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Developing a Workplace Induction

Mar 04, 2016



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Introduction to Workplace Induction

C o n t e n t s3Introduction to Workplace Induction

3Why induct staff?

4Developing a Workplace Induction Program

5Before the staff member arrives

6The First Day

7Within the First Week

7The first month

8Within the first six months and first year

9Workplace Induction Kit

11Professional Staff Induction Checklist

15Academic Staff Induction Checklist

19Employee Information Sheet

20Useful Links

Introduction to Workplace Induction

The induction of a new staff member is the final stage of the recruitment and selection process and the beginning of their training experience and career development. As a supervisor/manager it is your responsibility to supply specific information about the work area and the job, and provide a positive role model to your staff. A good workplace induction program provides the necessary information, resources and motivation to assist a new employee to adjust to the work environment as quickly as possible.

Research in adult education shows that people are most open to learning in the first few days on the job. This is your best opportunity show that QUT is committed to the new staff member.

An effective induction program will confirm your interview choice by promoting a sense of belonging and achievement in the staff member and helping them to contribute to the University's vision.

This resource is designed as a guide only. Please modify your induction program to satisfy the needs of your staff and work area.

Why induct staff?

A good induction program benefits both the organisation and the new employeeBenefits for QUT:

Creating a positive perception of the organisation and communicating the corporate culture, values and goals.

Setting a precedent for ongoing training, by showing the employee that the organisation is serious about developing the skills needed to perform their job competently.

Motivating existing employees by including them in the process.

Increasing retention as staff are more likely to give longer term commitment to the organisation. Gaining insight, objectivity and fresh ideas from the new employee on how QUT is perceived externally.

Benefits for the Employee:

Making a new staff member feel welcome and comfortable, and beginning the process of integrating them into the workplace.

Confirming the employee's decision to join the organisation.

Helping to build the self-esteem, morale and motivation of the new employee. Establishing good communication between the supervisor and the employee from the beginning.Developing a Workplace Induction Program

A well planned induction program is advantageous to your work area. Do not wait for a new employee to arrive to plan a program. Invest the time NOW so that when your new employee arrives you will be prepared.

Consider the following activities:

Form a small working party of staff in your area - include a cross section of representatives from administration, academic, supervisors, management representatives to ascertain what is required of an induction program for your area.

Survey staff and find out what issues need to be considered and included in an induction program.

Make your induction program accessible to all staff or work area, i.e. place your induction program online. Ensure that those staff members most likely to provide assistance in conducting the induction program know where to find the guide program and how to modify it.

Collate all the information you need for workplace induction kits, and have a few samples on hand.

Ensure that the induction program is checked and updated regularly so that information remains current and relevant to the work area and new staff.

Consider developing a staff training and development policy for your organisational area.

When planning your program: Consider the aims and objectives of the induction program. Are they clear, specific and measurable?

Use adult learning principles. Adults learn by "doing" and experiencing things, therefore involve the new staff member in your induction program, giving them plenty of opportunity to practise new skills and use new information.

Ensure that the program is tailored to the individual staff member's needs. Consult with the new staff member's colleagues for information the new staff member needs to perform their job competently.

Be aware of cultural diversity and tailor your program to suit, for example special dietary requirements, religious or cultural norms, language.

Rotate activities and add variety. Do not schedule meetings all week. Give the person a wide variety of activities to participate in.

Consider the most effective way to present information to your new staff member. Policy information may be given in written form, whereas the steps needed to use the phone will best be presented by showing the person how to do this correctly and then giving them the opportunity to practice the new skill. Other ways to impart knowledge include interviews with other staff, mentoring, audiovisual presentations, pamphlets and brochures.

Induction should be broken down into stages to ensure the success of the overall program. Each stage needs to be well planned. Suggested stages include:

Before the staff member arrives First day

First week

First month

First six months

Before the staff member arrives

Induction starts before an employee begins work in the organisation. It is important to invest time at the beginning to plan for the arrival of your new staff member. Preparation pays dividends in the end.

When designing an induction program consider what the employee needs to know now. Avoid the tendency to overload the new staff member with information, particularly on the first day. Break down items into priority for your area.

Essential tasks you need to perform before the arrival of your new staff member:

Make sure the job is ready! Prepare the work area ensuring that the area is tidy, equipment is in good working order and resources are available.

