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EUROPEAN COMMISION DIRECTORATE-GENERAL INFORMATICS Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0 Release Notes Installation Guide Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0 Date: 06/07/22 Author(s): DIGIT B4 – e-Procurement Reviewed by: Approved by: Version: 1 2 .00

Introduction - Home | Joinup · Web viewThis document provides a comprehensive installation guide of the open source version of ePRIOR pre-award e-Submission module. References # Document

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Page 1: Introduction - Home | Joinup · Web viewThis document provides a comprehensive installation guide of the open source version of ePRIOR pre-award e-Submission module. References # Document



Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0

Release NotesInstallation Guide

Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0 Date: 06/05/23

Author(s): DIGIT B4 – e-Procurement

Reviewed by:

Approved by:

Version: 12.00

Page 2: Introduction - Home | Joinup · Web viewThis document provides a comprehensive installation guide of the open source version of ePRIOR pre-award e-Submission module. References # Document


1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1. PURPOSE .................................................................................................................................. 2 1.2. REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 2 1.3. OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................................ 2

2. INSTALLATION STEPS .................................................................................................................. 2

2.1. ECONOMIC OPERATOR AND CONTRACTING AUTHORITY ENVIRONMENT ............................... 2 2.2. SYSTEM SERVERS ..................................................................................................................... 3

1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1. RELEASE DETAILS ........................................................................................................................... 2 1.2. PREREQUISITES ............................................................................................................................. 2

2. AVAILABILITY AND DESCRIPTION ................................................................................................2

2.1. PACKAGE OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................... 2 2.1.1. e-Submission new features ..................................................................................................22.1.2. e-Evaluation and e-Awarding new modules ........................................................................3

2.2. DETAILED DESCRIPTION .................................................................................................................. 3 2.2.1. Supplier Portal .....................................................................................................................32.2.1. e-Submission Front-Office applet .........................................................................................42.2.2. Pre-Award Back-Office .........................................................................................................52.2.3. Known limitations ................................................................................................................7

3. DOCUMENTATION ...................................................................................................................... 8

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[1.1.] Release detailsPurpose

This document provides a comprehensive installation guide of the open source version of ePRIOR pre-award e-Submission module.Open Source e-PRIOR Pre-Award 2.0 was released on March 31st, 2016. This release includes the modules

- Supplier Portal- e-Submission front-Office (a.k.a. SPOTS)- e-Submission Back-Office (a.k.a. CUBE)- Open e-PRIOR

This release is based on the standard UBL (Universal Business Language) 2.1 PRD 2 for the exchange of communication

[1.2.] PrerequisitesReferences

# Document Contents outline

[REF1] ePRIOR Pre-Award – e-Submission module – Open Source Software Architecture Document

JBoss AS 7.1.1.Final is included in the full distribution. MySQL Server, version 5.6.19 or higher can be used.

1.1. Overview

An introduction to e-PRIOR pre-award e-Submission module can be found in [REF1].

After summarizing the architecture, we provide a step by step installation procedure.

[2.] AVAILABILITY AND DESCRIPTION [2.1.] Package Overview

The distribution package is available here:

Business processes covered on this release: Enhanced support of Submissions of Tender for Open Procedures Limited support (building blocks) of "restricted" procedures, "negotiated" procedures

and "calls for expression of interest". Further implementation is required. A more complete support of the above-listed procedures is under development.

Evaluation of Tenders: data entry of evaluation results and exchange with the economic operators

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Awarding of Tenderers: data entry of awarding results and notification to economic operators

[2.1.1.] e-Submission new features

system compliant with Directive 2014/24/EU GUI for the module used by the Economic Operators to submit tenders is now

multilingual (24 EU official languages) it allows Call for Tenders without lots and with lots. If lots, it allows submission of:

o Only one loto One or more lotso All lots

improved clarity of messages provided by the system to the Economic Operator improved auto-save function when composing the tender the system requires to include in the tender bundle, either for the sole tenderer or for

each member of a consortium, a Declaration on Honour (self-declaration that reduces the burden for the Economic Operators who can avoid to provide all the evidences at submission time)

reduced time required to submit a consolidated tender bundle back-up copies of the submitted tender are stored on the local workstation of the

Economic Operator opening Session decryption process has been improved (2 step decryption) at Opening Session time user can now add, edit, delete and review remarks to received

