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Diving - Underwater Safety

Jun 02, 2018



Raja Ram
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  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!


    T&e "ur"o'e of t&i' 'tandard i' to '"ecify t&e 'afety re(uirement' for divin) o"eration' at AES

    facilitie'.Eac& AES *"eration t&at utili+e AES ,er'onnel a' under$ater diver' to carry out under $ater $orin t&eir facilitie' mu't develo" a""ro"riate 'ite-'"ecific "rocedure' t&at at a minimum com"ly $it&all re(uirement' of t&i' 'afety 'tandard and all a""licable re)ional re)ulation' re)ardin)under$ater divin). A""endice' included $it& t&i' Standard are "rovided for informational"ur"o'e' and are non-mandatory for t&o'e facilitie' out'ide .S. *S1A 2uri'diction3

    AES *"eration' may e'tabli'& 'afety related "olicie' or "ractice' t&at are more 'trin)ent t&an int&i' 'tandard.

    .0 Scope T&i' 'afety 'tandard a""lie' AES o"eration' t&at utili+e AES ,er'onnel a' under$ater diver' tocarry out under$ater con'truction maintenance or in'"ection $or in t&eir facilitie'.

    .% Exemptions

    %3 T&e re(uirement' for en'urin) t&e "re(ualification of contractor' contractor no$led)e of oc out/Ta)out contract monitorin) and etc. i' covered in AES-STD 5.0 6ontractor Safety


    3 ,rotection from o"eratin) &ead )ate' )enerator 'tart u" etc. i' covered in AES - STD 8.%

    6ontrol of 1a+ardou' Ener)y Source' - oc out/Ta)out Generation.53 #e)ulation' and 'afety for mi ed-)a' divin) i' not covered in t&i' 'tandard.

    . Contractor Diving Operations

    &en an AES *"eration utili+e' 6ontractor' for o"eration' covered under t&i' Standard t&e;u'ine'' mu't en'ure:

    %3 T&e Term' and 6ondition' of t&e 6ontract '"ecify t&at divin) o"eration' are to beconducted $it&in a""licable rule' and re)ulation'

    3 A current a""licable nder$ater Divin) Safety ,ro)ram i' in "lace

    53 A 6ontractor Dive ,lan A""endi 73 i' com"leted "rior to t&e dive

    5.0 Definitions

    AES *"eration - A '"ecific bu'ine'' unit ,o$er ,lant '3

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    ;ottom time - T&e total ela"'ed time mea'ured in minute' from t&e time $&en t&e diver leave' t&e'urface in de'cent to t&e time t&at t&e diver be)in' a'cent.

    #ecom"re''ion/decom"re''ion c&amber - A "re''ure ve''el for &uman occu"ancy 'uc& a' a'urface decom"re''ion c&amber clo'ed bell or dee" divin) 'y'tem u'ed to decom"re'' diver'and to treat decom"re''ion 'ic ne''.

    Decom"re''ion 'ic ne'' - A condition $it& a variety of 'ym"tom' $&ic& may re'ult from )a' orbubble' in t&e ti''ue' of diver' after "re''ure reduction.

    Decom"re''ion table - A "rofile or 'et of "rofile' of de"t&-time relation'&i"' for a'cent rate' andbreat&in) mi ture' to be follo$ed after a '"ecific de"t&-time e "o'ure or e "o'ure'.Dive location - A 'urface or ve''el from $&ic& a divin) o"eration i' conducted.

    Dive-location re'erve breat&in) )a' - A 'u""ly 'y'tem of air or mi ed-)a' a' a""ro"riate3 at t&edive location $&ic& i' inde"endent of t&e "rimary 'u""ly 'y'tem and 'ufficient to 'u""ort diver'durin) t&e "lanned decom"re''ion.Dive team - Diver' and 'u""ort em"loyee' involved in a divin) o"eration includin) t&e de'i)nated"er'on-in-c&ar)e.

    Diver - An em"loyee/contractor $or in) in $ater u'in) under$ater a""aratu' $&ic& 'u""lie'com"re''ed breat&in) )a' at t&e ambient "re''ure.

    Divin) mode - A ty"e of divin) re(uirin) '"ecific e(ui"ment "rocedure' and tec&ni(ue' S6 ;Aor 'urface-'u""lied air.

    >S - >eet of 'ea$ater or e(uivalent 'tatic "re''ure &ead3.

    No-decom"re''ion limit' - T&e de"t&-time limit' of t&e ?no-decom"re''ion limit' and re"etitive dive

    )rou" de'i)nation table for no-decom"re''ion air dive'S6 ;A divin) - A divin) mode inde"endent of 'urface 'u""ly in $&ic& t&e diver u'e' o"en circuit'elf-contained under$ater breat&in) a""aratu'.

    Standby diver - A diver at t&e dive location "ro"erly e(ui""ed and available to a''i't a diver in t&e$ater.Surface-'u""lied air divin) - A divin) mode in $&ic& t&e diver in t&e $ater i' 'u""lied from t&e divelocation $it& com"re''ed air for breat&in).

    Treatment table - A de"t&-time and breat&in) )a' "rofile de'i)ned to treat decom"re''ion'ic ne''.

    4.0 Guiding Principles and Cardinal Rules

    %3 >ailure to com"ly $it& t&e "rovi'ion' of t&i' AES Safety Standard "ut' AES facilitie'"eo"le and contractor' at ri' .

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    @.0Re uirements

    Eac& affected AES *"eration mu't develo" and im"lement a Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram

    t&at at a minimum contain' t&e follo$in) element':

    @.% !ritten Program Elements

    %3 T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't clearly outline t&e 'co"e "ur"o'ere'"on'ibility aut&ori+ation rule' and tec&ni(ue' to be a""lied to Divin) - nder$ater Safety and t&e mea'ure' to enforce com"liance $it& t&e "ro)ram.

    3 T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't be readable ea'ily under'tood andacce''ible by all o"eration' "er'onnel.

    53 T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't identify t&e "o'ition in t&e o"eration t&at i'

    ultimately re'"on'ible for t&e im"lementation and maintenance of t&e "ro)ram and eac&element of t&e "ro)ram.

