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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 044 339 SO 000 338 AUTHOR Bridges, Katherine TITLE Bibliography of Northwestern State University Research Papers Relating to Lou)siana, 1957-1969. INSTITUTION Northwestern State Coil. of Louisiana, Natchitoches. PUB DATE Jul 70 NOTE 69p. EDRS PRICE DESCRIPTORS IDENTIFIERS EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.55 *Area Studies, *bibliographies, *College Students, *Graduate Students, Research Projects, Student Research *Louisiana ABSTRACT Three hundred and seventy-seven research papers by graduates and undergraduates are listed in thin bibliography, which both teachers and researchers are likely to find useful. All the papers deal with some aspect of Louisiana, but many contain implications and information of quite general application, such as "The Relationship of Socioeconomic Status and Musical Ability" (No. 231) and "1. Study of the Use of Sociograms to Help the Unaccepted Child" (No.27). Many items of Louisiana history are included, as well as studies done in particular school systems in Louisiana and various papers on Louisiana geography, demography, etc. Undergraduate papers are included only if they present findings that are otherwise unavailable. The items are listed by item number, and include author, title of paper, and year. An index gives access by author, title, subject, and course number. A microfilm copy of each paper is retained by item number at the Russell Library, Northwestern State University. (J1.13)

DOCUMENT RESUME TITLE Bibliography of Northwestern State ... · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 044 339 SO 000 338. AUTHOR. Bridges, Katherine. TITLE. Bibliography of Northwestern State University.

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ED 044 339 SO 000 338

AUTHOR Bridges, KatherineTITLE Bibliography of Northwestern State University

Research Papers Relating to Lou)siana, 1957-1969.INSTITUTION Northwestern State Coil. of Louisiana, Natchitoches.PUB DATE Jul 70NOTE 69p.



EDRS Price MF-$0.50 HC-$3.55*Area Studies, *bibliographies, *College Students,*Graduate Students, Research Projects, StudentResearch*Louisiana

ABSTRACTThree hundred and seventy-seven research papers by

graduates and undergraduates are listed in thin bibliography, whichboth teachers and researchers are likely to find useful. All thepapers deal with some aspect of Louisiana, but many containimplications and information of quite general application, such as"The Relationship of Socioeconomic Status and Musical Ability" (No.231) and "1. Study of the Use of Sociograms to Help the UnacceptedChild" (No.27). Many items of Louisiana history are included, as wellas studies done in particular school systems in Louisiana and variouspapers on Louisiana geography, demography, etc. Undergraduate papersare included only if they present findings that are otherwiseunavailable. The items are listed by item number, and include author,title of paper, and year. An index gives access by author, title,subject, and course number. A microfilm copy of each paper isretained by item number at the Russell Library, Northwestern StateUniversity. (J1.13)

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Semi Editor


Isloribwritern State thritosity

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The Louisiana Studies Institute was orgAnized at Northwestern StateUniversity, Natchitoches, Louisiana, in 1961. Its principal objectives are theencouragement of original research and publication of studies in variousfields which contribute to a greater knowledge and understanding of Lonisi.ana and its regional setting. Its principal activities include the publication ofthe [SI Afonograph ifries as well as the quarterly journal, Lokiiidita Sin lief.Both publications are interdisciplinary in scope and regional in emphasis, buttheir content is not restricted except at the discretion of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board

E211 Adams, Director and Managing Editor

Dr. Ray Baumgardner Dr. William Davis Dr. Donald Rawson

Miss Katherine Bridges Dr. William Knipme)er Dr. Charles F. Thomas

Editor's Nose

'Die attention of our readers is called to the fact that, while there is aninconsistency in this Monograph regarding the name of Northwestern, thereis a simple explanation. The name of the institute was changed the StateLegislature in the sunvriet of 1970, from Northwestern State Collett of Lou-isiana to Northwestern State (Nitwit) of Louisiana.

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The results of the reserrch of Northwestern State University graduateand undergraduate students arc represented in the following list. Most ofthe papers by graduate rtudents which appear in the fist were prepared tofulfill the requirements for the master's degree. Only dose undergraduatepapers which present firdings not otherwise available have been included inthe list. All the paper'. deal with some aspect of Louisiana.

The original manuscripts of these MSC.' :rs are preserved in thearchives &vision of the Louiriana Room cf Russell Library, NorthwesternState University. Each paper has been assigned an item number. The mainbody of this list is arranged by these item numbers. The author, title, sul,jest, and course number index, which follows the main list, make referenceto these item numbers.

All of these research papers were microfilmed in numerical sequence bythe assigned item numbers. In order to use these microfilm reels, referencemust be made to the item numbers shown on this list.

Under ordinary circ-umstances, the microfilm copies and not the originalmanuscript must be used. Arrangements for consulting the original manuscripts can, however, be made.

Although this Bibliogrepb) of Nerthrceiterg State Unit trill) ReleorebPapa; Relatirlg to Lotthiarhs, 1937.1969, is in some sense a companion vol.ome to 411aster'a Them Completed dl Northroeitem State College of Lotthiono. 193:'1968 (Louisiana Studies institute, Monograph Series No. 2), it isnot meant to include all of the research reports submitte 1 from 1957 through1969 as a part of the master's degree program. Only those dealing wahLouisiana are listed here; information regarding all others must be &earnedfrom the appropriate heads of departments.

It has been the policy of Russell Library to place cares for master'stheses in the card catalog, but the master's research papers have not, as a rule,been included. The following list will sers-e to make available to the generalpublic for the first time the findings reported in those master's researchpapers which deal with some aspect of Louisiana.

Kaibtrine Bridget

Louisiana Librarian

Russell Library

Northwestern State University

July, 197C

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Preface ...... v

Contents ............. vii

List of Papers, Arranged by Entry Numbers in Numerical Order

Author, Title, Suhjoct, and Course Number Index 35

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(This section Is arranged by entry number)

1. Adams, Evelyn P.A Study of the Effects of Teaching Methods Fostering CreativeThinking on Academic Achievement. 1968.

2. Adams, JanieThe Relationship Between SelfConcept and Reading Achievement.1968.

Aldredge, SharonThe Effects of Group Counseling on Maternal Attitude, and theEffects of Positive Change in Maternal Attitude on the Child'sBehavior. 1968.

1. Aldridge, ClarkA Comparison of Scholastic Performance and Attrition Rates ofErate nity Members with That of Nontraternity Members. 1967.

5 Allbritton, Elsie R.An Investigation of the Effects of Programmed Instruction Upon

the Gifted and Slow Learners. 1969.

6. Alnrnd, Marjorie EubankDeveloping Responsibility in the Young Child. 1965.

7. Amnions, Donna leeAn InscsligAtion of the Valve of Six-ex h Correction and Auditory

Tr..ining Equipment w;th the Traluable Mentally Retarded. 1967.

1,a. Anderson, Hattie Davisjob Prospects for :VonCollege ileum, Stud ssirs 1967.

8. Andcrsei, Ian R.The Enxironmental Backgrriund of the Northwestern State College

Student. 1961.

9. Anderson, Katherr S.Can the Utilitation of Creative Dramatis in the Sixth Code l an-guage Arts Curriculum Infect Achievtrwrit? 1968.

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Rt. Austin, L. Diane C.Survey of Teacher Attitudes Concerning the Dichotomy ExisitingBetween Secondary School Counselors and Teachers. 1969.

Ina Babb, I Imo L., Jr.An Elementary Program of Physical Education for Sharon Hillsand Baker Heights Elementary Schools. 1966.

12. Bailey, Mildred H.An Investigation of Vocabulary Load of SccondCrade TextbooksAdopted by the State of Louisiana. 1960.

13. Baker, Anne HungerbeelerAn Evaluation of Initial Interviews of Ikginning Counselors in:he CounseloiTraining Program of Northwestern State College.1959.

Barber, Marie Louise ArmintorMotivating the Primary Child in Reading. 1965.

15. Barron, Martha L.A History of Bientille Paish, 1828.1877. 1956.

16. Batt-s, Billie AnnA Study of the Supervisory Techniques Used in the Business Departments of the State Votatimal Schools in Louisiana.1965.

17. Bates. Greta Lamar, Jr.John Ler: His Company, Bank. mid Louisiana 17181722. 1968.

18. Batiste, Hazel HarrisThe Effects of Intercultural NItterials, Audio-Visual Aids, andInstructional Procteurts on the Altitudes of Students in IntegratedSocial Studies (lasses. 1968.

19. ticrhe, NI R.Forestry and Its Value to the People of Rarities Parish. 1936.

20. Mar, Mary F.The rffects of Sex Differences on Reading Achievement in theFirst Gracie. 19.67.


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Benefield, Dorothy C.A Comparison of Services °tiered by Instructional Materials Cenlets and Traditional Libraries Within Selected &hoots of NatchiRiches Parish. 1969.

22. Bennett, Carrell P.The Minister as a Counselor . 1969.

2). Bennett, ToniThe Self Concept of an Educable Menially Retarded Child in aSpecial Education Class. 1967.

21. Bernard, Jessie J.The Need for Home Living Education in the Junior High School.1965.

25. Berry, Ellie N.Isle Brodie, Natchitoches Parish, Natchitoches, Louisiana. 1956.

26. Betcr, Thais RuthA Study of Certain Measures of Physical Fitness on NorthwesternState College Women's Competitive Gymnastic Team. 1961.

27. Bevil le, Ruth T.A Study of the Use of Sociograms to Help the Unaccepted Child.1965.

28. 11ircb -11, Floyd VernonA Comparative Study of the Physical Fitness Performarxes of theSeventh and Eighth Grade Boys of Marthaville Junior High Schoolwith National fitness Norms. 1968.

29. Blair, Georgia AnnA Study of the Difficulties if Beginning Teachers in Home Eco-

nomies as a BASIS IN the 'Improvements of Tt cher Education.1967.

50. Began, Ruby.Aspects in the Dyke torment of Wed tive, Par

Louisiana. :957.

51. Donial, Rosemary AnnThe Effect of Indiiidisalind Reading tnstnxiion on the Reading&hit Nement and Attitude of Eourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade OM-&en in the Public Schools of Rarities Parish, Louisiana. 19614.

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32. Boswell, Cecil E.The Role of the Teacher in a Guidance Program in NatchitochesParish. 1968.

33. Bowen, TurnerA Study of the Students Coming From Broken Homes That HaveBeen Committed to the State Industrial School for Girls, Alexan-dria, Louisiana. 1959.

34. Bowen, Turner L.A Study of the Effectiveness of the Adult Academic EducationProgram at Cr;ntral Louisiana State Hospital. 1958.

35. Bradford, MildredA Study of Possible Results of a Planned Curriculum in FamilyLife Education at Caddo Heights Elementary School, Shreveport,Louisiana. 1969.

36. Bradshaw, Gordon T.Why Students Come to Northwestern State College. 1956.

37. Bram lett, Carolyn PaulCan the Individualized Reading approach Overcome the ReadingDifficulties of Slow Learners Over the Basal Reader Approach?1968.

38. Brossette, Alvin, Jr.A Comparative Analysis of Two Methods of Teaching Handwrit-ing at the Sixth Grade Level. 1968.

39. Brown, Lesh NettlesAn Investigation into the Operating Hours of Retail Establishmaitsin the City of Natchitoches, Louisiana. 1967.

40. Brown, Lowell Lee, Jr.A Comparison of the Achievement of 'three Experimental Self-Grading Groups to a Traditional Teacher-Graded Group in CaddoParish Technical Drawing Classes. 1969.

41. Brown, Richard GaryCurrent Problems in the Social Studies Program in Sabine ParishHigh Schools. 1963.


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-12. Brumfield, Hannah B.A Comparative Study of Improving the Level of Reading Achieve-ment: An Individualized Approach Versus a Group Approach.1967.

43. Bryant, Will A.nanda ScottAn Inquiry Into Teaching a Reading Vocabulary to Slow Learnersin the Seventh Grade. 1968.

44. Buckley, Thomas FrancisA Survey of the Testing Program Used at Anacoco High School.1968.

45. Burkett, Cecile C.An Analysis of Trends in Federal, State, and Local Support ofOuachita Parish Schools. 1956.

46. Burns, Bonnie S.A Study of Smoking Habits and Tobacco Knowledge of Tenth andEleventh Grade Girls Enrolled in Natchitoches High School. 1965.

