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REVIEW Dietary Interventions for Treatment of Chronic Pain: Oxidative Stress and Inflammation Ashish S. Kaushik . Larissa J. Strath . Robert E. Sorge Received: August 13, 2020 / Accepted: September 22, 2020 / Published online: October 21, 2020 Ó The Author(s) 2020 ABSTRACT Chronic pain is highly prevalent in the United States, impacting 28.4% of the adult popula- tion, or 69.6 million people, as of 2016. Chronic pain is often associated with anxiety, depres- sion, and restrictions in mobility and daily activities, substantially reducing quality of life. Analgesics, especially opioids, are one of the primary pharmaceutical treatment methods for chronic pain. However, prescription opioid misuse and abuse has become increasingly prevalent and concerning, prompting the need for research into alternative treatment methods which avoid the side effects of traditional treatments. Chronic pain is, in part, thought to be the result of oxidative stress and inflamma- tion, and clinical research has indicated links between these conditions and diet. Thus, diet- ary interventions are a particularly promising therapeutic treatment for chronic pain, with numerous studies suggesting that diet has a noticeable effect on pain as far down as the cellular level. In this review article, data from a number of clinical trials assessing the effect of three diets—antioxidant-rich, low-carbohy- drate, and Mediterranean—on oxidative stress and inflammation is compiled and discussed in the context of chronic pain. Clinical data sug- gests that low-carbohydrate diets and Mediter- ranean diets both are especially promising dietary interventions. Keywords: Chronic pain; Diet; Inflammation; Intervention; Low-carbohydrate; Mediterranean diet; Oxidative stress Key Summary Points Oxidative stress may play a role in chronic pain. Diet influences oxidative stress and inflammation. Low-carbohydrate diets may be beneficial for chronic pain via reductions in oxidative stress. Mediterranean diets have shown promise for reducing pain and inflammation. Diets may be beneficial alternatives or adjuncts for chronic pain management. A. S. Kaushik Á L. J. Strath Á R. E. Sorge (&) Department of Psychology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, AL, USA e-mail: [email protected] Pain Ther (2020) 9:487–498

Dietary Interventions for Treatment of Chronic Pain ...

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Dietary Interventions for Treatment of Chronic Pain:Oxidative Stress and Inflammation

Ashish S. Kaushik . Larissa J. Strath . Robert E. Sorge

Received: August 13, 2020 /Accepted: September 22, 2020 / Published online: October 21, 2020� The Author(s) 2020


Chronic pain is highly prevalent in the UnitedStates, impacting 28.4% of the adult popula-tion, or 69.6 million people, as of 2016. Chronicpain is often associated with anxiety, depres-sion, and restrictions in mobility and dailyactivities, substantially reducing quality of life.Analgesics, especially opioids, are one of theprimary pharmaceutical treatment methods forchronic pain. However, prescription opioidmisuse and abuse has become increasinglyprevalent and concerning, prompting the needfor research into alternative treatment methodswhich avoid the side effects of traditionaltreatments. Chronic pain is, in part, thought tobe the result of oxidative stress and inflamma-tion, and clinical research has indicated linksbetween these conditions and diet. Thus, diet-ary interventions are a particularly promisingtherapeutic treatment for chronic pain, withnumerous studies suggesting that diet has anoticeable effect on pain as far down as thecellular level. In this review article, data from anumber of clinical trials assessing the effect ofthree diets—antioxidant-rich, low-carbohy-drate, and Mediterranean—on oxidative stressand inflammation is compiled and discussed in

the context of chronic pain. Clinical data sug-gests that low-carbohydrate diets and Mediter-ranean diets both are especially promisingdietary interventions.

Keywords: Chronic pain; Diet; Inflammation;Intervention; Low-carbohydrate; Mediterraneandiet; Oxidative stress

Key Summary Points

Oxidative stress may play a role in chronicpain.

Diet influences oxidative stress andinflammation.

