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Jun 04, 2018



Joshua Johnson
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  • 8/14/2019 Detailed Syllabus.doc




    BASIC CONCEPTS:Limits and Continuity, revision. (2)

    MAXIMA AND MINIMA: Maxima and minima of two variables, Constrained maxima and minima- Lagrange multiplier method. ()

    INTEGRAL CALCULUS: !valuation of multiple integrals, Change the order of integration, "ppli#ation of multiple integrals to findarea and volume- "ppli#ations to engineering problems. $eta and %amma &ntegrals, evaluation of definite integrals in terms of $etaand %amma fun#tions. (')

    ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER: $asi# #on#epts, %eometri#al meaning, eparable differentialeuations . Modeling* eparable euations. !xa#t differential euations, integrating fa#tors, linear differential euations, $ernoullieuations, appli#ations to engineering problems. (')

    LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF SECOND AND HIGHER ORDER: +omogeneous linear euations of se#ond order andhigher order euations with #onstant #oeffi#ients. !uler-Cau#hy euation, on-homogeneous euations, solution by variationparameter, appli#ations to engineering problems. ()

    VECTOR CALCULUS: /ifferentiation of ve#tors, gradient, /ivergen#e, Curl, /ire#tional derivatives. Line, surfa#e integrals-tatement of %reen0s ,%auss /ivergen#e and to1e0s heorems- "ppli#ations to engineering problems. ()

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. !rwin 3reys4ig, 5"dvan#ed !ngineering Mathemati#s6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, 2.2. %eorge $ homas 7 9 and 9oss L :inney,6Cal#ulus and "nalyti#al %eometry6, "ddison 8esley, 2.

    REFERENCES:. 9iely 3 :, +obson M ; and $en#e 7, 5Mathemati#al Methods for ;hysi#s and !ngineering6, Cambridge

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    REFERENCES:. 7aya1umar , 5!ngineering ;hysi#s6, 9 3 ;ublishers, Coimbatore, 2B.2. 3annan M / and $alusamy , 5!ngineering ;hysi#s6, i1as ;ublishing +ouse, ew /elhi, 2=.=. ;alanisamy ; 3, 5!ngineering ;hysi#s6, #ite#h ;ubli#ations, Chennai, 22.. "geov , Duev " & and 3o1ora ", 5Laser and !le#tron $eam Materials ;ro#essing6, Mir ;ubli#ations, Mos#ow, ??'.

    08M103 APPLIED CHEMISTRY I3 0 0 3

    REACTION #INETICS: &ntegrated rate Laws, elementary rea#tions, experimental methods for determining rea#tion rates,temperature dependen#e of rea#tion rates, theories of rea#tion rates, 1ineti#s of #omplex rea#tions. Chain rea#tions, me#hanism of#ombustion pro#ess, 1ineti#s of #ombustion of hydrogen and hydro#arbons, flame travel. ()

    $ATER: +ardness > determination (!/" method). oftening > 4eolite and deminerali4ation pro#esses. $oiler troubles andremedies > removal of oils and sili#a, internal #onditioning. reatment of water for muni#ipal supply> brea1 point #hlorination,desalination by ele#tro-dialysis and reverse osmosis. 8ater uality standards and parameters. $@/ and C@/- definitions,determination and signifi#an#e. ()

    POLYMER AND PLASTICS:Classifi#ation, Mole#ular weight of polymer. :un#tionality of monomers, ;olymeri4ation rea#tions >#hain, #ondensation, #opolymeri4ation and #o-ordination polymeri4ations, ;lasti#s > advantages and disadvantages. hermoplasti#s and thermoset plasti#s, #ompounding of plasti#s, polymer pro#essing by inEe#tion, extrusion and blow moulding te#hniues.syntheti# rubbers > appli#ations. ;olymer #omposites, polymer alloys. Criteria for sele#tion of polymers for different engineeringappli#ations. ()

    PRINCIPLES OF ELECTROCHEMISTRY: @rigin of ele#trode potential > types of ele#trodes, standard hydrogen ele#trode,referen#e ele#trodes -#alomel and silverFsilver #hloride, ion sele#tive ele#trodes. emf series > measurement of emf. :ree energy and

    emf, ernst euation. irreversible pro#esses > 1ineti# treatment - overpotential, a#tivation, #on#entration and &9 overpotential >pra#ti#al signifi#an#e. (')

    CHEMISTRY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS: @rgani# ele#troni# material, solid oxide materials, shape memory alloys,nanomaterials, fullerenes, #erami#s- #emented #arbides. ()

    To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. "t1ins ;, 5he !lements of ;hysi#al Chemistry6, @xford tyle and tone in formal writing with !xer#ises. (G)

    MECHANICS OF $RITING: %rammar in #ontext- fo#us areas > enses, ;repositions, Modals, "dEe#tives, ransformation ofsenten#es. (B)

    TECHNICAL $RITING:/efinition, /es#ription, &nstru#tions, and 8riting e#hni#al ;apers. ()

    TRANSCODING: &nterpreting %raphi#s and 8riting #oherent paragraphs. 8riting for fo#us. (2)

    MIND MAP: @rganisation of Coherent ;aragraphs and !ssays (2)

    Clo4e test to improve vo#abulary, syntax and reading s1ills ()

    Letter 8riting and hort reports (=)


    SPEA#ING:;ra#ti#e in pee#h Ma1ing ;ro#ess >o develop Communi#ative "bility > e#hniues for spea1ing fluently, using bodylanguage, developing fluen#y and #onfiden#e.

    hort pee#hes(G)


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    %roup /is#ussions and 9ole-plays

    Listening "#tivities (G) To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. ea#hing Material prepared by the :a#ulty, /epartment of !nglish2. an1aranarayanan , uresh1umar and ;alanisamy, 5e#hni#al !nglish for !ngineering tudents6, ;+&, 2'.

    REFERENCES:. 9odney +uddleston and %eoffrey 3 ;ullam, " tudentHs &ntrodu#tion to !nglish %rammar, Cambridge

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    ;er#eptions6, "M!, 7ournal of Me#hani#al /esign, 7uly 2B, ol.2?, pp.BI-BI'.G. Dbigniew +umienny (!ditor), 5%eometri#al ;rodu#t pe#ifi#ations Course for e#hni#al

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    =. /etermination of #alorifi# value of a solid fuel by bomb #alorimeterF determination of #alorifi# value of a gaseous fuel by $oy0sgas #alorimeter

    . ;reparation and testing of greases, gels, defoamers, #utting emulsions


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Chemistry



    INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING: ;rogram development- "naly4ing and /efining the ;roblem- Modular /esign-"lgorithm - :low Chart. ()

    PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: 8hat is programming language-ypes of programming language- ;rogram /evelopment!nvironment. ()

    C:he C #hara#ter set > &dentifiers and 1eywords > /ata types > Constants > ariables > "rrays > /e#larations > !xpressions >tatements > ymboli# #onstants > @perators and expressions > "rithmeti# operators > 9elational and logi#aloperators > "ssignment operators > Conditional operators > Library fun#tions > /ata input and output fun#tions. (B)

    CONTROL STATEMENTS:8hile statement > /o 8hile statement > :or > ested loops > if else > wit#h > $rea1 > #ontinue >

    #omma operator > go to statement > programs. (=)

    FUNCTIONS:/efining a fun#tion > "##essing a fun#tion > ;assing arguments to fun#tions > pe#ifying arguments, data types >:un#tion prototypes > torage #lasses > auto > tati# > !xtern and register variables. ()

    ARRAYS: /efining an array > ;ro#essing array > ;assing array to a fun#tion > Multi dimensional array > "rray and strings. ()

    POINTERS: /e#larations > ;ointers to a fun#tion > ;ointer and one dimensional arrays > @perating a pointer > ;ointer and multidimensional arrays > "rrays of pointers > ;assing fun#tions to other fun#tions. (I)

    STRUCTURES AND UNIONS:/efinitions > ;ro#essing a stru#ture > tru#tures and pointers > ;assingstru#ture to fun#tions > elf referential stru#tures. (=)

    FILES:@pen > Close > ;ro#ess > @perations on a file. (=)

    ;repro#essor /ire#tives - Command Line "rguments. () To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. 3ernighan $ 8 and 9it#hie / M, 5C ;rogramming Language ("& C)6, ;earson !du#ation, ???.2. +erbert #hildt, 5C > he Complete 9eferen#e6, M#%raw +ill, 2.=. Mi#hael #hneider %, teven 8, 8eingart and /avid M ;erlman, 5"n &ntrodu#tion to ;rogramming and ;roblem

    olving with ;as#al 5, 7ohn 8iley and ons, ??'.

    REFERENCES:. %ottfried $, 5;rogramming 8ith C6, M# %raw +ill, 2.2. /eitel + M and /eitel ; 7, 5C* +ow to ;rogram6, ;earson !du#ation, 2.


    STATICS OF PARTICLES::or#es > system of for#es - #on#urrent for#es in plane and spa#e- resultant - problems involving the

    euilibrium of a parti#le-free body diagram-euilibrium of parti#le in spa#e. (B)STATICS OF RIGID BODIES IN T$O DIMENSIONS: 9igid bodies-two dimensional stru#ture-moment of for#e about an axis-moment of a #ouple-euivalent system of #oplanar for#es-9igid body in euilibrium-problems involving euilibrium of rigid body-types of supports-rea#tions of beams and frames. (I)

    FRICTION:Laws of fri#tion-#oeffi#ient of fri#tion-problems involving dry fri#tion- wedge and ladder fri#tion. ()

    APPLICATION OF STATICS:9oof trusses-Method of Eoints, method of se#tions and ension #oeffi#ient method. (G)

    CENTROID CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA:Centroids of areas, #omposite areas, determination of momentof inertia of plane figures, polar moment of inertia-radius of gyration > mass moment of inertia of simple solids. (I)


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    #INEMATICS OF PARTICLES: &ntrodu#tion-plane, re#tilinear motion-time dependent motion-re#tangular #oordinates-proEe#tilemotion. (G)

    #INETICS OF PARTICLES: !uation of motion-re#tilinear motion-ewton0s && law > /0"lembert0s prin#iple- !nergy - potentialenergy-1ineti# energy-#onservation of energy-wor1 done by a for#e - wor1 energy method (G)

    IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM:Con#ept of #onservation of momentum- &mpulse-Momentum prin#iple- &mpa#t-/ire#t #entral impa#t-obliue #entral impa#t. ()

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. $eer : ; and 7ohnson ! 9, 5e#tor Me#hani#s for !ngineers, tati#s and /ynami#s6, ata M#-%raw +ill ;ublishing Co. Ltd.,

    ew /elhi, 2I.2. 9aEase1aran and an1arasubramanian %, 5!ngineering Me#hani#s-tati#s and /ynami#s6, i1as ;ublishing +ouse ;vt. Ltd.,

    ew /elhi, 2I.

    REFERENCES:. $ansal 9 3, 5!ngineering Me#hani#s6, Laxmi ;ubli#ations ;vt. Ltd., ew /elhi, 2I.2. $havi1atti , 5!ngineering Me#hani#s6, ew "ge &nternational ;vt. Ltd., ew /elhi, 2=.=. Aoung / + and imashen1o , 5!ngineering Me#hani#s6, ata M#graw-+ill, :ourth !dition, 2I.. 7ivan 3ha#hane, 9u#hi hrivastava, 5!ngineering Me#hani#s* tati#s and /ynami#s6, "! $oo1s, 2I.