47. Burns, Hilda H.A Study of the Effects of Programed Instruction on the ReadingAchievement of the Stow Learner. 1968.

48. Butler, VernonHistorical Development of Negro Education in Grant Parish.1958.

49. Camp, Prentiss M.A Study of Residence Hall Construction at Northwestern StateCollege of Lc uisiana. 1968.

50. Campbell, Alice C.Possible Causes and Purposes for James Longstreet's Role in theReconstruction Era of Louisiana. 1963.

51. Canerday, NorineA Comparison Between Incidental Drill arid Systematic Drill inTeaching English Skills. 1969.

52. Carpenter, D. C.The Indians of Louisiana. 1962.


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53. Carpenter, W. E., Jr.History of Calvin. 1963.

54. Carson, Tho.nas C.The Effectiveness of the Self-Trainer Stud) Glide Method in HighSchool Biology. 1969.

55. Carter, DoloresPractices Employed in Determining Physical Education Grades forGirls in the Junior High Schools of Louisiana. 1966.

56. Carter, Gladys G.A Brief History of Negreet Community. 1961.

57. Carter, Gladys G.A Brief History of Negreet, Sabine Parish. 1963.

58. Carver, Hampton M.Afidi //miler Firer: a novel by James Aswell. 1967.

59. Cason, Vida F.The Disadvantaged Child and Education. 1967.

60. Cathey, Joy CarolA Comparative Study of the Achievement in Reading of SixthGrade Pupils Taught Within a Basal Program with an Individual-ized Program of Instruction is the Hillside Elementary School inShreveport, Louisiana. 1968.

61. Charrier, TommieEffectiveness of the Overhead Projector in Teaching American His-tory at Plaucheville High School. 1969.

62. Chester, Tommy GlynnThe Perception of the Student Government Association on Impor-tant Policy-Making Decisions as Viewed by Students at Northwest-ern State College. 1968.

63. Chiesa, Rudolph MatthewA Survey of the Principal's Role in the Administration of CaddoParish Elementary Schools. 1960.

64. Childers, Norman ArthurPrevalence of Certain Harmful Health and Safety MisconceptionsAmong NinthGrade Students. 1965.


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65. Clark, Jacqueline AnnA Study of the Effects of Television Viewing on Reading Readi-ness. 1967.

66. Cloud, JaniceA Comparison of the Effectiveness of a Linguistic Approach and aBasal Reader Approach in Reading Instruction to Fifth GradePupils of St. Charles Parish. 1967.

67. Clyde, Patricia FayeAn Analysis of Complaints of Parents of Rapides Parish SchoolChildren. 1957.

68. Coburn, VentonA Comparative Study of the Physical Fitness of the Male Studentsof Anacoco High School to National Norms. 1967.

69. Coefield, June R.Negro Slavery in Louisiana. 1967.

70. Coleman, Rosalie A.The Effectiveness of the Use of Phonics and Phonetics as Devicesto Improve Reading Instructions in the Elementary S r )ol. 1967.

71. Compton, LynneA Study of Homemakers Attitudes Toward Dishwashers. 1968.

72. Cook, Joseph W.Some Characteristics of the Elementary School Principals in CaddoParish for the School Year 1958-59. 1959.

73. Corbett, EdwinA Study of the Administration of Pupil Transportation in Louisi-ana. 1957.

74. Corley, Donald S.Toledo Bend Dam and Reservoir. 1966.

75. Cotton, John D.A Comparison of Test Results on the Numeration System andGeometric Ideas Between Two Sixth-Grade Classes and TwoClasses of College Freshmen. 1965.


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76. Cotton, John D.To Determine if the Large Time Block Facilitates Science Learn-ing. 1965.

77, Cotton, Sue Lynn RobertsonImproving Science Experiences of the First Grade Level ThroughExperiments and Cooperative Procedures. 1965.

78, Courtney, Virginia S.A Survey of the Supervisory Practices of Secondary Principals inAvoyelles Parish. 1965.

79. Craft, Robert N.How Do Vernon Parish Elementary School Principals Comparewith Elementary School P:incipals Nationwide in Fulfilling theDuties of Supervisor of 'instruction as Viewed by Themselves andTheir Faculties. 1969.

80. Cranston, Ralph A.Validity of Recommendations for the Choice of General Mathe-matics or Algebra I in a Selected Junior High School. 1965.

81. Crawford, VirginiaFamily, Educational and Civil War Histoiy of Rocky Mount, Lou-isiana. 1967.

82. Crosby, Diane PratherTensas ParishA Brief Look; WaterproofIts Early History.1967.

83. Crow, Robert B.A Survey of the School Dropout in Beauregard Parish 1962-1968.1968.

84. Crowder, Sandra C.A Comparative Study of Entrance Age and Its Effect on SchoolReadiness of Boys Entering Grade I. 1969.

85. Cryar, Hope G.The Effects of Occupational Information Classes upon VocationalInterests Patterns of Slow Learners. 1967.

86. Culbertson, Manic L.The Caddo Indians. 1962.

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87. D'Antoni, Claire M.An Investigation: Can Teaching Reading Skills in a Content Areaat the Secondary Level Result in Greater Achievement in the Con-tent Area? 1967.

88. De Fee, Sue G.Influence of Red River on the People of Red River Parish. 1967.

89. Dennis, Albert R.An Analysis of Controversial Basketball Game Situations with Spe-cial Emphasis for Officiating. 1968.

90. Deville, Autra A.Ability Grouping: Pro's and Con's. 1968.

91. Devi lle, Maxine K.A Comparative Study of the Lecture Method and the Multi - ConceptPlan in the Teaching of History. 1967.

92. Dillard, Jewell Q.A History of Sikes, Louisiana. 1958.

93. Dorsey, Ethel D.Which has the Greater Influence on Reading Development, SilentReading or Oral Reading? 1968.

94. Dowden, Corinne M.Money Practices of High School Girls in Natchitoches Parish.1963.

95. Doyle, Jesse, Jr.A Study of Selected Causes of Pupil Dropout in Bolton HighSchool, 1961-1964. 1965.

96. Dunbar, Georgie P.The Alexandria.Pinevilk Area Before 1812. 1956.

97. Dunbar, Georgie P.Cooperative Teacher-Pupil Planning in the Northwestern Elemen-tary School, Spring, 1956. 1956.

98. Dupree, Laverne SlaterSome Factors Associated with Juvenile Delinquency. 1965.


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99. Eddlemon, Eugene A.The Need for a Remedial Reading Program at Oak WI School.1967.

100. Efferson, Glenda M.A Study of Attitudes Between Negro and White Students in CivicsOasses at Northwood Junior-Senior High School. 1968.

101. Elkins, DavidA Comparative Study of Teacher Attitudes Toward Slow LearnerClasses in the Elementary Schools. 1967.

102. Elkins, JerryA Study of the Effectiveness of the Individualized ReadingApproach in Comparison to the Basal Reader Approach in theTeaching of Reading in Grade Five. 1967.

103. Elliott, Sue K.The Unknown Confederate Soldier. 1967.

104. Ensminger, JackDemonstration Teaching as an Innovation for Teaching Conserva-tion in Louisiana High Schools. 1968.

105. Erwin, E. C.History of Montgomery, Grant Parish, Louisiana. 1956.

106. Fair, James W.A Study of a Proposed Building Expansion for Campti HighSchool. 1969.

107. Ferguson, Prentis L.A Study of the Post-High-School Plans of Juniors and Seniors.1965.

108. Fisher, Jack L.A Study of Certain Selected Factors Related to the IndustrialDevelopment of Natchitoches, Louisiana. 1956.

109. Fleming, Myron J.The Flood of 1927 in Ferriday. 1967.

110. Fontenot, Lan), G.Field Goal Shooting Percentages of Northwestern State CollegeBasketball Players for the Seasons of 1957-58 and 1958-59. 1960.


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I I . Dark, DonThe History of Grand Ecore. 1965.

112. Fowler, BarbaraHistory of Fullerton, Louisiana. 1967.

113. Francis, Jackie E.The Cooperative Agricultural Project in Allen, Louisiana. 1965.

114. Franklin, Carrie Pugh,An Analysis of the Remedial Reading Problems Encountered bythe Fifth Grade. 1967.

115. Franklin, Elsie B.A Comparative Study of Individualized Reading and Basal GroupReading in Third Grade. 1968.

116. Galloway, JanA Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Methods of SpeechTherapy. 1968.

117. Galloway, PeteA Comparison of a Croup of Male Freshman Students Living ina Residence Hall Employing a Counselor and a Group of MaleFreshman Students Living in a Residence Hall Without the Ser-vices of a Counselor. 1967.

118. Garlington, NormanThe Effect of Broken Homes on the Achievement of ElementaryChildren. 1968.

119. Gates, Lenda T.A Follow-Up Study of Master's Degree Graduates in Home Eco-nomics-1957 through 1967. 1968.

120. Gay, VialeenA Comparison of the Achievement and Adjustments of HeadStarts and Non Head Starts During First Grade. 1969.

121. Gimbert, Ada A.The Unique System of Charity Hospitals in Louisiana. 1956.

122. Graham, H. L.A Proposed Plan of Procurement for the Natchitoches Parish SchoolBoard, School Lunch Department. 1959.


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123. Graham, Herbert Leslie, Sr.Development of the School Lunch Program in Louisiana 19381958. 1958.

124. Gray, J.:mesA Study of the Effect on Student Achievement of Two Methodsof Teaching First Year Algebra. 1969.

125. Gray, Phalamae CromwellA FollowUp Study of the Physical Education Graduates of North-western State College. 1956.

126. Gray, Phalamae CromwellA Study of the Health Services in the Colleges and Universities inLouisiana. 1956.

127. Green, Dorothy MarieA Study of Teacher Turnover in Natchitoches Parish During theYears 1962-1967. 1968.

128. Greens, Leonard V.Influences of the Required Sciences as Related to the GuidanceProgram. 1965.

129. Griffith, Emilia GayThe Texas and Pacific Railway Company in Louisiana, 1850-1920.1967.

130. Grigg, Martha AnneSo They Tell Me. 1967.

131. Guillory, ClistonA Brief History of Ward One of Avoyelles Parish, Louisiana.1960.

132. Gunning, Mary ElizabethA Comparative Study of Two Methods of Developing ReadingReadiness in Relation to Reading Achievement. 1968.

133. Haddox, William C.Occupational Survey of Bastrop, Louisiana, CcSponsored by theBastrop Association of Commerce and Industry and the MorehouseParish School Board. 1957.


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134. Haddox, William C.Present Status of Apprentice Training in Monroe, Louisiana, asConducted by Ouachita Valley Vocational School. 1956.

135. Hale, FreidaLouisiana College. 1967.

136. Hale, Robert Ii.An Investigation of the Effects of Discovery Learning on HighSchool Geometry Students. 1968.

137. Hall, AndrewA Survey of the Industrial Arts Program of the Booker T. Wash-ington High School with Reference to its Effectiveness in Meetingthe Terminal Needs of the Students. 1968.

138. Hammond, Jimmie CharleneA Brief History of Cheneyville, Louisiana. 1967.

139. Hardin, Genevieve H.A Progress Report of the Parent-Teacher Conference Plan in Useat the East Natchitoches Elementary School. 1958.

140. Hardin, James HiltonAn Investigation of Motivation Techniques in Reading at theJunior High Level. 1967.

141. Hardy, C. GlenThe Problem of Predicting Success in Algebra at Florio.) HighSchool. 1968.

142, Harkness, Anita LouiseStatistical Comparison of Mathematical Abilities of Students atNorthwestern State College of Louisiana. 1960.

143. Hayes, Frances PruittThe Economy of Sabine Parish from 1865-1875. 1967.

144. Hays, Elma G.Fort Jesup from 1822 to 1960. 1960.

145. Henderson, Miller R.Teaching World History in the Senior High School. 1965.


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146. Hendrickson, Kenneth PaulA Survey of Attitudes as to the Need for the Inclusion of SexEducation in the Curriculum of the Logansport High School. 1967.

147. Hendrix, George P.What Effect Does a New Technique in the Teaching of HistoryHave on Twelfth Grade Studen:s at Union High School? 1967.

148. Henry, Thomas KennedyThe Battle of Pleasant Hill. 1963.

149. Herbert, Thomas F.A Comparative Analysis and Advancement of Competitive MusicCompared to Non-Competitive Music in the Secondary School.1969.

