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 Digital Storytelling Storyboard: The Battle between Passion and Fear Images (general or specifc, location i known) : © 2015 PIXT!"#$ !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide) : I could hear their buzzing. Thei r numbers incr eased by hundreds the fur ther I went up. I began to move my arms around, afraid that I would get stung. A small black creature crawle d up my foot. At that moment, my soul left my body. I could feel a deadly burn moving through my veins, and I realized I had been stung. As my heart beat faster, I told myself “I need to get out of here.” y body trembled! large drop s of sweat began to drop to the ground. I couldn"t do this, I couldn"t go on. I was grasping for air as the shadow of death approached me. Images (general or specifc, location i known) : %&as 'oyas moa( )ond*ras+ !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide) : #ince childhood I have helped the poor by organizing drives and sending clothing, toys, and school supplies to my parent"s native countries $onduras and the %ominican &epublic . y biggest desire was to give these items personally to the families.  The 'rst time we had been t o $onduras a pastor told my father about the 'nanci al necessities in the mountains of (as )oyas and * almera &eal . After going to the mountains, he noticed that there weren"t schools around the area, and the adults a nd children were illiterate. y father and the pa stor were able to open an elementary school +entro asico T omas +astillo which was named after my father.

Digital Storytelling Storyboard the Battle Between Passion and Fear

Oct 08, 2015




A story about how overcame my greatest fear.
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  • 5/19/2018 Digital Storytelling Storyboard the Battle Between Passion and Fear


    Digital Storytelling Storyboard: The Battle between Passion and Fea

    Images(general or specifc, location i known): 2015 PIXT!"#$

    !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):

    I could hear their buzzing. Their numbers increased by hundreds the further I went up. I bto move my arms around, afraid that I would get stung. A small black creature crawled upfoot. At that moment, my soul left my body. I could feel a deadly burn moving through my

    veins, and I realized I had been stung. As my heart beat faster, I told myself I need to getof here. y body trembled! large drops of sweat began to drop to the ground. I couldn"t dthis, I couldn"t go on. I was grasping for air as the shadow of death approached me.

    Images(general or specifc, location i known): %&as 'oyas moa( )ond*ras+

    !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):

    #ince childhood I have helped the poor by organizing drives and sending clothing, toys, anschool supplies to my parent"s native countries $onduras and the %ominican &epublic. ybiggest desire was to give these items personally to the families.The 'rst time we had been to $onduras a pastor told my father about the 'nancial necessin the mountains of (as )oyas and *almera &eal. After going to the mountains, he noticed tthere weren"t schools around the area, and the adults and children were illiterate. y fathand the pastor were able to open an elementary school +entro asico Tomas +astillo whicwas named after my father.

  • 5/19/2018 Digital Storytelling Storyboard the Battle Between Passion and Fear


    Images(general or specifc, location i known): %&as 'oyas moa( )ond*ras+

    !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):y parents were planning missionary trip to $onduras for )uly -/. 0hen we arrived weopened the barrel of supplies and the pastor"s wife asked me 0ould you like to hand thes

    out tomorrow1 $ow could I say no1 I had been waiting for this all my life. #ure I repliednervously, hoping I had made the right decision.

    Images(general or specifc, location i known): 2015 PIXT!"#$

    !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):

    My ather had told me about all the insects. The day to ace my biggest ear had arrived. My heartbeat increThousands o creatures ying, crawling, awaited me. The day arrived! the "astor#s wie and $ took a two houride to a remote mountain area. %nce we began to ascend $ could see thousands o creatures. My knees wer

    shaking $ couldn#t catch my breath! my heart beat a mile per second.

    Images(general or specifc, location i known): %&as 'oyas moa( )ond*ras+

  • 5/19/2018 Digital Storytelling Storyboard the Battle Between Passion and Fear


    !arration (the actual text that you would record to accompany this slide):

    Then $ told mysel &'o you remember why you did this $ was here because $ wanted to give an underprivil

    child their frst pair o shoes! $ took a deep breath and prayed &*od help me through this +ourney. That whatcome across may not cause me ear.My heart continued to beat uickly and $ was still sweating, but when $ saw the aces o the children $ knew hdone the right thing. $ came to appreciate my own lie more! $ saw the opportunity as a blessing to help othewant to continue this work and impact others and show them that there is someone who cares about theirsituation. -hatever career $ choose, whatever $ do with my lie, $ want to dedicate it to making a dierence lives o others.

    Images(general or specifc, location i known): / picture o The Mountain $ went to in 0as 1oyas %moa,2onduras


    T24 45'