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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 135 611 SE 021 977 AUTHOR Rucker, Kathryn, Comp. -TITLE A Directory of Resources in Science, Technology and Values. INSTITUTION National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington, D.C. Bishops' Committee for Human Values. PUB DATE Apr 76 NOTE 50p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal legibility of original document AVAILABLE FROM National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishops,' Committee for Human Values, 1312 Massachusetts Ave., N.W., Washi(ivton, D.C. 20005 ($1.00) BURS PRICE DESCRIPTORS ABSTR.ACT MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. RC Not Available from EDRS. *Directories; Ethical Values; Guides; Moral Values; *Sciences; *Scientific Enterprise; SocialValues; *Technology; *Values This directory lists 81 organizations that can provide information regarding literature, bibliographies, and other resources relating to various topics of science, technology, and values. Courses offered by colleges and universities are not included. All entries are classified to areas of interest such as: health science13, religion, future studies, environment, and energy. (SL) *********************************************************************** Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort * * to cbtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available * * via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original. ***********************************************************************

DOCUMENT RESUME ED 135 611 Rucker, Kathryn, Comp. -TITLE … · DOCUMENT RESUME. ED 135 611 SE 021 977. AUTHOR Rucker, Kathryn, Comp.-TITLE. A Directory of Resources in Science, Technology

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ED 135 611 SE 021 977

AUTHOR Rucker, Kathryn, Comp.-TITLE A Directory of Resources in Science, Technology and

Values.INSTITUTION National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington,

D.C. Bishops' Committee for Human Values.PUB DATE Apr 76NOTE 50p.; Not available in hard copy due to marginal

legibility of original documentAVAILABLE FROM National Conference of Catholic Bishops, Bishops,'

Committee for Human Values, 1312 Massachusetts Ave.,N.W., Washi(ivton, D.C. 20005 ($1.00)



MF-$0.83 Plus Postage. RC Not Available from EDRS.*Directories; Ethical Values; Guides; Moral Values;*Sciences; *Scientific Enterprise; SocialValues;*Technology; *Values

This directory lists 81 organizations that canprovide information regarding literature, bibliographies, and otherresources relating to various topics of science, technology, andvalues. Courses offered by colleges and universities are notincluded. All entries are classified to areas of interest such as:health science13, religion, future studies, environment, and energy.(SL)

***********************************************************************Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished

* materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes every effort ** to cbtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal ** reproducibility are often encountered and this affects the quality ** of the microfiche and hardcopy reproductions ERIC makes available ** via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDRS). EDRS is not* responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions ** supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original.***********************************************************************

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Compiled hy Kathryn Rucker

April 1976

Bishops' Committee for Human ValuesNational Conference of Catholic Bishops

1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20005




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Page 1 American Association for the Advancement of Science1 American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research2 Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies2 Battelle Memorial Institute3 Bishops' Committee for Human Values, National Council of Catholic Bishops3 Center for Law and Social Policy3 Center for Policy Research4 Center for Science in the Public Interest4 Center for the Study of Social. Policy, Stanford Research Institute5 Center for the Study of the Human Dimensions of Science and Technology,

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute5 Center for Technology Assessment, N.J. Institute of Technology6 Center of Concern6 Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs, American Chemical Society7 Federation of American Scientists7 Institute for Policy Studies8 National Academy of Sciences9 National Conference of State Legislatures - Human Rights Task Force

10 National Conference of State Legislatures - Science and Technology Committee10 National Council for Public Assessment of Technology11 National Science Foundation11 Office of Technology Assessment, Congress of the United States12 Overseas Development Council12 Program on Policies for Science and Technology in Developing Nations, Cornell13 Program on Public Conceptions of Science, Harvard University13 Program on Science, Technology and Society, Cornell University14 Science and Public Affairs Program, Pennsylvania State University14 SESPA/Science for the People15 Scientists' Institute for Public Information15 Society for the History of Technology16 Society for Societal Responsibility in Science16 United Nations - UNESCO17 United Nations - Division of Human Rights17 U.S. Congress18 Worldwatch Institute


Page 19 Center for the Health Sciences, University of Tennessee19 Center for Law and Health Sciences, Boston University School of Law20 Committee on Philosophy and Medicine, American PhiloSophical Association21 Health Policy Center, Georgetown University21 Health Policy Program, School of Medicine, University of California21 Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences '(The Hastings Center)22 Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute for the Stuay of Human Reproduction and

Bioethics - Center for Bioethics (The Kenneay Institute)23 National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and

Behavioral Research24 National Legal Center for Bioethics25 Society for Health and Human Values, Institute on Human Values in Medicine

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CONTENTS (continued)


Page 26 Center, for Advanced Study in Religion and Science26 Department of Medical-Moral Affairs; Catholic Hospital Association26 ,Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research27 Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology27 Institute on Religion in an Age of Science28 Ministry of Ecology, Inc.,28 Pope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center


Page 29 Center for Integrative Studies, State University of New York29 Earthrise30 Foundation for the Future30 Institute for the Future30 World Future Society


Page 32 Boston Environment, Inc.32 Center for Environmental Studies, Princeton University33 Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology33 Center for the Biology of Natural Systems, Washington University34 Committee for Environmental Information34 Concern, Inc.35 Ecology Action Educational Institute35 Environment Center, University of Tennessee36 Environmental Action36 Environmental Law Institute37 Environmental Policy Center37 Environmental Policy Institute37 Environmental Study Conference, U.S. House of Representatives38 Friends of Can, Inc.38 Friends of the Earth39 The Institute of Ecology39 Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.40 Resources for the Future, Inc.40 U.S. Congress


Page 41 Americans for Energy Independence41 Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc.42. American Nuclear Society42 Committee for Nuclear ResponsibilityInc.42 Critical Mass43 Division of Church and Society, National of Churches of Christ43 National intervenors43 Union of Concerned Scientists44 U.S. Congress44 U.S. Energy Research and Development Agency, Nuclear Regulatory Commission


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This directory has been compiled as a resource tool for personswishing information on various topics of science and values or wanting toidentify local programs in those fields.

It is intended to serve only as a starting point, to direct concernedindividuals to organizations sharing their interests. Those organizatioas,in turn, can provide additional information regarding literature, bibliog.-raphies and other resources.

Requests for information were sent to approximately 175 organizationseither known to us, recommended by other organizations or mentioned in theliterature. Of those responding, 81 have been listed in this directory.

Included are groups which are currently involved in the considerationof the ethical and human value implications of advances in science andtechnology. Also included are a number of organizations which do notexplicitly address the value implications but which provide necessaryinformation through research and publications.

lIn order to avoid duplication, this directory does not include themany college and universities offering courses and/or degree programs in thearea of science, technology and values. University-related centers listedherein are only those centers which constitute entities in their own right.We have not included those programs devoted primarily to teaching. Usersseeking information on courses or degree programs are referred to thefollowing directories:

"A Listing of Courses and Programs in the Field of Ethical and HumanValues Implications of Science and Technology," Program on Science,Technology and Society, Cornell University, 1975.

"A Survey of Programs in Technology and Human Affairs in AmericanUniversities," Center for Policy Alternatives, MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, December 1974.

"Human Values Teaching Programs for Health Professionals," Societyfor Health and Human Values, Philadelphia 1974.

The entries are taken directly from the information received from theorganizations themselves. In general, only those interests and activitiespertinent to this directory have been included. In a few cases, organizationsnot responding have been included because of their importance in their field.

Entries have been classified according to areas of interest. Organizationswith interests of a general nature, or with interests falling into more thanone specific category, have been listed under the category Science, Technologyand Society: General. Organizations with concerns focusing on a particularissue or topic have been grouped into the following categories: Science,Technology and Society: Bioethics-Health Sciences, Religion and,Science/Medicine, Futures Studies; and Environment: General, Nuclear Energy.


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This directory, while intended for use by the general public, conformsto the needs and concerns of the Bishops' Committee for Human Values. Assuch, it may not meet the specialized needs of all users. We have triedto be as comprehensive as possible given time and personnel constraints.

Inclusion of an organization does not, of course, signify BCHVapproval of the aims or policies of the organization.


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Science, Technology and Society: General

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/467-4400Executive Officer: William D. Carey

AAAS provides a means for interdisciplinary exchange of ideas and sustained,responsible public discussion of the chief contemporary issues created by thecomplex and changing relations among science, technology and society. AAASseeks to promote public understanding of science.

ACTIVITIES: Annual meetings (including panel discussions, general symposia,reviews and lectures). Special activities have been concerned with science inthe promotion of human welfare, American values and models of human habitation,and the role of scientific societies with regard to issues for scientificfreedom and responsibility. Conducts seminars on various topics.

PUBLICATIONS: Science, a weekly magazine; audiotapes; Science Books and Films,.a periodical devoted to the critical review and evaluation of science books andfilms for students and nonspecialist adults; symposium volumes; books.

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI)1150 17th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 200362n2/296-5616President: William J. Baroody

The American Enterprise Institute, established in 1943, is a publicly supported,nonpartisan research and educational organization. Its purpose is to assistpolicymakers, scholars, businessmen, the press and the public by providingobjective analysis of national and international issues.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Included in a variety of political and economic issues withwhich AEI is concerned are energy, health policy, resource and land use.

ACTIVITIES: Commiss-5.0ns scholars to undertake original research. Sponsorsconferences, debates, round table discussions, and other forums.. Prepares analysesof issues for the high school national debates. AEI also has established centersfor public policy research material's in cooperation with college and universitylibraries across the country.

PUBLICATIONS: Legislative analyses of proposals before Congress; studiesand monographs by scholars. Makes proceedings available for wide public dissem-ination on TV, radio, newspapers, periodicals and scholarly journals.


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2 Science, Technology and Society: General

Aspen Institute for Humanistic StudiesProgram in Science, Technology and HumanismP.O. Box 3000Boulder, Colorado 80303303/494-5151Director: Walter Orr Roberts

The goal of the Aspen Institute is to help in attainment, within thiscentury, of wise and just management of the planet's resources, intellectualand material, and through this, a vast improvement of the human condition.Thus the Program aims for illumination of the options open to human societiesas they make use of the new products of science and technology, and forclarification of the probable consequences of alternative courses of action.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Current fcscus is on the issues of food and climate change;other issues of interest include human settlements, implications of enzymetechnology, energy, human nutrition.