Low-carbohydrate diets may be beneficialfor chronic pain via reductions inoxidative stress.

Mediterranean diets have shown promisefor reducing pain and inflammation.

Diets may be beneficial alternatives oradjuncts for chronic pain management.

A. S. Kaushik � L. J. Strath � R. E. Sorge (&)Department of Psychology, University of Alabama atBirmingham, Birmingham, AL, USAe-mail: [email protected]

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Chronic pain is highly prevalent in the UnitedStates and affects 28.4% of the adult popula-tion, or 69.6 million people, as of 2016 [1]. Thiscondition is often associated with anxiety,depression, and restrictions in mobility anddaily activities, substantially reducing quality oflife. Analgesics are the primary pharmaceuticaltreatment method for chronic pain, especiallyopioids [2]. However, prescription opioid mis-use and abuse has become increasingly preva-lent and concerning, and the side effects ofthese drugs can also contribute to substantialdeclines in health and quality of life [2, 3].There is a growing need for research into alter-native treatment methods that avoid the sideeffects of traditional treatments [2]. Dietaryinterventions are one such form of treatment,with numerous studies suggesting that diet hasa noticeable effect on pain [4–20]. These effectsmay be due to the influences diet has onoxidative stress and inflammation, which arethe widely hypothesized mechanisms forchronic pain. Inflammation is present in anumber of painful conditions [21–28] andreduction of inflammation is often related to adecrease in pain [15, 29–31]. It is known thatoxidative stress can contribute to inflammation[32, 33], so it is reasonable that both oxidativestress and inflammation may underlie chronicpainful conditions.

In this review, a number of clinical trials ofdietary interventions will be examined to assesswhether clinical implementation of diet has asignificant influence on oxidative stress,inflammation, or pain symptoms in order toassess the potential for diet as a therapeutictreatment for chronic pain. The intention ofthis narrative review is to summarize the clini-cal trials that have shown promise as a means toreduce oxidative stress and experienced pain in

patients with chronic pain conditions. Thisreview is based on previously conducted studiesand does not contain any studies with humanparticipants or animals performed by any of theauthors.


Oxidative stress occurs when free radical com-pounds such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) orreactive nitrogen species (RNS) are imbalancedwith antioxidant defense systems in the body[34–36]. When certain macronutrients are con-sumed in excess and are broken down, naturaloxidative by-products of their metabolism trig-gers oxidative stress responses and productionof more ROS when bound to their receptors –more so than the body is equipped to handle.Excessively high levels of free radicals causedamage to essential protein, lipid, and nucleicacid components of cells, eventually leading todamage and apoptosis [37]. Under normalconditions, ROS are produced as a byproduct ofmetabolism of molecular oxygen [38, 39], andserve important roles in signaling pathways andresponses to changes of environmental condi-tions [38–41]. Furthermore, under normal con-ditions, the antioxidant defense systemneutralizes excess free radicals to prevent dam-age [42–44]. While oxidative stress has beenassociated to painful conditions [26, 45–48], thedirect link is not yet understood. It is hypothe-sized that oxidative stress contributes to pain byexacerbating pathological responses likeinflammation and neuropathy, which bothcontribute to pain.


Inflammation occurs when immune cellsrespond to a multitude of biochemical andphysical influences, including infection, aller-gens, injury, radiation, and diet-inducedoxidative stress [49, 50]. Inflammation as awhole involves the release of cytokines andchemokines from immune cells that can resultin sensitivity as a function of the natural

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healing processes. However, prolonged inflam-mation can result in chronic hypersensitivityand may be related to chronic pain. Chronicinflammation can produce a number of symp-toms, particularly chronic pain [22, 23, 49].During the immune response, increased oxygenconsumption by immune cells such as mastcells and leukocytes causes the release andaccumulation of ROS. This initiates a cycle inwhich pro-inflammatory mediators like cytoki-nes and chemokines are produced, all of whichactivate and recruit additional inflammatoryimmune cells which, in turn, release additionalROS [51]. A number of influences on oxidativestress-induced inflammation have been identi-fied, including transcription factors, chemoki-nes, inflammatory cytokines, and microRNAs.In addition to promoting release of reactivespecies, these compounds can stimulate noci-ceptors and afferent pain neurons, therebycontributing to chronic pain [52].


