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Desilva Transforming Streets 1

May 30, 2018



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  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    The glue that keeps the city together is public space Ricky Burdett

    Urbanism: Proximity, Exchange & Public Space

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    Problem:Sprawling neighborhoods, commerce,industry and the use of encapsulated highspeed vehicles are a signi cant destroyerof communi es.

    The department of transporta on hassucceeded in crea ng con nuous roads,providing a pla orm on which to exploreand travel. Simultaneously, these roadsand vehicles have destroyed our sense of community, our respect for one another,and our health.

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  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Why does this merit ourconcern?Why are we heavily inves ng in a systemthat does not promote healthy people,stronger communi es, or opportuni esof organic social exchange?

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    Inspira on:

    US Department of Transporta on:

    Mission Statement:Serve the United States by ensuring a fast,safe, e cient, accessible and convenient transporta on system that meets our vital na onal interests and enhances the quality

    of life of the American people, today and into the future.

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    Serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, e cient, accessible and conve -nient transporta on system that meetsour vital na onal interests and enhancesthe quality of life of the American people,today and into the future.

    Is the only reason we feel the need totravel fast, becuase we live so far?

    What are our na onal interests?

    How is this improving our quality of life?

  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Department of Educa on$ 733,692,095.11

    Department of Administra on$ 562,105,719.20

    Department of Transporta on$ 368,485,130.27

    Department of Human Services$ 201,373,478.35

    Department of Children, Youth and Families$ 172,641,072.56

    Department of Correc ons$ 133,345,200.92

    Department of Revenue$ 110,667,169.29

    Department of Public Safety$ 71,077,640.40

    Department of Health$ 62,821,861.94

    Department of Labor and Training$ 58,024,511.62

    Department of Environmental Management

    $ 54,444,695.14O ce of the Adjutant General / Military Sta $ 15,968,353.14

    Department of the General Treasurer$ 14,314,691.54

    Department of Elderly A airs$ 8,194,460.23

    Board of Governors for Higher Educa on$ 7,177,629.62

    Department of Business Regula on$ 7,172,351.64

    O ce of Health and Human Services$ 4,122,359.93

    Governors O ce$ 3,653,744.23

  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Department of Educa on$ 733,692,095.11

    Department of Administra on$ 562,105,719.20

    Department of Transporta on$ 368,485,130.27

    Department of Human Services$ 201,373,478.35

    Department of Children, Youth and Families$ 172,641,072.56

    Department of Correc ons$ 133,345,200.92Department of Revenue

    $ 110,667,169.29Department of Public Safety

    $ 71,077,640.40Department of Health

    $ 62,821,861.94Department of Labor and Training

    $ 58,024,511.62Department of Environmental Management

    $ 54,444,695.14O ce of the Adjutant General / Military Sta $ 15,968,353.14

    Department of the General Treasurer$ 14,314,691.54

    Department of Elderly A airs$ 8,194,460.23

    Board of Governors for Higher Educa on$ 7,177,629.62

    Department of Business Regula on$ 7,172,351.64

    O ce of Health and Human Services$ 4,122,359.93

    Governors O ce$ 3,653,744.23

    RI-Department of Educa on-Elementaryand Secondary:Mission:To lead and support schools and com-muni es in ensuring that all studentsachieve at the high levels needed to leadful lling and produc ve lives, to competein academic and employment se ngsand to contribute to society.

