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Detoxify Your Body In 10 Days

Detoxify Your Body In 10 Days - Herpes Secret Your Body In 10 Days . Table ... your body get rid of carbon ... focus on green vegetables and citrus fruits that are high in antioxidants

Jun 16, 2018



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Page 1: Detoxify Your Body In 10 Days - Herpes Secret Your Body In 10 Days . Table ... your body get rid of carbon ... focus on green vegetables and citrus fruits that are high in antioxidants

Detoxify Your Body In 10 Days

Page 2: Detoxify Your Body In 10 Days - Herpes Secret Your Body In 10 Days . Table ... your body get rid of carbon ... focus on green vegetables and citrus fruits that are high in antioxidants

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

2. What is detoxification?

3. Why do you need detoxification?

4. What happens if you don't detox?

5. Top Myths about Detoxing

6. Why You Should Avoid Fad Detox Diets

7. Can Detoxing Be Bad for You? - Medical issues

8. Benefits of Detoxing

9. How Can Detoxing Affect Weight Loss

10. How Does the Body Detoxify Itself

11. The Importance of Hydration

12. Foods That Help the Body to Detox

13. Detox Methods

14. How to prepare your own Detox plan

15. Frequently asked questions


Human body produces a huge variety of metabolic toxins and waste products as part of normal

biological processes. In order to maintain the integrity of cells and tissues and to allow optimal

functioning, it is highly recommended to maintain the internal environment of the body. Nature

has designed the human body in such a way that most cells, enzymes and hormones function

only at a certain pH. Accumulation of toxins or biological chemicals can alter the pH and thereby

effect the normal metabolic and biological reactions.

A few common chemicals or toxins that are produced in the human body include:

1. Toxin gases like Carbon dioxide – a metabolic end- product of carbohydrate

metabolism. All cells of the human body are dependent on the glucose as the primary

source of energy. Combustion of glucose provides cells energy packets (also known as

ATP – Adenosine Tri Phosphate) and also produces a lot of carbon dioxide during the

process that must be excreted from the body. You will learn in the coming chapters how

body gets rid of carbon dioxide.

2. Pigments like Bilirubin and bilverdin that are produced as a result of breakdown of blood


3. Cellular waste products and nuclear breakdown products

4. Hormonal breakdown products

5. Medications, drugs and chemicals that are inhaled or orally ingested by us as part of

foods, beverages or drugs

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Although, human body is efficient in excreting the toxins, chemicals and waste products

acquired or produced during metabolic reactions, but depending upon the lifestyle habits,

physiological aging and other factors, the toxins and chemicals build up over time and may lead

to diseases, infections and metabolic disorders due to malfunctioning of enzymes, tissues, organs

and system. In the absence of any intervention, the risk of pre-mature aging and death increases

many folds, which is why most healthcare providers now advice periodic detoxification of the


What is Detoxing?

Detoxification refers to elimination of toxic chemicals and waste products from your body to

improve physical health. Human body is exposed to a number of toxins and chemicals that are

broadly classified as:

Exogenous toxins: exogenous toxins are acquired from the atmosphere (like supplemental

hormones, medications and drugs, alcoholic and caffeinated beverages, toxins in the food due to

unhealthy farming practices and other toxins)

Endogenous toxins: Endogenous toxins are produced by the body itself that may accumulate

over time leading to diseases.

What are some signs that your body needs detoxification?

If you are experiencing following sign and symptoms, you may need detoxification.

- Constipation refers to hypomotile gut and bowel frequency of less than 2 per week.

- Body aches, muscle aches and episodic headaches are also indicative of high toxin levels

in the body that irritates your nerve endings and produce the symptoms of pain and


- If you consume a lot of sea- foods like swordfish, shark, tuna etc, you may develop high

mercury levels over time that significantly increases your risk of complications.

- Similarly if you have more than 4 mercury fillings or amalgam, you may also need

periodic detox to eliminate excess mercury from your body that may deposit in your

tissues and produce disabling symptoms.

