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Diffractive deep inelastic scattering Cyrille Marquet RIKEN BNL Research Center

Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

Jan 24, 2016




Diffractive deep inelastic scattering. Cyrille Marquet RIKEN BNL Research Center. Contents. Inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS): e h  e X the structure functions F 2 , F T and F L Diffractive deep inelastic scattering Inclusive Diffraction: e h  e X h - PowerPoint PPT Presentation
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Page 1: Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

Cyrille Marquet

RIKEN BNL Research Center

Page 2: Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

Contents• Inclusive deep inelastic scattering (DIS): e h e X

the structure functions F2, FT and FL

Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

• Inclusive Diffraction: e h e X hthe structure functions F2

D, FTD and FL


• Exclusive vector meson production: e h e h, e h e J/ hDeeply virtual Compton scattering (DVCS): e h e h momentum transfer and impact parameter

• Diffactive jet production

Page 3: Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)lh center-of-mass energyS = (l+P)2

*h center-of-mass energyW2 = (l-l’+P)2

photon virtualityQ2 = - (l-l’)2 > 0







transverse sizeresolution 1/Q



x ~ momentum fraction of the struck parton y ~ W²/S


2 /Q.




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Deep inelastic scattering (DIS)

FT and FL correspond to the scattering of a transversely (T) or longitudinally (L) polarized virtual photon off the hadron

experimental data are often shown in terms of

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e p e X experimental data

measurements performed at the HERA collider by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations over a broad kinematic range

at moderate x: bjorken scaling F2(x)

scaling violations: evidence for gluons

about 15 % of the events are diffractive

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Geometric scaling in DIS

with Q0 1 GeV and 0.3

Stasto, Golec-Biernat and Kwiecinski (2001)When plotting the same cross-section

as a function of the variable Q² x

one obtains a scaling curve:

this scaling is called geometric scaling

it identifies an intrinsic scale of the proton

which rises as x decreases: Q0 x-/2

Can we understand that scale/scaling from QCD?

It should also have consequences in diffraction

x < 10-2

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Inclusive diffraction

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Diffractive DIS

momentum transfert = (P-P’)2 < 0

diffractive mass of the final stateMX

2 = (P-P’+l-l’)2

when the hadron remains intact







xpom = x/ rapidity gap : = ln(1/xpom)




~ momentum fraction of the struck parton with respect to the Pomeron

xpom ~ momentum fraction of the Pomeron with respect to the hadron

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Diffractive DIS

in terms of photon-hadron diffractive cross-section:

experimental data are often shown in terms of

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Inclusive diffraction measurements

Diffractive DIS with proton tagging e p e X p

H1 FPS data ZEUS LPS data

Diffractive DIS without proton tagging e p e X Y with MY cut

H1 LRG data MY < 1.6 GeVZEUS FPC data MY < 2.3 GeV

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e p e X p experimental data

measurements performed at the HERA collider by the H1 and ZEUS collaborations over a broad kinematic range

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Collinear factorization

)Q/1()Q,/(ˆ)Q,()Q,( 222/

12* Oxdx apa

apartons x


in the limit Q² with x fixed


non perturbative

• For inclusive DIS

a = quarks, gluons


)(Qln 2Dokshitzer-Gribov-Lipatov-Altarelli-Parisi

• perturbative evolution of with Q2 :

not valid if x is too small

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Factorization in DDIS ?

factorization does not hold for

diffractive jet production at low Q² diffractive jet production in pp collisions

but: you cannot do much with the diffractive pdfs

collinear factorization for F2D similar with diffractive parton densities

factorization also holds for

diffractive jet production at high Q²

for instance at the Tevatron:

predictions obtained with diffractive pdfs overestimate CDF data by a factor of about 10

use collinear factorization anyway, and apply a correction factor called the rapidity gap survival probability

a very popular approach:

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The dipole picture of DISvalid in the small-x limit




r : dipole size

in diffraction:

at large Nc, 1 dipole emitting N-1 gluons = N dipoles

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dissoc: involves higher order final states: qqg, …dominant for large diffractive mass (small )