    43 T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't define t&e trainin) certification ande "erience needed to (ualify a $or er for eac& ty"e of divin). See A""endi A - 6&ec li'tfor 6ommercial Divin) *"eration'

    @3 T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't re(uire t&at all diver' utili+ed $&et&er in-&ou'e under contracted meet t&e local and national re(uirement' for commercial divin) of t&e ty"e and de"t& to be "erformed

    3 Eac& AES o"eration $&o'e em"loyee' "erform divin) o"eration' mu't develo" ado"t andmaintain a Divin) Safe ,ractice' 7anual $&ic& i' made available at t&e dive location toeac& dive team member. T&e manual mu't contain:

    a. A co"y of t&e a""licable re)ulatory 'tandard 96># %9%0.4 0 for .S. *S1A 2uri'diction facilitie'3 and t&e em"loyerB' "olicie' for im"lementin) t&e re(uirement' of t&i' 'tandard.

    b. >or eac& divin) mode en)a)ed in t&e 'afe "ractice' manual '&all include:

    i. Safety "rocedure' and c&ec li't' for divin) o"eration'C

    ii. A''i)nment' and re'"on'ibilitie' of t&e dive team member' t&e minimum diveteam com"o'ition re(uired e(ui"ment u'e of &and-&eld tool' and e(ui"mentand "re- and "o't-dive "rocedure'.

    iii. E(ui"ment "rocedure' and c&ec li't'C

    iv. S"ecial o"erational "rocedure' 'uc& a' decom"re''ion divin) clo'ed circuitdivin) and 'urface-'u""lied divin).

    v. A""licable emer)ency "rocedure' includin) recom"re''ion and evacuationidentification and u'e of a""ro"riate dive table' criteria for diver trainin) andcertification and aviation fli)&t re'triction' follo$in) dive o"eration'.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 5

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    @. Procedural Elements

    "# Pre-Dive Preparation$ T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't include element'nece''ary to en'ure t&e follo$in) Pre-Dive re(uirement' are met:

    a. Determination of t&e dive mode to be u'ed in relation to t&e de"t& and ty"e of $or tobe doneC See A""endi 1 - Scuba Divin) and A""endi < - Surface-Su""lied Air Divin)3

    b. #evie$ $it& eac& dive member t&e e act location of t&e dive 'ite and location of t&eneare't "&one' and/or radio e(ui"ment.

    c. ,o'tin) of t&e follo$in) emer)ency "&one number'

    i. *"erational decom"re''ion c&amber if not on 'ite.

    ii. Acce''ible &o'"ital.

    iii. Available "&y'ician'.

    d. 6onfirmation t&at eac& dive team member &a' t&e trainin) re)ulatory certification for t&e divin) mode and $or t&at need' to be "erformedC

    e. Evaluation of eac& dive member to en'ure t&eir current "&y'ical condition and &ealt&i' com"atible $it& t&eir de'i)nated a''i)nment in t&e dive "lan

    f. #evie$ of 'urface and under$ater condition' and &a+ard'

    ). S"ecifyin) t&at any re(uired "rotection "oint' be identified and oc out/Ta)out of t&e'e "oint' be 'c&eduled $it& t&e controllin) Sy'tem 6ontrol 6enter.

    &. >or dive o"eration' a&ead of inta e rac ' of a &ydroelectric 'tation en'urin)'&utdo$n of t&e unit bein) $or ed on and im"lementation of a""ro"riate "recaution'to avoid ri' from ad2acent unit'

    i. ;efore divin) it '&all be c&ec ed t&at no im"ortant flo$ i' "a''in) t&rou)& t&e$or in) areaC if 'uc& a""ear' to be t&e ca'e a ca)e or ot&er mean' to avoide "o'ure of t&e diver '&all be u'ed to fir't reduce t&e flo$.

    i. En'urin) a""ro"riate mean' to 'u""ort a diver for enterin) and e itin) t&e $ater t&ate tend' belo$ t&e $ater 'urface a' $ell a' a mean' for a''i'tin) an in2ured diver from t&e $ater i' in "laceC

    2. En'urin) a 'y'tem i' in "lace to control t&e "o'ition of 'cuba diver '3 'uc& a' tended

    ro"e or buddy 'y'tem if vi'ibility i' 'ufficient. T&e re(uirement for a multi-"lace decom"re''ion c&amber ca"able of recom"re''in)

    t&e diver at t&e 'urface to t&e ma imum de"t& of t&e dive '&all be available at t&edive location for any "lanned decom"re''ion dive any dive dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or any dive on a breat&in) medium ot&er t&an 'tandard air.

    i. >or a no-decom"re''ion dive bet$een @0 and %00 f'$ re(uire' t&e availability of tran'"ort from t&e dive 'ite to an available c&amber for treatment.

    l. En'urin) t&at diver' are trained to treat breat&in) and non-breat&in) diver'.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 4

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    m. En'urin) t&at a t$o-$ay voice or tended line communication 'y'tem be e'tabli'&edbet$een eac& 'urface-'u""lied air or mi ed-)a' diver and a dive team member at t&edive location.

    n. 7aintainin) a fir't aid it a""ro"riate for t&e divin) o"eration.

    i. &en u'ed in a decom"re''ion c&amber or bell t&e fir't aid it mu't be 'uitablefor u'e under &y"erbaric condition'.

    (See Appendix C - Pre-dive Procedures)

    %# Use of a Diver &ender$ T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't includeelement' nece''ary to en'ure t&e follo$in) Dive Tender re(uirement' are met:

    a. #e(uire a Scuba diver to be line-tended a)ain't current' e ceedin) one % not 0.@m/'ec or %.!@ m/&r3. *ne 'urface-tendin) line i' 'ufficient "rovided t&at t&e t$odiver' are connected via a buddy-line.

    b. #e(uire a Scuba diver to be line-tended $&en t&ey are in an enclo'ed or "&y'icallyconfinin) '"ace and a diver mu't be 'tationed at t&e under$ater "oint of entry to t&eenclo'ed or "&y'ically confinin) '"ace.

    c. #e(uire a S6 ;A diver to be eit&er line-tended from t&e 'urface or accom"anied byanot&er diver in t&e $ater $&o i' in continuou' vi'ual contact $it& t&e S6 ;A diver durin) t&e divin) o"eration.

    d. #e(uire a 'urface-'u""lied air diver in %00 f'$ or le'' to be continuou'ly tendeddurin) t&e dive.

    e. #e(uire eac& 'urface-'u""lied air diver dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or e ceed t&e no-decom"re''ion limit' to be tended by a 'e"arate dive-team member.