150. Herring, Ellen McClearyListening and How Listening Affects the Child's Learning. 1968.

151. Herron, Jerlene L.A Proposed Study on Methods of Instruction for the Disadvan-taged Negro First Grader. 1969.

152. Hickman, William GaryAttitudes Toward Alcoholic Consumption of Male Athletes andNon-Athletes at Northwestern State College. 1965.

t53. Hicks, Mary KathleenA Study of the Effect of a Regular Speech Therapy Program inthe Public Schools for Mentally Retarded Children. 1969.

154. Hildebrand, TynesA Handbook for Student Teachers in Physical Education at Nat-chitoches High School. 1961.

155. Holland, LesterA Handbook for Off-Campus Student Teaching. 1959.

156. Holman, DixieA Comparison of the Inquiry Approach and the TraditionalApproach of Teaching Science in the Elementary School. 1968.


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157. Horn, John E.The Effects of the Teaching of a Course in Occupations on Gainin Factual Material and Percentage Change in Interests Among aSelected Group of NinthGrade Students. 1967.

158. Hough, MarshallFloristic Makeup and Spring Phenology of Some Bush Alder(Alma Sertit lata, Id.). 1961.

159. Hough, MarshallRevegetation of Abandoned Sand Hill Cropland in the Vicinity ofSaline in Bienville Parish. 1960.

160. Howell, Joyce DickinsonDevelopment of an Intramural Program for Girls in the EastNatchitoches Junior High School, Natchitoches, Louisiana. 1966.

161. Hoyt, Susan HaydelA Comparative Analysis of the Economic Concepts Taught in theBasic Business Courses of Selected Louisiana Public SecondarySchools. 1969.

162. Hunter, DeanOld Union Church. 1967.

163. Hutchinson, Hildur A.A Follow-Up Study of Students of the Louisiana State IndustrialSchool for Girls, Pineville, Louisiana, August 1, 1963 - July 31,1966. 1967.

164. Hyde, Ruth W.Cemeteries in the Pineville Area. (1956?)

165. Ingram, BillyA Study of the Administrative Functions of the Principals ofNatchitoches Parish. 1958.

166. Janzen, BobA Comparison of Anticipated Versus Actual Participation in Extra-curricular Activities. 1968.

167. Jeansonne, Jimmie DawnA Study of Engagements in Relation to Marital Success for Mar-ried Students at Northwestern State College During the FallSemester of 1967. 1967.


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168. Jennings, Jimmy.

A Comparison of the Effects of Two Training Programs on Speedin Competitive Swimming. 1968.

1 6 9 . Johnson, Cal% inLocal Gmernment of Ward Else, 1967.

17n. Johnson, James C.A Study of the Aelministration of Professional Growth Programsfor Louisiana Teachers in the Uc of Audioisual Aids. 1968.

171. Johnson, Nell IL, Sr.A Demographic Study of Ward Else. Rapides Parish, Louisiana.1960.

172. Jones, ElizaAn Insestigation of Marks Assigned to Students in IleterogcncousClasses. 1968.

17; Jones, Grace W.A Follow-Up Study of Practical Nursing Graduates of CentralArca Trade School. 1960.1967. 1967.

171. Jones, Lawrence M.A Follow-Up Study of Eighty Northwestern State College MaleStudents Classified in a Modified or Restricted Physicm Educe.tion Program in 1960. 106,1.

17%. Jones. Pauline M.A History of Vidalia! From lts Founding to the Present. 1962.

176. Joyer. Sandra f).A Parallel Group 1-xperimental Study in the Sixth Grade to Deter.mine th.e Relation of Anxiety to Frequent Testing. 1967.

177. Kelley. ClaireFood Preferences of shoo/ Children. 196%.

178. Kelly. Marguerite SpencerA Study of Methods aid Techniques Used C1 lmpto..e Reading inGeography. 1967.

179. Kendall. Corned HolladayNon.College Areas of Training in Louisiana. 1962.


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180. Kendrick, Lola C.A Guide to Sources of Materials and Suggested Activities forDeveloping Units in Louisima Social Studies. 1967.

181. Kennedy, Patrida L.A Survey of Opinions of Recent Graduates Concerning the SpeechCorrection Curriculum at Northwestern State College. 1965.

182. Keys, Thomas M.The Effectistness of Group Counseling on A (;rov of AppealStudents at Northwestern State College. 1968.

183. Kimball, Sister Phi !orneryA Study o' :he Significant Differences in Achievement Attainedby Pupils Taught Through Group Classes and That Attained byPupils Taught Through Private Music Lessons. 1969.

181. King, Barbara JeanA Study of the Nest of Speech Community oca Ninth GradeLanguage Development at Union High School. 1969.

18%. Kitchings, MaxieAn frisestigation of Sc lxx-,1 Dropouts in Red River Parish. 1968.

186. Kneeht, GcncA Study to Determine the Relationship Between Subjedite RatingsAnd Objective Ratings of Foothill Players at Northwestern State

°liege'. 1962.

187. Knots, MackSurvey of Automobile Accidents in the ( ity of Natchitoches.Louisiana for the WM' of 1961. 1962.

188. Knox, PettyA (-on-poison of Youth's Problems at the Eltrxritary And Sec-ondary- Grade Levels. 1965.

18'). Kurt, Frances VealA Comparative Investigation of the Achievement of Slow Learnersin a Regular General Musk (lass And in an Experimental GeneralMusk Class. 1967.


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190. Kyser, Janet E.A Genetic Analysis of the Brevicaudate Phenomenon in the PureBred American Dachshund. 1969.

191. LaCombe, Thomas HaroldA Survey of Teacher Morale. 1969.

192. Laing, Valery V.A Comparison of the Programed Instruction Method and Tradi-tional Lecture Method of Teaching Used in a Home EconomicsClass. 1967.

193. Laing, Valet). V.A Study of Family Life Education in Bossier Parish of Louisiana,1968

194. Landry, OlgaA Comparison of Two Methods of Teaching Reading in the Pri-mary Grades: The 'Basal Reading Program" Method and thePhonetic Keys to Reading Method. 1968.

195. Lay-owe, Jerry LytdThe Effect of Isometric Exercises Upon the Agility, Power, ane:Speed of Male High School Basketball Players. 1965.

196. Lay, Tommy L.A Comparative Study of the Developmental Reading Program ofPineville Junior High. 1967.

197. Leach. ThelmaA History of Provencal. 1960.

198. ftachman, Sybil FarmerA Follow-Up Study of the Physical Education Graduates ofNorthwestern State College. 1956.

199. LeBlanc. Edith S.An Experimental Study of the Effects of Programed Instruction onEnglish Grammar. 1968.

200. Lee, Mary Adele*A Survey Studs of Personably Factors Important to SuccessfulEmplcvnent of the Beginning Office Employee. 1968.


Page 26: DOCUMENT RESUME TITLE Bibliography of Northwestern State ... · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 044 339 SO 000 338. AUTHOR. Bridges, Katherine. TITLE. Bibliography of Northwestern State University.

201. Lemoine, Linda GaleThe Effect of a Systematic Listening Program Upon the ReadingAchievement of Fourth Grade Pupils. 1967.

202. Lewis, WayneA History of Simpson, Vernon Parish, Louisiana. 1956.

203. Lewis, William T.Handbook for T. 0. Rushton Junior High School, Bossier City,Louisiana. 1962.

201. Liver, Frances B.A Comparative Study of Reading Achievement of Third GradeChildren Taught by an Individualized Approach and a Basal

Reader Approach at the Pine Grove Elementary School. 1968.

205. Lombard, Richard FermatA Survey of the Industrial Arts Programs in Louisiana Public

High Schools. 1968.

206. Lowe, Mrs. UskA Study of Curriculum Effectiveness. 1968.

207. Lud ley, Pinkie B.Personality Traits Related to Academic Achievement. 1967.

208. "meth, Carl AnthonyA Survey Study of Approaches of the College and University Mem-bers of the Louisiana State Board of Education to the Acljudica

tion of Student Misconduct. 1969.

209. McClinton, GracieAn Experiment of the Two Methods of Teaching Spelling in theCentral High &hot+ 1968.

210. McCoy, Carol 13olingCost Comparisons Between Two Methods is of Building a Ilnuse.


211. McFarland, B. T.A Study of the Techniques of Texhing Modern Mathematics inthe Elementary Grades in Sabine Parish, Many, Louisiana. 1967.


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212. McGuffee, Irene W.History of Northwestern Catahoula Parish to 186t. 1965.

213. McGuffee, Irene W.History of Northwestern Catahoula Parish, Part II. 1965.

211. McLain, Sy Ma WardAn Investigation of the Project Head Start Program in Relationto Achievement, Social Adjustment, and Readiness for the FirstGrade. 1967.

215. McMillan, Maria L.A Comparison of the Effectiveness of Two Methods of TeachingScience Upon Third Grade Students. 1968.

216. Mc Neel, Shirley AnnEffects of Hypothermia, High Humidity, and Falling BarometricPressure on Test Performance. 1968.

217, /sn Ilet, Nathan E.The taws of OserDistance Training on the Body. 1968.

218. Ista !may, Jesse R.

A Study of the Importance of a High School Woodworking CourseToward a Person's Occupation or Hobby. 1969.

219. Malone, Brenda KayA Study of the Effect Nongraded Schools Have on the Doe Primary Use! Children as Compared with Children inGraded Schools. 1969.

220. Manning. Frances HammettA Study of the Flementar) School Libraries of Ouachita Parish.19: 4.

221. Marston, MargueriteA Comparative Investigation of the Effect of Arts and Crafts onthe Spatial Perception of Seventh Grade Students. 1904.

222. Martin, Egeria R.A Study of the Use of Number Lints in Teaching Primary Arith-metic. 1965.


Page 28: DOCUMENT RESUME TITLE Bibliography of Northwestern State ... · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 044 339 SO 000 338. AUTHOR. Bridges, Katherine. TITLE. Bibliography of Northwestern State University.

223. Martin, Margaret W.High School Standards in Clerical Training Compared with Begin.ning Skill Requirements for Clerical Occupations in Southwest

Louisiana. 1967.

221. Martin, Rogers WilliamThe Rapid Learner Program in Caddo Parish. 1962.

225. Matherne, LeliaThe Ri.c Industry in Louisiana. 1957.

226. Mattis, Catharine M.The Oserton Red Riser Laternal Canal. 1961.

227. Wider, E. E.

An Analysis of Trends in Federal, State, and Local Support ofthe Natchitoches Parish School S) stem. 1956.

228. Me !toy, NancyThe Effects of the Innosation of Team Teaching, Field Trips,and Telesision on Grade Level Achievement in an ElementaryClassroom of the Culturally Deprived. 1969.

229. \fillet, Asa RuthUtilization of the Elementary Dictionary. 1969.

230. Miller, Sam J.A Propose/3 Organization for the OtRidder Junior High School.1963.

Milner, PurvisThe Relationship of Secio.lconctrnic Status and Musi;-al Ability.1967.

2Q. Moore, Carotin J.Coordination of Community Resources, Public Relations. and theSchool Program at the Alexandria Junior High School. 1960.

23; Moore, Emmett JamesAn Experimental Study of the Traditional Mathematics Programas Compared to the Modcrn Nfathetnatics Program for the FighthGrade in Red River Parish. 1969.


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234. Moore, John M.A Study of the Development of the Junior High School in Lou-isiana. 1960.

235. Morgan, DellFree Persons of Color in Louisiana. 1963.

216. Morgan, EarlThe Attitude of the Patrons Concerning Consolidation in SchoolDistricts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and Consolidated School District I

of Natchitoches Parish. 1969.

237. Morgan, EarnestA Survey of Interscholastic Athletic Competition in the JuniorHigh Schools of Louisiana. 1968.

238. Morgan, Geneva B.Louisiana's Acadian Heritage. 1956.

239. Morris, Nelda M.The Colfax Riot. 1957.

240. Morrison, George EdwardThe History of Zwolle, Louisiana. 1960.

241. Murray, Ruth WestA Study of the Relationship of Teaching Methods and Achieve-ment of Under-Age Enrollees. 1969.

212. Muse, DorisConing in the Classroom. 1965.

243. Myers, Frances M.Non-College Educational Institutions in the State of Louisiana:A Listing for Counselor Use. 1961.

244. Nash, Evelyn P.A Survey of the Status of North Louisiana Educable MentallyRetarded Programs. 1969.

245. Neely, Lakes GreerThe Early Settlement of the Shreveport Area. 1965.


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216. Ncittc, SueA Comparison of Traditional Arithmetic and Modern Mathematicsin the FourthGrade. 1968.

