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Discrete Math- Tree

Apr 14, 2018



Laksana Dewa
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  • 7/27/2019 Discrete Math- Tree


    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 1

    Chapter 9


    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 2

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 3

    9.1: Introduction to Trees9.1: Introduction to TreesDefinition 1Definition 1 (P.631): A(P.631): A treetree is ais a connectedconnected undirectedundirected

    graph that contains no circuits.graph that contains no circuits.

    Theorem 1 (P632):Theorem 1 (P632): There is a unique simple path between anyThere is a unique simple path between any

    two of its nodes.two of its nodes.

    A (notA (not--necessarilynecessarily--connected) undirected graph withoutconnected) undirected graph without

    simple circuits is called asimple circuits is called a forestforest..You can think of it as a set of trees having disjoint sets ofYou can think of it as a set of trees having disjoint sets of


    AA leafleafnode in a tree or forest is any pendant or isolatednode in a tree or forest is any pendant or isolated

    vertex. Anvertex. An internalinternalnode is any nonnode is any non--leaf vertex (thus itleaf vertex (thus it

    has degreehas degree ___ ).___ ).

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 4

    Tree and Forest ExamplesTree and Forest Examples

    A Tree:A Tree: A Forest:A Forest:

    Leaves in green, internal nodes in brown.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 5

    family tree

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 6

    ExampleExample 1 (P. 632): Which graphs are trees?1 (P. 632): Which graphs are trees?

    not connected

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 7

    Rooted TreesRooted Trees

    Definition 2Definition 2 (P.633): A(P.633): A rooted treerooted tree is a tree inis a tree in

    which one node has been designated thewhich one node has been designated the rootroot.. Every edge is (implicitly or explicitly) directed awayEvery edge is (implicitly or explicitly) directed away

    from the root.from the root.

    You should know the following terms aboutYou should know the following terms about

    rooted trees:rooted trees:

    Parent, child, siblings, ancestors, descendents, leaf,Parent, child, siblings, ancestors, descendents, leaf,

    internal node,internal node, subtreesubtree..

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 8

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 9

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 10

    Rooted Tree ExamplesRooted Tree Examples

    Note that a givenNote that a given unrootedunrooted tree withtree with nn nodesnodes

    yieldsyields nn different rooted trees.different rooted trees.



    Same tree


    for choice

    of root

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 11

    RootedRooted--Tree Terminology ExerciseTree Terminology Exercise

    Find theFind theparentparent,,childrenchildren,,siblingssiblings,,

    ancestorsancestors, &, &


    of nodeof nodeff.. a









    j k l







    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 12

    Example 2Example 2 (P. 634): Find(P. 634): Find

    the parent ofthe parent ofcc..

    the children ofthe children ofgg..

    the siblings ofthe siblings ofhh..

    all ancestors ofall ancestors ofee..all descendants ofall descendants ofbb..

    all internal vertices.all internal vertices.

    all leavesall leaves

    subtreesubtree rooted atrooted at atatgg

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 13

    Parent ofParent ofgg:: aa

    Child ofChild ofgg:: hh,, ii,,jj

    Siblings:Siblings: hh,, ii,,jj are sibling.are sibling.

    Ancestors ofAncestors ofjj:: aa,,gg((aa has no ancestor.)has no ancestor.)

    Descendents ofDescendents ofgg:: hh,, ii,,jj,, kk,, ll,, m.m.

    Leaf:Leaf: dd,,ee,,ff,, kk,, ii,, ll,, mm..

    Internal node:Internal node: VV{leaf vertices}{leaf vertices}

    SubtreeSubtree with rootwith rootgg::

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 14

    nn--aryary treestrees

    Definition 3Definition 3 (P.634): A rooted tree is called(P.634): A rooted tree is called

    nn--aryary if every vertex has no more thanif every vertex has no more than nn


    It is calledIt is calledfullfullif every internal (nonif every internal (non--leaf) vertexleaf) vertexhashas exactlyexactly nn children.children.

    A 2A 2--ary tree is called aary tree is called a binary treebinary tree..

    These are handy for describing sequences of yesThese are handy for describing sequences of yes--

    no decisions.

    Example:Example: Comparisons in binary search algorithm.Comparisons in binary search algorithm.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 15

    Which Tree is Binary?Which Tree is Binary?

