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TE INVENTIONS OF HAWKINS EGI.FAKI HEDGARNIFRANIKLINY THE ANTI-FIRE-FLY. Perhaps some of the blame should rest upon the barbaric habit of hav- ing Sunday dinner in the middle of the afternoon. Had it been evening when Hawk- Ins and his better half sat down to dinner with us, it would not, naturally, have been daylight; and much unpleas- antuess might have been avoided, for the gas had not been turned on in the remodeled Hawkins residence, and an inspectico would have been impos- wible. Again, I may have started the trou- hlo myself by bringing up the subject of the renovations. "Yes, the work's all done," said Hawkins, with a more genial air than he usually exhibited when that topic was touched. "I tell you, it's a model home now." "Particularly in containing no new inventions by its owner," added Mrs. Hawkins. "Oh, those may come later," said tbo gifted inventor, casting a compla- cent wink in my direction. "Not if I have anything to say about it," replied the lady, rather tartly. "We escaped with our lives when the house was wrecked, but next time-" "Madam," flared Hawkins, "if you knew what that house-" Just here my wife broke in with a spasmodic remark anent the doings of the Russians in Manchuria, and a dis- cussion of the merits of Hawkins' in- ventions was happily averted. But the spunky light didn't die out of Hawkins' eye. He appeared to be nursing something beside wrath, and when we arose from the table he re- marked shortly: "Come up to the house, Griggs, and smoke a cigar while we look it over." "And note the charm of the inven- tioniess home," supplemented his wife. "Inventionless fiddlestick!" snapped Hawking, as he slammed the door be- lind us. "It's a wonder to me that Women weren't created either with sense or without tongue." I made no comment and we walked In silence to the Hawkins house. It had been done over in a style which must have made Hawkins' bank account look like an Arabian grain field after a particularly bad locust year; but beyond noting the general beauty of the decorations, I found nothing remarkable until we reached the second floor. There, as we gazed from the back windows, it struck me that something tamiliar had departed, and I asked: "What's become at the fire-escape?" "Don't- you see, ell?" said the In- ventor, with a prodigiously mysterious smile. "Hardly. Have you made it invis- ible?" "No and yes," chuckled Hawkins. "What would you say, Griggs, to a fire- escape that you kept indoors until it was needed?" "I should sky 'nay, nay,' if anyone wanted me to use it" "No," I mean-oh, come upstairs and I'l show you at once." "Show me what, Hawkins?" I cried, detaining him with a firm hand. "Is $t another contrivance? Has it a motor? Does it use gasolene or gun- powder or dynamite?" "No, it does not!" said the inventor, gruffly, trudging toward the top of the house. "There!" he exclaimed when we had reached the upper floor. "That's it What do you think of it?" It was a device of strange appear- ance. It seemed to be a huge clothes- basket, such as is used for transporta- tion of the family "wash," and it was piled with what appeared to be the re- mains of as many white sun-umbrellas as could have been collected at half a dozen seaside resorts. "What is it?" I said, with a blank smile. "Junk?" "No, it's not ju uk. That mass of ribs and white silk which loks like junk to your unacsastomed eye consti- tutes a set of aeroplanes or wings." "But the other thing is merely the common or domestic variety of wash- basket, is it not?" "Well-er-yes," admitted Hawkins, with cold dignity. "That happened to be the most suitable thing for my pur- pose in this experimental model. Now, you see, when the wings are spread the ?'asket is suspended beneath just as the car of a balloon is suspended from * gas-bag, and--- "Aba! I see it all now!" I cried. "You fill the basket, point it in the righi direction, and it flaps its wings and dlies sway tto the washlady!" "'That, Grigga," sneered Hawkins, "is about the view a poor little brain like yours, permeated with chea; humor, would take. Really, I don't suppose you could guess the purpose or the name of that thing if you tried a week." "Catdidly. I don't think I could. IWhat is it?" "It's the Hawkins' Anti-Fire-Fly!" said the invent er. "The Hawkins-what?" I ejacu- lated. "The Anti-Fire-Fly!" repated Hawk- ins, enthusiastically. "Say, Griggs, how that will sound in an advertise- ment: 'Fly Away from Fire with the Anti-Fire-Fly!' Great, isn't it?" "So it's a fire escape?" "Certainly," chuckled Hawkins, dig- ging around among the ribs and bring- ing into tangible shape what locked like several sets of huge bird-wings. MANY FOLLIES OF THE NEW YORK RICH. Although there have been a great, many suggestions of revelations to come about the career of Stanford White, there is a likelihood, if the investigations are really carried out, of developments affecting his little group of cronies that will drag into the baleful light of one of the great- est murder trials New York has ever known a man whose name is associ ated with everything that wealth and "No more climbing down red-hot lad- ders through belching flames! No i more children being thrown from fifth- story windows! No, siree! All we E have to do now is to place the Anti- Fire-Fly on the window-sill, spread I the wings, jump into the basket, push her off, and-" "And drop to instant death!" "And float gently away from the fire and down to the earth!" concluded Hawkins, opening the window and shoving out the basket until it fair- I ly hung over the back yard. "Just watch me," c "See here!" I cried. "You're not go- t ing to get into that thing?" t "I'm not, eh? You watch me!" E Hawkins had clambered into the t " eooHeo, e, o t aC ih e eb r "Hey, Youse," Shouted the Man with the Wheelbarrow. 'basket before I could lay a hand on him. "Now!" he cried, giving a push with, his foot. My breathing apparatus seemed to go on strike. Hawkins, basket, wings and all dropped from the window. For an instant they went straight toward the earth; then, like a para- chute opening, the wings spread grace- fully, the descent slackened, and Hawkins floated down, down, down- until he landed in the center of the yard without a jar. Really, I was amazed. It seemed to be either a special dispensation of Providence or an invention of Hawk- ins' which really worked. A minute or two later he had la- bored back to my side, up the stairs, with the aerial fire-escape on his back. 