Arrange an overlap with existing employees if possible.

Notify all colleagues of the arrival of the new employee and enlist their help in designing an induction program. Ensure that the person on the front desk is expecting the person and knows where to direct them when they arrive.

Contact the staff member to arrange a time and place to meet them on the first day. Answer any initial enquiries such as parking, dress code and what to bring with them.

Arrange an induction partner who the new staff member can call upon in the initial stages. The induction partner should be someone with a good knowledge of how things operate and who has set aside time to be available.

Arrange a welcome social event such as a morning tea.

Prepare an induction program checklist and ensure a copy of the program is given to the new staff member on their first day. This program should outline who will cover what information and when. It can be used at the end of the process to review if all topics have been covered. To create a checklist, modify the following templates as applicable:


Professional Staff Checklist Attachment 1

Academic Staff Checklist Attachment 2

For Senior Staff, use the appropriate professional or academic checklist and modify according to the position (Academic Staff at Level E are considered Senior Staff).

The First Day


Greet the new staff member personally at the arranged time, or nominate a trusted person you can rely on to create a good first impression. It is very important that the new staff member meets their supervisor on their first day.

Help the staff member to relax. Even the most experienced person is likely to have a twinge of first-day nerves.

Induction Program Overview:

Provide the staff member with details of what will be included in the induction program and check their understanding.

Provide them with the induction folder and briefly cover its contents.

Indicate who will be their induction partner or who to approach with work problems (if it is not you).

Introduce the immediate workplace and colleagues:

Familiarise the staff member with the immediate work area and introduce colleagues the staff member will be working with. Try not to introduce too many people on the first day.

Have someone explain workplace practices, expectations and culture.

Encourage a sense of belonging to the work group through a welcome morning tea

Explain the job:

Discuss the scope and duties of the job. Have a copy of the duty statement on hand. Cover the work duties briefly at first, explaining each major task in intervals over the first week, to avoid information overload.

Give an indication of the typical work day.

Briefly indicate how the job relates to others and indicate its function and importance.

Check the staff member's understanding of their duties, ask for questions and/or feedback. Discuss what the staff member can achieve on the first day. Remember - it is your responsibility to create a realistic impression of the job and explain clearly what your expectations are with regards to performance standards and work practices.

Take a workplace area walk (including campus):

Familiarise new staff with relevant offices, lecture rooms, computer rooms, laboratories, staff rooms, wash rooms, and other immediate work area facilities.

Include a tour of the campus showing the location of the refectory/cafe, library, recreation facilities, banking facilities, bookshop, car parking, security and lost property, enquiries counter, mail room and stores, shuttle bus stop, lost property, finance counter, medical and other staff services.

Introduce basic procedures:

Explain the telephone system and the mail system, how to go about ordering supplies, how to use the photocopiers and other equipment.

Collect, sign and forward Commencement of Duty form to the Pay Office. Advise the staff member to forward the tax declaration and bank account forms to the pay office as soon as possible to activate pay. Advise of any parking arrangements (if available).


If appropriate, provide instruction on methods and procedures.

Instruct on the necessary health and safety procedures, for example, evacuation procedures, or specific safety requirements in your area.

Check what the new person already knows before giving instructions.

Supervise the initial attempts at procedures to ensure accurate performance.

Maintain Contact:

You are not required to spend every moment with the new staff member. Co-workers are capable of coordinating sections of the induction program. Set aside some time to visit the person on the job to see how they are settling in.

Arrange to meet the staff member at the end of the day to review their reactions to the first day and to answer any questions which may have arisen

Within the First Week


Discuss in greater detail how the person's role fits into QUT's overall activities. Provide more information on Division/Faculty structure and policy, mission, and services.

Expand on the role of other staff members in the section. Arrange for the new employee to meet with other staff members for a half hour to an hour to discuss co-workers' roles and expectations of working relationships.

Provide relevant information on fire safety such as the nearest fire exit and the usual procedures in a fire drill.

Provide details about specific tasks the staff member is required to perform in their role.

Ensure the staff member has registered for the next Welcome to QUT orientation program. This is a mandatory part of induction.

Maintain contact:

Maintain daily contact to help the staff member settle in - these meetings can be useful for discussing any queries that may arise.


