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Discoverer Presentation

Apr 02, 2018



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  • 7/27/2019 Discoverer Presentation



    - Syam

  • 7/27/2019 Discoverer Presentation



    1.Oracle Discoverer is an intuitive ad-hoc query, reporting,

    analysis and Web publishing toolset that gives business users immediate access to

    information in databases.

    2.Oracle Discoverer is a great business intelligence tool because it

    enables users to analyze data in an ad hoc way. Instead of relying on IT specialists to

    pre-define queries and reports, Discoverer users can choose the data to analyze and

    can continue manipulating results until they have the necessary information to take

    business decisions.

    3. Oracle Business Intelligence Discoverer also enables users to sharethe results of their data analysis in different formats (including

    charts and Excel spreadsheets).

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    Difference between Oracle Discoverer and Oracle Reports

    Discoverer is a point and click,

    drag and drop user interface that

    the End user can use

    Discoverer generates a much

    more interactive report. The reportuser can drill on predefined

    hierarchies, reorder columns,

    choose different sorting, change

    the axis of a field

    User Friendly and interactive

    report apt for functional people

    Oracle Reports requires some


    Oracle Reports generates static


    Static Report apt for technical


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    Discoverer Components

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    Components Description

    Discoverer Administrator

    To create and maintain a business oriented view of relational data.Discoverer Desktop

    To create new worksheets and analyze data from relational

    data sources

    Discoverer Plus

    To create new worksheets and analyze data from both relational and

    multi-dimensional data sources across the Web

    Discoverer Viewer

    To analyze the data in worksheets created in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer

    Desktop. End users can personalize worksheets (e.g. by repositioning items) andsave their changes.

    Discoverer End User Layer (EUL)

    It is a repository for storing and retrieving definitions of objects used when

    querying relational data sources. It lies between the User Edition and thedatabase

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    Data sources

    Relational Data Source

    Relational data sources are typically organized in tables composed of columns and

    rows that contain data values.

    Multi-dimensional data sources

    Multidimensional data source is optimized for analyzing large amounts of data

    that is organized by one or more dimensions.

    These multidimensional data structures are often referred to as cubes.

    Such data sources are sometimes called data warehouses, or online analytical

    processing (OLAP) data sources.

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    How does Discoverer work

    Users requests for information from the database are in the form of worksheets.

    When a user creates or opens a worksheet, Discoverer:

    Converts the worksheet into the corresponding SQL statements (e.g. by

    converting folder names and item names to table names and column names


    Sends the SQL statements to the database

    Displays the result set that is returned from the database

    In the case of Discoverer Plus, Discoverer Desktop and Discoverer Viewer, theSQL statements are routed to the database

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    Discoverer Administrator

    Task Performed in Administrator edition

    Create Business AreaA business area is a logical grouping of information from database tables or

    views. Within a business area, you create:

    Folders -- based on tables and views.

    Items -- based on columns.

    Create Folders

    Simple folder

    Custom FolderTo build Queries and to create Lovs

    Complex Folder

    Create Item Class

    Item, is a representation of a database table's column. An item class is a group of

    items that share similar attributes

    Create Join

    A Join relates two folders using one or more common items.

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    Create Calculation

    Calculated items enable Discoverer end users to apply business

    calculations to the data.

    Create ConditionConditions filter worksheet data, enabling Discoverer end users

    to analyze only the data they are interested in.

    Create Hierarchy

    Hierarchies are default drill paths between items that is definedin Discoverer Administrator.

    There are two kinds of hierarchy:

    item hierarchies

    date hierarchies

    Access Privileges and Security and Registering a Function

    Access permissions determine who can see and use the data in

    business areas.

    Task privileges determine the tasks each user or role is

    allowed to perform.

    Backend Function has to be registered in Admin edition

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    Configuring the Oracle Applications user Connect dialog

    Connect to applications EULs

    Choose this option to allow you to connect to Oracle Applications EULs, but

    not standard Discoverer EULs.

    Connect to both standard and applications EULs

    Choose this option to allow you to connect to both Oracle Applications EULs

    and standard Discoverer EULs.

    How to start Discoverer Administrator

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    Step1. Log on to Respective Instance

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    Step2. Select Respective Responsibility

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    Step3. Select Open an Existing Business Area

    In that select the Respective Business Area

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    To Create Custom Folder

    Step 4. Right Click on Respective Business Area (for eg BB HRMS Reports)

    Select New Custom Folder

    In the Window that got opened Paste the main Query.Name the Folder with correct Convention.

    Validate SQL, after getting the message

    Click OK.

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    Creating LOV Custom Folder

    Step 5. Right Click on Respective Business Area (for eg BB HRMS Reports)

    Select New Custom Folder

    In the Window that got opened Paste the LOV Query.Name the Folder with correct Convention.