- If you are experiencing frequent food allergies, symptoms of indigestion and other gastric


- If you are unsuccessful in losing weight despite functional and sincere weight loss


- If you consume exogenous hormone replacement treatments or other types of

supplements of regular basis for birth control (that includes progesterone, estrogens) or

correctional therapies for hormonal imbalance (like thyroid replacement therapies) you

may need detox more than an average person since exogenous hormones are not readily

metabolized by the body.

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- If you consume NSAIDs such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen for the management of

gastric issues. NSAIDs and most synthetic drugs are metabolized by the liver and

produce a number of breakdown chemicals before being excreted from the body. These

chemicals may cross- react with other drugs or metabolic end- products produced by your

body and may increase the level of toxins in your system that produce undesirable

symptoms over time.

- If you have skin disorders like acne, psoriasis, rosacea or eczema. A lot of people find

relief in the symptoms with periodic detoxing.

- If you consume SAD Diet (Standard American Diet) that is full of processed and

unrefined sugars and carbs.

- If you are suffering or have a recent history of parasitic infestations. Detox diets are

needed to eliminate the toxins from your body released by parasites or anti -parasitic


What happens if you don't detox?

Biological and metabolic processes continue as long as you live. However, there are a number of

important factors that plays a very important role in mantling optimal health and well being.

This includes

Top Myths about Detoxing

Why You Should Avoid Fad Detox Diets

Can Detoxing Be Bad for You?

Detoxification is recommended to optimize health and well- being, but in certain situation it may

not be the best option for you. For example, it is recommended to avoid detoxification (without

speaking to your healthcare provider) if:

- You are pregnant or breastfeeding as it may interfere with your pregnancy and may lead

to complications

- If you are above 65 years of age, always speak to a healthcare professional before

initiating Detox diets

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- If you are suffering from uncontrolled metabolic or medical issues like high blood

pressure or diabetes. Detox is definitely recommended in these situations; however,

expert advice is needed as some methods may not be suitable for your condition.

- If you are underweight or are suffering from nutritional abnormalities.

Some health hazards reported with detoxing

It is recommended to continue detoxification diets for limited duration of time. Some common

explanations that are presented in this regard are:

- Most detox diet promote the intake of very low calorie diet that may lead to health issues

due to calorie restriction

- Although detox diet improves energy levels in the long term, most people develop muscle

aches, early fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headaches and other similar symptoms that may

lead to low productivity and may interfere with work or studies. These are normal

symptoms and are felt because the toxins levels are high in serum (and are being released

from the tissues)

- Individuals who continue detox diets for longer periods of time tend to develop a variety

of health issues like vitamin and mineral deficiencies and electrolyte imbalance

For best results:

- Always seek the help and guidance of a registered dietitian in the formulation of your

detox plan (after seeking advice from your healthcare provider)

- Avoid vigorous or strenuous physical activity when you are on detox diet.

- Detox your body towards the end of week so that you can get the entire weekend for

yourself and detoxing does not interfere with your professional activities.

Benefits of Detoxing

Detoxification is helpful in a number of ways

- Removal or elimination of toxins from your body improves your skin and skin ailments

(like acne, blemishes and wrinkles) and ensure fresh healthy skin by promoting

regeneration and repair processes.

- If you are troubled by your insufficient energy levels, low productivity and fatigue

syndrome, you should know that your body need a Detox treatment.

- Detoxification also improves overall digestion and assimilation of nutrients. Proper

Detox can eliminate bowel syndromes (like irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory

disorders of gut and hypo-motile gut/ constipation)

- You can also shed extra weight by Detox

- Releasing extra load and pressure from your excretory organs and allowing them to

resume and regenerate their cells

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How Can Detoxing Affect Weight Loss

Detoxing is helpful for weight loss in a number of ways. A lot of people complain about obesity

or weight gain despite low dietary intake. Ever wonder why some people tend to gain more

weight when compared to others with same demographic profile (age, gender and height)?

