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DIREKTORI MINI · outcomes in bandung city, indonesia rika sania — 229 analisis

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Program BeasiswaPusbindiklatren Bappenas


Dr. Guspika, MBA., dkk.

Professional Human Resource Development IVPusbindiklatren-Bappenas

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Direktori Mini Tesis-Disertasi

Perencanaan WIlayah dan Kota I ©2018 oleh Bappenas

Editor Dr. Guspika, MBA

Wignyo Adiyoso, S.Sos, MA, Ph.D.

Ali Muharram, SIP, MSE, MA.

Rita Miranda, S.Sos, MPA.

Wiky Witarni, S.Sos, MA..

Kontributor Ade, Afifah Kemala Hafsari, Aji Rio Sutrisno, Anik Suryani, David Oktariawan,

Dody Arfiansyah, Endar Desri Kumala Dewi, Fahrur Rozi, Farida Hudanti,

Fethrian Syahri Rangkuti, Fifian Silvianti, Gazali, Hastari Kusumawardhani,

Holiludin, I Putu Irwan Suryana, Mustiannis Syafaah, Noor Asyhadi, Rika Sania,

Suryani Afdanella, Umar Wirabhuana, Zelly Eliani, Zuleriwati As, Bonewati,

Dian Purnamasari Zain, Nina Anggriani, Wulandari

Cetakan I, Oktober 2018 ISBN: 978-602-53018-3-4

Diterbitkan oleh

Pusat Pembinaan, Pendidikan, dan Pelatihan Perencana Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional

Jalan Proklamasi Nomor 70 Jakarta Pusat 10320

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Fifian Silvianti — 131



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PROVINCE, INDONESIAZuleriwati As — 291










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Professional Human Resource Development (PHRD-IV) merupakan Program beasiswa Bappenas bergelar S2 dan S3 maupun non-gelar (short-term Training Program, staff Enhancement Program, dan Program for Academic Staff) bagi Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) Indonesia, khususnya dari daerah. Program ini bertujuan memberi kesempatan meningkatkan sumber-daya di Pemerintah Pusat dan daerah dengan mengurangi disparitas ekonomi antar-daerah.

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Buku Direktori Mini Tesis-Disertasi Program Beasiswa PHRD-IV, Tema: Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota I ini merupakan buku keempat dari sembilan buku yang akan diterbitkan pada tahun 2018, sebagai salah satu upaya mendiseminasikan karya tulis ilmiah yang telah diselesaikan oleh karyasiswa penerima beasiswa PHRD-IV.

Agar hasil-hasil penelitian Tesis/Disertasi dalam Program PHRD-IV dapat tersebar luas, hasil-hasil penelitian tersebut dirangkum, kemudian diterbitkan dalam bentuk buku. Tujuan pertama setelah diterbitkan adalah agar dapat direplikasi atau diadopsi di tempat kerja karya siswa; kedua, sebagai benchmark pemanfaatannya di instansi pemerintah lain; dan ketiga, merupakan bagian dari upaya mendokumentasikan kegiatan PHRD-IV, dalam bentuk terbitan buku ilmiah sehingga dapat disebutkan oleh karya siswa dalam resume masing-masing.

Serial buku ini diharapkan dapat menggambarkan manfaat dan kontribusi positif Program PHRD-IV terhadap peningkatan kapasitas SDM sebagai participating agencies, baik dari sisi keterampilan teknis, manajerial, dan kepemimpinan aparat pemerintah, dan dalam melaksanakan reformasi birokrasi di instansi masing-masing. Program PHRD-IV juga diharapkan dapat berkontribusi bagi pencapaian sasaran prioritas nasional dalam

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meningkatkan kinerja instansi pemerintah yang ditandai dengan berkurangnya praktik korupsi, kolusi, dan nepotisme, serta meningkatnya kualitas pelayanan publik.

Jakarta, Oktober 2018

Pusbindiklatren Bappenas

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Direktori Mini Tesis/Disertasi

Program Beasiswa PHRD-IV


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Nama : Ade

Instansi : Pemprov Jambi

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Policy Science

Negara Studi : Indonesia -Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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Energi dianggap sebagai jalur kehidupan ekonomi dan diakui sebagai salah satu komponen terpenting untuk meningkatkan mata pencaharian masyarakat. Kontinuitas pasokan energi tergantung pada munculnya infrastruktur dan jaringan yang berfungsi dengan baik. Interupsi pasokan energi dapat mempengaruhi operasi normal sistem energi serta ekonomi kota.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan penilaian dan analisis sistem energi perkotaan khususnya sistem kelistrikan melalui integrasi aspek keberlanjutan dan ketahanan. Dalam penelitian ini, dua kota diperhitungkan: Kota Jambi, Indonesia dan kota Kyoto, Jepang untuk tujuan perbandingan. Juga, dimaksudkan untuk menganalisis peran energi terbarukan yang dapat secara efektif meningkatkan keberlanjutan dan ketahanan sistem energi perkotaan di kota Jambi, Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan berbasis indikator di mana kriteria dan subkriteria (indikator) yang terkait dengan energi dipilih dari meninjau literatur. Pengkajian mempertimbangkan dimensi keberlanjutan: lingkungan, sosio-ekonomi yang dihubungkan oleh dimensi kelembagaan, sementara ketahanan direpresentasikan oleh dimensi teknis. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) digunakan sebagai metode untuk evaluasi dengan dukungan perangkat lunak Super Decisions untuk komputasi. Kriteria dan bobot sub kriteria ditetapkan melalui survei terhadap 30 responden yang terdiri dari akademisi, perwakilan perusahaan tenaga listrik, dan otoritas lokal.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kota Kyoto memiliki kinerja yang lebih baik daripada kota Jambi dengan prioritas keseluruhan sebesar 58% dibandingkan dengan Jambi dengan 42%. Untuk meningkatkan tingkat keberlanjutan dan ketahanan sistem energi di kota Jambi, diperlukan upaya yang signifikan. Meningkatkan efisiensi dan kinerja pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar gas harus dilakukan dengan mengadopsi teknologi siklus gabungan, yang juga dapat menurunkan emisi. Untuk mempromosikan penyebaran energi terbarukan di kota Jambi, pemerintah daerah harus menetapkan target yang ditetapkan dan dapat dicapai dan memasukkan energi terbarukan di infrastruktur kota. Selain itu, pihak berwenang setempat harus mendorong penggunaan energi terbarukan di bangunan komersial dan fasilitas. Selanjutnya, pemerintah daerah dapat berinvestasi dan/atau berkolaborasi dengan pihak ketiga dalam beberapa proyek energi terbarukan. Menyebarkan informasi mengenai energi terbarukan dan penghematan energi juga harus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran warga serta untuk mempromosikan energi terbarukan. Selain itu, data energi lokal juga

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harus ditingkatkan karena kurangnya data energi dapat menghambat investasi. Akhirnya, pemerintah pusat dan provinsi juga harus berpartisipasi dalam mendukung adopsi energi terbarukan di kota dengan menetapkan tarif pakan yang kompetitif dan memberikan dukungan bagi pemerintah daerah untuk menyusun rencana induk energi.

Kata Kunci: Keberlanjutan, Ketahanan, Sistem Energi Perkotaan, Penilaian, Jambi, Kyoto, Analytic Hierarchy Process

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4 Direktori Mini Tesis-Disertasi


Energy is considered as the lifeline of the economy and is recognized as one of the most important components for improving people’s livelihoods. The continuity of energy supply depends on the emergence of well-functioning infrastructure and networks. Energy supply interruptions may affect the normal operation of energy system as well as the economy of the city.

This study aims at conducting an assessment and analysis of urban energy system specifically electricity system through integrating sustainability and resilience aspects. In this research, two cities are taken into account: Jambi city, Indonesia and Kyoto city, Japan for comparative purpose. Also, it is intended to analyze the role of renewable energy that could effectively improve the sustainability and resilience of urban energy system in Jambi city, Indonesia. This study employs indicator-based approach where criteria and sub-criteria (indicators) related to energy are selected from reviewing literatures. The assessment considers sustainability dimensions: environmental, socio-economic which are linked by institutional dimension, while resilience is represented by technical dimension. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used as the method for evaluation with the support of Super Decisions software for computation. The criteria and sub-criteria weights were established through a survey of 30 respondents consisting of academics, electric power company representatives, and local authorities.

The results reveal that Kyoto city performs better than Jambi city with the overall priority of 58% compared to Jambi with 42%. To improve the sustainability and resilience level of energy system in Jambi city, some significant efforts are required. Improving the efficiency and performance of gas-fueled power plants should be done by adopting combined cycle technology, which could also lower the emission. To promote renewable energy deployment in Jambi city, the local government should set a specified and achievable target and incorporate renewable energy in municipal infrastructure. Also, the local authorities should encourage renewable energy utilization in commercial buildings and facilities. Furthermore, the local government could invest and/or collaborate with third parties in some renewable energy projects. Disseminating information regarding renewable energy and energy saving should also be carried out in order to raise the awareness of the citizens as well as to promote renewable energy. In addition, local energy data should also be improved since lack of energy data may inhibit investment. Finally, the national and provincial government should also participate in

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supporting renewable energy adoption in the city by establishing competitive feed-in tariff and providing support for local government to set up an energy master plan.

Keywords: Sustainability, Resilience, Urban Energy System, Assessment, Jambi, Kyoto, Analytic Hierarchy Process.

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A. Background

It is undoubtedly true that energy, particularly electricity becomes one of the most vital components for well-functioning society. When an electricity supply interruption occurs, then we begin to acknowledge and become aware of how reliant our everyday life is on reliable and efficient electricity systems (Kinn and Abbott, 2014). The continuity of electricity supplies depends on the emergence of well-functioning infrastructure and networks to deliver electricity to all connected consumers. It is more likely that potential threats caused by human actions or natural events threatening the system functioning happen along this process (Johansson, 2013). These could disturb the normal operation of the system which leads to supply demand imbalance. Currently, the majority of the world population lives in the urban areas and the proportion of the global urban population is projected to rise in the upcoming years (Sharifi and Yamagata, 2015). As the urban population increases, a power cut will have a significant impact on the people’s daily living standard (Kinn and Abbott, 2014). Moreover, robust electricity systems are required to ensure the effective functioning of economic activities (Molyneaux et al., 2012). Hence, the sustainability and resilience of electricity system in an urban area necessitate further investigation.

A resilient energy system can be defined as the ability to deal with and respond to shocks and still maintain its function (Molyneaux et al., 2012; O’Brien and Hope, 2010). In relation to sustainability, Sharifi and Yamagata (2014b) pointed out that resilience is closely linked to sustainability as a guiding principle. The World Commission on Environment and Development (2007) proposed the definition of sustainability as meeting “the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”. To achieve sustainability, a unified approach covering environmental, social, and economic aspects is needed. In addition, to guarantee continuous fulfillment of sustainability, it is important for an urban energy system to have the key attributes of resilience (Sharifi and Yamagata, 2016). Hence, any sustainable system should be resilient as well (Sharifi and Yamagata, 2014b).

Measuring sustainability of the energy sector is often considered at the national level or electricity generation technology (Maxim 2014; McLellan et al. 2014). At the local level, these considerations are less common. Grafakos et al. (2016) stated that only few studies have been conducted to build group of indicators for assessing energy

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sustainability at the local level. Furthermore, several studies admit the importance of integrating sustainability and resilience (Fiksel, 2006; McLellan et al., 2012; Sharifi and Yamagata, 2016). Some researchers have already attempted to integrate these two components (Ahmetović, 2014; Gaudreau and Gibson, 2010; Milman and Short, 2008; Grafakos et al., 2016).

This study presents the development of an assessment framework consisting of criteria and sub-criteria for evaluating sustainability and resilience of the electricity sector in the city. Two cities are considered in the assessment: Jambi city, Indonesia and Kyoto city, Japan for comparative purpose. As the method for evaluation, this research employs Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) which involves experts and stakeholders’ weight elicitation. AHP has been widely used in energy studies. From those previous studies applying AHP, to the best of our knowledge, most of them refer to electricity generation technology (Chatzimouratidis and Pilavachi, 2009; Stein, 2013; Kurka, 2013).

B. Research Problems and Methodology

This study is motivated by two research questions:

1. What are the main components of sustainability and resilience assessment framework of urban energy system and how to assess them?

2. What are renewable energy policies that could effectively improve the sustainability and resilience in Jambi city, Indonesia?

In this study, a questionnaire survey is used in order to collect data from the relevant experts and stakeholders in the target cities. The questionnaire consists of several questions with multiple answer choices and has been translated into Japanese and Indonesian. The participants are asked to choose only one answer to each question

and give their judgment based on their knowledge and experience.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Jambi City, Indonesia

Jambi city is geographically located between 10o 30’ 2.98” – 10o 40’ 1.07” South Latitude and 103o 40’ 1.67” – 103o 40’ 0.22” East Longitude. It is administratively bordered by Muaro Jambi regency in the north, east, south, and west, with an area of approximately 205.38 km2. It consists of 8 districts, which are divided into 62 sub-districts. Based on statistical data, the total number of population in 2015 is about 576,067 inhabitants with population density is 2,805 persons/km2.

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Wholesale and retail, transportation and warehousing, processing industry, public administration, and services dominate the city’s production, constituting more than 70% of its economic activity (Statistics of Jambi Municipality, 2016).

The provision of electricity for lighting and business activities in Jambi city is fulfilled by the state-owned electricity enterprise, PT PLN (Persero). The electric power system in Jambi has been well-interconnected with neighboring provinces through 150 kV (high voltage) transmission networks, which are part of the Sumatera interconnection system. Two main electricity generating plants, which have been interconnected to this system and supply electricity for Jambi city as well as middle Sumatera and southern Sumatera, are Payo Selincah and Sungai Gelam power plants. The Payo Selincah generating plant is located in Jambi city, while the Sungai Gelam generating plant is located in Muaro Jambi regency. These power plants are gas-based plants. The total generating capacity for these plants accounts for 299.37 MW in December 2016 (Jambi City Generating Control Sector of State-Owned Electricity Enterprise, 2016).

2. Analysis of Consistency Ratio

A set of questionnaires were distributed to some experts and local stakeholders in both cities to collect data required for the analysis. From the 35 questionnaire answers received, 30 answers were considered usable for the analysis. The analysis was divided into two segments. First, the analysis was based on 10 respondents in which all of their judgements passed the consistency test of 0.2 or less. Second, the analysis was based on all valid responses in which the consistency of all or some of their pairwise comparisons was below 0.2. Saaty (2001) recommended the 0.1 threshold for inconsistency. However, the CR of 0.1 or less was difficult to reach because of the complexity of the compared criteria and sub-criteria. Some respondents expressed such difficulty when asking their feedbacks regarding the questionnaire. Furthermore, excluding the judgements with CR > 0.1 can lead to the loss of a considerable amount of data. In addition, a study conducted by Lane and Verdini (as cited in Alonso and Lamata, 2006) argued that Saaty’s CR threshold is too restrictive because of the standard deviation of the consistency index for randomly generated matrices being relatively small.

To overcome the problem of CR ratio exceeding 0.1, two options are generally used in the scientific research (Adamson et al., 2016). First, the participants are asked to reconsider their judgments until the acceptable level of consistency is achieved (Saaty and Vargas, 2001). However, this option is difficult to do. The AHP study was conducted using written questionnaire. Due to the time and cost constraints, the author did not have the chance to interact repetitiously with the respondents

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until the CR of 0.1 or less was reached. Second, the pairwise comparisons that do not pass the consistency test are omitted from the analysis (Adamson et al., 2016; Apostolou and Hassell, 1993). Therefore, the CR of 0.2 or less was adopted in this research in order to increase the consistent responses included in the analysis.

3. Comparisons of the Results by Criteria and Sub-criteria

As discussed in the previous chapter, different experts and local stakeholders had different priorities related to the relative importance of the compared criteria, sub-criteria, and sub sub-criteria. The result has shown that socio-economic criterion had the highest score, followed by technical and environmental criteria. These criteria were chosen by the majority of respondents from Kyoto city. Referring to the Strategy for the Promotion of Kyoto city’s Energy Policy, the aim of energy policy in Kyoto city is to develop a sustainable energy society which does not depend on nuclear energy, so that the citizens will be able to sustain and improve their living standard. Furthermore, it also encourages energy conservation, significantly promotes renewable energy, and so forth (City of Kyoto, 2014). Interestingly, institutional criterion was preferred by the respondents from Jambi city, particularly local authorities. It is recognized that in Indonesia, the electricity sector is owned by the government through state-owned electricity enterprise. In this sense, the government plays a key role to formulate policy, regulation, supervision, and so on (Republic of Indonesia, 2009).

Regarding environmental criterion, based on the two analyses, solid waste sub-criterion is considered more important than GHG emissions sub-criterion. Some of the respondents were also considered these sub-criteria were equally important. Fossil fuel-based plants release GHG emissions into the atmosphere and at the same time, a considerable amount of solid waste can be generated, particularly from coal-fired power plants. In the case of Japan, as the land is limited and due to the difficulty to find landfill disposal site, therefore the technology for reuse and recycling have been developed (Japan Environmental Sanitation Center, 2012). Interestingly, based on all-eligible-respondent analysis, GHG emissions sub-criterion is more preferred than solid waste sub-criterion by the majority of academic respondents of both cities (6 of 9). It may reflect that GHG emissions as the main cause of global warming gain more interests in the academic field. Meanwhile, solid waste sub-criterion is considered more important than GHG emissions by the electric power company representatives of Jambi city.

According to Government Regulation Number 101 Year 2014 concerning Hazardous and Toxic Waste Management (Republic of Indonesia, 2014a), solid waste produced from power generating plants is considered as hazardous and

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toxic waste. This waste requires mandatory treatment and many permits that must be executed such as for storage, collecting, transporting, utilization, treatment, and landfill. Conversely, the electric power company representative of Kyoto city considered these two sub-criteria were equally important. Referring to the Kansai Electric Power Group Report 2016 (Kansai Electric Power, 2016), some proactive approaches have been undertaken by the company to reduce GHG emissions as well as the environmental impact of waste resulted from electricity production.

With respect to socio-economic criterion, price and accessibility were mostly chosen by the respondents. Japan is well-known as the fifth largest electricity user in the world, however, its energy supply structure is vulnerable since it relies heavily on imports for about 95% of its primary energy supply. The Great East Japan earthquake in 2011 and the following Fukushima Daiichi nuclear accident led to a significant change in the electricity sector. In Japan, ensuring the secure electricity supply remains one of its energy policy priorities (IEA, 2016c). Furthermore, in April 2016, full liberalization of electricity market began, which enables the consumers to choose and buy electricity from multiple electric power companies with a wide range of price choices that suits them (

In the case of Indonesia, access to electricity is essential for economic development and the government is obliged by the constitution to provide electricity access for the entire population. It can be achieved only if the electricity remains affordable, especially for low-income households as spending on electricity constitutes a substantial portion of the total household expenditures (ADB, 2016).

Regarding institutional criterion, most of the Jambi city respondents ranked policy sub-criterion the highest, while in Kyoto, the respondents’ preferences varied. As mentioned earlier, electricity sector in Indonesia is owned and controlled by the government, so that the government plays a key role in establishing policies related to the electricity sector.

In the case of technical criterion, security and renewability were found to be the important aspects by the respondents. Security criterion is defined as the share of reserve margin, which is useful to anticipate the peak demand. Most electricity systems already have reserve margins which become an important factor for ensuring the reliability of the electricity system (Molyneaux et al., 2012; PLN, 2016). Regarding renewability, one of Kyoto city’s strategy for the promotion of energy policy is to significantly develop renewable energy. The local government has targeted to increase the amount of renewable energy by three times and since 2010, the adoption of renewable energy has increased 1.5 times within four years. Meanwhile, the Indonesia’s energy policy enacted in 2014 has targeted the role of

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new and renewable energy is at least 23% in 2025 (Republic of Indonesia, 2014b), due to the declining of fossil energy potentials. Within this policy, the government set new and renewable energy as the main priority to achieve the security of energy supplies because the potentials of this energy type are abundant (DEN (NEC), 2016). The 2016 – 2025 Electricity Supply Business Plan published by PLN outlines the detailed long term plans for generation, transmission, and distribution projects. However, in this document, the renewable energy targets set for 2025 are far below the target set by national energy policy (19.6%).

Regarding the global weights, within the third level of AHP hierarchy, security and solid waste sub-criteria were considered as the two most important sub-criteria, even though the weights of technical and environmental criteria respectively were below socio-economic criterion. As the global weight is calculated by multiplying the local weight of a sub-criterion by its criterion weight, the local weights of security and solid waste sub-criteria are higher than those of sub-criteria under socio-economic criterion. In addition, within the fourth level of AHP structure, solid waste management was rated as the most important sub sub-criterion while the public participation was rated as the lowest.

4. Comparisons of the Results by Alternatives

As demonstrated in the previous chapter, the result revealed that Jambi city had the lower score compared to Kyoto city in term of energy sustainability and resilience. Jambi city performed better than Kyoto city in term of price, local energy self-sufficiency, public participation, and solid waste generation. The price of electricity in Jambi city for residential customers is lower than that of Kyoto city. It lies between 0.1003 and 0.1092 kWh/US$ compared to Kyoto, which ranges between 0.172 and 0.257 kWh/US$.

In terms of local energy self-sufficiency, based on the result demonstrated in the previous chapter, Jambi city is categorized as basically a self-sufficient area (self-sufficient rate = 68.44%). It indicates that it can meet around 68% of its electricity demand with locally produced electricity. However, as the electric power system in Jambi city is also a part of the Sumatera interconnection system, the electricity generated by some power plants located in Jambi city is also transmitted to support electricity demand in other areas outside Jambi city. Meanwhile, Kyoto is considered as net recharge area (energy self-sufficiency rate is 2.24%), which reflects that electricity produced locally is not sufficient enough to meet the demand.

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Regarding public participation, Jambi city had higher score than Kyoto city. Based on the interview with some local government representatives, dialogue and socialization are commonly adopted to communicate with the citizens. These two-way mechanisms are held three to four times so that they can gain feedbacks directly from the citizens. In the case of Kyoto city, public comments and questionnaire survey are commonly used by the local government. Concerning solid waste generation sub-criterion, Jambi city had the highest score as all power plants are gas-fueled ones which produce very small amount of solid waste.

Conversely, Kyoto showed strong performance figures for several aspects: productivity, solid waste management, local government actions to develop renewable energy. Regarding productivity, which is defined as electric power consumed per GDRP, the productivity figure for Kyoto city is much lower than that of Jambi city. In relation to solid waste management, almost 100% of solid waste produced from electricity production is recycled and used, particularly as a concrete mixture for construction projects (Kansai Electric Power, 2016). In the case of Jambi city, based on the interview with the company representatives, the generated solid waste is collected in a temporary dump site for 90 days and is then handed over to a third party which has a special permit to transport and dispose waste. However, the data related to the amount of solid waste that is properly disposed of are not available. Thereby, in this study, no value is assigned to solid waste management for Jambi city.

Concerning local government actions to develop renewable energy, Kyoto city’s government has already established a target setting from fiscal year 2010 to 2020 to increase the amount of renewable energy adoption from 570 tera-joules to 1,690 tera-joules. The local government has also promoted some programs that require renewable energy adoption in large emission buildings and has tightened the low carbon specification for public buildings. Approximately, 141 public buildings have installed solar photovoltaic generation plants. Besides, Kyoto city department, which is responsible for planning, regulating, and promoting renewable energy, exists (Environmental Policy Office). Moreover, the city government also provides grants and other supports to install solar power system and conduct home insulation program. In addition, it also provides some voluntary information and promotion regarding renewable energy by actively introducing renewable energy adoption in public buildings (City of Kyoto, 2014). In the case of Jambi city, based on the interview with the local authorities, Jambi city has not had a specific target regarding renewable energy adoption and has not yet incorporated it in municipal infrastructure. The department, which is specifically responsible for planning and promoting renewable energy, only exists in the provincial level.

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Kyoto city also performed better to some extent for several aspects such as GHG emissions, access to information, use, renewability, security, and awareness raising campaign. Kyoto city obtained higher score in term of access to information aspect. The local government programs related to energy included in the Strategies for Promoting Kyoto Energy Policy are available on the city government website ( Also, some energy-related data, such as electricity consumption, GHG emissions, and renewable energy are published on it, even though some of the data are less frequently updated. In the case of Jambi city, only few energy- related data are published on the city government website ( These data concern on the number of PLN customers and electricity sales.

Concerning use sub-criterion which is defined as electric power consumption per capita, Kyoto city had a higher score as the electricity consumption per capita accounts for 2,173 kilowatt hour per capita, compared to Jambi city with 478.70 kilowatt hour per capita. When a city becomes more prosperous, electricity consumption may rise because of the increased use of electric appliances. Furthermore, climate also affects the electric power consumption in which more electricity is consumed for heating purpose in the winter and air conditioning in the summer.

In relation to renewability sub-criterion, based on Kansai Electric Power Group Report (2016), the share of renewable energy for electricity generation accounts for 14.58%. Meanwhile, due to the data unavailability, no value was assigned to this sub-criterion for Jambi city. Similarly, no value was also given to the security sub-criterion of Jambi city which is represented as the share of reserve margin. In the case of Kyoto city, the share of reserve margin constitutes 8.2%.

Concerning awareness raising campaign sub sub-criterion, Kyoto city obtains a greater score since the local authorities has already conducted some activities to raise the citizens’ awareness on energy issues such as energy saving. These activities consist of distributing leaflets and posters containing information on how to save energy and conducting educational programs for the fourth and the fifth grades of primary school students concerning energy saving activities. Furthermore, the local government also encourages the citizens to come to some public buildings such as Kyoto city’s library during summer and winter so that they can limit the use of heater and air conditioning at home. In the case of Jambi city, based on the interview with some local government representatives, none of such kind activities are conducted.

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5. Policy Implications

A set of sensitivity analyses were performed to see the effects of altering the weights of criteria or the scales of sub-criteria in the ratings model on the alternatives rankings, as presented in the previous chapter. The results revealed that a small change in the criteria weights or in one or two scales of sub-criteria had no considerable effect on the alternative rankings. However, when significant adjustments applied to several sub-criteria and sub sub-criteria, the overall results change considerably, in which Jambi city performs better than Kyoto city.

In relation to the second objective of this present study, some improvements are proposed in order to improve the sustainability and resilience of the energy system in Jambi city.

First, based on the analysis, it is demonstrated that the CO2 emission per unit of electricity generated in Jambi city is categorized as ‘above average’. It is recognized that all power plants in Jambi city are gas-fueled power plants which use single cycle technology (Jambi City’s Generating Control Sector of State-Owned Electricity Enterprise, 2016). In order to improve the efficiency and the performance of these plants, the local stakeholders should adopt combined cycle technology which can also lower the emission. This technology involves producing electricity as well as capturing the thermal energy resulted from the process in term of exhaust gas to produce additional electricity (Goswami and Kreith, 2007).

Second, to encourage the utilization of renewable energy in the city, the local entities should establish a specified and achievable level of renewable energy adoption, such as having 10% renewable energy supply by 2025. It, of course, requires some analyses regarding locally available renewable energy resources, types of energy technologies which are appropriate and applicable to Jambi city, as well as the comparison of energy technology costs. The local authorities should also incorporate renewable energy deployment for municipal infrastructure such as installing solar photovoltaic plants in government buildings, schools, public lightings, and so forth. Furthermore, commercial buildings and facilities such as hotels, malls, recreation facilities, and so on should be encouraged to have solar photovoltaic systems installed. The city government could also invest and/or collaborate with third parties (private businesses or international partnership) to demonstrate renewable energy projects, including the utilization of public land for renewable energy activities such as developing community biogas plants and waste-to-energy plants from municipal waste.

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Third, the local authorities should facilitate and enable support for renewable energy as well as energy saving by spreading information and educative measures through schools, social media, local TV and radio stations, and project demonstrations. These could raise the awareness of the citizens and promote renewable energy.

Fourth, the city government should develop and improve local energy data by collaborating with some relevant institutions. A lack of energy data availability may impede investment. Fifth, the national government could also play a key role in supporting renewable energy adoption in the local level such as through feed-in-tariff mechanism. It is a mechanism stipulated by the national government regarding electricity purchasing price from renewable energy-based power generation by PT PLN in which each of renewable energy sources has different tariff (DEN (NEC), 2016). Currently, PT PLN generates revenue from electricity sales and the subsidy from the government reflected in lower electricity prices. PT PLN does not receive additional compensation regarding feed-in tariffs for renewable energy projects, which are generally higher than the prices charged to the consumers. Feed-in tariffs for renewable energy projects should be competitive in order to attract investors (IRENA, 2017). Finally, the provincial government should encourage and provide financial support for Jambi city’s government to establish an energy master plan aiming to increase the share of renewable energy.

D. Conclusions

This present study provides an integrated sustainability and resilience assessment of energy system, particularly electricity system using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) with the support of Super Decisions software for computation. It also aims at analyzing the role of renewable energy that could effectively improve the sustainability and resilience of electricity system in Jambi city. The assessment has been applied to Jambi city, Indonesia and Kyoto city, Japan for comparative purpose. It involves several criteria and sub-criteria related to energy sustainability and resilience which are selected from reviewing literatures. The derivation of criteria and sub-criteria weights is established through a survey of 30 respondents involving academics, electric power company representatives, and local authorities. In this study, the consistency of judgements is set at 0.2 or less in order to maximize the number of consistent responses included in the analyses.

The results demonstrate that each of the respondents has different preferences regarding the relative importance of criteria or sub-criteria. The results also reveal that Kyoto city performs better than Jambi city with the total score of 67% and the priority

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of 58%. Jambi city ranks the second with the total score of 49% and the priority of 42%. Kyoto city shows strong performances with respect to productivity, solid waste management, and local government actions to develop renewable energy aspects. It also performs better to some extent regarding GHG emission, use, access to information, renewability, security, and awareness raising campaign aspects. Conversely, Jambi city outweighs Kyoto city in term of price, local energy self-sufficiency, public participation, and solid waste generation aspects.

A sensitivity analysis for a selected set of scenarios were performed to see the effects of altering the weights of criteria or the scales of sub-criteria on the ranking of the cities. The results implied that a small change in the criteria weights or in one or two scales of sub-criteria had no significant influence on the ranks of the cities. On the other hand, when significant changes applied to several sub-criteria and sub sub-criteria, the overall results change considerably, in which Jambi city performs better than Kyoto city.

Some improvements are required in order to improve the sustainability and resilience of the energy system in Jambi city. To improve the efficiency and performance of gas-fueled power plants, combined cycle technology should be adopted which could also lower the emission. In order to encourage renewable energy utilization in Jambi city, the local government should establish a specified and achievable target of renewable energy and incorporate renewable energy in municipal infrastructure. Also, the local authorities should encourage renewable energy utilization in commercial buildings and facilities. Furthermore, the local government could invest and/or collaborate with private sectors or international partnership in some renewable energy projects. Distributing information concerning renewable energy and energy saving should also be conducted to raise the citizens’ awareness and promote renewable energy. Additionally, local energy data should also be improved because lack of energy data may impede investment. Finally, the central and provincial government should also engage in supporting renewable energy adoption in the local level by establishing competitive feed-in tariff and providing support for local authorities to establish an energy master plan.

In short, the significance of this work can be summarized as follows. Based on literature survey, as far as the author is aware of, only few studies attempted to assess sustainability of energy system and address the system resilience explicitly. Moreover, from several previous energy studies applying AHP, most of them refer to electricity generation technology. In addition, this assessment was carried out to assist the local stakeholders, particularly in Jambi city to understand socio-economic, environmental, institutional, as well as technical issues concerning on electricity system. Therefore, it

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will make contribution to enable the local stakeholders to identify priorities and make more informed decisions towards transition to sustainable and resilient city.

E. Rekomendasi

The author proposes that further studies should be undertaken in the following areas. First, it would be useful to compare different approaches related to multi-criteria decision analysis, which will provide valuable insights on how to best derive criteria and sub-criteria weights. Second, it would be beneficial to carry out similar studies for a larger sample of cities and compare the priorities of criteria and sub-criteria from different cities. Furthermore, it is deemed necessary to involve relevant experts and stakeholders in the selection of criteria and sub-criteria, which further affects the design of the hierarchy. Finally, it would be useful to involve a larger number of respondents and analyze their preferences

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Nama : Afifah Kemala Hafsari

Instansi : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate Program in Regional and City Planning

Negara Studi : Indonesia -Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung–Ritsumeikan University

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Pemerintah Indonesia telah berkomitmen untuk menyediakan akses aman 100 persen untuk air minum pada tahun 2019. Salah satu strategi untuk mempercepat pencapaian target ini adalah dengan membangun sistem pasokan air baru, terutama sistem pasokan air regional. Sistem penyediaan air regional yang baru akan dibangun di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung, salah satu tempat paling strategis di Indonesia yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan pembangunan ekonomi negara. Secara umum, biaya untuk membangun sistem pasokan air baru akan tinggi, sementara skala dan tingkat layanan sistem pasokan air masih rendah, sehingga mengakibatkan tidak efisiennya sistem pasokan air. Berdasarkan teori ekonomi, efisiensi dapat diperoleh jika produksi mencapai skala optimal. Skala optimal dapat diidentifikasi jika ada bukti keberadaan skala ekonomi. Untuk infrastruktur dengan biaya modal tinggi seperti sistem pasokan air biasanya skala ekonomi ada. Jika skala ekonomi ada, biaya unit infrastruktur akan menurun dengan peningkatan output produksi hingga mencapai titik terendah biaya satuan yang disebut titik optimal.

Penelitian ini akan mengidentifikasi skala optimal sistem produksi air minum di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung dengan menggunakan pendekatan fungsi biaya. Pertama, data dari 77 instalasi pengolahan air dari 3 utilitas air di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung dikumpulkan. Data terdiri dari kuantitas air atau volume produksi, faktor harga input seperti retribusi air baku, biaya kimia, biaya energi, biaya sewa tanah, upah, biaya operasi dan pemeliharaan, dan biaya penyusutan, dan faktor teknologi. Faktor teknologi akan diperluas menjadi faktor lingkungan yaitu kualitas air dan topografi. Kualitas air akandiekspresikan oleh sumber air (air permukaan, mata air, dan sumur) sementara topografi akan diekspresikan oleh sistem transmisi (sistem gravitasi dan pemompaan). Setelah itu, fungsi biaya diperkirakan menggunakan bentuk linear dan translog dengan melakukan analisis regresi berganda. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan grafik antara volume produksi dan biaya satuan, skala ekonomi memang ada dalam sistem produksi pasokan air di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung. Skala optimal kemudian diperoleh dari diferensiasi orde pertama dari fungsi biaya translog. Dari perhitungan, skala optimal untuk sistem produksi air minum di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung untuk air permukaan adalah 15.881.537 m3 / tahun, untuk musim semi adalah 7,603,529 m 3 / tahun, dan untuk sumur adalah 10,293,718 m3 / tahun. Sedangkan skala optimal rata-rata adalah 11,259,595 m3 / tahun. Berdasarkan hasil ini, kondisi sistem produksi pasokan air yang ada di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung dapat diidentifikasi. 10 persen penyimpangan dari skala optimal diasumsikan untuk mengidentifikasi kondisi instalasi pengolahan air. 98 persen dari instalasi pengolahan air tidak optimal dan perlu ditingkatkan. Dibandingkan dengan sistem pasokan air regional baru di Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung, kapasitas desainnya jauh melebihi skala optimal; oleh karena

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itu dianggap tidak optimal. Pemisahan sistem produksi dari sistem air regional baru ini akan sangat direkomendasikan untuk mencapai skala optimal.

Kata kunci: Skala Optimal, Sistem Produksi Air Bersih, Fungsi Biaya, Analisis Regresi Berganda, Wilayah Metropolitan Bandung.

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The government of Indonesia has committed to provide 100% safe access drinking water in 2019. One of the strategies to accelerate the achievement of this target is construct new water supply system, especially regional water supply system. A new regional water supply system will be built in Bandung Metropolitan Area, one of the most strategic places in Indonesia that functioned to increase country’s economic development. Generally, the cost for constructing new water supply system will be high, while the scale and service level of water supply system is still low, resulting inefficiency in water supply system. Based on economical theory, efficiency can be obtained if the production reaches its optimal scale. Optimal scale can be identified if there is a proof of the existence of economies of scale. For infrastructure with high capital cost like water supply system usually economies of scale exist. If economies of scale exist, the unit cost of infrastructure will decrease with the increase of production output until it reaches lowest point of unit cost which called optimal point.

This study will identify the optimal scale of water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area by using cost function approach. First, data from 77 water treatment plants from 3 water utilities in Bandung Metropolitan Area is collected. The data consist of water quantity or production volume, input prices like raw water retribution, chemical cost, energy cost, land rent cost, wage, operation and maintenance cost, depreciation cost, and technological factor. The technological factor will be extended into environmental factor which are water quality and topography. Water quality will be expressed by the water sources (surface water, spring, and well) while topography will be expressed by transmission system (gravitation and pumping system). After that, cost function is estimated using linear and trans log form by performing multiple regression analysis. Analysis result shows that using graph between production volume and unit cost, the economies of scale does exist in water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area. The optimal scale then is obtained from the first order differentiation of translog cost function. From calculation, the optimal scale for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area for surface water is 15,881,537 m3/year, for spring is 7,603,529 m3/year, and for well is 10,293,718 m3/year. Meanwhile the average optimal scale is 11,259,595 m3/year. Based on this result, the condition of existing water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area can be identified. 10% of deviation from optimal scale is assumed to identify the condition of water treatment plants. 98 % of the water treatment plants are not optimal and need to be improved. Compared to the new regional water supply system in Bandung Metropolitan Area, the design capacity has much more exceed the optimal scale; therefore it is considered to

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be not optimal. Splitting the production system of this new regional water system will be highly recommended to reach optimal scale.

Keywords: Optimal Scale, Water Supply Production System, Cost Function, Multiple Regression Analysis, Bandung Metropolitan Area.

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A. Background

Water is really fundamental for people, especially to ensure the quality and sustainability of their lives. Therefore, it must be provided in adequacy of both quality and quantity. The supply of water in nature is actually more than enough to fulfil people’s needs. However, with the rapid growth of population, the number of people in the world increase and their activities may pollute the water resources. Polluted water is not safe to consume, so it will need some treatment before it is distributed to houses. As a result, appropriate water supply infrastructure must be built to ensure the availability of drinking water (clean water).

The Government of Indonesia has committed to achieve 68,7% safe access to drinking water in order to reach the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in 2015. After the completion of the target, the Government of Indonesia now commits to provide 100% of safe access to drinking water (clean water) in 2019 in urban and rural area. Meanwhile, until 2014, Indonesia has just achieved 68.11% of safe access to drinking water. There is still gap of around 30% access that has to be achieved within five years, while the increased access per year from 2011 to 2014 was only 4.5% (Ministry of Public Works and Housing, 2015). Therefore, the Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Public Works and Housing must make acceleration strategies to attain the new target. One of the strategies to accomplish this target is accelerate the construction of new water supply infrastructure including regional water supply system. In Indonesia, three types of water supply system are known and often used.

The first one is the public system, which usually have extensive service coverage. The provision of this system is usually held by the public water supply company (Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum, PDAM). PDAM can provide the water supply system by itself or by cooperate with private sector. The second type is communal system, with service coverage exclusively for particular community. This system is usually provided by certain group of people or developers. The third classification is the individual system, which only use for individual and has really limited supply. This system is usually for those who are not served by the PDAM or developers.

There is also regional water supply system (SPAM Regional) which usually owned by the provincial government. The mechanism of regional water supply system usually in the form of cooperation between some local governments whose area included in the service area of the regional water supply system. The government of Indonesia

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through the ministry of public works identified that constructions of 73 regional water supply systems will be needed to reach the target. Regional water supply system will be constructed in strategic area in Indonesia. One of them is Bandung Metropolitan Area in West Java Province.

Water supply system usually divided in two main parts: production and distribution system. Water supply production system can be classified into large, medium, and small scale production. Large scale water supply production provide more than 50,000 house connections, medium scale water supply production provides 10,000 – 50,000 house connections, while small scale water supply production provides less than 10,000 house connections.

After the enactment of law number 23 year 2014 (Law No 23 about Decentralization 2014) about decentralization and the government regulation number 16 year 2005 about water supply system development (Government Regulation No 16 about Water Supply System 2015), the number of water supply provider increase especially in cities or regions. The number of large scale provider increase to 31 providers, medium scale provider climb up to 156 providers, and the small scale providers double to 348 providers. The total coverage also increases to 24% of Indonesia’s population with 8,032,099 house connections (Perpamsi 2010). The providers consist of public water supply system, unit under the Ministry of Public Works, and private sector.

However, the increase in the number of water supply production providers is considered to be inefficient since the coverage area only increase by 6%. It is because the additional providers for water supply production are from small scale classification. The capital cost to build new water supply infrastructure is high. Theoretically, efficiency for high cost infrastructure is attained when the production scale reach the optimal scale (Sukirno 2002). Optimal scale production will allow water providers to maximize their production capacity and profit by generating low cost and fare. It also will attract more people to use the water system and increase the investment of water supply production in widening the coverage area.

The construction of Metro Bandung regional water supply system has started in 2015 and it is planned to finish in 2017. This water supply system will serve the unserved population of existing water utilities. In order to reach efficiency, Metro Bandung regional water supply system needs to reach its optimal scale. Optimal scale for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan area is still unknown. Optimal scale can be obtained if economies of scale have proven to exist (Worthington and Higgs 2014). Generally, infrastructure with high capital cost will have economies of scale, although some researches indicate that economies of scale are not always exist (Mizutani and Urakami 2001a). There have been many researches in identifying the

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existence of economies of scale throughout the world, especially in America, England, Italy, and Japan (Walter et al. 2009). However, such research is still limited in developing countries (Nauges and Van den Berg 2008). Based on past researches, the result of both the existence of economies of scale and optimal scale varied, so the economies of scale and optimal scale are time and location specific. Therefore, research to determine the economies of scale and optimal scale for water supply system in Bandung Metropolitan

Area should be conducted.

B. Research Problems

Based on the data from Perpamsi (2015), water supply production scale in Indonesia differs. It can be seen from the variation of distributed water quantity of each water provider. The service level of the water providers also vary and still low in general, which only serve 24% of population in Indonesia. Furthermore, from 402 water providers, only 103 providers are in good condition, while the rest 234 providers are not. Meanwhile, the first phase construction of Metro Bandung regional water supply system has started since 2013 and planned to finish in 2016. The construction of this water supply system for the first phase will cost around 518 billion rupiahs.

By looking at the fact, decentralization and privatization still cannot provide efficient water supply system. The great number of low scale water providers has generated inefficiency to water supply system. The addition of new regional water supply system still cannot guarantee whether it will generate efficient water provision or not. As one of the highly cost infrastructures, water supply production system can reach efficiency when the production scale is optimal.

Based on the explanation above, there are some questions that need to be addressed, which are:

1. How is the cost function for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area?

2. Are there any economies of scale in water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area?

3. What is the optimal scale for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area?

C. Research Object

Water supply system in Indonesia is still dominated by local company or state owned company, therefore the object of this research is water utility or PDAM. There are three

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PDAM that provide drinking water in Bandung Metropolitan Area, which are PDAM Bandung City, PDAM Bandung Regency, and PDAM Sumedang Regency. Data on water supply production system from the three PDAMs will be gathered to determine the optimal scale for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area. Generally, PDAM in Indonesia consists of several branches or units based on the production capacity or service area. Each branch or unit comprises with water supply system, which production capacity and facility differs from one and another. The

differences are mainly caused by water sources.

D. Data Analysis and Results

1. Total Cost of Water Supply Production System

From data gathered, all three PDAMs use raw water from three sources. For transmission system in existing PDAM, water treatment plant with surface water and spring use gravitation system, while well uses pumping system. After that, each cost as being explained in the methodology is being calculated. All cost then summed up to acquire total cost for each water treatment plant. The total cost increase as production volume increase. Surface water produces the highest volume of water and therefore it generates highest total cost.

2. Cost Function for Water Supply Production System in Bandung Metropolitan Area

After calculating total cost from collected data, multiple regression analysis is conducted to acquire cost function. From the function above, is total cost (Rp/year), is production volume (m3/year), is dummy variable for surface water, and is dummy variable for pumping system. It can be concluded that total cost is influenced by production volume, water source, and the transmission system. The higher the production volume, the higher the total cost and water treatment using pumping system will generate higher cost too.

After that, calculation for total cost based on any given production volume is being conducted. Water source and transmission system are also taken into consideration in the calculation. The surface water will generate higher total cost because the treatment cost tends to be higher due to the bad quality of water. Meanwhile, well water tends to generate higher cost compared to spring, because well water uses pump for the transmission system, which will cause higher energy cost.

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The second type of cost function is the trans log with hedonic function. From the function above, total cost will be affected by production volume and water sources. If the production volume increase, the total cost will increase too. Substitution to any given value of production volume then is done to calculate the total cost. Calculation using trans log cost function has the same trend with the result from linear cost function. Surface water also generates the highest total cost followed by well and spring. In order to select the best function form, analysis result from both function is being compared.

3. Identification of Economic of Scale in Water Supply Production System

From the linear cost function, total cost can be calculated for any given value of production volume. Other than that, unit cost also can be estimated by dividing total cost with production volume. For every water source, the unit cost decreases with increase of production volume. This trend apply in surface water, spring, and well water which indicates that economies of scale exists for every water source in water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area. If economies of scale exists then the optimal scale for water supply production system can be identified.

4. Identification of Optimal Scale for Water Supply Production System in Bandung Metropolitan Area

Optimal scale or optimum size can be defined as the scale with the minimum average cost. In translog cost function model, the optimal scale can be obtained from the first order differentiation of the cost function. The greater the production volume then the unit cost will keep decrease, until it reaches one constant line when the unit cost at around Rp1,021. If stakeholders in water utility are willing to increase the unit cost for water supply production system, the optimal scale value will be shifted to the left resulting in lower production volume. This condition will encourage construction of smaller scale water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area.

5. Implication of Optimal Scale for Water Supply Production System in Bandung Metropolitan Area

The optimal scale will be a standard to justify efficiency of existing water treatment plant. Production volume from each water treatment plant and optimal scale will be compared to see if treatment plant has reached optimal point. In order to analyze this, it is assumed that optimal condition of water treatment plant is when the deviation of production volume is not more than 10 percent from optimal scale.

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If the condition is below the optimal scale then it needs to be combined, while if it is exceed the optimal scale then it needs to be separated.

All production system is still not optimal. From 77 water supply production systems, 17 water production systems from surface water need to be combined while only one needs to be split. Meanwhile all 36 water supply production systems using spring and all 23 water supply production systems with well also need to be combined. If using average value of optimal scale, which is 11,259,595 m3/year, and applying the same method to identify the optimal condition of existing water treatment plant.

There is one production system which already reach optimal point, which is IPA Cikoneng-Ciparay from PDAM Bandung Regency. One production system with surface water needs to be separated and the other 16 production systems need to be combined. Moreover, spring and well production system need to be combined.

If compared to design capacity of new regional water supply system in Bandung Metropolitan Area that is being constructed, the value has so much exceeded the optimal scale. The first phase of construction will have 1,700 l/s of design capacity, which is three times bigger than the optimal scale for water supply production system for surface water in Bandung Metropolitan Area. In order to make it optimal, separation of design capacity is highly recommended.

E. Conclusions

The main objective of this research is identify the optimal scale (with respect to minimum unit cost) of water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area. This matter is really relevant in Bandung Metropolitan Area considering now there is a new regional water supply system being constructed there. The construction of new water supply system will not be effective if it is not reach the optimal scale.

From data analysis, the optimal scale for water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area can be divided based on water sources. The optimal scale for surface water accounts for 15,881,537 m3/year, spring constitutes for 7,603,529 m3/year, and well constitutes for 10,293,718 m3/year with unit cost of Rp. 1,196.91/m3, Rp. 630.94/m3, and Rp602.26/m3 respectively. The average optimal scale for water supply production system accounts for 11,259,595 m3/year with unit cost of Rp890.59/m3. Most of the existing water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area has not yet reached optimal scale and most of them need to be combined to reach the optimal production volume.

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Increasing unit cost by 10-20 % will decrease the production volume and shift the optimal scale point in linear function graph. This action affects the existing condition of water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area and will encourage water utility to construct smaller scale water supply production system. If unit cost increases by 10%, the production volume will decrease dramatically to 6,227,957 m3/year, 658,862 m3/year, and 1,515,528 m3/year for surface water, spring, and well respectively. If the unit cost increases by 20%, the production volume will more decline to 3,873,470 m3/year, 344,350 m3/year, and 817,979 m3/year for surface water, spring, and well respectively.

In relation with regional water supply system in Bandung Metropolitan Area, the design capacity of water supply system has much more exceed the optimal scale. Therefore, it is better to split the capacity into smaller scale to promote more effective and efficient water supply system. Since the source of water will use surface water, then the optimal scale for surface water is being used. It is better to split the regional water supply system into three production system.

F. Recommendations

Based on the conclusion of this research, there are some recommendations that can be applied to reach optimal scale in water supply production system in Bandung Metropolitan Area. Recommendations for water utility stakeholders are as follows:

1. In order to reach optimal scale, stakeholders can improve or reduce their production capacity. It can be done by utilizing the idle capacity (if any) in water supply production system. Furthermore, it is also possible to increase production capacity by expanding water intake, adding pump, upgrading pump capacity, or combining several water supply production systems in consideration of distance between production systems. Meanwhile, to reduce production capacity stakeholder can split the water supply production system.

2. Cooperate with other water utility stakeholders to overcome problems that may occur to reach optimal scale in water supply production system. For instance, water source potency, piping system, distribution service which related to topography, water flow, administration boundary.

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Nama : Aji Rio Sutrisno

Instansi : Pemprov Kalimantan Barat

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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32 Direktori Mini Tesis-Disertasi


Kota Pontianak merupakan ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang hampir setiap tahun mengalami kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla). Wilayah dengan potensi titik api tinggi menjadi ancaman bencana kabut asap serius di Pontianak. Karhutla adalah keadaan hutan dan lahan dilanda api, yang menyebabkan degradasi lingkungan, gangguan kesehatan, kerugian dalam perdagangan dan pariwisata, serta tingginya biaya restorasi ekosistem. Karhutla sering dihubungkan dengan proses pembukaan lahan dan luas lahan gambut. Faktor alam yang memperparah kejadian karhutla adalah strong el nino seperti yang terjadi di tahun 1982, 1997 dan 2015.

Studi ini bertujuan mengkaji kapasitas masyarakat Kota Pontianak dalam menghadapi kabut asap akibat karhutla, khususnya di Kelurahan Bansir Darat. Sasaran penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi persepsi masyarakat terhadap kabut asap, kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi kabut asap, dan hubungan karakteristik dan persepsi masyarakat dalam menghadapi kabut asap. Metode analisis dilakukan secara kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui angket, wawancara, dan observasi, sedangkan pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui studi pustaka, data instansi, dan media daring. Kapasitas masyarakat dihitung berdasarkan empat aspek, yaitu: ekonomi, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, teknologi dan informasi, dan infrastruktur.

Menurut masyarakat Bansir Darat, bencana kabut asap terjadi hampir setiap tahun dan dampak terburuk adalah gangguan kesehatan. Dalam menghadapi kabut asap, masyarakat terbagi menjadi tiga bagian, yaitu 21,82% siap, 28,18% tidak siap, dan 50% cukup siap, tetapi semuanya rentan ketika bencana kabut asap terjadi. Uji statistik menemukan hubungan yang signifikan antara kelompok pekerjaan dan jenis permukiman dengan kapasitas masyarakat. Upaya pengurangan risiko kabut asap dapat dilakukan dengan meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat berdasarkan aspek pembentuk kapasitas masyarakat, dan memperhatikan karakteristik masyarakat yang memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kapasitas masyarakat.

Kata kunci: Kabut Asap, Karhutla, Kapasitas, Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat.

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Pontianak city is the capital of West Kalimantan Province which almost every year experiencing karhutla, the area with high hotspot potential becomes a serious smoke haze threat in Pontianak City. Forest and land fires (karhutla) is a condition in which forests and land are hit by fire, resulting in environmental degradation, health disruption, trade and tourism losses, and the cost of ecosystem restoration. Karhutla is often associated with land clearing and the extent of peatlands, but strong el nino is a natural factor that exacerbates karhutla events such as those occurring in 1982, 1997 and 2015.

This study aims to assess the capacity of the people of Pontianak in the face of smoke haze caused by karhutla especially in Kelurahan Bansir Darat. The objectives of this study were to identify people’s perceptions of smoke haze, to identify the capacity of communities in the face of smoke haze, and to identify the relationship of community characteristics and perceptions to the capacity of communities in the face of smoke haze. The method of analysis is done quantitatively, primary data collection is done through questionnaires, interviews, and observations while collecting secondary data through literature study, agency data, and online media. Community capacity is calculated based on 4 aspects, namely: economy, knowledge and skills, technology and information and infrastructure.

According to the Bansir Darat public perception, smoke haze disaster is felt almost every year and the worst impact is health problems. In the face of smog, 21.82% ready, 28.18% not ready, and 50% ready enough but vulnerable when smoke haze occurred. The statistical tests found a significant relationship between occupational groups and the types of settlements with community capacity. Efforts to reduce smoke haze risk can be done by improving the capacity of the community based on the aspect of community capacity building, and taking into account the characteristics of the community that has significant relationship with the capacity of the community.

Keywords: Smoke Haze, Forest and Land Fire, Capacity, Pontianak, West Kalimantan.

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A. Latar Belakang

Hutan (hutan lindung) yang berfungsi sebagai perlindungan sistem penyangga kehidupan untuk mengatur tata air, mencegah banjir, mengendalikan erosi, mencegah intrusi air laut, dan memelihara kesuburan tanah (UU 41/1999) terancam kelestariannya akibat kebakaran hutan maupun kebakaran lahan yang terjadi hampir setiap tahun di Indonesia. Kebakaran hutan dan lahan (karhutla) adalah keadaan hutan dan lahan dilanda api, yang menyebabkan kerusakan hutan dan lahan sehingga menimbulkan kerugian ekonomi yang mencakup kerusakan sumber daya air, emisi karbon, kerusakan tanaman dan pohon, kerusakan keragaman hayati, tingginya biaya kesehatan, kerugian perdagangan, pariwisata dan biaya-biaya restorasi ekosistem (Purnomo et al., 2015).

Sampai saat ini, penyebab karhutla masih diperdebatkan, apakah terjadi secara alami, yaitu el Nino yang melanda daerah Indonesia atau karena ulah manusia, yaitu pengelola hutan atau lahan yang dengan sengaja atau karena kelalaiannya membuka/mengelola hutan atau lahan untuk pertanian dan perkebunan. Secara umum, penyebab karhutla adalah kondisi suhu udara yang tinggi dan curah hujan yang rendah, sehingga sisa-sisa bahan olahan kayu, daun, dan rumput kering yang bergesekan mudah terbakar (BPBD Kota Pontianak, 2017). Ancaman kabut asap yang timbul dari karhutla sulit untuk dihindari karena keuntungan dan permintaan pasar yang tinggi terhadap kelapa sawit telah memberikan “insentif” dalam penggunaan api untuk membuka lahan sehingga kebakaran dan kabut asap akan terus terjadi setiap tahunnya (Purnomo et al., 2017).

Wilayah Indonesia yang hampir setiap tahun mengalami karhutla adalah sebagian pulau Sumatera dan Kalimantan. Ada 6 provinsi dengan kasus karhutla tertinggi, yaitu Riau, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan, Kalimantan Selatan, Kalimantan Tengah, dan Kalimantan Barat (BNPB, 2015). Pontianak, ibukota Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, adalah wilayah yang menghadapi bencana kabut asap akibat karhutla di Kota Pontianak maupun di luar wilayah Kota Pontianak, bahkan, karhutla di provinsi lain di Kalimantan setiap tahunnya. Dengan luas wilayah 107,82 km2 dan jumlah penduduk 618.388 jiwa, Pontianak sebagai wilayah terpadat di Kalimantan Barat dengan 5.736 jiwa/km2 (BPS Kota Pontianak, 2016) memiliki kerentanan yang lebih tinggi di antara kabupaten/kota lainnya dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap akibat karhutla.

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Potensi karhutla di Kalimantan Barat berupa lahan gambut seluas 1.094.728 ha dan 471.187 ha di antaranya terletak di Kabupaten Kubu Raya yang berbatasan langsung dengan Pontianak (BPBD Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, 2017). Dalam mengantisipasi karhutla dan kabut asap, BPBD Pontianak menetapkan 3 kelurahan rawan karhutla, yaitu: Bansir Darat, Batu Layang, dan Siantan Hulu. Ketiga kelurahan ini menjadi prioritas dalam pengurangan risiko, baik dalam mengurangi tingkat ancaman dan kerentanan maupun dalam meningkatkan kapasitas untuk menghadapi bencana karhutla dan kabut asap.

Dalam Perka BNPB No. 2 Tahun 2012 disebutkan bahwa kapasitas adalah kemampuan daerah dan masyarakat untuk melakukan tindakan pengurangan ancaman dan potensi kerugian akibat bencana. Oleh karena itu, pengurangan risiko bencana kabut asap tidak hanya ditentukan oleh peran pemerintah, tetapi juga dukungan kesiapan dari masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana, masyarakat sebagai objek yang terdampak dituntut untuk mampu bertahan dalam mengantisipasi bencana dengan kemampuan

yang dimiliki.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

BPBD Kota Pontianak melihat bencana karhutla dan bencana kabut asap sebagai bencana yang sama tanpa melihat wilayah yang menjadi sumber karhutla dan wilayah yang terdampak kabut asap akibat karhutla. Kelurahan yang ditetapkan sebagai rawan karhutla adalah Bansir Darat, Batu Layang, dan Siantan Hulu, Bansir Darat menjadi satu-satunya kelurahan yang terletak di Kecamatan Pontianak Tenggara, sedangkan 2 kelurahan lainnya, yaitu Batu Layang dan Siantan Hulu, berada di Kecamatan Pontianak Utara.

Bansir Darat yang ditetapkan sebagai daerah rawan karhutla merupakan daerah yang strategis untuk kawasan perkantoran. Bahkan, kompleks Kantor Gubernur Kalimantan Barat berada di wilayah ini. Hal ini menyebabkan Bansir Darat menjadi kawasan permukiman baru di Kota Pontianak yang terus berkembang. Oleh karena itu, pengurangan risiko bencana di Bansir Darat tidak hanya ditujukan untuk mengurangi kejadian karhutla, tetapi juga harus memperhatikan pengurangan risiko kabut asap yang terjadi. Upaya pengurangan risiko bencana dengan pembentukan kelompok masyarakat (pokmas) peduli karhutla, pelatihan, penyuluhan dan sosialisasi lebih menekankan pada pencegahan dan penanggulangan kejadian karhutla, sedangkan dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap yang ditimbulkan karhutla diperlukan kajian kapasitas masyarakat Bansir Darat untuk memberikan gambaran terhadap tindakan pengurangan risiko bencana kabut asap yang akan dilakukan. Rumusan permasalahan tersebut dapat diturunkan menjadi pertanyaan penelitian sebagai berikut, “Bagaimana

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kapasitas masyarakat di Kelurahan Bansir Darat Kota Pontianak dalam mengantisipasi bencana kabut asap akibat karhutla?”

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan penelitian kuantitatif, sehingga pengumpulan data primer dilakukan melalui penyebaran angket kepada masyarakat dan hasil penelitian disajikan dengan analisis kuantitatif deskriptif, baik dalam bentuk tabel, bagan maupun angka-angka. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode kuantitatif, sebagaimana dikatakan Sugiyono (2009), metode penelitian yang menggunakan data penelitian berupa angka-angka dan analisis menggunakan statistik disebut metode kuantitatif.

Penelitian ini dilakukan Kelurahan Bansir Darat di Kota Pontianak. Waktu pelaksanaan penelitian dimulai pada bulan Juni 2017 sampai dengan Desember 2017. Pengumpulan data lapangan dilakukan mulai bulan Juni 2017 sampai dengan Agustus 2017 dan dilanjutkan dengan pengolahan dan analisis data serta penulisan laporan

sampai bulan Desember 2017.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Kabut Asap Menyebabkan Gangguan Kesehatan

Dalam laporan yang dikeluarkan Pusdatin Kemenkes RI untuk kejadian karhutla tahun 2015 tidak dijelaskan metode yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan nilai ISPU untuk skala provinsi. Hal ini karena adanya dugaan bahwa nilai ISPU untuk tiap-tiap provinsi merupakan nilai ISPU yang ada di ibukota provinsi. Pada tahun 2015 Kalimantan Barat ditetapkan sebagai provinsi dengan nilai ISPU terburuk keempat secara keseluruhan dan terburuk kedua untuk pulau Kalimantan setelah Kalimantan Tengah. ISPU di Pontianak untuk bulan September berada pada nilai 917 dan pada bulan Oktober, berada pada nilai 622. Kedua nilai ISPU tersebut berada pada kategori yang sangat berbahaya. Kondisi ini sangat membahayakan kesehatan masyarakat Kalimantan Barat, khususnya yang tinggal di Kota Pontianak. Gangguan kesehatan yang disebabkan kabut asap pada orang lanjut usia, ibu hamil, dan anak-anak di bawah lima tahun (balita), yaitu infeksi saluran pernafasan akut (ISPA), asma bronkial, pneumonia, iritasi mata, iritasi kulit, dan diare (KMNLH, 1998; BPBD Kota Pontianak, 2017; Dinas Kesehatan Kota Pontianak, 2017; Tangang et al., 2010).

Data yang disebutkan Dinas Kesehatan Provinsi Kalimantan Barat bahwa di Kota Pontianak pada tahun 2015 terdapat 58.925 kasus ISPA, yang lebih kecil dari kasus ISPA pada tahun 2014 sebanyak 59.759 kasus, bahkan jauh lebih kecil dari kasus ISPA pada tahun 2013 yang mencapai 71.761, diduga tidak menunjukkan

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kondisi sebenarnya. Hal ini karena data tersebut berdasarkan kasus ISPA yang ditangani oleh puskesmas, belum termasuk kasus yang ditangani oleh rumah sakit, klinik, dokter praktik, dan layanan kesehatan lainnya.

Selain banyaknya kasus ISPA, kabut asap tahun 2015 juga mengakibatkan dihentikannya kegiatan belajar-mengajar siswa SD dan SMP, penundaan dan pembatalan jadwal penerbangan dan pelayaran, hingga kenaikan harga kebutuhan pokok yang lebih parah dari tahun-tahun sebelumnya (BPBD Kota Pontianak, 2017).

2. Kejadian Kabut Asap dalam 15 Tahun Terakhir

Praktik pembukaan lahan untuk pertanian dengan cara pembakaran hutan merupakan cara yang paling murah dan mudah untuk dilakukan. Kondisi ini berlangsung setiap tahun di wilayah Kalimantan Barat, khususnya ketika memasuki masa tanam. Hal tersebut menyebabkan terjadinya kabut asap yang terjadi setiap tahun.

Mayoritas responden menyatakan bahwa kabut asap terjadi setiap tahun dalam 15 tahun terakhir sebesar 89%, sebesar 5% responden menyatakan bahwa mereka mengalami kabut asap 2 kali dalam setahun, sedangkan sisanya menyatakan mengalami kabut asap sebanyak 2 kali, 3 kali, dan 10 kali dalam 15 tahun terakhir. Dari data ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kabut asap terjadi di Kelurahan Bansir Darat setiap tahun.

3. Gangguan Kesehatan

Gangguan kesehatan yang bisa diakibatkan oleh kabut asap, antara lain infeksi saluran pernapasan atas (ISPA), asma, bronkitis, radang paru, iritasi mata, dan iritasi kulit. Mayoritas masyarakat di Kelurahan Bansir Darat merasakan gangguan kesehatan akibat kabut asap. Dari seluruh responden yang mengalami gangguan kesehatan akibat kabut asap, sebesar 92% menjalani rawat inap dan 8% sisanya menjalani rawat inap untuk proses pengobatannya. Ini menunjukkan bahwa gangguan kesehatan yang dialami masyarakat tidak terlalu berbahaya dan dapat diatasi dengan pengobatan secara rawat jalan.

Dari semua gangguan kesehatan akibat kabut asap, ISPA paling banyak dialami oleh masyarakat, yaitu sebesar 65%, diikuti oleh iritasi mata sebesar 23%, asma sebesar 11%, dan sisanya iritasi kulit sebesar 1%. Dengan demikian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa gangguan kesehatan yang mendominasi adalah gangguan kesehatan yang berhubungan dengan saluran pernapasan yang diwakili oleh ISPA dan asma yang memberikan kontribusi sebesar 76% dari semua gangguan kesehatan yang diakibatkan kabut asap.

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4. Gangguan Aktivitas

Kabut asap mengakibatkan menurunnya kualitas udara dan berkurangnya jarak pandang. Pada kondisi ISPU tertentu, aktivitas pendidikan di sekolah bahkan harus diliburkan sampai kondisi udara menjadi lebih baik. Hampir seluruh masyarakat mengalami gangguan aktivitas ketika terjadi kabut asap. Hal ini ditunjukkan dengan persentase responden yang menyatakan mengalami gangguan aktivitas yang

mencapai angka 95%.

5. Dampak Terburuk

Sebesar 95% responden menyatakan bahwa dampak terburuk dari kabut asap adalah gangguan kesehatan, sebesar 4% menyatakan gangguan aktivitas sebagai dampak terburuk, dan hanya 1% saja yang menjadikan berkurangnya penghasilan sebagai dampak terburuk. Dengan hasil ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa kabut asap yang terjadi sangat mengganggu kesehatan masyarakat di Kelurahan Bansir Darat.

6. Hubungan Gangguan Kesehatan dengan Kapasitas

Angket yang disebarkan kepada masyarakat Bansir Darat mengenai gangguan kesehatan yang ditimbulkan kabut asap menunjukkan bahwa 99% mengalami gangguan dan hanya 1% yang tidak merasakan gangguan. Dengan komposisi kedua kelompok yang tidak berimbang, pengujian untuk mengetahui perbedaan rata-rata tidak dapat dilanjutkan.

7. Hubungan Gangguan Aktivitas dengan Kapasitas

Angket yang disebar kepada masyarakat Bansir Darat mengenai gangguan aktivitas yang ditimbulkan kabut asap menunjukkan bahwa 95% mengalami gangguan dan hanya 5% yang tidak merasakan gangguan. Dengan komposisi kedua kelompok yang tidak berimbang, pengujian untuk mengetahui perbedaan rata-rata tidak dapat dilanjutkan.

8. Hubungan Gangguan Pekerjaan dengan Kapasitas

Berdasarkan persepsi masyarakat mengenai gangguan bencana kabut asap terhadap pekerjaan atau penghasilan, 60 responden atau 55% merasakan gangguan dari kabut asap terhadap pekerjaan atau penghasilannya, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 50 responden atau 45% tidak merasakan gangguan berarti dari kabut asap terhadap pekerjaan maupun penghasilannya. Dari kedua kondisi ini dapat diartikan bahwa kapasitas kedua kelompok tidak berbeda secara signifikan sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada tidaknya gangguan pekerjaan atau

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penghasilan yang dirasakan oleh responden tidak berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi kabut asap.

9. Temuan Studi

Fakta-fakta yang didapatkan selama penelitian ini memunculkan temuan yang menarik untuk dicermati. Adapun temuan studi hasil penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Persepsi masyarakat Bansir Darat terhadap bencana kabut asap yang teridentifikasi adalah sebagai berikut:

• Mayoritas masyarakat Bansir Darat selama 15 tahun terakhir mengalami bencana kabut asap dan dalam 1 tahun, kabut asap bisa terjadi 2 kali, yaitu sekitar bulan Maret dan Juni-Agustus.

• Penyebab utama kabut asap menurut persepsi masyarakat Bansir Darat berasal dari karhutla yang terjadi di wilayah Kota Pontianak. Hal ini bertentangan dengan informasi yang diperoleh, baik dari BPBD Kota Pontianak maupun BPBD Provinsi Kalimantan Barat yang menyebutkan bahwa sumber utama bencana kabut asap bukan berasal dari karhutla di Kota Pontianak, tetapi karhutla di wilayah sekitar Kota Pontianak.

• Gangguan kesehatan yang paling banyak dialami oleh masyarakat Bansir Darat adalah ISPA 65%, iritasi mata 23%, asma 11%, dan iritasi kulit 1%. Penanganan gangguan kesehatan 92% dapat diatasi dengan rawat jalan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 18% melalui rawat inap.

• Mayoritas masyarakat Bansir Darat mengalami gangguan aktivitas akibat kabut asap, 55% menyatakan berdampak terhadap pekerjaan/penghasilan, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 45% tidak merasakan dampak kabut asap tersebut.

• Dampak terburuk yang ditimbulkan oleh kabut asap menurut persepsi masyarakat Bansir Darat 95% adalah gangguan kesehatan, 4% gangguan aktivitas, dan hanya 1% yang merasakan gangguan pekerjaan/penghasilan.

b. Hasil identifikasi kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap menunjukkan bahwa:

• pada aspek ekonomi, 40,00% berada pada tingkat sedang, 30,91% berada pada tingkat rendah, dan sisanya 29,09% berada pada tingkat tinggi;

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• pada aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan, mayoritas masyarakat atau 60,91% berada pada tingkat sedang, 28,18% berada pada tingkat rendah, dan sisanya 10,91% berada pada tingkat tinggi;

• aspek teknologi dan informasi 40,91% berada pada tingkat sedang, 40,00% berada pada tingkat tinggi, dan sisanya 19,09% berada pada tingkat rendah;

• aspek infrastruktur 52,93% berada pada tingkat sedang, 29,09% berada pada tingkat tinggi dan sisanya 18,18% berada pada tingkat rendah;

• Dari skor aspek-aspek pembentuk kapasitas masyarakat Bansir Darat, 50,00% berada pada tingkat sedang, 28,18% berada pada tingkat rendah, dan sisanya 21,82% berada pada tingkat tinggi.

c. Hubungan karakteristik dan persepsi masyarakat dengan kapasitas mas-yarakat Bansir Darat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap yang berha-sil teridentifikasi menggunakan Independent Sample T Test adalah:

• masyarakat yang tinggal di permukiman berupa perumahan memiliki rata-rata kapasitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan masyarakat yang tinggal di permukiman bukan perumahan;

• masyarakat dengan pekerjaan tetap atau wiraswasta memiliki rata-rata kapasitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan masyarakat dengan pekerjaan tidak tetap maupun tidak bekerja (pensiun).

Selain temuan yang didapatkan dari proses analisis yang dilakukan, beberapa temuan tambahan yang didapatkan selama proses penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

a. BPBD Kota Potianak baru menyususun rencana kontijensi untuk bencana kebakaran hutan dan lahan pada tahun 2017 setelah secara struktur berp-isah dengan fungsi pemadam kebakaran.

b. Sistem monitor kualitas udara (AQMS), baik yang ada di Dinas Lingkungan Perumahan Rakyat, Kawasan Permukiman dan Lingkungan Hidup Provinsi Kalimantan Barat maupun Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kota Pontianak sudah mengalami kerusakan dan tidak beroperasi dengan baik sejak tahun 2015. Data ISPU selama AQMS rusak didapatkan dari alat milik BMKG yang ter-letak sekitar 7 km dari Kota Pontianak dan hanya menggunakan parameter PM10.

c. Masyarakat Kota Pontianak pada umumnya menggunakan air hujan dan air mineral untuk keperluan minum dan mengolah makanan karena kuali-tas air yang dihasilkan PDAM dianggap belum layak untuk konsumsi seh-ingga hanya digunakan untuk mandi dan mencuci.

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D. Kesimpulan

Kesimpulan dari penelitian berdasarkan temuan studi hasil analisis yang dilakukan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang telah ditentukan pada awal penelitian adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Hasil identifikasi persepsi masyarakat Bansir Darat terhadap kabut asap menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Bansir Darat dalam 15 tahun terakhir mengalami bencana kabut asap setiap tahun, yaitu sekitar bulan Maret dan Juni-Agustus. Sebagian besar masyarakat Bansir Darat menyatakan bahwa penyebab kabut asap adalah karhutla yang terjadi di Kota Pontianak.

2. Gangguan kesehatan akibat kabut asap yang umum dialami masyarakat Bansir Darat adalah ISPA, iritasi mata, asma dan iritasi kulit dan penanganannya mayoritas dilakukan dengan rawat jalan.

3. Kabut asap mengganggu aktivitas masyarakat Bansir Darat dan sebagian besar berdampak pada pekerjaan/penghasilannya. Secara keseluruhan, dampak terburuk kabut asap yang dialami masyarakat Bansir Darat adalah gangguan kesehatan.

4. Dalam penelitian ini aspek yang digunakan untuk mengukur kapasitas masyarakat adalah ekonomi, pengetahuan dan keterampilan, teknologi dan informasi, dan infrastruktur. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa untuk tingkat ekonomi, yaitu 29,09% tinggi, 40,00% sedang, 30,91% rendah, untuk tingkat pengetahuan dan keterampilan, yaitu 10,91% tinggi, 60,91% sedang, 28,18% rendah, untuk tingkat teknologi dan informasi, yaitu 40,00% tinggi, 40,91% sedang, 19,09% rendah, sedangkan untuk tingkat infrastruktur, yaitu 29,09% tinggi, 52,93% sedang, 18,18% rendah. Secara keseluruhan kapasitas masyarakat Bansir Darat dalam menghadapi kabut asap adalah 21,82% pada tingkat tinggi, 50% berada pada tingkat sedang, dan 28,18% pada tingkat rendah.

5. Hubungan antara karakteristik dan kapasitas masyarakat yang teridentifikasi melalui Independent Sample T Test menunjukkan bahwa jenis permukiman (perumahan dan bukan perumahan) dan kelompok pekerjaan (pekerjaan tetap/wiraswasta dan pekerjaan tidak tetap/tidak bekerja/pensiun) berpengaruh terhadap perbedaan rata-rata kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap.

6. Hampir setiap tahun masyarakat Bansir Darat mengalami bencana kabut asap yang berdampak pada gangguan kesehatan, gangguan aktivitas sampai gangguan pekerjaan/penghasilan. Dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap, tingkat kapasitas masyarakat Bansir Darat yang menunjukkan 21,82% tinggi, 50% sedang, dan 28,18% rendah, dapat diartikan bahwa hanya sekitar 21,82%

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siap menghadapi bencana, 28,18% tidak siap menghadapi bencana, sedangkan 50% sisanya bisa dikategorikan cukup siap menghadapi bencana.

7. Pengukuran kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap berdasarkan empat aspek, masyarakat dalam kategori sedang (cukup siap) dapat sangat siap untuk beberapa aspek, tetapi dapat juga sangat tidak siap untuk aspek lainnya sehingga berpotensi menjadi rentan (tidak siap) ketika bencana terjadi. Oleh karena itu, bisa dikatakan hanya 21,82% masyarakat Bansir Darat yang benar-benar siap menghadapi bencana kabut asap dan 78,18% lainnya masih rentan ketika bencana kabut asap terjadi. Dengan kondisi seperti ini diperlukan upaya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat dalam mengantisipasi dan mengurangi dampak bencana kabut asap dengan meningkatkan persentase masyarakat yang siap menghadapi bencana dan mengurangi persentase masyarakat yang tidak siap dan cukup siap dalam menghadapi bencana. Peningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat Bansir Darat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap dapat difokuskan pada aspek pembentuk kapasitas yang masih rendah dan mempertimbangkan karakteristik masyarakat yang teridentifikasi berpengaruh terhadap kapasitas masyarakat.

E. Rekomendasi

Berdasarkan hasil kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini dan yang disampaikan kepada pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dalam bentuk rekomendasi hasil studi penelitian, rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Dari hasil analisis kapasitas masyarakat yang dilakukan, program atau kegiatan pengurangan risiko bencana kabut asap oleh pemerintah daerah Kota Pontianak di Kelurahan Bansir Darat sebaiknya mempertimbangkan aspek pembentuk kapasitas masyarakat yang masih berada pada tingkat rendah dan sedang. Rekomendasi berdasarkan aspek pembentuk kapasitas masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah:

• Untuk aspek ekonomi, program atau kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan adalah peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat, peningkatan jangkauan asuransi kesehatan, dan peningkatan kualitas air bersih untuk konsumsi masyarakat. Dengan tingkat pendapatan yang lebih baik, kepemilikan jaminan asuransi kesehatan dan akses terhadap konsumsi air bersih yang berkualitas dapat meningkatkan kesiapan masyarakat dalam menghadapi bencana kabut asap (BAPPEDA, Dinas Kesehatan, PDAM)

• Untuk aspek pengetahuan dan keterampilan, program kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan adalah peningkatan tingkat pendidikan masyarakat,

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peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai kebencanaan dengan terus memperbaiki dan mengevaluasi bentuk pelatihan atau sosialisasi sehingga mudah diterima masyarakat. (Dinas Pendidikan, Dinas Kesehatan, BPBD, Kecamatan, Kelurahan)

• Untuk aspek teknologi dan informasi, program atau kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan adalah peningkatan akses masyarakat terhadap teknologi informasi sehingga informasi kebencanaan dapat cepat tersebar, peningkatan kualitas informasi mengenai kebencanaan sehingga mudah untuk diterima oleh masyarakat, penyediaan teknologi yang bisa menyediakan akses udara bersih untuk masyarakat menengah ke bawah. (Diskominfo, BPBD, Dinas Kesehatan, Kecamatan, Kelurahan).

• Untuk aspek infrastruktur, program atau kegiatan yang bisa dilakukan adalah peningkatan kesadaran masyarakat untuk memanfaatkan AQMS dan peningkatan kualitas sarana dan prasarana pelayanan kesehatan dasar di puskesmas sehingga dapat melayani masyarakat dengan baik dan mudah untuk diakses. (Dinas Lingkungan Hidup, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum, Dinas Kesehatan)

2. Selain mempertimbangkan aspek pembentuk kapasitas masyarakat program atau kegiatan pengurangan risiko bencana kabut asap oleh pemerintah daerah Kota Pontianak, sebaiknya pemerintah daerah kota Pontianak juga melihat karakteristik masyarakat Bansir Darat. Adapun karakteristik masyarakat Bansir Darat yang teridentifikasi memiliki pengaruh terhadap kapasitas masyarakat adalah jenis permukiman dan kelompok pekerjaan masyarakat.

