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DISPATCH CUSSISTI Operations Base; Chief of Base, onn Chief, EE/c,e 1/47,‘ .4"."` g sicini 11104.11.10 fl y °yeti-mite Corm CAA saa7.1Icn Acting Chief, Munich Liaison Base -,--7.4411010EATIDEJPIvFmTURT/CART UJVENTURE-Changes and Additions in Notebooks Ammo. itinwine INIPTOIVen FOR YOUR INFORMATION imiaenUa REFERENCES: A. EGMA -63932, 27 February 19641 B. EGmA -64365, 21 April 1964 (This report reviews UJVENTURE changes through 30 June 1964. Later changes have not been included.) 1. Although we incorporate into MLB UJVENTURE files all new names of CATIDE employees revealed through that organization's COSMIC and SIGINT clearance trace requests, we no longer report them in the periodic dispatches on UJVENTURE notebook changes and additions, since they are in the normal course of events carded when they are first reported. Since the last periodic UJVENTURE dispatch (Reference A), the following dispatches have been sent requesting such traces: EGMA-63660, 13 January 1964; EGMA-63779, 31 January 1964; EGMA-63877, 6 February 1964; EGMA-63972, 20 February 1964; EGMA-64119, 11 March 1964; EGMA-64364, 20 April 1964; EGMA-64368, 22 April 1964; EGNA-64h74, 20 May 1964; EGMA-64784, 26 June 1964. 2. Identifications - True Name The following individuals hove been added by true name to the UJVENTURE notebooks. Please assign 201 numbers for those who do not already have them. 00k, a.(Frau fnu 4" BUY (201- tANI : `OFT@ Unknown s'cir The wife wife_of Josef BRET C _:JOBRUCKNER. •BETZEL. a COanunications_officax with-CATIDE, framAllEY..was_known to be markins tarly:iiim_1964 for i lk Bienststelle located in Munich.,). GROUP I Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Ol vitOnca To ; EGMA - 64930 - 7 - a reASSigt"E at 4 `did DECL ASSIFIED AND RE LEASED By CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE MHO IOURCESKETHOOSEXEMPT ION 392f NAZI MAR CRIMES OI SCLOSURE ACT -0ATI 2008 CS CM CRET . ,jA„ -CONTINUE- 27 July 196 32N-2-41/1 .;440 ;;A■lial ':133511.111 :020 ci,10

DISPATCH CUSSISTI - Central Intelligence Agency

Feb 04, 2022



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Operations Base; Chief of Base, onn

Chief, EE/c,e 1/47,‘ .4"."` gsicini 11104.11.10

fl y °yeti-mite CormCAA saa7.1Icn

Acting Chief, Munich Liaison Base-,--7.4411010EATIDEJPIvFmTURT/CART

UJVENTURE-Changes and Additions in Notebooks

Ammo. itinwine • INIPTOIVen



REFERENCES: A. EGMA -63932, 27 February 19641B. EGmA -64365, 21 April 1964

(This report reviews UJVENTURE changes through 30 June1964. Later changes have not been included.)

1. Although we incorporate into MLB UJVENTURE files all newnames of CATIDE employees revealed through that organization'sCOSMIC and SIGINT clearance trace requests, we no longer reportthem in the periodic dispatches on UJVENTURE notebook changes andadditions, since they are in the normal course of events cardedwhen they are first reported. Since the last periodic UJVENTUREdispatch (Reference A), the following dispatches have been sentrequesting such traces: EGMA-63660, 13 January 1964; EGMA-63779,31 January 1964; EGMA-63877, 6 February 1964; EGMA-63972, 20 February1964; EGMA-64119, 11 March 1964; EGMA-64364, 20 April 1964;EGMA-64368, 22 April 1964; EGNA-64h74, 20 May 1964; EGMA-64784,26 June 1964.

2. Identifications - True Name

The following individuals hove been added by true name to theUJVENTURE notebooks. Please assign 201 numbers for those who do notalready have them.

00k, a.(Frau fnu 4" BUY (201-tANI: `OFT@ Unknown s'cir

The wifewife_of Josef BRET C _:JOBRUCKNER. •BETZEL. aCOanunications_officax with-CATIDE, framAllEY..was_known to be markins

tarly:iiim_1964 for ilk Bienststelle located in Munich.,).