    08M202 MATERIALS SCIENCE3 0 0 3

    MAGNETIC PROPERTIES: :erro and ferri magneti# materials > properties. +eisenberg and domain theory of ferromagnetism.+ysteresis. Curie-8eiss law. +ard and soft magneti# materials and their appli#ations. :errite > stru#ture preparation andproperties. (')

    THERMAL PROPERTIES:&ntrodu#tion - #oeffi#ient of thermal expansion, heat #apa#ity, thermal #ondu#tion me#hanisms, thermalstresses. "ppli#ations-bimetalli# strip, thermal insulation, thermal sho#1 resistan#e, tempered glass, #erami# - to - metal Eoints,#ryogeni# materials. (?)COMPOSITES: /efinition -fun#tion of matrix and reinfor#ement in #omposites -#lassifi#ation of #omposites based on reinfor#ement-types of #omposite materials - polymer, metalli# and #erami# matrix #omposites (ualitative). Law of mixtures. Comparison with#onventional materials. "ppli#ations in surgery, sports euipment. (')

    SEMICONDUCTING MATERIALS AND DEVICES: !lemental and #ompound semi#ondu#tors. &ntrinsi# and extrinsi#semi#ondu#tors - properties. Carrier #on#entration in intrinsi# semi#ondu#tors. Carrier #on#entration in n-type and p-typesemi#ondu#tors. Material preparation - C4o#hrals1i0s te#hniue and 4one refining te#hniue. +all effe#t - +all #oeffi#ient in extrinsi#semi#ondu#tors, experimental determination of +all #oeffi#ient. "ppli#ation of +all effe#t. emi#ondu#tor devi#es > L/9, L!/,;hotodiode, olar Cells and LC/. (?)

    ADVANCED MATERIALS: anophase materials - ynthesis te#hniues, properties, appli#ations. hape Memory alloys (M") >#hara#teristi#s, properties of ii alloy, appli#ation, advantages and disadvantages of M". uper#ondu#tivity. ypes ofsuper#ondu#tors - +igh # super#ondu#tors, #omparison with low # super#ondu#tors. "ppli#ation of super#ondu#tors. Metalli#glasses > preparation, properties, appli#ations. (')

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. 8illiam / Callister 7r, 5Materials #ien#e and !ngineering-"n &ntrodu#tion6, 7ohn 8iley and ons &n#., ixth !dition, ew

    Aor1, 2B.2. haffer 7 ;, axena ", "ntolovi#h /, anders + 7r and 8arner $, 5he #ien#e and /esign of !ngineering Materials6,

    M#%raw +ill Companies &n#., ew Aor1, ???.

    REFERENCES:. 7aya1umar , 5Materials #ien#e6, 9 3 ;ublishers, Coimbatore, 2I.2. 9obert 9esni#1 and /avid +alliday, 5:undamentals of ;hysi#s6, 7ohn 8iley and ons &n#., ew Aor1, 2=.

    =. 9aghavan , 5Materials #ien#e and !ngineering - " :irst Course6, ;renti#e +all of &ndia, ew /elhi, 2.. 7ames : ha#1elford , 5&ntrodu#tion to Materials #ien#e for !ngineers6, hird !dition, Ma#millan ;ublishing Company,ew Aor1. ??2.

    08M203 APPLIED CHEMISTRY II("lso #ommon with ';2=F '"2=)

    3 0 0 3

    PETROLEUM PROCESSING: /istillation, stabili4ation, #ra#1ing, reforming, polymeri4ation, al1ylation0s, isomerisation, #y#lisation,aromati4ation, hydrogenation, purifi#ation, sweetening, sulphur removal, deasphalting, dewaxing. ()


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    PROPERTIES AND TESTING OF PETROLEUM AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS * pe#ifi# gravity, vis#osity index, flash and firepoints, #loud and pour points, smo1e point and #har value, sulphur #ontent, ash #ontent, #alorifi# value. :uel to mat#h the engine -power output and fuel uality, spontaneous ignition temperature and hydro#arbon stru#ture, 1no#1ing, grading of gasoline > o#tanerating, gasoline improvers, diesel fuel, #ombustion stages, #etane rating, improvers, diesel index, antifree4e additives. (')

    COAL: ;roximate analysis, #o1ing. Calorifi# value- determinations, flue gas analysis> @rsats method. ()

    COMBUSTION CALCULATIONS* heoreti#al air reuirement, adiabati# flame temperature, #al#ulations based on flue gasanalysis. ()

    LUBRICATION AND LUBRICANTS: Lubri#ation - lubri#ating oils-petroleum fra#tions - dewaxing, testing of lubri#ating oils -vis#osity index, oxidation resistan#e, #arbon residue, neutrali4ation number and other properties. Me#hanism of lubri#ation,additives and improvers. Lubri#ating emulsions, gels and greases, syntheti# lubri#ants, fluolubes-sili#one lubri#ants, solidlubri#ants.


    CORROSION AND ITS CONTROL:Corrosion losses, me#hanism of galvani# #orrosion, differential oxygenation #orrosion, tress#orrosion #ra#1ing, graphiti4ation, fretting and #avitation, erosion. :a#tors influen#ing #orrosion - oxidation potential, effe#t of overvoltage, metal purity, physi#al state, relative anode and #athode area, relative volume of #orrosion produ#t, solubility of #orrosionprodu#ts, role of medium and presen#e of inhibitors. Corrosion #ontrol > sa#rifi#ial anode and impressed #urrent methods, #orrosion#ontrol at design stage. (')

    CELLS AND BATTERIES: Constru#tion and wor1ing of Le#hlan#he #ell, lead-a#id battery, ni#1el-#admium battery. $atteries forautomobiles and

  • 8/14/2019 Detailed Syllabus.doc


    REFERENCES:. treeter 8ylie and $edford, N:luid Me#hani#sN, M#%raw- +ill ;ublishing Company Limited, ew Aor1, ??'.

    2. &rwing + hames, NMe#hani#s of :luidsN, hird !dition, M#%raw +ill &n#., ew Aor1, ??2.

    =. 3umar 3 L, 5!ngineering :luid Me#hani#s6, !urasia ;ubli#ations Limited, ew /elhi, ??.

    . 7ohn / "nderson, 5Computational :luid /ynami#s > he $asi#s with "ppli#ations6, M#%raw +ill, ew /elhi, ??G.G. 3ing 9 ;, 5&ntrodu#tion to ;ra#ti#al :luid :low (8ith C/)6, $utterworth, 22.

    08M213 ENGINEERING GRAPHICS II("lso #ommon with '"2=)

    2 0 3 3&%

    SECTION OF SOLIDS:e#tions of regular solids, types of se#tions, $& #onventions, sele#tion of se#tional views. e#tional viewsof simple engineering #omponents. (')

    DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES:/evelopment of lateral surfa#es of regular solids, trun#ated solids and simple engineering sheetmetal #omponents. (')

    COMPUTER GRAPHICS: &ntrodu#tion to =/ modeling pa#1ages. /rafting pra#ti#es - modeling of simple engineering#omponents, se#tions and extra#tion of 2/ drawings. (I)

    PERSPECTIVE PRO'ECTION: ;rin#iples of perspe#tive proEe#tion, methods, proEe#tion of olids. (I)

    To!" 28TEXT BOO#S:. enugopal 3 and ;rabhu 9aEa , 5!ngineering %raphi#s6, ew "ge &nternational ;ublishers, 2B.2.

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    4 0 0 4

    INTRODUCTION: @hms law - 3ir#hoff0s laws > solving simple, /C #ir#uits > ingle ;hase "C #ir#uits - power, power fa#tor,&ntrodu#tion to three phase system, Comparison of single phase and hree phase. (G)

    ELECTRIC DRIVES* /C drives, /C motors, prin#iple of operation, torue euation, power developed, speed-torue #hara#teristi#sof series, shunt and #ompound motors, speed #ontrol-armature #ontrol, field #ontrol. (G)

    AC DRIVES:"C ma#hines, hree phase &ndu#tion motors, prin#iple of operation, torue euation, speed-torue #hara#teristi#s of&ndu#tion motors, #age and wound rotor types, single phase &ndu#tion motors-prin#iple of operation, method of starting, types ofsingle phase motors. (G)

    INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS* :a#tors to be #onsidered for sele#tion of motors, determination of power rating of drive motors,sele#tion of motors for #ranes, ma#hine tool appli#ations, #entrifugal pumps. ()

    ELECTRONIC DEVICES* @peration of ; Eun#tion diodes, & #hara#teristi#s, 4ener diode, $7-types -C$, C!, CC #onfigurations,input and output #hara#teristi#s, 7:!, differen#e between :! and $7-wor1ing prin#iple and #hara#teristi#s. M@:!- types,prin#iple of operation and #hara#teristi#s. (I)

    ELECTRONIC CIRCUITS* (Jualitative analysis only) +alf wave and full wave re#tifier, #apa#itive filters, 4ener voltage regulator,9C- /M" &ntrodu#tion to ;LC, #oupled amplifier, freuen#y response. (G)

    LINEAR INTERGATED CIRCUITS:@perational amplifiers, &deal op-amp #hara#teristi#s, &nverting and on-inverting amplifier, op-amp appli#ations - "dder- ubtra#tor, integrator, differentiator, #omparator, 4ero #rossing dete#tor. (I)

    DIGITAL ELECTRONICS:umber systems-binary, o#tal, hexade#imal, logi# gates > "/,@9, @, "/,@9, O@9, O@9,+alf adder, full adder, subtra#tor, :lip flops, 9,73,73 Master slave, / and type, #ounters and shift registers. (I)

    MICROPROCESSORS * "r#hite#ture of &ntel ''G, addressing modes, instru#tion set, ma#hine #y#les, timing diagrams, memorydiagrams, Memory Mapped &F@ Mapped &F@ > ta#1 and ubroutines, interrups, /M", introdu#tion to programmable peripherals.

    ()To!" %

    TEXT BOO#S :

    . Murugesh 3umar 3., 5$asi# !le#tri#al #ien#e and e#hnology6, i1as ;ublishing +ouse ;vt Ltd., 22.

    2. Muthusubramanian 9, alivahanan and Muraleedharan 3.", 5$asi# !le#tri#al, !le#troni#s and Computer !ngineering6, ata

    M#%raw +ill ;ublishers., hirteenth reprint, 2I.=. 9amesh %aon1ar, 5Mi#ropro#essor "r#hite#ture, ;rogramming and "ppli#ations with ''G6, ;enram &nternational ;ublishing

    (&ndia) ;vt Ltd., :ifth !dition, :ebruary 22.


    . ;illai 3,6" first #ourse on !le#tri#al /rives6, 8iley !astern Ltd, $ombay ?'?.

    2. "llen Mottershad,6!le#troni# /evi#es and Cir#uits6, ;+&, ??I.

    =. $oylested,6 !letroni# devies and &ntergrated #ir#uts6, ;+&, ??B.


    3 1 0 3&%

    BASICS OF MECHANISMS: erminology and definitions, degree of freedom, mobility. %rashoff0s law. 3inemati# inversions - -bar #hain, slider #ran1 #hain. Me#hani#al advantage. ransmission angle. /es#ription of #ommon me#hanisms, appli#ations of

    me#hanisms. &ntrodu#tion to -bar spatial me#hanisms. ()

    #INEMATICS: /ispla#ement, velo#ity and a##eleration analysis in simple me#hanisms, graphi#al method, velo#ity and a##elerationpolygons. 3inemati# analysis by algebrai# method, a demonstration, ve#tor approa#h, Cha#e euation, #omputer appli#ations in the1inemati#s analysis of simple me#hanisms. (I)

    SYNTHESIS OF LIN#AGES:umber and dimensional synthesis > two position synthesis of slider #ran1 and four bar- me#hanisms.(2)

    STATIC FORCE ANALYSIS OF MECHANISM: :ree $ody diagram-#onditions of euilibrium, two, three and four for#e members,effe#t of fri#tion. (G)


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    #INEMATICS OF CAM: Classifi#ations, displa#ement diagrams-paraboli#, uniform velo#ity, simple harmoni# paths. Layout of plate#am profiles for different types of followers - 1nife - edged, roller, mushroom, flat type, derivatives of follower motion, pressureangle and under#utt ing, euivalent four-bar me#hanism, Eump speed analysis. (')

    GEARS: pur gear terminology and definitions. :undamental law of toothed gearing and tooth forms. &nter#hangeable gears, geartooth a#tion-interferen#e and under#utting. +eli#al, bevel, worm, ra#1 and pinion gears (basi#s only). %ear trains, epi#y#li# geartrains, differentials, automotive transmission gear trains. (?)