247. Nichols, Eva W.The History and Development of the Sugar Industry in Louisiana.1956.

248. O'Brier, Gail JeanAn Evaluation of the Facilities for Teaching Science in theSecondary Schools of Natchitoches Parish. 1968.

219. O'Bryn, DorothyBudgeting and Saving Habits of the Teachers in the AvoyellesParish School System. 1963.

250. Odom, LewisLake Claiborne. 1967.

251. Oge, Roger DaleThe Demonstration %SUS the Laboratory Method in ElementaryScience Teach. A. 1969.

252. Owen, Margaret R.The Fort Sites of Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana. 1956.

253. Owens, LoreneProgress of Negro Education in Winn Parish in Recent Years.1957.

254. Pace, Ruth G.Effects on the. Future Achievement in Reading, Language, andArithmetic of Promoted and Nonpromoted Fitst Grade Children.

e55. Packard, Sophie

A Comparison of the Effects of Entrance Age Upon Children inthe Elementary Schools of Nacogdoches, Texas and Natchitoches,Louisiana. 1967.

256. Page, DeweyA Comparison of the Extended School Day and the Regular SchoolDay for a Group of Seventh Grade Students at Provencal HighSchool. 1968.


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257. Page, Gerald L.A FollowUp Study of /Education Majors Graduating from North.western 1961.1967. 1968.

258. Paris, TedA Comparison of the Receipts from Football with the Expenditures Associated with Playing Football at Leessille Nigh School,1959.1961. 1962.

259. Paris, TedA Study of the Ph)sical Fitness of 110)5 at Lcesvilk High School.1962.

260. Patton, Lady W.A Comparison of Anxiety Attitudes Between &lead Parents andChildren. 1965.

261. Peach, Lucile S.

A Report on the OnTheBast School at England Air Force DAR'.1956.

262. Pearson, Dolie R.The 'FiNe Islands- of Louisiana. 1956.

265. Pearson, William H.A Comparative Study of the Scholastic Aehiestme..ts AmongAthletes Attending Northwestern State College. 1959,

261. Perkins. MichaelA Comparison of the Employment Problems Between High SchoolGraduates and High School Dropouts of Vernon Parish. 196$.

265. I'tterson, Gwentth L.An Imtsligation of Motivation Tethniyucs in Reading at theFifth Grade Les-el. 1969.

266. Paterson, Berry A.A History of the Monroe City Schools from 'till to 1956. 1957.

267. Phillips. Bernice L.A Iiistot) of Boyce. 1956.


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2(8. Ponder, Leonard DaleThe Teaching Problems of a Selected Group of Caddo ParishBeginning Teachers. 1965.

249. Porter, A. B.Changing Structure of Three Rural Communities. 1960.

270. Porter, A. B.The School Board and Maternity Leases in Louisiana's

Public Schools. 1960,


271. Porter, FrankA Study of the Interactions of Group Dynamics and Their !nip lira .lions in Counseling Senior high School Students. 1967,

272. Pourteau, Alex 'VestonA Sursey of the Physical Lducation ProgramsSchool Students in Natchitoches Parish. 1962.

of white High

273. Pica low, Norma JeanAn Analysis of Indicidualireci Instruction as (omparexi to Groupinstruction of Teaching Reading to First Graders At Carrie Martin!fish School. 1968.

271. Pre lo, Mary A.A Study of Indisiclualiaed Method of Instruction as Compared toTeam Teaching to Sixth Graders at Pine Valley tlenx.otary School.1969.

275. Presley, trancesThe haluation of Guidance Sersives at the 1 Itmentary I (Ail.


276. Prewitt, licnry L.Unstated triteria Used in Selecting PrinciNls in 1.ouisim.s. 1962.

2/7. Pt It-C. Richard P.Programmed Instruction Versus Lecture Slethc.N1 in Teaching

Nlochanical braiiing. 1969.

27f1. Pullig. (taxis N.The Improsirrxnt of Science Experiences in the Seventh GradeThrough the 1.5e of t enstrunity Resources. 1965.


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279. Rabb, John HugheyA Field FollowUp Study of Twenty Elementary Education Grad.uates of Northwestern State College, Natchitoches, Louisiana.


280. Rabb, Mary D.Residence Hall Counseling for Women at Northwestern StateCollege, 1955.60. 1960.

281. Raehal, Carl E.Steamboat Navigation of Red Riser During the Yeats 1836.1860.1950.

282. Rambin, LucilleNatchitoches Parish. 1956.

283. Ramsey, Brenda LeonaTensas ParishConcentration on Newel 1ton, Louisiana. 1967.

284. Rathburn, Jeannette HarrisonA Proposed Plan for a DeRidder Elementary School Handbook forParents. 1958.

285. RA)ford, Evelyn II.A Comparative Study of Permanent Press and Wash and WearFabrics. 1969.

286. Reid, Elizabeth C.Recreation in the City of Natchitoches for the SclziolAge Youth.1957.

287. Reynolds, June

Scholastic Achievement of Women Health and Physical EducationMajors in Required Courses at Northwestern State College. 1962.

288. Rhea, MiltonFactors lautrx-ing Choke of College by Entering Freshmen: ARecruiting Program Using These Factors to the Best Advantage.1968.

289. Rikard, Dmie D.Ashland. 1967.


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290. Ritchey, Jonnic S.An Experimental Study for Determining the Effectiveness ofTongue Exercises in the Production of "K" and "G" Sounds,1968.

291. Roach, Dorothy LeeMusic Education in the Elementary Schools of Louisiana. 1956.

292. Robbins, GeneAttitude of Male College Students Living OnCampus Concerningthe Partaking of Alcoholic Beverages. 1961.

295. Robbins, James LewisLocation and Description of Some Ferns in Caddo Parish. 1961.

291. Roberson, Myrtle G.The Acadian's Influence on the Culture of Louisiana. 1958.

295. Roberts, Mrs. MargueriteThe Effecticene3s of Teacher Counseling in Increasing Self Ac.eeptanee. 1968.

296. Robison, Donnie G.Status of Data Proussing in Louisiana Vocational-Technical

Schools. 1968.

297. Rogers, Virginia M.A Comparison of the Mania! Status of the Population in Natchi-toches and Caddo Parishes. 1959-

298. Ropp, QuirKYAn investigation of the Closed-ritcuit Television Method ofinstruction as Compared to the Conventional Method in Fifth

Grade Geography. 1969.

299. Russell, Markin .StovallA Survey of Health Knowledge of College Freshman Registeringat Northwestern State College And a Comparison of This Know!.

edge with National Norms. 1940.

300. Salter, JAMS LaMarA Study of the Automated Data Processing Employment Require-ments in St lexted Louisiana RUSIN ss.cs. 1961.


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301. Salter, Lois G.Developing a Social and Family Relationship Unit for Senior Home-making Students in Zwolle High School. 1958.

302, Sanson, LutherHistory and Problems Concerning Pupil Transportation at BuckeyeSchool. 1960.

303. Sauce, Diane C.The Need for a Systematic Plan of Integrating the CreativeApproach to Teaching Art in the Public Secondary School (Grades9 through 12). 1968.

301. Saunders, Marjorie StanleyA Study of a Rejected Fifth-Grade Boy. 1958.

305. Savell, Sheba J.A Study of Reading Achievement in Fifth Grade Students Taughtby SRA and Basal Reading as Compared to Those Taught by BasalReading Alone. 1967.

306. Scarborough, GlennieA Comparison of the Individualized Method of Teacl"ng Readingwith the Basal Reader Ability-Grouping Method and the Relation-ship Between the Student's Level of Mental Ability and theEfficacy of Either Method. 1967.

307. Scoggins, LynelleHistory of Kisatchie. 1961.

308. Shade, William H.Effects of Supervision on Teacher Morale in Rapides Parish. 1968.

309. Shepard, EarlA Comparative Study of the Economic Growth of NatchitochesParish and the State of Louisiana in Eighteen Selected Areas forthe Period 1957-66. 1968.

310. Sibley, Antoinette FerlitoA Study of the Effectiveness of Two Mediums Used in the Teach-ing of Reading in Grade One. 1968.

311. Skinner, William RonaldAn Analysis of the Elements of Drama in an Educational Situa-tion. 1965.


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312. Slack, GailImproving Primary Science Experiences Through Emerging Plan-ning. 1965.

313. Smart, Guindl W.The Role of the Counselors in Vernon Parish as Compared toAmerican School Counselors Association Statement of Policy. 1968.

31-1. Smith, Brenda C.Attitudes of College Students Who Plan to 'Teach ElementarySchool Arithmetic. 1965.

315. Smith, Dorothy L. P.The Use of Audio-Visual Medi:, in Vocabulary Achievement. 1969.

316. Smith, Evvie JordanA Study of the Use of Individualind Instructions in TeachingReading to Remedial Disadvantaged Students at Webster HighSchool. 1969.

317. Smith, Johnny LeeUnderlying Causes of Dropouts at Church Point High School Fromthe Years 1965-1969. 1969.

318. Speights, Earl D.Enrollment Trends in Sabine Parish. 1957.

319. Spigener, Martha JeanA Comparative Study of the Effects of a Formal Reading Progr.inand of a Reading Readiness Program in the Kindergarten onReading Achievement. 1968.

320. Spruill, Alaine SayesSelf-Concept: Its Relation to Reading Achievement. 1969.

321. Stamper, John M., Jr.Scheduling of Co-Curricular Activities in the High Schools ofLouisiana. 1962.

322. Star:cs, PatriciaImproving Science Instruction in Grades One and Two ThroughFirst-Hand Experiences. 1966.


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323. Stephens, Mildred LyonAn Annotated Bibliography of References Pertaining to Methodsof Teaching Reading Compiled According to Major Subjects. 1962.

324. Sterling, Helen L.The Effects of Teaching Reading by Teaching Tapes: An

Individualized Approach. 1967.

325. Stothart, Jimmy R.An Analysis of the Organization of Local School Administration inLouisiana. 1958.

326. Straughan, Thomas R.Organization and Curriculum of Junior High Schools in Louisiana.1962.

327. Talbert, Martha Sand linA Comparative Investigation of the Comprehension of AlgebraOne by Students Under Deductive Instruction and Inductive Instruc-tion in Natchitoches Parish. 1967.

328. Tarver, Mary BethEffects of Sex Education on the Adolescent's Basic Sex Knowledge.i969.

329. Thomas, Alice FayeA Proposed Study of Improvement of Language for the Dis-advantaged Negro. 1969.

330. Thomas, Ola MaeAn Analysis of Children's Interest in Reading According to Ageand Sex in the Fifth Grade. 1968.

331. Thomas, Sadie G.Estimated Cost of a Nutritionally Adequate Diet in the Natchi-toches Area Based on the Food Plan at Low Cost. 1961.

332. Thomas, William D., Jr.Minimum General, Professional, and Special Certification Require-ments for Business Education Teachers in the Southern States thatComprise the Southern Association of Colleges and SecondarySchools. 1961.


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333. Thompson, Charles EdA Program of Physical Education for Coushatta High School. 1956.

334. Tolbert, Addle S.A Comparative Analysis of an Ungraded School Compared with aGraded School. 1968.

335. Touchet, Kenneth DanielAn Evaluative Study of the Student Personnel Program at North-western State College. 1969.

336. Trichel, Dorothy FayeAn Inquiry Into the Effectiveness of Kindergarten. 1967.

337. T-unzler, Mamie B.Comparison of Rehabilitated Handicapped Employees, Who HaveBeen Trained for Jobs in Industry, With the NonHandicappedEmployees, Both Employees Will Be Assigned Similar Tasks.1967.

338. Tubre, Marie H.Controlling "Misbehavior" in First-Grade Children Through Class-room Environment and Activities. 1965.

339. Tubre, Marie H.To Determine the Effects of Teaching Sets and Subsets on First-Grade Children's Understanding of the Addition and SubtractionProcess. 1964.

340. Tuiel, ClotealA Study of the Effects of Ability Grouping in Reading on theAttitudes of Third Grade Pupils at Greenmoor Elementary School.1969.

