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DHS Prospectus 2014

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    ARMY POLO & RIDING CLUBC/o B Squadron 61 CavalrCar!a""a Mar# $Can%on'n%(

    N') D'l*! +11, ,1,


    .%* D'l*! 0or-' S*o)

    .2 .3 & . Mar4* .,13 $APRC Con5n'd v'n%-(And

    ..2 , Mar4* %o ,6%* A"r!l .,13 $D'l*! 0or-' S*o)(


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    70 .%* DL0I 0ORS S0O .,13..nd MARC0 7O ,6%* APRIL .,13



    1. The 29thDelhi Horse Show 2014 will be conducted from 22ndMar to 06 Ar2014 accordin! to the "ules of the #$uestrian %ederation of &ndia '#%&( b) theArm) *olo + "idin! ,lub at the Arm) #$uestrian ,entre- icholson "an!es- Delhi

    ,antt as er the ro!ramme enclosed.

    2. ,lasses. Details of each class are !i/en at Aendi A.

    3. #ntries.

    'a( All entries will be on a roer #ntr) %orm as !i/en in Aendi .#ntries not on the rescribed entr) form or without entr) fee will not be


    'b( %orei!n "iders. Mana!ers5coaches of all teams5,lubs who arearran!in! for forei!n riders for tain! art in the Delhi Horse Show 2014are re$uired to forward the details of the forei!n riders and comanions if

    an) as er format enclosed as Aendi , alon! with hotoco) of theirassort and /isa- 20 da)s rior to start of the Show to the ,lub- so as toobtain M& ,learance from the concerned authorities. %orei!n riders whoseM& ,learance is dela)ed for want of submission of details b) the Team

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    'f( *ost #ntries. *ost entries will be acceted twent) four hours beforethe e/ent. ; #T"S ;% TH# #?#T.*ost entr) fee will be 78

    'i( Team #/ents 7 "s. 2-00058 er team'ii( &ndi/idual #/ents 7 "s. 1-00058 er ehibit

    '!( Descrition and "e!istration of Horses. All entries must !i/e thedescrition- re!istration o- !radin! and name of the horse concerned.The name of the rider will be !i/en for all mounted classes.

    'h( *a)ment. All entries must be aid in cash or b) local che$ue in

    fa/our of Arm) *olo + "idin! ,lub.

    4. #%& Horses *assort.

    'a( As er #%& rulin!s all horses articiatin! in the Delhi Horse Showe/ents which are reco!ni@ed b) the #%& in their technical !uidelines ie-Dressa!e- Show :umin! and Tent *e!!in! ha/e to be in ossession of #%&assort. o entries will be acceted without #%& assort of horses and

    #%& re!istration. The Team ,atains to be in ossession of #%& *assorts ofhorses durin! ?eterinar) &nsection.

    'b( Team catains are re$uested to ensure that their horses are allre!istered before entries for the Delhi Horse Show are sent. There!istration o has to be lled in the entr) form as er #%& rulin!.

    . #%& "ider "e!istration.

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014



  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    the Secretar)- Arm) *olo + "idin! ,lub alon! with the obection. Mone) will berefunded if the obection is uheld.

    1F. Medical ,o/er. The ,lub will ro/ide medical co/er for riders at the /enue.The ,lub shall not accet an) liabilit) for medical treatment !i/en to a la)er onthe /enue or the conse$uences thereof. The ,lub will onl) ro/ide rst aidemer!enc) treatment as well as e/acuation to the hosital where necessar)-thou!h e/er) ossible a/ailable medical co/er will be resented. #ach ridersarticiatin! in the Delhi Horse Show will lease ll the &ndemnit) ondattached at A D and submit the same alon!with entr) form.

    1B. &nsurance. The ;r!ani@in! ,ommittee recommends

    units5clubs5associations to tae insurance olicies for cometitors- ersonnel-!rooms and horses for their transortation to Delhi and durin! the e/ents. The;r!anisin! ,ommittee will assume no resonsibilit) for an) accident or illnessdue to fall of an) horse- cometitors- !room5an) other member of the team.

    19. "esonsibilit). The ;r!anisin! ,ommittee accets no resonsibilit) foran) loss- dama!e or inur) to an) animal or an) other roert) or the ehibitorsthemsel/es. either the ,ommittee nor the Doctor will be held resonsible for

    an) rst aid or other medical treatment ro/ided.


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    for attachment with the local Sul) Deot. ;ther contin!ents are ad/ised tomae their own arran!ements for animal rations. Howe/er- animal rations andha) can be rocured on cash a)ment.