    (See Appendix D - Comparison of Requirements for the Primary Diving odes)

    (See Appendix ! - Duties of a Tender)

    '# &(e Dive Operation$ T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't include element'nece''ary to en'ure t&e follo$in) Dive "peration re(uirement' are met:

    a. *n t&e day of t&e divin) o"eration re(uire t&at all "er'onnel involved in a dive attend"re-dive 'afety meetin) $&ic& mu't include t&e follo$in) element' a' a""licable:

    i. #evie$ t&e ta' ' "rocedure' e(ui"ment diver "er'onnel and t&eir function'.

    ii. Determine t&e o"eratin) 'tatu' of "lant valve' )ate' etc.

    iii. #evie$ 1a+ardou' Ener)y 6ontrol "rotective "oint'.

    iv. #evie$ of any under$ater &a+ardou' or "otentially &a+ardou' condition.

    v. All attendee' mu't 'i)n t&e dive meetin) attendance '&eet.

    b. De'i)natin) a dive "er'on $&o $ill be ee"in) t&e ?dive lo) .

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e @

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    d. #e(uirin) a dive team member be available at t&e dive location durin) and for at lea'tone &our after t&e dive to o"erate t&e decom"re''ion c&amber $&en re(uired or "rovided3.

    e. 6om"letin) t&e re(uired record' of t&e dive. See A""endi F #ecord ee"in)#e(uirement' and A""endi #etention ,eriod' for 6ommercial Divin) #ecord'

    (See Appendix $ - Post-Dive Procedures)

    @.5 Program *dministration

    %3 Enforcement$ T&e AES *"eration '"ecific Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram $ill li't t&eenforcement "olicie' for t&i' "ro)ram. 6orrective mea'ure' for non-com"liance need to bedefined.

    3 Clearly Defined Roles Responsi+ilities$ T&e AES *"eration '"ecific Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram $ill clearly define t&e '"ecific role' and re'"on'ibilitie' of eac& "o'itioninvolved in t&e divin) "ractice'.

    53 ,aintenance$ T&e AES *"eration mu't 'c&edule a "rofe''ional e(ui"ment in'"ection of all divin) e(ui"ment u'ed by a diver on an annual ba'i' accordin) to indu'try and/or manufacturer'B 'tandard'.

    43 *uditing$ T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram $ill '"ecifically identify &o$ t&e"ro)ram $ill be in'"ected/audited. 7ana)ement i' e "ected to actively "artici"ate in t&ein'"ection/audit "roce'':

    a. T&e AES *"eration 'u"ervi'or' '&all conduct "eriodic field audit' of t&e a""lication of

    t&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram to en'ure t&at t&e re(uirement' are bein)effectively im"lementedC

    b. Audit record' $ill be maintained t&at indicate t&e date of t&e in'"ection t&eem"loyee' included in t&e in'"ection and t&e "er'on "erformin) t&e in'"ection. T&ein'"ection record' '&all identify any deviation' or inade(uacie' and t&e correctiveaction' ta enC and

    c. T&e AES *"eration $ill conduct an annual audit to a''e'' t&e effectivene'' of t&eDivin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram. T&e audit mu't be conducted by an aut&ori+ed"er'on $&o i' no$led)eable in t&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram.

    @3 &raining$ T&e Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,ro)ram mu't define t&e trainin) certificationand e "erience needed to (ualify a $or er for eac& ty"e of divin). T&e criteria mu't definet&e '"ecific ty"e' of divin) t&e trainin) re(uired for eac& ty"e of divin) retrainin) andrecertification re(uirement'.

    a. T&e AES *"eration '&all certify in $ritin) t&at em"loyee trainin) &a' been com"letedand i' bein) e"t u" to date. T&e certification '&all contain eac& AES em"loyeeB'name and date' of trainin).

    b. A' a minimum eac& diver mu't:

    i. 6om"lete a cour'e and be certified by a reco)ni+ed divin) "ro)ram/a)ency.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 8

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    ii. nder)o a "eriodic divin) medical e amination to determine individualB' fitne'' todive.

    iii. 6om"lete a cardio"ulmonary re'u'citation 6,#3 cour'e and a nationallyreco)ni+ed fir't aid cour'e 'uc& a' t&e American #ed 6ro'' 7ulti-7edia.6ertification' mu't be t&rou)& 'tandardi+ed te't' and be current at t&e time of dive. >urt&er emer)ency medical 'ervice trainin) in divin)-related 'ub2ect' ando y)en admini'tration i' recommended.

    iv. >or decom"re''ion divin) ma e a minimum of % lo))ed dive' in a % -mont&"eriod $it& at lea't one dive in a 'i -mont& "eriod.

    %. T&e minimum re(uirement' for a dive are u'e of an under$ater breat&in)'y'tem by t&e diver and at lea't a %0-minute 'urface interval 'ince t&e"reviou' dive. 6on'ecutive no-decom"re''ion dive' $it& le'' t&an a %0-minute 'urface interval $ill be con'idered a' a 'in)le dive.

    v. 6om"lete a minimum of 40 &our' of divin)-related trainin) over any t&ree-year "eriod.

    vi. 6om"lete an annual te't of diver "&y'ical fitne''.

    c. Tec&nician' t&at 'ervice or in'"ect e(ui"ment and 'y'tem' 'uc& a' com"re''or'"re''ure c&amber' and in'trumentation mu't be trained and certified to "erform'uc& $or .

    d. #etrainin) '&all be "rovided by t&e em"loyer $&en t&e $or ob'ervation "ro)ramreveal' or $&enever t&e em"loyer &a' rea'on to believe t&at t&ere are deviation'from or inade(uacie' in an em"loyeeB' no$led)e on Divin) - nder$ater Safety"rocedure'.


