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Devising a successful Social Media Campaign

Devising a successful Social Media Campaign

Jun 14, 2015



Dana Poole

Eco-Marathon Case Study
Social Media Case Study
Social Media Toolkit
Appdx: Maturity Model and Cultural Differences in social media
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Page 1: Devising a successful Social Media Campaign

Devising a successful

Social Media


Page 2: Devising a successful Social Media Campaign

Expectations – Why should you care?

Eco-Marathon Case Study

Social Media Toolkit

Maturity Model and Cultural Differences

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I am not a social media guru

I am a global digital communications specialist

I believe social media should be integrated with internal and external comms

I am someone like you who had responsibility for social media within my company

I want to share my experience and my learnings in the hope they will help:

Save you time

Avoid expensive mistakes

Give you a head-start

Plan your next action

#1 #2 #6

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Client or Agency – Does this sound familiar?


We need a social media strategy

What can we do with the

resources, budget we have

How can we integrate with other


Where should this team sit:

Marketing, Communications, IT

What training can we provide

How do we maintain consistency

Where do we find the content

How do we sustain it, long-term


Be more ambitious

Look at what others are doing

“Cool stuff”

Design, design

Re-design, re-design

Be leading edge

Improve website to aid discovery

Cross-linking strategy

Build lasting relationships with


Cannot afford to do nothing

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Why should you care

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Technology moves faster than you think..

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Not theory but practice..

Real Case Study

What worked, what didn’t and lessons I learnt

Social Media Toolkit

Tested and improved over time

Whether you are just starting with social media or looking at taking the next step on the

maturity ladder, my experience can help you:

Validate you’re going in the right direction

Take a pause and think

Adapt and change

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Eco-Marathon Case Study

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Shell Eco-Marathon

The story goes...70 years ago two

employees placed a friendly wager over

who could travel furthest on the same

amount of fuel


3 continents

500 teams

5000 engineering students

16 - 23 year old

40+ countries

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2012 Winner – Paris to Valencia on 1 liter of petrol (2833 km)

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Shell Eco-Marathon Europe 2009

Europe – largest of the 3 events (3500 attendees, Lausitz Germany)

Managing external communications

No social media guidelines

No expertise in-house

Agency writing communications to students

Company reluctant to engage in social media

Colleagues not interested in digital

Management not supporting digital (no budget)

High profile project at Shell

Simple Goals

Experiment, learn, figure out what works and what doesn’t

Support the Energy Challenge Agenda through Mobility

Start tactical (practical information about the event) and grow

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Getting Started

Create my own personal Facebook account and learn to use it

Update the SEM website

Content was old, corporate speak

Content heavy, no pictures, no videos

Webcasts materials not published

Update the newsletter

Change tone of voice – more young, inspiring, team spirit


Student spokesperson re media engagements

CEO & student give “start” signal for the competition

Create Shell Eco-Marathon Europe Facebook account

1000 fans within a couple of months

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What worked

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TARGETED - Gained their trust

Shell Eco-marathon event:

Has good reputation amongst students

Mobility agenda part of wider sustainability engagement


Reputable and authoritative source of information

Filled a communication gap

Allowed for rapid response and timely news

Showed we were open to listening

Started a conversation not just typical 1-way

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FOCUSED – Europe Event

Reached out to teams who already used social media and posted on their pages

Understood how our 16-23 demographics communicated

Photos – universal language (25 countries attending)

Team photos- previous events

Photos from teams preparing for the current event

Recent website re-design project- amazing photography

Original, human, non-corporate like

Captured the brand in an innovative way underpinning the “innovation” theme

of the event

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GOVERNANCE - During the Event

Knowledge & functionality sharing

Social Media Hub - Flickr tagging of #SEM shown on our website

Terminals where students could upload images and videos

Corporate Twitter used by Media Team and Digital Team

Team work

Media & Digital Teams on site, timed website/social media updates

Volunteers given flip cameras to document the event, carry out student


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GREAT CONTENT – Timely and Useful

Information about competition & technical rules

How to register for webcasts

Interview with Chief Engineer

Webcasts recordings

Practical information about the event

What to bring

Where to stay

Evening entertainment

Maps of Lausitz Racing Track - Germany

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MEMORABLE - Exclusive Offers via Facebook

Exclusive offers and value to fans:

Registration to webcasts

Food coupons

Money coupons

Competition to win products

Competition for media photo opportunity

Emotional level

Team spirit, adventure



Cultural exchange

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RIGHT CHANNEL - Enabling Interaction between Teams

Facebook allowed us to build and nurture a community of like-minded people:

Teams made their own connections

Nurtured interaction between students

Identified common challenges

Shared stories - overcoming challenges

Reached out to teams for interviews

2009 – 1st female driver

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Internal stakeholders received regular report on:

Facebook Statistics

Number of Fans, Comments, Suggestions

Website Statistics

Traffic, Engagement, Most/Least Popular


Open rates, most read stories

Outcome was:

People started paying attention

Company realised social media potential

Decision based on actual stats not what senior managers thought our

audience wanted

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MEASURABLE - Social Media Pilot for Shell

Knowledge sharing within the company

Asia started using our newsletter tool and template

US Social Media Manager attended Europe’s event and took back learnings

Shell Eco-Marathon Global Event became the Social Media Pilot for Shell and

kick-started the creation and launch of:

Social Media Framework

Social Media Guidelines

Social Media Training

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TARGETED Clear objectives

and success


FOCUSED On specific

issue, customer pain point


outcomes the one you’re expecting?

