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Design Note Vts

Dec 12, 2015



Zoel Karnain
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Page 1: Design Note Vts




TAHUN 2015

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Jenis Bangunan : Menara Pantau (VTS) Tipe Struktur : Konstruksi Baja Jumlah Tingkat (Story) : 9 tingkat Lokasi : Palembang Jenis Pondasi : Tiang pancang Mutu Beton : f’c – 29 MPa Mutu Baja Tulangan : fy – 320 MPa & 240 MPa


A. Beban Mati (DL) : Berat sendiri dari konstrusi (dihitung otomatis oleh software) Dinding menggunakan material ringan dengan W=200 kg/m (kaca, ACP,

partisi dll.) Beban Mati pada Plat Lantai (DL)

Keramik t = 1 cm : 24 x 1 = 24 kg/m2 Spesi t = 3 cm : 21 x 3 = 63 kg/m2 Asbes + penggantung = 18 kg/m2

ME = 15 kg/m2

Total = 120 2m


Beban Mati pada Plat Lantai untuk Lift (DL) Peralatan lift = 300 kg/m2

Beban Mati pada Plat Atap (DL) Spesi t = 1 cm : 21 x 1 = 21 kg/m2

Asbes + penggantung = 18 kg/m2 ME = 10 kg/m2

Total = 49 2m


Beban Dinding Bata (h = 4,0 m) pada balok Lantai 1, 2, 3, dst

Dinding Bata Hebel ( = 100 kg/m2) = 4,0 x 100 = 400 kg/m Beban Dinding Bata (h = 1,0 m) pada balok Lantai Teras

Dinding Bata ( = 100 kg/m2) = 1,0 x 100 = 100 kg/m

B. Beban Hidup (LL) : Beban Hidup Orang (Lantai 1 s/d 9) = 250 kg/m2 Beban Antena dll = 500 kg/m2

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C. Beban Gempa (E) : Memakai beban gempa Respon Spektrum Gempa Wilayah 4

D. Kombinasi Pembebanan Disain didasarkan pada hasil terbesar dari kombinasi-kombinasi pembebanan sebagai berikut : 1. U = 1,2 D + 1,6 L 2. U = 1,2 D + 1,0 L + 1,0 E


Perhitungan struktur dan disain penampang secara keseluruhan dilakukan

dengan menggunakan STAAD dengan mengacu pada Code ACI 318 dimana peraturan

tersebut tidak berbeda jauh dengan SNI 2002 . Hasil Disain dapat dilihat pada


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Gambar 1. Pemodelan Secara 3D

Gambar 2. Potongan Melintang Tipikal

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Gambar 3. Distribusi Beban Mati (DL)

Gambar 4. Distribusi Beban Hidup (LL)

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Gambar 5. Distribusi Beban Gempa (E)

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Gambar 6. Distribusi Beban Angin

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Gambar 7. Diagram Gaya Momen (Potongan Melintang)

Gambar 8. Diagram Gaya Aksial

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Gambar 9. Diagram Gaya Lintang

Simpangan maksimum = 13,6 mm < 40 mm (H/800 = 32000/800 = 40 mm) OK !

Gambar 10. Diagram Simpangan Maksimum

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Periode yang terjadi 1,31 detik < 1,53 detik ( 0,17 x 9) OK ( SNI-1726-2002 Standar Perencanaan Bangunan Tahan Gempa)

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Tegangan maksimum = 2192 kg/cm2 mm < 2400 kg/cm2 (dipakai mutu baja fy-240) OK !

Gambar 11. Diagram Tegangan Maksimum

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DISAIN KOLOM PENDEK (PEDESTAL) Diagram Interaksi================================ ### ### ### ##### ### ### ### ### ##### ### ### ### ##### .#### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ####### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### ### #' ### ### ### ### ### ######## ##### ### ### ### ### ##### Bujur Sangkar dan Lingkaran ### ### by Edi Santoso Jurusan Teknik Sipil - Universitas Negeri Malang ================================================ Beton Berpenampang Bujur Sangkar: h = 650 mm , fc 30 MPa Baja Tulangan: 20-D25 , fy 320 MPa , c-to-c ke tepi: 40 mm Jumlah titik pada kurva yang ditinjau : 11 Titik Kurva 2 (PnMax dan Mn e-min) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 633.98 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00281 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00227 320 982 -314 3 268.0 0.00173 320 982 -314 4 382.0 0.00119 238 982 -234 5 496.0 0.00065 131 982 -128 6 610.0 0.00011 23 2,945 -67 ----- +

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F Baja: -2,000 kN F Beton: -8,932 kN Titik Kurva 6 (Kondisi Balans) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 397.83 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00270 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00184 320 982 -314 3 268.0 0.00098 196 982 -192 4 382.0 0.00012 24 982 -23 5 496.0 0.00074 148 982 145 6 610.0 0.00160 320 2,945 942 ----- + F Baja: -384 kN F Beton: -5,605 kN ___________________________________________________________ Ada 3 titik tambahan di zona tekan Titik Kurva 3 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 567.45 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00279 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00219 320 982 -314 3 268.0 0.00158 317 982 -311 4 382.0 0.00098 196 982 -193 5 496.0 0.00038 76 982 -74 6 610.0 0.00022 45 2,945 133 ----- + F Baja: -1,702 kN F Beton: -7,995 kN Titik Kurva 4 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 506.25 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00276 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00209 320 982 -314 3 268.0 0.00141 282 982 -277 4 382.0 0.00074 147 982 -145 5 496.0 0.00006 12 982 -12 6 610.0 0.00061 123 2,945 362 ----- + F Baja: -1,328 kN F Beton: -7,132 kN Titik Kurva 5 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 449.55 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00273 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00197 320 982 -314 3 268.0 0.00121 242 982 -238 4 382.0 0.00045 90 982 -89 5 496.0 0.00031 62 982 61 6 610.0 0.00107 214 2,945 631 ----- + F Baja: -891 kN F Beton: -6,334 kN ___________________________________________________________ Ada 3 titik tambahan di zona tarik Titik Kurva 7 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 320.57 mm)

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Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00263 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00156 312 982 -306 3 268.0 0.00049 98 982 -97 4 382.0 0.00057 115 982 113 5 496.0 0.00164 320 982 314 6 610.0 0.00271 320 2,945 942 ----- + F Baja: 24 kN F Beton: -4,516 kN Titik Kurva 8 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 245.43 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00251 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00112 224 982 -219 3 268.0 0.00028 55 982 54 4 382.0 0.00167 320 982 314 5 496.0 0.00306 320 982 314 6 610.0 0.00446 320 2,945 942 ----- + F Baja: 463 kN F Beton: -3,458 kN Titik Kurva 9 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 169.38 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00229 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00027 54 982 -53 3 268.0 0.00175 320 982 314 4 382.0 0.00377 320 982 314 5 496.0 0.00579 320 982 314 6 610.0 0.00780 320 2,945 942 ----- + F Baja: 889 kN F Beton: -2,386 kN Titik Kurva 10 (Balok Murni) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 89.19 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00165 320 2,945 -942 2 154.0 0.00218 320 982 314 3 268.0 0.00601 320 982 314 4 382.0 0.00985 320 982 314 5 496.0 0.01368 320 982 314 6 610.0 0.01752 320 2,945 942 ----- + F Baja: 1,257 kN F Beton: -1,257 kN ___________________________________________________________ KURVA INTERAKSI KOLOM tanpa reduksi Titik Kurva Pn (kN) Mn (kN-m) Keterangan 1 13,665.0 0.0 Pn0 2 10,932.0 782.2 PnMax dan Mn e-min 3 9,696.3 1,024.4 -- 4 8,460.7 1,214.5 -- 5 7,225.0 1,369.3 -- 6 5,989.3 1,499.3 Kondisi Balans 7 4,492.0 1,507.7 ++

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8 2,994.7 1,406.4 ++ 9 1,497.3 1,203.9 ++ 10 0.0 898.0 Balok Murni 11 -3,141.6 0.0 Full tarik KURVA INTERAKSI KOLOM dengan Faktor reduksi Titik Kurva ØPn (kN) ØMn(kN-m) Ø-Faktor 1 8,882.2 0.0 0.65 2 7,105.8 508.4 0.65 3 6,302.6 665.8 0.65 4 5,499.4 789.4 0.65 5 4,696.2 890.1 0.65 6 3,893.1 974.6 0.65 7 2,919.8 980.0 0.65 8 1,946.5 914.1 0.65 9 973.3 782.5 0.65 10 0.0 718.4 0.80 11 -2,513.3 0.0 0.80

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Diagram Interaksi=============================== Edi santoso ## ### ####### ### ##### ### ### di Jurusan ## ## ########## ### ## ### ##### .#### Teknik Sipil ## ## ### ### ### ## ### ### ####### Universitas ## ## ### ### ### ## ### ### #' ### Negeri Malang #### ### ### ####### #### ### ### -------------- ### ### ### ### ### --------------- #### ### #### # ## ###### #### ##### ## ###### ##### ####### ### .### ### ### ## ### ### ## ## ## ## ### ### ## ###### ### ### ## ###### ## ## ## ### # ## #' ## ####### ## ### #### ## ## ## ####### ## ## ### ## ##### ### ## ## ### ##### ## ## ### ##' ###### ## ## ==================================================== Beton Berpenampang Bujur Sangkar: h = 500 mm , fc 30 MPa Baja Profil : WF 300x300x10x15, fy 240 MPa (Sb.LEMAH) Baja Tulangan: 12-D19 , fy 320 MPa , c-to-c ke tepi: 40 mm Prosentasi baja pada kolom : tulangan baja......... 1.4 % baja profil........... 4.7 % total kandungan baja.. 6.0 % Jumlah titik pada kurva yang ditinjau : 17 Titik Kurva 2 (PnMax dan Mn e-min) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 446.14 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00273 320 1,134 -363

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2 180.0 0.00179 320 567 -181 3 320.0 0.00085 170 567 -96 4 460.0 0.00009 19 1,134 21 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -619 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00228 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00218 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00208 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00199 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00189 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00179 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00169 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00160 240 435 -104 9 223.3 0.00150 240 435 -104 10 237.8 0.00140 240 435 -104 11 246.0 0.00135 240 600 -144 12 248.0 0.00133 240 600 -144 13 250.0 0.00132 240 600 -144 14 252.0 0.00131 240 600 -144 15 254.0 0.00129 240 600 -144 16 262.3 0.00124 240 435 -104 17 276.8 0.00114 228 435 -99 18 291.3 0.00104 208 435 -91 19 305.8 0.00094 189 435 -82 20 320.3 0.00085 169 435 -74 21 334.8 0.00075 150 435 -65 22 349.3 0.00065 130 435 -57 23 363.8 0.00055 111 435 -48 24 378.3 0.00046 91 435 -40 25 392.8 0.00036 72 435 -31 ----- + F Baja profil : -2,455 kN (total) F Baja : -3,074 kN F Beton : -4,835 kN Pn : 7,909 kN Titik Kurva 9 (Kondisi Balans) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 300.00 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00260 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00120 240 567 -136 3 320.0 0.00020 40 567 23 4 460.0 0.00160 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -113 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00193 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00178 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00164 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00149 240 435 -104

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5 165.3 0.00135 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00120 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00106 212 435 -92 8 208.8 0.00091 183 435 -79 9 223.3 0.00077 154 435 -67 10 237.8 0.00062 125 435 -54 11 246.0 0.00054 108 600 -65 12 248.0 0.00052 104 600 -62 13 250.0 0.00050 100 600 -60 14 252.0 0.00048 96 600 -58 15 254.0 0.00046 92 600 -55 16 262.3 0.00038 76 435 -33 17 276.8 0.00023 47 435 -20 18 291.3 0.00009 18 435 -8 19 305.8 0.00006 12 435 5 20 320.3 0.00020 41 435 18 21 334.8 0.00035 70 435 30 22 349.3 0.00049 99 435 43 23 363.8 0.00064 128 435 55 24 378.3 0.00078 157 435 68 25 392.8 0.00093 186 435 81 ----- + F Baja profil : -979 kN (total) F Baja : -1,093 kN F Beton : -3,251 kN Pn : 4,344 kN ___________________________________________________________ Ada 6 titik tambahan di zona tekan Titik Kurva 3 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 417.42 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00271 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00171 320 567 -181 3 320.0 0.00070 140 567 -79 4 460.0 0.00031 61 1,134 69 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -554 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00223 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00212 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00202 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00192 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00181 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00171 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00160 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00150 240 435 -104 9 223.3 0.00140 240 435 -104 10 237.8 0.00129 240 435 -104 11 246.0 0.00123 240 600 -144 12 248.0 0.00122 240 600 -144 13 250.0 0.00120 240 600 -144 14 252.0 0.00119 238 600 -143

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15 254.0 0.00117 235 600 -141 16 262.3 0.00112 223 435 -97 17 276.8 0.00101 202 435 -88 18 291.3 0.00091 181 435 -79 19 305.8 0.00080 161 435 -70 20 320.3 0.00070 140 435 -61 21 334.8 0.00059 119 435 -52 22 349.3 0.00049 98 435 -43 23 363.8 0.00039 77 435 -34 24 378.3 0.00028 56 435 -24 25 392.8 0.00018 35 435 -15 ----- + F Baja profil : -2,322 kN (total) F Baja : -2,876 kN F Beton : -4,524 kN Pn : 7,400 kN Titik Kurva 4 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 393.33 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00269 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00163 320 567 -181 3 320.0 0.00056 112 567 -63 4 460.0 0.00051 102 1,134 115 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -492 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00218 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00207 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00196 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00185 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00174 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00163 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00152 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00141 240 435 -104 9 223.3 0.00130 240 435 -104 10 237.8 0.00119 237 435 -103 11 246.0 0.00112 225 600 -135 12 248.0 0.00111 222 600 -133 13 250.0 0.00109 219 600 -131 14 252.0 0.00108 216 600 -129 15 254.0 0.00106 213 600 -128 16 262.3 0.00100 200 435 -87 17 276.8 0.00089 178 435 -77 18 291.3 0.00078 156 435 -68 19 305.8 0.00067 134 435 -58 20 320.3 0.00056 111 435 -48 21 334.8 0.00045 89 435 -39 22 349.3 0.00034 67 435 -29 23 363.8 0.00023 45 435 -20 24 378.3 0.00011 23 435 -10 25 392.8 0.00000 1 435 0 ----- +

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F Baja profil : -2,136 kN (total) F Baja : -2,628 kN F Beton : -4,263 kN Pn : 6,891 kN Titik Kurva 5 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 371.53 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00268 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00155 309 567 -175 3 320.0 0.00042 83 567 -47 4 460.0 0.00071 143 1,134 162 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -423 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00213 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00202 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00190 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00178 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00167 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00155 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00143 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00131 240 435 -104 9 223.3 0.00120 239 435 -104 10 237.8 0.00108 216 435 -94 11 246.0 0.00101 203 600 -122 12 248.0 0.00100 199 600 -120 13 250.0 0.00098 196 600 -118 14 252.0 0.00097 193 600 -116 15 254.0 0.00095 190 600 -114 16 262.3 0.00088 176 435 -77 17 276.8 0.00077 153 435 -67 18 291.3 0.00065 130 435 -56 19 305.8 0.00053 106 435 -46 20 320.3 0.00041 83 435 -36 21 334.8 0.00030 59 435 -26 22 349.3 0.00018 36 435 -16 23 363.8 0.00006 13 435 -5 24 378.3 0.00005 11 435 5 25 392.8 0.00017 34 435 15 ----- + F Baja profil : -1,931 kN (total) F Baja : -2,355 kN F Beton : -4,026 kN Pn : 6,381 kN Titik Kurva 6 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 351.52 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00266 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00146 293 567 -166 3 320.0 0.00027 54 567 -31

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4 460.0 0.00093 185 1,134 210 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -349 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00208 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00196 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00184 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00171 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00159 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00147 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00134 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00122 240 435 -104 9 223.3 0.00109 219 435 -95 10 237.8 0.00097 194 435 -84 11 246.0 0.00090 180 600 -108 12 248.0 0.00088 177 600 -106 13 250.0 0.00087 173 600 -104 14 252.0 0.00085 170 600 -102 15 254.0 0.00083 166 600 -100 16 262.3 0.00076 152 435 -66 17 276.8 0.00064 128 435 -56 18 291.3 0.00051 103 435 -45 19 305.8 0.00039 78 435 -34 20 320.3 0.00027 53 435 -23 21 334.8 0.00014 29 435 -12 22 349.3 0.00002 4 435 -2 23 363.8 0.00010 21 435 9 24 378.3 0.00023 46 435 20 25 392.8 0.00035 70 435 31 ----- + F Baja profil : -1,713 kN (total) F Baja : -2,063 kN F Beton : -3,810 kN Pn : 5,872 kN Titik Kurva 7 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 333.01 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00264 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00138 276 567 -156 3 320.0 0.00012 23 567 -13 4 460.0 0.00114 229 1,134 259 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -273 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00203 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00190 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00177 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00164 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00151 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00138 240 435 -104