Although genetic factors are also responsible but the primary cause is difference in the overall

rate of metabolism.

Toxins and chemicals tend to affect the functioning of metabolic enzymes leading to low

metabolic rate. With cleansing of your body, enzymes can function to this fullest to enhance

metabolism and also promote weight loss.

What are other causes of weight loss with detoxing?

When you are detoxing, you are bound to consume a healthy, balanced and low calorie it (or at

least limit the intake of empty carb calories that are a leading cause of obesity)

Processed foods are notoriously known for the harmful chemicals and are thus totally eliminated

from most detox plans. Processed foods are also devoid of fiber and high in calories leading to

weight gain.

It has to be kept in mind that weight loss due to detoxing is temporary and in the absence of

calorie control, you may re-gain your weight in a few weeks.

How Does the Body Detoxify Itself?

As we have discussed in the introductory chapter of the book that body produces carbon dioxide

during normal biological reactions. Body eliminates carbon dioxide and other toxic gases by a

functional pulmonary system. When you inhale, the oxygen from the environment is absorbed by

your body and when you exhales, your body get rid of carbon dioxide. But how does your body

monitor carbon dioxide concentration in the serum?

High carbon dioxide can shut down cellular and metabolic machinery and is also indicative of

poor ventilation. High carbon dioxide levels are detected by carotid sensors in brain and along

carotid arteries that are highly sensitive to changes in the blood pH. An acidic pH (indicative of

high serum CO2) triggers alarm that enables the brain to increase ventilator effort by increasing

total respiratory rate and eliminating excess carbon dioxide.

Detoxing the Liver

Liver is the primary detoxification center of the human body that is responsible for the

elimination of:

- Worn-out blood cells and other cells of the body

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- Cellular debris and bacterial breakdown products

- Toxic substances (breakdown products of pollutants that are ingested with food)

- Removal of medications and drugs like ampicillin, erythromycin, penicillin and

sulfonamides. -

Detoxing the Colon

- Detoxing the Kidneys

- Detoxing Your Skin

Skin cells are labile cells (that suggest the reproduction rate of skin cells is highest). The same

potential is also responsible for

Detoxing by Lymph Glands

Lymph glands or lymphatics carry fat soluble drugs and chemicals; however, due to consistency

of lymph, the lymphatic circulation is slow as compared systemic circulation. This increases the

propensity of leakage and transference of harmful chemicals in tissues from lympahtics. Lymph

vessels travel across the interstitial spaces in between the tissues and organs. Any organic

pathology can increase the risk of congestion of interstitial spaces

The Importance of Hydration

Foods That Help the Body to Detox

There are a number of foods that are inherently effective at enhancing the elimination of toxins.

Increasing the intake of these foods can help in optimal detoxification of the body.

- Fresh fruits and vegetables (organic and farm grown fruits and vegetables with special

focus on green vegetables and citrus fruits that are high in antioxidants and vitamin C).

Best examples include broccoli, bean sprouts, orange, tangerines, grapefruit and lemon.

- Fish also supply omega 3 fatty acids that are helpful in the regeneration of tissues and

organs. You can consume both fresh (wild- caught fish) or canned fish (in water or olive


- All types of lean red meat or white meat like chicken can also be consumed while you are

detoxing. Make sure to remove the skin and limit the intake to no more than 2 servings

per week.

- Legumes can also be consumed (such as kidney beans, lentils and , chickpeas)

- Eggs that are organic are also helpful in supplying healthy forms of cholesterol and

essential amino acids like choline and lysine.

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- While detoxing, make sure to choose the right type of oil for cooking (like olive oil -extra

virgin), or unprocessed coconut oil.

- Nuts are considered healthy for weight loss due to right amount of calories and nutrients.

For best results, choose raw unsalted macadamias, almonds, walnuts and cashews

- Raw unsalted pumpkin, sesame and sunflower seeds

- Instead of alcoholic or caffeinated beverages, try to incorporate healthy beverages like

decaffeinated white tea, weak black tea and Green tea.