    GYROSCOPIC COUPLE: %yros#opi# #ouple and its effe#t in ship, #ar, motor#y#le, air#raft and spa#e vehi#les, gyros#opi#stabili4ation. (')

    To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. higley 7 ! and

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    ("lso #ommon with '"=)

    2 0 3 3&%

    INTRODUCTION: &ntrodu#tion to ma#hine drawing. &mportan#e of se#tional views. Computer-aided drafting. ()

    CONVENTIONS: Code of pra#ti#e for engineering drawing-#onventional representation of details- drilled and tapped holes,#ountersun1 and #ounter bored holes, internal and external threads, under#uts, grooves, #hamfers, fillet radii and 1eyways.Conventions to represent standard #omponents-bolts, nuts, washers, s#rews, #otters, pins, #ir#lips, bearings, gears, springs and

    flanges. (=)

    ASSEMBLY CONCEPTS:Methods and #on#epts of assemblies-assembly reuirements, $ill of materials. Methods of assembly-bolts, nuts, studs, s#rews and pins. Methods of arresting motion of a member in an assembly. "ssembly and dismantling exer#iseof a typi#al assembly with emphasis on assembly seuen#e and appropriate fits. (2)

    FITS AND TOLERANCES:Limits, fits and toleran#es-need, types, representation of toleran#es on drawing, #al#ulation of minimumand maximum #learan#es and allowan#es. %eometri# toleran#e-uses, types of form and position toleran#es, symbols, method ofindi#ating geometri# toleran#es on part drawings. urfa#e finish symbols- methods of indi#ating the surfa#e roughness. $lue printreading exer#ises. (')

    ASSEMBLY DRA$ING PRACTICE: Ma1ing free hand s1et#hes of typi#al subassemblies-flange #oupling, stuffing box, Eournalbearings, rolling element bearings, 1eyed Eoints, #otter Eoints, C #lamp. (')

    ASSEMBLY USING SOLID MODELING: Modeling and assembly using software-extra#ting views and se#tions. /rawing ofassemblies-plummer blo#1, ma#hine vi#e, stop valve, s#rew Ea#1, tail sto#1, #ylindri#al gear box, simple drill Eig. Creation of bill of

    materials, #al#ulation of mass and se#tion properties, interferen#e #he#1 between solids. (I)

    To!" 28TEXT BOO#S:. %opala1rishna 3 9, NMa#hine /rawingN, eventeenth !dition, ubhas tores, $angalore, 2=.2. C"/FC"M Manual, ;% College of e#hnology. Coimbatore, 22.

    REFERENCES:. arghese ; & and 7ohn 3 C, NMa#hine /rawingN, 7ovast ;ublishers, hrissur, 2B.2. $&, ;*I-2= > 5!ngineering /rawing ;ra#ti#e for #hools and CollegesN, ew /elhi, 2=.=. :a#ulty of Me#hani#al !ngineering, ;% College of e#hnology,N /esign /ata $oo1N, MFs. /; ;rinters,

    Coimbatore,??=.. "M! A .GM-??, 5/imensioning and oleran#ing6, "M!, ew Aor1, ??G.


    0 0 2 1

    . ension test on metals-stress strain #hara#teristi#s, du#tility, resilien#e, toughness.2. Cupping test on metal sheets-load deformation #hara#teristi#s, #upping load, #upping number.=. +ardness test on metals-$rinell, i#1er and 9o#1well +ardness tests.. &mpa#t test on metals-Charpy, &4od impa#t tests.G. hear test on metals-dire#t shear strength, single shear, double shear.I. ests on heli#al springs-#ompression, tension springs-load deformation #hara#teristi#s, stiffness, shear stress ,

    modulus of rigidity, energy.B. orsion test on beams-torue and angle of twist #hara#teristi#s, shear stress, modulus of rigidity, energy.

    '. ests on wood-tension, #ompression and bending-load deformation #hara#teristi#s, Aoung0s modulus, modulus of rupture.?. :atigue test. Metal forming > tension tes t > f inding out n and 3.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering


    . 8elding - Metal ar# welding tools and euipment, exer#ises.2. :itting - ools, operations, exer#ises, types of Eoints.=. :oundry- ools, preparation of moulding sand, patterns, #ores, foundry exer#ises.. Carpentry- ools, #arpentry pro#ess, #arpentry exer#ises, types of Eoints.G. ;ower ools- /emonstration of tools and operations.I. Ma#hine ools & - /emonstration of drilling ma#hine.B. Ma#hine ools && - /emonstration of Lathe.


  • 8/14/2019 Detailed Syllabus.doc


    '. Ma#hine ools &&& - /emonstration of CC Lathe and Ma#hining Center.?. "utomobile !ngineering - tudy of "utomobile and ;ower ransmission.. 8ood wor1ing - /emonstration of wood wor1ing ma#hinery and furniture manufa#turing.

    To!" 1%


    0 0 2 1. erifi#ation of @hm0s law and 3ir#hhoff0s laws.2. Load test on /C series motor.=. Load test on three-phase indu#tion motor.. tudy of half wave and full wave re#tifiers.G. 9C #oupled transistor amplifier.I. "ppli#ations of operational amplifier.B. tudy of logi# gates and implementation of $oolean fun#tions.'. &mplementation of binary adderF subtra#tor.?. tudy of programming of ''G mi#ropro#essor. &nterfa#ing a stepper motor with ''G mi#ropro#essor


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of !le#tri#al and !le#troni#s !ngineering.



    CRYSTAL STRUCTURE* $CC, :CC and +C; stru#ture- unit #ell >#rystallographi# planes and dire#tions, miller indi#es-#rystalimperfe#tions, point, line, planar and volume defe#ts >%rain si4e, "M grain si4e number ()

    MECHANICAL PROPERTIES AND TESTING: Me#hanisms of plasti# deformation, slip and twinning- types of fra#ture > testing ofmaterials under tension, #ompression and shear loads-hardness tests ($rinell, i#1ers and 9o#1well). &mpa#t test &4od and #harpy,- #urves, fatigue and #reep test. +igh #y#le fatigue, Low #y#le fatigue, "xial fatigue, 9olling #onta#t fatigue, $ending fatigue andorsional fatigue. ()

    NON DESTRUCTIVE TESTING: on /estru#tive esting basi# prin#iples and testing method for 9adiographi# testing, solid solutions, substitutional and interstitial >phase diagrams, &somorphous, eute#ti#, perite#ti#, eute#toid and perite#toid rea#tions, &ron- &ron #arbide euilibrium diagram-#lassifi#ation of steel and #ast iron mi#rostru#ture, properties and appli#ations. (')

    HEAT TREATMENT: /efinition > full annealing, stress relief, re#rystallisation and spheroidi4ing > normali4ing, hardening andempering of steel. &sothermal transformation diagrams >#ooling #urves superimposed on &..diagram CC9- hardenability, 7ominyend uen#h test > "ustempering, martempering- #ase hardening, #arburi4ing, nitriding, #yaniding, #arbonitriding- :lame and&ndu#tion hardening. (I)

    FERROUS MATERIAL:!ffe#t of alloying additions on steel (Mn, i, Cr, Mo, i P 8) > stainless and tool steels >+L"- maragingsteels > %ray, 8hite malleable, spheroidal > %raphite > alloy #astirons. ()

    NON FERROUS MATERIALS: Copper, "luminium, i#1el, Magnesium, itanium, Lead, in. &mportant alloys >their #ompositionproperties and appli#ations. ()

    NON METALLIC MATERIALS:&ntrodu#tion to polymers, Composites and Cerami#s. ()

    SELECTION OF MATERIALS::a#tors to be #onsidered for sele#tion of materials with spe#ifi# examples. Cost data of metals andalloys. () To!" 42TEXT BOO#:. 3enneth %.$udins1i and Mi#hael 3. $uins1i, 5!ngineering Materials6, ;renti#e +all of &ndia ;rivate Limited, th&ndian

    9eprint, 22

    REFERENCES:. 8illiam / Callister, 5Material #ien#e and !ngineering6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, ??B.2. 9aghavan , 5Materials #ien#e and !ngineering6, ;renti#e +all of &ndia ;vt. Ltd., ???.=. ydney + "vner, 5&ntrodu#tion to ;hysi#al Metallurgy6 M# %raw +ill $oo1 Company, ??.


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    3 1 0 3&%

    INTRODUCTION: !nergy transfer between fluid and a rotor. !ulers energy transfer euation. Components of energy transfer()

    DEGREE OF REACTION: &mpulse and rea#tion type, effe#t of blade angle on degree of rea#tion and energy transfer. pe#ifi#

    speed and its signifi#an#e. (G)

    HYDRAULIC TURBINE:&mpulse type-;elton wheel. 9ea#tion type-:ran#is, 3aplan and ;ropeller. ;rin#iples of operation of turbine#al#ulation of main dimensions, regulation and performan#e. /raft tube-fun#tion and types. Cavitation in turbines. (I)

    PUMPS: 9adial flow, axial flow and mixed flow pumps - ideal and a#tual slip, performan#e #al#ulation and determination ofmain dimensions. Cavitation in pumps, net positive su#tion head (;+), effe#t of speed. :luid #oupling and torue #onverter. (G)

    COMPRESSORS: 9adial flow and axial flow type. "erofoil analysis. urge and stall. ()

    STEAM TURBINES:ypes-single stage impulse and rea#tion type, GR rea#tion. :low through no44les. ;erforman#e of singlestage ma#hine. Compounding of turbines. (G)

    GAS TURBINE: @pen #y#le, #losed #y#le, methods of improving the effi#ien#y of a simple #y#le, multistage #ompression, inter-#ooling, reheating and regeneration, effe#t of operating variables on thermal effi#ien#y, wor1 ratio. (G)

    GAS DYNAMICS* Ma#h number.$asi#s of &sentropi#, :anno and 9ayleigh flows. ()

    'ET PROPULSION:urboEet-thrust, thrust power, propulsive effi#ien#y, thermal effi#ien#y, #ombustion #hambers and afterburners.()

    To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. 3adambi and Manohar ;rasad, N"n &ntrodu#tion to !nergy ConversionN ol. &&&, 8iley !astern ;rivate Ltd, ew /elhi, ??.2. 9aEput 9 3, 5hermal !ngineering5, Laxmi ;ubli#ations, ew /elhi, 2=.=. ag ; 3, 5!ngineering hermodynami#s6, ata M#%raw +ill, /elhi, 2. 9onald L ;anton, 5&n#ompressible :low6, 8iley &ndia, 2G.

    REFERENCES:. Aadav 9 A, Nteam and %as urbinesN, Central ;ublishing +ouse, "llahabad, ?'B.2. %ovinda 9ao , N:luid :low Ma#hinesN, ata M#%raw +ill publishing Company Ltd., ew /elhi, ?'=.=. hephered / %, N;rin#iples of urbo Ma#hineryN, he Ma#millan Co., ew Aor1, ?GI.. /ixon L, N8or1ed !xamples in urboma#hineryN, ;ergamon ;ress, ew Aor1, ?BG.

    QQ - he #ourse in#ludes atleast one assignment with mathemati#al modeling and F or simulation of a pra#ti#al situation.


    3 1 0 3&%DYNAMIC FORCE ANALYSIS OF MECHANISM: &nertia for#e and / "lembert0s prin#iple. /ynami# for#e analysis of me#hanismsin#luding slider #ran1 me#hanism. (I)

    FLY$HEEL: urning moment diagram-flu#tuation of energy and speed, weight of flywheel reuired. (B)

    BALANCING: $alan#ing of revolving, re#ipro#ating masses in single plane and several planes-primary and se#ondary for#es and#ouples, balan#ing of multi#ylinder inline engine. $alan#ing of type of engines, dire#t and reverse #ran1 te#hniue. $alan#ingma#hines- field balan#ing, single and two planes. (')FREE VIBRATION: $asi# features of vibratory systems-elements, degrees of freedom, single degree of freedom system.

    a##elerometer > dynami# properties andsele#tion of stru#tural materials for vibration #ontrol. ()

    PROPERTIES OF VIBRATING SYSTEMS: :lexibility and stiffness matri#es, eigen values and ve#tors, Maxwell0s re#ipro#altheorem, introdu#tion to multi-degree-of-freedom systems. (2)


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    FORCED VIBRATION: 9esponse to periodi# for#ing-for#ing by unbalan#e, support motion, for#e and amplitude transmissibility,for#e transmissibility, vibration isolation.