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Nama : Anik Suryani

Instansi : Pemkot Tangerang Selatan

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengetahui pengaruh skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi penerapan pengolahan sampah teknologi hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Sasaran dalam mencapai tujuan penelitian adalah mengidentifikasi karakteristik pengolahan sampah hidrotermal berdasarkan studi literatur dan studi kasus, mengidentifikasi kondisi di Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam penerapan kriteria pengolahan sampah hidrotermal, mengidentifikasi kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan, dan melakukan komparasi skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan.

Analisis dilakukan untuk menjawab tiap-tiap sasaran, yaitu dengan melakukan identifikasi karakteristik pengolahan sampah hidrotermal, melakukan komparasi pengolahan sampah di Kota Tangerang Selatan dengan kriteria pengolahan sampah hidrotermal, dan menghitung biaya manfaat sosial keberadaan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal. Analisis sensitivitas yang dilakukan pada pengolahan sampah hidrotermal skala kota dan skala kecamatan menunjukkan, pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dapat diterapkan dengan melihat NPV tertinggi, nilai manfaat yang tinggi, nilai biaya yang rendah, Pay Back Return < 20 tahun, IRR > 4,56%, BCR > 1.

Kompensasi atau bentuk tanggung jawab pihak pengembang terhadap masyarakat diberikan sebesar “jumlah total variabel biaya” yang ditanggung masyarakat. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan sampah hidrotermal skala kota paling memungkinkan untuk diterapkan di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Pembangunan proyek pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dalam skala kota menunjukkan efektivitas biaya yang dikeluarkan pemerintah apabila dibandingkan dengan manfaat ekonomi dan sosial yang dirasakan oleh pemerintah dan masyarakat Kota Tangerang Selatan.

Kata Kunci: Tangerang Selatan, hidrotermal, Pengolahan Sampah, Analisis Kelayakan Ekonomi, Analisis Biaya Manfaat, Skala Pelayanan.

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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of service scale on the economic feasibility of hydrothermal technology waste application implementation in South Tangerang City. The objectives of this research are to identify the characteristics of hydrothermal waste treatment based on literature study and case study, to identify the condition in South Tangerang City in applying the criteria of hydrothermal waste processing, to identify the economic feasibility of hydrothermal waste treatment in South Tangerang City, and comparing the service scale to the feasibility economic processing of hydrothermal waste in South Tangerang City.

The analysis was conducted to answer each target by identifying the characteristics of hydrothermal waste treatment, comparing the waste treatment in South Tangerang City with the criteria of hydrothermal waste treatment, and calculating the social benefit cost of hydrothermal waste processing. Sensitivity analysis performed on hydrothermal scale scale and sub-district scale hydraulic waste treatment showed that hydrothermal waste can be applied with highest NPV, high benefit value, low cost value, Pay Back Return <20 years, IRR> 4.56%, BCR > 1.

Compensation or form of responsibility of the developer to the community is given as “total cost variable” which is borne by society. The results of the analysis show that the city scale hydrothermal waste treatment is most likely to be applied in South Tangerang City. The construction of hydrothermal waste processing projects on a city scale shows the cost effectiveness of the government when compared to the economic and social benefits felt by the government and the people of South Tangerang City.

Keywords: South Tangerang, Hydrothermal, Waste Processing, Economic Feasibility Analysis, Cost Benefit Analysis, Service Scale.

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A. Latar Belakang

Summarecon Serpong merupakan salah satu hunian kawasan dan komersial di Kabupaten Tangerang dengan luas lahan pada tahun 2016 sekitar 500 hektar. Kawasan Summarecon Serpong didesain menjadi sebuah kota mandiri. Kawasan ini mengelola sampah perkotaan dengan menggunakan teknik pengolahan sampah dengan sistem hidrotermal. Teknologi Hidrotermal adalah teknologi pengelolaan sampah yang menggunakan konsep zero waste, sehingga menjadikan kawasan Summarecon Serpong sebagai kawasan hunian dan komersial yang berkelanjutan.

Penerapan teknologi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di kawasan Summarecon Serpong menarik untuk dijadikan penelitian di Kota Tangerang Selatan karena dengan kondisi TPA di Kota Tangerang Selatan yang berkonsep sanitary landfill, luas terbatas, dan jumlah timbulan sampah yang terus meningkat dibutuhkan pengolahan sampah yang mempunyai konsep zero waste. Pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di kawasan Summarecon Serpong dijadikan benchmark dalam penelitian ini. Skala pelayanan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang diterapkan meliputi kawasan permukiman dan kawasan perniagaan dengan jumlah rumah yang terlayani adalah 5.000 rumah dengan jumlah terhuni 50%. Skala pelayanan yang berbeda antara kawasan Summarecon Serpong dan Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam penelitian ini akan dilihat pengaruhnya terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan.

Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Republik Indonesia Nomor 03/PRT/M/2013 tentang Penyelenggaraan Prasarana dan Sarana Persampahan dalam Penanganan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga menyebutkan bahwa penyelenggaraan Prasarana dan Sarana Persampahan untuk kota besar dan metropolitan terdiri atas rencana induk dan studi kelayakan yang di dalamnya terdapat kelayakan teknis, ekonomi, dan keuangan.

Kelayakan ekonomi merupakan suatu hal yang penting bagi pemerintah, khususnya di Kota Tangerang Selatan karena yang berkepentingan langsung dalam manfaat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal adalah pemerintah dan masyarakat secara keseluruhan. Kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal ini dapat menjadi tolok ukur pemerintah dan perusahaan swasta dalam menyediakan jasa kepada masyarakat Kota Tangerang Selatan, khususnya dalam hal pengolahan sampah,

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dengan tingkat efisiensi yang dapat diukur dari keuntungan finansial dan pemberian jumlah subsidi dari APBD. Penilaian kelayakan ekonomi dari segi pemerintah ditujukan untuk mengutamakan maksimalisasi tingkat keuntungan sosial berdasarkan ukuran manfaat dan biaya proyek yang mungkin berbeda dengan ukuran finansial.

Kelayakan ekonomi dilakukan dengan membandingkan manfaat yang diterima oleh masyarakat dengan biaya yang ditimbulkan, baik biaya operasi, pemeliharaan maupun biaya pengembalian modal. Kegiatan dinyatakan layak ekonomi jika manfaat ekonomi lebih besar daripada biaya yang ditimbulkan, baik berupa biaya operasi, pemeliharaan maupun biaya pengembalian modal.

Kelayakan keuangan juga dilakukan dengan membandingkan pendapatan dari tarif atau retribusi dengan biaya yang ditimbulkan, baik biaya operasional maupun biaya pengembalian modal. Kegiatan dinyatakan layak keuangan jika pendapatan dari tarif atau retribusi lebih besar daripada biaya yang ditimbulkan, baik biaya operasi, pemeliharaan maupun biaya pengembalian modal.

Penelitian dilakukan untuk melihat Pengaruh Skala Pelayanan terhadap Kelayakan Ekonomi Pengolahan Sampah Hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Skala pelayanan yang dimaksud dalam penelitian ini adalah tingkat keberhasilan apabila diterapkan dalam skala pemukiman yang diwakili saat ini dengan adanya Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Sementara, skala kecamatan, dan skala kota.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Penelitian difokuskan pada pengolahan sampah di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Penelitian ini perlu dilakukan dengan melihat perkembangan Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam hal pengolahan sampah dibandingkan keterbatasan lahan di TPA untuk penanganan sampah. Penerapan teknologi hidrotermal merupakan salah satu teknologi alternatif untuk pengolahan sampah yang zero waste sesuai dengan strategi pengembangan dan peningkatan kualitas jangkauan pelayanan sistem infrastruktur kota, prasarana dan sarana perkotaan secara terpadu, merata dan berkelanjutan dengan mengutamakan kelestarian lingkungan hidup yang tertuang dalam Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Tangerang Selatan, yaitu meningkatkan sistem pengolahan persampahan yang ramah lingkungan.

Berdasarkan studi literatur dan studi kasus pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang diterapkan di Kawasan Summarecon Serpong, skala pelayanan dalam penelitian ini dilihat sebagai faktor pengaruh terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal apabila diterapkan di Kota Tangerang Selatan.

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Berdasarkan uraian di atas, rumusan masalah yang mendasari penelitian ini adalah: “Bagaimana pengaruh skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan”. Pertanyaan subpenelitian yang digunakan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut adalah:

1. Bagaimana proses pengolahan sampah yang diterapkan di Kota Tangerang Selatan saat ini?

2. Bagaimana karakteristik pengolahan sampah dengan teknologi hidrotermal yang diterapkan di kawasan Summarecon Serpong?

3. Bagaimana nilai ekonomi dari masing-masing variabel biaya dan manfaat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal?

4. Bagaimana perbandingan nilai ekonomi variabel biaya dan manfaat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal bagi masyarakat sekitar?

5. Bagaimana nilai investasi keberadaan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal setelah 20 tahun operasi?

6. Bagaimana pengaruh skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah teknologi hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan?

Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan untuk menjawab tujuan penelitian, yaitu mengetahui pengaruh skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi penerapan pengolahan sampah teknologi hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Hasil sintesis Kriteria Kelayakan Sistem Pengelolaan Sampah digunakan untuk melihat keberhasilan teknologi pengolahan hidrotermal yang telah dilakukan di kawasan Summarecon Serpong.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara melakukan survei primer pada studi kasus (benchmark) pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di kawasan Summarecon Serpong dengan mengamati faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan teknologi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dibanding dengan teknologi pengolahan sampah lainnya, kemudian mengidentifikasi karakteristik teknologi pengolahan sampah.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Mengidentifikasi Karakteristik Pengolahan Sampah Hidrotermal berdasarkan Literatur dan Studi Kasus

Karakteristik pengolahan sampah hidrotermal berdasarkan literatur dan studi kasus di kawasan Summarecon Serpong menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan sampah dengan sistem hidrotermal cocok untuk dilakukan di kawasan permukiman dan

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komersial. Hal ini dilakukan dengan melihat jumlah ketersediaan bahan baku yang diolah sebesar 25 ton per hari yang merupakan jumlah untuk skala kawasan, tingkat pendapatan menengah ke atas yang terlihat dari besarnya nilai investasi dan biaya pemeliharaan. Temuan studi berdasarkan sasaran ini menghasilkan indikator pengolahan sampah hidrotermal, yaitu indikator teknis, indikator sosial, indikator finansial/ ekonomi dan indikator lingkungan.

2. Mengidentifikasi Kondisi di Kota Tangerang Selatan dalam Penerapan Kriteria Pengolahan Sampah Hidrotermal

Indikator pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang diidentifikasi dengan kondisi pengolahan sampah di Kota Tangerang Selatan dapat dijelaskan per indikator. Indikator teknis untuk ketersediaan lahan yang ada saat ini dapat diterapkan untuk TPST yang mempunyai luas lahan 500 m2 dengan asumsi hanya mesin tanpa gudang tempat penyimpanan dan green house. Ketersediaan bahan baku untuk seluruh Kota Tangerang Selatan jumlahnya lebih besar daripada kebutuhan sampah yang diperlukan tiap hari dalam pengolahan sampah hidrotermal. Kebutuhan energi hanya diperlukan untuk TPST yang menggunakan pengolahan sampah incinerator adalah 2 jam, sedangkan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal hanya memerlukan waktu setengah jam tiap pengolahan. Hasil olahan sampah saat ini adalah sebesar 30% dari total sampah yang dikelola olah DLH Kota Tangerang Selatan, yang apabila dibandingkan dengan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal, hasil olahan sampah mencapai 90% dari jumlah sampah yang diolah. Jumlah KK yang terlayani untuk Kota Tangerang Selatan hampir sepuluh kali lipat jumlah KK yang dilayani di studi kasus.

Indikator sosial untuk sumber daya manusia di Kota Tangerang Selatan sebesar 187 orang yang tersebar di 42 TPST, untuk pengolahan hidrotermal diperlukan 14 orang tenaga untuk mengoperasikan 1 line mesin.

Indikator finansial dan ekonomi menunjukkan bahwa di Tangerang Selatan, biaya investasi untuk 52 TPST adalah sebesar Rp26.000.000.000, sedangkan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal membutuhkan dana investasi sebesar Rp13.245.898.932. Biaya operasional dan pemeliharaan di Kota Tangerang Selatan dikeluarkan untuk 3 bulan pertama. Kemampuan membayar untuk warga Kota Tangerang Selatan yang berkisar antara Rp15.000 sampai dengan Rp25.000 dengan melihat retribusi Kota Tangerang Selatan dibandingkan dengan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang signifikan. Pemasaran hasil sampah di Kota Tangerang Selatan saat ini belum dilakukan karena hasil olahan hanya dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat sekitar TPST.

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Indikator lingkungan menerangkan bahwa sekitar tempat pengolahan sampah harus terdapat buffer zone minimal 500 m, sedangkan kondisi di Kota Tangerang selatan menunjukkan bahwa saat ini kondisi TPST dan TPA sebagian besar mempunyai buffer zone.

3. Mengidentifikasi Kelayakan Ekonomi Pengolahan Sampah Hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan

Justifikasi dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara observasi langsung ke tempat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dan kondisi eksisting pengelolaan sampah di Kota Tangerang Selatan dan telaah referensi dalam penentuan variabel biaya dan manfaat PLTSa Gedebage dan PLTSa Bantargebang.

Pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dalam penelitian ini direncanakan mulai dibangun tahun 2023 dan dioperasikan tahun 2024, berdasarkan perhitungan daya tampung TPA Cipeucang saat ini, dengan masa operasional selama 20 tahun hingga tahun 2044. Nilai seluruh variabel biaya pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang diukur dengan menggunakan nilai sekarang adalah Rp1.671.185.600.711,04. Nilai seluruh variabel manfaat yang diukur dengan menggunakan nilai sekarang adalah Rp1.337.901.524.903,90. Selisih variabel biaya terhadap variabel manfaat adalah (minus) Rp333,284,075,807.15. Nilai biaya yang paling besar adalah penurunan nilai properti, yakni sebesar Rp1.374.412.011.276,82. Nilai manfaat yang paling besar adalah manfaat penghematan pengadaan TPA sebesar Rp1.232.497.631.497.

4. Melakukan Komparasi Skala Pelayanan terhadap Kelayakan Ekonomi Pengolahan Sampah Hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan

Berdasarkan analisis sensitivitas, diketahui bahwa selisih manfaat-biaya pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dibagi atas skala pelayanan: Skala TPST, Skala Kecamatan, dan Skala Kota. Selisish manfaat biaya skala TPST Rp18,968,397,766.12. Selisih manfaat-biaya pengolahan sampah hirotermal skala kecamatan Rp374,892,546,964.28 dan selisih manfaat-biaya pengolahan sampah hirotermal skala Kota Rp848,279,132,286.89.

Hasil perbandingan skala yang layak untuk dikembangkan adalah pengolahan hidrotermal skala kecamatan dan skala kota. Pengolahan hidrotermal skala TPST tidak menguntungkan untuk dikembangkan karena mempunyai nilai IRR yang lebih kecil daripada tingkat suku bunga yang ada saat ini (< 4,56%)

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D. Kesimpulan

Analisis kelayakan ekonomi berdasarkan skala yang dilakukan pada pengolahan sampah hidrotermal skala kota dan skala kecamatan menunjukkan pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang bisa diterapkan dengan melihat NPV tertinggi, nilai manfaat yang tinggi, nilai biaya yang rendah, Pay Back Return < 20 tahun, IRR > 4,56%, BCR > 1. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa pengolahan sampah hidrotermal skala kecamatan dan skala kota dapat diterapkan di Kota Tangerang Selatan. Pengaruh skala pelayanan terhadap kelayakan ekonomi pengolahan sampah hidrotermal di Kota Tangerang Selatan menunjukkan bahwa semakin besar skala pelayanan, semakin menguntungkan dan semakin besar manfaat yang diterima berdasarkan nilai Net Present Value yang semakin besar. Skala pelayanan juga memberikan pengaruh bahwa semakin besar pelayanan, semakin efisien dana yang dikeluarkan atau semakin kecil biaya sosial yang ditimbulkan.

Nilai biaya yang terbesar dapat dijadikan acuan bagi pemerintah untuk memberikan kompensasi terhadap warga sekitar tempat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal yang berakibat dalam penurunan nilai properti. Nilai manfaat terbesar, yaitu manfaat penghematan pengadaan TPA yang menjadi salah satu jawaban permasalahan di kota

besar saat ini, yaitu lahan yang semakin terbatas untuk sanitary landfill.

E. Rekomendasi

Hasil analisis BCR dapat menjadi rekomendasi untuk pemerintah Tangerang Selatan dalam menerapkan teknologi pengolahan hidrotermal. Pengolahan hidrotermal skala kecamatan dan skala Kota menguntungkan apabila diterapkan. Sekalipun demikian, penerapan pengolahan hidrotermal hendaknya memperhatikan variabel biaya yang memengaruhi, dan yang terbesar nilainya adalah penurunan nilai properti dan penurunan kualitas air bagi warga sekitar tempat pengolahan sampah hidrotermal dalam radius 3 km.

Kompensasi atau bentuk tanggung jawab pihak pengembang terhadap masyarakat diberikan sebesar “jumlah total variabel biaya” yang ditanggung masyarakat. Variabel tersebut adalah penurunan nilai properti, penurunan kualitas udara, penurunan kualitas air dan penurunan nilai kualitas lingkungan.

Kompensasi diberikan pada masyarakat dalam bentuk pembangunan sarana prasarana umum (jalan, taman, sarana ibadah, TPS, dan lain-lain), bantuan langsung tunai, ataupun dalam bentuk pengobatan gratis. Sebelum pengolahan sampah

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hidrotermal beroperasi dan pada saat beroperasi, sebaiknya dilakukan sosialisasi dan forum musyarawah antara pemerintah, swasta, dan masyarakat sekitar mengenai cara kerja, dampak yang akan ditimbulkan, dan berbagai informasi lainnya mengenai pengolahan sampah hidrotermal.

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Nama : David Oktariawan

Instansi : Pemkab Pasuruan

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate Program in Regional and City Planning School of Architecture

Negara Studi : Indonesia -Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung-Yamaguchi University

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Letusan gunung api adalah salah satu fenomena alam geofisika yang dapat membahayakan kehidupan manusia terutama orang yang tinggal di daerah rawan bencana. Bahaya letusan gunung berapi berasal dari abu vulkanik, aliran lava, gas sulfur dan tanah longsor yang dapat menyebabkan kerusakan properti, kerusakan lahan pertanian, cedera, dan korban. Kesiapsiagaan bahaya warga dapat mengurangi jumlah kerusakan, cedera, dan korban jiwa yang disebabkan oleh letusan gunung berapi. Dalam banyak kasus, kesiapan bahaya memiliki hubungan dengan persepsi risiko karena persepsi risiko dapat mempengaruhi dan menentukan bagaimana orang bereaksi terhadap risiko dan bahaya tertentu, terutama bahaya yang berasal dari letusan gunung berapi. Pemahaman persepsi risiko warga dapat berguna bagi para pemangku kepentingan dalam merumuskan strategi pengurangan risiko bencana.

Gunung Bromo adalah salah satu gunung di komplek gunung Tengger di Indonesia yang memiliki kawah aktif. Gunung ini terletak di Provinsi Jawa Timur dan secara administratif milik Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru (TN-BTS). Gunung Bromo terletak di Provinsi Jawa Timur, Indonesia dengan titik tertinggi adalah 2.329 m dan koordinat 7 ° 56’30 “SL 112 ° 57’00” EL. Gunung Bromo adalah gunung api aktif yang dikelilingi oleh pasir laut dan kawah dapat didaki dan dikunjungi dan menjadi daya tarik wisata. Ada empat kabupaten di sekitar Gunung Bromo yang Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang, dan Lumajang. Keempat kabupaten ini mengalami dampak terbesar ketika Bromo meletus dan penelitian ini hanya terkonsentrasi di wilayah Kabupaten Pasuruan. Tosari adalah sebuah kabupaten di Kabupaten Pasuruan yang terletak di dekat Gunung Bromo mendapatkan dampak dari letusan Bromo secara langsung. Distrik Tosari terletak di 7.30 ‘- 8.30’ Lintang Selatan dan 112030 ‘- 113030’ Bujur Timur dengan total area 85,73 km2. Kecamatan Tosari adalah salah satu kabupaten yang dikategorikan sebagai kabupaten dengan bahaya letusan gunung berapi tinggi di Kabupaten Pasuruan.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif berdasarkan pendekatan induktif. Pendekatan induktif digunakan untuk menentukan kondisi fenomena tertentu orang untuk mengembangkan kesimpulan umum, oleh karena itu desain penelitian adalah penelitian korelasional. Korelasi antara variabel yang berbeda digunakan untuk menentukan persepsi risiko penduduk dan keterlibatan warga dalam kegiatan masyarakat yang terkait dengan penyesuaian bahaya dan keterlibatan dalam masyarakat. Korelasi antara karakteristik demografi seperti jenis kelamin, usia dan latar belakang pendidikan dengan variabel lain sedang dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik untuk menentukan signifikansi variabel. Distribusi kuesioner kepada penduduk Tosari untuk mengumpulkan warga jender, usia, pendidikan, pengalaman bahaya, kegiatan masyarakat, informasi bencana, pelatihan bencana dan kesiapsiagaan bahaya.

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Sebagian besar penduduk memiliki pengalaman dengan letusan gunung berapi lebih dari satu kali atau tahun letusan dan durasi letusan lebih dari empat minggu, tetapi dampak tertinggi dari letusan adalah kerusakan lahan pertanian dan tidak ada kerusakan properti, kehilangan anggota keluarga atau terluka. Ada kepercayaan bagi orang-orang di sekitar Gunung Bromo bahwa letusan tidak pernah membahayakan orang-orang di sekitar gunung. Meskipun abu jatuh dari letusan membawa kerusakan pada lahan pertanian, orang percaya bahwa abu akan membawa kesuburan ke lahan pertanian di tahun-tahun mendatang. Sementara itu, informasi tentang bencana khususnya aktivitas gunung api merupakan faktor penting bagi penduduk di sekitar Gunung Bromo, namun demikian tidak semua penduduk memiliki kemauan untuk mengumpulkan inisiatif informasi bencana.

Pengakuan dan keterlibatan dalam aktivitas komunitas adalah salah satu variabel yang mempengaruhi persepsi risiko penduduk. Pengakuan penduduk Tosari terhadap pertemuan masyarakat sangat tinggi, tetapi pengakuan warga terhadap diskusi bencana pada pertemuan masyarakat rendah, di sisi lain, pengakuan terhadap kegiatan masyarakat yang terkait dengan bencana sangat tinggi. Penduduk Tosari juga memiliki partisipasi yang rendah dalam pelatihan tanggap bencana meskipun pengakuan tentang pelatihan tidak terlalu rendah, situasi ini dipengaruhi oleh kepercayaan lokal tentang erupsi tidak membawa bahaya. Selain itu, sebagian besar penduduk mengaku bahwa mereka memiliki pengetahuan tentang tindakan yang harus diambil ketika letusan terjadi meskipun penduduk memiliki pengakuan yang rendah dan partisipasi yang rendah dalam pelatihan tanggap bencana. Sebagai bagian dari kesiapsiagaan bahaya, penduduk juga mengakui bahwa mereka juga memiliki pengetahuan jika tinggal di penampungan pengungsian meskipun tidak semua warga memiliki kemauan untuk pindah sementara ke tempat pengungsian ketika letusan gunung berapi terjadi.

Kesimpulannya, karakteristik demografi terkait dengan persepsi risiko dan meskipun ada hubungan antara karakteristik demografi dan persepsi risiko, tidak semua karakteristik demografi memiliki korelasi dengan variabel yang mempengaruhi persepsi risiko.

Kata kunci: Risiko, Persepsi, Bromo, Penduduk, Gunung Api, Letusan, Bencana.

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A volcano eruption is one of a geophysical natural phenomenon that can endanger human life, especially people who live in disaster-prone areas. The danger of volcano eruption came from volcanic ash, lava flow, sulfur gas, and landslides which can cause property damage, farmland damage, injuries, and casualties. Residents hazard preparedness can reduce the number of damage, injury, and casualties caused by a volcano eruption. In many cases, hazard preparedness has relation with risk perception because risk perception can influence and determine how people react to certain risk and danger, especially danger that came from a volcano eruption. Understanding residents risk perception can be useful for stakeholders in formulating disaster risk reduction strategy.

Mount Bromo is one of the mountains at Tengger mountain complex in Indonesia which has an active crater. The mountain is located in East Java Province and administratively belongs to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TN-BTS). Mount Bromo is located in East Java Province, Indonesia with the highest point is 2,329 m and the coordinates 7°56’30”SL 112°57’00”EL. Mount Bromo is active volcano which is surrounded by sea sand and the crater can be climbed and visited and become a tourist attraction. There are four districts surrounding Bromo Mountain which are Probolinggo, Pasuruan, Malang, and Lumajang. These four districts suffer the biggest impact when Bromo erupts and this research concentrated only in Pasuruan District area. The district in Pasuruan District which is located near Mount Bromo get impact from Bromo eruption directly is Tosari. Tosari district located at 7.30’ – 8.30’ South Latitude and 112030’ – 113030’ East Longitude with total area 85.73 km2. Tosari sub-district is one of the districts which is categorized as a district with high volcano eruption hazard in Pasuruan District.

This research uses quantitative methods based on inductive approach. Inductive approach is used to determine the condition certain phenomena of people to develop a general conclusion, therefore the research design is correlational research. The Correlation between different variables is used to determine the resident’s risk perception and residents involvement in community activities which is related to hazard adjustment and involvement in the community. Correlation between demographic characteristics such as gender, age, and educational background with other variables are being analyzed using a statistical test to determine the significance of the variables. Questionnaire distribution to residents of Tosari residents for collecting residents gender, age, education, hazard experiences, community activities, disaster information, disaster training, and hazard preparedness.

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Most residents had experience with volcano eruption more than one eruption time or year and eruption duration more than four weeks, but the highest impact of the eruption is farmland damage and there were no property damage, family member loss or injured. There is a belief for people surrounding Mount Bromo that the eruption never brings harm to people surrounding the mountain. Even though ash fall from the eruption brings damage to farmland, people believed that the ash will bring fertility to the farmland in years to come. Meanwhile, information about disaster especially volcano activities is an important factor for resident surrounding Mount Bromo, nevertheless not all residents have the willingness to collect disaster information initiative.

Recognition and involvement in community activity are one of the variables which are influence residents risk perception. Tosari resident recognition on community meeting is high, but residents’ recognition on disaster discussion on community meeting is low. On the other hand, recognition of the disaster-related community activities is high. A resident of Tosari also have low participation on disaster response training even though recognition on the training not so low, this situation influence by local belief about eruption do not bring harm. Furthermore, most residents confess that they have knowledge of action need to take when the eruption happens even though residents have low recognition and low participation in disaster response training. As part of hazard preparedness, residents also confess that they also have knowledge if living in evacuation shelter although not all residents have the willingness to move temporarily to evacuation shelter when volcano eruption happens.

In conclusion, demographic characteristics related with risk perception and even though there is a relationship between demographic characteristic and risk perception, not all demographic characteristic have a correlation with variables that influence risk perception.

Keywords: Risk, Perception, Bromo, Resident, Volcano, Eruption, Disaster.

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A. Background

Mount Bromo is one of the mountains at Tengger mountain complex in Indonesia which has an active crater that also functions as a tourist attraction. The mountain is located in East Java Province and administratively belongs to Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park (TN-BTS). Mount Bromo crater is measuring about 600 m x 800 m with several holes eruption in it and the crater is at an altitude of 2329 m above sea level and about 133 m above the base of the caldera (Abidin et al. 2004). In general, Bromo crater activity is in the form of thin white smoke up to thick white smoke with height about 50 meters to 100 meters from the lip of the crater and blowing direction generally goes to west and northwest (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi 2011).

The duration of Bromo eruption varies from the shortest which only happens just in few days and the longest one more than one month with the continuous eruption. Meanwhile, the interval eruption period varies from less than a year until the longest interval period is 16 years (Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi 2011). Even though the eruption duration and interval duration are various, historically, the biggest eruption happened in 1974 (Sugiharto, n.d.) and there were two casualties when Bromo erupted in 2004 (“SUARA MERDEKA-NASIONAL” n.d.).

Eruption duration is less than 50 days in 2010 and eruption continued in 2011 and last for over 200 days and the frequency of Bromo eruption has become increasingly frequent in the last 20 years. The latest eruption happened in December 2015 until February 2016 which was spewing volcanic ash with the distribution of ash in five surrounding regencies which are Probolinggo, Malang, Pasuruan, Lumajang and Jember (“SUARA MERDEKA-NASIONAL” n.d.). Moreover, there are some hazards that threaten people who live around Bromo mountain which are volcanic ash, lava flow, sulfur gas, and landslides (Bachri et al. 2015).

Resident surroundings Mount Bromo live with the risk of disaster impact because of the mountain phenomenon, moreover, an environmental hazard related with societal stakeholders (households, businesses, and government) and hazard adjustments (hazard mitigation, emergency preparedness, and recovery preparedness) (Lindell 2013). Furthermore, the relationship between environmental extremes and societal stakeholders called risk of disaster impact and some studies on prediction of hazard adjustment adoption in various type of hazard including predictability, probability, and consequences can be defined from risk perception (Lindell 2013).

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Pasuruan is one of the regencies surrounding Bromo which is impacted by Bromo volcano eruption. Even though not all area of Pasuruan Regency receives the impact, Pasuruan categories as high-risk on volcano eruption disaster (BNPB 2014). One of the districts in Pasuruan Regency which is located surrounding Mount Bromo and get impact from Bromo eruption directly is Tosari. Moreover, beside volcano eruption hazard, Tosari district also have another hazard such as landslide, forest fire, and tornado. Residents risk perception also related to resilience and preparedness because residents have an opinion about the probable consequences of a certain action before considering engaging in disaster risk behavior (Bennett and Murphy 1997).

B. Research Approach

The research uses case study area to understand residents’ risk perception and the relation to hazard preparedness. Residents in Tosari district are the main respondents of the research and another respondent which can provide related information to the research.

This research uses quantitative methods based on inductive approach. Inductive approach is used to determine the condition certain phenomena of the household to develop a general conclusion, therefore the research design is correlational research. Correlation research is used to examine the relationship between two or more variables which described as independent variable and the dependent variable (Walliman 2011). The Correlation between different variables is used to determine the resident’s risk perception and residents involvement in community activities which is related to hazard adjustment and involvement in the community.

Based on the studies, there are variables which are used in this studies in determining residents risk perception and the variables are:

1. Demographic characteristic

Demographic characteristic variables which collected in this research are gender, age group, family member, education, profession, and farmland and livestock ownership variables. These variables are collected to be analyzed to find the correlation between another variable to determine risk perception.

2. Hazard experience

Residents experience on hazard, especially volcano eruption are collected by providing some options which contain volcano eruption year and respondents can give more than one eruption year. Volcano eruption influence to respondents’ daily life also variable which is asked of respondents.

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3. Community activity

Variables on community activities consist of respondents’ recognition on community activity and respondents involvement in community activity. Moreover, community activity which is related to disaster is being asked to determine respondents’ relation to community activity.

4. Disaster information

Respondents recognition on disaster information whether disaster information types, disaster information distribution organizer, or disaster information distribution frequency in a year. Besides that, other variables which are used are respondents’ willingness to collect information initiatives and information source that is used by respondents to collect information.

5. Disaster response training

Disaster responses training is the training which is organized by the government or another stakeholder in order to give residents preparedness in facing disaster hazard. Respondents’ recognition of disaster response training in their community, involvement in the training and disaster response training organizer are variables which are used in this research.

6. Hazard preparedness

Respondents’ preparedness regarding volcano eruption activities consists of knowledge of the activity that respondents should do if volcano eruption happened and types of activity that respondents would do if eruption happened.

Moreover, respondents’ willingness to move to temporarily place such as evacuation place and factors related to evacuation shelter are also variables which are used in this research. Correlation between demographic characteristics such as gender, age, and educational background with other variables are being analyzed using a statistical test to determine the significance of the variables.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Respondent Social Economics Profile

The proportion of respondent gender does not differ greatly with the number of male respondents are higher than the number of female respondents. The male respondents are 58%, meanwhile female respondents are 42%. Respondent ages are various from 17 years old until 63 years old and categorized into three age groups which are young with age between 17 to 30 years old, middle age with age 31 to 45 years old, and old with age above 45 years old.

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The most respondent profession is a farmer with 77% respondents, on the other hand, the teacher is less profession that respondent has with only 1%. In general, only a few respondents who work other than a farmer with below 10%. Respondents who work other than farmers such as a merchant, driver, government employees, housewife, and entrepreneur.

A similar condition also happened with farmland ownership with only 1% of the respondents who do not have farmland. Farmland type consists of vegetables and fruits and most of the residents have both fruits and vegetables, but the highest farmland type is vegetable farmland with 100 respondents have it and under 20 respondents have fruits farmland.

Most respondents have farmland and their farmland type consists of vegetables and fruits and there are no paddy fields due to the geographical condition which is not suitable for paddy field. Vegetables are the farmland which all respondents have and some respondents have both vegetables and fruit. The type of vegetables which are popular among respondents are potato, cabbage, onion, and tomato; and most respondents have more than one vegetable types. Meanwhile, fruit which is most respondents have is banana and most respondents have more than one type of fruit.

A similar condition also happened in livestock ownership that most respondents have livestock and only 7% of respondents who do not have livestock. Livestock types which are respondents have are chicken, cow, and pig. Most respondents have more than one types of livestock and the most livestock that respondents have is a pig.

2. Volcano Eruption Experience and Influence

Recognition on volcano eruption duration was asked to respondents. According to respondents, the duration of volcano eruptions are various from each time, but in average mostly respondent recognize that the volcano eruption happens over than four weeks and only some respondents recognize it happens less than four weeks.

Even though volcano eruption frequency increase in last ten years and respondents recognize that eruption duration is more than four weeks, the impact of the eruption to respondents live is farmland damage. There was no family member loss or family member injured. Some respondents also mentioned that volcano eruption did not have the impact on them.

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3. Disaster Information

Respondents also provided with disaster information distribution types. Respondents can choose which types that they meet in their neighborhood and community. Besides being given several choices, respondents also have the opportunity to give based on respondents understanding. The result indicate that hazard signing is the respondents’ highest answer rather than community gathering, pamphlet distribution, and disaster response training.

According to respondents, the frequency of information distribution mostly only one time a year even though other options are available such as twice a year and three or four times a year. There are some respondents mentioned that there is no disaster information distribution consistent as the question before that some respondents do not recognize disaster information distribution.

Respondents have been asked about who should be responsible for organizing disaster information distribution. There are some answer options that respondents can choose more than one answer. Regency government become the most stakeholders that should be responsible for organizing information distribution in any forms. On the other hand, there are no respondents mentioned about the non-government organization (NGO) and only a few respondents mentioned community also should be responsible for distributing information.

There are several information sources that used by respondents to get information about volcano eruption such as television, newspaper, internet, and community. Television becomes the highest information source which was mentioned by the respondents. The community was second information source that respondents stated, even though community does not responsible for organizing information distribution some respondents still rely on their community to get information about volcano eruption.

Meanwhile, information about disaster especially volcano activities is an important factor for resident surrounding Mount Bromo, nevertheless not all respondents have the willingness to collect disaster information initiative which is shown by questionnaire result when respondent asked about whether respondents collect information initiative and there are 35% respondents which do not have the willingness to collect information.

4. Community Activity

Community activity is an activity which is held by the community itself or another stakeholder and needed community involvement. One of the community activity

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is community meeting which is held by the community to discuss every problem and actual condition that face by the community and the meeting held regularly at every certain time. Recognition on community meeting has been asked to respondents. Even though community meeting is a common activity, not all respondents recognize whether there is community meeting or not and 30% of respondents stated that there was no regular community meeting.

Furthermore, respondents were asked about their recognition on disaster discussion on community meeting. The result indicated that only 23% of respondents stated that there were disaster discussions in a community meeting, meanwhile, the rest mentioned the opposite.

The proportion of female respondents who recognize disaster discussion on community meeting is much lower than male respondents. Similar condition also happens to education background. Senior high school respondent is the highest who recognize the discussion, meanwhile based on age group, the proportion of Chi-square test result indicates that gender has a correlation with recognition on disaster discussion in the community meeting with p-value = 0.006, meanwhile, age group and educational background do not have a correlation with disaster discussion in community meeting because p-value > 0.005.

Besides disaster discussion on community meeting, respondents were asked their recognition on activities related to the disaster. Even though 77% of respondents stated that there is no disaster discussion on community meeting, respondents stated in reverse when asked about recognition on community activities, and 75% respondents mentioned that there are community activities related to the disaster.

Furthermore, statistical test result on the result on a demographic characteristic which are gender, age group, and educational background correlation with recognition on disaster-related community activities indicate that there is no correlation between these variables. Recognition on disaster-related community activities do not have relation with gender (p-value = 0.815), age group (p-value = 0.050), and educational background (p-value = 0.983). Even though no correlation between gender, age group, and education with recognition on community activities related to the disaster, respondents mentioned some activities in their community and most popular activity is gotong-royong.

Gotong royong by definition means working together (“Arti Kata Gotong Royong-Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) Online” n.d.) or doing certain work or activities together to overcome certain problems as form of active participation

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of each individual to get involved in adding value to every object, problem, or needs of the people and community (N Rochmadi 2012). Gotong royong can be defined as mutual cooperation (“Gotong-Royong | Terjemahan Indonesia ke Inggris - Oxford Dictionaries” n.d.). There are a lot of mutual cooperation types and in the context of disaster, respondents mention about cleaning ash fall from the road and public facilities.

5. Disaster Response Training

Disaster responses training is the training which is organized by the government or another stakeholder in order to give residents preparedness in facing disaster hazard. Respondents have been asked about whether there is a disaster response training in their neighborhood. The result indicated that there was slightly different between respondents who recognized the training and respondents who do not recognize. Even though there are 49% respondents that recognize disaster response training in their neighborhood, only 23% respondents which are participated in disaster response training.

Similar condition with disaster information distribution organizer, most respondents stated that regency government is stakeholder which is responsible for organizing disaster response training and there were no respondents mentioned about the community itself should organize disaster response training.

Even though respondents recognition on disaster response training not so high (only 49%), respondents participation in disaster response training is much lower with only 23% of respondents who are participated. Based on gender, male respondents who participate is low with only 34.5% and the rest is not participating. A similar condition also happens with female respondents and differences very high with only 7.14% of female respondents who participating.

Old respondents and respondents with bachelor degree have the highest respondents’ participation in each category with old age participation is 38.1% and bachelor degree participation is 100%. The percentage of respondents who are not participating in the training in education background is similar with around 20% to 25%, meanwhile, for age group, the difference for each category is quite far with 13.7% for young age and 22% for middle age.

Statistical test result indicates that gender has a correlation with disaster response training participation (p-value < 0.05), meanwhile age group and educational background do not have a correlation. Female respondents tend to not participate in disaster response training because of some reason. The most common reason which occurs during field survey and interview with community

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leader is most residents’ opinion that disaster response training is a male matter meanwhile female concern is domestic household matter such as cooking and taking care children.

6. Hazard Preparedness

Knowledge of the initiative action when the eruption happens is one of the hazard preparedness. Respondents’ knowledge on hazard preparedness concern to their knowledge on first action and preparation when the eruption happens. Respondent had been asked about whether respondents know what to do when volcano eruption happened. Most respondents stated that they know what to do and only 5% of respondents stated otherwise. Even though participation in disaster response training is low, respondents confess that they have knowledge of what should do if eruption happen.

Male respondents who are confessing that they do not know what to do if eruption happen is higher than female respondents with 6.9%, meanwhile female only 2.4%. Furthermore, middle age respondents are the most respondents do not have known what to do when eruption happen, meanwhile, junior and senior high school educational background have a slightly little different percentage of respondents who do not know what to do with 4.5% and 7.9%. It seems that male middle age respondents with senior high school educational background are respondents who do not have knowledge of what to do if eruption happens.

Furthermore, respondent’s free answer about their action when volcano eruption happened categorized into eleven actions which are avoiding eruption area, finding safer location, protecting family members, using mask, helping volunteer, stay at home, warn other people, pray, not going to farmland, doing normal activities, and do not know what to do. Finding safer location is the highest action that respondents stated, but there are some respondents mentioned about doing normal activities which mean that these respondents think volcano eruption does not bring harm to them.

Moreover, respondents also asked about their willingness to move temporarily because of the danger that could come if volcano eruption happened. The result indicated same proportion between respondents who want to move temporarily and respondents who do not want to move. There are some factors that make respondents want to move temporarily which are safety, government instruction, community agreement, elderly advice, and others. Respondents’ highest answer is safety and second is community agreement which means that besides their own safety, the community is another reason for respondents to move temporarily.

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Respondents also asked about their knowledge of evacuation shelter, especially their preparation if respondents have to live in evacuation shelter because of a volcano eruption. Questionnaire result indicated that even though 50% of respondents stated that they do not want to move temporarily, when asked about their knowledge of action need to be done if living in evacuation shelter, 75% of respondents stated that they know what to do if life in evacuation shelter and only 25% respondents stated that they do not know what to do.

Respondents’ free answers on action to do if living in evacuation shelter are categorized into some answers and mostly about equipment that respondents should bring if live in evacuation shelter such as bring clothes, money, food, medicine, blanket, sleeping mats, water and bring a tent. Four highest answers that respondents are brought clothes, food, money, and medicine.

D. Conclusion

Demographic characteristic which are gender, age, and educational background of residents surrounding Mount Bromo related to risk perception in accordance with (Perry 2013) findings that risk perception is related to demographic characteristics such as educational background, income, gender, and ethnic minority status. Furthermore, risk perception also influenced by social communication because social groups such as authorities, news media, and peers can act as hazard information sources.

Even though there is a relationship between demographic characteristic and risk perception, not all demographic characteristic have a correlation with variables that influence risk perception. Hazard experience is one of the variables and residents surrounding Mount Bromo experience volcano eruption more than one eruption year. Even though residents have experience with volcano eruption, residents thought that the eruption, not a threat because there is a believed native resident that Bromo eruption does not bring harm to people surrounding it. This local belief is supported by the fact that even though the frequency of eruption is getting higher in the last 10 years, there were no casualties reported because of the eruption and the impact from the eruption is farmland damage.

Moreover, peoples’ cognition on environmental risk is influenced by others’ view, consequently people tend to go to the community in seek for reducing the uncertainty of environmental risk and seek guidance for preparation. This condition had presumed that assessment on community participation could help understand risk perception (Paton et al. 2008). There is a regular community meeting among residents surrounding Mount Bromo but the likelihood that the meeting ever discusses the disaster is very low and gender factor has correlation compare to another demographic characteristic.

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On the other hand, community activities related to disaster likelihood is high with age group is demographic characteristics which have correlation rather than gender and educational background.

Furthermore, risk perception also related to resilience and preparedness because residents have an opinion about the probable consequences of a certain action before considering engaging in disaster risk behavior (Bennett and Murphy 1997). Residents surrounding Mount Bromo hazard preparedness considering low based on residents participation in disaster response training which is low, on the contrary residents confess that the residents have knowledge of action that should do when volcano eruptions happen, this condition is suitable with (M. K. Lindell and Whitney 2000) findings that risk area residents tend to give their self-more knowledgeable than family and friends.

E. Rekomendations

Based on the study result and findings, here are some recommendation:

1. residents surrounding Mount Bromo belief that volcano eruption does not bring harm to people surrounding it need further handling from disaster mitigation agency and local government because this belief influence residents risk perception and residents hazard preparedness;

2. encouraging community meeting as a place for residents to discuss disaster to increase residents and community preparedness. Gender-based disaster discussion should be facilitated in the community meeting;

3. encouraging residents’ participation in disaster response training should be increased with considering residents gender and age;

4. this research only exploring residents perception at Pasuruan regency, meanwhile, Bromo Mountain which is located in four different regencies provide an opportunity to explore residents’ perception at another regency;

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Nama : Dody Arfiansyah

Instansi : Pemprov DIY

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Master Program Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Hiroshima University

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Ruang hijau merupakan komponen penting dalam ekosistem perkotaan. Ini memiliki fungsi ekologi, sosial, budaya, politik dan ekonomi yang signifikan. Peningkatan ruang hijau di kota dan daerah perkotaan berkontribusi terhadap kesehatan masyarakat dan meningkatkan kualitas hidup penduduk. Namun, peluang menarik orang untuk pindah ke kota dan daerah perkotaan. Kondisi ini berdampak pada pembangunan perkotaan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan keamanan masyarakat. Sayangnya, pertimbangan lingkungan belum diadopsi dalam proses pembangunan ini secara umum. Akibatnya, terjadi penurunan luas ruang hijau. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk mempelajari perubahan ruang hijau sebagai salah satu faktor lingkungan dan kekuatan pendorongnya di Kota Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Kota Yogyakarta terletak di tengah Pulau Jawa. Itu terletak antara 07° 15’24”-07° 49’26” Lintang Selatan dan 110° 24’19”-110° 28’53” Bujur Timur. Total area kota adalah sekitar 32,5 km2. Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya adalah salah satu daerah metropolitan yang paling berkembang di Indonesia. Ini memiliki peran penting dalam ekonomi nasional untuk bersaing dalam skala global. Wilayah ini merupakan salah satu tujuan wisata terkenal di Indonesia baik nasional maupun internasional. Selain itu, Yogyakarta juga terkenal sebagai kota pelajar. Ada banyak pendidikan tinggi dari berbagai tingkat yang membuat wilayah ini menjadi salah satu konsentrasi terbesar kegiatan pendidikan tinggi di negara ini.

Data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari citra satelit seperti Landsat 7 ETM + tahun 2000, Landsat 8 OLI / TIRS tahun 2015, citra satelit beresolusi tinggi, peta dataran, dan dokumen pemerintah. Perubahan penggunaan lahan, indeks vegetasi perbedaan normal (NDVI) dan kekuatan penggerak, tekanan, negara, dampak dan tanggapan (DPSIR) analisis digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Analisis perubahan penggunaan lahan digunakan untuk mendapatkan total luas setiap tutupan lahan. Analisis NDVI umumnya digunakan untuk klasifikasi ruang hijau. Ditulis secara matematis, rumus NDVI adalah NDVI = (NIR - VIS) / (NIR + VIS). Sementara analisis DPSIR disesuaikan untuk menyertakan platform penjelasan untuk memahami kompleksitas masalah lingkungan.

Area ruang hijau berkurang dari 872,9 ha pada tahun 2000 menjadi 773,2 ha pada tahun 2015 dan area yang dibangun meningkat dari 2.377 ha pada tahun 2000 menjadi 2.476,8 ha pada tahun 2015. Secara umum, area terbangun seperti infrastruktur, area pemukiman dan komersial mendominasi lahan -menggunakan perubahan. Ini menunjukkan urbanisasi yang cepat di kota. Perubahan ruang hijau di Kota Yogyakarta divisualisasikan pada peta NDVI tahun 2000 dan 2015. Pertumbuhan penduduk, urbanisasi, transportasi, pariwisata dan pendidikan mempengaruhi penurunan area

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ruang hijau. Ini juga memberi tekanan pada lingkungan, pemukiman, kesehatan, pertanian, industri, energi, transportasi, pariwisata dan limbah berbahaya dan beracun. Perubahan penggunaan lahan yang terjadi antara tahun 2000 dan 2015 menyebabkan penurunan luas ruang hijau dan merusak lingkungan. Kondisi ini memiliki dampak lain pada hilangnya keanekaragaman hayati, berkurangnya kualitas lingkungan, berkurangnya kualitas air dan bencana. Tanggapan terhadap masalah ini telah diambil oleh pihak berwenang, khususnya rehabilitasi lingkungan, analisis dampak lingkungan, penegakan hukum, partisipasi masyarakat, perencanaan kelembagaan dan tata ruang.

Kesimpulannya, proses urbanisasi telah terjadi di Kota Yogyakarta dan sekitarnya. Ini menyebabkan perubahan penggunaan lahan dan penurunan area ruang hijau. Tindakan yang tepat harus diambil untuk menjadikan urbanisasi menjadi peluang, bukan sebagai masalah bagi kota dan daerah perkotaan.

Kata kunci: Area Built-up, Ruang Hijau, Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan, Urbanisasi

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Green space is an important component in urban ecosystems. It has significant ecological, social, cultural, political, and economic functions. Improvement of green spaces in cities and urban areas contributes to public health and increase the quality of life of inhabitants. However, the opportunities attract people to move into cities and urban areas. This condition has an impact on the urban development to meet the community needs and security. Unfortunately, the environmental consideration has not adopted in this development process in general. Consequently, it was resulted in decreasing of green spaces area. Therefore, it is important to study the green spaces change as one of the environmental factors and its driving forces in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia.

Yogyakarta City is located in the middle of Java Island. It lies between 07°15’24”-07°49’26” South latitude and 110°24’19”-110°28’53” East longitude. The city’s total area is about 32.5 km2. Yogyakarta and its surrounding areas are one of the most emerging metropolitan areas in Indonesia. It has an important role in the national economy to compete on the global scale. This region is one of well-known tourist destinations in Indonesia both national and international. Furthermore, Yogyakarta is also famous as a students’ city. There are many higher educations of various level which make this region becomes one of the largest concentration of higher education activities in the country.

The data used in this study consist of satellite images such as Landsat 7 ETM+ year 2000, Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS year 2015, high-resolution satellite image, terrain maps, and government documents. Land-use change, normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and driving forces, pressures, states, impacts and responses (DPSIR) analysis are used in this study. Land-use change analysis is used to get the total area of each land cover. NDVI analysis is commonly used for classification of green spaces. Written mathematically, the formula of NDVI is NDVI = (NIR – VIS) / (NIR + VIS). While DPSIR analysis is adapted to include an explanatory platform for understanding the complexity of environmental issues.

The green spaces area reduced from 872.9 ha in 2000 to 773.2 ha in 2015 and built-up areas increased from 2,377 ha in 2000 to 2,476.8 ha in 2015. In general, built-up areas such as infrastructures, residential, and commercial areas dominated the land-use change. It indicated a rapid urbanization in the city. The green spaces change in Yogyakarta was visualized on the NDVI maps of the year 2000 and 2015. Population growth, urbanization, transportation, tourism, and education influenced the decrease of green spaces area. It also gave pressures to environment, settlement, health, agriculture, industry, energy, transportation, tourism, and hazardous and toxic waste. Land-use change which occurred between 2000 and 2015 led to decreased in green spaces area and harms the environment. This condition had other impacts on the loss of biodiversity,

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reduced environmental quality, diminished water quality and disaster. Responses to this issue had already taken by the authorities, specifically environmental rehabilitation, environmental impact analysis, law enforcement, community participation, institutional and spatial planning.

In conclusion, urbanization process has occurred in Yogyakarta and its surrounding areas. It leads to land-use change and decrease of green spaces area. The right actions must be taken to make urbanization becomes an opportunity, not as a problem for the cities and urban areas.

Keywords: Built-up Area, Green Space, Land-Use Change, Urbanization.

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A. Background

Green space is an important component of urban ecosystems. It has significant ecological, social, cultural, political, and economic functions. “The ecological system of a city is made up of a social, economic, and natural system where green spaces are the focal point” (Huang & Chen, 2002; Byomkesh et al., 2012). The system plays an important role in cleaning the air, adjusting the microclimate, reducing noise, beautifying the environments, etc. (Davis et al., 2008; Byomkesh et al., 2012). Besides those benefits, the system also supports the construction of high-quality human settlements, since green spaces act as the “lungs” of the city (Jim & Chen, 2006). Improvement of green spaces in cities and urban areas contributes to public health and increase the quality of life of inhabitants.

On the other hand, the opportunities attract people to move into the cities and urban areas. “The increasing number of urbanization is constantly responsible for the great number of green spaces’ conversion into impermeable surfaces around the world that has many negative effects on the environment” (Mabuhay et al., 2005; Nakagoshi et al., 2006; Kong & Nakagoshi, 2006; Phan & Nakagoshi, 2007). Urbanization needs more infrastructures for housing, business and transportation networks, so the demand for such development is commonly being met through the development of natural lands, which eventually results in a significant reduction in the open and green areas of that region (Kong & Nakagoshi, 2006; Swanwick et al., 2003). This event is more critical in developing countries than in developed countries. Yogyakarta City in Indonesia is no exception to this phenomenon.

Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas have an important role to the national economy to compete on the global scale. This region is one of the largest tourist destinations in Indonesia both national and international. Its heritage, cultural richness and longstanding historical legacy are some of the attractions from Yogyakarta. Furthermore, Yogyakarta is also famous as a students’ city. There are many higher educations of various level which make this region becomes one of the largest concentration of higher education activities in the country. Creatives industries such as art and handicrafts play a significant role in the region’s economic competitiveness (Firman, 2010; Hudalah et al., 2014).

In 2008, the total population was 1.9 million inhabitants with nearly 800,000 live in urban areas. Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas are one of the most emerging metropolitan areas in Indonesia (Firman, 2010; Hudalah et al., 2014).

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Yogyakarta City acts as the core of the metropolitan area, where the concentration of urban economic sectors seen as the strong characteristic. The administrative urban area is limited in size (around 32.5 km2). Because of that, the functional urban areas continue to grow and expand in the surrounding areas. The urbanized areas now cover several districts in Sleman Regency on the upper side and Bantul Regency on the lower side. As an example of this rapid urban expansion, it was reported that annually 253 hectares of productive agricultural land in Sleman Regency were converted to built-up areas, while 85.75 hectares were converted in Bantul Regency from 1990 to 2002 (Sekretariat Bersama Kartamantul and GTZ, 2006; Hudalah et al., 2014). Regional infrastructure requirements and the sustainability of the surrounding rural hinterland emerge as the consequent from this rapid expansion (Firman, 2010; Hudalah et al., 2014).

B. Research Problem and Methodology

Related to urban area expansion, Yogyakarta City has physically and functionally connected to several districts in surrounding areas. Urban activities in Yogyakarta City has developed rapidly. This condition makes land availability in the city become more limited and expensive. As the consequent, there are a lot of urbanized areas in some parts of Sleman Regency on the upper part and Bantul Regency on the lower part.

It is important to be noted that this urban connection has to be managed properly. Integrated management is seen to be the proper action. This approach is expected will create an effective and efficient management that can give benefits in urban services. This integration will give a strong influence on the physical condition of the surrounding areas. There are many physical developments for urban services which give both positive and negative impacts. The positive side, the urban expansion will form bigger “engine of growth” that potentially give bigger benefits for the economic development of those areas. The negative side, it will push to the rapid conversion of productive agricultural land and environmental degradation that eventually harm that area.

Various consequences which emerge from this urban expansion make planning and control of land absolutely necessary. Therefore, it is important to study the green space change as one of the environmental factors and its driving forces in Yogyakarta City, Indonesia.

The methods used in this research is the integration between land-use change, NDVI, and DPSIR analysis. Land-use change analysis is used to get the total area of each land cover. NDVI has commonly used classification method in detecting land-use change caused by human activities such as construction and development as well as to analyze changes in vegetation coverage. It is a satellite imagery calculation used to determine the level of greenness, which very good as the beginning of the classification

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of green spaces. NDVI can show the parameters associated with the vegetation parameters, among other, biomass green leaves, green leaves area which is the value that can be expected for the vegetation classification. This was to avoid misidentification of vegetation cover into other types of land use. DPSIR analysis is used to?

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Land-use Change Analysis

Landsat 7 ETM+ year 2000 and Landsat 8 OLI/TIRS year 2015 were used in this analysis to identify both land-use change and the decrease of green spaces within Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas. Land-use change identification is not the main objective of this research. However, it is important to understand what kind of land-use change occurs in the city to obtain the driving forces.

From the result of land-use change analysis, it can be seen that there were changes between the year 2000 and 2015. The change was dominated by built-up areas which make the number of green spaces reduced within the city area. The massive development of housing, hotels, apartments, shopping malls and infrastructures cannot be avoided. The number of the built-up areas increased from 2,377 ha in 2000 to 2,476.8 ha in 2015.

2. NDVI Analysis of Yogyakarta

Distribution and change of green spaces area in Yogyakarta city was visualized using NDVI analysis. Green color means that the value of NDVI is high (green space) and orange color means that the value of NDVI is low (built-up area). NDVI value ranged from 0.03 to 0.42. Generally, it can be seen that in the year 2000, the number of green spaces area was higher than the year 2015, particularly in the northwest and southeast part. In 2000, there were still many green spaces areas in the suburbs. On the other hand, the decrease of green space areas seen from the NDVI value which relatively low in 2015 in almost all parts of the city.

As shown from the result of NDVI analysis, the density of build-up area in the main city center have increased and green spaces in the suburbs have converted to the built-up area. It is clear that population growth, urbanization, and other human

activities give pressure to the city by changes in land-use (Sarmin et al., 2016).

3. NDVI Analysis of the Greater Yogyakarta

The urbanization process and population growth not only give pressures to Yogyakarta City but also it is surrounding areas (some districts in Sleman Regency

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in the upper part and Bantul Regency in the lower part). The region is called Kartamantul (Yogyakarta, Sleman, Bantul) or the Greater Yogyakarta. The pressure in green spaces and land-use change can be seen through the results of NDVI analysis in the region.

In the Greater Yogyakarta, the NDVI value ranged from 0.01 to 0.49. The NDVI value was relatively low in the central part of Yogyakarta City in 2000. It indicated that there were only a few amounts of green spaces in that area. In suburbs and the urbanized areas, the NDVI value was still high in many parts. It showed that there were still many green spaces. While in 2015, the NDVI value was low in almost all parts of Yogyakarta City as well as many parts of its urbanized areas. It specified that many human activities and developments have significantly reduced the areas of green spaces. The value was high in certain parts on the edge of urbanized areas.

4. DPSIR Analysis

The DPSIR framework was used to give an explanation for understanding the complexity of land-use and green spaces change in Yogyakarta City and its urbanized areas. This framework was introduced as a tool to get the information about driving force, pressure, state, impact and response to land-use and green spaces change by assessed some literature such as government documents, journals, studies, newspapers, and the internet, which was relevant to the phenomenon.

5. The Relation between Land-use Change, NDVI and DPSIR Analysis

Rapid population growth is a major issue that significantly changes the land-use in Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas. The results from population analysis showed that the number of population increased not only in Yogyakarta City but also in some districts in the neighboring regencies of Sleman and Bantul.

Population growth leads to urban development to meet the community demands. Land-use change analysis indicated that there was a significant decrease in the number of green spaces area in the city. The main reason for this phenomenon was the development of built-up areas such as housing, infrastructures, shopping malls, hotels and apartments. According to the Republic of Indonesia Law No. 26 Year 2007 on Spatial Planning, the proportion of green space within city area is at least 30 (thirty) % from the total area of the city. With a total area of 3,250 ha, green space area in Yogyakarta City should be 975 ha. Based on the result of the analysis, the green space area in Yogyakarta City in 2015 was 773.2 ha. It is about 24% from the total area of the city. So, there is still a deficiency of 6% or 201.8 ha of the ideal area according to the regulation.

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Urban development had changed the city center becomes denser and the green spaces area which spread in almost all the suburbs converted to built-up areas. Furthermore, because of the limitation of city’s administrative area, the development of urban area had also changed the land-use in the surrounding areas. It was visualized by NDVI analysis.

The complexity of land-use and green spaces change in Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas was explained using DPSIR framework. By reviewing literature, the framework tried to obtain information about driving force, pressure, state, impact and response. There were five strong driving forces for this phenomenon: population growth, urbanization, transportation, tourism, and education. All of those driving forces were caused by human activities to their environment. Human activities affect both quality and quantity of natural resources shifting their ability to provide ecosystem services to society (Nelson et al., 2006; Carrus et al., 2013; Lafortezza et al., 2013; Lafortezza & Chen, 2016). Pressures on environment, settlement, health, agriculture, industry, energy, transportation, tourism, hazardous and toxic waste emerged as the effects of the activities. Land-use change caused by human activities which occurred between the year 2000 and 2015 led to decreased in green spaces area and influence the environmental condition. It gave impacts on the decreased of green spaces area, loss of biodiversity, reduced environmental quality, diminished water quality as well as disaster. Environmental rehabilitation, environmental impact analysis, law enforcement, community participation, institutional and spatial planning were some responses that already taken by the authorities.

6. Comparison with another Study

The result from the study mentioned that the central part of Yogyakarta City became denser and the number of green spaces reduced, mainly in the suburbs. Population growth and urbanization are also revealed by assessing the number of population in Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas. The result said that in almost all of the districts, the population increased. The NDVI result in the Greater Yogyakarta between 2000 and 2015 was also showed that the value is decreased in many parts of the region. It indicated that there was massive human activities and development.

The result from another study by Divigalpitiya & Handayani (2015) also showed that the urban expansion process in the main urban area of the city is expanding faster than other parts of the urban region. It also said that the completion of the city’s outer ring road in 1987 prompted urbanization between the ring road and urban agglomeration and decentralization of the Indonesian government’s

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decision-making processes has accelerated the growth of peri-urban areas, which are expanding to adjoining administrative areas. This study suggested two main things:

a. the city needs to develop methods that can preserve green open spaces within the city that are vital for vibrant and healthy city environments; and

b. to do further study on the role of decentralization of administrative func-tions and decision making in order to understand the urbanization process in Yogyakarta City.

7. The Relation between Infrastructure Development and Land-use Change

It is noticeable that the presence of transportation infrastructures and systems leads to land-use change to the area. Zhang et al., 2013 mentioned that generally construction land tends to be located close to major transportation arteries and railways have the most obvious influence on land-use change in the rural-urban fringe.

Yogyakarta City had opened Giwangan Bus Station on October 10, 2004. This is the central bus station for Yogyakarta City, which serves the inner city, intercity, and interprovincial transportation. This bus station is located in the southeast part of Yogyakarta City. The coordinate is 7°50’5.10” South latitude and 110°23’32.31” East longitude. The bus station also integrates with Trans Jogja networks which operate as urban transportation.

The difference between land-use types from the year 2003 and 2015 is the orange box is the location of Giwangan Bus Station. In 2003, when the bus station was under construction, there were still many agricultural land and vegetation cover. After the construction completed, the area has changed. The condition of the area in 2015 after the operation of the bus station dramatically change. The agricultural land and vegetation cover converted into built-up areas. It was dominated by residential area, commercial area and a small amount of industrial area. This area is also near the south ring road which is one of the major causes of land-use change in the region.

D. Conclusion

This study analyzed green spaces change extracted from satellite imageries and reviewed the literature to find its driving forces as a consideration to understand the effects of modern urbanization to the green spaces in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

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1. Yogyakarta City experienced rapid land-use change between the year 2000 and 2015. The change was dominated by built-up areas which make the number of green spaces reduced within the city. Built-up area had increased by 2% (from 49% in 2000 to 51% in 2015). On the contrary, green spaces had decreased by 6% (from 53% in 2000 to 47% in 2015).

2. Distribution and change of green spaces area in Yogyakarta City were visualized using NDVI analysis. In 2000, NDVI value was relatively low in central part of Yogyakarta City but it was high in northwest and southeast part of the city. However, the value was low in almost all parts of the city in 2015. It indicated high human activities that change the green spaces into built-up areas. The urbanization process and population growth not only give pressures to the city but also its surrounding areas. These areas become urbanized with physically and functionally connected to Yogyakarta City. The NDVI value for the Greater Yogyakarta was also low in almost all parts of the region in 2015.

3. The findings of this study reveal that Yogyakarta City has been growing to a relatively compact urban agglomeration. The density of the built-up area in the central part of the city has been getting denser and more aggregated. Also, urban expansion has happened extensively in suburbs, converting green spaces to built-up areas. The growth of built-up areas has occurred in all parts of the suburbs with a lot of development of infrastructures as well as new residential and commercial areas. Furthermore, the urban expansion also occurs in the surrounding areas outside the city’s administrative boundary.

4. The DPSIR analysis explains the complexity of land use and green spaces change in Yogyakarta City and its surrounding areas. Population growth, urbanization, transportation, tourism, and education are some strong driving forces in the decrease of green spaces and the increase in the number of built-up area in the area. It gives pressures to environment, settlement, health, agriculture, industry, energy, transportation, tourism, hazardous and toxic waste. Land-use change which occurred between 2000 and 2015 leads to the decrease in green spaces area and harms the environment. Loss of green space disrupts the balance of ecosystems and has impacts on the decreased green spaces area, loss of biodiversity, reduced environmental quality, diminished quality of water and disaster such as flooding and drought. Authorities have already taken some responses to this phenomenon such as environmental rehabilitation, environmental impact analysis, law enforcement, community participation, institutional and spatial planning.

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E. Recommendations

Based on the results and finding of the study, here are some recommendations that can be developed as input for the study area:

1. Land-use change from agricultural land to non-agricultural land still become an emerging problem for cities and urban areas. The multi-temporal land-use change and NDVI analysis show that massive land-use change occurred in the northwest and southeast part of Yogyakarta City and in some districts in surrounding regencies. Therefore, it is important for the region to cooperate in controlling the land-use change. Vertical development can be one solution to this problem. In addition, urban development should be directed away from potential agricultural land.

2. Metropolitan area needs to be managed properly to make a resilient and sustainable urban area. Hence, metropolitan management agency needs to be established. In Yogyakarta, this agency has already established in 2001. It was initiated with the implementation of integrated urban infrastructure development projects or Yogyakarta Urban Development Project. The pilot cooperation in the waste sector was the first project undertaken by this agency. There are several ongoing cooperation but it still limited. Thus, the cooperation needs to be developed to other sectors and needs to embrace more related stakeholders.

3. Along with population growth and urbanization, it is difficult to avoid urban expansion. Therefore, planning and controlling the physical development of urban areas is necessary to realize a livable and sustainable urban area for all.

4. Green spaces planning needs to consider the connectivity concept. It is not only for the benefit of people but also to link natural areas to keep biodiversity and counter habitat fragmentation.

5. In this study, there are limitations that mainly related with data and methods used for analysis. The absence of reference image year 2000 caused the accuracy assessment could not be performed for land cover classification.

6. Future research on green spaces change and its driving forces should be done using better satellite images and more data and literature to get a better understanding of the phenomenon.

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Nama : Endar Desri Kumala Dewi

Instansi : Pemkot Bandung

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif yang berkembang di kampung kota yang meliputi aspek produksi, pemasaran, dukungan lembaga, serta inovasi yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan usaha. Metode analisis yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis statistik deskriptif dan analisis isi. Analisis statistik deskriptif digunakan untuk mendapatkan gambaran aktivitas produksi, pemasaran, dan inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha. Analisis isi digunakan untuk mengetahui program, kegiatan, dukungan lembaga terhadap pengembangan ekonomi kreatif, serta kondisi yang mendorong perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota.

Temuan studi menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota memiliki potensi dan manfaat yang besar. Dengan karakteristik informalnya, aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota mampu menopang perekonomian warga, menggunakan sumber daya lokal, mengatasi pengangguran, serta mewadahi tenaga kerja yang tidak mampu terserap pada sektor formal.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, kondisi yang mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah kemudahan memperoleh bahan baku, kapasitas pengusaha, jangkauan pemasaran, daya saing produk, lokasi usaha, promosi, dukungan dari bisnis, serta inovasi yang dilakukan pengusaha. Secara keseluruhan, kondisi yang banyak mendukung merupakan kondisi pada aspek produksi, aspek pemasaran, dan inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha. Dari ketiga hal tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa selama ini pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota masih bertumpu dan didominasi oleh peran pengusaha. Pengusaha memiliki peran sebagai aktor kreatif, enterpreneur, dan innovator.

Pada tahap awal, proses transfer pengetahuan kreatif dan keterampilan teknis dilakukan melalui proses magang, diajarkan secara turun-temurun dari keluarga maupun melalui pembelajaran otodidak dari observasi aktivitas pengusaha. Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, pengusaha secara swadaya mempertahankan dan mengembangkan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif melalui proses produksi, pemasaran, dan inovasi. Pengusaha merupakan aktor utama sebagai sumber daya manusia kreatif yang mampu melakukan aktivitas produksi, mengakses pasar, dan melakukan inovasi sebagai salah satu kunci utama dinamika perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Dalam perkembangannya pengusaha mampu melakukan inovasi inkremental yang mencakup inovasi produk, proses, dan pemasaran dengan menggunakan teknologi dan alat produksi yang sudah ada, secara bertahap, dan terus-menerus.

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Pada aspek dukungan lembaga, dukungan dari pihak eksternal khususnya dari pemerintah daerah, intelektual, dan komunitas masih belum optimal. Dukungan kebijakan serta peran proaktif dari Pemerintah Daerah masih sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Hal tersebut dikarenakan masih adanya missmatch antara kendala yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha dan program dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Pemerintah Daerah diharapkan dapat lebih proaktif, meningkatkan intensitas sosialisasi program dan kegiatan, serta mengoptimalkan program dan kegiatan yang ada pada lokus-lokus pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diperlukan pengusaha.

Kata kunci: Aktivitas Ekonomi Kreatif, Inovasi, Kampung Kota.

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This research aims to identify the creative economic activity characteristics developing in urban kampong that involves production, marketing, institutional support, as well as innovations done in business development. The analytical methods used in this paper is descriptive statistical analysis and content analysis. Descriptive statistical analysis is used to get an overview of the production, marketing, and innovation activities undertaken by enterpreneurs. Content analysis is used to identify programs, activities, and institutional support for the development of creative economy as well as conditions that support the development of creative economy activities at the urban kampong.

Research findings indicate that creative economy development in urban kampong possess great benefits and potential. With its informal characteristics, creative economy activities in urban kampong is capable in sustaining the economics of the residents by using local resources, eradicating unemployment as well as accommodating work force that couldn’t make it in the formal sector. Based on analysis results, conditions that support creative economy activities include ease of obtaining raw materials, employer capacity, marketing reach, competitiveness of the products, support from business, as well as innovation from entrepreneurs. Overall, the supporting conditions are conditions in production, marketing, and innovation done by the entrepreneurs. Based on those three things, it can be concluded that the development of creative economy activities still relies and is dominated by the entrepreneurs.

Entrepreneurs have roles as creative actors and innovators. In the early stages, the process of transferring creative knowledge and technical skills are done through internships that are taught past from family generations or self-taught from activity observation. In the next stage of development, entrepreneurs independently defend and develop creative economic activities through production, marketing, and innovation. Entrepreneurs are the main actors as the source of creative human resources that is capable of production, accessing markets, and create innovations as one of the main dynamic keys in the creative economy development at the urban kampong. In the development process, entrepreneurs is capable of doing incremental innovation that include products, process, and marketing using technology and existing production equipment in a gradual and continuous manner.

In the aspect of institutional support, support from external parties, particularly the local government, intellectual bodies and communities aren’t optimal yet. Regulations as well as the proactive role from the local government is still very much needed to support the creative economic activities development in urban kampong. This is due to the mismatch between the obstacles faced by the entrepreneurs and the programs held by the

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local government. The local government is expected to be more proactive, increasing the intensity of program socialisation as well as optimizing the programs and activity inside the urban kampong as the focus of creative economic environment in accordance to the needs of the entrepreneurs.

Keywords: Creative Economy, Innovations, Urban Kampong

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A. Latar Belakang

Ekonomi kreatif merupakan sektor penting dalam perekonomian Kota Bandung. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari persentase kontribusi ekonomi kreatif terhadap produk domestik regional bruto (PDRB) Kota Bandung yang mencapai 15,4% (Bagian Perekonomian Setda Kota Bandung, 2017). Selain kontribusi nilai PDRB, jumlah pelaku industri kreatif di kota Bandung mencapai 1.078 unit usaha (Dinas KUKM, Perindustrian, dan Perdagangan Kota Bandung, 2013). Jumlah tersebut merupakan sepertiga dari keseluruhan jumlah industri yang ada di Kota Bandung. Pada tahun 2015, Kota Bandung merupakan salah satu bagian dari jaringan kota kreatif UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Hal ini semakin memperkuat posisi dan peranan ekonomi kreatif dalam pembangunan Kota Bandung.

Salah satu kekuatan internal dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Kota Bandung adalah komunitas dan para pelaku ekonomi kreatif, yang tidak terbatas pada pengusaha formal dalam industri besar, kecil, dan menengah, tetapi juga mencakup pengusaha informal yang berkecimpung dalam industri rumah tangga. Selain itu, salah satu keunikan tersendiri dari pelaku ekonomi kreatif adalah distribusi lokasinya yang berada di kampung kota.

Dalam konteks sistem perkotaan, keberadaan kampung kota sebagai bagian dari lingkungan permukiman memiliki peran dan pengaruh tersendiri terhadap perkembangan kota Bandung. Selain sebagai sebuah sistem fisik untuk tempat bermukim, kampung kota berfungsi sebagai sistem sosial dan sistem ekonomi (Setiawan, 2010). Sebagai sebuah sistem sosial, kampong kota merupakan tempat bermukim beragam warga kota dengan berbagai latar belakang agama, pendapatan, pendidikan, pekerjaan, etnis, dan bahkan aliran politik (Setiawan, 2010). Sebagai sebuah sistem ekonomi, kampung kota merupakan tempat bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan produktif penghuninya (home-based enterprises) dan pendukung kegiatan ekonomi perkotaan. Perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi di kampung kota merupakan salah satu elemen penting bagi keberlanjutan dan pembangunan kampung kota secara menyeluruh.

Salah satu aktivitas ekonomi yang berkembang di kampung kota adalah aktivitas ekonomi kreatif jenis industri sablon dan konveksi di Kampung Sablon Suci yang telah berlangsung lebih kurang 30 tahun. Aktivitas industri sablon dan konveksi telah

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berjalan selama turun-temurun dan menjadi salah satu mata pencaharian utama bagi penduduk lokal. Nilai investasi dari industri Sablon Suci merupakan salah satu investasi terbesar di Kota Bandung dengan penyerapan tenaga kerja terbesar kedua setelah industri Sepatu Cibaduyut (Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kota Bandung, 2017).

Penelitian ini dilakukan berdasarkan hal tersebut, pentingnya keberadaan kampung kota sebagai sebuah sistem ekonomi, peran perkembangan sektor ekonomi kreatif bagi pembangunan kota, dan terbatasnya studi terdahulu terkait kampung kota dalam konteks sistem ekonomi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota, untuk merumuskan strategi pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota yang terintegrasi dan selaras dengan arah pembangunan kota.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Salah satu persoalan yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha di Kampung Sablon Suci adalah minimnya pesanan dari dalam kota Bandung (, 18 November 2016). Berdasarkan hasil survei, ketatnya persaingan bisnis, keterbatasan sarana prasarana di kampung kota, serta keterbatasan ruang produksi menyebabkan sebagian kecil pengusaha berhenti atau pindah dari Kampung Sablon Suci, tetapi sebagian besar pengusaha yang mampu bertahan dan berkembang, tetap melanjutkan usahanya di Kampung Sablon Suci. Hingga saat ini, belum ada studi yang mempelajari potensi ekonomi dan karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi tersebut secara menyeluruh. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan sebuah studi untuk memahami karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif yang berkembang di kampung kota. Untuk itu, pertanyaan penelitian yang ingin dijawab pada studi ini adalah:

1. Bagaimana karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif yang berkembang di kampung kota?

2. Apa jenis inovasi yang digunakan dalam pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota?

3. Kondisi apa yang mendorong perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota?

4. Penelitian dilakukan untuk mengidentifikasi karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif dan inovasi yang dilakukan dalam pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif dengan menggunakan dua pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan kuantitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif.

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C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Minimnya Dukungan Masyarakat terhadap Produk Lokal

Saat ini, sebagian besar keberadaan kampung kota hanya dilihat sebagai sebuah sistem fisik permukiman. Sistem ekonomi dan sosial yang ada di dalamnya belum tereksplorasi dengan baik. Padahal, sistem ekonomi dan sosial serta jejaring yang berada di kampung kota merupakan potensi dan kekuatan kampung kota dalam pembangunan perkotaan. Dengan memahami realitas kampung kota, termasuk karakteristik, potensi, dan kekuatan yang ada di dalamnya, perumusan ukuran-ukuran pengembangan yang diperlukan, termasuk hubungannya dengan pelayanan kota yang dibutuhkan, dapat dilakukan. (Widjaja, 2013).

Sebagai sebuah sistem ekonomi, keberadaan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota merupakan potensi dan tantangan tersendiri bagi pembangunan kampung kota. Aktivitas ekonomi kreatif memiliki potensi untuk meningkatan kualitas kesejahteraan dan kapasitas penduduk lokal serta mendukung pembangunan ekonomi perkotaan pada skala makro. Pada sisi lain, aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota merupakan tantangan tersendiri mengingat ketersediaan infrastruktur ekonomi dan sosial yang belum memadai. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan identifikasi karakteristik aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota untuk optimalisasi dan perumusan strategi pembangunan kampung dan pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif, serta meningkatkan pembangunan perekonomian kota secara keseluruhan.

Salah satu aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota adalah industri sablon dan konveksi yang berkembang di Kampung Sablon Suci, Kelurahan Cihaurgeulis. Aktivitas ekonomi di Kampung Sablon Suci ini merupakan potensi lokal yang berpengaruh dan berkontribusi terhadap perekonomian dan peran Kota Bandung sebagai kota kreatif. Karena lokasinya yang berada di kampung kota, pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di Kampung Sablon Suci masih terkendala oleh sarana dan prasarana yang terbatas. Ruang produksi yang berlokasi di rumah menjadi batasan tersendiri dalam kapasitas dan jumlah produksi. Akses di dalam Kampung Sablon Suci yang masih terbatas pada jalan gang menjadi tantangan bagi pengusaha dalam mendistribusikan barang. Akan tetapi, dengan keterbatasan sarana prasarana yang ada, aktivitas industri kreatif di Kampung Sablon Suci tetap mampu bertahan sejak tahun 1980 hingga saat ini.

2. Aspek Produksi

Pada aspek produksi, kondisi yang mendorong perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota adalah kemudahan memperoleh bahan baku serta

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kapasitas pengusaha. Untuk bahan baku, pengusaha dapat memperoleh bahan baku dari pasar lokal. Mereka dapat memperoleh bahan baku yang berasal dari daerah yang berdekatan dengan Kampung Sablon Suci (Jl.Surapati-Cicaheum, sekitar Kampung Sablon) maupun dari daerah lain yang masih ada dalam lingkup Kota Bandung (Pasar Baru, Jl.Kenari, Jl.Otista, Cibadak, dan Cigondewah). Harga bahan baku pun terjangkau dengan kualitas bahan terbaik. Kemudahan akses terhadap bahan baku baik dari sisi lokasi maupun harga ini mampu menekan biaya produksi, biaya transportasi, dan memaksimalkan keuntungan pengusaha. Selain dari segi lokasi dan harga, pemasok bahan baku juga turut berkontribusi terhadap keberlanjutan melalui sharing informasi kepada pengusaha terkait bahan baku jenis baru.