GROUP IExcluded from automatic

downgrading and declassification

OlvitOnca To

; EGMA - 64930

— - 7 -a reASSigt"E

at4 `did








27 July 196







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$ECRET EGMA - 64930

b. (Martin coSSmom L ::3 IIKOSSATZ BELla September 1903 in Dresden,f:/reep


He performed a security document checking task for CATIDE inHannovcr on 2N December 1963, (See UFA-41147, 7 February 1964,)His V-card at NLB •8707 indicates that he was used by CATIDE

ias a letter drop in Berlin in 1950 and was dropped by them on IMarch 1951. The date of his reemployment is not known to 14"card in Munich's g 1 files refers to a memo written by CL

:Don 22 March 1956, stating that COSSNANN of the BfV'sgggggg e office in Berlin was "as we have long been aware" also apaid member of CATIDE.

)4' as 3r,.010- v/C. Christina •0 GEHLEN (201- •01: ) ser if: '

Born 5 March 1940 in Leipzig, •„La._,EtIst-- Genially 7

This daughter of Giovanni CEHLENcL the foreign liaison unit Tor Dr. Hans WINTER C..thewho reported in February 1964 that her gmanantyttapaditaadbeen determined.

< _(‘-• . AJ-d.‹Otto 4 01 GOTTANKAO0inl. Ina\a_•GERAU

Born 31 August 1907 eir r;rarnali

He joined the scientitkc_ind technical evaluations unit at CATIDE00 1901 _ 00 a :speci_alir ainaft_and_vans7

-e.t Eos • 01,0EPPL 41 ikcfk)(fi" r rart."49,ibPOB UnkoownResidineMunich. Freseniusstr. 790-,(;c7e.

She is .a translator in the Diennits ...C._RUDLOFF MEI. the unit whichlityzes the free world erne.

,f.<JIIIN Milfried • KRALLERT C:: =gotn 13 January 1912 in Vienna, Austria

err 4er.meut Although Munich registry contained a201-file for KRALLERT, he wasnot rep d in UJVENTURE files as a CATIDER until CATIDE re- F-zhquested a pc trare (70W .figcnt, IA May 10AA) :::007

L./ S. fnu PI KR USE (201 - • n iv '‘. )

B:rn circa 1920 kiN,C/7- 6.•-W.m/b..//

This man joined CATIDE circa 1963 as ssistant to the d ut chiefof air evaluations. He is • tuft aff

g_ 11r-Ciiiiii-dited the likely successor to Hans-Curt von SPONECK

C::: ___A •SPOHR, shfould •SPOHR be given a new

17 h. fen 4 01 1KULLAU (201- (Li t' 1,16:iltanv/'13.70BMWkirolin Cite/ At)

As of February 1964 he was donut chief of naval evaluations.

L.„7- i(1,Cmdr) Helmut • M NSECK E_SI-

U1A00„DPOB Unknown e i r (A. er ain 41)).

He Joined the-cavel evaluations unit •ar i1 196chief when Captain Gunter POSER = ----3 URECHTEI,„ wentBonn. )(See paragraph 4 h.)



r. 53c USI Me/ p OUS IMMO



Page 3: DISPATCH CUSSISTI - Central Intelligence Agency

• 19..---' j Major fnm Mime? (jlumntir)_ (201- I) I t. (1 ,,. a ;

Ion circa 19;$_. es ; ' ..",'e-Thi7 - •,.-...;

Having joined CATIDE late in 1963, he Watt coPmend.Stf_kbe_4CLAI_Forces School at thutAilaing4.1.kaPhansar4i.. SENAtari). 1:1 1964._ trevinusly PICHERT-..tnaztandauLaanginear_banalion _at Wildflacken, Weisz cormany.

— k.C.624. Karl t o ' RAWER C _flDPOB Unknown , r ,:...cre...D.4-4).1(

The thief of iii`Hreisach Ionospheric Institute, he, like othersworking for the institute, became a CATIUm employee when CATIDEabsorbed the institute in 1963. Dr. RAWER is dirertly subordinateto Johannes CRONE`C ::), 4CAPPEL, chief of communicationstonit-mf CATIDE,

/ C041/40 (lcI*44V-WwWICHHARDT C. --::3

Enrn_44;FL-1=f0ff• .4,rad..z7 ,- mdrilaecm a.,-cn,

JILT/bigotry 1964 he rElsged fnu MARKftissojnomilarjayffsjar_for Conrad KUEHLEIN :D. •KUENNE. in Washinaton.>

1.<.(lamil liAr iCITINTOT [:: = oeser 'Born 1 December 12.94_im St . P butt,• (Leningrad. USSR1

BDC_kraces were reauested.01-%tlf;ef CATIDE:in EGNA-645.01. flay-litie-lt . '1 t#C. 3