    TORSIONAL VIBRATION: orsional vibration of two and three rotor systems, geared systems, #riti#al speed, signature analysis,two degrees of freedom system. (I)

    To!" 42


    . higley 7 ! and seismi# instrument for a##eleration > velo#itymeasurement, pie4o ele#tri# a##elerometer, temperature measurement-liuid in glass thermometer, pressure thermometer,resistan#e temperature dete#tor, them#ouples and thermopiles, thermistor, total radiation pyrometer, opti#al pyrometer >temperature measuring problem in flowing fluid. (')

    PRESSURE AND FLO$ MEASUREMENT* Manometer, elasti# transdu#er, elasti# diaphragm transdu#er > pressure #ell, bul1modulus pressure gauge > M# Leod gauge > thermal #ondu#tivity gauge, #alibration of pressure gauge, flow measurement > turbinetype meter, hotwire anemometer, magneti# flow meter liuid level sensors, light sensors, sele#tion of sensors. (')

    CONTROL SYSTEM PRINCIPLE: $asi# elements of #ontrol systems > open loop and #losed loop #ontrol > elements of #losed loop#ontrol system > introdu#tion to sampled data, digital #ontrol and multivariable #ontrol systems. !lements of lead and lag#ompensation, elements of proportional, integral - derivative (;&/) #ontrol. (')

    MODELLING OF SYSTEMS: Mathemati#al Model for me#hani#al and ele#tri#al system - ransfer fun#tion > transfer fun#tion ofhydrauli# and pneumati# elements > flapper valve. ransfer fun#tion of / C %enerator, /C servomotor and "C servomotors, ta#hogenerators, gear trains, potentiometers, syn#hros > ransfer fun#tion of #losed loop systems* determination of transfer fun#tion for

    position #ontrol, speed #ontrol system, temperature #ontrol system > blo#1 diagram redu#tion and signal flow graph. (')

    SYSTEM ANALYSIS*ypi#al test signals > time domain spe#ifi#ations > #hara#teristi# euation, time response of first order andse#ond order systems for step input > stability and roots of #hara#teristi# euations > roots of #hara#teristi# euations > 9outh+urwit4 stability #on#epts. (')

    SUPERVISORY CONTROL AND DATA ACQUISTION (SCADA+: @verview, ar#hite#ture, tools alarm, tag logging, history, reportgeneration. Communi#ation proto#ols of C"/", interfa#ing C"/" with field devi#es. /istributed Control ystems (/C),ar#hite#ture, #ommuni#ation fa#ilities, operator and engineering interfa#es. (')

    To!" %

    TEXT BOO#S:. $e#1with % and $u#1 L, 5Me#hani#al Measurements6, "ddition 8esley ;ublishing Company Limited, ??G.


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    2. %opal M, 5Control ystems > ;rin#iples and /esign6, ata M#%raw +ill Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, 22.=. Mi#hael ; Lu1as, 5/istributed Control ystems6, an ostrand 9einfold Company, ??G.

    REFERENCES:. 7ain 9 3, 5Me#hani#al and &ndustrial Measurements6, 3hanna ;ublishers, /elhi, ???.2. 9angan, Mani and harma, 5&nstrumentation6, ata M#%raw +ill ;ublishers, ew /elhi, 2.=. agarath & 7 and %opal M, 5Control ystems !ngineering6, ew "ge &nternational ;ublishers, 2B.. C&M;L&C&A C"/" pa#1ages Manual, :anu# &ndia Ltd., 2.G. "lan Morris, 5Measurement and &nstrumentation ;rin#iples6, $utterworth, 2I.B. /ominiue ;la#1o, 5:undamentals of &nstrumentation and Measurement6, &!, 2B.'. 9egtien ;;L, 5Measurement #ien#e for !ngineers6, 3ogan ;age, 2G.


    0 0 3 1&%. :low measurement using mouthpie#e and orifi#e.2. Calibration and #omparison of instruments for measuring flow through pipes-orifi#e, venturi meter, water meter and rotameter.=. Calibration and #omparison of open #hannel flow measuring instruments- -not#h and re#tangular not#h.. !xperiment on for#e indu#ed on the vane due to impa#t of Eets.G. Model study in wind tunnel.I. ;erforman#e test on single stage, multi stage and variable speed #entrifugal pumps.B. Load test on impulse water turbine.

    '. Load test on rea#tion water turbine and #ross flow turbine.?. ;erforman#e test on axial flow fan.. ;erforman#e test on #entrifugal blower.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    . tati# and dynami# balan#ing using rotating unbalan#e test rig.2. ;reparation of #am displa#ement #urve and determination of Eump speed of a #am.=. /etermination of natural freuen#ies of transverse and torsional vibrations.. haft alignment testing.G. /etermination of pressure distribution in Eournal bearing.I. /etermination of #riti#al speed of shafts.

    B. Measurement of fri#tion and wear.'. /etermination of moment of inertia of #onne#ting rod and validation using software?. Measurement of radius of gyration of #ompound pendulum and validation using software.. :ree fall drop impa#t testing for hand held produ#t.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    0 0 2 1. a. tudy of Metallurgi#al Mi#ros#ope

    b. pe#imen preparation for metallographi# studies2. tudy of unet#hed %rey #ast iron, % iron and Malleable #ast iron.=. tudy of et#hed %rey #ast iron, % iron and Malleable #ast iron. tudy of low #arbon steel and medium #arbon steel

    G. tudy of high #arbon steel and white #ast iron.I. tudy of hardened steel and #ase #arburi4ed steelB. tudy of tool steel and stainless steel.'. tudy of "& and Cu alloys?. &n#lusion rating. Case studies of Metallurgi#al failure analysis.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Metallurgi#al !ngineering



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    isits to lo#al industries will be arranged by the department to study the industrial pra#ti#es.

    Le#tures by experts will be arranged to gain exposure to the trends in design, manufa#turing and uality #ontrol in industries.



    4 0 0 4FOUNDRY EQUIPMENTS AND MATERIALS: ;atterns. Moulds-types of moulds, moulding sand #hara#teristi#s and testingpro#edures. Core ma1ing, melting furna#es. (?)PRODUCTION OF CASTINGS* ;ro#esses-shell moulding, investment #astings, #entrifugal #astings, die #asting. %ating andrisering. :ettling and #leaning of #asting. &nspe#tion and testing of #astings. Casting defe#ts and remedies. (?)

    GAS $ELDING: @xy-a#etylene welding, types of flames, welding tor#hes, welding te#hniues. (G)

    ARC $ELDING AND RESISTANCE $ELDING: "r# welding-#arbon ar#, shielded metal ar#, submerged ar#, &% and M&%welding. 8elding ele#trodes-fun#tion and #hara#teristi#s of ele#trode #oating. 9esistan#e welding-spot, seam, proEe#tion and buttwelding, heat flow in welded #omponents. @ther welding pro#ess, Laser beam welding, !le#tron beam welding. :ri#tion welding,:ri#tion stir welding and 6, Laxmi ;ubli#ation, 2G.I. ;eter $eeley, 5:oundry e#hnology6, $utterworth, e#ond !dition, 2G.B. $aldev 9aE and han1ar , 58elding e#hnology :or !ngineers6, arosa $oo1 /istributors ;vt. Ltd., 2I.


    3 2 0 4TRANSFORM METHODS:Con#ept of ransformation > e xamples for ransformation. (2)

    LAPLACE TRANSFORM: /efinition > ransforms of standard fun#tions > ransform of unit step fun#tion > /ira# -/elta fun#tion-ransforms of derivatives and integrals > ransforms of ;eriodi# fun#tions > &nverse Lapla#e transform > Convolution theorem > method of solving ordinary linear differential euations with #onstant #oeffi#ient by Lapla#e transform te#hniue. ome appli#ations toengineering problems. ()

    FOURIER TRANSFORM: :ourier integrals > :ourier transform > :inite and infinite :ourier sine and Cosine transform > ransformsof standard fun#tions > properties, Convolution theorem(tatement only) > /is#rete :ourier and :ast :ourier ransforms > /is#rete#onvolution > periodi# seuen#e and #ir#ular #onvolution > /is#rete :ourier transform > de#imation- in-time algorithm > #omputationof inverse /:. ()


  • 8/14/2019 Detailed Syllabus.doc


    56TRANSFORM: D- transform of standard fun#tions, inverse D-transform (;artial fra#tion expansions) > properties of D > transform> olution of differen#e euations. (')

    COMPLEX VARIABLES : "nalyti# fun#tions > Cau#hy 9eimann euations in #artesian and polar > #oordinates > statement ofsuffi#ient #onditions > properties of analyti# fun#tions > finding analyti# fun#tion whose real F imaginary part is given > #onformalmapping , $ilinear map > study of mappings w K exp(4), sin4, #os4 , sinh4 , #osh4, F4, 4S1F4 > #omplex integration > Cau#hy0sfundamental theorem and formula- aylor0s series > Laurent0s series (tatement only) > ingularities > 9esidue theorem > Cau#hy0slemma and 7ordan0s Lemma (tatement only) > evaluation of real integrals using #ontour integration along semi #ir#le and unit#ir#le. (2)

    To!" 42REFERENCES:. !rwin 3reys4ig, 5"dvan#ed !ngineering Mathemati#s6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, 2.2. 9obert ". %abel, 9i#hard ". 9oberts, 5ignals and Linear systems6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, ??G.=. 9ay 8ylie C, Louis C $arret, 5"dvan#ed !ngineering Mathemati#s6, M#%raw-+ill, 2.. 9iley 3 :, +obson M ; and $en#e 7, 5Mathemati#al Methods for ;hysi#s and !ngineering6, Cambridge #ope and ignifi#an#e of !#onomi#s in /e#ision Ma1ing > arious !#onomi#

    ools and e#hniues. (2)

    CALCULATING PERCENT CHANGE AND COMPOUNDED GRO$TH RATES: ome Mathemati#al Con#epts and "nalyti#al

    ools. (=)

    ECONOMIC THEORY OF CONSUMER DEMAND: Law of /emand > /eterminants of /emand > !x#eptions to Law of /emand

    !lasti#ity of /emand > arious types of !lasti#ity and measurements of ;ri#e !lasti#ity and /emand :ore#asting Methods and its

    "ppli#ations. Law of upply > !lasti#ity of upply > /eterminants of !lasti#ity of upply. (I)

    ECONOMIC THEORY OF THE FIRM (Co)7+: (&nput Mar1ets) > ;rodu#tion :un#tion > :a#tors influen#ing ;rodu#tion > Cobb-

    /ouglas ;rodu#tion :un#tion > !#onomies of #ale > 9eturns to #ale > Cost "nalysis - arious Cost Con#epts - Cost @utput

    9elationship and hort 9un and Long 9un. (I)

    MAR#ET STRUCTURE AND COMPETITION: arious :orms of Mar1et tru#ture > ;erfe#t Competition - &mperfe#t Competition >

    Monopoly > Monopolisti# > @ligopoly > ;ri#ing trategies and ;ri#e /is#rimination in various Mar1et tru#tures. ()


    Mar1et !ffi#ien#y > ools of %overnment &ntervention. ()

    INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS: (Measuring "ggregate @utput) Meaning > @bEe#tive and &ssues of Ma#roe#onomi#s-

    ational @utput Con#ept > %/;, %;, ;, ;er Capita &n#ome, /isposable &n#ome, ;ersonal /isposable &n#ome > arious

    Methods of Measuring ational &n#ome - &nflation > /eflation. (G)

    AGGREGATE EXPENDITURES AND FISCAL POLICY: (:is#al ;oli#y) @bEe#tives of :is#al ;oli#y > &nstruments of :is#al ;oli#y >

    axation. +ighlights of Current :is#al ;oli#y. (I)

    MONEY AND BAN#ING: (Monetary ;oli#y) :un#tions of Money - alue of Money - @bEe#tives and instruments of Monetary ;oli#y

    > +ighlights of Current Monetary ;oli#y > $an1ing > ypes of $an1s - Central $an1 and Commer#ial $an1s - @bEe#tives and

    :un#tions of Central $an1 and arious ypes of Commer#ial $an1s and &ts :un#tions. ()

    ECONOMIC GRO$TH: Meaning > $enefits and Costs of %rowth. (2)

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#:

    . ;aul " amuelson and 8illiam / ordhaus, 5!#onomi#s6, ata M#%raw +ill, ew /elhi, 2B.


