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 Copyright © 2014 Christopher Ritchie " DOCTOR WHO Proshloye (Russian for ‘past’) by Christopher Ritchie

Doctor Who - "Proshloye" - An 11th Doctor Adventure

Oct 16, 2015



The Doctor and Clara travel to 21st century Moscow to battle an age-old enemy of the Time Lords.

Vercilius, once a guest of the Time Lords who assassinated a member of the High Council, has been left to rot to a wraith-like state on Gallifrey’s distant moon prison. During the final hours of the Time War, Vercilius is able to escape to 21st century Moscow. Possessing a power to take the life force of his victims by tapping into their subconscious and amplifying bad memories, Vercilius is able to restore himself physically. With an unquenching desire to prolong his life, Vercilius begins to pick off innocent victims in Moscow.

Compelled by duty, the Doctor attempts to intercept the enemy of the Time Lords. After a cat and mouse chase through Moscow’s underground and streets, Vercilius and the Doctor have their final showdown. It is only when Vercilius has the Doctor at the point of death that revelations are made into both characters’ pasts, particularly the 1200 year-old time travelling protagonist.

This adventure takes place after Nightmare in Silver and before The Name of the Doctor.
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  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie



    Proshloye (Russian for past)


    Christopher Ritchie

  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie


    Christopher Ritchie

  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    3 Overview The Doctor and Clara travel to 21st century Moscow to battle an age-old enemy of the Time Lords. Continuity This adventure takes place after Nightmare in Silver and before The Name of the Doctor. Synopsis Vercilius, once a guest of the Time Lords who assassinated a member of the High Council, has been left to rot to a wraith-like state on Gallifreys distant moon prison. During the final hours of the Time War, Vercilius is able to escape to 21st century Moscow. Possessing a power to take the life force of his victims by tapping into their subconscious and amplifying bad memories, Vercilius is able to restore himself physically. With an unquenching desire to prolong his life, Vercilius begins to pick off innocent victims in Moscow. Compelled by duty, the Doctor attempts to intercept the enemy of the Time Lords. After a cat and mouse chase through Moscows underground and streets, Vercilius and the Doctor have their final showdown. It is only when Vercilius has the Doctor at the point of death that revelations are made into both characters pasts, particularly the 1200 year-old time travelling protagonist.

  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    4 1. INT. MOSCOW METRO STATION FADE IN SUBTITLE: Moscow. Present Day. Komsomolskaya Metro Station grand vaulted ceilings, marble arches and elaborate chandeliers a historical masterpiece from another era. A YOUNG WOMAN, in her mid 20s, makes her way through the metro station to the platform. Her face is vacant, eyes weary the late train home from work. An automated announcement over a loudspeaker. A rickety train speeds through a tunnel arriving at the station platform.

    CUT TO 2. INT. METRO CARRIAGE The YOUNG WOMAN enters the carriage, making her way to seat. She yawns. The few PASSENEGERS disembark at various stops. She is alone. Suddenly, from nowhere, a WRAITH-like creature is sitting beside her. Its figure is transparent, almost phantasmagoric. Engulfed in a cloak, its face is nonetheless visible to the audience skeletal and frightening. The YOUNG WOMAN is not aware of its presence.

    THE WRAITH (Whispering - a distant voice)

    Nadya. The YOUNG WOMAN, surprised, looks around her. No one there. She relaxes, reclining into her seat.

    THE WRAITH (More echoey and horse)

    Nadya! The YOUNG WOMAN is shocked, confident that her imagination is not playing tricks on her. She starts to look around nervously. The WRAITH places his hand on the YOUNG WOMANs shoulder.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    5 2. CONTINUED:

    THE WRAITH Remember. You were fifteen.

    The camera takes the audience into the YOUNG WOMANs thoughts.

    FAST ZOOM-FADE 3. INT. RUSSIAN FLAT FX: B&W FLASHBACK: A Russian flat grey and impoverished; a Soviet feel. A GIRL, twelve years old, leans against the wall of her bedroom. Tears in her eyes. She listens to her parents arguing in the adjacent room. Footsteps in the corridor. She peeks around the corner, staring down the hallway to the front door. She sees her FATHER exit the flat, slamming the door behind him.

    THE WRAITH (V.O.) That was the last time you saw your father. He left your family with nothing. And your mother she was never the same again.

    A CU of the GIRL glancing into the living room. CUT TO her MOTHER, sitting on the edge of a chair, hand shaking, inconsolable.

    THE WRAITH (V.O) Remember the moment Nadya! Recall your sadness; recollect the pain!

    CUT TO

    4. INT. METRO CARRIAGE PRESENT CU on the YOUNG WOMAN. Her eyes becoming watery. The WRAITHs skeletal hand, still on the YOUNG WOMANs shoulder, begins to glow red. Her face is frozen, but the audiences hears a deafening scream a shriek from within.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    6 5. INT. RUSSIAN FLAT FX: B&W QUICK MEMORY FLASHBACKS The GIRLs FATHER slamming the door; her MOTHER grief-stricken in the living room chair.

    THE WRAITH (V.O) (Malevolent laughter)


    CUT TO 6. INT. METRO CARRIAGE PRESENT Silence. The YOUNG WOMAN, drained of her life, sits motionless. Death. The WRAITH stands up. CUT TO P.O.V. of FIXED CAMERA further down the carriage. The WRAITH moves towards it, head bowed and shrouded by the hood of its cloak. He stops, arriving at the FIXED CAMERA, and looks up. His skeletal face is visibly more developed loose flesh hanging from one side and one eyeball now visible he is reinvigorated with the life force he has stolen no longer transparent or phantasmagoric in appearance. CUT TO The WRAITH from a side view. He turns to look at himself in the carriage window. The WRAITH sees his image reflected.