ACTIVITIES: Action-oriented. Functions primarily through seminars, workshops,commissioned studies and consultations.

PUBLICATIONS: Proceedings, reports, materials for the general public whichare disseminated and debated through educational institutions, televison,radio and the press.

Battelle Memorial Institute505 King AvenueColumbus, Ohio 43201614/424-6424

Battelle is a multinational, public-purpose research organization working inthe physical, life and behavioral/social sciences. A major objective is thebenefit of mankind by the advancement and utilization of science throughtechnological innovation and educational activities. Consists of some sixthousand scientists, engineers and supporting personnel in research centersand offices throughout the world.

AREAS OF.CONCERN: Environment, energy, community life, food and agriculture,biomedical engineering technology.

ACTIVITIES: Basic and applied research for industrial companies, governmentagencies and associations. Projects include economic development planning,experimental housing projects, resource development and environmental studies,educational support.

PUBLISHES: Papers and monographs.


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Science, Technology and Society: General 3

Bishops' Committee for Human Values (BCHV)National Conference of Catholic Bishops1312 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20005202/659-6745Executive Director: Sister Ann Neale, GNSH, Ph.D.

The BCHV was established to advise the Bishops on developments in science andtechnology, especially in their ethical implications, and to serve as acatalyst for dialogue between the Church and the scientific community in orderto insure the consideration of human values in the applications of science andtechnology. It functions as an information center, a listening post and asource of input in the quest for responsible use of scientific and technologicalcapability.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Biomedical topics such as genetic engineering, recombinantDNA, death and dying, experimentation with children/fetuses/prisoners/mentallydeficient; occupational hazards, environmental concerns, energy policy, nuclearenergy and non-nuclear alternatives.

ACTIVITIES: Gathering reliable information and dissemination of that information,monitoring government activities, participation in public meetings.

Center for Law and Social Policy1751 N Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/872-0670Director: Joseph N. Onek

A group of public-interest lawyers which conducts litigation on behalf of or---in cooperation with other public-interest or environmentalist groups. Interestsinclude export of nuclear power plants and fuels, expansion of enrichmentcapacity, health, human experimentation, environment and consumer problems.

Center for Policy Research475 Riverside DriveNew York, N.Y. 10027212/870-2180Director: Amitai Etzioni, Ph.D.

The Center provides the intellectual environment and the facilities forsocial research dealing with issues of public policy. The chief aim is toserve policymaking bodies, public and private. A nonprofit, tax-exemptcorporation financed by government and foundation sunport.



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4 Science, Technology c:Id. Society: General

Center for Policy Research (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: Health and society, bioethics research, attitudes towardanmiocentesis; and science and technology, participatory technology, shortcutsto social change.

ACTIVITIES: Engages in policy research; conducts evaluative studies; pL.ovidesconsulting services on policy matters; helps develop the technologies thatmay be required for the implementation of social policies; educational activities. .

FUBLICATIONS: Reports, papers.

Center for Science in the Public Interest (cspI)1757 S Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20009202/332-4250Co-Directors: Albert Fritsch, Michael Jacobson, James Sullivan

CSPI hopes to insure that technology and government will work for the benefitof the public and toward an improved quality of life, by informing the publicof consumer and environmental issues, assisting in solutions of related problems,and keeping watch over government and corporate activity. Founded in 1971, itis nonprofit, tax-exempt, and funded by donations, foundation grants and sales ofpublications.

- AREAS OF CONCERN: Energy, environmental protection, consumer and occupationalsafety, health and nutrition.

ACTIVITIES: CSPI collects and disseminates information and initiates action onissues of public interest. Does not lobby, but seeks to influence governmentand industrial decision-making through reports, testimony, lawsuits, petitionsand participation on federal advisory committees.

PUBLICATIONS: Books, reports, newsletters.

Center for the Study of Social Policy_Stanford Research Institute (SRI)

Menlo Park, California 94025415/326-62m

The Center is a group within the Urban and Social Systems Division of SRIconsisting of two parts: the Educational Policy Research Center and theFutures Policy Research Center. The Center conducts policy analysis todetermine the impact of major societal problems and energing trends in avariety of areas. The purpose is to assist government and business leaders intheir assessment and formulation of policies that will simultaneously addresscurrent needs and help direct the nation's institutions toward a workable, highquality future. SRI is an independent, nonprofit organization.

1 0(continued)

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Science, Technology and Society: General

Center for the Study of Social Polia (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: Technological innovation and assessment, energy-environment-economic interactions, health, transportation, pesticides use, religious.


PUBLICATIONS: Research reports, memoranda, notes, project reports.

Center for the Study of the Human Dimensions of Scienceand Technology (HDC - Human Dimensions Center)

School of Humanities and Social SciencesRensselaer Polytechnic InstituteWest Hall, Room 203Troy, New York 12181518/270-6574Director: John M. Koller

The basic purpose of the Center is to increase understanding of the humandimensions of science and technology and the social and .cultural impactscience and teehnoldgy have on society. Primary objectives are: developmentof courses and programs of study; new research and aimed atilluminating the human dimensions of science and technology; and makingavailable to the public information and understanding achieved in this area.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Topics such as energy and values; science, technology andhuman values in India; values and creativity in science.

ACTIVITIES: Curriculum development; research. Symposia on energy and valueshave been organized; seminars were held on the ethical and cognitive implicationsof science and technology.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports on research activity may be obtained upon request.Selected anthologies are being compiled for publication.

Center for Technology AssessmentN.J. Institute of Technology323 High StreetNewark, N.J. 07102201/645-5195Director: Dr. Sandford L. Bordman

The Center was founded in the belief that it is imperative to anticipate theharmful, as well as the beneficial, side effects of developing technology ifwe are to progress. Areas of expertise include technology assessment, cost-benefits analysis, envdronmental impact analyses, forecasting, evaluations,systems science. (continued)


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6 Science, Technology and Society: General

Center for Technology Assessment (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: Water resources, energy systems, transportation systems,behavioral studies and social policy studies.

ACTIVITIES: Development of more advanced methodology for the discipline oftechnology assessment; research; a program of education directed to varioilsgroups within society; consultation to industry, government and community;programs of international exchange at both student and expert level; conferences.

PUBLICATIONS: News releases, other publications.

Center of Concern3700 13th Street, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20017202/635-2757Program Director: William Ryan, S.J.

The Center's main thrust is analysis and advocacy on issues of global socialjustice, with four underlying purposes: inclusion of the voice of the ThirdWorld in policy discussions in North America; linkage of domestic and globalissues to show the existence of a single problematic of justice; utilization ofan open interdisciplinary approach; integration of commitment to social changewith spiritual resources. Established in 1971 by the Jesuits.

AREAS OF CONCERN: The social and justice dimensions of the call in the UnitedNations for a "New International Economic Order," the role of women in societyand church, and alternatives to existing social and political structures.

ACTIvITIES: Seeks to educate through writing, consultancy, workshops, lecturesand short courses; participates in U.N./U.S. government/church activities;assesses drafts of key U.N. and State Department documents; serves as a valueresource center for church and secular groups,

Committee on Chemistry and Public AffairsAmerican Chemical Society (ACS)

1155 Sixteenth Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/872-4600Director: Dr. Stephen T. Quigley

The Committee provides a coordinating mechanism whereby the Society as anorganization can more -,ffectively contribute to the solut: of the publicpolicy problems relate- to chemistry.



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Science, Technology and Society: General 7

Committee on Chemistry and Public Affairs (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: Chemical and biological weapons in warfare, employeeexposure to vinyl chloride and its link to liver cancer, management ofnational science and technology policy, energy, the environment and materialresources.

ACTIVITIES: St_ Ats and communications to the President, Congress andother federal officials; testimony; legislative counselor programs; studyprograms on public issues; technical or socio-economic-education actionprograms; advisory and supportive programs for other ACS units, publicaffairs symposia, fellowship programs.

PUBLICATIONS: Newsletters to alert ACS officials of pertinent hearings andlegislation.

Federation of Ameri2an Scientists (FAS)307 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.Washington, D.C. 20002202/546-3300Director: Jeremy J. Stone

FAS, originally organized in 1964 for the purpose of legislative lobbying tohelp ensure civilian control of atomic energy, continues to serve as a publicinterest scientific lobby. FAS seeks to inject into government those factsand conclusions upon which there is wide consensus in the scientific community.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Include energy policy, world food production, privacy ofcommunications, occupational health and nuclear weapons proliferation.

ACTIVITIES: Seeks to influence government activity through lobbying, reports,and public protests.

PUBLISHES: FAS Public Interest Report, a newsletter which is distributed tomembers of Congress and FAS members.

Institute for Policy Studies (IPS)1901 Que Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20009202/234-9382Co-Directors: Richard J. Barnet, Marcus G. Baskin

IPS wan established in 1963 as a place for thoughtindependent of government and based on the premisebe informed by, as well as inform, social altion.grantn and a grc,up of colleges and universities.


which was outside andthat social theory mustSupported by foundation


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8 Science, Technology and Society: General

Institute for Policy Studies (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN are widespread: the structure of knowledge, changes insexuality and the family, the power of multinational corporations, healthpolicy, the energy crisis.

ACTIVITIES: Research; writing; seminars for students, government officialsand members of Congress. Three major projects are the Enciclopedia of SocialReconstruction: Plans and Practice for a New Society; the Student (Ph.D.)Program; and the Transnational Institute.

The TRANSNATIONAL INSTITUTE, organized in 1973, reflects a growing realizationthat the social and political problems of the United States - pollution, theenergy crisis, economic injustice - are in fact part of larger global problemsand that practical alternative solutions to American situations can only bldeveloped wdthin a global context. Founded in Amsterdam to hold conferencesand promote research on themes of transnational importance. A major focus isthe impact of the developed countries on the Third World. PUBLISHES newsletters.

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20418Office of Information: 202/389-6518

The NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES is a private membership society of distinguishedscholars in scientific and engineering research, dedicated to the furtherance ofscience and its use for the general welfare. It serves as an official, butindependent, advisor to the federal government on scientific matters.

The NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERING is a parallel organization of distinguishedengineers which shares with the NAS its responsibility for advising the federalgovernment.