    23. ,o!!ins and Elanders Tests. All rules and instructions issued from the #%&and "emount ?eterinar) Directorate- Arm) Head$uarters on the subect will bestrictl) adhered to b) all concerned. All horses must roduce a /alid ne!ati/e#&A and Elander status certicate on arri/al to Delhi as er directions !i/en at*ara 'a( of Aendi IJ to this *rosectus. ,o!!ins and !landers ne!ati/ecerticate with a /alidit) of a minimum of 1 da)s on arri/al and eit of horsesfrom the cam is mandator).

    24. ?eterinar) ,ommission. The ?eterinar) ,ommission detailed b) the DE"?S for Delhi Horse Show alon! with the reresentati/e of the AnimalHusbandr) ,ommissioner will ha/e full ri!ht to eamine all the horsesarticiatin!.


    2. ,orresondence. All corresondence in resect of the Delhi Horse Show

    2014 will be addressed to 7

    The Secretar)Arm) *olo + "idin! ,lub S$uadron 61 ,a/alr),ariaa Mar!'Delhi ,antt(- ew Delhi 8 110 010.Telehone os 7 011 2699444- 2699-Telefa 7 2699FFF#8mail 7 arm)oloclubK!

    26 ote The ;r!anisin! ,ommittee ma) at an) time alter5amend an) of the

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]
  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014



    1. Dressa!e.

    S.o ,ate!or) "emars'a( ;en Dressa!e '&ndl + Team( As er #%& #lementar) Test.

    ';en to all Horses(.'b( *reliminar) Dressa!e '&ndl +

    Team(As er #%& *reliminar) Test.

    ';en to reliminar) horses onl)(.

    'c( o/ice Dressa!e '&ndl + Team(As er #%& o/ice Test.

    ';en to o/ice Horses ;nl)(.'d( >oun! "ider Dressa!e '&ndl +Team(

    As er #%& latest Test.

    'e( :unior Dressa!e '&ndl + Team( As er latest #%& Test.

    'f( ,hildren Erou & Dressa!e'&ndl + Team(

    As er latest #%& Test.

    '!( ,hildren Erou && Dressa!e'&ndl + Team(

    As er latest #%& Test.

    'h( ,hildren Erou &&& Dressa!e'&ndl + Team(

    As er Test attached.

    '( ,onned Dressa!e '&ndl( ;en to A*", Members and horsesstabled at the club onl) 'TestAttached(.

    '( A*", Dressa!e '&ndl( ;en to A*", members and horsesstabled at the A#, 'same Test as,onned Dressa!e(.

    'l( ,onned ,hildren Dressa!e'& dl(

    ;en to ,lub members for ,hildrenE && d &&& l ' E

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    'o( &n Dressa!e- no whis are ermitted accordin! to the #%& rulin!. Shortwhis are allowed in ,hildren Erou8&&&.

    '( DRSS COD.


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    rules. ,ometitors $ualif) under asearate elimination round ud!edunder Table A or Table , rules.

    '!( ;en :umin! *uissance This e/ent will be oen to Erade &-Erade && and Erade &&& horses. The e/ent

    will be conducted under %#& rules. Theentries will be b) in/itation onl).

    'h( ;en :umin! Si ar This e/ent will be oen to all horses.The e/ent will be conducted under %#&rules.

    '( DHS *reliminar) :umin!'&ndl + Team(

    This e/ent will be oen to *reliminar)Erade horses onl). :um secicationsas er #%& Tech Euidelines 2012

    '( DHS *reliminar) :umin!Tosocre This e/ent will be oen to reliminar)horses and will be conducted under %#&rules.

    'l( Senior- >oun! "ider and:unior"escue "ela)

    'i( This e/ent will be held under %#&rules.

    'ii( This cometition taes lacefollowin! the same !eneral rincile asfor the %ault and ;ut cometition

    'Article 2F1( with a team of threecometitors- with a time allowed basedon the seed for the cometition andthe len!th of the course multilied b)the number of team members.'iii( Maimum hei!ht 1.0m sread 1.10m.

    'm( DHS >oun! "ider :umin!

    '&ndl + Team(

    :um secications as er #%& Tech

    Euidelines 2012'n( >oun! "ider Toscore As er #%& "ules.

    '( >oun! "ider and :unior:umin! *uissance

    As er #%& "ules.

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    atthe ,lub onl).

    '@( A*", :umin! Toscore ;en to A*", Members on horsesStable at A#,.