    THE WRAITH (Malevolent laughter)



    7. EXT. BORUSA IV GALLIFREYS DISTANT MOON SUBTITLE: Borusa IV Gallifreyan Moon. Hours before the end of the Time War. A FIXED CAMERA shows the Moons surface a barren wasteland. The CAMERA PANS RIGHT to show Gallifrey far away in the night sky under siege by the Dalek fleet.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    7 7. CONTINUED: The CAMERA PANS LEFT, FLOATING, until a bunker-like prison complex on the moons surface comes into view. Deadly electrical currents run across its entrance, blocking anyone from escaping. Suddenly, a massive explosion. The CAMERA SHAKES. CUT TO Gallifrey burning brighter in the night sky after an intensification of firepower from the Dalek fleet. CUT TO the entrance to the prison facility. The electrical currents on the prison door switch off, drained of their power. The CAMERA MOTIONS FORWARD, FLOATING, and takes the audience into the prison.


    8. INT. PRISON FACILITY A cell. The WRAITH, phantasmagoric and transparent, is strung up by chains which have electrical currents running through them a slow torture. As with the prison doors, the electrical currents in the chains suddenly switch off, drained of their power. The prisoner is free. The WRAITH falls to the floor exhausted. Gathering itself, it crawls towards the cell door.

    THE WRAITH (To self)

    Is this freedom? Freedom from eternal imprisonment? No, the Time Lords would never have it. A sentence cast is a sentence that will be carried out.

    The WRAITH stands. A deep breath in and out. He pushes open the cell door which makes a squeaking sound as it pivots on century old hinges. The WRAITH limps towards an adjacent door a control room. CUT TO the WRAITH entering the control room. Several television monitors are visible which display different parts of the prison. Distracted, the WRAITH proceeds immediately towards a wall cabinet. The power is dead, and he pulls the door open easily. From within, he pulls out a Time Vortex Manipulator and clutches it in both hands.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    8 8. CONTINUED:

    THE WRAITH (Ecstatically, with a manic laugh)

    Escape. Ha Ha. Escape at last!

    The WRAITH examines the Time Vortex Manipulator more closely.

    THE WRAITH (CONTD) Damaged. Only enough power for one trip. Destination controls broken and the randomizer jammed. Ha. Still, freedom enough!

    The WRAITH catches a glimpse of one of the television monitors an image of Gallifrey under siege from the Dalek fleet. Burning.

    THE WRAITH (Shocked)

    Gallifrey! It cant be! The WRAITH breaks out into laughter and ecstatically dances around the room.

    THE WRAITH (CONTD) Hahahahaha. Just desserts for my jailors those pompous and degenerate Time Lords. So, after all this time 1000 years of imprisonment their destruction is my salvation!

    The WRAITH straps on the Time Vortex Manipulator. Heading towards the exit of the control room, he stops to look in a mirror. Pausing, his image is not reflected back. He holds his skeletal hands to his face and sighs.

    THE WRAITH Ahhh poor Cadexian the Time Lords took everything. Alas, with my freedom will come my form.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    9 8. CONTINUED: CUT TO the WRAITH leaving the control room. He charges up the stairs of the prison to an observation platform an enclosed glass bubble. Looking out onto the Moons surface and seeing Gallifrey under siege by the Dalek fleet, the WRAITH raises both hands to the sky and lets out manic scream of joy.

    THE WRAITH Ah hahahaha.

    Pressing the button on the Time Vortex Manipulator, he disappears in a flashing bolt of light.

    CUT TO 9. EXT. MOSCOW WALLS OF THE KREMLIN/ TOMB OF THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER SUBTITLE: Moscow. One week ago. Moscow near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the herculean walls of the Kremlin. It is the middle of the night. Pitch black apart from the dim memorial flame. The WRAITH reappears in a ball of light. Breathing heavily from the harsh time travel experience, he gathers himself, taking in his new surroundings. CUT TO the WRAITH swiftly making he way across the cobbled street in front the statue of Zhukov on horseback. Suddenly, pain a burning sensation. Rolling up his sleeve, the Time Vortex Manipulator on his skeletal wrist is smoking. He loosens it, letting it fall to the snow covered ground. He scurries across the open square and descends the steps of Okhotny Ryad Metro Station.

    CUT TO 10. INT. TARDIS. CLOISTER BELL ROOM THE DOCTOR sits on the stairwell of the bell tower. A copy of Homers The Iliad in his hands. CLARA, his companion, enters. She looks up, slightly bewildered by the tower and giant bell.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    10 10. CONTINUED:

    CLARA (Flippantly)

    So, this is where youre slacking off. I hope you switched the TARDIS to autopilot!

    THE DOCTOR is engrossed in the book; distantly, he responds to CLARA.

    THE DOCTOR Mmmmmmmm.

    CLARA leans forward to examine the title of the book.

    CLARA The Iliad Ah yes. I read that in school. The story of the Trojan War which lasted for 10 years all caused by a Greek princess running away with a Trojan prince. Its amazing what people will do for love.

    THE DOCTOR begins to flip through the pages rapidly, finally responding to CLARAs interest.

    THE DOCTOR And totally inaccurate!

    THE DOCTOR closes the book, dropping it on the stairs next to him. He stands and begins recalling to CLARA.

    THE DOCTOR (Frustratingly)

    That flirtatious Greek girl! She stowed away in my TARDIS! My TARDIS!! First she tried to kiss me, then I lost my footing, next thing you know, I fell against the emergency break, and crash-landed in Troy, BANG! A few hours later, two nations are at war. Not one of my better days.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    11 10. CONTINUED:

    CLARA (Inquisitively)

    You started the Trojan War! The Time Lord that launched 1000 ships!


    Well I wouldnt go that far. I may have sped things up. War was inevitable. Menelaus, the poor Greek, was in a bit of debt. Hungry for money rather than love. An opportunist. All those Trojan treasures. I think a few bells went off in his head.


    Speaking of bells, why are you hiding away in the TARDIS bell tower?

    (Pausing) More importantly, why does a time traveling machine have a bell tower? Dont tell me theres a hunchback lurking about up there!


    (Reminiscing, a little distant again)

    Quasimodo No no. Though he was impressed by the architecture. Fantastic fellow. I took him to a village in the south of France he met and married a beautiful girl ironically also named Esmeralda. Its true what they say - opposites do attract - quite the couple they were.


    (Interjecting) Doctor!


