables

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Custom Inbox -Example

Process Variable is a Structured Data Type (SDT)

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Custom Inbox -Example

The Attributes of the SDT Map to Columns in the Inbox to Expose Process Data

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Custom Inbox -Example

Users Inbox Filled with Invoices Located in Many Different States

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Custom Inbox -Example

What if the User only works on Invoices Located in California?

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Custom Inbox -Example

Forms Builder Can Modify the Task List to Only Show the Tasks Relevant to the User

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Custom Inbox

Pre-Define Searches to Only Show Relevant Tasks to the User

The Custom Inbox Wizard Below Will Only Show Tasks In the State of California

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Custom Inbox -Example

Performance Considerations– The Search Criteria or Filter Defined in Forms Designer Will Not Create an Index Out of the Box– Indexes for Structured Data Type (SDT) Attributes Used in a Search Criteria or Task List Filter Need to be Created

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Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

What do We Know?– The Display Name of the SDT: Customer– The Attribute Being Filtered or Searched: State

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Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes What do We Need to Find Out?

– DQL for “Put an Index On the State of Each Customer”– EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name=‘X',attribute=‘Y‘– X and Y– Type_name and attribute

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API> retrieve,c,dmc_wfsd_type_info where sdt_name='cust’


API> dump,c,l

API> retrieve,c,dmc_wfsd_type_info where sdt_name=


API> dump,c,l

Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

Use IAPI to Get element_type_name and attr_element_type_name

Contains All SDT Information

From Process Builder We Know the Display Name of the SDT: is Customer

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sdt_name : cust

element_type_name : dmc_wfsd_cust

attr_display_name [0]: First Name

[1]: Street

[2]: State

attr_element_type_name [0]: attr3

[1]: attr16

[2]: attr17

Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

Use IAPI to Get element_type_name and attr_element_type_name

API> retrieve,c,dmc_wfsd_type_info where sdt_name='cust’


API> dump,c,l

Object to Index (X Value)

Attribute to Index (Y Value)

We Know the Attribute Being Filtered is State

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Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

Use the Attributes to Create an Index


sdt_name : cust

element_type_name : dmc_wfsd_cust

attr_display_name [0]: First Name

[1]: Street

[2]: State

attr_element_type_name [0]: attr3

[1]: attr16

[2]: attr17

EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name='dmc_wfsd_cust',attribute='attr17'

Object to Index (X Value)

Attribute to Index (Y Value)

EXECUTE make_index WITH type_name=‘X’, attribute=‘Y’

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Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

Final Steps– Run Statistics on the Target Tables– Ensure Index Is Created

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Custom Inbox – Index SDT Attributes

6 Steps to an Optimized Inbox– Know the SDT Display Name and Attribute Used in Filter or Search– Use Process Builder to Find the SDT Name From the Display Name– Use the SDT Name in IAPI to Find the Object and Attribute– Use the Object and Attribute to Create an Index Using DQL– Run Statistics– Verify the Index

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Introduction to TaskSpace

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Accelerated Content Services (ACS) – Custom Inbox

Best Practices and Tuning Advice

Benchmark Results

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Best Practices and Tuning Advice – App Server

Java Flags JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xms1024m -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:UseParallelOldGC

-serverjvm server mode will provide better performance for long running tests. Has to be the very first flag

-XX:MaxPermSize=256mThe application dynamically generates and loads many classes

-XX:+UseParallelOldGCEnables -XX:+UseParallelGC automatically

JVM capacity– Heap size and threads control the amount of users the JVM can support

Accommodate 150 to 300 Users per JVM• Response times degrade with an increase in users• 150 Users recommended

768-1024 MB heap size• Less than 512 heap size results in out of memory errors• 1024 MB recommended

CPU will be the first resource to bottleneck on this tier Application Server tier is the most scalable tier in the system because there is no finite limit for additional

JVM or servers

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Best Practices and Tuning Advice – Content Server

Additional Content Server needs to be added to support additional load– Installation of a second Content Server is trivial– Ensure the proximity of both Content Servers is the same

Sessions control the number of Oracle processes on the database– To control the number of Oracle processes (database bottleneck) limit the amount of

sessions the Content Server has– Decrease in sessions results in an increase in CPU