    &nter ,lub :umin! Toscore ;en to ?isitin! ,lubs and Schools.


    ,onned ,hildren :umin!%ault + ;ut

    ;en to ,lub riders for ,hildren Erou &&and Erou &&& onl).

    NO7 There is a restriction of two entries er rider in each e/ent

    4. S0O CLASSS.S.o ,ate!or) "emars'a( ;en Hacs ;en to all riders and horses. The ud!es will

    be ud!in! the horses conformation- turn outof horse and rider. Simle mo/ements will beased to test the sill of the horse and riderand asses the harmon) between the two.

    'b( =adies Hacs ;en to lad) riders 14 )ears and abo/e.

    'c( :unior Hacs ;en to :unior riders. The ud!es will be !i/in!oints for the horses conformation- turn out ofhorse and rider. Simle mo/ements will beased to test the sill of the horse and therider.

    'd( ,hildren Hacs Erou&

    The ud!es will be !i/in! oints for the horsesconformation- turn out of horse and therider. Simle mo/ements will be ased totest the sill of the horse and rider.

    'e( ,hildren Hacs Erou&&

    'f( ,hildren Hacs Erou&&&

    '!( ,onned Hacs ,onned hacs oens to A*", members andhorses stabled at the ,lub onl).

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    '( ,hildren all + ucet "ace Erou &&&

    6. CON:IND GYME0ANA RACS ' ;en onl) to A*", members(

    'a( ,onned ,hildren all + ucet "ace Erou & + &&

    'b( ,onned ,hildren oot + Ha) "ace '*airs( Erou &&'c( ,onned ,hildren oot + Ha) "ace '*airs( Erou &&&'d( ,onned all + ucet and Stic + all Erou &&&'e( ,onned eer "ace N ;en onl) to A*", members.


    $M!n 66F o8 %*' u"- )!ll ?' o8 8ull *'!#*% and -"r'ad %o !n4lud'%*r'' v'r%!4al and %*r'' "arall'l u"-(

    Grad' 0'!#*% S"r'ad


    S"''d P'rM!n



    No o8 u"-M!n Ma



    0.90 1.0


    32 M ;ne Ma 14 obstacles. ocombination

    ;?&,# 1.00 1.10


    30 M ;ne Ma 14 obstacles. ;nedouble combination in

    each round.E"AD# &&&5Medium


    1.20 1.40 30 M ;ne Ma 14 obstacles with onetrile and one doublecombination or threedouble combinations ineach round.


    1.20 1.30 1.0 30 M ;ne Ma 14 obstacles with onetrile and one double

    combination or threedouble combinations ineach round.

    7o" S4or' Co"'%!%!on-Ma hei!ht of :;#" will not be more than 1 cmhi!her than the maimum hei!ht of that !rade

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    'a( >oun! "ider 16 to 21 )ears 01 :an 1993 and 31 Dec 199B

    'b( :unior "ider 14 to 1B )ears 01 :an 1996 and 31 Dec 2000

    'c( ,hildren Erou & 12 to 14 )ears 01 :an 2000 and 31 Dec 2002

    'd( ,hildren Erou && 10 to 12 )ears 01 :an2002 and 31 Dec 2004'e( ,hildren Erou &&& 10 )ears + below 01 :an 2004 or after

    9. %or E)mhana races the a!es will be further broen down 78




    ,hildren Erou & ,hildren Erou && ,hildren Erou8&&&

    'a( A orn in 2000 orn in 2002 orn in 2004

    'b( orn in 2001 orn in 2003 orn in 200

    'c( , orn in 2002 orn in 2004 orn in 2006 and after

    10. >ou are re$uested to ll in the entr) form correctl) as er the blocs in the a!e!rous as stated. This has been done in /iew of !i/in! more children a chance toerform well. &"TH ,#"T&%&,AT# MCST # ATTA,H#D.

    11. l!#!?!l!% o8 R!d'r-

    'a( &n Tent *e!!in! a >oun! "ider5:unior rider 16 )ears and abo/e- canarticiate in a "e!ional Senior #/ent in the same show but not on the samehorse as entered in their resecti/e cate!or) without aOectin! their :#, status.

    'b( Since there is an o/erla of a!e in all cate!ories- the rider has a choice toarticiate in a hi!her cate!or) in the Delhi Horse Show. Howe/er- once the riderdecides to articiate in a articular cate!or) he5she cannot be down!raded and

    ill i i i h f h d d S h id

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    'b( The rst three riders in dressa!e and rst /e riders in umin! mustreort to the arena stewards atleast 1 minutes before the scheduled start thate/ent.