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    12 10. CONTINUED:


    THE DOCTOR comes to the realisation he is rambling.


    Oh right, yes! This is the Cloister Bell Room. When theres an impending disaster, that beauty up there rings away.

    THE DOCTOR points up to the CLOISTER BELL.

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Sort of warning system. Ive been meaning to climb to the top to change the ringtone something a little less ominous.

    The CLOISTER BELL beginnings to ring in its typically ominous manner. CLARA puts her hands to her ears, and shouts to THE DOCTOR.

    CLARA Coincidence?

    THE DOCTORs tone changes to one of seriousness. He begins to run down the bell tower stairs. CLARA shouts after him.

    CLARA Wait! Where are you going!


    Console Room! Hurry!

    CUT TO 11. INT. TARDIS. CONSOLE ROOM THE DOCTOR sprints into the CONSOLE ROOM, Clara on his heels. The CLOISTER BELL continues to ring. The TARDIS CONSOLE ROOM is glowing red from alert signals. Making straight for the TARDIS scanner, THE DOCTORs eyes widen as he reads the screen a growing sense of urgency visible in his face. He speedily presses buttons on the TARDIS CONSOLE.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    13 11. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR No no no!!!


    What is it?

    THE DOCTOR Events of my past are happening now. But where?

    THE DOCTOR hits the side of the scanner in frustration.

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) Ah yes, thats it! Hes used a Time Vortex Manipulator. Acquiring signal got it! Coordinates locked on!

    THE DOCTOR dances around the console, flicking switches and pressing knobs. He turns off the CLOISTER BELL.

    THE DOCTOR Thats better!


    What events? Whats going on? THE DOCTOR stops in front of CLARA. Composing himself, he places his arms on her shoulders and looks into her eyes. He speaks softly but seriously.

    THE DOCTOR Clara, a criminal, a powerful and determined being named Vercilius, who was imprisoned by my people long ago, forgotten and left to rot, has escaped his cell. He cant be reasoned with, and his thirst for survival will cause countless of deaths. I have to stop him.

    THE DOCTOR pauses, looking into CLARAs eyes. Solemnity visible on his face the daunting and inescapable task ahead.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    14 11. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) (Softly)

    There can be no clemency this time.

    THE DOCTOR resumes his frantic dance around the console, pressing buttons.

    CLARA Since when did you become so austere Doctor! What are you going to do to stop this this Vercilius? And more importantly, where are we going?


    My dear, youre going nowhere. This is something I must handle alone. Youre

    CLARA, frustratingly, interrupts THE DOCTOR as he continues his dance around the console.

    CLARA What, youre going to make me wait in the TARDIS? Youre going to take me home? Did you honestly think when I walked through the TARDIS doors for the first time that I didnt appreciate travelling with you would have its risk and perils? Did you consider me that nave? And think of all weve done and seen since then! I know you Doctor youre hundreds of years old; youve seen more planets than the grains of sand on a beach

    THE DOCTOR stops his dance and looks at CLARA who seems to have struck a chord.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    15 11. CONTINUED:

    CLARA (CONTD) Youve warred with evil in all its forms yes Doctor, anyone with that history must have baggage! And Ive packed mine. What you need to know is this

    CLARA moves round the console, grasps THE DOCTORs hand and drags him over to the TARDIS break lever. She places both their hands on the lever.

    CLARA (CONTD) Im with you, come what may

    THE DOCTOR, pausing, looks appreciatively into CLARAs eyes, shocked by her altruism.

    CLARA (CONTD) Together?


    (Softly, emotionally and gratefully)

    Together. In unison, they pull down on the TARDIS lever, releasing the break. The TARDIS ROTOR commences moving rapidly, the CONSOLE ROOM becomes turbulent. Loud time travelling noises as the TARDIS kicks into a higher gear. THE DOCTOR and CLARA exchange a mutual reassuring smile. THE DOCTOR proceeds to speak loudly over the noise of the TARDIS.

    THE DOCTOR You wanted to know where were going


    (Shouting back, enthused)

    Of course!

    THE DOCTOR 21st century Earth. Moscow. Winter. Get a warm jacket. Giddy up!

    CUT TO

  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    16 12. EXT. MOSCOW. EARLY HOURS OF THE MORNING. The TARDIS materializes in a back alley near St Basils and the Red Square (ulitsa Ilinka). It is the final hours of darkness before a new Russian cold morning. Snow on the barren streets. THE DOCTOR and CLARA emerge from the TARDIS.

    THE DOCTOR Ah, the Russian Winter. Beautiful, alluring and deadly all at once. Reminds me of River Song.


    (Shivering) Blimey! I need a giant Matryoshka doll to hop into.


    Vercilius will have gone into hiding. But somewhere he can get his hands on the locals without attracting too much attention.

    CUT TO THE DOCTOR and CLARA emerging from the back street and entering the Red Square.

    CLARA This Vercilius, what did he do to your people?

    THE DOCTOR proceeds to recount VERCILIUS story as he and CLARA walk across the Red Square towards the gates adjacent to the State Historical Museum. The CAMERA, through a variety of shots from various angles focusing on both THE DOCTOR and CLARA, captures Moscows famous landmarks in the backdrop. The Walls of the Kremlin Presidium and Senate are illuminated, as is St Basils Cathedral and Lenins Mausoleum. CUT TO MS of THE DOCTOR and CLARA walking away from St Basils.

    THE DOCTOR When I was a boy, a ship crashed on Gallifrey. The one survivor, Vercilius, came from a planet called the Cadexia.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    17 12. CONTINUED: CUT TO THE DOCTORs P.O.V. of CLARA, the Kremlin Gate and its clock visible to her side.

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) The planet had been destroyed by its sun a giant supernova. Vercilius ship was the only one which escaped.

    CUT TO view of both THE DOCTOR and CLARA from behind, walking away from the CAMERA. Walls of the Kremlin, Presidium and Lenins Mausoleum in view.

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) The Cadexians had the power to tap into peoples memories. Essentially they were a race of mind healers literally mind psychologists. The Gallifreyan High Council welcomed Vercilius ironic given my peoples policy of never accepting outsiders.