Check what progress is being made and suggest solutions to any problems that you identify. Avoid negative criticism.

The first month

Explain rules and regulations: Expand on workplace rules and regulations, for example, accident reporting, occupational health and safety responsibilities, equal opportunity policies. These items are referred to in the Welcome to QUT (mandatory) orientation program, so encourage the staff member's attendance at one of these seminars.

Discuss individual action plan:

Discuss work progress and expand on the duty statement and responsibilities. Discuss individual and section objectives and devise an individual development in conjunction with the staff member, arranging additional training as required.

Briefly explain that PPR is a participative process which is mandatory and contributes to the achievement of the individual, work area and organisational excellence and outline the staff member's rights and obligations in this regard.Maintain regular contact:

Regular contact during the first month will help new staff members feel at home and will prevent problems arising from misunderstandings or dissatisfaction. Try to meet at least once a week.

Provide praise and encouragement whenever possible.

Within the first six months and first year

Review progress regularly: Identify progress and any further training which might be required.

New staff bring with them a fresh perspective that is often lost within the first two or three months of commencement. By inviting suggestions for improvement you can profit from their viewpoint and encourage their involvement in the workplace.

Performance Planning & Review (PPR) - Mandatory: As supervisor, schedule meetings with your new staff member to discuss their PPR. This should occur at least once throughout the year and include the Mid-Term Review for professional staff.

Give constructive feedback on job performance strengths and weaknesses that is neither threatening to the receiver or likely to make the receiver defensive.

Evaluate the Induction Program: Set aside time with the new employee to review and discuss issues, answer questions and provide further information if required.

Get feedback about the specifics of your induction program so that it can be modified if needed. Consider the overall process, information provided and its format.

Ask which information was the most and the least helpful.

Check if the specific objectives set at the beginning of the program were met. Also seek feedback on the program from colleagues involved in the process.

Workplace Induction Kit

There is a great deal of information about the immediate work area which should be imparted to the new employee during their induction program. To reinforce information given during the induction period and provide pointers towards accessing further information, put together an Information Kit for your new staff member to refer to over the first few weeks in their new role. This may contain:

Commencement Information: Duty statement/job description

Outline of the induction program and checklist (professional, academic and senior)

A detailed chart of the organisational/reporting structure in your work area, and its relationship to other areas in the University

A list of co-workers with a brief explanation of their roles and contact details

A map of the work area, and map of the QUT Organisational structure (MOPP, Appendix 5)

A list of contacts within the University which the new staff member will be communicating with regularly

New Staff - Frequently Asked Questions Employee Information Sheet Attachment 3Health & Safety:

A copy of the Workplace Health & Safety Induction Checklist

Building and floor warden contacts, location of fire exits and equipment

Safety/accident procedures, location of first aid kit

Location of web resources:On-line health and safety checklist: Safety/accident procedures: Policies & Employment Conditions: Code of conduct policy (mandatory), policies on conflict of interest and confidentiality

EO Online is a self-paced online equal opportunity training program for higher education employees. Located at Timesheets or signing-in procedures, how to complete and whom to give it to

Leave scheduling, overtime, holidays - whom to notify for authorisation and approval.

A schedule outlining work area meetings and other important dates

Location of MOPP, Enterprise Bargaining agreements and other procedural documents

Specific work area procedural documents, policies and reports

Smoking/non-smoking areas Communication: Computing system - logging on and off, passwords

Communication guidelines in the work area (User Guides)

Email network - arrange for email address, be sure to include staff member on any work area email list

Publications, newsletters, brochures about the organisational unit

How to contact QUT staff (QUT Virtual, QUT Staff Contacts pages) Web site location of forms such as payment claim forms, travel requisitions etc

Transport: Application for parking form

Procedures for taxi vouchers and use of University Vehicles

Bus timetables between campuses

Resources: Location of stationery and procedures for ordering supplies and other resources/equipment.

