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1.1 Esperanto András Rajki 2006 A abato = Rus. aббaт, Ger. Abt, Ita. abate, Eng. abbot abdiki = Fre. abdiquer, Ita. abdicare, Eng. abdicate, Lat. abdicare abelo = Fre. abeille abio = Lat. abies abismo = Eng. abysm abituro = Ger. Abitur abnegacio = Fre. abnégation aboco = Lit. abecele, Pol. abecadło, Ita. abbici abolicio = Fre. abolition, Ita. abolizione, Eng. abolition, Lat. abolitio abomeni = Ita. abominare, Lat. abominare abono = Rus. aбонeмент, Lit. abonementas, Pol. abonament, Ger. Abonnement, Fre. abonnement, Ita. abbonamento aborto = Rus. aбоpт, Lit. abortas, Ger. Abort, Ita. aborto, Eng. abortion, Lat. abortus abrikoto = Fre. abricot, Eng. apricot absceso = Fre. abscès, Eng. abscess absoluta = Rus. aбсолютный, Lit. absoliutus, Pol. absolutny, Ger. absolut, Eng. absolute absolvi = Ger. absolvieren, Eng. absolve, Lat. absolvere absorbi = Ger. absorbieren, Fre. absorber, Eng. absorb, Lat. absorbere abstini = Fre. abstenir, Eng. abstain, Lat. abstinere abstrakta = Rus. aбстpaктный, Lit. abstraktus, Ger. abstrakt, Eng. abstract, Lat. abstractus absurda = Rus. aбсypдный, Lit. absurdiškas, Ger. absurd, Fre. absurde, Eng. absurd, Lat. absurdus abundi = Fre. abonder, Ita. abbondare, Eng. abound, Lat. abundare acero = Ita. acero, Lat. acer acida = Fre. acide, Ita. acido, Eng. acid, Lat. acidus aĉeti = Fre. acheter adapti = Rus. адаптировать, Lit. adaptuoti, Fre. adapter, Ita. adattare, Eng. adapt, Lat. adaptare adepto = Fre. adepte, Eng. adept adiaŭ = Fre. adieu, Ita. addio adicio = Ger. Addition, Fre. addition, Ita. addizione, Eng. addition, Lat. additio administristo = Rus. администрaтoр, Lit. administratorius, Pol. administrator, Ger. Administrator, Fre. administrateur, Eng. administrator admiralo = Rus. адмирaл, Lit. admirolas, Eng. admiral admiri = Fre. admirer, Eng. admire, Lat. admirari admoni = Eng. admonish, Lat. admonere adoleska = Fre. adolescent, Ita. adolescente, Eng. adolescent, Lat. adulescens adori = Fre. adorer, Ita. adorare, Eng. adore, Lat. adorare adreso = Yid. adres, Rus. aдpec, Lit. adresas, Pol. adres, Ger. Adresse, Fre. adresse, Eng. address adulto = Fre. adultère, Ita. adulterio, Eng. adultery, Lat. adulterium advokato = Rus. aдвокат, Lit. advokatas, Pol. adwokat, Ger. Advokat adzo = Eng. adze aero = Fre. air, Ita. aria, Eng. air, Lat. aer aerodromo = Rus. aэpoдpoм, Lit. aerodromas, Fre. aérodrome, Ita. aerodromo aeroplano = Rus. aэpoплaн, Eng. aeroplane, Ita. aeroplano aerostato = Rus. aэpocтат, Lit. aerostatas, Ita. aerostato afero = Lit. afera, Pol. afera, Ger. Affäre, Fre. affaire, Ita. affare, Eng. affair afiŝo = Rus. aфишa, Lit. afiša, Pol. afisz, Fre. affiche afrikano = Rus. aфpиканeц, Ger. Afrikaner, Fre. africain, Ita. africano, Eng. African afusto = Ita. affusto agaci = Fre. agacer agento = Rus. aгент, Lit. agentas, Pol. agent, Ger. Agent, Fre. agent, Ita. agente, Eng. agent, Lat. (pl.) agentes agi = Lat. agere agiti = Rus. aгитировать, Lit. agituoti, Pol. agitować, Fre. agiter, Ita. agitare, Eng. agitate aglo = Fre. aigle, Eng. eagle agnoski = Lat. agnoscare

Diccionario Etimológico de Esperanto

Sep 05, 2015



Excelente etimología del idioma esperanto (en inglés).
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    Andrs Rajki



    abato = Rus. aa, Ger. Abt, Ita. abate, Eng. abbot abdiki = Fre. abdiquer, Ita. abdicare, Eng. abdicate, Lat. abdicare

    abelo = Fre. abeille

    abio = Lat. abies

    abismo = Eng. abysm

    abituro = Ger. Abitur

    abnegacio = Fre. abngation

    aboco = Lit. abecele, Pol. abecado, Ita. abbici abolicio = Fre. abolition, Ita. abolizione, Eng. abolition, Lat. abolitio

    abomeni = Ita. abominare, Lat. abominare

    abono = Rus. ae, Lit. abonementas, Pol. abonament, Ger. Abonnement, Fre. abonnement, Ita. abbonamento

    aborto = Rus. ap, Lit. abortas, Ger. Abort, Ita. aborto, Eng. abortion, Lat. abortus abrikoto = Fre. abricot, Eng. apricot

    absceso = Fre. abscs, Eng. abscess

    absoluta = Rus. a, Lit. absoliutus, Pol. absolutny, Ger. absolut, Eng. absolute absolvi = Ger. absolvieren, Eng. absolve, Lat. absolvere

    absorbi = Ger. absorbieren, Fre. absorber, Eng. absorb, Lat. absorbere

    abstini = Fre. abstenir, Eng. abstain, Lat. abstinere

    abstrakta = Rus. apa, Lit. abstraktus, Ger. abstrakt, Eng. abstract, Lat. abstractus absurda = Rus. ayp, Lit. absurdikas, Ger. absurd, Fre. absurde, Eng. absurd, Lat. absurdus abundi = Fre. abonder, Ita. abbondare, Eng. abound, Lat. abundare

    acero = Ita. acero, Lat. acer

    acida = Fre. acide, Ita. acido, Eng. acid, Lat. acidus

    aeti = Fre. acheter adapti = Rus. , Lit. adaptuoti, Fre. adapter, Ita. adattare, Eng. adapt, Lat. adaptare adepto = Fre. adepte, Eng. adept

    adia = Fre. adieu, Ita. addio adicio = Ger. Addition, Fre. addition, Ita. addizione, Eng. addition, Lat. additio

    administristo = Rus. ao, Lit. administratorius, Pol. administrator, Ger. Administrator, Fre. administrateur, Eng. administrator

    admiralo = Rus. a, Lit. admirolas, Eng. admiral admiri = Fre. admirer, Eng. admire, Lat. admirari

    admoni = Eng. admonish, Lat. admonere

    adoleska = Fre. adolescent, Ita. adolescente, Eng. adolescent, Lat. adulescens

    adori = Fre. adorer, Ita. adorare, Eng. adore, Lat. adorare

    adreso = Yid. adres, Rus. apec, Lit. adresas, Pol. adres, Ger. Adresse, Fre. adresse, Eng. address adulto = Fre. adultre, Ita. adulterio, Eng. adultery, Lat. adulterium

    advokato = Rus. a, Lit. advokatas, Pol. adwokat, Ger. Advokat adzo = Eng. adze

    aero = Fre. air, Ita. aria, Eng. air, Lat. aer

    aerodromo = Rus. apopo, Lit. aerodromas, Fre. arodrome, Ita. aerodromo aeroplano = Rus. apoa, Eng. aeroplane, Ita. aeroplano aerostato = Rus. apoc, Lit. aerostatas, Ita. aerostato afero = Lit. afera, Pol. afera, Ger. Affre, Fre. affaire, Ita. affare, Eng. affair

    afio = Rus. aa, Lit. afia, Pol. afisz, Fre. affiche afrikano = Rus. ape, Ger. Afrikaner, Fre. africain, Ita. africano, Eng. African afusto = Ita. affusto

    agaci = Fre. agacer

    agento = Rus. a, Lit. agentas, Pol. agent, Ger. Agent, Fre. agent, Ita. agente, Eng. agent, Lat. (pl.) agentes agi = Lat. agere

    agiti = Rus. a, Lit. agituoti, Pol. agitowa, Fre. agiter, Ita. agitare, Eng. agitate aglo = Fre. aigle, Eng. eagle

    agnoski = Lat. agnoscare

  • agonio = Rus. ao, Lit. agonijas, Fre. agonie, Ita. agonia, Eng. agony agordo = Rus. ao, Lit. akordas, Ger. Akkord, Fre. accord, Ita. accordo, Eng. chord agrabla = Fre. agrable, Eng. agreeable

    agrafo = Fre. agrafe

    agreso = Rus. apecc, Lit. agresija, Pol. agresja, Fre. agression, Ita. aggressione, Eng. aggression, Lat. aggressio

    agrikulturo = Ger. Agrikultur, Fre. agriculture, Ita. agricoltura, Eng. agriculture

    agronomo = Rus. apoo, Lit. agronomas, Pol. agronom, Fre. agronome, Ita. agronomo ao = Fre. ge, Eng. age ajlo = Fre. ail, Ita. aglio, Lat. alium

    ajna = Eng. any

    akacio = Rus. aa, Lit. akacija, Pol. akacja, Fre. acacia, Ita. acacia, Eng. acacia akademio = Rus. aa, Lit. akademija, Pol. akademia, Ger. Akademie, Fre. acadmie, Ita. accademia, Eng.


    akceli = Fre. acclerer, Eng. accelerate, Lat. accelerare

    akcento = Rus. ae, Lit. akcentas, Pol. akcent, Fre. accent, Eng. accent, Lat. accentus akcidento = Fre. accident, Eng. accident

    akcio = Rus. a, Lit. akcija, Pol. akcja akcepti = Pol. akceptowa, Fre. accepter, Eng. accept, Lat. acceptare akcipitro = Lat. accipiter

    akiri = Ger. akquirieren, Fre. acqurir, Eng. acquire, Lat. acquirere

    aklami = Lat. acclamare

    aklamo = Eng. acclaim

    akno = Eng. acne

    akompani = Rus. aoa, Lit. akompanuoti, Pol. akompaniowa, Fre. accompagner, Ita. accompagnare, Eng. accompany

    akordo = Ger. Akkord, Fre. accord, Ita. accordo, Eng. accord

    akra = Fre. aigre, Ita. agro, Lat. acer

    akreco = Ita. agrezza

    akro = Eng. acre

    akrobato = Rus. apa, Lit. akrobatas, Ger. Akrobat, Fre. acrobate, Ita. acrobata, Eng. acrobat akselo = Ger. Achsel, Fre. aisselle, Ita. ascella, Lat. axilla

    aksiomo = Rus. aca, Lit. aksioma, Eng. axiom akso = Ger. Achse, Eng. axis, Lat. axis

    aktiva = Rus. a, Lit. aktyvus, Pol. aktywny, Ger. aktiv, Fre. actif, Eng. active akto = Rus. a, Lit. aktas, Pol. akt, Ger. Akte, Fre. acte, Eng. act, Lat. actus aktoro = Rus. ap, Lit. aktorius, Pol. aktor, Fre. acteur, Eng. actor, Lat. actor aktuala = Rus. aya, Lit. aktualus, Pol. aktualny, Ger. aktuell, Fre. actuel, Eng. actual akumulatoro = Rus. ayop, Lit. akumulatorius, Pol. akumulator, Ger. Akkumulator, Fre. accumulateur,

    Ita. accumulatore

    akurata = Rus. aypa, Pol. akuratny, Ger. akkurat, Fre. accurat, Ita. accurato, Eng. accurate, Lat. accuratus

    akurateco = Ita. accuratezza

    akustiko = Rus. ayca, Lit. akustika, Ger. Akustik, Fre. acoustique, Ita. acustica, Eng. acoustics akui = Fre. accoucher akuistino = Rus. ayepa, Lit. akuere, Fre. accoucheuse akuta = Ger. akut, Ita. acuto, Eng. acute, Lat. acutus

    akuteco = Ita. acutezza

    akuzi = Fre. accuser, Ita. accusare, Eng. accuse

    akvarelo = Rus. aape, Lit. akvarele, Pol. akwarela, Ger. Aquarell, Fre. aquarelle, Ita. acquerello, Eng. aquarel

    akvo = Ita. acqua, Lat. aqua

    al = Fre. , Ita. a, Lat. ad

    alarmo = Lit. aliarmas, Pol. alarm, Ger. Alarm, Fre. alarme, Ita. allarme, Eng. alarm

    alado = Ita. allodola, Lat. alauda albumo = Rus. a, Lit. albumas, Pol. album, Ger. Album, Eng. album aldo = Rus. a, Lit. altas, Ger. Alt aleo = Rus. ae, Lit. aleja, Pol. aleja, Ger. Allee, Fre. alle alegorio = Rus. aeop, Lit. alegorija, Ger. Allegorie, Ita. allegoria aleno = Ger. Ahle, Fre. alne, Eng. awl

  • alfabeto = Lit. alfabetas, Pol. alfabet, Ger. Alphabet, Fre. alphabet, Ita. alfabeto, Eng. alphabet

    algebro = Rus. apa, Lit. algebra, Ger. Algebra, Fre. algbre, Ita. algebra, Eng. algebra algo = Ger. Alge, Fre. algue, Eng. alga, Lat. alga

    alia = Lat. alius

    alko = Ger. Elch, Ita. alce, Eng. elk, Lat. alces

    alkoholo = Rus. aoo, Lit. alkoholis, Pol. alkohol, Ger. Alkohol, Eng. alcohol almena = Ita. almeno almozo = Ger. Almosen, Eng. alms

    alno = Lat. alnus

    aloji = Fre. allier, Eng. alloy

    alta = Ita. alto, Lat. altus

    altaro = Rus. aap, Lit. altorius, Pol. oltarz, Ger. Altar, Ita. altare, Eng. altar, Lat. altaria alteco = Ita. altezza

    alterni = Fre. alterner, Eng. alternate

    aludi = Ita. alludere, Eng. allude, Lat. alludere

    alumeto = Fre. allumette

    aluminio = Rus. a, Lit. aliuminis, Pol. aluminium, Ger. Aluminium, Fre. aluminium, Ita. alluminio aluno = Lit. alunas, Pol. alun, Fre. alun

    amanto = Fre. amant, Ita. amante, Lat. (pl.) amantes

    amara = Fre. amer, Ita. amaro, Lat. amarus

    amareco = Ita. amarezza

    amaso = Fre. amas, Ita. ammasso

    amata = Ita. amato, Lat. amatus

    ambasadoro = Lit. ambasadorius, Pol. ambasador, Fre. ambassadeur, Eng. ambassador

    amba = Rus. , Lit. abu, Pol. oba, Lat. ambo ambicio = Ger. Ambition, Pol. ambicja, Fre. ambition, Ita. ambizione, Eng. ambition, Lat. ambitio

    amboso = Ger. Amboss

    amelo = Gre. amylon

    amerikano = Rus. aepe, Ger. Amerikaner, Fre. amricain, Ita. americano, Eng. American amfiteatro = Rus. a, Lit. amfiteatras, Eng. amphitheater amiko = Ita. amico, Lat. amicus

    amnestio = Rus. ac, Lit. amnestija, Ita. amnistia, Eng. amnesty amplekso = Lat. amplexus

    amo = Fre. amour, Ita. amore, Lat. amor

    ampolo = Rus. aa, Lit. ampule, Fre. ampoule, Ita. ampolla, Eng. ampule amputi = Rus. a, Lit. amputuoti, Pol. amputowa, Ita. amputare, Eng. amputate, Lat. amputare amuzi = Ger. amusieren, Fre. amuser, Eng. amuse

    analizo = Rus. a, Lit. analize, Pol. analiza, Ger. Analyse, Fre. analyse, Ita. analisi, Eng. analysis analogo = Rus. a, Lit. analogija, Ger. Analogie, Fre. analogie, Ita. analogia, Eng. analogy, Lat. analogia ananaso = Rus. ac, Lit. ananasas, Ger. Ananas, Fre. ananas, Ita. anans anaso = Lat. anas

    anekdoto = Rus. aeo, Lit. anekdotas, Eng. anecdote anekso = Rus. aec, Lit. aneksija, Ger. Annexion, Fre. annexion, Eng. annexion, Lat. annexio aneto = Fre. aneth, Ita. aneto

    anglo = Lit. anglas, Pol. Anglik, Fre. anglais, Ita. inglese

    angilo = Fre. anguille, Ita. anguilla, Lat. anguilla

    angulo = Fre. angle, Ita. angolo, Eng. angle, Lat. angulus

    anelo = Rus. ae, Lit. angelas, Ger. Engel, Ita. angelo, Eng. angel, Lat. angelus anheli = Lat. anhelare

    animo = Ita. anima, Lat. anima

    anka = Ita. anche ankora = Fre. encore, Ita. ancora ankro = Lit. inkaras, Ger. Anker, Fre. ancre, Ita. ancora, Eng. anchor, Lat. ancora

    anonci = Fre. annoncer, Ita. annunciare, Eng. announce, Lat. annuntiare

    ansero = Lat. anser

    anstata = Ger. anstatt anta = Lat. ante antaambro = Fre. antichambre, Eng. antechamber antadiluva = Fre. antdiluvien, Ita. antidiluviano, Eng. antediluvian