341. Tyler, RalphA History of the "Bossier Banner" with Special Emphasis on itsPolitical Significance Prior to the Civil War. 1967.

342. Vaughn, Barbara Beth BurnsRed Land. 1967.

343. Vercher, Melissa N.A History of Natchitoches, Natchitoches Parish, Louisiana. 1956.


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3.14. Vermaelen, Cherie J.A Study of the VAue of Laboratory Exercises Used in the Teachingof General Mathr.:matics in the Junior High School. 1969.

315. Phillips, John David, Jr.The Diary of Placide Bossier. 1969.

316. Waites, Charles H.A Comparison of Academic Success .old Scholastic Achievement ofAthletes and Non-Athletes in a Junior High School. 1966.

3-17. Wallingsford, LorraineFollow Up Shady of Bienville Parish Graduates from 1962-1967.1969.

318. Wallingsford, Riley R.A Follow Up Study of Minden High School Graduates from 1962-1966. 1969.

349. Walters, Billie M.A Comparison of the Initial Teaching Alphabet Approach toBeginning Reading with a Basal-Reader Approach. 1968.

350. Walters, Billie M.History of Red River Parish Through 1900. 1967.

351. Walton, George L.The Effects of Agriculture and Porulation on the Schools of De SotoParish. 1958.

352. Wa rd- Steinman, DaisyOriginal Music for Enriching the Content Subjects in the Elemen-tary School. 1959.

353. Ward-Steinman, DaisySixteen Original Songs. 1959.

354. Wedgeworth, Michael WayneThe Effects of Adverse Advertisement on the Smoking Habits ofCigaret Users in Natchitoches. 1967.

355. Wells, BarronImprovement of Speed and Accuracy in First-Year Typewriting.1965.


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;16. Wells, Dorothy Ann PharisThe Consolidation and Reorganization of Rural Schools. 1965,

357. West, Jerry EldonA. History of Certain Aspects of the Beauregard Parish SchoolSystem Dom 1916 to 1956. 1957.

358. Whatley, Mary BethA Study of the Effectiveness of Multiple-Channel Dictation Labora-tories in Elementary Collegiate Shorthand Classes. 1967.

319. Whitford, Michael G.ReaJions of Eighth Grade Students to Selected Learning ActivitiesContained in Social Studies Units. 1969.

360. Whittaker, Daisy B.The Effect of Data Processing on the Teaching of High SchoolBusiness Subjects. 1968.

361. Whitehead, Mthguerite B.Modern Research in Counseling and Its Implications in Improvingthe Junior High School Program 1968.

362. Wilkerson, Kenneth EmersonUnderlying Causes for School Withdrawals at Northwestern JuniorHigh School. 1968.

363. Williams, Helen B.A FollowUp Study of Graduates and Drop-Outs from Sikes HighSchool for the Five Years, 1957 to 1961. 1965.

364. Williams, Jean SmithAn Investigation of Some of the Problems that Occur During theTransition from Manuscript to Cursive Writing in the Third Grade.1968,

365. Williams, JodieA Study to Determine the Effects of Background Music on Per-formance Scores of an Achievement Test at the High SchoolLevel. 1969.

366. Williams, Sarah ReddenTeaching of Science with Experimentation Versus Teaching With-out Experimentation. 1967.


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367. Williamson, Douglas LeroyA History of Vernon Parish. 1956.

368. Willis, Neva JaneActivities of a Coordinator in a Cooperative Office EducationProgram in the State of Louisiana. 1969.

369, Willis, Olive AnnTeaching and Evaluating a Second Grade Social Studies Unit AboutJapan. 1965.

370. Wilmoth, Dreda MatlockA Comparative Investigation of the Affects of a Deprived HomeEnvironment on the Reading Performance of Children in GradeOne. 1969.

371. Wood, Donald W.Introducing Acrylic Paint into Adolescent Art. 1968.

372. Wright, Mary Jo P.A Comparative Study of the Differences in Readi.v AchievementBetween Children of Army Parents and Children of NonArmyParents. 1969.

373. Wright, Paula YvonneA Survey of Attitudes Toward Head Start in Louisiana. 1969.

374. Rhodes, FrancesOld Normal in the Nineteen Twenties. 1969.

375. Wood, Pear lie S.History of the Clifton School, Rapides Parish, Louisiana. 1961.

376. Jones, Gracie W.A Feasibility Study for a Cooperative Office Education Program,for Central Area Trade School. 1969.

377. Hankins, Pamela K.Cooperative Office Education for Coushatta High School. 1970.


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All numbers refer to entry numbers.

Ability grouping, 90, 142, 340Acadia Parish, 3, 317Acadians, 238, 294Acadians, contributions, 238Accidents, automobile, 187Adams, Evelyn P., 1

Adams, Janie, 2Administration, see School administrationAdolescents, attitudes on home living education, 24Adult education, 34, 261Airline High School, Bossier City, 218, 365Alcoholic beverages, 292Alcoholism, 152Aldrecige, Sharon, 3Aldredge, Clark, 4Alexandria, history, 96Alexandria Junior High School, Alexandria, 232, 346Algebra, grading and marking, 172Algebra, study and teaching, 124, 141, 327Allbritton, Elsie R., 5Allen co-operative farm experiment, 113Allen, Natchitoches Parish, 113Almand, Marjorie Eubank, 6Ammons, Donna lee, 7Anacoco High School, Vernon Parish, 44, 68Andersen, Ian R., 8Anderson, Hattie Davis, 7aAnderson, Katheryn S., 9Anxiety, 176, 207, 260, 295Apprenticeship training, 134Architecture, 49Architecture, school, 106Arithmetic, study and teaching, 75, 222, 246, 314, 339Art, study and teaching, 303, 371Arthur Circle Elementary School, Shreveport, 14, 219Artists, Negro, 25Arts and crafts, study and teaching, 221Ashland, Natchitoches Parish, history, 289Aswell, James. Midsummer Fires, criticism, 58


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Athletes, 152, 186, 263, 346Athletes, ability tests, 186Athletics, study and teaching, see Physical education and trainingAtlanta High School, Winn Parish, 107Audio-visual library service, 21Audio-visual materials, 18, 21, 61, 170, 321, 358Audio-visual materials for Louisiana Social Studies, 180Audio-visual materials, study and teaching, 170, 315Austin, L. Dime C., 10Automated teaching, 5, 47, 324Avery Island, Iberia Parish, 262Avoyelles Parish, 61, 78, 153, 249, 320Avoyelles Parish, history, 131, 269Babb, Elmo L., Jr., 10aBailey, Mildred H., 12Baker, Anne Hungerbeeler, 13Baker Heights Elementary School, East Baton Rouge Parish, MaBaker, Ruby, 269Baptist Church, Bienville Parish, 30Baptist Church, Negreet, Louisiana, 57Baptists, 135, 162, 269Barber, Marie Louise Armintor, 14Barnhill family, 103Barron, Martha L., 15Basketball, study and teaching, 89, 110, 195Bastrop, Morehouse Parish, 133, 285Bates, Billie Ann, 16Bates, Grover Lamar, Jr., 17Batiste, Hazel Harris, 18Beauregard Parish, 83, 230, 284, 357Beauregard Parish, schools, 357Beebe, Inez R., 19Be liar, Mary F., 20Belle Isle, St. Landry Parish, 262Bellevue, Bossier Parish, 341Belmont High School, Sabine Parish, 41Benefield, Dorothy C., 21Bennett, Carroll P., 22Bennett, Toni, 23Benson, De Soto Parish, 162Benton, Bossier Parish, 341Bernard, Jessie J., 24Berry, Effie N., 25


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Beter, Thais Ruth, 26Bethune High ;school, Shreveport, 172Beulah Baptist Church. Rapides Parish, 138Bevil le, Ruth T., 27Bienville Parish, 278, 347Bienville Parish, flora, 158, 159Bienville Parish, history, 15, 30Biological sciences, curriculum study, 9(1Biology 501: 293Biology 510: 159Biology, study and teaching, 5-1, 90, 128Birdwell, Floyd Vernon, 28Blair, Georgia Ann, 29Bogan, Ruby, 30Bohemians, see CzechsBolton High School, Alexars iriA, 95Bonial, Rosemary Ann, 31Booker T. Washington High School, Shreveport, 137Bossier Banner (newspaper), 341Bossier High School, Bossier City, 128Bossier Parish, 89, 192, 193, 203, 365Bossier Parish, history, 81, 341, 342Bossier, Placide [Francois Jules Placide Bossier}, 1838-1861, 3.15Boswell, Cecil E., 32Botany 510: 158Bowen, Turner, 33Bowen, Turner L., 34Boyce, Rapides Parish, history, 267Bradford, Mildred, 35Bradshaw, Gordon T., 36Bram lett, Carolyn Paul, 37Broadmoor Junior High School, Shreveport, 3-14, 361Broken homes, 33, 118Brossette, Alvin Jr., 38Brown, Lesh Nettles, 39Brown, Lowell Lee, Jr., 40Brown, Richard Gary, 41Browning Elementary School, Webster Parish, 215Brumfield, 1fannah B., 42Bryant, Will Amanda Scott, 43Buckeye High School, Rapides Parish, 90, 302Buckhorn community, Rapides Parish, 171Buckley, Thomas Francis, 41


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Budget studies, 249Budget for the home, 94Building construction practices, 210Building costs, 210Buildings, portable, 210Buildings, prcfahricated, 210Burkett, Cecile C., 45Burns, Bonnie S., 46Burns, Hilda H., 47Buses, school, see Ti-ansportation of school childrenBush alder, 158Business Administration 323: 122Business Administration 410: 210, 249Business Administration 510: 355Business education, 16, 161, 296, 332, 358, 360, 368Business Education 513: 108Business Education 516: 377Business Education 517: 223Business Education 519: 296, 360Business education, study and teaching, 200, 223Butler, Vernon, 48Byrd, C. E. High School, Shreveport, 216Caddo Heights Elementary School, Shreveport, 35, 132Caddo Indians, 52, 86Caddo Parish, 1, 10, 14, 40, 60, 63, 70, 72, 89, 100, 147, 156, 172, 178,

204, 224, 228, 268, 274, 293, 297, 370Caddo Parish, history, 245Calcasieu, Rapides Parish, 171Calvin High School, Winn Parish, 107Calvin, Louisiana, history, 53Camp Polk, see Fort PolkCamp, Prentiss M., 49Campbell, Alice C., 50Campti High School, Natchitoches Parish, 106, 359Campti, Louisiana, 106Canals, 226Canerday, Norine, 51Carpenter, D. C., 52Carrie Martin High School, Plain Dealing, 273Carson, Thomas C., 54Carter, Dolores, 55Carter, Gladys G., 56, 57Carver Elementary School, Bastrop, 93


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Carver, Hampton M., 58Cason, Vida F., 59Cassels School, Catahoula Parish, 213Castor High School, Bienville Parish, 30, 278Catahoula hog dogs, 213Catahoula Parish, history, 212, 213Cathey, Joy Carol, 60Cemeteries, 164Center Hammock, Rapides Parish, see Hammock, Rapides ParishCenter Point, Avoyelles Parish, 131Central Area Trade School, Natchitoches Parish, 173, 376Central High School, Natchitoches, Louisiana, 13Central Louisiana State Hospital, Pineville, 34Character education, 6Char'ty hospitals, 121Charrier, Tommie, 61Cheating, 242

William Fendon, 138Cheneyville, Rapides Parish, 138Chester, Tommy Glynn, 62Chiesa, Rudolph Matthew, 63Childers, Norman Arthur, 64Church Point High School, Acadia Parish, 317Civics, study and teaching, 100Civil war in Catahoula Parish, 213Claiborne Parish, 250Clark, Jacqueline Ann, 65Clarke, J. S. Junior High School, Shreveport, 172Clifton School, Rapides Parish, 375Climate and man, 216Cloud, Janice, 66Clyde, Patricia Faye, 67Coburn, Venton, 68Co-curricular activities, see Student life and extra curricular activitiesCoefield, June R., 69Coleman, Rosalie A., 70Cotes Island, Avoyelles Parish, 131Colfax, Grant Parish, 64, 239Colfax Riot, 1873, 239College recruiting programs, 288Company of the Indies, 17Compton, Lynn, '71Concordia Parish, 109, 175


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Conwrsation education, 101Conservation. study and teaching. 101. 180, 278Consolidation of schools, 236, 351, 356Converse High School. Sabine Parish, 11