How to arrange printing of business cards

Academic Calendar and Key Administrative Dates Calendar

List of QUT Web sites and QUT Abbreviations

Location of staff development and training providers

Central filing system, location of files and other reference material, records management

Bookshop discounts and library borrowing rights for staff

Hiring of other equipment such as videos and audiovisual equipment Finance Information: Account codes and where to seek authorisation for any expenditure

Procedures for claiming petty cash

Ordering of catering for functions

Additional information for Academic Staff Standards for teaching and learning at QUT

How to use audiovisual equipment such as MELTs, obtain radio microphones for lectures, AV services for taping lectures

How to approach publishers about articles and information about DEST classifications

Policies regarding research and commercial activities

Professional Staff Induction Checklist

Staff Member:

Work Area:

Date Commenced:/ /Probation confirmation date:/ /

Supervisor:Induction Partner

PRE-EMPLOYMENTPre-employment Date start:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Contact HR Dept to ensure letter of offer has been sent to new staff memberSupervisor

Check letter of offer has been signed and returned by new staff member to HR DeptSupervisor

Negotiate the start date with appointee and advise HR of dateSupervisor

Once letter of offer/start date is confirmed, contact new staff member to discuss:

arrival details, nearby parking & transport facilities;

general information about the University;

remind employee to forward completed appointment forms to Payroll of Banking Details and Tax Employment Declaration or to bring on their first day with Commencement of Duty form to obtain computer/building access (refer to HR Forms on HR Web site:

Advise staff in relevant local and broader workplaces of the start date of the new staff member and organise key contact appointment timeSupervisor

Nominate an induction partner to help the new staff member for the first month Supervisor

Setup a Workplace Induction file to send to new staff member. If possible include:

first day, first week and first month induction schedule;

manuals, area and department contact listings, Division/Faculty structure etc;

ensure new staff members details are added to workplace email and phone lists;

provide staff member with contact details of local staff members;

include calendars of training and development programs.Induction Partner

Organise the work office by:

contacting Information Technology Services (ITS) to obtain Standard;

Operating Environment (SOE) guidelines for setup;

ensuring clean work environment;

ordering appropriate stationery;

contacting ITS for phone connections, they will direct this to Comms Admin.Work Area

Organise a welcome morning/afternoon tea with colleagues within the first weekInduction Partner


First Day:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Welcome staff member and go through the schedule for first daySupervisor

Explain the role, responsibilities and expectations of new staff member and how the position relates to the work area and their colleaguesSupervisor

Introduce staff member to work area colleaguesInduction Partner

Outline key contacts and their roles to staff memberSupervisor

Plan and explain work for the first weekSupervisor

Tour of immediate work area including:

all relevant Faculty/Division facilities;

work protocols I.e. location and use of printers etc;

explain attendance record requirements;

explain security, after hours access and other local workplace arrangements such as swipe cards/keys, protocols etc;

Facilities such as Health Services, Food outlets, Library, Gym etc.Induction Partner

Complete and return all employment forms to Payroll

Commencement of DutySupervisor

Tax Employment Declaration (if havent already done so) Banking details (if havent already done so)New staff member

Go through with the staff member the ITS Staff Computing Guide process

Take new staff member to designated campus location to obtain photo ID card Induction Partner

Explain OH&S and emergency practices and complete the OH&S checklist.


Ensure the staff member completers EO Online available through the Equity web site Supervisor


Week start:Week end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Once access has been obtained, conduct a tour of the QUT web site including QUT Virtual, Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPP), Relevant QUT web site detailsInduction Partner

Provide more detailed information on Universitys mission and goals and where the workplace area is located in the structureSupervisor

Provide key planning documents including QUT Strategic PlanSupervisor

Supervisor meet with new staff member to discuss roles and expectationsSupervisor

Read QUTs Code of Conduct (mandatory)Supervisor

Discuss Employee Benefits and provide web addresses for QUTs key policies HR website (conditions of employment, MBF Health Fund etc)Supervisor

Explain the different University schemes such as Performance Planning and Review (PPR-PS), Professional Development Program (PDP), Study Assistance Scheme (SAS) view info on Human Resources web site (mandatory)Supervisor

Discuss the main responsibilities of the position and agree on short-term goals to coincide with the PPR meeting held within a month. Record any prior training received and identify any short-term training and development needs.Supervisor

Diarise a time for the PPR meeting with supervisor within 1 month from commencement of employment Supervisor & new staff member

Follow up on appointments with key contact people if required

New staff member

Introduce staff member to any relevant staff networksSupervisor

Explain relevant filing and record systems, internal and external mail processes, setup voicemail accessWork area

