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Document Prefixes Doc Prefix System ID Description Contact * HSC/TTU/TTUS Encumbrance Open/Close [email protected] AA Interest Allocation [email protected] AD Institutional Advancement Deposits [email protected] AR Institutional Advancement Revenue [email protected] BA HSC Budget Adjustments [email protected] BC HSC Budget Cash Transfers [email protected] BH HSC Budget Upload [email protected] BL HSC EPAF & Labor Re-distributions [email protected] BM HSC Budget Office Payroll Enc Release [email protected] BZ HSC Nightly Budget Updates for Fringes [email protected] CA HSC FiTS Cost Transfer Entries [email protected] CC HSC Cost Transfers [email protected] CE HSC eCommerce Deposits [email protected] CF HSC eCommerce Revenue [email protected] CH HSC PCard Upload [email protected] CT TTU Procurement Card [email protected] CX TTU FiTS Cost Transfer Entries [email protected] EA HSC Communication Srvcs Encumbrance [email protected] EB HSC Comm Srvcs Encumbrance Modification [email protected] EC Communication Services Encumbrance [email protected] ED Communication Services Encumbrance Mod [email protected] EE HSC IT Encumbrances [email protected] EG HSC IT Encumbrance Liquidations [email protected] EH HSC General Encumbrance [email protected] EL HSC General Encumbrance Liquidation [email protected] EM HSC General Encumbrance Mod [email protected] EO HSC Plant Ops Encumbrance [email protected] EP HSC Plant Ops Encumbrance Mod [email protected] EQ HSC Plant Ops Enc Liquidation [email protected] EV Travel Encumbrance [email protected] EW Travel Encumbrance Mod [email protected] EX HSC Encumbrance Change Request [email protected] F Banner Interface Documents [email protected] G Grant Indirect Cost Calculation JV [email protected] HA HSC General Cash Receipts [email protected] HB HSC Bulk Mail Upload [email protected] HC HSC General Cash Receipts [email protected] HE HSC Program Code Corrections [email protected] HF HSC Fund Balance Checking Adjustment [email protected] HM HSC Correctional Managed Health Care [email protected] TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [1] Rev. April 2015

Document Prefixes

Dec 18, 2021



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Page 1: Document Prefixes

Document Prefixes Doc

Prefix System ID Description Contact

* HSC/TTU/TTUS Encumbrance Open/Close [email protected]

AA Interest Allocation [email protected]

AD Institutional Advancement Deposits [email protected]

AR Institutional Advancement Revenue [email protected]

BA HSC Budget Adjustments [email protected]

BC HSC Budget Cash Transfers [email protected]

BH HSC Budget Upload [email protected]

BL HSC EPAF & Labor Re-distributions [email protected]

BM HSC Budget Office Payroll Enc Release [email protected]

BZ HSC Nightly Budget Updates for Fringes [email protected]

CA HSC FiTS Cost Transfer Entries [email protected]

CC HSC Cost Transfers [email protected]

CE HSC eCommerce Deposits [email protected]

CF HSC eCommerce Revenue [email protected]

CH HSC PCard Upload [email protected]

CT TTU Procurement Card [email protected]

CX TTU FiTS Cost Transfer Entries [email protected]

EA HSC Communication Srvcs Encumbrance [email protected]

EB HSC Comm Srvcs Encumbrance Modification [email protected]

EC Communication Services Encumbrance [email protected]

ED Communication Services Encumbrance Mod [email protected]

EE HSC IT Encumbrances [email protected]

EG HSC IT Encumbrance Liquidations [email protected]

EH HSC General Encumbrance [email protected]

EL HSC General Encumbrance Liquidation [email protected]

EM HSC General Encumbrance Mod [email protected]

EO HSC Plant Ops Encumbrance [email protected]

EP HSC Plant Ops Encumbrance Mod [email protected]

EQ HSC Plant Ops Enc Liquidation [email protected]

EV Travel Encumbrance [email protected]

EW Travel Encumbrance Mod [email protected]

EX HSC Encumbrance Change Request [email protected]