Most importantly increase your water intake to more than 2 liters per day.

What foods to avoid when you are detoxing?

There are a number of foods that must be avoided when you are detoxing to enhance the effect of

Detox diets and to reduce the load on your body too. These foods include:

- Avoid grains that includes all varieties (rice, wheat, rye, barley and oat) or foods that

contain grains( like bread, biscuits, cakes, pasta)

- Totally eliminate the intake of alcohol,

- Make sure to avoid milk and other dairy products (except unsweetened yogurt that

contains probiotics and other healthy bacterial cultures.

- Sugar

- Cigarettes contain addictive element nicotine that is responsible for the psychological

dependence reported in smokers. In addition, cigarettes contain over 300 recognized

carcinogens and inflammation mediating chemicals that are associated with chronic

obstructive pulmonary disease and other respiratory disorders like asthma, a variety of

cancers like lung, prostate, esophagus, stomach and pancreas, circulatory disorders like

hypertension, atherosclerosis and heart diseases.

- Totally eliminate all artificial sweeteners and other foods that contain artificial flavors or


- Coffee and other caffeinated beverages are associated with dehydration (interfering with

your detoxification).

Herbs and Supplements for Detoxing

Detox Methods

- Raw Foods Diet

- Candida Cleanse

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- Toxic Metals Detox

Liver Flush/Cleanse

- Detoxing the liver can free up physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energy for

physical activities.

- An enhanced ability to focus, work and exercise for longer periods of time.

- To feel more spiritual and less troubled.

- Colon Cleansing/Colonics

Toxic Parasites Cleanse

In order to prevent recurrent parasitic infestations, follow these simple tips:

- Avoid uncooked or raw meat

- Wash your hands thoroughly before eating foods

- Limit your intake of meat to no more than twice a week.

- Don’t bite your nails and keep your hands clean (with nails trimmed)

- Avoid physical contact with pet fecal matter.


Fasting is considered as one of the most powerful and ancient methods of detoxification of the

body and all the systems. Overtime, a number of variations in the methods and strategies of

fasting have been developed, but the overall health benefits and effect on the metabolism are still

the same.

The three most popular methods of fasting that are widely practiced in all parts of the world are:

- Water fasting

- juice fasting

- Intermittent fasting

Regardless of the strategy employed, the health benefits of fasting according to Stephen Buhner

(4) are:

- Healing and detoxification of the body. The systems and organs are more relaxed and are

able to perform healing, repair and regenerative functions (that are otherwise performed

by the body during sleep)

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- The energy conserved by the organs and tissues that is usually employed in performing

digestive processes is utilized for the cleansing processes.

- Fasting helps in mobilization of fat pads and adipose tissues that are in quiescent state.

This also helps in promoting weight loss.

What happens during fasting?

Fasting is a physiological phenomenon for your body (and not a punishment). Human body is

designed for fasting and research suggest that most of the dramatic changes take place during

initial 3 days of fasting. These changes are attributed to the alterations in the normal pattern of

energy metabolism (from glucose and carbohydrates to fatty acids and ketones).

Benefits of fasting in addition to detoxification:

1. Fating is helpful in controlling blood pressure, hypercholesterolemia, high LDL levels

and atheroma formation

2. Type 2 diabetics can improve their total blood sugar profile with moderate and

supervised fasting

3. Tightly regulated and properly structured fasting plans are helpful in decreasing the

obesity and obesity related disorders

4. Research indicates that fasting is helpful in managing childhood epileptic seizure

disorders (by decreasing the serum toxin levels)

5. Fasting increase the production and concentration of anti-inflammatory mediators that

lessen the symptoms of joints disorders, arthritis and other inflammatory and infectious


6. Fasting eliminates the toxic chemicals like PCB within 7 to 10 days as suggested by the

experimental study conducted by Imamura (5) and MM Vijaynn (6).

Who should not fast?