  • anteno = Rus. aea, Lit. antena, Pol. antena, Ger. Antenne, Fre. antenne, Ita. antenna, Eng. antenna, Lat. antenna

    anticipi = Fre. anticiper, Ita. anticipare, Eng. anticipate, Lat. anticipare

    antikva = Fre. antique, Eng. antique, Lat. antiquus

    antipatio = Rus. aa, Lit. antipatija, Pol. antypatia, Fre. antipathie, Ita. antipatia, Eng. antipathy antologio = Rus. aoo, Lit. antologija, Pol. antologia, Ger. Anthologie, Fre. anthologie, Ita. antologia, Eng.


    antropologio = Rus. apooo, Lit. antropologija, Pol. antropologia, Ger. Anthropologie, Fre. anthropologie, Ita. antropologia, Eng. anthropology

    aparato = Rus. aapa, Lit. aparatas, Pol. aparat, Ger. Apparat, Ita. apparato aparte = Fre. part, Ita. a parte, Eng. apart

    aparteni = Fre. appartenir, Ita. appartenere, Eng. appertain

    apelacio = Rus. ae, Lit. apeliacija apena = Ita. appena

    aperi = Fre. apparatre, Ita. apparire, Eng. appear, Lat. apparere

    apetito = Rus. ae, Lit. apetitas, Pol. apetyt, Ger. Appetit, Fre. apptit, Ita. appetito, Eng. appetite apladi = Eng. applaud aplikata = Ita. applicato

    apliki = Fre. appliquer, Ita. applicare

    aplombo = Fre. aplomb

    apogi = Ita. appoggiare

    apostolo = Rus. aoco, Lit. apatalas, Pol. apostol, Ger. Apostel, Ita. apostolo, Eng. apostle apoteko = Rus. aea, Pol. apteka, Ger. Apotheke apreci = Fre. apprcier, Ita. apprezzare, Eng. appreciate

    aprilo = Rus. ape, Ger. April, Ita. aprile, Eng. April, Lat. Aprilis apro = Lat. aper

    aprobi = Ger. approbieren, Lat. approbare

    apud = Lat. apud

    arabo = Rus. apa, Lit. arabas, Ger. Arab, Fre. arabe, Ita. arabo, Eng. Arab araneo = Fre. araigne, Lat. aranea

    arani = Fre. arranger, Ita. arrangiare, Eng. arrange arbitra = Fre. arbitraire, Ita. arbitrario, Eng. arbitrary

    arbo = Fre. arbre

    arbusto = Ita. arbusto, Lat. arbustum

    ardeo = Lat. ardea

    ardo = Fre. ardeur, Ita. ardore, Eng. ardour, Lat. ardor

    areno = Rus. apea, Lit. arena, Ita. arena, Lat. arena aresti = Rus. apeco, Lit. aretuoti, Pol. aresztowa, Ita. arrestare, Eng. arrest argilo = Fre. argile, Ita. argilla, Lat. argilla

    argumento = Rus. ape, Lit. argumentas, Pol. argument, Fre. argument, Ita. argomento, Eng. argument, Lat. argumentum

    arento = Fre. argent, Ita. argento, Lat. argentum ario = Rus. ap, Lit. arija, Ita. aria aristokrato = Rus. apcopa, Lit. aristokratas, Ger. Aristokrat, Fre. aristocrate, Eng. aristocrat aritmetiko = Lit. aritmetika, Ger. Arithmetik, Fre. arithmtiqe, Ita. aritmetica, Eng. arithmetic

    arkeologio = Rus. apxeo, Lit. archeologija, Pol. archeologia, Ger. Archologie, Fre. archologie, Ita. archeologia, Eng. archeology

    arkeologo = Rus. apxeo, Lit. archeologas, Pol. archeolog, Ger. Archolog, Fre. archologue, Ita. archeologo, Eng. archeologist

    arkitekto = Rus. apxeop, Lit. architektas, Pol. architect, Ger. Architekt, Fre. architecte, Eng. architect, Lat. architectus

    arkivo = Rus. apx, Lit. archyvas, Pol. archiwim, Ger. Archiv, Fre. archive, Ita. archivio, Eng. archive arko = Fre. arc, Ita. arco, Eng. arc, Lat. arcus

    arkta = Rus. apec, Lit. arktinis, Ger. arktisch, Fre. arctique, Eng. arctic armeo = Yid. armej, Rus. ap, Lit. armija, Pol. armia, Ger. Armee, Fre. arme armi = Ger. armieren, Fre. armer, Ita. armare, Eng. arm, Lat. armare

    aroganta = Ger. arrogant, Fre. arrogant, Ita. arrogante, Eng. arrogant, Lat. (pl.) arrogantes

    aromo = Ger. Aroma, Fre. arome, Ita. aroma, Eng. aroma, Lat. aroma

    arterio = Rus. apep, Lit. arterija, Pol. arteria, Ger. Arterie, Fre. artre, Ita. arteria, Eng. artery, Lat. arteria artiko = Fre. article, Ita. articolo, Lat. articulus

  • artikolo = Lit. artikelis, Pol. artykul, Ger. Artikel, Fre. article, Ita. articolo, Eng. article

    artilerio = Rus. apep, Lit. artilerija, Pol. artyleria, Ger. Artillerie, Fre. artillerie, Ita. artiglieria, Eng. artillery

    artisto = Rus. apc, Lit. artistas, Pol. artysta, Fre. artiste, Ita. artista, Eng. artist arto = Fre. art, Ita. arte, Eng. art

    asambleo = Lit. asambleja, Fre. assemble, Ita. assemblea, Eng. assembly

    asekuri = Ita. assicurare

    aserti = Eng. assert

    asfalto = Rus. ac, Lit. asfaltas, Pol. asfalt, Ger. Asphalt, Fre. asphalte, Ita. asfalto, Eng. asphalt asigni = Fre. assigner, Ita. assegnare, Eng. assign

    asketo = Rus. ace, Lit. asketas, Ger. Asket aso = Pol. as, Ger. As, Fre. as, Ita. asso, Eng. ace

    asocii = Fre. associer, Ita. associare, Eng. associate

    asparago = Fre. asperge, Ita. asparago, Lat. asparagus

    aspekto = Rus. ace, Lit. aspektas, Ger. Aspekt, Fre. aspect, Eng. aspect, Lat. aspectus aspiranto = Rus. acp, Lit. aspirantas, Ger. Aspirant, Fre. aspirant, Ita. aspiranto, Eng. aspirant, Lat. (pl.)


    aspiri = Ger. aspirieren, Fre. aspirer, Ita. aspirare, Eng. aspire

    astrologio = Rus. acpoo, Lit. astrologija, Pol. astrologia, Ger. Astrologie, Fre. astrologie, Ita. astrologia, Eng. astrology

    astronomo = Rus. acpoo, Lit. astronomas, Ger. Astronom, Fre. astronome, Ita. astronomo, Eng. astronomer ataki = Rus. aaoa, Lit. atakuoti, Pol. atakowa, Fre. attaquer, Ita. attaccare, Eng. attack atako = Rus. aaa, Lit. ataka, Pol. atak, Ger. Attacke, Fre. attaque, Ita. attacco, Eng. attack atendi = Fre. attendre, Ita. attendere

    atento = Fre. attention, Ita. attenzione, Eng. attention

    atesti = Fre. attester, Ita. attestare

    atesto = Ger. Attest

    atingi = Fre. atteindre, Lat. attingere

    atlaso = Rus. aac, Lit. atlasas, Pol. atlas, Ger. Atlas, Fre. atlas, Eng. atlas atleto = Rus. ae, Lit. atletas, Ger. Athlet, Fre. athlte, Ita. atleta, Eng. athlete atmosfero = Rus. aepa, Lit. atmosfera, Pol. atmosfera, Ger. Atmosphre, Fre. atmosphre, Ita. atmosfera,

    Eng. atmosphere

    atomo = Rus. ao, Lit. atomas, Pol. atom, Ger. Atom, Fre. atome, Ita. atomo, Eng. atom, Lat. atomus atrakcio = Fre. attraction, Eng. attraction

    atribui = Fre. attribuer, Ita. attribuire, Eng. attribute, Lat. attribuere

    a = Fre. ou, Ita. o, Lat. aut adi = Lat. audire aguri = Lat. augurare agusto = Rus. a, Ger. August, Eng. August, Lat. Augustus aroro = Fre. aurore, Ita. aurora, Lat. aurora askulti = Ita. ascoltare, Lat. auscultare

    atenta = Ger. authentisch, Fre. authentique, Ita. autentico, Eng. authentic atobiografio = Rus. ao, Lit. autobiografija, Pol. autobiografia, Ger. Autobiographie, Fre.

    autobiographie, Ita. autobiografia, Eng. autobiography

    atobuso = Rus. aoyc, Lit. autobusas, Pol. autobus atomato = Rus. aoa, Lit. automatas, Pol. automat, Ger. Automat, Fre. automate, Eng. automat atomobilo = Rus. aoo, Lit. automobilas, Ger. Automobile, Fre. automobile, Ita. automobile, Eng.


    atonoma = Rus. ao, Lit. autonominis, Ger. autonom, Fre. autonome, Ita. autonomo, Eng. autonomous

    atoritato = Rus. aope, Lit. autoritetas, Ger. Autoritt atoro = Rus. aop, Lit. autorius, Pol. autor, Ger. Autor, Fre. auteur, Ita. autore, Eng. author atuno = Fre. automne, Ita. autunno, Eng. autumn, Lat. autumnus avangardo = Fre. avant-garde, Ita. avanguardia, Eng. vanguard

    avantao = Fre. avantage, Ita. vantaggio avara = Fre. avare, Ita. avaro, Lat. avarus

    avareco = Fre. avarice, Ita. avarizia, Eng. avarice, Lat. avaritia

    avelo = Ita. avellana

    aveno = Ita. avena, Lat. avena

    aventuro = Lit. aventiura, Fre. aventur, Ita. avventura

  • avenuo = Fre. avenue, Eng. avenue

    averti = Fre. avertir, Ita. avvertire

    aviado = Fre. aviatique

    avida = Fre. avide, Ita. avido, Eng. avid, Lat. avidus

    avo = Lat. avus

    azeno = Ita. asino, Lat. asinus

    aziano = Eng. Asian

    azilo = Ger. Asyl, Fre. asile, Ita. asilo, Eng. asylum


    babili = Eng. babble

    bacilo = Rus. a, Lit. bacila, Fre. bacille, Ita. bacillo, Eng. bacillus bagatelo = Fre. bagatelle, Ita. bagattella

    baki = Yid. bakn, Ger. backen, Eng. bake

    bakterio = Rus. ap, Lit. bakterija, Fre. bactrie, Eng. bacterium bakteriologio = Rus. apoo, Lit. bakteriologija, Pol. bakteriologia, Ger. Bakteriologie, Fre.

    bactriologie, Ita. bacteriologia, Eng. bacteriology

    balai = Fre. balayer

    balanco = Ger. Balance, Fre. balance, Eng. balance

    balbuti = Fre. balbutier, Ita. balbettare

    balda = Yid. bald, Ger. bald baleno = Fre. baleine, Ita. balena, Lat. balaena

    baleto = Rus. ae, Lit. baletas, Ger. Ballett, Fre. ballet, Ita. balletto, Eng. ballet balkono = Rus. a, Lit. balkonas, Pol. balkon, Ger. Balkon, Fre. balcon, Ita. balcone, Eng. balcony balneologio = Rus. aeo, Lit. balneologija, Ger. Balneologie, Fre. balnologie, Eng. balneology balo = Yid. bal, Rus. a, Lit. balas, Pol. bal, Ger. Ball, Fre. bal, Ita. ballo, Eng. ball balono = Rus. ao, Lit. balionas, Pol. balon, Ger. Ballon, Fre. ballon, Eng. balloon baloto = Eng. ballot

    balzamo = Rus. a, Lat. balsamum bambuo = Fre. bambou, Ita. bamb, Eng. bamboo

    banala = Rus. aa, Lit. banalus, Pol. banalny, Ger. banal, Fre. banal, Ita. banale, Eng. banal banano = Rus. aa, Lit. bananas, Ger. Banane, Fre. banane, Ita. banana, Eng. banana bandao = Rus. aa, Lit. bandaas, Pol. banda, Ger. Bandage, Fre. bandage, Eng. bandage bando = Rus. aa, Lit. banda, Pol. banda, Ger. Bande, Fre. bande, Eng. band bani = Fre. baigner, Ita. bagnare

    bankizo = Fre. banquise, Ita. banchisa

    banknoto = Yid. banknot, Rus. ao, Lit. banknotas, Ger. Banknote, Ita. bancanota, Eng. banknote banko = Yid. bank, Rus. a, Lit. bankas, Pol. bank, Ger. Bank, Fre. banque, Ita. banca, Eng. bank bankroto = Lit. bankrotas, Fre. banqueroute, Ita. bancarotta

    bano = Rus. a, Fre. baigne, Ita. bagno banto = Ger. Band, Fre. bande, Eng. band

    bapti = Fre. baptiser, Eng. baptise, Lat. baptisare

    barao = Fre. barrage barako = Rus. apa, Lit. barakas, Pol. barak, Ger. Baracke, Fre. baraque, Ita. baracca, Eng. barrack barakti = Rus. apaxc barbaro = Lit. barbaras, Ger. Barbar, Fre. barbare, Ita. barbaro, Lat. barbarus

    barbo = Fre. barbe, Ita. barba, Lat. barba

    baro = Rus. op, Lit. bariai, Pol. barszcz barelo = Fre. baril, Eng. barrel

    bari = Fre. barrer, Eng. bar

    bariero = Rus. apep, Lit. barjeras, Pol. bariera, Ger. Barriere, Fre. barrire, Ita. barriera, Eng. barrier barikado = Rus. appa, Lit. barikada, Pol. barykada, Ger. Barrikade, Fre. barricade, Eng. barricade baritono = Rus. apo, Lit. baritonas, Ger. Bariton, Ita. baritono, Eng. baritone baro = Fre. barre, Ita. barra, Eng. bar

    barometro = Rus. apoep, Lit. barometras, Pol. barometr, Ger. Barometer, Fre. baromtre, Ita. barometro, Eng. barometer

    barono = Rus. apo, Lit. baronas, Ger. Baron, Fre. baron, Ita. barone, Eng. baron baseno = Rus. acce, Lit. baseinas, Pol. basen, Ger. Bassin, Fre. bassin, Eng. basin basko = Fre. basque

    baso = Rus. ac, Lit. bosas, Pol. bas, Ger. Bass, Fre. basse, Ita. basso, Eng. bass bastiono = Fre. bastion, Ita. bastione, Eng. bastion