F Banner Interface Documents [email protected]

G Grant Indirect Cost Calculation JV [email protected]

HA HSC General Cash Receipts [email protected]

HB HSC Bulk Mail Upload [email protected]

HC HSC General Cash Receipts [email protected]

HE HSC Program Code Corrections [email protected]

HF HSC Fund Balance Checking Adjustment [email protected]

HM HSC Correctional Managed Health Care [email protected]

TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [1] Rev. April 2015

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Document Prefixes Doc

Prefix System ID Description Contact

HP HSC Property Management Code Change [email protected]

HW HSC Swift Card Program [email protected]

I Application Invoices (Travel, T & P) [email protected]

I Other Gateway Invoices [email protected]

IA HSC Invoice – Joanna Garza [email protected]

IB HSC Invoice – Lisa Northcutt [email protected]

IC HSC Invoice – Tammy Boring [email protected]

IDH Direct Pay Invoice [email protected]

IDM Direct Pay CMHC [email protected]

IE HSC Invoice – Heather Brillon [email protected]

IF HSC Invoice – Esther Myrick [email protected]

IG HSC Invoice – Lesa Kimbrough [email protected]

IH HSC Invoice – Karen Chapman [email protected]

II HSC MPIP Refunds [email protected]

IJ HSC El Paso Payment Services Invoice [email protected]

JA HSC Accounting Services [email protected]

JB HSC Student Business Services [email protected]

JC HSC Acctg Services Cash Adjustments [email protected]

JD HSC Cardinal Drug [email protected]

JE HSC Lbk Televox Services [email protected]

JF HSC Elp Histology Core Center [email protected]

JI HSC Elp Center for the Deaf [email protected]

JK HSC Parking Services [email protected]

JL HSC LRPS [email protected]

JM HSC MPIP Revenue/Expense Distribution [email protected]

JN HSC Physician’s Insurance [email protected]

JO HSC Plant Ops [email protected]

JP HSC Payment Services [email protected]

JQ HSC Elp Freight [email protected]

JR HSC Lbk LARC [email protected]

JS HSC Lbk Clin/Ctrl Sterile Contract [email protected]

JT HSC Stenocall [email protected]

JU HSC Elp Collection Agency Billing [email protected]

JV Travel JV [email protected]

JW HSC Unclaimed Wires Distribution [email protected]

JX HSC Press Ganey Billing [email protected]

JZ HSC Finance Systems Management JV [email protected]

KA HSC Lbk Biomedical Services [email protected]

KB HSC Lbk Cell Biology [email protected]

KC HSC Lbk General Counsel [email protected]

TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [2] Rev. April 2015

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Document Prefixes Doc

Prefix System ID Description Contact

KE HSC Electronic Imaging [email protected]

KF HSC Central Stores [email protected]

KG HSC General Services [email protected]

KH HSC Lbk Medical Photography/Graphics Svcs [email protected]

KI HSC Lbk Medical Waste [email protected]

KJ HSC Lbk IT Projects [email protected]

KK HSC Lbk Pharmaceutical Services [email protected]

KL HSC Lbk Information Services [email protected]

KM HSC Mail Services [email protected]

KN HSC Lbk Educational Media Materials [email protected]

KP HSC Printing Center [email protected]

KQ HSC HSC Lbk IT Continuing Education [email protected]

KR HSC Library Services [email protected]

KS HSC Swift Print [email protected]

KT HSC Lbk Resource Nursing Pool [email protected]

KU HSC Lbk WAN Services [email protected]

LA HSC Elp Answering Service [email protected]

LD HSC Elp Vehicle Rental [email protected]

LF HSC Elp Copy Services [email protected]

LG HSC Elp Facilities Development [email protected]

LH HSC Elp Warehouse/Space [email protected]

LI HSC Elp General Services [email protected]

LJ HSC Elp Health/Safety Laboratory [email protected]

LK HSC Elp Machine Postage [email protected]

LL HSC Elp LARC [email protected]

LM HSC Elp Pager Service [email protected]