    'c( The arena steward has full authorit) to tae aroriate action as er

    eistin! rules if cometitors are late.

    14. %or Erou &&& E)mhana e/ents the "iders will be ermitted to be held b) a S)ce.Howe/er the) must be able to ride alone for the hacs- dressa!e and umin!.

    1. ,erticates and Medals will be !i/en onl) uto 3rdlace..16. E)mhana e/ents and hacs are not counted for est "ider.

    1F. S*#,TAT;"S A"# "#PC#ST#D ;T T; &T#"%#"# AD ;T :CST

    TH# *";E"AMM#.

    1B. ,ometitors are re$uired to be correctl) dressed for all the e/ents. ,i/iliansshould wear a la@er and Tie. ,ometitors imroerl) dressed can be dis$ualied. Hardhats must be worn with three oint contact. &n !)mhana e/ents a white shirt isermitted

    19. ,lub members are re$uested to submit their entries b) the !i/en date. A drawwill be held for allotment of ,lub horses before the Show for entries recei/ed.

    20 >;C A"# "#PC#ST#D T; SCM&T TH# E>MHAA #T"S A,,;"D&E T; TH#

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    A""'nd!; J"efers to ara 20of the *rosectus(


    1. l!#!?!l!%. The camin! facilit) at Arm) #$uestrian ,entre will onl)authori@e to those who are either member of &ndian *olo Association or#$uestrian %ederation of &ndia.

    2. S'4ur!% The A#, is located on defence land- hence there is a need tobe etra cautious on the asects of securit). All Defence5*ara Militar)contin!ents- ri/ate horse owners and club members are hereb) instructed tostrictl) adhere to the rules and re!ulations. An) /iolation of these instructionswould render the concerned contin!ent liable to be ased to /acate the A#,remises forthwith.

    3. #ntr) and stablin! within the A#, will be re!ulated b) the ;Gcer8in8

    ,har!e of A#,. ,ontin!ents ,dr5*ri/ate horse owners5,lub members will beersonall) resonsible to ensure that onl) secied area is utilised for camin!-stablin! and ridin!. All contin!ents ,dr5*ri/ate horse owners5club members willrender a list of ersonnel attached5emlo)ed with resecti/e teams alon!withthe re$uest for temorar) stablin!. The followin! details will be included 78

    'a( *olice /erication in resect of ci/il emlo)ees.'b( Two assort si@e hoto!rahs of ci/il emlo)ees.

    4. Dura%!on. Temorar) stablin! facilities at the A#, ma) be ro/ided aser olic) !o/ernin! stablin! at A#,. The duration of stablin! with reference tothe *olo5#$uestrian acti/ities.

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    'iii( ?alid mo/ement order for Arm) teams.'i/( ,erticate5aGda/it dul) comleted as attached at Anneure&&.


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014



    'b( :or ';!% 8ro %*' AC. The followin! documents will be roducedb) all Defence5*ara Militar) contin!ents- ri/ate horse owners and clubmembers78

    'i( ,o!!ins and Elanders e!ati/e certicate /alid for minimum of1 da)s at the time of eit.'ii( o demand certicate issued b) the ;&, A#,.

    6. Ad!n!-%ra%!on. =ocal administration will be under the o/erallsuer/ision of the ;&,- A#,. The salient features of the terms and conditions foreOecti/e administration are listed below for strict adherence78

    'a( Temorar) stablin! will onl) be ermitted in the area secied b);&, A#,. o ermanent structures will be constructed.

    'b( ,amin! area for resecti/e contin!ents will be secied b) the ;&,A#,. ;nl) tenta!e will be utilised for camin! for men.

    'c( Searate area will be earmared for dumin! of ha) and litter. Thecontin!ent commander will ensure dumin! in the nominated area. noha)5litter will be disosed near stablin!5 camin! area.

    'd( ominated water trou!hs will be utilised. Timin!s as er local orderswill be strictl) adhered to. Sic horses will not be watered at the trou!h.

    'e( o contin!ent will ta electricit).

    'f( #ntr) and eit of /ehicles in to the A#, will onl) be throu!h themain !ate. All /ehicles will sto at the main !ate for checin! and/erication

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    B D!-4!"l!n'. o li$uor is ermitted within the A#,. &ntoication- assault oraOra) will be /iewed /er) seriousl) and will result in the indi/idual bein!eelled immediatel).

    9. ur!-d!4%!on. The resonsibilit) as re!ard safet) of men- material and

    horses is that of the owner. o claim can be made a!ainst the cam authorities.