'There." he exclaimed. "What do you think of that?" "It certainly seems to be a suc- cess." "Well, rather! Now come up to the roof and have a drop with me. We'll go into the street this time, and-" "Thank you, Hawkins," I said, posi- tively. "Don't count me in on that. I'l wait for the fire before dabbling with your Anti-Fire-Fly." "Oh, well, come with me, anyway. I'm going down once more. You've no idea of the sensation." It was a considerable feat of en- gineering to persuade the Anti-Fire- Fly into passing through the scuttle. but Hawkins finally accomplished it, and pushed the contrivance to the edge of the roof. "Now that thing will carry a small family with ease and safety," he said, proudly. "Just sit down in the bas- ket and feel the roominess. Oh, don't be afraid. I'll come, too." "Yes, it's very nice," I said, some- what nervously, after crouching beside him for a moment. "I think I'll get out now." "All ri-oh! Here! Wait!" cried Hawkins, grabbing my coat and pull" ing me back. Sit down!" "What for?" "The-the-the wings!" stuttered the inventor. "The-the wind!" "Great Scott!" I shouted as a sud- dpn breeze caught the wings and tilted the basket far to one side. "Let me out!" "No, no!" shrieked Hawkins, wildly. "You'll break your neck, man! We're right on the edge of the roof now, and-" And we were over the edge! There was a street-miles below! Sickening dread choked me. I closed my eyes and gripped the basket as the accursed thing swayed from side to side and threatened every instant to precipitate us on the hard stones. But it grew steadier presently. I looked about. There was Hawkins hanging on for dear life, and white as death, but still social position means. This man is not only one of the richest men in America, but he is also one of the largost property owners in the city. Fe was an associate of White's in all of the murdered architect's little supper parties where there were more than two.!prsons at the feast. Owing to his great wealth he was able to spend more money than any man in the group around White, and one of serene. There, also, were numerous graveled roofs-some 20 feet below. We were going up! Also, I was startled to note that the high wind was driving us down town at a rapid pace. "See here, Hawkins!" I said. "What does this mean?" "M-m-means that a big wind has caught us," replied the inventor, with a sickly smile. "And when do you suppose it's go- ing to let go of us?" "Well-we-we may be able to catch one of those high roofs over there," murmured Hawkins, with assurance that did not reassure. "You-you know we can't go up very far, Griggs. This was not built for flying.", "For anything that wasn't made for the purpose, it's doing wonders," I re- torted. Then a sudden puff sent us up fully ten feet. "Heavens! There goes our chance at those roofs!" "Dear me! So it does!" muttered the inventor, as we sailed gracefully over the chimney-tops. "How unfor- tunate!" "It'll be a lot more unfortunate when we pitch down into the street!" snarled. "Now, Griggs," said Hawkins, argu- mentatively, as we sped down town on the steadily rising wind, "why do you always take this pessimistic view of things? Can't you see-it is beyond your little mental scope to realize that we have fairly fallon over a great dis- covery, something that men have been seeking for ages? Don't you compre- hend, from the very fact of our being up here and still rising, that these wings accidentally embody the vital principles of the dirigible-" "Oh, dry up!" I growled, as we flit- ted swiftly past a church steeple. Hawkins regarded me sadly, and I sadly regarded the street below and tried to assimilate the fact that we were 200 feet above the ground and rising at every puff of wind; that we were in a crazy clothes-basket, sus- pended from a crazier pair of wings, absolutely at the mercy of the breeze, and likely at any moment to drop to eternal smash! I did not realize, without any effort, that my lower limbs were developing excruciating shooting pains from the cramped position. The time passed very slowly. The houses below passed with astounding rapidity. I thought of our wives, sitting calm- ly in my home, ignorant of our plight. I wondered what their sentiments would be when some kindly ambulance surgeon had brought home such frag- ments of Hawkins and me as might have been collected with a dust-pan and brush. I wondered whether the accursed Anti-Fire-Fly would dump us out and flutter away into eternity, to leave our fate unexplained, or whether it would accompany us to our doom and be found gloating over the respective grease-spots that would represent all that was mortal of Hawkins and my- self. And at about this point in my medi- tations, I noted that we were sailing over Union square. "Isn't it fine?" cried Hawkins, en- truslastically. "You never came down town like this before, Griggs." "I never expect to again," Hawk- ins," I sighed. "Why not? Why, Griggs, this thing is only the nucleus of my future air- ship, and yet see how it floats! Oh, I've thought it all out in the last five minutes. It's astonishing that it never cccurred to me before. Now, these his favorite ways of bestowing favors on the girls who attended the parties was to remove the tin foil that was wrapped around the bouquets at their plates and substitute for the foil a hundred-dollar bill in each case. White's favorite way of making pres- ents of money to the girls who had caught his fancy was to send them a box of bonbons with a $20 gold piece laid on top of the sweets. wings, you see, are so constructed-" "See here, Hawkins,"I said, "do you mean to say that you expect to get out of this thing alive?" "Certainly," replied the inventor, in astonishment. "There's no danger. I can see that now, although I was' a trifle startled at first. It's only a mat- ter of minutes when we shall go near enough to one of those big office build- ings to grab it and stop ourselves. "And clamber down the side-20 or 30 stories?" "And even if we can't land, we shan't fall. The construction of these wings is such-" "Oh, hang the construction of your wings!" I cried. "We're going right toward the bay-suppose the wind dies down and lets us into the water?" "Well, these wings are water-proof, you know," said Hawkins. "They might-" "Yes, and the bay might dry up, so that we could walk back if we escaped being broken in pieces, Hawkins," I sneered. Hawkins subsided. The breeze did not. It was one of the most Impolitely persistent breezes I have ever en- countered. It seemed bent on landing us in New York harbor, and before many minutes we were suspended high above that expansive, and in some cir- cumstances, charming body of water. Furthermore, having wafted us something like a quarter of a mile from shore, it proceeded to die out in a manner which was, to say the least, disheartening. Hawkins grew paler by perceptible shades as we progressed, ever nearer the water, and farther from hope; and it was not until I opened my mouth to vent a few last indivious criticisms of him and his methods that the in- ventor's face brightened. "By Jove, Griggs! Look! That ferryboat! That fellow on the roof! He's got a boat-hook! Hey! Hey! Hey! you!" The individual gazed al9ft and near- ly collapsed with astonishment. "Catch us!" bawled the inventor, frantically. "Catch the basket with that hook! We want to come aboard! Hurry up!" The boat was going In our direction, and rather faster. The man on the roof seemed to comprehend. He reached up with his hook. He leaped a couple of times in vain. And then we felt a shock which told of our capture! I breathed a long, happy sigh. In dealing with Hawkins' Inven- tions, long, happy sighs are prema- ture unless you are positive that your entire anatomical structure is com- plete, and likewise certain that the contrivance lies at your feet in a con- dition of total wreck. The basket was suspended from a thin steel frame, from which several dozen stout cords rose to that idiotic pair of wings. When we were fairly caught, Hawkins cried: "Now, Griggs, stand up and catch the frame and pull the whole business down with us. And you, down there, pull hard! Pull hard, now!" I seized the steel frame on one side, Hawkins on the other, and we pulled. And the man with the boat-hook pulled. And at the psychological moment the wind rose afresh and pulled at the wings with a mighty pull! Some seconds of dizzy swirling in the air, and the clothes-basket portion of the Anti-Fire-Fly lay on the roof of the ferry-boat, while Hawkins and I hung far above, entangled in the Von Blumer Plays In Hard Luck With His Creditors. Von Blumer-I had the most singu- lar thing happen to me the other day. Did you ever go into a man's place to pay a bill you owed him, and find him out? Plankington (emphatically) - No, sir. Did that happen to you? "It did. I had a notion, or, rath- er, I nerved mygelW to it, to settle up some bills that I awed. So on my way from the office I dropped in to cords and clutching them wildly and rising steadily once more! "Great Caesar's ghost!" gurgled the inventor. "This is awful!" "Awful!" I gasped when breath had returned. "It's-it's-" "Lord! Lord! We're going straight for Staten Island. Don't move, Griggs." "I can't," I said. "I'm caught tight here. Good-by, Hawkins." "We're-we're not done for yet," quivered that individual. "We may hi land. But isn't-isn't it terrible?" 