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design portfolio LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Xin Kai Tham

Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

Mar 22, 2016



Xin Kai

Selection of works at University of Western Australia
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Page 1: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

d e s i g n p o r t f o l i oL A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E

X i n K a i T h a m

Page 2: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

‘ b r i n g i n g i t b a c k ’ + m i d l a n d s t a t i o n | w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a

w e m b l e y s u b u r b a n d e v e l o p m e n t | w e m b l e y w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a

m a r s c h f l u g f e l d | d ü b e n d o r f z u r i c h

f r e o f a r m | s o u t h f r e m a n t l e w e s t e r n a u s t r a l i a

p r o f i l e

L A N D S C A P E R U R A L S T U D I O | U N I V E R S I T Y O F W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A

L A N D S C A P E S U B U R B A N S T U D I O | U N I V E R S I T Y O F W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A

T H E M A T I C C O U R S E : L A N D S C A P E P L A N N I N G | U N I V E R S I T Y O F C O P E N H A G E N

G A R D E N S T U D I O | U N I V E R S I T Y O F W E S T E R N A U S T R A L I A








Page 3: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

‘bringing it back’ 2 0 1 1

The Fremantle to York Railway Line plays an impor-tant role in connecting the rural areas with the urban areas in Western Australia. It enables local produce to be transported from rural farmlands to the city. This encouraged more land to be cultivated. Through the clearing of native vegetation. Food production thus suffered due to soil salinity. This created vast barren landscapes across the land.

This project aims to reconnect two major compo-nents in the rural context:

1) The biodiversity pf native flora and fauna through indentifying and connecting natural habitats through revegetation, thus creating networks of green corri-dors

2) To increase sustainable agricultural practices and research with the establishment of research centres situated at 5 railway stations

Existing and revegetated corridors will act as a link between various national parks and nature reserves, allowing animals to facilitate in the pollination of na-tive plant species. The railway network should also be seen as a connection for a revitalised landscape rather than that of a barrenland.


Rural Areas

River System

National Parks and Nature Reserves

Diversification of Flora and Fauna through time


Bush Forever Sites

5km 20km


Page 4: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

midland agricultural research centre2 0 1 1

The Midland Agricultural Research Centre, situ-ated at the Midland Station is located at the fringe of Perth, Western Australia. It connects the rural hin-terland of Toodyay, Northam and York town. Building upon its close proximity with the existing green corri-dors, a green loop will be developed along the railway line, providing new habitat for flora and fauna.

The concept of “agri-tation” is a synthesis between agriculture and revegetation. The research centre, integrating with the railway station, will allow better accessibility for people. Community involvement will also be folstered through the community farms.



10m 100m


2.1. Green Roof Walkway


Research Centre

Side Entrance


Viewing Gallery

Railway Tracks

Community Farms

Rest Point

Side Entrance

Side Entrance

Gravel Paving

Solar Panels














9 10




Page 5: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

wembley suburban development2 0 1 1

The assignment brief revolves around the develop-ment a new suburban area at the site of Wembley Golf Course in the Town of Cambridge. Wembley Golf Course is considered to be one of the few large areas of green spaces alongside Herdsman Lake to the east and Bold Park to the South. Small pock-ets of green spaces at the vicinity includes the Em-pire Avenue Reserve, Luketina Reserve, Tilton Park, Beecroft Park. The site of Wembey Golf Course is thus seen as one of the few places for vegetation reserves.

The conventional solution to meet housing needs for population increase is to clear large areas of bush-land and line it with rows of single-family detached houses. That would compromise any remaining ar-eas of vegetation. Likewise a highly urbanised city may be compacted, but green spaces within the highly concretised jungle are often compromised. The approach to the site of Wembley Golf Course is to therefore incorporate together with single-family detached houses, multi-storeyed residential area, that will account for lesser building footprint and more spaces for vegetation to thrive.

+ 20% of existing vegetation will be retained. 80% of vegetation cleared on site will be revegetated for twice the amount to reduce the carbon footprint of future. development.

Construction of wetlands and major roads, revegetation of forested area.

Construction of Development North and establishment ofbioswales.

Construction of Development South including main commercial and retail area.

Construction of Mixed-use Development and Wetland Visitor Centre.

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3

Phase 4

Phase 5100m

2. 11. 20.1. 10. 19Constructed Wetland West


Mixed-use Development Linear Park

Wetland Boardwalk Medium Density Residential Area High Density Residential Area

Urban Farm / Rooftop Gardens Fitness Ground Residential Playground

Office Buildings Park Playground Community Garden

Bioswales Pedestrian Overpass Residential Open Lawn

Outdoor Stage Community Library Wetland Visitor Centre

Event Lawn Low Density Retail Shops Wetland Pavilion

Carpark Primary School Constructed Wetland East

Retail & Pedestrian Mall Remnant Vegetation

4. 13. 22.

6. 15. 24.

8. 17. 26.

3. 12. 21.

5. 14. 23.

7. 16. 25.

9. 18.

