While oxidative stress can result from a numberof physical and biochemical processes includingUV radiation, smoking, and air pollution,studies have identified a number of dietaryinfluences on oxidative stress. Nutritional stresshas been shown to both increase free radicalsand hinder the antioxidant defense system,thereby creating an imbalance in the localenvironment leading to oxidative stress [53].Diets like the standard American diet (SAD),characterized by elevated intake of processedcarbohydrates and saturated fats [54, 55], havebeen linked to increased postprandial oxidativestress in the short term and chronic elevation ofoxidative stress markers in the long term[56–60].

Carbohydrates in particular have been iden-tified as key source of oxidative stress, specifi-cally through glucose oxidation [37]. In thisprocess, glucose is oxidized into a superoxideanion radical species, which causes productionof ROS and RNS if not properly degraded by theantioxidant defense system [61–66].

Furthermore, excess carbohydrates promotelipid peroxidation of low-density lipoprotein(LDL) cholesterol through superoxide-depen-dent pathways, causing additional productionof free radicals [67, 68]. Excess carbohydratesallow for glycation reactions to occur betweenexcess carbohydrates and other nutrients likelipids, proteins, and nucleic acids, producingadvanced glycation end products (AGEs)[69–74].


Oxidative stress may be the underlying mecha-nism for a variety of pain-related symptoms,and it occurs when there are too many freeradical species to be managed by the body’sinnate antioxidant defense system. Thus, sup-plementation with dietary antioxidants intu-itively arises as a potential treatment method.Dietary antioxidants can be found in a widevariety of over-the-counter vitamins and sup-plements, and they can also be obtained inwhole foods such as berries, fruits, nuts,chocolate, vegetables, and green tea [75]. How-ever, the research currently available is incon-clusive as to whether antioxidants obtainedthrough diet are metabolized in a way whichsupplements the body’s innate antioxidantdefense system and thereby minimizes oxida-tive stress. Likewise, clinical trials examiningthe effects of dietary antioxidants and inflam-matory markers are also inconclusive.

A number of in vitro studies suggest thatdietary antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E,beta-carotene, and flavonoids can reduceoxidative stress in biological systems [76–79].For example, vitamin C has been shown tominimize oxidative stress damage to lipid andprotein-based cellular components, and vitaminE has been shown to prevent lipid peroxidation[76, 78, 79]. In a randomized controlled trial,adherence to a polyphenol-rich diet signifi-cantly reduced levels of the oxidative stressbiomarker urinary-8-isoprostane, indicating alink between dietary polyphenol supplementa-tion and improvements in oxidative stress inhumans [80]. However, a number of otherclinical trials performed indicate that

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consumption of these same antioxidants andothers does not yield the same results demon-strated via in vitro testing [79]. Current clinicalevidence suggests that oxidative biomarkers arelowered by antioxidant supplementation forindividuals with above-baseline oxidative stresslevels, but antioxidant supplementation doesnot have significant impact on individuals withnormal levels of oxidative stress [79].

Clinical research on the impact of dietaryantioxidants on inflammation are also incon-clusive. In a controlled, randomized clinicaltrial, participants were given antioxidant pillscontaining carotenoids, mixed tocopherols,vitamin C, and selenium to double theirantioxidant levels as verified by diet records andblood concentrations [81]. Three inflammatorymarkers (interleukin-6, IL-6; monocyte chemo-tactic protein-1, MCP-1; soluble intercellularadhesion molecule-1, sICAM-1) were analyzed,and despite increased antioxidant levels, nosignificant changes were observed for any of theinflammatory markers over the 8-week period[81].