The INSTITUTE OF MEDICINE (I0M) was chartered by NAS to deal with problemsassociated with the delivery of adequate health services to all sectors ofsociety. It conducts studies of policy issues related to health and medicine;issues position statements on these issues for public consideration; anddisseminates information to the public and relevant professions.

The NATIONAL RESEARCH COUNCIL (NRC): Almost all activiites of both Academies infurtherance of science and technology and in carrying out their advisoryresponsibilities are located in the NRC. It consists of four Assemblies(including the Aasembly of Life Science, with Divisions of Bioloecal Sciencesand Medical Sciences) and four interdisciplinary Commissions (including the'Commission on Natural Resources, with Boards on energy, environmental studies).


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Science, Technology and Society: General 9

National Academy of Sciences (continued)

PLEASE NOTE: While NAS does not wish to be considered an information source,its policies do call for the public accessibility of information generatedin its study activities, as well as for public sessions early in the courseof studies dealing with major public policy issues and access to the recordsof study committees of the NRC at the conclusion of the study. Recentexamples of NAS activities involving public participation: NAS held a "Seriesof Forums in a Bicentennial Context," a series of public meetings examiningsuch topics as scientific theories and social values, the citizen and the experf-,:NRC is holding a series of public meetings in preparation for a studyto meet the nation's energy needs.

NAS PUBLISHES a monthly News Report which contains articles on current concernsand activities and a listing of new publications. A publications catalog isalso available.

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Human Rights Task Force1150 17th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/785-8830Special Assistant: Dick Merritt

NCSL is based on the premise that states must survive as an integre._ 71art ofthe federal system. In order for state sovereignty to be maintainer_heNCSL provides a constant presence and exposure of the state legis1aresbefore Congress and federal agencies. The Task Force exists for the purposeof analyzing issues of state-federal concern in the human resources area andpresenting policy recommendations to the full Intergovernmental RelationsCommittee of NCSL. It seeks to become more involved in examining those areaswhere.traditional state authority is being invaded, as well as come to aconsensus about those areas of policy where perhaps states really should notplay a role.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Medical malpractice, health manpower, national health insurancerright to die," rights of the mentally ill and aging.

In meetings the Task Force and its sommittees consider these is. and theproposed legislation concerning them.

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10 Science, Technology and Society: General

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)Science and Technology Committee1405 Curtis Street23rd FloorDenver, Colorado 80202303/623-6600

The following subcommittees may be of interest:

Energy; Representative Thomas J. Anderson, Michigan, Chairman.S/T Information Services; Delegate Hugh Nichols, Maryland, Chairman.Environmental Management; Representative Bruce Morris, Connecticut, Chairman.Medical Health, Occupational Health and Related Technologies; Albert J. Abrams,

New York, Chairman.

National Council for Public Assessment of Technology (NC/PAT)1785 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Room 212Washington, D.C. 20036202/462-3338Chairman: Byron Kennard

NC/PAT, a nonprofit, tax-ezempt research and educational organization, was ft=lkeito meet the need for an =titutionalized means of alerting and informingconcerned voluntary organi:Lations of new technologies and applications, sna tcfacilitate public participation in all aspects of technology assessment. 1117/aNr:,

Aaich views technology an,e3sential1y normative prozezs involving isstes ofvalue preference and social choice, evolved over the 1st two years from aninformal coalition of cizizen and consumer groups.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Housing, health, transportation, privacy, energy, emp:pypfleat,social and environmental protection. '

ACTIVITIES: Preparation and circulation of a criteria to be used as a btlz.igfor collection of social lata and for recognition of social values in sciapolicy; spreading the word about technology assessment by preparation of"Background Statement on Technology Assessment for Citizens and Consumer eae.r.,r.v,"

by briefing public interest leaders on the emergence of technology assest.:-. i]Congress; promoting participation of citizen generalists on science policjboards and panels; researching models of public participation in technologyassessment and environmental impact analysis; building and facilitating a"soft" technology network to bring civic and consumer leaders and technologlica,innovators into some partnership and to facilitate exchange of information Isr2data.

PUBLICATIONS: Booklets and other materials relating to technology assessment.

1 6

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Science, Technology and Society: General 11

National Science Foundation (NSF)Washington, D.C. 20550202/655-4000Director: H. Guyford Stever

An independent federal agency created to help people find, exchange and teachscientific knowledge, as well as to search for ways to apply scientificknowledge to help solve national problems and to strengthen technologicalinnovation. NSF is guided by poljcy set by the National Science Board, agroup of twenty-five appointed by the President with the consent of theSenate.

NSF is primarily a funding organization. The following programs may havepublications of interest: Research Applied to National Needs (HANN) - EnergyProgram; Public Understanding of Science; Ethical and Human Values Implicationsof Science and Technology (EHVIST), administered jointly by NSF and the NationalEndowment for the Humanities; Directorate for Scientific, Technological andInternational Affairs.

Office of Technology AssessmentCongress of the United statesWashington, D.C. 20510202/224-0731Director: Emilio Q. Daddario


Technology Assessment Board -Chairman: plin E. Teague, TexasVice Chairman: Clifford P. Case, N.J.

. The OTA was estahlishea in 1969 as an advisory arm of the U.S. Congress. Itsbasic function is to help legislative policymakers anticipate and plan for theconsequences of technolgical,changes and to examine the many ways, expectedand unexpected, in whica technology affects people's lives. OTA providesCongress independent al:d timely information about the potential effects andside effects--both beneficial and harmful--of technological applications.Public par-Li..-:ipation in the technology assessment process is an important OTAobjective. OTA consists of a non-partisan Congressional policy Board whichsets the policies and is the sole oversight body governing OTA, an OTADirector, and a Citizens' Advisory Board.

AREAS OF CONCERN: The six priority areas identified by the CongressionalBoard are oceans, transportation, energy, materials, food and health..

ACTIVITIES: Studies as requested by Congress or the OTA Director; organizesand conducts regional hearings and meetings with citizen groups; structuringof expert panels to address specific questions.

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12 Science, Technblogy and Society: General

Overseas Development Council (ODC)1717 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Suite 501Washington, D.C. 20036202/234-8701Chairman: Theodore M. Hesburgh, C.S.C.

ODC is an independent, nonprofit organization established in 1969 to increaseAmerican understanding of the economic and social problems confronting thedeveloping countries and of the importance of these countries to the UnitedStates in an increasingly independent world.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Interdependence, energy, developing countries in achanging international economic order, triage and other challenges to'themorality of development assistance.

ACTIVITIES: Promotes consideration of development issues by the Americanpublic, policymakers, specialists, educators, and the media througli research,conferences, briefings and seminars; survey of American attitudes bn developmentissues; liaison work with a range of citizens' public affairs organizations.Sponsored an interreligious consultation on global justice and development,and "Transnational Dialogues."

PUBLICATIONS: Books, shorter studies, development papers, agendas for action,articles.

Program on Policies for Science and Technology in Developing Nations (PPSTDN)Cornell UniversityIthaca, New York 14850Director: Edmund T. Cranch, Dean, College of Engineering

This program was established to enable Cornell to develop-institutional strengthin the area of policies for science and technology in developing nations.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Science and technology policy issues such as agriculturalproduction, particularly food processing; regional development; education;

-vnatural resource management.

ACTIVITIES: Development of relevant courses; sponsors seminars, conferencesand symposia; research; professional service in the area of science and technologypolicy.

PUBLICATIONS: Teaching and research materials; reports andm:mographs.

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Science, Technology and Society: General 13

Program on Public Conceptions of ScienceHarvard University358 Jefferson Physical LaboratoryCambridge, Massachusetts 02138Executive Director: Vivien Shelanski, Ph.D.

The purpose of the program is to promote interdisciplinary and interinstitutionaLresearch devoted to understanding the nature and origins of the conceptions ofscience and technology held by v.,rious key segments of the public. Much of itswork has invnlved an invnsti.'.,ion -Te ,mIayed by the rzblic's perception'of scie: ii its evaluations of scie=ze and scientists.

ACTIVITIES: Research; faculty and student seminars; symposia and workshops.

PUBLICATIONS: Newsletter (quarterly) which includes select annotatedbibliographies. Newsletter #8, June 1974, includes a preliminary directoryof groups active in areas related to the ethical and human value implicationsof science and technology.

Program on Science, Technology and Society :STS)Cornell University614 Clark HallIthaca, New York 14850607/256-3810Director: Raymond Bowers

The STS program was established in 1969 to stimulate interdisciplinary teachingand research on the interaction of science and technology with society.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Public policies for science and technology; legal and moralimplications of biology and modern scientific medicine; technology assessment;arms control, disarmament and national defense policy; sociology of science;science, technology and the law; informed consent in biomedical research; energy.

ACTIVITIES: Teaching and curriculm innovation. Research, including developmentof instructional materials, particularly case studies. STS seeks to broadenpublic understanding of these issues through public lectures, films and tapes(including radio and television programs, special workshops and study groups.

PUBLICATIONS: Books, articles, monographs, occasfonal papers. In progress isa study, based on a nationwide survey of all two- and four- year colleges anduniversities assessing current teaching and researnh activities in the E2Sarea. This study will result in publications of E comprehensive nationglguide to the field of STS.

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14 Science, Technology and Society: General

Science and Public Affairs ProgramPennsylvania State UniversityMaterials Research LaboratoryUniversity Park, Pennsylvania 16802814/865-3424Coordinator: Ernest M. Hawk

.T.ES: Sponsors conferences and workshops on topics such as resourcesand technology, the relevance of science for practical theology, technologyand 9ociety on the campus. Production of a film interpreting the operationof a governor's science advisory committee.

PEOJECT INPUT (INcreasing Public Understanding of Technology), supported bythe Science and Public Affairs Office and the Na_7;ional Science Foundation,is an attempt to stimulate the engineering commr=ity to become activelyinvolved in efforts to increaSe the public's undmrstanding of technologyand engineering; to determine what is presently-L-eing done and rationallyorder and classify all this information; and to provide access to models andmaterials for all those who wish to become invoL7ed or increase theireffectiveness, in INPUT. Sponsors workshops on Iechnology and societycourses; publishes a newsletter.

