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Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries

Mar 03, 2018



Prachi Patel
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  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    Sarvajanik Education Society

    S.R.Luthra Institute Of Management


    Semester I $%&'( #)ass * !+,


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    1 158050592010 Nilam Bane 03

    2 158050592011 Beena Thankachan 04

    3 158050592029 Krupal Dixit 13

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    5 1580505920!5 "rachi "atel 33

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    Mr. 4aresh ave

    S.R.Luthra Institute Of Management5%&'

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    ining Eti6uettes of different countries

    7hat is eti6uettes8

    (ti)uette relate* t$ a c$*e $+ ,eha-i$ur am$n. pe$ple /ithin an $r.ani%ati$n .r$up $r %$ciet

    Ta,le manner% are the ultimate /a t$ %h$/ re%pect $r %$me acci*ental *i%re%pect t$ $ur .raci$u%

    h$%t Thi% *inin. eti)uette re+erence i% *i-i*e* int$ %ix %ecti$n%

    1 Ta,le manner%

    2 Ta,le %ettin.%

    3 #e%taurant eti)uette%

    4 Bu%ine%% *inin. eti)uette%

    5 nternati$nal *inin. eti)uette%

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    SOU"9 !FRI#!

    Mea)time and ty-ica) food

    The tpical *iet i% a c$m,inati$n $+ l$cal ethnic .r$up cui%ine 7e%tern +$$*% an* %ian +$$*% much

    i% a-aila,le in &$uth +rica ll .r$up% en'$ ,ar,ecue% +$r example $cal +$$* i% rich in rice am%

    an* ca%%a-a a r$$t -e.eta,le plu% ,rea*% +re%h -e.eta,le% an* +ruit% :eat% are en'$e* /hen

    a-aila,le an* +i%h al$n. the c$a%t an* ri-er% each ethnic .r$up ha% it% $/n %pecialtie% an*

    pre+erence% an* remem,er :u%lim% /ill n$t eat p$rk $r *rink alc$h$l alth$u.h it i% a-aila,le

    tpical *i%h i% meal meal the &$uth +rican -er%i$n $+ the u,i)uit$u% +rican p$rri*.e %er-e* in

    an num,er $+ *i++erent /a%

    Break+a%t i% %er-e* +r$m a,$ut 6 t$ 9 am unch +r$m 12 t$ 2 pm an* *inner +r$m 8 t$ 10 pm

    The main meal $+ the *a +$r m$%t all .r$up% i% *inner

    ;r,an &$uth +rican% /ill *ine the 7e%tern /a #ural &$uth +rican% /ill $+ten *ine in the

    m$re c$n%er-ati-e +rican /a /ith a /$$*en %p$$na c$mmunal ,$/l $r n$ uten%il% u%in.

    the han*

    n %uch ca%e% tra*iti$nall chil*ren /$men an* men *ine %eparatel an* men are $++ere* the

    ,e%t part% +ir%t /$men next an* chil*ren tpicall la%t

    -$i* *rinkin. tap /ater an/here in the re.i$n thi% mean% $u %h$ul* ,ru%h $ur teeth /ith

    ,$ttle* /ater an* n$t take ice in an $+ $ur *rink% *rink $nl ,$ttle* /ater $r ,re/e* tea $r

    c$++ee $r %$+t *rink% an* a-$i* .ettin. /ater +r$m the m$rnin. %h$/er int$ $ur m$uth ne-er

    eat +re%h +ruit% $r -e.eta,le% that cann$t ,e peele* +ir%t an* i*eall c$$ke* later ,e+$re eatin.

    Thi% i% a %eri$u% matter there are %$me -er na%tan* %$metime% *ea*l,u.% .$in. ar$un* in

    *e-el$pin. c$untrie% n a**iti$n a-$i* all *air pr$*uct% except in the +ine%t h$tel% a% the

    re)uire* re+ri.erati$n ma ,e )ue%ti$na,le D$ n$t %/im in +re%h/ater lake% p$n*% $r ri-er%

    *ue t$ the p$%%i,ilit $+ %eri$u% para%itic in+ecti$n

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    "!:LE M!NNERS

    :$*ern ur,an &$uth +rica ha% ,een /e%terni% han* +r$m their plate Ne-er u%e $ur le+t han* unle%% $u are clearl eatin.