'Oh, no," I groaned. "It's all right. No more climbing down red-hot lad- del's through belching flames! No more throwing children from-" "Don't joke, Griggs," wailed Haw- kins. "I will say I'm sorry I got you into this." "Thank you, Hawkins," I said, near- ly strangled by a cord which persisted in twisting itself about my neck. "So am I." Conversation lagged after that. For my part, I was too dazed and too firm- ly enmeshed in the cords to say much. I fancy that the same applied to Hawkins, but he happened to be facing ahead, and now and then he called back bulletins of our progress. "Getting nearer the island," he an- nounced after some ten minutes of the agony. A little later: "Thank Heaven! We're almost over land!" And still later, when I had been choked and twisted almost into in- sensibility by the eccentric dives of the affair and the consequent tighten- ing of the cords, he revived me with: "By George, Griggs, we're sinking toward land!" I managed to look downward. Haw- kins had told the truth. The wind was indeed going down, and with it the remains of the Anti-Fire-Fly. Beneath appeared a big factory, its chimney belching forth black smoke in disregard of the Sabbath, and we seemed likely to land within its pre- cincts. "I knew it! I knew it!" Hawkins cried joyfully. "We's safe, after all, just as I said. We'll drop just out- side the fence." "Thank the Lord," I murmured. "No! No! We'll drop right on that heap of dirt!" predicted Hawkins, ex- citedly. "Yes, sir, that's where we'll drop. D'ye see that fellow wheeling a wheelbarrow toward the pile? Hey!" The man glanced up in amazement. "Farther down every minute!" pur- sued Hawkins. "I knew we'd be all right! Maybe the Anti-Fire-Fly isn't such a bad thing after all, eh?" "Maybe not," I sighed. "But I'll take the red-hot ladder." "Go ahead and take it," chattered the inventor. "We're not 30 feet from the ground and steering straight for that dirt-pile. Yes, sir, the wind's gone down completely. Hooray!" "Hey, youse!" shouted the man with the wheelbarrow, somewhat excitedly. "Well?" bawled Hawkins. "Steer away from it!" continued the workman, waving his arms at the pile. "We can't steer," replied Hawkins, cheerfully. "But it's all right." SAMPLE OF CHINESE FUN. Jokes in the Literature of the Celes- tials Much Like Those of the Present Day. If there is any truth in what expert jesters tell us the world's stock of good, original jokes is ludicrously small-a dozen or two at the very outside. An early investigator Into this momentous question, a certain Hierocles who lived some 1,500 years ago, put the number in his day at exactly 21. The researches of Hierocles probably did not extend so far eastward as China, so there Is no impropriety in asking now wheth- er some of the jokes which abound in the literature of the celestial em- pire are entitled to the honor of origi- nality or not. Here are three speci- mens: A careless barber, trimming a cus- tomer's ears-Chinese barbers pay particular attention to this part of the human anatomy-put his patient to great pain and uneasiness. "Are you doing my left ear now?" asked the victim. "No, sir; I've not quite finished the right ear yet." "Ah! I fancied you' were trying to pass through to the left without going around." A portrait painter without clients was advised by a friend to paint a likeness of himself and his wife and hang it in some conspicuous place, so that would-be customers might judge of his skill. He did so and his fa- ther-in-law the next time he called immediately saw the picture. "Pray," asked the visitor, "what woman have you represented there?" "Why, sir, do you not recognize your own daugh- ter?" "My daughter!" was the in- dignant answer. "If you intend that to represent my daughter, how dare you paint her sitting thus intimately with a man whom I have never seen before and who must be an entire stranger to her?" The painter's feel- ings need not be described. The gibes at doctors are innumer- able. The following is a typical exam- ple: One of the judges of the nether re- gions dispatched an imp to this world of ours to seek out and bring back a good doctor. "When," the imp was instructed, "you come to the house of a doctor before which you decry no complaining ghosts you will know you have found a man of the kind wanted." The messenger set out, but in front of every doctor's door he came to there was as immense throng of angry spirits proclaiming the wrongs they had suffered when in the flesh at the hands of the medicine i- see my fishmonger." r. "And he was out?" e "Correct. Then I tried my grocer." d "He was out?" "Right. Plenty of shopmen, but no , proprietor. Of course, I left word that I called in to settle up, but i- wanted to see the proprietor first. e Dispute about bills. See?" y "Oh, yes, that strengthens your o credit." "The polle! The poalet Ru'c, se'it just drew the foire, an' thiz's the hot coals! Be careful o' the cinder poile!" "What did he say?" asked Hawkins, superciliously. "'Be careful of the cinder pile,' I think." "Oh, we won't hurt yout old cinder pile!" called the inventor, jocosely, as the wreck of . the Anti-Fire-Fly swooped down with a rush. "But the cinders!" howled the mat, "Bedad! They're into it! Mike! Mike! Bring the hose! The hose!" And we were into it. A final rush of air and we strucl the pile with a thud. And for my part I had no sooner landed than I bounced to my feet with a shriek, foe that cinder pile was about the hottesi proposition it has ever been my mis- fortune to meet. The cords were. all about me, and as I pulled wildly in one direction, I could feel Hawkins pulling as wildly in the opposite. "Let go! Let go, Griggs!" he screamed. "Come my way! Lord! I'm all afire! Come, quick!" "I'm not going to climb back over that infernal heap!" I shouted. "Yot come this way!" "But my feet! T-hey're burning and-" A mighty stream of water knocked me headlong to the ground. Sizzling steaming on the red-hot cinders, ii caught Hawkins and hurled his pant ing person to the other side, Anti-Fire Fly and all. Mike had arrived with the hose. After a period of wallowing in wa- ter and mud I regained my feet. Hawkins was already standing a little distance away, torn, scorched, drenched, black with cinders and star- ing wild-eyed about him. "Why-why-Griggs, he mumbled, "what-did-we-" "Oh, we flew away from fire with the Anti-Fire-Fly!" I said. Such was the end of the Anti-Fire- Fly. Attired in such of our own raiment as had survived the cinder pile and the hose, and in other bits of cloth. ing contributed by kindly factory workmen, we took the next boat for New York, and a cab thereafter. We reached home in time to see the ladies mounting the Hawkins' steps, presumably to investigate the reason for our prolonged inspection. For a few moments they seemed quite incapable of speech. Mrs. Haw- inks was the first to regain the use of her tongue. "Herbert," she said, in an ominous- ly calm tone, "what was it this time?" Hawkins smiled foolishly. "It was the Hawkins Anti-Fire-Fly," I said, spitefully. "Fly away from fire with the Anti-Fre-Fly, you know. Tell your wife about it, Hawkins." Then Mrs. Hawkins addressed her husband and said-but let that pass. We have all the essential facts of the case as it is. Moreover, a success- ful author told me last week that un- happy endings are in the worst possi- ble taste just now. (Copyright, 1906, by W. G. Chapman.) man. Finally, however, he reached a house where there was but one soli. tary ghost flitfing backward and for. ward. "This is my man," he said to himself; "he must surely be a clever fellow." When the Imp came to make inquiries, however, he learned that the practitioner had barely been in practice for a day!