Even still, there still is evidence that dietaryantioxidants may have an effect on pain, even ifnot through the inflammation pathway. A 2019study performed on individuals with kneeosteoarthritis showed that over a 4-month per-iod, participants who consumed 40 g of freeze-dried blueberry powder daily exhibited lesspain, stiffness, and had less difficulty perform-ing daily activities when compared to partici-pants consuming a placebo [7]. However, nosignificant changes were found in inflammatorybiomarkers, indicating that, while an effect onpain may be observable, antioxidant supple-mentation may have a greater effect on mini-mizing oxidative stress than inflammation.However, oxidative stress markers were notexamined in that study.

There are a number of limitations to inves-tigation of dietary antioxidants in clinical trialswhich may influence their perceived efficacy.For one, dietary antioxidants are typicallyimplemented in the clinical setting as sec-ondary prevention methods, meaning they areimplemented after oxidative stress has alreadycaused progression of the disease state, at whichpoint cellular damage has surpassed the

antioxidant defense system’s capabilities. Fur-thermore, the exact mechanisms of manyantioxidants and their relation to specific dis-eases (such as chronic pain) are unknown,thereby complicating whether failure of a par-ticular dietary antioxidant for a condition canconclusively rule out all dietary antioxidants[79].


Given the substantial impact carbohydrateshave on producing oxidative stress, research haspointed to low-carbohydrate diets as means toreduce oxidative stress and potentially aid withchronic pain. While clinical data on imple-mentation of these diets is limited given theirrecent attention, some clinical studies havebeen performed with positive results. In a ran-domized, controlled trial in groups adminis-tered either a hypocaloric high-protein diet (lowcalorie, high protein and low carbohydrate) or ahypocaloric high-carbohydrate diet (low calorieand high carbohydrate) over a 6-month period,participants in the high protein/lower carbo-hydrate group demonstrated a greater decreasein both oxidative stress and inflammatorymarkers [82]. While pain itself was not mea-sured in this study, oxidative stress andinflammation are the theoretical underlyingmechanisms for pain; however, more recentclinical studies have shown a more direct asso-ciation between decreases in these biomarkersand decreased pain perception. In a random-ized, controlled trial of 21 study participantsdiagnosed with knee osteoarthritis, study par-ticipants were assigned to either a low-carbo-hydrate diet (LCD), a low-fat diet (LFD), or theirown diet over a period of 12 weeks. Participantsin the LCD group showed reduced task-relatedpain, reduced self-reported pain, and loweroxidative stress blood serum biomarkers whencompared to LFD and control group partici-pants. However, the study noted a number offactors that may influence results that were nottested due to the low sample size, includingrace/ethnicity differences and sex differences[19]. Importantly though, these findingsdemonstrate the potential of a low-

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carbohydrate diet as a therapeutic treatment forpain, as well as for other pain disorders associ-ated with increased oxidative stress.


The Mediterranean diet has received attentiondue to positive experimental results withrespect to cardiovascular disease and otherconditions [83, 84]. While clinical studies varyin their implementation of the Mediterraneandiet, the diet is generally defined by daily con-sumptions of fruits, vegetables, whole grains,and healthy fats, especially monounsaturatedfatty acids (MUFAs) from virgin olive oil. Fur-thermore, the Mediterranean diet entails lim-ited intake of red meat and dairy, with a focuson fish, poultry, beans, and eggs as the primarysources of protein [85]. While many of thesecharacteristics contrast with the standardAmerican diet, one key difference is in fat con-sumption. According to the 2015–2020 ‘‘DietaryGuidelines for Americans,’’ the recommenda-tion for saturated fat consumption was 10% oftotal energy intake. However, saturated fatsaccount for around 19% of the average Ameri-can’s energy intake, while in the Mediterraneandiet, saturated fats account for just 9%, with agreater emphasis on MUFA consumption[85, 86]. It is worth noting that the traditionalversion of the Mediterranean diet is naturallylow in processed carbohydrates and may beconsidered a version of a low-carbohydrate diet.