Cook. Joseph 72

Cooperative office education, f f DiSU 'Kane educationCooperative societies. 113Corbett, Edwin. 73Corley. 1)oriald S.. 71Cote Blanche Island. St. Mary Parish, 262Cotton, John D., 75, 76Cotton, Sue 1_$ nn Roertson. 77Counseling. 22, 32, 111, 280, 295, 313.'335. 361Counseling, programs. In, 13, 182, 271Courtney, N'irginia S., 78

Coushatta Lternentary School, Red Riot Parish. 319Coushatta /lig% School, Red Riser Parish, i55, 377Coushatta Riot, 350(raft, Robert N., 79( ranston. Ralph A.. soCrassford. Virginia. 81Creativity, I, 303Crime, 33. 98, 163Crime. detection of. 98

rushy. Diane Prather. Pl( row. Rohert Ii.. 83( rouder, Sandr.. C., SI(rar, Hope G., 85Culbertson, Manie L. 86Culturally &prised children. 59. 228, 3'0Curriculum studies. 206Cretin in Rapides Parish. 269D'Antoni, Claire M. 8'Dark. Don. 1111).1!, procosing. study and teaching. 296, 300. 360tklEee, Ss* 6. 88Demographic studies. P1, 297Iknnic. Albert P., F9Ikpression, Great. 113tkRiJihr. Peauregard P..rish, 2841><RKIlicr Elementary School. litauregard Parish, 2811kRiiider Junior High Shed. ittaurcgartl Parish, 230IkSoto Junior High Skkol, Mansfield, 43


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Dc Soto Parish, 101, 111, 115, 1 16, 290. 301, 361DeSoto Parish, history, 162DeSoto Parish, schools, 351DeVille, Autra A., 90DeVille, Maxine K., 91Dictionaries, study and teaching. 229Dillard, Jewell Q.. 92Directories, trade, vocational .ind technical schools, 179Disadvantaged child, 59, 151, 214. 316, 329, 373Discipline, 208Discipline, school, 268Discocery learning, 136Dishwashers, 71Distributive education, 368, 376. 377Dogs, 190. 213Dormitories, architecture of, -19Dorsey. Ethel D., 93Dowden, Corinne M.. 91belle, Jesse Jr., 95Dosline, Webster Parish, 32-1. 329Drafting. mechanical. study and (caching. 10Dramatization (teaching methods). 9Dropouts, 4, 83, 90, 95, 185. 264. 117, 362, 3631)untur, Georgie P.. 96. 97Dupree, Las erne Slater. 98Fact Raton Rouge Parish, 10.eCast Jefferson High School, Metairie, 145Last Leessille Flemettar) School. Vernon Parish, 9Cast Natchitoehes Clementary School. Natchitoches, 139, 246Cast Natchitoches Junior High School. Natchitoche-s. 24, SI, 160, 199Castside Elementary School, Winnfield. 369flionomic education. 1611...ottoftiet 52O: 309Cconomics. study and teaching. ISOrddlemon, Eugene A . 99Ilimeolion 101: 1 . 2, 3. 4. %. 7. 9. 10. IS. 20. 2 1 . 23. 28. 29. 31. 31, 3%,

37, 38, 19, 40. 42, 13. 17. 19, SI. Si. 59, 60. 61, 62, 6S, 66.ets, 70. 79, 83. SI, S. 57, 90. 91. 9%. 99, 100. 101. 102, 101.106. 114. 115. 116. 117, 118, 120. 121, 127, 132, 136, 117,110. 111. 146, 117, 119, 150. 151, 153, 156, 157, 161. 163,166, 167, 168, 170, 172, 175. 176. 178, 182, 181. 184, 185,18. 190. 191. 194. 196. 197, 199, 200, 201, 204, 205, 206,207, 208. 209. 211 214, 215, 216, 218. 219, 221, 128. 251,


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233. 236, 237, 2.11, 241, 246, 248, 251, 254,261, 265, 271, 27i, 274, 275, 277, 285, 288,3Gc1, 303, 305, 306, 308, 310, 313, 315, 316,124, 327, 328, 329, 330, 334, 335, 336, 339,348, 349, 354, 358, 362, 361, 365, 368, 370,












Edftration 505: 229Lobera lir.? 511: 14, 16, 41, 145, 356tAwation 513: 78, 9512dttratiou 516: 376Edlication 519: 45, 48, 63, 67, 73, 98,

232, 234, 258, 261, 266, 270,326, 332, 351

tehication 520: 80












Edwation 529: 186. 268, 357Flotation 530: 359Edaration 531: 56, 369, 375&twation 532: 75, 222, 314, 339tiwation 533: 76, 77, 278, 312, 366&bites lion 539: 12, 27, 57, 72, 97, 139. 220, 286, 291, 323, 352

1L2dHeatiou .549: 304

Edmration 552: 22, 44, 107Ekaation 55.5: 128, 188. 243, 361Ediaation 559: 13, 179, 363E./rad/ion 569: 34tchkAtion, history, 231LciocAliormt psychology, IEducational tots and measurcinc-nts, 80Ella& nigh School, Sabine Parish, 41Eamon, Glenda M., 100Effie, Avoyelles Parish, 131Eighty.first Street Elementary School, Shrmpott, 7CElkins, Donald, 101Elkins, Jerry, 102Elliott, Sue K., 103Elmer, Rapides Parish, 99, 169, 171Emotion, 3Employment, 7aEngland Air Force Base. Alexandria, 261Ent !lib SIP: 58English language, grammar, study and teaching, 199English, study and teaching. 51Ensminstr, )ack, 104Enterprise School, Cata klub Parish, 213


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Ensironmental psychology, 8, 216Erwin, E. C., 105Evangeline rarish, 251Extracurricular activities. 5ct. Student life and extra curricular activitiesFair. James XV., 106

Family life education, 24, 35, 193Fairview Alpha High School, Natchitoches Parish, 2Family finance, 94Federal aid to education, 45, 227Feeble-minded children, 7, 23, 153, 244Feeble- minded children, see also Special educationFerguson, Prentis L., 107Ferns, 293Ferriday, Concordia Parish, 109Financial support of schools, see School FundsFisher, Jack L, 108Fleming, Myron J., 109Floods, 109Florien High School, Sabine Parish, 41, litFolk medicine, !Nowa le Parish, 30Folklore, 130Folklore, Bienvi Ile Parish, 30Folklore, Catahoula Parish, 213Folkways, 294Follow-up studies, 119, 125, 163, 173, 174, 198, 257, 279, 347, 348, 363Fontenot, Larry G., 110Food preferences, 17`.'

Football, expenditures, 258Football, expense of, 258Football players, ire AthletesForest Lawn Memorial Park Cemetery, Pines-ilk, 164Forestry, study and teaching, 180Forests and forestry, Rapides Parish, 19Fort Jesup, Sabine Parish, 144Fort Polk, 307, 367Forts, Natchitoches Parish, 252Ft.wler, Barbara, 112FtitICiS, *kit r., 113

Franklin, Carrie Pugh, 11 IFranklin, Elsie B., 115Fullerton, Vernon Parish, 112Gaines, J. W., High School, Nfontgornety, 38Galloway, Jan, 116


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Galloway. Pete, 117Gardner, Rapides Parish, 169. 171Garlington, Norman. 118Gates, Leticia T.. 119Gay, Via leen. 120General science, study and teaching. 128Genetics, animal, 190Grograph) 405: 53Geography, study and teaching. 178. 180. 298Geometry, study and teaching, 136Ghosttowns, 112Gifted children. education, S. 90. 224Gimhert, Ada A 121

Gloster, DeSoto, 361Goodpi!ie Pig)} School. La Salle Parish. 206Grading and narking (students). -10, 5sGrading and marking (students). Caddo Parish, 172Graham, H. 1. , 122

Graham. Hubert Leslie, Sr.. 123Grammar, act English language, grammarGrand Cane. Welt° Parish, 301Grand rcore, Natchitoches Parish. history. 111Grant Pa rash, 48. 61. 315Grant Raish, history. 10 1, 239Gray. Jams, 124Gray. Phalamae Cromwell. 126

Gran, Dorothy /static, -127Gretnmoor Elementary Shod, Shreeeporl, 310Gretriserod -Memorial Park Cemetery, Pinesille, 161Gams. Ixonard V., 128Griffith. Emilia Gay. 129Grigg. Martha Anne, 130Gtimc-s. Asoyelles Parish. 131Group (most ling. 182Guidance. 32, 128, 137, 271. 275. 33%. 361Guilloty, Clistort, 131Gunning. Mar) Flitaheth, 132Gymnastks. 26Haddoc, V'lliam C., 111. 13111.11e, Freida. 13%

111:e, Robert F, 136Hall. Andrew, 137Hamilton Terrace Junior High School. Shrtserott, 158


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Hammock, Rapides Parish, 169, 171Hammond, Jimmie Charlene, 138Handbooks, school, 281llandicap}xd, 337Handicapped students, 174Handwriting, study and leaching, 38, 364Hankins, Pamela K., 377Hardin, Genevieve H., 139Hardin, James Hilton, 140Hardy, C. Glen, 141Harkness, Anita Louise, 142Harrisonburg High School, Cttahoula Parish, 213Harvey, Louisiana, 87Hawks Elementary School, Jonesboro, 207Hayes, Frances Pruitt, 143Hays, Elma B., 141Head Start, ire Project Head Startlleadstart Child Development program, ere Project Ile.tdstartUeda; 537: 26, 46, 61, 152, 171, 187, 292, 299Health education, 61Health knowledge, 299Health misconcevions, 61Health services in colleges, 126Henderson, Miller R., 145Hendrickson, Kenneth Paul, 146Hendrix, George P., 147Henning. W. T., Elementary School, Sulphur, 176Henry Mts. C.unmie G., 25Henry, Thomas Kennedy-, 118Herbert, Thomas F., 149Herndon High School. Shreveport, 172Herring. Ellen McCleary, 150Herron, Jerlene L., 151Hickman, William Gary. 152Hicks. Mary Kathleen, 153Hildebrand, Tints. 151Hillsdale Elementary School, Shute-port, I, 60Itint-ton. Rarities Parish, 169, 171Historic sites and buildings. 141Historical markers, 10311i,toti 402: 235Iiirlot) 414: 113, 175MAW) 421: 4R, 315



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History 10I: 17, 143Rigor) 510: 50Rigor) 590: 15, 30History, study and teaching. 61, 91, 145, l47111;tor) 536: 37.1Hobbies, 218Flogs in Cataliou la Parish, 213Holland, Lester, 155Holman, Dixie, 156lione Economic; 411: 91Ilona Economi.; ¶03: SSIIfinne Economic, 104: 6, 71, 98, 119, 177, 193. 242, 260, 301, 338Home Economics graduates, 119Home Economics, study and teaching, 29. 71. 192, 301Ilenesty, 212Ilor i, John E., 157Hospitals, 121Hot Wells, "Wicks Parish, 267Hough, Marshall, 158, 159Household financial plans, 91, 219Howell Elementary School, Sptinghill, Louisiana, 215Flowell, Joyce Dickinson, 160Hoyt, Susan Haydcl, 161Huddle School, Rapidcs Parish, 301Hunter, Clementine, 25Hunter. Dean, 162Hutchinson, Hilda A , 163

Hyde, Ruth W., 161ilipothermia, 216Iberia Parish, 5, 191Indians of North America -- Louisiana, 52, 86Indiscipline. 208, 338Indisidual differences, 20Individual psychology. 2, 23Industrial arls. study and teaching. 40, 137, 205, 218Industrial deseloprnent, 108industrial education 40): 134Industrial education 503: 133Ingram, Billy, 165Initiate Teaching Alphabet, 319Interscholastic athletics, 237Intoxicants, 152Isle Presellt, Natchitoches Parish, history, 15


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Isometric exercise, 168, 195Isometric training, 168Jackson Parish, 207Janzen, Bob, 166Japan, teaching unit, 369Jeansonne, Jimmie Dawn, 167Jefferson Island, Iberia Parish, 262Jennings, Jimmy, 168Jewell.' Elementary School, Shreveport, 310Jewish Cemetery, Pineville, 161Johnson, Calvin, 169Johnson Elementary School. Mansfield, 330Johnson, James C., 170Johnson, Ned it, Sr., 171Jones, Eliza, 172Jones. 6:acie \V., 173, 376Jones, Lawrence M., 17-1Jones, Pauline M., 175Joyce, Sandra D., 176Judson Elementary School, 1