*SESPA/Science for the People (SftP)

16 Union SquareSomerville, Massachusetts 02143617/776-1058

*Scientists and. Engineers- for Social and Political Action

This group is a loosely knit organization of scientists, engineers, students,who believe, in general, that the dehumanization and alienation of people ispart of a social order of exploitation and that science is develop thetechnological and ideological tools needed by those in power to maintain theirpower. SftP means recognizing the political nature of science; providing accessfor all people to useful knowledge; and organizing people in science to strugglealong with other communities aiming for fundamental social change

AREAS OF CONCERN: Science and society, health and nutrition, social controlresearch, uses of computer technology, uses of genetic research and energyalternatives.

ACTIVITIES SftP focuses on communicating with peers rather than lobbying, tryingto interject important ideas into, and get involved in, people's daily concerns.Research; discussion and direct action. Past activities have included providingtechnical assistance to Third World groups, production of curriculum units,study groups.

PUBLICATIONS: Science for the People, a bimolt,hy magazine.

Over ho LOCAL CHAPTERS have ber organized.

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Science, Technology and Society: General

Scientists' Institutc, for PublicEast Sixtv-eightT)

14. York, 100,

2 'In49-0President: Alan McGowan

Information (SIPI)

6052 Claremont AvenueOakland, California 94618415/658-3628Directors: Martin and Janet Brown

SIPI reflects concern for the special social responsibility of the scientistin today's society. Only a public which knows both the benefits and risks ofpresent and proposed technologies can weigh these and make responsible choicesabout how science will be applied to their lives. This dependence of societyon a scientifically literate citizenry places an obligation on the scientistto share socially important technical information with his fellow citizens,with the realization that once the evidence has been presented and itsimplications made clear, the citizenry as a whole must balance costs andbenefits and alternatives and make the necessary social, moral and politicaldecisions for the community. SIPI takes no official stand on particularissues, but seeks to serve as a clearinghouse for science information.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Workplace environment and occupational health;. land use andpollution; energy options (conservation, nuclear energy, breeder reactors, solarenergy); scientific aid to Indochina; use and abuse of science and technologyin the U.S. criminal justice and intelligence systems.

ACTIVITIES: Task forces conduct studies; the Job Health News Service providesinformation on occupational health and safety to unions; dissemination ofinformation; seminars for Congressmen; occasional workshops.

PUBLICATIONS: Energy environment teaching materials, reports, books andpamphlett, newsletters.

LOCAL CHAPTERS: SIPI also acts as national coordinator for local and affiliatedscience information committees across the nation. (See also: Committee forEnvironmental Information, under Environment: General)

Society for the History of Technology (SHOT)Georgia Institute of TechnologyAtlanta, Georgia 30332404/894-3198Director: Melvin Kranzberg

SHOT was founded in response to a growing need for systematic study of thedevelopment of technology and its impact on sor.iety and culture. It is composedof scholars in history, sociology, economics, the humanities, engineers and others.Its objectives are to promote the study of technological change, to increasepublic understanding of the significance of technology and its role in thedevelopment of civilization, and to encourage international cooperation andcommunication among scholars and technologists from many fields.

ACTIVITIES: Annual meetings, usually conducted jointly with the AmericanUstorical Association and the History of Science Society.



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16 Science, Technology and Society: General

Society for the History of Technology (continued)

PUBLICATIONS: Technology and Culture, a quarterly devoted to studies of theinteraction between technological achievements and the cultures in which theyare introduced and used; monograph series; reprints; annual bibliogrephies.

Society for Societal Responsibility in Science (SSRS)902 Kline Biology TowerYale UniversityNew Haven, Connecticut 06520President: Dr. Arthur Galston, President

SSRS is a body of scientific workers organized to foster throughout theworld a tradition of personal moral responsibility for the consequences tohumanity of professional activity, with emphasis on constructive alternativesto militarism.

ACTIVITIES: Annual meetings; work on projects such as postwar construction inVietnam; conferences.

PUBLICATIONS: Newsletter containing articles on topics such as energy,population, Third World development; proceedings.

United Nations - UNESCO

UNESCO (U.N. Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) programs involvedevelopment of a scientific information network, a social science data bank(DARE), assistance to developing countries, and the Man and Biosphere (MAB)program emphasizing a multidisciplinary and global approach to the interrelation-ships between man and his environment: Further information can be obtained from:

UNESCO7 FLace de FontenoyF. 57-700Paris, France

United Nations Information Center1028 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Suite 714Washington, D.C. 20006212/296-5370

U.S. National Commission for UNESCOU.S. Department of StateWashington, D.C. 20520202/632-2761 or 2804

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Science, Technology and Society: General 17

United Nations - Division of Human RightsUnited Nations Office at GenevaPalais des NationsGeneva, SwitzerlandDirector: Marc Schreiber

The U.N. organ primarily responsible for work in the area of human rightsand scientific and technological development is the Commission on HumanRights, a political body under the Economic and Social Council. TheDivision of Human Rights, an office within the U.N. Secretariat, is responsiblefor carrying out directives of the Commission, preparing reports on agenda itemsof the Commission.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Computers and privacy; physical and intellectual integrityof human personality in light of advances in biology/medicine/biochemistry;in general, the balance which should be established between scientific andtechnological progress and the intellectual, spiritual, cultural and moraladvancement of humanity.

PUBLICATIONS available include General Assembly and Commission resolutions,reports of the Secretary-General to the Commission, and other documents.

U.S. CongressWashington, D.C. 20510Capital Hill Oierator: 202/224-3121

HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES:Committee on Science and Technology (Teague, Texas)Subcommittees: Space Science and Applications (Fuqua, Florida)

Science, Research and Technology (Symington, Missouri)Domestic and International Scientific Planning and Analysis

(Thornton, Arkansas)Aviation and Transportation Research and Development

(Milford, Texas)Energy Research, Development and Demonstration (McCormack,Washington)

Energy Research, Development and Demonstration (Fossile Fuels)(Hechler, West Virginia)

The Env.ironment and the Atmosphere (Brown, California)

See also: Office of Technology Assessment; Environmental Study Conference.


Committee on Labor and Public Welfare (Williams, New Jersey)Subcommittees: Health (Kennedy, Massachusetts)

Human Resources (Cranston, California)


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18 Science, Technology and Society: General

U.S. Congress (continued)

See also: U.S. Congress under Environment. State legislatures also havecommittees dealing with science and technolosy (See: National Council ofState Legislatures under Science, Technology and Society: General).

Worldwatch Institute1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/452-1999Director: Lester R. Brown

Worldwatch Institute is an independent, nonprofit research organization,created to identify and to focus attention problems. Funded byprivate foundations and the United Nations and governmental agencies thatshare concern for problems of the future.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Included are energy, food production.




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19Science, Technology and Society: Bioethics - Health Sciences

Center for the Health SciencesUniversity of TennesseeCollege of Community and Allied Health Professions800 Madison AvenueMemphis, Tennessee 38163901/528-5686Coordinator: David C. Thomasma, Ph.D.

The Center was established in 1973 to examine the value questions arisingfrom in medicine.

ACTIVITIES: Initial exposure to values issues for students in thecolleges; clinical reinforcement; continuing and public education, includingtelevision programs, conferences, and the Values and Ethics Lecture Series.

PUBLICATIONS: Program participants publish articles and monographs.

Center for Law and Health Sciences (CLHS)Boston University School of Law209 Bay State RoadBoston, Massachusetts 02215617/353-2910Director: George J. Annas

The Center for Law and Health Sciences, the successor to the Law-MedicineInstitute at Boston University, was formed in 1970. The Center sponsorsprograms in interdisciplinary research in the health field and providesoccasional legal assistance in the public interest.

AREAS OF CONCERN: ,The regulation and planning of health services, the impactof science and technology on society:public policy issues related to thedevelopment and protection of children, patients' rights, rights of adolescentsreceiving mental health services, fetal resarch, privacy, confidentiality andnuclear energy.

ACTIVITIES: Educational programs (seminars and team research projects at thegraduate level); research; public symposia. Metbers work on specific piecesof Massachusetts legislation in attempts to influence pratice and regulationof medicine and health care delivery. Legal information is also provided toa number of consumer groups. A library is being developed.

PUBLICATIONS: Books, articles, procoedings of symposia.

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20 Science, Technology and Society: Bioethics - Health Sciences

Committee on Philosophy and MedicineAmerican Philosophical AssociationOffice of the ChairmanDepartment of PhilosophyBrown UniversityProvidence, Rhode Island 02902Chairman: John Ladd

The purpose of the Committee is to provide a clearinghouse for exchange ofideas and information about activities, teaching and research, in the areaswhere philosophy and medicine intersect.

ACTIVITIES: Development of special programs for meetings of the AmericanPhilosophical Association.

PUBLICATIONS: An occasional newsletter which includes bibliographical andpedological information, lists of persons actively interested in philosophyand medicine, announcements of conferences, and other materials.

Health Policy CenterGeorgetown UniversityWashington, D.C. 20057202/625-3092Director: Verne Horn

The Health Policy Center was created in 1975 to improve the quality of healthpolicy made by state and local government; to improve the quality of healthpolicymaking process; and to improve communications among health policymakersin state, local and federal governments. A small professional staff isassisted by consultants.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Medical malpractice, determination of health care issues,litigation and the mentally disabled, medicaid and related state health issues.'

ACTIVITIES: Sponsors conferences; research. A Network of Correspondentsprovides reports summarizing proposed state legislation, judicial and exeC.-utive activity, which enables the Center to anticipate state and localgovernment needs, and to respond with information and analyses of specificissues.

PUBLICATIONS: Summaries of coni'erences, policy papers, reports, newsletter.

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Science, Technology and Society: Bioethics - Health :Iciences

Health Policy ProgramSchool of MedicineUniversity of CaliforniaSan Francisco, California 94143415/666-9000Director: Philip R. Lee


The Program's primary purpose is to serve as an interdisciplinary resourcegroup for health policy decision makers. One specific objective is to considerthe problems of health care from the multiple points of view that exist in acomplex society; another is to change the climate in which public decisionsare made - from what has often been an adversary process to that of aneducational process.

AREAS OF CONCERN: The program has focused on five major categories - primaryhealth care, paying for medical care, regulation and planning, biomedicalresearch, and bioethics and societal values.

ACTIVITIES: Policy studies, teaching and curriculum development, fellowships,conferences and seminars.

PUBLICATIONS: Contract reports, discussion papers, monographs.