-Grand Maga- zine. HOME LIFE OF A PRINCESS Writer Tells of Delightful Days Spend as Guest of Amelie Rives, the Authoress. One who has recently visited Amelie Rives (Princess Troubetzkoy) at the beautiful Virginia estate, where she spends her winters with her mother and sisters, gives an attractive pio ture of the home life of the author o; "Selene:" "In the gloaming hour preceding dinner we had tea by the light of a log fire, in a big, square room, where everything was comforting, where nothing was false, yet where every' thing was reminiscent of homeful as sociations. It was not the chamber of state, but the general room of in- timate reunion. The family life at Castle Hill has no intellectual affecta tions. Each member of the household has special obligations and duties that keep her busy, while the 'Princess o' Dreams' is the wondrous idol of them all. By candle-light we dined, at a big, round table, and in the mellow glow of the candelabra we looked our best Not because we were formal in our elegance, but because we were har- moniously informal. After dinner we all adjourned to the cozy comfort of lamp light, and laughed and talked and even smoked our pipes until late. Our eyes and our minds were cen- tered in the mood of the princess; not merely the guests, but her mother and sisters. The talk was always about something worth while, with ethical point and purpose-and there were no laggards. Yet it was nothing so pain- ful as an 'intellectual evening.' When It cmae time to say good-nignt, the transient guest, no longer an alien, retired serene in his conviction that Amelie Rives Troubetzkoy was well and strong and, above all, serene." To Study Free Alcohol. For the purpose of studying free alcohol in all its aspects the presi- dent has decided to send a represent- ative of the government to Germ:ny, France, Belgium and Holland. Johmn W. Yerkes, commissioner of internal revenue, has been chosen. "Exactly. Then I called to see my butcher, and I'll be hanged if he wasn't out, also!" "By Jove! but you were in lucg!" "No, I wasn't." "Why not?" "When I got home I found them all waiting for me." Do not give a formal afternoon. te on the day you ars moving. SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills. 1 They also relieve Dis- tress fron Dyspepsia. In- CATTLE diston and Too~eat rs edyfor Dizziness,I ausea. PILLS. Irowsiness, Bad Taste Int the 7Mouth, Coated Tongue. Pain in the Side. TORP~I LIVER. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear ITSTLE Fac-Smile Signature LEJ REFUSESUBSTITUTEL.. When you bsy WET WEATHER CLOTHING , YoU Want complete protection and long / service. These and many other good points, are combined In TOWER'S FISH BRAND ' OILED CLOTHING You calm afford I to bqy any other / A Positive CATARRH CURE"CAAR Ely's Cream Balm- i BAU is quickly absorbed. Gives Relief at Once. It cleanses, soothes heals and protects the diseased mem- brane. It cures Ca- tarrh and drives away a Cold in the Head quickly. Be- EVER stores the Senses ofHA FEVER Taste and Smell. Full size 50 ets., at Drug. gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 cts. by mail. Ely Brothers.56 Warren Street. NewYork. COPPER SAFE FROM LIGHTNING. Pellef Firmly Held in Many Parts of the Country. "This matter of superstitions is a queer thing," said the man as he care- fully avoided walking under a ladder, "for even those of us who are skeptics have at least one superstitious failing, and mine is walking under ladders. "In the country this summer I met a new one, which was firmly believed In by several farmers, and that was that a thunder storm never passed over a copper mine or copper vein. The- old fellow who told me about it pointed out again and again that al- though black clouds might roll up and lightning flash, the storm always went around a certain spot in his farm. "Such actions on the part of a tbon- der storm could mean but one thing, he said-that there was a copper vein there. So sure was he of it, that he was putting by a little each year to have the spot investigated to see if there was copper enough in it to work." Microbe of Gray Hair. They have discovered a new mic- robe in New York and it is quite popu- lar among actors and society women. It is called the chromophage, its spe- cial function being to turn the hair gray at a comparatively early age. The handsome actor who has those white hairs on his temple that the women admire so is full of the chromophages. Baldheaded men are immune from the mincrobes. He only attacks the hair, and a man without hair need not wor- ry about the chromophage. For years it was thought that a process of the blood killed' the coloring matter of the hair cells, but scalpologlsts in New York combat that theory. They say It is the chromophage. The microbe does not like heat and for that reason the woman who uses the curling tongs Is less likely to have gray hair than the one who puts her hair up in pa- pers. __________ Animals Do with Little Water. There are some animals which rare- ,y drink; for instance, the llamas, of Patagonia, and certain gazelles of the far east. A number of snakes, liz- ards and other reptiles live in places devoid of water. A bat of western America inhabits waterless plails. In parts of Lozere, France, there are herds of cows and goats which hardly ever drink and yet produce the milk for Roquefort cheese. NO DAWDLING. A Man of 70 After Finding Coffee Hurt Him, Stopped Short. When a man has lived to be 70 years old with a 40-year-old habit grown to him like a knot on a tree, chances are he'll stick to the habit till he dies. But occasionally the spirit of youth and determination remains in some men to the last day of their lives.' When such men do find any habit of life has been doing them harm, they surprise the Oslerites by a degree of will power that is supposed to belong to men under 40 only. "I had been a user of coffee until three years ago-a period of 40 years -and am now 70," writes a N. Dak. man. "I was extremely nervous and debilitated, and saw plainly that I must make a change. "I am thankful to say I had the nerve to quit coffee at once and take on Postum without any 8awdling, and experienced no ill effects. On the con- trary, I commenced to gain, losing my nervousness within two months, also gaining strength and health otherwise. "For a man of my age, I am very well and hearty. I sometimes meet persons who have not made their Postumn right and don't like it. But I cell them to boil it long enough, and call their attention to my looks now, and before I used it, that seems con- v ncing. "Now, when I have writing to do, or long columns of figures to cast up, I feel equal to it and can get through my work without the fagged out feel- ing of old." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the book, "The Road to Wellville," ia pkgs. "There's a reason."