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  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Department of Educa on$ 733,692,095.11

    Department of Administra on$ 562,105,719.20

    Department of Transporta on$ 368,485,130.27

    Department of Human Services$ 201,373,478.35

    Department of Children, Youth and Families$ 172,641,072.56

    Department of Correc ons$ 133,345,200.92Department of Revenue

    $ 110,667,169.29Department of Public Safety

    $ 71,077,640.40Department of Health

    $ 62,821,861.94Department of Labor and Training

    $ 58,024,511.62Department of Environmental Management

    $ 54,444,695.14O ce of the Adjutant General / Military Sta $ 15,968,353.14

    Department of the General Treasurer$ 14,314,691.54

    Department of Elderly A airs$ 8,194,460.23

    Board of Governors for Higher Educa on$ 7,177,629.62

    Department of Business Regula on$ 7,172,351.64

    O ce of Health and Human Services$ 4,122,359.93

    Governors O ce$ 3,653,744.23

    RI-Department of Human Services:Vision:We are an organiza on of opportunity,working hand-in-hand with other re-sources in Rhode Island to o er a fullcon nuum of services for families, adults,children, elders, individuals with disabili-

    es and veterans.

    Goals-Families are strong, produc ve, healthyand independent-Adults are healthy and reach their maxi-mum poten al-Children are safe, healthy, ready to learn

    and reach their full poten al-Elders and individuals with disabili esreceive a full con nuum of services to en -hance their quality of life-Veterans are cared for and honored

  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Department of Educa on$ 733,692,095.11

    Department of Administra on$ 562,105,719.20

    Department of Transporta on$ 368,485,130.27

    Department of Human Services$ 201,373,478.35

    Department of Children, Youth and Families$ 172,641,072.56

    Department of Correc ons$ 133,345,200.92Department of Revenue

    $ 110,667,169.29Department of Public Safety

    $ 71,077,640.40Department of Health

    $ 62,821,861.94Department of Labor and Training

    $ 58,024,511.62Department of Environmental Management

    $ 54,444,695.14O ce of the Adjutant General / Military Sta

    $ 15,968,353.14Department of the General Treasurer

    $ 14,314,691.54Department of Elderly A airs

    $ 8,194,460.23Board of Governors for Higher Educa on

    $ 7,177,629.62Department of Business Regula on

    $ 7,172,351.64O ce of Health and Human Services

    $ 4,122,359.93Governors O ce

    $ 3,653,744.23

    RI-Department of Health:Mission:To protect and promote environmentalhealth for all Rhode Island residents.-Protects the public health by assuringthat public drinking water supplies com-ply with the standards of the Safe Drink-ing Water Act.-Assesses the health risks of environmen-tal and occupa onal hazards, contami -nants, and exposures.-Protects and promotes health and pre-vents disease by assuring the safetyand quality of the food supply throughinspec on, plan review and approval of

    food establishments, and inves ga on of complaints and foodborne disease out-breaks.-Protects Rhode Islanders from healthand safety dangers at the worksite, radonand asbestos exposure, and from radia-

    on hazards

  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Department of Educa on$ 733,692,095.11

    Department of Administra on$ 562,105,719.20

    Department of Transporta on$ 368,485,130.27

    Department of Human Services$ 201,373,478.35

    Department of Children, Youth and Families$ 172,641,072.56

    Department of Correc ons$ 133,345,200.92Department of Revenue

    $ 110,667,169.29Department of Public Safety

    $ 71,077,640.40Department of Health

    $ 62,821,861.94Department of Labor and Training

    $ 58,024,511.62Department of Environmental Management

    $ 54,444,695.14O ce of the Adjutant General / Military Sta

    $ 15,968,353.14Department of the General Treasurer

    $ 14,314,691.54Department of Elderly A airs

    $ 8,194,460.23Board of Governors for Higher Educa on

    $ 7,177,629.62Department of Business Regula on

    $ 7,172,351.64O ce of Health and Human Services

    $ 4,122,359.93Governors O ce

    $ 3,653,744.23

    How can we provide psychological spacefor people to rethink our current sys-tems, and implement though ul change,inspired by a more appropriate missionto bene t people, not the automobileindustry?

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    Mission:To transform streets and sidewalksfrom avenues of naviga on into placesof exchange.

  • 8/9/2019 Desilva Transforming Streets 1


    Possible Direc ons:

    a. Wri en proposal and presenta onto the City of Providence.

    b. An inerven on

    c. Campaign/Organiza on

    d. Find another place to live

    e. ???