    CUT TO CLARAs P.O.V. of THE DOCTOR, the GUM Building in the backdrop.

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) They made an exception, offering Vercilius asylum. At first, Vercilius carried out the duties of his race. Nevertheless, the more he became ingrained in Gallifreyan life, the more he became envious of his hosts.

    CUT TO THE DOCTORs P.O.V. of CLARA, passing Lenins Mausoleum with the Kremlin Walls and Senate in view.

    CLARA Envious, in what way?

    CUT TO CLARAs P.O.V. of THE DOCTOR, the GUM Building in the backdrop.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    18 12. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR The Time Lords have an ability to change themselves physically on the point of death, or when their bodies have worn a bit thin. Alas, our lives are long compared to others. Some races pity us; some are jealous.

    CUT TO view of both THE DOCTOR and CLARA from behind, walking towards the gates adjacent to the State Historical Museum.


    Yearning for lasting youth to be the equal of his hosts Vercilius inverted his mind healing powers. He started to surreptitiously attack my people a victim here a victim there always concealing his crime. He tapped into their subconscious and amplified their bad or repressed memories sucking out their life energy.

    CUT TO MS of THE DOCTOR and CLARA walking towards the camera. St Basils and Lenins Mausoleum are now far behind them.


    Using the stolen life force, he restored his youth. But his unquenching desire for immortality led him to target the Castilan a high ranking Gallifreyan. Vercilius was caught and links were made with his other victims.



  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    19 12. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR (CONTD) He received the most vindictive punishment which could be handed down by the Time Lords strung up in a cell with life preserving but torturous electric chains to wait out all of time. Vercilius wanted everlasting life; thats what he was given.


    CLARA So now that he has escaped to Earth, surely he will take up his old habits?



    Without a doubt. I only ever saw him once. He was a wraith-like creature by that stage almost wasted away to nothing. But if he starts to take human lives, he will be able to reform himself physically.

    CUT TO MS of THE DOCTOR and CLARA walking towards the camera as they approach the gates adjacent to the State Historical Museum. THE DOCTOR stops; CLARA follows suit. THE DOCTOR pulls out his sonic screwdriver, holds it up and activates it.

    CLARA Surely he will attract the attention of the local Militsia!


    Ah, and what have we here! The sonic screwdriver picks up a signal. THE DOCTOR begins to run; CLARA on his heels.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    20 12. CONTINUED: CUT TO MS of THE DOCTOR and CLARA from behind. They head through gates adjacent to the State Historical Museum. CUT TO THE DOCTOR and CLARA stopping near the statue of Zhukov on horseback. THE DOCTOR thrusts his hand into the snow and pulls out VERCILIUS discarded Time Vortex Manipulator. THE DOCTOR dusts the snow off, and puts the device in his pocket.

    THE DOCTOR Well, hes certainly stuck here. And he must be close.


    Doctor, if I wanted to hide out somewhere, Id go underground.

    CLARA points to the entrance of Okhotny Ryad Station.

    THE DOCTOR Well then Ms Oswald, as the Russians say, Davai-Davai!

    SOUNDTRACK PLAYS. THE DOCTOR grabs CLARAs hand. They run off towards the Metro entrance and descend the steps of Okhotny Ryad Station.

    CUT TO 13. INT. OKHTNY RYAD METRO STATION. THE DOCTOR uses his sonic screwdriver to open a turnstile and gate. JUMP CUTS as THE DOCTOR and CLARA descend various levels of the station the Russian marble walls, chandeliers, fountains, sculptures and mosaics on display. CUT TO THE DOCTOR and CLARA arriving at a platform. THE DOCTOR looks down the darkened tube line tunnel. Pulling a small device from his coat pocket which resembles a miniature sonar, THE DOCTOR flicks a switch and examines the device for a signal.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    21 13. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR No doubt about it hes lurking in the tunnels.


    What! Down there!

    THE DOCTOR Positive. This is a non-terrestrial life sign detector.

    THE DOCTOR jumps down on the metro track. Flicking a switch on the sonic screwdriver, it shines brighter like a torch.

    CLARA (To self)

    Just for once give me a beautiful new planet something with gardens, rock pools, a beach! But no! I get rat infested Russian train tunnels with a skeletal psychopath on the loose.


    Come on! No trains at this hour. Jump.

    THE DOCTOR motions to CLARA who jumps down onto the tracks and grabs his hand. Together they walk off into the darkness of the tunnel, slightly illuminated by the green fluorescent light of the sonic screwdriver.

    CUT TO 14. INT. CHISTYE PRUDY METRO STATION NOT FAR AWAY. A very OLD MAN hobbles along the station platform; a walking stick keeping him from falling over. Panting heavily, he reaches one end of the platform and sits down on a seat, waiting patiently for the first train of the morning. Lurking in a shadowy corner, VERCILIUS springs forth, panther-like. Grabbing the OLD MAN from behind the neck, VERCILIUS hand again begins to glow red.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    22 14. CONTINUED: The camera takes the audience into the OLD MANs thoughts.

    FAST ZOOM FADE 15. EXT. STALINGRAD STREET FX: B&W FLASHBACK: A YOUNG MAN, barely an adult, wearing a Russian soldiers uniform, lies on his stomach at the ready. The street ahead of him is quiet and foggy. His hand shakes nervously grasping his rifle. He turns to his left. A line of soldiers is crouched, awaiting command. The soldier next to him, of a similar age, turns to him and looks him in the eyes.

    PETROV (Voice shaking)

    Krushev, good luck my dear friend.


    And to you Petrov. Tatiana would be proud. Youll see her again.


    (Smiling) Ah yes, I may even summon up the courage to ask her the question.

    The YOUNG MAN places his hand on PETROVs shoulder. They look into each others eyes. The YOUNG MAN gives a reassuring smile. A mateship established long ago one that is older than the uniforms they are wearing. Suddenly, a whistle blows. The dreamlike tranquility of the quiet street is shattered.


