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Dislocations and Strenghtening

Oct 11, 2015



Amber Williams
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  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 1

    Dislocations and StrengtheningWhat is happening during plastic deformation?

    Chapter Outline

    Dislocations and Plastic Deformation Motion of dislocations in response to stress Slip Systems Plastic deformation in single crystals polycrystalline materials

    Strengthening mechanisms Grain Size Reduction Solid Solution Strengthening Strain Hardening

    Recovery, Recrystallization, and Grain Growth

    Not tested: 7.7 Deformation by twinning,Direction and plane nomenclature in 7.4.

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 2

    How do metals plastically deform?Why does forging change properties?Why deformation occurs at stresses smallerthan those for perfect crystals?


    Taylor, Orowan and Polyani 1934 :

    Plastic deformation due to motion oflarge number of dislocations.

    Plastic deformation under shear stress

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 3

    Top of crystal slipping one plane at a time.

    Only a small of fraction of bonds arebroken at any time.

    Propagation of dislocation causes top halfof crystal to slip with respect to the bottom.

    The slip plane crystallographic plane ofdislocation motion.

    Dislocations allow deformation at much lower stress than in a perfect crystal

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 4

    Direction of Dislocation Motion

    Mixed dislocations: direction is in between paralleland perpendicular to applied shear stress

    Edge dislocation line moves parallel to applied stress

    Screw dislocation line moves perpendicular to applied stress

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 5

    Strain Field around Dislocations

    Edge dislocations compressive, tensile, andshear lattice strains.

    Screw dislocations shear strain only.

    Strain fields from distortions atdislocations: Drops radially with distance.

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 6

    Interactions between Dislocations

    Strain fields around dislocations causethem to exert force on each other.

    Direction of Burgers vector Sign

    Same signs Repel

    Opposite signs Attract (annihilate)

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 7

    Dislocation density dislocation length/ volume OR number ofdislocations intersecting a unit area.105 cm-2 in carefully solidified metalcrystals to 1012 cm-2 in heavily deformedmetals.

    Where do Dislocations Come From ?

    Most crystalline materials have dislocations due tostresses associated with the forming process.

    Number increasesduring plasticdeformation.Spawn from

    dislocations, grainboundaries, surfaces.

    Picture is snapshot fromsimulation of plasticdeformation in a fcc singlecrystal (Cu).

    See animation at

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 8

    Slip SystemPreferred planes for dislocation movement(slip planes)Preferred crystallographic directions(slip directions)Slip planes + directions (slip systems)highest packing density.

    Distance between atoms shorter than average;distance perpendicular to plane longer thanaverage. Far apart planes can slip more easily.BCC and FCC have more slip systems compared toHCP: more ways for dislocation to propagate FCC and BCC are more ductile than HCP.

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 9

    Slip in a Single Crystal

    Each step (shear band) resultsfrom the generation of a largenumber of dislocations andtheir propagation in the slipsystem


  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 10

    Resolving (Projecting) Applied Stress onto Slip System

    Dislocations move along particular planesand directions (the slip system) in responseto shear stresses along these planes anddirections Applied stress is resolved ontoslip systems?

    = coscosR

    Resolved shear stress,R,

    Deformation due totensile stress, .

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 11

    Slip in Single Crystals Critical Resolved Shear Stress

    Resolved shear stress increases crystal will startto yield (dislocations start to move along mostfavorably oriented slip system).Onset of yielding yield stress, y .Minimum shear stress to initiate slip:Critical resolved shear stress:

    ( )MAXyCRSS coscos =

    Maximum of (cos cos) = = 45o cos cos = 0.5 y = 2CRSS

    ( )MAXCRSS



    Slip occurs first in slip systems oriented close to

    ( = = 45o) with respect to the applied stress

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 12

    Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials

    Grain orientations with respect to appliedstress are typically random.Dislocation motion occurs along slipsystems with favorable orientation(i.e. highest resolved shear stress).


  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 13

    Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials

    Larger plastic deformation corresponds toelongation of grains along direction ofapplied stress.

    Before After

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 14

    Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Materials

    Polycrystalline metals are typicallystronger than single crystals. WHY?

    Slip directions vary from crystal tocrystal Some grains are unfavorablyoriented with respect to the applied stress(i.e. cos cos low)

    Even those grains for which cos cos ishigh may be limited in deformation byadjacent grains which cannot deform soeasily

    Dislocations cannot easily cross grainboundaries because of changes indirection of slip plane and disorder atgrain boundary

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 15


    The ability of a metal to deform depends onthe ability of dislocations to move

    Restricting dislocation motion can makematerial stronger

    Mechanisms of strengthening in single-phase metals:

    grain-size reduction

    solid-solution alloying

    strain hardening

    Ordinarily, strengthening reduces ductility

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 16

    Strengthening by grain-size reduction (I)

    Small angle grain boundaries are not veryeffective.

    High-angle grain boundaries block slip andincrease strength of the material.

    Grain boundaries are barriers todislocation motion: slip plane discontinuesor change orientation.

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 17

    Strengthening by grain-size reduction (II)Finer grains larger area of grain boundaries toimpede dislocation motion: also improvestoughness.Hall-Petch equation:

    o and ky constants for particular materiald is the average grain diameter.

    d determined by rate of solidification, by plasticdeformation and by heat treatment.

    dk y0y +=

    70 Cu - 30 Znbrass alloy

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 18

    Solid-Solution Strengthening (I)

    Alloys usually stronger than pure metals

    Interstitial or substitutional impuritiescause lattice strain and interact withdislocation strain fields hinder dislocation motion.

    Impurities diffuse and segregate arounddislocation to find atomic sites more suitedto their radii:Reduces strain energy + anchors dislocation

    Motion of dislocation away from impurities moves it to region where atomic strains are greater

  • , Dislocations and strengthening mechanisms

    Dept. of Production Engineering 19

    Solid-Solution Strengthening (II)

    Smaller and larger substitutional impurities diffuse intostrained regions around dislocations leading to partialcancellation of impurity-dislocation lattice strains.