    . 3arl ! Case and 9ay C :air, 5;rin#iples of !#onomi#s6, ;renti#e +all, 2'.

    2. Misra 3 and ;uri 3, 5!#onomi# !nvironment of $usiness6, +imalaya ;ublishing +ouse, ew /elhi, 22.

    =. 9i#hard % Lipsey, Colin +arbury 8eidenfeld and i#olson, 5;rin#iples of !#onomi#s6, London, ??.


    3 1 0 3&%


  • 8/14/2019 Detailed Syllabus.doc


    BASIC CONCEPTS OF THERMODYNAMICS:ystem, property, state and euilibrium, pro#ess and #y#le, wor1, heat and otherforms of energy. Deroth law and appli#ation, first law statement, appli#ations to #losed and open systems, general energy euationand appli#ations to thermal euipments. (')

    SECOND LA$ OF THERMODYNAMICS: tatements6heat engines and heat pump, reversibility, Carnot #y#le and Carnot theorem ()

    ENTROPY:Clausius theorem, Clausius ineuality, prin#iple of in#rease in entropy, - relations, availability and irreversibility ()

    PROPERTIES OF PURE SUBSTANCE: ;ure substan#e, phase-#hange pro#esses, property diagram for phase pro#esses,properties table, Mollier #hart. ()

    VAPOUR PO$ER CYCLE :9an1ine and modified 9an1ine #y#le, 9eheat #y#le, 9egenerative #y#le, 9eheat- 9egenerative #y#le,$inary vapour #y#le (I)

    PROPERTIES OF IDEAL GASESAND REAL GASES: &deal gas euation, evaluation of wor1 and heat, entropy #hanges, realgases, an der 8aals euation, #ompressibility - universal #ompressibility #hart and general thermodynami# relations. (I)

    PSYCHROMETRY:;roperties > atmospheri# air, psy#hrometry Chart. ()THERMODYNAMIC CYCLES:"ir standard #y#les-@tto #y#le, /iesel #y#le, /ual #y#le, #omparison of @tto, diesel, and /ual Cy#le$rayton #y#le. (I)

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. Cenge A "l and $oles M " Nhermodynami#s, "n !ngineering "pproa#h6 ata M#%raw +ill, 2=.

    2. ag ; 3, 5!ngineering hermodynami#s6, ata M#%raw +ill, /elhi, 2.

    REFERENCES:. +olman 7 ;, 5hermodynami#s6, ata M#%raw +ill, ??'.2. onntag 9 !, $orgna11e C and an 8ylen % 7,5:undamentals of !ngineering hermodynami#s6, 7ohn 8iley, 2=.=. 9ogers % : C and Mayhew A 9, 5!ngineering hermodynami#s 8or1 and +eat ransfer 6, ;earson, 2=.. 3othandaraman C ; and /om1undwar , 5!ngineering hermodynami#s, ;art &, /hanpat 9ai and ons, /elhi, 2.G. 7ohn ; @ Connell and +aile 7 M, 5hermodynami#s :undamentals for "ppli#ations6, Cambridge.I. Aunus " Cengel and Mi#hael " $oles, 5hermodynam#is and !ngineering "pproa#h6, M+.B. 7ones 7 $ and /ugan 9 !, 5!ngineering hermodynam#is6, ;rention +all &ndia.'. !ugene ilberstein, 5+eat ;umps6, homson.


    3 0 0 3BASICS OF MEASUREMENT AND DEVICES: /efinition of metrology, e#onomi#s of measurement, measurement as a#omparative pro#ess, dimensional properties, terminology and a##ura#y of measurement, measuring errors, "bbe0s ;rin#iple,;rin#iple of interferometry- flatness testing, opti#al interferometer, laser interferometer. +olography and spe#1le metrology. (I)

    QUALITY STANDARDS:%eneral #ares and rules in measurement, &nternational standardi4ation, & units and uantities, $&- ;L> advantages, &@ ? uality standards, J ? standards, !nvironment standards, metrology room measuring standardsroom. (G)LINEAR MEASUREMENTS:Material length standards >line and end measurement > #alibration of end bars, datum and referen#esurfa#es, surfa#e plates, gauges > feeler gauges, mi#rometers, dial test indi#ator, slip gauges, #are of gauge blo#1s, Comparators-me#hani#al, ele#tri#al, opti#al and pneumati#, opti#al proEe#tor. (G)

    GEOMETRICAL MEASUREMENT: "ngular measurement > plain vernier and opti#al protra#tors, sine bar, opti#al instruments,flatness, parallelism and roundness measurement, need for limit gauge, design of plug gague, aylor0s prin#iple, three basi# typesof limit gauges, surfa#e texture, reasons for #ontrolling surfa#e texture, parameters used , spe#ifi#ation of surfa#e texture, drawingand symbols, omilson surfa#e meter. CMM. (I)

    METROLOGY OF MACHINE ELEMENTS: ypes of s#rew threads, terminology, proportions of &@ metri# thread, measurement ofmaEor, minor and effe#tive diameters. %ear terminology and standard proportions, spur gear measurement, #he#1ing of #ompositeerrors, base pit#h measurement, #lean room environment. (I)

    MACHINE INSTALLATION AND TESTING:!uipment ere#tion, #ommissioning, testing pro#edure for lathe, milling, #ontinuouspro#ess line. :irst aid, safety pre#autions in installation of euipment, proto#ol for repair and testing, inspe#tion #he#1 list. (G)

    STATISTICAL QUALITY CONTROL:;ro#ess #apability, steps in using #ontrol #harts, basi# prin#iples of lot sampling > samplinginspe#tion, single and double sampling, determination of sample si4e, @C #urves, "@J, "$C standards. ()

    QUALITY CONTROL CHARTS:ypes, manufa#turing spe#ifi#ations, p #hart, np #hart, # #hart, u #hart, O and 9 #hart > solvingproblems using the #harts. /esign of tool for inspe#tion, gauging design of plug, snap gauges, thread gauges. %augerepeatability and reprodu#ibility studies. (G)


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    To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. %upta & C, 5" text boo1 of !ngineering Metrology6, /hanpat 9ai publi#ations, ew /elhi, 2=.2. 7ain 9 3, 5Me#hani#al and &ndustrial Measurements6, 3hanna ;ublishers Co Ltd., ew /elhi, ?'G.=. +olmen 7 ;, 5!xperimental Methods for !ngineers6, ata M#%raw +ill ;ubli#ations Co Ltd, 2.. 7ohn % ee, 5:undamentals of ool /esign6 o#iety of Manufa#turing !ngineers, :ourth !dition, ??'.G. /ominiue ;la#1o, 5Metrology in &ndustry* he 3ey for Juality6, &!, 2B.

    REFERENCES:. arayana 3 , 5!ngineering Metrology6, #ite#h ;ubli#ation, 2I.2. 3anis1a $edi, 5Juality Management6, @xford ele#tri# a##elerometer with ;C and Mi#rophone and performing order analysisG. &nspe#tion using ision ystemI. Measurement of for#e using proving ringB. Measurement of strain using 8heatstone bridge and interfa#e with ;C'. Control system exer#ise using ;C- stepper motor level?. ;rogramming motion #ontrol system for robot using ;C and a#ousti# sensors

    . ;rodu#t 9:/ identifi#ation using system identifi#ation of a single degree of freedom setup,


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    0 0 2 1. (i) %ear roll testing (ii) gear #on#entri#ity testing2. (i) Measurement of gear profile using opti#al profile proEe#tor (ii) measurement of thread using thread #omparator= (i) "ngular measurement using sine bar (ii) measurement using laser mi#rometer. (i) urfa#e finish measurement of ma#hined #omponents (ii) measurement using height master, height gaugeG. ool geometry measurement using tool ma1ers mi#ros#opeI. %auge repeatability and reprodu#ibility 9 P 9 study exer#ise.B. " study of #o-ordinate measuring ma#hine, pneumati# #omparator, laser interferometer

    '. Measurement of internal, external tapers, standard sphere, pin.?. $ore measurement using bore dial guage, go-no go gauges.. #rew thread metrology - =- wire method.. "##eptan#e test for lathe as per standards2. "uto #ollimator for form measurement


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    0 0 2 1. &nternal and external dovetail ma#hining using shaper2. !xperiment in spar1 erosion pro#ess=. !xperiment in surfa#e grinding and #ylindri#al grinding pro#esses. !xperiment in tool grinding > single point and multi point toolsG. !xperiment in spur gear millingI. !xperiment in 1eyway slottingB. !xperiment in spur gear shaping'. !xperiment in spline milling and po#1et milling?. !xperiment in milling maximum suare and hexagon on ea#h end of M 9od.. Measurement of #utting for#es using tool dynamometer.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


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    4 0 0 4THEORY OF METAL CUTTING: &ntrodu#tion, me#hani#s of metal #utting, orthogonal and obliue #utting, mer#hants euation, #hipformation, heat generation, #utting fluids, #utting tool life - re#ent developments and appli#ations (/ry ma#hining and high speedma#hining). . (')

    TOOLS AND MACHINE TOOLS: Cutting tool materials, #utting tool nomen#lature, introdu#tion to ma#hine tools, lathe, shaper,planing, milling, drilling and boring ma#hines, wor1ing prin#iple, operations, wor1 holding devi#es. ()

    MANUFACTURE OF COMPONENTS: ;rodu#tion of axi-symmetri#al #omponents- shafts, hubs, pins. ;rodu#tion of prismati##omponents- housings, lathe beds, gearboxes, ma#hine #olumns. +ole produ#tion in #omponents using drilling and boring. (I)

    SURFACE FINISHING PROCESSES: %rinding ma#hines, grinding wheel spe#ifi#ation, honing, lapping, burnishing, super finishingsurfa#e integrity #on#epts. (I)

    GEAR MANUFACTURING: %ear manufa#turing pro#esses-gear welding, gear hobbing, shaping ma#hines, manufa#ture of spur,heli#al, bevel, worm and worm wheel. %ear finishing. (B)

    ECONOMICS OF MACHINING: Cal#ulation of ma#hining time for turning, drilling, shaping, milling and grinding, #ost estimation.%eneral prin#iples of e#onomi#s of ma#hining. !#onomi# tool life, optimal #utting speed for maximum produ#tion, estimation ofma#hine hour rate and ma#hining #ost #omputations. (B)

    NON 6 TRADITIONAL MACHINING: eed for non-traditional ma#hining, ultrasoni# ma#hining, abrasive Eet ma#hining, laser beamma#hining, euipments, appli#ations, advantages and limitations. Mi#roma#hining and its appli#ations. (I)

    THERMAL MACHINING PROCESS: !le#tron beam ma#hining, ele#tri# dis#harge ma#hining, ele#tri# dis#harge wire #utting, ele#tro#hemi#al ma#hining, ele#tro #hemi#al grinding, euipments, appli#ations, advantages and limitations. (I)

    To!" %TEXT BOO#S:. $hatta#harya ", 5ew e#hnology6, &! ;ublishing, ew /elhi, ?'.2. Milton C haw, 5Metal Cutting ;rin#iples6, Clarendon ;ress, @xford, ???.=. ingh / 3 5Manufa#turing e#hnology6, ;earson !du#ation, 2.. 3alpa1Eian,6 Manufa#turing !ngineering and e#hnology6, "ddison 8esley ;ublishing Company &n#., hird !dition, ??G.