  • basto = Ger. Bast

    bastono = Ita. bastone

    batalo = Fre. bataille, Ita. battaglia, Eng. battle

    baterio = Rus. aape, Lit. baterija, Pol. bateria, Ger. Batterie, Fre. batterie, Ita. batteria, Eng. battery bati = Fre. battre, Ita. battere

    bazo = Rus. aa, Lit. baze, Pol. baza, Fre. base, Ita. base, Eng. base, Lat. basis bedari = Yid. badojrn, Ger. bedauern beko = Fre. bec, Ita. becco, Eng. beak

    bela = Ita. bello, Lat. bellus

    beleco = Ita. bellezza

    beletro = Fre. belles lettres

    belgo = Lit. belgas, Fre. belge, Ita. belga

    bendo = Ger. Band, Fre. bande

    beni = Fre. bnir

    benko = Yid. benk, Ger. Bank, Fre. banc, Ita. banco

    benzino = Rus. e, Lit. benzinas, Pol. benzyna, Ger. Benzin, Ita. benzina bero = Ger. Beere, Eng. berry

    besto = Pol. bestia, Ger. Bestie, Ita. bestia, Eng. beast, Lat. bestia

    beto = Ger. Beet, Fre. bette

    betono = Rus. eo, Lit. betonas, Pol. beton, Ger. Beton, Fre. bton, Ita. betone betulo = Ita. betulla, Lat. betula

    bezono = Fre. bsoin, Ita. bisogna

    bibliografio = Rus. pa, Lit. bibliografija, Pol. bibliografia, Ger. Bibliographie, Fre. bibliographie, Ita. bibliografia, Eng. bibliography

    biblioteko = Rus. , Lit. biblioteka, Pol. biblioteka, Ger. Bibliothek, Fre. bibliothque, Ita. biblioteca, Lat. bibliotheca

    bieno = Fre. bien

    biero = Yid. bir, Ger. Bier, Fre. bire, Eng. beer

    bifsteko = Eng. beefsteak

    bildo = Yid. bild, Ger. Bild

    bileto = Yid. bilet, Rus. e, Lit. bilietas, Pol. bilet, Ger. Billett, Fre. billet, Ita. biglietto binoklo = Rus. o, Lit. binoklis, Ger. Binokel, Ita. binocolo, Eng. binoculars biografio = Rus. o, Lit. biografijas, Pol. biografia, Ger. Biographie, Fre. biographie, Ita. biografia,

    Eng. biography

    biologio = Rus. oo, Lit. biologija, Pol. biologia, Ger. Biologie, Fre. biologie, Ita. biologia, Eng. biology birdo = Eng. bird

    bivako = Fre. bivouac

    blago = Fre. blague

    blanka = Fre. blanc

    blasfemo = Lat. blasphemia

    blato = Fre. blatte, Ita. blatta, Lat. blatta

    bleki = Ger. blken

    blendi = Fre. blinder

    blinda = Yid. blind, Ger. blind, Eng. blind

    blonda = Ger. blond, Fre. blonde, Eng. blonde

    bloki = Rus. o, Lit. blokuoti, Ger. blockieren, Fre. bloquer, Ita. bloccare, Eng. block bloko = Rus. o, Lit. blokas, Ger. Block, Fre. bloc, Ita. blocco, Eng. block blokado = Rus. oaa, Lit. blokadas, Ger. Blockade, Eng. blocade blovi = Eng. blow

    blua = Yid. bloj, Ger. blau, Fre. bleu, Ita. blu, Eng. blue

    bluzo = Yid. bluze, Ger. Bluse, Fre. blouse, Ita. blusa, Eng. blouse

    boato = Yid. bot, Ger. Boot, Fre. bateau, Eng. boat

    bobeno = Fre. bobine, Ita. bobina, Eng. bobbin

    bofilo = Fre. beau-fils

    boji = Fre. aboyer

    boko = Ger. Bock, Eng. buck

    boksi = Eng. box

    boli = Fre. bouillir, Ita. bollire, Eng. boil

    bolto = Eng. bolt

  • bombardi = Rus. oap, Lit. bombarduoti, Pol. bombardowa, Ger. bombardieren, Fre. bombarder, Ita. bombardare, Eng. bombard

    bombo = Rus. oa, Lit. bomba, Pol. bomba, Ger. Bombe, Fre. bombe, Ita. bomba, Eng. bomb bombono = Fre. bonbon

    bona = Fre. bon, Ita. buono, Lat. bonus

    bonhumora = Fre. de bonne humeur

    bonkoro = Fre. de bon coeur

    bonanco = Fre. bonne chance bontono = Fre. bon ton

    bonvenita = Ita. bienvenuto

    bonvivanto = Fre. bonvivant

    bonvolo = Fre. bonne volont

    bordo = Fre. bord

    bori = Ger. bohren, Eng. bore

    borso = Fre. bourse

    bosko = Fre. bosquet, Ita. boschetto

    botaniko = Rus. oaa, Lit. botanika, Ger. Botanik, Fre. botanique, Ita. botanica, Eng. botanics botelo = Ita. bottiglia, Eng. bottle

    boto = Lit. batas, Fre. botte, Eng. boot

    bovo = Fre. boeuf, Ita. bue, Lat. bos

    braceleto = Fre. bracelet, Eng. bracelet

    bradipo = Fre. bradype, Ita. bradipo, Lat. bradypus

    brao = Fre. braise, Ita. brace brako = Lat. bracchium

    brano = Fre. branche, Eng. branch brando = Eng. brandy

    branko = Fre. branchies, Ita. branchia, Lat. branchiae

    brano = Eng. bran

    brasi = Fre. brasser

    brasiko = Lat. brassica

    brava = Ger. brav, Fre. brave, Ita. bravo, Eng. brave

    breo = Fre. brche, Ita. breccia, Eng. breach bredi = Eng. breed

    bremso = Ger. Bremse

    breto = Yid. bretl, Ger. Brett

    brido = Fre. bride, Eng. bridle

    brigado = Rus. paa, Lit. brigada, Pol. brygada, Ger. Brigade, Fre. brigade, Eng. brigade briko = Fre. brique, Eng. brick

    brili = Fre. briller, Ita. brillare

    brilianto = Rus. p, Lit. briliantas, Pol. brylant, Ger. Brillant, Fre. brillant, Ita. brillante, Eng. brilliant brodi = Fre. broder, Eng. embroider

    brogi = Ger. brhen

    bronkito = Rus. pox, Lit. bronchitas, Ger. Bronchitis, Fre. bronchite, Ita. bronchite, Eng. bronchite bronzo = Rus. poa, Lit. bronza, Pol. brz, Ger. Bronze, Fre. bronze, Ita. bronzo, Eng. bronze broso = Yid. breshtl, Fre. brosse, Eng. brush

    brouro = Rus. popa, Lit. broiura, Pol. broszura, Ger. Broschure, Fre. brochure, Eng. brochure brovo = Rus. po, Pol. brwi, Ger. Braue, Eng. brow bruli = Fre. brler

    bruna = Yid. brojn, Ger. braun, Fre. brun, Ita. bruno, Eng. brown

    bruo = Fre. bruit

    brusto = Yid. brust, Ger. Brust

    bruta = Ger. brutal, Fre. brutal, Ita. brutale, Eng. brutal

    bruto = Ita. bruto

    bubalo = Lat. bubalus

    bubo = Ger. Bube

    buisto = Fre. boucher, Eng. butcher budo = Ger. Bude, Eng. booth

    bufedo = Rus. y, Lit. bufetas, Pol. bufet, Ger. Bfett, Fre. buffet, Ita. buff, Eng. buffet bufo = Lat. bufo

    bueto = Rus. , Lit. biudetas, Pol. budet, Ger. Budget, Fre. budget, Eng. budget

  • bukedo = Rus. ye, Lit. bukietas, Pol. bukiet, Fre. bouquet buklo = Fre. boucle

    buko = Fre. boucle, Eng. buckle

    bukso = Ger. Buchsbaum, Eng. box-tree, Lat. buxus

    bulbo = Fre. bulbe, Ita. bulbo, Eng. bulb, Lat. bulbus

    bulgaro = Lit. bulgaras, Pol. Bugar buljono = Rus. yo, Lit. buljonas, Pol. bulion, Ger. Bouillon, Fre. bouillon bulko = Yid. bulke, Rus. yoa, Lit. bulkute, Pol. bulka bulo = Fre. boule

    bulteno = Fre. bulletin

    bulvardo = Rus. yap, Lit. bulvaras, Pol. bulwar, Ger. Boulevard, Fre. boulevard bunta = Ger. bunt

    burdo = Fre. bourdon

    buro = Yid. birger, Rus. ypya, Ger. Brger, Fre. bourgeois, Ita. borghese burono = Fre. bourgeon, Eng. burgeon burokrato = Rus. popa, Lit. biurokratas, Pol. biurokrat, Ger. Brokrat, Fre. bureaucrate, Ita. burocrate,

    Eng. bureaucrat

    busto = Rus. c, Lit. biustas, Ger. Bste, Fre. buste, Ita. busto, Eng. bust buo = Fre. bouche butero = Yid. puter, Ger. Butter, Eng. butter, Lat. butyrum

    butiko = Fre. boutique

    butono = Fre. bouton, Eng. button


    carino = Lit. cariene, Eng. tsarina

    carismo = Rus. a, Lit. carizmas, Fre. tsarisme caro = Rus. a, Lit. caras, Ger. Zar, Fre. tsar, Ita. zar, Eng. tsar cedi = Fre. cder, Eng. cede, Ita. cedere, Lat. cedere

    cedro = Fre. cdre, Ita. cedro, Eng. cedar, Lat. cedrus

    cejano = Ita. ciano

    celerio = Fre. cleri, Eng. celery

    celo = Yid. tsil, Rus. , Pol. cel, Ger. Ziel cemento = Rus. , Lit. cementas, Fre. ciment, Ita. cemento, Eng. cement cendo = Rus. , Lit. centas, Eng. cent cent = Fre. cent, Ita. cento, Lat. centum

    centimetro = Lit. centimetras, Pol. centymetr, Fre. centimtre, Ita. centimetro, Eng. centimeter

    centro = Rus. , Lit. centras, Pol. centrala, Fre. centre, Ita. centro, Eng. centre, Lat. centrum cepo = Pol. cebula, Ita. cipolla, Lat. cepa

    cerbo = Lat. cerebrum

    ceremonio = Rus. pe, Lit. ceremonija, Fre. crmonie, Ita. cerimonia, Eng. ceremony certa = Fre. certain, Ita. certo, Eng. certain, Lat. certus

    certeco = Ita. certezza

    cervo = Fre. cerf, Ita. cervo, Lat. cervus

    cetere = Lat. cetera

    cifero = Pol. cyfra, Ita. cifra

    cin = Pol. ci cigaredo = Lit. cigarete, Fre. cigarette, Eng. cigarette

    cigaro = Lit. cigaras, Pol. cygaro, Fre. cigare, Eng. cigar

    cigno = Fre. cygne, Ita. cigno, Lat. cignus

    cikatro = Fre. cicatrice, Lat. cicatrix

    ciklo = Rus. , Lit. ciklas, Pol. cykl, Fre. cycle, Ita. ciclo, Eng. cycle ciklono = Rus. o, Lit. ciklonas, Fre. cyclone, Ita. ciclone, Eng. cyclon cikonio = Ita. cicogna, Lat. ciconia

    cilindro = Rus. p, Lit. cilindras, Pol. cylinder, Fre. cylindre, Ita. cilindro, Eng. cylinder cimo = Ita. cimice, Lat. cimex

    cinamo = Lit. cinamonas, Eng. cinnamon, Ita. cinnamomo, Lat. cinnamum

    cindro = Fre. cendre

    cinika = Rus. ec, Lit. cinikas, Fre. cynique, Ita. cinico, Eng. cynical cipreso = Fre. cyprs, Ita. cipresso, Eng. cypress, Lat. cupressus

    cirkelo = Rus. py, Pol. cyrkiel cirklo = Fre. cercle, Ita. circolo, Eng. circle, Lat. circulus