    A given rooted tree is a binary treeA given rooted tree is a binary tree iffiffevery nodeevery node

    other than the root has degreeother than the root has degree

    ___, and the root has___, and the root hasdegreedegree ___.___.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 16

    Example 3Example 3 (P. 634): Are the following rooted(P. 634): Are the following rooted

    trees fulltrees full mm--aryary trees for some positive integertrees for some positive integermm..

    full binary


    full 3-ary


    full 5-ary



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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 17

    Ordered Rooted TreeOrdered Rooted Tree

    This is just aThis is just a rooted treerooted tree in which thein which the

    children of each internal node are ordered.children of each internal node are ordered.

    In ordered binary trees, we can define:In ordered binary trees, we can define:

    left child, right childleft child, right child

    leftleft subtreesubtree, right, right subtreesubtree

    ForFornn--aryary trees withtrees with nn > 2> 2, can use terms, can use terms

    likelike leftmostleftmost,, rightmost,rightmost, etc.etc.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 18

    Example 4Example 4 (P. 635): Find(P. 635): Find

    (1)(1) the left children ofthe left children ofdd..

    (2)(2) the right children ofthe right children ofdd..

    (3)(3) the leftthe left subtreesubtree ofofcc..

    (4)(4) the rightthe right subtreesubtree ofofcc..SolutionSolution::

    the left children ofthe left children ofdd::ff

    the right children ofthe right children ofdd::gg

    leftleft subtreesubtree ofofcc rightright subtreesubtree ofofcc

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 19

    Trees as ModelsTrees as Models

    Can use trees to model the following:Can use trees to model the following:

    Saturated hydrocarbonsSaturated hydrocarbons

    Organizational structuresOrganizational structures

    Computer file systemsComputer file systems

    In each case, would you use a rooted or aIn each case, would you use a rooted or a

    nonnon--rooted tree?rooted tree?

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 20

    Example 5Example 5 (P.636):(P.636): Saturated hydrocarbonsSaturated hydrocarbons

    Arthur Cayley

    1821 - 1895

    There are exactly two different isomers of C4H10.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 21

    Example 6Example 6 (P.637):(P.637): Representing OrganizationRepresenting Organization

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 22

    Example 6Example 6 (P.637):(P.637): Computer File SystemsComputer File Systems

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 23

    Example 7Example 7 (P.638):(P.638): TreeTree--Connected Parallel ProcessorsConnected Parallel Processors

    1st step:

    P4: x1 +x2

    P5: x3 +x4P6: x5 +x6

    P7: x7 +x8

    2nd step:

    P2: (x1 +x2) + (x3 +x4)

    P3: (x5 +x6) + (x7 +x8)

    3rd step:

    P1: [(x1+x2)+(x3+x4)]+[(x5+x6)+(x7+x8)]

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 24

    Example 7Example 7 (P.638):(P.638): TreeTree--Connected Parallel ProcessorsConnected Parallel Processors

    1st step:

    P4: x1 +x2

    2nd step:

    P3: (x5 +x6) + (x7 +x8)

    3rd step:

    P1: [(x1+x2)+(x3+x4)]+[(x5+x6)+(x7+x8)]

    2nd step:

    P2: (x


    2) + (x



    1st step:

    P7: x7 +x81st step:


    : x5


    1st step:


    : x3


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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 25

    Properties of TreesProperties of Trees

    Theorem 2Theorem 2 (P. 638): Any tree with(P. 638): Any tree with nn nodes hasnodes has ee == nn 11edges.edges.

    Proof:Proof: By Mathematical Induction.By Mathematical Induction.

    Theorem 3Theorem 3 (P. 638):A full(P. 638):A full mm--aryary tree withtree with ii internalinternalnodes hasnodes has nn == mimi + 1+ 1 vertices, andvertices, and = (= (mm1)1)ii + 1+ 1 leaves.leaves.

    Proof:Proof: There areThere are mimi children of internal nodes, plus the root.children of internal nodes, plus the root.

    Thus,Thus, nn == mimi + 1+ 1. and,. and, == nn ii = (= (mm1)1)ii + 1+ 1..