Tenders improved handling of tenders received after receipt time limit (protected) support of "lowest price" award criteria (prices are shown during Opening Session) improved report produced at the end of the Opening Session improved download of received tender bundles (ZIP structure is now more intuitive

and easier to manage) the system blocks the Closing of the Opening Session if not all the Tenderers have

being deemed admissible or inadmissible improved short-list management to allow feeding the Evaluation step improved Mailbox management for the Economic Operator (messages related to the

submission are more clearly grouped and the GUI is more intuitive) support of 2 step submission (mechanism required to support Restricted Procedures,

Negotiated Procedures, Call for Expression of Interests, DPS): it allows submitting first qualifications info (subject to Evaluation to reduce the participants to the second step) and then the tenders in a subsequent submission round (for the Economic Operators whose qualifications in the short list at the end of the first step)

[2.1.2.] e-Evaluation and e-Awarding new modules

The system allows now to: request for evidences and clarifications introduce the results of the evaluation, Introduce the results of the awarding, Prepare and send awarding notifications

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Send/Receive requests for information before the standstill period (requests issued by Economic Operators after the award notification).

[2.2.] Detailed Description

[2.2.1.] Supplier Portal

This portal is website application where the Pre-Award Front-Office (see also "e-Submission Front-Office applet" below) module is instantiated and contains a number of additional features.

Notification email the system now generates a notification email to the user when the Tender receipt is

available on the mailbox

New Exchanges supported read requests for clarifications from the Contracting Authority during the Evaluation

step reply to the request for clarification and attach supporting attachment documents

(Evaluation step) read requests for evidences from the Contracting Authority during the Evaluation and

Awarding steps reply to the request for evidences and attach supporting attachment documents

(Evaluation and Awarding steps) Send/Receive requests for information before the standstill period (requests issued by

Economic Operators after the award notification).

[2.2.1.] e-Submission Front-Office applet

The e-Submission Front-Office applet component (aka SPOTS), is instantiated within the Supplier Portal to allow Economic Operators to fill in and submit their tenders, and within e-Submission Back-Office (aka CUBE) to allow Contracting Authorities to "preview" the forms that the Economic Operator has to fill to reply to a call for tender.

This version includes the following new or improved features: support of two steps procedures improved built-in verifications improved entering data forms improved save, load and validate tenders functions read and send Tender Clarifications

Support of two steps procedures The application supports now 2 step submission (mechanism required to support

Restricted Procedures, Negotiated Procedures, Call for Expression of Interests, DPS): it

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allows submitting first qualifications info (subject to Evaluation to reduce the participants to the second step) and then the tenders in a subsequent submission round (for the Economic Operators whose qualifications in the short list at the end of the first step)

New Built-in verifications verification of the Call for Tenders XML sealing via integration with an eSignature

Service (external to the application, not included in the package), to ensure the Call for Tenders content is valid

a warning is displayed when a new version of a Call for Tender has been released (e.g. Corrigendum), and the system will update the information of the Call for Tender according to the changes of the new version

automatic check if the user is opening the application from a bookmark (reduce risk to point to an obsolete version/corrigendum)

New Enter Form Data features multi-language support, all 24 official languages of the EU the system now requires that the Declaration on honour is attached

o It requires to include in the tender bundle, either for the sole tenderer or for each member of a consortium, a Declaration on Honour (self-declaration that reduces the burden for the Economic Operators who can avoid to provide all the evidences at submission time)

It allows attachment of supporting documents also on the new Selection Criteria: Capacity to pursue the Professional activity

Improved save, load and validation draft tenders view the summary of the attachments open a draft tender:

o Resume the work of a draft tender.o As "read-only" if the Tender has been submitted.o To create a new tender based on a tender previously submitted.

improved validations when opening a draft tender, to detect possible errors auto-creation of a back-up draft tender

Improved Submit Tender function improved performance of submission of Tenders

[2.2.2.] Pre-Award Back-Office

The Pre Award Back-Office (aka CUBE) is integrated via an interface with an e-Access system in charge of the publication of the Call for Tenders and the management of the Questions & Answers related to the procurement procedure.It allows Contracting Authorities to preview Tender input screens as will be seen by the Economic Operators in the e-Submission Front-Office, transmitting to the Front Office the XML template associated to the Call For Tenders that the Economic Template has to fill, to open tenders during the opening session and introduce the results of evaluation, to interact with the

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Economic Operators during the Evaluation and Awarding steps (request for clarifications, request for evidences, notify award, request/reply to information between the award notification and the standstill period.