    T&i' AES Safety Standard $a' develo"ed u'in) t&e follo$in) "ublication' a' t&e 'ource of t&ere(uirement' contained &erein:

    *ccu"ational Safety and 1ealt& Admini'tration *S1A3 9 6># 9 %9%0.40%. T&ere(uirement' in *S1A %9 .%08% a""licable to con'truction $or are identical to t&o'e in%9%0.40%.

    *ccu"ational Safety and 1ealt& Admini'tration *S1A3 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H6ommercial Divin) *"eration'

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e !
  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ *$ C(ec0list for Commercial Diving Operations from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin) *"eration'3


    4a# General.

    %3 Eac& dive-team member '&all &ave t&e e "erience or trainin) nece''ary to "erform a''i)nedta' ' in a 'afe and &ealt&ful manner.

    3 Eac& dive-team member '&all &ave e "erience or trainin) in t&e follo$in):

    i3 T&e u'e of tool' e(ui"ment and 'y'tem' relevant to a''i)ned ta' 'C

    ii3 Tec&ni(ue' of t&e a''i)ned divin) modeC and

    iii3 Divin) o"eration' and emer)ency "rocedure'.53 All dive-team member' '&all be trained in cardio"ulmonary re'u'citation and fir't

    aid American #ed 6ro'' 'tandard cour'e or e(uivalent3.

    43 Dive-team member' $&o are e "o'ed to or control t&e e "o'ure of ot&er' to &y"erbariccondition' '&all be trained in divin)-related "&y'ic' and "&y'iolo)y.

    4+# Assignments.

    %3 Eac& dive-team member '&all be a''i)ned ta' ' in accordance $it& t&e em"loyeeB'e "erience or trainin) e ce"t t&at limited additional ta' ' may be a''i)ned to an em"loyeeunder)oin) trainin) "rovided t&at t&e'e ta' ' are "erformed under t&e direct 'u"ervi'ion of ane "erienced dive-team member.

    3 T&e em"loyer '&all not re(uire a dive-team member to be e "o'ed to &y"erbaric condition'a)ain't t&e em"loyeeB' $ill e ce"t $&en nece''ary to com"lete decom"re''ion or treatment"rocedure'.

    53 T&e em"loyer '&all not "ermit a dive-team member to dive or be ot&er$i'e e "o'ed to&y"erbaric condition' for t&e duration of any tem"orary "&y'ical im"airment or condition $&ic& i'

    no$n to t&e em"loyer and i' li ely to affect adver'ely t&e 'afety or &ealt& of a dive-teammember.

    4c# Designated person in !"arge.

    %3 T&e em"loyer or an em"loyee de'i)nated by t&e em"loyer '&all be at t&e dive location in

    c&ar)e of all a'"ect' of t&e divin) o"eration affectin) t&e 'afety and &ealt& of dive-teammember'.

    3 T&e de'i)nated "er'on-in-c&ar)e '&all &ave e "erience and trainin) in t&e conduct of t&ea''i)ned divin) o"eration.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 9

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ C$ Pre-dive Procedures from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin)*"eration'3

    "1"23)%" #$E DIVE #$OCEDU$ES.

    4a# General. T&e em"loyer '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in) re(uirement' "rior to eac& divin)o"eration unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.

    4+#Emergen!% aid. A li't '&all be e"t at t&e dive location of t&e tele"&one or call number' oft&e follo$in):

    %3 An o"erational decom"re''ion c&amber if not at t&e dive location3C

    3 Acce''ible &o'"ital'C

    53 Available "&y'ician'C

    43 Available mean' of tran'"ortationC and

    @3 T&e neare't .S. 6oa't Guard #e'cue 6oordination 6enter.

    4c# First aid s&pplies.

    %3 A fir't aid it a""ro"riate for t&e divin) o"eration and a""roved by a "&y'ician '&all beavailable at t&e dive location.

    3 &en u'ed in a decom"re''ion c&amber or bell t&e fir't aid it '&all be 'uitable for u'e under &y"erbaric condition'.


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    !3 Decom"re''ion and treatment "rocedure' includin) altitude correction'3C and

    93 Emer)ency "rocedure'.

    4e# 'a(ardo&s a!ti)ities. To minimi+e &a+ard' to t&e dive-team divin) o"eration' '&all becoordinated $it& ot&er activitie' in t&e vicinity $&ic& are li ely to interfere $it& t&e divin)o"eration.

    4f#Emplo%ee *rie+ing.

    %3 Dive-team member' '&all be briefed on:

    i3 T&e ta' ' to be underta enC

    ii3 Safety "rocedure' for t&e divin) modeC

    iii3 Any unu'ual &a+ard' or environmental condition' li ely to affect t&e 'afety of t&e divin)o"erationC and

    iv3 Any modification' to o"eratin) "rocedure' nece''itated by t&e '"ecific divin) o"eration.

    3 ,rior to ma in) individual dive-team member a''i)nment' t&e em"loyer '&all in(uire into t&edive-team memberB' current 'tate of "&y'ical fitne'' and indicate to t&e dive-team member t&e"rocedure for re"ortin) "&y'ical "roblem' or adver'e "&y'iolo)ical effect' durin) and after t&edive.

    4g# E,&ipment inspe!tion. T&e breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly 'y'tem includin) re'erve breat&in)-)a''u""lie' ma' ' &elmet' t&ermal "rotection and bell &andlin) mec&ani'm $&en a""ro"riate3'&all be in'"ected "rior to eac& dive.

    4(# -arning signal . &en divin) from 'urface' ot&er t&an ve''el' in area' ca"able of'u""ortin) marine traffic a ri)id re"lica of t&e international code fla) A at lea't one meter in&ei)&t '&all be di'"layed at t&e dive location in a manner $&ic& allo$' all-round vi'ibility and'&all be illuminated durin) ni)&t divin) o"eration'.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e %%

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ E$ Duties of a &ender from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin)*"eration'3

    T&e dutie' of a tender are to: a''i't t&e diver $it& donnin) and c&ec in) e(ui"mentC continuou'lytend t&e diverB' umbilical durin) $ater entry/e itC continuou'ly tend t&e diverB' umbilical and bea$are of t&e diverB' de"t& and location at all time' $&ile t&e diver i' in t&e $aterC a''i't t&e diver inundre''in)C and continually monitor t&e diver after com"letion of t&e dive a' directed by t&e D,

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    re'ulted in e ce''ive 'lac . Too muc& 'lac in t&e line $ill ma e 'i)nalin) difficult &indert&e tender from catc&in) a fallin) diver and increa'e t&e "o''ibility of foulin) t&e umbilical.