LN HSC Elp Audio Visual [email protected]

NA HSC Contracting A/R [email protected]

NB HSC Custodial Services Lbk [email protected]

ND HSC Planning / Design / Construction Lbk [email protected]

NE HSC General Services Abilene [email protected]

NF HSC Communication Srvcs Expense IV [email protected]

NI HSC Elp Genomics Core [email protected]

NJ HSC SON SimLife Center [email protected]

NK HSC Ama SOP Equipment Use [email protected]

NL HSC Ama Employee Hlth Cont Lab Services [email protected]

NM HSC Elp Pediatric Adjustments [email protected]

NN HSC Elp Cytometry Core Lab [email protected]

NO HSC Lbk General Services [email protected]

NP HSC Lbk Pediatrics Adjustments [email protected]

TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [3] Rev. April 2015

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Document Prefixes Doc

Prefix System ID Description Contact

NQ HSC Lbk Pathology [email protected]

NR HSC Elp Safety Svcs Biomed [email protected]

NS HSC General Services SUB Copy/Mail [email protected]

NT HSC Elp Proteomics Core Lab [email protected]

NU HSC Elp ICP-MS Core Lab [email protected]

NV HSC Lbk Image Analysis Center [email protected]

NW HSC Ama Pharmaceutical Purchasing [email protected]

NY HSC Elp Information Services [email protected]

P HSC/TTU/TTUS Purchase Orders [email protected]

PF Payroll State Fringe Adjustment [email protected]

PY Payroll Interface from TechPay [email protected]

QX HSC Elp Networking [email protected]

QZ HSC Elp WAN Services [email protected]

RA HSC Elp Accounting Services [email protected]

RB HSC Elp General Cash Receipts [email protected]

RC HSC Elp Acct Srvcs Cash Adjustments [email protected]

RW HSC Elp Swift Card Program [email protected]

S Student Refund Invoices [email protected]

SC TTUSA Cash Investments [email protected]

SH HSC Exemptions and Waivers [email protected]

TA TTU Accounts Receivable [email protected]

TC TTU Cash Receipt [email protected]

TJ TTU Financial Accounting and Rept [email protected]

TP Payroll Journal Voucher [email protected]

V9 eInvoices (Electronic invoices from TechBuy) [email protected]

XA TTU Biotechnology Core Facility [email protected]

XB TTU Physical Plant [email protected]

XC Housing JV [email protected]

XD TTU Grounds Maintenance [email protected]

XE TTU Department of Chemistry [email protected]

XF Communication Services JV [email protected]

XG TTU Purchasing JV [email protected]

XJ TTU Hospitality Services JV [email protected]

XK TTU Motor Pool [email protected]

XQ University Daily [email protected]

XT TTU Traffic and Parking [email protected]

XV TTUSA Information Technology [email protected]

XW TTU Information Technology Operations [email protected]

XZ TTU Central Warehouse [email protected]

YB TTU Alumni Association [email protected]

TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [4] Rev. April 2015

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Document Prefixes Doc

Prefix System ID Description Contact

Check Number Prefixes

! Direct Deposit - all Bank Accounts [email protected]

46 HSC El Paso JPMC Op Deposit [email protected]

48 HSC El Paso Patient Refunds [email protected]

49 HSC El Paso JPMC Op Disbursement [email protected]

60 HSC Lubbock JPMC Student AR [email protected]

66 HSC PlainsCapital Deposits [email protected]

68 HSC Lubbock JPMC Op Disbursement [email protected]

70 HSC Lubbock JPMC Revolving [email protected]

75 HSC Lubbock Patient Refunds [email protected]

90 HSC PlainsCapital Gen Fnd-Revolving [email protected]

99 HSC PlainsCapital Student AR [email protected]

Note: Check Numbers beginnings with an alpha character are state bank checks and are not issued out of our local bank. State bank checks are paid from HSC Funds held in treasury with the State Comptroller’s Office and are issued out of their bank.

TTUHSCEP Finance Systems Management [5] Rev. April 2015