Dis- TE INVENTIONS OF HAWKINS - Chronicling America€¦ · inventions by its owner," added Mrs. Hawkins. "Oh, those may come later," said tbo gifted inventor, casting a compla-cent

Aug 18, 2020



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Page 1: Dis- TE INVENTIONS OF HAWKINS - Chronicling America€¦ · inventions by its owner," added Mrs. Hawkins. "Oh, those may come later," said tbo gifted inventor, casting a compla-cent


THE ANTI-FIRE-FLY.Perhaps some of the blame should

rest upon the barbaric habit of hav-ing Sunday dinner in the middle of

the afternoon.Had it been evening when Hawk-

Ins and his better half sat down todinner with us, it would not, naturally,have been daylight; and much unpleas-antuess might have been avoided, forthe gas had not been turned on in theremodeled Hawkins residence, and aninspectico would have been impos-wible.

Again, I may have started the trou-hlo myself by bringing up the subjectof the renovations.

"Yes, the work's all done," saidHawkins, with a more genial air thanhe usually exhibited when that topicwas touched. "I tell you, it's a modelhome now."

"Particularly in containing no newinventions by its owner," added Mrs.Hawkins.

"Oh, those may come later," saidtbo gifted inventor, casting a compla-cent wink in my direction.

"Not if I have anything to say aboutit," replied the lady, rather tartly. "Weescaped with our lives when the housewas wrecked, but next time-"

"Madam," flared Hawkins, "if youknew what that house-"

Just here my wife broke in with aspasmodic remark anent the doings ofthe Russians in Manchuria, and a dis-cussion of the merits of Hawkins' in-ventions was happily averted.

But the spunky light didn't die outof Hawkins' eye. He appeared to benursing something beside wrath, andwhen we arose from the table he re-marked shortly:

"Come up to the house, Griggs, andsmoke a cigar while we look it over."

"And note the charm of the inven-tioniess home," supplemented hiswife.

"Inventionless fiddlestick!" snappedHawking, as he slammed the door be-lind us. "It's a wonder to me thatWomen weren't created either withsense or without tongue."

I made no comment and we walkedIn silence to the Hawkins house.

It had been done over in a stylewhich must have made Hawkins' bankaccount look like an Arabian grainfield after a particularly bad locustyear; but beyond noting the generalbeauty of the decorations, I foundnothing remarkable until we reachedthe second floor.

There, as we gazed from the backwindows, it struck me that somethingtamiliar had departed, and I asked:

"What's become at the fire-escape?""Don't- you see, ell?" said the In-

ventor, with a prodigiously mysterioussmile.

"Hardly. Have you made it invis-ible?"

"No and yes," chuckled Hawkins."What would you say, Griggs, to a fire-escape that you kept indoors until itwas needed?"

"I should sky 'nay, nay,' if anyonewanted me to use it"

"No," I mean-oh, come upstairs andI'l show you at once."

"Show me what, Hawkins?" I cried,detaining him with a firm hand. "Is$t another contrivance? Has it amotor? Does it use gasolene or gun-powder or dynamite?"

"No, it does not!" said the inventor,gruffly, trudging toward the top of thehouse.

"There!" he exclaimed when we hadreached the upper floor. "That's itWhat do you think of it?"

It was a device of strange appear-ance. It seemed to be a huge clothes-basket, such as is used for transporta-tion of the family "wash," and it waspiled with what appeared to be the re-mains of as many white sun-umbrellasas could have been collected at half

a dozen seaside resorts."What is it?" I said, with a blank

smile. "Junk?""No, it's not ju uk. That mass of

ribs and white silk which loks likejunk to your unacsastomed eye consti-tutes a set of aeroplanes or wings."

"But the other thing is merely thecommon or domestic variety of wash-basket, is it not?"

"Well-er-yes," admitted Hawkins,with cold dignity. "That happened tobe the most suitable thing for my pur-pose in this experimental model. Now,you see, when the wings are spread the?'asket is suspended beneath just asthe car of a balloon is suspended from* gas-bag, and---

"Aba! I see it all now!" I cried."You fill the basket, point it in therighi direction, and it flaps its wingsand dlies sway tto the washlady!"

"'That, Grigga," sneered Hawkins, "isabout the view a poor little brain likeyours, permeated with chea; humor,would take. Really, I don't supposeyou could guess the purpose or thename of that thing if you tried aweek."

"Catdidly. I don't think I could.IWhat is it?"

"It's the Hawkins' Anti-Fire-Fly!"said the invent er.

"The Hawkins-what?" I ejacu-lated.

"The Anti-Fire-Fly!" repated Hawk-ins, enthusiastically. "Say, Griggs,how that will sound in an advertise-ment: 'Fly Away from Fire with theAnti-Fire-Fly!' Great, isn't it?"

"So it's a fire escape?""Certainly," chuckled Hawkins, dig-

ging around among the ribs and bring-ing into tangible shape what lockedlike several sets of huge bird-wings.

MANY FOLLIES OF THE NEW YORK RICH.Although there have been a great,

many suggestions of revelations tocome about the career of StanfordWhite, there is a likelihood, if theinvestigations are really carried out,of developments affecting his littlegroup of cronies that will drag intothe baleful light of one of the great-est murder trials New York has everknown a man whose name is associated with everything that wealth and

"No more climbing down red-hot lad-ders through belching flames! No imore children being thrown from fifth-story windows! No, siree! All we E

have to do now is to place the Anti-Fire-Fly on the window-sill, spread Ithe wings, jump into the basket, pushher off, and-"

"And drop to instant death!""And float gently away from the fire

and down to the earth!" concludedHawkins, opening the window andshoving out the basket until it fair- Ily hung over the back yard. "Justwatch me," c

"See here!" I cried. "You're not go- t

ing to get into that thing?" t"I'm not, eh? You watch me!" EHawkins had clambered into the t

" eooHeo, e, o t aC ih e eb r

"Hey, Youse," Shouted the Man with the Wheelbarrow.

'basket before I could lay a hand onhim.

"Now!" he cried, giving a push with,his foot.

My breathing apparatus seemed to goon strike. Hawkins, basket, wings andall dropped from the window.

For an instant they went straighttoward the earth; then, like a para-chute opening, the wings spread grace-fully, the descent slackened, andHawkins floated down, down, down-until he landed in the center of theyard without a jar.

Really, I was amazed. It seemed tobe either a special dispensation ofProvidence or an invention of Hawk-ins' which really worked.

A minute or two later he had la-bored back to my side, up the stairs,with the aerial fire-escape on his back.

'There." he exclaimed. "What doyou think of that?"

"It certainly seems to be a suc-cess."

"Well, rather! Now come up to theroof and have a drop with me. We'llgo into the street this time, and-"

"Thank you, Hawkins," I said, posi-tively. "Don't count me in on that.I'l wait for the fire before dabblingwith your Anti-Fire-Fly."

"Oh, well, come with me, anyway.I'm going down once more. You'veno idea of the sensation."

It was a considerable feat of en-gineering to persuade the Anti-Fire-Fly into passing through the scuttle.but Hawkins finally accomplished it,and pushed the contrivance to theedge of the roof.

"Now that thing will carry a smallfamily with ease and safety," he said,proudly. "Just sit down in the bas-ket and feel the roominess. Oh, don'tbe afraid. I'll come, too."