Tustnile delinquency, 33, 98, 163juvenile reformatories, 33, 163Junior high schools in Louisiana, 55. 237, 326, :7,61Junior high schools in Louisiana, history. 231Keatchie Female College, De Soto Parish, 135Kelley, Claire, 177Kelly, Marguerite Spencer, 178Kendall. Comic! liolladay. 179Kendrick. Lola C., 180Kennedy. Patricia L, 181Keys. Thomas M., 182Kimball. Sister Philomcne, 183Kindergarten, 150, 319, 336King, Barbara Jean, 184Kisatchie Baptist Church, 307Kisatchie. Natchitoches Parish, 307Kisatchie National Forest, 507Kisatchie Union Church, 307Kitchings. Maxie, 185Knecht. Gene, 186Knotts. Mack, 187Knox, Perry. 188K., lin, Rarides Parish, 269


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Kurz, Frances Veal, 189Kyser, Janet E., 190LaCombe, Thomas Harold, 191

Va !try V., 192Va ler). V., 193

Lindrn Olga, 191Language and languages, study and teaching, 181LaSalle Parish, 206Luvespere, Jerry Lytel, 195LA, John (1671.1729), 17Lay, Tommy L., 196tayssard family of Rarities Parish, 96Leach, Thelma, 197Leachman, Sybil Farmer, 198Learning, psychology of, c-s of absence, 270LeBlanc, Edith S., 199tee, Mary Adelene, 200Leessi.le High School, Vernon Parish, 258, 259, 371Lecssi Ile, Vernon Parish, (Si, ?.67

Leghorn Press, 202Lemoine, Linda Gi le, 201Lesson plans for Louisiana social studies, 180

Vi,layne, 202Lewis, William T., 203Libraries, school, ace School libraries!abuse, Rapides Parish, 269Lint Atnut School, Shreveport, Louisiana, 7Linguistics and reading. 66Linwood Junior High School, Shreve opt, 121Listening, 150, 201Lister, Frances 11, 201Liuooa%s Elernentary School, Iberia Parish, 191Local government, Rapides Parish, 169Logansport, DeS.oto Parish. 146Logansport High School, De Soto Parish, 116Lombard, Richard rermat, 205Lore Sta.', Rapides Parish, 171loogstred, James, 50Louisiana College, Pinesille, 135I.otrisiina geography, study and teaching, 180Louisiana government. study and teaching. IRO

cUiSiMU history, colonial period, 17


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LouisianaLouisiana State Unisersity,Lowe, Mrs. Elsie. 206Loyd Hall, Rapides Parish,Ludlcy, Pinkie B., 207Lueth, Carl Anthony, 208Lumbering, 307Machine teaching, 5Nf.Clinton, Gracie, 209McCoy, Carol Boling, 210Mchr land, B. T., 211McCulley, Irene W., 212,McLain, Sylvia Ward, 214McMillan, Maria L., 215McNeal, Shirley Ann, 216Nfaillet, Nathan F. 217Ma lmay, Jesse R., 218Malone, Bren'a Kaye, 219canning. Frances Hammel, 220Mansfield High School, De Soto Parish,Mansfield, Louisiana, 330Many Elementary School, Sabine Parish, 12Many High School, Sabine Parish, 11, 328Many, Sabine Parish, 211Marriage, 167Marriage statistics, 297Married students, I67Marston, Marguerite, 2211farthasille knior High School, 28Nfarthaville, Louisiana, 1n3Martin, Egeria R., 222Martin, Margaret W., 223Martin, Rogers William, 224Mary Goff Elementary School, R.pidesMaterials centers, 21Maternity leaves of absence, 270Mathematical ability. 142AlithPratkt 303: 142

history, study and teaching, 1/sCOaks: of Economic Opportunity, 375Social Studies, study and teaching, 180State Board of Education, 208State Industrial School for Girls, Pineville, 33, 163State Normal College, sa Northwestern State College

mathematics, 75freshman



students in


Parish, 75, 71,

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Nlathematics in the junior high xlmol, 80Mathematics study and teaching, 75, 80, 233, 246, 344Mathematics, study and teaching (elementary grades), 211Mathern, Lelia, 225Mattis, Catharine M., 226Niechanical drawing, tests, 40Nte.hanical drawing, study and teaching, 277Media centers, 21Melder, E. E., 227Me lder, Rapides Parish, 171Me lroy, Nancy, 228Menard Memorial High School, Alexandria, 195Mentally retarded children, see Feeble- minded childrenMethodist Cemetery, Pineville, 164Methodist church, Dicnville Parish, 30Methodist church, &irides Parish, 269Mcu Mon, Edmond, 161Atiklinontr brut. Criticism, 58Midway Junior High School, Shreveport, Si)Mignon, Francois, 25Military personnel, education of, 261, 372Miller, AV % Ruth, 229Miller, Sam J., 230Milner, Purvis, 231Minden, X'esbtet Parish, 316Minden High School, Webster Parish, x,18Ministerial counseling. 22Misconduct, era IndisciplineMississippi Bubble, 17Mississippi Rivet Roods, 109Mississippi Scheme, 17Mobility, population, 372Money management, 94Monroe city schools, history, 266Monroe, Louisiana, 154Monroe, Louisiana, history, 266NIGntgornery. Louisiana, history, 105Moore, Carolyn J., 232Moore, Emmett James, 233Moore, John M., 234Morale, tepcher, 191, 308Morehouse High School, liaArop. Louisiana, 285Morgan, Dell, 235


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Morgan, Earl, 236Morgan, Earnest, 237Morgan, Geneva B., 238Morris, Nelda M., 239Morrison, George Edward, 240Mount Carmel High School, Sabine Parish, 41Mt. Lebanon University, Bienville Parish, 135Mt. Olivet Episcopal Cemetery, Pineville, 164Murray, Ruth West, 241Muse, Doris, 242Museums, 144Manic 407: 353Music, competiti%e, 141,Musk, programmed, 365Musk, study and teaching. 149, 183, 189, 291, 352, 353Musical ability, 231Musical therapy, 365Myers, Frances M., 243Nacogdoches, Texas, 255Nash, Evelyn P., 244Natchitoches, 32, 39, 187, 210, 255, 286, 298, 319, 331Natchitoches Farmstead Association, 113Natchitoches High School, 18, 46Natchitoches High School, physical education department, 154Natchitoches, history, 343, 345Natchitoches, i.idustrial development, 108Natchitoches Parish, 2, 7a, I8, 21, 23, 24, 32, 59, 94, 101, 103, 111, 113,

116, 127, 188, 227, 236, 248, 272, 297, 306, 307, 327Natchitoches Parish, economic growth, 309Natchitoches Parish, high schools, 165Natchitoches Parish, history, 25, 252, 282, 289Natchitoches Parish School Board, school lunch department, 122Natchitoches, mail trade, 39National Cemetery, Pineville, 161Neely, Lalon Greer, 245Negreet Elementary School, Sabine Parish, 265Negreet High School, Sabine Parish, 41Negreet, Louisiana, history, 56, 57Negroes, 25, 69, 235, 375Negroes, Caddo Parish, 100Negroes. education, 100. 329Negroes, education, Caddo Parish, 147, 178, 181Negroes, education, Grant Parish, 48


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Negroes, education, Natchitoches Parish, 18, 25Negroes, education, Webster Parish, 151Negroes, education, Winn Parish, 253Neitte, Sue, 246New Hope, Rapides Parish, 169, 171Newel lton, Louisiana, history, 283Nichols, Eva W., 247Noble High School, Sabine Parish, 41Norigraded schools, see Schools, nongradedNorth Natchitoches Junior High School, Natchitoches, 366North Point, Avoyelles Parish, 131Northwestern Elementary School, Natchitoches, 97, 177, 242Northwestern Junior High School, Natchitoches, 24, 157, 199, 362Northwestern State College, 13, 26, 29, 49, 62, 110, 142, 152, 186Northwestern State College, athletes, 152, 263Northwestern State College, Business department students, 355Northwestern State College, dormitories, 117, 280Northwestern State College, Drama department, 311Northwestern State College, Education majors, 257Northwestern State College, Elementary education department, 275Northwestern State College, fraternities, 4, 152Northwestern State College, history, 374Northwestern State College, Home Economics department, 119Northw?stern State College, Office Administration students, 358Northwestern State College, Physical Education department, 125, 198, 287Northwestern State College, Speech correction curriculum, 181Northwestern State College, students, 8, 36, 152, 166, 167, 174, 182, 257,

263, 279, 280, 287, 288, 292, 299, 314, 335, 360Northwood JuniorSenior High School, Shreveport, 100Nurses, practical, 173Nutrition, 331Oak Grove High School, Sabine Paarish, 41Oak Hill School, Rapides Parish, 99, 171O'Bier, Gail Jean, 248O'Bryan, Dorothy, 249Occupational chcice, 85, 157Occupational surveys, 133Occupations, 133, 179Odom, Lewis, 250Office education cooperative, see Distributive educationOge, Roger Dale, 251Old Union Baptist church, De Soto Parish, 162


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OntheBase School in Adult Academic Education, England Air Force Base.261

Otis, Rapides Parish, 171Ouachita Female Academy, 266Ouachita Parish, 134, 220Ouachita Parish, history, 266Ouachita Parish schools, 45Ouachita School Society, 266Ouachita Valley Vocational Schoo:, West Monroe, 134ONerton, John Holmes, 226Owen, Margaret R., 252Owens, Lorene, 253Pace, Ruth G., 254Pickard, Sophie, 255Page, Dewey, 256Page, Gerald L., 257Palmei Chapel, Presbyterian Mission, Wise Community, 269Paradise Element...iy School, Pineville, 77, 338, 339Parentchild relationship, 3, 260Pare. `s' and teachers' associations, 139Parents' criticism of schools, 67Paris, Ted, 258, 259Parks, George L., Elementary School, Natchitoches, 102, 246Parks, George L., Exceptional School, Natchitoches, 23Patton, Lady W., 260Peach, Lucile S., 261Pearson, Do lie R., 262Pearson, William H., 263Perception, spatial, 221Pen cption, visual, 22iPerkins, Michael, 264Personality, 72, 188, 200, 207, 304, 320Personnel management, 127Peterson, Gweneth L., 265Petterson, Berry A., 266Phillips, Bernice L., 267Phillips, John David, Jr., 345Phonetics, 70, 194Physical Education 501: 89Physical Education 535: 36, 55, 110, 126, 154, 160, 195, 259, 272, 287,

333, 346Physical Education 542: 10aPhysical Educatinn 546: 217



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Physical Education and training, 125, 174, 272, 333Physical Education and training, study and teaching, 10a, 55, 154, 160,

217, 237Physical education and training, t;ts and measurements, 186Physical fitness, 26, 28, 68, 259Physically handicapped, education, 174Pine Grove Baptist Church, Ruby, Rapides Palish, 269Pine Grove Elementary School, Shreveport, 204Pine Prairie Elementary School, Evangeline Parish, 251Pine Valley Elementary School, Caddo Parish, 274Pineville Junior High School, Pirmille, 196Pineville, Louisiana, 34, 163, 164Pineville, Louisiana, history, 96Pisgah High School, Sabine Parish, 41Plain Dealing, Bossier Parish, 273Plainview High School, Sabine Parish, 41Plaucheville High School, Avoyelles Parish, 61Play production, 311Pleasant Hill, Battle of, 148Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, 148Pointe Maigre, Avoyelles Parish, 131Politics and government, 169Ponder, Leonard Dale, 268Population, 171Port Arthur, Texas, 188Porter, A. B., 269, 270Porter, Frank, 271Post of Concord, 175Pourteau, Alex Veston, 272Prealow, Norma Jean, 273Pre low, Mary A., 274Presbyterian Church in Rapides Parish, 269Presley, Frances, 275Prcwitt, Henry L., 276Price, Richard P., 277Principals (elementary schools), see School administratorsPrincipals (high schools), see School administratorsProgramed instruction, 5, 47, 54, 192, 199, 277Project head start, 120, 214, 373Promotion in school, 254Propaganda, 354Provencal High School, Natchitoches Parish, .?56Provencal, Louisiana, history, 197