    Thus, whenThus, when mm is known and the tree is full, we canis known and the tree is full, we cancompute all four of the valuescompute all four of the values ee,, ii,, nn, and, and , given any, given any

    one of of them.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 26

    Theorem 4Theorem 4 (P. 639):(P. 639): A fullA full mm--aryary treetree

    ((ii)) nn verticesvertices

    # of internal vertices# of internal vertices ii = (= (nn --1)/1)/m.m.

    # of leaves# of leaves = [(= [(mm --1)1)nn + 1]/+ 1]/m.m.

    ((iiii)) ii internal verticesinternal vertices

    # of vertices# of vertices nn == mimi +1.+1.

    # of leaves# of leaves = (= (mm 1)1)ii + 1.+ 1.

    ((iiiiii)) leavesleaves

    # of vertices# of vertices nn = (= (mm 1)/(1)/(mm 1).1).

    # of internal vertices# of internal vertices ii = (= (ii --1)/(1)/(mm 1).1).

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 27

    Some More Tree TheoremsSome More Tree Theorems

    Definition:Definition: TheThe levellevelof a vertex is the length of theof a vertex is the length of the

    simple path from the root to the node.simple path from the root to the node.

    TheThe heightheightof a tree is maximum of theof a tree is maximum of the

    levels of vertices.levels of vertices.

    A rootedA rooted mm--aryary tree with heighttree with height hh isis

    calledcalled balancedbalancedif all leaves are atif all leaves are at

    levelslevels hh ororhh11..

    Example 10Example 10 (P.640): What is the level of(P.640): What is the level of

    each node? What is the height of this tree?each node? What is the height of this tree?

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 28

    Example 11Example 11 (P.640)(P.640):: Which trees are balanced?Which trees are balanced?

    Theorem 5Theorem 5(P.640)(P.640):: There are at mostThere are at most mmhh leaves in anleaves in an

    mm--aryary tree of heighttree of height hh..

    ProofProof:: mathematical inductionmathematical induction

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 29

    Corollary 1Corollary 1 (P. 641)(P. 641):: AnAn mm--aryary tree withtree with

    leaves has heightleaves has height hh loglogmm . If. Ifmm--aryary tree istree is

    full and balanced thenfull and balanced then hh == loglogmm..


    (ii) If(ii) Ifmm--aryary tree is full,tree is full,



    1 3 3

    1 hm m m

    + +

    + + + +

    # of leaves in a full m-ary tree

    log .h ml m h l

    log .h ml m h l = =

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 30

    9.2: Applications of Trees9.2: Applications of Trees Binary search treesBinary search trees

    A simple data structure for sorted listsA simple data structure for sorted lists

    Decision treesDecision treesMinimum comparisons in sorting algorithmsMinimum comparisons in sorting algorithms

    Prefix codesPrefix codes

    Huffman codingHuffman coding

    Game treesGame trees

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 31

    Binary Search TreesBinary Search Trees

    A representation for sorted sets of items.A representation for sorted sets of items.

    Supports the following operations inSupports the following operations in (log(log nn))averageaverage--case time:case time:

    Searching for an existing item.Searching for an existing item.

    Inserting a new item, if not already present.Inserting a new item, if not already present.

    Supports printing out all items inSupports printing out all items in ((nn) time.) time.

    Note that inserting into a plain sequenceNote that inserting into a plain sequence aaiiwould instead takewould instead take ((nn) worst) worst--case time.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 32

    Binary Search Tree FormatBinary Search Tree Format

    Items are stored atItems are stored atindividual tree nodes.individual tree nodes.

    We arrange for theWe arrange for thetree to always obeytree to always obeythis invariant:this invariant:

    For every itemFor every itemxx,,

    Every node inEvery node inxxss leftleftsubtreesubtree is less thanis less thanxx..

    Every node inEvery node inxxss rightrightsubtreesubtree is greater thanis greater thanxx..


    3 12

    1 5 9 15

    0 2 8 11


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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 33

    Example 1Example 1 (P. 644)(P. 644):: Form the binary search tree for theForm the binary search tree for the

    words:words: mathematicsmathematics,,physicsphysics,,geographygeography,,zoologyzoology,,

    meteorologymeteorology,,geologygeology,,psychologypsychology, and, and chemistrychemistry (using(using

    alphabetical order).alphabetical order).


    not unique

    May not be a balanced binary tree

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 34

    Search on a binary tree:Search on a binary tree: If it present, we locate it.If it present, we locate it.

    Otherwise, we try to add it to the binary search tree.Otherwise, we try to add it to the binary search tree.