    %$methin. that re)uire% t/$ han*%? $cca%i$nall $u ma ,e $++ere* a %p$$n $r +$rk /hich al%$ mu%t

    ,e hel* in the han* unle%% $u al%$ ha-e a kni+e in /hich ca%e the kni+e i% hel* in the an*

    the %p$$n $r +$rk in the le+t

    Keep $ur le+t han* $++ an ,$/l% $r %er-in. item% + there i% $ne c$mmunal ,$/l $++ere* eat $nl

    +r$m that part $+ the c$mmunal plate% $r ,$/l% that i% *irectl in +r$nt $+ $u @$u ma ,e %eate* at a

    ta,le $n the +l$$r $r $n l$/ %t$$l% D$ n$t %m$ke in the %ame area /here the +$$* i% ,ein. %er-e* an*

    /ait t$ %m$ke until a+ter the meal i% +ini%he*

    SE!"IN/ E"I0UE""E

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    The m$%t h$n$ure* p$%iti$n i% next t$ the h$%t :$%t %$cial entertainin. i% *$ne in pe$ple>% h$me%

    alth$u.h in the citie% there i% ,u%ine%% *inin. in re%taurant%

    The h$me the market $r a l$cal ca+e i% /here l$cal pe$ple tpicall meet %$ciali

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries



    Most 4o-u)ar !rtic)es on Eating in #hina

    % a .ue%t at a meal $ne %h$ul* ,e particular a,$ut $neA% appearance an* *etermine /hether t$

    ,rin. %mall .i+t% $r .$$* /ine acc$r*in. the *e.ree $+ relati$n%hip /ith the ma%ter $+ the

    ,an)uet t i% imp$rtant t$ atten* an* ,e punctual


    On arriva) $ne %h$ul* +ir%t intr$*uce $ne%el+ $r let the ma%ter $+ the ,an)uet *$ the

    intr$*ucti$n i+ unkn$/n t$ $ther% an* then take a %eat in acc$r*ance /ith the ma%ter $+ the

    ,an)uetA% arran.ement

    The %eatin. arran.ement i% pr$,a,l the m$%t imp$rtant part $+ hine%e *inin. eti)uette

    + the .ue%t $+ h$n$ur $r m$%t %eni$r mem,er i% n$t %eate* $ther pe$ple are n$t all$/e* t$ ,e

    %eate* + he ha%nAt eaten $ther% %h$ul* n$t , t$ eat

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries



    7hen eatin. a meal in hina pe$ple are expecte* t$ ,eha-e in a ci-ili% eatC $u can %tart t$ eat @$u%h$ul* n$t %teal a march $n the el*er%

    ;ou shou)d -ick u- your 2o

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries



    t i% n$t .$$* manner% t$ pick up t$$ much +$$* at a time @$u %h$ul* ,eha-e ele.antl 7hen

    takin. +$$* *$nAt nu*.e $r pu%h a.ain%t $ur nei.h,$ur D$nAt let the +$$* %pla%h $r let %$up

    $r %auce *rip $nt$ the ta,le

    7hen eating $u %h$ul* cl$%e $ur m$uth t$ che/ +$$* /ell ,e+$re $u %/all$/ it /hich i%

    n$t $nl a re)uirement $+ eti)uette ,ut al%$ ,etter +$r *i.e%ti$n @$u %h$ul* , n$ mean% $pen$ur m$uth /i*e +ill it /ith lar.e piece% $+ +$$* an* eat up .ree*il D$nAt put t$$ much +$$*

    int$ $ur m$uth at a time t$ a-$i* lea-in. a .lutt$n$u% impre%%i$n Neither %h$ul* $u %tretch

    $ur neck $pen $ur m$uth /i*e an* exten* $ur t$n.ue t$ catch +$$* $u are li+tin. t$ $ur


    If there is food around your mouth u%e a ti%%ue $r a napkin t$ /ipe it in%tea* $+ lickin. it

    /ith $ur t$n.ue 7hen che/in. +$$* *$nAt make n$i%e%

    If you

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    Rules and Conventions Relating to Chopsticks:

    o not stick cho-sticks vertica))y into your food/hen n$t u%in. them e%peciall n$t int$ rice a%

    thi% /ill make hine%e pe$ple think $+ +uneral% t +uneral% '$%% %tick% %tick% $+ incen%e are %tuck

    int$ the rice that i% put $nt$ the ance%t$r altar

    o not

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries



    ining eti6uette for dining

  • 7/26/2019 Dining Etiquettes of Different Countries


    ining eti6uette for eating