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7 194.3 0.00125 240 435 -104 8 208.8 0.00112 224 435 -97 9 223.3 0.00099 198 435 -86 10 237.8 0.00086 172 435 -75 11 246.0 0.00078 157 600 -94 12 248.0 0.00077 153 600 -92 13 250.0 0.00075 150 600 -90 14 252.0 0.00073 146 600 -88 15 254.0 0.00071 142 600 -85 16 262.3 0.00064 127 435 -55 17 276.8 0.00051 101 435 -44 18 291.3 0.00038 75 435 -33 19 305.8 0.00025 49 435 -21 20 320.3 0.00011 23 435 -10 21 334.8 0.00002 3 435 1 22 349.3 0.00015 29 435 13 23 363.8 0.00028 55 435 24 24 378.3 0.00041 82 435 35 25 392.8 0.00054 108 435 47 ----- + F Baja profil : -1,481 kN (total) F Baja : -1,754 kN F Beton : -3,609 kN Pn : 5,363 kN Titik Kurva 8 (--) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 315.87 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00262 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00129 258 567 -146 3 320.0 0.00004 8 567 4 4 460.0 0.00137 274 1,134 310 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -194 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00198 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00184 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00171 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00157 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00143 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00129 240 435 -104 7 194.3 0.00116 231 435 -100 8 208.8 0.00102 203 435 -89 9 223.3 0.00088 176 435 -77 10 237.8 0.00074 148 435 -65 11 246.0 0.00066 133 600 -80 12 248.0 0.00064 129 600 -77 13 250.0 0.00063 125 600 -75 14 252.0 0.00061 121 600 -73 15 254.0 0.00059 118 600 -71 16 262.3 0.00051 102 435 -44 17 276.8 0.00037 74 435 -32 18 291.3 0.00023 47 435 -20

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19 305.8 0.00010 19 435 -8 20 320.3 0.00004 8 435 4 21 334.8 0.00018 36 435 16 22 349.3 0.00032 63 435 28 23 363.8 0.00045 91 435 40 24 378.3 0.00059 118 435 52 25 392.8 0.00073 146 435 64 ----- + F Baja profil : -1,236 kN (total) F Baja : -1,430 kN F Beton : -3,423 kN Pn : 4,853 kN ___________________________________________________________ Ada 6 titik tambahan di zona tarik Titik Kurva 10 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 280.35 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00257 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00107 215 567 -122 3 320.0 0.00042 85 567 48 4 460.0 0.00192 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -74 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00185 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00170 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00154 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00139 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00123 240 435 -104 6 179.8 0.00108 215 435 -94 7 194.3 0.00092 184 435 -80 8 208.8 0.00077 153 435 -67 9 223.3 0.00061 122 435 -53 10 237.8 0.00046 91 435 -40 11 246.0 0.00037 74 600 -44 12 248.0 0.00035 69 600 -42 13 250.0 0.00032 65 600 -39 14 252.0 0.00030 61 600 -36 15 254.0 0.00028 56 600 -34 16 262.3 0.00019 39 435 -17 17 276.8 0.00004 8 435 -3 18 291.3 0.00012 23 435 10 19 305.8 0.00027 54 435 24 20 320.3 0.00043 85 435 37 21 334.8 0.00058 116 435 51 22 349.3 0.00074 147 435 64 23 363.8 0.00089 178 435 78 24 378.3 0.00105 210 435 91 25 392.8 0.00120 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : -612 kN

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(total) F Baja : -685 kN F Beton : -3,038 kN Pn : 3,724 kN Titik Kurva 11 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 261.59 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00254 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00094 187 567 -106 3 320.0 0.00067 134 567 76 4 460.0 0.00228 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : -30 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00177 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00160 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00144 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00127 240 435 -104 5 165.3 0.00110 221 435 -96 6 179.8 0.00094 188 435 -82 7 194.3 0.00077 154 435 -67 8 208.8 0.00061 121 435 -53 9 223.3 0.00044 88 435 -38 10 237.8 0.00027 55 435 -24 11 246.0 0.00018 36 600 -21 12 248.0 0.00016 31 600 -19 13 250.0 0.00013 27 600 -16 14 252.0 0.00011 22 600 -13 15 254.0 0.00009 17 600 -10 16 262.3 0.00001 2 435 1 17 276.8 0.00017 35 435 15 18 291.3 0.00034 68 435 30 19 305.8 0.00051 101 435 44 20 320.3 0.00067 135 435 59 21 334.8 0.00084 168 435 73 22 349.3 0.00101 201 435 87 23 363.8 0.00117 234 435 102 24 378.3 0.00134 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00150 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : -238 kN (total) F Baja : -268 kN F Beton : -2,835 kN Pn : 3,103 kN Titik Kurva 12 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 243.45 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00251 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00078 156 567 -89 3 320.0 0.00094 189 567 107 4 460.0 0.00267 320 1,134 363 ----- +

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F Baja tulangan : 18 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00168 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00150 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00132 240 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00114 228 435 -99 5 165.3 0.00096 193 435 -84 6 179.8 0.00078 157 435 -68 7 194.3 0.00061 121 435 -53 8 208.8 0.00043 86 435 -37 9 223.3 0.00025 50 435 -22 10 237.8 0.00007 14 435 -6 11 246.0 0.00003 6 600 4 12 248.0 0.00006 11 600 7 13 250.0 0.00008 16 600 10 14 252.0 0.00011 21 600 13 15 254.0 0.00013 26 600 16 16 262.3 0.00023 46 435 20 17 276.8 0.00041 82 435 36 18 291.3 0.00059 118 435 51 19 305.8 0.00077 154 435 67 20 320.3 0.00095 189 435 82 21 334.8 0.00113 225 435 98 22 349.3 0.00130 240 435 104 23 363.8 0.00148 240 435 104 24 378.3 0.00166 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00184 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : 138 kN (total) F Baja : 156 kN F Beton : -2,638 kN Pn : 2,482 kN Titik Kurva 13 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 226.03 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00247 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00061 122 567 -69 3 320.0 0.00125 249 567 141 4 460.0 0.00311 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : 72 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00158 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00138 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00119 238 435 -104 4 150.8 0.00100 200 435 -87 5 165.3 0.00081 161 435 -70 6 179.8 0.00061 123 435 -53 7 194.3 0.00042 84 435 -37 8 208.8 0.00023 46 435 -20

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9 223.3 0.00004 7 435 -3 10 237.8 0.00016 31 435 14 11 246.0 0.00027 53 600 32 12 248.0 0.00029 58 600 35 13 250.0 0.00032 64 600 38 14 252.0 0.00034 69 600 41 15 254.0 0.00037 74 600 45 16 262.3 0.00048 96 435 42 17 276.8 0.00067 135 435 59 18 291.3 0.00087 173 435 75 19 305.8 0.00106 212 435 92 20 320.3 0.00125 240 435 104 21 334.8 0.00144 240 435 104 22 349.3 0.00164 240 435 104 23 363.8 0.00183 240 435 104 24 378.3 0.00202 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00221 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : 516 kN (total) F Baja : 588 kN F Beton : -2,450 kN Pn : 1,862 kN Titik Kurva 14 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 209.48 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00243 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00042 84 567 -48 3 320.0 0.00158 317 567 179 4 460.0 0.00359 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : 132 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00146 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00126 240 435 -104 3 136.3 0.00105 210 435 -91 4 150.8 0.00084 168 435 -73 5 165.3 0.00063 127 435 -55 6 179.8 0.00043 85 435 -37 7 194.3 0.00022 44 435 -19 8 208.8 0.00001 2 435 -1 9 223.3 0.00020 39 435 17 10 237.8 0.00040 81 435 35 11 246.0 0.00052 105 600 63 12 248.0 0.00055 110 600 66 13 250.0 0.00058 116 600 70 14 252.0 0.00061 122 600 73 15 254.0 0.00064 128 600 77 16 262.3 0.00076 151 435 66 17 276.8 0.00096 193 435 84 18 291.3 0.00117 234 435 102 19 305.8 0.00138 240 435 104 20 320.3 0.00159 240 435 104

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21 334.8 0.00179 240 435 104 22 349.3 0.00200 240 435 104 23 363.8 0.00221 240 435 104 24 378.3 0.00242 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00262 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : 897 kN (total) F Baja : 1,029 kN F Beton : -2,270 kN Pn : 1,241 kN Titik Kurva 15 (++) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 192.65 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00238 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00020 39 567 -22 3 320.0 0.00198 320 567 181 4 460.0 0.00416 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : 159 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00133 240 435 -104 2 121.8 0.00110 221 435 -96 3 136.3 0.00088 176 435 -76 4 150.8 0.00065 130 435 -57 5 165.3 0.00043 85 435 -37 6 179.8 0.00020 40 435 -17 7 194.3 0.00002 5 435 2 8 208.8 0.00025 50 435 22 9 223.3 0.00048 95 435 41 10 237.8 0.00070 140 435 61 11 246.0 0.00083 166 600 100 12 248.0 0.00086 172 600 103 13 250.0 0.00089 179 600 107 14 252.0 0.00092 185 600 111 15 254.0 0.00096 191 600 115 16 262.3 0.00108 217 435 94 17 276.8 0.00131 240 435 104 18 291.3 0.00154 240 435 104 19 305.8 0.00176 240 435 104 20 320.3 0.00199 240 435 104 21 334.8 0.00221 240 435 104 22 349.3 0.00244 240 435 104 23 363.8 0.00266 240 435 104 24 378.3 0.00289 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00312 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : 1,308 kN (total) F Baja : 1,467 kN F Beton : -2,088 kN Pn : 621 kN

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Titik Kurva 16 (Balok Murni) Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Tulangan (c = 175.77 mm) Lapis y(i) Regangan fs(MPa) As(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 40.0 0.00232 320 1,134 -363 2 180.0 0.00007 14 567 8 3 320.0 0.00246 320 567 181 4 460.0 0.00485 320 1,134 363 ----- + F Baja tulangan : 190 kN Regangan-tegangan Lapis Baja Profil (Sb.LEMAH) Lapis yp(i) Regangan fp(MPa) Ap(mm2) Gaya(kN) 1 107.3 0.00117 234 435 -102 2 121.8 0.00092 184 435 -80 3 136.3 0.00067 135 435 -59 4 150.8 0.00043 85 435 -37 5 165.3 0.00018 36 435 -16 6 179.8 0.00007 14 435 6 7 194.3 0.00032 63 435 27 8 208.8 0.00056 113 435 49 9 223.3 0.00081 162 435 71 10 237.8 0.00106 212 435 92 11 246.0 0.00120 240 600 144 12 248.0 0.00123 240 600 144 13 250.0 0.00127 240 600 144 14 252.0 0.00130 240 600 144 15 254.0 0.00134 240 600 144 16 262.3 0.00148 240 435 104 17 276.8 0.00172 240 435 104 18 291.3 0.00197 240 435 104 19 305.8 0.00222 240 435 104 20 320.3 0.00247 240 435 104 21 334.8 0.00271 240 435 104 22 349.3 0.00296 240 435 104 23 363.8 0.00321 240 435 104 24 378.3 0.00346 240 435 104 25 392.8 0.00370 240 435 104 ----- + F Baja profil : 1,715 kN (total) F Baja : 1,905 kN F Beton : -1,905 kN Pn : 0 kN ___________________________________________________________ KURVA INTERAKSI KOLOM KOMPOSIT tanpa reduksi Titik Kurva Pn (kN) Mn (kN-m) Keterangan 1 9,886.6 0.0 Pn0 2 7,909.3 415.9 PnMax dan Mn e-min 3 7,400.0 474.5 -- 4 6,890.7 520.4 -- 5 6,381.4 559.1 -- 6 5,872.1 592.6 -- 7 5,362.8 622.2 -- 8 4,853.4 648.9 -- 9 4,344.1 673.1 Kondisi Balans

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10 3,723.5 687.1 ++ 11 3,103.0 693.4 ++ 12 2,482.4 691.5 ++ 13 1,861.8 682.6 ++ 14 1,241.2 667.0 ++ 15 620.6 641.6 ++ 16 0.0 608.9 Balok Murni 17 -3,896.8 0.0 Full tarik KURVA INTERAKSI KOLOM KOMPOSIT dengan reduksi Titik Kurva ØPn (kN) ØMn(kN-m) Ø-Faktor 1 6,426.3 0.0 0.65 2 5,141.1 270.4 0.65 3 4,810.0 308.5 0.65 4 4,478.9 338.3 0.65 5 4,147.9 363.4 0.65 6 3,816.8 385.2 0.65 7 3,485.8 404.5 0.65 8 3,154.7 421.8 0.65 9 2,823.7 437.5 0.65 10 2,420.3 446.6 0.65 11 2,016.9 450.7 0.65 12 1,613.5 449.5 0.65 13 1,210.2 443.7 0.65 14 806.8 433.6 0.65 15 419.4 433.7 0.68 16 0.0 487.1 0.80 17 -3,117.4 0.0 0.80

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Tegangan leleh baja (yield stress ), fy = 240 MPa

Tegangan sisa (residual stress ), fr = 70 MPa

Modulus elastik baja (modulus of elasticity ), E = 200000 MPa

Angka Poisson (Poisson's ratio ), = 0.3

B. DATA PROFIL BAJAProfil : HB 300.300.10.15

ht = 300 mm

bf = 300 mm

tw = 10 mm

tf = 15 mm

r = 18 mm

A = 11940 mm2

Ix = 204000000 mm4

Iy = 67500000 mm4

rx = 131 mm

ry = 75.1 mm

Sx = 1360000 mm3

Sy = 450000 mm3


Panjang elemen x, Lx = 4000 mm

Panjang elemen y, Ly = 4000 mm

Gaya aksial akibat beban terfaktor, Nu = 1093000 N

Momen akibat beban terfaktor x, Mux = 48300000 Nmm

Momen akibat beban terfaktor y, Muy = 25100000 Nmm

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 69700 N

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk aksial tekan, n = 0.85

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk lentur, b = 0.90

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk geser, f = 0.75


t f







Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 1

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D. SECTION PROPERTIESG = E / [2*(1 + )] = 76923.0769 MPa

h1 = tf + r = 33.00 mm

h2 = ht - 2 * h1 = 234.00 mm

h = ht - tf = 285.00 mm

J = [ b * t3/3 ] = 2 * 1/3 * bf * tf3 + 1/3 * (ht - 2 * tf) * tw

3 = 765000.0 mm4

Iw = Iy * h2 / 4 = 1.371E+12 mm6

X1 = / Sx * √ [ E * G * J * A / 2 ] = 19363.0 MPa

X2 = 4 * [ Sx / (G * J) ]2 * Iw / Iy = 0.0000434 mm2/N2

Zx = tw * ht2 / 4 + ( bf - tw ) * ( ht - tf ) * tf = 1464750.0 mm3

Zy = tf * bf2 / 2 + ( ht - 2 * tf ) * tw

2 / 4 = 681750.0 mm3

G = modulus geser, Zx = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. x,

J = Konstanta puntir torsi, Zy = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. y,

Iw = konstanta putir lengkung, X1 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

h = tinggi bersih badan, X2 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,


Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 2

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Lc3 = 3000

Ib3 = 237000000 Ib4 = 237000000

Lb3 = 3000 B Lb4 = 3000 Joint B :

( Ic / Lc) = 117756

Ic2 = 204000000 ( Ib / Lb) = 158000

Lc2 = 4100 GBx = ( Ic / Lc ) / ( Ib / Lb ) = 0.7

Ib1 = 237000000 Ib2 = 237000000

Lb1 = 3000 A Lb2 = 3000 Joint A :

( Ic / Lc) = 117756

Ic1 = 204000000 ( Ib / Lb) = 158000

Lc1 = 3000 GAx = ( Ic / Lc ) / ( Ib / Lb ) = 0.7

Faktor panjang tekuk efektif x,kx = [ 3*GAx*GBx + 1.4*(GAx+ GBx) + 0.64 ] / [ 3*GAx*GBx + 2.0*(GAx+ GBx) + 1.28 ]

kx = 0.74115 Y :Ic3 = 67500000

Lc3 = 3000

Ib3 = 237000000 Ib4 = 237000000

Lb3 = 3000 B Lb4 = 3000 Joint B :

( Ic / Lc) = 38963

Ic2 = 67500000 ( Ib / Lb) = 158000

Lc2 = 4100 GBy = ( Ic / Lc ) / ( Ib / Lb ) = 0.2

Ib1 = 237000000 Ib2 = 237000000

Lb1 = 3000 A Lb2 = 3000 Joint A :

( Ic / Lc) = 38963

Ic1 = 67500000 ( Ib / Lb) = 158000

Lc1 = 3000 GAy = ( Ic / Lc ) / ( Ib / Lb ) = 0.2

Faktor panjang tekuk efektif y,ky = [ 3*GAy*GBy + 1.4*(GAy+ GBy) + 0.64 ] / [ 3*GAy*GBy + 2.0*(GAy+ GBy) + 1.28 ]

kY = 0.61781

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 3

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Faktor tekuk kolom dihitung dengan rumus sebagai berikut :a. Untuk nilai c 0.25 maka termasuk kolom pendek :

→ = 1b. Untuk nilai 0.25 < c ≤ 1.20 maka termasuk kolom sedang :

→ = 1.43 / ( 1.6 - 0.67 * c )c. Untuk nilai c > 1.20 maka termasuk kolom langsing :

→ = 1.25 * c2

Menentukan parameter kelangsingan :

Faktor panjang tekuk efektif terhadap sumbu x, kx = 0.74

Faktor panjang tekuk efektif terhadap sumbu y, ky = 0.62

Panjang kolom terhadap sumbu x : Lx = 4000 mm

Panjang tekuk efektif terhadap sumbu x, Lkx = kx * Lx = 2965 mm

Panjang kolom terhadap sumbu y : Ly = 4000 mm

Panjang tekuk efektif terhadap sumbu y, Lky = ky * Ly = 2471 mm

Parameter kelangsingan terhadap sumbu x,

cx = 1 / * Lkx / rx * √ ( fy / E ) = 0.2495

Parameter kelangsingan terhadap sumbu Y,

cy = 1 / * Lky / ry * √ ( fy / E ) = 0.3628

Menentukan nilai faktor tekuk terhadap sumbu x :