Seek feedback during the first week to check that new staff member is settling in adequately. Provide any necessary feedback on new staff members approach to workSupervisor

Schedule regular catch up meetings and inform staff member of any other regular area/department meeting dates or workplace practicesSupervisor

Complete and return all Superannuation applications and documentsNew staff member

Arrange for new staff member to meet the manager of the work areaSupervisor

Enrol staff member into next Welcome to QUT Orientation program (mandatory)Induction partner

Identify and book any training and development required from the QUT Staff development and training providers web page

Supervisor & new staff member

Where applicable discuss outstanding removal assistance and receipts with Assistant HR Advisor (for those relocating from interstate or international)New staff member

Hold a Welcome morning/afternoon tea with colleaguesInduction Partner


Month start:Month end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Hold the Performance Planning and Review discussion. Jointly set goals for the first year and beyond. Discuss on-going staff development opportunities in more detail Supervisor & new staff member

Seek feedback from new staff member and address any issues related to their integration into the workplaceSupervisor


6 Months start:6 Months end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Conduct mid-term PPR. Provide constructive feedback on performance. Remember to recognise good work by providing positive comments. Supervisor

Seek feedback from new staff member and address any issues related to their integration into the workplaceSupervisor

Revisit relevant development and training needs identified in PPR and modify where necessarySupervisor


Month start:Month end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Conduct final formal annual PPR review and send signed form to HR for probation confirmationSupervisor

Seek feedback from new staff member about the workplace induction process and if any improvements can be madeSupervisor

Obtain feedback from past PPR and commence new cycleSupervisor & new staff member

Signature of Staff member:

*** The Web version or Word document of the checklist form is to be filed with the work area. Academic Staff Induction Checklist

Staff Member:

Work Area:

Date Commenced:/ /Probation confirmation date:/ /

Supervisor:Induction Partner

PRE-EMPLOYMENTPre-employment Date start:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Contact HR Dept to ensure letter of offer has been sent to new staff memberSupervisor

Ensure letter of offer has been signed and returned by new staff member to HR DeptSupervisor

Negotiate the start date with appointee and advise HR of dateSupervisor

Once letter of offer/start date is confirmed, contact new staff member to discuss:

arrival details, nearby parking & transport facilities;

general information about the University;

remind employee to forward completed appointment forms to Payroll of Banking Details and Tax Employment Declaration or to bring on their first day with Commencement of Duty form to obtain computer/building access.Supervisor

Advise staff in relevant local and broader workplaces of the start date of the new staff member and organise key contact appointment timeSupervisor

Nominate an induction partner to help the new staff member for the first month Supervisor

Setup a Workplace Induction file to send to new staff member, if possible to inc:

create first day, first week and first month Induction schedule;

manuals, area and department listings, Division/Faculty structure etc;

ensure new staff members details are added to workplace email and phone lists;

provide staff member with contact details of local staff members;

include academic resources such as Online Teaching (OLT) course notes, intellectual property, research & advancement information etc

include calendars of academic development programs.Induction Partner

Organise the work office by:

contacting Information Technology Services (ITS) to obtain Standard Operating Environment (SOE) guidelines for setup;

ensuring clean work environment;

ordering appropriate stationery;

contacting ITS for phone connections, they will direct this to Comms Admin.Work Area

Nominate an academic induction mentor to help the new staff member for the first six months (Name: )Supervisor

Organise a welcome morning/afternoon tea with colleagues within the first weekInduction Partner


ItemPerson/s responsible

Welcome staff member and go through the schedule for first daySupervisor

Explain the academic role, responsibilities and expectations of new staff member and how the position relates to the work area and their colleaguesSupervisor

Introduce staff member to work area colleaguesInduction Partner

Outline key contacts and their roles to staff memberSupervisor

Plan and explain work for the first weekSupervisor

Tour of immediate work area including:

all relevant Faculty/School facilities;

work protocols I.e. location and use of printers etc;

explain the management of attendance and leave provisions within the Faculty/School;

explain security, after hours access and other local workplace arrangements such as swipe cards/keys, protocols etc;

Facilities such as Health Services, Food outlets, Library, Gym etc.Induction Partner

Complete and return all employment forms to Payroll

Commencement of DutySupervisor

Tax Employment Declaration (if havent already done so) Banking details (if havent already done so)New staff member

Go through with the staff member the ITS Staff Computing Guide process

Take new staff member to designated campus location to obtain photo ID card Induction Partner

Explain OH&S and emergency practices and complete the OH&S checklist.