In a 2014 study conducted among adultswith elevated risk for cardiovascular disease,study participants were given a Mediterraneandiet supplemented with either extra virgin oliveoil or nuts for a 12-month period. When com-pared a low-fat diet group, the participantsgiven the Mediterranean diet exhibited a sig-nificant reduction of inflammatory biomarkersC-reactive protein and IL-6. Interestingly, whencomparing the two intervention groups, thosegiven nuts showed more than double thereduction of inflammatory biomarkers [87].Another study focusing on the effects of oliveoil polyphenols in the Mediterranean dietassigned study participants a Mediterraneandiet using virgin olive oil or washed olive oil,

which has a lower polyphenol count. Whencompared to the control group, both groupsshowed decreased plasma oxidative stress andinflammatory biomarkers {Konstantinidou,2010 #5158}. Furthermore, gene expression wasalso examined in the context of atherosclerosis-related genes, which identified the key role ofpolyphenols in the down-regulation ofproatherogenic genes, which normally con-tribute to arterial plaques [88]. These findingsindicate that olive oil consumption in theMediterranean diet may be an important factorin reduction of oxidative stress and inflamma-tion. Furthermore, the identification of a linkbetween olive oil polyphenols, a dietaryantioxidant, and genetic changes may be animportant precedent for studies examiningoxidative stress and chronic pain-related genes.


The available data supports the notion that themost promising diets for addressing chronicpain through the oxidative stress and inflam-mation pathways are the low-carbohydrate dietand Mediterranean diet (Table 1). Dietaryantioxidants appear to play a potential role inreduction of chronic pain; however, clinicaldata is less conclusive. Unfortunately, none ofthe diets studied are particularly well researchedin the context of chronic pain with an emphasison oxidative stress, and future studies will berequired before clinicians should consider pre-scribing a diet as treatment for pain.

A number of limitations are present whichinfluence the strength of the conclusions. First,results were limited due to the small number ofclinical studies examining diet and oxidativestress/inflammation. This scarcity could be dueto a number of factors, such as the novelty ofthe treatment method, but one key factor hin-dering the prevalence of clinical studies is thatdiet studies are particularly challenging due tothe significant change in lifestyle required ofpatients. This key element makes diet inter-ventions a less appealing treatment for mostdiseases over pharmaceutical treatments, evenwhen medications have negative side effects.However, a strong case can be made that dietary

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Table 1 Compilation of dietary clinical trials and outcomes

Outcomes are color coded by overall effect, with green representing a positive effect, red representing a negative effect, andyellow representing no significant overall effect

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interventions primarily have positive sideeffects. Thus, when deciding between treat-ments, both clinicians and patients shouldconsider the costs and benefits of both phar-macotherapy and diet interventions. In fact, itmay be the case that the two can be used inconjunction with the hope of tapering medica-tion as the positive benefits of the diets areexperienced.

Furthermore, within the few available stud-ies examining the influence of diet on oxidativestress and inflammation, only two were specif-ically conducted in the context of chronic painand measured pain of participants [7, 19]. Whilethere is evidence to suggest the link between theoxidative stress/inflammation pathways andchronic pain, other potential factors beyondoxidative stress and inflammation may playimportant roles. Unless a study directly mea-sures participants’ perceived and evoked pain,there is a level of skepticism that must bemaintained about the study’s impact onchronic pain.