    The Russian troops stand and run, advancing on the German army who are well hidden among the rubble of Stalingrad. Gunshots ring out. Explosions engulf the street. Russian troops fall like dominoes.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    23 15. CONTINUED: The YOUNG MAN and PETROV continue to advance on the German line. Suddenly, the YOUNG MAN is hit in the leg. He stumbles, falling on his side. The Russian troops around him continue to advance. CUT TO the YOUNG MANs P.O.V. Struggling, wounded and unable to stand, he looks up. He sees PETROV bravely charging forward into the fog, weaving and bulking like a footballer. A huge explosion! PETROV disappears. NAT SOT distorted by a ringing the effects of the explosion.

    VERCILIUS (V.O.) Remember it Krushev! The day you lost your friend a friendship born in childhood! It should have been you.

    CUT TO MS of the wounded YOUNG MAN rolling onto his back, crying and screaming. The ringing from the explosion continues.

    CUT TO 16. INT. CHISTYE PRUDY METRO STATION PRESENT. CAMERA with a close-up on the OLD MANs face. He begins to shake.


    CUT TO 18. EXT. RUSSIAN STEET FX: B&W A FURTHER MEMORY FLASHBACK CAMERA with The YOUNG MANs P.O.V. looking at a wooden front door. His hand reaches out and knocks.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    24 18. CONTINUED: PETROVs GIRLFRIEND opens the door. An initial smile quickly disappears the realisation of what has transpired. CUT TO MS of the YOUNG MAN standing at the front door of PETROVs GIRLFRIENDs home. The YOUNG MAN is on crutches. PETROVs GIRLFRIEND grasps his jacket she begins to weep, and falls into his chest.

    VERCILIUS (V.O.) (Malevolent laughter)


    CUT TO 19. INT. CHISTYE PRUDY METRO STATION PRESENT The OLD MAN begins to shake violently. Suddenly, he is still. Death. He falls sideways onto the seat. VERCILIUS strips the OLD MAN of his jacket, discarding his Gallifreyan hooded cloak in the process. VERCILIUS, restored to physical form, is nonetheless weak. He coughs and pants. Hearing the noise of a sonic screwdriver coming from the metro tunnel, VERCILIUS quickly flees and hides disappearing off screen. THE DOCTOR and CLARA emerge from the darkened tunnel.

    CLARA Were too late!

    CLARA sees the OLD MANs body collapsed on the seat. She races up onto the platform and, in vain, checks for his pulse. CUT TO THE DOCTOR examining the sonar device.

    THE DOCTOR Careful Clara! Hes close. Keep an eye out.


    And hes trying to blend in. CLARA picks up VERCILIUS black hooded cloak and shows it to THE DOCTOR.


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    25 19. CONTINUED:

    THE DOCTOR The Omegan Cloak of Guilt for those found guilty of the most heinous crimes.

    From the shadow of the metro tunnel, VERCILIUS springs forth, and tackles THE DOCTOR. Collapsing onto the railway lines, and pair grapple with each other. VERCILIUS pins THE DOCTOR to the ground and momentarily smothers his hand on THE DOCTORs face. THE DOCTOR appears paralysed as VERCILIUS hand glows red. The camera takes the audience into THE DOCTORs thoughts.

    FAST ZOOM FADE 20. EXT. SPACE FX: B&W QUICK MEMORY FLASHBACK Gallifrey in space, under siege from the Dalek fleet. It burns brighter.

    CUT TO 21. INT. METRO STATION PRESENT CLARA stirs, jumping back onto the metro tracks. With all her strength, she pulls VERCILIUS off THE DOCTOR, throwing him to one side. VERCILIUS stumbles back and trips over himself. CLARA assists THE DOCTOR to sit up. He is breathing heavily, half dazed. CUT TO MS of VERCILIUS and the DOCTOR. VERCILIUS rests on his elbows; THE DOCTOR supported by CLARA in her arms. THE DOCTOR and VERCILIUS stare intensely at one another.

    VERCILIUS (Surprised)

    You! The sole survivor! And I felt it Doctor!


    (Panting) Stop it!

    Train noises are heard. The tunnel begins to rumble.


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    26 21. CONTINUED:

    VERCILIUS The survivors guilt.


    Stop it!

    VERCILIUS But theres something more isnt there?

    A train horn sounds out. THE DOCTOR, CLARA and VERCILIUS faces are illuminated by the approaching trains headlights. VERCILIUS scrambles to his feet. Mounting the platform, he begins to run along it towards the far end of the station. CUT TO CLARA helping THE DOCTOR, lethargic, to his feet. She hurls herself up onto the platform, and then helps pull THE DOCTOR up and over just in time; the approaching train missing him by a few meters. THE DOCTOR and CLARA collapse on the platform exhausted. CUT TO the train stopping and the doors opening. CUT TO VERCILIUS hopping into one of the carriages. CUT TO a reaction shot of THE DOCTOR, turning over onto his stomach. He looks on hopelessly witnessing VERCILIUS escape. CUT TO the train doors closing. The train begins to speed away through the tunnel. CUT TO CLARA helping THE DOCTOR to his feet. CUT TO THE DOCTORs P.O.V. The train passes in front of him and he sees VERCILIUS through one of the carriage windows. VERCILIUS looks back. The train disappears into the tunnel.

    THE DOCTOR (To Clara)

    We can still track him. THE DOCTOR pulls out the sonar device. Both he and CLARA make their way towards the Chistye Prudy station exit. THE DOCTOR hobbles along initially, but recovers quickly.


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    27 21. CONTINUED:

    CLARA If he gets above ground, hes going to be hard to find.


    Hes still weak. I felt it when he attacked me. We can probably catch him. Come on!

    THE DOCTOR and CLARA jog off through the station towards the exit. SOUNDTRACK PLAYS.

    CUT TO 22. INT. LUBYANKA METRO STATION VERCILIUS train arrives at the next stop Lubyanka Station. Hurriedly exiting the carriage doors, he pushes past a few PASSENGERS waiting on the platform, and limps off towards the station exit.