Ensure the staff member completers EO Online available through the Equity web site Supervisor


Week start:Week end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Once access has been obtained, conduct a tour of the QUT web site including QUT Virtual, Manual of Policies and Procedures (MOPP), Relevant QUT web site detailsInduction Partner

Provide more detailed information on Universitys mission and goals and where the workplace area is located in the structureSupervisor

Provide key planning documents including QUT Strategic PlanSupervisor

Supervisor meet with academic to discuss roles and expectationsSupervisor

Read QUTs Code of Conduct (mandatory)Supervisor

Discuss Employee Benefits and provide web addresses for QUTs key policies, HR website (conditions of employment, MBF Health Fund etc)Supervisor

Explain the different University schemes such as Performance Planning and Review (PPR-AS), Professional Development Leave (PDL), Study Assistance Scheme (SAS) view info on Human Resources web site (mandatory)Supervisor

Discuss the main responsibilities of the position and agree on short-term goals to coincide with the PPR meeting held within a month. Record any prior training received and identify any short-term training and development needs.Supervisor

Diarise a time for the PPR meeting with supervisor within 1 month from commencement of employment

Supervisor & new staff member

Follow up on appointments with key contact people if required

New staff member

Introduce staff member to any relevant staff networksSupervisor

Explain relevant filing and record systems, internal and external mail processes, setup voicemail accessWork area

Seek feedback during the first week to check that new staff member is settling in adequately. Provide any necessary feedback on new staff members approach to workSupervisor

Schedule regular catch up meetings and inform staff member of any other regular area/department meeting dates or workplace practicesSupervisor

Complete and return all Superannuation applications and documentsNew staff member

Arrange for new staff member to meet the Head of School/DeanSupervisor

Enrol staff member into next Welcome to QUT Orientation program (mandatory)Induction partner

Identify and book any training and development required from the QUT Staff development and training providers web page

Supervisor & new staff member

Where applicable discuss outstanding removal assistance and receipts with Assistant HR Advisor (for those relocating from interstate or international)New staff member

Hold a Welcome morning/afternoon tea with colleaguesInduction Partner


Month start:Month end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Hold the Performance Planning and Review discussion. Jointly set goals for the first year and beyond. Discuss on-going staff development opportunities in more detail Supervisor & new staff member

Seek feedback from new staff member and address any issues related to their integration into the workplaceSupervisor


6 Months start:6 Months end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Provide constructive feedback on performance, both formal and informalSupervisor

Seek feedback from new staff member and address any issues related to their integration into the workplaceSupervisor

Revisit relevant development and training needs identified in PPR and modify where necessarySupervisor


Month start:Month end:

ItemPerson/s responsible

Conduct final formal annual PPR review and send signed form to HR for probation confirmationSupervisor

Seek feedback from new staff member about the workplace induction process and if any improvements can be madeSupervisor

Obtain feedback from past PPR and commence new cycleSupervisor & new staff member

Signature of Staff member:

*** The Web version or Word document of the checklist form is to be filed with the work area. Employee Information SheetComplete the sheet and hand to the employee prior to commencement or on their first day.



Job Title:

Employee No:

Work Schedule:



Immediate Supervisor:

Head of School/Dept:

Dean/Head of Division:


Phone Number:

Fax Number:

Email Address:

Street Address:

Post Office Box Address:

Campus Mail Address:

Office Room Number:


Useful Links

Welcome to QUT- Performance, Planning & Review (PPR) - Workplace Health & Safety - Safety & Accident Procedures - Code of Conduct - Equity - Timesheets - MOPP - Enterprise Bargaining Agreements - Smoking/Non smoking- User Guides - Payment Claim Forms - Parking Form - University Vehicles - Bus Timetables - Business Cards - Academic Calendar - Key Administrative Dates Calendar - QUT Websites - QUT Abbreviations - Staff Development and Training - Library Borrowing Rights - Audiovisual Equipment - Account Codes -

Developing a



A guide for supervisors at QUT

CRICOS no 00213JDeveloping a Workplace Induction

Page 6 of 20

CRICOS no 00213J