    &en t&e diver i' under$ater umbilical line-"ull 'i)nal' are t&e only communication' lin

    $it& t&e diver if t&e intercom fail'C t&erefore t&e tender mu't al$ay' &old t&e diverB'umbilical firmly $it& at lea't one &and to receive t&e line-"ull 'i)nal'.To detect a diverB' line-"ull 'i)nal' durin) t&e dive t&e tender mu't monitor t&e umbilicalu'in) at lea't one &and and monitor by 'i)&t any de'cendin) line or mar er buoy u'ed byt&e diver. A' directed by t&e D,or e am"le bubble' 'urfacin) in a'in)le location indicate t&at t&e diver i' $or in) in "lace $&ile bubble' movin) in a re)ular"attern indicate t&at t&e diver i' 'earc&in) t&e bottom. ;ubble' movin) ra"idly in a 'trai)&tline in one direction could mean t&at t&e diver &a' fallen.

    - 'in) t&e &and' to monitor t&e line-"ull 'i)nal' on t&e umbilical di'cu''ed above3.

    - atc&in) t&e "neumofat&ometer "re''ure )au)e to ee" trac of t&e o"eratin) de"t&.T&e )au)e "rovide' a direct readin) $it&out t&e need to add air to t&e )au)e3 $&en t&ediver remain' at a con'tant de"t& or a'cend'. 1o$ever $&en t&e diver de'cend' t&e"neumofat&ometer &o'e mu't be cleared by addin) air before ma in) a ne$ readin).

    - 7onitorin) t&e )au)e' on "o$ered e(ui"ment and ot&er cue'. >or e am"le t&e ammeter on an electric-$eldin) unit $ill indicate a "o$er drain $&en t&e arc i' in u'e and t&e )a'-"re''ure )au)e' for a )a' torc& $ill re)i'ter fuel flo$. Additionally t&e "o" made by a )a'torc& bein) li)&ted "robably $ill be audible over t&e diver intercom and bubble' from t&e

    torc& $ill brea on t&e 'urface relea'in) 'mall (uantitie' of 'mo e.

    - Detectin) vibration' in t&e air-"o$ered line' of "neumatic tool'.

    T&e tender mu't monitor t&e diverB' activity continually. >or e am"le t&e tender canfre(uently evaluate t&e diverB' e ertion by countin) t&e number of breat&' t&e diver ta e'"er minute.

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    &en t&e diver leave' t&e bottom &e/'&e notifie' to"'ide by voice eavin) t&e bottom 3via t&e diverB' intercom $it& t&e D,

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ 5$ Procedures During Dive from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin)*"eration'3

    "1"23)%% #$OCEDU$ES DU$ING DIVE.

    4a# General . T&e em"loyer '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in) re(uirement' $&ic& are a""licable toeac& divin) o"eration unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.

    4+#-ater entr% and e it.

    %3 A mean' ca"able of 'u""ortin) t&e diver '&all be "rovided for enterin) and e itin) t&e $ater.

    3 T&e mean' "rovided for e itin) t&e $ater '&all e tend belo$ t&e $ater 'urface.

    53 A mean' '&all be "rovided to a''i't an in2ured diver from t&e $ater or into a bell.

    4c# Comm&ni!ations.

    %3 An o"erational t$o-$ay voice communication 'y'tem '&all be u'ed bet$een:i3 Eac& 'urface-'u""lied air or mi ed-)a' diver and a dive-team member at t&e dive location orbell $&en "rovided or re(uired3C and

    ii3 T&e bell and t&e dive location.

    3 An o"erational t$o-$ay communication 'y'tem '&all be available at t&e dive location to obtainemer)ency a''i'tance.

    4d# De!ompression ta*les. Decom"re''ion re"etitive and no-decom"re''ion table' a'a""ro"riate3 '&all be at t&e dive location.

    4e# Di)e pro+iles. A de"t&-time "rofile includin) $&en a""ro"riate any breat&in)-)a' c&an)e''&all be maintained for eac& diver durin) t&e dive includin) decom"re''ion.

    4f#'and "eld po/er tools and e,&ipment.%3 1and-&eld electrical tool' and e(ui"ment '&all be de-ener)i+ed before bein) "laced into or

    retrieved from t&e $ater.

    3 1and-&eld "o$er tool' '&all not be 'u""lied $it& "o$er from t&e dive location until re(ue'ted byt&e diver.

    4g# -elding and *&rning.

    %3 A current 'u""ly '$itc& to interru"t t&e current flo$ to t&e $eldin) or burnin) electrode '&allbe:

    i3 Tended by a dive-team member in voice communication $it& t&e diver "erformin) t&e $eldin) or burnin).

    ii3 Fe"t in t&e o"en "o'ition e ce"t $&en t&e diver i' $eldin) or burnin).

    3 T&e $eldin) mac&ine frame '&all be )rounded.

    53 eldin) and burnin) cable' electrode &older' and connection' '&all be ca"able of carryin) t&ema imum current re(uired by t&e $or and '&all be "ro"erly in'ulated.


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    vented flooded or "ur)ed $it& a mi ture of )a'e' $&ic& $ill not 'u""ort combu'tion.

    4(# E plosi)es.%3 Em"loyer' '&all tran'"ort 'tore and u'e e "lo'ive' in accordance $it& t&i' 'ection and t&e

    a""licable "rovi'ion' of 9 6># %9%0.%09 and 9 6># %9 .9% .