If you have any of the below listed condition, you may not be an ideal candidate for

detoxification by fasting:

- If you are severely anemic

- If you have psychiatric conditions like bulimia, mania, depression or anorexia nervosa

- If you are pregnant or nursing

- If you are suffering from malnutrition

- If you have porphyria or other inherent genetic abnormalities of enzymes or metabolism

Those of you who are medically stable and want to choose fasting for detoxification can choose

either of the three popular strategies after speaking to your dietitian.

Water Fasting

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Research conducted by James R. Mitchel (3) on lab rodents indicate that water only fasting is

helpful in detoxification of liver and reduces the risk of injury due to altered blood supply and

nutrient delivery to kidneys and heart.

In a research trial conducted on hypertensive patients (3), 174 study participants were subjected

to 2-3 days of fruit diet, followed by11 days of water fasting and then 7 days of non- fat vegan

diet. 90% of the patients responded moderate improvement in blood pressure without any

alteration in the drug regimen.

Juice Fasting

Intermittent Fasting and calorie restriction:

Intermittent fasting is helpful not only for weight loss and healthy metabolism but also for

longevity and well-being according to a research published in the peer reviewed journal Ageing

research reviews (2) suggested that intermittent fasting and calorie restriction can decrease the

risk of neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and other causes of dementia. The

author suggested:

“CR (calorie restriction) and IF (intermittent fasting) affect energy and oxygen radical

metabolism, and cellular stress response systems, in ways that protect neurons against genetic

and environmental factors to which they would otherwise succumb during aging”

This suggests that reducing the amount of calories help the cells to adapt and regenerate to the

toxic environment around us. In addition, intermittent fasting also increases the rate of overall

metabolism. In another study published in the scientific journal Aging cell (3), author suggested

that moderate calorie restriction decreases the risk of ischemic (low blood supply) injury to heart,

brain and kidney of laboratory mice.

Intermittent fasting refers to decreasing total calorie intake and increasing the spacing between

the meals. According to the recommendations of intermittent fasting, you must observe fast for at

least 12 hours (only water intake is allowed) t


For best results it is suggested to obtain at least 500 – 800 calories per day and not to extent the

detox diet for more than 1 week. Other important tips are:

- If your total calorie intake was more than 3000 calories, intermittent fasting or severe

calorie restriction may lead to complications. In all such cases, reduce your calorie intake

moderately to up to 2500 calories per day and then initiate intermittent fasting.

- In addition, fasting for prolonged duration may impair overall metabolism.

- Lastly, after certain period of fasting, body begin to mobilize muscle proteins to generate

energy (leading to weakness and muscle aches). Research data indicates that after the

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mobilization of glycogen (the storage form of glucose), body begin to metabolize

proteins (almost 60 and 84 grams per day or 3 ounce of muscle mass) for the first few

days until ketone production is initiated after which the rate of protein breakdown


- Prolong fasting (more than 2 weeks) can lead to severe lethargy, electrolyte imbalance,

weakness, dizziness and alterations in the productivity


Sweating is yet another protective and detoxification method that the body uses to eliminate the

excessive water and salts from your skin. Your skin is supplied by millions and billion of tiny

pores that are lined by sweat glands. With excessive heat, the blood circulation to the skin

increases (a protective mechanism to avoid over- heating of skin). This helps the skin to flush out

chemicals and toxins along with salts and water. However, it must be known that sweating is a

less effective method for the elimination of toxins and chemicals (as suggested by the professor

of environmental toxicology at the University of California, Donald Smith who suggested that

sweating eliminates only 1% of the chemicals and heavy metals like mercury).

How to promote detox sweating?

Human body contain primarily two types of sweat glands, one variety is referred to as eccrine

sweat glands (that are mainly responsible for maintenance of core body temperature in

association with hypothalamus and other higher centers of brain and other variety is apocrine

glands (that are highly concentrated in areas like arm-pit, navel, groin and release thick secretion

(that also contains fatty acids in trace amounts) in response to stress and emotional stimulation.