Kondisi lain yang mendukung pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah kapasitas pengusaha. Mayoritas pengusaha di Kampung Sablon Suci merupakan penduduk lokal. Mereka merupakan perintis, inisiator utama, dan aktor utama dalam pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Dalam konteks ini, mereka berperan sebagai aktor kreatif, enterpreneur, dan innovator. Pada tahap awal, proses transfer pengetahuan keahlian sablon dilakukan melalui proses magang, diajarkan secara turun-temurun dari keluarga, atau melalui pembelajaran otodidak dari observasi aktivitas pengusaha. Dalam perkembangannya, sampai saat ini, pengusaha mampu mempertahankan dan memiliki keinginan untuk melanjutkan dan mengembangkan usaha.

Pada aspek produksi, kondisi yang belum mendukung pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah modal, perizinan, dan tenaga kerja. Dalam permodalan, pengusaha masih menggunakan sumber modal internal. Mereka mengalami kesulitan mengakses modal dari pinjaman bank karena terkendala lokasi usaha dan belum memiliki izin usaha. Mayoritas pengusaha belum memiliki perizinan karena menganggap mekanisme perizinan yang rumit, membutuhkan biaya tinggi, dan ada beban pajak yang harus dibayar. Perizinan merupakan salah satu titik krusial dalam pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Karakteristik informalitas usaha dapat ditingkatkan menjadi status formal untuk mempermudah akses permodalan melalui kemudahan dan bantuan program kegiatan terkait perizinan.

Dalam hal tenaga kerja, mayoritas pengusaha menggunakan tenaga kerja lokal. Sebagian besar tenaga kerja lokal diperoleh dari anggota keluarga, teman, kerabat, dan tetangga. Proses perekrutan tenaga kerja tersebut belum berdasarkan keahlian.

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3. Faktor Pendorong Partisipasi PPDI

Pada aspek pemasaran, kondisi yang mendukung keberlanjutan usaha adalah cakupan jangkauan pemasaran, daya saing produk, lokasi usaha, dan promosi. Cakupan jangkauan pemasaran produk konveksi dan sablon dari Kampung Sablon Suci mampu mencapai lingkup lokal, regional, dan luar negeri. Sebagai sebuah kampung sentra produksi konveksi dan sablon, masyarakat Bandung dan luar Bandung telah mengenal dan mengakui keunggulan produk Kampung Sablon Suci. Cakupan jangkauan pemasaran yang luas berpotensi dalam meningkatkan jumlah konsumen dan pendapatan pengusaha.

Dalam hal perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif, konsumen juga berkontribusi terhadap inovasi dalam masukan desain dan model baru terhadap produk. Selain itu, daya saing produk juga kompetitif sehingga tidak kalah bersaing dengan produk lain di pasar. Produk konveksi dan sablon dari Kampung Sablon Suci memiliki kualitas yang bagus, harga yang lebih murah, serta sudah terkenal di kalangan konsumen.

Lokasi industri kreatif di Kampung Sablon Suci merupakan daerah yang strategis karena dekat dengan pusat kota dan berbatasan langsung dengan Jalan PHH Mustofa yang merupakan konsentrasi dari Sentra Sablon Kaos Suci Bandung. Lokasi Kampung Sablon Suci juga berdekatan dengan pemasok bahan baku. Kampung Sablon Suci merupakan konsentrasi pengusaha sejenis sehingga daerah ini terkenal sebagai sentra produk konveksi dan sablon serta menjadi tujuan utama konsumen yang ingin memesan produk konveksi.

Kondisi lain yang mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah promosi yang dilakukan pengusaha. Mereka mampu melakukan promosi secara interpersonal, hubungan pertemanan, pelanggan, serta promosi melalui web dan media sosial. Aktivitas promosi berpeluang untuk meningkatkan jumlah konsumen dan penjualan produk.

Untuk aspek pemasaran, kondisi yang belum mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah saluran distribusi. Pengusaha melakukan distribusi langsung kepada pelanggan, pengepul/perantara, dan perusahaan dagang. Sebagian besar distribusi masih dilakukan secara langsung kepada konsumen. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa keterkaitan ekonomi pengusaha dengan aktor lainnya dalam distribusi produk masih rendah.

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4. Aspek Dukungan Lembaga

Pada aspek dukungan lembaga, kondisi yang mendorong perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif adalah dukungan dari bisnis melalui kerja sama antarpengusaha. Kerja sama ini dilakukan melalui kerja sama antara pengusaha dalam lingkup Kampung Sablon (internal) dan kerja sama dengan pengusaha di luar lingkup kampung Sablon Suci (eksternal). Kerja sama antarpengusaha dalam lingkup internal dilakukan melalui pembagian kerja kepada pengusaha lainnya ketika terjadi kelebihan pesanan. Adapun kerja sama dengan pengusaha di luar lingkup Kampung Sablon (eksternal) dilakukan melalui kerja sama dalam produksi dan pemasaran melalui penjualan produk dengan distro, factory outlet, dan kerja sama dalam proses produksi dengan pengusaha konveksi dan sablon dalam lingkup Kota Bandung. Pengusaha mampu mengembangkan kerja sama dalam lingkup internal dan eksternal. Hal tersebut merupakan kondisi yang mampu mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Pada aspek dukungan lembaga, dukungan dari pemerintah daerah, lembaga keuangan, institusi pendidikan, asosiasi bisnis dan koperasi belum optimal.

5. Inovasi Produk

Jenis inovasi yang dilakukan oleh pengusaha adalah inovasi proses, produk, dan pemasaran. Inovasi proses dilakukan melalui penggunaan alat baru pada proses produksi, penggunaan tinta warna sablon jenis baru, dan modifikasi proses pewarnaan melalui reverse colouring. Manfaat inovasi proses ini adalah peningkatan kualitas produk dan peningkatan produktivitas kerja. Sumber inovasi proses berasal dari sesama pengusaha, pesaing bisnis, konsumen, dan pemasok.

Inovasi produk dilakukan pengusaha melalui perubahan produk dari produk baju anak ke produk hijab, inovasi produk sablon dengan ragam beberapa warna, dan produksi kaos dengan gambar 3 dimensi. Manfaat inovasi produk adalah peningkatan kualitas, jenis, dan ragam produk. Sumber inovasi produk adalah konsumen, media online, serta kecenderungan pasar. Inovasi pemasaran dilakukan melalui teknik pemasaran melalui web, media sosial, dan pembentukan tim pemasaran.

Adapun inovasi pemasaran bermanfaat terhadap peningkatan penjualan produk dan peningkatan cakupan jangkauan pemasaran. Sumber inovasi pemasaran berasal dari kecenderungan dan perkembangan pasar.

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6. Kendala Pengusaha

Kendala yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha dalam mengembangkan usahanya adalah modal, persaingan dengan bisnis lain, dukungan pemerintah, teknik pengerjaan/pengetahuan, kurangnya sumber daya pemasaran, dan dukungan dari industri yang sama. Jenis bantuan yang paling dibutuhkan para pengusaha adalah bantuan modal, pemasaran, peralatan, penyaluran produk, teknik pengelolaan dan pengerjaan, serta pekerja terampil.

Pada praktiknya, pemerintah daerah melalui organisasi perangkat daerah telah memiliki kebijakan, program, dan kegiatan yang beragam untuk mengembangkan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif dan mengembangkan kampung kota. Program dan kegiatan tersebut, antara lain bantuan pelatihan teknis, pameran, promosi, peralatan produksi, kredit tanpa bunga, simpul kreatif, dan pengembangan kampung kota sebagai kampung kreatif.

Kendala yang terjadi adalah masih terdapat missmatch antara persoalan yang dihadapi oleh pengusaha dan program dan kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh pemerintah daerah. Beberapa program dan kegiatan belum tersosialisasikan dengan baik di kalangan pengusaha sehingga pengusaha belum bisa mengakses dan memperoleh bantuan tersebut.

D. Kesimpulan

Kota merupakan wilayah dengan konsentrasi penduduk yang tinggi, kehidupan sosial yang beragam, serta struktur ekonomi nonpertanian, baik berupa industri, perdagangan maupun jasa. Sebagai salah satu unit terkecil lingkungan di perkotaan, kampung kota dapat berfungsi sebagai tempat bermukim, bersosialisasi, dan ruang produktif bagi pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi masyarakat.

Sebagai sebuah sistem ekonomi, kampung kota dapat menjadi ruang bagi masyarakat untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan produktif penghuninya (home-based enterprises), meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat, dan mendukung perekonomian kota. Perkembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota memiliki potensi dan manfaat yang besar. Dengan karakteristik informalnya, aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota dapat menopang perekonomian warga, menggunakan sumber daya lokal, mengatasi pengangguran, serta mewadahi tenaga kerja yang tidak mampu terserap oleh sektor formal.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota masih bertumpu dan didominasi oleh peran pengusaha.

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Pengusaha memiliki peran sebagai aktor kreatif, enterpreneur, dan innovator. Pada tahap awal, proses transfer pengetahuan kreatif dan keterampilan teknis dilakukan melalui proses magang, diajarkan secara turun-temurun dari keluarga, dan pembelajaran otodidak dari observasi aktivitas pengusaha.

Dalam perkembangan selanjutnya, pengusaha secara swadaya mempertahankan dan mengembangkan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif melalui proses produksi, pemasaran, dan inovasi. Pengusaha merupakan aktor utama sebagai sumber daya manusia kreatif yang mampu memodifikasi lokasi, melakukan aktivitas produksi, mengakses pasar, dan melakukan inovasi sebagai salah satu kunci utama dinamika perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota.

Dalam hal inovasi, pengusaha di kampung kota mampu melakukan inovasi, yang terdiri atas inovasi proses, produk, dan pemasaran. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan kajian sebelumnya yang menyebutkan bahwa, secara teoretis, jenis inovasi yang sering dilakukan oleh industri kecil, mikro maupun industri rumah tangga adalah inovasi produk, proses, dan pemasaran (Dhewanto, 2015). Ketiga jenis inovasi yang dilakukan pengusaha merupakan inovasi sederhana dan bertahap pada produksi dan pemasaran. Pengusaha melakukan inovasi berdasarkan pengetahuan praktis sehari-hari selama mengembangkan usahanya. Inovasi jenis ini merupakan inovasi inkremental, yaitu dilakukan pada produk, proses produksi, dan pemasaran menggunakan teknologi dan alat produksi yang sudah ada, secara bertahap, dan terus-menerus dalam rangka pengembangan usaha. Hal tersebut sesuai dengan teori bahwa jenis inovasi yang dilakukan oleh industri berteknologi rendah merupakan inovasi inkremental (Abernathy & Utterback, 1978).

Pada aspek dukungan lembaga, dukungan dari pihak eksternal, khususnya, pemerintah daerah, intelektual, dan komunitas belum optimal. Padahal, dukungan kebijakan serta peran proaktif dari pemerintah daerah sangat dibutuhkan untuk mendukung perkembangan aktivitas ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota. Pemerintah daerah diharapkan dapat lebih proaktif dan mengoptimalkan program dan kegiatan yang ada pada lokus-lokus pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di kampung kota sesuai dengan kebutuhan yang diperlukan pengusaha. Hal tersebut merupakan bentuk dukungan kebijakan pemerintah daerah terhadap pengembangan ekonomi kreatif sebagai salah satu strategi penciptaan lingkungan psikis untuk mendukung perkembangan aktivitas kreatif masyarakat.

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1. Peningkatan Sosialisasi Program dan Kegiatan Pemerintah Daerah terkait Pengembangan Ekonomi Kreatif dan Kampung Kota

Pemerintah daerah telah memiliki kebijakan dalam bentuk program dan kegiatan pada organisasi perangkat daerah yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi kreatif dan kampung kota. Banyak pengusaha yang belum mengetahui program dan kegiatan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah perlu meningkatkan sosialisasi program dan kegiatan sehingga pengusaha mengetahui dan dapat mengakses program tersebut.

2. Peningkatan dukungan dari Pemerintah Daerah kepada pengusaha di Kampung Sablon Suci

Dukungan dari pemerintah daerah kepada pengusaha di Kampung Sablon Suci dapat berbentuk optimalisasi program dan kegiatan pada organisasi perangkat daerah yang berkaitan dengan ekonomi kreatif dan kampung kota. Pemerintah daerah dapat lebih proaktif dengan pemberian dukungan berupa bantuan peralatan produksi, bantuan modal, pelaksanaan pelatihan teknis, serta penyertaan pengusaha dalam even-even pameran. Mengingat potensi ekonomi kreatif di Kampung Sablon Suci sangat besar, pemerintah daerah melalui Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata dapat melakukan pembentukan simpul kreatif maupun pengembangan kampung kreatif di Kampung Sablon Suci.

3. Pengembangan asosiasi pengusaha Kampung Sablon Suci untuk meningkatkan komunikasi diantara pengusaha dan kerjasama dengan pihak-pihak eksternal

Pengembangan asosiasi pengusaha dapat menjadi wadah komunikasi antarpengusaha. Dengan adanya asosiasi, pengusaha dapat berbagi informasi dan memunculkan ide, kreativitas, dan inovasi untuk mengembangkan usaha. Selain sebagai wadah komunikasi internal, keberadaan asosiasi pengusaha dapat menjadi media komunikasi antara pengusaha dan pihak eksternal dalam meningkatkan kerja sama dengan pihak eksternal.

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Nama : Fahrur Rozi

Instansi : Pemkab Tulang Bawang

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Ibu Kota Kecamatan (SPAM IKK) Banjar Margo, sebagai salah satu kebijakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang dalam menghadirkan pelayanan air bersih kepada masyarakat, menghadapi persoalan dengan terus menurunnya jumlah pelanggan dan minimnya rumah tangga masyarakat yang bersedia berlangganan. Pada Mei 2017 tercatat hanya tersisa 193 pelanggan sambungan rumah (SR) yang masih berlangganan, padahal rencananya SPAM ini diestimasi mampu melayani 750-1.000 kepala keluarga (KK).

Rendahnya kesediaan rumah tangga untuk berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Banjar Margo ini berdampak pada kondisi keuangan operasional SPAM IKK. Pemasukan yang diperoleh dari hasil imbal jasa pelayanan tidak mampu lagi menutupi biaya operasional SPAM IKK, sementara tidak mungkin terus-menerus mengandalkan subsidi dari pemerintah yang sifatnya terbatas. Pelayanan SPAM IKK bisa saja terhenti, yang artinya investasi yang ditanamkan pemerintah menjadi sia-sia karena SPAM IKK tidak lagi memberikan manfaat bagi perkembangan daerah dan masyarakat luas sebagaimana tujuan awalnya.

Kuesioner disebarkan kepada 161 KK yang dibagi dalam 2 kategori/kelompok, yaitu pelanggan dan non-pelanggan, untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apa saja yang berpengaruh terhadap kesediaan rumah tangga untuk berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Banjar Margo. Metode analisis asosiasi dengan teknik statistik tabulasi silang dan uji chi-square digunakan untuk melihat dan menguji hubungan antara kesediaan berlangganan rumah tangga sebagai variabel terikat (y) dengan aspek pelayanan SPAM dan aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi rumah tangga sebagai variabel bebasnya (x). Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa aspek pelayanan SPAM dan aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kesediaan berlangganan. Kualitas pelayanan SPAM dan kondisi sosial-ekonomi yang baik akan semakin meningkatkan kesediaan rumah tangga untuk berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Banjar Margo.

Kata kunci: Penyediaan Air Bersih, Pelayanan SPAM IKK, Kesediaan Berlangganan, Keberlanjutan Pelayanan.

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Water Supply System of Capital District/Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Ibu Kota Kecamatan (SPAM IKK) Banjar Margo, as one of the Tulang Bawang Regency Government policy in presenting public water service, faced problem with the continuing decline in the number of customers and the lack of household (HH) who are willing to be a customers. In May 2017 recorded only 193 household customer have remain connecting on SPAM IKK, whereas the SPAM IKK plan is estimated to be able to serve 750-1,000 HH.

The low willingness of the household to patronize on this SPAM IKK will have an impact on the operational financial condition of SPAM IKK, the income earned from the service pay outcome is no longer able to cover operational costs of SPAM, while it is not possible to continue to rely on limited government subsidies. SPAM IKK services may be stalled, which means that government investments are in vain because SPAM IKK no longer provides benefits for regional development and the wider community as its original objectives.

Questionnaires distributed to 161 HH divided into 2 categories/groups: customers and non-customers, to determine what factors that affect household willingness to patronize on SPAM IKK Banjar Margo. Association analysis method with cross tabulation technique and chi-square test is used to see and test the relationship between household willingness to patronize as dependent variable (y) with aspect of SPAM services and household socio-economic characteristic as independent variable (x). The result of analysis show that aspect of SPAM services and household socio-economic characteristic have a significant relation with household willingness to patronize on SPAM IKK. Good quality of SPAM services and good socio-economic condition, will further increase the willingness of the household to patronize on SPAM IKK Banjar Margo.

Keywords: Water Supply, SPAM IKK Services, Willingness to Patronize, Service Sustainability.

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A. Latar Belakang

Penduduk Kecamatan Banjar Margo Kabupaten Tulang Bawang yang kerap kesulitan mendapatkan air bersih, baik dari sumur pribadi maupun sumur-sumur umum pada saat musim kemarau, menjadi perhatian serius bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang. Kebijakan Pemerintah Pusat untuk menghadirkan infrastruktur pelayanan air bersih, yakni Sistem Penyediaan Air Minum Ibu Kota Kecamatan (SPAM IKK) di Kecamatan Banjar Margo, menjadi jalan bagi Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang untuk mengatasi persoalan tersebut. Pada kenyataannya, persoalan penyelenggaraan pelayanan air bersih tidak berhenti pada soal penyediaannya saja, tetapi juga cara menjaga dan mempertahankan keberadaan dan keberlanjutan sistem penyelenggaraan air bersih itu sendiri. Banyak faktor yang memengaruhi keberadaan dan keberlangsungan sistem air bersih, antara lain: lingkungan fisik; lingkungan sosial; keuangan; pelayanan; teknologi; kelembagaan; efisiensi pengelolaan; dan tarif dasar air bersih (Triweko, 1992; Pramono, 2002).

Jumlah pelanggan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo, yang pengelolaannya saat ini berada di bawah tanggung jawab PDAM Way Tulang Bawang, terus mengalami penurunan. Tercatat hingga saat ini (per Mei 2017) khusus untuk kategori SR hanya tersisa 193 pelanggan SR saja, sedangkan sisanya berhenti berlangganan. Padahal, SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo ini diestimasi mampu melayani 750-1.000 KK di wilayah pelayanan. Terus berkurangnya jumlah pelanggan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo mengindikasikan rendahnya kesediaan berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Hal ini secara otomatis akan berpengaruh pada kondisi keuangan dan manajemen operasional PDAM Way Tulang Bawang, yaitu pemasukan yang didapat dari hasil imbal jasa pelayanan SPAM.

Sebagai konsekuensinya, IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo tidak lagi mampu menutupi biaya operasional yang dikeluarkan dan tidak mungkin terus-menerus hanya mengandalkan anggaran subsidi dari pemerintah yang sifatnya terbatas. Minimnya dana operasional yang tersedia bisa saja menyebabkan operasional SPAM terhenti sewaktu-waktu. Sangat disayangkan jika akhirnya sarana dan prasarana SPAM yang telah diupayakan dengan susah payah dan dibangun dengan dana yang tidak sedikit ini terpaksa berhenti operasionalnya. Selain itu, investasi yang ditanamkan pemerintah

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pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo menjadi sia-sia disebabkan infrastruktur SPAM yang tidak lagi memberikan manfaat bagi perkembangan daerah maupun masyarakat luas sebagaimana tujuan awalnya.

Menurut Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), berlangganan adalah melakukan jual beli secara tetap, sedangkan pelanggan adalah orang yang membeli produk/jasa secara tetap (orang yang berlangganan). Pelanggan adalah individu yang membuat keputusan tentang pembelian produk/jasa serta membandingkan biaya dan nilai yang diterima dari sejumlah pilihan untuk memperoleh kepuasan terbesar dari waktu dan dana yang dikeluarkan (Pamitra, 2001; Jerome dkk, 1993). Kepuasan pelanggan adalah tingkat perasaan seseorang setelah membandingkan kinerja yang dirasakan dengan harapannya (Tjiptono, 1996). Kepuasan pelanggan memengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan (Shelyana dan Basu, 2002; Caruana, 2002). Kualitas Layanan juga dapat memengaruhi loyalitas pelanggan secara langsung ataupun tidak langsung melalui kepuasan pelanggan (Zethaml dkk, 1996). Keputusan dalam melakukan pembelian terhadap barang/jasa terdiri atas tahap pengenalan kebutuhan, pencarian informasi, evaluasi alternatif, serta pembelian dan kepuasan (Sumarwan, 2011). Lebih lanjut, menurut Sumarwan (2011) proses keputusan untuk mengonsumsi barang atau jasa sangat dipengaruhi oleh 3 faktor utama, yaitu (1) strategi pemasaran; (2) perbedaan individu konsumen yang terkait dengan kebutuhan dan motivasi, kepribadian, persepsi dan pengolahan informasi, proses belajar, pengetahuan dan sikap; dan (3) lingkungan yang berupa budaya, karakteristik sosial-ekonomi, keluarga dan rumah tangga, kelompok acuan, dan situasi konsumen.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Jumlah pelanggan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo yang cenderung menurun dari waktu ke waktu mengindikasikan kesediaan berlangganan yang rendah. Hal ini secara otomatis akan berpengaruh pada pemasukan yang diperoleh dari hasil imbal jasa pelayanan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo dan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo pun tidak mungkin terus-menerus menutupi biaya operasional hanya dengan mengandalkan anggaran subsidi dari pemerintah yang sifatnya terbatas. Kondisi ini mengancam keberadaan dan keberlangsungan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Investasi yang telah ditanamkan pemerintah pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo menjadi sia-sia disebabkan infrastruktur SPAM yang tidak lagi memberikan manfaat bagi perkembangan daerah maupun masyarakat luas sebagaimana tujuan awalnya. Kesediaan berlangganan masyarakat diduga dipengaruhi oleh 2 aspek utama :

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1. Aspek pelayanan SPAM: banyak pelanggan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo yang memilih untuk berhenti berlangganan. Kualitas pelayanan dan kepuasan pelanggan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas pelanggan (Shelyana dan

Basu, 2002; Caruana, 2002; Zethaml dkk, 1996);

2. Aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi: minimnya rumah tangga yang bersedia menjadi pelanggan baru SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Proses keputusan individu untuk mengonsumsi/menggunakan produk/layanan, antara lain dipengaruhi karakteristik sosial-ekonomi (Sumarwan, 2011).

Atas dasar latar belakang dan persoalan yang telah di uraikan di atas, dapat ditarik rumusan pertanyaan penelitian, yaitu faktor-faktor apakah yang berpengaruh terhadap kesediaan berlangganan rumah tangga pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo?

Kuesioner disebarkan pada 161 responden yang dibagi menjadi 2 kategori/kelompok, yaitu rumah tangga pelanggan dan rumah tangga non-pelanggan. Kategori/kelompok pelanggan diminta menjawab butir pertanyaan yang terkait dengan aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi dan aspek pelayanan SPAM. Kelompok non-pelanggan hanya dipersilakan menjawab butir pertanyaan yang terkait dengan aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi karena dianggap tidak mempunyai kapasitas untuk melakukan penilaian terhadap aspek pelayanan SPAM.

Selain data primer yang didapat dengan observasi langsung ke wilayah studi serta penyebaran kuesioner dan wawancara langsung dengan responden, penelitian ini juga menggunakan data sekunder yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber terkait. Data yang terkumpul diolah dengan metode statistik deskriptif dan asosiatif. Penentuan jumlah sampel mengacu pada rumus Slovin. Pemilihan sampel dilakukan dengan teknik pemilihan sampel secara acak sederhana atau simple random sampling.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Jenis Kelamin

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk kategori/kelompok pelanggan, keputusan rumah tangga responden masih dominan ditentukan oleh suami (laki-laki). Hal ini terlihat dari komposisi responden berdasarkan jenis kelamin. Responden dalam kategori ini terdiri atas 1 responden (2%) perempuan dan 65 responden (98%) laki-laki. Sama halnya dengan kategori/ kelompok pelanggan, pada kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan, keputusan rumah tangga responden masih dominan ditentukan oleh suami (laki-laki). Responden dalam kategori ini terdiri dari 6 responden (6%) perempuan dan 89 responden (94%) laki-laki.

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2. Tingkat Pendidikan

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat pendidikan responden untuk kategori/ kelompok pelanggan masih terbilang rendah. Mayoritas responden hanya berpendidikan Sekolah Dasar (SD). Responden dalam kategori ini terdiri atas 3 responden (4%) tidak sekolah, 45 responden (68%) berpendidikan sekolah dasar, 11 responden (17%) berpendidikan sekolah menengah pertama, dan 7 responden (11%) berpendidikan SMA.

Tidak jauh berbeda dengan kategori/kelompok pelanggan, pada kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan juga lebih didominasi oleh pendidikan setingkat SD. Responden dalam kategori ini terdiri dari 82 responden (86%) berpendidikan SD, 10 responden (11%) berpendidikan SMP, dan 3 responden (3%) berpendidikan SMA.

3. Status Pernikahan

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa status seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori/ kelompok pelanggan telah menikah. Tidak berbeda dengan kategori/kelompok pelanggan, hasil penelitian pada kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan menunjukkan bahwa status seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan telah menikah.

4. Status Kepemilikan Rumah

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk kategori/kelompok pelanggan, status kepemilikan rumah seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori ini adalah milik sendiri. Tidak berbeda dengan kategori/kelompok pelanggan, hasil penelitian pada kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan menunjukkan bahwa status kepemilikan rumah seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori ini adalah milik sendiri.

5. Jumlah Anggota Keluarga

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa untuk kategori/kelompok pelanggan, berdasarkan jumlah anggota keluarga, 1 responden (2%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 1 orang, 16 responden (24%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 2 orang, 22 responden (33%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 3 orang, 16 responden (24%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 4 orang, 5 responden (8%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 5 orang, dan 6 responden (9%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 6 orang.

Sementara hasil penelitian untuk kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan menunjukkan bahwa responden dalam kategori ini terdiri atas 1 responden (1%)

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dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 1 orang, 11 responden (12%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 2 orang, 20 responden (21%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 3 orang, 22 responden (23%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 4 orang, 16 responden (17%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 5 orang, 13 responden (14%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 6 orang, 8 responden (8%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 7 orang dan 4 responden (8%) dengan jumlah anggota keluarga 8 orang.

6. Pemahaman Terhadap Informasi Tarif

Informasi terkait tarif sangat penting bagi konsumen/pelanggan. Pemahaman pelanggan terhadap informasi tarif secara terperinci membuat pelanggan merasa puas dan nyaman dengan sebuah layanan. Berdasarkan pengetahuan tentang tarif yang berlaku, pelanggan mengetahui untuk komponen apa saja besaran biaya yang dibayarkan. Informasi ini juga membantu konsumen untuk melakukan pengaturan konsumsi air bersihnya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 65 responden (98%) yang memahami informasi tarif dan hanya 1 responden (2%) yang menyatakan tidak paham terhadap informasi tarif.

7. Kuantitas Air

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 44 responden (67%) menyatakan kuantitas aliran air kurang lancar dan 22 responden (33%) menyatakan kuantitas aliran air lancar. Hal ini dipengaruhi tekanan pompa dan jarak pipa distribusi dari sumber air ke sambungan rumah tangga.

8. Kontinuitas Layanan

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 28 responden (42%) menyatakan durasi distribusi air kurang dari 6 jam dan 38 responden (58%) menyatakan durasi distribusi air antara 6-12 jam.

9. Kualitas Air

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 35 responden (53%) menyatakan air yang didistribusikan berkualitas baik dan 31 responden (47%) menyatakan air yang didistribusikan berkualitas kurang baik.

10. Keakuratan Meteran

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori ini menyatakan bahwa akurasi meteran adalah akurat. Pelanggan menyatakan bahwa biaya yang mereka bayarkan telah sesuai dengan besaran konsumsi air bersihnya pada layanan SPAM.

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11. Kemudahan Sistem Pembayaran

Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa seluruh responden (100%) dalam kategori ini menyatakan bahwa sistem pembayaran yang diterapkan di SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo tidak merepotkan.

12. Kesediaan Berlangganan Kategori/Kelompok Pelanggan

Kesediaan berlangganan pada kategori ini diartikan sebagai bersedia atau tidaknya responden untuk tetap berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Sebanyak 58 responden (88%) menyatakan akan tetap berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 8 responden (12%) menyatakan tidak bersedia berlangganan lagi (berhenti berlangganan).

13. Kesediaan Berlangganan Kategori/Kelompok Non-Pelanggan

Kesediaan berlangganan pada kategori ini diartikan sebagai bersedia atau tidaknya responden menjadi pelanggan (berlangganan) pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Sebanyak 17 (18%) responden berencana menjadi pelanggan (berlangganan) SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo, sedangkan sisanya sebanyak 78 responden (82%) menyatakan tidak bersedia berlangganan.

Delapan responden pelanggan (12%) berencana berhenti berlangganan. Kondisi ini mengindikasikan berkurangnya pelanggan akan terus terjadi dalam waktu-waktu ke depan. Pada sisi lain masih terdapat 17 rumah tangga (18%) yang bersedia menjadi pelanggan SPAM. Hal ini menunjukkan masih ada minat masyarakat untuk berlangganan pada layanan SPAM.

14. Temuan Penelitian

Dari hasil analisis terhadap aspek sosial-ekonomi responden ditemukan bahwa secara umum, kondisi sosial-ekonomi rumah tangga responden adalah sebagai berikut: (a) pengambilan keputusan rumah tangga lebih didominasi oleh suami (laki-laki); (b) seluruh responden berstatus telah menikah; jenjang pendidikan yang dimiliki kepala keluarga sebagai pengambil keputusan rumah tangga mayoritas setingkat sekolah dasar (SD); (c) status kepemilikan rumah seluruh responden adalah milik sendiri dengan jumlah jiwa dalam 1 rumah paling sedikit 1 orang dan paling banyak 8 orang; (d) pendapatan keluarga responden per bulan berada dalam kisaran Rp500.000 s.d. Rp3.000.000, sementara pengeluaran keluarga per bulan ada dalam kisaran Rp500.000 s.d. Rp2.500.000; (e) sumber air bersih utama responden di luar SPAM berupa sumur gali.

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Dari hasil analisis terhadap aspek pelayanan SPAM berdasarkan penilaian pelanggan SPAM ditemukan bahwa: (a) mayoritas responden mengaku memahami informasi tarif yang berlaku pada pelayanan SPAM; (b) masih ada responden yang merasakan durasi aliran distribusi air SPAM kurang lancar dan kualitas airnya kurang baik; (c) durasi aliran distribusi air SPAM berkisar antara 6°12 jam; (d) seluruh responden menyatakan bahwa meteran air akurat dalam membaca besaran konsumsi air bersih pelanggan; (e) seluruh responden merasa sistem pembayaran tidak merepotkan.

Dari hasil analisis terkait kesediaan berlangganan ditemukan bahwa untuk kategori/kelompok pelanggan SPAM terdapat 8 rumah tangga (12%) yang menyatakan akan berhenti berlangganan pada layanan SPAM. Adapun pada kategori/kelompok non-pelanggan terdapat 17 rumah tangga (18%) yang menyatakan bersedia menjadi pelanggan layanan SPAM. Kondisi ini selain mengindikasikan berkurangnya jumlah pelanggan masih akan terjadi dalam waktu-waktu ke depan, juga menunjukkan masih ada potensi minat masyarakat non-pelanggan untuk berlangganan pada layanan SPAM.

Hasil analisis terkait hubungan antara kesediaan berlangganan dan aspek sosial-ekonomi dan aspek pelayanan SPAM menunjukkan bahwa variabel-variabel yang signifikan berhubungan dengan kesediaan berlangganan, yaitu aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi terdiri atas variabel pendapatan keluarga (PnK), pengeluaran keluarga (PgK), jumlah anggota keluarga (JAK), sedangkan untuk aspek pelayanan SPAM adalah variabel kontinuitas layanan (KL).

D. Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan temuan penelitian yang telah diuraikan di atas terlihat bahwa aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi yang meliputi variabel pendapatan keluarga (PnK), pengeluaran keluarga (PgK), dan jumlah anggota keluarga (JAK), serta aspek pelayanan SPAM, yaitu variabel kontinuitas layanan (KL) memiliki hubungan yang signifikan dengan kesediaan berlangganan rumah tangga pada pelayanan SPAM maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan secara umum bahwa aspek karakteristik sosial-ekonomi dan aspek pelayanan SPAM memiliki pengaruh pada kesediaan berlangganan rumah tangga pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo.

Pengaruh aspek karakteristik sosial ekonomi rumah tangga menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi tingkat pendapatan keluarga, semakin besar kecenderungan rumah tangga untuk berlangganan pada pelayanan SPAM. Besarnya pengeluaran keluarga ini secara otomatis akan mengurangi jumlah pendapatan keluarga yang turut pula memengaruhi kecenderungan rumah tangga untuk berlangganan pada pelayanan

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SPAM. Jumlah anggota keluarga berpengaruh pada besaran konsumsi air bersih rumah tangga. Semakin banyak jumlah anggota keluarga, semakin besar kebutuhan air bersihnya sehingga membutuhkan sumber air alternatif seperti SPAM yang lebih bisa memastikan terpenuhinya kebutuhan konsumsi air bersih keluarga terutama pada saat musim kemarau.

Pengaruh aspek layanan SPAM menunjukkan bahwa kontinuitas layanan berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kesediaan berlangganan. Semakin lama durasi distribusi air ke rumah tangga akan semakin memudahkan pelanggan untuk mengonsumsi air dari SPAM. Kemudahan inilah yang membuat pelanggan cenderung untuk tetap berlangganan pada pelayanan SPAM.

E. Rekomendasi

1. PDAM Way Tulang Bawang melalui UPT SPAM Kecamatan Banjar Margo sebagai pengelola SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo harus menjaga dan meningkatkan kualitas pelayanannya, terutama terkait persoalan pendistribusian air bersih ke setiap sambungan rumah yang ada. Hal ini untuk menjaga dan meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan pada pelayanan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Kepuasan pelanggan dapat menarik minat masyarakat lain (non-pelanggan) untuk berlangganan pada SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo.

2. Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang selaku regulator layanan SPAM harus mempertimbangkan faktor karakteristik sosial-ekonomi masyarakat dalam penyelenggaraan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo. Intervensi pemerintah sebaiknya tidak berfokus hanya pada pemberian subsidi langsung pada harga air dan non-air (biaya langganan, biaya administrasi, dan biaya pemeliharaan), tetapi juga pada aspek yang lebih luas, seperti menyediakan lebih banyak lapangan kerja, menekan harga kebutuhan pokok (listrik, makanan pokok, dan lain-lain), serta meningkatkan harga jual komoditi pertanian yang menjadi andalan masyarakat Kampung Penawar Jaya dan Kampung Agung Dalem khususnya atau Kecamatan Banjar Margo pada umumnya.

3. Pertimbangan/alasan rumah tangga untuk menjadi pelanggan SPAM IKK Kecamatan Banjar Margo dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kesediaan berlangganan dapat menjadi bahan masukan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Tulang Bawang dalam penyediaan infrastruktur pelayanan air bersih publik di masa depan.

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Nama : Farida Hudanti

Instansi : Pemprov Jawa Timur

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Negara Studi : Indonesia -Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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A. Background

As the second largest city in Indonesia after Jakarta, Surabaya with total area of 326,81 km2 is considered as a highly dense area. In 2013, the population of Surabaya accounted for 3,2 millions with the density reached 9,793 people/km2. Due to the high density, Surabaya becomes vulnerable to fire. During 2005-2014, a large number of fires occurred in Surabaya accounted for 3,611 incidents with a loss of 280,475 million rupiahs or USD 21 millions (BPS 2015).

Kampung Ampel, located in Semampir sub district in Surabaya, is a part of Kota Lama Surabaya (Old City of Surabaya), which is an important Cultural Heritage Area. Kampung Ampel is famous as a kampung inhabited by many Arab ethnics for generations. During the era of Walisongo–The Nine Saints, known as the propagator of Islam in Java Island in the 15th century– Kampung Ampel was known as the center for the spread of Islam in Java (Silas et al. 2012). In Kampung Ampel, there are several cultural heritage buildings assigned by Surabaya City Government such as Great Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel, Tomb of Habib Muhammad bin Idrus Alhabsyi, etc. (Bappeko 2012). Therefore, up to now, Kampung Ampel attracts the interest of thousands of visitors from within and outside Surabaya. However, according to Surabaya Spatial Plan 2014-2034, Kampung Ampel is an area prone to fire. During the last ten years, several fire incidents occurred. These incidents potentially harm cultural heritage buildings in Kampung Ampel region.

The objective of the research is to develop the principles for fire mitigation in Kampung Ampel Surabaya. A research will be conducted to determine the spatial characteristic of the study area, including the current firefighting systems and the characteristics of cultural heritage buildings. In order to address the objective, several steps will be conducted as follow:

1. identify the current firefighting system in Surabaya;

2. identify the characteristics and condition of cultural heritage area in Kampung Ampel Surabaya;

3. identify structure of the problem based on the characteristics and conditions of Kampung Ampel area and the fire system of Surabaya city;

4. Propose strategies for the development of fire mitigation principles in Kampung Ampel.

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This study is important because it is conducted in regards with the development plan of a valuable cultural heritage area that is prone to fire disaster. In Kampung Ampel, besides the cultural heritage buildings that have been existed since the 15th century, there are also cultural nuance and activities of Arab community that have been inherited by generations. Therefore, they need to be preserved due to the historical values that can give character or identity of a city.

This study will give significant contributions to both knowledge and practical importance. Previous studies about fire mitigation in Surabaya were more focusing on fire risk reduction through capacity building, determination of Fire Station location distribution, and determination of zoning risk level of fire disaster in city scale (macro scale). Therefore, this research that specifically focuses on spatial characteristics in a more detailed urban community scale with consideration on cultural heritage value will give contribution to current knowledge. The practical significance will be presented in the form of proposed solutions for future safety, which specifically designed for that particular area.

B. Research Methodology

This research will use descriptive analysis and GIS-based analysis in dealing with data related to physical condition of the study objects and the area. GIS-based analysis will also be used to provide some suggestions on how to develop the existing firefighting measures. The research will be started by conducting problems identification. After that, literature review will be carried out to determine the aspects that need to be considered in developing the area in regards with fire prevention. Data collection including both spatial and non-spatial data will be done afterwards. Finally, spatial analysis using GIS will be conducted in order to provide development strategies for fire mitigation in the study area. The spatial analysis will be conducted according to the illustration below.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Spatial Analysis using Geographic Information System (GIS)

A disaster occurs when a hazard strikes a vulnerable community. However, as well as vulnerability, a community will also have capacities or strengths that help reducing the impact of hazard. Therefore, in every disaster prevention effort, the three factors of hazard, vulnerability, and capacity are the main points for the assessment. In this case, the hazard to be mitigated is urban fire. Furthermore, vulnerability and capacity factors to fire hazard need to be examined.

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In order to determine the most important location but also the most vulnerable to fire, fire vulnerability factors will be studied. In addition, to conduct disaster risk assessment, it is also necessary to understand the capacity factors. Capacity factor reflects the ability to overcome or prevent the occurrence of hazards. Simply put, capacity factors can be defined as the positive aspects of the situation. After obtaining variables to be used in the analyses, it is necessary to specify the parameters of each variable. These parameters will then be used to score each map, as a basis for further analysis. The aforementioned proposed solution can be illustrated as follow:

a. Reactivation of inactive fire wells

Out of seven fire wells located in the vicinity of Kampung Ampel, four of them are inactive fire wells. If possible for reactivation, the coverage area of firefighting resources will be wider thus will help to increase the safety in the area.

b. Utilization on source of water from Ampel Mosque

Ampel Mosque, located right in the middle of Kampung Ampel, has a source of water that is believed to be the holy water that brings goodness to the drinker. The existence of that source of water can be an alternative water resource to help securing the area. The utilization of this water source can be an effective solution since Ampel Mosque is one of the areas that fall into high-risk category. However, since the water source not owned by Surabaya City Fire Department, the volume of water resource in this mosque is unknown. In addition, it should also be investigated whether it is possible to be utilized in the case of emergency.

c. Propose wider road to connect roads which are wider than 3.5 meters but are blocked by narrower roads.

On the west side of Kampung Ampel, there are two lines of roads that are actually have width more than 3.5 meters (Jl. Petukangan Utara and Jl. Petukangan Tengah I) but are not added buffers because the entrance access to the roads from main street are blocked by smaller roads. Therefore, if it is possible to propose wider road, the buffer areas will be bigger thus covers wider area as well. The purchase of adapters to connect different types of fire hoses.

According to Surabaya City Fire Department, in each fire fighting action, each fire truck carries 6 outdoor hoses sized 2.5 inches and six indoor hoses sized 1.5 inches, each of which has a length of 20 meters. To connect both types of fire hoses, the purchase of adapters can be an

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effective solution. Thus, a buffer of 169m was created along the roads that have width of 3.5 meters and more. The comparison of fire hose range buffer before and after the installation of fire hose adapters show a big difference in the coverage area. Because of the increased radius of fire hose range due to the installation of fire hose adapters, the same buffer will be applied to the elements of fire infrastructure, namely river and fire wells including the inactive fire wells with the assumption that the inactive fire wells will be reactivated. The map illustrates a significant difference between the before and after coverage areas. Then, both maps of fire hose range buffer and fire infrastructure above will be overlaid with map of risk of fire spreading to see the comparison on risks and resources between before and after the installation of fire hose adapters. The map shows that after some suggestions are applied, the high-risk area is decreasing from 26.6% to 3.4%. Furthermore, to treat the remaining 3.4% high-risk area, the possible solution is to utilize the water source from Ampel Mosque. When the water source is utilized using fire hoses after the installation of adapters (a buffer of 169 meter will be added), the high risk area is decreasing to 0.2%.

d. Adding the number of fire hoses brought to the site can be an alternative strategy

As can be seen from the result of recommendation on the installation of fire hose adapter above, a buffer of 169 meters was added. The result of this proposed solution shows that a large area categorized as high risk has decreased to lower levels. Only a few areas remain in the high-risk category. The total number of fire hoses brought by Surabaya City Fire Department to fire scene is 12 units. Therefore, in order to cover the entire area with firefighting resources, providing additional numbers of fire hoses can be an effective solution. However, to be able to cover wider area than 169 meters, the number of fire hoses must be above 12.

e. Preparing evacuation route to the closest open space area

Evacuation route is obtained from the most visited tourist area to the nearest open space. In this case, the most visited tourist area is Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel. There are four possible routes as follows:

• from Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel to Open Space 2 with a length of 415 meters (yellow line);

• from Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel to Open Space 2 with a length of 423 meters (purple line);

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• from Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel to Open Space 3 with a length

of 452 meters (red line);

• from Mosque and Tomb of Sunan Ampel to Open Space 4 with a length of 1,068 meters 1,068 meters (green line).

The preparation of these evacuation routes illustrates which road is important for facilitation and maintenance, in order to accelerate evacuation especially for tourists. Facilitation can be done by providing signage, clearance path of illegal or non-permanent stalls or route socialization.

f. Keeping portable fire pump in Ampel Mosque for a faster fire handling

In Surabaya, fire pump is carried to the location of fire only by the firefighters. Therefore, as Ampel Mosque is the most visited cultural heritage in Kampung Ampel, keeping the fire pump in Ampel Mosque can speed up the fire handling by the residents before the firefighters reach the site, considering that there are no major access routes to Ampel Mosque.

D. Conclusion

The results of the analyses consist of challenges and possible solutions. The challenges can be concluded as follow: (1) resources for firefighting cannot cover the entire area of Kampung Ampel; and (2) resources for evacuation cannot accommodate all the population and visitors. The proposed solutions for those challenges are: (1) reactivation of inactive fire wells; (2) utilization on source of water in Ampel Mosque; (3) proposing wider road to connect roads which are wider than 3.5 meters but are blocked by narrower roads; (4) the purchase of adapters to connect different types of fire hoses; (5) adding the number of fire hoses brought to the site; (6) remodeling the vulnerable buildings using inflammable materials with keeping the value of cultural landscape; (7) keeping portable fire pump in Ampel Mosque to facilitate the fire handling by residents; and (8) preparing evacuation route to the closest open space areas. The application of those solutions can reduce the high-risk area from 26.6% to 0.2%.

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Nama : Fethrian Syahri Rangkuti

Instansi : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Science and Engineering

Negara Studi : Indonesia -Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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Peningkatan eksponensial dalam populasi perkotaan negara-negara berkembang selama beberapa dekade terakhir mempercepat fenomena urbanisasi dan kebutuhan besar untuk pengelolaan limbah padat. Hal ini karena meningkatnya jumlah sampah padat perkotaan (MSW) yang didasarkan pada peningkatan populasi di negara berkembang telah menjadi ancaman potensial bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat. Fakta ini membawa kesadaran akan perlunya mengembangkan sistem pengelolaan limbah padat yang efektif dan efisien (SWMS). Salah satu infrastruktur paling penting di SWMS adalah situs TPA.

Di Kotamadya Tangerang Selatan, lokasi TPA yang ada saat ini dianggap tidak layak, tidak hanya dalam metode pengolahan limbah yang masih menerapkan sistem pembuangan terbuka yang mengakibatkan risiko tinggi terhadap lingkungan dan populasi, tetapi juga lokasi TPA. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini akan mengevaluasi kelayakan lokasi TPA yang ada berdasarkan SNI No. 03-3241-1994, dan penilaian untuk memilih lokasi TPA baru yang sesuai dan potensial di Kota Tangerang Selatan yang sesuai dengan usia teknis, penggunaan lahan dan kriteria prasyarat lainnya, akan berurutan. Selanjutnya, pemilihan lokasi TPA dalam penelitian ini dilakukan melalui dua fase utama, yaitu fase kelayakan regional dan fase evaluasi kelayakan eliminasi. Fase sebelumnya dilakukan dengan aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), sedangkan yang kedua dilakukan dengan menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), dengan melibatkan wawasan dan persepsi ahli dalam proses pembobotan.

Hasil evaluasi kelayakan kawasan ke lokasi TPA yang ada berdasarkan SNI No. 03-3241-1994 menunjukkan bahwa lokasi TPA yang ada tidak layak, akibatnya pemilihan lokasi TPA baru adalah wajib. Situs pembuangan sampah baru yang direkomendasikan, berdasarkan proyeksi limbah yang dihasilkan akan membutuhkan minimal 32 Ha lahan dengan usia teknis 20 tahun, kedalaman 20 m, menyediakan cakupan layanan limbah 100% dari semua kotamadya Tangerang Selatan, dan akan menerapkan sistem sanitary landfill dalam prosesnya. Akibatnya, ada 3 lokasi yang disarankan yang dianggap berkualitas untuk dianalisis ke tahap berikutnya, yaitu: (1) Setu-Muncul, (2) Pamulang-Pondok Cabe Udik, dan (3) Serpong Utara-Pondok Jagung. Adapun hasil evaluasi kelayakan eliminasi, ada 18 kriteria (s) dalam menilai lokasi terbaik, yang menunjukkan bahwa faktor yang paling menonjol dalam menentukan lokasi TPA yang optimal adalah kepemilikan tanah dan faktor yang paling tidak penting adalah tingkat keberhasilan 3R. Selain itu, uji analisis sensitivitas telah dilakukan dengan mengubah berat masing-masing kriteria sebesar 10%, sehingga model dianggap stabil, kuat dan

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memiliki ketahanan yang baik terhadap kemungkinan perubahan peringkat lokasi. Memperhatikan, hasil dari metode AHP dan analisis sensitivitas dalam penelitian ini, menentukan bahwa lokasi di Setu-Muncul adalah lokasi yang paling potensial untuk mengembangkan sanitary landfill di Kota Tangerang Selatan.

Kata kunci: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG), lokasi TPA Optimal, Analisis Kelayakan, Analisis Kepekaan, Kriteria yang Menonjol.

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The exponential rise in urban population of developing countries during the past few decades accelerated the urbanization phenomenon and the great need for solid waste management. This is because the increasing generated amount of municipal solid waste (MSW) is based on the increasing population in developing countries has become a potential threat to both the environment and society. This fact brought awareness of the necessity to develop an effective and efficient solid waste management systems (SWMS). One of the most critical infrastructures in the SWMS is the landfill site.

In South Tangerang Municipality, the existing landfill site is considered unfeasible, not only in the waste processing method which is still imposing an open dumping system resulting a high potential risk to the environment and the population, but also the location of the landfill site. Therefore, this study will evaluate the feasibility of the existing landfill site based on SNI No. 03-3241-1994, and the assessment to select a new appropriate and potential landfill site in South Tangerang Municipality which complies to the technical age, land use, and other prerequisite criteria, will be in order. Furthermore, the landfill site selection in this study is conducted through two main phases, namely the regional feasibility phase and the elimination feasibility evaluation phase. The former phase is conducted by the application of Geographic Information System (GIS), while the latter is conducted by utilizing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) Method, by involving the expert’s insights and perception in the weighting process.

The results of the regional feasibility evaluation to the existing landfill site based on SNI No. 03-3241-1994 indicates that the existing landfill site is not feasible, consequently a new landfill site selection is a mandatory. The new recommended sanitary landfill site, based on the projected waste generated will require a minimum of 32 Ha of land area with a technical age of 20 years, 20 m depth, providing a 100% waste service coverage of all South Tangerang municipality, and will apply the sanitary landfill system in the process. Consequently, there are 3 recommended locations that are considered qualified to be analyzed to the next phase, namely: (1) Setu–Muncul, (2) Pamulang–Pondok Cabe Udik, and (3) Serpong Utara – Pondok Jagung. As for the elimination feasibility evaluation results, there are 18 criteria(s) in assessing the best location, denoting that the most prominent factor in determining an optimum landfill site is the land ownership and the least important factor is 3R success rate. Moreover, the sensitivity analysis test has been conducted by altering the weight of each criterion by 10%, resulting that the model is considered stable, robust, and have good resistance to the possibility of changing of location rank. Taking account, the results of the AHP method and sensitivity analysis in

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this study, determines that the location in Setu–Muncul is the most potential location to develop a sanitary landfill in South Tangerang Municipality.

Keywords: Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), Geographic Information System (GIS), Optimum Landfill Location, Feasibility Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Prominent Criteria.

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A. Background

In most major cities in Indonesia, the waste treatment practice is done by conducting the collect–transport–dispose method where all the waste generated is not treated through an initial segregation process. The processes are referred to the 3R (Reuse-Reduce-Recycle) method, waste banks, and composting processes to reduce the volume of waste being transported/ disposed to the end process in sanitary landfill. This condition results in the overload of landfills prior the maximum technical age of landfills in many places in Indonesia.

Such open dumping practices has caused many negative environmental impacts, including groundwater and river water contamination by leachate (Kjeldsen, 1993), a human health threat from vectors of disease, and methane gas generation that contributes to global warming (Christia & Thomas, 2010, p.199). It is accounted that 70% of greenhouse gas emissions come from urban areas, one of which came from open dumping landfill that generates methane gas (CH4) (Ministry of Public Works and Housing Strategic Planning 2015-2019).

Therefore, an optimum sanitary landfill design is considered extremely essential to avoid the negative environmental impacts explained earlier. An integrated sanitary landfill could be defined as a complete waste processing unit, consists of primary and supporting infrastructures. The primary infrastructures include waste processing/landfill cells, leachate treatment unit, and biogas processing unit as well as heavy equipment. While supporting infrastructure facilities comprises of access road, gates, fence, service roads, office, weighing bridge, monitoring wells, heavy equipment depot, clean water, sanitation, electricity, drainage system, dikes, embankments, as well as green open spaces.

Tangerang Selatan municipality is a new autonomous region established on October 29, 2008 based on Law No.51/2008 on the Establishment of South Tangerang municipality. South Tangerang municipality consists of 7 districts that were formerly part of Tangerang Regency. The area of South Tangerang municipality is developing very swiftly, since it is directly adjacent to the DKI Jakarta area, Bogor Regency, Depok

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City, Tangerang Regency, and Tangerang City. In addition, its territory is also directly related to the dynamics of the national development.

The strategic location of South Tangerang municipality, which is directly adjacent to DKI Jakarta, prompted the Presidential Instruction No. 13 of 1976 to establish this area as part of Jabodetabek (Jakarta–Bogor–Depok-Tangerang–Bekasi) development area prepared to reduce the population explosion of Jakarta as the capital city of Indonesia. In addition, supported by the easy accessibility with Jakarta and other important cities in Banten Province and West Java Province through toll roads and the Northern coast line (Pantura), will provide ease to interact between cities. Coupled with the proximity of access to Soekarno-Hatta International Airport, the municipality’s accessibility is progressively open with cities throughout Indonesia, even overseas.

South Tangerang City has an area of 14,719 hectares. The physical growth of the city demonstrates the size of the city’s built area, which is 10,596.10 Ha or 71.99% of the total area of South Tangerang City which consists of residential and settlement areas (67.54%), industrial area (1.14) % and Central Business District that focuses on Trade and services (3.31%). One of the consequences of establishing South Tangerang municipality as a new autonomous region, strategic business area and as a buffer zone area to accommodate residents commuting daily to Jakarta is to trigger population growth which in turn will also encourage economic growth. This increase in population and economic activity is directly proportional to the amount of waste generated thus demanding the development of adequate waste management infrastructure. One of the important infrastructure in waste management is the final waste processing site, which is commonly known as Landfill site which is the final stage of a series of waste management processes.

Currently the condition of Landfill site in South Tangerang municipality located in Cipeucang village, Setu sub - district, is considered not feasible because its management system is still open dumping. Open dumping can be defined as a land disposal site at which solid wastes are disposed of in a manner that does not protect the environment, without any prior treatment, are susceptible to open burning, and are exposed to the elements, vectors, and scavengers. Whereas through the Act no. 18 of 2008, the Government urges each region to close the landfill which is still performing open dumping maximum 5 (five) years since the enactment of the Act. This means that no later than 2013, no more landfills with an open dumping waste management system. However, until present, there are more than 95% landfills in Indonesia that is still practicing open dumping system, including South Tangerang Municipality.

This condition if left unhindered can cause problems of pollution and environmental degradation. In addition to the method of waste treatment process that is not feasible

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because it is still open dumping, the landfill location should also be evaluated whether its feasibility refers to the guidelines or regulations on waste management in force, especially SNI. 03-3241-1994 on the procedures for the selection of landfill sites. An appropriate waste processing methods in landfill sites reinforced by proper location placement will incite the realization of a more sustainable landfill. A landfill is considered sustainable if it meets the eligibility requirements of the social, economic, technical and environmental aspects (Damanhuri, 2010).

A landfill site is considered to have the eligible from the social aspect if there is no rejection from the community residing around the landfill regarding the proximity existence of the landfill site. Nevertheless what commonly happen especially in Indonesia, the existence of a landfill often root rejection from the surrounding community because of its often disturbing effects, such as odors, plague flies, unsanitary conditions, aesthetic issues and so forth. This condition is commonly known as the symptoms of NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard). NIMBY refers to a behavior from the society of environmental indifference where everyone basically agrees with the presence of a trash bin if it is not near the location where it lives. NIMBY phenomenon is often a problem that leads to conflict, therefore requires special attentiveness so that all parties would not feels harmed by the existence of a landfill site around the vicinity.

Furthermore, a landfill site is considered economically viable if it meets the economic principle which that is to achieve a unit cost of waste management to a minimum. As for a landfill site is said to be environmentally feasible if the risk of environmental degradation and environmental pollution can be minimized. Thus, a sustainable landfill can be achieved if these three aspects are met equally without sacrificing any aspect. In addition, the landfill is also expected not only utilize as a mere final disposal site, but also can provide added value in terms of social, economic and environmental.

Hence, the selection of landfill sites and waste treatment methods according to the feasibility standard is necessary. The selection of landfill location site serves to be the first step as well as an important component of a series of landfill development process which is a strategic decision for the Government in the region concerned. Analysis of land suitability in the selection of landfill sites is required consequently that the negative impact becomes minimum. For that purpose, special studies are compulsory on the selection of landfill location sites to determine the most sustainable and optimum location in South Tangerang municipality.

B. Research Framework Analysis

The general analytical framework in this research is shown in the following flowchart. It can be observed from the flowchart; the selection of landfill location sites is done

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with two criteria models namely SNI model and proposed criteria model. The former phase is conducted by utilizing the Geographic Information System (GIS) method, and the latter is executed through the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). The SNI model mainly is by conducting the overlay and weighting based on the maps provided by the local government of South Tangerang Municipality.

The synthesis model is the result of a critical review of the SNI model based on the literature review combined with the opinions of experts from various backgrounds as explained earlier. The expert’s opinions are encompassed through a questionnaire whose results are processed utilizing the pairwise comparison model which afterwards will be calculated through a matrix multiplication to determine the consistency ratio. Subsequently, after conducting the matrix multiplication, will result in obtaining derived priorities value. These values once again been iterated into the matrix and resulting the final rank of the prominent factors in determining the new location of the landfill site. Thereafter, having the results of the prominent factors that will affect the determination of selecting an optimum sanitary landfill site, a sensitivity analysis will be conducted.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Geographical and Administrative Boundaries Condition

South Tangerang municipality is one of the 8 regencies/cities in Banten Province. South Tangerang municipality is an expansion of Tangerang City and inaugurated as an autonomous region on October 28, 2008 with the enactment of Law No. 51 of 2008. South Tangerang municipality is located in the eastern part of Banten Province which is at the coordinate point of 106˚38’ - 106˚47’ East Longitude and 06˚13’30” - 06˚22’30” South Latitude. Administratively, the area of South Tangerang municipality consists of 7 (seven) districts, 49 (forty-nine) sub-districts and 5 (five) villages with the area based on Law Number 51 Year 2008 on the establishment of South Tangerang municipality is 147,19 km2 or 14,719 hectares.

Population composition by age group shows that age 30 – 34 years old (10.34%) is the largest age group, followed by the age group 25 – 29 years old (10.27%), while the smallest is at age 60-64 years (2.16%). Population of a region is categorized as a young population if the median age is less than 20 years, middle population if median age 20-30 years, and the elderly if median more than 30 years. By 2015 the median age of the population of South Tangerang municipality is 25.84 years.

Based on the projection result table of landfill demand, the land required for the development of landfill site for 20 years’ service is 25.548 Ha. Thus, total

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landfill demand (integrated with the Solid Waste Treatment Plant) is 25.548 x 1.25 = 31.935 Ha. (based on the assumption that the installation of the integrated solid waste treatment plant, which comprises the main means and supporting facilities. The main infrastructures are landfill cells unit, leachate treatment unit, biogas processing unit, and heavy equipment such as excavators, trucks, etc. As for the supporting facilities namely office, recycling center, monitoring well, water, electricity, drainage facility, weighing bridge, open space, access roads, etc.

2. Existing Solid Waste Management Condition

Based on data from the Department of Sanitary Agency in 2010, the pattern and common practice of garbage disposal conducted by the people of South Tangerang municipality is by transporting the waste to a temporary disposal point (TDP), stockpiled, burned and / or disposed to landfill outside Tangerang Selatan (Tangerang and Jakarta). Based on data from the Health Agency in 2014, it is known that the average of 84.07% houses have had garbage disposal facilities with waste are transported to TDP and 15.93% do not have garbage disposal facilities. Even though the percentage of households that do not have waste disposal facilities seems low, it will still have significant environmental sanitation impacts. Overall there are 240,760 households in South Tangerang municipality with the total amount of population of 1,543,209 people, with roughly there are 15.93% of the waste are not transported, the volume of garbage is 614.58 m3/day (assuming that the waste generation rate is 2.5 liters/person/day), a month collected 18,437.5 m3.

Institution that perform waste service in South Tangerang City is the responsibility of Public Works Department of South Tangerang municipality, specifically under the responsibility of UPT Sanitation, whose management is still limited in urban area. Meanwhile, waste management outside urban areas are done by the community individually by being dumped / burned.

3. Existing Landfill Location Feasibility Evaluation

As previously explained, the existing landfill of South Tangerang Municipality is located in Cipeucang village, Setu District. The next phase is to evaluate the feasibility of the existing landfill location based on applicable feasibility standard, in this case SNI No. 03-3241-1994 on the procedures for the selection of landfill sites. Observed from the results of the evaluation of the feasibility of the existing Landfill based on the criteria of regional feasibility refer to SNI, the existing landfill location does not meet five of the eight required criteria:

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a. existing landfill sites are in flood prone zone with low level of vulnerability;

b. existing landfill sites are in zones with slope ranges of 15-25%;

c. existing landfill location is located in karst area, i.e. lime-lime zone (karst) that tend to be porous (having high permeability);

d. the existing landfill location is directly adjacent to the river so that its dis-tance to the river / water body is less than 100 meters;

e. existing landfill sites are located in geological protected areas which are geological hazardous areas such as fault zone / fault zone. Thus, the result of regional feasibility evaluation shows that the existing landfill location is considered not feasible. Therefore, it is proposed that the selection of new

feasible landfill sites is a mandatory.

D. Conclusions

1. The existing landfill site based on the study is not considered feasible as a landfill site, due to the results that indicates that the existing landfill site does not meet five of the eight required criteria mentioned in the National Standard Regulations of landfill site location (SNI No. 03-3241-1994), therefore the selection of new feasible landfill site is considered a necessity.

2. The new recommended sanitary landfill site, based on the waste generated will require a minimum of 32 Ha of land area with a technical age of 20 years, which is in line with the long-term planning of the local governments policy, 20 m depth, providing a 100% waste service coverage all South Tangerang municipality, and will apply the sanitary landfill method to avoid the occurrence of environmental degradation in the future.

3. From the 15 eligible sites based on SNI No. 03-3241-1994, there are 3 recommended locations that are considered qualified to be analyzed to the next phase, namely: (1) Setu – Muncul, (2) Pamulang – Pondok Cabe Udik, (3) Serpong Utara – Pondok Jagung. Having taken all in consideration, it can be concluded that the most potential future landfill site location in South Tangerang Municipality based on this study will be in Setu District - Muncul Sub district, due to scoring the highest in the synthesized priority calculation.

4. The sensitivity analysis test has been conducted, resulting that the model is considered stable, robust and have good resistance to the possibility of changing the location rank, thus appropriate for the decision-making process from the local government in the future regarding the future landfill site location.

5. Furthermore, the 5 most important parameters concluded from this research is the land ownership, the social acceptance, the land use, the soil permeability

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and the distance to water body. Meanwhile, the 3R success rate is considered the least important parameter based on this study.

E. Recommendations

1. Adjustment of landfill selection site phase proposed in the SNI No. 03-3421-1994, by adding another evaluation phase after the feasible elimination evaluation phase, namely social characteristics evaluation which mainly are related to the acceptance of the society.

2. Several adjustments on the elimination evaluation phase that are proposed based on the findings of the research as follow:

a. the criterion “groundwater” is changed to “groundwater depth”;

b. the criterion “soil (above ground water level)” is changed to “soil permea-bility “;

c. the criterion “waste transport (one-way trip)” is changed to “distance of landfill location to households”;

d. the criterion “land capacity” and “land cover” were changed to “land capac-ity” only;

e. the criterion for “land use”, “protected areas / nature reserves”, “agricul-ture” and “biological” was changed to “protected areas and agricultural zones” as well “land use”;

f. the criterion of “owner of land rights” and “number of landowners” are re-placed with “land tenure / ownership”;

g. the criterion of “ground water use” and “entry point” is replaced by “number of population density around the site”;

h. the criterion for “traffic congestion”, “noise and odor” and “aesthetics as-pects” are replaced by “distance from public road”;

Research Weaknesses

The research has some limitations that can be considered as some research weaknesses, namely:

1. The limitations of the data acquired, due to the difficulties in accessing the data and the lack of data availability. Therefore, the evaluation process could not cover all the research problem thoroughly. Furthermore, some of the thematic maps that are obtained and used in the spatial analysis has a large scale (less

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detail), hence the highly possible inaccuracy in the selection of the landfill location site process.

2. The common method of pair-wise comparison is in the form of questionnaire which then will be determined by the suggestions and insights of the respondents were, to some extent, a troublesome. Most of the respondents initially yield inconsistent answers, resulting that the results are not valid to be used as an analysis by the AHP Method.

3. There are 18 sub-criteria (criterions) used in this research to determine the optimum landfill location site. Due to the limitation of the author, the detail information which can be collected is based on 4 main criteria(s), namely environmental, economical, social, and technical aspects. However, to obtain more thorough results, the author advised to add other aspects in the process, such as institutions, public participation, sustainability and future planning.

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Nama : Fifian Silvianti

Instansi : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Sejalan dengan semakin meningkatnya jumlah penduduk dan aktivitasnya, jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan perkotaan akan bertambah dari waktu ke waktu. Dengan jumlah dan volume sampah yang besar dan jenis yang beragam, jika tidak dikelola dengan benar, sampah perkotaan akan menimbulkan dampak negatif berupa permasalahan lingkungan yang kompleks, seperti pencemaran air, tanah dan udara, berkembang biaknya bibit penyakit, terganggunya ketertiban, kebersihan dan keindahan lingkungan.

Jumlah sampah yang dikelola Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hanya 12,29% dari jumlah timbulan sampah. Hal ini karena kurangnya ketersediaan kendaraan pengangkut sampah sehingga terjadi penumpukan sampah di beberapa wilayah. Untuk mengatasi tingginya jumlah timbulan sampah tersebut diperlukan analisis kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut yang efektif dan efisien.

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memberikan arahan mengenai kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah di Kota Bekasi, khususnya Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, untuk meningkatkan pelayanan persampahan di Kota Bekasi. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode proyeksi penduduk, metode proyeksi timbulan sampah, perhitungan kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah, metode optimasi ritasi, dan metode minimizing travel distance untuk penentuan rute optimal dengan menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) dengan bantuan fitur Network Analyst (NA).

Hasil penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengangkut 70% timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara. Pada tahun 2017, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 14 unit, pada tahun 2022 dibutuhkan 18 unit, dan pada tahun 2027 dibutuhkan 21 unit. Untuk mengangkut seluruh timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada pada tahun 2032, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 36 unit dan pada tahun 2037 dibutuhkan 42 unit. Dengan optimasi ritasi dan skenario yang dikembangkan, seluruh timbulan sampah dapat terangkut setiap harinya sehingga pelayanan sampah menjadi efektif dan efisien.

Kata kunci: Timbulan Sampah, Pengangkutan Sampah, Kebutuhan Kendaraan Pengangkut, Ritasi Pengangkutan Sampah, Rute Pengangkutan.

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As population and its activity increase, the amount of waste generated by urban activity increases over time. Due to the large amount and volume of waste and its diverse species, if not properly managed, municipal waste will have negative impacts in the form of complex environmental problems, such as water, soil and air pollution, breeding of disease seeds, disruption of order, cleanliness and beauty of the environment.

The amount of waste managed by North Bekasi District is only 12.29% of the total waste generation. This situation is caused by the inadequate availability of waste transportation vehicles resulting in waste accumulation in some areas. To overcome the high amount of waste generation, it is necessary to analysis the needs of waste transport vehicles that are effective and efficient. The purpose of this paper is to provide direction on the needs of waste transporting vehicles in the City of Bekasi, especially North Bekasi District, in order to improve the service of waste in the City of Bekasi.

The method used in this research is the population projection method, the projection method of waste generation, the calculation of the needs of the waste transport vehicle, waste transport ritation optimization method, and the minimizing travel distance method done for optimal route determination by using Geographic Information System (GIS) with Network Analyst (NA) feature.

The result of this research is to be able to transport 70% of waste generation in North Bekasi District in 2017, the number of waste transportation units required is 14 units, in 2022 required 18 units, and in 2027 required 21 units. While to be able to transport the entire generation of waste in North Bekasi District in 2032, the number of waste transport vehicles required is 36 units, in 2037 required 42 units. In addition, with optimization of waste transport ritation and scenarios developed by, all waste generation can be transported every day so that waste services can be improved effectively and efficiently.

Keywords: Waste Generation, Waste Transportation, Transportation Needs, Waste Transport Ritation, Waste Trasnport Route.

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A. Latar Belakang

Permasalahan pengelolaan sampah harus diperhatikan karena berhubungan dengan efisiensi biaya. Salah satu permasalahan pengelolaan sampah adalah transportasi sampah, yaitu subsistem persampahan yang membawa sampah dari lokasi pemindahan atau dari sumber sampah secara langsung menuju Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA). Dengan optimasi subsistem ini, pengangkutan sampah diharapkan menjadi mudah, cepat, biaya relatif murah, dan penumpukan sampah yang memberi dampak langsung bagi kesehatan masyarakat dan keindahan kota dapat dihindari.

Untuk mendapatkan sistem pengangkutan yang efisien dan efektif, operasional pengangkutan sampah sebaiknya menggunakan rute pengangkutan terpendek dengan hambatan terkecil, kendaraan angkut dengan kapasitas/daya angkut maksimal, hemat bahan bakar, serta memanfaatkan waktu kerja, jumlah beban kerja, dan jumlah beban kerja/ritasi pengangkutan maksimal.

Kota Bekasi merupakan salah satu kota yang mengalami permasalahan kompleks dalam bidang pengelolaan persampahan, khususnya sistem pengangkutan sampah menuju TPA Sumur Batu. Setiap harinya, ratusan ton sampah tidak terangkut ke Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Sumur Batu, Kecamatan Bantar Gebang, Kota Bekasi. Akibatnya, sampah tersebar di badan air seperti sungai, kali, danau, dan tempat penampungan sampah sementara di lingkungan warga.

Berdasarkan data Laporan UPTD TPA Sumurbatu Tahun 2016, jumlah sampah yang dikelola Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebesar 85.692,40 ton atau sekitar 342.769,60 m3 dan timbulan sampah Kota Bekasi tahun 2016 diperkirakan sebesar 391.625,19 ton atau sekitar 1.566.500,75 m3. Dengan demikian, jumlah sampah yang belum dikelola, yaitu 305.932,79 atau sekitar 1.223.731,15 m3, atau 78.12% dari jumlah timbulan sampah.

Untuk Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, jumlah sampah yang dikelola, yaitu sebesar 6.637,80 ton atau sekitar 26.551,20 m3 dan timbulan sampah Kecamatan Bekasi Utara tahun 2016 diperkirakan sebesar 54.031,28 ton atau sekitar 216.125,14 m3. Dengan demikian, jumlah sampah yang belum dikelola, yaitu 47.393,48 ton atau sekitar 189.573,94 m3, atau 87,71% dari jumlah timbulan sampah.

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Hal ini disebabkan belum tercukupinya ketersediaan kendaraan pengangkut sampah sehingga terjadi penumpukan sampah di beberapa wilayah. Dengan keterbatasan kendaraan pengangkut sampah dan biaya operasional pengangkutan pada setiap kendaraan pengangkut, proses pengangkutan sampah hanya dapat dilaksanakan satu kali putaran saja, yaitu dari pangkalan ke setiap wilayah pelayanan tertentu ke TPA dan berakhir di pangkalan. Permasalahan ini menunjukkan bahwa analisis lebih lanjut tentang upaya untuk mengoptimalkan proses pengangkutan sampah agar menjadi efektif dan efisien memegang peranan penting.

Selain itu, pertumbuhan penduduk yang cukup besar di Kota Bekasi juga meningkatkan volume sampah yang dihasilkan setiap hari. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan manajemen sampah yang baik, khususnya manajemen pengangkutan dari penghasil sampah agar terangkut dengan optimal. Tujuan penulisan ini adalah memberikan arahan mengenai kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah di Kota Bekasi, khususnya Kecamatan Bekasi Utara sehingga meningkatkan pelayanan persampahan di Kota Bekasi.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Salah satu bagian pengelolaan sampah perkotaan adalah pengangkutan sampah. Dalam hal pengangkutan sampah, Kecamatan Bekasi Utara mengalami permasalahan, yaitu sampah yang dapat terangkut menuju TPA Sumur Batu lebih kurang hanya 12,29% setiap hari.

Berdasarkan penjelasan di atas, pertanyaan penelitian yang akan dibahas dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Berapakah jumlah timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hingga akhir tahun perencanaan (2037)?

2. Berapakah jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan untuk mengangkut sampah berdasarkan jumlah timbulan sampah dan pola pengangkutan eksisting di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hingga akhir tahun perencanaan (2037)?

3. Berapakah jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan untuk mengangkut sampah dengan memperhatikan optimasi ritasi pengangkutan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hingga akhir tahun perencanaan (2037)?

4. Berapakah jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan untuk mengangkut sampah dengan memperhatikan alternatif skenario terkait pola pengangkutan sampah dan pemilihan kendaraan pengangkut di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hingga akhir tahun perencanaan (2037)?

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Penelitian ini dibagi dalam tiga tahap, yaitu persiapan, pengumpulan data, dan analisis data. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif secara normatif dan deskriptif dan pendekatan secara kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data primer merupakan pengambilan data secara langsung di lapangan dan data yang didapatkan merupakan data terbaru. Pengumpulan data sekunder dilakukan melalui dokumentasi. yaitu pengumpulan data berdasarkan dokumen-dokumen yang ada, baik berupa data kualitatif maupun kuantitatif yang disajikan dalam bentuk tabel, grafik, diagram, uraian/penjelasan data, peta, maupun gambar.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Analisis Timbulan Sampah

Jumlah timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara tahun 2017 adalah 986,25m3∕hari, dengan jumlah timbulan sampah tertinggi berada di Kelurahan Kaliabang Tengah, yaitu 275,72 m3∕hari dan jumlah timbulan sampah terendah di Kelurahan Marga Mulya sebanyak 63,62 m3∕hari. Proyeksi timbulan sampah untuk lima tahun kemudian, yaitu tahun 2022, meningkat menjadi 1.203,42 m3∕hari dengan jumlah timbulan sampah tertinggi sebesar 283,36 m3∕hari berada di Kelurahan Kaliabang Tengah dan jumlah timbulan sampah terendah sebesar 72,21 m3∕hari berada di Kelurahan Marga Mulya.

Sepuluh tahun kemudian, yaitu tahun 2027, proyeksi timbulan sampah meningkat menjadi 1.445,52 m3∕hari dengan jumlah timbulan sampah tertinggi berada di Kelurahan Kaliabang Tengah sebanyak 332,21 m3∕hari dan jumlah timbulan sampah terendah berada di Kelurahan Marga Mulya sebanyak 81,67 m3∕hari.

Lima belas tahun kemudian, yaitu tahun 2032, proyeksi timbulan sampah meningkat menjadi 1.714,90 m3∕hari dengan jumlah timbulan sampah tertinggi sebesar 386,37 m3∕hari berada di Kelurahan Kaliabang Tengah, dan jumlah timbulan sampah terendah sebesar 92,09 m3∕hari berada di Kelurahan Marga Mulya.

Dua puluh tahun kemudian, yaitu tahun 2037, proyeksi timbulan sampah meningkat menjadi 2.014,17 m3∕hari dengan jumlah timbulan sampah tertinggi berada di Kelurahan Kaliabang Tengah sebanyak 446,35 m3∕hari dan jumlah timbulan sampah terendah berada di Kelurahan Marga Mulya sebanyak 103,54 m3∕hari.

Dalam penelitian ini, perhitungan kebutuhan sarana pengangkutan pada masa yang akan datang didasarkan pada dua asumsi timbulan sampah yang akan

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dikelola oleh sistem pelayanan formal hingga akhir tahun perencanaan, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a. Asumsi 1, timbulan sampah yang akan dikelola oleh sistem pelayanan for-mal mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Pekerjaan Umum Nomor 14 tahun 2010 tentang Standar Pelayanan Minimal (SPM) Bidang Pekerjaan Umum dan Penataan Ruang, bahwa persentase penanganan sampah di perkota-an adalah 70%. Asumsi ini akan dilakukan untuk tahun 2017 hingga tahun 2027.

b. Asumsi 2, timbulan sampah yang akan dikelola oleh sistem pelayanan for-mal sesuai dengan target persampahan yang tertuang dalam RPJMN, yai-tu 100% pelayanan persampahan. Asumsi ini akan dilakukan untuk tahun 2028 hingga tahun 2037.

2. Analisis Kebutuhan Kendaraan Pengangkut Sampah berdasarkan Pola Pengangkutan Eksisting

Analisis ini dilakukan untuk menghitung proyeksi jumlah kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan hingga tahun perencanaan sehingga dapat dilakukan peningkatan pelayanan persampahan. Tujuan analisis proyeksi kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah adalah memperhitungkan kebutuhan sarana pengangkutan pada masa yang akan datang.

Menurut SNI 3242: 2008, ketersediaan kendaraan pengangkut sampah eksisting masih jauh di bawah kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah. Oleh karena itu, dibutuhkan penambahan kendaraan pengangkut sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara yang mampu menjamin pengangkutan sampah setiap hari dan meningkatkan pelayanan sampah bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat Kecamatan Bekasi Utara. Untuk tahun 2017 dibutuhkan penambahan kendaraan sebanyak 50 unit. Apabila sampai tahun 2037 tidak dilakukan penambahan kendaraan pengangkut sampah, kekurangan kendaraan pengangkut sampah menjadi 188 unit.

3. Analisis Ritasi Pengangkutan Sampah

Rata-rata efisiensi jumlah ritasi yang dapat dilakukan oleh setiap kendaraan pengangkut sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara yaitu dua rit/hari, sedangkan jumlah ritasi eksisting hanya satu rit/hari. Dengan demikian, diperlukan penambahan ritasi pada setiap kendaraan pengangkut sampah sebanyak satu rit/hari. Adanya penambahan ritasi ini diharapkan dapat memperbaiki efektifitas pengangkutan dan pelayanan pengangkutan sampah juga semakin meningkat.