    Validate SQL, after getting the message

    Click OK.

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    Creating Item Classes

    Step 6.1 Go to Item classes tab

    Right click on Respective Business Area (for eg BB HRMS Reports)

    And select New Item Class, one window opensIn Item class wizard: step1 check List of values and click next

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    In Item class wizard: step6.2 drag down and select Respective LOV and Field

    (for eg: LV_activity type->Name) and click next

    In Item class wizard: step6.3 click next

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    In Item class wizard: step6.4 give name as Respective LOV (for eg: LV_activitytype)

    and description as Respective LOV (for eg: LV_activitytype) and click finish

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    Step6.5 How To attach Item class.

    Select the item for which the item class has to be attached here its Applicant

    Nameright click select appropriate item class.

    C i J i

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    Creating a Join

    Step 7 :

    Right Click on Item Dummy Choose New Join

    Select the Item that you want to be the Master Item.

    Select the folder that contains the detail item from the drop-down list.The detail item can be in a folder in either the same business area as master

    item, or in a folder in a different business area.

    C ti C diti

  • 7/27/2019 Discoverer Presentation


    Step 8:

    Right click on Item select new condition choose Create Calculation...,

    or an existing Condition (choose Select Condition.. )

    Set Type to eitherRequired orOptional. If Condition is to be case sensitive, tickMatch Case, otherwise, clear it.

    Creating a Condition

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    Access Privileges and Security

    Security :

    1 . How to specify a user or role (responsibility) that can access a business


    1.1 Choose Tools | Security and select the "Security dialog: Business Area - >

    User tab".

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    2. How to specify the business areas a user or role (responsibility) can


    2.1 Choose Tools | Security and display the "Security dialog: Users - > Business

    Area tab".

    Discoverer task privileges

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    Discoverer task privileges

    The Privileges in the Admin Edition are set to define what a user can do / access

    in the user Edition/Admin Edition for a defined Business Area.

    1 . Task privileges is to specify whether a Discoverer end user/role (responsibility) is

    able to: say create new worksheets or edit existing ones, grant access to workbooks to

    other users etc in admin as well in user edition

    1.1 Choose Tools | Privileges and select the " Privileges dialog: Privileges "

  • 7/27/2019 Discoverer Presentation


    2 . How to specify a Task privilege To Multiple User/Roles

    2.1 Choose Tools | Privileges and select the " Privileges dialog: User/Roles "

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    Registering a Function

    Step 1. Select Tools -> Register PL/SQL Function and Select New

    Give the respective function name eg GET_GRADE_MONTHS

    in the Function Name, Display Name, Description and Identifier.

    Owner as Schema name (eg APPS)

    Give the Package name to which it belongs in the Package

    (If the Function is independent leave the Package name as


    Database link as Default database

    Give the function return type in Return Type Check the Available in User Edition

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    Register PL/SQL Function

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    Step 2.Click Arguments tab and Click new

    Give the function Parameters details in the order in the which they are

    passed to the function.

    Give the Parameter name in Name, Description and Identifier

    Give the Parameter type in the Data Type field Select Required radio button if that is a Mandatory Parameter else click


    Add all the Parameters one after the other as described above.

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    How to start Discoverer Desktop

    Step1. Log on to Respective Instance

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    Step2. Select Respective Responsibility

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    What are workbooks

    A workbook is a collection of Discoverer worksheets. Workbooks are essentially documents containing query definitions.

    Discoverer end users can store their workbooks centrally in the database

    also store workbooks on their own PC

    Step 3 Creating a Workbook

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    In the Discoverer Desktop Edition the user creates a workbook

    from the Business Area after defining the required folders and items within them.

    Step 3. Creating a Workbook

    and formatting options are set to create the report in the workbook.

    One workbook may consist of multiple worksheets each defining

    different aspects of a particular report.

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    Step 3.1 Opening an Existing Workbook

    3.1.1 My Computeropens a dialog box for selecting a workbook stored on your

    local computer

    3.1.2 Database opens a dialog box for selecting a workbook stored as

    part of a specific database.

    3.1.3 Scheduling Managerdisplays a list of workbooks previously scheduled to

    run at a certain times

    3.1.4 Recently Used List shows the workbooks youve previously opened

    Workbook Window

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    Workbook Window

    Table Layout

    Four Types of Display :

    Table and Page-Detail Table

    Crosstab and Page-Detail Crosstab

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    Task Performed in Desktop/User edition

    Creating Parameters :

    Parameters are placeholders used instead of specific values in the definition of a


    Creating Calculations :

    Calculations are used to analyze the data in your worksheets.