Untuk parameter kelangsingan terhadap sumbu x, cx = 0.2495

a. Kolom pendek : = 1.0000b. Kolom sedang : = 1.43 / ( 1.6 - 0.67 * c ) = 0.9980

c. Kolom langsing : = 1.25 * c2 = -

Faktor tekuk terhadap sumbu x, x = 1.0000

Menentukan nilai faktor tekuk terhadap sumbu y :

Untuk parameter kelangsingan terhadap sumbu y, cy = 0.3628

a. Kolom pendek : = -b. Kolom sedang : = 1.43 / ( 1.6 - 0.67 * c ) = 1.0539

c. Kolom langsing : = 1.25 * c2 = -

Faktor tekuk terhadap sumbu y, y = 1.0539

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 4

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Tegangan tekuk :

Tegangan tekuk terhadap sumbu x, fcrx = fy / x = 240.000 MPa

Tegangan tekuk terhadap sumbu y, fcry = fy / y = 227.731 MPa

Tahanan aksial tekan :

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal x, Nnx = A * fcrx = 2865600 N

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal y, Nny = A * fcry = 2719106 N

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal terkecil, Nn = 2719106 N


Tahanan aksial nominal tekan pengaruh tekuk lentur torsi, harus dihitung dengan rumus :

Nn = A * fclt dengan,

fclt = [ ( fcry + fcrz) / ( 2 * H ) ] * [ 1 -1 - 4* fcry* fcrz* H / ( fcry + fcrz)2] ]

Koordinat pusat geser terhadap titik berat penampang, xo = 0.00 mm

yo = 0.00 mm

Jari-jari girasi polar terhadap pusat geser,

ro2 = ( Ix + Iy ) / A + xo

2 + yo2 = 22739 mm

H = 1 - [ ( xo2 + yo

2 ) / ro2 ] = 1.00

Tegangan tekuk y (sumbu lemah), fcry = fy / y = 227.731 MPa

fcrz = G * J / ( A * ro2 ) = 216.745 MPa

Tegangan tekuk lentur torsi,

fclt = [ ( fcry + fcrz) / (2*H) ] * [ 1 -1 - 4* fcry* fcrz* H / ( fcry + fcrz)2] ] = 216.745 MPa

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal, Nn = A * fclt = 2587930 N


Tahanan aksial tekan nominal pengaruh kelangsingan kolom,

Nn = 2719106 N

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal pengaruh tekuk lentur torsi,

Nn = 2587930 N

Tahanan aksial tekan nominal (terkecil), Nn = 2587930 N

Tahanan aksial tekan, n * Nn = 2199741 N

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 5

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Momen nominal penampang akibat pengaruh local buckling pada sayap untuk :a. Penampang compact : p

→ Mn = Mp

b. Penampang non-compact : p< r

→ Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p)c. Penampang langsing : >r

→ Mn = Mr * ( r / )2

Momen plastis x, Mpx = fy * Zx = 351540000 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk x, Mrx = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 231200000 Nmm

Momen plastis y, Mpy = fy * Zy = 163620000 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk y, Mry = Sy * ( fy - fr ) = 76500000 Nmm

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, = bf / tf = 20.000

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 170 / √ fy = 10.973

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 370 / √ ( fy - fr ) = 28.378

> p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan sayap, maka termasuk penampang non-compact

Momen nominal x :

compact : Mnx = Mpx = - Nmm

non-compact : Mnx = Mpx - (Mpx - Mrx) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = 289126821 Nmm

langsing : Mnx = Mrx * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : non-compact Mnx = 289126821 Nmm

Momen nominal y :

compact : Mny = Mpy = - Nmm

non-compact : Mny = Mpy - (Mpy - Mry) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = 118436053 Nmm

langsing : Mny = Mry * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : non-compact Mny = 118436053 Nmm

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 6

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Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 28.500

Gaya aksial leleh, Ny = A * fy = 2865600 N

Nu / ( b * Ny ) = 0.424 N

a. Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact :

Untuk nilai, Nu / ( b * Ny ) ≤ 0.125

→ p = 1680 / √ fy * [ ( 1 - 2.75 * Nu / ( b * Ny ) ]

Untuk nilai, Nu / ( b * Ny ) > 0.125

→ p = 500 / √ fy * [ ( 2.33 - Nu / ( b * Ny ) ] 665 / √ fyb. Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact :

→ r = 2550 / √ fy * [ ( 1 - 0.74 * Nu / ( b * Ny ) ]

Untuk nilai : Nu / ( b * Ny ) > 0.125

p = 1680 / √ fy * [ ( 1 - 2.75 * Nu / ( b * Ny ) ] = -

p = 500 / √ fy * [ ( 2.33 - Nu / ( b * Ny ) ] = 61.522

p = 665 / √ fy = 42.926

Batas kelangsingan maksimum penampang compact , p = 61.522

Batas kelangsingan maksimum penampang non-compact ,

r = 2550 / √ fy * [ ( 1 - 0.74 * Nu / ( b * Ny ) ] = 112.981

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan badan, maka termasuk penampang compact

Momen nominal x :

compact : Mnx = Mpx = 351540000 Nmm

non-compact : Mnx = Mpx - (Mpx - Mrx) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mnx = Mrx * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal x : penampang compact Mnx = 351540000 Nmm

Momen nominal y :

compact : Mny = Mpy = 163620000 Nmm

non-compact : Mny = Mpy - (Mpy - Mry) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mny = Mry * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal y : penampang compact Mny = 163620000 Nmm

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 7

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Momen nominal berdasarkan pengaruh local buckling pada sayap,

Momen nominal x, Mnx = 289126821 Nmm

Momen nominal y, Mny = 118436053 Nmm

Momen nominal berdasarkan pengaruh local buckling pada badan,

Momen nominal x, Mnx = 351540000 Nmm

Momen nominal y, Mny = 163620000 Nmm

Momen nominal (terkecil) yang menentukan,

Momen nominal x, Mnx = 289126821 Nmm

Momen nominal y, Mny = 118436053 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur x, b * Mnx = 260214139 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur y, b * Mny = 106592448 Nmm


Gaya aksial akibat beban terfaktor, Nu = 1093000 N

Momen akibat beban terfaktor x, Mux = 48300000 Nmm

Momen akibat beban terfaktor y, Muy = 25100000 Nmm

Tahanan aksial tekan, n * Nn = 2199741 N

Tahanan momen lentur x, b * Mnx = 260214139 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur y, b * Mny = 106592448 Nmm

Kolom yang menahan gaya aksial tekan dan momen lentur harus memenuhi

persamaan interaksi aksial tekan dan momen lentur sbb :

Untuk nilai, Nu / ( n * Nn ) > 0.20

→ Nu / ( n * Nn ) + 8 / 9 * [ Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) ] 1.0

Untuk nilai, Nu / ( * Nn ) ≤ 0.20

→ Nu / ( 2 * n * Nn ) + [ Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) ] 1.0

Untuk nilai : Nu / ( n * Nn ) = 0.4969 > 0.20

Nu / ( n * Nn ) + 8/9*[ Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) ] = 0.8712

Nu / ( 2 * n * Nn ) + [ Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) ] = -

Nilai interaksi aksial tekan dan momen lentur = 0.8712

0.8712 < 1.0 AMAN (OK)

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 8

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Ketebalan plat badan tanpa pengaku harus memenuhi syarat,

h2 / tw 6.36 * ( E / fy )

23.4 < 183.60 Plat badan memenuhi syarat (OK)

Kontrol tahanan geser nominal plat badan tanpa pengaku :

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 69700 N

Luas penampang badan, Aw = tw * ht = 3000 mm2

Tahanan gaya geser nominal, Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw = 432000 N

Tahanan gaya geser, f * Vn = 324000 N

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Vu f * Vn

69700 < 324000 AMAN (OK)

Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.2151 < 1.0 (OK)


Elemen yang memikul kombinasi geser dan lentur harus dilakukan kontrol sbb. :

Sayarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk interakasi geser dan lentur :

Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) 1.375

Mux / ( b * Mnx ) = 0.1856

Muy / ( b * Mny ) = 0.2355

Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.2151

Mux / ( b * Mnx ) + Muy / ( b * Mny ) + 0.625* Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.5555

0.5555 < 1.375 AMAN (OK)

Kolom Lentur Dua Arah (Biaxial) 9

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Tabel 1. Perhitungan Daya Dukung Pondasi Tiang Pancang

(Berdasarkan Data Sondir)Diameter : 33.90 cm (Konversi penampang persegi 35x35) : S1

Depth (m)Elevation (mLWS)

qc A SF1 Qp JHP Kel SF2 Qs Qall ( ton )

0.001.00 -1.00 4.90 902.1 3.0 1.47 24.15 106.45 5.0 0.5 2.02.00 -2.00 5.88 902.1 3.0 1.77 40.70 106.45 5.0 0.9 2.63.00 -3.00 12.74 902.1 3.0 3.83 65.51 106.45 5.0 1.4 5.24.00 -4.00 6.86 902.1 3.0 2.06 95.08 106.45 5.0 2.0 4.15.00 -5.00 5.88 902.1 3.0 1.77 124.09 106.45 5.0 2.6 4.46.00 -6.00 7.84 902.1 3.0 2.36 149.02 106.45 5.0 3.2 5.57.00 -7.00 5.88 902.1 3.0 1.77 180.47 106.45 5.0 3.8 5.68.00 -8.00 7.84 902.1 3.0 2.36 223.71 106.45 5.0 4.8 7.19.00 -9.00 5.88 902.1 3.0 1.77 254.05 106.45 5.0 5.4 7.210.00 -10.00 6.86 902.1 3.0 2.06 287.38 106.45 5.0 6.1 8.211.00 -11.00 6.86 902.1 3.0 2.06 330.73 106.45 5.0 7.0 9.112.00 -12.00 33.32 902.1 3.0 10.02 375.31 106.45 5.0 8.0 18.013.00 -13.00 58.80 902.1 3.0 17.68 542.81 106.45 5.0 11.6 29.214.00 -14.00 88.20 902.1 3.0 26.52 817.37 106.45 5.0 17.4 43.915.00 -15.00 98.00 902.1 3.0 29.47 1154.89 106.45 5.0 24.6 54.116.00 -16.00 112.70 902.1 3.0 33.89 1431.88 106.45 5.0 30.5 64.417.00 -17.00 147.00 902.1 3.0 44.20 1653.64 106.45 5.0 35.2 79.4

Titik Uji


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Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 29 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan deform ( > 12 mm ), fy = 320 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan polos ( ≤ 12 mm ), fy = 240 MPa

Berat beton bertulang, wc = 24 kN/m3


Lebar kolom arah x, bx = 0.50 m

Lebar kolom arah y, by = 0.50 m

Jarak tiang pancang tepi terhadap sisi luar beton, a = 0.30 m

Tebal pilecap, h = 0.60 m

Tebal tanah di atas pilecap, z = 0.90 m

Berat volume tanah di atas pilecap, ws = 18.00 kN/m3

Posisi kolom (dalam = 40, tepi = 30, sudut = 20) s = 40


Gaya aksial kolom akibat beban terfaktor, Puk = 180.00 kN

Momen arah x akibat beban terfaktor. Mux = 29.00 kNm

Momen arah y akibat beban terfaktor. Muy = 11.00 kNm

Gaya lateral arah x akibat beban terfaktor, Hux = 50.00 kN

Gaya lateral arah y akibat beban terfaktor, Huy = 19.00 kN

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Tahanan aksial tiang pancang, * Pn = 644.00 kN

Tahanan lateral tiang pancang, * Hn = 45.00 kN


Susunan tiang pancang arah x : Susunan tiang pancang arah y :

No. Jumlah x n * x2No. Jumlah y n * y2

n (m) (m2) n (m) (m2)

1 1 0.45 0.20 1 1 0.00 0.00

2 1 -0.45 0.20

n = 2 x2 = 0.41 n = 1 y2 = 0.00

Lebar pilecap arah x, Lx = 1.50 m

Lebar pilecap arah y, Ly = 0.60 m


Berat tanah di atas pilecap, Ws = Lx * Ly * z * ws = 14.58 kN

Berat pilecap, Wc = Lx * Ly * h * wc = 12.96 kN

Total gaya aksial terfaktor, Pu = Puk + 1.2 * Ws + 1.2 * Wc = 213.05 kN

Lengan maksimum tiang pancang arah x thd. pusat, xmax = 0.45 m

Lengan minimum tiang pancang arah x thd. pusat, xmin = -0.45 m

Gaya aksial maksimum dan minimum pada tiang pancang,

pumax = Pu / n + Mux* xmax / x2 = 138.75 kN

pumin = Pu / n + Mux* xmin / x2 = 74.30 kN

Syarat : pumax ≤ * Pn

138.75 < 644.00 → AMAN (OK)


Gaya lateral arah x pada tiang, hux = Hux / n = 25.00 kN

Gaya lateral arah y pada tiang, huy = Huy / n = 9.50 kN

Gaya lateral kombinasi dua arah, humax = ( hux2 + huy

2 ) = 26.74 kN

Syarat : humax ≤ * Hn

26.74 < 45.00 → AMAN (OK)

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Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0.100 m

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = h - d' = 0.500 m

Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar, cx = ( Lx - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.250 m

Berat beton, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 2.160 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 2.430 kN

Gaya geser arah x, Vux = pumax - W1 - W2 = 134.1562 kN

Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah x, b = Ly = 600 mm

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = 500 mm

Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, c = bx / by = 1.0000

Kuat geser pilecap arah x, diambil nilai terkecil dari Vc yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :

Vc = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 807.775 kN

Vc = [ s * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 4756.896 kN

Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 538.516 kN

Diambil, kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 538.516 kN

Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, = 0.75

Kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 403.887 kN

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,

Vc ≥ Vux

403.887 > 134.156 AMAN (OK)

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Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar pilecap, cx = ( Lx - bx ) / 2 = 0.500 m

Jarak tiang thd. sisi kolom, ex = cx - a = 0.200 m

Berat beton, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 4.320 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 4.860 kN

Momen yang terjadi pada pilecap,

Mux = 2 * pumax * ex - W1 * cx / 2 - W2 * cx / 2 = 53.203 kNm

Lebar pilecap yang ditinjau, b = Ly = 600 mm

Tebal pilecap, h = 600 mm

Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 100 mm

Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 500 mm

Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 29 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 320 MPa

Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Faktor distribusi teg. beton, 1 = 0.85

b = 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.04270211

Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, = 0.80

Rmax = 0.75 * b * fy * [1-½*0.75* b * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 8.118

Mn = Mux / = 66.504 kNm

Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.44336

Rn < Rmax (OK)

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Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,

= 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0014

Rasio tulangan minimum, min = 0.0025

Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, = 0.0025

Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = * b * d = 750.00 mm2

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 19 mm

Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * D2 * b / As = 227 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, s = 200 mm

Digunakan tulangan, D 19 - 200Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * D2 * b / s = 850.59 mm2

Tulangan bagi diambil 50% tulangan pokok, Asb = 50% * As = 425.29 mm2

Jarak tulangan bagi yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * D2 * b / Asb = 400 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, s = 200 mm

Digunakan tulangan, D 19 - 200Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * D2 * b / s = 850.59 mm2


Rasio tulangan susut minimum, smin = 0.0014

Luas tulangan susut, As = smin* b * d = 420 mm2

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, 12 mm

Jarak tulangan susut, s = / 4 * 2 * b / As = 162 mm

Jarak tulangan susut maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah x yang digunakan, s = 162 mm

Digunakan tulangan susut arah x, 12 - 160

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Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 29 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan deform ( > 12 mm ), fy = 320 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan polos ( ≤ 12 mm ), fy = 240 MPa

Berat beton bertulang, wc = 24 kN/m3


Lebar kolom arah x, bx = 0.50 m

Lebar kolom arah y, by = 0.50 m

Jarak tiang pancang tepi terhadap sisi luar beton, a = 0.35 m

Tebal pilecap, h = 0.80 m

Tebal tanah di atas pilecap, z = 0.90 m

Berat volume tanah di atas pilecap, ws = 18.00 kN/m3

Posisi kolom (dalam = 40, tepi = 30, sudut = 20) s = 40


Gaya aksial kolom akibat beban terfaktor, Puk = 1729.00 kN

Momen arah x akibat beban terfaktor. Mux = 59.00 kNm

Momen arah y akibat beban terfaktor. Muy = 51.00 kNm

Gaya lateral arah x akibat beban terfaktor, Hux = 148.00 kN

Gaya lateral arah y akibat beban terfaktor, Huy = 82.00 kN

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Tahanan aksial tiang pancang, * Pn = 644.00 kN

Tahanan lateral tiang pancang, * Hn = 45.00 kN


Susunan tiang pancang arah x : Susunan tiang pancang arah y :

No. Jumlah x n * x2No. Jumlah y n * y2

n (m) (m2) n (m) (m2)