•, n./..,,Peter I • WIERK-WERNER C. . • OGLOECKLER 41.7- -;,ren,A.,4

Borirraiiiiry 1913 in B 2 Island of Ruegen.1113T-Zermany

Residing in;INiesbaden: Nainzorstr. 25a 14,%4-rx--77

Early in UJEEJzi-iiiik,renortedlyli . CATIDELnperations officer serving under industrial cover in Frankfurt/Main. (See EGFA-41733 21 April 1964.) %.,

<Ciwe:YLI- Amali• I. (OGLER C net., 7- li d-rernm; t/ Korn 4 May 1921 arIFTWITIIiitZ-Waiirik stir

C:: ..-=

As to serve as her us and's 'cretin if he joins CATHINK.The wife of Richerdrpt/fi ee belowl7and a staff employee. she

/p. Richard 4 11 V LER J. air c;e4,-,,,Jv'-Born 16 September inc at azetlhan

-21-• near Erding. Bavaria etir,t,.„



communal OF

53c nO.

3. gaMizational and Personnel Changes


following organizational


and personnel changes have


becomeknown ass

UST rTEVIOU wino,. _C.. E T • 3

s been nominated as CATIDE's chief reereeentetive to CATHINC„will

..., Al but It is not clear wh ther he wilactually take the lob. As

i,joinnd CATHIE in 1960. •. . . F 4. ti7Trili

e. pannnhes 4° WALLER L_- L::] ta Wa

Born 25 November 1926 in tibeniiiiiditenThuell,C,-„„ •

Res' idilleinstg Legitenaifia 65 ct•cre t;;I:EAV


EnC traces wOricreouested. --on behalf of CATIDEOn EGMA-64364. 20 April 19642.






Page 4: DISPATCH CUSSISTI - Central Intelligence Agency

a. Hans von BUECHLER C., = 'BROCK, toldin Nay 1964 that the CE/CI, agent

security, and staff security come aaaaaa of CATIDE aresupervised by Wilhelm BAUER C. :, OBAYERLE,whose position hare or lesson • par with that ofWolfgang lANGKAUN- --W =3, MOLTEN, who we hadthought supervised those sections. This appears togive CATIDE six major organisational units just underthe vice-president:

(I) Tactical collection under Herbert KRAUSE

EL 1REICHLIN (See paragraph 3 f.):

(2) Strategic collection and other functions,such as personal and foreign liaison, under MOLTEN;

(3) CE/CI and security, under MAYERLE;

(4) Evaluation and reports under Gen. ErichDETHLEFFSEN c:: ::3 •DEGENHARDT;

(5) Plans and administration, includingand war planning, under Horst WENDLAND C:1@HOLM;

(6) Communications under Gen. Johannes CRONE,


b. On 16 June 1964 MOM told C.that CATILE will have completed its building

program by 1961; by which time it will have reached itspeak employnent of 6,000. He said that at present CATIDEemploys approximately 5,000 persons.

c. According to 'BROCK, CANOE had three CE groupsas of January 1964. The primary one was headed by RolfGRAEBER @PETERSEN, responsible to MAYERLE.Another Ended by Dr. Hans Georg LANGEMANN C. ,ILUECKRATH, responsible to @HOLTEN, handled CE work torthe political operations group of Kurt WEISS c::OVINTERSTEIN. Commas of the Chinese Communist intelli-gence service, apparently the duty of the third group, wassupervised by MAYERLE directly.

d. In May 1964 an indications center (Aktuelle Lage)was set up in the military evaluations unit. While HorstNITSCHMANNt::: MORTMANN, chief of militaryevaluations is officially responsible for the functionsof the unit, his deputy, Friedrich GRUENEWALD CvGRAU, will actually manage the center, reporting directlyto the German Defense Ministry in Bonn and to UTILITYthrough ODEGENHARDT.

e. (1) Hein: HERRE c::_ :13 @DESSAU, was namedto replace Conrad KUEHLEIN ca :::1 OKUEHNE, as CATIDE'sWashington representative.

(2) MUEHNE will return to CATIDE in July 1964to become denut y to DEGENHARDT, in ODEGENHARDT's words to

"to assume active leadership of theAuswertung while •EGENHARDT operates one half step higher".

f. (1) •E:CHLIN, deputy to •HOLM since March 1963,was selected to replace MESSAUas chief of tactical col-lection.


(2) Hermann LASSEN Z4 @LANNERT,- assumedMEICHLIN's job as deputy to •HOLM.

;!:: 53cNOE




C R E . T ' 131/ CONTINPIO

LfretriasisCRETI EOM,- 64930



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commuma OfDISPATCH

145ftlI1C11 PION& IWO MA

1E7-341991011 9E31 EGMA - 64930

•.(3) Lt. Col. fnu @KUM, formerly in p eee 1,'

took over 1LA3Q4ERT's duties as chief of the war planningsection of the plans and administration unit.