13 15

14 17








Page 6: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

Water Sensitive Urban Design Diagram Plan Eucalyptus rudis

Plants for Water Sensitive Urban Design

Street Section

Lepidosperma effusum Callistemon salignus Eleocharis acuta

Juncus kraussiiSporobus virginicus Paspalum vaginatum cv ‘Saltene’ Themeda australis

Lots Open Spaces

Vehicular Access & Parking Lots Public Open Spaces

Street Diagram Plan (Steet Tree Planting)Vehicular & Pedestrian Circulation

Page 7: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

marsch flugfeld2 0 1 2Team: Catarina Almeida | Emil Egerod | Jasmina Monica Gabel | Siri Laursen | Xin Kai Tham

Dubendorf flugplatz is a military airfield near Zurich, Switzerland. There are plans for the airfield to be closed in the future, and in place a new development will be build. Situated around villages, forests, lakes and rivers, the site is also surrounded by a diverse landscape of agricultural plots and with a back-ground of the Swiss Alps.

The transformation of the airfield, based on the sur-ronding distinct features, began by recalling and reorganising the agricultural plots, pulling and ex-tending the lines of the existing road scape and the elements of the urban fabric into the site.



Hydrology Patterns

Page 8: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

with Siri Laursen

with Siri Laursen

Page 9: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

freofarm2 0 1 2

FreoFarm, a South Fremantle residential initiative, is a community farm situated around a former landfill site. Due to the high limestone caprock, the site has not been used for landfill.

Having situated around a local community that is becoming increasingly involved in sustainable living, FreoFarm will greatly enhanced the social aspects of South Fremantle. Hence, FreoFarm will not only be a place where community gardening will take place, but will also host various activities and events, in partnership with various community groups and or-ganisations. Located at the heart of a former landfill site, FreoFarm will thus be a catalyst for restoring biodiversity and enlivening the community.

With the nature of the operation of FreoFarm, the layout needs to be functional and easily navigated around. Therefore the use of linear circulation for the operational areas in Freofarm. This is soften by the landscape edges and organic forms in the suround-ing landscape of passive areas. The final outcome is a synthesis between linear and semi-curvilinear forms. Hence, there is a visible form of order played down by subtle organic forms in the layout.






25 4


23 24






















30 20









2. 7.1. 6.Main Entrance


Dismantle Bike Rental

Car Park Eco-House + Water Storage Tank

Service Road Rain Garden

Bicycle Shed Organic Cafe

Information Centre Tractor Bay

Tool Shed Event Space + Outdoor ClassroomCompost Bay Animal Nursery

Training Shed GreenhouseSide Entrance (Daly Street) Junkyard Playshed

Community Plots Plant NurseryMosaic Artwork The Playbox

Individual Plots Bush Tucker GardenWater Storage Tank Side Entrance

Seasonal Bioswale Fruit OrchardRest Shed Compost Toilet

4. 9.

11. 21.16. 26.

13. 23.18. 28.3. 8.

5. 10.

12. 22.17. 27.

14. 24.19. 29.20. 30.15. 25.

Page 10: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

North-South Elevation

East-West Elevation

PathGarden PlotsAvenueBioswalePlant Nursery + GreenhouseService Road

Path Fruit Orchard Water Tank The Playbox Compost Toilet Daly Street Entrance Rest Shed Garden Plots Tool Shed Organic Cafe FreoFarm Information Centre Main Entrance

Page 11: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham
Page 12: Design Portfolio: Xin Kai Tham

e d u c a t i o n

w o r k e x p e r i e n c e

a w a r d s

c o m p u t e r s k i l l s

p r o f i l e

c o n t a c t



B a c h e l o r o f L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e | U n i v e r s i t y o f W e s t e r n A u s t r a l i a

L a n d s c a p e D e s i g n e r | N a t i o n a l P a r k s B o a r d S i n g a p o r e

O v e r s e a s M e r i t A w a r d | N a t i o n a l P a r k s B o a r d S i n g a p o r e

N a t i o n a l P a r k s A w a r d | N a t i o n a l P a r k s B o a r d S i n g a p o r e

C i c a d a A w a r d | C i c a d a P t e L t d

A u t o d e s k A u t o C A D | 3 D S t u d i o M a xB e n t l e y M i c r o s t a t i o n

A d o b e P h o t o s h o p | I l l u s t r a t o r | I n d e s i g n

G o o g l e S k e t c h U p

e - o n V u e x S t r e a m

M i c r o s o f t O f f i c e s o f t w a r e s

S e m e s t e r E x c h a n g e P r o g r a m | U n i v e r s i t y o f C o p e n h a g e n

L a n d s c a p e S u p e r v i s o r ( C h a n g i A i r p o r t ) | M a o s h e n g Q u a n j i L a n d s c a p e C o n s t r u c t i o n P t e L t d

D i p l o m a i n L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t u r e | S i n g a p o r e P o l y t e c h n i c

L a n d s c a p e Te c h n i c i a n | G a r d e n a n d L a n d s c a p e C e n t r e P t e L t d

2 0 1 1 - p r e s e n t

2 0 1 0

2 0 1 2

2 0 0 9 - 2 0 1 0

2 0 0 7

( + 6 1 ) 0 4 2 2 4 1 3 3 2 2

( + 6 5 ) 6 7 9 0 8 0 6 0a i k n i x @ h o t m a i l . c o m

m o b i l eX I N K A I T H A M

h o m ee m a i l

2 0 0 4 - 2 0 0 7

2 0 1 0

2 0 0 7

2 0 0 7