1 2 0.45 0.41 1 2 0.45 0.41

2 2 -0.45 0.41 2 2 -0.45 0.41

n = 4 x2 = 0.81 n = 4 y2 = 0.81

Lebar pilecap arah x, Lx = 1.60 m

Lebar pilecap arah y, Ly = 1.60 m


Berat tanah di atas pilecap, Ws = Lx * Ly * z * ws = 41.47 kN

Berat pilecap, Wc = Lx * Ly * h * wc = 49.15 kN

Total gaya aksial terfaktor, Pu = Puk + 1.2 * Ws + 1.2 * Wc = 1837.75 kN

Lengan maksimum tiang pancang arah x thd. pusat, xmax = 0.45 m

Lengan maksimum tiang pancang arah y thd. pusat, ymax = 0.45 m

Lengan minimum tiang pancang arah x thd. pusat, xmin = -0.45 m

Lengan minimum tiang pancang arah y thd. pusat, ymin = -0.45 m

Gaya aksial maksimum dan minimum pada tiang pancang,

pumax = Pu / n + Mux* xmax / x2 + Muy* ymax / y2 = 520.55 kN

pumin = Pu / n + Mux* xmin / x2 + Muy* ymin / y2 = 398.33 kN

Syarat : pumax ≤ * Pn

520.55 < 644.00 → AMAN (OK)


Gaya lateral arah x pada tiang, hux = Hux / n = 37.00 kN

Gaya lateral arah y pada tiang, huy = Huy / n = 20.50 kN

Gaya lateral kombinasi dua arah, humax = ( hux2 + huy

2 ) = 42.30 kN

Syarat : humax ≤ * Hn

42.30 < 45.00 → AMAN (OK)

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Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0.200 m

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = h - d' = 0.600 m

Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar, cx = ( Lx - bx - d ) / 2 = 0.250 m

Berat beton, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 7.680 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 6.480 kN

Gaya geser arah x, Vux = 2 * pumax - W1 - W2 = 1026.937 kN

Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah x, b = Ly = 1600 mm

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = 600 mm

Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, c = bx / by = 1.0000

Kuat geser pilecap arah x, diambil nilai terkecil dari Vc yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :

Vc = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 2584.879 kN

Vc = [ s * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 7323.824 kN

Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 1723.253 kN

Diambil, kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 1723.253 kN

Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, = 0.75

Kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 1292.440 kN

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,

Vc ≥ Vux

1292.440 > 1026.937 AMAN (OK)

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Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0.200 m

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = h - d' = 0.600 m

Jarak bid. kritis terhadap sisi luar, cy = ( Ly - by - d ) / 2 = 0.250 m

Berat beton, W1 = cy * Lx * h * wc = 7.680 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cy * Lx * z * ws = 6.480 kN

Gaya geser arah y, Vuy = 2 * pumax - W1 - W2 = 1026.937 kN

Lebar bidang geser untuk tinjauan arah y, b = Lx = 1600 mm

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = 600 mm

Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, c = bx / by = 1.0000

Kuat geser pilecap arah y, diambil nilai terkecil dari Vc yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :

Vc = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' * b * d / 6 * 10-3 = 2584.879 kN

Vc = [ s * d / b + 2 ] * √ fc' * b * d / 12 * 10-3 = 7323.824 kN

Vc = 1 / 3 * √ fc' * b * d * 10-3 = 1723.253 kN

Diambil, kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 1723.253 kN

Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser, = 0.75

Kuat geser pilecap, Vc = 1292.440 kN

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi,

Vc ≥ Vux

1292.440 > 1026.937 AMAN (OK)

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Jarak pusat tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, d' = 0.200 m

Tebal efektif pilecap, d = h - d' = 0.600 m

Lebar bidang geser pons arah x, Bx = bx + d = 1.100 m

Lebar bidang geser pons arah y, By = by + d = 1.100 m

Gaya geser pons akibat beban terfaktor pada kolom, Puk = 1729.000 kN

Luas bidang geser pons, Ap = 2 * ( Bx + By ) * d = 2.640 m2

Lebar bidang geser pons, bp = 2 * ( Bx + By ) = 4.400 m

Rasio sisi panjang thd. sisi pendek kolom, c = bx / by = 1.0000

Tegangan geser pons, diambil nilai terkecil dari fp yang diperoleh dari pers.sbb. :

fp = [ 1 + 2 / c ] * √ fc' / 6 = 2.693 MPa

fp = [ s * d / bp + 2 ] * √ fc' / 12 = 3.345 MPa

fp = 1 / 3 * √ fc' = 1.795 MPa

Tegangan geser pons yang disyaratkan, fp = 1.795 MPa

Faktor reduksi kekuatan geser pons, = 0.75

Kuat geser pons, * Vnp = * Ap * fp * 103 = 3554.21 kN

Syarat : * Vnp ≥ Puk

3554.209 > 1729.000 AMAN (OK)

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Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar pilecap, cx = ( Lx - bx ) / 2 = 0.550 m

Jarak tiang thd. sisi kolom, ex = cx - a = 0.200 m

Berat beton, W1 = cx * Ly * h * wc = 16.896 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cx * Ly * z * ws = 14.256 kN

Momen yang terjadi pada pilecap,

Mux = 2 * pumax * ex - W1 * cx / 2 - W2 * cx / 2 = 199.653 kNm

Lebar pilecap yang ditinjau, b = Ly = 1600 mm

Tebal pilecap, h = 800 mm

Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 200 mm

Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 600 mm

Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 29 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 320 MPa

Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Faktor distribusi teg. beton, 1 = 0.85

b = 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.04270211

Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, = 0.80

Rmax = 0.75 * b * fy * [1-½*0.75* b * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 8.118

Mn = Mux / = 249.566 kNm

Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.43327

Rn < Rmax (OK)

Page 55: Design Note Vts

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,

= 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0014

Rasio tulangan minimum, min = 0.004375

Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, = 0.0044

Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = * b * d = 4200.00 mm2

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 25 mm

Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * D2 * b / As = 187 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, s = 187 mm

Digunakan tulangan, D 25 - 180Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * D2 * b / s = 4363.32 mm2


Jarak tepi kolom terhadap sisi luar pilecap, cy = ( Ly - by ) / 2 = 0.550 m

Jarak tiang thd. sisi kolom, ey = cy - a = 0.200 m

Berat beton, W1 = cy * Lx * h * wc = 16.896 kN

Berat tanah, W2 = cy * Lx * z * ws = 14.256 kN

Momen yang terjadi pada pilecap,

Muy = 2 * pumax * ey - W1 * cy / 2 - W2 * cy / 2 = 199.653 kNm

Lebar pilecap yang ditinjau, b = Lx = 1600 mm

Tebal pilecap, h = 800 mm

Jarak pusat tulangan thd. sisi luar beton, d' = 200 mm

Tebal efektif plat, d = h - d' = 600 mm

Page 56: Design Note Vts

Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 29 MPa

Kuat leleh baja tulangan, fy = 320 MPa

Modulus elastis baja, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Faktor distribusi teg. beton, 1 = 0.85

b = 1* 0.85 * fc’/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.04270211

Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, = 0.80

Rmax = 0.75 * b * fy * [1-½*0.75* b * fy / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) ] = 8.118

Mn = Muy / = 249.566 kNm

Rn = Mn * 106 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.43327

Rn < Rmax (OK)

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan,

= 0.85 * fc’ / fy * [ 1 - {1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc’ ) } ] = 0.0014

Rasio tulangan minimum, min = 0.004375

Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, = 0.0044

Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = * b * d = 4200.00 mm2

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 25 mm

Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * D2 * b / As = 187 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan yang digunakan, s = 187 mm

Digunakan tulangan, D 25 - 180Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * D2 * b / s = 4363.32 mm2


Rasio tulangan susut minimum, smin = 0.0014

Luas tulangan susut arah x, Asx = smin* b * d = 1344 mm2

Luas tulangan susut arah y, Asy = smin* b * d = 1344 mm2

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, D 13 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah x, sx = / 4 * 2 * b / Asx = 158 mm

Jarak tulangan susut maksimum arah x, sx,max = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah x yang digunakan, sx = 158 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah y, sy = / 4 * 2 * b / Asy = 158 mm

Jarak tulangan susut maksimum arah y, sy,max = 200 mm

Jarak tulangan susut arah y yang digunakan, sy = 158 mm

Digunakan tulangan susut arah x, D 13 - 150Digunakan tulangan susut arah y, D 13 - 150

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Tegangan leleh baja (yield stress ), fy = 240 MPa

Tegangan sisa (residual stress ), fr = 70 MPa

Modulus elastik baja (modulus of elasticity ), E = 200000 MPa

Angka Poisson (Poisson's ratio ), = 0.3


ht = 300 mm

bf = 150 mm

tw = 6.5 mm

tf = 9 mm

r = 13 mm

A = 4678 mm2

Ix = 72100000 mm4

Iy = 5080000 mm4

rx = 124 mm

ry = 32.9 mm

Sx = 481000 mm3

Sy = 67700 mm3

Berat : w = 367 N/m




t f







Page 59: Design Note Vts

C. DATA BALOK (Beam No. 3865)

Panjang elemen x, Lx = 4000 mm

Panjang elemen y ( jarak dukungan lateral ), Ly = 2000 mm

Jarak antara pengaku vertikal pada badan, a = 1000 mm

Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan, ts = 8 mm

Momen maksimum akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 60300000 Nmm

Momen pada 1/4 bentang, MA = 30150000 Nmm

Momen di tengah bentang, MB = 60300000 Nmm

Momen pada 3/4 bentang, MC = 30150000 Nmm

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 63000 N

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk lentur, b = 0.60

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk geser, f = 0.75

D. SECTION PROPERTIESG = E / [ 2 * ( 1 + ) ] = 76923 MPa

h1 = tf + r = 22.00 mm

h2 = ht - 2 * h1 = 256.00 mm

h = ht - tf = 291.00 mm

J = [ b * t3/3 ] = 2 * 1/3 * bf * tf3 + 1/3 * (ht - 2 * tf) * tw

3 = 98714.8 mm4

Iw = Iy * h2 / 4 = 1.075E+11 mm6

X1 = / Sx * √ [ E * G * J * A / 2 ] = 12309.9 MPa

X2 = 4 * [ Sx / (G * J) ]2 * Iw / Iy = 0.0003398 mm2/N2

Zx = tw * ht2 / 4 + ( bf - tw ) * ( ht - tf ) * tf = 522076.5 mm3

Zy = tf * bf2 / 2 + ( ht - 2 * tf ) * tw

2 / 4 = 104228.6 mm3

G = modulus geser, Zx = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. x,

J = Konstanta puntir torsi, Zy = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. y,

Iw = konstanta putir lengkung, X1 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 1,

h = tinggi bersih badan, X2 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 2,

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Syarat yg harus dipenuhi untuk balok dengan pengaku, maka nilai : a / h ≤ 3.0

a / h = 3.436 > 3.00

tidak berlaku rumus balok dg pengaku

Ketebalan plat badan dengan pengaku vertikal tanpa pengaku memanjang harus meme-

nuhi : h / tw 7.07 * √ ( E / fy )44.769 < 204.09 tebal plat badan memenuhi (OK)

Kontrol lendutan yang terjadi :

Lendutan Ijin :

= L/360 = 11.11 mm

Lendutan yang terjadi : (Output StaadPro)

f = 9,0 mm

f < OK


1.1. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, = bf / tf = 16.667

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 500 / √ fy = 32.275

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 625 / √ fy = 40.344

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 125298360 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 81770000 Nmm

Momen nominal penampang untuk :a. Penampang compact , p

→ Mn = Mp

b. Penampang non-compact , p< r

→ Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p)c. Penampang langsing , >r

→ Mn = Mr * ( r / )2

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan sayap, maka termasuk penampang compact

Page 61: Design Note Vts

Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 125298360 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 125298360 Nmm

1.2. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada badan

Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 44.769

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1680 / √ fy = 108.444

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 2550 / √ fy = 164.602

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan badan, maka termasuk penampang compact

Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 125298360 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 125298360 Nmm


Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 44.769

Untuk penampang yang mempunyai ukuran : h / tw > r

44.769 > 40.344

maka momen nominal komponen struktur, harus dihitung dengan rumus :

Mn = Kg * S * fcr

dengan, Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ]a. Untuk kelangsingan : G ≤  p → fcr = fyb. Untuk kelangsingan : p < G ≤ r

→ fcr = Cb * fy * [ 1 - ( G - p ) / ( 2 * ( r - p ) ) ] ≤ fyc. Untuk kelangsingan : G > r → fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk torsi lateral : → fc = Cb * fy / 2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk lokal : → fc = fy / 2

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32 < 2.3

diambil, Cb = 1.32

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Perbandingan luas plat badan terhadap luas plat sayap,

ar = h * tw / ( bf * tf ) = 1.401

Momen inersia, I1 = Iy / 2 - 1/12 * tw3 * 1/3 * h2 = 2538047 mm4

Luas penampang, A1 = A / 2 - 1/3 * tw * h2 = 1784 mm2

Jari-jari girasi daerah plat sayap ditambah sepertiga bagian plat badan yang mengalami

tekan, r1 = ( I1 / A1 ) = 38 mm

2.1. Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral

Jarak antara pengekang lateral, L = Ly = 2000 mm

Angka kelangsingan, G = L / r1 = 53.030

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1.76 * √ ( E / fy ) = 50.807

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 4.40 * √ ( E / fy ) = 127.017

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk torsi lateral,

fc = Cb * fy / 2 = 157.89 MPa

fc < fy maka diambil, fc = 157.89 MPa

G > p dan G < r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = - MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = 311.18 MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = - MPa

fcr = 311.18 MPa

fcr > fy maka diambil, fcr = 240.00 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 481000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.104

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 127401878 Nmm

2.2. Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, G = bf / ( 2 * tf ) = 8.33

Faktor kelangsingan plat badan, ke = 4 / ( h / tw ) = 0.598 < 0.763

diambil, ke = 0.598

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 0.38 * √ ( E / fy ) = 10.97

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Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 1.35 * √ ( ke * E / fy ) = 30.13

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk lokal, fc = fy / 2 = 120.00 MPa

G < p dan G < r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = 240.00 MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = - MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = - MPa

Tegangan kritis penampang, fcr = 240.00 MPa

fcr < fy maka diambil, fcr = 240.00 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 481000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.104

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 127401878 Nmm


Momen nominal komponen struktur dengan pengaruh tekuk lateral, untuk :a. Bentang pendek : L Lp

→ Mn = Mp = fy * Zx

b. Bentang sedang : Lp < L Lr

→ Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] Mp

c. Bentang panjang : L > Lr

→ Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] Mp

Panjang bentang maksimum balok yang mampu menahan momen plastis,

Lp = 1.76 * ry * √ ( E / fy ) = 1672 mm

Tegangan leleh dikurangi tegangan sisa, fL = fy - fr = 170 MPa

Panjang bentang minimum balok yang tahanannya ditentukan oleh momen kritis tekuk

torsi lateral, Lr = ry * X1 / fL * √ [ 1 + √ ( 1 + X2 * fL2 ) ] = 4934 mm

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 125298360 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 81770000 Nmm

Panjang bentang y (jarak dukungan lateral), L = Ly = 2000 mm

L > Lp dan L < Lr

Termasuk kategori : bentang sedang

Page 64: Design Note Vts

Momen nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Mn = Mp = fy * Zx = - Nmm

Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] = 159099982 Nmm

Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] = - Nmm

Momen nominal balok untuk kategori : bentang sedang Mn = 159099982 Nmm

Mn > Mp

Momen nominal yang digunakan, Mn = 125298360 Nmm


a. Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling :

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada sayap, Mn = 125298360 Nmm

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada badan, Mn = 125298360 Nmm

b. Momen nominal balok plat berdinding penuh :

Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral, Mn = 127401878 Nmm

Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pd. sayap, Mn = 127401878 Nmm

c. Momen nominal berdasarkan pengaruh lateral buckling , Mn = 125298360 Nmm

Momen nominal (terkecil) yang menentukan, Mn = 125298360 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur, b * Mn = 75179016 Nmm

Momen akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 60300000 Nmm

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Mu b * Mn

60300000 < 75179016 AMAN (OK)

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.8021 < 1.0 (OK)

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Tahanan geser nominal plat badan dengan pengaku dihitung sebagai berikut :

Untuk nilai, h / tw ≤ 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw

Untuk nilai, 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) ≤ h / tw ≤ 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elasto plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw )Untuk nilai, h / tw > 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elastis :

→ Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2

Luas penampang badan, Aw = tw * ht = 1950 mm2

kn = 5 + 5 / ( a / h )2 = 5.4234

Perbandingan tinggi terhadap tebal badan, h / tw = 44.769

1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 73.950

1.37 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 92.101

h / tw < 1.10* ( kn*E / fy ) dan h / tw < 1.37* ( kn*E / fy ) Tahanan geser plastis

Tahanan geser nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw = 280800 N

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw ) = - N

Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2 = - N

Tahanan geser nominal untuk geser : plastis Vn = 280800 N

Tahanan gaya geser, f * Vn = 210600 N

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 63000 N

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Vu f * Vn

63000 < 210600 AMAN (OK)


Elemen yang memikul kombinasi geser dan lentur harus dilakukan kontrol sbb. :

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk interakasi geser dan lentur :

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) 1.375

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.8021

Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.2991

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.9891

0.9891 < 1.375 AMAN (OK)

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Luas penampang plat pengaku vertikal harus memenuhi,

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan (stiffner ), ts = 8 mm

Tinggi plat pengaku, hs = ht - 2 * tf = 282 mm

Luas penampang plat pengaku, As = hs * ts = 2256 mm2

Untuk sepasang pengaku, D = 1

Cv = 1.5 * kn * E / fy * 1 / ( h /tw )2 = 3.3824

0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ] = 585 mm2

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi :

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]2256 > 585 AMAN (OK)

Pengaku vertikal pada plat badan harus mempunyai momen inersia :

Is ≥ 0.75 * h * tw3

untuk a / h ≤ 2

Is ≥ 1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2

untuk a / h > 2

Momen inersia plat pengaku, Is = 2/3 * hs * ts3 = 96256 mm4

untuk, a / h = 3.436 > 2

Batasan momen inersia pengaku vertikal dihitung sebagai berikut :