"Yes, it's very nice," I said, some-what nervously, after crouching besidehim for a moment. "I think I'll getout now."

"All ri-oh! Here! Wait!" criedHawkins, grabbing my coat and pull"ing me back. Sit down!"

"What for?""The-the-the wings!" stuttered the

inventor. "The-the wind!""Great Scott!" I shouted as a sud-

dpn breeze caught the wings and tiltedthe basket far to one side. "Let meout!"

"No, no!" shrieked Hawkins, wildly."You'll break your neck, man! We'reright on the edge of the roof now,and-"

And we were over the edge!There was a street-miles below!

Sickening dread choked me. I closedmy eyes and gripped the basket as theaccursed thing swayed from side toside and threatened every instant toprecipitate us on the hard stones.

But it grew steadier presently. Ilooked about.

There was Hawkins hanging on fordear life, and white as death, but still

social position means. This man isnot only one of the richest men inAmerica, but he is also one of thelargost property owners in the city.

Fe was an associate of White's inall of the murdered architect's littlesupper parties where there were morethan two.!prsons at the feast. Owingto his great wealth he was able tospend more money than any man inthe group around White, and one of

serene. There, also, were numerousgraveled roofs-some 20 feet below.

We were going up! Also, I wasstartled to note that the high wind wasdriving us down town at a rapidpace.

"See here, Hawkins!" I said. "Whatdoes this mean?"

"M-m-means that a big wind hascaught us," replied the inventor, witha sickly smile.

"And when do you suppose it's go-ing to let go of us?"

"Well-we-we may be able to catchone of those high roofs over there,"murmured Hawkins, with assurancethat did not reassure. "You-you knowwe can't go up very far, Griggs. Thiswas not built for flying.",

"For anything that wasn't made forthe purpose, it's doing wonders," I re-torted. Then a sudden puff sent us upfully ten feet. "Heavens! There goesour chance at those roofs!"

"Dear me! So it does!" mutteredthe inventor, as we sailed gracefullyover the chimney-tops. "How unfor-tunate!"

"It'll be a lot more unfortunate whenwe pitch down into the street!"snarled.

"Now, Griggs," said Hawkins, argu-mentatively, as we sped down town onthe steadily rising wind, "why do youalways take this pessimistic view ofthings? Can't you see-it is beyondyour little mental scope to realize thatwe have fairly fallon over a great dis-covery, something that men have beenseeking for ages? Don't you compre-hend, from the very fact of our beingup here and still rising, that thesewings accidentally embody the vitalprinciples of the dirigible-"

"Oh, dry up!" I growled, as we flit-ted swiftly past a church steeple.

Hawkins regarded me sadly, and Isadly regarded the street below andtried to assimilate the fact that wewere 200 feet above the ground andrising at every puff of wind; that wewere in a crazy clothes-basket, sus-pended from a crazier pair of wings,absolutely at the mercy of the breeze,and likely at any moment to drop toeternal smash!

I did not realize, without any effort,that my lower limbs were developingexcruciating shooting pains from thecramped position.

The time passed very slowly. Thehouses below passed with astoundingrapidity.

I thought of our wives, sitting calm-ly in my home, ignorant of our plight.I wondered what their sentimentswould be when some kindly ambulancesurgeon had brought home such frag-ments of Hawkins and me as mighthave been collected with a dust-panand brush.

I wondered whether the accursedAnti-Fire-Fly would dump us out andflutter away into eternity, to leave ourfate unexplained, or whether it wouldaccompany us to our doom and befound gloating over the respectivegrease-spots that would represent allthat was mortal of Hawkins and my-self.

And at about this point in my medi-tations, I noted that we were sailingover Union square.

"Isn't it fine?" cried Hawkins, en-truslastically. "You never came downtown like this before, Griggs."

"I never expect to again," Hawk-ins," I sighed.

"Why not? Why, Griggs, this thingis only the nucleus of my future air-ship, and yet see how it floats! Oh,I've thought it all out in the last fiveminutes. It's astonishing that it nevercccurred to me before. Now, these

his favorite ways of bestowing favorson the girls who attended the partieswas to remove the tin foil that waswrapped around the bouquets at theirplates and substitute for the foil ahundred-dollar bill in each case.White's favorite way of making pres-ents of money to the girls who hadcaught his fancy was to send them abox of bonbons with a $20 gold piecelaid on top of the sweets.

wings, you see, are so constructed-""See here, Hawkins,"I said, "do you

mean to say that you expect to getout of this thing alive?"

"Certainly," replied the inventor, inastonishment. "There's no danger. Ican see that now, although I was' atrifle startled at first. It's only a mat-ter of minutes when we shall go nearenough to one of those big office build-ings to grab it and stop ourselves.

"And clamber down the side-20 or30 stories?"

"And even if we can't land, weshan't fall. The construction of thesewings is such-"

"Oh, hang the construction of yourwings!" I cried. "We're going righttoward the bay-suppose the wind dies

down and lets us into the water?""Well, these wings are water-proof,

you know," said Hawkins. "Theymight-"

"Yes, and the bay might dry up, sothat we could walk back if we escapedbeing broken in pieces, Hawkins," Isneered.

Hawkins subsided. The breeze didnot.

It was one of the most Impolitelypersistent breezes I have ever en-countered. It seemed bent on landingus in New York harbor, and beforemany minutes we were suspended highabove that expansive, and in some cir-cumstances, charming body of water.

Furthermore, having wafted ussomething like a quarter of a milefrom shore, it proceeded to die out ina manner which was, to say the least,disheartening.

Hawkins grew paler by perceptibleshades as we progressed, ever nearerthe water, and farther from hope; andit was not until I opened my mouthto vent a few last indivious criticismsof him and his methods that the in-ventor's face brightened.

"By Jove, Griggs! Look! Thatferryboat! That fellow on the roof!He's got a boat-hook! Hey! Hey!Hey! you!"

The individual gazed al9ft and near-ly collapsed with astonishment.

"Catch us!" bawled the inventor,frantically. "Catch the basket withthat hook! We want to come aboard!Hurry up!"

The boat was going In our direction,and rather faster. The man on theroof seemed to comprehend. Hereached up with his hook. He leapeda couple of times in vain.

And then we felt a shock which toldof our capture! I breathed a long,happy sigh.

In dealing with Hawkins' Inven-tions, long, happy sighs are prema-ture unless you are positive that yourentire anatomical structure is com-plete, and likewise certain that thecontrivance lies at your feet in a con-dition of total wreck.

The basket was suspended from athin steel frame, from which severaldozen stout cords rose to that idioticpair of wings. When we were fairlycaught, Hawkins cried:

"Now, Griggs, stand up and catchthe frame and pull the whole businessdown with us. And you, down there,pull hard! Pull hard, now!"

I seized the steel frame on one side,Hawkins on the other, and we pulled.And the man with the boat-hook pulled.And at the psychological moment thewind rose afresh and pulled at thewings with a mighty pull!