    . +M, 5;rodu#tion e#hnology6 ata M#%raw-+ill Co., ew /elhi, ??'.2. 7ames $rown, 5"dvan#ed Ma#hining e#hnology +andboo16, M#%raw +ill $oo1 Company, ew Aor1, ??'.=. "M, 5+andboo1 on Metals6, ol. =, M#%raw- +ill $oo1 Company, ew Aor1, ??.. ;andey ; C, 5Modern Ma#hining ;ro#esses6, ata M#%raw +ill ;ubli#ations Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, ??=.G. !dward M rent, ;aul 3 8right, 5Metal Cutting6, $utterworth, :ourth !dition, 2I.I. "nne Marie +abra1en, 5Material :orming ;ro#esses6, &!, 2B.B. %ermaine efussi, Mir#ea ;redeleanu and "rnaud ;oitou, 5;redi#tion of /efe#ts in Material ;ro#essing6, 3ogan ;age, 2.


    TORQUE MEASUREMENTS: ;re#ision systems li1e video dis#s and drives, laser printer et#. (2)

    STRESS ANALYSIS: ypes of stresses, stress-strain diagram in tension, me#hani#al properties of materials, stati# stresseuation in axial, bending and torsional loading, #riteria for failure, fa#tor of safety. (=)

    COMBINED STRESSES: Combination of normal stresses, e##entri# loading of members, #ombination of normal and shearstresses, prin#ipal stresses, theories of failure. ()


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    VARIABLE LOADS: Me#hanism of fatigue failure (in brief)-fatigue limit and fatigue strength, - #urves, types of stress variations,terminology, oderberg, %oodman and %erber euations, stress raisers, stress #on#entration fa#tor, not#h sensitivity fa#tor,fa#tors affe#ting fatigue limit, finite life, euivalent stress, #ombined variable stress. (G)

    AN OVERVIE$ OF FRACTURE MECHANICS DESIGN * hree modes of #ra#1 opening, stress intensity fa#tor, signifi#an#e offra#ture me#hani#s in design. (2)

    DESIGN OF SHAFTS AND COUPLINGS::or#es on shafts due to gears, belts and #hains, estimation of shaft si4e based onstrength and #riti#al speed. Couplings-types and appli#ations, /esign of suare 1eys-use of standards, rigid #ouplings, flexibleflange #ouplings - sele#tion. (G)

    SPRINGS: +eli#al springs and leaf springs-stresses and defle#tion in round wire heli#al springs-a##ounting for variable stresses-#on#entri# springs. /esign of leaf springs- stress and defle#tion euation. (G)

    RIVETED AND $ELDED 'OINTS: trength euations, effi#ien#y, design of riveted Eoints-Eoints of uniform strength, e##entri#allyloaded riveted Eoints. ypes of welded Eoints-weld symbols, strength of welds, #entrally loaded, unsymmetri#al se#tions, axiallyloaded, e##entri#ally loaded Eoints. (G)

    BOLTED 'OINTS: !lementary treatment only (not for examination purposes) (2)

    SLIDING CONTACT BEARINGS: heory of lubri#ation, hydrodynami# bearings, ommerfield number, design of hydrodynami#bearings. (G)

    ROLLING CONTACT BEARINGS:tati# and dynami# load #apa#ity, #ubi# mean load, variable load, probability of survival,sele#tion of deep groove and angular #onta#t ball bearings. ()

    To!" 42

    No,: /esignFele#tion of ma#hine elements will be based on estimated loads and other design reuirements #olle#ted by thestudent from field data with extensive support from manufa#turers #atalogues (wherever appli#able).

    TEXT BOO#S:. 9obert L Mott, NMa#hine !lements in Me#hani#al /esignN, Ma#millan ;ublishing Co., London, ??2.2. 9obert L ortan, 5Ma#hine /esign-"n &ntegrated "pproa#h6, ;earson ;ublishers, ew /elhi, 2=.

    REFERENCES:. $andari $, N/esign of Ma#hine !lements N, ata M#%raw +ill ;ublishers Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, 2=.2. higley and Mis#h1e, NMe#hani#al !ngineering /esignN, M#%raw +ill ;ublishers Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, 2.=. :a#ulty of Me#hani#al !ngineering, ;% College of e#hnology, N/esign /ata $oo1N, MFs. /; ;rinters,

    Coimbatore, 2.. 7ohn M $arson and tanely 9olfe, 5:ra#ture and :atigue Control in tru#tures6, ;renti#e-+all &n#., ew 7ersey, ?'B.G. 7a#obson $ @, $ernard 7 +amro#1 and teven 9 #hmid, 5:undamentals of Ma#hine !lements 6, M#graw +ill, &n#.,

    e#ond !dition, 2I.


    3 1 0 3&%

    I C ENGINES: Classifi#ation. ;rin#iple and wor1ing of four stro1e and two stro1e petrol and diesel engines with p-v and valvetiming diagrams. Comparison of petrol and diesel engines - two stro1e and four stro1e engines. (G)

    FUEL SUPPLY AND IGNITION SYSTEM: 8or1ing prin#iples of simple and modern #arburetors with modifi#ations for variablespeed, load operation. /iesel fuel pumps and inEe#tor-wor1ing prin#iple-engine lubri#ation and #ooling. $attery and #oil, magnetotype and ele#troni# systems. "lternate fuels- bio fuels environment friendly fuels. (G)

    TESTING AND PERFORMANCE: esting of &C engines-#onstant speed and variable speed tests, methods of estimating indi#atedpower, bra1e power, volumetri# effi#ien#y. +eat balan#e test. (I)

    COMBUSTION ENGINEERING: Combustion pro#ess-1no#1ing, detonation, Cetane and @#tane numbers. +eating value-liuidsand gaseous fuels, #ombustion. 8an1el engine-rotor and stator geometry, advantages and limitations. !nvironmental pollution. ()

    REFRIGERATION: Methods of refrigeration-air refrigeration, $ell Coleman #y#le, vapour #ompression refrigeration #y#le, use of -s diagrams, under-#ooling and superheating. ;erforman#e #al#ulations of air and vapour #ompression refrigeration systems. tudyof absorption refrigeration system and #omparison of various refrigeration #y#les. 9efrigerants - types and properties. (G)

    AIR6CONDITIONING: 9euirements for #omfort and industrial air-#onditioning, air washer, by-pass fa#tor, summer and winter air#onditioning systems. (G)

    SINGLE STAGE RECIPROCATING COMPRESSOR: 8or1ing prin#iple-effe#t of #learan#e on volumetri# effi#ien#y, euations forshaft wor1 and effi#ien#ies. (G)

    MULTISTAGE RECIPROCATING AND ROTARY COMPRESSORS: 8or1ing prin#iple, inter-#ooler, optimum intermediatepressure in a two stage #ompressor and performan#e of multi-stage #ompressor. 9otary positive displa#ement #ompressor- types,


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    performan#e #al#ulations. "ir motor- performan#e. (G)


    TEXT BOO#S:. 3othandaraman C ; and /om1undwar , Nhermodynami#s and hermal !ngineeringN, /hanpat9ai and ons,

    ew /elhi, 2.2. 9udramoorthy 9, Nhermal !ngineeringN, ata M#%raw +ill ;ublishers Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, 2=.

    REFERENCES:. %anesan , N&nternal Combustion !ngineN, ata M#%raw +ill ;ublishers Co. Ltd., ew /elhi, ??G.2. Colin 9 :erguson, N&nternal Combustion !nginesN, 7ohn 8iley and ons, ew Aor1, ?'I.=. !dward : @bert, N&nternal Combustion !nginesN, &nters#ien#e ;ublishers, ?B.. Mathur M L, harma 9 ;, 5&nternal Combustion !ngines6, /hanpat 9ai and ons, /elhi, ??B.


    0 0 3 1&%. !xperimental study on valve timing diagram in -stro1e engine #ut model2. !xperimental study on port timing diagram in 2-stro1e engine #ut model=. ;erforman#e test on #onstant speed -stro1e diesel engine. ariable speed test on multi-#ylinder diesel engine

    G. +eat balan#e test on -stro1e diesel engineI. ;erforman#e test on #onstant speed single #ylinder petrol engineB. ;erforman#e test on high pressure two stage re#ipro#ating air #ompressor'. ;erforman#e testing of boilers?. &C engine performan#e evaluation using ;C interfa#e. !xperiment of heating, ventilation and air #onditioning unit. !xperiment on 9efrigeration tutor


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    0 0 2 1. :a#ing and step turning operation

    2. /rilling and taper turning=. %rooving, #hamfering and 1nurling. hread #utting operation > external and internalG. :ield study involving a#tual measurement of #utting time inturning, drilling and #omparing with theoreti#al #al#ulationsI. !##entri# turningB. ;in and bush assembly for +'e'#learan#e fit'. mooth #ontour ma#hining?. /emonstration of press operations. /ismantling and assembly of tailsto#1


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.



    4 0 0 4

    FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS OF INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATION: :undamental #on#epts in manufa#turing and automation,definition of automation, reasons for automating. ypes of produ#tion and types of automation, automation strategies, levels ofautomation. &ntrodu#tion to +M& systems > text display, tou#h panels and integrated displays. (G)


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    TRANSFER LINES AND AUTOMATED ASSEMBLY: %eneral terminology and analysis, analysis of transfer lines without storage,partial automation. "utomated flow lines with storage buffers. "utomated assembly-design for automated assembly, types ofautomated assembly systems, part feeding devi#es, analysis of multi-station assembly ma#hines. "F9, 9:&/ system, "%s,modular fixturing. :low line balan#ing. (G)

    PNEUMATIC CONTROL:Components, #onstru#tional details, filter, lubri#ator, regulator, #onstru#tional features, types of #ylinders,#ontrol valves for dire#tion, pressure and flow, air motors, air hydraul i# euipments. (I)

    PNEUMATIC CONTROL SYSTEM DESIGN:%eneral approa#h to #ontrol system design, symbols and drawings, s#hemati# layout,travel step diagram, #ir#uit, #ontrol modes, program #ontrol, seuen#e #ontrol, #as#ade method, 3arnaugh-eit#h mapping. (I)

    PROGRAMMABLE LOGIC CONTROLLERS: $asi# stru#ture, inputFoutput programming, timers, relays, #ounters, analogueinputFoutput, interfa#ing with ;C, pneumati# seuen#ing, #ontrol problem using ;LC. (B)

    PROGRAMMABLE AUTOMATION: Computer umeri#al Control-basi# theory, advantages of numeri#al #ontrol. @pen and #losedloop systems, information flow and #oding theory. Classifi#ation of CC ma#hine tools. pe#ial design features of CC systemsand features for lathes and ma#hining #enters. /rive system for CC ma#hine tools. &ntrodu#tion to C&M #ondition monitoring ofmanufa#turing systems. (B)

    CNC PART PROGRAMMING: Manual and #omputer aided part programming-% and M fun#tions, #anned #y#les. %enerationusing C"M software. (')

    ROBOTIC SYSTEMS: $asi# stru#ture of a robot>robot end effe#tors. Classifi#ation of robots>a##ura#y, resolution and repeatabilityof a robot. /rives and #ontrol systems>me#hani#al #omponents of robots>sensors and vision systems. ransdu#ers and sensors-ta#tile sensors, proximity sensors and range sensors, vision systems. 9obot motion #ontrol and robot programming. (I)

    DESIGN OF MECHATRONIC SYSTEMS: tages in design, traditional and me#hatroni# design, possible design solutions. Casestudies-pi#1 and pla#e robot, engine management system. (I)

    To!" %TEXT BOO#S:. Mi1ell ; %roover, 5"utomation ;rodu#tion ystems and Computer- &ntegrated Manufa#turing6 ;earson !du#ation, ew

    /elhi, 2.2. 8emer /epper and 3urt toll, 5;neumati# "ppli#ation6, 3emprath 9eihe, ogel $u#h erlag 8ur4butg, ?'B.=. $olton 8, 5Me#hatroni#s5, ;earson !du#ation, e#ond !dition, ???.. teve : 3rar, 5Computer umeri#al Control implified5, &ndustrial ;ress, 2.

