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Deskripsi Training WELL DRILLING AND COMPLETION Step by Step17 - 20 Desember - Bandung Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI) Komplek Perkantoran “PPPTMGB LEMIGAS”, Gedung Penunjang lt. 2 Jl. Ciledug Raya Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12230 [email protected] | Contact Person: Syamsul Irham | Mahtubah 0812-9944-794 | [email protected] 0896-73277583 | [email protected]

Deskripsi Training WELL DRILLING AND COMPLETION Step by ... · Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI ... Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI) Proposal Penawaran In ... entry

Mar 20, 2019



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Deskripsi Training


17 - 20 Desember - Bandung

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

Komplek Perkantoran “PPPTMGB LEMIGAS”, Gedung Penunjang lt. 2 Jl. Ciledug Raya Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12230 [email protected] |

Contact Person: Syamsul Irham | Mahtubah 0812-9944-794 | [email protected]

0896-73277583 | [email protected]

Page 2: Deskripsi Training WELL DRILLING AND COMPLETION Step by ... · Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI ... Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI) Proposal Penawaran In ... entry

Daftar Isi

1. KOPUM IATMI ................................................................................................................... 2 2. Kelebihan Mengikuti Training IATMI .............................................................................. 4 3. Instruktur Training ............................................................................................................. 5 4. Materi Kursus .................................................................................................................... 6 5. Estimasi Rundown ............................................................................................................ 7 6. Gallery Training IATMI ..................................................................................................... 9


Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) merupakan organisasi professional yang didirikan di Jakarta pada 7 Juni 1979 oleh sekelompok

professional Indonesia yang bekerja di bidang industri perminyakan dan

geothermal. Pada saat ini IATMI memiliki lebih dari 10.000 anggota tersebar di seluruh Indonesia dan beberapa negara di dunia. Melalui sinergi dengan

stakeholder terkait, IATMI bertujuan untuk melayani anggotanya untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, mendukung pengembangan profesional minyak bumi dan gas Indonesia. IATMI juga akan terus bekerja sama dengan organisasi-organisasi profesional lain

untuk mempromosikan sinergi dan profesionalisme, dan juga menyumbangkan ide dan pemikiran dalam memajukan energi bangsa dalam bentuk rekomendasi, mengadakan

berbagai aktivitas dan event keenergian dll.

Visi IATMI : A Respectable IATMI (IATMI Dihormati) Misi IATMI : Professionalisme berintegritas untuk bangsa

Nilai Nilai IATMI : Professional, Independen, dan Berani

“IATMI Terdiri lebih dari 10,000 anggota ahli migas yang tersebar di seluruh

Indonesia dan beberapa negara di dunia. Beperan aktif memberikan kontribusi dalam memajukan industri migas nasional dan dunia”

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI) Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri merupakan badan usaha yang ditunjuk IATMI untuk mengkordinir berbagai kegiatan IATMI dalam bentuk pelatihan, kursus, Workshop, lunch talk, sertifikasi dan jasa-jasa lainnya. KOPUM

IATMI diharapkan dapat mendukung untuk memajukan kemampuan softskill dan hardskill para professional yang bekerja di bidang migas dan

pendukungnya. Banyak acara yang sudah dilaksanakan secara rutin dengan partisipasi peserta sudah lebih dari 1000 professional dengan instruktur yang berkualitas nasional maupun internasional. Hal ini menjadi bentuk dukungan yang nyata dalam memajukan

energi bangsa.

List training yang pernah kami adakan, diantaranya:

Proposal Penawaran Training IATMI 2 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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“Banyak Judul training kami sediakan dan terselenggara setiap tahunnya dengan

pembicara professional baik dalam maupun luar negeri mendukung peningkatan

kompetensi di bidang Migas”

Client-client yang pernah bekerjasama dengan IATMI Training Center, diantaranya:

“Hampir seluruh perusahaan migas di Indonesia telah bekerjasama

mempercayakannya kepada kami dengan lebih dari 1000 professional Migas

Indonesia yang telah berpartisipasi”

Proposal Penawaran Training IATMI 3 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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2.Kelebihan Mengikuti Training IATMI

Kelebihan mengikuti Training IATMI

Memiliki instruktur nasional dan internasional berkualitas dan berpengalaman dari para pakar di bidang Migas yang merupakan anggota dari Ikatan Ahli Teknik

Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) ~ Instruktur dapat disesuaikan permintaan.

Materi belajar yang komprehensif, tepat target, dan mudah dimengerti.

Akan mendapatkan buku materi yang mendukung proses pembelajaran selama kegiatan training.

Akan mendapatkan peralatan kursus berupa book organizer dan alat tulis

Akan mendapatkan sertifikat secara resmi dan diakui dari IATMI.

Akan mendapatkan souvenir menarik.

Perencanaan dan pelaksanaan training dapat diatur secara fleksibel, mengikuti kebutuhan.

Tempat pelatihan dilaksanakan ditempat yang menarik dan cocok untuk belajar ataupun dapat diadakan sesuai permintaan.

Akan mendapatkan free IATMI Membership selama 2 tahun dimana peserta

dapat mengikuti segala informasi mengenai Migas melalui email secara reguler.

Harga pelatihan yang ditawarkan kompetitif (~melalui negosiasi) dengan

pelayanan yang baik dan menjaga kualitas materi dan pelaksanaan training.