    Creating Conditions :Conditions filter worksheet data, enabling Discoverer end users

    to analyze only the data they are interested in.

    Creating sort :

    Sorting arranges text data in alphabetical order and numeric data in numericalorder.

    Creating Parameters

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    Creating Parameters

    Choose Tools | Parameters and ClickNew

    For I tem- select the item for the parameter from the drop-down list. The list shows

    the items currently available to the worksheet

    Let User Enter Mul tiple Values- select this option if you want the person using

    the worksheet to be able to select multiple values for the parameter when loading

    the worksheet. If this option is not selected, the person can choose only one value

    for the parameter.

    What is the value of this parameter if it is used in more than one sheet?allows

    you to create the Parameter either at Workbook level or Worksheet level.

    Click Allow only one value for all Sheetsto make the parameter value cascadeacross all worksheets in the workbook.

    Click Allow a different value in each Sheetto make the parameter value apply to the

    current worksheet only.

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    New Parameter Dialog Box

    C ti C l l ti

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    Creating Calculations

    Choose Tools | Calculations and ClickNew.

    Function Categories - you can build calculations using a pre-defined set of functions

    arranged into the categories.

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    Creating Conditions

    Choose Tools | Calculations and ClickNew.

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    To create an advanced condition:

    On the Edit Condition dialog box, click the Advancedbutton.

    the dialog box expands to show buttons to add and delete lines to the condition,

    and to include the Boolean operators (AND, OR, NOT).

    Creating Sort

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    Creating Sort

    Choose Tools | Sort and click Add

    Lo to H iA to Z for text; increasing for numbers (e.g., 1 to 10).

    Hi to LoZ to A for text; decreasing for numbers (e.g., 10 to 1).

    GroupThe manner of grouping and displaying sorted data. Click the drop-down

    button in the Group box and choose one of the options:

    Group Sort- Data is sorted within each group. The group name appears once at

    the beginning of the grouped data.

    Page Break- Mainly for printing reports, this option starts a new page at the start

    of each new group. The group name appears at the top of the page.

    Hidden- Sub-group the data at the next hierarchical level, but do not display the

    sub-grouped item.

    LineThe thickness of the line separating the data groups. Click the drop-down

    button in the Line box and choose a line thickness.

    SpacesThe number of cell spaces between groups.

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    Sort Table Dialog Box

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    Other Formatting Functions :

    1. Exception :

    Click Format - Exception

    F i W k h Ti l

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    Formatting a Worksheet Title

    To reformat a worksheet title:

    1. Choose Sheet | Edit Title.

    2. Adding Text Variables to Titles

    * Click in the title where you want to add a text variable.

    * Click the Insert button.

    The Insert menu shows the text codes that you can insert in the title

    * Select the text code from the menu ,the code is added at the pointerlocation in the title

    S i S i

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    Security and Sharing Workbooks

    Click File> Manage Workbooks -- > Sharing

    A. Giving a Workbook Access to Multiple users and Roles/Responsibility

    B. Giving a User to Access N number of Workbooks


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    How to save a Workbook in database fig a.

    A unique identi f ieris defined for this workbook and this is the

    identifier for configuring the report in Oracle Applications Fig b

    Fig bFig a

    R i t i Di R t i O l A li ti

  • 7/27/2019 Discoverer Presentation


    Registering Discoverer Report in Oracle Applications

    Oracle Applications SetUps

    Go to the System Administrator/Application Developer responsibility

    in Oracle Applications Menu ->Functions

    Step1. Create a Function for executing the report.

    St 2 S l t th t f f ti SSWA PL SQL f ti

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    Step 2 : Select the type of function as SSWA PL SQL function.

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    Step 3. The parameter for the function is selected as workbook= .

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    Step 5 : In the Web HTML tab enter the HTML Call as OracleOasis.RunDiscoverer

    against the respective Function name.

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    Add the Sub Menu to Menu

    Step 1.

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    Add Function to Sub Menu

    Step 2.

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    Step 2.1

    Discoverer Viewer

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    To analyze the data in worksheets created in Discoverer Plus and Discoverer

    Desktop. End users can personalize worksheets (e.g. by repositioning items) and

    save their changes.

    Fig a

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    Fig b

    Upgrading to 10g

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    Upgrading to 10g

    Discoverer 4i' sautomatically-generated SQL statements tended to be very

    long, and would result in extremely heavy database queries, which in turn

    would return massive datasets, weighing down your application server.

    The Discoverer 10grelease has an automatic SQL trimming feature that

    intelligently removes unneeded columns

    Workbooks take hours to run in 4i

    There is significant improvements in the responsiveness of workbook

    queries in 10 g