• g. (1) Otto Herald Andre HORS CL: ;17!MOELLER, 'VIKTOR, formerly CATIDE rep ive inParis, became chief of foreign liaison on 2 March 1964,vice METZ Ez 23, 'MERTENS.

(2) MERTENS had been scheduled for the CATIDErepresentational job in Washington until his heartattack early in 1964. He had returned to work by Jun.1964, but MLB does not know whether full or parttime,or in which unit.

(S) Alfred DUERWANGER C::_ IDIECKMANN,UTILITY's son-in-law, replaced 1NOELLER in Patis.

• h. Dr. Hans Walter Julius WINTERSWILDEN, who has been in charge of CATIS;73 to reignliaison with countries of continental Europe, supervisedthe entire foreign liaison unit from the time of •MERTENS'sillness until 2 March. when !WILDER moved to 1HOLTEN'soffice in downtown Munich, where he was to handle specialagent and foreign liaison connections for UTILITY.

1. (1) !BROCK was scheduled, as of 1 July 1964, tobecome CATIDE's representative in the Hague circa October1964. His duties in the foreign liaison section have beendivided.

(2) IPPEL CI III], !DUERER, will handlereports exchange with KUBARK and other services.

(5) The individual who will be in charge ofoperational liaison and supervise the general trend ofKUBARK-CATIDE liaison has not been selected. Fnu @KOLLER,originally slated for the job, has decided suddenly toreturn to the Bundeswehr. (See paragraph 6-n.)

j. The sutures evaluation staff in the tacticalcollection unit has been broken up and its p sent in three directions. Gustav Adolf TIETZEC!KURZ. chief of that staff, beam* deputy to Ebrusx LUDCR,

lACKERMANN, chief of agent security. Partof the function and personnel of 1KURZ's staff was trans-ferred to the military section, part to the economic-scientific and technical section, of the tactical collectionunit.

k. The audio surveillance unit under fnu •BITTMANNwas transferred late in 1963 from communications to plansand administration.

1. Major fnu MATTERHAUPT (phonetic), 1Hans-GeorgMOMMSEN, formerly commander of CATIDE's Special ForcesSchool at Bad Aibling, has replaced Major Wolfgang UllrichLEHNERT, SHARER, in the unconventional weapons section ofarmy evaluations. (See Paragraph S-b.)

m. (1) Klaus RITTER Er •::3 /ROEHL, scheduledto leave the Auswertung for a year as reported in ReferenceA will in fact have a one to two-year leave of hbsence inorder to head a Rand-type organization, a private researchcorporation under contract to the government. As reportedin EGMA-64668, 30 June 1964, !ROEHL say remain permanentlywith the new corporation if it proves successful.




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(2) Ernst Otto Franz ZOLLING 11-7_ CP, @ZAHN,will assume OROEHL's functions as chTiT of politicalevaluations, as reported in Reference A.

n. Fritz von BONNARD cTL. Z.DIBRUHN, formerchief of the military section ot the tactical collectionunit, who suffered a heart attack late in 1962, hasreturned to work in the personnel unit of CATIDE. MLBdoes not known whether he is working full or parttime.

o. Waldemar HERMANN-TROSS 17], @HERTEL,is scheduled to assume the number-two CAME representa-tional job in Paris in October 1964, replacing Lt. Col.

:::a. •ROTTMANN, who has heldGuenter REINHARDT c:::the job since early 1962. Like ',ROTTMAN, •HERTEL willalso serve as CATIDE representative to SHAPE ACCG.

p. Klaus-Juergen von BENTIVEGNIIJUERGENS, aide to UTILITY on technical and C:matters, is to become number-two man in Rome on 1 July1964.

q. Werner ESCHENAUER C SEICHENDORF,who formerly held a CE/CI job in Bonn, replaced vonBENTIVEGNI as an aide to UTILITY.

r. Dr. Waldemar MARKWARDT ---1, •MARX, wastransferred to a Dien sssss Ile prior to January 1964. AtHeadquarters he had been chief of the Soviet unit in themilitary section of tactical operations.

s. Hans Joachim von SEELEN c :::), !SEIFERT,who formerly worked for KRAUSE, •REICHLIN, in Di sssss telle11, was, as of February 1964, working in CATIDE personnel.

t. Franz SCHLECHTIZKY:::3, @SCHWAN, lastknown to have been chief of g'i- nuernnerg Befra from 1959to 1962, was chief of a Dienststalle located in Munich asof early 1964.