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014



    10. :!r' D!-4!"l!n'. o one is allowed to li!ht res or smoe within thestablin! area. All detachments will be self suGcient in the followin!78

    'a( Sand bucet 7 Two'b(

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    Anneure & '"efers to *ara 'a( of

    "ules + "e!ulations(%rom78


    The ;Gcer8in ,har!eArm) #$uestrian ,entre S$uadron 61 ,a/alr)Delhi ,antt 110 010.


    1. & would re$uest ermission to set u temorar) stablin! and camin! atthe Arm) #$uestrian ,entre for RRRR horses and RRRRR men from RRRRRRRRRRRRR to


    2. & ha/e read the rules and re!ulations- !o/ernin! temorar) stablin! andcamin! at the A#, and hereb) enclose a certicate5aGda/it to abide b) theabo/e instructions.

    3. & am enclosin! the under mentioned documents78



  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    Anneure &&'"efers to ara 'a('/(

    of "ules + "e!ulations(CR7I:ICA7/A::IDAI7


    1. & RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR son of Shri RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR am anacti/e member of the &*A5#%& and m) membershi o. of 'name of ,lub(

    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR is RRRRRRRRRRR- ',o) of certicate issued b)&*A5#%& is enclosed(.

    2. & ha/e read the Rul'- & R'#ula%!on- 8or 7'"orar!l S%a?l!n# a% %*' Arqu'-%r!an C'n%r'2 D'l*! Can%% and *av' 8ull und'r-%ood %*' -a'. & willcoml) with the -a!d Rul'- & R'#ula%!on-and an) other instructions !i/en from

    time to time.

    3. & acnowled!e that the temorar) stablin! facilit) at the Arm) #$uestrian ,entreis bein! made a/ailable from RRRRRRRRRR to RRRRRRRRR. & will not as an) etensionbe)ond these dates.

    4. & also understand that & can be ased to remo/e m) horses5men earlier withoutassi!nin! an) reason. & hereb) a!ree that & will remo/e m) horses5men within 24 hours

    of bein! ased to do so.

    . & will be settin! u cam for RRRRRR horses and RRRRRRR men. A /alid co!!in-!landers ne!ati/e and mallein certicate will be submitted to the ;&, A#, before entr)of m) horses in to the A#,.

    6. & hereb) assure that antecedents of RRRRR men worin! for me ha/e beencheced and /eried b) the ci/il olice and there are no ad/erse reort a!ainst an) ofm) men enterin! the Arm) #$uestrian ,entre. ,erticates to this eOect issued b) ,i/il*olice in resect all of m) ci/ilian emlo)ees alon! with two co) of their hoto!rahsare enclosed for records.

    F & understand that no ci/ilian temoraril) stablin! at the Arm) #$uestrian ,entre

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR in fa/our of Arm) #$uestrian ,entre- Delhi ,antt- as refundableSecurit) Deosit.

    DatedRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 'Si!nature of ,ontin!ent ,dr5*ri/ate horse owner5,lub Member

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    A""'nd!; DJ



    RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRdesirous to articiate in the e$uestrian e/ents at the Arm) #$uestrian ,entre- Delhi

    ,antt- hereb) undertae and a!ree 78

    'a( that horse ridin! and all e$uestrian sorts are inherentl) unredictableand otentiall) dan!erous.

    'b( that onl) some basic ro/isions for medical treatment are made at thee/ent /enue and & am resonsible for safet) e$uiment.

    'c( that the #$uestrian ,entre has /arious unsuer/ised areas that ma) be!enerall) ris).

    'd( that in the e/ent of an) loss or inur) to roert) or erson includin!inur) resultin! in death & ma) suOer while articiatin! and for which rstaid5emer!enc) treatment has been !i/en to me b) a doctor on dut)- & or m)arents or eecutor or administrators or other le!al reresentati/es shall nothold the Arm) *olo + "idin! ,lub- ew Delhi or the &ndian Arm) or the doctor on

    dut) or an) member or oGcer or emlo)ee or other reresentati/e of the saidclub liable or in an) manner resonsible for the same or for an) conse$uencethereof.

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014


    Aendi ,'"efer ara 3 'b( of




    1. %ull ame 'eandin! the initials( 7...

    2. ationalit) 7


    3. Date of birth 7...

    4. *arenta!e 7..

    . *resent address 7..

    6. *ermanent address 7



    F. *assort umber- date and lace 7

  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014



  • 8/11/2019 DHS Prospectus 2014