  • cirko = Rus. p, Lit. cirkas, Pol. cyrk, Fre. cirque, Ita. circo, Eng. circus cirkonferenco = Fre. circonfrence

    cirkonspekta = Fre. circonspect

    cirkonstanco = Fre. circonstance

    cirkuli = Rus. pypoa, Lit. cirkuliuoti, Fre. circuler, Ita. circolare, Eng. circulate, Lat. circulari cisterno = Rus. cep, Lit. cisterna, Pol. cysterna, Ita. cisterna, Eng. cistern citadelo = Rus. ae, Lit. citadele, Ita. cittadella, Eng. citadel citi = Rus. poa, Lit. cituoti, Pol. cytowa, Fre. citer, Ita. citare, Eng. cite citrono = Lit. citrina, Pol. cytryna, Fre. citron

    civila = Lit. civilinis, Pol. cywilny, Fre. civil, Ita. civile, Eng. civil, Lat. civilis

    civilizi = Rus. oa, Lit. civilizuoti, Fre. civiliser, Ita. civilizzare, Eng. civilise civito = Lat. civitas

    colo = Yid. tsol, Lit. colis, Ger. Zoll

    agreno = Fre. chagrin ambro = Fre. chambre amo = Fre. chamois, Eng. chamois ampano = Fre. champagne, Eng. champagne antao = Fre. chantage apelo = Pol. kapelusz, Fre. chapeau apitro = Fre. chapitre, Eng. chapter apo = Pol. czapka ar = Fre. car armo = Fre. charme, Eng. charm arniro = Fre. charnire aro = Fre. char arpenti = Fre. charpenter arpio = Fre. charpie asi = Fre. chasser asta = Fre. chaste, Eng. chaste e = Fre. chez efo = Fre. chef, Eng. chief eo = Pol. Czech eko = Rus. , Lit. ekis, Pol. czek, Fre. cheque, Eng. check elo = Fre. celle, Ita. cella, Eng. cell, Lat. cella emizo = Fre. chemise, Eng. chemise eno = Fre. chaine, Eng. chain erizo = Fre. crise, Eng. cherry, Lat. cerasus erko = Fre. cercueil erpi = Rus. , Pol. czerpa esi = Fre. cesser, Ita. cessare, Eng. cease, Lat. cessare

    evalo = Fre. cheval i = Fre. ci, Ita. ci i tie = Lit. ia i tio = Ita. ci ielarko = Fre. arc-en-ciel ielo = Fre. ciel, Ita. cielo, Lat. caelum ifi = Fre. chiffonner ifono = Fre. chiffon ifro = Fre. chiffre, Ita. cifra ino = Spa. chino ikani = Fre. chicaner irka = Ita. circa, Lat. circa iu = Fre. chaque, chacun, Ita. ciascuno izilo = Eng. chisel okolado = Fre. chocolate, Ita. cioccolata, Eng. chocolate u = Yid. tsi, Pol. czy


    da = Fre. de, Ita. di

  • daktilo = Lat. dactylus

    damo = Rus. aa, Lit. dama, Pol. dama, Ger. Dame, Fre. dame, Ita. dama danci = Eng. dance

    danero = Fre. danger, Eng. danger danki = Yid. dankn, Lit. dekoti, Pol. dzikowa, Ger. danken danko = Yid. dank, Ger. Danke

    dano = Lit. danas, Eng. Dane

    dato = Rus. aa, Lit. data, Fre. date, Ita. dato, Eng. date dari = Yid. dojrn, Ger. dauern de = Fre. de, Ita. de, Lat. de

    debuto = Rus. e, Lit. debiutas, Pol. debiut, Ger. Debt, Fre. dbut, Ita. debutto, Eng. debut decembro = Fre. dcembre, Ita. dicembre, Eng. December, Lat. December

    decentralizi = Rus. eepa, Pol. decentralizowa, Fre. dcentralizer, Eng. decentralise deci = Lat. decere

    decidi = Pol. decydowa, Fre. dcider, Ita. decidere, Eng. decide dedii = Fre. ddiquer, Ita. dedicare, Eng. dedicate defendi = Fre. dfendre, Ita. difendere, Eng. defend, Lat. defendere

    defensivo = Rus. eea, Pol. defensywa, Ger. Defensive, Fre. dfensive, Eng. defensive deficito = Rus. e, Lit. deficitas, Pol. deficyt, Fre. dficit, Ita. deficit, Eng. deficit defilado = Pol. defilada

    defili = Rus. e, Lit. defiliuoti, Fre. dfiler definitiva = Pol. definitywny, Fre. dfinitif, Ita. definitivo, Eng. definitive

    deformi = Rus. eop, Lit. deformuoti, Ger. deformieren, Fre. dformer, Ita. deformare, Eng. deform defradi = Ita. defraudare, Eng. defraud, Lat. defraudare degeli = Fre. dgeler

    degradi = Fre. dgrader, Ita. degradare, Eng. degrade

    dehiski = Lat. dehiscere

    deori = Rus. eyp, Lit. deuruoti deoro = Pol. dyur dek = Fre. dix, Ita. dieci, Lat. decem, Gre. deka

    dekano = Rus. e, Lit. dekanas, Ger. Dekan deklami = Rus. e, Lit. deklamuoti, Pol. deklamowa, Ger. deklamieren, Fre. dclamer, Ita.

    declamare, Eng. declaim, Lat. declamare

    deklari = Rus. ep, Lit. deklaruoti, Pol. deklarowa, Ger. deklarieren, Fre. dclarer, Ita. dichiarare, Eng. declare, Lat. declarare

    deklinacio = Lit. deklinacija, Pol. deklinacja, Ger. Deklination, Fre. dclination, Ita. declinazione, Eng.


    deklini = Fre. decliner, Ita. declinare, Eng. decline, Lat. declinare

    deklivo = Fre. dclivit, Ita. declive, Eng. declivity, Lat. declive

    dekoltao = Fre. dcolletage dekolti = Fre. dcolleter

    dekoracio = Rus. eopa, Lit. dekoracija, Pol. dekoracja, Ger. Dekoration, Fre. dcoration, Ita. decorazione, Eng. decoration

    dekreto = Rus. epe, Lit. dekretas, Pol. dekret, Ger. Dekret, Fre. dcret, Ita. decreto, Lat. decretum dekstra = Ita. destra, Lat. dextra

    delegacio = Rus. eea, Lit. delegacija, Pol. delegacja, Ger. Delegation, Fre. dlgation, Eng. delegation, Lat. delegatio

    delegato = Ita. delegato, Eng. delegate, Lat. delegatus

    delegi = Fre. dlguer, Ita. delegare, Eng. delegate, Lat. delegare

    delfeno = Rus. e, Lit. delfinas, Ger. Delphin, Ita. delfino, Eng. dolphin, Lat. delphinus delikata = Rus. ea, Lit. delikatus, Pol. delikatny, Ger. delikat, Fre. dlicat, Ita. delicato, Eng. delicate,

    Lat. delicatus

    delikateco = Rus. eaec, Lit. delikatesas delikto = Ger. Delikt, Lat. delictum

    deliro = Ger. Delirium, Fre. dlire, Ita. delirio, Eng. delirium

    demandi = Fre. demander, Ita. domandare

    demokrato = Rus. e, Lit. demokratas, Ger. Demokrat, Fre. dmocrate, Eng. democrat demonstracio = Rus. ecpa, Lit. demonstracija, Pol. demonstracja, Ger. Demonstration, Fre.

    dmonstration, Eng. demonstration

    demonstri = Rus. ecp, Lit. demonstruoti, Ger. demonstrieren, Fre. dmonstrer, Eng. demonstrate

  • demoralizi = Rus. epa, Lit. demoralizuoti, Ger. demoralisieren, Fre. dmoraliser, Ita. demoralizzare, Eng. demoralise

    densa = Fre. dense, Ita. denso, Eng. dense, Lat. densus

    dentisto = Fre. dentiste, Ita. dentista, Eng. dentist

    dento = Lit. dantis, Fre. dent, Ita. dente, Lat. (pl.) dentes

    dentobroso = Fre. brosse dents

    departemento = Rus. eapae, Lit. departamentas, Pol. departament, Fre. dpartement, Ita. departamento, Eng. department

    dependi = Fre. dpendre, Ita. dipendere, Eng. depend, Lat. dependere

    depeso = Pol. depesza, Ger. Depesche, Fre. dpche

    deponi = Rus. eop, Lit. deponuoti, Ger. deponieren deporti = Ger. deportieren, Fre. deporter, Ita. deportare, Eng. deport

    depozicio = Fre. dposition, Ita. deposizione, Eng. deposition

    deprimi = Ger. deprimieren, Fre. dprimer, Ita. deprimere

    deputi = Ger. deputieren, Fre. dputer, Ita. deputare, Eng. depute

    derivi = Ger. derivieren, Fre. driver, Ita. derivare, Eng. derive

    dermatologio = Rus. epaoo, Ger. Dermatologie, Fre. dermatologie, Ita. dermatologia, Eng. dermatology dermatologo = Rus. epaoo, Ger. Dermatolog, Fre. dermatologue, Ita. dermatologo, Eng. dermatologist des = Ger. desto

    desegni = Ita. disegnare

    desperi = Ita. disperare, Eng. despair

    despoto = Rus. eco, Lit. despotas, Ger. Despot, Fre. despote, Ita. despota, Eng. despot destini = Fre. destiner, Ita. destinare, Eng. destine, Lat. destinare

    detalo = Rus. ea, Lit. detale, Ger. Detail, Fre. dtail, Eng. detail detektivo = Rus. ee, Lit. detektyvas, Pol. detektyw, Ger. Detektiv, Fre. dtective, Eng. detective detrui = Fre. dtruire

    devalui = Fre. dvaluer, Eng. devalue

    deveni = Lat. devenire

    devi = Fre. devoir, Ita. dovere

    devii = Eng. deviate

    devizo = Pol. dewiza, Ger. Devise, Fre. devise, Ita. divisa

    devizo = Rus. e, Lit. devizas, Ger. Devise, Fre. devise, Ita. divisa dezerto = Fre. dsert, Ita. deserto, Eng. desert

    deziri = Fre. dsirer, Eng. desire

    diablo = Pol. diabel, Fre. diable, Lat. diabolus

    diagnostiko = Ger. Diagnostik, Fre. diagnostic, Eng. diagnostics

    diagnozo = Rus. ao, Lit. diagnoze, Ger. Diagnose, Fre. diagnose, Eng. diagnosis diagramo = Rus. apaa, Lit. diagrama, Fre. diagramme, Ita. diagramma, Eng. diagram dialekto = Yid. dialekt, Rus. ae, Lit. dialektas, Pol. dialekt, Fre. dialecte, Eng. dialect, Lat. dialectus dialogo = Rus. ao, Lit. dialogas, Pol. dialog, Fre. dialogue, Ita. dialogo, Eng. dialogue, Lat. dialogus diamanto = Lit. deimantas, Pol. diament, Ger. Diamant, Fre. diamant, Ita. diamante, Eng. diamond

    diboi = Fre. dbaucher didaktiko = Rus. a, Lit. didaktika, Ger. Didaktik, Fre. didactique dieto = Rus. e, Lit. dieta, Pol. dieta, Ger. Dit, Fre. dite, Ita. dieta, Eng. diet, Lat. diaeta difekto = Rus. ee, Lit. defektas, Pol. defekt, Ger. Defekt, Eng. defect, Lat. defectus diferenci = Fre. diffrencier, Ita. differenziare, Eng. differentiate

    difini = Fre. dfinir, Ita. definire, Eng. define

    digesti = Eng. digest

    digno = Fre. digne, Eng. dign, Ita. degno, Lat. dignus

    digo = Fre. digue, Ita. diga

    dika = Yid. dik, Ger. dick

    diktatoro = Rus. op, Lit. diktatorius, Ger. Diktator, Fre. dictateur, Eng. dictator diktaturo = Rus. ypa, Lit. diktatura, Pol. dyktatura, Ger. Diktatur, Fre. diktature dikti = Rus. o, Lit. diktuoti, Pol. dyktowa, Ger. diktieren, Fre. dicter, Eng. dictate diligenta = Fre. diligent, Ita. diligente, Eng. diligent

    diluvo = Ita. diluvio, Lat. diluvium

    dimano = Fre. dimanche dimensio = Ger. Dimension, Fre. dimension, Ita. dimensione, Eng. dimension, Lat. dimensio

    dinamika = Rus. ec, Lit. dinaminis, Ger. dynamisch, Fre. dynamique, Ita. dinamico, Eng. dynamic dinamito = Rus. , Lit. dinamitas, Ger. Dynamit, Fre. dynamite, Ita. dinamite, Eng. dynamite

  • dinastio = Rus. c, Lit. dinastija, Pol. dynastia, Ger. Dynastie, Fre. dynastie, Ita. dinastia, Eng. dynasty dio = Lit. dievas, Fre. dieu, Ita. dio, Lat. deus

    diplomato = Rus. a, Lit. diplomatas, Pol. dyplomata, Ger. Diplomat, Fre. diplomate, Eng. diplomat diplomo = Yid. diplom, Rus. , Lit. diplomas, Pol. dyplom, Ger. Diplom, Fre. diplme, Ita. diploma, Eng.


    direkta = Yid. direkt, Ger. direkt, Fre. direct, Eng. direct

    direkti = Eng. direct

    direkto = Fre. direction, Eng. direction

    direktoro = Rus. , Lit. direktorius, Pol. dyrektor, Ger. Direktor, Fre. directeur, Eng. director diri = Fre. dire, Ita. dire

    disciplino = Rus. ca, Lit. disciplina, Pol. dyscyplina, Ger. Disziplin, Fre. discipline, Ita. disciplina, Eng. discipline

    disertacio = Rus. ccepa, Lit. disertacija, Ger. Dissertation, Fre. dissertation, Ita. dissertazione disipi = Fre. dissiper, Ita. dissipare, Eng. dissipate, Lat. dissipare

    disko = Rus. c, Lit. diskas, Pol. dysk, Fre. disque, Ita. disco, Eng. disk, Lat. discus diskonto = Rus. co, Lit. diskontas, Eng. discount diskrediti = Rus. cpe, Lit. diskredituoti, Ger. diskreditieren, Fre. discrditer, Ita. discreditare,

    Eng. discredit

    diskreta = Pol. dyskretny, Ger. diskret, Fre. discret, Ita. discreto, Eng. discreet

    diskuti = Rus. cy, Lit. diskutuoti, Pol. dyskutowa, Ger. diskutieren, Fre. discuter, Ita. discutere dispeli = Eng. dispel

    dispersi = Fre. disperser, Eng. disperse

    disponi = Lit. disponuoti, Pol. dysponowa, Ger. disponieren, Lat. disponere disputi = Rus. cy, Lit. disputas, Ger. disputieren, Fre. disputer, Ita. disputare, Eng. dispute, Lat. disputare dissemi = Fre. dissminer, Ita. disseminare, Eng. disseminate

    distanco = Rus. ca, Lit. distancija, Fre. distance, Eng. distance distili = Rus. c, Lit. distiliuoti, Ger. destillieren, Fre. distiller, Ita. distillare, Eng. distil, Lat.


    distingi = Fre. distinguer, Ita. distinguere, Eng. distinguish, Lat. distinguere

    distri = Fre. distraire, Ita. distrarre

    distribui = Fre. distribuer, Ita. distribuire, Eng. distribute, Lat. distribuere

    distrikto = Ger. Distrikt, Fre. district, Eng. district

    divano = Ger. Diwan, Fre. divan, Ita. divano

    diveni = Fre. diviner, Ita. divinare

    diversa = Ger. divers, Fre. divers, Ita. diverso, Eng. diverse, Lat. diversus

    dividi = Ger. dividieren, Fre. divider, Ita. dividere, Eng. divide, Lat. dividere

    divizio = Rus. , Lit. divizija, Pol. dywizja, Ger. Division, Fre. division, Ita. divisione, Eng. division, Lat. divisio

    dizerti = Rus. eep, Lit. dezertyruoti, Ger. desertieren, Fre. dserter, Ita. disertare, Eng. desert do = Fre. donc

    docento = Rus. o, Lit. docentas, Ita. docente, Lat. (pl.) docentes dogano = Ita. dogana

    dogmo = Rus. oa, Lit. dogma, Ger. Dogma, Fre. dogme, Eng. dogma, Ita. dogma, Lat. dogma doko = Rus. o, Lit. dokas, Pol. dok, Ger. Dock, Fre. dock, Eng. dock doktoro = Yid. dokter, Rus. oop, Lit. daktaras, Pol. doktor, Ger. Doktor, Fre. docteur, Eng. doctor dokumento = Rus. oy, Lit. dokumentas, Pol. dokument, Ger. Dokument, Fre. document, Ita. documento,