The JOINT PROGRAM IN BIOETHICS of the Pacific School of Religion, Berkeley, andthe School of Medicine, University of California at San Francisco (1366 ThirdAvenue, San Francisco, Ca., )41 5/666-1836) is affiliated with the Health PolicyProgram. The Joint Program provides a range of courses in ethical theory andcurrent issues in bioethics, as well as occasional workshops, for teachers,clergy and health professionals. Publishes a newsletter.

The Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences (The Hastings Center)360 BroadwayHastings-on-Hudson, New York 10706914/478-0500Director: Daniel Callahan

The Institute was founded in 1969 with three purposes in mind: to advance andcarry out research on ethical, social and legal issues emerging out of developmentsin medicine and biology; to stimulate and assist universities and professionalschools in the development of teaching programs and courses in ethics and thelife sciences; and to provide information and analysis to the general public,legislative and policy-making bodies. Research and education programs arecarried out by resident staff at the Hastings Center (the central research andadministrative unit of the Institute) and by elected Fellows and invited guests.Work is interdisciplinary, drawing particularly from the fields of medicine,biology, philosophy, law, the social sciences, history and theology.


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22 Science, Technology and Society: Bioethics - Health Sciences

The Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: BehaVior control,engineering, population control, the

death and dying, genetic counseling andhumanities and public policy.

ACTIVITIES: Research. The Education Program produces reading packets ofrelevant materials for teachers and students, develops teaching aids forcommunity adult education and religious organizations, and has plans formass-circulation magazines and television. The Institute also providesconsultation services, organizes conferences and workshops, developsbibliographies and other research tools.

PUBLICATIONS: The Hastings Center Report, a bimonthly journal; annual andselect bibliographies, teaching materials.

The Joseph and Rose Kennedy Institute for the Study of HumanReproduction and Bioethics (The Kennedy Institute)

Center for BioethicsGeorgetown UniversityWashington, D.C. 20057202/625-2371Director, Kennedy Institute: Andre E. Hellegers, M.D.Director, Center for Bioethics: LeRoy Walters, Ph.D.

The Center for Bioethics is one of three sections which make up the KennedyInstitute (the other two are the Center for Population Research, and theLaboratories for Reproductive Biology). It is an interdisciplinary researchcenter which includes scholars from the humanities and the medical sciences.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Philosophy of biology and of medicine, concepts ofhealth, technology assessment, professional-patient relationships, qaality oflife, health care, abortion, reproductive technologies, genetics, humanexperimentation, death and dying.

ACTIVITIES: The scholars' primary task is research. They also participatein colloquia, luncheon seminars, lectures and consultations with physiciansand policymakers. Courses are taught at Georgetown University.

Three major projects are in progress at the Center:

1. The Center for Bioethics Library, a core reference library in bioethics,is perhaps the largest specialized collection of this sort. Intended toprovide support for the work of resident scholars, it is also open for use bythe public. The Library offers New Titles in Bioethics, a current-awarenessservice listing books, government documents, pamphlets, periodicals and audio-visual aids acquired. The Library works closely with the information retrievalproject.


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Science, Technology and Society: E iet- ".cs - Health Sciences

The Jose h and Rose Kennedy Institut! the Study of HumanReproduction and Bioethics --:nued)

2. The Information Retrieval Projec- atalogu -- all the r-,..sea=1=-,articles, films and court cases c and developi= acomputerized information retrieva_ zis,t,..:11. The a=mated wcapable of performing demand-searh- r rly 1977 The IR pr'Dje- 1H isoresponsible f6r the publication c ra1 Billiography ofVolume One has been published (Ga.L n, Detroit, 1975) anu tw -

volumes are planned.


3. The Encyclopedia of Bioethics, a _Ile- Ilion word, two-volume 1,rk-covering more than 350 topics, is als: d-- for completion in 1977. T2ro.

project, directed by Editor-in-Chiefar en T. Reich, will include cc:-Tibutionsby leading scholars in ethics and medic_ .e from throughout the world.

PUBLICATIONS: In addition to those publications listed above, the Institutepublishes select bibliographies, occasional "bioethics backgrounders," anda quarterly report.

National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjectsof Biomedical and Behavioral Research

Westwood Building, Room 1255333 Westbard AvenueBethesda, Maryland 20016301/496_7776Public Information Officer: R. Anne Ballard

This Commission was established in 1974 to investigate the ethical principlesunderlying the participation of human subjects in biomedical and behavioralresearch and to make recommendations to the Secretary of the Department ofHealth, Education and Welfare and to Gongress regarding the protection of suchsubjects.

AREAS OF CONCERN: The Commission is specifically mandated to study the following:Boundaries between research and treatment; use of risk/benefit criteria indetermining the appropriateness of research; guidelines for the selection ofhuman subjects; consent to participation in research by human subjects, includingchildren, prisoners and the institutionalized mentally infirm; research on theliving, human fetus; and the use of psychosurgery.

ACTIVITIES: Commission meetings, generally open to the public. The Commissionis also to carry out a special study of the ethical social and legal implicationsof advances in biomedical research and technology.

PUBLICATIONS: Transcripts of meetings and records, reports and other documents.

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24 Science, Technology and Soci- y: Bioethics - Health Sciences

Nat-ional Legal Center f- 1_ Lcs

.2,n :4021_mgton, D.C. 2002

02 :-?=,3-9921

Extctrive Director: Paui Andreini, M.D., J.D.

-.77-e National" Legal Center fc-: Bioethics aims to affect social policy in thei.ging field of bioethics tt.:7.ough zliverse programs utilizing experts in lawIcine, ethics and other dizplines. Its objectives are to protect the-, the 7=werless and the -7:-,advantaged when their rights relative to

thrice: L7.,:sues appeal to I jeopardized; to seek administrative and judict7.) important biooth_d issues; to promote a social policy which wi

-ance the welfare and insure the legal rights of all individuals wheneverch imterests are at issue a result of the impact of physical, biologic:cioLogical and technologic:_-__ changes within society; increase public aware-

ness and understanding of socfetal implications of bioethical issues.

ACTIVITIES: Provides legal aii and assistance to needy individuals, provideslegal research and resource maGerial to affiliated attorneys throughout thecountry; research positions utilizing experts from relevant fields in orderto aid government agencies and the courts in reaching ethically sound decisio:prepares position papers and briefs, and bioethical-impact statements;development of mass media educatiOn and community oriented programs. Planscall for symposia, seminars, and training programs to facilitate the under-standing of bioethical issues among professionals. Will conduct in-depthresearch on socio-legal aspects of bioethics, and will make this researchavailable to the public.

Society for Health and Human Values723 Witherspoon BuildingPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19107

215/735-1551Executive Director: Ronald W. McNeur, Ph.D.

An organization of members of the health profession, medical educators, studentsand ministers who are deeply concerned with increasing the sensitivity andawareness of health practitioners in the value questions which occur daily inmedical and health care. It seeks to develop new understandings, concepts andprograms in the relation of human values and medicine. The special focus ofthe Society is the education of medical and other health professionals.

ACTIVITIES: Annual meeting and lecture. Institute on Human Values inMedicine (see below). Supports special activities of other groups, includinga study of medical school committees on human experimentation, an explorationof patient expectations concernirig health care, and an examination of the roland status of women in medical education, work with national student organizalor. ,ministers in med.c9.1 education and humanities faculty in health center campuses.New projects include the co-sponsoring of symposium on philosophy and medicine.Provides information and resources upon request.



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Science, Technola.J,y and Bicathics - Health Sciences 25

Society for and HumLn ;:Llues continued)

PUBLICATIONS; annual Ora:in of the Society; Proceedings and Reports ofthe Institute; selected bibli:DEraphies; 1;otes, a monthly newsletter; Journalof Medicine an2 Philosophy, a Quarterly; "Human Values Teaching Programsfor Health Prof lionals" (April

INSTITUTE ON HUZLN VALUES IN NEDICINE, Edmund D. Pelligrino, M.D., Director.This project fooses on the .7,t.:-uctur, and content of medical education. Itseeks to deepen 7he relation of medine and the humanities and thus enrich thecapabilities and the contributions Tt these disciplines to each other and tosociety. The ultimate purpos- of the Institute is to make medicine and thehealth professions integral elements in the culture of our times and noreuseful instruments of social and human purpose.

In order to disseminate inf=mation :.bout the teaching of humanities inmedicine, encourage new prcs-rams and provide a means of communication amongexisting programs, the Ins-.Ltute pro-ides resource services in the form ofregional conferences of mecal educators, as individual or teamconsultants.

To promote dialogue between the disciplines the Institute invites groups ofscholars to work over a period of two years on topics such as humanisticdimensions in social science in medical education, relations between historyand medicine and literature and medicine. A Fellowship program providesopportunities for faculty and others to train in interdisciplinary work.

SEE ALSO: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy ResearchCenter for Policy Research .

Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and TechnologyPope John XXIII Medical-Moral Research and Education Center

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26 73cdenl, Technology and Socie7,-: Religion and Science.::.dn=ne

Ce:c.t for Advanced Study in Religion and Science (CASIRAS)2027,7i 55th 3treet

Mina-is 606153117/657-3500 ext. 268Sec:fer: RaInh W. Burhoe

CALTE*L1 is an independent incorporated institution interested in a a7-7=thesisof thogy with science. Since 1970, it has developed an increasimuly closeafffil...E.:ion and effective working relationship with the Chicago Clus,:,er ofTheml,,,T_Lcal Schools.

Teaching courses for Cluster students. A limited number ofFei_ and ..t_ssociates conduct research. Together with its affiliated member-shit, society, the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science (IRAS), org,:nizesconnces and symposia.

PUBD:CATION: ZJEon (with Institute on Religion in an Age of Science

Department of Medical-Moral AffairsCatholic Hospital Association1438 South Grand Blvd.St. Louis, Missouri 631o4314/773-0646Director: Kevin D. O'Rourke, O.P.

The Department of Medical-Moral Affairs serves as a resource to help peopleinvolved in the Catholic Health apostolate to understand more clearly thenature of the mission of healing and to have a deeper realization of theirparticipation in this mission.

ACTIVITIES: Organizes education programs; helps individuals apply the Ethicaland Religious directives to individual cases; studies the various medicalmoral problems associated with hospital and health care.

PUBLICAT=-S: Articles aimed at explaining the theology of the health._apostolate as a participation in the mission of Christ and the Church.