0.75 * h * tw3 = - mm4

1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2 = 10151 mm4

Momen inersia minimum = 10151 mm4

Kontrol momen inersia plat pengaku,

Is = 96256 > 10151 AMAN (OK)

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Tegangan leleh baja (yield stress ), fy = 240 MPa

Tegangan sisa (residual stress ), fr = 70 MPa

Modulus elastik baja (modulus of elasticity ), E = 200000 MPa

Angka Poisson (Poisson's ratio ), = 0.3

B. DATA PROFIL BAJAProfil : WF 400.200.8.13

ht = 400 mm

bf = 200 mm

tw = 8 mm

tf = 13 mm

r = 16 mm

A = 8412 mm2

Ix = 237000000 mm4

Iy = 17400000 mm4

rx = 168 mm

ry = 45.4 mm

Sx = 1190000 mm3

Sy = 174000 mm3

Berat : w = 660 N/m




t f







Page 68: Design Note Vts


Panjang elemen x, Lx = 5600 mm

Panjang elemen y ( jarak dukungan lateral ), Ly = 2000 mm

Jarak antara pengaku vertikal pada badan, a = 1750 mm

Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan, ts = 10 mm

Momen maksimum akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 71000000 Nmm

Momen pada 1/4 bentang, MA = 35500000 Nmm

Momen di tengah bentang, MB = 71000000 Nmm

Momen pada 3/4 bentang, MC = 35500000 Nmm

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 71000 N

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk lentur, b = 0.60

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk geser, f = 0.75

D. SECTION PROPERTIESG = E / [ 2 * ( 1 + ) ] = 76923 MPa

h1 = tf + r = 29.00 mm

h2 = ht - 2 * h1 = 342.00 mm

h = ht - tf = 387.00 mm

J = [ b * t3/3 ] = 2 * 1/3 * bf * tf3 + 1/3 * (ht - 2 * tf) * tw

3 = 356762.7 mm4

Iw = Iy * h2 / 4 = 6.515E+11 mm6

X1 = / Sx * √ [ E * G * J * A / 2 ] = 12684.4 MPa

X2 = 4 * [ Sx / (G * J) ]2 * Iw / Iy = 0.0002816 mm2/N2

Zx = tw * ht2 / 4 + ( bf - tw ) * ( ht - tf ) * tf = 1285952.0 mm3

Zy = tf * bf2 / 2 + ( ht - 2 * tf ) * tw

2 / 4 = 265984.0 mm3

G = modulus geser, Zx = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. x,

J = Konstanta puntir torsi, Zy = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. y,

Iw = konstanta putir lengkung, X1 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 1,

h = tinggi bersih badan, X2 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 2,

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Syarat yg harus dipenuhi untuk balok dengan pengaku, maka nilai : a / h ≤ 3.0

a / h = 4.522 > 3.00

tidak berlaku rumus balok dg pengaku

Ketebalan plat badan dengan pengaku vertikal tanpa pengaku memanjang harus meme-

nuhi : h / tw 7.07 * √ ( E / fy )48.375 < 204.09 tebal plat badan memenuhi (OK)

Kontrol lendutan yang terjadi :

Lendutan Ijin :

= L/360 = 15.56 mm

Lendutan yang terjadi : (Output StaadPro)

f = 15,7 mm

f < OK


1.1. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, = bf / tf = 15.385

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 500 / √ fy = 32.275

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 625 / √ fy = 40.344

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 308628480 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 202300000 Nmm

Momen nominal penampang untuk :a. Penampang compact , p

→ Mn = Mp

b. Penampang non-compact , p< r

→ Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p)c. Penampang langsing , >r

→ Mn = Mr * ( r / )2

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan sayap, maka termasuk penampang compact

Page 70: Design Note Vts

Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 308628480 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 308628480 Nmm

1.2. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada badan

Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 48.375

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1680 / √ fy = 108.444

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 2550 / √ fy = 164.602

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan badan, maka termasuk penampang compact

Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 308628480 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 308628480 Nmm


Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 48.375

Untuk penampang yang mempunyai ukuran : h / tw > r

48.375 > 40.344

maka momen nominal komponen struktur, harus dihitung dengan rumus :

Mn = Kg * S * fcr

dengan, Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ]a. Untuk kelangsingan : G ≤  p → fcr = fyb. Untuk kelangsingan : p < G ≤ r

→ fcr = Cb * fy * [ 1 - ( G - p ) / ( 2 * ( r - p ) ) ] ≤ fyc. Untuk kelangsingan : G > r → fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk torsi lateral : → fc = Cb * fy / 2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk lokal : → fc = fy / 2

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32 < 2.3

diambil, Cb = 1.32

Page 71: Design Note Vts

Perbandingan luas plat badan terhadap luas plat sayap,

ar = h * tw / ( bf * tf ) = 1.191

Momen inersia, I1 = Iy / 2 - 1/12 * tw3 * 1/3 * h2 = 8695136 mm4

Luas penampang, A1 = A / 2 - 1/3 * tw * h2 = 3294 mm2

Jari-jari girasi daerah plat sayap ditambah sepertiga bagian plat badan yang mengalami

tekan, r1 = ( I1 / A1 ) = 51 mm

2.1. Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral

Jarak antara pengekang lateral, L = Ly = 2000 mm

Angka kelangsingan, G = L / r1 = 38.927

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1.76 * √ ( E / fy ) = 50.807

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 4.40 * √ ( E / fy ) = 127.017

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk torsi lateral,

fc = Cb * fy / 2 = 157.89 MPa

fc < fy maka diambil, fc = 157.89 MPa

G < p dan G < r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = 240.00 MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = - MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = - MPa

fcr = 240.00 MPa

fcr < fy maka diambil, fcr = 240.00 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 1190000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.089

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 310982774 Nmm

2.2. Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, G = bf / ( 2 * tf ) = 7.69

Faktor kelangsingan plat badan, ke = 4 / ( h / tw ) = 0.575 < 0.763

diambil, ke = 0.575

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 0.38 * √ ( E / fy ) = 10.97

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Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 1.35 * √ ( ke * E / fy ) = 29.55

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk lokal, fc = fy / 2 = 120.00 MPa

G < p dan G < r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = 240.00 MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = - MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = - MPa

Tegangan kritis penampang, fcr = 240.00 MPa

fcr < fy maka diambil, fcr = 240.00 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 1190000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.089

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 310982774 Nmm


Momen nominal komponen struktur dengan pengaruh tekuk lateral, untuk :a. Bentang pendek : L Lp

→ Mn = Mp = fy * Zx

b. Bentang sedang : Lp < L Lr

→ Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] Mp

c. Bentang panjang : L > Lr

→ Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] Mp

Panjang bentang maksimum balok yang mampu menahan momen plastis,

Lp = 1.76 * ry * √ ( E / fy ) = 2307 mm

Tegangan leleh dikurangi tegangan sisa, fL = fy - fr = 170 MPa

Panjang bentang minimum balok yang tahanannya ditentukan oleh momen kritis tekuk

torsi lateral, Lr = ry * X1 / fL * √ [ 1 + √ ( 1 + X2 * fL2 ) ] = 6794 mm

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 308628480 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 202300000 Nmm

Panjang bentang y (jarak dukungan lateral), L = Ly = 2000 mm

L < Lp dan L < Lr

Termasuk kategori : bentang pendek

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Momen nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Mn = Mp = fy * Zx = 308628480 Nmm

Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] = - Nmm

Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] = - Nmm

Momen nominal balok untuk kategori : bentang pendek Mn = 308628480 Nmm

Mn > Mp

Momen nominal yang digunakan, Mn = 308628480 Nmm


a. Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling :

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada sayap, Mn = 308628480 Nmm

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada badan, Mn = 308628480 Nmm

b. Momen nominal balok plat berdinding penuh :

Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral, Mn = 310982774 Nmm

Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pd. sayap, Mn = 310982774 Nmm

c. Momen nominal berdasarkan pengaruh lateral buckling , Mn = 308628480 Nmm

Momen nominal (terkecil) yang menentukan, Mn = 308628480 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur, b * Mn = 185177088 Nmm

Momen akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 71000000 Nmm

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Mu b * Mn

71000000 < 185177088 AMAN (OK)

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.3834 < 1.0 (OK)

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Tahanan geser nominal plat badan dengan pengaku dihitung sebagai berikut :

Untuk nilai, h / tw ≤ 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw

Untuk nilai, 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) ≤ h / tw ≤ 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elasto plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw )Untuk nilai, h / tw > 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elastis :

→ Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2

Luas penampang badan, Aw = tw * ht = 3200 mm2

kn = 5 + 5 / ( a / h )2 = 5.2445

Perbandingan tinggi terhadap tebal badan, h / tw = 48.375

1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 72.720

1.37 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 90.570

h / tw < 1.10* ( kn*E / fy ) dan h / tw < 1.37* ( kn*E / fy ) Tahanan geser plastis

Tahanan geser nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw = 460800 N

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw ) = - N

Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2 = - N

Tahanan geser nominal untuk geser : plastis Vn = 460800 N

Tahanan gaya geser, f * Vn = 345600 N

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 71000 N

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Vu f * Vn

71000 < 345600 AMAN (OK)


Elemen yang memikul kombinasi geser dan lentur harus dilakukan kontrol sbb. :

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk interakasi geser dan lentur :

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) 1.375

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.3834

Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.2054

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.5118

0.5118 < 1.375 AMAN (OK)

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Luas penampang plat pengaku vertikal harus memenuhi,

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan (stiffner ), ts = 10 mm

Tinggi plat pengaku, hs = ht - 2 * tf = 374 mm

Luas penampang plat pengaku, As = hs * ts = 3740 mm2

Untuk sepasang pengaku, D = 1

Cv = 1.5 * kn * E / fy * 1 / ( h /tw )2 = 2.8014

0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ] = 649 mm2

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi :

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]3740 > 649 AMAN (OK)

Pengaku vertikal pada plat badan harus mempunyai momen inersia :

Is ≥ 0.75 * h * tw3

untuk a / h ≤ 2

Is ≥ 1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2

untuk a / h > 2

Momen inersia plat pengaku, Is = 2/3 * hs * ts3 = 249333 mm4

untuk, a / h = 4.522 > 2

Batasan momen inersia pengaku vertikal dihitung sebagai berikut :

0.75 * h * tw3 = - mm4

1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2 = 14535 mm4

Momen inersia minimum = 14535 mm4

Kontrol momen inersia plat pengaku,

Is = 249333 > 14535 AMAN (OK)

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Tegangan leleh baja (yield stress ), fy = 240 MPa

Tegangan sisa (residual stress ), fr = 70 MPa

Modulus elastik baja (modulus of elasticity ), E = 200000 MPa

Angka Poisson (Poisson's ratio ), = 0.3

B. DATA PROFIL BAJAProfil : WF 450.200.9.14

ht = 450 mm

bf = 200 mm

tw = 9 mm

tf = 14 mm

r = 18 mm

A = 9680 mm2

Ix = 336000000 mm4

Iy = 18700000 mm4

rx = 186 mm

ry = 44 mm

Sx = 1490000 mm3

Sy = 187000 mm3

Berat : w = 760 N/m




t f







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C. DATA BALOK (Beam No. 317)

Panjang elemen x, Lx = 6500 mm

Panjang elemen y ( jarak dukungan lateral ), Ly = 6500 mm

Jarak antara pengaku vertikal pada badan, a = 1750 mm

Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan, ts = 10 mm

Momen maksimum akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 78000000 Nmm

Momen pada 1/4 bentang, MA = 39000000 Nmm

Momen di tengah bentang, MB = 78000000 Nmm

Momen pada 3/4 bentang, MC = 39000000 Nmm

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 80480 N

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk lentur, b = 0.60

Faktor reduksi kekuatan untuk geser, f = 0.75

D. SECTION PROPERTIESG = E / [ 2 * ( 1 + ) ] = 76923 MPa

h1 = tf + r = 32.00 mm

h2 = ht - 2 * h1 = 386.00 mm

h = ht - tf = 436.00 mm

J = [ b * t3/3 ] = 2 * 1/3 * bf * tf3 + 1/3 * (ht - 2 * tf) * tw

3 = 468412.7 mm4

Iw = Iy * h2 / 4 = 8.887E+11 mm6

X1 = / Sx * √ [ E * G * J * A / 2 ] = 12452.1 MPa

X2 = 4 * [ Sx / (G * J) ]2 * Iw / Iy = 0.0003251 mm2/N2

Zx = tw * ht2 / 4 + ( bf - tw ) * ( ht - tf ) * tf = 1621489.0 mm3

Zy = tf * bf2 / 2 + ( ht - 2 * tf ) * tw

2 / 4 = 288545.5 mm3

G = modulus geser, Zx = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. x,

J = Konstanta puntir torsi, Zy = modulus penampang plastis thd. sb. y,

Iw = konstanta putir lengkung, X1 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 1,

h = tinggi bersih badan, X2 = koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral - 2,

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Syarat yg harus dipenuhi untuk balok dengan pengaku, maka nilai : a / h ≤ 3.0

a / h = 4.014 > 3.00

tidak berlaku rumus balok dg pengaku

Ketebalan plat badan dengan pengaku vertikal tanpa pengaku memanjang harus meme-

nuhi : h / tw 7.07 * √ ( E / fy )48.444 < 204.09 tebal plat badan memenuhi (OK)

Kontrol lendutan yang terjadi :

Lendutan Ijin :

= L/360 = 18.06 mm

Lendutan yang terjadi : (Output StaadPro)

f = 3,1 mm

f < OK


1.1. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, = bf / tf = 14.286

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 500 / √ fy = 32.275

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 625 / √ fy = 40.344

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 389157360 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 253300000 Nmm

Momen nominal penampang untuk :a. Penampang compact , p

→ Mn = Mp

b. Penampang non-compact , p< r

→ Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p)c. Penampang langsing , >r

→ Mn = Mr * ( r / )2

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan sayap, maka termasuk penampang compact

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Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 389157360 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 389157360 Nmm

1.2. Pengaruh tekuk lokal (local buckling) pada badan

Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 48.444

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1680 / √ fy = 108.444

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 2550 / √ fy = 164.602

< p dan < r

Berdasarkan nilai kelangsingan badan, maka termasuk penampang compact

Momen nominal penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

compact : Mn = Mp = 389157360 Nmm

non-compact : Mn = Mp - (Mp - Mr) * ( - p) / ( r - p) = - Nmm

langsing : Mn = Mr * ( r / )2 = - Nmm

Momen nominal untuk penampang : compact Mn = 389157360 Nmm


Kelangsingan penampang badan, = h / tw = 48.444

Untuk penampang yang mempunyai ukuran : h / tw > r

48.444 > 40.344

maka momen nominal komponen struktur, harus dihitung dengan rumus :

Mn = Kg * S * fcr

dengan, Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ]a. Untuk kelangsingan : G ≤  p → fcr = fyb. Untuk kelangsingan : p < G ≤ r

→ fcr = Cb * fy * [ 1 - ( G - p ) / ( 2 * ( r - p ) ) ] ≤ fyc. Untuk kelangsingan : G > r → fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk torsi lateral : → fc = Cb * fy / 2 ≤ fyUntuk tekuk lokal : → fc = fy / 2

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32 < 2.3

diambil, Cb = 1.32

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Perbandingan luas plat badan terhadap luas plat sayap,

ar = h * tw / ( bf * tf ) = 1.401

Momen inersia, I1 = Iy / 2 - 1/12 * tw3 * 1/3 * h2 = 9342184 mm4

Luas penampang, A1 = A / 2 - 1/3 * tw * h2 = 3682 mm2

Jari-jari girasi daerah plat sayap ditambah sepertiga bagian plat badan yang mengalami

tekan, r1 = ( I1 / A1 ) = 50 mm

2.1. Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral

Jarak antara pengekang lateral, L = Ly = 6500 mm

Angka kelangsingan, G = L / r1 = 129.042

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 1.76 * √ ( E / fy ) = 50.807

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 4.40 * √ ( E / fy ) = 127.017

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk torsi lateral,

fc = Cb * fy / 2 = 157.89 MPa

fc < fy maka diambil, fc = 157.89 MPa

G > p dan G > r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = - MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = - MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = 152.98 MPa

fcr = 152.98 MPa

fcr < fy maka diambil, fcr = 152.98 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 1490000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.136

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 259030310 Nmm

2.2. Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pada sayap

Kelangsingan penampang sayap, G = bf / ( 2 * tf ) = 7.14

Faktor kelangsingan plat badan, ke = 4 / ( h / tw ) = 0.575 < 0.763

diambil, ke = 0.575

Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang compact ,

p = 0.38 * √ ( E / fy ) = 10.97

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Batas kelangsingan maksimum untuk penampang non-compact ,

r = 1.35 * √ ( ke * E / fy ) = 29.54

Tegangan acuan untuk momen kritis tekuk lokal, fc = fy / 2 = 120.00 MPa

G < p dan G < r

Tegangan kritis penampang dihitung sebagai berikut :

G ≤  p fcr = fy = 240.00 MPa

p ≤  G≤ r fcr = Cb* fy* [ 1 - ( G - p) / ( 2*( r - p) ) ] = - MPa

G > r fcr = fc * ( r / G )2 = - MPa

Tegangan kritis penampang, fcr = 240.00 MPa

fcr < fy maka diambil, fcr = 240.00 MPa

Modulus penampang elastis, S = Sx = 1490000 mm3

Koefisien balok plat berdinding penuh,

Kg = 1 - [ ar / (1200 + 300 * ar) ] * [ h / tw - 2550 / fcr ] = 1.100

Momen nominal penampang, Mn = Kg * S * fcr = 393524048 Nmm


Momen nominal komponen struktur dengan pengaruh tekuk lateral, untuk :a. Bentang pendek : L Lp

