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Django on GAE course Course summary Version 0.1, 13-May-2010
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Django on GAE course

Course summary

Version 0.1, 13-May-2010

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● Python

– Variables, Operators, Introspection

– Data structures & Control structures

– List comprehension

– Functions, Classes

– Unit testing

● Django

– Mgmt commands

– Models, Admin

– URL's, Views, Templates

– Forms, Generic Views, I18n

– Unit testing

– Pluggable Apps● Google AppEngine

– Deploying Django projects using django-nonrel

– Limitations, Features, API's, BigTable datastore

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● No typing – data type inferred by assignment– X = 8

– Y = “abc”

● Next assignment can be to a different data type

● Under the hood, primitive variables are pointers to memory locations whose stored values don't change (just the pointer).

– Unlike Data Structures which point to memory locations that may change

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● Standard arithmetical, logical & bits operators– 12 + 7

– “s” * 8

– 10 > 1

● Objects of any class can support operators, by implementing internal methods, such as:

– __mul__, __add__, __div__, __pow__

– __gt__, __lt__, __eq__

– __xor__, __or__, __and__

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● Everything in Python is an object– Primitive values, methods, classes, modules

● The type function returns the type of an object● The dir function returns the methods of an

object● The hasattr method checks whether an object

has some method● The __doc__ property returns the

documentation of an object, e.g., a method

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Data Structures

● There are 4 main types:– Lists: ordered collection of variables, of any

type● l = [21, “ac”, 3.12, 21]

– Tuples: just like lists, but immutable● t = (21, “ac”, 3.12, 21)

– Dictionary (map): set of key-value pairs● d = {“x”: 12, “abc”: “de”, 12: “hh”}

– Set: unordered collection of unique variables● S = {21, “ac”, 3.12}

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List Comprehension

● Useful way to transform a collection into another

– e.g., suppose we want to multiply each element of a list by 2:

● list2 = [x*2 for x in list1]

– We can also add condition filtering the elements, e.g., remove odd elements:

● list2 = [x*2 for x in list1 if x mod 2 == 0]

– List comprehension can be nested too:● List3 = [x*2 for x in list2 for list2 in list1]

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● Unpacking means assigning the contents of a collection into stand-alone variables

– E.g., you can do:● x, y, z = [56, “bb”, 7]

● There's also an operator for unpacking a sequence - * - e.g.:

– head, *tail = [87, 98, “kk”, 9.8]● head will contain 87, & tail: [98, “kk”, 9.8]

– first, *mid, last = “Charles Philip Arthur George Windsor”.split()

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Control Structures

● Standard idioms for controlling the flow of a program, such as condition, loop on list, loop until some condition &c.

● The content of control structure blocks isn't surrounded by some sign (e.g., { }) but rather marked by being indented after the starting line, e.g.:

– If x > 0:print “Yay”

y = 2/xelse: print “Naaa”

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● Looping on lists is done like this:– for el in li:

print el

– for i in range(10): print i

● You can also use unpacking: – li = [(1, “w”), (2, “b”), (3, “f”)]

for i, c in li: print i, “=”, c

– for i, el in enumerate(list1): print i, “ = “, el

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● Functions chunk complex logic into a named operation, with possible parameters:

– def add(x, y): print “add called with”, x, “, “, y return x + y

● Parameters can have default values, & can be invoked by order or name:

– def move(direction, num_steps=1): ...

move(direction=-30)move(180, 5)

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String Formatting

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Unit Testing

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Reading from the Web

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Files IO

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Useful Libraries

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Summary Examples in Shell

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Management Commands

● To start a project, run the startproject command:

– startproject myproj

● Inside this folder, create a Pluggable App:– python startapp myapp

● To create the DB (configured it in– python syncdb

● Now run the server: – python runserver

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● Models define the entities used in our application, & their business logic behavior

● Models are entered in a file called● class Book(models.Model):

title = models.CharField(max_length=200) author = models.ForeignKey(Author) isbn = models.CharField(max_length=50)

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● Django arrives with an app for generating high-quality data entry GUI for your models

● You need to add metadata for the admin app in a file called

– The file should contain a metadata class per any model entity you'll need to edit:

– class BookAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = [“isbn”, “title”, “author”] search_fields = [“isbn”, “title”] list_filter = [“author”] ordering = [“author”, “title”]

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URL's Configuration

● Django encourages you to design meaningful URL's for your application pages & API

● To do that, you need define the URL's patters in the file, & specify which controller handles each URL

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● In Django speak, Views are actually the controllers responsible for handling requests

● Views are defined in a file called, & need to prepare all the data for the page that will be eventually returned

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● To actually render the result page, using the data prepared by the view, you need to write Templates

● Templates are located in 1 or more folders, listed in the settings file

● In order to maintain the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle, templates can inherit one another, in order for each one to add or override another, without duplicating anything

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● Django can generate data entry forms using simple metadata, that can possibly be inferred from the model definition of the entity being edited

● Forms metadata are defined in a file called

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Generic Views

● Some views repeat themselves, so Django offers several basic views that can replace them, with parameters, such as:

– direct_to_template: view that just returns some template

– object_list: view that lists entities received by some query

– object_detail: view that presents the details of some entity

● The parameters for a generic view are provided as a dictionary

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● Django makes it easy to offer your application in several languages. To do that:

– Wrap the strings you want to translate in your code with a special function (ugettext in code, of trans in templates)

– Run: python makemessages-l he● This will generate a file containing the strings

you need to translate

– Translate the .po file generated

– Run: python compile messages

– You can now switch language in the settings, or let the user switch language

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Unit Testing

● There are several ways to prepare unit tests for your Django code, in order to be able to monitor that nothing got broken following some code change.

● A nice way is to invoke a view – without having s running server - & test its output or the model embedded inside it

– See the example test developed in the class

● To run all tests defined in some app, run:– python test myapp

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Pluggable Apps

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● Django comes with a mechanism to represent a collection of entities in a string, to be sent over the wire

– This is useful for API's, e.g., when another application wants to consume your data

● The serializers mechanism supports few standard data protocols, such as XML & JSON

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Reverse URL

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Absolute URL

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Serving Static Files

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Dumping & Loading Data

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Deploying using django-nonrel

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BigTable Datastore