Institute for Ecumenical and Cultural Research:-Tinnesota 56321

612/363-2022Executive Director: Robert S. Bilheimer

The Institute fs an independent foundation, located at St. John's Abbey andUniversity. 27 uffers selected Fellows of the Institute facilities forresearch on th=s affecting life of all churches including faith in God inscientific and technological society, within the world of "nothing," withinthe consumer society; and ethics and hunger.

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Scienc 7_:chnology and Society: Eeligion and Sci,rnce/Medi'=-ne

Instituaz221 Nor-St. Lou=314/537:-Directrr:

Theological En:!ounter with Science and TE:chno: (7--EST'17.and Blvd.

assouri 6313..

.::bbert Brungs, S.J.

A not-for-profit corporation_ ITEST's prime goal i. serving as "anwarning sysLem" for the Churches, with regard to discoveries Mn thesciences that will have a significant impact on Oh77istian Asinterfaith, interdisciplinary organization, ITEST .ts concerned prima:7!:.L77with the impact that modern science and technology.---will have on the fait1-1.It is not per se directed to the ethical dimensions, but looks beyoni themto the underlying belief systems. Obviously morality cannot be.sepazatel:.from belief, but the major emphasis is on questions of belief. Foun±edin 1968,. ITEST includes members from many countries and disciplines:scientists, theologians, doctors, lawyers, and others.


AREAS 07 C=IBN: ITEST is concerned with what is happening in the sciencea,why it is harpening, and how it will effect belief.

ACTIVILLES: :Holds conferences on topics such as death and dying, en7±ronmenta1crisis-international justice, biological revolution-theolcgilial impact, pcpu-lation, the citizen and, in vitro fertilization, brain researchandfreedomim a technologized society.

PUBLICATIONS: Proceedings of conferences, newsletter.

Institute on Religicn in an Age of Science (IRAS)1100 East 55th StreetChicago, Illinois 6061312/667-3500 ext. 268Treasuren: Palph W. Birre

IRAS is an independent ,.--aciety of inquirers seP-:7-1:ng to formi2.:,te anduositive relationshims -Detween the concepts developed by science mmh_mih.:: goalsand hopes of man expreFsed through religion. It seeks tm provide. :_,Inannel ofcommunication between- The religious and scientific commir-±-ties b7aininga continuing dialogue regarding problems of ult±mate conmern

ACTI.ii=3: Sponsor:: .2onferences and meetings on such subjects aat-.;_m_

ecosystem:, energy an:: human values, ethics and science.

PUELICAT=S: Zygon with Center for Advanced Study in Religion and _.cience);newslett,zr.

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28 Science, Technology and SOciety: Religion and Sc.:_Lence/L-ledicine

Ministry of Ecology, Inc.Box 1251Perkeley, California 94704Director: Dennis G. Kuby

The Ministry of Ecology, a non-prcfit, interfaith religious educationalcorporation, was formed to synthesize ecology with religion in order toadvance human commitment to conservation and reverence for life.

ACTIVITIES: Interfaith naturr,:- services in regional parks; promotica andparticipation in major ethics and enr-l-onment conferences; assimilation anddissemination of ecologically-oriente:_ information to Churches and communitycenters of influence; research and da-elopment of ecological liturgLes andprograms. Plans also call fcl- the p=duction of a teaching and ref.Incemanual which will combine the religic:..s teachings of aLI faiths with anecological liturgy; an ecalogy and reElgion think tank and occasionalworkshops on ecology and ethizs.

PUBLICATIONS: Ecology Re_igion, a monthly newsletter.

Pope John XXIII Medical-Mral Research and Education Center1438 South Grand Blvd.St. Louis, Missouri 63104

314/773-0646President: Albert S. Moracaewski, O.P.

nurpose of the Center is to identify and study the ethical and moralissues that will face the health care field as a result of advances inacience and technology. By applying the teachings and insights of the RomanCatholic Church to such issues, the Center hopes tc contribute to a c,7711r=--hensive updated theology of mea.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Research i: the the_logical and scientific areas encompassestopics such as the morality feta_ eaperimentation, Papal teachings in_thearea f medical-morals, a-Ti genetic diagnosis and counseling.

ACTIVITIES: Review, analysis and simiraxization cf research in progress pyscientists, physicians and theologians on long-range medical-moral issues;the identification of, anf arrangements for, this type of research; thesponsorship and operation of symposiums, seminars and other educationalexperiences. Services of the Center are primarily aimed at the develc7mentof resource materials for use by Cath-lic-sponsored health facilities andallied organizations'in direct response to long-range medical-moral needs,

PUBLICATIONS: Selected -,,ports,

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Science, Technology and Society: Futures Studies 29

Center for Integrative StudiesSchool of Advanced TechnologyState University of New YorkBinghamton, New York 13901607/798-2871Director: John McHale, Ph.D.

The :enter is concerned with the long-range social and cultural implicationsof Ezientific and technological developments. It seeks to analyze andproject the large-scale future consequences of ongoing social, political,economic and technological trends; to function as a "sensing unit" concernedwith the effect of such trends on the quality of the human development; andto formulate guidelines for the study and planning of future developments,with emphasis on social and cultural trends. An interdisciplinary approachis stressed.

ACTIVITIES: Research.; provides a focus for graduate education and researchand -to act as an information and communications center; links activities inthese areas with that of international centers with whom it exchanges infor-mation and in whose activities it participates.

PUBLICATIONS: Working papers and reports derived from ongoing studies.

Earthrise (ER)

Box 12) Annex StationProvicience, Thode -1.71am.i. 02901L.:1/274-0011

C17,-,-Directors: Char=e5 'Wolf, Russell Kolton, Thomas Carleton

A futtreh studies rganization which evolved from an awareness of the needfcr zlobal solutio : to common problems. In attempting to plan an EarthriseWzrld Model, EH is 1ocing for alternatives to the American success image.Re_dogilizing that fzras studies are value laden, they have identified someof the values imp- _ait in their work: to strive to reduce ethnocentrism,racism, and sexism; to seek solutions to social/environmental problemsthnuugh non-violent mon-exploitive means; to insure broad participation indehisions affecting futures; to encourage diversity of views and ideas asthe most optimal w,-ay of bettering the human condition; to increase awarenessof the availability of resource abundance through more efficient utilization,as =posed clo -uresent Malthusian scarcity-based thinking.

AC7IVI2IES: ReseErnh, education, deEign. Programs Include: Futures Lab -a =21-t:-cu1tura1 efucational enterprize leeding to a bachelor's degree, withErr-den- involvemer7 in ongoing studit= of global/local, social/environmentalLEEues to develop Long-range alternatives; Global Futures Games - a world

simillF---Ton; Futures _Book - a catalogue of work being done inf=zures throughhut the world; Futnres Education Kit.

.F.P.6LICATIONS: :ewsletter, occasional documents.


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30 Science, Technology and Society: Futures

Foundation for the FutureOne Gateway CenterBox 2001Newton, Massachusetts 02158617/965-2001

A non-I:rofit organization which fosters interest in, study of, and involvementwith future alternatives, and collects, communicates and preserves informationon the future.

ACTIVITIES: Maintains a Future Resource Center housing books, reports,tapes, slides, etc.; operates a lecture bureau; conducts foruns and exhibitions.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports, newsletters, a membership directory, futures calendars.

Institute for.the Future2740 Saled.L T41-1 Road

Mer7:1 Part, :alifornia 94025415A15L-6322Etaait- 'Roy Amara

The 2-..utit=e is an independent research organization dedicated tm systematicand zsa---ehensive studies of the long range future. A non-,nrofit organization,

is supported by business and industrial organizations, governmentagencies, and private foundations. Its primary aims are to enlarge existingundersuunding concerning technological, environmental, and societal changesand uhein long-range consequences; to develop new methodology to carry on such

f-c make available the results of such research; to serve as an educationaland -7reaing center for selected persons.

AREAS C7 MNCERN: Topics include energy, the social impact of computers, theworld fd outlook and the developing countries.

ACTIVITTES: Research; workshops and seminars.

PUBLICAIIONS: Reports, working papers, newsletter.

WorLiI7ixture Society .(WFS)4916 at. Elmo Avenue (Bethesda)Waston, D.C. 20014

301/65-8274Preeld==L Edward S. Cornish

,WF2 is an international organization founded in the belief that individuals andinstit=ions need to be better informed about possible social and technologicaldevelim=nts of the coming decades in order to make wise decisions now. Its

nurnamae 's to serve as an independent, unbiased forum and clearinghouse forsci=mtific and scholarly forecasts and explorations of the .future.


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Science, Technology and Society: Futures Studies

World Future Society (continued)

ACTIVITIES: Conducts workshops, educational courses, conventions, andmeetings. Sections in areas such as biology/medicine, cities, energy andresources, human affairs, technology, provide opportunities for exchange ofideas and information by producing publications and meeting on specifictopics. A Book Service allows members to purchase materials dealing withfuture-oriented topics. The Employment Service provides contact withfuture-oriented businesses, universities and government agencies.

PUBLICATIONS: Several periodicals and bulletins (The Futurist, HumanValues Today, WFS Bulletin).

LOCAL CHAPTERS sponsor lectures, seminars, tours.


SEE ALSO: Center for the Study of Social Policy, Stanford Research InstituteWorldwatch Institute

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32 Environment: General

Boston Environment, Inc.14 Beacon StreetBoston, Massachusetts 02108617/227-2669Executive Officer: John W. Putman

A non-profit information agency ranging wide over environmental subjects.Their objective is to report on and serve the communities and governingbodies of Massachusetts.

ACTIVITIES: Numerous newspapers and scientific publications are read, andselected items of information useful to decision-makers are made available.

PUBLICATIONS: Three regular bulletins; a weekly Index of Processed Environ-mental News, a biweekly Package of Selected Clippings, and additionalreprints.

Center for Environmental StudiesThe Engineering QuadranglePrinceton UniversityPrinceton, New Jersey 08540609/452-5445Director: Irvin Glassman

Created in 1970, the Center has emerged as an important techuology-publicpolicy arm of the University. The Center supports the environmental andenergy research efforts which have developed in the discipline-orienteddepartments and complements them with multidisciplinary activities whichcannot be contained within the traditional aepartmental structure.