    CUT TO 23. EXT. CHISTYE PRUDY METRO STATION THE DOCTOR and CLARA, running briskly, exit Chistye Prudy station at street level. THE DOCTOR continues to look down at the sonar device, then back to his surroundings.

    THE DOCTOR (To Clara)

    Hes about a mile away

    CUT TO 24. EXT. LUBYANKA METRO STATION VERCILIUS exits Lubyanka station at street level. As he hobbles away, the Russian FSB building is in shot behind him. The streets are becoming busy with early morning traffic on the major roundabout. VERCILIUS struggles to increase his pace; he is growing weaker. He anxiously looks around, searching for a hiding place.

    CUT TO

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    28 25. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS THE DOCTOR and CLARA continue to give chase through Moscows main streets.

    THE DOCTOR (To Clara)

    Hes on foot definitely above ground!

    CUT TO

    26. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS VERCILIUS, now exceptionally lethargic, stops at a corner to catch his breath. He inhales deeply, then exhales. The cold Russian winter making his breath visible. VERCILIUS summons all his strength and continues to run, hoping to evade his two pursuers.

    CUT TO 27. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS THE DOCTOR and CLARAs chase continues. THE DOCTOR picks up some speed, CLARA on his heels. THE DOCTOR and CLARA weave in and out of PEDESTRIANS, and jump over a few obstacles. CUT TO a CU on CLARA.

    CLARA (To herself)

    Glad I didnt wear heels!

    CUT TO 28. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS CU on VERCILIUS face as he runs.

    JUMP CUT TO 29. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS CU on THE DOCTORs face as he runs.


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    29 30. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS A further CU on VERCILIUS face as he runs desperation now more apparent.

    JUMP CUT TO 31. EXT. MOSCOW STREETS A further CU on THE DOCTORs face as he runs the growing urgency now more apparent. JUMP CUT TO a CU on CLARAs face.

    CUT TO 32. EXT. MOSCOW BOLSHOI THEATRE FIXED CAMERA showing the Bolshoi Theatre in LS. VERCILIUS moves into frame, hobbling towards the entrance. He looks over his shoulder, checking for his pursuers.

    CUT TO 33. INT. MOSCOW BOLSHOI THEATRE Several BALLET DANCERS are rehearsing on the main stage of the Bolshoi Theatre. A FEMALE INSTRUCTOR can be seen on the lower seating level. She calls out instructions as a PIANIST plays to the routine. CUT TO a LS of the stage from the highest tier. CUT TO a MS of the highest tier. The seats are all empty apart from a MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN quietly watching the BALLET DANCERS rehearse. CUT TO a CU of the MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. A few tears in her eyes tears of joy and grief at once. CUT TO the MIDDLE-AGED WOMANs P.O.V. Watching the dancers on stage. CUT TO a MCU of the MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. From the row of seats behind her, VERCILIUS springs up, spider-like, into view. He grabs the shoulders of the MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN and his hands begin to glow red. The camera takes the audience into the MIDDLE-AGED WOMANs thoughts.


  • Copyright 2014 Christopher Ritchie

    30 34. INT. BOLSHOI THEATRE FX: B&W FLASHBACK: The same location, although a number of years earlier in LS. Here too a ballet rehearsal is taking place. A YOUNG WOMAN dances on stage with her MALE PARTNER. They are majestic, enchanting, beautiful. A PIANIST and VIOLINIST play a romantic score which accompanies the couple as they rehearse a crucial scene, acting out their roles as lovers. A MALE INSTRUCTOR watches on from the lower seating level.

    MALE INSTRUCTOR (Enthused)

    Wonderful. Elegant. Yes, Yes. Perfect!

    The YOUNG WOMAN and her MALE PARTNER continue to dance, executing the complicated ballet movements flawlessly and effortlessly.

    VERCILIUS (V.O.) You were the finest Anna. The greatest your country had seen. The world was yours for the taking.

    The PIANIST and VIOLINIST play faster a climax is building. The YOUNG WOMAN and MALE PARTNER, now at opposite ends of the stage, prepare themselves.

    MALE INSTRUCTOR Now for the lift lets see it!

    The YOUNG WOMAN and MALE PARTNER rush towards each other. She leaps into his hands he executes the most difficult lift, holding her high. For one moment, it is perfection personified.

    MALE INSTRUCTOR Yes, Yes! Bravo.

    Suddenly, the MALE PARTNERs knee buckles. He stumbles, dropping the YOUNG WOMAN to the floor.


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    31 34. CONTINUED: Gasps are heard from the OTHER DANCERS watching from the main floor. The piano strikes a wrong note, and stops abruptly. The OTHER DANCERS, astonished, begin to flock to the stage and surround the YOUNG WOMAN who, holding her ankle, is seriously injured.

    VERCILIUS (V.O.) And that was it Anna you never danced again. All that potential, all that could have been, lost in a second. You became nothing.

    The MALE INSTRUCTOR pushes through the OTHER DANCERS. He kneels next to the YOUNG WOMAN, examining her leg.

    MALE INSTRUCTOR (Anxiously)

    Anna, Anna, are you alright? The YOUNG WOMAN, tears in her eyes and pain expressed on her face, lets out a shrill scream.

    CUT TO 35. INT. BOLSHOI THEATRE PRESENT the MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN is frozen her eyes are wide. She does not shake. There is little sign of resistance. Suddenly her eyes close; her head falls to her chest. Death. The glow in VERCILIUS hands stop. He stands up stronger and taller than before full of energy.

    VERCILIUS (With relief)

    Ahhhhhhhhhh. Thats more like it.

    CUT TO THE DOCTOR and CLARA bursting through the doorway of the top floor theatre tier. CUT TO VERCILIUS, standing proud and confident.


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    32 35. CONTINUED

    VERCILIUS Now face me Doctor! Soon I will have all your life force and be sustained for eons. Last of the Time Lords indeed. Your race dies today Doctor!

    VERCILIUS hands momentarily glow red ready for his assault on THE DOCTOR. CLARA, seeing the lifeless body of the MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN slumped in the theatre seating, is roused to anger.

    CLARA (Passionately)

    You monster! You hypocrite! Your race were healers, but all youve amounted to is an instigator of death!