    3 Electrical continuity of e "lo'ive circuit' '&all not be te'ted until t&e diver i' out of t&e $ater.

    53 E "lo'ive' '&all not be detonated $&ile t&e diver i' in t&e $ater.

    4i#Termination o+ di)e. T&e $or in) interval of a dive '&all be terminated $&en:

    %3 A diver re(ue't' terminationC

    3 A diver fail' to re'"ond correctly to communication' or 'i)nal' from a dive-team memberC

    53 6ommunication' are lo't and cannot be (uic ly re-e'tabli'&ed bet$een t&e diver and a dive-team member at t&e dive location and bet$een t&e de'i)nated "er'on-in-c&ar)e and t&e "er'oncontrollin) t&e ve''el in liveboatin) o"eration'C or

    43 A diver be)in' to u'e diver-carried re'erve breat&in) )a' or t&e dive-location re'erve breat&in))a'.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e %8

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ G$ Post-Dive Procedures from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin)*"eration'3

    "1"23)%' #OST DIVE #$OCEDU$ES.

    4a# General. T&e em"loyer '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in) re(uirement' $&ic& are a""licable aftereac& divin) o"eration unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.


    %3 After t&e com"letion of any dive t&e em"loyer '&all:i3 6&ec t&e "&y'ical condition of t&e diverCii3

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    t&e dive to o"erate t&e decom"re''ion c&amber $&en re(uired or "rovided3.

    4d# $e!ord o+ di)e.

    %3 T&e follo$in) information '&all be recorded and maintained for eac& divin) o"eration:i3 Name' of dive-team member' includin) t&e de'i)nated "er'on-in-c&ar)eCii3 Date time and locationCiii3 Divin) mode' u'edCiv3 General nature of $or "erformedCv3 A""ro imate under$ater and 'urface condition' vi'ibility $ater tem"erature and current3C andvi3 7a imum de"t& and bottom time for eac& diver.

    3 >or eac& dive out'ide t&e no-decom"re''ion limit' dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or u'in) mi ed-)a't&e follo$in) additional information '&all be recorded and maintained:

    i3 De"t&-time and breat&in)-)a' "rofile'Cii3 Decom"re''ion table de'i)nation includin) modification3C and

    iii3 Ela"'ed time 'ince la't "re''ure e "o'ure if le'' t&an 4 &our' or re"etitive dive de'i)nation for eac& diver.

    53 >or eac& dive in $&ic& decom"re''ion 'ic ne'' i' 'u'"ected or 'ym"tom' are evident t&efollo$in) additional information '&all be recorded and maintained:

    i3 De'cri"tion of decom"re''ion 'ic ne'' 'ym"tom' includin) de"t& and time of on'et3C andii3 De'cri"tion and re'ult' of treatment.

    4e# De!ompression pro!ed&re assessment. T&e em"loyer '&all:


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ 6$ Scu+a Diving from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin)*"eration'3

    "1"23)%) SCU0A DIVING.

    4a# General. Em"loyer' en)a)ed in S6 ;A divin) '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in) re(uirement'unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.

    4+#Limits. S6 ;A divin) '&all not be conducted:

    %3 At de"t&' dee"er t&an %50 f'$C

    3 At de"t&' dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or out'ide t&e no-decom"re''ion limit' unle'' a decom"re''ionc&amber i' ready for u'eC

    53 A)ain't current' e ceedin) one %3 not unle'' line-tendedC or


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ .$ Surface-Supplied *ir Diving from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercialDivin) *"eration'3

    "1"23)%7 SU$FACE SU##LIED AI$ DIVING.

    4a# General. Em"loyer' en)a)ed in 'urface-'u""lied air divin) '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in)re(uirement' unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.


    %3 Surface-'u""lied air divin) '&all not be conducted at de"t&' dee"er t&an %90 f'$ e ce"t t&atdive' $it& bottom time' of 50 minute' or le'' may be conducted to de"t&' of 0 f'$.

    3 A decom"re''ion c&amber '&all be ready for u'e at t&e dive location for any dive out'ide t&e no-decom"re''ion limit' or dee"er t&an %00 f'$.

    53 A bell '&all be u'ed for dive' $it& an in$ater decom"re''ion time )reater t&an % 0 minute'e ce"t $&en &eavy )ear i' $orn or divin) i' conducted in "&y'ically confinin) '"ace'.

    4c# #ro!ed&res.

    %3 Eac& diver '&all be continuou'ly tended $&ile in t&e $ater.

    3 A diver '&all be 'tationed at t&e under$ater "oint of entry $&en divin) i' conducted in enclo'edor "&y'ically confinin) '"ace'.

    53 Eac& divin) o"eration '&all &ave a "rimary breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly 'ufficient to 'u""ort diver' fort&e duration of t&e "lanned dive includin) decom"re''ion.

    43 >or dive' dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or out'ide t&e no-decom"re''ion limit':i3 A 'e"arate dive-team member '&all tend eac& diver in t&e $aterCii3 A 'tandby diver '&all be available $&ile a diver i' in t&e $aterCiii3 A diver-carried re'erve breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly '&all be "rovided for eac& diver e ce"t $&en

    &eavy )ear i' $ornC andiv3 A dive-location re'erve breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly '&all be "rovided.

    @3 >or &eavy )ear divin) dee"er t&an %00 f'$ or out'ide t&e no-decom"re''ion limit':i3 An e tra breat&in)-)a' &o'e ca"able of 'u""lyin) breat&in) )a' to t&e diver in t&e $ater '&all

    be available to t&e 'tandby diver.ii3 An in $ater 'ta)e '&all be "rovided to diver' in t&e $ater.

    3 E ce"t $&en &eavy )ear i' $orn or $&ere "&y'ical '"ace doe' not "ermit a diver-carriedre'erve breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly '&all be "rovided $&enever t&e diver i' "revented by t&econfi)uration of t&e dive area from a'cendin) directly to t&e 'urface.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e %

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ 8$ E uipment from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin) *"eration'3

    "1"23)'2 EQUI#MENT.

    4a# General.

    %3 All em"loyer' '&all com"ly $it& t&e follo$in) re(uirement' unle'' ot&er$i'e '"ecified.

    3 Eac& e(ui"ment modification re"air te't calibration or maintenance 'ervice '&all be recordedby mean' of a ta))in) or lo))in) 'y'tem and include t&e date and nature of $or "erformed andt&e name or initial' of t&e "er'on "erformin) t&e $or .