AREAS OF CONCERN: There are currently seven major areas of interest - airquality, water quality, energy, land use, resources, fire safety and ecology.Present projects are examining energy conservation in residential housing, -

environmental decision-making, energy requirements for alternative systemsof transportation, human values, the plutonium economy.

ACTIVITIES: Research. Sponsors conferences and symposia.

,PUBLICATIONS: Members of the core research group publish numerous articlesand reports.


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Environment: General33

Center for International StudiesRoora E53-470

Massachusetts Institute of Technology30 Wadsworth StreetCambridge, Massachusetts 02139617/253-3141 or 617/253-5226 (for publications)Director: Eugene B. Skolnikoff

The Global Interdependence program of the Center for International Studieafocuses on two aspects: the nature and problems of international effortsto monitor and regulate global interactions; and the growing recognitionthat advanced industrial societies face many common or similiar problems andcan learn from each other's experience.

Projects of interest include an examination of the nuclear energy industryand the regulatory problems raised by the projected scale of the nuclearenergy industry, as well as the economic and technological aspects of thisscale of growth and the implications for the international regulatory syst-m7and work on the international environmental monitoring sys-Gem, wtich willfocus on the social, economic, and political factors that affect the crea=13...H__and generation of international programs to monitor environmental changes,taking the depletion of the ozone layer as an illustrative case.

Center for the Biolo of Natural S stems (CBNS)Washington UniversityBox 1126St. Louis, Missouri 63130314/863-0100Director: Barry Commoner

CBNS was established in 1966 as an effort to apply the Trilltidisciplinaryresources of the University to the resolution of issues generated by thegrowing deterioration of the environment. The program is designed toexamine the crises generated by the transformation of agricultural andindustrial production, seeking to fill.gaps in the knowledge needed to understand them.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Included are the vulnerability of Unitedto disruption from energy shortages, effects of pesticides,carcinogens in the workplace, energy supply and demand.

ACTIVITIES: Research; participation in community meetings,and radio and television broadcasts.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports and articles.

c, 9

States agricul , een7ironmental

putlic hearings,

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34 Environment: General

Committee for Environmental Information (CEI)560 Trinity' AvenueSt. Louis, Missouri 63130314/863-6560

CEI, a local chapter of the Scientists' Information for Public Information, isconcerned with providing the public with information on a variety of environ-.mental issues.

ACTIVITIES: Recent projects include preparation of high school and collegecurriculum units on environmental issues; conferences on water quality,the atmosphere, nuclear power and environmental lead. Testifies athearings.

PUBLICATIONS: Fact sheets on_energy and environmental issues. CEI alsohas available a list of local organizations and agencies of ube to teacherswishing furthor information or publications in planning projects or unitson ecology.

Concern,_ Inc.2233 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20007202/965-0066President: Margaret S. Mickey

The primary effort of Concern, Inc., is to educate individual citizens tobecome aware of environmental problems and to encourage intelligent practicesin the market place, in the home, and in the community. Formed in 1970 asa non-profit, tax-exempt organization staffed by volunteers, it is fundedthrough foundation and government grants; contributions, and proceeds fromsales of publications.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Included are detergents, polyvinyl chloride containers,pesticides, food additives, energy programs, land use.

ACTIVITIES: Seeks to educate through appearances on television and radioprograms, attendance at meetings, testifying. Produced a film on drinkingwater.

PUBLICATIONS: Consumer guides (Eco-tips), environmental calendars, reports.

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Environment: General 35

Ecology Action Educational Institute1000 North 19th Street.Modesto, California 95350209/529-3784Director: Clifford C. Humphrey

The Ecology Action Educational Institute is a non-profit corporation whosepurpose is to study and develop the methods for the creation of a balancedrelationship between the needs and the aspirations of society and thelimitations of man's environment.

ACTIVITIES: Workshops, classes, ecology fairs, preparation of curriculumunits, dissemination of information to the general public.

Environment Center (UTEC)The University of TennesseeSouth Stadium HallKnoxville, Tennessee 37916615/974-4251

UTEC serves as a focal point within the University for interdisciplinaryenergy and environmental programs. It is an intermediary between clientssuch as federal, state and local government research agencies, citizengroups, industrial firms and University experts and is used to providetechnical assistance and information on energy and environmental matters.

AREAS OF CONCERN: UTEC is concerned with a variety of questions related toenergy, including the reduction in demand and the development of energysources. Emphasizing maintenance of environmental quality and efficiencyof energy use for minimizing costs, the Center seeks to help clarify thecurrent and projected energy supply and demand situation.

ACTIVITIES: Plans, organizes and participates in workshops, forums, seminars.Conducts research and demonstration projects. There currently are four mainprojects: Energy-Coal (The Appalachian Resources Project); Resource Managementand Conservation Program (Energy Conservation in Industries, Regional SolidWaste Energy and Materials Recovery, Technologies for Special Waste RecoverY);Tennessee Energy Conservation in Housing (TECH) and Energy Conservation andEducation Information Services, including the Energy/Environment ResourceMaterials Center (EERMC) which maintains a collection of research reportsand other documents on energy, environment and conservation. There is alsoan expertise referral list composed of persons, firms, organizations or agencieswhere a particular resource or capability exists, designed to facilitateexchange of information and to pool scarce resources.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports and other materials dealing with energy conservationand environmental education.

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36 Environment: General

Environmental ActionSuite 7311346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/833-1845Coordinator: Peter Harnik

A citizens lobbying group working for the passage of strong environmentallegislation and the defeat of congressmen with poor environmental votingrecords.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Recycling, transportation, toxic substances, noise, airand water pollution.

ACTIVITIES: Research; encourages citizen activity, publishes the "DirtyDozen" - a list of the 12 congressmen who most consistently oppose strongenvironmental legislation - and works for their defeat; organizes EarthDay.

PUBLICATIONS: Occasional reports.

Environmental Law Institute (ELI)

Dupont Circle Building, Suite 6201346 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036202/452-9600Director: Frederick R. Anderson

The Environmental Law Institute is a nonprofit national research centerinvolved in law-related environmental research. Its staff includes attorneys,students of public administration, economists, a political scientist and abiophysicist.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Federal environment law; energy policy and energy conser-vation; legal and institutional impediments to the use of solar energy; roleof the courts in making and implementing water policy.

ACTIVITIES: Analysis of the law of environmental protection and naturalresources use; design of new institutional arrangements to carry outenvironmental policy; the improvement of institutional ability to implementexisting law; research; environmental law courses; Summer Scholars programfor law students.

PUBLICATIONS: Environmental Law Reporter, a monthly publication collectingenvironmental statutes, regulations and court opinions; books and reports.

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Environment: General

Environmental Policy Center324 C Street, S.E.Washington, D.C. 20003202/547-6500Director: Joe Browder

An environmental lobbying group with specialists working on topics suchas nuclear power and alternative energy sources, water resources and landuse. A non-partisan, private, non-profit organization.

ACTIVITIES: Testimony at congressional hearings; aids in preparation ofamendments; forms specialized coalitions.

Environmental Policy Institute200 Third Street, S.E.Washington, D.C. 20003202/544-8200President: Joe Browder

The Institute's principal purpose is to conduct non-legislative research andanalytical projects with special emphasis on energy, land use and waterresource issues.


ACTIVITIES: In addition to work done for the Institute's own projects, itprovides support for research, expert testimony, professional papers, technicalreviews and other services for citizens' organizations and other agencies.Conducts workshops on hazardous waste management. Has held conferences forconsumer, agricultural and environmental groups on the environmental andeconomic implications of synthetic fuels development.

PUBLICATIONS: Research papers and other publications.

Environmental Study Conference2456 Rayburn House Office BuildingU.S. House of RepresentativesWashington, D.C. 20515202/225-2988Chairman: Richard L. Ottinger (D-N.Y.) Vice Chairman: Alan Steelman (R-Tex)Staff Director: Jim Rathlesberger

The Environmental Study Conference is a bi-partisan group comprised of Membersof the House interested in environmental issues. The primary objective ofthe Conference is to inform its members about current environmental issuesinside and outside Congress.


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38 Environmentf General

Environmental Study Conference (continued)

AREAS OF CONCERN: Energy, pollution, occupational hazards, transportation.

ACTIVITIES: Sponsors briefings for members and their staffs.

PUBLICATIONS: A weekly bulletin analyzing environmental legislation scheduledfor action by the House, upcoming committee action, and significant developmentsoutside Congress; special alerts and fact sheets.

Friends of Can, Inc.30 East 68th StreetNew York, N.Y. 10021212/879-9736

72 Jane Street 529 Commercial StreetNew York, N.Y. 10014 San Francisco, Ca. 94111

The tax-exempt arm of Consumer Action Now (CAN - an environmental/consumerlobbying organization). Its purpose is to educate the public, electedofficials, architects and representatives from industry to the possibilitiesof all forms of solar energy (sun, wind, geothermal etc.) as safe, non-polluting alternatives to the use of nuclear power.

ACTIVITIES: Encourages formation of citizen organizations to deal withenergy policies; seeks to educate through a variety of programs. Currentlyconducting their first nationwide program - a solar energy educational

which includes plans for a traveling solar exhibit, solar films,workshops.

Can (same address as Friends of Can; Director: Lola Redford): lobbies,gives testimony. Goal is to have a contact in each congressional districtwith whom Can would work when major legislation is pending.

Friends of the Earth (FOE)620 C Street, S.E.Washington, D.C.202/543-4312

FOE is an environmental lobbying group interested in nuclear power, energy,wildlife, air and water pollution, and wilderness and public land use.

ACTIVITIES: Lobbying through testimony and writings; stimulating grass-rootssupport.

PUBLICATIONS: Periodicals - Not Man Apart, fortnightly; Stockholm ConferenceECO, occasional; Earth Law Journal, quarterly. Books.


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Environment: General 39

Friends of the Earth (continued)

FIELD REPRESENTATIVES are active in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, KansasCity, Fairbanks, Denver, Los Angeles, the Northern Plains states, Paris, theUnited Kingdom, and Nairobi.

Friends of the Earth Foundation (FEF) is the tax-exempt arm of FOE. khle

does not lobby, but engages in research, writing, and educational activities.

The Institute of Ecology (TIE)Suite 2600955 L'Enfant Plaza, S.W.Washington, D.C. 20024202/737-0116Director: John M. Neuhold

TIE has a network of over 100 institutions and the support of the ecologicalcommunity. With such a foundation, TIE addresses broadly based ecologicalproblems of national concern by bringing the appropriate scientists togetherand synthesizing their collective thinking. Projects are often undertakenwith or for government agencies and private foundations.