    Eng. document, Lat. documentum

    dolaro = Rus. , Lit. doleris, Pol. dolar, Ger. Dollar, Fre. dollar, Ita. dollaro, Eng. dollar dola = Ita. dolce, Lat. dulcis doleco = Ita. dolcezza doloro = Fre. douleur, Ita. dolore, Lat. dolor

    domae = Fre. dommage domo = Rus. , Pol. dom, Lat. domus donaco = Fre. donation, Ita. donazione, Eng. donation, Lat. donatio

    doni = Fre. donner

    dorloti = Fre. dorloter

    dormi = Fre. dormir, Ita. dormire, Lat. dormire

    dorno = Ger. Dorn

    dorso = Ita. dorso, Lat. dorsum

    doto = Ita. dote

  • dozo = Rus. a, Lit. doze, Pol. doza, Ger. Dose, Fre. dose, Ita. dose, Eng. dose, Lat. dosis dramo = Rus. paa, Lit. drama, Ger. Drama, Fre. drame, Ita. dramma, Eng. drama, Lat. drama drai = Ger. dreschen drato = Yid. drot, Pol. drut, Ger. Draht

    dresi = Fre. dresser

    drinki = Eng. drink

    drogisto = Ger. Drogist, Fre. droguiste

    drogo = Ger. Droge, Fre. drogue, Ita. droga, Eng. drug

    droni = Eng. drown

    du = Lit. du, Fre. deux, Ita. due, Lat. duo

    dubo = Ita. dubbio, Eng. doubt, Lat. dubitum

    ducent = Fre. deux cents, Ita. duecento

    dufoje = Fre. deux fois

    duko = Fre. duc, Ita. duca, Eng. duke

    dum = Lat. dum

    dungi = Yid. dingn, Ger. dingen

    duo = Ger. Duo

    duobla = Fre. double, Eng. double

    duo = Rus. y, Lit. duas, Ger. Dusche, Fre. douche, Ita. doccia


    ebena = Ger. eben

    ebla = Ita. abile, Eng. able

    ebria = Lat. ebrius

    eburo = Lat. ebur

    e = Lat. etiam edifi = Fre. difier, Eng. edify

    eduki = Fre. duquer, Ita. educare, Eng. educate, Lat. educare

    edzino [compare Yid. rebbetsin]

    efektiva = Rus. , Lit. efektyvus, Ger. effektiv, Fre. effectif, Eng. effective efekto = Rus. , Lit. efektas, Pol. efekt, Ger. Effekt, Eng. effect, Lat. effectus efika = Fre. efficace, Ita. efficace, Eng. efficient, Lat. efficax

    egala = Fre. gal, Ita. uguale, Eng. equal

    egoisto = Rus. c, Lit. egoistas, Pol. egoista, Ger. Egoist, Fre. goiste, Ita. egoista, Eng. egoist egoizmo = Rus. , Lit. egoizmas, Pol. egoizm, Ger. Egoism, Fre. goisme, Ita. egoismo, Eng. egoism eo = Eng. edge eo = Rus. o, Pol. echo, Fre. cho, Ita. eco, Eng. echo, Lat. echo ek- = Gre. ek-

    ekipao = Rus. , Lit. ekipaas, Ger. Equipage, Fre. quipage ekipi = Fre. quiper, Eng. equip

    ekkoni = Eng. acknowledge

    ekologio = Ger. kologie, Fre. cologie, Ita. ecologia, Eng. ecology

    ekonomiisto = Eng. economist

    ekonomio = Rus. oo, Lit. ekonomija, Pol. ekonomia, Ger. konomie, Fre. conomie, Ita. economia, Eng. economy

    ekscentra = Rus. cep, Lit. ekscentrikas, Fre. excentrique, Eng. eccentric eksceso = Rus. cecc, Lit. ekscesas, Fre. excs, Eng. excess eksciti = Fre. exciter, Eng. excite

    ekskavatoro = Rus. caaop, Ger. Exkavator, Fre. excavateur, Eng. excavator ekskluzive = Ger. exklusive, Fre. exclusivement

    ekskurso = Rus. cypc, Lit. ekskursija, Ger. Exkursion, Fre. excursion, Eng. excursion ekskuzi = Fre. excuser, Eng. excuse

    eksministro = Eng. ex-minister

    ekspansio = Rus. cac, Lit. ekspansija, Ger. Expansion, Fre. expansion, Eng. expansion ekspedi = Ger. expedieren, Fre. expdier, Eng. expedite

    ekspedo = Rus. ce, Lit. ekspedicija, Pol. ekspedycja, Fre. expdition eksperimento = Rus. cep, Lit. eksperimentas, Pol. eksperyment, Ger. Experiment, Eng. experiment,

    Lat. experimentum

    ekspertizo = Rus. cepa, Lit. ekspertize, Fre. expertise, Eng. expertise eksplodi = Ger. explodieren, Eng. explode

    ekspluati = Rus. c, Lit. eksploatuoti, Pol. eksploatowa, Fre. exploiter, Eng. exploit

  • eksporto = Rus. cop, Lit. eksportas, Pol. eksport, Ger. Export, Eng. export ekspozicio = Rus. co, Lit. ekspozicija, Fre. exposition, Eng. exposition ekspreso = Rus. cecc, Lit. ekspresas, Pol. ekspres, Ger. Express, Fre. express, Eng. express ekstazo = Rus. ca, Lit. ekstaze, Ger. Ekstase, Fre. extase, Eng. ecstasy ekster = Lat. extra

    ekstermi = Fre. exterminer, Eng. exterminate

    eksterordinara = Fre. extraordinaire, Eng. extraordinary, Lat. extraordinarius

    ekstra = Lat. extra

    ekstrakto = Rus. cpa, Lit. ekstraktas, Ger. Extrakt, Eng. extract, Lat. extractum ekstrema = Ger. extrem, Fre. extrme, Eng. extreme, Lat. extremus

    eksudi = Lat. exsudare

    ekvatoro = Rus. op, Lit. ekvatorius, Ger. quator, Fre. quateur, Ita. equatore, Eng. equator ekzakta = Ger. exakt, Fre. exact, Eng. exact, Lat. exactus

    ekzameno = Rus. , Lit. egzaminas, Pol. egzamin, Ger. Examen, Fre. examen, Eng. exam, Lat. examen ekzantemo = Eng. exanthem

    ekzemo = Rus. ea, Ger. Ekzem, Ita. eczema, Eng. eczema ekzemplero = Rus. ep, Lit. egzempliorius, Pol. egzemplarz, Ger. Exemplar, Fre. exemplaire ekzemplo = Ger. Exempel, Fre. exemple, Eng. example

    ekzerci = Fre. exercer, Eng. exercise

    ekzili = Fre. exiler, Eng. exile

    ekzisti = Lit. egzistuoti, Pol. egzystowa, Ger. existieren, Fre. exister, Eng. exist el = Lat. e-

    elasta = Rus. , Lit. elastikas, Pol. elastyczny, Ger. elastisch, Fre. lastique, Ita. elastico, Eng. elastic elefanto = Ger. Elefant, Fre. lphant, Ita. elefante, Eng. elephant, Lat. (pl.) elephantes

    eleganta = Rus. e, Lit. elegantikas, Pol. elegancki, Ger. elegant, Fre. legant, Ita. elegante, Eng. elegant, Lat. (pl.) elegantes

    elekti = Eng. elect

    elektra = Yid. elektrish, Rus. p, Lit. elektrinis, Pol. elektryczny, Ger. elektrisch, Fre. lectrique, Eng. electric

    elemento = Rus. ee, Lit. elementas, Pol. element, Ger. Element, Fre. lment, Ita. elemento, Eng. element, Lat. elementum

    elimini = Ger. eliminieren, Fre. liminer, Ita. eliminare, Eng. eliminate

    ellabori = Fre. laborer, Ita. elaborare, Eng. elaborate

    emajlo = Rus. a, Lit. emalis, Pol. emalia, Ger. Email, Fre. mail embaraso = Fre. embarras, Eng. embarrassment

    emblemo = Rus. , Lit. emblema, Pol. emblem, Ger. Emblem, Fre. emblme, Ita. emblema, Eng. emblem

    embrio = Lat. embryo

    embriologio = Rus. p, Lit. embriologija, Pol. embriologia, Ger. Embryologie, Fre. embryologie, Ita. embriologia, Eng. embryology

    embusko = Fre. embuscade, Eng. ambush

    emfazo = Fre. emphase, Eng. emphasis

    eminenta = Ger. eminent, Fre. minent, Ita. eminente, Eng. eminent

    emocio = Rus. o, Lit. emocija, Pol. emocja, Ger. Emotion, Fre. motion, Ita. emozione, Eng. emotion empiria = Rus. p, Lit. empirinis, Ger. empirisch en = Yid. in, Ger. in, Fre. en, Ita. in, Eng. in, Lat. in

    en- = Yid. ajn-, Ger. ein-, Fre. en-, Ita. in-, Eng. in-, Lat. in-

    enciklopedio = Rus. o, Lit. enciklopedija, Pol. encyklopedia, Fre. encyclopdie, Ita. enciclopedia, Eng. encyclopaedia

    energio = Rus. ep, Lit. energija, Pol. energia, Ger. Energie, Fre. nergie, Ita. energia, Eng. energy enfali = Ger. einfallen

    enfermi = Fre. enfermer

    enfili = Fre. enfiler

    engai = Fre. engager, Eng. engage engluti = Fre. engloutir, Ita. inghiottare

    enigmo = Fre. nigme, Eng. enigma

    enkadri = Fre. encadrer

    enkalkuli = Ger. einkalkulieren, Eng. incalculate

    enketo = Rus. aea, Lit. anketa, Pol. ankieta, Fre. enqute enlasi = Ger. einlassen

  • enmeti = Ita. immettere

    enmigranto = Rus. , Lit. imigrantas, Ger. Immigrant, Fre. immigrant, Ita. immigrante, Eng. immigrant, Lat. (pl.) immigrantes

    enmiksi = Ger. einmischen, Ita. immischiare

    enpaki = Ger. einpacken

    enplanti = Fre. implanter, Eng. implant

    enregistri = Fre. enregistrer

    ensemblo = Rus. aca, Lit. ansamblis, Ger. Ensemble, Fre. ensemble enskribi = Ger. einschreiben

    enteri = Fre. enterrer, Ita. interrare, Eng. inter

    entomologio = Rus. o, Lit. entomologija, Pol. entomologia, Ger. Entomologie, Fre. entomologie, Ita. entomologia, Eng. entomology

    entrepreni = Fre. entreprendre

    entuziasmo = Rus. , Lit. entuziazmas, Pol. entuzjazm, Ger. Enthusiasmus, Fre. enthusiasme, Ita. entusiasmo, Eng. enthusiasm

    enuo = Fre. ennui

    envio = Fre. envi, Eng. envy

    epidemio = Rus. , Lit. epidemija, Pol. epidemia, Ger. Epidemie, Fre. pidemie, Ita. epidemia, Eng. epidemy

    epidemiologio = Rus. oo, Lit. epidemiologija, Pol. epidemiologia, Ger. Epidemiologie, Fre. pidemiologie, Ita. epidemiologia, Eng. epidemiology

    epidermo = Ger. Epidermis, Lat. epidermis

    epigrafo = Rus. pa, Lit. epigrafas, Fre. pigraphe, Ita. epigrafo, Eng. epigraph epigramo = Rus. paa, Lit. epigrama, Ger. Epigramm, Fre. pigramme, Ita. epigramma, Eng. epigram epilogo = Rus. o, Lit. epilogas, Pol. epilog, Ger. Epilog, Fre. pilogue, Ita. epilogo, Eng. epilogue epitafo = Rus. a, Ger. Epitaph, Fre. pitaphe, Ita. epitafo, Eng. epitaph epiteto = Rus. e, Lit. epitetas, Fre. pithte, Ita. epiteto, Eng. epithet epizodo = Rus. o, Lit. epizodas, Pol. epizod, Ger. Episode, Fre. pisode, Ita. episodio, Eng. episode epoko = Rus. oxa, Lit. epocha, Pol. epoka, Ger. Epoche, Fre. poque, Ita. epoca, Eng. epoch eposo = Lat. epos

    erari = Ita. errare, Lat. errare

    erco = Ger. Erz

    eriko = Ger. Erika, Ita. erica

    erinaco = Lat. erinaceus

    ermeno = Ita. ermelino

    ermito = Ita. eremita

    erpi = Ita. erpicare

    erudicio = Rus. py, Lit. erudicija, Fre. rudition, Ita. erudizione, Eng. erudition escepto = Fre. exception, Eng. exception

    esenca = Fre. essentiel, Ita. essenziale, Eng. essential

    esenco = Fre. essence, Eng. essence

    eseo = Ger. Essay, Fre. essai, Eng. essay

    eskalo = Ita. scala, Lat. scalae

    eskapi = Fre. escaper, Eng. escape

    eskorto = Rus. cop, Fre. escorte, Eng. escort esperantisto = Rus. cepac, Ger. Esperantist, Fre. esperantiste, Ita. esperantista, Eng. Esperantist esperi = Fre. esprer

    esplori = Ita. esplorare

    esprimi = Ita. esprimere

    establi = Eng. establish

    estas = Rus. , Ger. ist, Fre. est, Lat. est estetiko = Rus. cea, Lit. estetika, Ger. sthetik, Fre. esthtique, Ita. estetica, Eng. esthetics estimi = Fre. estimer, Ita. estimare, Eng. estimate, Lat. aestimare

    estingi = Ita. estinguere

    estrado = Rus. cpa, Lit. estrada, Pol. estrada, Fre. estrade eafodo = Rus. o, Fre. chafaud etao = Fre. tage etapo = Rus. a, Lit. etapas, Fre. tape etendi = Fre. tendre, Ita. tendere

    eterna = Fre. ternel, Ita. eterno, Eng. eternal, Lat. aeternus

  • etero = Lit. eteris, Ger. ther, Fre. ther, Ita. etere, Eng. ether

    etiketo = Rus. e, Lit. etiketas, Ger. Etikette, Fre. tiquette, Ita. etichetta etiko = Rus. a, Lit. etika, Pol. etyka, Ger. Ethik, Eng. ethics, Fre. thique, Ita. etica, Lat. ethicus etimologio = Rus. oo, Lit. etimologija, Pol. etymologia, Ger. Etymologie, Fre. tymologie, Ita.