→ Mn = Mp = fy * Zx

b. Bentang sedang : Lp < L Lr

→ Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] Mp

c. Bentang panjang : L > Lr

→ Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] Mp

Panjang bentang maksimum balok yang mampu menahan momen plastis,

Lp = 1.76 * ry * √ ( E / fy ) = 2236 mm

Tegangan leleh dikurangi tegangan sisa, fL = fy - fr = 170 MPa

Panjang bentang minimum balok yang tahanannya ditentukan oleh momen kritis tekuk

torsi lateral, Lr = ry * X1 / fL * √ [ 1 + √ ( 1 + X2 * fL2 ) ] = 6624 mm

Koefisien momen tekuk torsi lateral,

Cb = 12.5 * Mu / ( 2.5*Mu + 3*MA + 4*MB + 3*MC ) = 1.32

Momen plastis, Mp = fy * Zx = 389157360 Nmm

Momen batas tekuk, Mr = Sx * ( fy - fr ) = 253300000 Nmm

Panjang bentang y (jarak dukungan lateral), L = Ly = 6500 mm

L > Lp dan L < Lr

Termasuk kategori : bentang sedang

Page 82: Design Note Vts

Momen nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Mn = Mp = fy * Zx = - Nmm

Mn = Cb * [ Mr + ( Mp - Mr ) * ( Lr - L ) / ( Lr - Lp ) ] = 338335462 Nmm

Mn = Cb * / L*√ [ E * Iy * G * J + ( * E / L )2 * Iy * Iw ] = - Nmm

Momen nominal balok untuk kategori : bentang sedang Mn = 338335462 Nmm

Mn < Mp

Momen nominal yang digunakan, Mn = 338335462.2 Nmm


a. Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling :

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada sayap, Mn = 389157360 Nmm

Momen nominal pengaruh local buckling pada badan, Mn = 389157360 Nmm

b. Momen nominal balok plat berdinding penuh :

Momen nominal berdasarkan tekuk torsi lateral, Mn = 259030310 Nmm

Momen nominal berdasarkan local buckling pd. sayap, Mn = 393524048 Nmm

c. Momen nominal berdasarkan pengaruh lateral buckling , Mn = 338335462 Nmm

Momen nominal (terkecil) yang menentukan, Mn = 259030310 Nmm

Tahanan momen lentur, b * Mn = 155418186 Nmm

Momen akibat beban terfaktor, Mu = 78000000 Nmm

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Mu b * Mn

78000000 < 155418186 AMAN (OK)

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.5019 < 1.0 (OK)

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Tahanan geser nominal plat badan dengan pengaku dihitung sebagai berikut :

Untuk nilai, h / tw ≤ 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw

Untuk nilai, 1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) ≤ h / tw ≤ 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elasto plastis :

→ Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw )Untuk nilai, h / tw > 1.37 * ( kn * E / fy )

Tahanan geser elastis :

→ Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2

Luas penampang badan, Aw = tw * ht = 4050 mm2

kn = 5 + 5 / ( a / h )2 = 5.3104

Perbandingan tinggi terhadap tebal badan, h / tw = 48.444

1.10 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 73.175

1.37 * ( kn * E / fy ) = 91.136

h / tw < 1.10* ( kn*E / fy ) dan h / tw < 1.37* ( kn*E / fy ) Tahanan geser plastis

Tahanan geser nominal dihitung sebagai berikut :

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw = 583200 N

Vn = 0.60 * fy * Aw * [ 1.10* ( kn * E / fy ) ] / ( h / tw ) = - N

Vn = 0.90 * Aw * kn * E / ( h / tw )2 = - N

Tahanan geser nominal untuk geser : plastis Vn = 583200 N

Tahanan gaya geser, f * Vn = 437400 N

Gaya geser akibat beban terfaktor, Vu = 80480 N

Syarat yg harus dipenuhi : Vu f * Vn

80480 < 437400 AMAN (OK)


Elemen yang memikul kombinasi geser dan lentur harus dilakukan kontrol sbb. :

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi untuk interakasi geser dan lentur :

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) 1.375

Mu / ( b * Mn ) = 0.5019

Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.1840

Mu / ( b * Mn ) + 0.625 * Vu / ( f * Vn ) = 0.6169

0.6169 < 1.375 AMAN (OK)

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Luas penampang plat pengaku vertikal harus memenuhi,

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]Tebal plat pengaku vertikal pada badan (stiffner ), ts = 10 mm

Tinggi plat pengaku, hs = ht - 2 * tf = 422 mm

Luas penampang plat pengaku, As = hs * ts = 4220 mm2

Untuk sepasang pengaku, D = 1

Cv = 1.5 * kn * E / fy * 1 / ( h /tw )2 = 2.8284

0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ] = 923 mm2

Syarat yang harus dipenuhi :

As ≥ 0.5 * D * Aw * (1 + Cv) * [ a / h - (a / h)2 / (1 + (a / h)2 ) ]4220 > 923 AMAN (OK)

Pengaku vertikal pada plat badan harus mempunyai momen inersia :

Is ≥ 0.75 * h * tw3

untuk a / h ≤ 2

Is ≥ 1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2

untuk a / h > 2

Momen inersia plat pengaku, Is = 2/3 * hs * ts3 = 281333 mm4

untuk, a / h = 4.014 > 2

Batasan momen inersia pengaku vertikal dihitung sebagai berikut :

0.75 * h * tw3 = - mm4

1.5 * h3 * tw3 / a2 = 29594 mm4

Momen inersia minimum = 29594 mm4

Kontrol momen inersia plat pengaku,

Is = 281333 > 29594 AMAN (OK)

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Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 30 MPa

Tegangan leleh baja untuk tulangan lentur, fy = 240 MPa


Panjang bentang plat arah x, Lx = 1.90 m

Panjang bentang plat arah y, Ly = 4.00 m

Tebal plat lantai, h = 120 mm

Koefisien momen plat untuk : Ly / Lx = 2.11 KOEFISIEN MOMEN PLAT

Lapangan x Clx = 41

Lapangan y Cly = 11

Tumpuan x Ctx = 83

Tumpuan y Cty = 57

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, = 10 mm

Tebal bersih selimut beton, ts = 15 mm



No Jenis Beban Mati Berat satuan Tebal (m) Q (kN/m2)

1 Berat sendiri plat lantai (kN/m3) 24.0 0.12 2.880

2 Berat finishing lantai (kN/m3) 22.0 0.03 0.660

3 Berat plafon dan rangka (kN/m2) 0.2 - 0.200

4 Berat instalasi ME (kN/m2) 0.1 - 0.100

Total beban mati, QD = 3.840


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Beban hidup pada lantai bangunan = 250 kg/m2

QL = 2.500 kN/m2


Beban rencana terfaktor, Qu = 1.2 * QD + 1.6 * QL = 8.608 kN/m2


Momen lapangan arah x, Mulx = Clx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 1.274 kNm/m

Momen lapangan arah y, Muly = Cly * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 0.342 kNm/m

Momen tumpuan arah x, Mutx = Ctx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 2.579 kNm/m

Momen tumpuan arah y, Muty = Cty * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 1.771 kNm/m

Momen rencana (maksimum) plat, Mu = 2.579 kNm/m


Untuk : fc' ≤ 30 MPa, 1 = 0.85

Untuk : fc' > 30 MPa, 1 = 0.85 - 0.05 * ( fc' - 30) / 7 = -

Faktor bentuk distribusi tegangan beton, 1 = 0.85

Rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance ,

b = 1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0645

Faktor tahanan momen maksimum,

Rmax = 0.75 * b * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * b * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 8.9676

Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, = 0.80

Jarak tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, ds = ts + / 2 = 20.0 mm

Tebal efektif plat lantai, d = h - ds = 100.0 mm

Ditinjau plat lantai selebar 1 m, b = 1000 mm

Momen nominal rencana, Mn = Mu / = 3.224 kNm

Faktor tahanan momen, Rn = Mn * 10-6 / ( b * d2 ) = 0.32240

Rn < Rmax (OK)

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan :

= 0.85 * fc' / fy * [ 1 - [ 1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc' ) ] = 0.0014

Page 88: Design Note Vts

Rasio tulangan minimum, min = 0.0025

Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, = 0.0025

Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = b * d = 250 mm2

Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * 2 * b / As = 314 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 2 * h = 240 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak sengkang yang harus digunakan, s = 100 mm

Diambil jarak sengkang : s = 100 mm

Digunakan tulangan, 10 - 100Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * 2 * b / s = 785 mm2




Modulus elastis beton, Ec = 4700*√ fc' = 25743 MPa

Modulus elastis baja tulangan, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Beban merata (tak terfaktor) padaplat, Q = QD + QL = 6.340 N/mm

Panjang bentang plat, Lx = 1900 mm

Batas lendutan maksimum yang diijinkan, Lx / 240 = 7.917 mm

Momen inersia brutto penampang plat, Ig = 1/12 * b * h3 = 144000000 mm3

Modulus keruntuhan lentur beton, fr = 0.7 * √ fc' = 3.833994001 MPa

Nilai perbandingan modulus elastis, n = Es / Ec = 7.77

Jarak garis netral terhadap sisi atas beton, c = n * As / b = 6.102 mm

Momen inersia penampang retak yang ditransformasikan ke beton dihitung sbb. :

Icr = 1/3 * b * c3 + n * As * ( d - c )2 = 53875671 mm4

yt = h / 2 = 60 mm

Momen retak : Mcr = fr * Ig / yt = 9201586 Nmm

Momen maksimum akibat beban (tanpa faktor beban) :

Ma = 1 / 8 * Q * Lx2 = 2860925 Nmm

Inersia efektif untuk perhitungan lendutan,

Ie = ( Mcr / Ma )3 * Ig + [ 1 - ( Mcr / Ma )

3 ] * Icr = 3052421125 mm4

Lendutan elastis seketika akibat beban mati dan beban hidup :

e = 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0.014 mm

Jika memakai bondek dengan tebal 0,9 mm maka luas penampang bondek per b=1000 mm adalah 1000 x 0,9 = 900 mm2 > 785 mm2 ==> OK

Hanya perlu tulangan atas pada daerah tumpuan ==> Wiremesh M8

Page 89: Design Note Vts

Rasio tulangan slab lantai : = As / ( b * d ) = 0.0079

Faktor ketergantungan waktu untuk beban mati (jangka waktu > 5 tahun), nilai :


= / ( 1 + 50 * ) = 1.4361

Lendutan jangka panjang akibat rangkak dan susut :

g = * 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0.020 mm

Lendutan total, tot = e + g = 0.033 mm

Syarat : tot ≤ Lx / 240

0.033 < 7.917 AMAN (OK)

Page 90: Design Note Vts
Page 91: Design Note Vts


Kuat tekan beton, fc' = 30 MPa

Tegangan leleh baja untuk tulangan lentur, fy = 240 MPa


Panjang bentang plat arah x, Lx = 1.90 m

Panjang bentang plat arah y, Ly = 4.00 m

Tebal plat lantai, h = 120 mm

Koefisien momen plat untuk : Ly / Lx = 2.11 KOEFISIEN MOMEN PLAT

Lapangan x Clx = 41

Lapangan y Cly = 11

Tumpuan x Ctx = 83

Tumpuan y Cty = 57

Diameter tulangan yang digunakan, = 13 mm

Tebal bersih selimut beton, ts = 15 mm



No Jenis Beban Mati Berat satuan Tebal (m) Q (kN/m2)

1 Berat sendiri plat lantai (kN/m3) 24.0 0.12 2.880

2 Berat finishing lantai (kN/m3) 22.0 0.03 0.660

3 Berat plafon dan rangka (kN/m2) 0.2 - 0.200

4 Berat instalasi ME (kN/m2) 0.1 - 0.100

Total beban mati, QD = 3.840


Page 92: Design Note Vts


Beban hidup pada lantai bangunan = 1500 kg/m2

QL = 15.000 kN/m2


Beban rencana terfaktor, Qu = 1.2 * QD + 1.6 * QL = 28.608 kN/m2


Momen lapangan arah x, Mulx = Clx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 4.234 kNm/m

Momen lapangan arah y, Muly = Cly * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 1.136 kNm/m

Momen tumpuan arah x, Mutx = Ctx * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 8.572 kNm/m

Momen tumpuan arah y, Muty = Cty * 0.001 * Qu * Lx2 = 5.887 kNm/m

Momen rencana (maksimum) plat, Mu = 8.572 kNm/m


Untuk : fc' ≤ 30 MPa, 1 = 0.85

Untuk : fc' > 30 MPa, 1 = 0.85 - 0.05 * ( fc' - 30) / 7 = -

Faktor bentuk distribusi tegangan beton, 1 = 0.85

Rasio tulangan pada kondisi balance ,

b = 1* 0.85 * fc'/ fy * 600 / ( 600 + fy ) = 0.0645

Faktor tahanan momen maksimum,

Rmax = 0.75 * b * fy * [ 1 – ½* 0.75 * b * fy / ( 0.85 * fc') ] = 8.9676

Faktor reduksi kekuatan lentur, = 0.80

Jarak tulangan terhadap sisi luar beton, ds = ts + / 2 = 21.5 mm

Tebal efektif plat lantai, d = h - ds = 98.5 mm

Ditinjau plat lantai selebar 1 m, b = 1000 mm

Momen nominal rencana, Mn = Mu / = 10.715 kNm

Faktor tahanan momen, Rn = Mn * 10-6 / ( b * d2 ) = 1.10436

Rn < Rmax (OK)

Rasio tulangan yang diperlukan :

= 0.85 * fc' / fy * [ 1 - [ 1 – 2 * Rn / ( 0.85 * fc' ) ] = 0.0047

Page 93: Design Note Vts

Rasio tulangan minimum, min = 0.0025

Rasio tulangan yang digunakan, = 0.0047

Luas tulangan yang diperlukan, As = b * d = 464 mm2

Jarak tulangan yang diperlukan, s = / 4 * 2 * b / As = 286 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 2 * h = 240 mm

Jarak tulangan maksimum, smax = 200 mm

Jarak sengkang yang harus digunakan, s = 100 mm

Diambil jarak sengkang : s = 100 mm

Digunakan tulangan, 13 - 100Luas tulangan terpakai, As = / 4 * 2 * b / s = 1327 mm2




Modulus elastis beton, Ec = 4700*√ fc' = 25743 MPa

Modulus elastis baja tulangan, Es = 2.00E+05 MPa

Beban merata (tak terfaktor) padaplat, Q = QD + QL = 18.840 N/mm

Panjang bentang plat, Lx = 1900 mm

Batas lendutan maksimum yang diijinkan, Lx / 240 = 7.917 mm

Momen inersia brutto penampang plat, Ig = 1/12 * b * h3 = 144000000 mm3

Modulus keruntuhan lentur beton, fr = 0.7 * √ fc' = 3.833994001 MPa

Nilai perbandingan modulus elastis, n = Es / Ec = 7.77

Jarak garis netral terhadap sisi atas beton, c = n * As / b = 10.312 mm

Momen inersia penampang retak yang ditransformasikan ke beton dihitung sbb. :

Icr = 1/3 * b * c3 + n * As * ( d - c )2 = 80565003 mm4

yt = h / 2 = 60 mm

Momen retak : Mcr = fr * Ig / yt = 9201586 Nmm

Momen maksimum akibat beban (tanpa faktor beban) :

Ma = 1 / 8 * Q * Lx2 = 8501550 Nmm

Inersia efektif untuk perhitungan lendutan,

Ie = ( Mcr / Ma )3 * Ig + [ 1 - ( Mcr / Ma )

3 ] * Icr = 160995841 mm4

Lendutan elastis seketika akibat beban mati dan beban hidup :

e = 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0.771 mm

Jika memakai bondek dengan tebal 0,9 mm maka luas penampang bondek per b=1000 mm adalah 1000 x 0,9 = 900 mm2 < 1327 mm2 ==> Not OK

Dipakai tulangan lapangan D13-100

Page 94: Design Note Vts

Rasio tulangan slab lantai : = As / ( b * d ) = 0.0135

Faktor ketergantungan waktu untuk beban mati (jangka waktu > 5 tahun), nilai :


= / ( 1 + 50 * ) = 1.1949

Lendutan jangka panjang akibat rangkak dan susut :

g = * 5 / 384 * Q * Lx4 / ( Ec * Ie ) = 0.922 mm

Lendutan total, tot = e + g = 1.693 mm

Syarat : tot ≤ Lx / 240

1.693 < 7.917 AMAN (OK)

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FENERBAHCE Job: Sambungan Kolom VTS

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Limcon V3.55.090511 [1907] D:\Kimpraswil\2015\Palembang\Data\Limcon\Splice Kolom .lmc


45 4590 9090 9090 90

8070 7070 70




CONNECTION: Column_Splice_Tengah - Bolted SpliceGap between ends 5Flange plates: 300x15x700 Gr.A36Bolts: 32-7/8" A325ST/N in 4 lines at 80/80 gauge

Bolts: 18-7/8" A325ST/NWeb plates: 2 x 440x16x220 Gr.A36

Text Box
Pada Web : Ukuran plat 440x220x15 mm (2 buah) Baut D7/8" (24 mm) = 18 buah mutu A325
Text Box
Pada Sayap : Ukuran plat 700x300x15 mm (2 buah) Baut D7/8" (24 mm) = 32 buah mutu A325
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Limcon V3.55.090511 [1907] D:\Kimpraswil\2015\Palembang\Data\Limcon\Splice Kolom .lmc

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08:40:34 AM

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SheetJob Number

Job Title


Calcs by Checked by Date

Software Consultants (Pty) LtdInternet: http://www.prokon.comE-Mail : [email protected]

S12Beam - Column Connection - Ver W2.5.03 - 21 Oct 2010

Title : Sambungan Kolom HB300 to Balok WF300Code : AISC - 1989Created : 8/15/2015 7:56:39 AM

Notes and Assumptions

1 All bolt holes are assumed to be normal clearance holes.2 All bolts are assumed to have threads in their shear planes.3 It is assumed that the connection is deep enough for the flanges

to resist the compressive and tensile forces in them.4 It is assumed that compressive forces in flanges and stiffeners

are conveyed through welds and not through bearing.5 Axial force in the column is not considered in the design.