    In Algorithm 1, it locateIn Algorithm 1, it locatexx if it is already the key of aif it is already the key of a

    vertex. Whenvertex. Whenxx is not a key, a new vertex with keyis not a key, a new vertex with keyxx isisadded to the tree. In theadded to the tree. In thepseudocodepseudocode,, vv is the vertexis the vertex

    that hasthat hasxx as its key, andas its key, and label(label(vv) represents the key of) represents the key of

    vertexvertex vv..

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 35

    Recursive Binary Tree InsertRecursive Binary Tree Insert

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 36

    Suppose we have a binary search treeSuppose we have a binary search tree TTfor a list offor a list ofnn

    items. We may form a full binary treeitems. We may form a full binary tree UUfromfrom TTbyby

    adding unlabeled vertices whenever necessary so thatadding unlabeled vertices whenever necessary so that

    every vertex with a key has two children.every vertex with a key has two children.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 37

    Decision TreesDecision Trees

    A decision tree represents aA decision tree represents a decisiondecision--makingmaking

    processprocess.. Each possibleEach possible decision pointdecision point or situation isor situation is

    represented by a node.represented by a node.

    Each possible choice that could be made at thatEach possible choice that could be made at that

    decision point is represented by an edge to a child node.decision point is represented by an edge to a child node.

    In the extended decision trees used inIn the extended decision trees used in decisiondecision

    analysisanalysis, we also include nodes that represent, we also include nodes that represent

    random events and their outcomes.random events and their outcomes.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 38

    CoinCoin--Weighing ProblemWeighing Problem

    Example 2Example 2 (P. 647): Suppose that(P. 647): Suppose that

    you have 8 coins, one of which is ayou have 8 coins, one of which is a

    lighter counterfeit, and a freelighter counterfeit, and a free--beambeam

    balance.balance. (No scale of weight markings is(No scale of weight markings is

    required for this problem!)required for this problem!)

    How manyHow many weighingsweighings are needed toare needed to

    guarantee that the counterfeit coinguarantee that the counterfeit coin

    will be found?will be found?


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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 39

    A DecisionA Decision--Tree ProblemTree Problem

    In each situation, we pick two disjoint and equalIn each situation, we pick two disjoint and equal--

    size subsets of coins to put on the scale.size subsets of coins to put on the scale.

    The balance then

    decides whether

    to tip left, tip right,

    or stay balanced.

    A given sequence of

    weighings thus yields

    a decision tree with

    branching factor 3.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 40

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 41

    Applying the Tree Height TheoremApplying the Tree Height Theorem

    The decision tree must have at least 8 leafThe decision tree must have at least 8 leaf

    nodes, since there are 8 possible outcomes.nodes, since there are 8 possible outcomes.

    In terms of which coin is the counterfeit one.In terms of which coin is the counterfeit one.

    Recall the treeRecall the tree--height theorem,height theorem, hh loglogmm..

    Thus the decision tree must have heightThus the decision tree must have height

    hh loglog3388 == 1.8931.893 = 2= 2..


    s see if we solve the problem withs see if we solve the problem with


    22 weighingsweighings

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 42

    General Solution StrategyGeneral Solution Strategy

    The problem is an example of searching for 1 unique particularThe problem is an example of searching for 1 unique particular

    item, from among a list ofitem, from among a list ofnn otherwise identical items.otherwise identical items.

    Somewhat analogous to the adage ofSomewhat analogous to the adage ofsearching for a needle in haystack.searching for a needle in haystack.

    Armed with our balance, we can attack the problem using aArmed with our balance, we can attack the problem using adividedivide--andand--conquerconquer strategy, like whatstrategy, like whats done in binary search.s done in binary search.

    We want to narrow down the set of possible locations where the dWe want to narrow down the set of possible locations where the desiredesired

    item (coin) could be found down fromitem (coin) could be found down from nn to just 1, in a logarithmic just 1, in a logarithmic fashion.

    Each weighing has 3 possible outcomes.Each weighing has 3 possible outcomes.

    Thus, we should use it to partition the search space into 3 piecThus, we should use it to partition the search space into 3 pieces that are ases that are as

    close to equalclose to equal--sized as possible.sized as possible.

    This strategy will lead to the minimum possible worstThis strategy will lead to the minimum possible worst--casecase

    number ofnumber ofweighingsweighings required.required.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 43

    General Balance StrategyGeneral Balance Strategy

    On each step, putOn each step, put nn/3/3 of theof the nn coins to becoins to be

    searched on each side of the scale.searched on each side of the scale.