    etimologia, Eng. etymology

    etiologio = Eng. etiology

    etnografio = Rus. opa, Lit. etnografija, Pol. etnografia, Ger. Ethnography, Fre. ethnographie, Ita. etnografia, Eng. ethnography

    etologio = Eng. ethology

    etoso = Gre. ethos

    egeniko = Eng. eugenics eropano = Fre. europen, Eng. European evakui = Rus. aypoa, Lit. evakuoti, Fre. vacuer, Ita. evacuare, Eng. evacuate evento = Ita. evento, Eng. event, Lat. eventus

    eventuala = Rus. , Lit. eventualus, Pol. ewentualny, Ger. eventuell, Fre. ventuel, Ita. eventuale, Eng. eventual

    evidenta = Ger. evident, Fre. vident, Ita. evidente, Eng. evident

    evitebla = Fre. vitable, Ita. evitabile, Eng. evitable

    eviti = Fre. viter, Ita. evitare

    evolui = Fre. voluer

    ezoko = Lat. esox


    fabo = Lat. faba

    fabelo = Rus. ya, Lit. fabula, Ger. Fabel, Fre. fable, Eng. fable, Lat. fabula fabriko = Yid. fabrik, Rus. a, Lit. fabrikas, Pol. fabryka, Ger. Fabrik, Ita. fabbrica facila = Fre. facile, Ita. facile

    fadeno = Yid. fodem, Ger. Faden

    fago = Ita. faggio, Lat. fagus

    fagoto = Rus. , Lit. fagotas, Ger. Fagott fajfi = Yid. fajfn, Ger. pfeifen

    fajli = Ger. feilen, Eng. file

    fajro = Yid. fajr, Ger. Feuer, Eng. fire

    fajrobrigado = Eng. fire brigade

    fakelo = Rus. e, Lit. fakelas, Ger. Fackel fakiro = Rus. p, Lit. fakyras, Ger. Fakir, Ita. fachiro, Eng. fakir fako = Yid. fach, Ger. Fach

    fakto = Rus. , Lit. faktas, Pol. fakt, Ger. Faktum, Eng. fact, Lat. factum faktoro = Rus. op, Lit. faktorius, Ger. Faktor, Fre. facteur, Eng. factor fakturo = Rus. ypa, Lit. faktura, Ger. Faktur, Fre. facture fakultato = Rus. y, Lit. fakultetas, Ger. Fakultat, Fre. facult, Ita. facolt, Eng. faculty fali = Ita. falciare

    faldi = Ger. falten, Eng. fold

    faldo = Pol. falda, Ger. Falte, Eng. fold

    fali = Yid. faln, Ger. fallen, Eng. fall

    falko = Yid. falk, Ger. Falke, Ita. falcone, Eng. falcon

    falsa = Yid. falsh, Rus. , Ger. falsch, Ita. falso, Eng. false falsi = Rus. cpoa, Lit. falsifikuoti, Ger. flschen, Fre. falsifier, Ita. falsare, falsificare, Eng. falsify familio = Ger. Familie, Fre. famille, Ita. famiglia, Eng. family, Lat. familia

    famo = Ita. fama, Eng. fame, Lat. fama

    fanatika = Rus. a, Lit. fanatikas, Pol. fanatyczny, Ger. fanatisch, Fre. fanatique, Ita. fanatico, Eng. fanatic

    fandi = Fre. fondre, Ita. fondere, Lat. fundere

    fanfaro = Fre. fanfare, Ita. fanfara, Eng. fanfare

    fango = Ita. fango

    fantasta = Rus. acec, Lit. fantastikas, Pol. fantastyczny, Ger. fantastisch, Fre. fantastique, Ita. fantastico, Eng. fantastic

    fantazio = Rus. a, Lit. fantazija, Ger. Phantasie, Fre. fantaisie, Ita. fantasia, Eng. fantasy fantomo = Rus. o, Lit. fantomas, Ger. Phantom, Fre. fantme, Eng. phantom farbo = Yid. farb, Pol. farba, Ger. Farbe

    fari = Fre. farcir, Ita. farcire, Lat. farcire

  • fari = Fre. faire, Ita. fare

    faringo = Ita. faringe, Lat. pharynx

    farmakologio = Rus. apaoo, Lit. farmakologija, Pol. farmakologia, Ger. Pharmakologie, Fre. pharmacologie, Ita. farmacologia, Eng. pharmacology

    farmo = Rus. epa, Lit. ferma, Fre. ferme, Eng. farm farso = Rus. pc, Lit. farsas, Fre. farce farti = Eng. fare

    faruno = Fre. farine, Ita. farina, Lat. farina

    fasado = Rus. ca, Lit. fasadas, Pol. fasada, Fre. faade fasko = Lat. fascis

    fasono = Rus. co, Lit. fasonas, Pol. fason, Fre. faon fasti = Ger. fasten, Eng. fast

    faisto = Rus. c, Lit. faistas, Ger. Faschist, Fre. fasciste, Ita. fascista, Eng. fascist fatala = Rus. , Lit. fatalikas, Pol. fatalny, Ger. fatal, Fre. fatal, Ita. fatale, Eng. fatal, Lat. fatalis fato = Lat. fatum

    fako = Ita. fauci, Lat. (pl.) fauces fano = Rus. ya, Lit. fauna, Pol. fauna, Fre. faune, Ita. fauna, Eng. fauna favo = Lat. favus

    favoro = Fre. faveur, Ita. favore, Eng. favour, Lat. favor

    fazano = Rus. , Lit. fazanas, Ger. Fasan, Fre. faisan fazeolo = Rus. co, Ita. fagiolo, Lat. phaselus fazo = Rus. a, Lit. faze, Fre. phase, Ita. fase, Eng. phase febro = Yid. fiber, Ger. Fieber, Ita. febbre, Lat. febris

    februaro = Ger. Februar, Ita. febbraio, Eng. February, Lat. Februarius

    federacio = Rus. eepa, Lit. federacija, Ger. Fderation, Fre. fdration, Ita. federazione, Eng. federation felia = Ita. felice, Lat. (pl.) felices felietono = Rus. eeo, Lit. feljetonas, Pol. felieton, Fre. feuilleton felo = Ger. Fell

    felto = Eng. felt

    femuro = Fre. fmur, Ita. femore, Lat. femur

    fendi = Fre. fendre, Ita. fendere

    fenestro = Yid. fenster, Ger. Fenster, Ita. finestra, Lat. fenestra

    fenkolo = Lat. feniculum

    fenomeno = Rus. eoe, Lit. fenomenas, Fre. phnomne, Ita. fenomeno, Eng. phenomenon feo = Rus. e, Lit. feja, Ger. Fee, Fre. fe ferio = Ger. Ferien, Ita. feria, Lat. feriae

    fermenti = Ger. fermentieren, Fre. fermenter, Ita. fermentare, Eng. ferment, Lat. fermentare

    fermi = Fre. fermer

    fero = Fre. fer, Ita. ferro, Lat. ferrum

    fervojo = Ita. ferrovia

    fervoro = Lat. fervor

    festeno = Fre. festin

    festivalo = Rus. eca, Lit. festivalis, Pol. festiwal, Fre. festival, Ita. festivale, Eng. festival festo = Ita. festa, Lat. festum

    festono = Fre. feston, Ita. festone, Eng. festoon

    fetio = Rus. e, Lit. fetias, Ger. Fetisch, Fre. ftiche, Ita. feticcio fetoro = Lat. foetor

    fedo = Lat. feudum fiano = Fre. fianc fiasko = Rus. aco, Lit. fiasko, Ita. fiasco fibro = Rus. pa, Lit. fibra, Ger. Fiber, Fre. fibre, Ita. fibra, Eng. fiber fidela = Ita. fidele, Lat. fidelis

    fidi = Ita. fidare, Lat. fidere

    fiera = Fre. fier, Ita. fiero

    figo = Yid. fajg, Rus. a, Lit. figa, Pol. figa, Ger. Feige, Fre. figue, Eng. fig figuro = Rus. ypa, Lit. figura, Pol. figura, Ger. Figur, Fre. figure, Ita. figura, Eng. figure, Lat. figura fikcio = Rus. , Pol. fikcja, Fre. fiction, Eng. fiction, Lat. fictio fiksi = Rus. cpo, Lit. fiksuoti, Ger. fixieren, Fre. fixer, Eng. fix filantropo = Rus. , Lit. filantropas, Ger. Philanthrop, Fre. philanthrope, Ita. filantropo filiko = Lat. (pl.) filices

  • filio = Rus. a, Lit. filialas, Pol. filia, Ger. Filiale, Fre. filiale, Ita. filiale filmo = Rus. , Lit. filmas, Pol. film, Ger. Film, Fre. film, Ita. film, Eng. film filo = Fre. fils, Ita. figlio, Lat. filius

    filologio = Rus. o, Lit. filologija, Ger. Philologie, Ita. filologia, Eng. philology filologo = Rus. o, Lit. filologas, Ger. Philolog, Ita. filologo, Eng. philologist filozofio = Rus. oc, Lit. filosofija, Pol. filozofia, Ger. Philosophie, Fre. philosophie, Ita. filosofia, Eng.


    filozofo = Rus. oc, Lit. filosofas, Pol. filozof, Ger. Philosoph, Fre. philosophe, Ita. filosofo, Eng. philosopher

    filtrilo = Rus. p, Lit. filtras, Pol. filtr, Ger. Filter, Fre. filtre, Ita. filtro, Eng. filter finalo = Rus. a, Lit. finalas, Pol. final, Ger. Finale, Fre. finale, Ita. finale, Eng. finale financa = Fre. financiel, Eng. financial

    fingro = Yid. finger, Eng. finger, Ger. Finger

    finno = Pol. Fin, Eng. Finn

    fino = Fre. fin, Ita. fine, Lat. finis

    firma = Fre. ferme, Ita. fermo, Eng. firm, Lat. firmus

    firmo = Rus. pa, Lit. firma, Pol. firma, Ger. Firma, Fre. firme, Ita. firma, Eng. firm fio = Yid. fish, Eng. fish, Ger. Fisch fiziko = Rus. a, Lit. fizika, Pol. fizyka, Ger. Physik, Fre. physique, Ita. fisica, Eng. physics fiziologio = Rus. o, Lit. fiziologija, Pol. fiziologia, Ger. Physiologie, Fre. physiologie, Ita. fisiologia,

    Eng. physiology

    fiziologo = Rus. o, Lit. fiziologas, Ger. Physiolog, Fre. physiologue, Ita. fisiologo, Eng. physiologist flago = Rus. a, Pol. flaga, Ger. Flagge, Eng. flag flagri = Lat. flagrare

    flamo = Yid. flam, Ger. Flamme, Fre. flamme, Eng. flame, Lat. flamma

    flanelo = Rus. ae, Lit. flanele, Pol. flanela, Ger. Flanel, Ita. flanella, Eng. flannel flanko = Rus. a, Lit. flangas, Ger. Flanke, Fre. flanc, Eng. flank flano = Spa. flan

    flari = Fre. flairer

    flati = Fre. flatter, Eng. flatter

    flava = Lat. flavus

    flegi = Ger. pflegen

    flekso = Lat. flexus

    flegma = Rus. ea, Lit. flegmatikas, Ger. phlegmatisch, Eng. phlegmatic fliki = Ger. flicken

    flirti = Rus. po, Lit. flirtuoti, Pol. flirtowa, Eng. flirt flirto = Rus. p, Lit. flirtas, Eng. flirt floko = Ger. Flocke, Fre. flocon, Eng. flake, Lat. floccus

    floro = Fre. fleur, Eng. flower, Lat. (pl.) flores

    florpoto = Fre. pot de fleurs

    floso = Ger. Floss

    floto = Yid. flot, Rus. o, Pol. flota, Ger. Flotte, Fre. flotte, Ita. flotta, Eng. fleet flugilo = Yid. fligl, Lit. flygelis, Ger. Flgel

    flugo = Ger. Flug

    flui = Ita. fluire, Eng. flow, Lat. fluere

    fluida = Fre. fluide, Ita. fluido, Eng. fluid, Lat. fluidus

    fluso = Ita. flusso

    flustri = Ger. flstern

    fluto = Yid. flejt, Rus. ea, Lit. fleita, Pol. flet, Ger. Flte, Fre. flte, Ita. flauto, Eng. flute foiro = Fre. foire

    foje = Fre. fois

    fojno = Fre. foine, Ita. fieno

    foko = Pol. foka, Fre. phoque, Ita. foca, Lat. phoca

    fokuso = Rus. oyc, Lit. fokusas, Eng. focus foldo = Ger. Falz

    folio = Ita. foglio, Lat. folium

    folkloro = Rus. oop, Lit. folkloras, Eng. folk-lore fondi = Fre. fonder, Ita. fondare, Eng. found

    fonetiko = Rus. oe, Lit. fonetika, Pol. fonetyka, Ger. Phonetik, Fre. phontique, Ita. fonetica, Eng. phonetics

  • fono = Rus. o, Lit. fonas, Fre. fond fonologio = Rus. ooo, Lit. fonologija, Pol. fonologia, Ger. Phonologie, Fre. phonologie, Ita. fonologia,

    Eng. phonology

    fontano = Rus. o, Lit. fontanas, Ger. Fontne, Fre. fontaine, Ita. fontana, Eng. fountain fonto = Ita. fonte, Lat. (pl.) fontes

    for = Ger. fort, Eng. forth

    fora = Eng. far

    fordrinki = Ger. vertrinken

    forfali = Ger. verfallen

    forflugi = Ger. verfliegen

    forgesi = Yid. fargesn, Ger. vergessen, Eng. forget

    fori = Fre. forger, Ita. forgiare, Eng. forge forko = Ita. forca, Eng. fork, Lat. furca

    forlasi = Ger. fortlassen, verlassen

    forlogi = Ger. verlocken

    formato = Rus. opa, Lit. formatas, Ger. Format, Fre. format, Ita. formato, Eng. formate, Lat. formatum formiko = Ita. formica, Lat. formica

    formo = Rus. opa, Lit. forma, Pol. forma, Ger. Form, Fre. forme, Ita. forma, Eng. form, Lat. forma formulo = Rus. opya, Lit. formule, Ger. Formel, Fre. formule, Ita. formula, Eng. formula, Lat. formula forno = Ita. forno, Lat. fornus

    forpasi = Ger. verpassen

    forsendi = Ger. versenden

    forsto = Ger. Forst, Ita. foresta, Eng. forest

    forta = Fre. fort, Ita. forte, Lat. fortis

    forteco = Ita. fortezza

    fortepiano = Ita. pianoforte

    forumo = Lat. forum

    forvelki = Ger. verwelken

    forvii = Ger. verwischen fosforo = Rus. ocop, Lit. fosforas, Ger. Phosphor, Fre. phosphore, Ita. fosforo, Eng. phosphorus foso = Fre. fosse, Ita. fossa, Lat. fossa

    fosto = Ger. Pfosten

    fotelo = Lit. fotelis, Pol. fotel, Ger. Fotel, Fre. fauteuil

    foto = Ger. Photo, Fre. photo, Eng. photo

    fotografo = Rus. oopa, Lit. fotografas, Pol. fotograf, Ger. Photograph, Fre. photographe, Ita. fotografo, Eng. photographer

    fragmento = Rus. pae, Lit. fragmentas, Pol. fragment, Ger. Fragment, Fre. fragment, Eng. fragment, Lat. fragmentum

    frago = Ita. fragola, Lat. fragum

    frajo = Eng. fry

    frajto = Ger. Fracht, Eng. freight

    frakasi = Fre. fracasser

    frakcio = Rus. pa, Lit. frakcija, Ger. Fraktion, Fre. fraction, Eng. fraction, Lat. fractio frako = Rus. pa, Lit. frakas, Ger. Frack frakseno = Lat. fraxinus

    framasono = Ita. frammassone, Eng. freemason

    frambo = Fre. framboise

    franco = Rus. pay, Pol. Francuz, Fre. franais, Ita. francese, Eng. French franda = Fre. friand

    frano = Fre. frange, Ita. frangia frapi = Fre. frapper

    frato = Ita. fratello, Lat. frater

    frado = Fre. fraude, Ita. frode, Eng. fraud fralino = Ger. Frulein frazo = Rus. pa, Lit. fraze, Fre. phrase, Ita. frase, Eng. phrase frekventi = Fre. frequenter, Ita. frequentare

    fremda = Yid. fremd, Ger. fremd

    frenezo = Fre. frnsie, Ita. frenesia, Eng. phrenesy

    frea = Yid. frish, Ger. frisch, Fre. frais, Ita. fresco, Eng. fresh freeco = Ita. freschezza