    REFERENCES:. Mi1ell ; %roover, N&ndustrial 9obots > e#hnology ;rogrammes and "ppli#ations6 , M#%raw +ill , ew Aor1,

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    HEAT EXCHANGERS:ypes-tube arrangements, single and multi tube types, parallel, #ounter and #ross flow, @verall heat transfer#oeffi#ient, effe#tiveness method (

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    3 1 0 3&%

    INTRODUCTION TO FEM:!ngineering design analysis-meaning and purpose, basi# #on#epts of :!M. "ppli#ability of :!M tostru#tural, heat transfer and fluid flow problems. "dvantages and limitations of :!M. est for #onvergen#e. !lement #hoi#e.Commer#ial finite element pa#1ages-organi4ation-advantages and limitations. (G)

    STATIC ANALYSIS: %eneral pro#edure of :!M. 1eletal and #ontinuum stru#tures. /is#reti4ation of domain-basi# types ofelements.:ormulation of element stiffness matri#es-/ spar and beam elements, 2/ triangular and uadrilateral elements,&soparametri# elements, higher order elements, treatment of boundary #ondition. (I)

    DYNAMIC ANALYSIS: !uations of motion for dynami# problems. Consistent and lumped mass matri#es. :ormulation of elementmass matri#es. :ree vibration problem formulation. (')

    HEAT TRANSFER AND FLUID FLO$ ANALYSIS: $asi# euations of heat transfer and fluid flow problems. :inite elementformulation. @ne dimensional heat transfer and fluid flow problems. teady state and transient heat #ondu#tion problems. (I)

    INTRODUCTION TO CFD: !xpli#it and impli#it methods >overview of finite differen#e and finite volume methods, potential fun#tionand stream fun#tion formulations, in vis#id and vis#ous in#ompressible flow. ()

    DESIGN OF MACHINE STRUCTURES::or#e distribution on different parts of ma#hine stru#ture, design of the parts, stati#,dynami# and thermal analysis of the parts using finite element method. Material redistribution to minimi4e stresses and defle#tion.@ptimisation of lo#ation of ribs to maximi4e rigidity. (=)

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. Chandrupatla 9 and $elegundu " /, 5&ntrodu#tion to :inite !lements in !ngineering6, ;earson !du#ation 22,

    hird !dition.2. Logan / L, 5" :irst Course in the :inite !lement Method6, hird !dition, homson Learning, 22.=. 7ohn / "nderson, 5Computational :luid /ynami#s > he $asi#s with "ppli#ations6, M#%raw +ill, ew /elhi, ??G.

    REFERENCES:. /avid +utton, 5:undamentals of :inite !lement "nalysis6, M#%raw +ill &nt. !d., ew /elhi, 2.2. 9ao , 5he :inite element Method in !ngineering6, ;ergammon ;ress, 2G.=. 9eddy 7 , 5"n &ntrodu#tion to :inite !lement Method6, M#%raw +ill &nternational tudent !dition, ew /elhi, ?'G.. eshu ;, 5" ext boo1 on :inite !lement "nalysis6, ;renti#e +all of &ndia, ew 7ersey, 2=.G. Coo1 9 /, Mal1us / and ;lesha M !, 5Con#epts and "ppli#ations of :inite !lement "nalysis6, :ourth !dition,

    7ohn 8iley and ons, ew /elhi, 2=.I. Dien1iewi#4 @C, Cheung A3, 5:inite !lement Method6, M#%raw +ill &n#., ?B.B. 3wentin 9enalds, 59ight agotharargal (amil)6, ;alaniappa $rothers, 2.'. ils !ri1 8ilberg, 5:inite !lement Method $asi#s6, @verseas ;ress (&ndia) ;vt. Ltd,. 2I.?. "lexandre !rn and 7ean Lu# %uermond, 5heory and ;ra#ti#e of :inite !lements6, pringer, 2G.. +ibbeler 9 C, 5Me#hani#s of Materials6, ;earson !du#ation, ixth !dition, 2B.

    . !ntwistle 3 M, 5$asi# ;rin#iples of the :inite !lement Method6, 8oodhead ;ublishing Ltd., 2I.

    QQ - he #ourse in#ludes atleast one assignment with mathemati#al modeling and F or simulation of a pra#ti#al situation.


    0 0 2 1. olid modeling of engineering #omponents of a typi#al assembly and extra#tion of produ#tion drawings of the above

    #omponents and assembly.2. /etermination of stresses and fa#tor of safety in #riti#al ma#hine #omponents by :!M and experimental validation of the

    results by strain measurement.=. /ynami# analysis of #hassis frame of an automobile.. hermal analysis of &C engine #omponents using :!" software.G. Crash analysis of an automobile using :!" software.I. 3inemati# and dynami# analysis of me#hanisms using me#hanism analysis software.

    B. hermal "nalysis of ele#troni# euipments.'. "nalysis of flow through pipes using C:/ software.?. imulation of stamping pro#ess using metal forming software.. oleran#e sta#1 up using simulation software.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.

    No,: /esignFele#tion of ma#hine elements will be based on estimated loads and other design reuirements #olle#ted by thestudent from field data with extensive support from manufa#turers #atalogues (wherever appli#able).


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    0 0 2 1. !xperiment on ;in :in apparatus2. !xperiment on natural #onve#tive heat transfer from verti#al #ylinder=. !xperiment on for#ed heat transfer inside tube. /etermination of tefan-$olt4mann #onstantG. /etermination of emissivity of grey surfa#eI. !ffe#tiveness of parallel F#ounter flow heat ex#hanger

    B. !xperiment on boiling and #ondensation apparatus'. tudy on heat transfer in #ompressor and &C engine #ylinder heads using finite element analysis software.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.


    0 0 2 1. /esign and simulation of multiple a#tuator systems using ;neumati# elements.2. /esign and simulation of multiple a#tuator systems with start sele#tion and emergen#y modules.=. /esign and simulation of multiple a#tuator #ir#uits using !le#tro ;neumati# elements.. /esign and simulation of ;LC based multiple a#tuator systems.G. Mi#ropro#essor based stepper motor #ontrol.I. ;rogramming and ma#hining in CC LatheB. ;rogramming in CC ma#hining #entre'. CC #ode generation using software and simulation in a CC lathe and CC milling?. !xperiment using #onveyor. Creating s#reens using C"/", s#reen navigation and developing appli#ations using graphi#s library.. Configuring +M& and #reating s#reens, tags and developing an appli#ation using ;LC2. tudy of servo systems.


    . Laboratory Manual prepared by /epartment of Me#hani#al !ngineering.

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    ("lso #ommon with '"B)

    3 1 0 3&%DFM APPROACH SELECTION AND SUBSTITUTION OF MATERIALS IN INDUSTRY: /:M approa#h, /:M guidelines,standardisation, group te#hnology, value engineering, #omparison of materials on #ost basis, design for assembly, /:" index, ;o1a

    - Ao1e prin#iple I#on#ept design #reativity. (I)

    TOLERANCE ANALYSIS:;ro#ess #apability, pro#ess #apability metri#s, Cp, Cp1 ,#ost aspe#ts, feature toleran#es, geometri#

    toleran#es, surfa#e finish, review of relationship between attainable toleran#e grades and different ma#hining pro#ess, #umulativeeffe#t of toleran#es, sure fit law, normal law and trun#ated normal law. (I)

    SELECTIVE ASSEMBLY: &nter#hangeable and sele#tive assembly, de#iding the number of groups, Model-&* group toleran#es ofmating parts eual Model-&&* total and group toleran#es of shaft, #ontrol of axial play-introdu#ing se#ondary ma#hining operations,laminated shims, examples. (I)

    DATUM SYSTEMS:/egrees of freedom, grouped datum systems-different types, two and three mutually perpendi#ular groupeddatum planes, grouped datum system with spigot and re#ess, pin and hole, grouped datum system with spigot and re#ess pair andtongue-slot pair, #omputation of translational and rotational a##ura#y, geometri# analysis and appli#ations. (G)

    TRUE POSITION TOLERANCING THEORY: Comparison between #o-ordinate and #onvention method of feature lo#ation,toleran#ing and true position toleran#ing, virtual si4e #on#ept, floating and fixed fasteners, proEe#ted toleran#e 4one, assembly withgas1et, 4ero true position toleran#e, fun#tional gauges, paper layout gauging, #ompound assembly, examples. (I)

    FORM DESIGN OF CASTINGS AND $ELDMENTS:9edesign of #astings based on parting line #onsiderations, minimising #ore

    reuirements, redesigning #ast members using weldments, use of welding symbols > design #onsiderations for plasti# #omponentmanufa#turing. ()

    TOLERANCE CHARTING TECHNIQUE:@peration seuen#e for typi#al shaft type of #omponents, preparation of pro#ess drawingsfor different operations, toleran#e wor1sheets and #entrality analysis, examples, design features to fa#ilitate ma#hining,datumfeatures - fun#tional and manufa#turing, #omponent design-ma#hining #onsiderations, redesign for manufa#ture, examples. (I)

    LEAN MANUFACTURING:eed for lean #on#epts, different types of waste, metri#s of manufa#turing, an overview of value streammapping- present state map, future state map, evaluation of benefits > ;ro#ess :M!", /esign :M!". (=) To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. +arry ;e#1, N/esigning for Manufa#tureN, ;itman ;ubli#ations, London, ?'=.2. Matouse1 9, N!ngineering /esign- " ystemati# "pproa#hN, $la#1ie and on Ltd., London, ?B.

    REFERENCES:. potts M :, N/imensioning and oleran#e for Juantity ;rodu#tionN, ;renti#e +all &n#., ew 7ersey, ?'=.2. @liver 9 8ade, Noleran#e Control in /esign and Manufa#turingN, &ndustrial ;ress &n#., ew Aor1, ?IB.

    =. 7ames % $ralla, N+and $oo1 of ;rodu#t /esign for Manufa#turingN, M#%raw +ill ;ubli#ations, ?'=.. ru#1s + !, N/esign for !#onomi# ;rodu#tionN, o#iety of Manufa#turing !ngineers, Mi#higan, e#ond !dition, ?'B.G. ;o1a-Ao1e, N&mproving ;rodu#t Juality by ;reventing /efe#tsN, ;rodu#tivity ;ress, ??2.I. Creveling C M, Noleran#e /esign - " +and $oo1 for /eveloping @ptimal pe#ifi#ationsN, "ddison 8esley Longman


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    INVENTORY CONTROL:ariables in inventory problems, inventory models with penalty, shortage and uantity dis#ount, safetysto#1, inventory models with probability, lead time, demand, multi item deterministi# model. ()

    QUEUING MODELS: Jueues otation of ueues, performan#e measures, he MFMF ueue , he MFMFm ueue, bat#h arrivalueuing system , ueues with brea1downs. ()

    PRO'ECT MANAGEMENT BY PERT AND CPM: $asi# terminologies, #onstru#ting a proEe#t networ1 , networ1 #omputations inC;M and ;!9 , #ost #rashing. (G)

    GAME THEORY: heory of games, #ompetitive games, rules for game theory, mixed strategies, two person 4ero sum game , nperson 4ero sum game. ()

    REPLACEMENT MODELS* 9epla#ement of &tems due to deterioration with and without time value of Money, %roup repla#ementpoli#y, taff repla#ement (=)

    To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. !lwood $uffa, 5Modern ;rodu#tion F@perations Management6, 8iley !astern, ew /elhi, ??.2. 3anti warup, %upta ; 3 and Manmohan, 5@perations 9esear#h6, ultan Chand and ons ew /elhi, ??G.

    REFERENCES:. iswanathan , arahari A , 5;erforman#e Modeling of "utomated Manufa#turing ystems6 , ;rinti#e +all &n# ,??2.2. rinath L , 5;!9 and C;M > ;rin#iples and "ppli#ations6, !ast 8est ;ress, ew /elhi, ?'2.=. /harani en1ata1rishnan , 5@perations 9esear#h6, 3eerthi ;ubli#ation +ouse, Coimbatore, ??.. %upta and +ira, 5;roblems in @perations 9esear#h6, Chand and Company, ew /elhi, ??.G. ;rem 1umar %upta and +ira / , 5@peration 9esear#h6, Chand and Company Limited, ew /elhi, ?'I.