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4. Skenario Pengangkutan Sampah

Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengembangan skenario pengangkutan sampah hingga akhir tahun perencanaan. Skenario yang dikembangkan didasarkan pada pola pengangkutan sampah, jenis dan kapasitas kendaraan penangkut sehingga mempengaruhi jumlah timbulan sampah yang dapat diangkut ke TPA Sumur Batu. Pada penelitian ini direncanakan pengembangan skenario dengan asumsi sebagai berikut:

a. Pola pengangkutan sampah yang digunakan adalah individual tidak langsung atau komunal tidak langsung. Tujuan penerapan pola pen-gangkutan sampah tersebut adalah agar masyarakat yang tinggal di per-mukiman yang memiliki jalan sempit atau gang, yang tidak dapat terlewati oleh kendaraan pengangkut sampah eksisting dapat tetap terlayani. Pola pengangkutan ini membutuhkan proses pemindahan melalui Transfer Depo.

b. Mengingat terbatasnya ketersediaan lahan di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, da-lam pengembangan skenario ini direncanakan proses pemindahan dilaku-kan melalui transfer depo tipe III dengan luas 10-20 m2, berupa titik temu antara kendaraan pengumpul sampah dari sumber dengan kendaraan pengangkut sampah menuju TPA.

c. Untuk memaksimalkan kapasitas sampah yang dapat terangkut digunakan kendaraan pengangkut berupa compactor truck dengan kapasitas 10 m3. Adapun kelebihan dari penggunaan compactor truck menurut Enri, 2010 adalah volume sampah terangkut lebih banyak, lebih bersih dan higien-is, estetika baik, praktis dalam pengoperasian dan tidak diperlukan banyak tenaga kerja.

d. Jumlah beban kerja/ritasi pengangkutan pada skenario ini diasumsikan sama dengan hasil analisis optimasi ritasi pengangkutan sampah eksisting yaitu 2 rit per hari.

5. Sebaran Lokasi Transfer Depo Tipe III

Secara umum, pelayanan sampah eksisting di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara menerapkan sistem individual langsung (door to door). Pelayanan ini terutama untuk perumahan atau permukiman lain yang bisa dilalui oleh armada pengangkut sampah. Adapun sebagian besar perumahan tidak teratur atau kawasan permukiman yang tidak bisa dijangkau oleh armada pengangkut sampah belum terlayani oleh UPTD LH Kecamatan Bekasi Utara.

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Berdasarkan kondisi eksisting pelayanan UPTD LH Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, pelayanan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hanya mencakup 25,3% atau 98.500 jiwa dari total penduduk di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara. Sekitar 73,45% wilayah permukiman penduduk tidak terlayani oleh UPTD LH Kecamatan Bekasi Utara karena berupa perumahan tidak teratur atau kawasan permukiman yang tidak bisa dijangkau oleh armada pengangkut sampah. Salah satu cara untuk pelayanan seluruh wilayah Kecamatan Bekasi Utara adalah melakukan perencanaan pengembangan Transfer Depo Tipe III, berupa titik temu antara kendaraan pengumpul sampah dari sumber dan kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang akan mengangkut sampah menuju TPA. Berdasarkan total timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara, sebaran lokasi Transfer Depo III dapat direncanakan untuk 40 lokasi.

6. Analisis Rute Pengangkutan Sampah

Rute dengan jarak tempuh terpendek dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari pengoperasian Network Analyst (NA) pada aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Data input yang diperlukan untuk mengoptimasi rute pengangkutan dengan nilai impedansi berupa length (panjang jalan) adalah peta jaringan jalan raya dengan nilai atributnya berupa panjang. Input selanjutnya adalah menentukan titik stops, yaitu titik-titik temu yang dituju. Stops 1 berarti pool armada truk mulai berangkat dan stops terakhir berupa TPA. Input terakhir adalah menentukan titik barriers, yaitu titik yang diletakkan pada ruas jalan yang tidak boleh dilewati, misalnya karena kondisi jalan yang tidak memungkinkan kendaraan untuk lewat. Dalam penelitian ini diasumsikan bahwa 1 (satu) rute kendaraan akan melewati 3 (tiga) titik temu.

Dari running ekstensi NA ini dapat dianalisis bahwa aplikasi memilih tujuan pertama titik temu dengan titik yang paling dekat dengan pool keberangkatan dan memilih titik temu terakhir dengan lokasi yang paling jauh dengan pool, dan terjadi pengulangan ruas jalan pada rute karena hanya jalan tersebut yang dapat dilewati oleh kendaraan pengangkut sampah. NA tidak memilih rute atau jalan yang telah diletakkan titik barriers sehingga rute yang dipilih dapat dipertanggungjawabkan. Selain dapat memilih jalan yang lebih pendek, salah satu kelebihan optimasi rute dengan fitur NA pada SIG ini adalah aplikasi dapat mengatur ulang pemilihan urutan titik temu yang dituju. Hal ini sulit dilakukan oleh pengaturan rute secara manual atau trial and error. Untuk perjalanan dari TPA menuju kembali ke pool, NA menganalisis dan menghasilkan rute terpendek untuk kembali ke pool.

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7. Temuan Studi

Dari analisis penelitian yang telah dilakukan terdapat beberapa temuan sebagai berikut:

a. Fenomena yang berkaitan dengan pengangkutan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara adalah timbulan sampah yang tidak terangkut setiap harin-ya. Dengan dilakukan analisis kebutuhan kendaraan pengangkut sampah, timbulan sampah dalam satu hari dapat terangkut dengan jumlah sarana yang memadai.

b. Jumlah timbulan sampah (rumah tangga dan sejenis rumah tangga) di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara hingga akhir tahun perencanaan (2037) ada-lah 1.203,42m3∕hari pada tahun 2022, 1.445,52 m3∕hari pada tahun 2027, 1.714,90 m3∕hari pada tahun 2032 dan 2.014,17 m3∕hari pada tahun 2037.

c. Pada kondisi eksisting, dengan menggunakan total 22 unit kendaraan, jum-lah sampah terangkut sebesar 164 m3/hari. Berdasarkan pola pengang-kutan eksisting, untuk mengangkut 70% timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2017, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 72 unit, pada tahun 2022, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 88 unit, pada tahun 2027, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 105 unit. Adapun untuk mengangkut seluruh timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2032, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 179 unit dan pada tahun 2037, jumlah unit kenda-raan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 210 unit.

d. Dengan dilakukan optimasi ritasi pengangkutan sampah sebanyak 2 rit/hari, untuk mengangkut 70% timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2017, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibu-tuhkan adalah 36 unit, pada tahun 2022, jumlah unit kendaraan pengang-kut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 44 unit, dan pada tahun 2027, jum-lah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 53 unit. Adapun untuk mengangkut seluruh timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2032, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 89 unit, pada tahun 2037 dan jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 105 unit.

e. Melalui pengembangan skenario yang dilakukan terhadap pola pengang-kutan, kapasitas dan kompaksi kendaraan pengangkut sampah, serta rute pengangkutan, untuk mengangkut 70% timbulan sampah di Kecamatan

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Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2017, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 14 unit, pada tahun 2022, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 18 unit, dan pada tahun 2027, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 21 unit. Adapun untuk mengangkut seluruh timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada pada tahun 2032, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 36 unit, pada tahun 2037, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 42 unit.

D. Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan temuan studi di atas, dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa untuk mengangkut 70% timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada tahun 2017, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 14 unit, pada tahun 2022, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 18 unit, dan pada tahun 2027, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 21 unit. Adapun untuk mengangkut seluruh timbulan sampah di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara pada pada tahun 2032, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 36 unit, pada tahun 2037, jumlah unit kendaraan pengangkut sampah yang dibutuhkan adalah 42 unit sehingga dapat meningkatkan pelayanan persampahan di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara.

E. Rekomendasi

Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan implikasi kebijakan bagi Pemerintah Kabupaten Pemalang, terutama dalam penyelenggaraan e-voting pemungutan suara Pemilihan Kepala Desa menuju Pilkades yang luber dan jurdil. Berdasarkan kesimpulan diatas maka ada beberapa upaya yang dapat ditindaklanjuti sebagai berikut:

1. Pemerintah Kota Bekasi khususnya UPTD LH Kecamatan Bekasi Utara dapat melakukan penambahan ritasi pada setiap kendaraan pengangkut sampah sebanyak satu rit/hari sehingga dapat meningkatkan jumlah timbulan sampah yang dapat diangkut setiap harinya.

2. Pemerintah Kota Bekasi, khususnya Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dapat melakukan penambahan kendaraan pengangkut sampah dengan jumlah, jenis, dan kapasitas yang memadai untuk memperbaiki efektivitas pengangkutan dan meningkatkan pelayanan pengangkutan sampah.

3. Pemerintah Kota Bekasi, khususnya Dinas Lingkungan Hidup dapat melakukan kajian studi kelayakan untuk lokasi titik temu di Kecamatan Bekasi Utara,

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untuk memperbaiki efektivitas pengangkutan dan meningkatkan pelayanan pengangkutan sampah.

4. Pemerintah Kota Bekasi, khususnya UPTD LH Kecamatan Bekasi Utara dapat menerapkan alternatif rute pengangkutan sampah untuk meningkatkan efisiensi biaya operasional pengangkutan.

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Nama : Gazali

Instansi : Pemkab Kolaka

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Master Degree Program Regional and City Planning School of Architecture

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – University of Miyazaki

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Desentralisasi yang diterapkan di Indonesia sejak tahun 1999 telah menghasilkan perubahan signifikan di banyak sektor, politik, ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan. Namun, ada beberapa penelitian yang mencoba untuk menentukan implikasi kebijakan ini dari perspektif lingkungan terutama konsep layanan ekosistem.

Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mencoba memahami implikasi kebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia dalam sudut pandang lingkungan yang merupakan dinamika penggunaan lahan dan nilai-nilai layanan ekosistem (ESV) dari wilayah yang menggunakan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara sebagai studi kasus. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa ada beberapa perubahan signifikan dalam tingkat pertumbuhan / kerugian kelas tutupan lahan primer setelah desentralisasi diterapkan. Lahan pertanian, area terbangun, dan lahan terbuka / lahan terbuka meningkat secara signifikan membandingkan tingkat pertumbuhan sebelum desentralisasi, sementara kawasan hutan mengalami tingkat kerugian yang signifikan setelah desentralisasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mencoba untuk menentukan dinamika spasial dalam hal proliferasi regional / perpecahan regional yang merupakan salah satu bentuk desentralisasi di Indonesia. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa proliferasi regional / perpecahan regional dapat mempercepat laju perubahan untuk area terbangun, lahan pertanian, dan kawasan hutan.

Dari perspektif ekosistem, penelitian ini juga menganalisis dinamika nilai layanan ekosistem (ESV) kawasan sebelum dan sesudah desentralisasi. Berdasarkan uji statistik, jelas bahwa ada perbedaan signifikan dalam perubahan spasial di wilayah studi antara periode sebelum dan sesudah desentralisasi. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga mengungkapkan bahwa ada kehilangan ESV yang signifikan setelah desentralisasi. Dari tahun 1990 hingga 2000 (sebelum desentralisasi) nilai hilangnya jasa ekosistem sekitar US $ 99 Juta dan kemudian dari tahun 2000 hingga 2010 (setelah desentralisasi), hilangnya ESV menjadi lebih tinggi yang tercatat sekitar US $ 175 juta. Dari perspektif ini, dapat dikatakan bahwa ada indikasi desentralisasi memiliki implikasi negatif bagi degradasi jasa ekosistem.

Kata kunci: Desentralisasi, Tutupan Lahan, Nilai jasa Ekosistem, Indonesia.

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Decentralization which is applied in Indonesia since 1999 has resulted in significant changes in many sectors: politic, economic, social, and environment. However, there are few studies tried to determine the implication of this policy from environmental perspective especially ecosystem services concept.

The goal of this study is trying to understand the implication of decentralization policy in Indonesia within an environmental point of view which is the land use dynamics and ecosystem service values (ESV) of the region using South East Sulawesi Province as a case study. The results show that there are some significant changes in the growth/loss rate of the primary land cover class after decentralization applied. Agriculture land, built-up area, and bare land/open land increase significantly comparing the growth rate before decentralization, while forest area got significant loss rate after decentralization. In addition, this study also tried to determine spatial dynamics in term of regional proliferation/regional split which is one of the forms of decentralization in Indonesia. Results show that regional proliferation/regional split could accelerate the rate of changes for the built-up area, agricultural land, and forest area.

From perspective ecosystem, this study also analyzed the dynamics of ecosystem service value (ESV) of the region before and after decentralization. Based on the statistical test, it is obvious that there are significant differences in the spatial changes in the study area between the period before and after decentralization. In addition, this study also reveals that there is a significant loss of ESV after decentralization. From 1990 to 2000 (before decentralization), the value of ecosystem services loss about US$99 Million and then from 2000 to 2010 (after decentralization) the loss of ESV became higher which was accounted for about US$175 million. From this perspective, it can be said that there is an indication decentralization has a negative implication for the degradation of ecosystem services.

Keywords: Decentralization, Land Cover, Ecosystem Services Value, Indonesia.

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A. Background

Decentralization is one of the governance systems that has emerged in the last several decades and became a trend in many countries, both developing and developed countries. This concept has a various term, aspect, and interpretation, but all of the definitions refer to the process of redistributing power, function, or authority of the central government to the sub-layer level of government (Hadiz, 2004; Iimi, 2005; Rasyid, 2004; Rondinelli, 1981). Decentralization is believed can overcome the major problems of the nation by encouraging effectiveness, efficiency, and competitiveness in many aspects such as politic and democratization, infrastructures and public services, economic growth, and natural resources management. It is because local governments are close to the people and can well-understand local needs and preferences (Ribot, 2002; Rodríguez-Pose & Sandall, 2008; Rondinelli, 1981; Saito, 2008).

Decentralization era in Indonesia that was started since 1999 has brought significant impact for the government system in Indonesia. Some experts described the implementation of decentralization in Indonesia as a “Big Bang process” in the term of politics and administration because of the revolutionary transformation from one of the biggest centralized states to one of the most decentralized nations (Hofman & Kaiser, 2004; Imron, 2011). After the enactment of Law No.22/1999, Indonesian Central Government delegate many responsibilities to sub-layers of government. There are two types of autonomy on this policy: (1) full autonomy for the regency and municipality levels and (2) limited autonomy for provincial levels. Full autonomy means regencies/municipalities have authority to create and implement local policies as long as it does not contradict with national law and upset public interests (Rasyid, 2004).

One of the implementation forms of regional autonomy in Indonesia is the regional proliferation that was regulated by Government Regulation No.29/2000 (revised by Government Regulation No.78/2007). Regional proliferation means creating new autonomous regions, which are emerged from splitting one core region into two regions.

The notion of this policy is to improve public welfare that is believed will be more effective when managed locally. There is a great expectation that regional proliferation can reform and improve the equality of economic performance as well as the provision

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of basic services that became one of the major problems in the previous centralized era (BAPPENAS, 2008). It then appears to be a trend in Indonesian governance system where since 1999 the number of provinces increased from 26 to 34, and the number of regency/municipality increased from 303 to 514 in 2015.

B. Research Problem

Apparently, the regional proliferation trend in Indonesia is likely to continue in the future. Nowadays, there are more than 200 regions officially registered their application to become the new autonomous regions in the Ministry of Internal Affair. Therefore, the assessment for addressing the impact and the effectiveness of regional proliferation must be analyzed carefully so it can be used as an essential consideration for the improvement of this policy.

Nevertheless, since decentralization and regional proliferation are applied, new autonomous regions try to enforce their fiscal condition and improve their regional economic performance through optimizing their natural resources management. As a result, in the local level of governments (cities and regencies), there is a tendency to exploit natural resources as the best and easiest option for gaining revenue to cover the development cost (Matsui, 2005; Prasojo & Holidin, 2013). Undoubtedly, this condition could lead to the spatial and environmental dynamics of the region, which until now there were few types of research try to discuss this phenomenon. Many studies have been conducted to capture the dynamics of decentralization and proliferation in Indonesia, but mostly on social and economic perspective, such as economic growth (Aritenang, 2008; Pepinsky & Wihardja, 2011; Salim & Faoziyah, 2013), fiscal and budgeting (Alm, Martinez-Vazquez, & Indrawati, 2005; Brodjonegoro & Asanuma, 2000; del Granado, Martinez-Vazquez, & Simatupang, 2008; Nyoto, 2011), politic and governance (Carnegie, 2008; Fitrani, Hofman, & Kaiser*, 2005; Green, 2005; Hofman & Kaiser, 2004; Kis-Katos & Suharnoko Sjahrir, 2014), and also social, community, participation, health and education (Beard, 2005; McCarthy, 2004; Usui & Alisjahbana, 2005; Widyanti, Suryahadi, Monitoring, & Unit, 2008).

However, in addition to that two factors (social and economic), there is one more aspect that is essential to be considered in the context of the sustainable development framework, namely environment dimension (Munasinghe, 2013). There are several studies about decentralization within the latter dimension but mostly are forest-based researches that discussed the impact of decentralization on deforestation. Therefore, this research tried to contribute in discussing decentralization and regional proliferation from this environmental perspective by analyzing the spatial dynamics and the ecosystem-service value of the region that still rarely discussed.

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C. Study Area

This study will use selected region, The Province of South East Sulawesi as a case study. From 34 provinces in Indonesia, South East Sulawesi is one of the most active provinces in term of regional proliferation process since the decentralization era was started. South East Sulawesi geographically lies on 2°45’° 6°15’ S and 120°25’ 124°- 45’E. The topographic condition of this region is varying from flat area to the slope area. About 40% of the region is laid in the slope 0°15%, 32% land located in the 15°40% of slope, and 27% is more than 40% of slope.

Land cover changes of the region were analyzed using GIS as the tools. In this study, land cover changes identified from the land cover maps from 3 different times (spatial-temporal map) which are 1990, 2000, and 2010. This time points were selected based on the data availability and regarding the objective of this study to identify the spatial dynamics of the region regarding the implication of decentralization policy. That 3-time frames represent 10 years before and 10 years after the implementation of decentralization in Indonesia. Land cover map as well as land cover classification generated from the combination of on-screen digitation of time series Landsat data and forest map dataset from Ministry of Forestry of Indonesia.

D. Data Analysis and Results

1. Land Cover Classification

Analysis the spatial dynamic of the region before and after decentralization was conducted by multi-temporal analysis to land cover map of the study area for the year 1990, 2000, and 2010. Since the decentralization policy started to apply in 2000, the year 1990 and 2010 were chosen as the reference year for the analysis; 1990 is 10 years before decentralization and 2010 means 10 years after decentralization.

Land cover classification map that used in this analysis produced by combining time-series Landsat Image (1990, 2000, and 2010) interpretation and the time series dataset map from the Indonesian Ministry of Forestry (MoF). The Landsat images were used to update land cover map from the MoF which more focus on the forest and vegetation area. The combination of those processes resulted in the complete time series land cover maps of the study area that used for other analysis in this study. Land cover of the area in this study was classified into eight types: agriculture, built-up area, forest, grassland, wetland, mangrove, bare land, water body, and others.

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In 1990, forest covered about 61% area of the region and followed by the agricultural area with more than 22% area, grass/bare land occupied about 12.3% and the rest is swamp/mangrove and build-up area with 3.7% and 0.7% respectively.

In 2000, the forest area is still dominant in this region with the percentage of 57.2%, agricultural area accounted for 23.4% and followed by grassland and bare land for 14.8%, swamp/mangrove, build-up area, bare land and water body covered 3.7%, 0.7%, and 0.2% respectively.

In 2010, while the number is decreasing, the forest still dominantly covered the region by 52% and followed by agricultural for 25.2%, swamp/mangroves and build-up area accounted for 3.7% and 0.8%.

2. Accuracy Assessment of Land Cover Classification

The accuracy assessment of land cover classification in this study was conducted for the land cover map 2010. From the process of accuracy assessment, the overall accuracy for the classification map is 89.1%. In this level, it means that the result of the land cover analysis is adequate to proceed with the next analysis.

3. Land Cover Changes

The analysis of land cover changes was conducted in two parts. The first part was analyzing the changes from 1990 to 2000 and the second part was analyzing the changes from 2000 to 2010. The changes of the land cover can be determined by comparing the result of land cover classification.

In 1999-2000, the major changes happened in the forest area. It decreased about more than 140 thousand hectares or 6.4%. On the other hand, grassland/bare land, agriculture, and built-up area increased within this period with 21%, 5.7%, and 4.8% respectively.

For 2000-2010, the main changes still happened in forest area. The decrement rate accounted for 8.1% or decreased about 171 thousand hectares. However, the increasing rate of the grassland, agricultural area, and built-up area grew up within this period. These areas increased for 18.2%, 8%, and 10.2% respectively.

4. Land Cover Changes Pattern

The pattern of land cover changes was identified using confusion matrix analysis which examined the pattern of the changes between each type of the land. Based on the confusion matrix above, it is clear that forest area mostly converted to bare

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land/grassland and agriculture area. Furthermore, from this data, we can examine that the increasing number of agricultural land came from forest and grassland/bare land. In addition, for build-up area, formerly came from agricultural land.

For the period 2000 to 2010, the decreasing number of the forest is the main changes in this area. The number indicates that the converted areas of the forest turned into the grass/bare land and agricultural land. The area of agricultural land increase Furthermore, we also can identify that the built-up area expansion happened in this period which mostly came from agricultural land.

5. Ecosystem Service Value (ESV) in the Region

This study performed benefit transfer approach analysis to calculate the ecosystem service value in this study area by using most widely cited ESV coefficient from Constanza, et all (2012, 2014) that adjusted by Li et all (2017) which is using land cover as the proxy for calculating the ESV for each function and each biome. Based on their researchers, this study used 17 types of ecosystem function for calculating ESV of the region.

Based on the calculation, the value of ecosystem services in South East Sulawesi Province thinned out from 1990 to 2010. In 1990, the value of ecosystem services accounted for 22.2 million US$, while in 2000 reduced to 22.1 million US$ and then went down to about 21.9 million US$ in 2010.

6. Land Cover Dynamics

Many scholars revealed that decentralization affects many aspects in the region, economically, and socially. Those changes should have influences on the dynamics of spatial aspects, such as land use/land cover which is one of the objectives of this study. To analyze it, the changes pattern (growth rate and spatial distribution) of each land classification before decentralization (1990 to 2000) and after decentralization (2000 to 2010) were descriptively compared to identify the dynamics of the region before and after decentralization. This section will focus on five type of land classification: forest, agriculture, build-up area, bare land, and grassland which have significant roles based on the land cover changes analysis in the previous chapter. The most striking point is the built-up area and bare land/open land which increased from 4.7% to 10.2% and from 47.9% to 75.2%.

Accordingly, in order to evaluate the difference of changes of the area before and after decentralization, a Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test was performed. In this analysis, the number of changes (hectares of increment/decrement) of six land

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cover classes (forest, swamp, agricultural land, built-up area, grassland, and bare land/open land) before and after decentralization was compared to identify the significance of changes in both periods with confidence level 90%.

Furthermore, this study tried to compare the spatial pattern of land cover changes in the new region (proliferated region) and parent region by comparing the number and the percentage of conversion area for each land cover type. The changes in the new proliferated region are larger than the changes in the parent region. The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test also performed to verify and to compare the difference of land changes between parent region and new region before and after decentralization.

The Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test between parent region and new region conducted by using the data of land cover changes (forest, agriculture, built-up area, bare land/open land, and grassland) of both groups as the variables. This test was performed using 90% confidence level. There is no significant difference between the land changes in the parent region before and after decentralization. On the other hand, for the new region’s result, p-value = 0.06 which is smaller than α (0.1). It means that statistically it can be confirmed that the land changes in the new region before and after decentralization is significantly different.

7. The Dynamics of Ecosystem Services Value (ESV)

Identifying the dynamics of ecosystem service value of the region is one of the popular approaches to determine the environmental dynamics condition in that region. This study focuses to identify the dynamics of ESV in the context of the implication of decentralization policy in South East Sulawesi Province in Indonesia. Regarding this objective, this study tries to analyze the possibility of the correlation of decentralization policy into the ESV changes by comparing the changes of ESV before and after decentralization applied effectively in 2000.

Genetic resources, climate regulation function, and food production are the top three dominants of the value function in this region. The first two function has negative trend within the periods while the food production function shows the upward trend.

Generally, the number of reduction of ES value increase after decentralization period. Before decentralization, ES value decreased for about US$99.3 million while after decentralization it went down significantly for about US$175.6 million. The most influenced depreciation of ESV occurred for climate regulation, erosion control, genetic resources, and recreation function.

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E. Conclusions

1. The way that decentralization influence the land dynamics of the region

As previously explained in chapter 2, there are three general dimensions of the implementation of decentralization in Indonesia: administrative, fiscal, and politic. Each dimension has the influence to encourage the dynamic of the land use in the region.

2. Administrative Decentralization

a. After decentralization, central government forwarded most of the administra-tive function to local government within “Concurrent Function (mandatory and elective function)”. There are 23 mandatory functions and 6 elective functions that managed by the local government.

b. Regarding the connection with dynamics of the land in the region after decen-tralization, within those function, most of it has direct influences on land use and environment, which are spatial planning and public work, housing, trans-portation, agriculture, fishery, forestry, environment, land administration, min-eral, and energy. Before decentralization, most of this authority belongs to the central government.

3. Fiscal Decentralization

One of the notions of regional autonomy is to improve the socio-economic situation in the region. Accordingly, the local governments should manage their budgeting plan (revenue and spending) effectively for development. The easiest way to boost their local revenue for development is to exploit the natural resources within the territory. Local regions compete to attract investment for coming in their land. Consequently, the rate of land conversion for agriculture and plantation, mineral extraction, and other land-based economic activities increased after decentralization.

4. Political Decentralization

Political reform brings a new chapter in regional development. Direct election for local leader indirectly influence the land dynamics in the region. It leads to high political cost for the election of the local leader. After elected, there is an indication that political leader uses natural exploitation for gaining the revenue for personal use.

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5. Land cover dynamics:

a. For each land classification, forest area is the type that decreased within the study period, while agricultural land, build-up area, bare land, and grassland increased.

b. Comparing the dynamic of the land before and after decentralization, there is a significant difference growth/loss rate before and after decentralization. For the forest area, it was loss 6.3% before decentralization and then it was loss 8.3% after decentralization. It indicates that the deforestation rate grew up compared to the period before decentralization.

c. The growth rate of agricultural land and built-up area increase within the period after decentralization. For agriculture area, it increased from 5.6% to 8.0%.

d. Built up area increased significantly after decentralization applied. The com-parison of the growth rate is 4.7% and 10.2% before and after decentralization, respectively.

e. Statistical analysis using Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test resulted that there is a significant difference of land cover changes before and after decentralization.

f. Regarding regional proliferation/regional split policy, there is an indication that in new proliferated regions, the area of built-up area, agriculture land, and bare land increase significantly compares to parent region.

g. The 2nd Wilcoxon Signed-Rank Test found that regarding regional proliferation, it is obvious that spatial dynamics in the new proliferated region is significant compared to parent region.

6. By analyzing Ecosystem Service Values (ESV) of the region, this study indicates that there is a significant loss in term of ESV.

From 1990 to 2000 the value of ecosystem services loss about US$99 Million and then from 2000 to 2010 the loss became higher which is accounted for about US$175 million. From this perspective, it can be said that there is an indication decentralization policy has negative effects on the degradation of the ecosystem.

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Nama : Hastari Kusumawardhani

Instansi : Kementerian Pertanian

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Policy Science

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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A. Background

A land where human doing all activities is a finite natural resource. It is critical input that have to manage to attain sustainable development. However, the growth of urban population and the development of infrastructure have led to a decrease in agricultural land. Some problems might arise as a result of development, for example: proliferation of settlement area due to urban sprawl that disrupt protected area’s function, and an endangerment productive agricultural land that cause shifting of central food production (Fact and analysis of Majalengka spatial planning year 2011-2031). This reduction gradually impacts on the amount of food production and food security. Therefore, dealing with that problem, Indonesian Government enacted Law No. 41 year 2009 on protection of food agricultural land sustainability (PLPPB). Also, the Local Government of Majalengka Regency set up Local Regulation No. 11 year 2011 that one of the point is determined LPPB area. Although these programs have run several years ago, it needs to be enhanced.

The aim of Protection of Food Agricultural Land Sustainability or Perlindungan Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan (PLPPB) are to protect agricultural land, to achieve food self-sufficiency, and to increase farmer welfare (Republic of Indonesia Law Number 41, 2009). Protection of agricultural land is very important because Indonesia is an agrarian country with the 31.90% of population work at agricultural sector (Central Statistical Bureau of Republic of Indonesia, 2016).

Land suitability analysis is a prerequisite in order to project LPPB area. It analysis is an instrument that is used to identify and determine the most suitable area for specific uses (Collins, M. G., Steiner, F.R., Rushman, M. J., 2001). The researchers argue, land use suitability purposes to identify the most appropriate spatial pattern for the future land uses (Hopkins 1977; Collins et al., 2001 in Liu et al., 2014) according to the specific requirement and preferences, because different types of land use will have different purposes. Land suitability analysis has been broadly applied to assess agricultural land use (Akinci, H., Ozalp, A. Y., Turgut, B., 2013), development of residential land use (Mu, Y., 2006), and determine land use suitability for urban development (Liu et al., 2014).

In order to analyze agricultural land, several indicators should be applied. According to Bandyopadhyay et al., (2009) indicators used for agriculture include

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soil texture, organic matter content, soil depth, slope, and land use/land cover, while Akinci, et al., (2013) considered to apply great soil group, land-use capability class, land-use capability sub-class, soil depth, slope, aspect, elevation, erosion degree, and soil properties. Other researchers applied soil, topographic, climatic, economic, land use, and accessibility (Montgomery et al., 2016) and elevation, slope, aspect, soil fertility, soil PH, temperature, precipitation and groundwater were selected by Feizizadeh, Blaschke (2012) as indicators for agricultural suitability.

In addition, Projection of LPPB area is an important step for future planning by considering to population growth, rice consumption demand, productivity, food national demand, and farmer perception regarding the PLPPB program (Republic of Indonesia Law Number 41, 2009). For instance, the research that conducted by Zulfikar et al. (2013), aimed to analyze public perception regarding factors affecting the sustainability of paddy field, to analyze the projection needs of paddy fields at the district levels, and to select areas for sustainable paddy land area on sub-district administrative boundary. In another study in which socio-economic data used, Sakti et al. (2013) assessed LPPB area considering to the number of population, the number of paddy production, productivity, and cropping intensity. Similarly, in the study by Sumarlin et al. (2009), who investigated the number of agricultural land area to fulfil food demand in Lampung Barat regency, the authors carried out descriptive analysis to calculate the number of agricultural land area.

The aim of this research is to project food agricultural land sustainability (LPPB) in Majalengka regency, by considering to paddy field area required and agricultural land suitability. Also, residential suitability need to be assessed as one of the reason conversion occurred.

Making projection to protect agricultural land area in Majalengka regency is important because Majalengka is one of West Java granary which generates 664,220 tons paddy in 2014 (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries 2015 in Central Statistical Bureau of Majalengka Regency, 2016). It contributes 5.7% of total paddy production in West Java Province, which reach 11,644,899 tons in the same year (Central Statistical Bureau of Republic of Indonesia, 2016). In addition, Majalengka regency has strategic location as well convenient topography which can contribute to rise economic activity in the eastern part of West Java province. Five mega projects have been constructed, namely: Kertajati International Airport, Jati Gede reservoir, Cikopo – Palimanan railroad, Cisumdawu railroad, and Rancaekek – Tanjungsari – Cirebon railway. Consequently, these development will create positive and negative impacts for surrounding.

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B. Research Problems

To determine the suitable area for agriculture many indicators can be involved. In this research, indicators applied are land use, slope, elevation, soil type, soil depth, and road accessibility. There are two main reasons for using these indicators. The first is the fact that indicators requirement regarding slope and soil depth are written in Ministerial Regulation of Agriculture No.79/Permentan/OT.140/8/2013 that determine land suitability criteria for irrigated paddy field. The second reason is indicators are chosen not only based on several previous studies, but also spatial data availability from regional development and planning board (BAPPEDA) of Majalengka regency.

GIS-based multi criteria evaluation (MCE) generates land suitability classes based on ranking on each indicators. The results from GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation is spatial feature with final score. The higher the score, the more suitable the area is.

The weighted overlay tool in ArcGIS 10.1 software applies one of the most approaches for overlay analysis to solve multi-criteria problem. In this analysis, the steps for running the weighted overlay tool are as follows: (1) select several indicators used to determine land suitability; (2) convert input to raster format; (3) set scale values by using reclassify tool. The default values can be obtained by using the range value. Input cell according to importance of suitability; (4) assign weights based on its importance. Each input raster can be weighted, or assigned a percentage influence. The total influence for all raster must is 100%; (5) run the weighted overlay tool. The cell values of each input raster are multiplied by the raster’s weight (or percent influence). The resulting cell values are added to produce the final output raster.

Three scenarios are set up in order to calculate the number of paddy field required in Majalengka regency in 2035.

1. Population projection

Population projection on provinces and national level is based on component methods that involve fertility, mortality, and migration. However, population projection on city and regency level are based on growth rate of each city or regency. The number also refers to calculation on province level. Geometric methods is appropriate approach to do because it assumes the number of people will increase geometrically. In this calculation, rate of growth are same in every year (Central Statistical Bureau; United Nations Population Funds 2015).

Pt = Po (1 + r)t

Pt = population number in t year Po = population number in initial year

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r = growth rate t = year period between t year and initial year

2. Rice consumption required

Rice consumption will be calculated based on population number (Y) multiplied by rice consumption per capita per year (FC). The data will be calculated according to the formula as follow:

Rice consumption required (RC) = Y * FC

3. GKP production

The quantity of rice consumption (in ton), will be converted to GKP (Gabah Kering Panen / dry paddy harvested) (in ton). The data will be calculated according to the formula as follow:

GKP production = RC * 100/40

4. Harvested area requirements

Harvested area will be calculated based on food consumption divided by productivity. Actually, many factors influence paddy productivity, such as quality of seeds, fertilizer, limate, and soil nutrition. However, in this research productivity (P) will be calculated as the trend of productivity projection by using data from 2012 to 2016. The data will be calculated according to the formula as follow:

Harvested area requirements (HAR) = GKP / P

5. Cultivated area requirements

Cultivated area as the result of the sum of harvested area and the risk of failure (RoF). Crop failure can caused by pest attack, climate change, natural disaster, etc. The data will be calculated according to the formula as follow:

Cultivated area (CA) = HAR + RoFRoF = 1% * HAR

1% is the estimation percentage of paddy failure

6. Paddy field area required

Paddy field area required will be analyzed from dividing cultivated area by cropping intensity (CI). Cropping intensity is a number of times a crop is planted per year in a given agricultural area or in another word, the ratio of effective crop area harvested to the physical area.

Paddy field area required (PAR) = CA / CI

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C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Identification of Potential LPPB Area

Identification of potential LPPB (food agricultural land sustainability) area is performed by overlaying agricultural land suitability maps with land use planning maps 2011 – 2031. Potential land is land that meet the LPPB requirement, then determined by local government to be protected. The identification is conducted in agriculture region as stated in local regulation No. 11 year 2011 about spatial plans in Majalengka regency, 2011–2031. The evaluation result of overlaying agricultural land suitability and agricultural land use planning are potential LPPB area with is classified as highly suitable (S1), moderately suitable (S2), marginally suitable (S3), and currently not suitable (N1) and permanently not suitable (N2).

2. Result and Discussion

According to the result of agricultural land suitability analysis, the majority land in Majalengka is classified as moderately suitable (S2), which attain 40.5% of the total area. Moderately suitable means the land has limitation to generate paddy, however, some inputs can be applied to increase productivity and yield. Highly suitable area (S1) concentrate in the northern part, while suitable classification decrease in some areas, such as Sindangwangi, Rajagaluh, and Argapura due to indicators limitation to support paddy cultivation.

Three scenarios based on geometric methods are applied appropriately to estimate the paddy field area required for 2035. The result show as much as 19187.107 ha of paddy field area should be fulfilled for scenario I, 17251.300 Ha for scenario II, and 14070.545 ha for scenario III. Those number represent the paddy field area required are less than the estimated number (44627.1 Ha) for 2035 with consider 0.32% agricultural land conversion occurred annually.

The paddy field area in Majalengka regency decline 0.32% per a year, so the number of paddy field predict will attain 44627.1 Ha for the next 2035. Then, according to the analysis of paddy field area required above, the first scenario results the highest number which is less than 20000 Ha, while the third one is the lowest. It can be concluded that Majalengka regency still has a large number of agricultural area to meet the needs.

Overall, both productivity and cropping intensity show a good outcome. The productivity’s range is 6.46–6.67, and cropping intensity is around 1.3–2.7. Irrigation status also explain that more than two-third sub-district in Majalengka

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have technical irrigation system, two of twenty six sub-districts does not have semi irrigation system, and other sub-district where located in the middle to south of Majalengka regency provide water catchment such as ponds as water supply for the paddy field area.

Three categories to project LPPB area based on sub-district similarities. The first category is sub-districts with the enormous number of highly suitable agricultural land area (S1), namely: Kertajati, Jatitujuh, Ligung, Sumberjaya, Leuwimunding, Dawuan, Jatiwangi, Palasah, and Sukahaji. The location of agricultural land area is mostly close to the residential area and other public facilities (it can be seen from the percentage of conversion rate). Consequently, those areas have a potential to be converted in the future. To overcome with that problem, several policies can be

realized as follow:

a. Keep the quantity of agricultural land from conversion. Regulation con-cerning spatial planning must to be implemented, and punishment can be executed to private sectors who break the laws.

b. Repair damaged irrigation system. According to the data from Central Wa-ter Resources of Majalengka regency, more than 50% of irrigation are bro-ken. Technical irrigation is the main water sources to support paddy pro-duction should be concerned by the Government (Ministry of Public Work and Ministry of Agriculture) as a provider:.

c. Financial support to farmers. This policy was established on Agriculture Ministerial Regulation No. 12/Permentan/OT.140/2/2008, about the guide-lines for the distribution of social assistance to farmers. The aim of this pol-icy is to improve the capacity and independence of agricultural business and empower agricultural communities. In addition, by giving financial sup-port, farmers tend to keep and protect their land from conversion.

d. Agricultural land banking by the Government. As mention earlier that the north of Majalengka are really suitable for agriculture, while infrastructure also develop as well in this region. This condition will threaten the number of paddy field area to non-agricultural conversion. Farmers might have a tendency to sell their paddy field due to economic reason. To overcome with this problem, the Government could buy the land parcel, then deter-mine it as LPPB area.

e. Apply new technology innovation. Those sub-districts involve the main gra-nary to produce paddy. By using machines, for example: rice trans-planter, tractor, and hand-sprayer, paddy cultivation will run faster, and as a result cropping intensity will increase. Physical condition also appropriate for ap-

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plying those technologies. In addition, the guideline for the implementation of procurement and distribution of agricultural machinery and equipment was set up by the Ministry of Agriculture conducted by the Directorate General of Agricultural Infrastructure in 2017.

The second categories are sub-districts that located in the middle part of Majalengka regency with varying number of suitability classification. Irrigation is provided for watering the paddy field area. So that, the strategy to protect agricultural are based on farmer empowerment and technology application to improve the yield. Detail strategies as follows:

a. repair damaged irrigation system;

b. socialization of in handling post-harvest to reduce the amount of food loss that caused by improper post-harvest techniques. Through good handling practices, farmers will more capable in paddy harvesting;

c. f and pesticide subsidies. This strategy aims to ease the farmers’ load due to a high price of fertilizer and pesticide;

d. socialization about pest control.

The third category is sub-districts that located in the south of Majalengka regency, namely: Rajagaluh, Sindang, Argapura, Maja, and other sub-district in the southern part of Majalengka regency. Those areas have different characteristics than others, so that different strategy should be applied in order to protect LPPB

area. Several strategies can be implemented, such as

a. build water catchment;

b. apply technology innovation, such as water pump and rice trans-planter;

c. socialization of in handling post-harvest;

d. socialization about pest control;

e. fertilizer and pesticide subsidies; although there is no technical irrigation system, the amount of underground water in almost those sub-districts are good.

From 26 sub-districts in Majalengka regency, one sub-district, namely Cingambul does not grouped as potential area for LPPB, because Cingambul does not have both technical and semi-technical irrigation system.

Protection of agricultural land is important to attain food consumption to achieve food self-sufficiency and national food security. Indonesian government

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as a policy decision maker have to create laws and develop a system to implement the LPPB program in every cities and regencies, since agricultural land shrinks due to rapid conversion. This program should be supported by several ministries, the National Development and Planning Board, and the Regional Development and Planning Board, because LPPB program is fairly complex to be implemented.

In general, there are three policies that can be proposed to Local Government of Majalengka regency, based on the result of identifying potential agricultural

land in each sub-district. The policies as follows:

a. Protection through the spatial planning

• Local Government of Majalengka regency established local regulation No. 11 year 2011 about regional spatial of Majalengka regency year 2011-2031. In that regulation, the article 87 paragraph 3 emphasizes regional zoning of the paddy field area, include the prohibition to convert LPPB area, and conversion allowed in accordance with the legislation (Government Regulation No 1 year 2011 about the determination and conversion of agricultural land). Therefore, punishment can be applied if the conversion occurs in the LPPB area in the absence of legislation.

• Determination number and location of LPPB area does not mention in the Local Regulation for each sub-district specifically. Therefore, to adjust LPPB area, both land suitability in a parcel of land and basic infrastructure should be considered.

• Socialization of spatial use control, especially to private sectors and societies.

b. Protection through the agricultural sectors

• Developing the agricultural infrastructure, such as repair and maintenance of technical and semi-technical irrigation network as the main water supply for irrigated paddy field. Additionally, build up ponds as water catchment during raining season is really essential for rainfed area.

• Applying agricultural technology innovations, for example: rice trans-planter, tractor, and hand-sprayer. Using those innovation can increase cropping intensity, speed up cultivation method, and reduce food loss during the post-harvest process.Conducting socialization about pest control to avoid the risk of failure during the cultivation process; socialization to use natural or vegetable pesticide to promote

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sustainable agriculture; and socialization in handling post-harvest, including yield storage.

c. Protection through the financial sectors

• giving fertilizer subsidies: it helps farmers to access fertilizer easily with lower price;

• redeveloping the cooperative’s role;

• networking with bank as a partner for financial support;

• agricultural land banking by country. A highly suitable agricultural land can be purchased by central government to protect the land from conversion. The government can buy the parcel of land from farmers who have a tendency to sell their land due to economic reason.

• providing grants to issued land certificates. Many farmers get difficulty to issue the certificates because of costly. By financial support mechanism, hopefully it can help farmers to keep their own paddy field area.

D. Conclusion and Recommendation

The research outcomes demonstrate the application of GIS-based MCE to project food agricultural land sustainability (LPPB) in Majalengka regency. Six indicators are conducted to analyze agricultural land suitability, include land use, slope, elevation, soil type, soil depth, and road access. The result shows the majority land use in Majalengka regency is classified as moderately suitable for agriculture (S2), which attain 56,944.24 ha.

By using geometric method, the population is estimated to reach 1,280,359 people in the 2035, with an annual population growth rate is 0.396%. To fulfil food demand in 2035, the Local Government of Majalengka Regency have to provide 14,000 – 19,000 ha of paddy field area.

Observing the trend of agricultural land changes, it can be acquired that 0.32% of paddy field lose annually. To project potential LPPB area, physical (involve: agricultural land suitability), environmental (involve: irrigation system and underground water condition), and socioeconomic aspect (involve: productivity, cropping intensity, and conversion rate) are obtained. The result shows the total potential agricultural land for LPPB is 46,100.11 ha, consists of 15,513.01 ha as highly suitable area, 20139.88 Ha as moderately suitable area, and 10,447.22 ha as marginally suitable area.

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Policy implication regarding LPPB area is proposed to attain sustainable agriculture in Majalengka regency, such as: reinforce the law and punishment on spatial planning, improve the agricultural infrastructure, utilize technology in advanced, and strengthen financial sector.

E. Future Research Recommendation

Considering limitation of this research, several inputs are stated to study in the future.

1. taking primary data (such as, conduct interview or make questionnaire) is important to obtain information that cannot be derived from secondary data, particularly in order to analyze socioeconomic aspect (including farmers’ perception) concerning LPPB program;

2. making a forum group discussion to get the point of view from local government (head of regional development and planning board, head of department agriculture and fisheries), private sector, financial sector, farmers, and other stakeholders concerning protecting agricultural land from conversion;

3. studying on policy implication is essential part to create specific suggestion that can be used in cities /regencies level.

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Nama : Holiludin

Instansi : Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate Program in Regional and City Planning

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Hiroshima University

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Marore dan Kawio termasuk di antara 92 pulau kecil terluar di Indonesia yang menghadapi masalah keterbelakangan ekonomi meskipun posisi strategis dan potensi pengembangan mereka. Alasan kurangnya pembangunan ini adalah jumlah kecil penduduk daerah-daerah ini dan tingginya anggaran yang diperlukan untuk mengembangkan pulau-pulau. Oleh karena itu, tampaknya perkembangan ini tidak akan menghasilkan dampak atau pendapatan yang signifikan bagi pemerintah.

Wisata perikanan tuna dan wisata bahari dapat diusulkan untuk mengembangkan dua pulau terpencil ini, yang sebagian besar penduduknya adalah nelayan yang hidup di bawah garis kemiskinan. Cakalang dipilih karena merupakan ikan dengan potensi ekonomi utama di Indonesia dengan permintaan global yang tinggi. Sementara itu, wisata bahari merupakan instrumen pembangunan yang menonjol untuk pulau-pulau kecil. Namun, cakalang tuna adalah spesies bermigrasi yang lebih memilih lingkungan tertentu. Perubahan lingkungan di masa depan dapat mempengaruhi keberlanjutan perikanan tuna cakalang dalam hal zona penangkapan ikan serta produksinya. Selain itu, peningkatan wisata bahari dapat berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan unik di kawasan itu. Konsekuensinya, perubahan lingkungan di masa depan dan daya dukung wisata bahari harus diperiksa untuk mencapai keberlanjutan perikanan tuna dan wisata bahari di daerah ini.

Penelitian ini menggunakan data citra satelit resolusi tinggi dari suhu permukaan laut (SST) dan konsentrasi klorofil-a (SSC), dan produksi primer bersih (NPP). Berdasarkan analisis tren SST, SSC dan NPP yang diperoleh dari tahun 1998 hingga 2015, penelitian ini juga menilai perubahan zona penangkapan ikan potensial dan biomassa ikan di masa depan. Selanjutnya, profitabilitas tangkapan ikan cakalang diperkirakan berdasarkan biomassa ikan. Studi ini mengungkapkan bahwa laut yang mengelilingi Marore dan Kawio adalah zona penangkapan ikan yang menjanjikan, dan tangkapan diperkirakan mencapai 323,42 ton / tahun. Juli, khususnya, adalah waktu paling produktif untuk menangkap tuna cakalang karena fenomena upwelling, yang diharapkan menghasilkan 37,95 ton ikan ini. Berdasarkan proyeksi, kawasan ini diperkirakan tetap menjadi habitat tuna cakalang yang menguntungkan di masa depan. Namun, karena perubahan lingkungan, kelimpahan cakalang tuna di daerah ini diproyeksikan menurun menjadi 288,14 ton / tahun selama 30 tahun ke depan (penurunan 10,91% dari tahun dasar). Namun, kecenderungan ini memiliki pengaruh yang kecil terhadap biaya pemeliharaan perikanan di dua pulau terpencil ini. Profitabilitas ini dapat berfungsi sebagai pemeliharaan pelabuhan perikanan baru dan sebagai dasar dukungan untuk perikanan, seperti bantuan keuangan untuk mendapatkan kapal 5GT.

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Kedua pulau kecil terluar ini juga merupakan kawasan prospektif untuk wisata bahari karena ekosistem terumbu karang di sekitar pulau-pulau ini umumnya dalam kondisi baik. Beberapa area bahkan dalam kondisi yang sangat baik. Marore terdiri dari 113,53 ha (91,9%) dari daerah yang sesuai dan 10,03 ha (8,1%) sangat cocok sementara Kawio mengandung 96,24 ha (32,2%) dari daerah yang sesuai dan 45,63 ha (32,2%) dari daerah yang sangat cocok. Daya dukung wisata bahari adalah 128 pengunjung / hari untuk Marore dan 147 pengunjung / hari untuk Kawio. Ini adalah jumlah penyelam yang dapat diterima untuk menjaga kelestarian lingkungan dari dua pulau terpencil ini. Analisis ekonomi juga mengungkapkan bahwa wisata bahari menguntungkan untuk dikembangkan di pulau-pulau ini.

Kata kunci: Kepulauan Jarak Jauh, Ikan cakalang, Wisata Bahari, Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

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Marore and Kawio are among the 92 outermost small islands in Indonesia that encounter problems of economic underdevelopment despite their strategic position and development potencies. The reasons for this lack of development are the small amount of inhabitants of these areas and the high budget that is required to develop the islands. Therefore, it seems that this development would not generate significant impact or revenue for the government.

Skipjack tuna fishery and marine tourism can be proposed to develop these two remote islands, of which most residents are fishermen who live under poverty line. Skipjack tuna was chosen because it is a fish with major economic potential in Indonesia with a high global demand. Meanwhile, marine tourism is a prominent development instrument for small islands. However, skipjack tuna is a migratory species that prefers specific environments. Future environmental changes might affect the sustainability of skipjack tuna fishery in terms of its fishing zones as well as its production. In addition, increased marine tourism could negatively affect the area’s unique environment. Consequently, future environmental changes and the carrying capacity of marine tourism should be examined in order to achieve the sustainability of skipjack tuna fishery and marine tourism in this area.

This study used high-resolution satellite image data of sea surface temperature (SST) and chlorophyll-a concentrations (SSC), and net primary production (NPP). Based on the trend analysis of SST, SSC and NPP obtained from 1998 to 2015, this study also assessed the change of potential fishing zones and fish biomass in the future. Furthermore, the profitability of the fish catches of skipjack tuna were estimated based on the fish biomass. This study reveals that the sea surrounding Marore and Kawio is a promising fishing zone, and the catch is estimated at 323.42 ton/year. July, in particular, is the most productive time to catch skipjack tuna due to an upwelling phenomenon, which is expected to produce 37.95 ton of this fish. Based on the projection, this area is estimated to remain a favourable skipjack tuna habitat in the future. However, due to environmental changes, the abundance of skipjack tuna in this area is projected to decline to 288.14 ton/year over the next 30 years (10.91% decrease from the base year). However, this trend has little influence on the maintenance cost of fisheries at these two remote islands. This profitability can serve as new fishing port maintenance and as a basis of support for fisheries, such as a financial aid to get 5GT vessels.

These two outermost small islands are also prospective areas for diving marine tourism because the coral reef ecosystem surrounding these islands is generally in a good condition. Some areas are even in a very good condition. Marore consists of 113.53 ha (91.9%) of suitable area and 10.03 ha (8.1%) of highly suitable while Kawio contains

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96.24 ha (32.2%) of suitable area and 45.63 ha (32.2%) of highly suitable area. The marine tourism carrying capacities are 128 visitors/day for Marore and 147 visitors/day for Kawio. This is an acceptable number of divers in order to maintain the environmental sustainability of these two remote islands. The economic analysis also revealed that marine tourism is profitable to develop on these islands.

Keywords: Remote Islands, Skipjack Tuna, Marine Tourism, Sustainable Development.

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A. Background

Indonesia contains an enormous amount of small islands, including 92 outermost small islands. These outermost small islands have a strategic position as well as potencies to be developed. However, these areas have generally been neglected in context of development because few people live in these areas and the costs of developing the areas are enormous (Retraubun, 2001). Therefore, it seems that this development only generates less significant impacts and little revenue for the government. Because of this, the outermost small islands in the border area face many problems such as underdevelopment, illegal fishing, smuggling, and even human trafficking and terrorism (Dahuri et al., 1996).

The case when the International Court of Justice decided that the islands of Sipadan and Ligitan were part of Malaysia’s sovereignty has encouraged the Indonesian government to give more attention to these areas by the enactment of Presidential Decree No 78/2005 on Outermost Small Islands. Abubakar (2006) suggested that the incident of Sipadan and Ligitan indicates that the development of outermost small islands is necessary, rather than to rely only on historical evidence. The development of this area also became one of the government’s main focuses since it strives to reduce development disparity between the mainland and remote areas as adopted in Presidential Decree No 20/2015 concerning National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) 2015-2019.

Marore and Kawio are the outermost small islands of Kepulauan Sangihe Regency bordering The Philippines. The distance of these islands to The Philippines is much closer than the distance to Manado (the provincial capital city of North Sulawesi). These small islands have experienced similar problems to other outermost small islands in Indonesia. Most inhabitants are fishermen and more than 50% of the households in this area have a living standard below the poverty line (BPS Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, 2016a; 2016b).

Skipjack tuna fishery and marine tourism can be proposed to develop this area since skipjack tuna is one major valuable fish with a remarkable contribution to Indonesia’s fishery (Sunoko and Huang, 2014). Meanwhile, marine tourism is a potential development instrument for small islands (Croes, 2006) that has become a massive and stable global industry (Gössling, 2002).

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Marore and Kawio, like other outermost small islands in Indonesia, have faced many challenges in terms of development such as a lack of infrastructure and a low of human development index due to their remote location even though the role of these areas in an archipelagic country is important. Skipjack tuna fishery, one of the economically viable fish, is one of the potencies to improve the quality of life of the area (Biasane et al., 2011). Marine tourism can also be proposed since these economic activities are considered as development instruments to boost the economy of small islands (Croes, 2006).

However, the fishing zones of this species are a point of concern, as this species prefers specific environments. Other concerns are future environmental changes that could possibly influence the sustainability of skipjack tuna fishery in terms of its fishing zones and its production. In addition, increased marine tourism could possibly negatively affect the unique environment of this area. Therefore, it is important to consider these concerns in terms of the development of this area.

B. Conceptual Framework of This Study

Outermost small islands, which are part of coastal zones, have abundant potencies because of their natural resources, namely renewable, non-renewable, and environmental services (Dahuri, 2003). In terms of renewable resources, their ecosystems generate possible economic activities such as fisheries and tourism since these ecosystems naturally function as spawning and feeding grounds (Dahuri et al., 1996). Even though outermost small islands have potential natural resources, (Retraubun, 2001) suggested that the development of small islands, including outermost small islands, tends to be neglected for several reasons: mostly because no people live there due to the limited size of the small islands. Dahuri et al. (1996) added that outermost small islands have faced obstacles like underdevelopment, illegal fishing, smuggling, and even human trafficking and terrorism. Briguglio (1995) also revealed that small islands are vulnerable in terms of ecology and economy due to their smallness, low elevation, remoteness, and high risk of natural disasters.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Temporal Variation of Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a and Net Primary Production 2015

The monthly average sea surface temperature (SST) in the waters surrounding Marore and Kawio during January-December 2015, based on high-resolution satellite imagery. The monthly SST in this area varied in the range of 27.8-29.5oC

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with the lowest SST occurring in February and the highest SST in June. From January to March, the SST ranges tend to decrease slightly from 28.0 - 28.3oC in January to 27.8– 28.1oC in February. This then further decreased to 27.5-27.8oC in March. The SST variation from April until June tends to be higher than the previous period with a range of 28.1-28.5oC in April, then rising to 28.7-29.1oC in May and became higher in June with an SST of 29.1-29.5oC. The SST declined significantly in July with 28.0 - 28.4oC, which tends to climb slowly with 28.3-28.6oC in August and 28.8-29.1oC in September. Subsequently, SST ranges tend to drop slowly with 28.5-28.9oC in October, 28.6-29.1oC in November, and 28.4-28.8oC in December.

Changes in SST range are expected due to the Monsoon wind patterns that reverse twice a year and influence the ocean circulation in Indonesian waters, including the conditions in the waters of Marore and Kawio (Wyrtki, 1961). During the Northwest Monsoon (December to March), the southern hemisphere is exposed excessively to a heating process of radiation due to the position of the sun in relation to the earth. This leads to an SST in southern equatorial ranges of 29-37⁰C, while in the north equatorial temperatures range between 27-28⁰C. In contrast, a Southeast monsoon (June to September) delivers more heat to the north so the SST of the northern Indonesian waters will increase to 28 - 30⁰C, while SST in southern Indonesian waters will drop to 27-28⁰C. Laevastu and Hayes (1981) argue that temperature heavily affects fish at different stages of their life cycles, for instance, during spawning, at the development and survival of the eggs and larvae, and by influencing the distribution, aggregation, migration, and schooling behaviour.

The monthly average Chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC) in the waters surrounding the study area, which was also derived from high-resolution satellite imagery, fluctuated between the range of 0.06-0.22 mg/m3, in which the lowest concentration was found in April, while the highest was detected in July. SSC during January - March was relatively high with 0.12 - 0.15 mg/m3 in January, 0.08–0.15 mg/m3 in February and 0.09-0.18 mg/m3 in March. Meanwhile, SSC April–June was lower with 0.06–0.10 mg/m3 in April, 0.07-0.11 mg/m3 in May and 0.07–0.10 mg/m3 in June. SSC in July then surged remarkably with 0.15 - 0.22 mg/m3, decreasing in the following month with 0.09-0.13 mg/m3 in August, and 0.09-0.15 mg/m3 in September. SSC then tends to decline gradually in October until December with 0.10-0.14 mg/m3 in October, 0.07-0.12 mg/m3 in November and 0.08-0.14 mg/m3 in December.

Chlorophyll-a concentration (SSC) is one of the important parameters in marine ecosystems since it indicates phytoplankton biomass, which is the primary

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source of food in the marine environment. SSC in the ocean is strongly affected by oceanographic conditions such as currents, temperature, salinity, and nutrients. In addition, the nutrient content of the waters is closely related to the chlorophyll-a concentration, in which the higher the nutrient content of the water the higher the chlorophyll-a concentration (Afdal, 2004). (Yoder and Kennelly, 2003) added that the spatial and temporal variation of SSC is influenced by wind mixing and geographical location. Wind mixing in the tropics and subtropics leads to upwelling, bringing nutrient-rich waters to the surface where there is adequate solar irradiance for photosynthesis, thereby stimulating phytoplankton (which is indicated by SSC).

The monthly average net primary production (NPP) in the waters surrounding this area, ranged between 170 - 350 mg C/m2 with the lowest observed in April and the highest identified in July. The NPP of January-March was higher than the NPP in April-June. The NPP of January-March reached 260–280 mg C/m2, 230-290 mg C/m2, and 230-330 mg C/m2. Meanwhile, the NPP was 170-190 mg C/m2 in April, 180-190 mg C/m2 in May, and 190–200 mg C/m2 in June. NPP increased rapidly in July with 320–350 mg C/m2 followed by a decrease in NPP with 230-240 mg C/m2 in August, and around 220 mg C/m2 in September. Meanwhile, NPP during October–December is diverse from 240-260 mg C/m2 in October, 190-200 mg C/m2 in November and 200-240 mg C/m2 in December. The variability of NPP relates to SSC since NPP net primary production (NPP) is equal to the gross photosynthetic carbon fixation (or gross primary production, GPP) minus phytoplankton respiration in which phytoplankton concentration is indicated by SSC (Chavez, Messié, &

Pennington, 2011; Yoder & Kennelly, 2003).

2. Coral Reef Ecosystems 2015

The coral reef in this area is considered in good and in very good condition. The coral cover surrounding Marore in 2015 varied between 33.52-88.96% with the highest located at Batu Mangindono 2 and the lowest at and Batu Mangindono 1. Meanwhile, the coral cover surrounding Kawio in 2015 ranged 30.40-90.70% in which the largest cover was observed at the northwest of Kawio and the smallest observed at Tanjung Kawio. This condition is expected because its location at small remote islands leads to less sedimentation from rivers or residential pollution residential, which could deteriorate coral reef ecosystems (Bengen et al., 2012).

The coral reef life forms at Marore and Kawio were mainly groups of Acropora and Non-Acropora. The group of Acropora consisted of branching, encrusting, sub-massive, and tabulate. Meanwhile, the group of Non-Acropora included branching,

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encrusting, foliose, massive, sub-massive, and mushroom. The prevailing coral reef life form at both Marore and Kawio was branching and tabulate of the Acropora group; and foliose and branching of the Non-Acropora group. Besides coral reef, some types of soft coral were also observed. Meanwhile, reef fish abundance in the waters surrounding Marore and Kawio is considered in poor condition with 6-15 fish/m2 and its diversity classified as a fair condition with 2.6. The most prominent reef fish in Marore is Achanturidae, while the reef fish in Kawio is dominantly Pomacentridae.

3. Trends of Sea Surface Temperature, Chlorophyll-a and Net Primary Production 1998-2015

Adapun permasalahan dan hambatan yang dijumpai dalam pelaksanaan pengadaan tanah untuk pembangunan jalan tol terbagi menjadi dua hal, yaitu faktor penghambat yang berasal dari kurangnya jumlah staf dan faktor penghambat yang timbul setelah proses musyawarah dilakukan yakni terdapat masalah sengketa dan masalah waris. During 1998 - 2015, the variation of SST mainly tends to increase as SST in January until July and December reveals a rising trend, while SST in August, September, October, and November shows a decreasing trend. In contrast, SSC and NPP mainly show a decreasing trend as SSC and NPP of March-June, and August-December (except October) indicated a decreasing trend. The highest increase of SST trend occurred in January with a rise of 0.0319. July represents the lowest increase of SST with a rise of 0.0008, while the strongest decreasing SST trend is observed in October with a decline of 0.0230. The most significant decreasing trends of SSC and NPP were detected in May, with a decline of 0.0043 in SSC and 6.257 in NPP. Conversely, the most remarkable increasing trend of SSC occurred in February, with an increase of 0.0015. Meanwhile, the most considerable increasing trend of NPP was displayed in February and October with an increase of 1.5201.

These SST, SSC, and NPP trends correspond with the many studies that argued that global temperatures tend to increase, while global chlorophyll-a concentrations and marine productivity tend to decline (Bopp et al., 2013; Olonscheck et al., 2013; Steinacher et al., 2010). The global ocean temperature is expected to gradually increase due to rising atmospheric CO2, which is generated by human activities (Bopp et al., 2013). Bopp et al. (2013) argued that a rise of SST leads to reduced subsurface dissolved O2 concentrations and a reduced supply of nutrients to the euphotic layer, which then increases the nutrient stress for phytoplankton. As a result, SSC and NPP will decline since SSC is a proxy of phytoplankton, while NPP relies on phytoplankton due to its role as the primary producer on the marine trophic level.

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4. Potential Fishing Zone

The waters surrounding Marore and Kawio are potential fishing zones for skipjack tuna throughout the year 2015 because the oceanographic conditions during January until December 2015 were favourable for skipjack tuna based on the criteria of Zainuddin and Farhum (2010). This oceanographic of oligotrophic conditions is expected due to the influence of the Indonesian Through Flow (ITF) on these waters. Radjawane and Hadipoetranto (2014) argued that Pacific water mass, which is transported by ITF, affects the water mass of this area because it is the primary entry passage of ITF from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean. In addition, highly suitable conditions for skipjack tuna fishing zones occurred in these areas in January with an area size of 3.29 km2 (0.57%), becoming larger in February with 38.45 km2 (6.65%) and in March with 97.22 km2 (16.82%) but disappearing during April and May. This highly suitable area was formed again in June with an area size of 3.74 km2 (0.65%). July was the period when the largest highly suitable skipjack tuna fishing area formed with a size of 577.82 km2 (99.94%).

This variability of skipjack tuna fishing zone suitability occurs because this area is highly affected by Monsoon winds (Radjawane and Hadipoetranto, 2014). Wyrtki (1961) argued that the seasonal variability of Indonesian waters is affected by Monsoon winds blowing during the Northwest Monsoon and Southeast Monsoon periods. The large highly suitable area in July is estimated because of intensive upwelling during this month as indicated by a rapid decrease of sea surface temperature along with a significant rise of chlorophyll-a concentrations. This phenomenon results in high fisheries potency by generating a significant rise of phytoplankton in these waters which then attracts pelagic fishes such as skipjack tuna (Hendiarti et al., 2004). Hendiarti et al. (2005) suggest that the upwelling phenomenon mainly occurs in Indonesia during the southeast monsoon, which correlates with the most productive period for catching fish.

The changes in potential skipjack tuna fishing zones and its productivity are consistent with the study of Dueri et al. (2014) who predicted that skipjack tuna habitats are expected to become larger in tropical waters while its biomass potency is estimated to decline due to environmental deterioration. Marine environmental changes are expected to adjust the spatial distribution, migration, and physiological rates of skipjack tuna with consequences for their abundance and catchability (Lehodey et al., 2013; Dueri et al., 2014). Brander (2007) argued that these changes will modify the physiology and geographic distribution of marine organisms and will have indirect impacts on the productivity and the structure of marine ecosystems with significant impacts on fisheries. Senina et al. (2016) added that these changes affect skipjack biomass by altering its spawning and larvae development.

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Dueri et al (2014) explained that rising sea surface temperature and changes in food density are stressors of skipjack tuna fishery. Skipjack tuna, which has specific physical habitat preferences, is expected to experience geographical distribution due to marine environmental changes resulting from the rise in SST. Furthermore, these environmental changes also lead to food density changes since SSC and NPP, as the indicators of phytoplankton and marine productivity, are also affected by SST. The decline of phytoplankton will generate a drop of the following trophic level including small pelagic fish, which is the prey of skipjack tuna.

5. Marine Tourism Suitability

The potential of these areas as a diving site is mainly due to the good condition of the coral reef ecosystem around small islands, which is indicated by the range of coral cover of 33.52 - 88.96% for Marore and 30.40 - 90.70% for Kawio, as well as the numerous kinds of coral reef life forms. The health condition of the coral reef combined with its biodiversity is expected to attract divers who prefer this beautiful natural scenery. The larger highly suitable area in Kawio compared to Marore is due to a larger coral reef ecosystem with better coral reef conditions at Kawio. Kawio has 141.87 ha of coral reef ecosystem surrounding the island, compared to 123.56 ha surrounding Marore.

The favourable conditions of coral reef ecosystems for marine tourism are due to its remote geographical position with few settlements or rivers. This leads to healthier coral reef conditions. This specific location minimizes sedimentation from rivers and residential pollution, which could deteriorate coral reef ecosystems (Bengen et al., 2012).

However, the accessibility of these potential diving sites is a constraint of its potential tourism. Public transportation to access these islands is still limited. Since February 2017, visitors may use one weekly ferry to access these islands from Tahuna. Previously, the public transport to access these islands only consisted of frontier ships, which only visit once every two weeks because of the long route to visit many places, including small islands in the neighbouring regencies of Talaud and Sitaro. Another more costly option is to rent a boat.

6. Marine Tourism Carrying Capacity

By applying the method of Yulianda (2007), the physical carrying capacity is 617 tourists/day for Marore and 709 tourists/day for Kawio as acceptable to dive in the waters surrounding the islands. This means that this amount of tourists per day will not generate negative physical impacts on these islands. The real carrying capacity

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was calculated by corrected PCC values by considering weather conditions (wind velocity) as a corrected factor. Since Marore and Kawio are located in open seas, wind speed could hinder diving activities, causing possibly unsafe situations for diving during strong wind seasons. This study considered two months (July and August) in which the average wind speed was higher than in others months (BPS Kabupaten Kepulauan Sangihe, 2016) to be used in the RCC calculations.

The method of Bera et al. (2015) was applied to calculate an RCC of 514 tourists/day for Marore and 591 tourists/day for Kawio. A management capacity of 0.25 was applied to both islands for considerations as a realistic condition to attract visitors as well as a conservative scenario to preserve the coral reef ecosystem. The realistic condition is based on the fact that both islands are located in a remote area with limited infrastructure or public transportation to access the location. Due to the particular characteristics of small islands and to conserve its coastal environment, it is important to not have too many visitors. Consequently, the ecological carrying capacity is 128 tourists/day for Marore and 147 tourists/day for Kawio, as the final tourism carrying capacity.

7. The Costs and Benefits of Skipjack Tuna Development

The fishermen are expected to attain an average income of USD 159.59/fisherman/month, with the highest income of USD 270.17/fisherman/month in the peak season (July) and a minimum of USD 91.21/fisherman/month. This amount is calculated based on total revenue (without counting expenditure) from selling the skipjack tuna. This calculation uses USD 221.56/month (lowest catchment), USD 294.02 /month (average catchment), and USD 414/month (highest catchment), while the total costs were USD 130.36/month (minimum catchment), USD 135.43/month (average catchment), and USD 143.83/month for the maximum catchment.

In addition, providing a fleet scheme to support fishermen in catching skipjack tuna farther from the islands is another potential means to overcome the narrow distance of fishing due to the inadequate fleet owned by the fishermen. Within 10 years with a discount rate of 10%, this aid is estimated as a reasonable assistance since it provides positive value (151,432.53) and a net benefit-cost ratio (Net BCR) more than 1 (1.19).

The economic benefits of this development come from entry fees and the rent of diving equipment and boats. The development of Marore and Kawio as diving marine tourism destinations is calculated to result in a positive NPV and Net BCR of more than 1. Within 4 years, Marore will generate a NPV of 408,724.61 and a Net BCR of 2.17. Meanwhile, Kawio will generate a NPV of 473,434.05 and a Net BCR of

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2.19. In addition, this development is expected to create 35 jobs in Marore and 40 jobs in Kawio.

It is necessary to allocate conservation costs in order to preserve the coral reef ecosystem, which is the main natural capital for this development. The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (2011) estimated that USD 110/ha/year is needed to preserve the coral reef ecosystem. Besides contributing a significant amount of economic benefits, marine tourism has improved the awareness of marine ecosystem sustainability (Kurniawan et al., 2016). Therefore, many tourism destinations have included a conservation fee in their revenue (Pascoe et al., 2014; McCrea-Strub et al., 2011).

D. Conclusions

The sea around Marore and Kawio is a potentially sustainable fishing development zone for skipjack tuna with potency of 323.42 ton/year. Especially July is the most productive time for producing skipjack tuna due to an upwelling phenomenon that is expected to produce 37.95 ton of this fish. Based on projections, this area is estimated to remain a favourable skipjack tuna habitat in the future. However, due to environmental changes, the abundance of skipjack tuna in this area is projected to decline up to 288.14 ton/year in 30 years (a 10.91% decrease from the base year).

The waters surrounding Marore and Kawio have a coral reef ecosystem with mainly good conditions and even very good conditions in some areas. For this reason, these areas are considered as preferable areas for marine tourism development, particularly as diving sites. The islands contain 113.53 ha (91.9%) of suitable areas and 10.03 ha (8.1%) of highly suitable areas for Marore and 96.24 ha (32.2%) of suitable area and 45.63 ha (32.2%) of highly suitable areas for Kawio. To prevent environmental degradation, 128 visitors/day in Marore and 147 visitors/day in Kawio may be allowed to dive in the waters surrounding the islands.

This study also estimated the contribution of the development of skipjack tuna on the increase of fishermen’s income. Meanwhile, the construction of a fishing port is necessary to support the skipjack tuna development on these small islands. The provision of fishing vessels is also a plausible means to assist the fishermen to solve the problem of the narrow distance for catching fish due to an inadequate fleet. In addition, diving tourism as a potential development instrument for these small islands is also expected to be a feasible activity and is able to generate job opportunities.

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E. Recommendations

Based on the results, this study makes some recommendations, namely: the government is recommended to utilize skipjack tuna fishery and marine tourism as development tools to improve the economic condition on these small remote islands.

1. In order to support skipjack tuna development, it is necessary to encourage the establishment of a fishermen cooperative as an empowerment institution to provide financial aid. This is necessary since there may be some periods when fishing is difficult due to weather conditions, which lead to lower revenue for fishermen. The cooperative could also manage fishing operations in groups to reduce the costs of the fishing operation. In addition, the cooperative could provide assistance/training for added value on fishery products and to expand the market to sell their fishery production at an appropriate price.

2. Related to marine tourism, the local residents have to be provided with ways to improve their skills and networking to promote their potential marine destination. In addition, the frequency of public transportation to these areas needs to be increased.

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Nama : I Putu Irwan Suryana

Instansi : Kementerian Agraria dan Tata Ruang

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Peri-urban merupakan sebuah kawasan unik dan dinamis yang memiliki sifat dan karakteristik yang spesifik di antara kawasan-kawasan lainnya dalam suatu wilayah. Peri-urban juga dikenal sebagai wilayah hinterland dari suatu pusat kota, dan dalam perkembangannya menjadi wilayah yang terdampak dari perkembangan pusat kota, munculnya investasi-investasi berupa pusat-pusat kegiatan industri, jasa dan permukiman baru, pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi, perubahan penggunaan lahan, pergeseran pola mata pencaharian penduduk, dan proporsi sektor dalam PDRB.

Sebagai kawasan yang terus berkembang, kebutuhan lahan untuk pembangunan semakin meningkat memunculkan potensi konflik atas lahan tersebut. Cara yang terbukti mampu mengurangi dan menghindari potensi tersebut adalah memberikan proteksi terhadap penguasaan dan pemilikan lahan, salah satunya dengan reforma agraria.

Penelitian ini bertujuan menjelaskan keterkaitan reforma agraria dengan transformasi wilayah di Kabupaten Karawang. Untuk melihat transformasi wilayah di Karawang, hal pertama yang harus dilakukan adalah mengetahui tipologi wilayah Karawang, kemudian melihat sebaran reforma agrarianya. Tipologi wilayah dianalisis dengan menggunakan metode cluster.

Direktorat Jenderal Tata Ruang telah mengeluarkan toponimi wilayah peri-urban, yaitu predominantly-urban (didominasi karakteristik perkotaan), potential-urban (didominasi karakteristik perdesaan), dan semi-urban (kombinasi dari perkotaan dan perdesaan). Diketahui 691.457 Sertifikat Hak Milik (SHM) telah terbit di Karawang tersebar di 30 kecamatan di Karawang dan reforma agraria yang dilaksanakan bertujuan membantu meningkatkan jumlah HM tersebut. Dalam kurun waktu 2010 hingga 2016 di Kabupaten Karawang telah dilaksanakan 19.522 bidang reforma agraria. Hasil analisis cluster menunjukkan dari 30 kecamatan di Kabupaten Karawang, dua kecamatan masuk ke tipologi predominantly-urban, lima kecamatan ke tipologi semi-urban, dan 23 kecamatan di tipologi potential-urban. Dari penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa reforma agraria yang dilaksanakan di Kabupaten Karawang secara tidak langsung ikut memengaruhi transformasi penggunaan lahan wilayah peri-urban. Hal ini karena pada lahan-lahan yang telah memiliki kepastian hukum pemilikannya akan cenderung untuk berubah penggunaannya. Hasil penelitian membuktikan 35% atau 2.764 ha perubahan penggunaan lahan tidak sesuai dengan RTRW. Jika hal ini dibiarkan, dikhawatirkan peri-urbanisasi yang terjadi di Karawang dapat memberikan dampak buruk pada berbagai sisi kehidupan masyarakat Karawang.

Kata kunci: Peri-Urban, Reforma Agraria, Cluster.

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Peri-urban area is an unique and dynamic region that has specific characteristics among other areas within a region. Peri-urban is also known as the hinterland area of a city center, and its development affected by the development of the city center, the emergence of investments in industrial centers, services and new settlements, high population growth, land use change, shifting patterns of livelihoods, and the proportion of sectors in PDRB.

As the area continues to grow, the need for land for development increases the potential for conflicts over the land. A proven way of reducing and avoiding this potential is to provide protection to land tenure and ownership, through agrarian reform.

This study aims to explain how the relevance of agrarian reform with the transformation of the region in Karawang regency. To be able to see the transformation of territory in Karawang, the first thing to do is to know the typology of Karawang area and then the distribution of agrarian reform. Regional typology is analyzed using cluster method.

The Directorate General of Spatial Planning has issued toponimi peri urban areas, namely: predominantly-urban (dominated urban characteristics), potential-urban (dominated rural characteristics) and semi-urban (combination of urban and rural). 691,457 Certificate of Ownership (SHM) has been published in Karawang untill 2016 and spreads in 30 districts in Karawang and agrarian reform implemented to help increase the number of H.M. In the period 2010 to 2016, in Karawang has been implemented 19,522 fields of agrarian reform. The cluster analysis shows that from 30 districts in Kabupaten Karawang two sub-districts in predominantly-urban typology, five sub-districts to semi-urban typology, and 23 sub-districts in urban-potential typology. It can be concluded from this research that agrarian reform implemented in Karawang regency indirectly influence the transformation of land use of peri-urban area. This is because on lands that have legal certainty of ownership will tend to change its use. The results of the study prove 35% or 2,764 hectares of land use change not in accordance with Regional Spatial Plan (RTRW). If this is allowed, it is feared that peri-urbanization that occurred in Karawang can have a negative impact on various aspects of community life in Karawang.

Keywords: Peri-Urban, Agrarian Reform, Cluster

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A. Latar Belakang

Kegiatan reforma agraria yang dilaksanakan oleh BPN tidak hanya dilakukan untuk lahan dengan penggunaan lahan sebagai permukiman (PRONA), tetapi juga terhadap lahan-lahan yang digunakan untuk kegiatan pertanian, sertifikasi lahan nelayan, sertifikasi lahan UKM, sertifikasi lahan transmigrasi, serta sertifikasi Lahan Masyarakat Berpenghasilan Rendah (MBR). Kegiatan legalisasi aset melalui reforma agraria di Kabupaten Karawang mengalami peningkatan dari tahun ke tahun, yaitu dari 3.100 bidang tanah pada tahun 2015 meningkat menjadi 4.350 pada tahun 2016.

Penelitian di Filipina membuktikan bahwa kegiatan reforma agraria mampu memberikan dampak positif pada sektor perekonomian serta infrastruktur (Reyes, 2002). Selain itu, tingkat perekonomian dari daerah yang menjadi objek reforma agraria lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan daerah non-reforma agraria, juga terdapat penurunan jumlah penduduk miskin yang lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan daerah yang tidak menjadi lokasi reforma agraria.

Kabupaten Karawang merupakan kawasan peri-urban Jabodetabek dan dikembangkan menjadi metropolitan Bodebek Karpur. Oleh karena itu, karakteristik sosial-ekonomi masyarakatnya memiliki perbedaan antara karakteristik urban dan rural (Winarso dkk, 2015). Kegiatan reforma agraria umumnya lebih banyak berfokus pada kehidupan pertanian di wilayah perdesaan dan erat kaitannya dengan ketahanan pangan wilayah tersebut (Borras Jr dkk, 2007).

Kawasan peri-urban mendapatkan tekanan pembangunan yang berbeda dengan daerah perdesaan. Kompleksitas kehidupan sosial-ekonomi peri-urban terjadi pada berbagai sektor yang dipengaruhi oleh beragam faktor, antara lain ukuran dan luas kota, komposisi penduduk yang tinggal di daerah peri-urban, sistem kepemilikan lahan, nilai lahan dan penggunaan lahan di sekitarnya, perbedaan substansial antara administrasi, serta politik antara kota dan daerah di sekitarnya (Simon dkk, 2006).