Summary of Forces and Capacities for Design to SABS 0162 - 1993

Check Member Type LC Applied Capacity Units % of Cap. ?

1 Weld Flange C 154.9 383.5 kN 40.4 O.K.

2 Weld Web C 70 1277.9 kN 5.5 O.K.

3 Column Web Tension Yielding C 144.9 996.7 kN 14.5 O.K.

4 Column Web Compression Crippling C 154.9 766.3 kN 20.2 O.K.

5 Column Web Compression Buckling C 154.9 8442.5 kN 1.8 O.K.

6 Column Web Shear C 154.9 641.5 kN 24.2 O.K.

7 Bolts & Flange Tension & Bending C 77.8 141.9 kN 54.8 O.K.

8 Column Flange Bearing C 7 390.7 kN 1.8 O.K.

9 Bolts & End Plate Tension & Bending C 77.8 132.8 kN 58.5 O.K.

10 End Plate Bearing C 7 325.6 kN 2.1 O.K.

11 Bolts Shear C 7 42.6 kN 16.4 O.K.

12 Bolts Shear & Tension C 0.7 1.4 kN 50.9 O.K.

13 Bolts Slip N/A N/A N/A kN N/A N/A


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General Settings

Bolt Tension Analysis

Bolt Type

Bolt Grade

Member Ultimate Strength

Member Yield Strength

Weld Ultimate Strength







Connection Type



Column Extent Above(mm)

Beam Angle

Haunch Depth (mm)

Haunch Length (mm)

Flush End Plate

300x300x119 H1

300x150x36 I1





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Software Consultants (Pty) LtdInternet: http://www.prokon.comE-Mail : [email protected]

Ultimate Limit State Loads in BeamSLS Factor

Load Case Shear Axial Moment

C 70 10 74 2

End Plate

Width (mm)Extent Above Beam Flange (mm)

Extent Below Haunch (mm)Thickness (mm)


Column Stiffeners

Width (mm)

Top Stiffener Thickness (mm)Bottom Stiffener Thickness (mm)

Shear Stiffener Thickness (mm)Shear Stiffener Orientation

Web PlatesLayout

Thickness (mm)

Top Backing Plate Thickness (mm)Bottom Backing Plate Thickness (mm)

Bolts Diameter (mm)

Rows of Bolts

Above Top Flange

Below Top Flange

Above Haunch

Below Haunch

Row Spacing (mm)

Bolt Offsets

Web (mm)

Flange (mm)

Above Haunch (mm)


Beam & Haunch Flanges

Beam Web (mm)

Top Stiffener (mm)

Bottom Stiffener (mm)

Shear Stiffener (mm)





























Capacity of the Stiffeners

The capacity of the applicable stiffener is the lesser of the

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capacity of the plate and the capacity of the stiffener welds.

Top Stiffener : Weld

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 13.13.1

=Vr0.67 w Aw fuw


. . .

=0.67 0.67 0 480

1000× × ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Table 3 (a)

=Vr0.67 Am fy


. . .

=0.67 0.9 0 240

1000× × ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Table 3 (b)

Top Stiffener : Tension

=Ts0.9 2 t b fy


. . . .

=0.9 2 12 175 240

1000× × × ×

= 907.200 kN

Top Stiffener : Compression

=Cs0.9 2 t b fy


. . . .

=0.9 2 12 175 240

1000× × × ×

= 907.200 kN

Bottom Stiffener : Weld

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 13.13.1

=Vr0.67 w Aw fuw


. . .

=0.67 0.67 0 480

1000× × ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Table 3 (a)

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=Vr0.67 Am fy


. . .

=0.67 0.9 0 240

1000× × ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Table 3 (b)

Bottom Stiffener : Tension

=Ts0.9 2 t b fy


. . . .

=0.9 2 12 175 240

1000× × × ×

= 907.200 kN

Bottom Stiffener : Compression

=Cs0.9 2 t b fy


. . . .

=0.9 2 12 175 240

1000× × × ×

= 907.200 kN

Check 1 : Capacity of the Beam Flange Welds

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fmax =154.949 kN

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 13.13.1

=Vr0.67 w Aw fuw


. . .

=0.67 0.67 1 873.833 480

1000× × ×

= 403.759 kN

Table 3 (a)

=Vr0.67 Am fy


. . .

=0.67 0.9 2650 240

1000× × ×

= 383.508 kN

Table 3 (b)

Beam Flange Weld is safe

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Check 2 : Capacity of the Beam Web Welds

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fmax =70 kN

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 13.13.1

=Vr0.67 w Aw fuw


. . .

=0.67 0.67 6 243.753 480

1000× × ×

= 1 345.354 kN

Table 3 (a)

=Vr0.67 Am fy


. . .

=0.67 0.9 8830 240

1000× × ×

= 1 277.878 kN

Table 3 (b)

Beam Web Weld is safe

Check 3 : Capacity of the Column web in tension

Opposite Top flange of the beam :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Tmax =144.949 kN

The Capacity of the web is :

=Tr0.9 tw leff fy


. . .

=0.9 15 307.637 240

1000× × ×

= 996.744 kN

But due to the stiffeners the resistance is :

=Teff Tr Ts +

= 996.744 0 +

= 996.744 kN


No tensile forces in the beam bottom flange

Column web is safe in tension

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Check 4 : Crippling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the beam top flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Cmax =154.949 kN

The Capacity of the web is :

=Cr0.9 tw leff fy


. . .

=0.9 15 236.5 240

1000× × ×

= 766.260 kN

But due to the stiffeners the resistance is :

=Ceff Cr Cs +

= 766.260 0 +

= 766.260 kN


Column web is safe in compression for crippling

Check 5 : Buckling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the top beam flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Bmax =154.949 kN

The Capacity of the web is :

=Br0.9 640000 twc leff




. . .

=0.9 640000 15 201.5



× × ×

= 7 535.319 kN

But due to the stiffeners the resistance is :

=Beff Br0.9 2 t b fy


. . . . +

= 7 535.3190.9 2 12 175 240

1000× × × ×


= 8 442.519 kN


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Column web is safe in compression for buckling

Check 6 : Shear Capacity of the Column Web

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Vmax =154.949 kN

=Vr0.9 0.66 fy tw h


. . . .

=0.9 0.66 240 15 300

1000× × × ×

= 641.520 kN

Column web shear is safe

Check 7 : Bolt tension and Column Flange Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the flange

=R14 Mpl 2 Mbp


. . + .

=4 1.80209 2 0


× × +×

= 349.920 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the flange

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 1.80209 1000 25.75 2 70.953

20.6 25.75× × × × +


= 156.597 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 70.953×

= 141.906 kN

Therefore R = R3 = 141.906

Fmax = 77.762 kN

Bolt tension and Column Flange bending is safe

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Check 8 : Bearing on the Column Flange

The Bearing Capacity of the flange at any Bolt is the lesser of :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Bmax =7 kN

=Br3 t d fu


. . . .

=3 0.67 18 24 450

1000× × × ×

= 390.744 kN


Column flange bearing is safe

Check 9 : Bolt tension and End Plate Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the End Plate

=R14 Mpl



=4 1.64025



= 243.000 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the End Plate

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 1.64025 1000 33.75 2 70.953

27 33.75× × × × +


= 132.837 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 70.953×

= 141.906 kN

Therefore R = R2 = 132.837

Fmax = 77.762 kN

Bolt tension and End Plate bending is safe

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Check 10 : Bearing on the End Plate

The Bearing Capacity of the Plate at any Bolt is :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Bmax =7 kN

=Br3 t d fu


. . . .

=3 0.67 15 24 450

1000× × × ×

= 325.620 kN


End plate bearing is safe

Check 11 : Shear Capacity of the Bolts

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Vmax =7 kN

The resistance of any bolt is :

=Vr0.60 b m Ab fu


. . . .

=0.60 0.67 1 353 300

1000× × × ×

= 42.572 kN


Bolt shear is safe

Check 12 : Shear and Tension Capacity of the Bolts

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C




Tr +




= 0.7124

The factor must be less than or equal to 1.4 : 13.11.4

Bolt shear and tension is safe

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Bolt Forces

38.88 kN

30.82 kN

22.76 kN

3.23 kN

11.29 kN

Shear force per bolt : 7 kN

Bolt Forces for Load Case : C

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Calcs by Checked by Date

Software Consultants (Pty) LtdInternet: http://www.prokon.comE-Mail : [email protected]

S12Beam - Column Connection - Ver W2.5.03 - 21 Oct 2010

Title : Sambungan Kolom HB300 to Balok WF400Code : AISC - 1989 ASDCreated : 8/15/2015 8:10:14 AM

Notes and Assumptions

1 All bolt holes are assumed to be normal clearance holes.2 All bolts are assumed to have threads in their shear planes.3 It is assumed that the connection is deep enough for the flanges

to resist the compressive and tensile forces in them.4 It is assumed that compressive forces in flanges and stiffeners

are conveyed through welds and not through bearing.5 Axial force in the column is not considered in the design.


Summary of Forces and Capacities for Design to AISC - 1989 ASD

Check Member Type LC Applied Capacity Units % of Cap. ?

1 Weld Flange C 187.2 0 kN Fail

2 Weld Web C 90 1484.8 kN 0 O.K.

3 Column Web Tension Yielding C 167.2 0 kN Fail

4 Column Web Compression Crippling C 187.2 0 kN Fail

5 Column Web Compression Buckling C 187.2 0 kN Fail

6 Column Web Shear C 167.2 0 kN Fail

7 Bolts & Flange Tension & Bending C 76.3 0 kN Fail

8 Column Flange Bearing C 7.5 390.7 kN 0 O.K.

9 Bolts & End Plate Tension & Bending C 76.3 0 kN Fail

10 End Plate Bearing C 7.5 325.6 kN 0 O.K.

11 Bolts Shear C 7.5 0 kN Fail

12 Bolts Shear & Tension C 7.5 0 kN Fail

13 Bolts Slip N/A N/A N/A kN N/A N/A


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General Settings

Bolt Tension Analysis

Bolt Type

Bolt Grade

Member Ultimate Strength

Member Yield Strength

Weld Ultimate Strength







Connection Type



Column Extent Above(mm)

Beam Angle

Haunch Depth (mm)

Haunch Length (mm)

Flush End Plate

300x300x119 H1

400x200x66 I1





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Ultimate Limit State Loads in BeamSLS Factor

Load Case Shear Axial Moment

C 90 20 104 2

End Plate

Width (mm)Extent Above Beam Flange (mm)

Extent Below Haunch (mm)Thickness (mm)


Column Stiffeners

Width (mm)

Top Stiffener Thickness (mm)Bottom Stiffener Thickness (mm)

Shear Stiffener Thickness (mm)Shear Stiffener Orientation

Web PlatesLayout

Thickness (mm)

Top Backing Plate Thickness (mm)Bottom Backing Plate Thickness (mm)

Bolts Diameter (mm)

Rows of Bolts

Above Top Flange

Below Top Flange

Above Haunch

Below Haunch

Row Spacing (mm)

Bolt Offsets

Web (mm)

Flange (mm)

Above Haunch (mm)


Beam & Haunch Flanges

Beam Web (mm)

Top Stiffener (mm)

Bottom Stiffener (mm)

Shear Stiffener (mm)





























Capacity of the Stiffeners

The capacity of the applicable stiffener is the lesser of the

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capacity of the plate and the capacity of the stiffener welds.

Check 1 : Capacity of the Beam Flange Welds

Beam Flange Weld failure

Check 2 : Capacity of the Beam Web Welds

Beam Web Weld is safe

Check 3 : Capacity of the Column web in tension

Opposite Top flange of the beam :

No tensile forces in the beam bottom flange

Column web tension failure

Check 4 : Crippling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the beam top flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

Column web compression crippling failure

Check 5 : Buckling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the top beam flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

Column web compression buckling failure

Check 6 : Shear Capacity of the Column Web

Column web shear failure

Check 7 : Bolt tension and Column Flange Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

Fmax = 76.268 kN

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The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the flange

=R14 Mpl 2 Mbp


. . + .

=4 2.67689 2 0


× × +×

= 349.920 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the flange

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 2.67689 1000 38.25 2 0

30.6 38.25× × × × +


= 77.760 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 0×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Therefore R = R3 = 0

Bolt tension or Column flange bending failure

Check 8 : Bearing on the Column Flange

Column flange bearing is safe

Check 9 : Bolt tension and End Plate Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

Fmax = 76.268 kN

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The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the End Plate

=R14 Mpl



=4 2.24775



= 243.000 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the End Plate

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 2.24775 1000 46.25 2 0

37 46.25× × × × +


= 54.000 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 0×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Therefore R = R3 = 0

Bolt tension or End Plate bending failure

Check 10 : Bearing on the End Plate

End plate bearing is safe

Check 11 : Shear Capacity of the Bolts

Bolt shear failure

Check 12 : Shear and Tension Capacity of the Bolts

Bolt shear and tension failure

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Bolt Forces

38.13 kN

31.53 kN

24.93 kN

18.33 kN

1.17 kN

7.77 kN

Shear force per bolt : 7.5 kN

Bolt Forces for Load Case : C

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S12Beam - Column Connection - Ver W2.5.03 - 21 Oct 2010

Title : Sambungan HB300 to WF450Code : AISCCreated : 8/15/2015 8:27:53 AM

Notes and Assumptions

1 All bolt holes are assumed to be normal clearance holes.2 All bolts are assumed to have threads in their shear planes.3 It is assumed that the connection is deep enough for the flanges

to resist the compressive and tensile forces in them.4 It is assumed that compressive forces in flanges and stiffeners

are conveyed through welds and not through bearing.5 Axial force in the column is not considered in the design.5 HSFG bolts are designed for non-slip under factored loads.


Summary of Forces and Capacities for Design to BS5950 - 2000

Check Member Type LC Applied Capacity Units % of Cap. ?

1 Weld Flange C 161.6 602.5 kN 26.8 O.K.

2 Weld Web C 90 2049.7 kN 4.4 O.K.

3 Column Web Tension Yielding C 141.6 1762.2 kN 8 O.K.

4 Column Web Compression Crippling C 161.6 806.4 kN 20 O.K.

5 Column Web Compression Buckling C 161.6 1818 kN 8.9 O.K.

6 Column Web Shear C 161.6 648 kN 24.9 O.K.

7 Bolts & Flange Tension & Bending C 61.8 127.1 kN 48.6 O.K.

8 Column Flange Bearing C 7.5 145.2 kN 5.2 O.K.

9 Bolts & End Plate Tension & Bending C 52.1 101.4 kN 51.3 O.K.

10 End Plate Bearing C 7.5 121 kN 6.2 O.K.

11 Bolts Shear C 7.5 42.4 kN 17.7 O.K.

12 Bolts Shear & Tension C 0.7 1.4 kN 47.4 O.K.

13 Bolts Slip N/A N/A N/A kN N/A N/A


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General Settings

Bolt Tension Analysis

Bolt Type

Bolt Grade

Member Ultimate Strength

Member Yield Strength

Weld Ultimate Strength







Connection Type



Column Extent Above(mm)

Beam Angle

Haunch Depth (mm)

Haunch Length (mm)

Flush End Plate

300x300x119 H1

450x200x97 I1





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Software Consultants (Pty) LtdInternet: http://www.prokon.comE-Mail : [email protected]

Ultimate Limit State Loads in BeamSLS Factor

Load Case Shear Axial Moment

C 90 20 104 2

End Plate

Width (mm)Extent Above Beam Flange (mm)

Extent Below Haunch (mm)Thickness (mm)


Column Stiffeners

Width (mm)

Top Stiffener Thickness (mm)Bottom Stiffener Thickness (mm)

Shear Stiffener Thickness (mm)Shear Stiffener Orientation

Web PlatesLayout

Thickness (mm)

Top Backing Plate Thickness (mm)Bottom Backing Plate Thickness (mm)

Bolts Diameter (mm)

Rows of Bolts

Above Top Flange

Below Top Flange

Above Haunch

Below Haunch

Row Spacing (mm)

Bolt Offsets

Web (mm)

Flange (mm)

Above Haunch (mm)


Beam & Haunch Flanges

Beam Web (mm)

Top Stiffener (mm)

Bottom Stiffener (mm)

Shear Stiffener (mm)





























Capacity of the Stiffeners

The capacity of the applicable stiffener is the lesser of the

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capacity of the plate and the capacity of the stiffener welds.

Top Stiffener : Weld

The Capacity of weld is the lesser of : 6.8.5

=Ps0.5 Aw Ue


. .

=0.5 0 480

1000× ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

=Ps0.55 Aw Us


. .

=0.55 0 450

1000× ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Top Stiffener : Tension 4.5.4

=Ps2 t b py


. . .