u. Col. Hans Adolf von BLUMROEDER ELLOBIRKEN, born S August 1904 in Sigmaringen, was workingin the general armed forces section of military evaluationsas of March 1964. A classmate of DETHLEFFSEN, •DEGENHARDT,at the war academy, OBIRKEN worked for CATIDE as early asJanuary 1954,according to MLB's UJVENTURE file. He toldthe Army liaison officer, however, that he hid "just"been G-2 of Wehrkreis Hamburg, soft is possible that hisservice with C:TIDE has been interspersed with regularBundeswehr assignments.

v. Gottfried FAEHRNANN :::] 1FRONHOFF(or OFROHNHOFF), reported in paragraph 3-3 of EGMA-63932,27 February 1964 as fnu FAEHRMANN in a security holdstatus because of his personal friendship with UJDROWSY,has apparently returned to work. He attended Karl J.NOLBRUNNER's Christmas party with members of the soecialsecurity group headed by Volker FOERTSCH!FLEMING, OFRONHOFF resides in Munich, it Holneins ssssss7.






:.o.A: 53c

133 COirtINVID

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comma' OfDISPAUX

DIUATC11 mon IWO 110.R E TI EGMA - 64930

Fri. fnu •PEGNITZ, last reported to be secretaryto WENDLAND •HOLM, has been promoted to Beaten status

' (lifetime civil service) and was, as of February 1964, anadministrative assistant to @HOLM.

F. Graf Goetz von BULLION C _=OGOLZ, willleave headquarters foreign liaison tor a liaison Job inBrussels.

Y. Five girls have loft the translation unit ofDr. Wolfram MUSS, c::: SWILL!, for other CATIDEassignments.

(1) Barbara HERRE, BBBBB bel HITFELD, daughterof 'DESSAU, has left Headquarters for an .assignment in Madrid.

(2) Marianne @NANG has left for an unknownassignment.

(3) Sybille ISCHARNITZER, English language typist,left early in 1964, reportedly for • job in.Paris.

(4) Dori ISCHLANZ, who in the past has heldvarious jobs outside CATIDE Headquarters,including one .with the German Embassy inAnkara, has left the translations unit.Her appearance at CATIDE's party for MLBon 8 June 1964, as a waitress, suggeststhat she, like the other waitresses, worksin UTILITY's office.

•(5) Cordelia •SIEBECK has left the unit, reportedly

for only a year. •

4. Gabriele HERRE E ---7, will leave CATIDE'sdispensary to'accompany her tatner to Washington. (Seeparagraph 3-c.)

4. Separations

The following CATIDE employees have left the organizationfor the reasons stated:

eDRUKA, born circa 1909 in Austria, assocVii --;d waina. Lt. Col. Helmut DRUSCHKOWITSCH,

CATIDE's administration and plans unit since 1959,returned to the Bundeswehr on 1 November 1963, to a G-4assignment at CPNTAG.

b. Edith PDRUSCHKOWITSCH, born circa. 1919 inBaden/Wuerttemberg (exact place unknown), the wife ofIDRUKA, had also been employed by CATIDE, according toEGFA-41839, 28 April 1964. H , ALEJOS learned inJune 1964 that she had resigned to Join her husband inHeidelberg.

c. fnu IFOLGNER, chief of the satellite section ofarmy evaluations, had a heart attack early in 1964 and wasnot expected to return to the office.

d. Herbert HOESSELBARTH (---. —1 born 2 April1907 at Chemnitz, (now Karl Marx Stadt), East Germany,working 1 e same CATIDE field base as Oskar REILE

•RISCHKE, was fired late in 1963 or early.In 1904.







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comnatuom OFDISPATCH



tat IlltviOn EairioN rr. NO

!CRET RYFec-tnuto



. R6 T 1 101111/40C141 WOOL MD 110.

EGVA - 64930

e. Kurt HOFMANN [1: ONAUSWALD, ' chief ofthe Soviet and NVA military analysis section in CATIDE'sLAURICLE unit, left in March 1964 for a throe-year tourof duty with the Special Handling Detachment, SHAPEIntelligence Staff.

f. Dr. fnu •KRUETHER, chief of the GSFG desk inarmy evaluations, left CATIDE in mid-1962, for unknownreasons.

g. Maj. Wolfgang Ulirich LEHNERTSHARER, who was retired from military status in tail1963, was fired by CATIDE in May 064. An instructorin CATIDE's sabotage school from late 1959 until April1962, SHARER worked most recently in eDENK's unconven-tional weapons section of army evaluations.

OPRECHTEL, who had been chief of navi;Caluations ath. Naval Captain Gunter POSER

CATIDE since April 1963, loft in the spring 1964 toreplace Gen. FERBER as chief of joint military intelli-gence in Bonn.