    If the scale tips to the left, then:If the scale tips to the left, then:

    The lightweight fake is in the right set ofThe lightweight fake is in the right set ofnn/3/3 nn/3/3 coins.coins.

    If the scale tips to the right, then:If the scale tips to the right, then:

    The lightweight fake is in the left set ofThe lightweight fake is in the left set ofnn/3/3 nn/3/3 coins.coins.

    If the scale stays balanced, then:If the scale stays balanced, then:

    The fake is in the remaining set ofThe fake is in the remaining set ofnn 22nn/3/3 nn/3/3 coins thatcoins thatwere not weighed!were not weighed!

    Except ifExcept ifnn mod 3 = 1mod 3 = 1 then we can do a little betterthen we can do a little betterby weighingby weighing nn/3/3 of the coins on each side.of the coins on each side.

    You can prove that this strategy always leads to a balanced 3-ary tree.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 44

    Coin Balancing Decision TreeCoin Balancing Decision Tree

    How many weighing steps?How many weighing steps? TT((nn) =) = TT((nn/3) +/3) + CC

    Here is what the tree looks like in our case:Here is what the tree looks like in our case:

    123 vs 456

    1 vs. 2

    left:123 balanced:



    7 vs. 84 vs. 5

    L:1 R:2 B:3 L:4R:5 B:6 L:7 R:8

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 45

    Example 3Example 3 (P.848): Give a decision tree that orders the(P.848): Give a decision tree that orders the

    elements of the listelements of the list aa,, bb,, cc..

    Theorem 1Theorem 1 (P.848): Any sorting algorithm based on(P.848): Any sorting algorithm based on

    comparison requires at leastcomparison requires at least loglog22nn!! comparisons.comparisons.loglog22nn!! == ((nnloglog22nn))

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 46

    Complexity of Sorting Algorithms Based on ComparisonsComplexity of Sorting Algorithms Based on Comparisons

    Theorem 1Theorem 1 (P.848): Any sorting algorithm based on(P.848): Any sorting algorithm based on

    comparison requires at leastcomparison requires at least log2log2nn!! comparisons.comparisons.

    log2log2nn!! == ((nnloglog22nn))

    Corollary 1Corollary 1 (P.848): The number of comparisons used by(P.848): The number of comparisons used by

    a sorting algorithm to sort n elements based on binarya sorting algorithm to sort n elements based on binary

    comparisons iscomparisons is ((nnloglog22nn).).

    Theorem 2Theorem 2 (P.848): The average number of comparisons(P.848): The average number of comparisons

    used by a sorting algorithm to sort n elements based onused by a sorting algorithm to sort n elements based on

    binary comparisons isbinary comparisons is ((nnloglog22nn).).

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 47

    (Grundy's Game): n ,

    , ,

    , ,

    , n = 7, (

    ), ,

    ,( 7 )

    ( 5, 1, 1) ( 4, 2, 1 )

    ( 5, 2 ) ( 4, 3 )( 6, 1 )

    ( 3, 2, 2 ) ( 3, 3, 1 )

    ( 4, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 3, 2, 1, 1 ) ( 2, 2, 2, 1 )

    ( 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 7 )

    ( 5, 1, 1) ( 4, 2, 1 )

    ( 5, 2 ) ( 4, 3 )( 6, 1 )

    ( 3, 2, 2 ) ( 3, 3, 1 )

    ( 4, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 3, 2, 1, 1 ) ( 2, 2, 2, 1 )

    ( 3, 1, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 )

    ( 2, 2, 1, 1, 1 )

    n = 7

    Game TreesGame Trees

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 48

    (Nim Game) n , ,

    , ,

    n = 5, , ,


    level 12




    level 2


    2 1





    00 level 3

    1 1





    level 4


    2 1 1 0


    level 5

    1 2


    1 2


    1 1





    level 0

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 49


    level 12




    level 2


    2 1





    00 level 3

    1 1





    level 4


    2 1 1 0


    level 5

    1 2


    1 2


    1 1





    level 0

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 50

    Example 5 (P. 653)

    Rule: (1) In each step, remove one or more stone from

    exactly one of the piles. (2) A player without a legal

    move loses.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 51

    Definition 1 (P. 654): The value of a vertex in a game

    tree is defined recursively as follows:

    (i) The value of a leaf is the payoff to the first palyer

    when the game terminates in the position represented

    by this leaf.(ii) The value of an internal vertex at an even level is the

    maximum values of its children, and the value of an

    internal vertex at the odd level is the minimum of

    values of its children.

