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Stop Plagiarism ! By: Destiny Daniels
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Stop Plagiarism !

By: Destiny Daniels

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• Plagiarism is basically using somebody else’s work or pictures , and calling it your own or not giving them the credit for making the picture or work you are using .

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Why you should not plagiarize somebody else work :

• If you plagiarize somebody’s work and they find out , they could easily take you to court for taking there ideas .

• If you plagiarize you will not have the satisfaction of knowing that you’ve finished your project or paper by yourself and knowing that you know all the materials .

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Plagiarism is easier then coming up with your own ideas but it is not the right thing to do . Imagine if you where the one that made the article that you took the information from , you wouldn’t like it if you found out that somebody was using your hard work and calling it their own. So don’t do it !

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How to avoid plagiarism

• To avoid plagiarizing somebody’s work use quotation marks and citing the persons name and when the article was made

• You have to give credit whenever you use another persons pictures , title , books , articles, and quotes .

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Plagiarism Shows a persons lack of self potential .

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Plagiarism often describes what type of person you are . Most likely of you are one that plagiarizes work you are lazy and some people would say a thief . It also means that you cant think for yourself or either that you just aren’t on that mind level to make a paper or power point without using somebody else’s work .

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People often don’t think that they are taking somebody else’s work because

they think that if they change some of the words and take the big words out . It

is still taking the main idea of the persons article or passage that he/she had written and

they could still get offended

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Why Do You Think Most People Plagiarize Peoples Work ?

Personally I think that people do this because they ran out of time to do a projectOr paper they had to do and they where procrastinating and put it off till the lastMinute and they are trying to rush and do it so they have no choice but to copy and paste

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