Additional Considerations– Turn Off Mail_Notification Unless it is necessary– Narrow down Audit Trails to the essentials

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Best Practices and Tuning Advice – Database Server (Oracle Specific)

Oracle processes– Oracle spawns one Oracle process per Content Server session for TaskSpace users– Oracle processes consume the majority of the physical memory– Limit Oracle processes by limit the number of available sessions on the Content


Database Parameters– The following database parameters are essential for TaskSpace

cursor_sharing = FORCE optimizer_mode = CHOOSE optimizer_index_cost_adj = 5 optimizer_index_caching = 95

– The database parameters can be found in the init.ora or through Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM).

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Introduction to TaskSpace

Tuning TaskSpace For Performance– Accelerated Content Services (ACS) – Custom Inbox

Best Practices and Tuning Advice

Benchmark Results

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Benchmark Description

Data Composition:– 450 unique users.– Transaction mix comprised of 7 transactions.– Each user has 180 tasks in their individual task list.– Document Search spans 50,000 documents and searches on the document title.– Folder Search spans 50 folders, each folder contains 5 subfolders.– Daeja viewer is used for all document viewing. ACS and page-level serving is in place.

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Benchmark Description

Data Composition (con’t):– The TaskSpace benchmark used 50%-150% think time and limited it to 10 seconds.– The TaskSpace benchmark used an average of 5-minute pacing (240-360 seconds).– Transactions and Hits Per Second

A hit is a request sent to the system. The LoadRunner controller defines this metric. A transaction is one or more hits sent to system. This is defined when writing the LoadRunner script.

Transactions Vs. Hits Per Second



100 200 300 450



ge P




Transactions Per Second

Hits Per Second

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Benchmark Description

Database/Application Server– Two IBM eServer pSeries p5-

510 Four dual-core, 1.65 GHz,

64-bit POWER5 processors ~219 GB of internal disk, 3 x

7 3 GB 10K rpm Dual Channel Ultra320 SCSI disk drive assembly

8 GB of memory Dual Gigabit Ethernet ports One Fibre Channel

connected CLARiiON storage device via one Emulex 2 GB FC host bus adapter (HBA)

500 GB LUN carved out of a ~4.5 TB 15-drive DAE, RAID level 0

AIX 5.3

Content Server– One Dell 6850

Four Intel Pentium 4 80547 (LGA775) 3.66 GHz w/ HT enabled

12 GB of memory Dual Gigabit Ethernet ports 1 TB Internal SCSI Windows 2003 Server Two Content Servers


Total Hardware Under $50,000

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CPU Utilization

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Memory Utilization

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Response Times

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Case Study – ACS Failover



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Case Study – ACS Failover



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Case Study – ACS Failover

ACS Page Serving On

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Case Study – ACS Failover

ACS Page Serving OFF

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TaskSpace is a configurable application for efficient task processing

Key features that enable TaskSpace for optimal performance– Accelerated Content Services (ACS) – Indexed Custom Inbox

Best Practices

Expected Results– 450 users– <2.5 seconds response time– scalable on all tiers– hardware < $50,000

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Benchmark Description

Think Time vs. Pacing– Think time is defined as time a user would take to read or analyze the information received after

an action. Setting a random percentage will enable the user to get realistic behavior. – The TaskSpace benchmark used 50%-150% think time and limited it to 10 seconds.

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Benchmark Description

Think Time vs. Pacing– Pacing is defined as time a user would take to read or analyze the information received after an

iteration comprised of one or more actions. Setting a random percentage will enable the user to get realistic behavior.

– The TaskSpace benchmark used an average of 5-minute pacing (240-360 seconds).

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ACS Diagram

Partial retrieval of Content

App Server

2. Request Object

1. Select Document to View

5. ReturnObject’sURL

3. RequestObject’sURL

6. ReturnObject’s URL

9. Request Page 1 from Object’s URL

10. ReturnPage 1

Content Server


Image Manager


7. Send Object’s URL

11. Display Page 1

8. Store Object’s URL


4. Check ACL

Page Aware Plug-in