  • frezi = Fre. fraiser

    fringelo = Lat. fringilla

    fringo = Lat. fringillus

    fripono = Fre. fripon

    friti = Fre. fritter, Ita. frittare

    frivola = Lat. frivolus

    frizi = Fre. friser

    fromao = Fre. fromage, Ita. formaggio fronto = Rus. o, Lit. frontas, Ger. Front, Fre. front, Ita. fronte, Eng. front frosto = Yid. frost, Ger. Frost, Eng. frost

    froti = Fre. frotter

    frua = Yid. fri, Ger. frh

    frukto = Yid. frucht, Rus. , Ger. Frucht, Lat. fructus frunto = Fre. front, Ita. fronte, Lat. (pl.) frontes

    fui = Ita. fuggire, Lat. fugire fulgo = Ita. fuliggine, Lat. fuligo

    fulmo = Ita. fulmine, Lat. fulmen

    fumo = Fre. fume, Ita. fumo, Lat. fumus

    fundamento = Rus. y, Pol. fundament, Fre. fundament, Ita. fondamento, Eng. fundament, Lat. fundamentum

    fundo = Fre. fond, Ita. fondo, Lat. fundus

    funebra = Fre. funbre, Ita. funebre, Eng. funebral, Lat. funebris

    funelo = Eng. funnel

    fungo = Ita. fungo, Lat. fungus

    funkcio = Rus. y, Lit. funkcija, Pol. funkcja, Ger. Funktion, Fre. function, Eng. function, Lat. functio funto = Rus. y, Ger. Pfund furioza = Fre. furieux, Ita. furioso, Eng. furious, Lat. furiosus

    furzi = Ger. furzen

    fusilo = Fre. fusil, It. fucile

    fui = Ger. pfuschen futbalo = Rus. yo, Lit. futbolas, Ger. Fussball, Eng. football


    gaja = Lit. gajus, Fre. gai, Ita. gaio, Eng. gay

    gajeco = Ita. gaiezza

    gajlo = Ger. Galle, Fre. galle, Ita. galla, Eng. gall, Lat. galla

    gajni = Fre. gagner, Eng. gain

    galanterio = Rus. aaepe, Lit. galanterija, Pol. galanteria, Ger. Galanteriewaren galerio = Rus. aepe, Lit. galerija, Pol. galeria, Ger. Galerie, Fre. galerie, Ita. galleria, Eng. gallery galo = Ger. Galle, Eng. gall

    galopo = Ger. Galopp, Eng. gallop

    galoo = Ger. Galosche, Fre. galoche

    gamo = Rus. aa, Lit. gama, Fre. gamme, Ita. gamma ganto = Fre. gant

    gapi = Eng. gape

    garao = Rus. apa, Lit. garaas, Pol. gara, Ger. Garage, Fre. garage, Eng. garage garantio = Rus. apa, Lit. garantija, Ger. Garantie, Fre. garantie garbo = Ger. Garbe

    gardi = Fre. garder

    garni = Fre. garnir, Eng. garnish

    garnizono = Ger. Garnison, Fre. garnison

    garolo = Lat. garrulus

    gaso = Rus. a, Pol. gaz, Ger. Gas, Fre. gaz, Ita. gas, Eng. gas gasto = Yid. gast, Rus. oc, Ger. Gast, Eng. guest gazeto = Rus. aea, Pol. gazeta, Fre. gazette, Ita. gazzetta gazo = Pol. gaza, Ger. Gaze, Fre. gaze, Eng. gauze

    ge- = Ger. Ge-

    gemo = Fre. gemme, Ita. gemma, Eng. gem, Lat. gemma

    genealogio = Rus. ea, Lit. genealogija, Pol. generalogia, Ger. Genealogie, Fre. genealogie, Ita. genealogia, Eng. genealogy

    generacio = Ger. Generation, Fre. gnration, Ita. generazione, Eng. generation, Lat. generatio

  • generi = Lat. generare

    generalo = Rus. , Lit. generolas, Pol. general, Ger. General, Fre. gnral, Ita. generale, Eng. general genio = Rus. , Lit. genijus, Pol. geniusz, Fre. gnie, Ita. genio, Eng. genius, Lat. genius gento = Lit. gentis, Ita. gente, Lat. (pl.) gentes

    genuo = Fre. genou, Lat. genu

    geografio = Rus. opa, Lit. geografija, Pol. geografia, Ger. Geographie, Fre. gographie, Ita. geografia, Eng. geography

    geografo = Rus. opa, Lit. geografas, Ger. Geograph, Ita. geografo, Eng. geographer geologio = Rus. o, Lit. geologija, Ger. Geologie, Fre. gologie, Ita. geologia, Eng. geology geologo = Rus. o, Lit. geologas, Ger. Geolog, Fre. gologue, Ita. geologo, Eng. geologist geometrio = Rus. o, Lit. geometrija, Pol. geometria, Ger. Geometrie, Fre. gometrie, Ita. geometria,

    Eng. geometry

    germano = Eng. German

    gesto = Lit. gestas, Pol. gest, Ger. Geste, Fre. geste, Ita. gesto, Eng. gesture, Lat. gestus

    geto = Ger. Getto, Ita. ghetto, Eng. ghetto

    gieto = Fre. guichet giganto = Rus. a, Lit. gigantas, Ger. Gigant, Ita. gigante, Lat. (pl.) gigantes gimnastiko = Rus. aca, Lit. gimnastika, Pol. gimnastyka, Ger. Gymnastik, Fre. gymnastique, Eng.


    ginekologio = Rus. eo, Lit. ginekologija, Pol. ginekologia, Ger. Gynkologie, Fre. gyncologie, Ita. ginecologia, Eng. gynecology

    gipso = Rus. c, Lit. gipsas, Ger. Gips, Fre. gypse, Lat. gypsum gisi = Ger. giessen

    gisto = Dut. gist

    gitaro = Rus. apa, Lit. gitara, Pol. gitara, Ger. Gitarre, Fre. guitare, Eng. guitar glacio = Fre. glas, Lat. glacies

    gladi = Rus. glando = Fre. glande, Ita. glandola, Eng. gland, Lat. (pl.) glandes

    glano = Fre. gland, Lat. glans

    glaso = Yid. gloz, Ger. Glas, Eng. glass

    glata = Rus. , Pol. gadki, Ger. glatt glavo = Fre. glaive

    glisi = Fre. glisser

    gliti = Ger. gleiten, Eng. glide

    globo = Fre. globe, Ita. globo, Eng. globe, Lat. globus

    gloro = Fre. gloire, Ita. gloria, Eng. glory, Lat. gloria

    gluo = Fre. glu, Eng. glue

    gluti = Rus. oa goro = Fre. gorge gracia = Fre. gracil, Eng. gracile

    graco = Fre. grce, Eng. grace

    grado = Fre. grade, Ita. grado, Eng. grade, Lat. gradus

    grafiko = Rus. paa, Lit. grafika, Ger. Graphik, Fre. graphique, Ita. grafica, Eng. graphics grafo = Rus. pa, Lit. grafas, Ger. Graf grafologio = Rus. pao, Lit. grafologija, Pol. grafologia, Ger. Graphologie, Fre. graphologie, Ita.

    grafologia, Eng. graphology

    grajno = Fre. grain, Ita. grano, Eng. grain, Lat. granum

    gramatiko = Rus. paaa, Lit. gramatika, Pol. gramatyka, Ger. Grammatik, Ita. grammatica gramo = Rus. pa, Lit. gramas, Ger. Gramm, Fre. gramme, Ita. gramma, Eng. gram granato = Rus. paa, Lit. granatas, Ger. Granatapfel granda = Fre. grand, Ita. grande, Lat. grandis

    grandeco = Ita. grandezza

    grandioza = Ger. grandios, Fre. grandiose, Ita. grandioso, Eng. grandiose

    granito = Rus. pa, Lit. granitas, Pol. granit, Ger. Granit, Fre. granite, Ita. granito, Eng. granite grasa = Fre. gras, Ita. grasso, Lat. grassus

    graso = Fre. graisse, Ita. grasso, Eng. grease

    graseco = Ita. grassezza

    grati = Fre. gratter, Ita. grattare

    gratuli = Pol. gratulowa, Ger. gratulieren grava = Fre. grave, Ita. grave, Eng. grave, Lat. gravis

  • graveco = Ita. gravezza

    graveda = Ita. gravida

    gravuri = Rus. pa, Lit. graviruoti, Ger. gravieren, Fre. graver grego = Ita. gregge, Lat. (pl.) greges

    greko = Rus. pe, Lit. graikas, Pol. Grek, Ger. Grieche, Fre. grec, Ita. greco, Eng. Greek, Lat. Graecus grenado = Rus. paaa, Lit. granata, Ger. Granate, Fre. grenade, Ita. granata, Eng. grenade grenejo = Ita. granaio

    greno = Fre. grain, Ita. grano, Eng. grain, Lat. granum

    greso = Ger. Gras, Eng. grass

    grilo = Ger. Grille, Fre. grillon, Ita. grillo

    grimaco = Fre. grimace, Eng. grimace

    grimpi = Fre. grimper

    grinci = Fre. grincer

    grio = Fre. gruau

    gripo = Rus. , Lit. gripas, Pol. grypa, Ger. Grippe, Fre. grippe, Ita. grippe griza = Fre. gris, Ita. grigio

    groso = Fre. groseille

    groo = Yid. groshn, Rus. o, Lit. grais, Pol. grosz, Ger. Groschen groteska = Ger. grotesk, Fre. grotesque, Ita. grottesco, Eng. grotesque

    groto = Rus. o, Ger. Grotte, Fre. grotte, Ita. grotta grumbli = Eng. grumble

    grundo = Yid. grunt, Rus. y, Lit. gruntas, Pol. grunt, Ger. Grund, Eng. ground grunti = Eng. grunt

    gruo = Fre. grue, Ita. gru, Lat. grus

    grupo = Yid. grupe, Rus. , Lit. grupe, Pol. grupa, Ger. Gruppe, Fre. groupe, Ita. gruppo, Eng. group gruzo = Ger. Grus

    gubernio = Rus. , Lit. gubernija, Pol. gubernia gudro = Fre. goudron

    gumo = Lit. guma, Pol. guma, Ger. Gummi, Fre. gomme, Ita. gomma, Eng. gum

    gusto = Ita. gusto, Lat. gustus

    guo = Fre. gousse guto = Fre. goutte, Lat. gutta

    gvati = Fre. guetter

    gvidi = Fre. guider, Ita. guidare, Eng. guide

    angalo = Ita. giungla, Eng. jungle ardeno = Yid. gortn, Ger. Garten, Ita. giardino, Eng. garden emelo = Ita. gemello emi = Fre. gmir, Ita. gemere endarmo = Ger. Gendarm, Fre. gendarme enerala = Ger. generell, Fre. gnral, Ita. generale, Eng. general, Lat. generalis

    eni = Ger. genieren, Fre. gner enro = Ger. Genre, Fre. genre entila = Fre. gentil, Ita. gentile, Eng. gentle entileco = Ita. gentilezza ermo = Fre. germe, Ita. germe, Eng. germ, Lat. germen i = Lit. ji, jis ibo = Ita. gibbo irafo = Ger. Giraffe, Fre. giraffe, Ita. giraffa, Eng. giraffe is = Yid. biz, Ger. bis, Fre. jusqu' ojo = Fre. joie, Ita. gioia, Eng. joy ui = Fre. jouir, Eng. enjoy usta = Ita. giusto usteco = Ita. giustezza


    hajlo = Eng. hail

    haki = Yid. hakn, Ger. hacken

    haladzo = Fre. (ex)halaison

    halo = Lit. hale, Pol. hala, Ger. Halle, Fre. halle, Eng. hall

  • halto = Ger. Halt, Fre. halte, Eng. halt

    halucini = Lit. haliucinuoti, Fre. halluciner, Eng. hallucinate

    hamako = Lit. hamakas, Fre. hamac, Eng. hammock

    hamstro = Ger. Hamster, Eng. hamster

    hardi = Ger. hrten, Eng. harden

    haremo = Lit. haremas, Ger. Harem, Fre. harem, Eng. harem

    harmoniko = Ger. Harmonika, Fre. harmonica

    harmonio = Lit. harmonija, Pol. harmonia, Ger. Harmonie, Fre. harmonie, Eng. harmony

    haro = Yid. hor, Ger. Haar, Eng. hair

    harpo = Fre. harpe, Eng. harp

    harpuno = Lit. harpunas, Fre. harpon, Eng. harpoon

    hasti = Ger. hasten, Eng. haste

    habizo = Lit. haubica, Ger. Haubitz, Eng. howitzer hali = Eng. haul

    hato = Yid. hojt, Ger. Haut haveno = Ger. Hafen, Eng. haven

    havi = Eng. have

    hazardo = Fre. hazard, Eng. hazard

    hegemonio = Lit. hegemonija, Ger. Hegemonie, Fre. hgmonie, Eng. hegemony

    heo = Eng. hedge hejmo = Yid. hejm, Ger. Heim, Eng. home

    hejti = Eng. heat

    heksametro = Ger. Hexameter, Fre. hexamtre, Eng. hexameter

    hektaro = Lit. hektaras, Ger. Hektar, Fre. hectare, Eng. hectare

    hela = Ger. hell

    helpi = Eng. help

    heni = Lat. hinnire

    hepato = Gre. hepar

    herbo = Fre. herbe, Lat. herba

    heredo = Fre. hrdit, Eng. heredity, Lat. hereditas

    hermeta = Lit. hermetikas, Ger. hermetisch, Fre. hermtique, Eng. hermetic hernio = Lat. hernia

    heroino = Fre. hroine, Eng. heroine

    heroo = Lit. herojus, Fre. hros, Eng. hero, Lat. heros

    heziti = Fre. hsiter, Eng. hesitate, Lat. haesitare

    hiacinto = Lit. hiacintas, Pol. hiacynt, Eng. hyacinth, Lat. hyacinthus

    hidralika = Lit. hidraulika, Ger. Hydraulik, Fre. hydraulique, Eng. hydraulics hidroelektra = Lit. hidroelektrinis, Ger. hydroelektrisch, Fre. hydro-lectrique, Eng. hydroelectric

    hidrologio = Lit. hidrologija, Ger. Hydrologie, Fre. hydrologie, Eng. hydrology

    hieno = Lit. hiena, Ger. Hyne, Fre. hyne, Eng. hyaena, Lat. hyaena

    hiera = Fre. hier, Lat. heri

    higiena = Lit. higienikas, Pol. higieniczny, Ger. hyginisch, Fre. hyginique, Eng. hygienic himno = Lit. himnas, Pol. hymn, Fre. hymne, Eng. hymn, Lat. hymnus

    hindo = Ger. Hindu

    hiperbolo = Lit. hiperbole, Ger. Hyperbel, Fre. hyperbole, Eng. hyperbole

    hipodromo = Lit. hipodromas, Pol. hipodrom, Fre. hippodrome

    hipokrita = Ger. hypokritisch, Fre. hypocrite, Eng. hypocritical

    hipopotamo = Lit. hipopotamas, Fre. hippopotame, Lat. hippopotamus

    hipoteko = Pol. hipoteka, Ger. Hypothek, Fre. hypothque

    hipotezo = Lit. hipoteze, Pol. hipoteza, Ger. Hypothese, Fre. hypothse, Eng. hypothesis