1. Ernst Ludwig ROSEMANNr—

•KARLSSON,CATIDE's representative to CATHINK, was fired, as reportedin MUNI 9020, 25 February 1964.

- J. Carl SCHUTZ C :::], 'SCHUSTER, formerlywith Dienststelle 24 in Cologne, and a friend of UJDRUM,has been fired, presumably because of his SS record.

k. Naval Captain Hans ("Archie") TRUNMER CL JjITRUMBERG, was replaced as chief of naval evaluations inApril 1963 by POSER, 4PRECHTEL. Prior to his departurefrom CATIDE Headquarters OTRUMBERG had been reported tobe slated to become chief of naval intelligence in Bonn.In early 1964 he was reportedly making frequent visitsto CATIDE.

I. Ernst-Heinrich ZIMMER __Jo •ERNST,formerly eZIERER, was planning to leave CATIDE in orderto make more money in private business, as reported inEGBA-77354, 23 April 1964. Most recently on the Berlindesk at CATIDE Headquarters, •ERNST was once chief of theSoviet section in the tactical operations unit. He alsoserved for a time with CATIDE's Berlin office.

r. Two persons are known by MIS to have left CATIDE'smilitary evaluations unit to join the.Sundeswehr.

(1) mu FOERSTER, IFEHLAU, chief of East• Gorman OS in army evaluations, left in April

1964. He was reported in EGNA-63952, 27 February• 1964, to ha nossiblv identical with Pans Joachim

FOERSTER E::(2) mu TRAUGOTT, ITHIERSCH, born circa 1923,

• left the transportation and supply section.

n. Three individuals have left Dr. 'MILLE', trans-lations unit.

(1) Paul !BASUN left in 1963 to study atthe University of Munich. Although he hascontinued to work for the unit during his schoolvacations, he will probably not return full timeupon completing his studies, because he intendsto become a teacher.

Page 9: DISPATCH CUSSISTI - Central Intelligence Agency

^41141.1 I-4n a a-, po


OMMCIII tan A.. no.memo. OF

ECMA - 64930..—

--0111 10(2) Helga OKUNO left on maternity

is not expected to return.--,

(3) Irene LANCKAU (1DN a --J @LAUSITZ,daughter of LANGKAU, 'HOLTEN, was •iiiiii1943 to e Carman Air Force captain andapp i ly permanently, before th4 birthin early 1964.

. ,S. True Names

leave and


early inleft CAT1DE,of her son •

MLR only by &lies,

.%%%%%% for the Mud-

The following persons. formerly known tohave been identified kii true name as well: -

a. fnu 6140Flicnm is

“---. fnu •• von KOTZLOW (201- -.0014: circa 1913POD: Finland

.,Enraorty in ren-it viiitotiglejegriSysic•1

/in @efts unit, chiof of the Nnernberg

ire Hans-GeorgUniMSEN's


Refra since 1467.

true name is

. ) (phonetic)6 aniftly

beenunit, _

b. ML.!

INL.:.-lirrni-c..'et....DOB: 2 June 1915 r_ 7-

POR • Stet t i 0 (7:74.4.Munich ,,, •(..e-rt.,

Preset/emir a seine

'RES: )\ (1962) Hess Str. 6.

le the Bundeswehr entineers.least 1962. first with

•MOMMSEN hasthe staybehind


ipiel. ChemikerN

with CATIDF since atmore recently with army evaluations. (See paragraph



../4 N NNspr. Kurt • POST C--. ::DDOB: 22 Sentember 19 6 e.jvPOD: (Olmouc CSSR,Olauetx

0 d.a6••=eia-ru

d. Frauin paragraph 6-u4KOTTRACH I s North

RES: rtifunirh 21 nueoceldnrforstr.

fnu elt0EGER (phenol:), identifiedof Reference A, as • sec aaaaa y in

Cermanv section of /CI actually ■

' 1.---- raprli Barbara 4* RICHTER. neeIlent1FCI,POROCER/=

DOB: 3 December 1 .16- ti-,"40P' 2.28: Berlin ,


.-- =

c• / r r

::1, @ONKEL Jenny


• She is the wife of Hans Felix RICHTER. CaR er. N. .

fnu WEIN


/• e. Dr. 02..

fn 4 " WECER C::• DOB: Unknown der C;Cizr”to- i)

121 . Yueoslavie

a medical doctor and bio-chemist in the econeaic/scientifictechnical section of the evaluations and reports unit.

i'4. 5ac usimmusromom.140




?AGE No.