This version includes the following new/improved features:

Improved security The system applies an e-sealing on the Call for Tender XML to guarantee the integrity

thatof the content (including the public key to be used to encrypt the tenders)is valid..

Improved Search and View Call For Tenders now it's easier to search, key words can be put instead of all the Call for Tender

Reference improved screen layout and user experience

Improved browsing of received Tenders (Opening Session) The application supports now 2 step submission required by 2-step procedures (eg:

Restricted Procedures, Negotiated Procedures, Call for Expression of Interests, DPS): it allows receiving first qualifications info (subject to Evaluation to reduce the participants to the second step) and then the tenders in a subsequent Opening Session round (for the Economic Operators whose qualifications in the short list at the end of the first step)

it displays the Tenders received with the following information: Name of the Tenderer, including Consortium members (if applicable) if Awarding Criteria is "Lowest Price", the system will show the price

the system now marks in red Tenders submitted after deadline open Tenders with a 2 step decryption the user can now edit, delete and review remarks to Tenders the system now hides the information of Tenders if submitted after the deadline in case a late tender is marked admissible, the system now requests to add a remark to

justify the reasons why the Tender was admitted despite being late improved screen layout and user experience

Improved download of Tenders / Qualifications the user can download only admissible Tenders (or Qualifications in case of step 1 of 2-

step procedures) the system now blocks the download of Tenders (or Qualifications in case of step 1 of

2-step procedures) that are marked as "Inadmissible" the system downloads Tender (or Qualifications in case of step 1 of 2-step procedures)

in a zip file with an improved structure

Improved Opening Report and closing the Session the user can close the Opening Session only after all Tenders are deemed admissible or


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the system blocks the Closing of the Opening Session if not all the Tenderers have being deemed admissible or inadmissible

Enter results of the evaluation of Tenders / Qualifications introduce the results of the evaluation starting from the shortlist initialized at the end

of the Opening Session and request for clarifications and evidences introduce the evaluation results for each of the Tenders marked as admissible possibility to add results on:

o exclusion criteria,o capacity and professional activity,o technical and Professional capacity,o economic and financial capacity,o overall qualification result,o qualification evaluation date,o tender score,o evaluation rank,o Tender evaluation date,

add, edit and remove remarks to tenders request for tender clarifications and request of evidences set a due date for Reply for requests for tender clarifications and evidences, consult the exchanges of communication with the Economic, Operator (request for

clarifications and request of Evidences) the system marks if a reply from the Economic Operator was received after the Due

date save the results close the evaluation after the evaluation is finished see the results of the evaluation as "read-only mode" after the closing of the


Awarding of Tenderers rank awarded Contracting Authorities select the winner(s) add, edit, delete and review remarks request for Evidences read the exchanges of communication with the Economic save the Results close the awarding process see the results of the awarding as "read-only mode" after the closing of the awarding

Prepare and Send Awarding Notifications prepare the awarding notification set a stand still period end date add attachments

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save notifications send notification reply to information issued by Economic Operators between the award notification

and the standstill period consult the exchanges of communication with the Economic

Development of Building Blocks/Service for support of DPS and e-Auction eQualification (step 1 in two step procedures during which the qualifications required

to be admitted to the DPS and to the e-Auction rounds are to be submitted to the Contracting Authority)

shortlist management sub-system allowing to manage the shortlist for a procurement procedure (it could be then adapted /extended to be used also for DPS, its related individual procedures and for e-Auction rounds)

submission process following eQualification step that can be instantiated for the individual procedures related to the DPS

opening Session function the Evaluation and the Awarding modules with support exchanges with Economic

Operators (to send Requests For Clarifications, Requests For Evidences and Award Notifications to Economic Operators and to consult their replies)

[2.2.3.] Known limitations

This section provides information about issues encountered during the test phase or lists restrictions due to the default configuration.