    CLARA begins to charge at VERCILIUS hoping to push him off the theatre balcony.

    THE DOCTOR Clara no!

    VERCILIUS anticipates her attack, side-stepping away. He grabs CLARA from behind, holding her in a tight bind, ready to throw her over the edge of the theatre balcony. THE DOCTOR momentarily motions forward, but is halted by the hostage situation that has eventuated before him.

    VERCILIUS (To The Doctor)

    Ah humans, so impulsive, so impassioned, so flawed.

    (To Clara) Shall I see what haunts your past brave one? Or should I simply throw you down there?


    Leave her Vercilius! Its me you want.


    No Doctor! You cant!


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    33 35. CONTINUED

    VERCILIUS Ah, so magnanimous Doctor. But youre right why have human when I can have Time Lord.

    VERCILIUS hands momentarily glow red. He releases an energy bolt on the back of CLARAs neck, which forces her to collapse to the floor. CLARA is dazed, dizzy and half paralysed. THE DOCTOR slowly walks toward VERCILIUS.

    THE DOCTOR All those lives youve taken Time Lord and human just to momentarily quench your undying thirst. Youve lived too long Vercilius. The question is, how long can you go on before you start despising what youve become?


    Dont lecture me Doctor! The Time Lords sentenced me to everlasting confinement under torture! Left to rot in a cell. You have no idea what it was like to endure that pain for what seemed like an eternity. By taking your life, I will have my vengeance on the Time Lords the chance to live anew, to travel the stars even a chance of self reformation.


    Youre owed nothing Cadexian. Youve had your chance and made your choices. A long life isnt necessarily a better life Im testimony to that it comes with baggage. Im no ordinary Time Lord. Ive seen so much, done so much. Im so old, and Im the last. Im going to do you a favour Vercilius.


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    34 35. CONTINUED

    VERCILIUS And whats that Time Lord?


    Im going to show you how that feels!

    THE DOCTOR comes face to face with VERCILIUS. He stretches his arms out wide, welcoming VERCILIUS attack, no sign of resistance. VERCILIUS grabs THE DOCTORs face with both his hands which begin to glow red. THE DOCTOR begins to shake.

    THE FIFTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From The Five Doctors)

    A man is the sum of his memories. A Time Lord even more so.


    (From A Town Called Mercy)

    We all carry our prisons with us.

    The camera takes the audience into THE DOCTORs thoughts.

    FAST ZOOM FADE 36. THE DOCTORS MEMORIES FX: B&W SOUNDTRACK PLAYS Through a series of FLASHBACKS, the audience relives various memories of THE DOCTORs past. FLASHBACK: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR saying goodbye to the personified TARDIS in The Doctors Wife.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE FIFTH DOCTORs farewell to TEGAN JOVANKA as he tries, in vain, to persuade her to travel on with him in Resurrection of the Daleks.


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    35 36. CONTINUED

    TEGAN JOVANKA (V.O.) (From Resurrection of the Daleks)

    A lot of good people have died today. I'm sick of it.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE TENTH DOCTOR erasing the memory of DONNA NOBLE in Journeys End.

    TENTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Journeys End)

    Donna. Oh, Donna Noble. I am so sorry.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR witnessing AMY POND being taken by the WEEPING ANGEL in The Angels take Manhattan.

    RIENETTE (V.O.) (From The Girl in the Fireplace)

    Such a lonely little boy. Lonely then and lonelier now. How can you bear it?

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE SECOND DOCTOR saying goodbye to JAMIE and ZOE in The War Games.

    FIRST DOCTOR (V.O.) (From An Unearthly Child)

    Have you ever thought what it's like to be wanderers in the Fourth Dimension? Have you? To be exiles?

    CUT TO


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    36 36. CONTINUED FLASHBACK: THE FOURTH DOCTOR saying goodbye to SARAH-JANE SMITH in The Hand of Fear.

    THE TENTH DOCTOR and WILF (V.O.) (From The End of Time Part I)

    WILFRED (V.O.)

    How 'bout you? Who've you got now?


    No one. Travelling alone. I thought it would be better. But I did some things, it went wrong.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE FOURTH DOCTOR saying goodbye to ROMANA II at the Gateway in Warriors Gate.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE FIRST DOCTORs companion, KATARINA, who is killed in the Daleks Master Plan.

    THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From The God Complex)

    An ancient creature, drenched in the blood of the innocents. Drifting in space through an endless shifting maze. Such a creature, death would be a gift.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: ASTRID PETH falling to her death in Voyage of the Damned.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE SIXTH DOCTOR, newly regenerated, choking PERI in The Twin Dilemma.


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    37 36. CONTINUED

    DAVROS (V.O.) (From Journeys End)

    The Doctor. The man who keeps running. Never looking back. Because he dare not out of shame.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: RIVER SONG sacrificing herself for the Doctor in Forest of the Dead.

    RIVER SONG (V.O.) (From A Good Man Goes to War)

    When you began all those years ago, sailing off to see the Universe, did you ever think you'd become this?

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE FIFTH DOCTORs companion, ADRIC, before he sacrifices himself aboard the Freighter in Earthshock.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE TENTH DOCTOR discovering that CAPTAIN ADELAIDE BROOKE has committed suicide in The Waters of Mars.

    CAPTAIN ADELAIDE BROOKE (V.O.) (From The Waters of Mars)

    This is wrong, Doctor. I don't care who you are. The Time Lord Victorious is wrong.

    CUT TO

    37. INT. BOLSHOI THEATRE PRESENT THE DOCTOR begins to shake more violently, letting out sighs of pain.


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    38 38. THE DOCTORS MEMORIES FX: B&W The memories continue. FLASHBACK: THE THIRD DOCTOR facing the QUEEN SPIDER in Planet of the Spiders.

    THE THIRD DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Planet of the Spiders)

    I had to face my fear Sarah.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE SEVENTH DOCTOR warring with the MASTER in Survival.

    THE SEVENTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Survival)

    If we fight like animals, we die like animals!