GREAT CONTENT Find a different and intriguing way to deliver


MEMORABLE Emotional connection

between the brand and audience


Think about the actions you want

people to take and match the channel to the


Social Media Campaign – Ingredients for Success

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What did not work

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Twitter was not used much outside of UK

Multiple languages e.g. Spain, France expected to converse in their own language and

not English

Teams from North Africa

Too much work managing this channel with no training

We leveraged the official Twitter channel to post important

news and direct traffic to the website

Shell has now created a Twitter account @shell_ecomar

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Difficult convincing internal stakeholders we needed to change tactics

Social Media seen as optional or something everyone can do

No in-house expertise, yet no budget to hire agencies or do training

CEO participated at US Event and was shown the Social Media Hub

Over time, we established a network of social media advocates and started to share

knowledge and resources

Email sent to our Digital Communications community to ask for stories, ideas, materials

we can use

Formal training introduced

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Multimedia Prep Work

Corporate videos were too long, too much talking

Required additional budget, more work

Little to none video editing skills in the team

Agencies engaged in taking pictures/videos were briefed on digital requirements too


Lack of social media standard

Internal stakeholders e.g. Media Team viewing Digital not as important

Separate image uploading channel (hosted by the agency)

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Legal challenges

Approval process

For posts not directly related to event information

Governance would have helped

Tone of voice was too formal, not transparent enough

Remember our audience demographic

We had to be “cool” not corporate without losing integrity and brand values

Later: Improved Writing for the Web guidelines, Twitter and Facebook channel

specific guidelines and training

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My Learnings

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It’s hard work

It’s hard to sustain tempo and the quality of content and you soon run out of interesting

things to say:

Tap into internal communications resources

Steer conversation towards subject matter experts, get them involved

Leverage existing materials, stories, photos, videos

Create an Editorial Board to manage content planning/editorial calendar

Knowledge sharing with other countries, regions

If using agencies, brief them properly (they should sit within the Digital Comms


Focus on the audience needs: relevant and personal

Need a strategy and senior management support

Align with communication strategy for an integrated approach

Be clear on goals and what success looks like

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Do the right thing, not the newest cool thing

Just because you can doesn’t mean you should

It’s about what works for your brand, your business objective

It’s ok to start small and grow

Don’t be afraid to fail but learn from mistakes

Adapt and change course if it doesn’t work

Don’t assume you know your audience, know your audience

Don’t ask people to “like” you, they will if you deserve it

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Social sharing can super-charge our visibility and credibility

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Social Infographics

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Social Media Key Performance Indicators

Define Goal



Define KPIs

Measure outcome

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Social Media Strategic Toolkit

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Listen &


Strategy &

Governance Plan

Engage and


•Research audience and

understand their needs

•Find where they are


•Discover what they are


•Decide how to reach

them at an emotional level

•What should the outcome


•How will social media

support the business


•Is social media part of

external/internal digital


• Which channel approach

fits your organisation

profile, values

• What happens when

things go wrong (Risk

Mitigation plan)

•What success looks like

•What resources and

budget is available

•Editorial Calendar


•Digital Community (Roles

and Responsibilities re

Social Media)

•Training, Guidelines

•Reporting Methodology

and Tools

• Creative - Agency


•Integrate with website

and other traditional

channels for max efficacy

•Engage audience in


•Monitor performance

•Maintain activity

•Share insights with

internal stakeholders




Social Media Strategic Toolkit

Business Strategy Tactical Implementation

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Framing the


A central hub whereby a consistent customer experience can be choreographed is becoming increasingly important Empower Communicators to empower the Business

Digital Communication’s

role is to lead from the

centre and help the

business reach their

audience with efficiency &


Put a framework, structure

and vehicle in place for the

business and recommend

how they drive it

Then, let go..

Build customer trust, cements

vision and meets business objectives

Growth of digital network incl social media channel’s

value and reputation

Social Media content to support business goals &

build lasting relationships

Social Media Strategy & Thought


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What it takes to succeed

Vision, Strategy, Governance, Resources, Ownership, Measurement

Without these, ambitious plans are set to fail in the long-term

Digital skill

To complement traditional competencies. Employees have to learn new

communications platforms & tools, explore emerging channels and be able to tell

their stories with an expanding palette of creative options.

Ultimately, communicators have to continue to do what they do best: craft powerful


Empower them and more stories will be passed from employee to employee,

journalist to reader and customer to prospective customer or advocate

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Sell the dream

Social media is not a “one

man show”

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Thank You

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Social Media Maturity Model

Cultural Differences


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Social Media Maturity Model

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Social Media in Asia

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Cultural Differences

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Cultural Differences

Design (text and


Copy Translation

Broadband speed

Profile (photo vs avatar)


Bold, strong colours

“Add a Favourite”

Average to High


Pastels, subdued

= “Scrapping” (Korean)

Very High