Pentingnya aspek kekuatan hukum atas lahan yang dikuasai di setiap wilayah tidak hanya untuk mencegah terjadinya akuisisi atas lahan dari pihak industri terhadap lahan yang dikuasai oleh masyarakat. Terutama di wilayah perkotaan dan peri-urban, tekanan yang besar atas penguasaan dan kepemilikan lahan, baik skala besar yang digunakan untuk kawasan industry ataupun perumahan skala besar dan penguasaan dan

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kepemilikan skala kecil untuk kepentingan pribadi membuat formalisasi atau kepastian akan status lahan menjadi sangat penting.

Pada wilayah peri-urban, struktur sosial-ekonomi penduduknya sangat beragam. Ada masyarakat yang menguasai modal ekonomi yang besar dan ada masyarakat yang justru termarginalisasi dari akses terhadap kekuatan hukum dan ekonomi. Reforma agraria, sebagai program pemerintah yang bertujuan memberikan kepastian terhadap lahan yang dikuasai, tidak hanya memberikan dampak hukum, tetapi juga dampak ekonomi. Dengan adanya reforma agraria, formalisasi status lahan dapat membuat status lahan yang dulunya sebagai modal mati (dead capital) menjadi modal hidup (living capital) (De Soto, 2000; Benjaminsen dkk, 2008; Briggs, 2011). Legalisasi aset, terutama melalui reforma agraria juga memberikan peningkatan nilai/value atas lahan yang dimiliki (Feder & Nishio 1998; Durand-Lasserve & Payne, 2006; Benjaminsen dkk, 2009). Terutama di kawasan perkotaan dan peri-urban, peningkatan nilai/value tersebut lebih dirasakan oleh pemilik lahan. Kekuatan hukum tersebut juga dapat membantu mempertahankan kepemilikan lahan masyarakat dari besarnya tekanan urbanisasi yang mengubah struktur dan pola penggunaan lahan di kawasan peri-urban. Adanya kawasan industri yang menguasai lebih dari 5.000 ha di Kabupaten Karawang (HKI, 2008) dan RPJP Kabupaten Karawang yang menyebutkan Kabupaten Karawang sebagai sentra kawasan industri terbesar di Indonesia membutuhkan lahan yang luas sebagai lokasi kawasan tersebut. Lahan tersebut telah dikuasai dan dimiliki oleh masyarakat Kabupaten Karawang. Untuk mencegah terjadinya akuisisi yang berjalan tidak sesuai aturan hukum, legalisasi aset melalui reforma agraria di Kabupaten Karawang perlu dilaksanakan.

Menurut Webster & Muller (2009), karakter Kabupaten Karawang sebagai wilayah peri-urban memenuhi prasyarat kondisi dari kawasan peri-urban. Webster & Muller (2009) juga menjelaskan bahwa kawasan peri-urban sangat menarik bagi investor asing maupun domestik. Dijelaskan lebih lanjut oleh Webster & Muller (2009) bahwa lokasi peri-urban umumnya hanya berjarak 2,5 jam dari pusat kegiatan ekonomi (city core), menyediakan lahan yang bisa dikembangkan dalam luasan yang besar, dan berdirinya pusat-pusat kawasan industri. Dalam hal penyediaan lahan untuk kawasan industri, data dari BPMPT Jawa Barat menunjukkan bahwa dari tahun 2007 hingga 2016, data investasi Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA) telah mencapai Rp120 triliun. Angka ini jauh lebih besar dibandingkan nilai investasi Perusahaan Modal Dalam Negeri (PMDN) yang hanya Rp33 Triliun. Data dari Himpunan Kawasan Indonesia tahun 2017 juga menunjukkan 21 kawasan industri di Kabupaten Karawang, dengan penguasaan lahan terbesar oleh Pertiwi Lestari seluas 7.100 ha, Suryacipta Swadaya (Suryacipta City of Industry) seluas 1.400 ha. Pembangunan pelabuhan internasional di Cilamaya juga semakin menunjang industrialisasi di Kabupaten Karawang.

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Keabsahan hukum atas lahan di wilayah peri-urban menjadi penting karena mendorong para investor untuk menanamkan modalnya di wilayah-wilayah yang sudah memiliki kepastian hukum atas lahan yang akan diusahakan. Feder & Nishio (1998); Deininger dan Jin (2006), dan Brassele dkk (2002) menyebutkan bahwa para investor akan memilih lahan dengan kepastian hukum atas pemilikan lahan dibandingkan lahan yang belum diketahui pemiliknya meskipun dari segi harga lahan, lahan yang belum mempunyai kepastian hukum berharga lebih murah dibandingkan yang sudah memiliki kepastian hukum.

Pada satu sisi, perkembangan industri yang semakin marak membuat struktur dan pola penghidupan masyarakat serta perubahan penggunaan lahan yang semakin luas menunjukkan arah perkembangan wilayah yang semakin meng-urban Pada sisi lainnya, Kabupaten Karawang juga merupakan lumbung padi nasional. Dilihat dari sisi produktivitas pertanian berdasarkan data BPS, Karawang menjadi penghasil padi terbesar ketiga setelah Indramayu dan Subang. Namun, seiring besarnya tekanan perkembangan wilayah urban yang meluas, Kabupaten Karawang menerima dampak urbanisasi yang semakin besar pula.

Hal ini menjadi sebuah peluang yang besar untuk melihat sebaran, tipologi dan dinamika reforma agraria yang terjadi di sebuah wilayah dengan kompleksitas karakteristik peri-urban tersebut.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Pemilihan lokasi di Kabupaten Karawang karena kabupaten Karawang merupakan wilayah belakang (hinterland) dari Metropolitan Jabodetabek dan telah mengalami peri-urbanisasi akibat rembetan pembangunan metropolitan tersebut. Kabupaten Karawang saat ini juga merupakan bagian dari pengembangan metropolitan Bodebek Karpur sehingga proses peri-urbanisasi akan terus berjalan, dan bahkan terjadi semakin cepat dan masif.

Satu hal yang menjadi tolok ukur transformasi wilayah peri-urban adalah meningkatnya jumlah kawasan industri dan investasi di wilayah tersebut. Diketahui bahwa minat investasi Perusahaan Modal Asing (PMA) dan Perusahaan Modal Dalam Negeri (PMD) di Karawang pada tahun 2017 sebesar Rp3.082 miliar. Angka ini masih berada di bawah nilai investasi di Kabupaten Bogor, Purwakarta, dan Bekasi. Jumlah proyek PMD/PMA di Kabupaten Karawang berjumlah 53 proyek, berada di bawah Bekasi, Kab. Bogor, Sukabumi, dan Kota Bogor.

Akibat proses peri-urban yang terjadi di Kabupaten Karawang terjadi perubahan mata pencaharian masyarakat Karawang. Berdasarkan data Sensus Pertanian 2003

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dan 2013, terjadi penurunan jumlah rumah tangga yang bekerja sebagai petani. Data tahun 2003, rumah tangga yang bekerja sebagai petani berjumlah 261.133 rumah tangga mengalami penurunan menjadi 123.143 rumah tangga pada tahun 2013. Dampak akibat peri-urbani juga ditunjukkan dari pengurangan luas panen pertanian di Karawang. Dari tahun 2010 hingga 2016 terjadi pengurangan luas panen pertanian dari 195 ribu hektar pada tahun 2010 menjadi 187 ribu hektar pada tahun 2016.

Kabupaten Karawang termasuk wilayah yang memiliki kondisi sosial-ekonomi yang rendah. Data dari Badan Pusat Statistik 2015 menunjukkan, dari total 685.544 keluarga yang ada di Kabupaten Karawang, terdapat 240.046 keluarga yang termasuk kelas pra-sejahtera. Jumlah ini merupakan jumlah keluarga pra-sejahtera terbanyak di Kabupaten/Kota yang akan menjadi Metropolitan Bodebek Karpur, dan juga di Provinsi Jawa Barat. Tingkat pengangguran yang ada di Kabupaten Karawang juga termasuk tinggi di antara Kabupaten Kota di Provinsi Jawa Barat, yaitu sebanyak 113.693 jiwa. Jumlah ini menempati posisi terbanyak ke tiga setelah Kabupaten Bogor (231.854), Kabupaten Bekasi (149.859).

Setiap wilayah di Kabupaten Karawang mempunyai karakteristik masing-masing, baik secara geografi, sosial maupun ekonomi, baik yang dipengaruhi oleh peri-urban maupun yang terjadi secara sendirinya. Dampak yang dihasilkan membentuk tipologi wilayah baru dari kondisi sebelumnya, yaitu tipologi wilayah peri-urban berubah seiring dengan perkembangan ekonomi, kependudukan, dan kondisi penggunaan lahan.

Reforma agraria merupakan program pemerintah yang dilaksanakan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, termasuk kawasan peri-urban Kabupaten Karawang. Di Kabupaten Karawang terdapat wilayah kecamatan dengan konsentrasi kegiatan reforma agraria yang banyak dan ada juga yang belum masuk kegiatan tersebut. Dampak yang paling dapat dilihat dari data BPS Kabupaten Karawang adalah adanya tren penurunan jumlah luas panen padi di Kabupaten Karawang sejak tahun 2010 yang seluas 195 ribu hektar menjadi 187 ribu hektar pada tahun 2016. Penurunan ini bisa disebabkan adanya perubahan penggunaan lahan yang semula lahan persawahan menjadi penggunaan lahan non-persawahan, bahkan menjadi non-pertanian akibat berkembangnya sektor sekunder dan tersier. Perhitungan dengan GIS pada data perubahan penggunaan lahan menyebutkan 3543,71 hektar lahan sawah beririgasi teknis telah berubah penggunaan lahannya menjadi non pertanian sejak tahun 2009 hingga 2016. Untuk daerah peri-urban yang kegiatan ekonominya mulai bergeser dari kegiatan pertanian ke non-pertanian, dinamika reforma agraria berlangsung di wilayah peri-urban menjadi penting dan menarik untuk diketahui.

Luthfi (2013) menyebutkan, sertifikat tanah yang merupakan akses masuk bagi masyarakat untuk bisa ikut dalam sistem ekonomi formal/pasar mendapat modal

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untuk memulai suatu usaha, melakukan kerja sama dengan pihak-pihak yang lain yang membutuhkan jaminan, dan seterusnya. Tanpa itu, aset tanah yang dimiliki tidak bernilai (aset mati) sehingga formalisasi terhadap aset tanah sangat diperlukan. Kemudian reforma agraria mulai dilaksanakan di Indonesia, khususnya di Kabupaten Karawang.

Briggs (2011) menyebutkan bahwa seiring berkembangnya wilayah peri-urban, nilai lahan akan semakin tinggi, bahkan melebihi nilai eksisting dari lahan tersebut. Untuk menghindari terjadinya potensi konflik akibat masalah lahan, sebuah kepastian hukum atas pemilikan lahan di dilayah peri-urban menjadi penting. Untuk melihat cara reforma agraria berjalan di kawasan peri-urban diperlukan penelitian yang mampu meneliti persebaran, tipologi dan dinamika reforma agraria di kawasan peri-urban. Proses peri-urban yang terjadi di Kabupaten Karawang yang mentransformasikan kehidupan serta keruangan Karawang dan adanya reforma agraria yang berjalan di Kabupaten Karawang turut memengaruhi transformasi wilayah di Kabupaten Karawang.

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode cluster dengan K-Means, autokorelasi spasial dengan Indeks Moran serta analisis deskriptif analisis dari peta yang diolah dengan perangkat ArcGis 10 dan GeoDa. Penelitian dilakukan di Kabupaten Karawang. Kabupaten Karawang terdiri atas 30 Kecamatan, dan ibu kota Kabupaten Karawang berada di Kecamatan Karawang Timur.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Tipologi Karawang

Tipologi wilayah di Kabupaten Karawang, terbentuk berdasarkan analisis K-Means. Ada tiga cluster yang terbentuk, yaitu cluster predominantly-urban, semi-urban, dan potential urban. Dari 30 kecamatan di Karawang, 76% adalah cluster potential-urban (karakterstik peri-urban yang masih didominasi karakter perdesaan). Pola keruangan cluster yang terbentuk di Kabupaten Karawang mengikuti jalur transportasi tol Jakarta-Cikampek yang melintang dari barat ke timur kabupaten. Daerah predominantly-urban dan semi-urban ditandai dengan kecamatan yang menjadi ibukota kabupaten dan yang menjadi pusat kegiatan industri.

2. Sebaran Kegiatan dan Jumlah Bidang Reforma Agraria di Kabupaten Karawang

Sebaran kegiatan dan jumlah bidang reforma agraria di Kabupaten Karawang tidak menunjukkan adanya pola keruangan yang ditunjukkan dengan kecilnya nilai indeks Moran pada tiap-tiap kegiatan reforma agraria (Indeks Moran < 0,5). Akan tetapi, nilai indeks Moran yang menunjukkan nilai positif mempunyai makna bahwa

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terdapat hubungan antar jumlah sertifikat di tiap-tiap kecamatan dan mempunyai pola keruangan yang mengelompok, walaupun hubungannya tidak signifikan, seperti kegiatan nelayan seluruhnya dilaksanakan di kecamatan-kecamatan pada pesisir wilayah Kabupaten Karawang, kegiatan PRONA dilakukan di kecamatan-kecamatan dengan konsentrasi jumlah penduduk bukan terbanyak di kabupaten Karawang, sertifikasi PRONA paling banyak dilakukan di kecamatan Cilamaya Wetan dan kecamatan Tempuran, sedangkan kecamatan dengan jumlah penduduk terbanyak justru di kecamatan Karawang Barat dan kecamatan Klari. Untuk kegiatan Redis, kecamatan yang paling banyak sertifikasi reforma agrarianya adalah kecamatan Tegalwaru. Berdasarkan rencana pembangunan Kabupaten Karawang, kecamatan Tegalwaru merupakan pusat kegiatan lingkungan, dan menjadi daerah konservasi, sehingga dapat diduga kegiatan Redis disana bertujuan untuk menjaga kegiatan pertanian agar tidak berubah ke kegiatan non-pertanian

Sebaran reforma agraria ketika disandingkan dengan tipologi wilayah Kabupaten Karawang menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan reforma agraria dilaksanakan pada seluruh kecamatan yang bertipologi potential-urban (didominasi karakter perdesaan), dua kecamatan tipologi semi-urban, dan satu kecamatan bertipologi predominantly-urban (didominasi karakter perkotaan). Untuk kecamatan dengan tipologi predominantly-urban kegiatan reforma dilaksanakan hanya di kecamatan Klari, tipologi semi-urban dilaksanakan hanya di kecamatan Rengasdengklok. Pada tiga kecamatan tersebut, kegiatan reforma agraria berjumlah 209 bidang di kecamatan Rengasdengklok, 2 bidang di kecamatan Kotabaru, dan 236 bidang di kecamatan Klari. Persentase pelaksanaan reforma agraria adalah 97,74% pada tipologi perdesaan, 1,06% pada tipologi peri-urban, dan 1,21% pada tipologi perkotaan. Hal ini karena jumlah SHM yang telah terbit di wilayah dengan tipologi potential-urban lebih sedikit dibandingkan dengan wilayah dengan tipologi lain, sehingga reforma agraria perlu dilaksanakan.

3. Perubahan Penggunaan Lahan akibat Peri-Urbanisasi di Karawang

Temuan menarik terjadi di kecamatan Batujaya, yang bukan merupakan kecamatan bertipologi urban ataupun peri-urban, tetapi tidak ikut dalam kegiatan reforma agraria. Banyak faktor yang memengaruhinya, tetapi dari penjelasan yang dilakukan, belum ditemukan karakteristik khusus dari kecamatan tersebut yang menyebabkan tidak ikutnya kecamatan tersebut dalam reforma agraria.

Dinamika wilayah peri-urban Karawang dan reforma agraria yang terjadi pada Kabupaten Karawang dapat dikatakan berhubungan secara tidak langsung. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan kecamatan-kecamatan yang mengalami transformasi fisik penggunaan lahan justru tidak ikut dalam program reforma agraria, dan kecamatan-

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kecamatan yang ikut dalam reforma agraria pun tidak mengalami transformasi fisik yang signifikan. Hubungan antara reforma agraria dan transformasi fisik peri-urban adalah reforma agraria merupakan pendorong meningkatkan SHM di Kabupaten Karawang menjadikan peri-urbanisasi di kawasan potential-urban.

Yang menjadi temuan justru adalah perubahan penggunaan lahan akibat peri-urban yang terjadi di Kabupaten Karawang berhubungan dengan jumlah SHM yang telah terbit pada tiap-tiap kecamatan. Kecamatan yang bertipologi predominantly urban dan semi-urban mengalami perubahan penggunaan lahan 57,31% dari total luas perubahan penggunaan lahan pertanian menjadi non-pertanian. Pada wilayah dengan tipologi tersebut terdapat 50% dari jumlah SHM yang terbit di Kabupaten Karawang.

D. Kesimpulan

Peri-urban yang terjadi di wilayah Kabupaten Karawang membentuk tipologi yang berbeda pada tiap-tiap kecamatan. Perbedaan tipologi tersebut didasarkan pada beberapa variabel yang membentuk karakteristik wilayah peri-urban Kabupaten Karawang. Peri-urban membawa perubahan dalam berbagai sisi kehidupan masyarakat. Salah satunya adalah peningkatan kesejahteraan akibat bertambahnya peluang kerja pada sektor sekunder dan tersier, seperti sektor industri dan terjadinya alih fungsi lahan pada beberapa tempat dari yang awalnya pertanian menjadi non-pertanian.

Temuan kegiatan reforma agraria di Kabupaten Karawang saat disandingkan dengan tipologi wilayah Karawang menunjukkan pola tertentu bahwa selama 2010 hingga 2016, reforma agraria tidak dilaksanakan pada kecamatan yang menjadi pusat kawasan industri dan pusat pemerintahan, yaitu kecamatan Karawang Barat, Telukjambe Timur, dan Cikampek, tetapi lebih banyak dilaksanakan di kecamatan dengan tipologi potential urban. Sebaran jumlah bidang reforma agraria menunjukkan adanya hubungan antara jumlah reforma agraria pada satu kecamatan dan kecamatan lainnya, tetapi hubungan tersebut tidak signifikan. Ini berarti dapat disimpulkan bahwa penentuan jumlah bidang reforma agraria pada tiap-tiap kecamatan bersifat acak (random) sehingga tidak ditemukan pola sebaran jumlah bidangnya.

Arti pentingnya aspek legal tanah tidak hanya bermakna secara sosial saat masyarakat luas mendapatkan akses terhadap aset berupa lahan, tetapi juga bermakna ekonomi ketika lahan tersebut dapat menjadi modal kegiatan ekonomi. Dengan adanya kekuatan hukum atas pemilikan lahan, nilai/value atas lahan tersebut akan meningkat, dan yang paling utama, dengan adanya pengakuan hukum atas penguasaan lahan masyarakat, potensi terjadinya sengketa, perkara dan konflik dalam bidang pertanahan dapat dihindari.

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Pada wilayah predominantly urban, jumlah sertifikat Hak Milik yang sudah tinggi menyebabkan value dari lahan juga tinggi, sehingga kebutuhan akan legalitas lahan menjadi penting. Seperti yang sudah dijelaskan sebelumnya bahwa dengan aspek kekuatan hukum dapat mencegah potensi sengketa, perkara, dan konflik atas lahan yang dikuasai dan adanya kekuatan hukum membuat askes masyarakat terhadap modal ekonomi menjadi terbuka.

Pada kawasan predominantly-urban dan semi-urban yang kebutuhan lahannya sangat tinggi, baik yang dipergunakan sebagai permukiman, kawasan industri maupun lahan pertanian memicu transformasi, baik dari segi alih fungsi lahan maupun alih kepemilikan lahan. Reforma agraria pada kawasan peri-urban membawa aspek legalitas terhadap lahan tersebut dan menjamin kepastian penggunaan lahan dan pemilikan atas lahan-lahan tersebut.

Pada kawasan potential-urban, jumlah Hak Milik yang sudah terbit lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kawasan perkotaan dan peri-urban. Untuk itu, kegiatan reforma agraria perlu dilaksanakan. Hal ini agar manfaat dari reforma agraria, yaitu kekuatan hukum atas lahan terjamin, dan masyarakat perdesaan lebih mempunyai akses terhadap modal ekonomi yang lebih baik.

Reforma agraria secara tidak langsung memengaruhi transformasi yang terjadi pada kawasan peri-urban. Reforma agraria bertujuan memberikan kepastian hukum atas lahan. Dengan adanya kepastian hukum, lahan tersebut memiliki nilai yang lebih tinggi sehingga menarik investor ataupun masyarakat untuk memilikinya. Investor tersebut terutama ingin mengembangkan industri maupun permukiman, sehingga di wilayah Kabupaten Karawang semakin marak terjadi perubahan penggunaan lahan.

E. Rekomendasi

Rekomendasi diberikan untuk membantu penelitian tentang peri-urban lainnya untuk memperoleh data dan hasil analisis yang lebih baik dan meningkatkan kualitas keluaran data dari instasi yang berkaitan dengan penelitian ini. Rekomendasi penelitian ditujukan kepada instansi penyedia data pada wilayah studi dan terhadap pengembangan ilmu kewilayahan. Rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan, antara lain: struktur data dan sumber data yang dipublikasikan yang sebaiknya sudah memiliki standar. Hal ini karena banyak sumber data yang tidak berkesesuaian dan berkesinambungan antarperiode tahun pada wilayah studi. Struktur dan sumber data yang lebih terstandar dan berkesesuaian dari tahun ke tahun membuat keluaran penelitian menjadi lebih komprehensif untuk menjelaskan fenomena ke wilayahan di kawasan peri-urban.

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Program reforma agraria, program negara yang sudah hampir tiga dekade dilaksanakan di Indonesia, perlu dilihat untuk mengetahui sampai seberapa besar dampak dari alokasi program tersebut pada berbagai tipologi kewilayahan.

Tidak ditemukannya pola sebaran reforma agraria yang signifikan/bersifat acak, perlu menjadi perhatian instansi terkait. Hal ini agar tujuan reforma agraria sebagai pemberi proteksi kepastian hukum atas lahan dapat terwujud secara lebih sistematis, yang artinya pelaksanaan dan jumlah bidang reforma agraria.

Penelitian mengenai reforma agraria, baik pada tipologi wilayah urban, peri-urban, dan rural lainnya dapat membawa perspektif baru tentang struktur sosial ekonomi masyarakat wilayah tersebut. Karakteristik yang berbeda-beda dari wilayah membutuhkan analisis dan penelitian yang lebih spesifik. Untuk itu, diperlukan pemahaman yang lebih baik dari perencana kegiatan program reforma agraria tentang permintaan dan kebutuhan atas kegiatan pada tiap-tiap wilayah. Karakteristik wilayah yang berbeda-beda membutuhkan kegiatan reforma agraria yang berbeda juga.

Untuk mencegah semakin tidak terkendalinya perubahan penggunaan lahan akibat peri-urban dibutuhkan peran pemerintah yang semakin banyak. Regulasi tentang izin perubahan penggunaan lahan yang telah ada di SHM harus selaras dengan rencana peruntukan pola dan struktur ruang yang ada dalam RTRW Karawang. Jika kondisi ini terwujud, peri-urban yang terjadi akan lebih banyak memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan tidak menimbulkan dampak yang berlebihan terhadap kondisi lingkungan.

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Nama : Mustiannis Syafaah

Instansi : Pemprov DKI

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Policy Science

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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Jakarta sebagai Ibukota Indonesia telah berfungsi sebagai pusat ekonomi dan kegiatan yang menyebabkan urbanisasi. Tuntutan transportasi untuk mendukung gerakan manusia dalam kegiatannya terus meningkat, yang berpotensi menyebabkan kemacetan lalu lintas dan harus segera diselesaikan. Salah satu solusinya adalah dengan menyediakan kawasan transit terpadu. Namun, Jakarta memiliki wilayah yang padat dan sistem penyediaan lahan untuk pembangunan perkotaan di Indonesia masih memiliki banyak kendala dalam pelaksanaannya. Peraturan tersebut menyebutkan bahwa mencabut hak atas tanah untuk pengembangan kepentingan publik harus mencapai 75% persetujuan dari warga. Sangat sulit untuk mencapai konsensus, karena orang-orang yang terkena dampak menolak skema proyek pembangunan perkotaan.

Pengembangan ini diprakarsai oleh pemerintah sehingga menyebabkan partisipasi publik yang kurang dan kesepakatan publik. Pembangunan top-down memulai pembangunan perkotaan yang terbelakang. Studi awal pada proyek MRT Jakarta menarik beberapa persepsi bahwa penolakan terhadap orang yang terkena dampak akandikompensasi akan membawa beberapa kerugian yang mengakibatkan keterlambatan pembangunan. Daerah Manggarai di Provinsi DKI Jakarta dipilih untuk mewakili kepadatan tinggi Jakarta dengan penggunaan lahan yang rumit dan status kepemilikan tanah.

Berdasarkan wawancara dengan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif kepada regulator, pelaku penyediaan lahan dan pemilik proyek, juga warga yang akan digusur, hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa penyediaan lahan menghadapi kesulitan dalam proses pelaksanaan, keadilan dalam kompensasi, dan resistensi dari warga karena tidak mencukupi. informasi perencanaan. Untuk menyimpulkan, menerapkan kompensasi non-keuangan untuk penyediaan lahan adalah mungkin untuk dilaksanakan di dalam kawasan transit padat dibangun dengan mempertimbangkan kejelasan status kepemilikan tanah, proyek dan skema relokasi, juga penggunaan lahan dari daerah tersebut untuk memberikan lebih banyak kompensasi alternatif sebagai rekomendasi kebijakan.

Kata kunci: Penyediaan Lahan; Kompensasi; Pengembangan Berorientasi Transit (TOD)

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Jakarta as the Capital City of Indonesia has function as a center of economy and activities causing urbanization. The demands of transportation to support the human movement in their activities keep increase, which is potentially causing traffic congestion and it has to be solved immediately. One of the solution is providing the integrated transit area. However, Jakarta has the densely built area and the system of land provision for urban development in Indonesia still has many constraints in the implementation. The regulation mentioned that to revoke the rights over land for the public purposes development have to reach 75% agreement from the residents. It is very difficult to reach the consensus, since the affected people reject the scheme of urban development project.

The development is initiated by the government so it caused less public participation and public agreement. The top-down development initiated the backward of urban development. The preliminary study on MRT Jakarta project draws some perceptions that the rejection on affected people to be compensated will bring some disadvantages which results in the delays of development. Manggarai area in Jakarta Capital City Province is chosen to represents the high density of Jakarta with complicated land use and land ownership status.

Based on interview using qualitative approach to the regulators, the land provision actors and project owner, also the residents to be evicted, the results show that land provision is facing difficulties in the implementation process, fairness in compensation, and resistance from residents because of insufficient planning information. To conclude, applying non-financial compensation for land provision is possible to be implemented in the in the densely built transit area by considering the clarity of land ownership status, the project and relocation schemes, also the land use of the area in order to give more fairly alternative compensations as policy recommendations.

Keywords: Land Provision; Compensation; Transit Oriented Development (TOD).

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A. Background

Traffic congestion is now one of the main strategic problems in Jakarta Capital City Province and urgently needs to be solved. In 2010, the road ratio, which was only 6.25% was not sufficient to support the increasing number of vehicles (Jakarta Capital City Government, 2013). In addition, the population becomes dependent to private vehicle due to the limited availability of proper public transportations, which is not integrated into transportation networks. This externality causes inefficiency that may cost up to Rp12,7 trillion in lost time, fuel costs, also health costs. The lack of integrated multimode transportations is the cause of ineffectiveness of human mobility in Jakarta Capital City Province.

The Jakarta Mid-Term Development Plan (Jakarta Capital City Government, 2013) noted that the city’s transportation system must be improved to support the demands of the population’s activities. The mission of the Jakarta Capital City Government is to realize Jakarta as a well-planned modern city includes integrating the city’s transportation systems to accommodate human activities. Hence, the management in the transit area is needed for a better and livable city.

Jakarta is a metropolitan city that is mostly built out. As a city in developing countries, the management of transit area needs to be implemented in urbanized areas in response to traffic demands and to reduce congestions. In built out areas, the development around transit area becomes more complex than in unbuilt areas. It is because most land in the surrounds the transit area is owned privately by businesses or households, and the government has little control over it. To develop transit in such areas means demolishing existing buildings, which will implicate to both economic and social aspects, also requires government expenditure to compensate and resettle those from whom the land is bought (Suzuki, Cervero, & Iuchi, 2013).

The main challenge in developing transit in densely built area is the land provision which also problems in urban development. It is because that most land in densely built areas Jakarta is privately owned, including lands around transit area. Generally, landowners are not willing to move and give their land ownership, because it is difficult to find another land in return (Dirgahayani & Waluyo, 2013). In addition, most transit

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developments use infill development, which face the problem of acquiring contiguous plots in densely built areas (Waluyo, 2013).

Furthermore, the common land provision method in Indonesia is called as land acquisition by using land purchase, which is compensating money, land, resettlement, shareholding or other forms agreed by both sides (Republic of Indonesia, 2012b). Land prices in Jakarta Capital City Province is relatively uncontrolled, particularly when the owners know the future plans will make the land more valuable. It is difficult for the government to compensate the land price for development because there is no generally agreed upon standard for deciding on the fair compensation value of the land. Uncontrolled land prices and lack of agreement on fair value both constrain the process of land provision in Jakarta.

The process of paying compensation for acquired land is considered ineffective to execute the urban development project in Jakarta. The process takes a long time because the landowners believe that compensation is not fair enough for their lost. In addition, the government cannot give more compensation because of budget limitation and stand on the land provision regulation. The Jakarta Capital City Government’s budget for Land Acquisition, Rp6 trillions, only realized by 30% (Jakarta Capital City Government, 2016). This number was quite big and influenced the realization percentage of the local budget in Jakarta Capital City Province.

In densely built areas where financial compensation cannot equal the value of the land acquired, an alternative option may be non-financial compensation. Examples of non-financial compensation includes land consolidation/land readjustment, the right conversion model, floor area ratio increment, transfer of development rights, and many more (Syaefulloh, 2013).

To sum up, the use of such non-financial compensation to provide land for transit development in densely built areas might become the solution for the development for the densely built transit area by considering the different land-use of each landowner. It is because the models only relocate landowners without doing any eviction and removing their dwelling. Therefore, because of its advantages, non-financial compensation for land provision issues for the development around transit area is worthy of further investigation.

B. Research Objectives and Methodology

Based on background presented above, it is necessary to conduct a research by exploring the land provision methods, both using financial compensation and non-

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financial compensation on land provision to identify the most applicable model for acquiring land to develop transit in the densely built areas. First, the present study will address why transit areas need to be developed, why land acquisition process is more difficult to apply in the densely built areas, and why many residents reject the financial compensation offered for land provision for urban development. In addition, the study will identify the most applicable land provision methods in the densely built transit areas and why it is possible to apply. To address the research questions mentioned in the previous section, the study will pursue the following objectives, such as :

1. evaluate the land provision methods used in Jakarta Capital City Province;

2. assess the public preferences regarding compensation and understand all possible methods of resettlement;

3. explore the potential of applying non-financial compensation to the issue of land provision for transit development in densely built areas.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Jakarta Transportation Planning

As a center of economic activities, Jakarta Capital City Province attracts more people to travel around the city, not only in the center of activities area, but also in every sides of the city. The structure of the city keeps changing because of the urban development. Nevertheless, the transportation system development is not growing as fast as the city changes, and it is difficult to accommodate urban growth. This issues cause urban problems, such as heavy congestion.

According to Detailed Regional Spatial Planning of Jakarta, the traffic congestion problem in Jakarta is caused by the difference in the width dimension of the road at the same hierarchical level road, parking systems and building access, the intersection of the rail lanes with the automobile crossroad, side friction due to economic activities, insufficient public transportation, and unintegrated land use planning to the transportation planning.

To tackle this issue, the development strategy of Jakarta become shifted to be less dependence to private vehicles and build the integrated transportation network system. The development will be focused on the public transportation utilization and mass-transportation systems. In the short term, the government improve the quality and quantity of rail-based transportation by developing more lines.

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There are three types of rail-based transportation which is proposed in 2020 will be connected to Jakarta Capital City Province and its surroundings to support human mobility in Greater Jakarta area, or more known as Jabodetabek (Jakarta Bogor Depok Tangerang Bekasi). Those types of rail-based transportation include Commuter Train, Mass Rapid Transit (MRT), and Light Rapid Transit (LRT). The transit area will have important roles to connect different modes of transportations.

2. MRT Jakarta Project

MRT Jakarta is one of several rail-based transport developments which will connect more area in Jakarta. The role of MRT Jakarta is quite significant to connect the south to north Jakarta in the future, which is the main activities area of Jakarta. MRT Jakarta (Mass Rapid Transit Jakarta) is rail based transportation that will spread about 110.8 km in total for 2 corridor, North to South Corridor (Lebak Bulus – Kota) is about 23.8 km and East to West Corridor is about 87 km. Currently, the project is under construction on the North - South Corridor, which is divided into 2 phases.

a. First phase is from Lebak Bulus to Bundaran HI for about 15.7 km. there are 13 stations between them (7 elevated stations and 6 underground stations). It is targeted to be operated in 2018.

b. Second phase is continuing the North-South corridor and will be built after the second phase is operated and targeted to be fully operated in 2020. The feasibility study of the project is already done.

The land provision regarding MRT Jakarta project has many problems which obstructs the development. From this situation, some lesson could be taken for the land provision in the densely transit area in other places.

3. Land Acquisition Process of MRT Jakarta Project

In the MRT Jakarta Project 1st phase development, there are total 13 stations to be built. About 7 stations is constructed in elevated ways and 6 stations is in underground. From the Lebak Bulus station to Blok A station, the land use is for residential area and low-rise mixed use area, which is used for both commercial and residential for private individuals. Following those stations, in the Blok M and Sisingamangaraja stations, the surrounding area is allocated as educational area, governmental area, and also there are some medium-rise building for office. Moreover, the high-rise for mixed use building dominates the area of the underground ways. The land provision is mostly needed in the elevated station area, which the area is already built by private. The land provision method for this project is using land purchase, where the government acquires the private land by buying it.

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4. Regulators Perceptions

Based on the regulator’s perspectives, both of central government and local government have important role in making a clear perception about the planning of Transit Oriented Development. Until now, the definition of transit oriented development is still bias in the stakeholder’s perspectives. Jakarta Capital City Provincial Government mentioned that Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Area will be developed in the transit terminal/station of mass transportation and its surroundings which is located in the center of activities, integrated and connected with other the mass transportations.

There will be some difficulties in developing the transit area, especially in handling the land provision for the project. The complications can be appeared from the following groups, such as from the residents living in the evicted area, the government elements who are involved from the planning to the implementation phase, also the project owners or actors when execute the project.

The first problem mentioned by the regulators appear around the residents in the TOD area. Jakarta has serious problem in defining land ownership status of the residents. Both National Land Agency (BPN) and Jakarta Capital City Government often have different data about the land ownership status. Two or many residents can claim that they owned the same land, but they cannot give the proof of ownership. The next problem is that the governments have multi-perception on defining state land so that they do not have the same standard on handling this kind of land. The state land or government land is not a land that is legally owned by government, but it is more like an idle land that the government can take control on it. If there were residents living on the state/government land for certain periods, they can process to own the land by some requirements. Consequently, processing the state/government land which already occupied by residents is complicated, especially on giving the compensations. There is no clear regulation which is dealing on the state land and how to compensate the residents. The executors are also confused and become more cautious in executing the land. Thus, the land provision processes are taking more time.

The limitation on proposed compensation scheme for different types of land use also become problems for the project owners/actors in realizing the land provision for TOD. To acquire a land on the commercial area is different with on the residential area, so that with the compensations because it has to include the value of profit lost.

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The regulators hoped that the complications can be tackled by following steps.

a. identification of the land ownership status based on data and cross-check-ing in the field;

b. providing clear regulation for the state land and how to execute the land;

c. providing more compensation scheme for the residents.

Regulators viewed that in providing the land for transit oriented development, the actor of the land provision is not only the government but also from the other sectors, such as residents and private sectors. The safest way to providing the land for the transit area is by owning the land. Though, once the government realized that there will be so many parcel of land to be acquired and should invite other sectors to be involved in the development. Therefore, the government as initiator, will involve other stakeholders in the development, such as private developers, state-owned company, the transportations operators, and the residents around the area themselves. Since the property rights of the residents are taken for the project, the project owners have obligations to compensate their loss. If compensation cannot be paid by the value of money, the non-financial compensation could be applied. Considerably, the potency on applying non-financial compensations for land provision in TOD area depends on the suitability with the land-use, land-ownership status, willingness the public to participate, supports and commitment from the government.

Some of the non-financial compensations are already regulated in the central and local government level. For the Land Consolidation, it is regulated by National Land Agency (BPN), while Floor Area Ratio Increment and transfer of development right is regulated using the governor regulation. However, the government will support the policy for the non-financial compensation as the alternatives in giving compensation for the land provision.

5. Actors and Project Owners Perceptions

From the side of Actors and Project Owner, TOD will be developed because of the initiation from the government through the spatial planning of the area. The project owner or actor in this term could be the local government, the transportation operator, or private sector (developer). Based on the experiences on the land provision, the decision on giving compensation for the residents is difficult to reach its fairness. The compensations are valued by money, which somehow it seems unstandardized because residents could bargain more for the value of money. Meanwhile, when the residents cannot prove their land ownership status, they will be categorized as squatter and the government will relocate them to public housing.

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But, since the location of the public housing is far from their existing residents, so that many residents rejected to be relocated.

Moreover, the residents are not only cannot prove their legal land ownership status. The land can be owned by others since the land is claimed by other people. In the Manggarai Area case, the land ownership status will be complicated since the Indonesian Train Company (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia/PT.KAI) was claiming many parts of the area belong to them.

The land acquisition policy in Indonesia is regulated by the Law No. 2 Year 2012 on Land Provision for the Public Purposes was just effectively used in 2016. The delay on the new policy implementation made the process of land acquisition in Indonesia was facing difficulty. Before the law was implemented, the evicted residents could bargain more for the compensation. Besides, the regulation on the state/government land was still bias. By the Law No. 2 Year 2012, the evicted residents who are occupying the state/government land can receive the compensation for their building. Furthermore, the actors/project owners hoped that the government can make regulation which could help them to execute the land effectively. The compensations for land provision in transit oriented development could be more effective if the land identification process is done precisely. Because defining the land ownership status within the transit area possibly to suggest which the suitable land provision method for each land type. The combination of land provision methods can be applied by some criteria.

6. Residents to be Evicted Perceptions

The residents to be evicted have different views on the development process in the transit area, especially in the Manggarai area. When the residents get information about the TOD planning in their area, their reactions could be both, supporting the development or not supporting the development.

The residents in the Manggarai area assumed that they do not want to support the development if the information about the planning are not discussed with them. So that they have insufficient information about the development planning and get the information indirectly from the project owners. The first thing that they want to know if the project keeps running, is how the project will affect their living places. The residents are also curious about on how they will be relocated or compensated if they have to move away from their places. They also often be worries of losing their living place without getting fair compensation. Fair compensations for them could be delivered in the form of money, by considering the value of their land and building in market scheme.

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On the other hand, the residents could support the development in their area if the development planning could be informed clearly and the government can guarantee the right of the residents. Besides, the residents hope that they could be involved in the planning process, so they could explain what they want in order to get compensation fairly, which can benefit each other. They also need to know how the project owner will provide the land by explaining the land provision scheme to them in order to know how they will be compensated for their loss.

7. Roles of Stakeholders

The group of stakeholders in this research is the key elements on TOD land provision. They have normative roles based on their job descriptions regarding regulations. Based on interviews, the roles of each groups are linked each other to support the implementation of TOD and responsible to the sustainability of urban development. Regulators have roles in policy and decision making process especially in the context of the implementation of TOD in Jakarta Capital City Province. To support the development managed by the Actors/Project Owner, the regulators will provide clear guidance and standards to conduct land provision for TOD.

Furthermore, the group of residents who are living in the proposed area for development seems too difficult to be approached because of their rejections to participate. The regulators should protect their rights by providing the fair and affordable compensations. Meanwhile, the actors/project owner should intensively engage the residents to join the development.

8. Evaluation of Land Provision Method in Jakarta Capital City Province

The land provision process in Jakarta were facing problems which cause the delay of the project. The obstacles can be differentiated into two types: the policy supports and the implementation process.

For the supporting policy in the land provision, the policies mostly explain about the land purchase. The Law No. 2 Year 2012 on Land Provision for the Public Purposes starts mentioning about the land provision compensation can be delivered in the form of money or other forms. However, the detail rules for regulating the guidelines on how to provide the land and give compensation to the affected people are still biased. In the implementation process, the clarity of the land ownership becomes the main obstacles. The process of identification of the land ownership is taking time too long, and often bring conflict in the implementations. There is a complication in the definition of state land within the stakeholders, so they cannot

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execute the land from residents in the same way, especially for the land without clear ownership status. The needs on giving different execution in different land use. There are some factors that influence the success of land provision process. Based on the perspectives of regulators and the actors/project owners, in order to define the most suitable land provision methods for some area, the process should consider the land use, the land ownership status, the future planning of the area, and also options on the compensation scheme.

The challenges of land provision presented before have strong relation to the lack of alternatives that provides fair and affordable compensations. Based on experiences in MRT Jakarta Project and interview results to the key elements of land provision for TOD, the criteria for fair and affordable compensation is almost not appeared. The regulators and actors/project owners realized that the regulations are still too general and cannot be applied in any situations. The bias on defining the state land also become weakness of the policy. Hence, it needs to provide comprehensive regulations which will include clear idea of development and its implementation strategy.

The second requirement is open system. The residents to be evicted recognized that both regulators and actors/project owner is not fully open with their project plan. The information on how the residents will be compensated is not well-explained to the affected people. It causes the people in the affected area is not interested to participate in the development, because they are not involved in the planning design. Moreover, the process of mediation/socialization about the development plan is important to be conducted. Because, through this process, the executor for the project will understand the wishes of affected people.

9. Public Preferences for Compensation Alternatives for Land Provision

The opinion of residents regarding the transit oriented development in the Manggarai Area is important to be consideration. Mostly, the residents know about planning on Manggarai Area as the integrated terminal and station as the development program of the previous government.

The supports for development can be reached if both government and project owners can describe the project informatively to them. They also want to be involved in the planning process so that they can have more clear understanding and knowledge about the project. By understanding the project, they will know about the land provision scheme directly from the related stakeholders. Moreover, the residents can have clear information about their living place, whether they have to stay or move from the existing location.

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The residents also hoped that they can understand more about the land provision scheme. The project owner should offer possibilities for the projects so that the residents can have more options to choose the most suitable and fair compensations for them. Most of the residents only know that the compensation is paid by money for their land or relocated to the public housing if they do not have the land.

Furthermore, in order to develop the transit area which will be implemented in the densely built area, the land purchase will not be applied effectively since the compensation is delivered in the form of money. The process will need other options besides giving financial compensations. For the suggestions and expected compensations, it needs to explore other compensations which require mediation and socialization, openness about the project, certainty and comprehensive regulation, public participations. Consequently, the non-financial compensation could be alternatives for the transit oriented development, since it will attract more public participations which requires mediation and comprehensive regulations. Thus, the lack of fair and affordable compensations can be solved by providing non-financial compensation for the development.

10. Proposed Compensation Alternatives for TOD

To provide comprehensive regulations which will include more alternatives in giving fair and affordable compensations, it is important to consider the clarity of land ownership status, the project and relocation schemes, also the land use of the area. It also needs the willingness of public and private to participate in the development, also commitment to the development from the stakeholders by engaging all the key elements of land provision to be involved.

There are some requirements on deciding the most applicable methods to be used on land provision in the TOD area:

a. make a comprehensive planning for TOD;

b. recognize the stakeholder’s roles and actions;

c. identify the assets and land ownership status within the area;

d. do a persuasive mediation and socialization to the whole affected people;

e. engage the residents and other sectors to participate;

f. give clear information for the land provision scheme for the development strategy.

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To be concluded, some policy supports are already regulated for both financial and non-financial compensation. For the Land Acquisition for Public Purposes, it is regulated from the Law to the local level regulation. Then, although the Land Consolidation is already regulated clearly by National Land Agency (BPN), the implementation in the Jakarta Capital City Province is still not proven. The other methods are using Floor Area Ratio (FAR) Increment which is regulated by the governor regulation. This method can attract more vertical development of the area through private sectors or developers. Also, the Transfer of Development Right which is mentioned in the Detail Spatial Planning and Zoning Regulation of Jakarta, can possibly the building owners to sell their development rights in the TOD area. The other alternatives still have to be regulated to be applicable.

D. Conclusion

One of the solution of urban development problem and demand of transportation in Jakarta Capital City Province is providing the integrated transit area using Transit Oriented Development (TOD) concept, especially in the densely built area. In the case of Jakarta Capital City Province, the most suitable strategy to implement the TOD concept for the future urban development is using redevelopment strategy, which will take place in a densely built area and have less vacant land. Challenges to implementing the TOD concept in Jakarta Capital City Province include land provision and its compensation for evicted residents.

The land provision process in a redevelopment project is challenging to be applied, especially if the land is acquired by means of financial compensation and it is considered to be not effective. As an illustration, in the MRT Jakarta Project, acquiring the land by financially compensating the evicted residents met with resistance which is delaying the development. The refusal of affected landowners to be compensated financially had disadvantages, that may negatively influence future development of Jakarta Capital City which requires land provision. As a result, the small number of evicted residents who agreed on the financial compensation given by the government reduced the trust level to the government and lowered the support for development project.

In addition, current regulations regarding land provision note that the revocation of the rights over land for the public purposes development must be approved by 75% of the residents. It is very difficult to reach the consensus, since the affected people reject the scheme of urban development project. Other factor influencing the delayed land provision for MRT Jakarta Project is the delayed implementation thecLaw No. 2 Year 2012 on Land Provision for Public Purposes. The act was supposedly implemented in 2012 before the land acquisition process for MRT Jakarta project began, but it was actually implemented in 2016, in the middle of land acquisition process.

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Based on interview conducted using qualitative approach to the regulators of land provision and policy maker of TOD implementation, the land provision actors and project owner, also the residents to be evicted in the Manggarai area. The results showed that land provision is facing difficulties in the implementation process, fairness in giving compensation, and resistance from residents because of insufficient planning information.

By all means, the results indicated that challenges on land provision for implementing integrated transit network in Jakarta Capital City Province come not only from the sides of residents to evicted which rejected the compensation scheme using financial method, but also from the sides of government and actors/project owners. The land provision in transit area is the responsibility not only of the actors/project owners, but also from the regulators and residents to be evicted.

The challenges of land provision presented before have strong relation to the lack of alternatives that provides fair and affordable compensations. In its implementation phase, the land provision process faced obstacles due to the lack alternatives compensation which is fair and affordable for affected people in different land use and different land ownership status. Important to realize, some factors to be considered in implementing the non-financial compensation in Jakarta Capital City are the land use, the land ownership status, the future planning of the area, and also options on the compensation scheme. Another key point is the coordination of three elements of stakeholders should coordinate and commit to the success the urban development project.

To conclude, in densely built areas, when land must be acquired, it is possible to provide fairer compensation alternatives, including non-financial compensation by considering the clarity of land ownership status, the project and relocation schemes, also the land use of the area in order to give more fairly alternative compensations as policy recommendations. Though, this alternative should require mediation and socialization, openness about the project, certainty and comprehensive regulation, public participations.

E. Recommendation

Based on the study results, the author draws some recommendations for policy improvements regarding the land provision for implementing TOD concept in Jakarta Capital City. The recommendations are divided based on stakeholders related their roles for future TOD.

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First, for the central and local government who are responsible as policy maker for land provision policy in Indonesia, respectively for Jakarta Capital City Province, the improvement should further explore the details of both compensations for both financial and non-financial compensations in the policy. The current policy still mostly addresses land purchase meanwhile this method is considered not effective to be applied for TOD. In the guideline for developing transit area should provide the steps and strategies for the land provision, including the scheme of compensations for incentives and disincentives to be involved in the development.

Second, for the actors of land provision and project owner, it is important to engage the public participation in the urban development project and provide the residents to be evicted with sufficient information regarding the planning and on how they will be compensated for the project. Both of regulators and actors/project owner should give clear information about the project planning and implementation process. The TOD implementation also can be done by attracting other private sectors such as developer, but the process of land provision should follow the regulation to avoid resistances from the residents. In addition, the conflicts between the residents and project owners could be prevented by approaching the communities through mediation and socialization. To shorten times of land provision, it is important to re-identify the land before implementing the development will reduce the complications of the process.

Third, although the government may initiate the TOD concept, the transportation operator who owns the land plays an important role in developing the transit area. The transportation operator can also become the actor of land provision by acquire more land for TOD implementation. Facing this situation, they should approach the residents who are occupying their land by related regulations through mediation and discussion about the project. Additionally, the transportation operator can improve their programs to increase the number of public transportation user, so that the TOD concept are more beneficial to more people.

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Nama : Noor Asyhadi

Instansi : Badan Informasi Geospasial

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate Program in Regional and City Planning

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung–Keio University Shonan Fujisawa Campus

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Berbagi informasi dan koordinasi dianggap sebagai faktor penting dalam manajemen bencana. Selama bencana banjir perkotaan terjadi di jalan Pagarsih dan jalan Pasteur diasumsikan memicu peningkatan jumlah berbagi informasi yang muncul di Twitter. Ini menunjukkan bahwa warga negara kini jauh lebih aktif dan bergantung pada Twitter pada saat bencana yang memberikan peluang untuk melibatkan warga dalam manajemen bencana.

Penelitian ini menganalisis percakapan terkait banjir di aliran Twitter kemudian mengusulkan pengelompokan alur percakapan Twitter dan pemetaan tweet geolokasi yang relevan bagi otoritas bencana lokal untuk mendukung proses pengambilan keputusan selama dan setelah bencana alam, juga untuk melihat kesiapan masyarakat setempat di perkotaan. banjir.

Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa temuan pada kerja lapangan dan analisis kontekstual Twitter saling memperkuat. Temuan lapangan menunjukkan orang-orang memiliki kesiapsiagaan banjir individual dan regional yang ditunjukkan oleh bentuk infrastruktur bangunan yang dapat mengurangi dampak banjir. Kesiapsiagaan banjir pada data Twitterdiindikasikan oleh lebih dari 25% masyarakat dapat secara aktif memanfaatkan Twitter sebagai media berbagi informasi antar komunitas dan sebagai media koordinasi dalam pencegahan banjir. Selain itu, penelitian ini juga menemukan bahwa sosialisasi dan diseminasi dalam penanggulangan bencana masih sangat rendah. Penelitian ini juga menginformasikan bahwa geolokasi tweet dapat memberikan informasi mengenai dampak banjir secara real-time, dan menggunakan “peta spasial Bandung” sebagai referensi untuk menunjukkan lokasi kejadian banjir dan lokasi ekonomi strategis sebagai bahan tambahan untuk pertimbangan pengembangan dari area ekonomi. Disarankan bagi pemerintah lokal untuk meningkatkan “sosialisasi dan penyebaran” untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan banjir, Twitter dapat menjadi salah satu media untuk melakukannya.

Untuk menyimpulkan, dari metode dan temuan, ada tiga kontribusi dari penelitian ini. Kontribusi pertama adalah dalam pembuatan kategori “tweet kontekstual” yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis isi yang berkaitan dengan bencana banjir perkotaan. Kontribusi kedua adalah data geolokasi dari pemetaan aliran Twitter ke dalam peta perencanaan spasial dapat membantu menentukan lokasi banjir ke bidang ekonomi strategis. Terakhir, membandingkan antara persepsi masyarakat lokal dan persepsi pengguna digital terhadap kesiapsiagaan bencana banjir.

Kata kunci: Partisipasi Warga, Kesiapsiagaan Banjir, Analisis Media Sosial, Twitter

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Information sharing and coordination considered as critical factor in disaster management. During urban flood disasters occurred in Pagarsih street and Pasteur street assumed triggering the increase number of information sharing appeared on Twitter. This shows that citizen now much more active and reliance on Twitter at times of disaster that provides opportunities for engaging citizens in the disaster management.

This research analyses flood-related conversation in Twitter stream then proposes a categorizing Twitter conversation streams and mapping the geolocated tweets that are relevant for local disaster authorities to support decision-making processes during and after natural disaster, also to see the local people preparedness on urban flood.

The research found that findings on fieldwork and Twitter contextual analysis reinforce each other. Fieldwork findings show people have individual and regional flood preparedness indicated by the form of building infrastructure that can reduce the impact of flooding. Flood preparedness on Twitter data is indicated by more than 25% of the community is able to actively utilize Twitter as a medium of information sharing between communities and as a medium of coordination in flood prevention.

In addition, this research also found that socialization and dissemination in disaster management is still very low. This research also informs that geolocated tweets can provide information on the effects of floods in real-time, and use the “Bandung spatial map” as a reference to indicate the location of flood events and strategic economic locations as additional material for consideration of the development of the economic area. It is recommended for the local government to increase “socialization and dissemination” to improve flood preparedness, Twitter can be one of the media to do so.

To conclude, from methods and findings, there are three contributions from this study. The first contribution is in the creation of “contextual tweets” category that can be used to analyse the contents relating to urban flood disaster. The second contribution is the geolocated data from Twitter streams mapping into spatial planning map can help determine the flood location to strategic economic area. Lastly, comparing between local people perception and digital user perception on flood disaster preparedness.

Keywords: Citizen Participation, Flood Preparedness, Social Media Analysis, Twitter.

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A. Background

Bandung city is the capital of West Java province with an area of 16,729.65 ha. The city is a plateau located at an altitude of 675-1050 meters above sea level, which is positioned at coordinates 6°50’38”-6°58’50” south latitude and 107°33’34”-107°43’50” East longitude. Morphologically Bandung city located in the centre of the “Bandung Basin”, which has a broad dimension of 233,000 hectares.

According to Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG & Geofisika, 2016), the climate in Bandung city dominance by rain, which in 2015, almost every month Bandung city had rain, the lowest rainfall occurred in September (0.6 mm) and October (65 mm). While the highest rainfall occurred in March (418 mm), in average the rainy days in one month is around 18-20 days. Based on the geographic and climate conditions, practically Bandung city area is highly risk to flood disaster (Hadihardaja, Kuntoro, & Farid, 2013).

In addition, according to National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB), there are at least thirteen kinds of disaster in Indonesia (BNPB, 2012), which is from 1815 to 2012 dominated by floods (31%), typhoon (19.5%), landslide (16%), and fire hazard (13%). As for Bandung city, the flood is typically not big, the local people call it “banjir cileuncang” and categorizing as urban flood (Firmansyah, 2014). However, in 2012 more than 700 households and 510 houses damaged from floods (Kota Bandung, 2013). The disaster increase in 2014, that resulted in losses of more than 7.9 million yen caused by floods (Pusat Statistik Kota Bandung, 2015).

However, until now there is no existence of local disaster management agency in Bandung city (Tribunnews, 2016) as a mandate from disaster management law. While, local disaster management agency is important in designing an organized response such as staffing, strategy, tasks, and communication among different organizations and the citizen itself to mitigating loss of lives and damage to infrastructure (Rodríguez, Quarantelli, & Dynes, 2007, pp. 168–182).

Moreover, in term of the role and participation of the citizen are still underrated in disaster management. Whereas citizens are the ones who are in the affected area face many difficulties to inform important information to the authorities so that they can response better to the situation (Díaz, Aedo, & Herranz, 2014). Citizen participation,

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which is a critical player in every phase of a disaster, still excluded from the disaster management.

In the past, social media in disasters was only used by the general public to communicate expressing their thought (White, 2011). Nowadays, social media offers chances for engaging citizens in the disaster management as described by Simon et al.(2015) through disseminating information to the public, accessing information from them, and coordination among stakeholders during and after disaster. In Indonesia, one of the very prominent social media is Twitter, which two big cities in Indonesia are in the top ten most active cities in using Twitter. In top ten, Bandung city is known as the 6th most active city using Twitter, just below Jakarta, Tokyo, London Sao Paulo and New York (Lipman, 2012; Semiocast, 2012). Reports from Semiocast become more interesting if compared to the population of each city. Apparently compared to the top five cities, Bandung has the smallest population, not even half of the population of each city. This shows how active citizens of Bandung in using Twitter at that time.

Certainly, that population level alone does not necessarily represent the number of tweets, because it will be influenced also by the number of Twitter account owners in each city. Furthermore, users of Twitter accounts are dynamically moving from one city to another. Nevertheless, we get the idea that at that moment, the number of tweets that are shared can represent the activeness of the population in using Twitter. The question is whether the activeness of using Twitter can provide more benefits on the condition of flooding or after the flood? Or tweets are just text of 140 characters with no information.

Based on the background, which is the location of Bandung city in the middle of Bandung basin, highly rainfall level, frequent flooding, no existence of local disaster management agency, and high usage rate of Twitter application make Bandung quite feasible as study area to see how the city of Bandung can take advantage of the activity of citizens in using Twitter to improve flood preparedness. The sample survey locations were flooding in Pagarsih street and Pasteur street. During urban flood disasters occurred in both location in October 2016 assumed will triggering millions of status updates appeared on various social networks. This suggests that people’s now much more active and dependence on social media at times of disaster has extremely increased.

In case of Bandung city, which lack of local disaster management agency. Social media can be important tools for communication and information sharing among different organization and stakeholders (Bharosa, Lee, & Janssen, 2010; Simon et al., 2015) and then lead to effective preparedness. Moreover, the mayor of Bandung city obligates every local institution in the city of Bandung to have a Twitter account as a medium of communication between local institutions and citizens (Tempo, 2013). To

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that extent, this research focuses on testing and analysing a set of Twitter conversation stream that is likely to be flood-related and usable for local disaster authority then allow them to utilize social media more effectively.

B. Problem Statement

The absence of a local disaster management agency leads can lead to slow command and coordination functions in the event of a disaster (Rodríguez et al., 2007). The impact of the slow handling of disasters can lead to greater disasters or the incidence of casualties. In case of Bandung city, the absence of this organization is filled by two co-ordinating institutions, but unfortunately each has its own communication path and is not yet integrated. Twitter is directed as a medium for communication and coordination between institutions and citizens in the city. However, in disaster conditions whether Twitter has potential to contribute it still needs to be studied more deeply.

Therefore, this thesis attempts to analyses flood-related conversation in Twitter that arises during and after urban flood in Pagarsih street and Pasteur street. It proposes a categorizing Twitter conversation streams and mapping the geolocated tweets that are relevant for local disaster authorities to support decision-making processes during flooding, also to see the local people preparedness on urban flood.

C. Methodology and Analytical Approach

This research will map the Twitter activity behaviour of Bandung city during and after flood events to see the potential of using Twitter in improving regional urban flood preparedness. The methodology in this research mainly divided into three main activities: pre-fieldwork, fieldwork and post-fieldwork.

The first activity is to review the related literature. The literature review was conducted to strengthen the concept of this research. The literature review activity consists of reading relevant academic journal or books and group discussion with professor and other undergraduates member to formulate problem definition, research objective and research question, study area delineation, the identification of the required data and data availability.

Fieldwork is the second step which divided into two main activities:

1. primary data collection consists of questionnaire to local people and in-depth interview with local authorities and community leader;

2. secondary data collection: twitter data collection, statistical data, satellite imagery, and maps from local authorities.

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D. Data Analysis and Results

1. Media communications and People Awareness of Institutions

Respondents in both places are almost entirely have communication media such as television, radio, and mobile phone. For that reason, it is assumed that communication should work properly and not become an obstacle. Still, their awareness of disaster agencies is still very low. The question “in case of flooding, do you know who to call?” lead to more than 90% of respondents did not know which agency should be informed when a flood occurs.

There is only one respondent who knows where he should contact in the event of a flood. It may be due to the lack of dissemination or socialization from local government, which is respondents who were not involved in the socialization of flood preparedness reached 64%.

Although many of the respondents did not get socialization and dissemination about flood preparedness, more than 60% of respondents have an interest to participate in the flood preparedness program if the local government organizes it. This considerable interest should receive more attention from the government in engaging the community in any disaster management programs.

2. The Use of Social Media as Media Communication

The majority of respondents have a social media (56.76%), but they rarely use and open social media. The social media which is quite popular for respondents are Facebook and Twitter (35%), which is used to update latest news and communicate with their family (21%). Because they rarely use social media, they have not used social media to communicate with local authorities related to disaster management or other government activities.

Respondent looking for information related to government activities or the latest information in Bandung city using TV or Radio, rather than using social media. This is especially expressed by the respondents who are quite old. For them, the limited knowledge of using smartphones and limited internet access, making them rarely use social media.

For respondents who are accustomed to using social media, they choose mobile phone to access social media rather than laptop or public internet. For them, smartphone is easier to use and cheap than spending time in internet public. However, related to the use of social media as a channel of communication with local authorities they have not done.

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To conclude, either people that familiar with social media or people which are not, findings in both location emphasize that social media is not fully utilized to communicate with local government agencies. It can be seen from the low interest to participate in the discussion on social media and the lack of information related to social media accounts owned by the local government.

Despite of those findings regarding social media, there were additional information from government officials related to conversation stream in social media during flooding in Pagarsih street and Pasteur street. In the event of flood in Pagarsih street and Pasteur street, there was thousands of tweets reporting real-time conditions in both area. There are many possibilities that the tweets are not only reporting flood event on both location, but also in other location.

3. Respondents Flood Awareness in the Bandung City

Experienced for more than twenty years of flooding, the respondents collectively adapt the shape of the house and the neighbourhoods’ area to flooding. One of the adaptation and preparedness is elevating the building and create a dike at the gate of the house. Then, the adaptation and preparedness of the neighbourhood area is done by making the water barrier at each door along the narrow road. Respondents also elevate Kirmir along the Citepus river, making litter net catcher in upstream rivers and periodic dredging river sedimentation.

Besides litter net, regional preparedness is also done by making water barrier gates that exist in every narrow road leading to the residents housing in Pagarsih street. This adaptation and preparedness rarely found in Pasteur street. The main function of this gate is to restrain the rate of overflow water from river that comes through Pagarsih street. The high of gates is vary, for the gates that close to the Citepus river and the Pagarsih street can reach 100 cm high. While for the gate that far from Citepus river and near the resident housing, the high is between 50 cm to 80 cm.

Every neighbourhoods who live close to the Citepus river and Pagarsih street responsible to look after the water barrier gate. In case of heavy rain or the water level in river increases, they will close each of the gates immediately. They will also give an announcement to the area around the gate, if there is a car or motorcycle blocking the road and will likely be hit by flooding. According to Shaw et al. (2008), this kind of cooperation and understanding among neighbourhoods tend to strengthening bonds at the local community level and at the end will increase people flood preparedness.

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The form of area adaptation and preparedness by making litter net can be found in both fieldwork areas, whereas for water barrier gate only found in Pagarsih street. In Sukagalih, another approach was made after the flood incident on 24 October, which is to control street vendors who built stalls river banks and then elevate the river kirmir to prevent water river overflows during heavy rain.

While water barrier gate and litter net considered as area flood adaptation and preparedness. Another local awareness is build two storeys building or build small dike in front of the houses as individual adaptation and preparedness.

Residents in Pagarsih build two-storey building is mainly done by those who have sufficient budget and usually the building has two functions, which is a residence and place of business. Then, for people who do not have the financial ability to build two-story buildings, they choose to elevate the floor of the building or make a dike right at in front of the door of their house. The choice to make a dike right in front of the entrance of the house has the advantage to preventing water from entering the house, but disrupting daily access in-out of the house like entering the motorcycle into the house at night.

4. Concern and Information inside the Tweets

The tweet sampling process for 10 days (October 24, 2016-November 2, 2016) obtained 2829 tweets, which then from the sample obtained is divided into 13 types regarding their information inside the tweets as previously discussed in chapter methodology and data collection. By this categorizing, the tweets that are not related to the flood and considered as not important information will be revealed.

Analysis of 13 categories shows five main concerns on urban flood in Pagarsih and Pasteur, which is flood situation update, requesting help/information, criticizing, emotion-related, and news information. Without reducing the role of information from the other eight important points, these five points if add up to has a proportion of more than 65% (66.31%) of the total sample.

From the initial analysis, it was also found that 151 tweets or more than 5% of the tweets were not relevant to the flood. This is considerable data because it far outweighs the information about “looking for victim”, “relief coordination” or “proposing relief action” combined all.

Most “off-topic” tweets contain hashtags “#prayforbandung”or repeated messages at the same time, such as following message “Mr @ridwankamil why not playing pokemon go? So you be narcissistic at the flood location with pokemon

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#walikotaMEDSOS”. Further depth-searching for “off-topic” information shows that this information appears quite massive on the first day only when floods occur, reaching more than 10% of the total sample on the first day.

The large number of “off-topic” message is worth noting, because it can generate information bias for local authorities. In manual analysis, this is easily identifiable, but if analysed automatically using the software it could be that off-topic information refracts output and will certainly affect decision-making.

Despite of the irrelevant information that quite intriguing, the distribution also reveal important information regarding how general public in Twitter perceived flood during and after urban flood. The urban flood as discussed before, usually deal with low damage on human and infrastructure. In case of urban flooding in Cibadak and Sukagalih, the low damage leads the Twitter user in Bandung city much more concern about situational update.

5. Exploration of Spatial Distribution Tweets

The examined tweets based on spatial distribution reveal several important information. This section will explore the flood-related tweets that contain latitude and latitude as representation of spatial data. The geolocated tweet was overlay with Bandung city administrative maps to see the tweets distribution. There were more than 60 locations collected from the tweets.

The first circle there were high Twitter report from Padalarang, however there is no flood in this area. This circle represents the congestion in toll road due to flood in Sukagalih area. as discussed before that in Sukagalih lying toll road that connecting Jakarta to another province through Bandung City.

Spatiotemporal information from the Twitter report in Padalarang reveal information that the report in that area starting appear between 2:45PM to 8:35PM. The time ranges confirm the impact of flood to traffic congestion in toll road, because the flood information in Sukagalih firstly reported by general public after 10am.

Secondly, the Twitter report in fourth circle did not exist until the extracted tweet reach one weeks after flood in 24 October. This report appears due to flood in Rancaekek, Sukabumi which is regency near Bandung city. This findings also confirm about the characteristic of urban flood duration, that usually in ranges days or weeks (Jha et al., 2012; McCluskey, 2001).

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6. Flood Damage to Bandung City Spatial Plan

The main purpose of this section is not to get a precise map of the floods in Pagarsih and Pasteur. In this section, an emphasis on how government officials can quickly see flood locations, from tweets posted randomly by the public. So, this map is not to show the extent or height of the flood.

This is based on fieldwork activity, where many residents complain about the slow response of the government in tackling the flood. So, the authors argue that the speed of finding the location becomes very important in the handling of urban flooding. This incident analytical writer, if the application of social media analysis installed in Bandung command center in the future, certainly not to make a map quickly, but rather to aggregate data to get the main issue of the disaster location without having to go to the disaster site.

Therefore, the same steps are done in this section, but using a different base map. Geolocated tweet overlaid with “strategic area of economy” map of Bandung spatial plan document 2011-2031. From the overlay results obtained information: four out of nine strategic areas of economy are affected by the floods that occurred within 24 October to 2 November 2016. However, there were only three spot of geolocated tweet that located in strategic area of economy. The most reported locations are in 1, 4 and 8 of strategic area of economy.

7. Twitter Influence in Urban Flood Disasters

Fieldwork results also validate that naturally people in both locations are adequately prepared for flooding, at least for short-term handling and daytime events. However, some things need to be of concern are:

a. the absence of bpbd makes people do not know whom to contact.

b. the weak in coordination, perhaps one of them due to the absence of BPBD, or because the communication in the early warning systems between in-stitutions is not ready;

c. a good local community preparedness has not been supported by institu-tional preparedness in responding to disasters.

At the first point, there are some important things from flood events in Pasteur and Pagarsih, namely is there any warning and information before the flood? What do the people know from the flood preparation and do they know there is a government warning about the flood?

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Survey on the ground showed no warning or prevention information about the possibility of flooding in both locations. More than half of respondents are aware of the possibility of flooding from river water rise and weather conditions in the North Bandung Area. Unfortunately, information and knowledge of reading natural changes is not known by all. Especially foreigners who happen to come to Pagarsih or Pasteur. Community leaders said that the victims of the vehicles that occurred during the flood were both from outside the Pagarsih, because they were late in anticipation of the flood. While Pagarsih residents themselves have prepared themselves by closing all the water barrier gate and gates in front of his house.

Recognizing the flood incident is frequent and repeatable, DBMP is quite quick to provide written appeals in locations prone to flooding, especially in Pagarsih and Pasteur. Although this action is quite late, because it was done two months after the flood. However, the approach taken by DBMP should be appreciated.

Warnings and information are important not only for the local population, but also for migrants. Communication that happens is one-way communication from the institution also needs to be changed by giving more role to the citizens. So, residents can also provide recent reports of flood locations. In this respect, the clarity of the institutions responsible for disasters and how institutions can deliver warnings and information is important. The activeness of citizens in conveying information through Twitter media for example should be captured as a good signal for the government. So, that they can respond better to the situation (Díaz et al., 2014) and also as a means of improving and enhancing disaster response responses.

Communication in times of disaster often happens in one direction only, from government to society. Whereas people who are more aware of the conditions in the disaster location, it is important for the government to facilitate two-way communication from the public to the government. The concept of engaging communities in disaster activities, and providing more roles is one way of realizing a quick response in the short term and also making the region and its citizens ready with future disasters (White, 2011).

Result of analysis concerning Twitter users, 25% of Twitter users use Twitter as media to find information about the latest flood update. Further analysis shows that from Twitter also provide information not only two flood events informed by residents of Bandung city. The breadth of Twitter information is also shown by the impact of flood in the form of long traffic jam that occurred in the Cipularang toll road, about 30 Km from Bandung city center.

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Analysis of time lag between Twitter report and response shows that Bandung city needs to prepare a quick reaction team located in every sub-district in Bandung city. Their presence is important in responding to reports and to the location of the site as quickly as possible. Responding to reports using Twitter is easy and fast, but following up comes the location of the flood takes a long time, especially in a state of flooding. However, most users do not realize it, they assume if it was responded on Twitter then the officers will come soon. However, to get to the location takes a long time.

To conclude, findings from fieldwork and Twitter analysis complement each other and strengthen the information available in both flood locations, which show high levels of flood preparedness at the individual and community level in “Bandung city”. However, flood preparedness at the institutional level still needs much improvement. The absence of BPBD has been tried to overcome by turning the Fire department agency into a fire and disaster management agency, but in Twitter analysis, this institution has almost no activity, much less compared to DBMP and local media. Perhaps this is because the newly inaugurated the institution in early 2017.

8. Obstacle of Social Media

From the events of the Japan earthquake in 2011, (Wilson, 2012) emphasize that the main consideration inhibiting the use of social media during a disaster is not always accessible and not user friendly for elderly. Power outtages, no media to open applications, no internet access are some things that make social media not a major consideration used in disaster conditions.

Furthermore, according to Fraustino, Liu, & Jin (2012) for people who are used to and often use social media in their daily lives, there are four things that prevent them from using social media at the time of disaster, namely: (1) privacy and security fears, (2) accuracy concerns, (3) access issues, and (4) knowledge deficiencies. However, for the case in the Bandung city, although they have a social media account, more than 70% rarely use social media. Their main consideration is not using social media because of two things, which is they did not know which institution to contact; Second is more to the expected response speed. As expressed by one community leader, using WhatsApp is much faster than using Twitter. Because as a member of the group, simply once send information and photos, then immediately spread all related official’s, as well as by joining the WhatsApp group does not need to memorize the people or institutions concerned and responsible in flood prevention.

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E. Conclusions

The main objective of this research is to investigate and analyse the potential and challenges of using Twitter to increasing flood preparedness in term of communication between citizen and local governments. In this chapter, the researcher summarizes all findings to offer the conclusions of the research and the recommendation for the future study as well as to contribute for policy making process.

The conclusions in this chapter will be divided into two main parts: the conclusions of the activity fieldwork and the conclusions of the Twitter analysis that have been elaborated with the secondary data from the fieldwork activity. The findings from the researcher fieldwork uncover that the majority of the local people concern are considered to be quite high. Experience for more than 20 years has made them adjust to the flood area. However, some things need to be of concern are:

1. the absence of bpbd makes people do not know whom to contact.

2. the weak in coordination, perhaps one of them due to the absence of BPBD, or because the communication in the early warning systems between institutions is not ready.

3. a good local community preparedness has not been supported by institutional preparedness in responding to disasters.

Unfortunately, the awareness of local people to the local authorities related to disaster management is low. It might put the local people becomes vulnerable. Despite the majority of the respondents has conducted physical adaptation by adjusting the physical form of their houses such as building dike or elevating their house floor, but it has not found yet about the community-wide adaptation undertaken by the local community members. This can be seen in the environmental conditions in Pagarsih, where almost all the shops located along the river Citepus is above the river or right beside the river without a barrier.

Based on the fieldwork observation, people constructed their house with reinforced material and some houses with second floor to protect their lives and properties against flood. The findings on respondents also show that they were not involved in flood preparedness, while government argue that they already involving local people in their program. Furthermore, respondent more dependent to local community leader rather than government agencies in tackling flood. This is due to the lack of channel to communicate with government (only community leader has access to agencies and respondents did not familiar with the application provided by government).

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Related the data from Twitter, there are several findings regarding the research question:

1. What kinds of information do people post during and after a flooding?

The social media analysis of the sample of 2829 tweets, gives an overview of how and what is the concern of the population of “Bandung city” when the flood occurred. The researcher categorizes the information into 13 main categories. From these categories, it is found that during and after urban flood, more than 25% of tweets are concerned about the situational flood updates. In the process, it was found that they were not only passive about asking about the location of the flood, but also actively providing information to the local agency, local news, and related officials in Bandung city related to the flood.

From the category of situational flood updates, it is subdivided into 10 attributes that shows the behavior of people who actively share messages using Twitter to inform floods at the smallest level, such as on certain roads, at specific public facilities, or at neighbourhood level. Messages about flood locations at this level account for more than a quarter of the total data. Further information that is distributed significantly is about traffic information reaching 21.95% and flood location information at middle level (district/sub district) that reaching 15%.

2. How does flood-related information from social media spread and facilitate citizen-government communication during and after flooding?

Real-time information is an advantage of social media, compared to information from TV or radio. Social media coverage is also wider and more user friendly when compared to early warning system, while many people considering social media are just digital playgrounds or a place to leisure, then researcher has to consider how to elevate the social media as a scientific complementary for disaster research.

The data collected over a 10-day span, from October 24, 2016, when floods occurred in Pagarsih and Pasteur, until November 2, 2016. From the analysis of the flood-related message the increase occurred in the first 5 hours only, after which the tweet back to the normal state.

From tweet information obtained also that engagement between residents with local agency still less than engagement with local news. Influential factors may be due to lack of socialization and dissemination.

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According to Rajib Shaw et al. (2008), one challenge for local people in the event of a disaster and then faced with new technology is the ability to read information. The information presented by weather monitoring applications is sometimes difficult to understand by ordinary people, let alone those who do not understand the terms of climate change. In the case of floods in Pagarsih and Pasteur, information from disaster location is very informative and easy to understand because it uses the same language and simple.

Weather information is shared with simple sentences that are easy to understand and informative, as well as with information on flood elevations. Terms that do not exist in the academic dictionary are used with a straightforward and informative in conveying the flooding developments that occur.

Twitter makes it possible to provide abundant information without having to go to a disaster location. Something that is not possible with traditional methods such as surveys or remote sensing.

Analysis of geolocated tweets shows the location of congestion that is more than 30Km from the city center. This shows the extent of the range of information provided by Twitter. Furthermore, with Twitter it is possible to know what happened to a particular location, such as the drift of a car due to the flow of the Citepus river.

So, from the conclusions on field work activities and analysis of Twitter data, it can be concluded five things from this research are:

1. Fieldwork findings showed that good individual and local community preparedness has not been fully supported by institutional preparedness in responding to flood disasters.

2. It should also be underlined that there is five decisive hours in utilizing twitter flood-related information, which will be beneficial for local authorities in understanding general public concerns during flooding.

3. Netizen in urban flood event, much more concerns about situational flood update, rather than looking for urban flood victims.

4. To capture the potential and benefits of Twitter data in disaster management, local authorities should increase their engagement with general public. Because in case of Cibadak and Sukagalih flooding, most of flood-related information mentioned to non-local authorities.

5. Geolocated tweet informs information for local authorities about flood impact to

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strategic economic area; it is also showed the flood impact on traffic conditions that beneficial for people who want visit Bandung city

F. Recommendations

1. The importance of establishment of BPBP Bandung city

The use of Twitter is good and the analysis shows how the usage levels and abundance of information generated are informative for flood preparedness. However, improvements need to be made to be able to utilize Twitter data to be more effective. Big data like Twitter needs to be managed by using additional apps as “container media” and “information filter”. This is important because there is a total of more than 10% of information not directly related to the flood and perhaps more information that needs clarification. Nepal et al., (2015) conveyed that information from social media not only provides “abundance of information”, but more importantly is how to get quality and reliable information from the very large amount.

Therefore, the creation of “connecting apps” that will filter the big data from Twitter becomes a necessary consideration. In addition to producing data and information more accurately and quickly, this application will also increase the effectiveness of the work of local disaster management agencies in flood prevention. The condition of Bandung city that still do not have BPBD, making coordination and command field in the event of disaster less effective and not fast. Input from the head of BNPB, Mr. Sutopo to immediately form BPBD should be immediately followed up by the Bandung city government.

According to Palen and Liu (2007), it is necessary for an organization capable of providing cross-organizational control as well as the organization will be fully responsible for the overall disaster management process. DBMP or Fire department is currently responsible for flood prevention. However, what they do is more about flood prevention in phase response, some recovery and mitigation. Whereas in disaster management there needs to be sustainability of the program in every phase, this is difficult to be done by both institutions because it is not their main duty to arrange disaster management plan.