    4+# Air !ompressor s%stem.

    %3 6om"re''or' u'ed to 'u""ly air to t&e diver '&all be e(ui""ed $it& a volume tan $it& a c&ecvalve on t&e inlet 'ide a "re''ure )au)e a relief valve and a drain valve.

    3 Air com"re''or inta e' '&all be located a$ay from area' containin) e &au't or ot&ercontaminant'.

    53 #e'"irable air 'u""lied to a diver '&all not contain:i3 A level of carbon mono ide 6*3 )reater t&an 0 ""mCii3 A level of carbon dio ide 6* 3 )reater t&an % 000 ""mCiii3 A level of oil mi't )reater t&an @ milli)ram' "er cubic meterC or iv3 A no iou' or "ronounced odor.

    43 T&e out"ut of air com"re''or 'y'tem' '&all be te'ted for air "urity every mont&' by mean' of'am"le' ta en at t&e connection to t&e di'tribution 'y'tem e ce"t t&at non-oil lubricatedcom"re''or' need not be te'ted for oil mi't.

    4c# 0reat"ing gas s&ppl% "oses.

    %3 ;reat&in)-)a' 'u""ly &o'e' '&all:i3 1ave a $or in) "re''ure at lea't e(ual to t&e $or in) "re''ure of t&e total breat&in)-)a'

    'y'temCii3 1ave a rated bur'tin) "re''ure at lea't e(ual to 4 time' t&e $or in) "re''ureCiii3 ;e te'ted at lea't annually to %.@ time' t&eir $or in) "re''ureC andiv3 1ave t&eir o"en end' ta"ed ca""ed or "lu))ed $&en not in u'e.

    3 ;reat&in)-)a' 'u""ly &o'e connector' '&all:i3 ;e made of corro'ion-re'i'tant material'Cii3 1ave a $or in) "re''ure at lea't e(ual to t&e $or in) "re''ure of t&e &o'e to $&ic& t&ey are

    attac&edC and

    iii3 ;e re'i'tant to accidental di'en)a)ement.53 mbilical' '&all:i3 ;e mar ed in %0-foot increment' to %00 feet be)innin) at t&e diverB' end and in @0-foot

    increment' t&ereafterCii3 ;e made of in -re'i'tant material'C andiii3 1ave a $or in) "re''ure )reater t&an t&e "re''ure e(uivalent to t&e ma imum de"t& of t&e diverelative to t&e 'u""ly 'ource3 "lu' %00 "'i.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    4d# 0&o%an!% !ontrol.

    %3 1elmet' or ma' ' connected directly to t&e dry 'uit or ot&er buoyancy-c&an)in) e(ui"ment '&allbe e(ui""ed $it& an e &au't valve.

    3 A dry 'uit or ot&er buoyancy-c&an)in) e(ui"ment not directly connected to t&e &elmet or ma''&all be e(ui""ed $it& an e &au't valve.

    53 &en u'ed for S6 ;A divin) a buoyancy com"en'ator '&all &ave an inflation 'ource 'e"aratefrom t&e breat&in)-)a' 'u""ly.

    43 An inflatable flotation device ca"able of maintainin) t&e diver at t&e 'urface in a face-u""o'ition &avin) a manually activated inflation 'ource inde"endent of t&e breat&in) 'u""ly an oralinflation device and an e &au't valve '&all be u'ed for S6 ;A divin).

    4e# Compressed gas !%linders. 6om"re''ed )a' cylinder' '&all:%3 ;e de'i)ned con'tructed and maintained in accordance $it& t&e a""licable "rovi'ion' of 9

    6># %9%0.%0% and %9%0.% 9 t&rou)& %9%0.%8%C

    3 ;e 'tored in a ventilated area and "rotected from e ce''ive &eatC

    53 ;e 'ecured from fallin)C and

    43 1ave '&ut-off valve' rece''ed into t&e cylinder or "rotected by a ca" e ce"t $&en in u'e ormanifolded or $&en u'ed for S6 ;A divin).

    4f#De!ompression !"am*ers.

    %3 Eac& decom"re''ion c&amber manufactured after t&e effective date of t&i' 'tandard '&all bebuilt and maintained in accordance $it& t&e AS7E 6ode or e(uivalent.

    3 Eac& decom"re''ion c&amber manufactured "rior to t&e effective date of t&i' 'tandard '&all bemaintained in conformity $it& t&e code re(uirement' to $&ic& it $a' built or e(uivalent.

    53 Eac& decom"re''ion c&amber '&all be e(ui""ed $it&:

    i3 7ean' to maintain t&e atmo'"&ere belo$ a level of @ "ercent o y)en by volumeC

    ii3 7uffler' on inta e and e &au't line' $&ic& '&all be re)ularly in'"ected and maintainedC

    iii3 Suction )uard' on e &au't line o"enin)'C and

    iv3 A mean' for e tin)ui'&in) fire and '&all be maintained to minimi+e 'ource' of i)nition andcombu'tible material.

    4g# Ga&ges and time1eeping de)i!es.

    %3 Gau)e' indicatin) diver de"t& $&ic& can be read at t&e dive location '&all be u'ed for all dive'e ce"t S6 ;A.

    3 Eac& de"t& )au)e '&all be dead-$ei)&t te'ted or calibrated a)ain't a ma'ter reference )au)eevery mont&' and $&en t&ere i' a di'cre"ancy )reater t&an t$o "ercent "ercent3 of full 'calebet$een any t$o e(uivalent )au)e'.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 5

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    53 A cylinder "re''ure )au)e ca"able of bein) monitored by t&e diver durin) t&e dive '&all be $ornby eac& S6 ;A diver.

    43 A time ee"in) device '&all be available at eac& dive location.4(# Mas1s and "elmets.

    %3 Surface-'u""lied air and mi ed-)a' ma' ' and &elmet' '&all &ave:

    i3 A non-return valve at t&e attac&ment "oint bet$een &elmet or ma' and &o'e $&ic& '&all clo'ereadily and "o'itivelyC and

    ii3 An e &au't valve.