Role of physical activity in cleansing:

Physical activity is helpful in eliminating toxins by:

- Promoting weight loss by increasing overall metabolic rate.

- Sweating that eliminates excess water and salts from skin

- Increasing the rate of breathing that is helpful in elimination of carbon dioxide and toxic


- Dissolution of fat that is responsible for storing chemicals and breakdown products of

medications and drugs.

How to take a detox bath?

Follow these steps to further promote the elimination of toxins after strenuous physical activity

or heavy perspiration.

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- Fill a tub with water and add Epsom salts (also known as Magnesium Sulphate) that are

helpful in restoring Magnesium levels of the body and Sulphate portion is helpful in

removing toxins and chemicals from the skin. Epsom salt bath is also helpful in relieving

body aches after strenuous physical activity. In an adult, 2 cups of Epsom salt are


- Furthermore add ginger powder (that increase the sweating from skin with its heat-

producing effect) and baking soda (also known to flush skin toxins) in small amounts (1

tea-spoon of each).

- To make your experience even more relaxing and pleasant, you can also add

aromatherapy oils like lavender, chamomile or mint leaves.

- Soak your body in the tub for at least 40 minutes and you will feel the difference.

Detox bath I advised once a week or once in two weeks for gentle, fresh and soft skin. If you

want to enhance the sweating, wrap your body in a blanket soon after the detox bath and you

may sweat for another couple of hours.

Some tips to enhance the detoxification of your body by flushing:

- Always drink plenty of water after a detox bath to further enhance the excretion of toxins

- Use of certain essential oils like Eucalyptus are helpful in opening skin pores to facilitate


- You can also use natural herbs to promote detoxification like rosemary, grapefruit seed

oil and thyme

- Do not use Epsom salts if you are a diabetic

- You can brush your skin before bath to further enhance the benefits of detoxification

- Make sure to wrap your hair properly in shower cap or towel as exposure to Epsom salts

and other ingredients of detox bath can steal all the moisture from your hair.

Caution with sweating and detox bath:

- Avoid detox baths or excessive sweating if you are pregnant or if you are not feeling well

- Never put hydrogen peroxide or other chemicals that may lead to skin burns

- Make sure to conduct a preliminary research about the ingredients that you will be adding

in the detox bath to avoid any interaction among the ingredients

- Increase your water intake before and after detox to prevent dehydration.

Skin Brushing

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Skin brushing has a number of advantages. Besides removing dead, dying or damaged cells, you

can also enhance your circulation with gentle brushing. Besides being the largest organ of the

body, skin is also known as “third- kidney” as it is responsible for the elimination of 10 to 15%

of total body waste products especially body acids and salts. Other benefits include:

- Dry brushing also offer elimination of skin cellulite

- Brushing stimulate the lymphatic system that is responsible for eliminating the toxins and

particulate matter by filtering the blood

- Stimulate regeneration of skin and promote a radiant shiny look. Regular brushing also

reduces the physical signs of aging like appearance of fine lies and wrinkles by

eliminating dead cells and promoting the production of new cells

- With the help of its exfoliative action, brushing helps in cleaning skin pores and ducts of

sebaceous glands and sweat glands. This reduces the development of black heads, acne

and also promotes the restoration of skin moisture.


Massage is yet another helpful strategy for detoxification of your body. Deep tissue massage

offer following benefits:

- It increases the circulation of blood across your system that promote the filtration and

purification of blood

- Massage especially promotes lymphatic flow that further potentiates the detoxifying

potential of lymph organs.

- According to the report published by MP Cassar (1), massage relieves symptoms of

myalgia, headaches and fatigue.

- Toxins like uric acid have a propensity to get deposited in the synovial membranes of

joints and other connective tissue. Deep tissue massage is helpful in promoting the flow

and excretion of uric acid. To prevent gouty attacks, periodic massage by techniques like

effleurage is very effective.

- Deep tissue massage promotes the elimination of toxic chemicals from adipose tissues to

promote excretion from the body.