Some seconds of dizzy swirling inthe air, and the clothes-basket portionof the Anti-Fire-Fly lay on the roofof the ferry-boat, while Hawkins andI hung far above, entangled in the

Von Blumer Plays In Hard Luck With His Creditors.Von Blumer-I had the most singu-

lar thing happen to me the other day.Did you ever go into a man's placeto pay a bill you owed him, and findhim out?

Plankington (emphatically) - No,sir. Did that happen to you?

"It did. I had a notion, or, rath-er, I nerved mygelW to it, to settleup some bills that I awed. So on myway from the office I dropped in to

cords and clutching them wildly andrising steadily once more!

"Great Caesar's ghost!" gurgled theinventor. "This is awful!"

"Awful!" I gasped when breath hadreturned. "It's-it's-"

"Lord! Lord! We're going straightfor Staten Island. Don't move,Griggs."

"I can't," I said. "I'm caught tighthere. Good-by, Hawkins."

"We're-we're not done for yet,"quivered that individual. "We mayhi land. But isn't-isn't it terrible?"

'Oh, no," I groaned. "It's all right.No more climbing down red-hot lad-del's through belching flames! Nomore throwing children from-"

"Don't joke, Griggs," wailed Haw-kins. "I will say I'm sorry I got youinto this."

"Thank you, Hawkins," I said, near-ly strangled by a cord which persistedin twisting itself about my neck. "Soam I."

Conversation lagged after that. Formy part, I was too dazed and too firm-ly enmeshed in the cords to say much.

I fancy that the same applied toHawkins, but he happened to be facingahead, and now and then he calledback bulletins of our progress.

"Getting nearer the island," he an-nounced after some ten minutes ofthe agony.

A little later: "Thank Heaven!We're almost over land!"

And still later, when I had beenchoked and twisted almost into in-sensibility by the eccentric dives ofthe affair and the consequent tighten-ing of the cords, he revived me with:

"By George, Griggs, we're sinkingtoward land!"

I managed to look downward. Haw-kins had told the truth. The windwas indeed going down, and with itthe remains of the Anti-Fire-Fly.

Beneath appeared a big factory, itschimney belching forth black smokein disregard of the Sabbath, and weseemed likely to land within its pre-cincts.

"I knew it! I knew it!" Hawkinscried joyfully. "We's safe, after all,just as I said. We'll drop just out-side the fence."

"Thank the Lord," I murmured."No! No! We'll drop right on that

heap of dirt!" predicted Hawkins, ex-citedly. "Yes, sir, that's where we'lldrop. D'ye see that fellow wheeling awheelbarrow toward the pile? Hey!"

The man glanced up in amazement."Farther down every minute!" pur-

sued Hawkins. "I knew we'd be allright! Maybe the Anti-Fire-Fly isn'tsuch a bad thing after all, eh?"

"Maybe not," I sighed. "But I'lltake the red-hot ladder."

"Go ahead and take it," chatteredthe inventor. "We're not 30 feet fromthe ground and steering straight forthat dirt-pile. Yes, sir, the wind'sgone down completely. Hooray!"

"Hey, youse!" shouted the man withthe wheelbarrow, somewhat excitedly.

"Well?" bawled Hawkins."Steer away from it!" continued the

workman, waving his arms at the pile."We can't steer," replied Hawkins,

cheerfully. "But it's all right."

SAMPLE OF CHINESE FUN.Jokes in the Literature of the Celes-

tials Much Like Those of thePresent Day.

If there is any truth in what expertjesters tell us the world's stock ofgood, original jokes is ludicrouslysmall-a dozen or two at the veryoutside. An early investigator Intothis momentous question, a certainHierocles who lived some 1,500 yearsago, put the number in his day atexactly 21. The researches ofHierocles probably did not extend sofar eastward as China, so there Isno impropriety in asking now wheth-er some of the jokes which aboundin the literature of the celestial em-pire are entitled to the honor of origi-nality or not. Here are three speci-mens:

A careless barber, trimming a cus-tomer's ears-Chinese barbers payparticular attention to this part ofthe human anatomy-put his patientto great pain and uneasiness. "Areyou doing my left ear now?" askedthe victim. "No, sir; I've not quitefinished the right ear yet." "Ah! Ifancied you' were trying to passthrough to the left without goingaround."

A portrait painter without clientswas advised by a friend to paint alikeness of himself and his wife andhang it in some conspicuous place, sothat would-be customers might judgeof his skill. He did so and his fa-ther-in-law the next time he calledimmediately saw the picture. "Pray,"asked the visitor, "what woman haveyou represented there?" "Why, sir,do you not recognize your own daugh-ter?" "My daughter!" was the in-dignant answer. "If you intend thatto represent my daughter, how dareyou paint her sitting thus intimatelywith a man whom I have never seenbefore and who must be an entirestranger to her?" The painter's feel-ings need not be described.

The gibes at doctors are innumer-able. The following is a typical exam-ple:

One of the judges of the nether re-gions dispatched an imp to this worldof ours to seek out and bring backa good doctor. "When," the imp wasinstructed, "you come to the houseof a doctor before which you decryno complaining ghosts you will knowyou have found a man of the kindwanted." The messenger set out, butin front of every doctor's door hecame to there was as immense throngof angry spirits proclaiming thewrongs they had suffered when in theflesh at the hands of the medicine

i- see my fishmonger."r. "And he was out?"e "Correct. Then I tried my grocer."d "He was out?"

"Right. Plenty of shopmen, but no, proprietor. Of course, I left wordthat I called in to settle up, but

i- wanted to see the proprietor first.e Dispute about bills. See?"y "Oh, yes, that strengthens youro credit."

"The polle! The poalet Ru'c, se'itjust drew the foire, an' thiz's the hotcoals! Be careful o' the cinder poile!"

"What did he say?" asked Hawkins,superciliously.

"'Be careful of the cinder pile,' Ithink."

"Oh, we won't hurt yout old cinderpile!" called the inventor, jocosely, asthe wreck of . the Anti-Fire-Flyswooped down with a rush.

"But the cinders!" howled the mat,"Bedad! They're into it! Mike!Mike! Bring the hose! The hose!"

And we were into it.A final rush of air and we strucl

the pile with a thud. And for mypart I had no sooner landed than Ibounced to my feet with a shriek, foethat cinder pile was about the hottesiproposition it has ever been my mis-fortune to meet.

The cords were. all about me, andas I pulled wildly in one direction, Icould feel Hawkins pulling as wildlyin the opposite.

"Let go! Let go, Griggs!" hescreamed. "Come my way! Lord!I'm all afire! Come, quick!"

"I'm not going to climb back overthat infernal heap!" I shouted. "Yotcome this way!"

"But my feet! T-hey're burningand-"

A mighty stream of water knockedme headlong to the ground. Sizzlingsteaming on the red-hot cinders, iicaught Hawkins and hurled his panting person to the other side, Anti-FireFly and all. Mike had arrived withthe hose.