    Theorem 3 (P. 654): The value of a vertex of a game

    tree tells us the payoff to the first player if both players

    follow minimax strategy and paly start from the positionrepresented by this vertex.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 52

    Example 7 (P. 655)

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 53

    Example 6 (P. 653): Tic-tac-toe

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 57

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 58

    9.3: Tree Traversal9.3: Tree TraversalProcedures for traversing all vertices of anProcedures for traversing all vertices of anordered rooted treeordered rooted tree

    Universal address systemsUniversal address systems

    Traversal algorithmsTraversal algorithmsDepthDepth--first traversal:first traversal:

    Preorder traversalPreorder traversal



    BreadthBreadth--first traversalfirst traversal

    Infix/prefix/postfix notationInfix/prefix/postfix notation

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 59

    Universal Address SystemsUniversal Address Systems

    Example 1Example 1 (P. 660): Display the(P. 660): Display the labelingslabelings of theof the

    universal address system. The lexicographic ordering ofuniversal address system. The lexicographic ordering of

    thethe labelingslabelings isis

    0 < 1.1 < 1.2 < 1.3 < 2 < 30 < 1.1 < 1.2 < 1.3 < 2 < 3

    < 3.1< 3.1.1< 3.1.2<< 3.1< 3.1.1< 3.1.2<


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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 61

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 62

    Example 2Example 2 (P. 662): List the order of elements by using(P. 662): List the order of elements by using

    aapreorder traversalpreorder traversal..

    a b e j k n o p f c d g l m h ia b e j k n o p f c d g l m h i

    Priorities of

    Preorder Traversal

    Write, Left, Right

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 63

    Example 3Example 3 (P. 662): List the order of elements by using(P. 662): List the order of elements by using

    aapreorder traversalpreorder traversal..

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 64

    InorderInorder TraversalTraversal

    Definition 2Definition 2 (P. 662): Let(P. 662): Let TTbe a ordered rooted tree with rootbe a ordered rooted tree with root rr. If. If

    TTconsists onlyconsists only rr, then, then rris theis the inorderinordertraversaltraversalofofTT. Otherwise,. Otherwise,

    suppose thatsuppose that TT11,, TT22, . . . ,, . . . , TTnn are theare the subtreessubtrees atat rrfrom left to rightfrom left to right

    inin TT. The. The inorderinordertraversaltraversalbegins by visitingbegins by visiting rr. It continues by. It continues by

    traversingtraversing TT11

    inin inorderinorder, then, then TT22

    inin inorderinorder, and so on, until, and so on, until TTnn


    traversed intraversed in inorderinorder..

    Priorities of Inorder


    Left, Write, Right

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 65

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 66

    Example 4Example 4 (P. 664): List the order of elements by using(P. 664): List the order of elements by using

    aa inorderinordertraversaltraversal..

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 67

    PostorderPostorder TraversalTraversal

    Definition 3Definition 3 (P. 664): Let(P. 664): Let TTbe a ordered rooted tree with rootbe a ordered rooted tree with root rr. If. If

    TTconsists onlyconsists only rr, then, then rris theis thepostorderpostordertraversaltraversalofofTT. Otherwise,. Otherwise,

    suppose thatsuppose that TT11

    ,, TT22

    , . . . ,, . . . , TTnn

    are theare the subtreessubtrees atat rrfrom left to rightfrom left to right

    inin TT. The. Thepostorderpostordertraversaltraversalbegins by visitingbegins by visiting rr. It continues by. It continues by

    traversingtraversing TT11 inin postorderpostorder, then, then TT22 inin postorderpostorder, and so on, until, and so on, until

    TTnn is traversed inis traversed in postorderpostorder..

    Priorities of Posorder


    Left, Right, Write

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    Example 3Example 3 (P. 662): List the order of elements by using(P. 662): List the order of elements by using


    Priorities of Posorder


    Left, Right, Write

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 71

    9.4: Spanning Trees9.4: Spanning Trees

    Definition 1 (P. 675): Let Gbe a simple graph. A spanning

    tree ofG is a subgraph ofG that is a tree containing everyvertex ofG.

    not unique

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 72

    Example 1Example 1 (P. 675): Find a spanning tree of the simple(P. 675): Find a spanning tree of the simple

    graphgraph GG..