    08M904 TOOL DESIGN

    3 0 0 3

    CUTTING TOOLS:Materials-properties, #lassifi#ation, sele#tion, insert and #oated tools, tool wear, tool life. 9e#ent developmentsand appli#ations. ()

    SINGLE POINT TOOLS: omen#lature, types and styles, design and manufa#ture of + and #arbide insert type tools for turning,boring, shaping, planning and slotting operations. /esign of form tools. ools and holders for CC appli#ations, tools for dryma#hining. (I)

    MULTIPOINT CUTTERS: omen#lature, #lassifi#ation and sele#tion, #onstru#tion methods, #utter setting, design and manufa#tureof drills, reamers, taps, dies, thread #hasers, milling #utters, broa#hes, hobs and gear shaper #utters. %rinding-wheel spe#ifi#ationand sele#tion. (I)

    'IGS: /egrees of freedom, prin#iples of lo#ation and #lamping, prin#iples of Eig design, fool proofing, elements of Eigs, #lassifi#ation

    of Eigs, design of Eigs for drilling and reaming. (I)

    FIXTURES: ;rin#iples of fixture design, lo#ators and different types of #lamps, elements of fixtures, provision for tool setting, designof fixtures for milling, turning, boring and grinding operations. :ixtures for turning #enters and ma#hining #enters. Modular fixturing-#on#epts and appli#ations. (I)

    PRESS TOOLS: /esign and manufa#ture of die sets for sheet metal #omponents-simple, #ompound and progressive dies forpun#hing and blan1ing operations. /ies for drawing and bending operations. ele#tion of presses and tools. (I)

    DESIGN OF IN'ECTION MOULDING AND DIE CASTING DIES: ;rodu#t and mould, thermal #onsiderations, design of two platemould, runner and gate design, mould #ooling and eEe#tion, analysis of mould flow. ()

    SPECIAL TOOLS: /esign of limit gauges. ool maintenan#e and planning. () To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. "rshinov and "le1seev %, NMetal #utting heory and Cutting ool /esignN, M&9 ;ublishers, Mos#ow, ?BI.2. /onaldson C and LeCain C +, Nool /esignN, ata M#%raw +ill ;ublishing Company Ltd., ew /elhi, 2.=. $hatta#haryya ", 5Metal Cutting heory and ;ra#ti#e6, ew Central $oo1s "gen#y (;) Ltd, Cal#utta, 2.. Cra#1nell ; C and /yson 9 8, 5+andboo1 of hermoplasti#s &nEe#tion Mould /esign6, Chapman and +all, ??=.G. Mi1ell ; %roover, 5:undamentals of Modern Manufa#turing6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, ingapore, 2.

    REFERENCES:. M!, NManufa#turing !ngineers +and $oo1N, ??'.2. 3empster, N&ntrodu#tion to 7ig and ool /esignN, &" $oo1s, ew /elhi, ??'.=. 9odin ;, N/esign and ;rodu#tion of Metal #utting oolsN, M&9 ;ublishers, Mos#ow, ?I'.


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    3 0 0 3INTRODUCTION TO MANUFACTURING SYSTEMS AND MODELS:!volution of industrial engineering, fields and fun#tions ofindustrial engineering. ypes and prin#iples of manufa#turing systems, types and uses of manufa#turing models, physi#al models,mathemati#al models, model uses, model building (')

    DESIGN OF AUTOMATED LINES: "ssembly lines-9eliable serial systems, approa#hes to line balan#ing > C@M@"L and 9;8,

    ransfer lines and general serial systems > pa#ed lines without buffers. :lexible manufa#turing systems- system #omponents,&ntrodu#tion to planning and #ontrol. ()

    LAYOUT DESIGN* %roup te#hnology- introdu#tion ,part #lassifi#ation and #oding, assigning ma#hines to groups-9an1 order#lustering algorithm, :a#ility layout > euential layout planning. (I)

    SUPPORTING COMPONENTS: Ma#hine setup and operation seuen#ing, Material handling systems-#onveyor analysis, "%systems. 8arehousing-storage and retr ieval systems, order pi#1ing. (G)

    SIMULATION IN SYSTEM DESIGN: !mpiri#al simulation models-!vent models, pro#ess models, simulation system, examplemanufa#turing system (G)

    SYNCHRONI5ATION MANUFACTURING: yn#hroni4ation s @ptimi4ation, defining the stru#ture, identifying the #onstraint,!xploitation, $uffer Management. (=)

    PRODUCTION PLANNING AND CONTROL:&ntrodu#tion, obEe#tives, #omponents of ;;C, fore#asting, produ#t planning, loading

    and s#heduling, dispat#hing, produ#tion #ontrol, material handling prin#iples, #ase studies. (G) To!" 42TEXT BOO#S:. 9onald % "s1in, 5Modeling and "nalysis of Manufa#turing ystems6, 7ohn 8iley and ons, &n#, ??=.

    2. Meng#hu Dhou, 5Modeling, imulation, and Control of :lexible Manufa#turingystems* " ;etri et "pproa#h6,

    8orld s#ientifi# ;ublishing Company ;vt Ltd., 2.=. 7ean Marie ;roth and Oiaolan Oie, 5;etri ets* " ool for /esign and Management of Manufa#turing ystems6, 7ohn 8iley

    and ons, ew Aor1, ??I.


    . ; $randimarte, " illa, 5Modeling Manufa#turing ystems6, pringer erlag, $erlin, ???.2. 9i#hard Crowson, 5:a#tory @perations* ;lanning and &nstru#tional

    Methods - !d26, C9C ;ress, e#ond !dition, 2I.=. ;hillip : @stwald, 7airo Muno4, 5Manufa#turing ;ro#esses andystems6, 7ohn 8iley and ons &n#., inth !dition,


    QQ - he #ourse in#ludes atleast one assignment with mathemati#al modeling and F or simulation of a pra#ti#al situation.


    he depth of understanding of the #ourses studied by the students will be evaluated by a panel of fa#ulty.


    0 0 2 1. olving L;;, ransportation, assignment problems using !x#el solver.2. olving inventory, s#heduling lot si4ing problems using manufa#turing systems simulation software=. olving ueuing problem and layout optimi4ation using manufa#turing systems simulation software. ;roEe#t evaluation and review based on time and #ostG. 8eibull reliability plot #reation using #omponent F produ#t failure dataI. Line balan#ing using manufa#turing systems simulation softwareB. Current state and future state mapping using value stream mapping software'. ;ro#ess #apability studies using statisti#al software


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    ?. "nalysis of /o! results using statisti#al software. Materials F pro#ess planning using !9; pa#1age. G pra#ti#e F ;o1e Ao1e for wor1pla#e improvement2. "ir (;revention and Control of ;ollution) "#t > 8ater "#t > &ntrodu#tion to !&"and &@ (')

    SOCIAL ISSUES AND THE ENVIRONMENT* :rom 8ater #onservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management - ;opulation growth, variation among nations > ;opulationexplosion - !nvironment and human health > 9ole of &nformation e#hnology in !nvironment and human health - /isastermanagement* floods, earthua1e, #y#lone and landslides (I)

    To!" 42

    TEXT BOO#S:. anthosh 3umar %arg, 9aEeswari %arg and 9anEani %arg, 5!nvironmental #ien#e and !#ologi#al tudies6, 3hanna

    ;ublishers, e#ond !dition, ew /elhi, 2B.2. /eswal and /eswal ", 5" $asi# Course in !nvironmental tudies6, /hanpat 9ai and Co, :irst !dition, /elhi, 2=. 3urian 7oseph and agendran 9, 5!ssentials of !nvironmental tudies6, ;earson !du#ation ;vt ltd., :irst !dition,

    /elhi, 2

    REFERENCES:. %ilbert M Masters, 5&ntrodu#tion to !nvironmental !ngineering and #ien#e6, ;earson !du#ation ;vt. Ltd., e#ond

    !dition, 2.2. Cunningham, Cooper 8 ; and %orhani +, 5!nvironmental !n#y#lopedia6, 7ai#o ;ubl., +ouse, Mumbai, 2.=. ivedi 9 3, 5+andboo1 of !nvironmental Laws, 9ules, %uidelines, Complian#es and tandards6, ol. & and &&, !nviro

    Media., ??'. 8ager 3 /, 5!nvironmental Management6, 8.$. aunders Co., ;hiladelphia,

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    &dentifi#ation of a real life problem in thrust areas

    /eveloping a mathemati#al model for solving the above problem

    :inalisation of system reuirements and spe#ifi#ation

    ;roposing different solutions for the problem based on li terature survey

    :uture trends in providing alternate solutions

    Consolidated report preparation of the above


    08M820 PRO'ECT $OR# II

    0 0 24 12T, /o;,*)o""o?)@:

    &mplementation ;hase (+ardware F oftware F both)

    esting P alidation of the developed system

    Learning in the ;roEe#t

    Co)o"!, ,/o /,/!!o)




    TYPES OF ERRORS:/ifferent types of errors (2)

    SOLUTION OF ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS:ewton 9aphson method, Modified ewton 9aphson method, Method of false position,%raffe0s root suaring method, $airstow0s method. (I)

    OPTIMI5ATION:@ne dimensional un#onstrained optimi4ation-%olden-e#tion sear#h, Juadrati# &nterpolation, ewton0s method.


    SOLUTION OF ALGEBRAIC SIMULTANEOUS EQUATIONS: %auss > 7ordan elimination, Choles1y method, Crout0s method,%auss > 7a#obi method, %auss > eidel method. Matrix &nverse by %auss > 7ordan method. (G)

    EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS:;ower method for finding dominant eigenvalue and inverse power method for findingsmallest eigenvalue, 7a#obi method for symmetri# matri#es. (=)

    FINITE DIFFERENCES AND INTERPOLATION: :inite differen#e operators > DE ,,,,, . &nterpolation-ewton-%regory forward and ba#1ward interpolation, Lagrange0s interpolation formula, ewton divided differen#e interpolation formula.olution of linear se#ond order differen#e euations with #onstant #oeffi#ients. (')

    DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: umeri#al differentiation using ewton-%regory forward and ba#1ward polynomials.umeri#al &ntegration-%aussian uadrature, rape4oidal rule and impson0s one third rule. (G)


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    ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: aylor series method, !uler and Modified !uler method, (+eun0s method). 9unge-3utta method, Milne0s method, "dams-Moulton method, olution of boundary value problems of se#ond order by finite differen#emethod. (I)

    PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Classifi#ation of partial differential euations of se#ond order. Liebmann0s method forLapla#e euation and ;oisson euation, !xpli#it method and Cran1 > i#olson method for paraboli# euations. !xpli#it method forhyperboli# euations. (G)

    MATLAB:Matlab > ools 1its > 2/ %raph plotting, =/ %raph plotting, /ata analysis. To!" 42

    REFERENCES:. teven C Chapra and 9aymond ; Canale, 5umeri#al Methods for !ngineers with oftware and ;rogramming "ppli#ations6,

    ata M#%raw +ill, 2.2. 7ohn + Mathews and 3urtis / :in1,6 umeri#al Methods using M"L"$6, ;renti#e +all, 2.=. Curtis : %erald and ;atri#1 @ 8heatly, 5"pplied umeri#al "nalysis6, ;earson !du#ation, 22.. 9ober 7 #hilling and andra L +arries, 5"pplied umeri#al Methods for !ngineers using M"L"$ and C6, homson

    $roo1sFCole, ???

    08O002 BUSINESS STATISTICS 3 1 0 3&%

    FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION: %rouping and /isplaying data to #onvey meaning > ables and graphs > Measures of #entraltenden#y and dispersion in freuen#y distributions. (I)

    PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: ypes of ;robability > ;robability rules > ;robabilities under #onditions of tatisti#alindependen#e and dependen#e > $aye0s theorem > $inomial, ;oisson, %eometri#, !xponential and ormal /istributions. (')SAMPLING AND SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS: 9andom ampling > /esign of !xperiments > ampling /istributions > ampling- ample si4e and standard error. (I)ESTIMATION: &ntrodu#tion -;oint !stimates- interval !stimates >