    hirta = Lat. hirtus

    hirudo = Lat. hirudo

    hirundo = Fre. hirondelle, Lat. hirundo

    hispano = Pol. Hiszpan, Lat. Hispanus

    histerio = Ger. Hysterie, Fre. hystrie, Eng. hysteria

    histologio = Lit. histologija, Ger. Histologie, Fre. histologie, Eng. histology

    historio = Pol. historia, Fre. histoire, Eng. history

    hodia = Ger. heute, Lat. hodie hoko = Pol. hak, Ger. Haken, Eng. hook

    homo = Fre. homme, Lat. homo

  • homonimo = Lit. homonimas, Fre. homonyme, Eng. homonym

    honesta = Eng. honest, Lat. honestus

    honorario = Lit. honoraras, Ger. Honorar, Fre. honoraire, Lat. honorarium

    honoro = Pol. honor, Fre. honneur, Eng. honour, Lat. honor

    honto = Fre. honte

    horaro = Fre. horaire

    hordeo = Lat. hordeum

    horizontala = Lit. horizontalus, Ger. horizontal, Fre. horizontal, Eng. horizontal

    horizonto = Lit. horizontas, Pol. horyzont, Ger. Horizont

    horloo = Fre. horloge horo = Fre. heure, Eng. hour, Lat. hora

    hororo = Fre. horreur, Eng. horror, Lat. horror

    hospitalo = Ger. Hospital, Eng. hospital

    hostao = Eng. hostage

    hotelo = Pol. hotel, Ger. Hotel, Fre. htel, Eng. hotel

    hufo = Ger. Huf, Eng. hoof

    humana = Lit. humanikas, Fre. humain, Eng. humane, Lat. humanus humanisto = Lit. humanistas, Ger. Humanist, Fre. humaniste, Eng. humanist

    humida = Fre. humide, Eng. humid, Lat. humidus

    humila = Lat. humilis

    humo = Lat. humus

    humoro = Lit. humoras, Pol. humor, Fre. humeur, Eng. humour, Lat. humor

    hundino = Ger. Hndin

    hundo = Yid. hunt, Ger. Hund

    hurdo = Eng. hurdle

    hurli = Fre. hurler

    hurti = Fre. heurter

    aoso = Rus. aoc, Lit. chaosas, Fre. chaos, Eng. chaos, Lat. chaos emio = Rus. , Lit. chemija, Pol. chemia, Ger. Chemie, Fre. chimie olero = Rus. oepa, Lit. cholera, Eng. cholera oristo = Rus. opc, Lit. choristas, Ger. Chorist, Eng. chorister oro = Rus. op, Lit. choras, Pol. chr, Ger. Chor, Fre. choeur, Eng. choir, Lat. chorus


    iam = Ger. je

    idealo = Rus. a, Lit. idealas, Ger. Ideal, Fre. idal, Ita. ideale, Eng. ideal identa = Rus. , Lit. identikas, Ger. identisch, Fre. identique, Ita. identico, Eng. identical ideo = Rus. , Lit. ideja, Pol. idea, Ger. Idee, Fre. ide, Ita. idea, Eng. idea, Lat. idea ideologio = Rus. oo, Lit. ideologija, Pol. ideologia, Ger. Ideologie, Fre. idologie, Ita. ideologia, Eng.


    ies = Ger. jemandes

    iktero = Lat. icterus

    iktiologio = Rus. xoo, Lit. ichtiologija, Pol. ichtyologia, Ger. Ichthyologie, Fre. ichthyologie, Eng. ichthyology

    ilekso = Lat. (pl.) ilices

    ili = Fre. ils, elles, Lat. illi, illae

    ilumini = Rus. po, Lit. iliumuoti, Ger. illuminieren, Fre. illuminer, Ita. illuminare, Eng. illuminate, Lat. illuminare

    ilustri = Rus. cppo, Lit. iliustruoti, Ger. illustrieren, Fre. illustrer, Ita. illustrare, Eng. illustrate, Lat. illustrare

    iluzio = Rus. , Lit. iliuzija, Ger. Illusion, Fre. illusion, Ita. illusione, Eng. illusion, Lat. illusio imagi = Fre. imaginer, Ita. immaginare, Eng. imagine, Lat. imaginari

    imiti = Rus. po, Lit. imituoti, Pol. imitowa, Ger. imitieren, Fre. imiter, Ita. imitare, Eng. imitate, Lat. imitari

    imperio = Rus. ep, Lit. imperija, Fre. empire, Ita. impero, Eng. empire, Lat. imperium impeto = Ita. impeto, Lat. impetus

    implici = Ger. implizieren, Ita. implicare, Lat. implicare

    impliki = Fre. impliquer, Ita. implicare, Lat. implicare

    imponi = Rus. opo, Lit. imponuoti, Pol. imponowa, Ger. imponieren, Lat. imponere

  • importo = Rus. op, Lit. importas, Pol. import, Ger. Import, Eng. import imposto = Ita. imposta

    impreso = Ger. Impression, Fre. impression, Ita. impressione, Eng. impression, Lat. impressio

    impulso = Rus. yc, Lit. impulsas, Ger. Impuls, Ita. impulso, Eng. impulse, Lat. impulsus imuna = Ger. immun, Ita. immune, Eng. immune, Lat. immunis

    inaguri = Fre. inaugurer, Ita. inaugurare, Eng. inaugurate, Lat. inaugurare incendio = Fre. incendie, Ita. incendio, Lat. incendium

    incidento = Rus. , Lit. incidentas, Fre. incident, Ita. incidente, Eng. incident inciti = Fre. inciter, Ita. incitare, Eng. incite, Lat. incitare

    indekso = Rus. c, Lit. indeksas, Ger. Index, Fre. index, Eng. index, Lat. index indiferenta = Ger. indifferent, Fre. indiffrent, Ita. indifferente, Eng. indifferent, Lat. (pl.) indifferentes

    indigni = Ger. indignieren, Fre. indigner, Ita. indignare, Eng. indignate, Lat. indignari

    indieno = Fre. indigne, Ita. indigeno, Lat. indigena indiki = Fre. indiquer, Ita. indicare, Eng. indicate, Lat. indicare

    individua = Rus. ya, Lit. individualus, Ger. individuell, Fre. individuel, Ita. individuale, Eng. individual, Lat. individuus

    industrio = Rus. ycp, Lit. industrija, Ger. Industrie, Fre. industrie, Ita. industria, Eng. industry, Lat. industria

    inercio = Rus. ep, Lit. inercija, Fre. inertie, Ita. inerzia, Eng. inertia, Lat. inertia inerta = Rus. ep, Lit. inertinis, Fre. inerte, Ita. inerte, Eng. inert, Lat. (pl.) inertes infano = Fre. enfant

    infekti = Fre. infecter, Eng. infect

    inflacio = Rus. , Lit. infliacija, Ger. Inflation, Fre. inflation, Ita. inflazione, Eng. inflation, Lat. inflatio influi = Fre. influer, Ita. influire, Lat. influere

    informi = Rus. , Lit. informuoti, Pol. informowa, Ger. informieren, Fre. informer, Ita. informare, Eng. inform, Lat. informare

    ingveno = Ita. inguine, Lat. inguen

    ineniero = Yid. inzhenir, Rus. , Lit. ininierius, Pol. inynier, Ger. Ingenieur, Fre. ingnieur, Ita. ingegnere, Eng. engineer

    iniciato = Rus. a, Lit. iniciatyva, Pol. inicjatywa, Ger. Initiative, Fre. initiative, Ita. iniziativa, Eng. initiative

    inkluzive = Ger. inklusive, Fre. inclusivement

    inko = Eng. ink

    inkrusti = Fre. incruster, Ita. incrostare, Eng. encrust, Lat. incrustare

    inkvizicio = Rus. , Lit. inkvizicija, Eng. inquisition, Lat. inquisitio insekto = Fre. insecte, Eng. insect

    insigno = Lat. insigne

    inspekti = Fre. inspecter, Eng. inspect

    inspiri = Rus. c, Lit. inspiruoti, Fre. inspirer, Ita. inspirare, Eng. inspire, Lat. inspirare instali = Pol. instalowa, Ger. installieren, Fre. installer, Ita. installare, Eng. install instanco = Rus. , Lit. instancija, Fre. instance, Eng. instance instigi = Eng. instigate, Lat. instigare

    instinkto = Rus. , Lit. instinktas, Fre. instinct, Eng. instinct, Lat. instinctus institucio = Ger. Institution, Fre. institution, Eng. institution, Lat. institutio

    instituto = Rus. y, Lit. institutas, Pol. instytut, Ger. Institut, Fre. institute, Eng. institute, Lat. institutum instrui = Ger. instruieren, Fre. instruire, Lat. instruere

    instrukcio = Rus. py, Lit. instrukcija, Pol. instrukcja, Fre. instruction, Eng. instruction, Lat. instructio instrumento = Rus. py, Lit. instrumentas, Pol. instrument, Fre. instrument, Eng. instrument, Lat.


    insulo = Yid. indzel, Ger. Insel, Lat. insula

    insulti = Ger. insultieren, Fre. insulter, Ita. insultare, Eng. insult, Lat. insultare

    integra = Rus. pa, Lit. integralus, Ger. integral, Fre. intgral, Ita. integro, Eng. integral, Lat. integer intelekta = Rus. , Lit. intelektualus, Fre. intellectuel, Eng. intellectual intelekto = Rus. , Lit. intelektas, Ger. Intellekt, Eng. intellect, Lat. intellectus inteligenta = Rus. ec, Lit. inteligentinis, Pol. inteligentny, Ger. intelligent, Fre. intelligent, Ita.

    intelligente, Eng. intelligent, Lat. (pl.) intelligentes

    intenco = Ger. Intention, Fre. intention, Ita. intenzione, Eng. intention, Lat. intentio

    intensa = Fre. intense, Ita. intenso, Eng. intense, Lat. intensus

    inter = Fre. entre, Lat. inter

  • interesi = Rus. , Lit. interesuoti, Pol. interesowa, Ger. interessieren, Fre. intresser, Ita. interessare, Lat. interesse

    interezo = Eng. interest

    interludo = Ita. interludio, Eng. interlude

    intermezo = Ger. Intermezzo, Ita. intermezzo

    intermita = Fre. intermittent, Ita. intermittente, Eng. intermittent, Lat. intermittens

    interna = Fre. interne, Ita. interno, Eng. internal, Lat. internus

    internacia = Rus. e, Lit. internacionalinis, Fre. international, Ita. internazionale, Eng. international

    interpreti = Rus. epe, Lit. interpretuoti, Fre. interprter, Ita. interpretare, Eng. interpret, Lat. interpretari

    interregno = Lat. interregnum

    interrompi = Fre. interrompre, Ita. interrompere, Lat. interrumpere

    interano = Eng. interchange

    intervalo = Rus. ea, Lit. intervalas, Fre. intervalle, Ita. intervallo, Eng. interval, Lat. intervallum interveni = Ger. intervenieren, Fre. intervenir, Ita. intervenire, Eng. intervene, Lat. intervenire

    intervjuo = Rus. e, Lit. interviu, Fre. interview, Eng. interview intesto = Fre. intestin, Ita. intestino, Eng. intestine, Lat. intestinum

    intima = Rus. , Lit. intymus, Pol. intymny, Fre. intime, Ita. intimo, Eng. intimate intonacio = Rus. oa, Lit. intonacija, Ger. Intonation, Fre. intonation, Ita. intonazione, Eng. intonation,

    Lat. intonatio

    intrigo = Rus. pa, Lit. intriga, Pol. intryga, Fre. intrigue, Ita. intrigo, Eng. intrigue inundi = Fre. inonder, Ita. inondare, Eng. inundate, Lat. inundare

    invadi = Ita. invadere, Eng. invade, Lat. invadere

    invalido = Rus. , Lit. invalidas, Pol. inwalida, Fre. invalide, Ita. invalido, Eng. invalid, Lat. invalidus inventaro = Rus. a, Lit. inventorius, Pol. inwentarz, Ger. Inventar, Fre. inventaire, Ita. inventario, Eng.


    inventi = Fre. inventer, Ita. inventare, Eng. invent

    investi = Rus. , Lit. investuoti, Fre. investir, Ita. investire, Eng. invest inviti = Fre. inviter, Ita. invitare, Eng. invite, Lat. invitare

    iri = Lat. ire, Spa. ir

    irido = Ita. iride, Lat. (pl.) irides

    iriso = Lat. iris

    ironio = Rus. po, Lit. ironija, Ger. Ironie, Fre. ironie, Ita. ironia, Eng. irony, Lat. ironia istmo = Ita. istmo, Lat. isthmus

    iu = Ger. jemand, Dut. iemand

    izoli = Rus. o, Lit. izoliuoti, Ger. isolieren, Fre. isoler, Ita. isolare, Eng. isolate


    ja = Ger. ja

    jato = Rus. a, Lit. jachta, Ger. Jacht, Fre. yacht, Eng. yacht jako = Eng. jacket

    jam = Lat. jam

    januaro = Rus. , Ger. Januar, Fre. janvier, Eng. January, Lat. Januarius japano = Lit. japonas

    jaro = Yid. jor, Ger. Jahr, Eng. year

    je = Ger. je

    jen = Lat. en

    jes = Eng. yes

    jodo = Lit. jodas, Ger. Jod

    jubileo = Rus. e, Lit. jubiliejus, Pol. jubileusz, Ger. Jubilum, Fre. jubil, Eng. jubilee, Lat. jubilum judo = Yid. jid, Ger. Jude, Lat. Judaeus

    juglando = Lat. (pl.) juglandes

    jugo = Rus. o, Lit. jungas, Fre. joug, Lat. jugum juisto = Fre. juge, Eng. judge juki = Ger. jucken

    julio = Rus. , Ger. Juli, Eng. July, Lat. Julius juna = Yid. jung, Rus. , Lit. jaunas, Ger. jung, Fre. jeune, Eng. young, Lat. juvenis juneco = Fre. jeunesse

    jungi = Lat. jungere

    junio = Rus. , Ger. Juni, Eng. June, Lat. Junius

  • junipero = Eng. juniper, Lat. juniperus

    junko = Fre. jonc, Lat. juncus

    jupo = Fre. jupe

    juristo = Rus. pc, Lit. juristas, Ger. Jurist, Fre. juriste, Eng. jurist juro = Ger. Jura, Lat. (pl.) jures

    justa = Fre. juste, Eng. just, Lat. justus

    justeco = Fre. justesse

    justico = Fre. justice, Eng. justice

    juvelo = Ger. Juwel, Eng. jewel

    aketo = Eng. jacket ako = Eng. jack aluza = Fre. jaloux, Eng. jealous

    ado = Fre. jeudi eti = Fre. jeter ongli = Fre. jongler uri = Fre. jurer urnalo = Fre. journal, Eng. journal us = Eng. just, Fre. justement


    kabano = Rus. a, Lit. kabina, Pol. kabina, Fre. cabane, cabine, Ita. cabina, Eng. cabin kablo = Rus. e, Lit. kabelis, Pol. kabel, Ger. Kabel, Fre. cble, Eng. cable kabo = Spa. cabo

    kao = Yid. kashe, Rus. aa, Lit. koe, Pol. kasza kadavro = Lat. cadaver

    kadro = Pol. kadra, Fre. cadre

    kaduka = Fre. caduc, Ita. caduco, Lat. caducus

    kafo = Rus. oe, Ge