ACTIVITIES: Past and present projects include the Urban Ecosystem Study,Water Ecosystems Committee, the Environmental Impact Assessment Project,a study of proposals for a network of experimental ecological reserves, ahandbook on ecology, and an internship program. Conducts workshops andconferences.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports, newsletter, scientific and policy reviews of environmental impact statements, a glossary of ecological terms for engineers,resource managers and students.

Natural Resources Defense15 West 44th StreetNew York, N.Y. 10036212/869-0150

Councill Inc. (NDRC)917 15th Street, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20005202/737-5000

664 Hamilton AvenuePalo Alto, Ca. 94301415/327-1080

NRDC is a Public-interest law firm representing its members and the publicinterest in environmental issues affecting broad questions of national andinternational concern.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Logging practices in national forests, plastic beveragebottles, mass transit, control of water and air pollution, energy, plutonium,and radioactive wastes.

ACTIVITIES: Engages in legal action, research.

PUBLICATIONS: Newsletter, reports, position papers, summaries of litigationand copies of briefs and decisions.

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4o Environment: General

Resources for the Future., Inc. (RFF)

1755 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.Washington, D.C. 20036212/462-4400President: Charles J. Hitch

A private, nonprofit corporation for research and education in the development,conservation and use of natural resources and improvement of the quality of theenvironment. Established in 1952, RFF consists of resident and visiting scholars.

AREAS OF CONCERN: Fields of interest embrace land, water, mineral and airresources, energy, regional and urban studies. Analysis is done within a societal -

framework, especially in the fields of economics, political science and management.

ACTIVITIES: Research; support for complementary research by universities andother organizations; testifying upon request at hearings-; awards fellowships tograduate students; conducts symposiums, seminars, forums.

PUBLICATIONS: Eeports, newsletters, nontechnical paperbacks, -a.bulletin.

U.S. Cong-essWashingt= D.C. 20510Capital EZLI Operator: 202/224-3121


Committee on Government Operations, Subcommittee on Conservation, Energy andNatural Resources (Moorhead, Pennsylvania)

Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, Subcommittee on Energy and theEnvironment (Udall, Arizona)

Committee on International Relations, Subcommittee on International Resources,Food and Energy (Diggs, Michigan)

Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce: Subcommittee on Energy and Power(Dingell, Michigan); Subcommittee on Health and the Environment (Rogers, Florida)

. Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Energy and Environment (Dingell, Mich.)


Committee on Finance, Subcommittee on Energy (Gravel, Alaska).Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs: Subcommittee on Energy Research andWater Resources (Church, Idaho): Subcommittee on Environment and LandResources (Haskell, Colorado)

Committee. on Public Works: Subcommittee on Environmental Pollution (Muskie,Maine): Subcommittee on Water Resources (Gravel, Alaska); Panel on EnvironmentalScience and Technology (Culver, Iowa)

Select Committee on Small Business, Subcommittee on Environmental, Rural andUrban Economic Development (Nunn, Georgia)

JOINT Economic Committee, Subcommittee on Energy (Kennedy, Massachusetts)

SEE ALSO: Center for Law and Socia, PolicyMinistry of Ecology

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Environment: Nuclear Energy

Americans for Energy Independence1028 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.Suite 309AWashington, D.C. 20036202/296-2580President: Cecily Cannan Selby


1500 Wilson BoulevardSuite 1405Arlington, Birginia 22209703/525-6162

AEI is a nonprofit, tax-exempt public education and information organizationfounded by a concerned group of scientific, professional e.:23. business leadersto inform the public, and through public opinion to stlmulate policies andactions which will mnve the U.S. rapidly toward reasonable energy self-sufficiency by the L:t1.1.1..i 1880's. It seeks tc serve as a national coordinatingforum to help clarify energy policies and as catalyst to see thst thosepolicies are implemented.

AREAS OF CONCERN: ,AEI is committed to the gcal of U.S. energy autonomythrough positive punlic action in three prime areas: energy con=rvetion;near-term emphasis on developing our domestic fuel resources; selectivelong-term development programs. Major emphasis is placed on theadvantages of nucleEr energy.

ACTIVITIES: Deve_opment of reliable, expert, comprehensive and impartialinformation on which officials can base their energy decisions, anddissemination of that information. Sponsors conferences; provides testimoayat state and national hearings.

LOCAL CHAPTERS are being organized.

Atomic Industrial Forum, Inc. (AIF)7101 Wisconsin AvenueWashington, D.C. 20014301/654-9260Chairman: John W. Simpson

AIF is an international management association which represents organizationsinterested in promoting the peaceful uses of nuclear energy. Members work tosolve and prevent problems facing the nuclear industry and seek opportunitiesfor the growth of nuclear technology. Major problems are seen to be the needfor relieving the financial crisis faced by the utilities and for setting therecord straight in response to questions and charges raised by nuclear opponents.Committees deal with a wide range of topics related to nuclear energy.

ACTIVITIES: Disseminates information; sponsors conferences, studies; providestechnical, legal and financial advice.

PUBLICATIONS: Reports, newsletters, background information.

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42 Environment: Nuclear Energy

American Nuclear Society (ANS)244 East Ogden AvenueHinsdale., Illinois 60521312/325-1991Executive Director: Octave J. DuTemple

The main objective of the Society is the advancement of science and engineeringas related to the many uses of the atom. ANS strongly supportr enprgy policiesthat contemplate a major role for nuclear power.

ACTIVITIES: Encourages research; establishes scholarships; disseminates infor-mation; holds meetings devoted to scientific and technical papers; cooperateswith agencies and organizations that have similar purposes. R.ograms fordissemination of information include: a Nuclear Energy Hotline Directory forMedia, a directory of experts around the country who may be called upon toanswer queries from the press and members of the media; a listing of informedscientists who are willing to speak to those concerned with energy problems;radio programs.

PUBLICATIONS: Articles, transactions, proceedings, monographs.

Committee for Nuclear Responsibility, Inc.P.O. Box 332 P.O. Box 2329Yachats, Oregon 97498 Dublin, California 94566Chairman: John W. Gofman

Organized in 1971 to help educa:.e the puolic and press to the hazards ofnuclear power and to alternatives. Supports a moratorium on constructionand export of civilian nuclear fission power plants and high priority effortsto improve energy efficiency programs to introduce safe sources of energy.

ACTIVITIES: Original research, analysis. Facilitates contact betweeninterested citizens and additional sources of information, citizen groupsand national petition drives.

PUBLICATIONS: Technical reports, educational materials.

Critical MassP.O. Box 1538Washington, D.C. 20013Director: Ralph Nader

Critical Mass is known as the citizen's movement to stop nuclear power.

ACTIVITIES: Serves as a clearinghouse for information; organizes annualmeetings; seeks to stimulate public interest in learning about nuclear power.

PUBLICATION: Critical Mass, a newsletter.

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Environment: Nuclear Energy 43

Division of Church and SocietyNational Council of Churches of Christ (NCC)475 Riverside DriveNew York, N.Y. 10027212/870-2252Director: Dr. Lucius Walker, Jr.

The concern of the Division of Church and Society with the growing use ofnuclear energy and plans for the development of plutonium reactors led tothe establishment of a Committee of Inquiry: The Plutonium Economy. Basedon the report and the statement of concern issued by this committee, theGoverning Board recently called for a serious study of the theological,economic, socio-political and technical implications of energy use. Copiesof the Background Report and Statement of Concern are available from theNCC.

National Intervenors332 6th Street, S.E.Washington, D.C. 20003202/543-1642Executive Director: John M. Blatt

An organization devotod Lo the study of nuclear energy and the environment.Their goal is to provide ideas and information on the issues surroundingnuclear energy and the alternatives to as many people as possible, to provideCongress with the information it needs on nuclear energy, for the purpose ofstopping nuclear power plants. National Intervenors is a coalition of over150 citizens groups.

ACTIVITIES: Attempts to arouse grassroots involvement in changing U.S. energypolicy; research; dissemination of information.

PUBLICATIONS: Articles and reprints.

Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS)1208 Massachusetts AvenueCambridge, Massachusetts 02138617/547-5552

UCS is a coalition of scientists, engineers and other professionals concernedabout the impact of advanced technology on society. It is an advocateorganization, independent of both industry and government, that speaks freelyabout controversial issues.


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44 Environment: Nuclear Energy

Union7=f Concerned Scientists (continued)

AREAS :E CONCERN: The major project is the examination of the U.S. nuclearpower -,:rogram, including nuclear power plant safety, radioactive wastedisposal options, energy policy alternatives. Other interests are thestratein arms race, air and water pollution, unrestricted pesticide use,liquifed natural gas transport and storage hazards.

ACTI__LES: Technical studies; disemination of information to decision makers,the nazional and local media, scientists and the general public; assistingpublic interest groups in their efforts to control the misuse of technology;partfuLoating in administrative hearings on behalf of citizens groups.

PUBLICATIONS: Four volumes of technical studies on nuclear power, otherreports and pamphlets.

U.S. Congress - Joint Committee on Atomic EnergyWashington, D.C. 20510Capital Hill Operator: 202/224-3121Chairman: John O. Pastore, Senator, Rhode IslandVice Chairman: Melvin Price, Representative, Illinois

Subcommittees on: Agreements for Cooperation, Communities, ERDA Environmentand Safety, ERDA Nuclear Energy, Legislation, National Security.

U.S. Enej-jarch and Development Agency (ERDA)Washington, D.C. 20545202/376-1064

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC)Washington, D.C. 20555301/492-7771

ERDA and NRC are the agencies formed to take over the functions of the AtomicEnergy Commission (AEC). They were established as independent agencies inorder to rid the government's administration of nuclear energy of the apparentconflict of interest between development and regulation which existed underthe AEC. ERDA is responsible for research and development of all forms ofenergy - solar, nuclear, geothermal, fossil fuels. NRC is responsible forlicensing and regulating nuclear power plants. ERDA publications includeERDA News, a newsletter; NRC makes available press releases and other documents.

SEE ALSO: American Enterprise Institue for Public Policy ResearchCenter for Science in the Public InterestScientists' Institute for Public Informationlistings under Environment: General