)Q,( 2r )Q,( 2r


Elastic/inelastic components

elas: involves the quark-antiquark final state, dominant for small diffractive mass (large )


can also be expressed in the dipole picture

same object for inclusiveand diffractive cross-section

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Measuring FLD

FLD is higher twist:

it cannot be predicted from pdfs

Contributions of the different final states to the diffractive cross-section:

at small : quark-antiquark-gluon

at intermediate : quark-antiquark (T)

at large : quark-antiquark (L)

large measurements FLD

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What about geometric scalinggeometric scaling can be easily understood as a consequence of large parton densities

what does the proton look like in (Q², x) plane:

lines parallel to the saturation lineare lines of constant densities

along which scattering is constant


x < 10-2

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C.M. and L. Schoeffel (2006)

Geometric scaling in diffractionAt fixed , the scaling variable should be

diffractive cross-section in bins of

xpom < 10-2

consistent with the HERA data


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Success of the dipole model

MX=1.2 GeV

MX=3 GeV

MX=6 GeV

MX=11 GeV

MX=20 GeV

MX=30 GeV

Forshaw and Shaw have not been able to find a good fit without saturation effects

Iancu, Itakura and Munier (2003)

CGC = saturation model

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Ratio diffractive/inclusivesaturation naturally explains the constant ratio

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Exclusive vector meson productionand

Deeply virtual Compton scattering

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Exclusive vector-meson production

)Q,,( 2zr

- collinear factorization with generalized parton densities

)M,,( 2VzrV

)M,,()Q,,()M,Q,( 2V


2 zrzrdzr V




1 rexbrTbdrddt

d biqqq


in the dipole picture:

with the overlap function:

sensitive to instead of

access to impact parameter

- determination of the t slope: tMxBVppVM Vedt

d )²,Q,(*

lots of data from HERA (especially J/Psi)



d VppVM

²)Q,(* xVppVM


Page 23: Diffractive deep inelastic scattering

rho productionS. Munier, A. Stasto and A. Mueller (2001)

S(1/r 1Gev, b 0, x 5.10-4) 0.6

HERA is entering the saturation regime

the S-matrix (S=1-T ) is extracted from the data

yellow band: cannot be trusted, too sensitiveto large t region where there is no data

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J-Psi productionH. Kowalski and D. Teaney (2003)

E. Gotsman, E. Levin, M. Lublinsky,U. Maor and E. Naftali (2003)

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What about geometric scaling

t integrated cross-sections d/dt cross-sections

),(Q/Q)()²,Q,( 2s

2 txgtftxdtd

C.M., R. Peschanski and G. Soyez (2005)

Btetf )(form factor with B = const

saturation scale

need data at fixed t for

different values of x and Q²

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Diffractive tri-jet production

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Diffractive tri-jet production

k : gluon transverse momentum

final state configuration: tri-jet + gap + proton


the gluon jet is the most forward in the proton directionother configurations are suppressed by ln(1/ )

idea: measure the transverse momentumspectrum of the gluon jet

kddk 2


0 k






k0: typical unitarization scale

C.M. and K. Golec-Biernat (2005)

observable strongly

sensitive to unitarity effects

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Study of with a saturation modelkddk 2


marked bump for k = kmax kmax/QS = independent of Q², QS 1.5Can we experimentally test this? extract QS?

important limitation: at HERA QS < 1 Gev and k > 3 Gev one does not have access to the whole bump

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Predictions of the GBW model with

and the parameters and x0

taken from the F2 fits:

In the HERA energy range


pompomS xxx

= 0.288 and x0 = 3.10-4

for full lines (no charm)

= 0.277 and x0 = 4.10-5

for dashed lines (charm included)

need points in different bins

ZEUS did measure 4 points forkd

dk 22

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• Inclusive diffraction

measure FLD

• Exclusive vector meson production/DVCS

measurements in different t bins with large Q² and x ranges

• Diffractive tri-jet production

potential to bring evidence for saturation?