Tips for Creating Your Own Detox Plan

Although it is highly recommended to maintain compliance and ensure a healthy lifestyle, it is

highly recommended to detox at intervals using strict schedule. Research data presented by

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2005 suggested presence of more than 60

different chemicals and toxins in the systems of 2000 apparently healthy volunteers that included

highly toxic elements like uranium and dioxins.

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Following tips are extremely helpful in detoxing your body:

- Based on the indications and expectations, choose one or more detox strategies discussed

in the book.

- Always start towards the end of the week so that you can adapt to your plan over the


- Always plan your meals in advance (for the entire week) so that you can shop for grocery

at once.

Besides physical detoxification, it is very important to detox your body emotionally as well. It is

very much recommended to add mindfulness in all your activities, especially when you are

eating. Due to fast pace life, most of us allocate very little time for meals consumption and

preparation. When you are detoxing your body, make sure to allocate reasonable time for meals

Frequently Asked Questions

You may have a lot of questions about detoxing and its overall effect on your health. Here are a

few popular solutions that most people want to know about detoxing

1. Can I use capsules and supplements marketed by companies for detoxing?

You may see a number of advertisements, pamphlets and campaigns regarding use of certain

synthetic products for detoxification of the body. Technically, all synthetic products that require

the intake of a couple of capsules all day with no other change in your normal dietary routine are

useless and should be avoided. Detoxing refers to cleansing your system and optimizing your

body to enhance functions by decreasing the intake of toxins and adopting methods to increase

the excretion of toxins (ultimately requiring a complete remodeling of lifestyle and nutritional

choices for brief periods). In addition, most synthetic formulations are harsh on stomach leading

to diarrhea, irritable bowel symptoms, burn gastric pain and other similar symptoms

2. Can detox also help in managing the parasitic infestations?

Not all the parasitic infestations produce alarming symptoms of bowel obstruction, life

threatening anemia and upset bowel but it is also a fact that almost 25% of the entire world’s

population is infested with parasites (primarily nematodes). Most detox plans are helpful in

eliminating parasites from the body and are also helpful in removing toxins and waste products

that are released into the system. Other advantages of using detox in case of parasitic infestations


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- Decreased risk of future parasite attacks.

- Stronger immune system that is capable of fighting with bacterial and parasitic toxins.

3. How can you minimize the build- up of toxins in your body?

Although metabolic and biological reactions continue to produce toxins in the body and there is

nothing you can do about it. However, certain helpful tips can decrease the production and build-

up of toxins in the body, these are:

- Increase the intake of fluids to almost 2 – 3 liters per day

- Use fresh organic fruits and vegetables that are rich in anti-oxidants and fiber to promote

elimination process

- Avoid or totally eliminate processed and refined foods, grains, alcohol and cigarette

smoking from your lifestyle.

- Perform regular physical activity

- Maintain optimal hygiene (regular hand washing after using restroom and before eating


4. Do I feel better after detoxing?

Detoxing eliminate chemicals and waste products from your body that decreases overall

inflammation from your tissues. You will feel different (much energetic, vibrant and relaxed)

after detoxing. However, depending on the frequency of detoxing, your last body cleanse and

amount of toxins in the body, you may feel little tired, agitated, fatigued and restless when you

start detox diet.

5. Is detox easy?

Depending upon the indications and requirements, detox may be easy if you have complete

knowledge of functional aspects of detoxing. Moreover, if you are a beginner, try to adopt

changes in your lifestyle slowly and gradually. Most importantly, it has to be kept in mind that

the toxins accumulated in your body took years to build-up and may take weeks to get

eliminated. Always keep realistic expectations and consistent approach.

6. Can I consume regular diet while on a detox program?

The answer to this question is simple, if you want to increase the efficacy and benefits of your

detox diet, you should consider a healthy diet and maintain abstinence from the foods listed in

the above chapters like dairy products, junk foods, excessive meat and sugary beverages and



1. Cassar, M. P. (2006). Pacific College of Oriental Medicine-Media. Newsletter, (22).

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