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 74

    Theorem 1Theorem 1 (P. 676): A simple graph is connected if and(P. 676): A simple graph is connected if and

    only if it has a spanning tree.only if it has a spanning tree.

    Example 2Example 2 (P. 676):(P. 676): IP MulticastingIP Multicasting

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 75

    Depth First SearchDepth First Search

    Depth First SearchDepth First Search is also calledis also called backtrackingbacktracking, since, since

    it returns to vertices previously visited to add returns to vertices previously visited to add path.

    "Never burn your bridges after crossing you may have to backtrack someday"

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 76

    Example 3Example 3 (P. 678): Use a(P. 678): Use aDepth First SearchDepth First Search to findto find

    spanning tree for the graphspanning tree for the graph GG..

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 77

    Example 4Example 4 (P. 678): Use a(P. 678): Use aDepth First SearchDepth First Search to findto find

    spanning tree for the graphspanning tree for the graph GG..

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    A maze

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    BreadthBreadth--First SearchFirst Search

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 81

    Example 5Example 5 (P. 680): Use a(P. 680): Use aBreadth First SearchBreadth First Search to findto find

    spanning tree for the graphspanning tree for the graph GG..

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 83

    Exploring a town depth-first

    not necessary be unique

    Exploring a town using breadth-first search.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 84

    Backtracking ApplicationsBacktracking Applications

    Example 6Example 6 (P. 682):(P. 682): Graph ColoringGraph Coloring Use backtrackingUse backtracking

    (depth first search) to decide whether a graph(depth first search) to decide whether a graph GG can becan be

    colored usingcolored using nn colors.colors.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 85

    Example 7Example 7 (P. 683):(P. 683): TheThe nn--Queens ProblemQueens Problem UseUse

    backtracking (depth first search) to solve thebacktracking (depth first search) to solve the nn--queensqueens


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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 93

    Depth First Search in Directed GraphDepth First Search in Directed Graph

    Example 9Example 9 (P.684): Do the(P.684): Do the depth first searchdepth first search forfor

    the following directed graph.the following directed graph.

    Example 10Example 10 (P.685):(P.685): Web SpidersWeb Spiders

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 94

    Example 10Example 10 (P.685):(P.685): Web SpidersWeb Spiders To indexTo index

    websites, search engines such aswebsites, search engines such as googlegoogle, yahoo, yahoo

    systematically explore the web starting at asystematically explore the web starting at a

    known site. These search engines use programsknown site. These search engines use programs

    called Web spiders (or crawlers or bots) to visitcalled Web spiders (or crawlers or bots) to visit

    websites and analyze their contents. Webwebsites and analyze their contents. Web

    spiders use both depthspiders use both depth--first searching andfirst searching and

    breadthbreadth--first searching to create indices.first searching to create indices.

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 95

    9.5: Minimum Spanning Trees9.5: Minimum Spanning TreesDefinition 1Definition 1 (P. 689): A(P. 689): A minimum spanning treeminimum spanning tree in ain a

    connected weighted graph is a spanning tree that hasconnected weighted graph is a spanning tree that has

    the smallest sum of weights of its edges.the smallest sum of weights of its edges.

    Robert Clay Prim


    It may not be unique.

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    Prims Algorithms ( 1957)

    Prims Algorithm










    3 1

    7 nodesMST has (7-1) edges.


    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 98





    Prims Algorithm









    2 2





























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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 99

    Example 1Example 1 (P.690): Find the minimum spanning tree by(P.690): Find the minimum spanning tree by

    usingusing PrimPrimss algorithm.algorithm.

    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 100

    Example 2Example 2 (P.690): Find the minimum spanning tree by(P.690): Find the minimum spanning tree by

    usingusing PrimPrimss algorithm.algorithm.

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    Joseph BernardKruskal 1928-

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 104

    Kruskals Algorithm (1956)BC(1) DE(1) AB(2) AO(2) BE(3) BD(4) CE(4) CO(4) BO(5) DT(5) AD(7) ET(7)













    1 1








    add BC add DE

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    IEEM 2021 Discrete Mathematics 107

    Example 2Example 2 (P.692): Find the minimum spanning tree by(P.692): Find the minimum spanning tree by

    usingusing KruskalKruskalss algorithm.algorithm.