• :2•1.1,



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DI-VANUMIN.11200.EGMA - 64930

6. Identifications - kilts

IThe following aliases have been added to our UJVENTURE files./Inform aa i aa on employees of CATIDE's Berlin office, paragraphs

b, f. 1, n, p, w, I, and ee was gained from EGBA-76425, 11 December1963.

a. Fri. fnu !ADLERDPOB Unknown

A "ferienkind" during the summer vacation of 1963, ADLER app lyhas begun to work full time, serving as sifter, to Dr. •MILLEin the translations unit when Ute JUNGE, OJESTER, isabsent.

b. fnu @ALBRECHT (male)Born circa 1942

a communications clerk with one of the operational units in Berlin.

c. fnu eBOECKH (male) DPOB Unknown

reportedly in the office of Kurt RANDEL-SENPER C::who handles liaison with Bavarian government agencies.

d. fnu !SOME (male)Born circa 1913


Soviet OR analyst in any evaluations since his E0D, circa October1963.'

e. fnu ODALLBERG (male)Possible DPOB: circa 1906. Hamburg

chief of administration for the Befra unit of tactical collection,probably holding rank of Regierungsrat.

fnu @ELLERT (male)Born circa 1913

leader of Group "B" in CATIDE's Berlin office.

S . Frau fnu @FLOEHRBorn circa 1923

in the translations unit at CATIDE Headquarters.

• h. fnu OGABLEVZ (phonetic) (male)• Born circa 1925

in charge of CATIDE's cartographic depot, working for •SCHRIEF.

i. Frl. Karin !GEMMINGDPOB Unknown

Working part time for the translations unit while she attendsSchmidt's Sprachschule in Munich, she is a sister of Helga !GEMMING,formerly in the unit.

j. Gisela !GERSFELDDPOB Unknown

in the translations unit at CATIDE Headquarters.

k. fnu tGURT (phonetic)Born circa 1923

a foreign documents evaluator in military evaluating.Ck-


CiAllin OnunmVIOustoinom. ILE I

Alb =Mb

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R E Tuneveluemcaalek


with one of the larger operational units in Berlin.

f. Frau fnu •KUPFERDPOB Unknown

employed in the office of Dr. ISCHOENHERR, who works for 4LUECKRATHin a special CE unit in the !HOLTEN complex.

cumm.u.,tiom 53c U'l flIYIOUt

(tm". ECRET140)

1. fnu •HAGENRISTER (spelling uncertain)(male)

Born circa 1923

working in IBAUMEISTER's office in Berlin since June 1963.4HAGENRISTER's wife worked as a secretary at Headquarters in theoffice of ODLSSAU, then chief of tactical operations.

a. mu IHANG (male)DPOB Unknown

radar analyst in either technical or air evaluations.

n. fnu IHARNISCH (male)Born circa 1913

assistant to 1JENSEN, leader of Group "B" in Berlin.

o. fnu •HOLZ (male)DPOB Unknown

working for !SCHLESWIG in SAM analysis, air evaluations.

p. fnu !JENSEN (male)Born circa 1896

in Berlin for many years as leader of Group "H". NIB UJVENTUREfiles carry a Juergen JENSEN (probably true name), V •12654, whojoined CATIDE in May 1953 and was last reported working with the!HOLTEN complex.

q. fnu !KOLLER (male)Born circa 1921 1

Originally scheduled to assume overall supervision of CATIDEliaison with KUBARK and other services, part of •BROCK's job,@KOLLER suddenly decided to return to the Bundeswehr which offeredhim a regiaental command. (EGMT-10865, 22 June 1964, describesOKOLLER in somewhat more detail.)

r. fnu •KROEGER (male)Born circa 1905

in Berlin for many years as leader of Group "A". NIB UJVENTUREfiles list Karl KROEGER (true name), born 20 September 1909 inBydgoszcz (Bromberg), Poland, who joined CATIDE circa January1951 and worked for Diinststelle 62 in Berlin during the early1950's.

s. Frau fnu IKUHNERTDPOB.Unknown

An other-than-English translator in the translations unit, whohas apparently been there for some time.

t. fnu @KUMMER (male)Born circa 1912

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ANDIWIATC31 MOM aMET' EGMA - 64930:7_ 1

iiv. fnu ONALSUNG (male)

Born circa 1904 .

railway expert in transport and supply section of CATIDE • s •ilitarevaluations unit, formerly with the Bundesbahn.

w. fnu eMERAN (male)Born circa 1925

Brought to CATIDE from a troop unit early in 1964 to replace fnuFOERSTER, •FEHLAU, as chief of East German OB, OMERAN was designatchief of the Soviet section of army evaluations in May 1964.