2. Improved ability Bandung Command centre with social media analysis capabilities.

Furthermore, this thesis has shown how “Social media analysis” can be considered to become part of Bandung Command centre infrastructure to support Bandung

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smart city particularly to support disaster management. Twitter has shown how to take advantage of the participation and liveliness of citizens in flood and post-flood situations, so that Bandung command center can be an effective means of displaying Twitter information that provides location and rich information that will help local authorities respond quickly and effectively disaster.

However, further research should also consider the mechanism of collecting data by defining specific vocabulary of relevant terms specific to each natural disaster. So, the process of collecting, managing and analysing Twitter data can be done more quickly and precisely. Though in this thesis Twitter utilization for flood preparedness have great challenges and great opportunities, however with proper approach, I believe we can prepare upcoming disaster with better preparedness.

3. Social media analysis and disaster management for further development

The twitter data analysis results and the questionnaires on local people illustrates the robust ways that social media can be employed to inform and improve disaster operations. However, the complicated of natural disasters and social media require system planning and training in order to harness the potential of social media during and after the disasters. The use of social media in disaster management need a framework that provides an opportunity to standardise and organise the social media uses and the users. In the future, the framework can be used to guide disaster operation plans. Furthermore, the categorization of disaster social media use as illustrates in the analysis offers an opportunity for further disaster social media technical development and for increased social media integration in disaster operations such as in Bandung Command centre. In addition, from a research standpoint, the proposed categorization and Twitter spatiotemporal analysis provides an approach for future academic study from a variety of perspectives and fields.

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Nama : Rika Sania

Instansi : Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate Program in Regional and City Planning

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Hiroshima University

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Proyek pemukiman kembali di Kota Bandung dalam memindahkan pemukiman kumuh ke perumahan umum berbiaya rendah dimulai pada tahun 2015 dan merupakan tanggapan untuk meningkatkan kualitas tempat tinggal dan ketidakpastian status lahan penghuni kawasan kumuh dan liar. Dua tahun kemudian, penelitian desain eksperimental kuantitatif ini digunakan untuk menyelidiki adaptasi mata pencaharian dari intervensi pasca-kebijakan komunitas yang dimukimkan, serta evaluasi subyektif responden tentang kepuasan pemukiman kembali. Studi ini juga ingin mengeksplorasi hubungan antara perbaikan infrastruktur perumahan dan aksesibilitas proksimalitas perkotaan terhadap niat mereka untuk tinggal di perumahan publik baru. Skala Likert 5 poin digunakan untuk menetapkan tingkat kepuasan dan niat untuk tetap, dan pada beberapa variabel penjelas, seperti pandangan mereka tentang bantuan pemerintah, waktu proses pemukiman kembali, dan keterlibatan diri mereka pada proses itu sendiri.

Analisis dilakukan menggunakan statistik sampel berpasangan (uji statistik berulang-ukur) untuk mengkonfirmasi perubahan dalam penghidupan permukiman kumuh dengan membandingkan sarana pada periode kebijakan intervensi sebelum dan sesudah dan membandingkan hasil pendapatan, pengeluaran pada beberapa kategori dan jarak untuk bekerja dengan situasi pada kelompok kontrol. Sementara itu, Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural menggunakan Perangkat Lunak AMOS digunakan untuk mengkonfirmasi hubungan antara proses pemukiman kembali dan kepuasan pemukiman kembali, dan perbaikan fisik pada niat untuk tinggal.

Hasilnya menunjukkan dan mengkonfirmasi bahwa hasil penghidupan dari pendapatan pasca-pemukiman kembali menunjukkan penurunan pendapatan. Hasil ini dapat dimengerti karena beberapa responden kehilangan pekerjaan utama mereka setelah pemukiman kembali serta penghasilan tambahan melalui bisnis dan layanan skala rumah tangga. Pemukiman kembali ke pemukiman baru juga meningkatkan jarak mereka untuk bekerja, dari rata-rata 2,277 km menjadi dua kali lebih jauh pada rata-rata 4,93 km.

Aksesibilitas dari perumahan umum murah dan keterlibatan publik dalam proses pemukiman kembali sangat penting sehingga mempengaruhi tingkat kepuasan pemukiman kembali penduduk. Hasil Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural menunjukkan bahwa aspek yang paling signifikan yang mempengaruhi kepuasan pemukiman kembali adalah kesulitan dalam aksesibilitas (tertimbang -0,27) dari lokasi pemukiman kembali dan keterlibatan publik (tertimbang 0,39). Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa semakin tinggi aksesibilitas yang dirasakan untuk fasilitas perkotaan lokasi perumahan publik, semakin besar kemungkinan kepuasan pemukiman kembali mereka akan tinggi.

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Niat untuk tetap tinggal di perumahan umum lebih dipengaruhi oleh faktor layanan perumahan, terutama perbaikan infrastruktur limbah. Analisis SEM juga menunjukkan bahwa niat untuk tinggal sangat dipengaruhi oleh kepuasan peningkatan layanan infrastruktur perumahan.

Kata kunci: Hasil Mata Pencaharian, Perumahan Umum, Pemukiman Kembali, Perbaikan Daerah Kumuh, Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural.

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The resettlement project in Bandung City in moving slum settlements to low-cost rented public housing started in 2015 and was a response to improve the dwellings quality and land status uncertainty of the slums and squatter’s dwellers. Two years later, this quantitative experimental design study employs to investigate the livelihood adaptation of the resettled community’s post-policy intervention, as well as the respondent’s subjective evaluation on the resettlement satisfaction.

This study would also like to explore the relationship between housing infrastructure improvement and urban proximities accessibility toward their intention to stay in the new resettled public housing. The 5-point Likert Scale were used to establish the satisfaction levels and intention to stay, and on several explanatory variables, such as their views on government assistance, resettlement process time, and their self-engagement on the process itself.

Analysis was done using paired sample statistics (repeated-measures statistical test) to confirm the changes in the slum dwellers livelihood by comparing means on the before-after intervention policy period and comparing the outcomes of income, expenditure on several categories and distance to work with the situation to the control group. Meanwhile, Structural Equation Modeling using the AMOS Software is utilized to confirm the relationships between resettlement process and resettlement satisfaction, and physical improvement on intention to stay.

The results show and confirm that the livelihood outcomes of the income post-resettlement exhibit income deterioration. This result is understandable as several respondents lost their main occupation after resettlement as well as additional income through home-scale business and services. The resettlement to a new settlement also increases their distance to work, from an average of 2.277 km to twice further at a mean of 4.93 km.

The accessibility of their low-cost public housing and public engagement on the resettlement process is imperative thereby influencing the level of resident’s resettlement satisfaction. The results of Structural Equation Modeling show that the most significant aspect that influence resettlement satisfaction is the difficulty in accessibility (weighted-0.27) of the resettlement location and the public engagement (weighted 0.39). This finding indicates that the higher the perceived accessibility to urban amenities the public housing location is, the more likely their resettlement satisfaction will be high.

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The intention to stay in resettled public housing are more influenced by the housing services factor, especially the improvement on waste infrastructure. The SEM analysis also showed that Intention to stay was strongly affected by the housing infrastructure services improvement satisfaction.

Keywords: Livelihood Outcomes, Public Housing, Resettlement, Slum Upgrading, Structural Equation Modeling.

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A. Background

The unpreparedness of the city in facing urbanization potentially causes the rapid growth of urban slums and the lack of basic urban services. Until 2015, the slum area in Indonesia is as much as 38.431 ha (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional 2014) with urban slum household is 10.1% or 9.6 million households (Susenas, 2013), which consists of 5929 areas spread over 416 districts/municipalities (Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya KemenPUPera 2015b).

While one can see slum as a land of opportunity for its dwellers, slum causes various environmental degradation to the area where they settle (Henry 2012; Mudege and Zulu 2011). Many slums in big cities in Bandung are next to or close to water body, causing many polluted rivers and groundwater (Harmayani and Konsukartha 2007). One of the main pollutants for water contamination in the developing countries is human waste. High rural-urban migration rates have placed existing inadequate and antiquated sanitation and waste disposal facilities in cities in many developing countries under stress. The water contamination problem caused by human waste is an urban problem and has been largely ignored in many developing countries because policymakers do not recognize slums as legal entities. The illegal status then relinquishes the government of any commitment in providing adequate sanitation facilities (Anantha Duraiappah 1999). As a further matter, storms, earthquakes, and other disasters affect city slums more seriously than other areas, as substandard houses crumble or poor drainage systems promote prolonged flooding (Anantha Duraiappah 1999; Rashid, Hunt, and Haider 2007).

Therefore, the International Agenda through Zero Draft New Urban Agenda in 2016 stated in article 30 to commit in improving the living conditions of the urban poor, which includes people living in slums and informal settlements, recognizing the areas as engines for economic growth, prosperity and job creation. Article 108 also declared that provision of adequate and affordable housing needs to be addressed in the national housing policies in order to reduce the numbers of slum households (United Nations 2015). The Future We Want document adopted at Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development also declared that they “recognize the need for a holistic approach to urban development and human settlements that provides for affordable housing and infrastructure and prioritizes slum upgrading and urban regeneration” in order to promote sustainable development (Vision 2012).

Moreover, UN-Habitat also expected accomplishment in slum improvement and slum prevention promoted through improved knowledge and capacity to develop and

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improve slum condition and slum prevention strategies through Focus Area 3: Access to Land and Housing for All. The national policies of Indonesia also initiate the universal access program 100-0-100 toward sustainable cities by 2019, which breakdown to 100% access to sanitation, 0% slum, and 100% water. To reach these targets, the government has formulated various public policy related to slum in Indonesia. It can be seen from one of the targets mandated in the Mid-Term National Planning Documents of Indonesia (RPJMN Phase III 2015-2019 for Infrastructure), with the target of realization of cities without slum, and the achievement of urban slum reduction to 0% through the handling of the slum areas covering 38431 hectares, and increase in community self-reliance in 7683 villages (Ministry of National Development Planning 2014).

The development of the city of Bandung, as in other urban areas in Indonesia, is strongly influenced by the population growth as a result of urbanization. Bandung City Government has determined the location of the slums in the city of Bandung based on Mayor Decree No. 648/ Kep.455-distarcip/2010 on Location Determination of Slum Housing and Settlements in Bandung which is located in 185 areas spread over 30 districts.

Studies has proposed many ways to improve slum settlements, which includes Resettlement, Land Sharing, Property Development, Urban Renewal, Slum Upgrading, On-Site Reblocking and others. The Government of Indonesia through the Ministry of Public Works as well has launched variety of programs to address urban slum settlement. This is done through slum upgrading (renewals, regeneration), and resettlement to a new site or to low-cost rental flat housing (Rusunawa).

B. Research Questions

One of the method to improve slum settlements is through resettlement to an improved settlement. However, this resettlement policy has induced several impacts, such as difficulty in accessing job location, loss of occupation and/or additional income, and decrease of social neighborhood relationship. The resettlement that is supposed to increase their living condition, backfired and instead decrease their quality of life. Therefore, there need to be a study to identify whether the living condition after resettlement results in better living condition and quality of life or not. Continuous assessment of resettlement is also essential in order to monitor and guide future public housing policy.

Hence, this study wants to evaluate the resettlement policy through exploring their living condition after resettlement through experimental design research using structural equation modeling by accessing the slum dwellers livelihood outcomes and resettlement satisfaction.

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C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Urban Slum in Bandung

Bandung is the capital city of West Java province in Indonesia and also holds the status as a Metropolitan Area. The size of Bandung is 16729.650 ha, with a total population of 2,340,624 inhabitants. As the capital of West Java province, it has developed its activities and urban functions, even becoming one of the centers of economic growth for the western region of the island of Java. Bandung, because it is located geographically in the center of West Java Province, directly or indirectly, will receive the “impact” of the development of the surrounding region.

The issue of settlements in the city of Bandung is generally a problem experienced by other large cities, including slum. Based on the slum quick count by the Settlements Development Institution, total slums in the city of Bandung scattered in 185 locations which occupies an area of 224 hectares (Direktorat Jenderal Cipta Karya Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat 2016), the building houses stand as much as 26,264 inhabited units and 30,281 households. The slum or informal mixed assemblage that emerges in Bandung city engenders bottom-up urban growth. Despite being formally zoned as green space, development has occurred organically, with virtually no institutional procedures or governmental planning.

2. Slum Resettlement to Low-Cost Public Housing in Bandung city

In Bandung city, there has been two settlement areas which are relocated to the vertical public housing. The first location is in Babakan Siliwangi. Their settlement is built on illegal land which is owned by the Bandung government, and in the spatial plan, the area land use is for green open space and water catchment area, due to the settlement built near the Cikapundung river. These people are moved to the Low-cost Rented Vertical Public Housing Sadang Serang in Sadang Serang District. The distance for their new location with past residential location is approximately 3.5 km, and the vertical public housing is not far from the city center. They are relocated since 2014. Currently as of 2017, the land of their past slum settlement has been developed into green open space.

Meanwhile, another resettlement occurs in the settlement in Kebonwaru, with the residents moved to Rusunawa Rancacili, a new public housing built in the suburb area of Bandung. From their previous settlement to the new area settlement is as far as 13 km. There are two resettled public housing in Bandung which is targeted for the resettled communities, which are Rusunawa Rancacili and Rusunawa Sadang Serang

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3. Changes in Livelihood Outcome of Human Capital

Approximately 26.43% of the respondents answered that they changed their occupation type and location after relocation, due to various reasons such as further location and high cost of travel expenses. From this data, as much as 4.85% of the sample in Rusunawa Rancacili lost their jobs after resettlement.

4. Changes in Livelihood Outcome of Financial Capital

Changes in livelihood outcomes of financial capital includes changes in income, expenditure, and additional income. This chapter will present the means of household income and consumption for several domains for both treated group and controlled group. The statistical method that will be used is paired sample t-test by comparing the condition before and after intervention policy. The before condition is in year 2014 and the after condition is in 2017.

The paired sample correlations for the income, distance to work, food, electricity and transportation expenditure shows that the households that scores high at the time of before intervention policy tend to be similar in terms of ranking with the after-intervention policy. Meanwhile, expenditure on waste and community fee illustrates low significance correlations, which indicates that there is inconsistency value of changes in the before and after intervention policy. This is because unlike other expenditures (food, transportation, electricity), consumption on waste and community fee relies more on the neighborhood regulation, not personal consumptions.

The calculation of several variables such as income, expenditure, and distance to occupation from the treated group and controlled group and its significant value using paired simple correlations statistic. From the paired simple statistics shown above, there can be seen that there are notable differences in income before and after resettlement for the treated group with a high significance value. The income decreases immensely after relocation. Meanwhile, the people living in the slum settlements experience a slight inclination on their monthly income.

This phenomenon is also shown in the control group data with approximately 40.4% of respondents recorded that they have additional income in their house. However, after moving to public housing, the closed building and isolated nature made them difficult to open the business at home or providing services because the market demand dropped significantly, as the targeted market after resettlements is only among the public housing residents themselves. To conclude, based on the paired sample t-test, it was observed that the population that accepted policy

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intervention of resettlement has a downward trend on their income and an upward trend on expenditure for transportation.

5. Changes in Livelihood Outcomes of Physical Capital

In the aspect of physical capital, proximity toward their job location will be accessed. With regard to the proximity toward their occupation location, the distance to work from the resettled public housing increased dramatically and roses twice as much from an average of 2.27 km to 4.93 km. This is due to relocated group must travel further for their current working location. Because of this reason, some people eventually decided to change their occupation to a nearer place. On the other hand, the controlled group distance to occupation location demonstrates similar average of distance on the before and after comparison.

It is interesting to note that the increasing distance to their job location only increases for their travel cost for work, not for the total expenditure of transportation, as the average only increases in a small number. This implies that their travel frequency to other places besides to their job location reduces significantly after resettlement. The reason behind this could be possibly due to their location that is far from city center, as based on the interview with the respondents, this occurs because while the distance to work and travel cost to work daily increases, their daily mobility toward other places also decreases, due to the far located area and far from the city center.

6. Changes in Livelihood Outcomes of Social Capital

Due to difficulty in accessing quantity aspect of social capital, this chapter will access the perceived analysis of social capital on the effect of resettlement on their perceived changes neighborhood bonding after resettlement. The perceived analysis on neighborhood bonding decreased after resettlement. This could be because the nature of kampung which allow people to interact more between each other as opposed to vertical housing.

7. Identify the factors that affects Intention to Stay in Vertical Public Housing

This section presents results from structural equation modeling analysis to examine causal effect between five groups, including individual attributes, urban proximity improvement, urban proximity satisfaction, housing services improvement, housing services satisfaction, and intention to stay in vertical public housing.

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The results of Structural Equation Modeling showed that the intention to stay from vertical public housing was strongly affected by housing services satisfaction. The higher the housing service satisfaction is, the more likely they have an intention to stay in the resettled housing. The latent variable of housing services improvement which includes the improvement of drinking water and waste facilities has a significant influence on the latent variable of housing services satisfaction, which includes perceived satisfaction on water availability, waste facilities and electricity facility. In addition, the housing improvement was the most influenced by variables concerning waste facility.

However, the interesting part is that the Urban Proximity improvement (distance to market, school, and hospital) have a negative correlation with the Urban Proximity Satisfaction variable (perceived satisfaction on shop availability, health facilities, school, park, mosque accessibility, and public transportation). This is possibly due to the resettlement location that reduces their accessibility to several urban amenities, and from the descriptive statistics measurement it could be seen that the majority of relocated households experience a further accessibility towards urban amenities such as market, school and hospital. This indicates that most of the resettled households feels less satisfied with the urban proximity aspect of the resettled residential location.

8. Analyze the factors that influence resettlement process satisfaction

As shown in previous research framework, the study examines cause-effect relationship between six groups, including five unobserved exogenous variables and one unobserved endogenous variables.

There are four aspects of the resettlement that is studied in this paper, namely government assistance, time-related factors, public engagement, and perceived difficulty in accessibility. The government assistance is a perceived satisfaction of 1-5 Likert Scale on financial support, compensation amount, compensation process, and responsibility of the government. The time related aspect includes the amount of social awareness meeting availability, perception on relocation length of time and punctuality. The Public Engagement includes variables such as amount of social awareness meeting attendance, perception on resettlement self-involvement and information regarding the resettlement process itself. Meanwhile, the individual attributes include Income post-relocation, job (level of permanent work), education, household wage number, and age. For the latent variables of resettlement satisfaction, the parameters include satisfaction on resettlement location, satisfaction on resettlement process, would recommend resettlement policy for slum intervention in the future, and satisfaction on overall resettlement.

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In factors affecting resettlement process model, difficulty in accessibility were found to be the variables influencing the resettlement process satisfaction the most. The higher the perceived difficulty in accessibility are, the lower the resettlement satisfaction is. Moreover, the relationship between government assistance and public engagement shows that the higher they are to the government assistance compensation, the more likely they will participate in the resettlement process with a high significance value. Interestingly, the more the respondents participate in the resettlement process, the more likely they will be less satisfied with the resettlement process. Simultaneously, time-related factors have a significance value of 90% on resettlement satisfaction. To conclude, improvements of the variables concerning the factor of accessibility are considered to be the keys to achieve high satisfaction level on resettlement. Hence, location of the vertical public housing is an utmost importance factor of resettlement.

D. Conclusion

The main findings are summarized as follows:

1. This study experiments to understand the effect of relocation on the slum dwellers livelihood outcome, resettlement satisfaction, and intention to stay. For these purposes, a questionnaire survey on their livelihood and living environment were conducted in Bandung city in 2017 (n = 321), focusing specially on residents resettled to low-cost public housing. Simultaneously, a questionnaire with similar items were also carried out in several slum settlements as control purpose.

2. Even though those relocated by force eviction is given a unit in the low-cost vertical public housing, not every households took the housing compensation given by the government. With regards to the compensation, for the people resettled to Rusunawa Sadang Serang, the compensation given from the government includes free of house rent for two years, support on transportation for relocation, and compensation money as much as 2 million rupiahs (150USD) per household. As for the residents resettled to Rusunawa Rancacili, they are also given per households free low-cost public housing rent for two years, electricity subsidizes as much as Rp50.000 (3,75 USD)/month/households, and free water maintenance fee. Moreover, they are given 3 - 5 million rupiahs (225 - 375 USD) per household as compensation of the resettlement.

3. The resettlements of the slum dwellers to the low-cost vertical public housing has several impacts towards their livelihood outcomes. Approximately 26.43% of the respondents answered that they changed their occupation type and

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location after relocation, due to various reasons such as further location and high cost of travel expenses. From this data, as much as 4.85% of the sample in Rusunawa Rancacili lost their jobs after resettlement. Moreover, in their previous settlements, approximately 54% respondents have additional income, for example through opening home-scale-shop (warung), catering, and providing maid care or babysitter in their neighborhood.

4. This is due to the nature of ‘kampung’ which allows residents to earn additional income by targeting the residents as business target by providing services and selling goods in their neighborhood. This phenomenon is also shown in the control group data with approximately 40.4% of respondents recorded that they have additional income in their house. However, after moving to public housing, the closed building and isolated nature made them difficult to open the business at home or providing services because the market demand dropped significantly, as the targeted market after resettlements is only among the public housing residents themselves.

5. Approximately 68% of the resettled residents answered willing and very willing to their intention to move from public housing in average. The residents in Rancacili especially recorded an enormous number of 70.87% of having a strong intention to move from their resettled housing, with only 11.43% recorded a strong intention to stay. Meanwhile, the slum settlements residents in the control group recorded 35.36% of willing and very willing to their intention to move from their settlements. However, the percentage of housing type preferences did not differ significantly among the settlement categories. Both group prefer living in detached house, but around 20.6% respondents in the treatment group preferred living in vertical and public housing.

6. The perceived level of influence by the treatment group recorded that the domain of transportation, expenditure, and work-related aspects are the categories with the most degrading affect post-resettlement. This trend is also shown in the average income which dropped post-intervention. Hence, the improvement of these variables in these domains in particular may be essential to increase their general quality of life and life satisfaction. Meanwhile, the domain of household life and neighborhood relationship displays the lowest level of influence from resettlement. This indicate that these two domains subjectively are hardly influenced by the slum resettlement policy.

7. Based on the paired simple statistics analysis of slum dwellers before and after resettlement intervention policy, it was observed that the population that accepted policy intervention of resettlements has a decreasing state on their income. The results show that the income of the affected residents dropped

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from the mean of range of approximately Rp2.500.000/187 USD to range of approximately Rp1.500.000/112 USD per month. Their income changed due to the changed of their occupation and the lack of additional income through home-scale business and services. On the other hand, if compared to control group, their pre-income level is as much as range of approximately Rp.1.800.000/135 USD and increase slightly to range of approximately Rp.2.100.000/158 USD. This implies that the resettlement highly influences their livelihood outcome through the adaptation of livelihood outcomes.

8. The resettlement to a new settlement also increases their distance to work, from an average of 2.277 km to twice further at a mean of 4.93 km. The indirect effect of the increase in distance to work associate to increase in travel time and travel costs to work. The paired-sample test results also show the increase in transportation expenditure, from the average of Rp305.000 to Rp369.000. While the difference is highly significant, the average amount differences itself may not be very high. From interviewing with the respondents, this occurs because while the distance to work and travel cost to work daily increases, their daily mobility toward other places also decreases, due to the far located area and far from the city center. Meanwhile, the distance to work from control group remains similar throughout the year, from an average of 1.98 km to post-intervention time of 1.78 km.

9. The results of structural equation modeling show that the most significant aspect that influence resettlement satisfaction is the difficulty in accessibility (weighted -0.27) of the resettlement location and the public engagement (weighted 0.39). The higher the perceived accessibility to urban amenities the public housing location is, the more likely their resettlement satisfaction will be high. The public engagement also shows that the higher they are involved and received information regarding resettlement, the more likely they will be satisfied with the resettlement process.

10. Moreover, compensation given from the government also compels the resident to participate in the resettlement process as a duty. This is shown by the high significance value of compensation toward latent variable of public engagement. Furthermore, time-related aspects also influence the resident satisfaction with a confidence level of 90%. This includes the parameters of length of resettlement process, timed of social awareness meetings and perceived time punctuality of the resettlement process.

11. The structural equation modeling (SEM) on residential satisfaction and intention to stay implied that the improvements of residential satisfaction could be done through improving their housing infrastructure services. This includes water

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facilities, waste facilities, and drainage facilities. The SEM also showed that Intention to move was strongly affected by the housing infrastructure services improvement satisfaction. In the aspect of urban proximity satisfaction, it was

mostly represented by variables concerning health and education facilities.

E. Policy Recommendations

1. The resettled communities are struggling to achieve the income they get before the resettlement. The expected outcome of the program is to increase the livelihoods of the dwellers by providing better living conditions, however, it turns out in this transition period they face impoverishment. If so, then the policy objectives are not being accomplished.

2. To address this issue, the government should have provided a coping mechanism as a short-term response to an immediate shock and strategies applied to recover from the resettlement impacts. This could be done through providing community center of life-skill education to increase their human resources and enhance their skills in implementing livelihood strategies in order to change from informal sector to formal sector. Furthermore, government need to ensure the availability functional markets near the neighborhood or compensation structure that enables people to immediately find for another occupation opportunity and not loss their source of income. This compensation structure would enable people to restore at the level at least similar to the income maintained at times of displacement.

3. In factors affecting resettlement process model, public engagement and accessibility were found to be the variables influencing the resettlement process satisfaction the most. Therefore, improvements of the variables concerning this factor are considered to be the keys to achieve high satisfaction level on resettlement. Especially regarding resettled housing location which affect the resettled community’s mobility, the location of the public housing is recommended to be near the resettled communities previous location, as to minimize the effect of resettlement on their livelihood outcomes.

4. Based on the respondent’s housing type preference, in-situ slum upgrading is preferable than resettlement toward vertical public housing. Moreover, owned public housing is preferable then rented public housing. Therefore, future slum resettlement scheme should consider developing owned public housing as opposed to rent public housing to enhance the slum dwellers livelihood assets by providing owned secure tenure.

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Nama : Suryani Afdanella

Instansi : Pemkot Bukittinggi

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 tahun 2008 tentang RTRWN, Kota Bukittinggi ditetapkan sebagai salah satu Pusat Kegiatan Wilayah di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Oleh karena itu, Kota Bukittinggi dituntut memberi pelayanan tidak hanya kepada penduduk Kota Bukittinggi, tetapi juga kepada penduduk wilayah bahkan provinsi sekitar. Salah satu kendala bagi pelaksanaan pelayanan tersebut adalah keterbatasan luas wilayah, yaitu + 25 km2, sehingga permasalahan seperti kemacetan, keterbatasan lahan parkir, anggaran yang cukup banyak untuk mengangkut sampah ke tempat pembuangan sampah terpadu, penataan pasar dan terminal, peningkatan jumlah kejahatan, kondisi rawan bencana, dan banyak masalah lainnya tidak dapat dihindari. Hal ini mendorong Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi untuk memprakarsai penerapan kota cerdas sebagaimana tertuang dalam RPJMD Kota Bukittinggi 2016-2020. Sebagai bentuk prakarsa, pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan smart government yang sejalan dengan imbauan yang berlaku secara nasional dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 23 tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah.

Penerapan kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi baru berjalan kurang dari dua tahun, tetapi secara umum dapat dikatakan memberikan gambaran positif. Untuk itu, dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan menentukan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi implementasi kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, ada dua sasaran penelitian yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu (1) mengidentifikasi implementasi kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi; (2) menentukan faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi.

Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif sehingga proses observasi dan pengumpulan data primer sangat diutamakan, dengan didukung oleh kajian terhadap data sekunder. Pengumpulan data primer dilakukan dengan metode wawancara. Data yang terkumpul dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis isi dan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.

Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan inisiasi smart city, smart government, Kota Bukittinggi telah memenuhi indikator smart government sehingga memiliki potensi untuk dikembangkan sebagai kota cerdas. Faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi implementasi kebijakan smart government, yaitu kejelasan standar dan sasaran, hubungan antarorganisasi yang cukup baik, sumber daya yang memadai, karakteristik badan pelaksana yang mendukung pelaksanaan kebijakan, respons dan tingkat pemahaman implementatif yang cukup baik, serta kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik yang cukup stabil.

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Based on Government Regulation 26/2008 on RTRWN, Bukittinggi is designated as one of the Central Activities Area in West Sumatera Province. As a Regional Activity Center, Bukittinggi is required to provide services not only to residents of Bukittinggi, but also to residents of the region and even surrounding provinces. Meanwhile, one of the obstacles to the implementation of public service is limited area of + 25 km2, resulting in problems such as traffic congestion, limited parking space, large enough budget to transport garbage to integrated landfill, market and terminal arrangement, hazard-prone conditions and many other problems can not be avoided. This conditions make Government of Bukittinggi initiating the implementation of smart city as stated in RPJMD Bukittinggi 2016-2020. As first step of initiative, an open government policy was implemented which is in line with the nationally applicable appeal in Law No. 23 of 2014 on Regional Government.

The implementation of smart government policy in Bukittinggi has been running for less than two years, but generally give a positive result. For that purpose, the research is conducted to determine the factors that influence the implementation of smart government policy in Bukittinggi. to achieve the intended objectives will be done by two research objectives: 1. identifying the implementation of smart government policy in Bukittinggi, 2. determine the factors that influence the successful implementation of smart government policy in Bukittinggi.

This research is conducted through qualitative methods so that the process of observation and primary data collection is preferred, supported by the study of secondary data. Primary data collection is done by interview method. The collected data was analyzed using content analysis with qualitative descriptive approach. The results of the analysis show that in the implementation of smart government policy in Bukittinggi has met the indicator level of initiation that has the potential to be developed as a smart city. Furthermore, it is also found that there are factors influencing the implementation of open government policy that are clarity of standard and target, relation between organization good enough, adequate resource, characteristic of executing agency that support policy implementation, response and level of understanding of implementation quite well as well as a fairly stable condition of social, economic, and politic conditions.

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A. Latar Belakang

Berdasarkan Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 26 tahun 2008 tentang RTRWN, Kota Bukittinggi ditetapkan sebagai salah satu Pusat Kegiatan Wilayah di Provinsi Sumatera Barat. Oleh karena itu, Kota Bukittinggi dituntut memberi pelayanan tidak hanya kepada penduduk Kota Bukittinggi, tetapi juga kepada penduduk wilayah, bahkan provinsi sekitar. Sementara itu, keterbatasan luas wilayah, yaitu + 25 km2, menjadi salah satu kendala bagi pelaksanaan pelayanan publik.

Kota Bukittinggi menjalankan arahan dari Pemerintah pusat dalam bentuk pencanangan kota Bukittinggi menuju smart city yang dituangkan dalam Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) Kota Bukittinggi Tahun 20162020. Kemudian, ditindaklanjuti dengan Peraturan Walikota Bukittinggi Nomor 30 tahun 2016 tentang Pemanfaatan Teknologi Informasi dalam Penyelenggaraan Pemerintahan di Lingkungan Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi.

Dilihat dari segi kemampuan keuangan daerah, kota Bukittinggi memiliki kemampuan keuangan daerah yang sangat rendah dibandingkan kota-kota lain yang telah menerapkan smart city. Dalam kondisi keuangan yang sangat jauh berbeda tersebut, kenyataannya Kota Bukittinggi memiliki keberanian untuk mengikuti jejak kesuksesan Kota Bandung, Surabaya dan beberapa kota lainnya untuk menerapkan smart city dengan mewujudkan langkah awal, yaitu kebijakan smart government. Kota Bukittinggi juga dinilai cukup bagus dalam penilaian Rating Kota Cerdas Indonesia 2017 sebagai kota dengan tingkat kesiapan inisiatif kota cerdas. Keunikan tersebut menjadi daya tarik bagi peneliti untuk mengkaji implementasi kebijakan yang diterapkan oleh pemerintah kota Bukittinggi.

Terjadi perdebatan yang cukup panjang mengenai perlu atau tidaknya kebijakan smart government diterapkan. Namun, Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi memiliki pertimbangan tersendiri sehingga memutuskan untuk menjadikan smart government sebagai salah satu kebijakan yang dituangkan dalam RPJMD 2016-2020. Pertimbangan tersebut di antaranya sebagai berikut:

1. Luas administratif kota Bukittinggi relatif kecil. Upaya perluasan wilayah pernah dicanangkan dan sudah disahkan dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor 84 tahun 1999 tentang perluasan Kota Bukittinggi, tetapi Peraturan Pemerintah

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tersebut merupakan kewenangan sepenuhnya Kementerian dalam negeri. Oleh karena itu, ketika luas wilayah sesuai PP nomor 84 tahun 1999 tersebut tidak dapat dilaksanakan, Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi mencari alternatif pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat dengan kondisi luas wilayah yang terbatas.

2. Kota Bukittinggi tidak saja melayani kebutuhan penduduk kota Bukittinggi, tetapi juga melayani kebutuhan penduduk kabupaten, bahkan provinsi sekitar, terutama untuk bidang pendidikan, pelayanan kesehatan, pariwisata dan perhotelan, serta perdagangan.

3. Kota Bukittinggi dilintasi oleh jaringan jalan utama yang menghubungkan provinsi Sumatera Barat, Sumatera Utara, dan Medan. Hal ini meningkatkan volume kendaraan yang melintasi Kota Bukittinggi, ditambah kendaraan yang digunakan oleh wisatawan atau pengguna jasa yang datang ke Kota Bukittinggi. Hingga saat ini permasalahan yang ditimbulkan oleh kemacetan dan parkir masih mendominasi permasalahan kota. Permasalahan ini mendesak untuk diselesaikan karena mengancam keberlangsungan perekonomian Kota Bukittinggi, terutama jika terjadi penurunan minat wisatawan, baik yang berkunjung untuk objek wisata, berbelanja, pengguna jasa pelayanan kesehatan atau pendidikan.Untuk itu, diperlukan solusi yang cerdas untuk menangani.

4. Keterbatasan luas wilayah membuat Kota Bukittinggi saat ini harus mengeluarkan anggaran yang cukup besar untuk membuang sampah ke Tempat Pembuangan Sampah Terpadu milik Pemerintah Provinsi. Untuk itu, penerapan smart city pada semua aspek diharapkan dapat memecahkan permasalahan tersebut.

Dengan berbagai pertimbangan di atas, Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi mencoba menerapkan konsep smart city untuk mendapat penyelesaian yang cerdas terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan kota. Tentu saja, pembangunan smart city yang cukup kompleks dan melibatkan banyak stakeholder tidak dapat dibangun dalam waktu sesaat, apalagi dengan kondisi kemampuan keuangan Kota Bukittinggi yang sangat terbatas. Untuk itu, Pemerintah Kota Bukittiggi menerapkan kebijakan inisiasi Kota cerdas diawali dengan penerapan smart government sebagai langkah awal untuk mempersiapkan Kota Bukittinggi menuju penerapan smart city.

Mencermati kebutuhan dan kondisi yang mendesak penerapan kebijakan smart government sebagaimana disampaikan di atas, penulis sebagai bagian dari penduduk yang mencintai Kota Bukittinggi memiliki keinginan berkontribusi dengan cara menjadikan kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi sebagai topik penelitian.

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B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Berdasarkan kondisi yang telah diuraikan pada bagian latar belakang, rumusan masalah yang menjadi dasar penelitian, yaitu implementasi pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi yang membutuhkan biaya cukup besar untuk membangun infrastruktur dan membayar jasa pihak ketiga sebagai penyelenggara jaringan, aplikasi, dan jasa lainnya.

Kota Bukittinggi dengan indeks kemandirian keuangan sebesar 18% atau kategori sangat rendah dapat melaksanakan implementasi kebijakan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan. Dalam hal ini, perlu dilakukan kajian untuk menemukan faktor keberhasilan dalam implementasi kebijakan tersebut di Kota Bukittinggi. Rumusan masalah tersebut dapat dijabarkan menjadi pertanyaan penelitian berikut: faktor-faktor apa saja yang memengaruhi implementasi kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi?

Metode yang akan digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode kualitatif karena penelitian ini berhubungan erat dengan ide, persepsi, pendapat, atau kepercayaan orang yang diteliti yang wujud datanya tidak dalam bentuk angka.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Identifikasi Proses Implementasi Kebijakan Smart Government di Kota Bukittinggi

Kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi diperkenalkan kepada masyarakat pada acara peresmian Bukittinggi Smart Creative City tanggal 27 Februari 2017, ditandai dengan peluncuran 242 aplikasi pelayanan publik berbasis website dan telepon pintar. Sekalipun demikian, proses perencanaan kebijakan smart government telah dilakukan dari tahun 2016.

Pengukuran keberhasilan kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittnggi dilakukan dengan melihat ketersediaan indikator smart government. Hal ini diperoleh dari observasi, analisis isi terhadap dokumen perencanaan Bukittinggi Smart Creative City, dan wawancara. Informasi yang diperoleh adalah pelaksanaan kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi dapat dilihat dari ketersediaan indikator.

2. Layanan Publik secara Online

Parameter pertama yang diukur adalah ketersediaan pelayanan publik yang dilakukan secara online. Hal ini dapat dilihat dari 5 variabel, yaitu: (a) pelayanan

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yang berkaitan dengan kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil yang dilaksanakan oleh Kantor pencatatan Sipil dan sebagian lagi dilaksanakan oleh Kantor Kecamatan serta Kantor Kelurahan; (b) pelayanan publik dalam bidang kesehatan; (3) pelayanan publik dalam bidang pendidikan; (d) pelayanan publik di bidang perizinan; serta (e) sistem pembayaran secara elektronik. Layanan publik yang diberikan secara online adalah pelayanan strategi dalam bidang kependudukan, perizinan, kesehatan, dan pendidikan. Ada pula, layanan lain seperti pengelolaan parker dan pengelolaan informasi kepegawaian.

Penyediaan aplikasi pelayanan publik dilakukan dengan berbagai cara di antaranya bekerjasama dengan PT Telkom, mengadakan sayembara antarkelurahan untuk menyelenggarakan smart government tingkat kelurahan melalui pelayanan publik bersifat online, serta mendorong kreativitas pegawai untuk membuat aplikasi atau ide-ide lain terkait pelayanan publik secara lebih smart.

3. Infrastruktur

Parameter kedua yang diukur untuk melihat keberhasilan pelaksanaan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi adalah melalui parameter infrastruktur. Infrastruktur dan Jaringan adalah hal penting dan persyaratan utama yang harus ada dalam penerapan kebijakan smart government. Wilayah Kota Bukittinggi memiliki beberapa constrain atau hambatan utuk pembangunan yang bersifat fisik. Kendala tersebut diantaranya keterbatasan wilayah, sebagian wilayah yaitu sepanjang bibir ngarai termasuk zona rawan bencana yang tidak dapat dibangun, kontur cenderung berbukit, dan terdapat beberapa kawasan cagar budaya yang tidak dapat bongkar.

Kendala tersebut sangat berpengaruh terhadap perkembangan kota. Namun dari hasil wawancara diperoleh bahwa sejauh ini kondisi tersebut tidak berpengaruh pada tahapan perkembangan smart government, sehingga dapat diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa kondisi geografis tidak berpengaruh pada tahapan pembangunan smart government.

4. Open Government

Open Government menjadi persyaratan berikutnya yang harus dipenuhi dalam kebijakan smart government. Dalam pelaksanaan kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi, open government menjadi isu yang cukup mendapat perhatian. Keterbukaan informasi dipengaruhi oleh data yang tersedia serta ketidakjelasan penanggungjawab data. Kedua hal ini menjadi prioritas pembenahan. Hal ini dimulai dengan memperbaiki proses penyimpanan data baik secara fisik maupun secara digital, manajemen data, hingga penunjukkan PPID (Pejabat Pengelola Informasi Daerah) sebagai pejabat yang memiliki kewenangan terhadap informasi

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yang diberikan kepada publik. Selain dirasakan oleh masyarakat, manfaat dari keterbukaan informasi publik juga dirasakan oleh pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi sendiri. Selain informasi resmi yang berasal dari PPID, Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi juga lebih terbuka terhadap informasi lainnya yang dibutuhkan misalnya informasi mengenai kebijakan-kebijakan daerah, informasi mengenai sekolah serta pelaksanaan kegiatan belajar mengajar pada sekolah, informasi mengenai pariwisata dan sebagainya. Informasi-informasi tersebut sudah dapat diakses dengan mudah baik melalui portal resmi ataupun melalui akun-akun resmi pada media sosial.

5. Partisipasi

Smart government juga ditandai dengan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam pembangunan, terutama pada kebijakan-kebijakan strategis kota. Secara nasional sudah terdapat kebijakan yang bertujuan untuk melibatkan masyarakat dalam pembangunan yaitu Musrenbang (Musyawarah Perencanaan Pembangunan). Di Kota Bukittinggi Musrenbang dilaksanakan mulai dari tingkat kelurahan hingga tingkat Kota. Selain Musrenbang, terdapat media-media lain yang dipadukan dengan kearifan local sehingga terdapat mekanisme partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan. Mekanisme dimaksud adalah dengan keberadaan KAK (Kerapatan Adat Kurai) dan KAN (Kerapatan Adat Nagari). Kedua lembaga tersebut adalah lembaga adat yang strukturnya terdiri atas pemuka-pemuka adat yang merupakan pimpinan pada masing-masing suku yang ada di Kota Bukittinggi. Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi berkomunikasi secara berkala dengan KAK dan KAN dalam pertemuan-pertemuan strategis membahas isu pembangunan Kota Bukittinggi. adakalanya KAK dan KAN dimintai pandangan juga terhadap permasalahan-permasalahan khusus yang terjadi di Kota Bukittinggi.

6. Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Smart Government di Kota Bukittinggi

Adapun faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kebijakan publik telah didiskusikan dan di sintesakan pada Bab 2. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, berikut ini hasil analisis terhadap faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi implementasi Kebijakan Publik pada kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi.

a. Standar dan sasaran kebijakan

Standar dan sasaran kebijakan harus jelas dan terukur sehingga dapat direalisir. Tujuannya adalah untuk membangun hubungan antara kebijakan dan kinerja. Cara untuk mengukur kinerja adalah menilai sampai sejauh mana Kinerja memenuhi tujuan awal dari kebijakan tersebut, yaitu, standar

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kebijakan dan tujuan. Indikator dari faktor standar dan sasaran adalah terdapatnya sasaran dan tujuan yang jelas dari kebijakan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi dengan indikator berupa dokumen tertulis sejenis blue print, dokumen perencanaan dan sebagainya.

b. Komunikasi dan hubungan antarorganisasi

Komunikasi dan hubungan antarorganisasi artinya sebuah program perlu dukungan dan koordinasi dengan instansi lain. Komunikasi yang dimaksud adalah bentuk lain satu set aturan yang disepakati oleh organisasi-organisasi yang terlibat dalam rangka melaksanakan kebijakan. Set aturan tersebut terdiri atas kejelasan informasi dalam bentuk petunjuk teknis/SOP/standar pelaksanaan, ketersediaan ruang konsultasi bagi pelaksana yang kurang memahami atau membutuhkan penjelasan lebih lanjut, mekanisme pengecekan/pemantauan keberhasilan di lapangan, serta sarana umpan balik dari pelaksana di lapangan terhadap pembuat kebijakan.

c. Faktor sumber daya

Pelaksanaan kebijakan membutuhkan sumber daya, baik sumber daya manusia maupun sumber daya keuangan. Ada tiga sumber daya dalam mengimplementasikan kebijakan publik, yaitu sumber daya anggaran, sumber daya manusia, dan sumber daya sosial. Pada variabel ini dibatasi pada sumber daya manusia dan sumber daya anggaran saja, sedangkan sumber daya atau modal sosial dibahas pada variabel kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik.

Analisis terhadap faktor sumber daya cukup penting dalam penelitian ini. Secara teoretis, sumber daya memegang peran penting dalam setiap kebijakan. Namun, pelaksanaan smart government di Kota Bukittinggi berangkat dari keterbatasan kedua sumber daya di atas. Inilah sisi menariknya untuk melihat sejauh mana sumber daya sebagai faktor yang berpengaruh dalam implementasi kebijakan publik smart government di Kota Bukittinggi.

d. Karakteristik badan pelaksana

Faktor keempat yang memengaruhi implementasi kebijakan publik adalah karakteristik badan pelaksana, yaitu kapasitas lembaga pelaksana, tingkat kontrol tim secara hierarkis, dukungan yang diterima tim dari eksekutif dan legislatif, kondisi dan fungsi tim secara kelembagaan, keterbukaan dan kebebasan komunikasi, serta hubungan formal dan informal dengan pembuat kebijakan.

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e. Disposisi implementor

Disposisi implementor mencakup respons implementor, pemahaman terhadap kebijakan dan prefensi nilai yang dimiliki oleh implementor. Dalam penelitian ini, disposisi implementor dibatasi pada respon, pemahaman dan preferensi Pegawai Negeri Sipil pada Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi pada OPD-OPD yang terkait dengan pelaksanaan kebijakan inisiasi kota cerdas.

f. Kondisi sosial, ekonomi dan Politik

Sebagaimana pendapat Prof. Sunyoto Usman dalam sebuah kuliah umum, bahwa implementasi kebijakan publik membutuhkan tiga modal utama, yaitu modal SDM, modal anggaran, dan modal sosial. Modal SDM dan modal anggaran telah dibahas pada variabel sumber daya. Adapun modal sosial menurut Prof. Sunyoto Usman diindikasikan dalam kondisi rendahnya tingkat konflik terbuka, hubungan harmonis antaretnis dan masyarakat yang plural, dan kondisi pemerataan kesempatan bagi setiap orang untuk menduduki posisi strategis di masyarakat. Kondisi sosial, ekonomi, dan politik dapat diketahui dengan menggunakan metode wawancara dan mencermati beberapa dokumen sekunder.

g. Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Implementasi Kebijakan Smart Government

• Komunikasi yang sangat baik antar-OPD dan adanya sarana komunikasi berupa layanan konsultasi, misalnya dengan menghubungi Tim 7 dan dinas Kominfo melalui permohonan konsultasi secara formal atau permintaan secara informal melalui telepon. Pimpinan daerah bersikap terbuka terhadap umpan balik yang disampaikan masyarakat maupun pelaksana kebijakan.

• Kejelasan yang disampaikan dalam bentuk sosialisasi dan diklat teknis.

• Kota Bukittinggi memiliki SDM yang cukup baik dalam bidang TIK, tetapi belum terberdayakan secara optimal karena masih tersebar di berbagai OPD dan terikat dengan tugas pokok dan fungsi di OPD.

• Komitmen peningkatan kapasitas aparatur dengan pemberian diklat, pembinaan karir, dan alokasi anggaran pendidikan.

• Pemerintah memanfaatkan dukungan penuh dari pimpinan daerah yang berimplikasi pada arah kebijakan keuangan daerah, melakukan penghematan dan memanfaatkan tenaga ahli bidang TIK yang dimilik, serta pengadaan infrastruktur yang dilakukan secara bertahap.

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• Kewenangan pelaksanaan dimiliki oleh Dinas Kominfo berdasarkan Tugas Pokok dan Fungsi OPD, tetapi belum memadai.

• Standar dan sasaran kebijakan yang cukup jelas terdapat dalam dokumen perencanaan, tetapi belum diketahui secara terperinci oleh implementor.

• Dokumen perencanaan telah memuat empat tahapan pengembangan smart government.

• Diskominfo menjadi penanggung jawab implementasi kebijakan inisiasi kota cerdas.

• Tim bersifat adhoc yang memiliki kewenangan yang terbatas, tetapi menunjukkan loyalitas yang tinggi. Loyalitas yang diberikan oleh tim teknis tidak terlepas dari komposisi tim yang terdiri atas ASN yang memiliki minat yang cukup tinggi dalam bidang TIK serta adanya penghargaan langsung dari unsur pimpinan daerah.

• Pemahaman imlementor dalam berbagai bahasa dan kalimat yang berbeda, tetapi menunjukkan makna yang serupa. Ada keseragaman pendapat implementor bahwa kebijakan smart government penting untuk diterapkan dan optimis kebijakan dapat dilaksanakan.

• Kondisi ekonomi dan politik yang cukup stabil, serta kultur budaya masyarakat yang bersikap terbuka terhadap kebijakan baru yang bersifat positif berdampak baik bagi penerimaan masyarakat terhadap kebijakan smart government.

D. Kesimpulan

Dari 27 temuan hasil analisis sebagaimana diuraikan diatas, dapat diambil kesimpulan berikut:

1. tersedia beberapa layanan publik yang diselenggarakan secara online, di antaranya layanan kependudukan dan pencatatan sipil, layanan perizinan, layanan bidang pendidikan, layanan kesehatan, serta beberapa layanan publik lainnya;

2. tersedia infrastruktur penunjang pelaksanaan kebijakan smart government, seperti cakupan jaringan internet, sensor pada titik strategis kota, command center, pusat data, dan jaringan intranet antar-OPD.

3. terdapat upaya untuk peningkatan ketersediaan data, pembenahan data, penyimpanan data secara fisik maupun digital, serta pembentukan lembaga yang ditunjuk khusus sebagai penanggung jawab publikasi data sehingga

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memudahkan akses data pemerintahan, baik oleh instansi pemerintah, masyarakat, dan investor.

4. selain ketersediaan data, pembuatan aplikasi yang dilakukan secara mandiri oleh aparat Pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi yang dibuat dengan platform yang sama sehingga dapat diintegrasikan satu sama lainnya;

5. partisipasi masyarakat dalam pembangunan cukup baik dan ada saluran komunikasi antara masyarakat dan pemerintah;

6. faktor hubungan antarorganisasi sangat berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan smart government yang dapat dibuktikan dari adanya komunikasi yang baik antarorganisasi pelaksana serta trasnmisi informasi yang cukup jelas melalui sosialisasi dan diklat;

7. faktor sumber daya sangat berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan smart government. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan keberadaan SDM dan ketersediaan SDM di bidang TIK dan ketersediaan anggaran untuk mendukung implementasi kebijakan smart government. Namun, ketersediaan SDM belum disertai dengan kewenangan yang memadai. Terhadap SDM aparatur, pemerintah Kota Bukittinggi yang memiliki kemampuan dan minat dalam bidang TIK melakukan pemberdayaan diikuti dengan pemberian diklat yang konsisten memberi peluang bagi pemerintah untuk menekan biaya operasional kebijakan. Adapun keterbatasan anggaran dapat diatasi dengan pengadaan secara bertahap.

8. faktor kejelasan standar dan sasaran sangat berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan smart government. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh kejelasan penetapan standard dan sasaran serta dokumen perencanaan;

9. faktor karakteristik badan pelaksana berpengaruh terhadap implementasi kebijakan. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan implementor memahami tujuan kebijakan, memiliki pandangan bahwa kebijakan smart government adalah penting untuk dilaksanakan serta memiliki sikap optimis terhadap keberhasilan kebijakan;

10. faktor stabilitas ekonomi, sosial, dan politik berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan implementasi kebijakan.

E. Rekomendasi

Berdasarkan sembilan poin kesimpulan di atas, rekomendasi penelitian adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Layanan publik secara online yang telah tersedia perlu ditingkatkan dan diintegrasikan dengan layanan lainnya.

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2. Sayembara atau sejenisnya diperlukan untuk memicu kreativitas, baik kalangan ASN kota bukittinggi maupun kalangan masyarakat untuk menciptakan berbagai aplikasi layanan publik dengan platform yang telah ditentukan.

3. Kerja sama dengan pihak rumah pengelola rumah sakit, baik milik pemerintah propinsi, pemerintah pusat maupun dengan rumah sakkit swasta sangat diperlukan.

4. Potensi yang sudah dimiliki kota bukittinggi berupa cakupan jaringan internet dapat dimanfaatkan secara lebih optimal.

5. Sensor yang lebih canggih perlu ditingkatkan, yang meliputi parameter-parameter yang dibutuhkan untuk mengetahui kondisi aspek-aspek strategis kota.

6. Pusat data, jaringan, dan command center yang telah tersedia harus dimanfaatkan dengan baik sesuai dengan kebutuhan kota.

7. Ketersediaan data perlu ditingkatkan dengan melakukan pendataan secara berkala terhadap aspek-aspek strategis kota sehingga dapat dimanfaatkan untuk kepentingan pemerintah maupun untuk kepentingan masyarakat.

8. Aplikasi yang sudah ada dan aplikasi yang dibutuhkan untuk pelayanan publik perlu dikembangkan.

9. Efektivitas saluran komunikasi antara masyarakat dan pemerintah perlu ditingkatkan.

10. Keterlibatan masyarakat, terutama dalam bidang perencanaan perlu ditingkatkan.

11. Komunikasi yang baik antar OPD untuk setiap kebijakan publik yang diimplementasikan perlu dijaga dan ditingkatkan.

12. Kewenangan yang memadai agar implementasi berjalan dengan baik sangat dibutuhkan.

13. Potensi SDM yang dimiliki oleh Kota Bukittinggi perlu dibina dan ditingkatan kualitasnya.

14. Pemerintah daerah perlu melakukan penelitian untuk menunjang perencanaan yang lebih baik, terutama perencanaan jangka menengah dan jangka panjang untuk kelanjutan kebijakan smart government menuju smart city.

15. Pemerintah perlu mempertimbangkan beban kerja dengan kewenangan yang dimiliki lembaga agar implementasi kebijakan dapat berjalan lebih baik.

16. Potensi positif yang ditunjukkan oleh baiknya respons dan pemahaman implementor perlu ditingkatkan agar berdampak lebih besar pada kesuksesan

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implementasi kebijakan smart city yang menjadi tujuan pelaksanaan smart


17. Upaya pemeliharaan dan peningkatan stabilitas sosial, ekonomi, dan politik masyarakat perlu ditingkatkan sehingga memberi pengaruh baik terhadap implementasi kebijakan publik.

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Nama : Umar Wirabhuana

Instansi : Pemkot Palembang

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan Wilayah dan Kota

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Penelitian ini dilakukan melalui metode kualitatif sehingga proses observasi pengumpulan data primer sangat diutamakan, dan kajian terhadap sumber data sekunder dilakukan sebagai pelengkap. Hal pertama yang diidentifikasi adalah prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam konteks wisata religi dan sejarah di pulau Kemaro. Setelah perumusan persoalan, analisis stakeholder dilakukan untuk mengetahui peran dan kepentingan, serta penentuan stakeholder utama penyelenggara pariwisata Pulau Kemaro. Langkah selanjutnya adalah menganalisis data dan hasil observasi untuk menentukan tujuan pengembangan pariwisata Pulau Kemaro dan mengidentifikasi faktor internal dan eksternal yang akan menjadi modal untuk merumuskan strategi melalui analisis SWOT. Selanjutnya, rumusan strategi diuraikan lebih detail berdasarkan aspek-aspek pariwisata berkelanjutan. Karena keterkaitan sistem pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam perwujudan pariwisata berkelanjutan, rumusan strategi perlu diarahkan dalam kerangka manajemen fungsi.

Hasil studi menunjukkan adanya tiga aspek utama pariwisata berkelanjutan, yaitu ekonomi, sosisal-budaya, dan lingkungan. Ketiga aspek ini menjadi pedoman dalam identifikasi prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan dan juga dalam perumusan strategi. Hasil identifikasi stakeholder menunjukkan Pemerintah Kota Palembang merupakan stakeholder utama dan menjadi subjek strategi dalam penelitian ini. Hasil analisis SWOT merumuskan beberapa strategi utama, yaitu: (1) memperkuat koordinasi stakeholder internal dan eksternal dalam mencari solusi dan ide-ide untuk kemajuan pariwisata; (2) intensifikasi daya tarik wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan potensi keagamaan dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki; (3) intesifikasi aksesibilitas dan amenitas wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya internal dan eksternal secara optimal; (4) menghasilkan kebijakan pro pariwisata dan pro masyarakat.

Keempat strategi utama tersebut diturunkan lebih detail dalam kerangka aspek-aspek pariwisata berkelanjutan. Rumusan strategi diarahkan dalam kerangka fungsi-fungsi manajemen sebagai berikut: (1) peramalan (forecasting); (2) perencanaan (planning); (3) organisasi (organization); (4) kepegawaian/personalia (staffing); (5) pengarahan (actuating); (6) koordinasi (coordinating); (7) pembiayaan (budgeting); (8) pengendalian (controlling). Hasil perumusan strategi ini diharapkan menjadi rekomendasi bagi stakeholder utama dalam mewujudkan dan mengembangkan pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam konteks wisata religi dan sejarah di Pulau Kemaro.

Kata kunci: Wisata, Pariwisata Pulau Kemaro, Pariwisata Berkelanjutan, Wisata Religi dan Sejarah Strategi, Manajemen Fungsi, Stakeholder.

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This research was conducted through the qualitative method so that the process of observation of primary data collection is very preferred, then the secondary data review also needed to be complementary. The first thing to identify is sustainable tourism principles in context of religious tourism and historical tourism in Kemaro island. After the problems formulated, the stakeholder analysis is conducted to determine the stakeholder’s role and interest, and also to determine the key stakeholder in Kemaro Island’s tourism development. The next step is to analize the data and observation product to determine the main target of Kemaro Island’s tourism development and to identify the internal and external factors that will be the capital to formulate strategies through SWOT analysis. After that, the strategy formulas will be described more detail based on the sustainable tourism aspects. The interconnection of sustainable tourism management system in realization of sustainable tourism makes stratetgy formulation need to be directed in function management framework.

The study result shown the three main aspects of sustainable tourism, there are economic, sosio-cultural, and environmental. These aspects will be the guidance in formulating the sustainable tourism principles and also formulating the strategies. The stakeholder analysis result shown the Palembang city government is the main stakeholder and became the strategy subject in this research. The SWOT analysis result formulate main several strategies: (1) strengthen the coordination between internal and external stakeholders in order to find the ideas and solutions to achieve the tourism advancement;( 2) intensification of kemaro island’s tourism attractiveness with its religious and cultural potential; (3) intensification of accessibility and amenity in kemaro island’s tourism by utilizing the internal and external resources optimally; (4) producing pro-tourism and pro-community policies.

The strategies will described more detail through the sustainable tourism aspects framework and then the results will be directed into the functions management system framework as it shown: (1) forecasting; (2) planning; (3) organization; (4) staffing; (5) actuating; (6) coordinating; (7) budgeting; (8) controlling. The final outcome of formulation strategies will be a recommendation for the main stakeholder in order to realize and to develop the Kemaro Island’s sustainable tourism in context of religious and historical tourism.

Keywords: Tourism, Kemaro island;s Tourism, Sustainable Tourism, Strategy, Religious and Historical Tourism, Fuction Management, Stakeholder.

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A. Latar Belakang

Pulau Kemaro ditetapkan sebagai objek wisata religi dan sejarah. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daerah telah berupaya melakukan peningkatan kualitas pariwisata dengan melakukan perencanaan-perencanaan yang berpedoman pada Perencanaan Pariwisata Nasional.

Pengembangan objek wisata seharusnya memiliki beragam strategi yang ditemukan berdasarkan faktor internal dan eksternal, serta melihat prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam konteks wisata religi dan sejarah. Terumuskannya strategi pengembangan destinasi wisata berkelanjutan akan memudahkan para stakeholder penyelenggara pariwisata dalam memajukan pariwisata.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Kondisi Pariwisata Pulau Kemaro secara umum memperlihatkan adanya persoalan-persoalan yang menyangkut keberlanjutan pariwisata. Beberapa persoalan yang ditemui di Pulau Kemaro adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Keberlanjutan ekonomi

Persoalan ini terkait pada kegiatan industri pariwisata yang menunjang kelangsungan ekonomi masyarakat lokal dan para penyelenggara kegiatan wisata di Pulau Kemaro. Persoalan yang terkait dengan keberlanjutan ekonomi, yaitu:

a. Keterbatasan atraksi dan agenda wisata

Pulau Kemaro yang ditetapkan sebagai objek wisata religi dan sejarah telah menjadi label utama. Fakta di lapangan menunjukkan atraksi wisata masih terbatas pada agenda kegiatan keagamaan dan objek-objek bangunan. Dengan demikian, kegiatan perekonomian hanya berlangsung saat kegiatan tahunan itu berlangsung. Penambahan atraksi dan agenda wisata baru di luar agenda tahunan akan mendukung terjadinya peningkatan kegiatan industri pariwisata.

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b. Aksesibilitas

Penerapan atribut SOP keamanan dan keselamatan pada moda-moda transportasi air belum sepenuhnya dilakukan, khususnya transportasi berukuran kecil. Dermaga yang menjadi prasarana pintu masuk ke destinasi wisata belum memadai bagi kapal wisata yang lebih besar dan belum tersebar. Aksesibilitas melalui jalan darat, berupa jembatan apung difasilitasi hanya pada acara dan waktu tertentu oleh yayasan Toa Pekong. Dampak terhadap ekonomi akan terlihat jika fasilitas-fasilitas untuk menyambut wisatawan tersedia dan layak fungsi. Kemudahan pencapaian ke lokasi wisata akan menjadi nilai tambah bagi objek wisata.

c. Keterbatasan energi

Posisi Pulau Kemaro yang terpisah dari daratan utama Kota Palembang menyulitkan pasokan energi listrik ke wilayah pulau. Dalam hal membeli BBM, masyarakat membelinya pada kios-kios BBM terapung yang jumlah dan waktu operasinya terbatas. Masyarakat Pulau Kemaro selama ini mengandalkan sumber listrik dari alat pembangkit listrik portabel. Oleh karena itu, penambahan fasilitas sumber energi akan membantu kegiatan di wilayah pulau.

2. Keberlanjutan budaya

Keberlanjutan budaya di sini memperhatikan cara hidup masyarakat lokal sekitar objek wisata. Budaya masyarakat lokal Pulau Kemaro yang berprofesi sebagai petani, nelayan, pedagang, dan penyelam belum dipandang sebagai suatu hal yang menarik oleh beberapa pihak. Padahal, kebudayaan seharusnya mampu menjadi bagian aktivitas pariwisata dengan meningkatkan keahlian dan perbaikan sarana untuk mewujudkannya. Aktivitas masyarakat lokal berpotensi untuk diangkat menjadi bagian kegiatan wisata Pulau Kemaro.

3. Keberlanjutan lingkungan

Penataan ruang berkaitan dengan lingkungan karena pembangunan yang dilakukan berdampak pada lingkungan alam. Pemerintah sebagai aktor pembangunan dalam melakukan pengembangan objek wisata harus memperhatikan kelestarian lingkungan. Pulau Kemaro memiliki daerah pesisir pulau atau waterfront yang belum tertata dan beberapa bagian pulau terdapat bangunan pemukiman yang kurang layak yang dihuni oleh masyarakat lokal. Hal ini berdampak pada penurunan kualitas lahan di pesisir pulau, seperti tercemarnya unsur hara dan adanya ancaman dari alam, yaitu erosi lahan.

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Persoalan keberlanjutan juga dilihat berdasarkan aspek ekonomi, sosial-budaya, dan lingkungan. Persoalan perwujudan wisata Pulau Kemaro yang berkelanjutan disebabkan oleh banyaknya aktor yang memiliki keterlibatan, variasi kepentingan dari tiap-tiap aktor, koordinasi antarkelembagaan lemah yang memiliki hubungan dengan pembiayaan pembangunan pariwisata. Persoalan-persoalan yang muncul diidentifikasi juga sebagai persoalan lintas aktor dan lintas pemerintahan. Kondisi ini menyulitkan perwujudan pariwisata berkelanjutan dan untuk menyelesaikan persoalan tersebut dibutuhkan strategi yang tidak hanya berpedoman pada prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan, tetapi juga didasarkan pada sistem pengelolaan pariwisata. Dengan demikian, rumusan strategi yang dihasilkan mudah diimplementasikan.

Pencapaian keberlanjutan objek wisata di Pulau Kemaro memerlukan pengetahuan terhadap kapasitas kemampuan yang dimiliki oleh Pemerintah Daerah. Oleh karena itu, ada beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan untuk mencapai pariwisata berkelanjutan, antara lain: (1) menemukan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam konteks wisata religi dan sejarah; (2) mengetahui fakta lapangan yang menunjukkan perkembangan dan persoalan yang terjadi di Pulau Kemaro; (3) kebutuhan mengetahui stakeholder utama melalui penelitian terhadap besarnya peranan dan pengaruh masing-masing stakeholder; (4) mengetahui kapasitas modal dan potensi kebudayaan dan kegiatan lokal yang menjadi kekuatan untuk mencapai keberlanjutan pariwisata Pulau Kemaro.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Rencana Pengembangan Pariwisata Kota Palembang

Dinas Pariwisata telah melakukan usulan permohonan dana kepada Kementrian Pariwisata untuk tahun 2018. Hal ini dilakukan sebagai upaya peningkatan sarana pariwisata Kota Palembang. Berdasarkan keterangan Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang, usulan anggaran tersebut ditujukan untuk program pembangunan dan perbaikan dermaga-dermaga kecil pada setiap wilayah kecamatan yang berbatasan langsung dengan Sungai Musi dan memiliki potensi wisata tersendiri. Kemudian, untuk pengembangan wisata Pulau Kemaro, Dinas Pariwisata merencanakan pembangunan jalur jalan kaki melayang mengelilingi wilayah Pulau Kemaro.

Program pengembangan juga ditujukan untuk revitalisasi kawasan heritage dan objek-objek wisata Kota Palembang, pembangunan pasar seni, pengadaan sarana penunjang kawasan wisata, pembangunan air mancur menari di depan plaza Kampung Kapitan, air terjun Ampera, restorasi sungai Sekanak.

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Untuk mewujudkan rencana tersebut, Dinas Pariwisata Kota Palembang memerlukan dana tambahan. Salah satu caranya adalah membuka peluang kerja sama dari pihak-pihak perusahaan yang berdomisili di sekitar Kota Palembang dan kerja sama investor-investor mancanegara dan dalam negeri yang memiliki hubungan emosional dengan kota Palembang.

Pemerintah Kota Palembang juga harus memperhitungkan peran dari para pelaku usaha pariwisata. Pelaku usaha pariwisata antara lain: Association of The Indonesia Tours & Travel (ASITA), Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI), dan lain-lain. Asosiasi-asosiasi seperti ini akan membantu pemerintah dalam mempromosikan produk-produk pariwisata di dalam Kota Palembang. Pemerintah Kota sebagai penyelenggara pariwisata dapat menampung aspirasi-aspirasi yang diberikan oleh asosiasi-asosiasi ini karena pariwisata telah menjadi produk industri dalam usaha mereka.

2. Kondisi Keberlanjutan Pariwisata Pulau Kemaro

Dalam penelitian kualitatif, kevalidan informasi primer merupakan hal penting untuk memperkuat argumen-argumen terhadap bahan analisis. Konfirmasi kesesuaian dengan standar-standar yang ditemukan dalam literatur-literatur membantu menemukan perbedaan antara standar tersebut dan informasi sesuai fakta lapangan.

Peneliti mendapatkan informasi melalui wawancara dengan menyesuaikan latar belakang tiap-tiap narasumber. Sebagian besar narasumber yang dipilih mewakili para stakeholder yang terkait penyelenggaraan wisata Pulau Kemaro. Pertanyaan yang diajukan mencakup kualitas penyelenggaraan pariwisata di Pulau Kemaro, kesesuaian kondisi penyelenggaraan wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan, dan kendala yang dihadapi pada saat pelaksanaannya. Kemudian, pertanyaan berkembang dengan melihat frekuensi kunjungan wisatawan, puncak keramaian pengunjung berdasarkan waktu dan kegiatan, potensi yang dimiliki pulau Kemaro yang mencakup fasilitas wisata, aksesibilitas, amenitas, dan kondisi masyarakat lokal. Selanjutnya, pertanyaan menjurus pada program-program kepariwisataan yang dilakukan oleh lembaga pemerintahan dan swasta, kelembagaan pariwisata pulau Kemaro, koordinasi yang terjadi antara stakeholder, dukungan anggaran dan dukungan payung hukum pariwisata Pulau Kemaro.

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3. Strategi Utama Pengembangan Pariwisata Berkelanjutan Pulau Kemaro

Strategi yang dihasilkan dalam analisis SWOT pengembangan pariwisata Pulau Kemaro dapat disederhanakan menjadi beberapa kategori besar strategi utama, yaitu:

a. memperkuat koordinasi stakeholder internal dan eksternal dalam mencari solusi dan ide-ide untuk kemajuan pariwisata. Koordinasi dilakukan dalam hal:

• ekstensifikasi jangkauan wewenang Organisasi Perangkat Daerah pariwisata;

• koordinasi dalam bingkai kelembagaan (palembang tourism board);

• koordinasi partisipasi antar stakeholder;

• koordinasi reduksi masalah lingkungan dan sosial, melalui metode ilmiah.

b. Intensifikasi daya tarik wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan potensi keagamaan dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki. Intensifikasi dilakukan terhadap:

• intensifikasi nilai budaya;

• intesisfikasi potensi dan modal pariwisata kota Palembang;

• intensifikasi daya tarik dan kualitas destinasi wisata.

c. Intesifikasi aksesibilitas dan amenitas wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan memanfaatkan secara optimal sumber daya internal dan eksternal. Intensifikasi dilakukan melalui:

• optimalisasi pencarian sumber anggaran;

• optimalisasi pemanfaatan sumber anggaran;

• inventarisasi modal dan potensi pariwisata.

d. Menghasilkan kebijakan pro pariwisata dan pro masyarakat. Kebijakan dihasilkan melingkupi:

• kebijakan yang memperhatikan keberadaa dan kualitas hidup masyarakat lokal;

• menerapkan aturan sekaligus memberi stimulan untuk mendukung peningkatan kualitas pariwisata dan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat lokal.

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D. Kesimpulan

Penelitian ini melihat pengembangan objek wisata Pulau Kemaro di Kota Palembang, yang telah ditetapkan sebagai wisata religi dan sejarah. Penyelenggaraan pariwisata di Pulau Kemaro belum mencapai kondisi yang berkelanjutan. Padahal, keberlanjutan pariwisata merupakan salah satu program kegiatan dari Pembangunan Kepariwisataan Nasional yang seharusnya diterapkan pada seluruh objek wisata. Keberlanjutan pariwisata ini dapat mempertimbangkan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan yang meliputi aspek ekonomi, sosial-budaya, dan lingkungan. Selain itu, pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan dan kajian wisata religi dan sejarah juga menjadi pendukung dalam identifikasi prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan ini.

Persoalan keberlanjutan ini diidentifikasi dari sudut pandang aspek-aspek berkelanjutan yang ditemukan pada objek penelitian. Persoalan ini disebabkan banyaknya aktor terlibat, koordinasi yang lemah, dan berbagai kepentingan dari tiap-tiap aktor sehingga dibutuhkan strategi untuk mewujudkan wisata Pulau Kemaro yang berkelanjutan.

Pengembangan wisata Pulau Kemaro untuk menjadi pariwisata utama di Kota Palembang memerlukan rumusan strategi yang dihasilkan dengan pertimbangan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan yang meliputi aspek ekonomi, sosial-budaya, lingkungan, dan juga pertimbangan terhadap wisata religi dan sejarah. Hal ini dapat dicapai dengan cara melakukan analisis terhadap data-data primer dan sekunder yang menghasilkan prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan dalam konteks wisata religi dan sejarah di Pulau Kemaro, yang menjadi pedoman bagi penentuan faktor internal dan eksternal analisis SWOT. Melalui analisis stakeholder classic, Pemerintah Kota Palembang dapat diidentifikasikan sebagai stakeholder utama penyelenggara pariwisata Pulau Kemaro.

Rumusan strategi utama yang dihasilkan dari analisis SWOT diarahkan sesuai prinsip-prinsip pariwisata berkelanjutan. Rumusan ini diuraikan menjadi strategi fungsional menurut aspek-aspek pariwisata berkelanjutan. Penjabaran rumusan strategi tersebut diuraikan sebagai berikut:

1. memperkuat koordinasi stakeholder internal dan eksternal dalam mencari solusi dan ide-ide untuk kemajuan pariwisata;

2. mengintensifikasi daya tarik wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan potensi keagamaan dan kebudayaan yang dimiliki;

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3. mengintesifikasi aksesibilitas dan amenitas wisata Pulau Kemaro dengan

memanfaatkan sumber daya internal dan eksternal secara optimal;

4. menghasilkan kebijakan pro pariwisata dan pro masyarakat;

Berdasarkan kerangka pengelolaan pariwisata berkelanjutan, rumusan strategi diarahkan berdasarkan fungsi-fungsi manajemen untuk mempermudah implementasi strategi oleh stakeholder utama penyelenggara pariwisata religi dan sejarah Pulau Kemaro dengan cara berikut:

1. Fungsi Peramalan

Strategi mencari potensi aktivitas warga lokal yang mampu menjadi modal bagi wisata budaya (kampung wisata).

2. Fungsi Perencanaan

• melibatkan langsung para investor dalam proses perencanaan objek wisata dalam hal ini Pulau Kemaro;

• merencanakan pertunjukan seni budaya yang mengambil tema utama legenda Pulau Kemaro tanpa mengganggu kesakralan tempat ibadah;

• melakukan Inovasi pembangunan dermaga dengan mempertimbangkan kondisi fisik lingkungan Pulau Kemaro;

• memilih metode pembangunan yang berdampak kecil pada lingkungan alam;

• memberi intensifikasi kualitas rumah tinggal warga lokal sekaligus menerapkan program Live In di perumahan warga lokal;

• menerapkan Kampung Improvement Program dengan mentransformasi lingkungan tempat tinggal warga menjadi Kampung wisata.

3. Fungsi Organisasi

Strategi membentuk Palembang Tourism Board.

4. Fungsi Kepegawaian/Personalia

• melestarikan kebudayaan lokal melalui kontribusi pada mata pelajaran sekolah;

• meningkatkan ketrampilan masyarakat lokal dengan memberikan pelatihan berkaitan dengan bidang kepariwisataan yang bekerjasama dengan pihak akademisi;

• memberdayakan tenaga masyarakat lokal dengan porsi yang sesuai pada fasilitas pariwisata.

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5. Fungsi pengarahan

• membuat promosi pariwisata melalui kerjasama dengan pekerja periklanan dan perfilman;

• membangun tempat pertunjukkan seni budaya bertema legenda Pulau Kemaro yang menjadi stimulan bagi pelaku industri wisata untuk mengambil manfaat;

• melakukan propaganda positif tentang pelestarian alam melalui kampanye yang dimasukkan pada kegiatan wisata;

• menerapkan peraturan trayek transportasi air, Standar Operational Procedure keselamatan penumpang.

6. Fungsi Koordinasi

• berkoordinasi dengan OPD penentu anggaran untuk prioritas alokasi anggaran pariwisata Pulau Kemaro;

• berkoordinasi dengan pihak swasta untuk menawarkan investasi;

• berkoordinasi dengan Dinas Kebudayaan Kota Palembang dan Dinas Pariwisata dan kebudayaan Provinsi Sumsel untuk perencanaan acara kebudayaan dan keagamaan;

• berkoordinasi dengan pihak perusahaan yang berada di dalam dan sekitar Pulau Kemaro untuk mengelola limbah sisa produksi sehingga mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan.

• berkoordinasi dengan para ahli dari akademisi dan asosiasi profesi mengenai penerapan teknologi pembangunan yang ramah lingkungan.

7. Fungsi Pembiayaan

• melakukan koordinasi dengan OPD penentu anggaran untuk prioritas alokasi anggaran pariwisata Pulau Kemaro;

• mengenakan tarif masuk pada objek wisata selain tempat beribadah dan sarana yang dibawah wewenang pihak yayasan pengurus Pulau Kemaro;

• menerapkan standar tarif jasa angkutan berdasarkan jenis alat transportasi air;

• memanfaatkan dana CSR dan bantuan dari pihak swasta untuk merehabilitasi dan menambah kapasitas daya tampung dermaga;

• mengalokasikan anggaran pariwisata pemerintah ditujukan untuk melengkapi sistem penunjang pada fasilitas wisata yang telah dibangun.

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8. Fungsi Pengendalian

• melindungi kebudayaan yang telah ada dari ancaman klaim yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing melalui paten kebudayaan yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga hukum yang berkompeten;

• memperkuat aturan persentase ruang terbuka hijau ideal bagi wilayah Pulau Kemaro;

• kebijakan mewajibkan kegiatan yang dilakukan di dalam lingkup Pulau Kemaro berkontribusi pada pelestarian lingkungan alam.

9. Kontrol orangtua anak dan masyarakat sekitar LKSA Daarus Sundus kurang sehingga mengakibatkan minimnya kritik/masukan kepada LKSA untuk memperbaiki diri sesuai standar pengasuhan yang telah ada.

E. Rekomendasi kepada Pemerintah Kota Palembang

Rekomendasi ditujukan kepada Pemerintah Kota Palembang sebagai stakeholder utama. Upaya implementasi strategi yang telah dirumuskan adalah sebagai berikut:

1. merampungkan dan menetapkan Perda Pariwisata Kota Palembang untuk memperkuat alokasi mata anggaran bagi pengembangan pariwisata di Pulau Kemaro;

2. membentuk Palembang Tourism Board untuk memudahkan pergerakan perencanaan, pembangunan, pengelolaan, dan promosi objek wisata yang telah direncanakan dan seluruh kegiatan yang dilakukan dilindungi oleh kekuatan hukum yang jelas;

3. menggali ide kreativitas untuk menambah daya tarik pariwisata pada objek wisata;

4. memperkuat koordinasi antara stakeholder, terutama terhadap pihak Yayasan Kelenteng Pulau Kemaro;

5. memasukkan detail ornamen-ornamen khas wisata religi Pulau Kemaro pada perencanaan baru fasilitas pariwisata di Pulau Kemaro sesuai arahan dari Yayasan Pulau Kemaro;

6. meningkatkan keterampilan masyarakat lokal dengan memberikan pelatihan berkaitan dengan bidang kepariwisataan yang bekerjasama dengan pihak akademisi;

7. merekrut tenaga masyarakat lokal dengan porsi yang sesuai pada fasilitas pariwisata;

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8. melaksanakan program Kampung Improvement Program dan program Live in, sebagai salah satu cara meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan masyarakat lokal;

9. melindungi hak paten kebudayaan yang telah ada dari ancaman klaim yang dilakukan oleh pihak asing melalui produk aturan yang dikeluarkan oleh lembaga hukum yang berkompeten dan berlaku secara internasional;

10. memperkuat pengawasan dan penegakan aturan dalam membangun yang wajib menyediakan persentase yang ideal untuk ruang terbuka hijau;

11. 1memperkuat pengawasan terhadap kewajiban perusahaan-perusahaan dalam pengolahan limbah industri.

12. Bekerja sama dengan pihak akademisi dan pihak asosiasi pelaku usaha pariwisata untuk mendapatkan rekomendasi-rekomendasi dan inovasi-inovasi yang berguna untuk menunjang keberlanjutan pariwisata Pulau Kemaro.