Inherent in clinical trials of diet interven-tions in this area are inconsistencies in dietcharacteristics make comparisons from study tostudy challenging. There are no standardizedclinical research definitions for the exact speci-fications of a low-carbohydrate or Mediter-ranean diet; rather, exact implementation of aparticular diet is subject to researchers’ inter-pretations. Additionally, some interventionsmay focus on one macronutrient category (i.e.,fats) and, in order to maintain an isocaloric diet,the other macronutrients have less rigor appliedfrom day-to-day. Thus, a study may examine alow-fat diet, but some participants couldincrease their carbohydrate consumption whileothers increase proteins. Overall, the group as awhole reduced their fat intake, but the otheraspects of the diet were dramatically different,possibly leading to variability in results.

A significant for the implementation of adietary intervention is the substantial impactthat one’s socioeconomic status, environment,and culture have on diet and ability to accessvarious foods. Chronic pain disproportionatelyaffects minority groups [90] with typically lowersocioeconomic status (SES) [91]. Similarly, epi-demiological studies have shown that social

class and resulting SES predict the quality of aperson’s diet with higher SES being associatedwith healthier diets [92]. Over multiple studiescomparing the Mediterranean diet to the Wes-tern diet, the Mediterranean diet is moreexpensive and the cost is positively related toadherence [93, 94]. It should be noted that onesystematic review compared the cost of theMediterranean diet to the average healthcarecosts for a number of conditions between thoseadhering to the diet and those who did not. Theresearchers found that adoption of theMediterranean diet increased quality of life andmay extend lifespan to a moderate degree forthose with various medical conditions [95].Thus, the long-term gain in health and qualityof life may supersede the short-term increase incost.

Unfortunately, carbohydrates are typicallythe least expensive component of the standardAmerican diet. Therefore, prescribing a low-carbohydrate diet is likely to increase daily foodcosts and is worth careful consideration, espe-cially for those with lower SES. Furthermore,diet plays an especially important role in one’sidentity and culture. Thus, in prescribing a dietsuch as a low-carbohydrate diet, key culturalcomponents of the standard diet should beidentified and substitutes recommended tomaintain the basics of the diet. For example,patients from cultures with high rice con-sumption could be advised to consider a lower-carbohydrate option such as ‘‘riced’’ cauliflower,which can be inexpensive satisfying cost-relatedissues.


Out of the diets identified to have clinical evi-dence supporting their potential to reduceoxidative stress, inflammation, and/or chronicpain, the most promising diets are the low-car-bohydrate diet and the Mediterranean diet.Dietary antioxidant supplementation alsoappears to have an impact, but studies have hadconflicting results. Added to that are the indi-vidual differences in absorption of vitamins andminerals between sexes [96] and across racialgroups [97]. It is a possibility that diet

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interventions will need to be tailored to patientsbased on conditions, sex, and race/culture.More research is needed to examine the waysthat diets impact pain, inflammation andchronic pain, but the limited results arepromising. With a sensitivity to SES and culture,diet interventions may be alternative or com-plimentary strategies for chronic pain that havethe potential to promote health and extendlifespan.


Funding. No funding or sponsorship wasreceived for this study or publication of thisarticle.

Authorship. All named authors meet theInternational Committee of Medical JournalEditors (ICMJE) criteria for authorship for thisarticle, take responsibility for the integrity ofthe work as a whole, and have given theirapproval for this version to be published.

Authorship Contributions. Ashish Kaushikwrote the manuscript. Larissa J. Strath andRobert E. Sorge edited and provided feedbackduring the writing of the manuscript.

Disclosures. Ashish Kaushik, Larissa J. Strathand Robert E. Sorge have nothing to disclose.

Compliance with Ethics Guidelines. Thisarticle is based on previously conducted studiesand does not contain any studies with humanparticipants or animals performed by any of theauthors.

Open Access. This article is licensed under aCreative Commons Attribution-NonCommer-cial 4.0 International License, which permitsany non-commercial use, sharing, adaptation,distribution and reproduction in any mediumor format, as long as you give appropriate creditto the original author(s) and the source, providea link to the Creative Commons licence, andindicate if changes were made. The images orother third party material in this article are

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