Open items related to Supplier Portal and e-Submission Front-Office (SPOTS): Compatibility issue on Win 8.1 using surface (issue ID 3521) Java6 not running on W8.1/W7 anymore (IE11 and GC41/42) (issue ID 3526) Timeout not occurring overnight in IE and FF - user can continue to work - but gets an

exception when submitting (issue ID 3717) Cross Platform Ubuntu: it's possible to continue work on a saved session that is a few

days old (issue ID 3480) Invalid value for Time zone field stopping the consolidation (issue ID 3189) Timeout not reached in FF / IE (in FF Ubuntu similarities and differences (issue ID

3416) No error mgs in case of disabled java plugin in IE (issue ID 3744) Cosmetics issues in Linux Ubuntu - Java8 (issue ID 3028)

Open items related to Pre-Award Back-Office (CUBE): Time zone in CUBE is always CEST (issue ID 8915) If there are no Awarding Notifications to send, CUBE should give a clear message

(issue ID 9130) Improve landing screen after Closing the opening session (issue ID 9149) Put the search fields empty when we go to the Tasks (issue ID 3400)

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Cancelled lots may not be treated like active lots in the CfT workflow (issue ID 9121) Display the prices in the case of low prices regardless of the grouping (issue ID 6792) Add extra checks for selecting Overall Qualification Result attribute (issue ID 9019) Rules for the Qualification Evaluation Date and Tender Evaluation Date (issue ID 9020) Add a specific section on the "Tender Receipt" for the Declaration on Honour (issue ID

9049) Make CUBE robust enough to avoid exceptions and interrupt the Opening Session

execution (issue ID 8845) Add a friendly page in case the user doesn't have access to CUBE (issue ID 9017) Have a “Previous” button that allows to go to the previous tenderer (issue ID 7240) Implement compatibility checks when launching the preview in CUBE (issue ID 7224)

Open items related to Open e-PRIOR:No known issues or limitations

[3.] DOCUMENTATION INSTALLATION STEPS 1.2. Economic Operator and Contracting Authority


These environments must have an Internet browser compatible with Java.

Java 1.7 (32 or 64 bits) must be installed.

Please visit the following web site:

An important note: Java installer is generally a small executable that downloads from the Internet several files. This "online" installer is not compatible with Internet proxies that are generally installed in enterprises for security reasons. An "offline" installer, larger in size, is available via the link

The description of the Open e-PRIOR project can be found at the following address:

Any questions or issues can be reported via the forum:

or via email: [email protected]

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The Pre-Award open version release is available on Joinup at the following address:

The SVN repository of Pre-Award can be accessed at the following address:

Full list of functionalities

[3.1.] System servers

1. Install JAVA 7

See § Error: Reference source not found.

The following environment variable should be adapted according to the installation (the following example is provided for Windows configuration, small adaptations are necessary on other operating systems):

Set JAVA_HOME=path to the java folder (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7)


Download from the following SVN URL

The files:




Copy them into JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/ext/ folder

Edit the file in the JAVA_HOME/jre\lib\security folder and add the following line:


Where n is the order of preference to be used by the server when evaluating security providers (e.g. the latest existing value for the providers plus one).

2. Install MySQL 5 database

Please visit the web site

Download windows installer for MySQL Community Server Installer 5.7.

Install the database and all its utilities.

Choose a root password while installing and keep it in mind. This will be required when configuring JBoss data source.

3. Install JBoss server

Please visit the web site

We recommend downloading version 7.1.1 final. It is a zip file.

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Unzip the file to a specific folder (that we'll call JBOSS_FOLDER in the following description)

4. Create databases

Using MySQL workbench create a database with name 'ccms'.

Run table scripts:


ddl_tables_mysql.sql to create the database structure

dml_insert_mysql_open.sql to populate the database with basic configuration


5. Configure JBoss

Download the standalone-full.xml file from the SVN URL

Copy this file into


Edit the file, go to the data sources section and adapt the configuration to point to your PREAWARD_DB_FOLDER folder. The java:/cubeDs, java:/eTrustExDs and java:/epcsJndi datasources should be adapted to use a correct connection-url pointing to the PREAWARD_DB_FOLDER folder.

Download the standalone.conf.bat file from the same SVN URL.

Copy that file into JBOSS_FOLDER\bin

6. Deploy application components

Download the files from:

Copy all these files into


7. Start database

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Before starting JBoss server, the MySQL 5 database must always be started.

8. Start JBoss

Execute the following command (for Windows environment, please adapt for other operating systems) into JBOSS_FOLDER\bin

standalone.bat --server-config standalone-full.xml

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