x. Uli (Ulricke) •MAINBERG (female)DPOB Unknown

working on Near Eastern political and economic reports in thetranslations unit.

y. fnu IMOELLENBERG (male)DPOB Unknown

chief of the atomic h and techniques section of theeconomic/scientific and technical evaluations unit.

z. Hans •MUNTAU (male)Born circa 1940

a former translator for a private firm, he has joined the trans-lations unit, where he specializes , in technical translations.

aa. Fri. Astrid !MYLIUSBorn circa 1935

in the translations unit.

bb. fnu •PRANNER (male)DPOB unknown

working for ILUECKRATH in his special CE unit in the •HOLTEN compl!

cc. fnu SROSSFELD (male)DPOB Unknown

a young member of either the tactical collection or the evaluation!unit.

dd. fnu'ORUDAT (male)DPOB Unkrown

chief of • CATIDE surveillance team.

ee. Frau fnu !SABOTTIBorn circa 1908

has worked for several years for,43ENSEN, leader of Group "H" inBerlin.

ff. ISAITNER (male)Born circa 1922

sub-deputy in the Far Eastern forces section of the combined armsunit of military evaluations, with CATIDE since 1962. ,


fnu •SCHAUER (male)Born circa 1917 in Berlin

reported to be in charge of Befra files.



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gammen° lOWITtk 01001. ARO MO.IjiNtinrr/ R E T. EGMA - 64930

hit. Dr. fnu •SCHOENNERRBorn circa 1912 in Berlin

working at present with •LUECERATH in a special CE unit subordinatito @HOLTEN, Dr. ISCHOENHERR has been with CATIDE since 19$8 or 19$!

it. fnu ISCHRANZ (male)DPOB Unknown

analyst on the Czech desk in ailitary . evaluations, who entered onduty early in 1964.

jj. Frau fnu @SCHMIEDERBorn circa 1928-1932

an assistant to Volker FOERTSCH, 'FLEMING, in the special securitygroup attached to UTILITY's office.

kit. fnu ISTADT (phonetic)Bern circa 1928

working for •EICHENDORP, who has replaced IJUERGENS as a specialaide to UTILITY.

II. fins ITONDA (male)Born circa 1914

chief of the supply segment of ICARLSSON's transport and logisticssection of military evaluations, /TOADS appears to have a doctorateof some variety.

me. fins @URBAN (male)Born circa 1919, probably in North Germany

• member of the naval evaluations section, as of spring 1964.

nn. fnu IWERNER (male)Born circa 1913

loader of Group "J" in CATIDE's Berlin office.

co. fnU @WILLIBAND (male)Born circa 1920


advanced in May 1964 from • job in the East German OB desk tobecome deputy chief of army evaluations.

pp. Ute IZECHAU (female)Born circa 1939

In the translations unit.

7. Corrections

a. In paragraph 2-a of Reference A, Alfred BAROWSK1 waslisted as • new true-name identification an individual scheduled

United Kingdom. r_ n believes that this is in factto participate in esca pe and evasion training at SMETRIC in the

a new alias for Joachim BAHR C:: @BACH, a retiredLieutenant Colonel who has served as an operations officer inCATIDE's staybehind program since prior to May 1960. BAROWSKI isthe only indi vidual on the list of persons receivin g the SMETRICtraining whom 3 cannot clearly identify, and EL knowsthat BAHR, 'BACH, did attend that course.

Pp:I:7;200I,. Fri. Ramona fRAMIN, reported in paragraph 6-4 of Reference„vri

A, to be a secretary in the transportation and supply section of

:70" 53 M






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II •




/1.7314 53cUlf PPIFVIOUS





RET EGMA - 64930

military evaluations, is secrifiry to its chief, von CRAMER,(201-077279), !CARLSSON. She was born on IS April 1921, notcirca 1935 as reported in that dispatch.

c. Review of additional biographic data from CACROW onWerner STEINIKE, =7, born circa 1912 in Berlin, (reportedin paragraph-2-q of Reterence A), suggests that this is probablyWerner STEINKE, 'STERN, who has been carried in UJVENTURE filesas possibly. a CATIDE courier, the husband of Lucie and father ofInes and Susanne, all presently or formerly CATIDE employees.

d. Hans (WOLLNER and fnu WICHMANN, reported in paragraphs6-: and -8 of Reference A as possible CATIDERS, are in factrepresentatives of ODUNIT, as reported in EGMW-13508, 9 January1964.

e. The surname of Richard ZOLKIEWIER,(::: —:Dborncirca 1920, reported in EGMA-61041, 21 January 1963, should bespelled ZOLKIEWICZ. He as born 3 February 1921 in SolotwinaGaliciaUSSR.





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