13. Memanfaatkan potensi alam untuk pengembangan ecotourism di pulau Kemaro.

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Nama : Zelly Eliani

Instansi : Pemprov Kab Bangka Belitung

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Graduate School of Policy Science

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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Keragaman dan intensitas kegiatan manusia di daerah pesisir meningkat di seluruh dunia. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karakteristik wilayah pesisir yang mendorong orang untuk memanfaatkan dan menjelajahinya. Beberapa karakteristik kaya sumber daya alam, tetapi rentan, dan akses terbuka untuk semua orang. Karena itu, daerah pesisir memiliki banyak hal yang ditawarkan dan banyak pengguna menempati area tersebut. Oleh karena itu, degradasi lingkungan dan konflik sumber daya alam pesisir tidak dapat dihindari.

Isu serupa juga terjadi di Bangka Belitung. Sifat dari provinsi kepulauan Bangka Belitung membuatnya kaya dengan sumber daya pesisir, seperti sumber daya mineral, penangkapan dan perikanan budidaya, dan pemandangan indah dari daerah pesisir. Namun, pemanfaatan sumber daya tersebut tidak sesuai satu sama lain dan menyebabkan konflik di antara pengguna.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan situasi konflik yang sebenarnya di wilayah pesisir, untuk meninjau kembali resolusi yang dipraktekkan, dan mengusulkan penyelesaian alternatif. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui survei literatur, observasi, dan wawancara dengan pemangku kepentingan dari lembaga pemerintah, organisasi non-pemerintah, akademisi, dan masyarakat setempat (terdiri dari nelayan, agen pariwisata, dan penambang timah skala kecil). Untuk menganalisis data dan informasi, beberapa analisis dilakukan, yaitu analisis pemetaan konflik, analisis komparatif, dan analisis konten. Berdasarkan analisis pemetaan konflik, hasilnya mengungkapkan konflik di kawasan pesisir Bangka Belitung adalah kompleks. Tidak hanya melibatkan banyak pengguna, itu juga termasuk non-pengguna yang merupakan organisasi lingkungan.

Selain itu, ada kelompok pro dan kontra di kalangan nelayan terkait penambangan timah laut. Tiga pendekatan yang dipraktekkan dibandingkan, yaitu perumusan komite Ad hoc (salah satu tujuannya adalah merumuskan peraturan zonasi untuk wilayah pesisir), forum nelayan formal / informal, dan kompensasi. Semua solusi memiliki kelebihan dan kekurangan, dan tidak dapat sepenuhnya memecahkan konflik. Setelah melakukan analisis konten pada beberapa solusi sukses untuk konflik penggunaan sumber daya, dapat disimpulkan bahwa solusi yang dipraktekkan adalah kurangnya integrasi. Jadi, resolusi yang diusulkan adalah mengintegrasikan semua metode tersebut ke dalam satu proses pengelolaan konflik.

Pengelolaan konflik terdiri dari empat blok, yang merupakan analisis konflik (berbasis kantor dan partisipatif), rencana pengelolaan konflik, pengembangan kapasitas, dan implementasi. Pendekatan resolusi ini direkomendasikan karena

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mendorong partisipasi masyarakat dan pembangunan kapasitas selama perumusan rencana untuk resolusi konflik. Oleh karena itu, rekomendasi kebijakan dapat dibuat setelah menyelesaikan proses ini yang mempertimbangkan semua kepentingan pemangku kepentingan. Selain itu, kurangnya kebijakan pemanfaatan lahan di wilayah pesisir yang dianggap sebagai satu batasan untuk penyelesaian konflik dapat teratasi dengan diberlakukannya Rencana Tata Ruang Laut. Jadi, dapat memberikan gambaran yang jelas di antara sektor pertambangan, perikanan, dan pariwisata di Bangka Belitung. Dengan pendekatan yang terintegrasi dan kebijakan yang memadai, seperti Rencana Tata Ruang Laut, diharapkan konflik atas sumber daya pesisir dapat diselesaikan dan pembangunan pesisir yang berkelanjutan dapat tercapai.

Kata kunci: Wilayah Pesisir, Penggunaan Sumber Konflik, dan Resolusi

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The diversity and intensity of human activities in coastal area is increasing worldwide. It is caused by the characteristics of coastal area that encourages people to utilize and explore it. Some of the characteristics are rich of natural resources, but vulnerable, and the access is open to everyone. Due to that, coastal area has many to offer and multiple users occupy the area. Therefore, environmental degradation and conflicts over coastal natural resources are inevitably.

The similar issue is also happening in Bangka Belitung. The nature of archipelago province of Bangka Belitung makes it rich with coastal resources, such as mineral resources, capture and aquaculture fisheries, and beautiful scenery of coastal area. However, utilization of those resources is incompatible with each other and caused conflict among users.

This study is aimed to shed a light on the situation of actual conflict in coastal areas, review the practiced resolutions, and propose alternative resolution. This research employs qualitative methods. Data are collected through literature survey, observation, and interview with stakeholders from government institutions, non-government organization, academics, and local community (consists of fishermen, tourism agencies, and small scale sea tin miners). To analyse data and information, several analysis are conducted, namely conflict mapping analysis, comparative analysis, and content analysis. Based on conflict mapping analysis, the result reveals the conflict in Bangka Belitung coastal area is complex. Not only involving multiple users, it also includes non-users which is environmental organization.

In addition, there is pro and cons group among fishermen regarding sea tin mining. Three approaches practiced are compared, which are the formulation of Ad hoc committee (one of the goal is formulating zoning regulation for coastal areas), the formal/informal fishermen forum, and compensation. All solution has advantage and drawback, and could not fully solved the conflict. After doing content analysis on some success solution for resource use conflict, it can be summed up that those practiced solution are lack of integrating. So, the proposed resolution is the integrating all those methods into one conflict management process.

Conflict management consists of four blocks, which are conflict analysis (office-based and participatory), conflict management plan, capacity building, and implementation. This resolution approach is recommended because it encouraged community participation and capacity building during the formulation of the plan for conflict resolution. Therefore, policy recommendation can be made after accomplishing this process which consider all stakeholder interests. Besides that, the lack of land use

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policy on coastal area which is regarded as one limitation for conflict resolution can be overcame by the enactment of Marine Spatial Plan. So, it can give clear delineation among mining, fisheries, and tourism sectors in Bangka Belitung. With integrating approach and adequate policies, like Marine Spatial Plan, it is hoped that conflict over coastal resources is resolved and sustainable coastal development can be achieved.

Key words: Coastal Area, Conflict Resource Use, and Resolution

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A. Background

Turning to another type, it is conflict between multiple users in coastal area (Arbo & Th’y, 2016; Cicin-Sain & Tiddens, 1989; Grant, 1978). The majority case is about oil versus fisheries. Basically the sources of conflict are lost access to fishing ground, gear damaged due to debris left on the seabed, and operating cost increased due to longer fishing trips impacted from finding new fishing ground (Arbo & Th’y, 2016). In line with that, another study also mentions impact from conflicts between offshore oil and gas activities and fishing, such as the loss of access to traditional fishing ground, the threat of pollution due to spills and the chronic release of contaminants, interference with fishing gear by geophysical survey vessels and oil supply boats, the creation of bottom hazards to fishing nets from discarded oil-related debris, and the loss of port and harbour space (Knecht in Fabbri, 2003).

Lastly, it is conflict between users and non-users of coastal resources (Lopes, Pacheco, Clauzet, Silvano, & Begossi, 2015; Stepanova, 2015). In other words, it is known as development vs conservation conflict (Khan, Wiedemann, Le, Corijn, & Canters, 2011). This type of conflict also can be registered in many coastal areas, in which economic interests conflicted with nature protection and conservation (Stepanova, 2015).

Similar case happened in Bangka Belitung Province, Indonesia. Due to policy change, particularly after the enactment by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Republic Indonesia of the Decree Number 146 year 1999, which mentions tin was not regarded as strategic mineral anymore, tin mining activity had significantly increased, either as on-shore or off-shore tin mining. The proliferation of tin mining activity, especially sea tin mining has influenced many aspects. Research and observations conducted by the Coral Reef Exploration Team of Bangka Belitung University found that coral reef ecosystems in Bangka Island are damaged. According to that, more than 50% of coral reefs (17 locations out of 30 location) are damaged due to sedimentation by sea tin mining (Yayasan Sayang Babel Kite, 2013). Not only affected environment, the increasing tin mining activity at coastal area also causes conflicts between fishermen and mining companies. This conflict is exacerbated by the growing number of tin mining companies that have been granted permission to conduct mining in coastal and marine areas, which eventually will threat the traditional fishing (Ginting, Budi, & Khalid, 2014).

This situation is disturbing society because sea tin mining sites are located near

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fishing ground and recreational beach. For fishermen, sea tin mining made their catches decrease, as a consequence of losing fishing ground. In order to get more fishes, they have to travel farther to other areas. It means more travel time, costs, and personal hardship. Based on interview with Coral Reef Exploration Research Team leader, fishermen who greatly suffered by sea mining are from Malay and Chinese ethnics, while Bugis/Buton ethnics suffered less. In term of personal hardship, the latter ethnics have more endurance compared to Malay ethnics. Bugis/Buton fishermen used to travel in long distance and can stay more than 3 days in fishing boats. Besides that, their fishing boats are more proper to travel farther. Another issue is if fishermen move to another fishing ground. For instance neighbour coastal area, it will affect the local fishermen because local fishermen catches will be shared with fishermen from other areas, even though there is no regulation that prohibits fishermen to catch fish outside areas. In other words, coastal resource is common resource pool, so it will open access for anyone with any activity. Unfortunately, this characteristic brings more sea tin mining to coastal area.

Besides fishermen, community also suffered from sea tin mining due to increasing awareness about environmental condition. Communities who perceived beaches as recreational place, either for tourism or recreational fishing, felt threats from sea tin mining impact, particularly tourism actors who rely so much on the natural beauty of coastal and marine area. It is because major tourist destinations are located in those area. As writer observed, it is very frustrating to see mining activity takes place in front of recreational beaches. Even though, there has been no direct economic loss. It can be seen from the fact that there are many tourists who come to visit, feel regret if the condition continues like that. It is because the attractiveness of coastal areas will be lost. Therefore, it will impact on tourism potential in Bangka Belitung.

As an archipelago province, majority area of Bangka Belitung located in coastal and ocean area. The total area of Bangka Belitung Province is 81,725.23 sq.; 79.90% which is covered by coastal and ocean areas, and only 20.10% which is covered by land area (Statistics Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2016). It benefitted Bangka Belitung with abundance of coastal resource potential. For its natural resources, Bangka Belitung was known as tin production site. Adding to that, these islands also produce quartz sand, granite, and so on. The potential of inland and marine fisheries is large, and the potential of natural beauty is well (Suryadi, 2016). So, it needs proper management to utilize those resources.

Indonesian government enacted Law No. 27 year 2007 of Management of Coastal

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Zone and Small Island, which consists of planning, utilization, and control towards human interaction in using Coastal and Small Islands natural resources. In sustainable way, utilization of Coastal and Small Islands resources can increase coastal inhabitants welfare (Republic of Indonesia, 2007). This regulation is in line with Spatial Plan under Law No 26 year 2006 which explains management of spatial demarcation on National, Provincial, and Regency/Municipal level. The difference is only in location, the former one focuses in coastal zone and small islands and the latter one is terrestrial zone. These law are essential to minimize resource use conflicts (Sari & Satria, 2015).

Conflicts regarding sea tin mining in Bangka Belitung have been occurred for quite a long time. If proliferation of on-shore mining started after changing regulation (1999), sea tin mining increased in 2006. It brings problem as mentioned earlier due to mining operation conducting out of operating area (Ambalika 2010). Unfortunately, Bangka Belitung Province has not had Zoning Regulation as one of tools for Management of Coastal Zone and Small Islands. This regulation is on progress by the time Author wrote this thesis. So, during this time some efforts had been made to stop sea tin mining in fishing ground and recreational beach. However, those efforts were not effective enough to solve conflict caused by overlapping interest among mining, fishery and tourism.

Based on above mentioned problem, the research questions are organized as follows:

1. What is the situation of actual conflict in Bangka Belitung Province?

2. What are the solutions that had been made to mitigate the conflict?

3. What is the alternative solution for the conflict?

B. Research Approach

This study is using qualitative data to describe details about people, actions, and events in social life. The collected data can be a documents, observational notes, open-ended interview transcripts, physical artefacts, audio or videotapes, and images or photos (Neuman, 2014). In line with that, qualitative methodology refers in the broadest sense to research that produces descriptive data, which are people’s own written or spoken words and observable behaviour (Taylor, Bogdan, & DeVault, 2016). Furthermore, data are collected and categorized into primary data and secondary data. Primary data are gained through interview and observation to the case study area, while secondary data are from literature survey, including journal, article, and related documents.

Then, analysing data by organising, integrating, and examining. This intends to find the pattern and relationship among specific details. Next, connecting it to the concepts, advance generalization, and identify broad trends and theme (Neuman, 2014).

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In addition, this study also uses triangulation methods as a verification process that increases validity by combining several perspectives and methods (Rahman, 2012). This method is very useful, especially when using a few of informants. Besides of that, topic about conflict is relatively sensitive for a lot of people. In particular, study of conflict touches sensitive issues such as, power, culture, identity, gender, and rights (Fisher, 2000).

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Mining, Fisheries, and Tourism Conflicts in Bangka Belitung

Bangka Belitung Province is well known as tin producer in Indonesia. Since Dutch Colonial era, tin has been exploited in Bangka Belitung. Tin has been a leading export commodity and given big share to economy growth (Erman, 2010) which was around USD973.19 million in 2015 (Statictics Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, 2016). Furthermore, there is significant increase in production of tin ore and tin metal in 2015, compared to previous years.

Besides tin, Bangka Belitung is also rich with other mineral resources, such hematite, ilmenite, monazite, bauxite, and zircon, quartz, sand, kaolin, and diabas. (Energy and Mineral Resources Office, 2016). However, other minerals are not fully utilized. This condition is different with tin. Tin mining is conducted massively, especially in Bangka Island, not only onshore tin mining, but also offshore. One of the reason of expanding offshore tin mining is pressure on land-based resources (Inniss et al., 2016). Another reason is the status of marine-based resources, which is common pool resource. It means that everyone can have access to marine resources.

Then, mining authority was taken back from Regencies and Municipalities through Law No.23 Year 2014. As a consequence, only central and provincial government can give permits for mining activity. It was done to control overlapping of mining activity. As mentioned before, mining expanded significantly after enactment of autonomy regulation due to increasing local economy. However, this situation brought another problem. For instance due to proliferation of sea mines, it detriments coastal ecosystem. Not to mention, it causes conflict among other users in coastal area, namely fisheries and tourism sectors.

In Bangka Belitung, mostly is capture fisheries. It is because aquaculture fisheries has not developed so much, even though the aquaculture potency is big (M. and F. O. Bangka Belitung Provincial Government, 2016).

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The number of capture fisheries production in 2015 outnumbered the target by 123.25% due to vessels increase in 7GT and 30 GT size as well as fishing equipment. This assist was given to fishermen to help them catch fish, so that fishermen’s welfare will increase. Meanwhile, amount of aquaculture fisheries production was far from target. It was caused by no seaweed data from Regency and Municipality (only Central Bangka Regency), and failure of seaweed crops in South Bangka Regency due to weather condition. Besides that, people’s awareness to cultivate is still low, as well as the availability of decent land for cultivation (M. and F. O. Bangka Belitung Provincial Government, 2016).

One of the most common types of tourism in Bangka Belitung is coastal tourism with giant granite as speciality. These granite rocks can be found along coast line of coastal area. Besides that, Bangka Belitung is also known with marine biodiversity. As an archipelago province, Bangka Belitung has many to offer tourists in this kind of tourism. Most of resources are located in coastal (see map below). The green dot represents natural tourist attraction, the grey one is culture attraction, and the yellow one is artificial tourist attraction.

2. Incompatibility of Coastal Use

The increase number of fishermen who get catches below 20 kg from only 84 fishermen to 141 fishermen. Another significant change was also experienced by group of fishermen with catch around 50 - 90 kg, decreasing up to 90 % from 44 to 4 fishermen and 100-20 kg group dropped from 11 to 1 fishermen, and the number in the group of fishermen with catch around 25-45 kg decreased slightly by 22.5% (from 31 to 24 fishermen). It can be summed up that group of fishermen with catch below 20 kg, or in small scale fishermen, is vulnerable to the impact of sea tin mines. Unfortunately, in this case, small-scale fishermen are the majority.

In line with the expansion of sea tin mining activity, tourism sector also has become new emerging sector in Bangka Belitung Province. Though, these sectors are incompatible to each other. Sea mining and tourism both utilize coastal and marine-based resources in different way. Take coral reef for instance. As observed by research team from Bangka Belitung University, more than 50% coral reef in Bangka Belitung was damaged due to sea tin mining. Meanwhile, coral reef is one of the reason for snorkelling and diving. If it is damaged by sedimentation then lose, it will reduce tourists attraction. Moreover, visitors will prefer clear crystal sea water than muddy and cloudy beaches. In other words, tin sea mining changed the beauty of nature, while tourism want to keep coastal and ocean as natural as possible. As a result, they cannot develop side by side.

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The explanation mentioned above illustrates the impact of tin sea mines to other sectors, fisheries and tourism. Although there is no direct impact of tin sea mines to tourism, many tourism agencies are against sea tin mining. This potential problem needs to be managed immediately, otherwise not only fisheries that severely impacted, but also emerging tourism sector cannot develop properly.

3. Indonesia Policy Review toward Coastal Conflicts

Under the Law No. 27 year 2007 of management of coastal area and small islands, MiniZstry of Fisheries and Marine was given a responsibility to maintain sustainability of marine development. This leading sector set a framework for marine resource management. Though, after change in governance system (from centralistic to decentralist), local government holds more authority to manage their own resources. Currently, there is enactment of Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 1 year 2014 about changes to the Law No. 27 of 2007 on management of coastal areas and small islands. This aims are amend the prior law so some chapters is needed to refined in accordance with the development and needs of the community (Republic Indonesia, 2014).

In short, the management of coastal areas and small islands can be used as a reference conflict resolution, by reducing use conflict, either among incompatible users or between coastal utilization and environmental sustainability. There are four plans in the management of coastal areas and small islands, namely strategic plan of coastal areas and small islands, zoning plan of coastal areas and small islands, management plan of coastal areas and small islands, and action plan of coastal areas and small islands. Yet, the plan which regulates resource utilization, and the determination of structure and spatial pattern by which accommodates any kind of activity can be conducted or cannot be conducted, also activity that can be done only after permit granted is the zoning plan.

Furthermore, Law No. 27 year 2007 mentioned about conflict solution (article 64, 65, 66, and 67). In article 64, the way to resolve conflict is through court and, or outside court. Meanwhile, criminal acts cannot be resolved outside court. By outside court, it aims to make agreement about how much loss needs to be compensated and action is needed to prevent conflict to happen again. In outside court resolution, it can be assisted by third party or mediator, by whom has authority to make decision or by party who has not authority. Any agreement made by outside court resolution should be written and tied to all disputed parties (article 65). Adding to that, basically everyone who utilized coastal areas and small islands, and impacted coastal environmental are obliged to pay for its damage or obey any

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court decision, such as obligation to do rehabilitation or recovery to ecosystem in coastal areas and small islands (article 66). However, those aforementioned obligations cannot be applied to damage that is caused by natural disaster, war, or force major condition (article 67).

According to that, conflict resolution can be made by court and by agreement. Unfortunately, in Bangka Belitung, there is no example of using court decision to resolve conflict over coastal resources. Since the local regulation about management of coastal areas and small islands is in progress, therefore there is no direction for coastal resource utilization as guidance to make decision.

4. Practised Conflict Resolution over Coastal Resources in Bangka Belitung

Conflict due to incompatible multiple use in coastal areas is highly important to solve, not only for economy and social reason, but also for environmental sustainability. It is previously stated that, as archipelago province Bangka Belitung is rich for its natural resources, particularly fisheries, mineral resource, and also tourism assets. Therefore, the need to resolve conflicting uses is acerbated in heavily industrialized coastal areas (Prestrelo & Vianna, 2016).

In order to accelerate resolution regarding tin mining issue in Bangka Belitung, ad hoc committee was established in 2016. Initially, concerns towards tin mining issue started to increase when President of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, visited Bangka Belitung on June 2015. During that, President witnessed illegal tin mining activity and possibility of illegal export tin. Then, next year Governor formed “Coordinated Team to Handle Tin Mining Issue” with Governor Decree No. 188.4/708/III/2016. They are Bangka Belitung (Himpunan Nelayan Seluruh Indonesia/HSNI), Community and Fisherman Forum (Forum Masyarakat dan Nelayan Bangka/ FORNEBAK), and Coastal Fishermen Forum (Forum Nelayan Pesisir dan Sekitarnya/ FORMANPIS).

First group is one of professional organisation in Indonesia and established since 1973. It aims to represent fishermen’s interest in every government policy regarding fisheries. Adding to that, this organisation is also hoped to assist fishermen in solving their problems. Regarding sea tin mining, Head of Bangka-All Indonesian Fishermen Association mentions many fishermen have converted to small scale miners in coastal area by modification of their boats. Resolution for sea tin mining is by legalizing status of small scale miner, along with the area for people mining (Wilayah Pertambangan Rakyat) (Marjaya, 2015).

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Due to sea tin mining, fishermen now are divided into two groups, pro and cons to sea tin mining. However, if there is compensation for fishermen, it is okay. Otherwise, if sea tin mining bring demerits to fishermen, then the organization will facilitate for the solution (Nurhayati, 2015).

Second is Community and Fishermen Forum. In December 19, 2015, this forum was established at Environmental Organization Office, Bangka Belitung. The aim is to vocalize rejection over tin mining activity, particularly sea tin mining. Basically, it is against any activity that will impact on environmental degradation. So that, member of this forum is more diverse, from fishermen to farmers. Different approach was used here. Community and Fishermen Forum asked community to give attention to environmental damage, and also asked people to be against mining activity. According to the head of the forum, pro and cons group toward mining activity is caused by the mining company (Willy, 2015). In order to prevent community loss, this forum actively vocalized about mining disclosure in Bangka Belitung.

5. Analysis of Conflict Resolution Practised

The illustration of approaches to conflict resolution above is mainly sourced from interview finding and newspaper article regarding conflict of sea tin mining. The following is analysis of conflict resolution based on comparison of advantages and deficiencies from each approach.

6. Lesson Learned from Previous Studies

From several studies about conflict on natural or coastal resource management, the role of specific and coordinated body is really high (Cicin-Sain & Tiddens, 1989; Talaue-McManus et al., 1994; Warner, 2000). However, there is no institution which coordinates and arranges cross sectoral approaches to the management of marine and coastal resources (Nurhidayah, 2010). The formation of Ad hoc committee in Bangka Belitung is aimed to handle tin mining issue, yet it is not designated to manage conflict among users in coastal area. In term of conflict resolution related to sea tin mining, the formulation of marine spatial plan or zoning regulation is hoped to overcome the incompatibility issue among users in coastal area. The leading sector for drafting marine spatial plan is Marine and Fisheries Office of Bangka Belitung Province.

Based on case studies in Papua New Guinea and Philippine, the initiative came from Foundation for People and Community Development under The Lakekamu

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Basin Integrated Conservation and Development Project (Papua New Guinea), as well as the process of coastal development plan in the Philippines which was initiated by the Community-based-Coastal Resources Management Project (sponsored by the International Development Research Centre of Canada). In line with the case of fishing and oil conflict in California, after several meetings between oil and fishing industries, and the relevant government, the Seattle-based Mediation Institute took the role as mediator. This step was initiated by the area Sea Grant Marine Advisor. Thus, the Joint Oil/Fishing Committee was formed, without involving the press and government representative. The outside party has big role in settling solution in those case studies, either as facilitator or mediator.

Meanwhile, in Bangka Belitung case, no project or advisor supported conflict management on coastal resources. Instead of conflict management, the international organizations more focused on the mining governance. Big attention came from environmental organization (friends of the earth). This was caused by national environmental organization that campaigned about the impact of tin mining in Bangka Belitung, especially to the end-user of tin, which come largely from smartphone companies.

Besides that, two main points in those projects regarding conflict over natural and coastal resources are participation and capacity building. All three case above include community participation and capacity building, even the process of resolution started on grass-root level (Balinao case). However, this made possible by environmental education that was encouraged by community-based coastal resource management project. In line with that, participatory conflict analysis is included as the second step in conflict management process in Lakekamu case. This step analyses the conflict in participation with the relevant stakeholders, followed by revision of the conflict management plan until all parties agreed. The capacity of all parties was built upon mutual understanding from each conflicting parties’ objectives. It was aimed to gain more awareness of the long-term benefits of sustainable resource management. Lastly, Joint Committee in California case (consists of fishermen and oil industry representative) has collaboration on issue of seismic testing, gear loss and traffic corridor, and study on living resource. Therefore, not only conflict were resolved, but also the relationship among conflicting parties improved, along with capacity building which increased from working and learning together.

7. Proposed Scenario for Conflict Resolution in Bangka Belitung

As studied by the writer, there are some ways of solution for conflict over coastal resources in Bangka Belitung. However, the problem remained and even expanded

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as in line with the proliferation of sea tin mining. There is on progress resolution worked by provincial government which is zoning regulation. While other ways were through fishermen forum by giving compensation, and still the outcome were not effective. Based on that situation and combining with lesson learned from other countries.

Using the process of conflict management adapted from (Warner, 2000). For the preliminary analysis, the conflict analysis mapping in the previous chapter can be elaborated, which can be considered as Office- based analysis, therefore the initial conflict management plan, including: encouraged people participation in designing zoning regulation, and also continually participate in the implementation of zoning regulation (1); enhanced all stakeholders capabilities, particularly about the importance to preserve good coastal and marine environment (2), so that all stakeholders can consider how their activities affect the resource base, operational condition, and future prospects of the other sectors. This joint cooperative can help maintaining good relationship among stakeholders (3); after there is clearly defined delineation as amended by Law No 27/2007 about Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, any violation of this rule should be sanctioned. It is also important to decide the institution which gives the penalty. That is the reason that learned from current condition, where law enforcement agency has not clearly defined. Even though, the responsibility is in Police unit, however the conflict issue is beyond police’s authority. Furthermore, set up coastal governance system and institution with all stakeholder representative as participants is a must (4). In case there is an issue or conflict, this body can mitigate the problem immediately due to clear conflict management procedure.

D. Kesimpulan

A Based on the objective of this study, it can be concluded as follows; the first, description of actual conflict over coastal resources can be seen through conflict mapping analysis which said that conflict over coastal resources in Bangka Belitung involves several parties. It also can be said that conflict over coastal resources in Bangka Belitung is complex. Basically, it is among sea tin miners, fishermen, and tourism actors, while the non-direct actors are local government and environmental organization.

However, based on field study, not all fishermen and tourism actors conflict with sea tin miners. The conflict mapping shows that fishermen are divided into two groups, pro-sea tin mining and cons- sea tin mining. The similar thing also happens in tourism actors which are grouped into hotel/restaurant/tour operator party and food stall party. The relationship among them has been described as well. Therefore, conflict in Bangka

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Belitung coastal area is among tin sea miners, hotel/restaurant/tour operator, and cons-sea tin mining fishermen which is illustrated by zig zag line. Based on conflict type, the conflict is categorized as conflict between users (sea tin mining, fisheries, and tourism) and conflict between users and non-users (environmental organization).

For second objective, the resolution that had been made to handle the conflict is varies. They are through the formation of Ad hoc committee, through formal and informal forum/fishermen forum, and through cooperation or compensation. The first solution is aimed to formulate zoning regulation which is still on progress (by the time this thesis is written). The second is through fishermen forum. One of the result is achieved when protest demonstration by fishermen in FORNEBAK and WALHI conducting in front of Governor Office, and the Governor gave statement to stop temporarily sea tin mining in certain area. Meanwhile, compensation or cooperation only resolved conflict for short time. Instead, it created another conflict among fishermen, especially pro and cons group of fishermen. After all, those methods are not sufficient. It can be seen that sea tin mining activity near fishing and recreational beach area still remained.

Last but not least, the alternative solution to overcome coastal conflict in Bangka Belitung can be took from several lesson learned from other countries which used combining several methods for conflict management. In other words, it needs integrated conflict resolution such as dialogue, negotiation, participation of stakeholders, along with capacity building to make decision beneficial for all stakeholders. The important points here are community participation and capacity building. Therefore, this study proposes solution through conflict management process with conflict analysis mapping as preliminary analysis. Meanwhile, conflict management plan proposed are encourage community participation in making zoning regulation, joint cooperative, formulating zoning regulation, and creating institution to enforce the management plan.

E. Rekomendasi

Since the situation is very complicated, therefore, it is not sufficient rely on one tool for resolution. So, approach using multiple tools can be required. Its means that a solution effort through dialogue is highly recommended with all stakeholder participate. The writer proposed alternative resolution by using the process of conflict management (Warner, 2000). For the preliminary analysis, the conflict analysis mapping in the previous chapter can be elaborated, which can be considered as Office- based analysis, along with the initial conflict management plan, including: encouraged people participation in designing zoning regulation, enhanced all stakeholders capabilities, required joint cooperative can help maintaining good relationship among stakeholders; and set up coastal governance system and institution. The next step is participatory conflict

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analysis which is done with all stakeholders. So, for further research is accomplishing all the step for conflict management process.

This resolution approach is recommended because it encouraged community participation and capacity building during the formulation of the plan for conflict resolution. Therefore, policy recommendation can be made after accomplishing this process which consider all stakeholder interests. Besides that, the lack of land use policy on coastal area which is regarded as one limitation for conflict resolution can be overcame by the enactment of Marine Spatial Plan. So, it can give clear delineation among mining, fisheries, and tourism sectors in Bangka Belitung. With integrating approach and adequate policies, like Marine Spatial Plan, it is hoped that conflict over coastal resources is resolved and sustainable coastal development can be achieved.

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Nama : Zuleriwati As

Instansi : Pemkot Tanjungpinang

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Linkage

Program Studi : Master’s Program In Advance Architectural, Environmental and Civil Engineering

Negara Studi : Indonesia-Jepang

Universitas : Institut Teknologi Bandung – Ritsumeikan University

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Sebagai negara kepulauan, Indonesia memiliki banyak wilayah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil. Salah satunya adalah Kota Tanjungpinang, yang merupakan ibukota Provinsi Kepulauan Riau dan terletak di Pulau Bintan. Tanjungpinang memiliki potensi unik ekonomi dan ekologi yang dapat mendukung penghidupan masyarakat setempat. Namun, pengembangan dan pemanfaatan kawasan pesisir yang tinggi dapat mengakibatkan polusi pesisir. Umumnya, polusi pesisir disebabkan oleh aktivitas penduduk. Terbukti, hampir semua tempat tinggal di garis pantai membuang air limbah mereka langsung ke laut tanpa perawatan. Selain itu, beberapa studi telah membahas polusi pesisir yang terjadi di Tanjungpinang, namun pencemar utama masih belum diketahui.

Untuk mengatasi masalah polusi pesisir, menentukan status kualitas air laut di Tanjungpinang diperlukan. Pollutant Index (PI) adalah salah satu metode yang paling tepat untuk menghitung status kualitas air. Kemudian, kecenderungan polutan yang terlibat dalam menentukan status kualitas air dijelaskan oleh Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Selain itu, untuk memahami sumber yang paling berpengaruh yang mencemari kawasan pesisir, mengevaluasi potensi beban polutan dari beberapa kegiatan seperti kegiatan domestik, pertanian, peternakan, hotel dan rumah sakit dengan menggunakan analisis spasial diperlukan. Setelah itu, untuk menjaga kelestarian area pantai, diperlukan untuk mengenali kapasitas asimilasi dari air laut menggunakan analisis spasial dan pendekatan tidak langsung. Pendekatan tidak langsung diperoleh dari grafik korelasi beban polutan, konsentrasi parameter, dan standar parameter. Akhirnya, dua skenario perencanaan untuk pencegahan polusi pesisir dibuat dengan menggabungkan ketiga pertama dari tujuan penelitian dengan karakteristik sosial masyarakat setempat. Karakteristik sosial diamati melalui survei lapangan dan dijelaskan oleh crosstabs dan analisis korelasi.

Berdasarkan perhitungan PI, kualitas air laut di Tanjungpinang dianggap sangat tercemar dengan akuntansi PI untuk 15.401 pada tahun 2008 dan 12.696 pada 2017. Setelah itu, hasil PCA mengungkapkan bahwa ada dua komponen utama yang menyebabkan pencemaran di Tanjungpinang, yaitu F1 atau kondisi oksidasi (terdiri dari DO, BOD, CN, dan H2S) dan F2 atau kontaminan air limbah domestik (terdiri dari TSS, NH3, dan NO3). Selanjutnya, hasil beban polutan menunjukkan bahwa sumber pencemar di Tanjungpinang didominasi oleh kegiatan domestik. Kegiatan domestik menghasilkan 1430.358 kg / hari BOD; 1966.742 kg / hari COD dan 1358.840 kg / hari TSS. Kontribusi mereka terhadap pencemaran daerah pesisir terdiri dari 4,986 mg / L BOD; 6,932 mg / L COD dan 4,737 mg / L TSS. Selain itu, kapasitas asimilasi menunjukkan bahwa parameter NH3, PO4, dan NO3 telah mencemari seluruh wilayah pesisir.

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Berdasarkan survei lapangan di dua Kelurahan (Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat dan Kelurahan Penyengat), hasilnya menunjukkan rendahnya tingkat kemauan membayar untuk meningkatkan pengelolaan air limbah di daerah pesisir Tanjungpinang. Selanjutnya, dua skenario perencanaan untuk menjawab masalah tersebut diusulkan, yang menentukan target pengurangan polutan dan meningkatkan sistem sanitasi di daerah pesisir. Dalam menentukan target pengurangan, perhitungan kualitas air laut, beban polutan, dan kapasitas asimilasi dari beberapa zona dipertimbangkan. Sementara itu, peningkatan sistem sanitasi di wilayah pesisir dilakukan melalui beberapa program seperti sosialisasi untuk peningkatan sanitasi dan program pengelolaan air limbah.

Kata kunci: Status Kualitas Air, PCA, Beban Polutan, Kapasitas Asimilatif, Tanjungpinang

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As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a lot of coastal areas and small islands. One of them is Tanjungpinang Municipality, which is the capital city of Riau Islands Province and is located in Bintan Island. Tanjungpinang has a unique potential of economy and ecology that could support the local peoples’ livelihoods. However, the high development and utilization of the coastal area can result in coastal pollution. Generally, coastal pollution is caused by the population activities. Evidently, almost all dwellings located on the shorelines discharge their wastewater directly into the sea without any treatment. Moreover, several studies already discussed about coastal pollution that happened in Tanjungpinang, however the major pollutant remains unknown.

To address the coastal pollution issues, determining sea water quality status in Tanjungpinang is required. Pollutant Index (PI) is one of the most appropriate method to calculate water quality status. Then, the trend of the pollutant involved in determining the water quality status is described by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Moreover, to understand the most influential source that polluted the coastal area, evaluating the potency of pollutant load from several activities such as domestic activities, agriculture, livestock, hotel, and hospital by using spatial analysis is needed. Thereafter, in order to maintain the coastal area sustainability, it is required to recognize the assimilative capacity of the seawater using spatial analysis and indirect approach. The indirect approach is obtained from a correlation graph of the pollutant load, parameter concentration, and parameter standard. Finally, two scenarios planning for coastal pollution prevention are created by combining the first third of the research objectives with the social characteristic of local people. The social characteristics are observed through a field survey and are described by the crosstabs and correlation analysis.

Based on the PI calculation, the seawater quality in Tanjungpinang is considered as heavily polluted with the PI accounting for 15.401 in 2008 and 12.696 in 2017. Afterwards, the PCA result reveals that there are two principal components causing the pollution in Tanjungpinang, which are F1 or oxidation condition (consisting of DO, BOD, CN, and H2S) and F2 or domestic wastewater contaminant (consisting of TSS, NH3, and NO3). Furthermore, the result of pollutant load shows that the pollutant source in Tanjungpinang is dominated by domestic activities. Domestic activities produce 1430.358 kg/day of BOD; 1966.742 kg/day of COD and 1358.840 kg/day of TSS. Their contributions to the coastal area pollution consist of 4.986 mg/L of BOD; 6,932 mg/L of COD and 4.737 mg/L of TSS. Moreover, the assimilative capacity indicates that the parameter of NH3, PO4, and NO3 have polluted the whole coastal area.

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Based on the field survey in two Kelurahan (Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat and Kelurahan Penyengat), the result shows the low level of willingness to pay for improving the wastewater management in the coastal area of Tanjungpinang. Furthermore, two scenarios planning to answer those problems are proposed, which are determining the reduction target of pollutant and upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas. In determining the reduction target, calculation of the sea water quality, the pollutant load, and the assimilative capacity of several zones are taken into consideration. Meanwhile, upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas is conducted through several programs such as socialization for sanitation upgrading and wastewater management program.

Keyword: Water Quality Status, PCA, Pollutant Load, Assimilative Capacity, Tanjungpinang

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A. Background

Indonesia is an archipelagic country that approximately two-thirds of the territories are marine-waters with an area around 3.1 million km2. Indonesia has 17.508 islands and it only has 5 big islands which are Sumatera, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, and Papua. As an archipelagic country, Indonesia has a coastline which is around 95.181 km long and accounted that 60% of Indonesia’s total population lives there.

One of the cities that located in the coastal area is Tanjungpinang Municipality, this is the capital city of Riau Island Province, which located on Bintan Island. Overall, it has an area of 239.50 km2, the most areas are wetland, lowland, and mangrove ecosystem. The regional of Tanjungpinang reach 131.54 km2 of land and 107.96 km2 of the sea (Municipality S. B., 2015). Looking at the geographical of Tanjungpinang, no doubt that most of the city population lives in the coastal area.

Coastal area and small islands in Indonesia include Tanjungpinang that have a unique potential of economy and ecology that could support the daily life of the local people. The ecological could give life for humans and coastal has another function, such as functioning as a port to support human economic. The high development and utilization of the coasts give more benefit to the area. On the other hand, they have risked such as coastal pollution. Generally, coastal pollution is caused by domestic waste from growing population and human settlement around the coastal region, as stated by (Clark, 1995) that one of pollution causes is domestic waste including the household wastes and the solid waste. These activities will damage sustained and carrying capacity of mangrove and marine biota, which are natural resources that support livelihood.

Population is an important factor to support the development of Tanjungpinang. On the other side, they have a chance to create the domestic waste by everyone. In the future, as the increase of population might give a risk for coastal areas such as a water pollution, this case is worrying because several household lives and doing activities in there. Almost all household sewage going to the beach without any treatment. Water Pollution not only by the household, but there has other activity nearby like traditional market, fishery industry, tourism, port, and hotel.

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Furthermore, several studies already discussed coastal pollution that happened in Tanjungpinang. For example, in 2013 Winarno et al found some pollutants such as pH, fat, and oil that was polluted the west Tanjungpinang. Furthermore, it is supported by data from the Environmental Agency 2014 and 2015 which explain that coastal area in Tanjungpinang is polluted by PO+4 and NH+3. In addition, a linear forecast of BOD and DO in several years that collected from monitoring activities of sea water quality in Tanjungpinang shows the degradation of quality. Although some study has mentioned coastal pollutant already happened in Tanjungpinang, the major pollutant remains unknown.

According to Begen, one of the coastal function is a location of sewage disposal and sewerage, they can go to the sea by river flow and sewer system. The sea water has the ability to clean itself from pollutant that called assimilation capacity. If the pollutant load which entering the coast area exceeds the assimilation capacity, the coastal pollution will be occurring. To prevent coastal pollution, we need an effort to control this pollution.

Based on the explanation above, it is necessary to understand the quality of sea water in Tanjungpinang based on the guideline that already introduces by the Environmental Ministry of Indonesia and also determines the main parameter that causes the coastal pollution. The main cause of coastal pollution could also be discovered by investigation on the pollutant source. Therefore, to keep coastal area sustainable, it is required to understand the capacity of coastal on receiving the pollutant load through the assimilative capacity calculation. This investigation cannot work optimally to improve the water quality without considering the community participation. Hence, this study also tries to understand the social characteristic of local people as a consideration to make an appropriate decision to reduce the coastal pollution.

B. Research Problems and Methodology

There are two types of data that used in this research, which are secondary data and primary data. Secondary data are obtained from literature and government institution document, while primary data is obtained from the result of field observation and interviews. The secondary data consist of the data set of environmental quality, statistical data, regulation, maps, literature, government project report that are used for supporting this research. The data are collected from local government institutions such as Planning Broad, Environmental Agency, Statistical Board and also are collected from the Environmental Ministry of Republic Indonesia. Primary data are collected by field observation around the study area and also makes an interview with several local people who live in the coastal area. Primary data are needed to get information regarding the latest of sea water quality in Tanjungpinang, to show the existing condition

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of coastal area in Tanjungpinang, to collect information about the social characteristic of local people, and perception of respondent for wastewater treatment plant.

C. Data Analysis and Results

1. Water Quality Status

Based on calculation, sea water quality in Tanjungpinang municipality is divided into 4 categories, namely not polluted, lightly polluted. The PI calculation shows the seawater quality in Tanjungpinang is considered as heavily polluted with the PI accounting for 15.401 in 2008 and 12.696 in 2017. In 2009, the water quality of Tanjungpinang was moderately polluted which shown by PI as 6.934. The lightly polluted condition happened in 2011 (PI=2.198), 2012 (PI=1.637), 2013 (PI=1.117) and 2014 (PI=3.422). Furthermore, the condition of Tanjungpinang water is not polluted that occurred in 2010 and 2015 with the PI value at 0.641 and 0.985 respectively.

2. Trend of Pollutant

The trend of the pollutant involved in determining the water quality status is described by Principal Component Analysis (PCA). The result of PCA consists of several parameters such as pH, TSS, DO, NH3, PO4, NO3, CN, H2S that produces three of eigenvalue more than 1 which is 3.797, 1.868 and 1.412 respectively. Moreover, next analyze only focused on F1 and F2 that gives contribution at 42.19% of F1 and 20.75% of F2 with total variability as 62.94%. This explains as 62.94% data of this result could be explained until the second axis.

As a mention before, there are 3 factors that have the eigenvalue more than 1. These factors are used to create a new assumption. Based on the factor loadings and contribution variables, F1 is dominated by DO, BOD, CN, and H2S, this factor is suitable to be named as oxidation condition. Although, H2S in sea water is reduction condition, in this case H2S in oxidation condition. This phenomenon occurs because the sampling point of sea water is located in the river outflow that allows the occurrence of aeration that oxidate the H2S become H2SO. The F2 is dominated by TSS, NH3, and NO3, where a third of the pollutant has illustrated the emission that produces by the domestic activities, so the name is domestic wastewater contaminant.

3. Watershed of Tanjungpinang Municipality

The one unit that used to analyze the potency of pollutant load is a zone. The zone is determined by watershed boundaries that produce of spatial analysis. Based on

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the monitoring location of water sampling and limitation of sea water quality data, only 9 watershed zones are defined. These zones will be considered to determine the potency of pollutant load.

4. Identification of Pollutant Load

The pollutant load in the study area is calculated by the potency of pollutant load PPL. The result is grouped based on pollutant sources such as domestic, agriculture, livestock, hotels, and hospital activities. Caused the limits of water quality data, the identification of pollutant load is deducted in Tanjungpinang Municipality based on water sampling points and watershed analysis. Domestic pollutant load is a pollutant load that comes from household activities. The domestic pollutant load in Tanjungpinang Municipality. The pollutant load is calculated by estimating the pollutant load per capita. There are 9 zones that are considered in pollutant load calculation. However, there are 2 zones have zero population, which is zone 3 and zone 7. The population data that are used in this calculation comes from spatial analysis. Therefore, the PPL calculation is deducted in 7 zones. Zone 2, 6, 8, and 9 is indicated give the highest pollutant load. Moreover, the zone 8 is the zone with highest PPL that other zones with a value of BOD, COD, TSS counted as 1430.358 kg/day; 1966.742 kg/day; 1358.840 kg/day respectively.

The agriculture pollutant load is a pollutant load that comes from agricultural activities. The agriculture PPL is calculated by prediction of the total area of agriculture that located in Tanjungpinang municipality. Based on data from the Agency of Marine, Fisheries, Agriculture, Forestry,and Energy of Tanjungpinang Municipality and adjusted to the zone that is considered for PPL calculation, there is only 2 zone have agriculture activities that are zone 4 and zone 6. The BOD value shows the highest value as 65.625 in zone 4 and 106.250 in zone 6.

The pollutant load from other sources such as hospital and hotel is also measured into the estimation of PPL that will pollute the coastal area of Tanjungpinang municipality. The determination of hospital pollutant load is estimated by knowing the total bad or capacity of that hospital. Moreover, the BOD pollutant load that is produced by hospitals is assumed as 0.03 kg/person/day. The analysis shows the result of three hospitals is almost same for each parameter. However, the Riau Archipelago Province Hospital has the highest PPL than others, such as 5.79 kg/day (BOD), 2.57 kg/day (COD), and 1.54 kg/day (TSS). This result is confirmed by the capacity of that hospital is more than others, which is 193 beds. Furthermore, based on the zone map, the three hospitals are located in a different zone. The Hospital of Tanjungpinang Municipality and Indonesian Navy Hospital located in zone 2, while the Hospital of Riau Archipelago Province located in Zone 6.

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Meanwhile, the pollutant load of PO4-P and NO3 is not derived from agriculture and livestock activities, the source of these pollutants is still unknown. However, the possibility of the highest PO4-P could come from domestic activities. Commonly, the phosphate waste arises from household wastewater caused by high consumption of detergent. The raw material of detergent is phosphate, which causes the high value of phosphate in the water body (river, lake or sea) and it will trigger the Eutrophication (Sawyer, L.McCarty, & F.Parkin, 1994) and (Fardiaz, 1992) in (Cordova, 2008). Furthermore, in a case of nitrate, the source of pollutant is undetected when only uses the PPL calculation of livestock. A reference said the higher value of nitrate will find in the estuary, which caused by entering of domestic waste or agricultural waste that using the nitrogen fertilizer (Hutagalung & Rozak, 1997).

5. Assimilative Capacity of Pollutant Load

Naturally, the waters have the ability to recover their self from pollutant that enters into their body, this process is called by assimilation capacity (Nemerow, 1991). The determination of assimilation capacity is done by the indirect approach in 6 zones. These zones are zone 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8, whereas the zone 3 and 7 are not involved caused by no population lives there. Addition, the zone 9 is also not involved in this calculation because of unfulfilled the data for making the regression graph of assimilation capacity calculation. This calculation uses several data of seawater quality during 2008 until 2010.

The assimilative capacity calculation has means to recognize the coastal pollution. There are two hypotheses regarding the assimilative capacity. First, when the pollutant load exceeds than assimilation capacity that means the pollutant load that enters in the coastal area is high. Second, when the assimilation capacity does not exceed that means the pollutant load in the coastal area is still low. However, another possibility is caused by sediment fluctuation on the bottom of the coastal area.

Several wastewater parameters are used in the assimilative capacity calculation such as TSS, BOD, NH3, PO4, NO3, CN and H2S. Of the 6 zones shows the pollutant load likes NH3, PO4, NO3 have exceeded the assimilative capacity. The assimilative capacity also describes the existing condition, the remaining assimilative capacity, and the reserve assimilative capacity. The remaining assimilative capacity illustrates the amount of assimilative capacity that can be allocated before the water being polluted caused by loading factor. The remaining assimilative capacity will be used for monitoring and determine the reduction target of pollutant load. These pictures below show the pollutant load of PO4 has exceeded the limit of pollutant load of

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approximately 40% in each zone. NO3 has overdone the standard almost 50% in each zone. In a case of ammonia, the 4 zone likes zone 1, 2, 4, and 6 has over the assimilative capacity that counted as 20% average, two other zones should also be considered because the remaining assimilative capacity is left 20%. In Addition, although the value of BOD is still under the assimilative capacity, the remaining assimilative capacity is only 30%. It means in a short time the assimilation capacity will be exceeded.

6. Social Finding and Characteristic

In order to be able to analyze the real condition of the social, economic, and peoples perception regarding the coastal pollution in the study area, this study conducts a field survey. Based on field survey that has been conducted in Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat, Kelurahan Penyengat and some local government officer, especially at the environmental agency of Tanjungpinang obtained data as follows:

a. Education Level

The education of most inhabitants who live in coastal are Elementary School (33%). The 17% undergraduate is officer government. This chart describes only 1 respondent with education at diploma level.

b. Economic Condition

Most people who live in coastal area work as private employee and entrepreneur (except 23% civil servant is an Environmental Agency employee). Only 2 respondents in Tanjung Unggat and 1 respondent in Penyengat are civil servants. The 32% respondent has the income level at 1-1.9 million. Then, the 22% respondent with the salary more than 3 million is the environmental Agency employee. In Tanjung Unggat, 4 local respondents have an income level more than 3 million, where 2 of them is a private employee, 1 is a merchant and another is a civil servant. In Penyengat, only a person has income level more 3 million that his occupation is a civil servant.

c. House Condition

Overall, the human settlement in the coastal region is good condition, which supports by only found around 7% house of respondent in bad condition. Then, regarding the building material of respondent houses, more than 50% house of respondent is made of concrete. However, this number is magnified by 100% of respondents consist of 14 government officer has the concrete building. In fact, the majority human settlement

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in the study area is made of wood and semi-permanent. Furthermore, the network condition is 73% of concrete, 20% of asphalt, 5% of wood and 2% others. The network that is commonly used around the coastal settlement is made from concrete and wood, while asphalt is only available from the landed house.

d. Clean Water Source

Tap water and private well is common for serving clean water of the respondent, which shows 36% of respondent uses the private well and followed by 32% respondent uses the tap water (PDAM). Some respondents who live in Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat using the communal well to provide the clean water, some of them buy the clean water from other places with a price around 7000-8000 rupiah per drum. Based on directly information, the clean water is distributed to Tanjung Unggat by a boat and the tap water distribution by a small pipe.

e. Sanitation

Sanitation condition of the study area is determined by the distance of the house to nearest sea. When the house is close to the sea, the chance to discharge the domestic waste directly into the sea become bigger. Other data describe almost respondent has a private toilet, that confirmed by 92% respondent has the private toilet and only 8% using the communal toilet. As many as 67% of respondent’s discharge the domestic waste directly into the sea without any treatment and 33% of respondent have sewage system such as a septic tank.

f. Perception and Participation Result

Some question regarding the wastewater management has been brought to local people, especially for 60 respondents. That 72% of respondent did not get information regarding wastewater management, it means the almost respondent (except local government officer) who lives in study area don’t know about domestic wastewater management. The lack of information received by local people causes a low willingness to manage wastewater that they produce. That 47% not willing to manage the wastewater and 3% abstain, this value is balanced with community willingness to manage the wastewater with value as 50%.

Then, the high number of toilet availability caused the low willingness to use the communal toilet. More than 50% respondent not willing to use the communal toilet, 32% others are willing to use the communal toilet.

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Furthermore, the latest three pictures show the willingness of respondents to install the wastewater treatment plant, which is counted as 70% respondent agree on this representation and 30% is disagree caused by the rental house. However, regarding the financing both installation and management of the wastewater treatment counts more than 40% unwilling to be charged or free.

g. Crosstab and Correlation Analysis

This study has aimed to measure a correlation between two variables both strength and direction of the relationship is using the cross tabulation technique. This measurement will produce several decisions such as (a) no correlation between two variables; b) correlation between two variable is weak; (c) correlation between two variables is strong enough; (d) strong correlation between two variable; and (e) very strong correlation between two variables. The objective for doing this analysis is to know the relationship between certain variables that might be useful in making scenario decision later on. Here are shown some correlations between the variable that related to field survey that was done in Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat, Kelurahan Penyengat and some local government officers.

• Correlation between education and income

Calculation result shows a strong correlation between two variables and correlation both these are highly significant. It means when the education increase, so the income will increase, vice versa. This information might be useful in projecting the willingness to pay of local people in an effort to prevent the coastal pollution both the construction cost and management cost.

• Correlation between house appearance and ownership of private toilet

Calculation result shows a very weak correlation between two variables and correlation both these are not significant. It means the house appearance in not reflecting the ownership of private toilet. The questionnaire result shows 90% has the private toilet. This information might be useful in projecting to consider the provision of the communal toilet in that study area.

• Correlation between ownership of private toilet and ownership of private wastewater treatment (on-site wastewater treatment plant)

Calculation result shows a very weak correlation between two variables and correlation both these are not significant. It means the ownership of

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private toilet has no correlation to ownership of wastewater treatment. However, based on field observation that found almost every house in coastal area have a private toilet without a wastewater treatment. This information might be useful as the main target for installing the wastewater treatment in an effort to increase the seawater quality in Tanjungpinang.

• Correlation between ownership of private wastewater treatment and location of house

Calculation result shows a weak correlation between two variables and correlation both these are significant. Although it means that there is a relationship between house’s locations with the ownership of wastewater treatment (septic tank), the correlation both they are weak. Addition, the field observation describes almost all human settlements that located on the sea level is have not the septic tank. This information is also to be an input to find the main target for installing the wastewater management.

• Correlation between income and willingness to pay for wastewater treatment installation

Calculation result shows a weak correlation between two variables and correlation both these are not significant. The definition is increasing or decreasing of income has a little influence on the willingness to pay for wastewater treatment installation. This result is consistent with the filed survey result, where the respondents need the wastewater treatment with no charge or free. On the other hand, some of them willing to pay for this infrastructure. This information might be valuable for determining what policies will be taken to address the low of willingness to pay for the local community.

• Correlation Between Income and willingness to pay for wastewater treatment management

Calculation result shows a moderate correlation between two variables and correlation both these are not significant. The definition is that increasing and decreasing of income gives the moderate influence of

the willingness to pay for wastewater treatment management.

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D. Conclusion

Based on the result and discussion above that have been explained in chapter V, it can be concluded that the seawater quality in Tanjungpinang Municipality during nine years shows the U-pattern. The seawater quality in Tanjungpinang is indicated as heavily polluted in 2008 and 2017. This condition is caused by the high value of PO4, NO3, and NH4. Furthermore, the PCA result reveals that there are two principal components causing pollution in Tanjungpinang, which are F1 or oxidation condition (consisting DO, BOD, CN, and H2S); and F2 or domestic wastewater contaminant (consisting TSS, NH3, and NO3). Afterward, clustering analysis of the PCA result gives information that the value of TSS, NO3, pH, and NH3 is higher than other pollutants. Another result that is shown by clustering the PCA result is the observation condition, where the observation 2, 4, 5, 7, and 9 is indicated have a high value of pollutant, especially observation 4 and 7.

Furthermore, the determination of pollutant load is calculated by using the potency of pollutant load and spatial analysis. This calculation is conducted on several activities, such as domestic, agriculture, livestock, hotels, and hospital activities. Generally, the pollutant source in Tanjungpinang is dominated by the domestic activities when compared to agriculture, livestock, hospital, and hotel activities. Domestic activities produce 1430.358 kg/day of BOD; 1966.742 kg/day of COD and 1358.840 kg/day of TSS. Their contributions to polluting the coastal area as 4.986 mg/L of BOD; 6,932 mg/L of COD and 4.737 mg/L of TSS. Meanwhile, the pollutant load of PO4-P and NO3 is not derived from agriculture and livestock activities, the source of these pollutants still unknown.

Moreover, based on the calculation of the assimilative capacity in zone 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, and 8 that recognize the parameter NH3, PO4 and NO3 have polluted the whole of the coastal area in that zone. The pollutant load of PO4 has exceeded the pollutant limit that accounted for 40% on each zone, NO3 over value around 50% of each zone, NH3 exceeds 27% in 4 zones (zone 1, 2, 4 and 6) and the two other zone illustrate the remaining assimilation capacity only leaves as 20%. Other information that is obtained from the assimilative capacity is the remaining value of BOD is only leave 30%, it means in a short time the pollutant load of the BOD will be exceeded the assimilation capacity or over that the pollutant standard.

Based on the field survey in two Kelurahan (Kelurahan Tanjung Unggat and Kelurahan Penyengat), the result shows most of the dwellings on these locations do not have the domestic wastewater treatment. Hereafter, 72% of respondent did not get information regarding wastewater management, which causes a low willingness to pay (WTP) for improving the wastewater management. The lowest the lowest level of

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willingness to pay is also supported by weak correlation between income and WTP of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) installation (accounts for 0.239) and moderately correlation between Income and WTP of WWTP management (accounts for 0.359).

Addressing those problems, scenario plan was formulated with some considerations. Take driving force and uncertainty into account. Driving forces for the scenario planning consists of social issues, economic background, and environmental problem. Here are shown some scenario planning for better quality of sea water in Tanjungpinang Municipality, which determines the reduction target of pollutant and upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas. In determining the reduction target, calculation of the sea water quality, the pollutant load, and the assimilative capacity in several zones are taken into consideration. Meanwhile, upgrading the sanitation system in the coastal areas is conducted through several programs such as socialization for

sanitation upgrading and wastewater management program.

E. Recommendation

In order to make a better result in the future, there is several recommendations are proposed, as follows:

1. The result of this thesis demonstration the pollutant source of PO4 and NO3 that still remain unknown. Therefore, it is suggested in the future research could conduct the advanced investigation on that pollutant source.

2. The next research is expected to study the whole of pollutant load that illustrated the condition of water quality of the upstream river to the estuary. Then, is needed to calculate the all pollutant load, which is not only generated from the point sources, but also comes from non-point sources.

3. In pollution-prevention scenario, the proposal will become much better if the future researchers mention quantitatively about how large the related facilities are needed.

4. This study could be a reference to the local government of Tanjungpinang Municipality in order to prevent the coastal pollution in the coastal area. Besides, a noteworthy by the local government is the annual monitoring of the environmental quality is might do that is helpful to remind the water pollution.

5. Several regulations are needed to support the coastal pollution prevention effort that caused by the urban waste. In this study that gives the solution for the upgrading sanitation as a future plan, so, the local government should establish a new policy,

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Nama : Bonewati

Instansi : Dinas Perhubungan Provinsi Gorontalo

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Wilayah

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat merupakan elemen kunci dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, rendahnya kapasitas masyarakat dapat menghambat keberlanjutan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) mengetahui proses pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (PBM) di desa Olele; (2) mengidentifikasi perkembangan dan capaian-capaian dalam pelaksanaan PBM di desa Olele; (3) menganalisis masalah dan isu strategis dalam pelaksanaan PBM di desa Olele; (4) merumuskan arahan pengembangan kapasitas dalam pengembangan PBM di Desa olele.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Penelitian dilakukan di desa Olele Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan wawancara dan studi dokumentasi. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) hasil interaksi R-O-N dalam proses pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N menambah sumber daya yang dimiliki masyarakat, menguatkan norma, dan meningkatkan beberapa aspek kapasitas masyarakat di desa Olele; (2) hasil capaian dan perkembangan dalam pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat masih mengalami permasalahan terkait kapasitas masyarakat yang belum memadai pada tingkat individu, organisasi, dan masyarakat; (3) masalah dan isu strategis yang timbul terkait kapasitas masyarakat terletak pada ketidaksesuaian antara R-O-N yang dihantarkan pemerintah dan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat sehingga membutuhkan R-O-N baru yang sesuai dengan yang dibutuhkan masyarakat; (4) arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan strategi untuk memperoleh R-O-N yang dibutuhkan.

Kata kunci: Kapasitas Masyarakat, Pariwisata, Desa Olele.

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Community capacity building is a key element in community-based tourism development so that low community capacity can hamper the sustainability of community-based tourism. This research aims to: (1) investigating the process of R-O-N in the CBT development; (2) identifying the progress and achievements in the CBT implementation; (3) analyzing the problems and strategic issues in CBT development; (4) formulating the capacity development direction in CBT development at Olele Village. This was a descriptive research with qualitative approach. The research was conducted at Olele Village, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. Data were collected using an interview and documentary study. The data were analysed using the qualitative descriptive.

The research results indicated that: (1) R-O-N interaction result in the delivery and acceptance process increases the resources possessed by the community, strengthen the norm and improve several community capacity aspects at Olele village; (2) the achievements and developments results in the community-based tourism implementation still has problems related to community capacity which has not been sufficient in the individual, organizational and community level; (3) the strategic problems and issues arising related to the community capacity lie on the incongruity between R-O-N delivered by government and R-O-N owned by community, so that it needs new R-O-N which is in line with the community necessity, (4) the community capacity improvement direction is carried out by developing the strategies obtain R-O-N needed.

Keywords: Community Capacity, Tourism, Olele Village.

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A. Latar Belakang

Pesatnya pertumbuhan pariwisata massal di negara-negara berkembang dan besarnya dampak negatif yang ditimbulkannya menyebabkan pengembangan pariwisata beralih pada pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat (Thammajinda, 2013). Pariwisata berbasis masyarakat adalah pariwisata alternatif yang dipandang lebih menghargai lingkungan dan kebudayaan masyarakat lokal (Raharjana, 2010). Dalam pengembangan pariwisata dan pengembangan strategi pariwisata selanjutnya, peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat memainkan peran penting (Ahmeti, 2013).

Dalam penelitian yang dilakukan Aref et al (2009) di Shiraz, Iran, disebutkan bahwa kurangnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan masyarakat merupakan faktor penghambat partisipasi masyarakat dalam perencanaan dan implementasi pengembangan pariwisata. Adapun Razzaq et al (2012), mengungkapkan keberhasilan pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Miso Walai dikarenakan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat yang telah dilakukan, bahkan sebelum proyek dimulai.

Desa Olele merupakan salah satu pilot project pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Provinsi Gorontalo yang telah berjalan sejak tahun 2012. Dalam implementasi program pariwisata berbasis masyarakat terjadi pertemuan antara R-O-N (Resources/R, Organization/O, Norms/N) yang dihantarkan oleh Pemerintah sebagai pengelola program dan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat desa Olele sebagai penerima manfaat program. Hasil, manfaat, dan dampak dari luaran program pariwisata berbasis masyarakat terhadap pemenuhan kebutuhan masyarakat desa Olele bergantung pada ketepatan dan kecanggihan proses pengantaran R-O-N oleh pemerintah (delivery mechanism), kapasitas masyarakat dalam menerima dan memanfaatkan R-O-N yang dihantarkan tersebut, dan menggabungkannya dengan R-O-N yang dikuasai oleh komunitas itu sendiri (receiving mechanism) (Salman, 2012).

Sejak dilaksanakannya program pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele pada tahun 2012, proses pengantaran R-O-N dari pemerintah berlangsung melalui berbagai kegiatan yang melibatkan kapasitas masyarakat desa Olele. Kapasitas masyarakat dapat diartikan sebagai karakteristik yang dimiliki suatu masyarakat yang memungkinkan untuk memobilisasi, mengidentifikasi, dan memecahkan masalah (Aref & Redzun, 2008). Dalam konteks pariwisata, peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dapat dipandang sebagai kapasitas yang dimiliki masyarakat untuk ikut berpartisipasi

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dalam aktivitas pariwisata (Cupples, 2005 dalam Aref & Redzuan, 2009). Peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat harus dipahami pada tingkat yang berbeda, yaitu tingkat individu, tingkat organisasi, dan tingkat komunitas (Aref et al., 2010). Kapasitas masyarakat pada level individu adalah kesadaran dalam mengembangkan potensi wisata, pengetahuan tentang pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, kemampuan melayani wisatawan, keterampilan mengolah souvenir atau cinderamata (Noho, 2012). Kapasitas level organisasi adalah kepemimpinan dan koordinasi, kemitraan eksternal, kapasitas untuk mengembangkan produk-produk wisata dan kapasitas untuk mempromosikan destinasi wisata (Noho, 2012). Adapun kapasitas pada level masyarakat menekankan pengembangan modal sosial yang meliputi kepercayaan (trust), timbal balik (reciprocity), jaringan (network), serta norma-norma kolektif (collective norms) yang mendukung pengembangan pariwisata (Bennet et al., 2012).

Pengembangan pariwisata perlu didukung oleh aktivitas peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat (Aref et al., 2010). Dalam proses penerimaan R-O-N yang melibatkan kapasitas masyarakat tersebut masih terdapat beberapa permasalahan seperti belum adanya kerajinan khas penduduk desa Olele, masih terbatasnya atraksi wisata di Olele dan banyaknya kotoran kambing peliharaan warga di sepanjang kawasan wisata yang mengindikasikan lemahnya kapasitas masyarakat baik pada level individu, level organisasi dan level masyarakat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dalam mendukung keberlanjutan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele.

B. Metode Penelitian

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif untuk mengungkapkan proses pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N dalam program pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele, capaian dan masalah dalam pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, serta arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat untuk keberlanjutan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele.

Penelitian ini dilakukan di desa Olele Kecamatan Kabila Bone Kabupaten Bone Bolango Provinsi Gorontalo. Desa Olele merupakan salah satu objek wisata unggulan di Provinsi Gorontalo dan merupakan pilot project pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Provinsi Gorontalo. Desa Olele memiliki keunikan berupa terumbu karang yang menyerupai lukisan Salvadore Dali. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan Januari sampai dengan Februari 2017.

Data primer dikumpulkan melalui wawancara mendalam terhadap informan kunci pada Dinas Pariwisata Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Dinas Perikanan dan Kelautan Kabupaten Bone Bolango, Dinas Pariwisata Provinsi, Bappeda Provinsi, dan Dinas

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Pekerjaan Umum Provinsi Gorontalo. Data primer juga diperoleh melalui wawancara terhadap kepala desa Olele, sekretaris desa Olele, tokoh-tokoh masyarakat, ketua pokdarwis, masyarakat, dan wisatawan. Data sekunder diperoleh melalui studi dokumentasi terhadap beberapa dokumen, seperti dokumen profil desa dan RPJM Desa dan Kecamatan tahun 2015 sampai 2016, laporan realisasi kegiatan dan data kunjungan wisatawan. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil wawancara pada transkrip kemudian dikelompokkan sesuai dengan tema-tema yang ditentukan sesuai tujuan penelitian, yaitu proses pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N dalam pengembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, capaian, dan perkembangan dalam pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele. yang meliputi kapasitas masyarakat, usaha pariwisata yang dikelola oleh masyarakat, tingkat kunjungan wisatawan, tingkat kepuasan wisatawan, jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan, dan peningkatan terhadap PAD.

Dari hasil data dan analisis terhadap capaian dan perkembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, diidentifikasi masalah dan isu strategis yang terkait kapasitas masyarakat yang disebabkan ketidaksesuaian antara R-O-N yang dihantarkan pemerintah dan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat dan dirumuskan arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat melalui strategi pengembangan R-O-N.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Proses Pengantaran R-O-N dan Penerimaan R-O-N dalam Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam pelaksanaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa Olele terjadi proses pengantaran R-O-N oleh pemerintah dan proses penerimaan R-O-N yang dimiliki oleh masyarakat. Sebelum masuknya pariwisata berbasis masyarakat, interaksi R-O-N eksternal dan R-O-N internal terjadi melalui berbagai kegiatan yang melahirkan R-O-N baru. Adanya sumber daya ( R )berupa terumbu karang yang masih terawat, masyarakat yang memiliki kesadaran untuk menjaga terumbu karang dan menyadari potensi wisata, fasilitas penunjang konservasi dan pariwisata, organisasi pengelola (O), pokmaswas, pokdarwis, pemerintah desa, dan norma yang mengatur pengelolaan sumber daya berupa SK Bupati Bone Bolango tentang Penetapan KKLD Desa Olele dan perdes mengenai konservasi menghantarkan masuknya program pariwisata berbasis masyarakat.

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2. Capaian dan Perkembangan Pariwisata berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Olele

Capaian dan perkembangan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Desa Olele bergantung pada kapasitas masyarakat dalam menerima R-O-N yang dihantarkan pemerintah dan menggabungkannya dengan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat.

Hasil wawancara terhadap kapasitas masyarakat pada level individu menunjukkan: (1) masyarakat sudah memiliki kesadaran dalam mengembangkan potensi wisata; (2) pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pariwisata berbasis masyarakat masih minim; (3) masyarakat telah memiliki kemampuan mengolah suvenir dan keterampilan menyelam, tetapi belum memiliki keterampilan berbahasa Inggris dan keterampilan mengelola homestay.

Hasil wawancara mengenai kapasitas pada level organisasi menunjukkan bahwa (1) bentuk kemitraan yang dilakukan pokdarwis dengan pihak eksternal adalah pembinaan, koordinasi, dan kerja sama dalam mendatangkan wisatawan; (2) atraksi yang berkembang di Olele adalah diving dan snorkeling; (3) promosi yang dilakukan pokdarwis adalah dengan membagikan booklet dan leaflet dari pemerintah, mengelola website pemerintah, dan promosi melalui media sosial.

Kapasitas pada level masyarakat menunjukkan bahwa (1) kerja sama dalam pengelolaan pariwisata, tetap masih terjadi konflik akibat kurangnya keterlibatan masyarakat dusun 1 dan dusun 2; (2) terjalin hubungan timbal balik dalam pengelolaan pariwisata, tetapi manfaatnya belum terdistribusi merata di antara para pelaku usaha pariwisata; (3) jejaring dalam pengelolaan pariwisata antara masyarakat dan pelaku usaha, tetapi keterlibatan masyarakat masih minim; 4) masyarakat telah mematuhi norma untuk menjaga terumbu karang dengan tidak melakukan kegiatan menangkap ikan yang merusak, tetapi belum mematuhi norma untuk menjaga kebersihan kawasan wisata.

Rendahnya kapasitas masyarakat di desa Olele menghambat perkembangan pariwisata. Hal ini ditunjukkan oleh minimnya lama tinggal wisatawan di Olele yang masih berkisar satu hari, ketidakpuasan wisatawan terhadap fasilitas homestay, kondisi jalan, kondisi air yang sering mati, belum adanya toko cindera mata dan rumah makan khusus wisatawan. Selain itu, lapangan pekerjaan baru dan usaha pariwisata di desa Olele pun masih sangat terbatas, belum ada kontribusi dari pengelolaan pariwisata di desa Olele terhadap PAD karena belum diterapkannya retribusi, dan jumlah uang yang dibelanjakan wisatawan di Olele masih terbatas pada sewa katamaran lengkap dengan peralatan lainnya.

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3. Masalah dan Isu Strategis dalam Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat di Desa Olele

Masalah dan isu strategis terkait rendahnya kapasitas masyarakat desa Olele disebabkan ketidaksesuaian antara R-O-N yang dihantarkan oleh pemerintah dan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat.

Masalah terkait ketidaksesuaian dalam hal Resources ( R ) meliputi: (1) belum berkembangnya usaha pengelolaan homestay; (2) belum berkembangnya usaha cindera mata; (3) minimnya masyarakat yang memiliki keterampilan berbahasa Inggris; (3) minimnya masyarakat yang bermata pencaharian sebagai pemandu wisata lokal; (5) minimnya masyarakat yang memenuhi standar kompetensi sebagai pemandu selam (dive master); (6) minimnya pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai pariwisata berbasis masyarakat; (7) rendahnya kepatuhan masyarakat terhadap norma menjaga kebersihan kawasan wisata.

Masalah terkait ketidaksesuaian dalam hal Organizations (O) meliputi: (1) ketidakmampuan pokdarwis mengembangkan potensi sumber daya wisata di desa Olele dan kekhasan/keunikan lokal sebagai daya tarik wisata; (2) belum adanya kerja sama dan kemitraan yang dilakukan pokdarwis dalam pengembangan usaha pariwisata/mendatangkan sumberdaya eksternal; (3) belum adanya upaya promosi khusus yang dilakukan pokdarwis.

Masalah terkait ketidaksesuaian dalam hal Norms (N) adalah; (1) masih banyaknya binatang ternak yang bebas berkeliaran dan mengotori kawasan wisata; (2) pendistribusian manfaat yang tidak merata di antara pelaku usaha pariwisata; (3) belum adanya pendapatan pariwisata yang masuk ke kas desa/PAD; (4) kurangnya pengawasan aktivitas wisatawan di bawah laut yang menyebabkan kerusakan terumbu karang.

4. Arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat untuk keberlanjutan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di Desa Olele

Arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dilakukan dengan mengembangkan R-O-N yang dibutuhkan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kapasitas. Strategi pengembangan R dilakukan dengan cara: (a) peningkatan kapasitas pengelola untuk mengembangkan homestay sesuai standar usaha pondok wisata; (b) peningkatan kerja sama dengan pemerintah daerah dan swasta untuk dukungan modal usaha dan pemasaran produk; ( c ) pengadaan pelatihan-pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas masyarakat; (d) peningkatan frekuensi sosialisasi mengenai pariwisata berbasis masyarakat dan nilai-nilai sadar wisata dan sapta pesona.

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Strategi pengembangan O adalah (a) pengembangan kerja sama pokdarwis dengan pihak eksternal untuk mendatangkan sumber daya; (b) pengadaan pelatihan-pelatihan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pokdarwis. Strategi pengembangan N adalah penyusunan peraturan desa mengenai pengelolaan pariwisata di desa Olele.

D. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya permasalahan terkait kapasitas masyarakat yang menghambat perkembangan pariwisata di desa Olele. Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan, yaitu:

1. pembangunan seyogianya dilihat sebagai proses meningkatkan kapasitas suatu tatanan agar senantiasa mampu beradaptasi terhadap lingkungannya;

2. keberhasilan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat tidak dapat tercapai tanpa adanya partisipasi masyarakat dan masyarakat tidak dapat berpartisipasi jika tidak memiliki kapasitas yang memadai dalam mengelola pariwisata (Aref et al., 2009);

3. kapasitas masyarakat desa Olele pada level individu menunjukkan minimnya pengetahuan dan keterampilan untuk ikut berpartisipasi pada pengelolaan pariwisata yang dapat menghambat perrkembangan pariwisata di desa Olele;

4. kurangnya pemahaman terhadap manfaat pariwisata menjadi salah satu penyebab tidak berkembangnya pariwisata di desa Olele (Moscardo, 2008 dalam Aref et al., 2010);

5. manfaat pariwisata bukan hanya manfaat finanasial dan manfaat individu, seperti yang dikemukakan beberapa peneliti. Goodwin & Santili (2009) mengelompokkan manfaat pariwisata menjadi manfaat kolektif dan manfaat individu. Adapun Rocharungsat (2008) mengelompokkan manfaat pariwisata berbasis masyarakat menjadi manfaat ekonomi, manfaat lingkungan, dan manfaat social;

6. keberhasilan partisipasi masyarakat hanya terjadi jika mereka memahami pengelolaan pariwisata (Cardenas et al., 2015).

7. kapasitas pada level organisasi dalam hal ini pokdarwis belum mampu menjadi unsur penggerak kepariwisataan di destinasi wisata Olele;

8. kapasitas organisasi tidak berjalan secara efektif apabila kapasitas individu tidak memenuhi kapasitas yang dibutuhkan. Sebaliknya, kapasitas individu tidak akan berjalan dengan efektif jika tidak didukung kapasitas organisasi (Prafitri & Damayanti, 2016);

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9. kapasitas pada level masyarakat di desa Olele menunjukkan masih lemahnya modal sosial dalam pengelolaan pariwisata di desa Olele. Oleh karena itu, masyarakat yang memiliki modal sosial yang tinggi memiliki kesempatan yang lebih banyak untuk terlibat dalam pengembangan pariwisata (Thammajinda, 2013).

Permasalahan terkait kapasitas masyarakat disebabkan adanya ketidaksesuaian R-O-N yang dihantarkan pemerintah dan R-O-N yang dimiliki masyarakat di desa Olele. Dalam perencanaan, pemahaman kondisi R-O-N dalam tatanan membantu formulasi rencana tentang R-O-N yang akan dihantarkan ke dalam tatanan tersebut (Salman, 2012). Untuk itu, dirumuskan arahan peningkatan kapasitas masyarakat dengan menggunakan strategi pengembangan R-O-N untuk melengkapi R-O-N yang dibutuhkan masyarakat untuk mengelola pariwisata di desa Olele.

E. Kesimpulan dan Saran

Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dan analisis yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:

1. hasil interaksi R-O-N dalam proses pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N telah menguatkan norma-norma yang telah ada, menambah sumber daya fisik yang dimiliki masyarakat dan sumber daya finansial dari pengelolaan fasilitas penunjang pariwisata, dan meningkatnya kapasitas SDM melalui pembinaan dan pelatihan terkait pengelolaan pariwisata.

2. capaian dan perkembangan dalam pengelolaan pariwisata berbasis masyarakat di desa menunjukkan bahwa rendahnya kapasitas masyarakat tersebut menghambat pengembangan pariwisata di desa Olele. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan dan isu strategis tersebut yang muncul karena ketidaksesuaian pengantaran dan penerimaan R-O-N dalam pengelolaan pariwisata di desa Olele diperlukan arahan peningkatan kapasitas pengembangan R-O-N;

3. strategi pengembangan R dilakukan dengan pengadaan pelatihan, penguatan organisasi penguatan kerja sama, dan penyusunan peraturan dalam pengelolaan pariwisata.

Adapun saran yang dapat diberikan adalah peningkatan koordinasi baik antarpemerintah maupun antara pemerintah dan masyarakat. Untuk itu, diperlukan pemetaan (mapping) terhadap kapasitas yang dimiliki masyarakat dan kolaborasi yang saling bersinergi dan memberikan manfaat lebih bagi masyarakat sehingga masyarakat dapat mencapai level keberdayaan.

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Nama : Dian Purnamasari Zain

Instansi : Pemkot Baubau

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Universitas Hasanuddin

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A. Latar Belakang

Kota Baubau sebagai sebagai salah satu daerah otonomi di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara memiliki pertumbuhan penduduk cukup tinggi. Pada periode tahun 2000-2010, rerata pertumbuhan penduduk mencapai 2,59%. Tingginya laju pertumbuhan penduduk di kota ini juga ditandai tingkat kepadatan penduduk yang terus meningkat dari tahun ke tahun. Pada tahun 2000, kepadatan penduduk Kota Baubau sebesar 480 jiwa per km2, tahun 2010 sebesar 620 jiwa per km2, tahun 2012 meningkat menjadi 645 orang/km2, tahun 2013 sebesar 658 jiwa/km2, dan tahun 2015, tingkat kepadatan meningkat hingga 700 jiwa per km2. Selama kurun waktu tahun 2010-2015 terjadi pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar 13,06%, yaitu dari 136.981 jiwa menjadi 151.877 jiwa (BPS, 2017).