After a period of wallowing in wa-ter and mud I regained my feet.

Hawkins was already standing alittle distance away, torn, scorched,drenched, black with cinders and star-ing wild-eyed about him.

"Why-why-Griggs, he mumbled,"what-did-we-"

"Oh, we flew away from fire withthe Anti-Fire-Fly!" I said.

Such was the end of the Anti-Fire-Fly.

Attired in such of our own raimentas had survived the cinder pile andthe hose, and in other bits of contributed by kindly factoryworkmen, we took the next boat forNew York, and a cab thereafter.

We reached home in time to seethe ladies mounting the Hawkins'steps, presumably to investigate thereason for our prolonged inspection.

For a few moments they seemedquite incapable of speech. Mrs. Haw-inks was the first to regain the use ofher tongue.

"Herbert," she said, in an ominous-ly calm tone, "what was it this time?"

Hawkins smiled foolishly."It was the Hawkins Anti-Fire-Fly,"

I said, spitefully. "Fly away fromfire with the Anti-Fre-Fly, you know.Tell your wife about it, Hawkins."

Then Mrs. Hawkins addressed herhusband and said-but let that pass.

We have all the essential facts ofthe case as it is. Moreover, a success-ful author told me last week that un-happy endings are in the worst possi-ble taste just now.(Copyright, 1906, by W. G. Chapman.)

man. Finally, however, he reacheda house where there was but one soli.tary ghost flitfing backward and for.ward. "This is my man," he saidto himself; "he must surely be aclever fellow." When the Imp cameto make inquiries, however, he learnedthat the practitioner had barely beenin practice for a day!-Grand Maga-zine.


Writer Tells of Delightful Days Spendas Guest of Amelie Rives,

the Authoress.

One who has recently visited AmelieRives (Princess Troubetzkoy) at thebeautiful Virginia estate, where shespends her winters with her motherand sisters, gives an attractive pioture of the home life of the author o;"Selene:"

"In the gloaming hour precedingdinner we had tea by the light of alog fire, in a big, square room, whereeverything was comforting, wherenothing was false, yet where every'thing was reminiscent of homeful associations. It was not the chamberof state, but the general room of in-timate reunion. The family life atCastle Hill has no intellectual affectations. Each member of the householdhas special obligations and duties thatkeep her busy, while the 'Princess o'Dreams' is the wondrous idol of themall. By candle-light we dined, at a big,round table, and in the mellow glowof the candelabra we looked our bestNot because we were formal in ourelegance, but because we were har-moniously informal. After dinner weall adjourned to the cozy comfort oflamp light, and laughed and talkedand even smoked our pipes until late.Our eyes and our minds were cen-tered in the mood of the princess; notmerely the guests, but her mother andsisters. The talk was always aboutsomething worth while, with ethicalpoint and purpose-and there were nolaggards. Yet it was nothing so pain-ful as an 'intellectual evening.' WhenIt cmae time to say good-nignt, thetransient guest, no longer an alien,retired serene in his conviction thatAmelie Rives Troubetzkoy was welland strong and, above all, serene."

To Study Free Alcohol.For the purpose of studying free

alcohol in all its aspects the presi-dent has decided to send a represent-ative of the government to Germ:ny,France, Belgium and Holland. JohmnW. Yerkes, commissioner of internalrevenue, has been chosen.

"Exactly. Then I called to see mybutcher, and I'll be hanged if hewasn't out, also!"

"By Jove! but you were in lucg!""No, I wasn't.""Why not?""When I got home I found them all

waiting for me."

Do not give a formal afternoon. teon the day you ars moving.

SICK HEADACHEPositively cured bythese Little Pills. 1

They also relieve Dis-tress fron Dyspepsia. In-CATTLE diston and Too~eat

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regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.


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Ely Brothers.56 Warren Street. NewYork.


Pellef Firmly Held in Many Parts ofthe Country.

"This matter of superstitions is aqueer thing," said the man as he care-fully avoided walking under a ladder,"for even those of us who are skepticshave at least one superstitious failing,and mine is walking under ladders.

"In the country this summer I meta new one, which was firmly believedIn by several farmers, and that wasthat a thunder storm never passedover a copper mine or copper vein.The- old fellow who told me about itpointed out again and again that al-though black clouds might roll up andlightning flash, the storm always wentaround a certain spot in his farm.

"Such actions on the part of a tbon-der storm could mean but one thing,he said-that there was a copper veinthere. So sure was he of it, that hewas putting by a little each year tohave the spot investigated to see ifthere was copper enough in it towork."

Microbe of Gray Hair.They have discovered a new mic-

robe in New York and it is quite popu-lar among actors and society women.It is called the chromophage, its spe-cial function being to turn the hairgray at a comparatively early age. Thehandsome actor who has those whitehairs on his temple that the womenadmire so is full of the chromophages.Baldheaded men are immune from themincrobes. He only attacks the hair,and a man without hair need not wor-ry about the chromophage. For yearsit was thought that a process of theblood killed' the coloring matter of thehair cells, but scalpologlsts in NewYork combat that theory. They sayIt is the chromophage. The microbedoes not like heat and for that reasonthe woman who uses the curling tongsIs less likely to have gray hair thanthe one who puts her hair up in pa-pers. __________

Animals Do with Little Water.There are some animals which rare-

,y drink; for instance, the llamas, ofPatagonia, and certain gazelles of thefar east. A number of snakes, liz-ards and other reptiles live in placesdevoid of water. A bat of westernAmerica inhabits waterless plails. Inparts of Lozere, France, there areherds of cows and goats which hardlyever drink and yet produce the milkfor Roquefort cheese.


A Man of 70 After Finding Coffee HurtHim, Stopped Short.

When a man has lived to be 70 yearsold with a 40-year-old habit grown tohim like a knot on a tree, chances arehe'll stick to the habit till he dies.

But occasionally the spirit of youthand determination remains in somemen to the last day of their lives.'When such men do find any habit oflife has been doing them harm, theysurprise the Oslerites by a degree ofwill power that is supposed to belongto men under 40 only.

"I had been a user of coffee untilthree years ago-a period of 40 years-and am now 70," writes a N. "I was extremely nervous anddebilitated, and saw plainly that Imust make a change.

"I am thankful to say I had thenerve to quit coffee at once and takeon Postum without any 8awdling, andexperienced no ill effects. On the con-trary, I commenced to gain, losing mynervousness within two months, alsogaining strength and health otherwise.

"For a man of my age, I am verywell and hearty. I sometimes meetpersons who have not made theirPostumn right and don't like it. But Icell them to boil it long enough, andcall their attention to my looks now,and before I used it, that seems con-v ncing.

"Now, when I have writing to do,or long columns of figures to cast up,I feel equal to it and can get throughmy work without the fagged out feel-ing of old." Name given by PostumCo., Battle Creek, Mich. Read thebook, "The Road to Wellville," iapkgs. "There's a reason."