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Psychology, 24, 447Psychology, educational, see Educational psychologyPsychology, individual, see Individual psychologyPublic relations, schools, 232Publicity, 354Pullig, Clovis H., 278Purchasing practices, schools, 122Rabb, John Hughes, 279Rabb, Mary D., 280Raccourci, Avoyelles Parish, 131Rachal, Carl E., 281Racial groups, 235, 375Racial prejudice, 18, 100Railroads, 129Railroads, vandalism, 98Rambin, Lucille, 282Ramsey, Brenda Leona, 283Rapid learner, 224Rapides Cemetery, Pineville, 96, 164Rapides Parish, 19, 31, 67. 71, 95, 101, 118, 135, 163, 191, 195, 196,

267, 275, 295, 302, 336, 375Rapides Parish, histcry, 96, 164, 269Rapides Parish Home Demonstratior. Clubs, 71Rapides Parish, public elementary schools, 67Rapides Parish, public schools, 31Rapides Parish, Ward live, 171, 169Rathburn, Jeannette Harrison, 284Rayford, Evelyn H., 285Readhimer High School, Natchitoches Parish, 59Readiness for school, 84, 219, 255Reading, 37, 372Reading, bibliography, 323Reading (elementary), 14, 60, 70, 102, 178, 194, 204, 273, 305, 306, 330Reading improv.:ment, 14, 37, 42, 43, 47, 70, 102, 132, 140, 196, 201,

204, 241, 265Reading readiness, 65, 132, 319, 336, 370Reading, remedial teaching, 87, 99, 114Reading (secondary school), 87Reading, study and teaching, 2, 20, 31, 66, 115, 305, 306, 310, 316, 324,

349Reconstruction, Louisiana, 50, 239Recreation, 160, 286Red Land, Bossier Parish, 342


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Red Land Semiwry, 342Red River, 226, 281Red River, history, 88, 281Red River Parish, 88, 185, 233, 333Red River Parish, history, 350-Redbones," 375Rehabilitation of criminals, 163Reid, Elizabeth C., 286Rejected children, 334Residence halls, see Dormitories; Northwestern State CollegedormitoriesRetarded children, see Feeble-minded childrenReynold;, June, 287Rhea, Milton, 288Rhodes, Frances, 374Rice industry, history, 225Richardson Elementary School, Minden, 215Richmond, Er.non A., 202Ridgewood Junior High School, Shreveport, 189Rikard, Davie D., 289Ritchey, Jonnie S., 290Roach, Dorothy Lee, 291Robbins, Gene, 292Robbins, James Lewis, 293Roberson, Myrtle G., 294Roberts, Mrs. Marguerite, 295Robison, Donnie G., 296Rock Mount, Bossier Parish, history, 81Rogers, Virginia M., 297Ropp, Quincy, 298Rosenwald Pigh School, Logansport, 115Roy, Victor Leander, 374Ruby, Rapides Parish, 269Rural conditions, 171, 269Rusheon, T. 0., Junior High School, Bossier City, 203Fussell, Marion Stovall, 299Sabine Parish, 41, 211, 260, 265, 301Sabine Parish, history, 56, 57, 143, 240Sabine River, 74Sabine River Authority, 74Sabine River Compact Administration, 74Sabine Valley VocationalTech:-.:al School, Many, Louisiana, 300Safety education, 64St. Charles Parish, 66


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St. Charles Parish, elementary schools, 66St. Clair, Rapides Parish, 169,St. Mary's School, Natchitoches, 183St. Matthew School, Natchitoches Parish, 120Salem Baptist Church, Bossier Parish, 342Salt domes, 262Salt, history, 262Salter, Jams Lam ir, 300Salter, Lois G., 301San Patrice Church, DeSoto Parish, 162Sanson, Luther, 302Sarah, Avoyelles Parish, 131Sauce, Diane C., 303Saunders, Marjorie Stanley, 304Savell, Sheba J., 305Saxon, Lyle, 25Scanland, W. H., 341Scarborough, Glennie, 306Scholastic achievement, 4School administration, 63, 67, 72, 127, 230, 236, 268, 276, 308, 325School administrators, 63, 72, 78, 79, 165, 276School architecture, 106School buses, see Transportation of school childrenSchool day, extended, study of, 256School funds, 45, 227, 258, 357School libraries, 21, 220School lunch program, 1938-58, 123School 16.1ch programs, 122School management and organization, 284School readiness, fee Readiness for schoolSchool superintendents and principals, see School administratorsSchool supervision, 78, 79Schools, noncollege, see Vocational educationSchools, nongraded, 219, 334Science, study and teaching (elementary), 76, 77, 215, 312, 322Science, study and teaching, 128, 156, 248, 251, 278, 366Scoggins, Lynelle Sue, 307Seashore Measures of Musical Talents, 149Second Ward High School, Gloster, DeSoto Parish, 364Segregation-Natchitoches Parish, 18Sensation, 221Sex differences, 20Sex education, 35, 146, 328


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Shade, William H., 308Shepard, Earl, ?09Sharecropping, 113Sharon Hills Elementary School, East Baton Rouge Parish, 10aShaw-Walker Elementary School, Iberia Parish, 194Sherwood School, Catanoula Parish, 213Shorthand, study and teaching, 358Shrevepo,t, 7, 10, 20, 35, 100, 180, 241Shreveport history, 245Sibley, Antoinette Ferlito, 310Sieper, Rapides Parish, 169, 171Sikes High School, Winn Parish, 107, 363Sikes, Winn Parish, history, 92Simpsor, Vernon Parish, history, 202

Skinner, William Ronald, 311Slack, Gail, 312Slavery in Louisiana, 69Slow learners, 5, 37, 43, 47, 85, 101, 189Smart, Guinell W., 313Smith, Brenda C., 314Smith, Dorothy L. P., 315Smith, Evvie Jordan, 316Smith, Johnny Lee, 317Smoking, 46Social psychology, 27

Social Science 590: 225Social Studies 303: 19, 25, 69, 74, 81. 82, 86, 88, 96, 103, 105, 109, 111,

112, 121, 13U, 131, 135, 138, 162, 164, 169, 197, 202, 238,239, 245, 247, 250, 252, 262, 267, 282, 289, 341, 342, 343,350, 367

Social Studies 304: 92, 144, 281, 307Social Studies 502: 129, 180, 212, 213Social Studies, study and teaching, 18, 41, 91, 100, 359, 369Sociology 304: 34Sociology 406: 297Sociology 408: 52, 253Sociology 390: 8, 269Sociology, study and teaching, 180Sociometry, 27South Alexandria Primary School, Alexandria, 334South Highlands Elementary School, Shreveport, 241Special education, 244, 304Special education, C.ddo Parish, 7


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Special education, Natchitoches Parish,Speights, Earl D., 318Spigner, Martha Jean, 319Speech 537: 311Speech 561: 181Speech community, 184Speech therapy, 7, 116, 153, 181, 290Spelling, study and teaching, 209Spruill, Alaine Sayes, 320Stamper, John M., Jr., 321Starks, Patricia, 321Steamboats, 281Stepl-ens, Mildred Lyon, 323Sterling, Helen L., 324S'othart, Jimmy R., 325Stewart Elementary School, Minden, 215Straughan, Thomas R., 326Student Government Association, Northwestern State College, 62Student life and extra curricular actiities, 166, 321Student participation, 62Student personnel services, ree Counseling; GuidanceStudent teaching, 155Sugar-cane, 246Sugar-cane industry, history, 1700.1956, 247Sulphur, Calcasieu Parish, 176Sunset Acres Elementary School, Shreveport, 84Superstitions, 130Supervision, 308Swimming, 168Talbert, Martha Sand lin, 327Tapes, see Audio-visual materials; Automated teachingTarver, Mary Beth, 328Tax supported education, 45Teacher attitudes, 101, 314Teacher salaries, )57Teacher turnover, Nrtchitoches Parish, 127Teacher-welfare practices, 270Teachers, beginning, 268Te,Ichers, certification, 332Teachers, training of, 170Teaching, aids and devices, 97Teaching methods, 1, 273, 274Team teaching, 274


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Television and children, 65, 228Television in education, 298Tenant farmers, 113Tensas Parish, history, 82, 283Tests, educational, 44, 176Tests, spelling, 209The Texas and Pacific Railway Company, 1850.1920, history, 129Textbooks, Louisiana, 12Textiles, 285Theatrical production, 311Theoda, Rapides Parish, 138Thorias, Alice Faye, 329Thomas, Ola Mae, 330Thomas, Sadie G, 331Thomas, William D., Jr., 332Thompson, Charles &I., 333Thought and thinking, 1Tobacco, physiological effect, 46, 354Tolbert, Addle S., 334Toledo Bend Dam. 74Toledo Bend Reservoir, 74Tornadoes, 197Touchet, Kenneth Daniel, 335Track, study and teaching, 217Trade schools, see Vocational educationTransportation of school children, 73, 302Trichel, Dorothy Faye, 336Trunzler, Mamie B., 337Tubre, Marie H., 338, 339Tuiel, Cloteal, 340Tyler, Ralph, 341Typewriting, study and teaching, 355Twitc'nell, Marshall Harvey, 350Unemployment, 264Ungraded schools, see Schools, nongradedUnion Elementary School, Doyline, Webster Parish, 151, 324Union High School, Shreveport, 147, 184Unknown Confederate Soldier's Grave (Marthaville area), 103Valencia High School, Shreveport, 172, 231, 271Vandalism, 98Vaughn, Barbara Beth Burns, 3421/etcher, Melissa N., 343Vermaelen, Cherie J., 344


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Vernon Parish, 9, 65, 79, 112, 140, 259, 259, 264, 313, 371, 372Vernon Parish, history, 202, 367Vick, Avoyelles Parish, 131Vidalia, Concordia Parish, history, 175Vocabulary, 12, 43, 315Vocational education, 16, 134, 173, 179, 223, 243, 296, 368, 376, 377Vocational education, directories in schools in Louisiana, 243Vocational guidance, 7a, 85, 107Waites, Charles H., 346Wallingsford, Lorraine, 347Wallingsford, Riley R., 348Walters, Billie M., 349, 350Walton, George L., 351Ward-Steinman, Daisy, 352, 353Waterproof, Tensas Parish, history, 82Webster High School, Minden, 316Webster Parish, 151, 215Wedgeuurth, Michael Wayne, 354Weeks Island, Iberia Parish, 262Weight training, see Isotonic trainingWelcek, Francis J., 269Wells, Barron, 355Wells, Dorothy Ann Pharis, 356West Jefferson High School, Harvey, Louisiana, 87West, Jerry Eldon, 357West Leesville Elementary School, Leesville, 9, 372Western Electric Company, Shreveport, 337Westwood Elementary School, Shreveport, 84Whatley, Mary Beth, 358Whitehead, Marguerite B., 361Whitford, Michael G., 359Whittaker, Daisy B., 360Wilkerson, Kenneth Emerson, 362Williams, Helen B., 363Williams, Jean Smith, 364Williams, Jodie, 365Williams, Sarah Redden, 366Williamson, Douglas Leroy, 368Willis, Neva Jane, 368Willis, Olive Ann, 369Wilmoth, Dreda Matlock, 370Winn Parish, 107, 253, 363Winn Parish, history, 92


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Winnfield, Louisiana, 369Win, Anna, 26?\Vise Chapel, Ruby, Rap ides Parish, 269

Wise Community, Rapides Parish, 269

Wood, Donald W., 371

Wood, Pear lie S., 375Woo,llawn High School, Shreveport, 136

Woodworking, study and teaching, 218\Wright, Mary Jo P., 372

Wright, Paula Yvonne, 373Zion Hill Baptist Church, Sabine Parish, 57Zwolle High School, Sabine Parish, 260, 301

Zwolle, Sabine Parish, history, 240, 301


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Number 1: Anna C. Burns, ei lii.ltor) of the Losiftia,,a toreito ComniirJim 1968. Pp. mid, 157. Illus., burs, bibliog., index.$5.00

Number 2: Donald N. mid.-.trt Afijkcs nue; Completed at Northtieltern State College of Lokitimm. 19$7.108. 1968.Pp. xi, 50. Index. $1.00

Number 5: Kathetire Bridge's, Bib liogropb) of North:, mein Shoe Unita.thy Reteareb Pape:: Relating to Lomitioni, 1957.1969,

Iti70. Pp. vii, 62. Index. 31.00.