Konsentrasi penduduk lebih yang lebih terfokus pada Bagian Wilayah Kota (BWK) dengan morfologi datar serta secara historis berperan sebagai pusat pemerintahan dan perekonomian. Dengan tingkat kepadatan tersebut, dalam perkembangan kawasan perkotaannya telah terbentuk kawasan permukiman padat penduduk dan kumuh seluas 69,4 hektar yang tersebar pada beberapa tipologi kawasan (Ditjen Cipta Karya, 2015).

Permasalahan dalam program penataan permukiman kumuh selama ini adalah ruang gerak pelaksanaannya dibatasi oleh kondisi fisik tata bangunan dan kondisi sosial ekonomi masyarakat (Sadyohutomo, 2009) dan adanya faktor internal dan faktor eksternal. Faktor internal, misalnya faktor budaya, tempat bekerja, tempat lahir, lama tinggal, investasi rumah, jenis bangunan rumah, sedangkan faktor eksternal, misalnya kepemilikan tanah dan kebijakan pemerintah (Srinivas, 2003). Permasalahan penanganan permukiman kumuh ini juga disebabkan oleh kurangnya analisis mengenai penyebab utama tumbuhnya kawasan permukiman kumuh dari aspek sosial ekonomi masyarakat.

Penyebab utama munculnya kawasan permukiman kumuh, yaitu urbanisasi dan migrasi yang tinggi, terutama pada kelompok masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR), sulitnya akses dalam mencari pekerjaan, sulitnya mencicil atau menyewa rumah, kurang tegasnya pelaksanaan regulasi/peraturan perundang-undangan, tingkat kedisiplinan masyarakat yang rendah, semakin sempitnya lahan permukiman, dan tingginya harga tanah dan karakteristik kota sebagai pusat perdagangan yang menarik bagi investor dan pengusaha (Khomarudin, 1997).

Berbagai model penanganan permukiman kumuh yang terdiri atas model land sharing, penataan lahan kembali (land readjustement), konsolidasi lahan (land

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consolidation), permukiman kembali (resettlement), pembangunan rumah susun, dan perbaikan kampung (Ditjen Cipta Karya, 2006) telah diterapkan. Akan tetapi, seiring pesatnya dinamika kondisi perkotaan yang kompleks, di samping melakukan penanganan terhadap permukiman kumuh existing, pencegahan terhadap timbulnya area-area permukiman kumuh baru sebagai dampak segregasi pemanfaatan ruang permukiman juga perlu dilakukan. Salah satu alternatif untuk mengetahui faktor pembentuk pola permukiman sehingga diperoleh model yang tepat dalam menangani kawasan permukiman kumuh, yaitu menggunakan pendekatan sosio-spasial (Dupont, 2002; Patel, 2016).

Penelitian ini mencoba meneliti dan mendalami aspek sosio-spasial dari kawasan permukiman kumuh yang telah ditetapkan pemerintah daerah Kota Baubau. Aspek sosio-spasial tersebut juga diperbandingkan dengan berbagai aturan dan kebijakan perencanaan wilayah setempat. Dengan mengetahui aspek ini, penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan masukan dan rekomendasi yang tepat dalam model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Baubau.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Berdasarkan latar belakang di atas, untuk memfokuskan arah dan proses pembahasan dalam penelitian ini, penulis merumuskan pertanyaan penelitian berikut:

1. Bagaimana karakteristik sosio-spasial kawasan permukiman kumuh di kota Baubau berdasarkan perbedaan tipologi kawasan?

2. Bagaimana model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh perkotaan yang berdasarkan karakteristik sosio-spasial pada tipologi kawasan yang berbeda?

Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik sosio-spasial kawasan permukiman kumuh berdasarkan 3 (tiga) tipologi kawasan yang berbeda, yaitu kawasan kumuh bantaran sungai, kawasan kumuh permukiman pesisir, dan kawasan kumuh kampung tradisional. Identifikasi karakteristik sosio-spasial pada 3 (tiga) kawasan yang berbeda tersebut selanjutnya menjadi dasar dalam merancang bangun model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh di Kota Baubau.

Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini menggunakan dua jenis pendekatan, yaitu pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif. Pendekatan kualititatif dilakukan melalui 3 (tiga) analisis sebagai berikut: 1) deskriptif yaitu metode analisis dengan cara melihat keadaan objek penelitian melalui uraian, pengertian atau penjelasan terhadap analisis yang bersifat terukur maupun tidak terukur. Yang kedua dan yang ketiga analisis apa? Pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan melalui?

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C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Gambaran Umum Kota Baubau

Kota Baubau secara geografis terletak di bagian Selatan Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara yang berupa wilayah kepulauan. Kota ini berada di Pulau Buton, terletak pada 5021’-5030’ LS dan di antara 122030’-122045’ BT. Sebagian besar wilayah daratan Kota Baubau terdapat di daratan Pulau Buton yang memanjang di Selat Buton dan terdapat 1 (satu) pulau, yaitu Pulau Makasar (Puma). Kondisi topografi wilayah Kota Baubau relatif bervariasi mulai dari topografi yang datar, bergelombang, hingga berbukit. Kawasan yang mempunyai kemiringan lahan 0-8% berada di bagian Utara dan Barat wilayah Kota Baubau, yang semakin ke timur, semakin besar kemiringannya, dan merupakan perbukitan yang membentang dari utara ke selatan.

Secara umum, kondisi fisik wilayah Kota Baubau memiliki karakteristik wilayah pesisir. Morfologi perkembangan Kota Baubau tumbuh pada dataran rendah di sepanjang pinggir pantai dengan limitasi perkembangan berupa kondisi topografi wilayah yang berbukit ke arah dalam. Topografi wilayah datar berada pada tempat-tempat yang saat ini merupakan pusat-pusat permukiman di Kecamatan Betoambari dan Wolio.

2. Tipologi Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Pesisir

Kawasan permukiman kumuh ini telah terbentuk sejak lama di wilayah pesisir dengan kondisi bangunan yang sudah cukup tua dan ditempati secara turun-temurun. Kondisi kekerabatan yang erat dalam masyarakatnya yang didukung jenis pekerjaan sebagai nelayan menyebabkan kawasan ini berpola cluster. Hal ini tampak dari kondisi bangunan permukiman yang sangat rapat dan berdekatan, serta alasan dekat dengan keluarga menyebabkan kawasan ini menjadi padat penduduk. Ini artinya profesi pekerjaan sebagai nelayan perikanan tangkap diwariskan secara turun-temurun sehingga penduduknya terus menetap di kawasan ini. Keterbatasan lahan untuk membangun, tingginya harga lahan, tingginya tingkat ketidaksesuaian lahan permukiman, dan harga sewa rumah yang cukup terjangkau menyebabkan bangunan rumah yang ada dihuni lebih dari 4 orang dan lebih dari 2 rumah tangga. Meskipun letaknya dekat dengan kawasan pusat kota (central business district) dan kawasan reklamasi Kota Mara, kawasan ini bukan merupakan kawasan yang menarik bagi kaum migran (pendatang) sehingga tidak berisiko memicu segregasi sosio-spasial. Hal ini berbeda dengan penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Noorloos & Steel (2015) yang menyebutkan bahwa kawasan pesisir yang telah mengalami privatisasi cenderung menyebabkan segregasi dan ekslusi sosial pada kawasan permukiman yang dihuni oleh para migran.

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Ditinjau dari aspek keterlibatan pemerintah, kawasan ini cukup mendapat intervensi dari pemerintah melalui kebijakan program penataan kawasan pesisir (reklamasi), pembangunan Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI), perluasan pasar tradisional dan industri es balok, serta pembangunan rusunawa (hunian vertikal) untuk masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah. Intervensi ini berimplikasi pada peningkatan keragaman profesi pekerjaan masyarakatnya. Intervensi tersebut juga mampu mengurangi tingkat perkembangan permukiman kumuh.

3. Tipologi Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Bantaran Sungai

Kawasan permukiman ini menjadi daya tarik bagi kaum migran (pendatang). Lokasinya yang dekat dengan pusat kota dengan fungsi wilayah sebagai kawasan perdagangan menjadikan kawasan ini sangat multietnis (Bugis-Makassar, Gu-Lakudo-Mawasangka dan Ambon-Maluku). Meskipun multietnis, risiko segregasi di wilayah ini cukup kecil karena masyarakat yang menempati kawasan ini saling berbaur dengan kondisi sosial ekonomi yang hampir setara.

Kawasan permukiman yang berpola cluster terletak pada sebelah timur bantaran sungai yang ditandai dengan bangunan permukiman yang rapat dan letaknya yang cukup dekat dengan lokasi perdagangan. Kawasan sebelah barat bantaran sungai secara visual bangunan permukiman juga berpola cluster meskipun dibatasi beberapa areal lahan terbuka. Lahan terbuka yang berada di sebelah barat berpotensi menjadi kawasan permukiman padat penduduk, terlebih setelah dilakukan pembangunan jalan lokal. Pada kawasan ini, risiko bencana perlu diwaspadai karena letak kawasan yang berdekatan dengan bantaran sungai menyebabkan terjadinya genangan akibat rembesan air di permukaan sungai yang masuk ke dalam drainase permukiman saat musim hujan. Selain itu, ada pula risiko bencana kebakaran dan konflik sosial yang dipicu oleh tingkat kepadatan bangunan dan kepadatan penduduk yang cukup tinggi. Oleh karena itu, kondisi kekumuhan yang terjadi di kawasan ini lebih disebabkan oleh faktor urbanisasi, daya tarik lokasi perdagangan, dan risiko bencana yang mungkin ditimbulkan (banjir, kebakaran dan konflik sosial).

Keterlibatan pemerintah dalam pembangunan fisik kawasan ini berupa penataan kali Kota Baubau di sepanjang bantaran sungai, bedah rumah melalui bantuan stimulan perumahan swadaya (BSPS), peningkatan kualitas jalan dan drainase, dan progam lainnya. Dominasi peran swasta sangat besar dalam menggerakkan sektor perdagangan dan jasa di kawasan ini. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah cenderung memprioritaskan masyarakat yang memiliki rumah tidak layak huni dalam memperoleh skema pembiayaan rumah murah yang berada di kelurahan Lipu. Akan tetapi, kebijakan ini terkendala oleh faktor status kependudukan, yaitu kebanyakan

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masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah (MBR) masih memiliki status kependudukan di daerah asalnya.

4. Tipologi Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh Kampung Tradisional

Kawasan ini masih bernuansa kampung tradisional dan berada di bagian wilayah kota Baubau (BWK) yang ditandai bangunan berbentuk rumah panggung. Perubahan land use permukiman yang cukup kecil, harga rumah sewa, status dan legalitas kepemilikan yang cukup tinggi menandai bahwa kawasan permukiman kumuh ini khusus ditempati oleh etnis Lipu-Katobengke. Kekumuhan kawasan ini disebabkan faktor internal penghuni meskipun ada beberapa lokasi yang dihuni oleh pendatang dari Muna dan Wakatobi, yaitu kelurahan Katobengke. Permukiman kumuh di kawasan ini membentuk pola cluster. Kawasan ini juga berpotensi memicu terjadinya segregasi sosio-spasial, khususnya di kelurahan Lipu karena kepemilikan lahan di kawasan ini didominasi oleh penduduk setempat dengan tingkat kekerabatan yang tinggi. Itulah sebabnya, meskipun terdapat areal lahan terbuka yang dapat dijadikan lokasi permukiman, masyarakat lain tidak berminat untuk menghuni di kawasan ini, di samping karena harga lahan yang cukup tinggi dan faktor kerentanan konflik sosial yang sering terjadi.

5. Model Fuzzy MCDM berbasis Sosio-Spasial

Pengambilan keputusan dengan multikriteria (Multi Criteria Decision Making/MCDM) dianggap tepat untuk menentukan model prioritas penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh dengan pertimbangan karakteristik sosio-spasial yang telah diidentifikasi sebelumnya. Merancang model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh berdasarkan tahapan karakteristik sosio-spasial dilakukan dengan menggunakan bantuan software Arc GIS 10.3 melalui toolbox fuzzy membership dan fuzzy overlay.

Proses merancang model prioritas dilakukan dengan menghimpun indikator, variabel, dan subvariabel sosio-spasial yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat kekumuhan suatu kawasan. Input yang digunakan untuk membuat logika fuzzy merupakan pembobotan penilaian kriteria kualitatif yang diperoleh dari hasil analisis statistisk deskriptif terhadap indikator sosio-spasial, yaitu indikator fisik dan pola ruang, indikator fungsional, dan indikator sosial. Setelah dianalisis, langkah selanjutnya adalah menentukan membership function dan rule. Jenis logika yang digunakan adalah model mamdani karena lebih tepat untuk masukan yang berasal dari manusia. Pada model fuzzy mamdani, logika operasi yang digunakan adalah AND dan semua aturan saling bergantung dan memengaruhi.

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Dari hasil analisis matriks karakteristik sosio spasial, tampak bahwa semakin tinggi nilai input suatu variabel, semakin besar pula pengaruhnya terhadap kekumuhan suatu kawasan meskipun ada beberapa variabel yang berlaku sebaliknya. Analisis ini kemudian menjadi input untuk menentukan fungsi keanggotaan fuzzy (fuzzy membership) pada setiap indikator. Setelah membentuk keanggotaan, tahap berikutnya adalah melakukan proses fuzzy overlay setiap indikator sehingga menjadi peta berikut: petanya? Ditinjau dari aspek indikator fisik dan pola ruang, kawasan kumuh yang perlu mendapat prioritas penanganan utama, yaitu bantaran sungai dengan nilai 0,727, dikuti oleh kawasan pesisir dengan nilai 0,669 dan kawasan kampung tradisional dengan nilai 0,536.

6. Skenario Prioritas Penanganan dengan Metode Scoring

Dalam pelaksanaan penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh juga diperlukan upaya prioritas yang menitikberatkan pada aspek indikator sosio-spasial yang berperan dalam tiap tipologi. Prioritas tersebut terbagi dalam 3 (tiga) skenario, yaitu skenario prioritas penanganan indikator fisik dan pola ruang, skenario prioritas penanganan indikator fungsional, dan skenario prioritas penanganan indikator sosial. Setelah dilakukan tahapan pembobotan diperoleh hasil bahwa skenario prioritas penanganan indikator fisik - pola ruang, skenario prioritas penanganan indikator fungsional, dan skenario prioritas penanganan indikator sosial, menyatakan bahwa secara akumulatif urutan pertama ditempati oleh kawasan bantaran sungai, urutan kedua ditempati oleh kawasan pesisir, dan urutan terakhir ditempati oleh kawasan kampung tradisional. Hasil ini serupa dengan metode Fuzzy MCDM yang telah diperoleh sebelumnya. Dengan kata lain, prioritas penanganan antara metode scoring dan hasil Fuzzy MCDM memiliiki hasil kesepakatan yang sama.

7. Kerangka DPSIR Prioritas Penanganan Kawasan Permukiman Kumuh

Pemodelan Fuzzy MCDM penentuan prioritas penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh berbasis sosio-spasial menghasilkan tiga prioritas. Prioritas I, yaitu kawasan permukiman kumuh dengan tipologi bantaran sungai, prioritas II, yaitu kawasan permukiman kumuh dengan tipologi pesisir, dan prioritas III, yaitu kawasan permukiman kumuh dengan tipologi kampung tradisional.

Keberhasilan penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh pada ketiga tipologi tersebut dilakukan dengan mempertimbangkan karakteristik sosio-spasial yang berada dalam kawasan tersebut. Fokus pada prioritas penanganan yang tidak hanya dalam bentuk fisik, tetapi juga pada multisektor, terutama mengkaji secara mendalam faktor utama penyebab suatu kawasan menjadi kumuh.

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8. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh Bantaran Sungai–Prioritas I

Kawasan permukiman kumuh bantaran sungai dengan prioritas penanganan paling I (high priority) menunjukkan bahwa indikator yang berperan dalam memicu (driving factor) tingkat kekumuhan pada kawasan ini adalah indikator fisik-pola ruang dan indikator sosial.

Driving Factor yang berkaitan dengan faktor fisik dan pola ruang, yaitu lokasi kawasan yang cukup strategis, di samping dekat dengan pusat kota (downtown) sehingga berfungsi sebagai Central Bussines District (CBD), juga memiliki akses yang dekat dengan pelabuhan dan jalur sungai. Hal ini sejalan dengan konsep yang dikemukakan oleh Clay (1979), Doxiadis (1968), dan temuan penelitian oleh Surtiani (2006). Kawasan ini awalnya merupakan kawasan permukiman kemudian mengalami percampuran kegiatan menjadi perdagangan dan jasa. Oleh karena itu, pemerintah daerah setempat menetapkan kawasan ini sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan jasa serta kawasan perkantoran swasta. Berdasarkan data Survei Kampung Sendiri (SKS) pendampingan penyusunan rencana kawasan permukiman kumuh perkotaan (RP3KP), sarana perdagangan yang tersebar di kawasan ini, yaitu pasar sebanyak 3 unit, mini market sebanyak 2 unit, toko sebanyak 198 unit, dan kios/klontong sebanyak 203 unit. Keberadaan pasar dan kios yang cukup banyak memiliki hubungan yang signifikan terhadap jenis lapangan usaha atau pekerjaan masyarakat dalam kawasan yang umumnya bergerak pada sektor swasta dan sektor informal, seperti pedagang di pasar, tenaga buruh harian, dan lain-lain.

Lokasi strategis yang didukung penetapan kawasan ini sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan jasa menyebabkan menjamurnya kegiatan/aktivitas barang dan jasa sehingga kawasan ini menjadi daya tarik urbanisasi. Imbas dari urbanisasi ini adalah persoalan ketidakmampuan ekonomi, lonjakan pengangguran, serta tingginya tuntutan dan biaya hidup yang memaksa manusia kota kreatif untuk berusaha di bidang ekonomi. Urbanisasi menjadi faktor pemicu (driving factor) kedua yang saling terkait dengan lokasi kawasan ini. Seperti diungkapkan Soebroto (2002), permukiman kumuh umumnya di pusat-pusat perdagangan, menyebabkan kepadatan penduduk di daerah ini semakin meningkat dengan berbagai latar belakang sosial, ekonomi, budaya, dan asal daerah. Perhatian utama pada penghuni permukiman ini adalah kerja keras mencari nafkah atau hanya memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari untuk bertahan hidup.

Temuan penelitian yang diungkapkan oleh Yang et al. (2015) menyebutkan bahwa masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah cenderung tetap bermukim di area downtown karena keterbatasan akses dalam memperoleh perumahan yang sesuai dengan kemampuan finansialnya. Di samping itu, para developer swasta sangat

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mempertimbangkan status sosial ekonomi dalam memberikan layanan perumahan bagi masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah sehingga masyarakat yang mampu secara ekonomi berpindah dari kawasan kumuh ke kawasan lain (misalnya suburban) yang memiliki ketersediaan sarana prasarana permukiman yang memadai.

Kedua faktor penggerak tersebut memberi tekanan (pressure) pada kepadatan penduduk, kebutuhan permukiman, ketersediaan lahan permukiman, aktivitas ekonomi skala mikro, kecil, dan menengah, dan perubahan fungsi pemanfaatan kawasan. Tekanan (pressure) tersebut menyebabkan kondisi (state) yang mengarah sebagai karakteristik kekumuhan. Kondisi (state) kawasan permukiman kumuh bantaran sungai, antara lain keterbatasan lahan dan ketidaksesuaian lahan untuk pengembangan permukiman, yang berpengaruh terhadap harga lahan yang relatif murah, tetapi harga sewa rumah yang cukup tinggi sehingga kepadatan hunian pun semakin tinggi. Hal ini menyebabkan tingginya pertumbuhan rumah tidak layak huni di sepanjang sempadan sungai. Rumah tidak layak huni ini, terutama berada pada lahan yang di sewa, sehingga mereka membangun hunian yang tidak permanen maupun semipermanen. Sebagian besar masyarakat bekerja sebagai pedagang eceran, yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan dan pendidikan yang relatif rendah. Selain itu, persentase migran yang menghuni kawasan ini cukup besar dan didominasi oleh struktur umur produktif yang cukup tinggi. Kondisi lain yang perlu diperhatikan adalah pertumbuhan jumlah bangunan ruko (rumah toko) di sepanjang jalan kolektor sebagai manifestasi perubahan fungsi ke arah komersial.

9. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh Pesisir – Prioritas II

Kawasan permukiman kumuh pesisir yang termasuk dalam prioritas kedua didominasi oleh permukiman nelayan yang menunjukkan bahwa indikator sosio-spasial yang berkontribusi dalam penilaian kekumuhan kawasan adalah indikator fungsional dan indikator sosial. Kawasan pesisir memiliki potensi perikanan dan sumber daya kelautan yang cukup besar sehingga kawasan ini berkembang menjadi permukiman pesisir.

Driving factor yang berkaitan dengan kawasan permukiman pesisir, antara lain secara fungsional kurangnya aksesibilitas yang ditinjau berdasarkan status dan kondisi jalan. Kondisi jalan yang rusak pada jalan kolektor mengindikasikan bahwa tidak ada responsivitas terhadap pemanfaatan kawasan meskipun perubahan citra kota melalui reklamasi telah dilakukan. Terbatasnya akses penduduk di kawasan ini lebih cenderung pada kapital komunitas (community capital). Kapital komunitas meliputi kapital terbangun (informasi, jalan, sanitasi, drainase, jaringan listrik, ruang terbuka, perumahan, pasar, bangunan-bangunan pelayanan publik, sekolah dan sebagainya) dan kapital individu (pendidikan, kesehatan kemampuan dan

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keterampilan). Driving factor kedua adalah faktor sosial yang variabel ekonomi, yaitu ketidakmampuan dalam pemanfaatan fungsi kawasan yang memicu rendahnya tingkat ekonomi dan variabel demografi yang ditandai dengan rata-rata laju pertumbuhan penduduk sebesar 2,42%.

Kedua faktor penggerak tersebut memberi tekanan (pressure) pada kepadatan penduduk, kebutuhan permukiman, perubahan penggunaan lahan, pengembangan kawasan pelabuhan perikanan tangkap, dan pengembangan kawasan perdagangan dan jasa. Fungsi pemanfaatan kawasan (mixed use) yang tidak hanya berorientasi pada sumber daya pesisir dan kelautan, tetapi juga melibatkan fungsi perdagangan dan jasa tidak sepenuhnya dapat dioptimalkan oleh penduduk di kawasan ini. Tekanan (pressure) pada kepadatan penduduk dan kebutuhan permukiman menimbulkan suatu kondisi (state) berupa tingginya kepadatan hunian, faktor kekerabatan yang cukup erat, relatif rendahnya legalitas kepemilikan bangunan, tingginya kepadatan hunian, serta harga rumah sewa rumah yang cukup terjangkau. Tekanan (pressure) terhadap pengembangan kawasan pelabuhan perikanan tangkap dan pengembangan kawasan perdagangan dan jasa dicirikan melalui kondisi (state), yaitu pemanfaatan kawasan belum sepenuhnya optimal. Rendahnya produktivitas nelayan meskipun struktur umur produktif cukup tinggi berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pendapatan maupun tingkat pendidikan di kawasan ini. Kondisi ini diperkuat dengan adanya fakta bahwa terjadi penurunan produksi perikanan tangkap dari 5.198,6 ton selama tahun 2014 menjadi 4.080 ton pada tahun 2016 (BPS, 2017).

Adapun tekanan (pressure) terhadap perubahan penggunaan lahan ditandai dengan adanya kondisi (state), antara lain prasarana sarana utilitas (PSU) yang belum memadai dan peningkatan luasan permukiman, termasuk pertumbuhan rumah tidak layak huni akibat tingginya harga lahan. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada penurunan kualitas lingkungan, penurunan kualitas SDM, tingginya potensi konflik sosial, termasuk berkontribusi pada tingkat kemiskinan.

Berbeda halnya dengan temuan penelitian yang dikaji oleh Noorloos & Steel (2015) yang menunjukkan terjadinya segregasi dan ekslusi sosial karena privatisasi dan sekuritisasi pada kawasan permukiman pesisir yang telah direklamasi, sehingga kawasan pesisir Kota Baubau meskipun telah direklamasi, belum mencerminkan privatisasi bagi sekolompok pemodal/developer. Hal ini karena kota Baubau masih merupakan kota sedang dan karakteristik penghuni yang menempati kawasan pesisir ini masih merupakan masyarakat nelayan dengan tingkat kekerabatan yang cukup tinggi. Sekalipun demikian, terjadinya potensi segregasi akibat privatisasi ini perlu dipertimbangkan untuk 10 hingga 20 tahun ke depan jika tidak ada keberpihakan pada eksistensi permukiman nelayan.

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Oleh karena itu, arahan (responses) pengembangan permukiman untuk nelayan pada kawasan ini sebaiknya dilakukan dengan pola pembangunan hunian vertikal seperti pembangunan rusunawa nelayan yang berada di kawasan Kota Mara. Dalam hal ini sosialisasi hunian vertikal, termasuk upaya pemeliharaan serta mekanisme pengelolaan rusunawa, harus dipahami oleh pemukim yang akan menghuni rusunawa tersebut. Jika hal ini tidak dilakukan dan masyarakat kurang memperhatikan aspek sanitasi, rusunawa yang ada akan menjadi kumuh dan tidak teratur. Di samping itu, rendahnya produktivitas penduduk merekonstruksi karakateristik sosial ekonomi masyarakat yang bermukim di kawasan ini menyebabkan optimalisasi pengembangan kawasan tidak berjalan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, salah satu arahan untuk mengurai dampak sosial yang ada di kawasan ini, yaitu peningkatan kualitas SDM masyarakatnya.

10. Tipologi Permukiman Kumuh Kampung Tradisional–Prioritas III

Adapun kawasan permukiman kumuh kampung tradisional merupakan kawasan permukiman kumuh dengan prioritas penanganan III (low priority), yaitu indikator fungsional menjadi driving factor dan lokus penanganan utama untuk mengoptimalkan fungsi kawasan.

Driving factor yang berkaitanan dengan kawasan ini, yaitu variabel aksesibilitas dan pola pengembangan kawasan. Kawasan ini merupakan area yang dilewati oleh jalur pengembangan kawasan baru yang berfungsi sebagai kawasan perkantoran dan pertokoan. Faktor tersebut memberi tekanan (pressure) pada penggunaan lahan, pengembangan fungsi kawasan, dan kultur masyarakat tradisional. Kondisi (state) yang terlihat dengan adanya tekanan tersebut di antaranya prasarana sarana utilitas umum (PSU) yang belum memadai, bangunan rumah tradisional yang tidak layak huni, lahan yang tidak sesuai untuk pengembangan permukiman formal, dan kurangnya peningkatan luasan permukiman. Kondisi tersebut berdampak pada penurunan kualitas lingkungan, konflik sosial, dan berpotensi memicu terjadinya segregasi permukiman.

Kultur masyarakat tradisional merupakan aspek yang pelu dicermati pada kawasan ini. Hal ini karena kultur tradisional ini memiliki pengaruh yang sangat kuat terhadap distribusi permukiman (Wu et al., 2014). Faktor tingkat kekerabatan dan suku yang cukup erat menyebabkan mereka akan menetap secara turun-temurun di kawasan ini. Hal ini sejalan dengan penelitian yang diungkapkan oleh Spackova (2016), diferensiasi etnis akan memicu terjadinya segregasi sosio-spasial terlebih jika kebijakan infrastruktur setempat tidak berpihak pada masyarakat di kawasan tersebut. Untuk itu, praktik penataan ruang seyogianya didekatkan pada tataran idealnya, yaitu diadakan, diciptakan, dibentuk, direstrukturisasi, dan

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dirancang untuk melangsungkan kegiatan-kegiatan seluruh penghuninya (Aminah, 2015). Tampaknya pola pengembangan kawasan yang ditetapkan pemerintah tidak mendukung kondisi masyarakat setempat. Meskipun kawasan ini juga ditetapkan sebagai kawasan pengembangan industri rumah tangga, kebijakan tersebut belum tersinkronisasi dengan pola penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh.

Kawasan ini cukup mendapat penanganan fisik lingkungan berupa revitalisasi dan renovasi fisik kawasan serta peningkatan kualitas sarana prasarana utilitas (PSU). Dengan melihat karakteristik ekonomi penghuni yang menempati kawasan ini, upaya fisik berupa pemugaran dan perbaikan rumah secara swadaya dapat dilakukan oleh penduduknya sendiri. Selain itu kebijakan yang perlu ditempuh untuk menangani faktor pemicu kekumuhan, yaitu peningkatan aksesibilitas, optimalisasi pengembangan fungsi kawasan, dan pemberdayaan komunitas permukiman.

Antara kebijakan penanganan kawasan permukiman berbasis sosio-spasial dan skala kawasan dengan program dan pola penanganan kawasan kumuh berbasis peraturan pemerintah (Permen PUPR/16/PRT/2016), perlu dipaduserasikan dengan kebijakan pengembangan kawasan lainnya, sehingga mampu mengakomodasi sifat multisektoral suatu kawasan. Intervensi multi-sektoral yang terkoordinasi dan fokus pada penanganan mampu mengatasi permasalahan-permasalahan perkotaan, sekaligus mampu meningkatkan kesejahteraan perkotaan tersebut. Perpaduan model berskala kawasan dan lingkungan secara simultan dapat efektif diterapkan jika secara implisit termuat dalam dokumen-dokumen perencanaan kawasan dan upaya pengendalian dan evaluasi intensif diberlakukan oleh pemerintah daerah.

D. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian model prioritas penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh berbasis karakteristik sosio-spasial, penulis dapat menyimpulkan sebagai berikut:

1. Tipologi permukiman kumuh bantaran sungai perlu mendapat prioritas pertama dalam penanganan kawasan. Driving factor kekumuhan yang terjadi pada kawasan ini terletak pada indikator fisik-pola ruang dan indikator sosial. Pemanfaatan ruang sebagai kawasan perdagangan dan jasa menyebabkan tingginya kepadatan penduduk dan meningkatnya kebutuhan permukiman sehingga tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaan lahan permukiman. Oleh karena itu, model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh di samping penanganan secara fisik berupa rehabilitasi, renovasi, dan peremajaan kawasan, juga diarahkan pada pengelolaan urbanisasi, pengendalian pembangunan permukiman tidak layak huni, pengembangan hunian di kasiba/lisiba di luar kawasan, pengembangan hunian vertikal, percepatan pengembangan kawasan

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wisata sungai, dan pemberdayaan komunitas permukiman.

2. Tipologi permukiman kumuh pesisir merupakan kawasan yang menempati prioritas kedua dalam penanganan kawasan. Driving factor yang berperan dalam memicu kekumuhan kawasan adalah indikator sosial dan indikator fungsional. Rendahnya produktivitas masyarakat dan rendahnya ketersediaan akses prasarana utilitas umum (PSU) di kawasan ini menyebabkan pemanfaatan kawasan belum sepenuhnya optimal. Oleh karena itu, model penanganan kawasan permukiman kumuh ini di samping peningkatan kualitas sarana prasarana utilitas umum, juga peningkatan aksesibilitas, optimalisasi pengembangan kawasan, pengembangan hunian vertikal, pemberdayaan komunitas, dan peningkatan kualitas SDM.

3. Tipologi permukiman kumuh kampung tradisional merupakan prioritas ketiga dalam penanganan kawasan. Driving factor yang berperan dalam menyebabkan kekumuhan adalah indikator fungsional termasuk kultur masyarakat tradisional yang menempati kawasan ini. Meskipun kawasan ini merupakan pengembangan kawasan baru, aksesibilitas pemanfaatan kawasan masih tergolong rendah. Oleh karena itu, di samping upaya penanganan secara fisik berupa revitalisasi dan renovasi kawasan dalam bentuk peningkatan kualitas sarana prasarana utilitas umum, juga diperlukan upaya peningkatan aksesibilitas, optimalisasi pengembangan fungsi kawasan, dan pemberdayaan komunitas permukiman.

Identifikasi karakteristik sosio-spasial terhadap penanganan kawasan permukiman akan mempermudah proses pengambilan keputusan pola yang akan digunakan. Kondisi dan karakteristik sosio-spasial menggambarkan fenomena lived space dalam masyarakat yang membentuk ruang-ruang perkotaan, terutama membentuk kawasan kumuh. Sementara conceived space dalam bentuk kebijakan penataan ruang dan penanganan permukiman kumuh secara fisik, seringkali berbenturan dengan kondisi real masyarakat

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Nama : Nina Anggriani

Instansi : Pemprov Sulawesi Tenggara

Tahun Intake : 2015

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Wilayah

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui: (1) potensi energi listrik TPA Puwatu; (2) manfaat dan biaya yang ditimbulkan dari pengembangan energi listrik di TPA Puwatu; dan (3) rumusan arahan pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode IPCC 2006 untuk menghitung emisi gas metan TPA Puwatu. Data yang dianalisis terkait dengan biaya dan manfaat kegiatan pengembangan energi listrik dari gas metan dengan parameter kelayakan NPV, IRR, BC Rasio, dan payback period. Analisis data menggunakan metode SWOT untuk merumuskan arahan pengembangan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagai berikut: (1) potensi energi listrik dari gas metan yang dimiliki TPA Puwatu tahun 2017 sebesar 12.298.234,56 kWh. Jumlahnya terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah sampah yang masuk di TPA; (2) biaya pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu meliputi biaya investasi awal sebesar Rp95.972.432.400, biaya operasional sistem pengumpulan gas sebesar Rp88.311.600, dan biaya operasional pembangkit listrik Rp9.547.200.000; (3) manfaat pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu berupa pendapatan dari penjualan listrik dan tipping fee; (4) pada aspek finansial, kriteria kelayakan diperoleh nilai NPV Rp19.348.514.956,71, B/C rasio 1,65, IRR 24%, dan payback period 4,96 tahun. Nilai-nilai tersebut menunjukkan proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah TPA Puwatu memenuhi kelayakan untuk dilaksanakan.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis SWOT diperoleh arahan pengembangan energi listrik dari gas metan TPA Puwatu, yaitu meningkatkan porsi pemanfaatan energi terbarukan yang berasal dari gas metana TPA Puwatu, akselerasi pengembangan pembangkitan energi listrik di TPA Puwatu, memanfaatkan peluang pembiayaan melalui skema Mekanisme Pembangunan Bersih.

Kata kunci: TPA Puwatu, Gas Landfill, Gas Metan, Energi Listrik, Ekonomi Teknik, Strategi.

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The research aimed to investigate: (1) the electric energy potential; (2) the benefits and costs brought about by the electric energy development; and (3) by formulating electric energy development referral on Puwatu landfill. The research used IPCC 2006 method to calculate methane gas emission. The cost and benefit analysis of the electric energy development activity of the methane gas used the feasibility parameter of NPV, IRR, BC Ratio, and Payback period, and SWOT analysis to formulate development referral.

The research result indicates that the electric energy potential of the methane gas in Puwatu landfill in 2017 is 12,298,234.56 kWh and the energy amount keeps increasing in line with the increase of the waste amount entering the landfill. The electric energy development cost of Puwatu landfill including the initial investment is Rp95,972,432,400.00, the operational cost of gas collection system is Rp88,311,600.00, and the operational cost of power plant is Rp9,547,200,000.00. The electric energy development benefits in the landfill are the income from the electricity sales and tipping fee. In the financial aspect, the feasibility criterion indicates NPV value of Rp19,348,514,956.71, B/C ratio of 1.65, IRR of 24%, and Payback Period of 4,96 years. The values indicate that the waste power plant project of Puwatu landfill meets the feasibility to be implemented.

SWOT analysis result indicates that the electric energy development referral of the methane gas of Puwatu landfill is to improve the renewable energy utilization portion derived from methane gas, the acceleration of the electric power plant development of Puwatu Landfill, utilizing the financing opportunity through Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) scheme.

Keyword: Puwatu Landfill, Landfill Gas, Methane Gas, Electric Energy, Engineering Economics.

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A. Latar Belakang

Pengelolaan Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Puwatu Kota Kendari Sulawesi Tenggara saat ini menggunakan sistem lahan urug terkendali (controlled landfill). Pada tahun 2011 dimulai ujicoba pemanfaatan gas metana yang berasal dari landfill dan hasilnya dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan energi di TPA Puwatu. Pada tahun 2013, Pemerintah Kota Kendari membangun sebuah kawasan kampung mandiri energi di areal Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Kelurahan Puwatu. Energi pada kampung mandiri energi tersebut bersumber dari gas metana yang dihasilkan dari pengelolaan sampah di Tempat Pembuangan Akhir (TPA) Puwatu. Hingga saat ini ada 120 rumah warga sekitar memanfaatkannya untuk penerangan listrik dan kebutuhan memasak.

Dari sisi penyediaan energi listrik, Kota Kendari masih menghadapi masalah. Rasio elektrifikasi Kota Kendari pada tahun 2015 adalah 80,21%, dengan komposisi pembangkit listrik Sulawesi Tenggara, yaitu Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Diesel 74,95%, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap 20,56%, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Hidro 2,23%, Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro 0,03%, dan Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya 0,22%. Distribusi pembangkitan listrik di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara jika dibagi dari jenis energi primernya adalah 97,51% pembangkit listrik berbahan bakar fosil dan 2,28% energi baru terbarukan.

Pemanfaatan gas metana pada TPA Puwatu diharapkan dapat menangani masalah sampah perkotaan, penurunan emisi gas rumah kaca dan energi. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan penelitian mengenai pemanfaatan gas metana sampah sebagai sumber energi alternatif.

B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Berdasarkan latar belakang yang telah disebutkan, rumusan masalahnya adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Berapa besar potensi energi listrik dari gas metana sampah di TPA Puwatu?

2. Bagaimana biaya dan manfaat yang mungkin dihasilkan dari pengembangan energi listrik tenaga gas metana sampah di TPA Puwatu?

3. Bagaimana arahan pengembangan pemanfaatan gas metana sampah sebagai sumber energi listrik?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif merupakan usaha sadar dan sistematis untuk memberikan jawaban terhadap suatu masalah dan/atau mendapatkan informasi lebih

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mendalam dan luas terhadap suatu fenomena dengan menggunakan tahap-tahap penelitian kuantitatif (Yusuf, 2013). Pendekatan kuantitatif dilakukan melalui perhitungan potensi gas metana sampah di TPA Puwatu, perhitungan potensi energi listrik dari gas metana sampah, serta penilaian manfaat dan biaya pengembangan gas metana sampah sebagai sumber energi listrik yang didukung dengan survei dan wawancara kepada narasumber yang berkompeten, juga mengakses data pada instansi terkait.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. TPA Puwatu

TPA Puwatu bertempat di wilayah administrasi Kelurahan Puwatu Kecamatan Puwatu. Wilayah Kecamatan Puwatu terletak di bagian barat laut Kota Kendari dengan luas wilayah 45,79 km2 atau 14,86% dari luas daratan Kota Kendari. Kecamatan Puwatu berjarak 4,5 km dari pusat Kota Kendari.

Letak wilayah Kecamatan Puwatu sebelah utara berbatasan dengan Kab. Konawe utara, sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan Kec. Baruga, Kec. Wua-wua, dan Kec. Kadia, sebelah timur berbatasan dengan Kec. Mandonga dan sebelah barat berbatasan dengan Kab. Konawe.

TPA Puwatu memiliki luas lahan sekitar 18 hektar. Pengadaan lahan TPA Puwatu bertambah secara bertahap, yaitu pada tahun 2002 sebanyak 13 hektar dan pada tahun 2013 bertambah sebanyak 5 hektar yang dibiayai oleh anggaran Pemerintah Daerah Kota Kendari. Penggunaan lahan untuk TPA Puwatu sesuai dengan Perda No. 1 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Kendari tahun 2012-2032.

2. Potensi Energi Listrik

Potensi energi listrik TPA Puwatu bergantung pada banyaknya landfill gas yang dihasilkan oleh kegiatan penimbunan sampah. Landfill gas memiliki kandungan metana yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai energi listrik. Salah satu faktor yang memengaruhi produksi LFG adalah jumlah sampah dan komposisi sampah dalam landfill.

Jumlah sampah yang masuk di TPA Puwatu dihitung dengan menjumlahkan unit truk sampah yang masuk. Sampah yang masuk ke TPA Puwatu dibagi menjadi dua kategori, yaitu sampah yang diangkut oleh truk dinas kebersihan dan sampah yang diangkut secara mandiri yang umumnya berasal dari pabrik, perusahaan swasta, dan pasar. Berat sampah diperoleh dengan menggunakan bulk density (kepadatan sampah) sebesar 215,77 kg/m3 (GIZ, 2013).

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Komposisi sampah akan memengaruhi jumlah LFG yang dihasilkan setiap tahun. Komposisi sampah merupakan penggambaran dari tiap-tiap komponen yang terdapat dalam sampah dan distribusinya, yang biasanya dinyatakan dalam berat basah. Secara umum, semakin tinggi persentase sampah organik yang biodegradable, semakin tinggi pula potensi LFG yang akan dihasilkan. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran komposisi sampah di TPA Puwatu pada bulan Agustus 2016 untuk mewakili komposisi sampah musim kemarau dan bulan Januari 2017 untuk mewakili komposisi sampah musim hujan. Dari hasil penelitian diperoleh komposisi sampah TPA Puwatu didominasi oleh sampah organik dengan komposisi terbesar adalah sampah sisa makanan, yaitu rata-rata sebesar 56,5%. Komposisi sampah lainnya berturut-turut, meliputi popok (nappies) 15,1%; sampah taman 6,5%; kayu 6%; plastik 5%; kertas/karton 4,1%; logam 2,4%; lain-lain 1,9%; karet dan kulit 1,1%; kain 0,9%; dan kaca 0,6%. Sampah yang bernilai ekonomis, seperti kertas dan logam cenderung sedikit karena adanya kegiatan pemilahan pada sumber dan TPS sebelum diangkut oleh petugas kebersihan. Pada TPA juga dapat ditemui pemulung yang umumnya mengumpulkan sampah plastik kemasan dan karton.

3. Arahan Pengembangan Pemanfaatan Gas Metana Sampah sebagai Sumber Energi Listrik

Untuk merumuskan arahan pengembangan pemanfaatan gas metana sampah TPA Puwatu sebagai sumber energi listrik digunakan analisis SWOT. Analisis SWOT bertujuan menilai faktor internal dan eksternal dalam memengaruhi pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga gas metana sampah di TPA Puwatu. Model analisis ini membandingkan faktor internal berupa kekuatan dan kelemahan yang dimiliki dengan faktor eksternal berupa peluang dan ancaman yang ada. Penentuan strategi melalui analisis SWOT dilakukan dengan menentukan faktor internal dan eksternal.

Faktor Internal

Secara umum pengelolaan sampah Kota Kendari dilakukan melalui tiga tahap, yaitu pengumpulan, pengangkutan, dan pemrosesan akhir/pembuangan sampah. Tahapan kegiatan tersebut merupakan suatu sistem sehingga tiap-tiap tahapan dapat disebut sebagai subsistem.

Sistem pengumpulan sampah di Kota Kendari menggunakan sistem komunal langsung dan sistem individual langsung. Pengumpulan sampah dengan sistem komunal langsung, yaitu timbulan sampah yang berasal dari sumber, seperti rumah, sekolah, perkantoran, pasar,dan pusat perdagangan dikumpulkan ke TPST, kemudian dibawa ke TPA Puwatu untuk pemrosesan akhir dengan dump truck dan arm roll truck. Sementara pada pengumpulan sampah sistem individual langsung,

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truk sampah mengumpulkan sampah langsung dari sumber timbulan pada wilayah tertentu, seperti kompleks perumahan, kawasan industri, dan jalan raya untuk dibuang ke tempat pemrosesan akhir. Persentase sampah yang masuk di TPA Puwatu sebesar 77% dikarenakan adanya pemilahan sampah di sumber timbulan dan kegiatan daur ulang (3R) di tempat penampungan sementara.

Sistem pengangkutan sampah dilakukan tiap hari dengan menggunakan truk jenis dump truck kapasitas 6m3 dan arm roll truck kapasitas 10m3. Jumlah keseluruhan kendaraan pengangkut adalah 35 unit dengan rotasi pengangkutan rata-rata 2 rit/hari.

Sistem penanganan sampah yang masuk di TPA Puwatu adalah sistem controlled landfill atau lahan urug terkendali, yaitu sampah ditutup dengan tanah setiap 3-6 hari. Upaya pengamanan lingkungan TPA dilakukan dengan penyediaan fasilitas perlindungan seperti lapisan kedap air/geomembran pada dasar TPA, jaringan pengumpul air lindi, sistem pengumpulan gas, tanah penutup dan sumur uji.

Dalam Rencana Strategis Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (Renstra SKPD) Dinas Kebersihan tahun 2013-2017, kegiatan pemanfaatan gas metana TPA Puwatu sebagai energi merupakan penjabaran dari visi, misi, strategi, kebijakan, dan program Dinas Kebersihan Kota Kendari. Visi Dinas Kebersihan Kota Kendari adalah mewujudkan Kota Kendari tahun 2020 sebagai kota yang bersih dan hijau. Visi tersebut dijabarkan dalam 4 misi, yaitu: misi lingkungan, misi sosial kemasyarakatan, misi pelayanan, dan misi profesionalisme aparat. Salah satu program untuk melakukan misi lingkungan adalah program pengembangan kinerja pengelolaan persampahan yang salah satu kegiatannya adalah penataan tempat pemrosesan akhir (TPA), seperti pembangunan pengolahan gas metan, pengadaan mesin genset gas metan, pembuatan dapur umum gas metan, dan pemeliharaan instalasi gas metan.

Aspek peraturan merupakan dasar dalam pelaksanaan pengelolaan sampah, dan setiap kegiatan atau kebijakan dalam rangka pelaksanaan dan perbaikan sistem pengelolaan sampah harus dilandasi kekuatan hukum yang bersumber dari peraturan-peraturan terkait dengan bidang persampahan. Pengelolaan sampah di Kota Kendari diatur dalam beberapa peraturan perundangan daerah, meliputi Peraturan daerah No. 4 Tahun 2015 tentang pengelolaan sampah, Peraturan daerah No. 12 Tahun 2014 tentang Kebersihan dan Keindahan, Perwali No. 21 Tahun 2009 tentang Kawasan tertib Sampah, Peraturan daerah No. 25 Tahun 2012 tentang Retribusi Sampah, Perwali No. 68 Tahun 2013 tentang Bank Sampah, dan Perwali

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No. 05 Tahun 2014 tentang Izin Penyimpanan Limbah B3 dan Pengumpulan Limbah B3.

Pemanfaatan gas metana tercakup dalam Peraturan daerah No. 4 tahun 2015 tentang pengelolaan sampah dan pengolahan sampah meliputi kegiatan: pemadatan, pengomposan, daur ulang materi, dan daur ulang energi.

Untuk memanfaatkan gas metan TPA menjadi energi listrik dibutuhkan tenaga kerja yang terdiri atas plant manager, assistant manager, supervisor, administrasi keuangan dan umum, teknisi dan operator, driver, security, dan helper. Teknisi dan operator menempati posisi penimbangan sampah, sistem transmisi listrik, pengolahan gas metan, pengolahan air lindi. Security ditempatkan di pintu masuk dan kantor. Driver meliputi sopir dump truck, excavator, buldozer, compactor, dan sopir cadangan. Helper diperlukan sebagai juru bantu di lokasi sanitary landfill dan kantor.

Pengalokasian tenaga kerja disesuaikan dengan kemampuan dan beban kerja. Plant manager dan assistant manager harus memiliki tingkat pendidikan minimal master yang menguasai pengelolaan industri. Tingkat pendidikan untuk teknisi adalah sarjana dan diploma untuk tenaga administrasi, sedangkan untuk driver dan helper adalah SMU dan SMP. Pengumpulan gas metan TPA Puwatu dilakukan melalui instalasi perpipaan jenis PVC 4 inci yang dibuat berlubang dan diletakkan dalam area landfill secara vertikal dan horizontal. Pipa tersebut terhubung dengan pipa PVC 1¼ inci untuk mengalirkan gas metan ke mesin turbin yang dihubungkan ke generator sehingga menghasilkan listrik yang dialirkan ke Kampung Mandiri Energi. Mesin turbin penggerak generator yang digunakan adalah mesin mobil hardtop yang dimodifikasi sehingga bahan bakarnya berupa gas dari landfill. Pembangkitan listrik tidak berjalan optimal karena mesin yang digunakan kadang-kadang mengalami kerusakan.

Faktor Eksternal

Pemerintah telah berkomitmen mengurangi emisi gas rumah kaca. Seperti yang tertuang dalam Perpres Nomor 61 Tahun 2011 tentang Rencana Aksi Nasional Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca, dan diperkuat oleh peraturan Gubernur Sulawesi Tenggara Nomor 30 Tahun 2012 tentang Rencana Aksi Daerah Penurunan Emisi Gas Rumah Kaca. Pemanfaatan gas metana sampah sebagai energi, selain mengurangi pencemaran lingkungan, juga merupakan bagian dari energi terbarukan yang dapat mengurangi kebergantungan terhadap bahan bakar fosil. Hal ini didukung dengan Peraturan Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral Nomor 44 Tahun 2015 tentang Pembelian Tenaga Listrik oleh PT PLN (Persero) dari Pembangkit Listrik Berbasis

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Sampah Kota, yang menjamin produksi listrik dari pembangkit listrik berbasis sampah kota memiliki nilai ekonomi.

Faktor eksternal menunjukkan bahwa nilai kumulatif rata-rata untuk faktor peluang sebesar 5,58 lebih besar daripada nilai kumulatif rata-rata faktor ancaman sebesar 0,63. Keadaan ini mengidentifikasikan bahwa faktor peluang untuk pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga gas landfill TPA Puwatu lebih besar daripada faktor ancaman yang akan menghambat.

Dari hasil analisis, total skor terbobot variabel kekuatan (S) adalah 2,27 dan skor kelemahan (W) adalah 0,54, sedangkan total skor terbobot variabel peluang (O) adalah 2,21 dan ancaman (T) adalah 0,63. Dengan demikian, penentuan sumbu koordinat x adalah pengurangan antara (S) dengan (W) dan sumbu y adalah pengurangan antara (O) dan (T). Nilai koordinat sumbu x yang diperoleh adalah 1,73 dan sumbu y 1,58.

Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan koordinat kebijakan pengembangan pembangkit listrik tenaga landfill gas TPA Puwatu berada pada kuadran I (S-O) yang menunjukkan adanya kekuatan dan peluang. Strategi yang digunakan adalah strategi kebijakan agresif. Langkah yang dilakukan adalah menggunakan seluruh kekuatan untuk memanfaatkan peluang sebesar-besarnya.

D. Kesimpulan dan Rekomendasi

Berdasarkan hasil pembahasan dan analisis yang dilakukan terhadap tujuan penelitian, dapat disimpulkan sebagai berikut:

1. TPA Puwatu Kota Kendari memiliki potensi energi listrik dari gas metana yang dihasilkan dari kegiatan penimbunan sampah. Gas metana TPA Puwatu tahun 2017 memiliki potensi energi listrik sebesar 12.298.234,56 kWh. Potensi ini terus meningkat seiring dengan meningkatnya jumlah sampah yang masuk di TPA.

2. Biaya pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu meliputi biaya investasi awal sebesar Rp95.972.432.400,00, biaya operasional sistem pengumpulan gas sebesar Rp88.311.600, dan biaya operasional pembangkit listrik Rp9.547.200.000. Manfaat pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu berupa pendapatan dari penjualan listrik. Pada aspek finansial, kriteria kelayakan diperoleh nilai NPV Rp19.348.514.956,71, B/C rasio 1,65, IRR 24%, dan Payback Period 4,96 tahun. Nilai-nilai tersebut menunjukkan proyek pembangkit listrik tenaga sampah TPA Puwatu memenuhi kelayakan ekonomi untuk dilaksanakan.

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3. Strategi yang dapat digunakan dalam pengembangan energi listrik TPA Puwatu berdasarkan analisis SWOT adalah 3 strategi Strength-Opportunities, 3 strategi Weakness-Opportunities, 1 strategi Strengths-Threats, dan 1 strategi Weakness-Threats. Strategi tersebut dapat diimplementasikan melalui 8 Program, dengan strategi pengembangan utama adalah strategi Strength-Opportunities, yaitu meningkatkan porsi pemanfaatan energi terbarukan dengan memanfaatkan potensi gas metana pada TPA Puwatu, akselerasi pengembangkan pembangkitan energi listrik TPA Puwatu hingga terkoneksi ke jaringan PLN, memanfaatkan pembiayaan melalui skema CDM (Clean Development Mechanism).

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Nama : Wulandari

Instansi : Pemkot Bima

Tahun Intake : 2016

Tingkat Beasiswa : Dalam Negeri

Program Studi : Magister Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Wilayah

Negara Studi : Indonesia

Universitas : Universitas Hasanuddin

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Strategi Penyuluhan Menunjang Proses Pemberdayaan Petani Padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima (dibimbing oleh Muhammad Hatta Jamil dan Rahmadanih). Penelitian ini bertujuan (1) menganalisis pelaksanaan penyuluhan sebagai salah satu bentuk pemberdayaan petani padi; (2) menganalisis pemberdayaan petani padi terkait pelaksanaan penyuluhan; dan (3) menyusun strategi pelaksanaan penyuluhan dalam upaya meningkatkan pemberdayaan petani padi. Penelitian dilakukan di kawasan pengembangan tanaman padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara, studi dokumen, dan observasi. Data dianalisis secara deskriptif kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) pelaksanaan penyuluhan belum berjalan optimal karena tidak semua penyuluh menyampaikan materi sesuai kebutuhan petani padi dan keterbatasan personel tidak sebanding dengan jumlah kelompok binaan; (2) aspek pemberdayaan dilihat dari pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan; partisipasi petani terhadap kegiatan penyuluhan berdampak pada peningkatan kapasitas dalam pengelolaan usaha tani padi; dan (3) analisis rumusan strategi penyuluhan pertanian mengacu pada tiga aspek, yaitu kelembagaan petani, media informasi penyuluhan, dan kelembagaan penyuluhan. Penumbuhan dan pengembangan kelompok tani dilakukan melalui penerapan strategi penyuluhan guna mengubah pola pikir petani untuk meningkatkan usahanya.

Kata kunci: Strategi Penyuluhan, Pelaksanaan Penyuluhan, Pemberdayaan Petani.

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The aims of this study were: (1) to analyze the implementation of the extension as a form of empowerment of rice farmers, (2) to analyze the empowerment of rice farmers related to the implementation of the extension, and (3) to arrange an implementation strategy of counseling in order to increase the empowerment of rice farmers. This research was conducted in the area of rice crop development in the district of East Rasanae, Bima City. The research methods were interviews, observation, and document study. Data were analyzed with descriptive qualitative and quantitative analysis.

The results showed that (1) the extension implementation has not run optimally because not every instructor present the material relevant to the needs of rice farmers and the personnel is not proportional to the number of auxiliaries; (2) aspect of empowerment, from the viewpoints of knowledge, attitudes, and skills; participation of farmers to extension activities have an impact on increasing the capacity in the management of rice farming; (3) analysis of the formulation of agricultural extension strategy refers to three aspects; farmers institutional, implementation of media information and extension of institutional development. Farmers group’s growth and development is done through the implementation of outreach strategies to change the mindset of farmers to improve their farming.

Keywords: Extension Strategy, The Implementation of Extension, Empowerment of Farmers.

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A. Latar Belakang

Pemerintah Kota Bima telah menetapkan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Daerah (RPJMD) 2013-2018 yang merupakan acuan dan tolok ukur pelaksanaan program dan kegiatan bagi seluruh Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah (SKPD), termasuk penyuluhan pertanian yang bernaung pada Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Kota Bima dan isu-isu strategis pada Renstra Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Kota Bima yang perlu mendapat perhatian dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura di Kota Bima.

Sesuai dengan RPJMD Kota Bima (2013-2018), Kecamatan Rasanae Timur, khususnya Kelurahan Kodo dan sekitarnya merupakan pusat pengembangan pertanian tanaman pangan dan hortikultura. Pengembangan lahan pertanian untuk budidaya tanaman pangan dan hortikultura dilakukan di Kelurahan Dodu, Kelurahan Lampe, Kelurahan Kodo (RTRW Kota Bima 2011-2031). Berdasarkan Laporan Akuntabilitas Instansi Pemerintah (LAKIP) Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan Kota Bima tahun anggaran 2016, persentase lahan sawah 2.267 Ha yang sebagian besar tersebar di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur digunakan untuk pengembangan agribisnis dan peningkatan ketahanan pangan.

Sebagian besar penduduk Kecamatan Rasanae Timur bermata pencaharian pada sektor pertanian. Dari total lahan sawah seluas 957 hektar, sekitar 697 hektar di antaranya merupakan lahan sawah beririgasi setengah teknis, dengan produktivitas padi sawah pada tahun 2016 sebesar 6,11 ton per hektar dan jumlah penduduk yang bekerja pada sektor pertanian mencapai 3.630 orang. Potensi ini menjadikan tujuan kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian wilayah Kerja Balai Penyuluhan Pertanian (WKBPP) Kecamatan Rasanae Timur secara umum adalah meningkatkan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Keterampilan (PSK) Petani dalam berusaha tani agar menjadi tahu, mau, dan mampu mengelola usahanya secara efisien dengan memanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang ada.

Sesuai kebijakan pembangunan daerah Kota Bima, kebijakan penyuluhan pertanian bertujuan meningkatkan pendapatan dan kesejahteraan petani dan keluarganya beserta masyarakat pelaku agribisnis melalui peningkatan produktivitas dan efisiensi usaha dengan cara meningkatkan kemampuan dan pemberdayaan petani (Programa Rasanae Timur, 2017). Akan tetapi, kenyataan di lapangan, tidak semua petani aktif berpartisipasi

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dalam kegiatan penyuluhan. Laporan penyuluhan tingkat WKPP menunjukkan jumlah petani yang aktif dalam kegiatan anjangsana kelompok tani tidak sesuai dengan rencana kegiatan penyuluhan pertanian, yaitu hanya 30% dari anggota.

Rendahnya partisipasi sesuai program penyuluhan BPP Rasanae Timur tampak dari keragaan penerapan teknologi produksi yang diterapkan oleh petani baru mencapai 66% dari paket teknologi yang dianjurkan. Hal ini menyebabkan tingkat produktivitas usaha tani belum memenuhi standar, yaitu 80% PSK petani menerapkan teknologi budidaya padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur, khususnya di Kelurahan Kodo dan sekitarnya. Selain itu, penerapan teknologi padi dan fungsi kelembagaan tani yang belum optimal sehingga belum melaksanakan fungsinya, serta tingginya kebergantungan petani terhadap pupuk anorganik mendorong dibutuhkannya penyuluhan dalam mendampingi petani.

Pemberdayaan pada hakikatnya bertujuan membantu petani mendapatkan daya, kekuatan, dan kemampuan untuk mengambil keputusan dan tindakan yang akan dilakukan dan berhubungan dengan diri petani tersebut, termasuk mengurangi kendala pribadi dan sosial dalam melakukan tindakan. Petani yang telah mencapai tujuan kolektif diberdayakan melalui kemandiriannya, bahkan lebih diberdayakan melalui usaha mereka sendiri dan akumulasi pengetahuan, keterampilan, serta sumber lainnya. Proses pemberdayaan ini memberikan atau mengalihkan sebagian kekuatan, kekuasaan, atau kemampuan kepada masyarakat agar lebih berdaya

Perubahan perilaku petani akan tampak pada peningkatan kompetensi pengelolaan usaha tani dan meningkatnya partisipasi petani dalam mengikuti penyuluhan. Peningkatan kompetensi pengelolaan usaha tani, antara lain penyediaan sarana produksi, penyiapan lahan, penanaman, pemupukan, pengendalian hama dan penyakit, pengairan, panen, pascapanen, dan pemasaran hasil produksi (Ikbal, 2015). Untuk itu, diperlukan penyuluh pertanian yang mempunyai tugas pokok dan fungsi untuk mencapai kinerja yang baik, yaitu memosisikan dirinya sebagai motivator, edukator, fasilitator, dan dinamisator yang berdampak pada perubahan perilaku petani dalam berusaha tani.

Jika semula penyuluhan ditekankan pada bimbingan kepada petani dalam berusaha tani yang lebih baik, kini penyuluhan mesti ditekankan pada alih teknologi, yaitu mengusahakan agar petani mampu berpartisipasi pada kegiatan penyuluhan melalui teknologi informasi yang telah berkembang. Dari permasalahan tersebut, peneliti tertarik untuk melakukan penelitian tentang “Strategi Penyuluhan Menunjang Proses Pemberdayaan Petani Padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur”.

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B. Kajian Permasalahan dan Metode Analisis

Berdasarkan uraian di atas, perumusan masalah adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Bagaimana pelaksanaan penyuluhan dalam pemberdayaan petani padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima?

2. Bagaimana keberdayaan petani padi melalui pelaksanaan penyuluhan di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima?

3. Bagaimana strategi mengoptimalkan pelaksanaan penyuluhan dalam upaya menunjang keberdayaan petani padi di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima?

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif sehingga peneliti bermaksud memberi makna/penjelasan atas fenomena secara holistis dan memerankan dirinya secara aktif dalam keseluruhan proses studi (Umar, 2013 dan Gunawan, 2014).

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima. Alasan pemilihan lokasi adalah Kecamatan Rasanae Timur Kota Bima merupakan sasaran kawasan pengembangan pertanian sesuai RPJMD dan RTRW Kota Bima. Penelitian difokuskan pada sasaran RPJMD Kota Bima peruntukan lokasi pengembangan pertanian dan hortikultura, yaitu WKPP Kodo dan WKPP Kumbe yang berbatasan langsung dengan WKPP Kodo, dan merupakan lokasi kantor BPP Rasanae Timur.

C. Pembahasan Hasil Analisis

1. Sejarah Pelaksanaan Penyuluhan di Kota Bima

Sejak munculnya program Sekolah Lapang Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu SLPTT tahun 2007, penyuluhan diarahkan pada peningkatan produksi sesuai dengan program P2BN dari Kementerian Pertanian. Penyuluh THL-TBPP ditugaskan mendampingi PPL-PNS di tiap WKPP yang berpotensi sebagai pengembangan tanaman padi, yaitu Kecamatan Rasanae Timur. Petani diarahkan untuk menerapkan cara tanam jajar legowo, pemupukan berimbang, penggunaan BWD, serta bantuan 1 ha area demplot tiap kelompok. Ternyata dalam pelaksanaannya, bantuan biaya dari pemerintah tidak seluruhnya dibelanjakan untuk saprodi.

Pada tahun 2015 Kementerian Pertanian memberikan dana bantuan sosial (bansos) pengadaan paket sarana produksi untuk Kegiatan Gerakan Penerapan Pengelolaan Tanaman Terpadu (GP-PTT). Penyuluh WKBPP Kecamatan Rasanae Timur mendampingi petani melalui pendekatan gerakan atau anjuran secara massal kepada petani/kelompok tani untuk melaksanaan teknologi PTT dalam mengelola usaha tani. Berbeda dengan program sebelumnya yang hanya memberikan bantuan

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biaya saprodi untuk 1 Ha, bantuan saprodi pada program GP-PTT diberikan sesuai luas lahan kelompok tani di tiap-tiap WKPP. Penyuluhan terkendala ketidaksesuaian luas tanam pada data Dinas Pertanian dengan luas real di lapangan sehingga terjadi pengembalian dana untuk meminimaliasi temuan penyalahgunaan anggaran bansos.

Kebijakan pemerintah tahun 2017 untuk peningkatan produksi melalui pengadaan benih padi bersubsidi menjadi agenda penting pelaksanaan penyuluhan di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur. Kegiatan penyuluhan ditekankan pada pendampingan petani dalam menyusun rencana kebutuhan benih tingkat poktan. Petani secara berkelompok membeli benih subsidi seharga Rp25.000 per kemasan 10 Kg. Kegiatan penyuluhan bertujuan memberi pemahaman petani untuk menggunakan benih berlabel dengan adanya benih murah subsidi pemerintah.

2. Pendampingan oleh Petugas Penyuluhan melalui Sistem LAKU

Penyuluhan pertanian merupakan salah satu kegiatan yang menunjang keberhasilan program perkembangan pertanian. Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (PPL) merupakan petugas dari Dinas Pertanian Tanaman Pangan dan Peternakan (Disperta) Kota Bima yang diperbantukan untuk memberikan pengarahan, pembinaan, dan penyuluhan dalam bidang pertanian dengan basis administrasi Kecamatan.

Tiap penyuluh memiliki satu kesatuan wilayah yang dapat dilayani atau dikenal dengan istilah WKPP. Umumnya penyuluh di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur memegang satu kelurahan sebagai WKPP-nya. Penyuluhan pertanian di WKBPP Rasanae Timur dilaksanakan oleh penyuluh pertanian PNS dan penyuluh THL-TBPP yang dikontrak oleh kementerian pertanian. Berikut data penyuluh di WKBPP Kecamatan Rasanae Timur. Datanya?

3. Materi dan Metode Penyuluhan Pertanian

Salah satu kegiatan dalam penyelenggaraan penyuluhan pertanian di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur adalah penyampaian informasi dan teknologi pertanian kepada penggunanya. Informasi dan teknologi pertanian tersebut berupa cara budidaya padi dari pemilihan benih sampai penanganan panen dan pasca- panen. Materi penyuluhan pertanian yang disampaikan penyuluh kepada petani diharapkan dapat memberikan dampak yang positif dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan materi penyuluhan benar-benar sesuai dengan kebutuhan petani padi.

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Kenyataan di lapangan, tidak semua penyuluh di Rasanae Timur menyampaikan materi sesuai kebutuhan petani padi. Hal ini ditegaskan oleh Juraemi, S.P., selaku koordinator penyuluh Kota Bima, bahwa keterbatasan personel tidak sebanding dengan jumlah kelompok binaan. Contoh kasus, seharusnya penyuluh sudah menyampaikan materi tentang persiapan memasuki musim tanam padi di MH, seperti penebusan pupuk sesuai RDKK, benih berlabel sesuai program benih bersubsidi, penggunaan alat caplak dan sistem tanam jajar legowo. Namun, sebagian kelompok telah memperoleh penyuluhan, tetapi ada beberapa kelompok belum memperoleh penyuluhan, misalnya di Kelurahan kodo.

Penyuluh pertanian di tiap WKPP Kecamatan Rasanae Timur menyusun Lembar Persiapan Menyuluh (LPM) untuk perencanaan jenis materi dan metode yang akan diterapkan pada setiap anjangsana kelompok tani. Penyusunan LPM dimaksudkan untuk memudahkan penyuluh menyampaikan materi penyuluhannya karena di dalam LPM dicantumkan hal-hal yang akan digunakan dan disampaikan kepada sasaran terkait dengan materi penyuluhan.

Penyuluhan di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur merupakan penyelenggaraan pendidikan nonformal yang dapat diselenggarakan “kapan saja dan di mana saja”. Dengan demikian, metode yang diterapkan di dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan pada setiap WKPP dapat menerapkan metode pendidikan formal (ceramah, diskusi, belajar-mandiri) atau metode yang tidak pernah diterapkan dalam sistem pendidikan formal, seperti pameran.

Dalam menjalankan tugas utamanya, penyuluh di WKPP sebagai pendidik melakukan penyuluhan tidak memerlukan ruangan khusus, tetapi lebih pada proses. Menurut Mardikanto (2009), sebagai suatu proses pendidikan, keberhasilan penyuluhan sangat dipengaruhi oleh proses belajar yang dialami dan dilakukan oleh sasaran penyuluhan. Dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan, pemahaman proses belajar pada orang dewasa serta prinsip-prinsip yang harus dipegang oleh seorang penyuluh dalam menjalankan tugasnya memegang peran penting karena dapat membantu penyuluh dalam mencapai tujuan penyuluhan yang telah ditentukannya.

4. Metode penyuluhan berbasis ICT

Kementerian Pertanian melalui Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian pada tahun 2010 melakukan model penyuluhan sebagai upaya pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui cyber extension. Cyber Extension merupakan sistem informasi penyuluhan pertanian melalui media internet, untuk mendukung penyediaan materi penyuluhan dan informasi pertanian bagi penyuluh dalam memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran. Secara singkat, dapat dikatakan bahwa cyber

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extension merupakan sistem informasi penyuluhan pertanian melalui media internet (berbasis teknologi informasi dan komunikasi) yang dibangun untuk mendukung penyediaan materi penyuluhan dan informasi pertanian bagi penyuluh dalam memfasilitasi proses pembelajaran pelaku utama dan pelaku usaha.

Cyber extension yang dikembangkan Badan Penyuluhan dan Pengembangan SDM Pertanian merupakan metode penyuluhan masa depan yang dirancang dengan tujuan meningkatkan arus informasi dari pusat sampai tingkat petani, meningkatkan penyediaan materi penyuluhan pertanian bagi penyuluh, meningkatkan akses petani dalam mendapatkan informasi, dan menyediakan peralatan komputer yang dapat mengakses informasi Cyber Extension (Pusluhtan, 2010).

5. Dukungan Kebijakan Penyuluhan oleh SKPD

Undang-Undang Nomor 16 Tahun 2006 tentang SP3K memberikan posisi strategis bagi penyuluh, khususnya di Kabupaten dan Kota dalam menjelaskan tujuan kebijakan melalui penyuluhan di WKPP. Renstra disusun untuk menjamin keberhasilan pelaksanaannya dan mewujudkan pencapaian visi Disperta Kota Bima, yaitu “Terwujudnya pembangunan pertanian yang maju dan efisien menuju masyarakat Kota Bima yang sejahtera”.

Penyuluhan Pertanian yang dilaksanakan di WKBPP Kecamatan Rasanae Timur mengacu pada terwujudnya perbaikan kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat dan peningkatan harkatnya sebagai manusia. Ikbal (2015) menyatakan bahwa penyuluhan pertanian harus bekerja dengan masyarakat dan bukan bekerja untuk masyarakat. Penyuluhan Pertanian tidak menciptakan kebergantungan, tetapi harus mendorong terciptanya kreativitas dan kemandirian masyarakat agar semakin memiliki kemampuan untuk berswadaya dan swakelola bagi penyelenggaraan kegiatan-kegiatan pertanian dalam mencapai tujuan, harapan, dan keinginan sasaran.

Salah satu syarat dan faktor pelancar pembangunan pertanian adalah kebijakan pemerintah untuk pembangunan pertanian dan penjabarannya oleh aparat pemerintah tingkat regional dan lokal, serta langkah-langkah pelaksanaannya yang telah dimusyawarahkan oleh warga masyarakat setempat. Yanto (2016) menyatakan penyelenggaraan penyuluhan pertanian pada suatu daerah harus mengacu pada kebijakan pemerintah yang terkait dengan pembangunan pertanian yang ada di daerah tersebut.

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6. Pendekatan Penyuluhan Pertanian

Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (PPL) dalam program penyuluhan pertanian WKBPP Rasanae Timur merupakan jabaran dari program tingkat nasional dan usulan dari kelompok tani tingkat wilayah binaan. Pendekatan penyuluhan kepada petani dilakukan melalui kelompok tani yang difasilitasi oleh PPL. Materi pembekalan berkaitan dengan pemberdayaan, seperti fungsi, tugas, perencanaan, dan pengawasan, sehingga kelompok tani dapat tumbuh dan berkembang menjadi organisasi usaha tani yang mandiri. Pembekalan kelompok tani tidak hanya difasilitasi oleh penyuluh atau tim pakar, tetapi juga difasilitasi dengan kehadiran pihak pemangku kepentingan lainnya dan pegawai dari SKPD.

Pendekatan secara perseorangan dilakukan oleh penyuluh melalui pendampingan kegiatan demplot kepada petani pelaksana. Namun, pemberdayaan petani dan keluarganya melalui penyelenggaraan penyuluhan pertanian tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan individual karena jumlah dan sebaran petani sangat besar dan luas serta sumber daya penyuluhan yang terbatas. Dengan kondisi tersebut, penyuluhan pertanian dilakukan melalui pendekatan kelompok yang mendorong petani membentuk kelembagaan tani yang kuat dalam membangun sinergi antarpetani, baik dalam proses belajar dan kerja sama maupun sebagai unit produksi yang merupakan bagian dari usaha taninya. Penumbuhan poktan bertujuan meningkatkan kapasitas kelompok sebagai unit produksi, kelas belajar, dan wahana kerja sama.

7. Strategi Penyuluhan

Strategi dalam penelitian ini merupakan kombinasi metode dan teknik pelaksanaan kegiatan Penyuluhan di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur. Berdasarkan wawancara dan dokumen perencanaan yang telah diuraikan pada pembahasan, tampak adanya isu strategis yang menjadi masalah dalam pelaksanaan penyuluhan. Identifikasi isu strategis ditekankan pada aspek-aspek yang paling berpotensi memengaruhi pemberdayaan petani, yaitu mengupayakan peningkatan kinerja kelembagaan penyuluh sebagai basis penyuluhan kecamatan dan fungsi kelompok tani dan ketersediaan informasi.

8. Analisis SWOT dan Alternatif Strategi

Setelah melakukan pembobotan IFAS/EFAS, langkah selanjutnya adalah menyusun matriks SWOT yang menggambarkan secara jelas rumusan strategi pelaksanaan

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penyuluhan. Matriks ini menghasilkan empat sel kemungkinan alternatif strategi, yaitu strategi SO, strategi ST, strategi WO, dan strategi WT. Analisis matriks SWOT ini menggunakan data yang telah diperoleh dari tabel faktor internal dan eksternal. Matriks SWOT mengintegrasikan faktor lingkungan internal dan eksternal. Matriks ini menggambarkan kesesuaian strategi berdasarkan kondisi lingkungan yang dimiliki. Hasil interaksi ini menghasilkan alternatif strategi.

Berdasarkan hasil pemeringkatan alternatif strategi pelaksanaan penyuluhan yang diurutkan dari rangking terbesar ke terkecil terdapat tiga prioritas alternatif strategi yang dapat diajukan, yaitu sebagai berikut:

a. Pendampingan kelompok tani untuk meneningkatkan produktivitas padi pada lahan WKBPP melalui penerapan teknologi baru. Implementasi ke-giatan ini berupa:

• peningkatan peran penyuluh untuk memfasilitasi kelompok agar menjadi kelompok yang dinamis, yaitu memfasilitasi kegiatan-kegiatan kelompok yang sifatnya rutin atau berkala, seperti kunjungan, memotivasi ketua dan pengurus kelompok untuk menjadikan kelompok lebih maju, memfasilitasi kelompok untuk berhubungan dengan para ahli pertanian dalam hal uji teknologi pada bidang usaha tani padi, misalnya dengan BPTP Prov. NTB, dst.;

• peningkatan kemampuan poktan dilakukan pembinaan dan pendampingan oleh penyuluh pertanian dari perencanaan sampai evaluasi pelaksanaan budidaya padi ramah lingkungan. Peningkatan kemampuan kelompok tani juga menyesuaikan dengan juklak penilaian klasifikasi kemampuan poktan secara berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi perkembangannya.

b. Meningkatkan ketersediaan media penyuluhan melalui BOP dan program sistem informasi Disperta Kota Bima. Implementasi kegiatan ini berupa:

• penyediaan informasi pertanian melalui media koran pertanian yang mudah diakses oleh kelompok. Koran Sinar Tani sebagai media koran yang banyak menyajikan informasi pertanian dan dicetak oleh Kementerian Pertanian perlu diperluas penyebarannya minimal sampai tingkat gapoktan, sehingga akses petani menjadi lebih mudah. Koran Sinar Tani dibiarkan menumpuk maka PPL sebaiknya menyebarkan koran Sinar Tan itersebut dengan menggunakan anggaran pengelolaan BPP maupun anggaran berasal dari BOP Penyuluh. Dengan demikian, informasi tersalurkan hingga tingkat poktan;

• jenis dan kualitas informasi pertanian pada semua media penyuluhan

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pertanian yang disusun oleh penyuluh, khususnya LPM, perlu diperbaiki dengan menambah informasi berasal dari Disperta sehingga petani dapat memperoleh informasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan.

c. Kolaborasi kelembagaan penyuluhan dari tingkat kelurahan sampai pusat untuk mengefesiensikan bantuan peningkatan produktivitas di WKBPP. Implementasi kegiatan ini berupa:

• kebijakan pertanian biasanya dianggap sebagai intervensi negara pada sektor pertanian. Untuk itu, diperlukan upaya pemberdayaan untuk peningkatan kemandirian masyarakat, khususnya melalui pendekatan penyuluhan disertai bantuan tanpa menimbulkan kebergantungan petani;

• penyediaan fasilitas kepada masyarakat tidak terbatas pengadaan sarana produksi, tetapi dengan sarana pengembangan agribisnis lain yang diperlukan, seperti informasi pasar, peningkatan akses terhadap pasar, permodalan, serta pengembangan kerja sama kemitraan dengan lembaga usaha lain;

• adanya koordinasi antar-SKPD, terutama yang tergabung dalam rumpun hijau dapat lebih mengefektifkan bantuan yang disalurkan oleh pemerintah. Dengan demikian, terjadi sinkronisasi data penerima dengan harapan bantuan yang diturunkan ke petani dapat menunjang program dari SKPD lainnya.

D. Kesimpulan

Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan sebagai berikut:

1. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan di WKBPP Kecamatan Rasanae Timur sebagai penyebarluasan informasi pada setiap WKPP dilakukan oleh penyuluh berupa pengetahuan praktis dengan metode penyampaian materi melalui ceramah dan diskusi serta percontohan langsung. Penyuluh belum memanfaatkan cyber extension karena kurangnya sosialisasi akibat tidak dianggarkan oleh Disperta Kota Bima .

2. Pelaksanaan penyuluhan menunjang pemberdayaan (PSK) petani padi dalam penerapan budidaya padi sesuai anjuran. Jumlah petani responden yang menerapkan budidaya sesuai anjuran di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur pada tahun 2017 mencapai 81,9%. Petani masih cenderung menerapkan teknologi karena adanya bantuan dari Disperta Kota Bima.

3. Berdasarkan analisis pelaksanaan penyuluhan pertanian di Kecamatan Rasanae Timur, ditemukan tiga strategi penyuluhan (pendampingan

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kelompok tani, menambah ketersediaan media penyuluhan, dan kolaborasi kelembagaan penyuluhan) yang dapat dilaksanakan secara terintegrasi dalam rangka menunjang pemberdayaan petani. Melalui strategi ini, penyuluh dapat memanfaatkan ketersediaan informasi dan ketepatan sasaran bantuan pemerintah kepada petani.

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