Proposal Penawaran Training IATMI 4 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

5 Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI – Petrochina, “well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

3. Deskripsi Training

Day-1: 1. Safety on the jobs

2. Sequence activities before well drilling

3. Well prognosis

4. Well and casing design

5. Drilling program and drilling schedule

6. Drilling KPI

Day-2: 1. Drilling rig, HWO, Pulling Hoist

2. Drilling Rig inspection

3. Personnel in rig

4. Drilling Rig system and parts

5. Drilling Rig rating and application

6. Hand Over Certificate (HOC) from Production to Drilling

Day-3: 1. Well control and barriers: BOP and Drilling fluid

2. Drilling operations and equipment (Bit, Drill Collar, Drill Pipe, motor, Whipstock, Centralizer


3. Drilling fluid

4. Well tubulars: conductor, casing: surface, intermediate, production and liner

5. Cementing: types & class of cement, cement design and cement additives

6. Open hole and cased hole Loggings

Day-4: 1. Shoe bond test

2. Deviation Hole Survey

3. Wellhead installation

4. Running completion string

5. String assemblies: packer, entry Guide, nipple, blast Joint, mandrel, travel joint, SSSV, X-Over

6. Testing of well components and annulus pressure

Day-5: 1. Christmas tree installation

2. Well head and Christmas tree equipment

3. Mechanical integrity test

4. Drilling Reports: Daily Drilling Report, Final Drilling Report

5. Hand Over Certificate from Drilling to Production

Definition and Glossary of Terms

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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

6 Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI – Petrochina, “well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Course Abstract

Drilling personnel must have a practical working knowledge of all the required phases in order to

effectively design and drill a well. This training course provides step by step all the fundamentals

necessary to drill a well whether it is a shallow well or a complex, high pressure well.

This training course is also designed for engineers and field personnel involved in the planning

and implementation of drilling programs. This covers all aspects of drilling technology,

emphasizing mainly on practical application.

This training course builds a firm foundation in the principles and practices of drilling and well planning, drilling fluid, drill string design, hydraulic optimization drilling hole problems, wellhead and Christmas tree installation. Participants will learn the components of drilling rig, drill equipment, drill string and running in hole the completion in optimum ways. Participants will also be able to apply the practical solution for analyzing the performance of drill string design for both vertical and direction holes. Course Objectives

By the end of this training seminar, participants are expected will be able to:

Well design, drill string and BOP / wellheads & BHA design for proper deviation

Drill a well cost effectively and maximize penetration rate avoid potential problems by optimizing

hole cleaning and ROP

Running in hole the completion string, installing wellhead and Christmas tree and ready to operate

the well

Course Methodology

This training seminar will utilize a variety of proven adult learning techniques to ensure maximum

understanding, comprehension and retention of the information presented. The daily course will

be highly interactive and participative by requesting and discussing each participant actual


Organizational Impact

The organization will gain, in sending their employees to attend this particular course, as the


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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

7 Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI – Petrochina, “well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Reduction in the cost of the well and avoiding the risk

Extending the well life and control it

Ensuring the well integrity

Personal Impact

Obtain integrating knowledge to mitigate and eliminate the drilling problems

Improve their knowledge and get the self-confidence for doing the proper drilling step by step, in

addition, how to predict and analyzing all the warning signs to eliminate all kinds of problems.

Who Should Attend?

This course is designed for a wide range of Technical Professionals involved in drilling operations

who will greatly benefit:

Drilling Engineers Well Site Supervisors Drilling Contractors Drilling Supervisors Trainee Drillers Rig Engineers Well Surveillance and Intervention Well Completion Engineering Production Engineering and Operations Safety Engineering Management and Integrity Well Head Equipment Manufacturers Production Technology Engineering Drilling and Well Integrity Technology Providers

About Your Course Instructor: Arwansyah Johan is a retired professional in Petroleum engineering with a career of over 30 years either with multinational Oil & Gas operators i.e. Chevron-Texaco, Conoco, Kalrez Petroleum, Al-Khafji Joint Operations and ADNOC onshore Abu Dhabi or with services Companies such as Halliburton and Bakrie Brothers. Johan worked on both onshore and offshore operations in Indonesia and Middle East. He wrote SPE paper and be a Technical Session Chairman in ADIPEC Abu Dhabi. His accountabilities were as senior level of Production Engineer, Technical Engineer, Drilling Engineer, Completion Engineer, Well Integrity Engineer. He provided professional training to new recruited Engineers and Local fresh graduates.

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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

8 Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI – Petrochina, “well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

6. Gallery Training IATMI

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Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI 9 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI , 10 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI , 11 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

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Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI , 12 Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI , 13 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

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Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI)

Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI)

Ikatan Ahli Teknik Perminyakan Indonesia (IATMI) Koperasi Jasa Usaha Mandiri IATMI (KOPUM IATMI) Komplek Perkantoran “PPPTMGB LEMIGAS”, Gedung Penunjang lt. 2

Jl. Ciledug Raya Kav. 109, Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama Jakarta Selatan 12230 [email protected] |

Contact Person: Syamsul Irham | Mahtubah 0812-9944-794 | [email protected]

0896-73277583 | [email protected]

Proposal Penawaran In House Training IATMI , 14 “Well Drilling And Completion – Step by Step”