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE TENTH DOCTOR clutching the deceased MASTER in his arms in Last of the Time Lords.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE FOURTH DOCTOR holding the detonation wires connected to the Dalek incubation centre in Genesis of the Daleks.

    THE FOURTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Genesis of the Daleks)

    But if I kill, wipe out a whole intelligent life form, then I'd become like them. I'd be no better than the Daleks!


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    39 38. CONTINUED

    THE SEVENTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Remembrance of the Daleks)

    Every great decision creates ripples. Like a huge boulder dropping in a lake.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE NINTH DOCTOR coming face to face with the Dalek in Dalek.

    DALEK EMPEROR (V.O.) (From The Parting of Ways)

    Hail the Doctor! The great exterminator!

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: The Dalek fleet exploding in Journeys End.

    THE NINTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Dalek)

    I watched it happen. I made it happen.

    ROSE (V.O.)

    (From Dalek) What about you, Doctor? What the hell are you changing into?

    CUT TO


    THE BEAST (V.O.) (From The Satan Pit)

    This one knows me and I know him. The killer of his own kind.

    CUT TO


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    40 38. CONTINUED FLASHBACK: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR opening the door to his room an unseen fear in The God Complex.

    CUT TO FLASHABCK: THE SIXTH DOCTOR realising the Valeyard is the distillation of his darker side during his trial in The Ultimate Foe.

    THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From The Pandorica Opens)

    There was a goblin, or a trickster. Or a warrior. A nameless, terrible thing soaked in the blood of a billion galaxies. The most feared being in all the cosmos. And nothing could stop it, or hold it or... reason with it. One day it would just drop out of the sky and tear down your world.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR seeing the reflection of the DREAM LORD in the TARDIS console in Amys Choice.



    (From The End of Time Part II)


    Was she happy? In the end?

    VERITY (V.O.) Yes. Yes she was. Were you?

    CUT TO


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    41 38. CONTINUED FLASHBACK: THE FIRST DOCTOR saying goodbye to his granddaughter SUSAN.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: THE TENTH DOCTOR saying goodbye to ROSE at Bad Wolf Bay in Doomsday.

    ROSE (V.O.) (From Doomsday)

    I love you.

    CUT TO FLASHBACK: Gallifrey buring in space, under siege from the Dalek fleet.

    THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR (V.O) (From The Doctors Wife)

    Fear me, Ive killed all of them.

    CUT TO

    FLASHBACK: THE EIGHTH DOCTOR, newly regenerated and unsure of his identity, in Doctor Who, the Television Movie.

    THE EIGHTH DOCTOR (V.O.) (From Doctor Who, the Television Movie)

    Who am I!

    CUT TO 39. INT. BOLSHOI THEATRE PRESENT THE DOCTOR screams, nearing the end, unable to endure much more. CLARA stirs still half paralysed and unable to help.

    CLARA (Sadly and helplessly)



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    42 39. CONTINUED VERCILIUS face starts to show a signs of weaknesses and hesitation.

    VERCILIUS Enough!

    VERCILIUS releases his hold on THE DOCTOR, who drops to the floor. The Time Lord pants heavily, weak but alive. VERCILIUS slumps against the theatre balcony absorbed in self-reflection. He has changed a cooler and less confident manner. An awakening.

    VERCILIUS Oh Doctor! How time, circumstance and decision have been your curse. How do you go on?

    (More shakely). The pain of your past. That which will undoubtedly come.

    (Pauses, then sadly)

    Is that what I can look forward to? To live like you?


    (Panting) Longevity is no prize Vercilius to outlive those you love; to carry with you the burdens of decisions past be they right, wrong or forced upon you.

    (Pauses) To be alone. To have to endure.

    (Pauses again, then angrily)

    Youre a murderer Vercilius, but thats nothing compared to me. You have a choice do you really want to end up as I am?


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    43 39. CONTINUED

    VERCILIUS Ah Doctor.

    (Pausing and looking over the balcony)


    Perhaps you knew this was the only way. Cunning Time Lord. And you know I will not be the last.

    (Pausing again) Ironic isnt it.



    VERCILIUS Here you are saving me. But through your every action, every ongoing day, your own salvation becomes more distant. The Doctor the man who chooses to go on a self-imposed punishment. You know Doctor, for creatures like us, perhaps there is no redemption.

    VERCILIUS gives THE DOCTOR a sympathetic smile.

    VERCILIUS (CONTD) Good luck to you Doctor for the odyssey ahead.

    VERCILIUS turns and throws himself over the edge of upper floor balcony. A thud is heard, and there are screams from the BALLET DANCERS below. THE DOCTOR gathers himself. He helps the dazed CLARA to her feet and they hobble towards the exit.

    CUT TO 40. EXT. RED SQUARE THE DOCTOR and CLARA are walking towards the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR has his eyes to the ground, clearly despondent. CLARA looks at him. No reaction. She breaks the silence.


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    44 40. CONTINUED

    CLARA Doctor

    THE DOCTOR remains unresponsive.

    CLARA (CONTD) Vercilius is wrong. For all our past demons, they do produce something good. Theyre a reminder that we can improve; an incentive for us to change. Perhaps theres a darker side in all of us. Its something we have to live with, something we have to keep at bay. Yes, we may repeat our mistakes, we may make new ones. But we cant always control it. Sometimes, our only choice is to let things crinkle out.

    THE DOCTOR and CLARA arrive at the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR opens to door with the TARDIS Key.

    CLARA (CONTD) You know Doctor, with all your travels through space and time, I think you often forget the present. Here and now, youre not alone.

    CLARA reaches out and holds THE DOCTORs hand.

    CLARA (CONTD) For now, that should be enough.

    THE DOCTOR turns to Clara. He gives her a short grateful smile, one which attempts to mask his sadness. A look which recognises her innocence, but one which, nonetheless, shows his appreciation for her companionship.


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    45 40. CONTINUED

    THE DOCTOR It is my dear. Its enough.

    CLARA enters the TARDIS. THE DOCTOR pauses at the door. His smile disappears as quickly as it came. He enters the TARDIS closing the door after them. The TARDIS dematerializes and disappears.