    3 Surface-'u""lied air ma' ' and &elmet' '&all &ave a minimum ventilation rate ca"ability of 4.@acfm at any de"t& at $&ic& t&ey are o"erated or t&e ca"ability of maintainin) t&e diverB' in'"iredcarbon dio ide "artial "re''ure belo$ 0.0 ATA $&en t&e diver i' "roducin) carbon dio ide at t&erate of %. 'tandard liter' "er minute.

    4i#O %gen sa+et%.

    %3 E(ui"ment u'ed $it& o y)en or mi ture' containin) over forty "ercent 40P3 by volume o y)en'&all be de'i)ned for o y)en 'ervice.

    3 6om"onent' e ce"t umbilical'3 e "o'ed to o y)en or mi ture' containin) over forty "ercent40P3 by volume o y)en '&all be cleaned of flammable material' before u'e.

    53 * y)en 'y'tem' over % @ "'i) and com"re''ed air 'y'tem' over @00 "'i) '&all &ave 'lo$-o"enin) '&ut-off valve'.

    49#-eig"ts and "arnesses.

    %3 E ce"t $&en &eavy )ear i' $orn diver' '&all be e(ui""ed $it& a $ei)&t belt or a''emblyca"able of (uic relea'e.

    3 E ce"t $&en &eavy )ear i' $orn or in S6 ;A divin) eac& diver '&all $ear a 'afety &arne''$it&:

    i3 A "o'itive buc lin) deviceC

    ii3 An attac&ment "oint for t&e umbilical to "revent 'train on t&e ma' or &elmetC and

    iii3 A liftin) "oint to di'tribute t&e "ull force of t&e line over t&e diverB' body.

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 4

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ :$ Record0eeping Re uirements from 9 6># ,art %9%0 Sub"art T H 6ommercialDivin) *"eration'3

    "1"23))2 $ECO$D2EE#ING $EQUI$EMENTS.

    4a# $e!ording di)ing related in3&ries and illnesses.

    %3 #e'ervedO

    3 T&e em"loyer '&all record t&e occurrence of any divin)-related in2ury or illne'' $&ic& re(uire'any dive-team member to be &o'"itali+ed for 4 &our' or more '"ecifyin) t&e circum'tance' of t&eincident and t&e e tent of any in2urie' or illne''e'.

    4+# A)aila*ilit% o+ re!ords.

    %3 "on t&e re(ue't of t&e A''i'tant Secretary of abor for *S1AO or t&e Director National# %9%0.4 03 de"t&-time "rofile' 9 6># %9%0.4 3 decom"re''ion "rocedurea''e''ment evaluation' 9 6># %9%0.4 53 and record' of &o'"itali+ation' 9 6># %9%0.4403'&all be "rovided in t&e 'ame manner a' em"loyee e "o'ure record' or analy'e' u'in) e "o'ure ormedical record'. E(ui"ment in'"ection' and te'tin) record' $&ic& "ertain to em"loyee' 9 6>#%9%0.4503 '&all al'o be "rovided u"on re(ue't to em"loyee' and t&eir de'i)nated re"re'entative'.

    53 #ecord' and document' re(uired by t&i' 'tandard '&all be retained by t&e em"loyer for t&efollo$in) "eriod:

    i3 Dive-team member medical record' "&y'icianB' re"ort'3 9 6># %9%0.4%%3 - @ year'C N*TE:No lon)er re(uired 'ince 9 6># %9%0.4%% $a' deleted from t&e 'tandardOC

    ii3 Safe "ractice' manual 9 6># %9%0.4 03 - current document onlyCiii3 De"t&-time "rofile 9 6># %9%0.4 3 - until com"letion of t&e recordin) of t&e dive or until

    com"letion of decom"re''ion "rocedure a''e''ment $&ere t&ere &a' been an incident ofdecom"re''ion 'ic ne''C

    iv3 #ecordin) of dive 9 6># %9%0.4 53 - % year e ce"t @ year' $&ere t&ere &a' been an incidentof decom"re''ion 'ic ne''C

    v3 Decom"re''ion "rocedure a''e''ment evaluation' 9 6># %9%0.4 53 - @ year'Cvi3 E(ui"ment in'"ection' and te'tin) record' 9 6># %9%0.4503 - current entry or ta) or until

    e(ui"ment i' $it&dra$n from 'erviceCvii3 #ecord' of &o'"itali+ation' 9 6># %9%0.4403 - @ year'.

    43 After t&e e "iration of t&e retention "eriod of any record re(uired to be e"t for five @3 year' t&eem"loyer '&all for$ard 'uc& record' to t&e National # %9%0.%0 0 &3 in %99 9 6># %9%0. 0 $a' re-de'i)nated a' 96># %9%0.%0 03.


  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    National # ,art %9%0

    Sub"art T H 6ommercial Divin) *"eration'3

    Record or Document Retention Period

    Safe "ractice' manual 6urrent document only

    De"t&-time "rofilentil com"letion of t&e dive recordC or if decom"re''ion 'ic ne''

    occur' durin) t&e dive until com"letion of decom"re''ion-"rocedurea''e''ment

    Dive record % yearC @ year' for record' involvin) decom"re''ion 'ic ne''

    Decom"re''ion "rocedurea''e''ment evaluation' @ year'

    E(ui"ment in'"ection andte'tin) record'

    6urrent entry or ta) unle'' t&e e(ui"ment i' $it&dra$n from 'ervicei.e. t&en no retention re(uirement3

    1o'"itali+ation record' @ year'

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    *PPE D./ ,$ Sample Contractor Dive Plan

    4 AES Fa!ilit% # Contractor Dive Plan

    Scope of !or0$

    Dates of Diving Operation$

    !or0 Description$

    Participants$Dive r '3

    Divin) Tender Stand-by Diver /

    #adio-"er'on AES-Dive

    6oordinator *t&er'

    Special E uipment

    Special Conditions

    Diving Plan$

    *pproved +y$

    Divin) - nder$ater Safety ,a)e 8

  • 8/11/2019 Diving - Underwater Safety


    AES Global Safety Standard Safety Standard Number: AES-STD-44.0

    Diving - Underwater Safety Effective Date: 9/9/ 00!

    A""roved by: Global Safety #evie$ Date 9/9/ 00!

    AES Dive 6oordinator ead Diver