=2 12 175 240

1000× × ×

= 1 008.000 kN

Top Stiffener : Compression 4.5.2/3

=Ps2 t b py


. . .

=2 12 175 240

1000× × ×

= 1 008.000 kN

Bottom Stiffener : Weld

The Capacity of weld is the lesser of : 6.8.5

=Ps0.5 Aw Ue


. .

=0.5 0 480

1000× ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

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=Ps0.55 Aw Us


. .

=0.55 0 450

1000× ×

= 0.0000×100 kN

Bottom Stiffener : Tension 4.5.4

=Ps2 t b py


. . .

=2 12 175 240

1000× × ×

= 1 008.000 kN

Bottom Stiffener : Compression 4.5.2/3

=Ps2 t b py


. . .

=2 12 175 240

1000× × ×

= 1 008.000 kN

Check 1 : Capacity of the Beam Flange Welds

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C Bmax = 161.603 kN

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 6.8.5

=Pw0.5 Aw Ue


. .

=0.5 2 510.229 480

1000× ×

= 602.455 kN

=Pw0.55 Aw Us


. .

=0.55 2 510.229 450

1000× ×

= 621.282 kN

Beam Flange Weld is safe

Check 2 : Capacity of the Beam Web Welds

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The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C Bmax = 90 kN

The Capacity of the weld is the lesser of : 6.8.5

=Pw0.5 Aw Ue


. .

=0.5 8 540.56 480

1000× ×

= 2 049.734 kN

=Pw0.55 Aw Us


. .

=0.55 8 540.56 450

1000× ×

= 2 113.789 kN

Beam Web Weld is safe

Check 3 : Capacity of the Column web in tension

Opposite Top flange of the beam :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Tmax =141.603 kN

The Capacity of the web is :

=Pttw leff py


. .

=15 489.512 240

1000× ×

= 1 762.243 kN

But due to the stiffeners the resistance is :

=Pteff Pt Ps +

= 1 762.243 0 +

= 1 762.243 kN


No tensile forces in the beam bottom flange

Column web is safe in tension

Check 4 : Crippling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the beam top flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

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The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fxmax =161.603 kN

The Capacity of the web is :

=Pbwb1 n k tw pyw


. +( ). .

=44 5 36 15 240

1000× +( )× ×

= 806.400 kN

But due to the stiffeners the resistance is :

=Pceff Pbw Ps +

= 806.400 0 +

= 806.400 kN


Column web is safe in compression for crippling

Check 5 : Buckling Capacity of the Column web in Compression

No compressive forces in the top beam flange

Opposite Bottom flange of the beam :

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fxmax =161.603 kN

Assumptions : 1) Bearing flange is restrained against rotation relative to the web 2) Bearing flange is restrained against lateral movement relative to the outer flange

=PcA pc



=7575 240


= 1 818.000 kN

Column web is safe in compression for buckling

Check 6 : Shear Capacity of the Column Web

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fv =161.603 kN



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=Pv0.6 py Av


. .

=0.6 240 4500

1000× ×

= 648.000 kN

Column web shear is safe

Check 7 : Bolt tension and Column Flange Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the flange

=R14 Mpl 2 Mbp


. . + .

=4 2.97432 2 0


× × +×

= 388.800 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the flange

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 2.97432 1000 38.25 2 63.54

30.6 38.25× × × × +


= 157.000 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 63.54×

= 127.080 kN

Therefore R = R3 = 127.08

Fmax = 61.81 kN

Bolt tension and Column Flange bending is safe

Check 8 : Bearing on the Column Flange

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C with Fb = 7.5 kN

The Bearing Capacity of the Flange at any Bolt is the lesser of :

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=Pbbd tp pbb


. .

=24 18 336

1000× ×

= 145.152 kN


=Pbsd tp pbs


. .

=24 18 462.3

1000× ×

= 199.714 kN




e tp pbs


. . .



60 18 462.3


× × ×

= 249.642 kN

Column flange bearing is safe

Check 9 : Bolt tension and End Plate Bending

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C

Fmax = 52.051 kN

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The resistance is the smaller of the 3 possible failure modes :

Mode 1 : Complete yielding of the End Plate

=R14 Mpl



=4 1.2825



= 138.649 kN

Mode 2 : Bolt Failure with yielding of the End Plate

=R22 Mpl 1000 n 2 Bt

m n

. . . . + +

=2 1.2825 1000 46.25 2 63.54

37 46.25× × × × +


= 101.411 kN

Mode 3 : Bolt Failure only

=R3 2 Bt.

= 2 63.54×

= 127.080 kN

Therefore R = R2 = 101.411

Bolt tension and End Plate bending is safe

Check 10 : Bearing on the End Plate

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C with Fb = 7.5 kN

The Bearing Capacity of the Flange at any Bolt is the lesser of :

=Pbbd tp pbb


. .

=24 15 336

1000× ×

= 120.960 kN


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=Pbsd tp pbs


. .

=24 15 462.3

1000× ×

= 166.428 kN




e tp pbs


. . .



60 15 462.3


× × ×

= 208.035 kN

End plate bearing is safe

Check 11 : Shear Capacity of the Bolts

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C when Fsmax =7.5 kN

The resistance of any bolt is :

=Psps As



=120 353


= 42.360 kN


Bolt shear is safe

Check 12 : Shear and Tension Capacity of the Bolts

The worst load is encountered for Load Case : C




Pt +




= 0.6634

The factor must be less than or equal to 1.4 :

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Bolt shear and tension is safe

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Bolt Forces

30.91 kN

26.03 kN

21.15 kN

16.27 kN

1.1 kN

5.98 kN

Shear force per bolt : 7.5 kN

Bolt Forces for Load Case : C

Page 131: Design Note Vts










264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm

500 x 170 x 15 End Plate

Haunch cut from Beam sectionHeight : 200 mmWidth : 600 mm

264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm



Web Plate Example

All welds are Both Sides unless otherwise indicatedAll bolts are of Grade 3.6All bolt diameters are 24 mm

Page 132: Design Note Vts











264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm

600 x 220 x 15 End Plate

Haunch cut from Beam sectionHeight : 200 mmWidth : 600 mm

264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm



Web Plate Example

All welds are Both Sides unless otherwise indicatedAll bolts are of Grade 3.6All bolt diameters are 24 mm

Page 133: Design Note Vts











264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm

700 x 220 x 15 End Plate

Haunch cut from Beam sectionHeight : 250 mmWidth : 800 mm

264 x 175 x 12 Column stiffenerWeld size : 0 mm



Web Plate Example

All welds are Both Sides unless otherwise indicatedAll bolts are of Grade 3.6All bolt diameters are 24 mm

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**************************************************** * * * STAAD.Pro * * Version 2006 Bld 1002.US * * Proprietary Program of * * Research Engineers, Intl. * * Date= AUG 27, 2015 * * Time= 23:53:48 * * * * USER ID: Toshiba * ****************************************************

1. STAAD SPACE INPUT FILE: VTS-OK-Wil2-Lunak-HB300-SW.STD 2. START JOB INFORMATION 3. ENGINEER DATE 23-JUN-15 4. END JOB INFORMATION 5. INPUT WIDTH 79 6. UNIT METER KG 7. JOINT COORDINATES 8. 1 0 0 0; 2 5.6 0 0; 3 8 0 0; 4 0 0 4; 5 5.6 0 4; 6 8 0 4; 7 0 0 8; 8 5.6 0 8 9. 9 8 0 8; 10 0 4 0; 11 5.6 4 0; 12 8 4 0; 13 0 4 4; 14 5.6 4 4; 15 8 4 4 10. 16 0 4 8; 17 5.6 4 8; 18 8 4 8; 19 0 8 0; 20 5.6 8 0; 21 8 8 0; 22 0 8 4 11. 23 5.6 8 4; 24 8 8 4; 25 0 8 8; 26 5.6 8 8; 27 8 8 8; 28 0 12 0; 29 5.6 12 0 12. 30 8 12 0; 31 0 12 4; 32 5.6 12 4; 33 8 12 4; 34 0 12 8; 35 5.6 12 8 13. 36 8 12 8; 37 0 16 0; 38 5.6 16 0; 39 8 16 0; 40 0 16 4; 41 5.6 16 4 14. 42 8 16 4; 43 0 16 8; 44 5.6 16 8; 45 8 16 8; 46 0 20 0; 47 5.6 20 0 15. 48 8 20 0; 49 0 20 4; 50 5.6 20 4; 51 8 20 4; 52 0 20 8; 53 5.6 20 8 16. 54 8 20 8; 55 0 24 0; 56 5.6 24 0; 57 8 24 0; 58 0 24 4; 59 5.6 24 4 17. 60 8 24 4; 61 0 24 8; 62 5.6 24 8; 63 8 24 8; 64 0 28 0; 65 5.6 28 0 18. 66 8 28 0; 67 0 28 4; 68 5.6 28 4; 69 8 28 4; 70 0 28 8; 71 5.6 28 8 19. 72 8 28 8; 73 0 32 0; 74 5.6 32 0; 75 8 32 0; 76 0 32 4; 77 5.6 32 4 20. 78 8 32 4; 79 0 32 8; 80 5.6 32 8; 81 8 32 8; 82 0 -1 0; 83 5.6 -2 0 21. 84 8 -1 0; 85 0 -1 4; 86 5.6 -1 4; 87 8 -1 4; 88 0 -1 8; 89 5.6 -1 8 22. 90 8 -1 8; 91 12 0 0; 92 12 0 4; 94 12 4 0; 95 12 4 4; 97 12 8 0; 98 12 8 4 23. 100 12 -1 0; 101 12 -1 4; 102 9.4 4 4; 103 9.4 4 8; 106 9.4 12 0; 107 9.4 12 4 24. 108 9.4 12 8; 121 9.4 32 0; 122 9.4 32 4; 123 9.4 32 8; 124 0 32 -1.2 25. 125 5.6 32 -1.2; 126 0 32 9.2; 127 5.6 32 9.2; 128 -1.2 32 0; 129 -1.2 32 4 26. 130 -1.2 32 8; 131 -1.2 32 -1.2; 132 -1.2 32 9.2; 133 -2.4 32 4; 134 -2.4 32 5 27. 135 -2.4 32 3; 136 -1.2 32 3; 137 -1.2 32 5; 138 1.85 4 0; 139 1.85 4 4 28. 140 1.85 4 8; 141 9.4 8 4; 142 9.4 8 8; 143 1.85 8 0; 144 1.85 8 4 29. 145 1.85 8 8; 146 1.85 12 0; 147 1.85 12 4; 148 1.85 12 8; 173 0 32 3 30. 174 0 32 5; 175 1.85 32 -1.2; 176 1.85 32 0; 177 1.85 32 4; 178 1.85 32 8 31. 179 1.85 32 9.2; 180 10 4 0; 181 10 4 4; 182 10 8 0; 183 10 8 4; 184 5.6 0 1.2 32. 185 8 0 1.2; 186 5.6 4 6.8; 187 8 4 6.8; 188 6.8 0 1.2; 189 6.8 4 6.8 33. 190 5.6 4 1.2; 191 8 4 1.2; 192 5.6 8 6.8; 193 8 8 6.8; 194 6.8 4 1.2 34. 195 6.8 8 6.8; 196 5.6 8 1.2; 197 8 8 1.2; 198 5.6 12 6.8; 199 8 12 6.8 35. 200 6.8 8 1.2; 201 6.8 12 6.8; 202 5.6 12 1.2; 203 8 12 1.2; 205 8 16 6.8 36. 206 6.8 12 1.2; 207 6.8 16 6.8; 209 8 16 1.2; 211 8 20 6.8; 212 6.8 16 1.2 37. 213 6.8 20 6.8; 215 8 20 1.2; 217 8 24 6.8; 218 6.8 20 1.2; 219 6.8 24 6.8 38. 221 8 24 1.2; 223 8 28 6.8; 224 6.8 24 1.2; 225 6.8 28 6.8; 227 8 28 1.2 39. 228 5.6 32 6.8; 229 8 32 6.8; 230 6.8 28 1.2; 231 6.8 32 6.8; 232 5.6 4 3 40. 233 8 4 3; 234 6.8 4 0; 235 6.8 4 3; 236 5.6 8 3; 237 8 8 3; 238 6.8 8 0 41. 239 6.8 8 3; 240 5.6 12 3; 241 8 12 3; 242 6.8 12 0; 243 6.8 12 3 42. 261 5.6 32 3; 262 8 32 3; 263 6.8 32 0; 264 6.8 32 3; 265 3.325 0 0 43. 266 3.325 4 0; 267 3.325 8 0; 268 3.325 12 0; 269 3.325 16 0; 270 3.325 20 0 44. 271 3.325 24 0; 272 3.325 28 0; 273 3.75 32 0; 274 3.325 -2 0; 275 5.6 0 2.275 45. 276 5.6 4 2.275; 277 5.6 8 2.275; 278 5.6 12 2.275; 279 5.6 16 2.275 46. 280 5.6 20 2.275; 281 5.6 24 2.275; 282 5.6 28 2.275; 284 5.6 -2 2.275 47. 285 3.325 0 2.275; 286 3.325 4 2.275; 287 3.325 8 2.275; 288 3.325 12 2.275

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50. 299 -4 -1 0; 300 -4 -1 4; 303 -2 4 0; 304 -2 4 4; 305 3.75 4 4; 306 3.75 4 8 51. 307 3.325 4 4; 308 3.75 8 4; 309 3.75 8 8; 310 3.325 8 4; 311 3.75 12 4 52. 312 3.75 12 8; 313 3.325 12 4; 314 9.4 16 0; 315 9.4 16 4; 316 9.4 16 8 53. 317 1.85 16 0; 318 1.85 16 4; 319 1.85 16 8; 320 5.6 16 6.8; 321 5.6 16 1.2 54. 322 5.6 16 3; 323 8 16 3; 324 6.8 16 0; 325 6.8 16 3; 326 3.75 16 4 55. 327 3.75 16 8; 328 3.325 16 4; 329 9.4 20 0; 330 9.4 20 4; 331 9.4 20 8 56. 332 1.85 20 0; 333 1.85 20 4; 334 1.85 20 8; 335 5.6 20 6.8; 336 5.6 20 1.2 57. 337 5.6 20 3; 338 8 20 3; 339 6.8 20 0; 340 6.8 20 3; 341 3.75 20 4 58. 342 3.75 20 8; 343 3.325 20 4; 344 9.4 24 0; 345 9.4 24 4; 346 9.4 24 8 59. 347 1.85 24 0; 348 1.85 24 4; 349 1.85 24 8; 350 5.6 24 6.8; 351 5.6 24 1.2 60. 352 5.6 24 3; 353 8 24 3; 354 6.8 24 0; 355 6.8 24 3; 356 3.75 24 4 61. 357 3.75 24 8; 358 3.325 24 4; 359 9.4 28 0; 360 9.4 28 4; 361 9.4 28 8 62. 362 1.85 28 0; 363 1.85 28 4; 364 1.85 28 8; 365 5.6 28 6.8; 366 5.6 28 1.2 63. 367 5.6 28 3; 368 8 28 3; 369 6.8 28 0; 370 6.8 28 3; 371 3.75 28 4 64. 372 3.75 28 8; 373 3.325 28 4; 374 3.75 32 4; 375 3.75 32 8; 376 3.75 32 9.2 65. 378 0 35 0; 379 5.6 35 0; 380 0 35 4; 381 5.6 35 4; 382 0 35 8; 383 5.6 35 8 66. 384 8 35 0; 385 8 35 4; 386 8 35 8; 387 1.85 35 0; 388 3.75 35 0 67. 389 1.85 35 4; 390 3.75 35 4; 391 1.85 35 8; 392 3.75 35 8; 393 3.75 32 -1.2 68. 394 -4 4 2; 395 -3 4 2; 396 -3 4 4; 397 -3 4 0; 398 -2 4 2; 399 -1 4 2 69. 400 -1 4 4; 401 -1 4 0; 402 0 4 2; 403 0.925 4 2; 404 0.925 4 4; 405 0.925 4 0 70. 406 1.85 4 2; 407 0 4 6; 408 0.925 4 6; 409 0.925 4 8; 410 1.85 4 6 71. 411 5.6 4 0.6; 412 6.2 4 0.6; 413 6.2 4 1.2; 414 6.2 4 0; 415 6.8 4 0.6 72. 416 7.4 4 0.6; 417 7.4 4 1.2; 418 7.4 4 0; 419 8 4 0.6; 420 10 4 1.3 73. 421 11 4 1.3; 422 11 4 4; 423 11 4 0; 424 12 4 1.3; 425 1.85 4 1 74. 426 2.5875 4 1.06875; 427 2.5875 4 2.1375; 428 2.5875 4 0; 429 3.325 4 1.1375 75. 430 1.85 4 3; 431 2.5875 4 3.06875; 432 2.5875 4 4; 433 3.325 4 3.1375 76. 434 3.75 4 6; 435 2.8 4 6; 436 2.8 4 8; 437 6.8 4 8; 438 5.6 4 7.4 77. 439 6.2 4 7.4; 440 6.2 4 8; 441 6.2 4 6.8; 442 6.8 4 7.4; 443 7.4 4 7.4 78. 444 7.4 4 8; 445 7.4 4 6.8; 446 8 4 7.4; 447 5.6 4 5.4; 448 4.675 4 8 79. 449 4.675 4 5.7; 450 4.675 4 6.85; 451 4.675 4 4; 452 6.8 4 4.26667 80. 453 6.8 4 5.53333; 454 5.6 4 3.5; 455 6.2 4 3.56667; 456 6.2 4 4.13333 81. 457 6.2 4 3; 458 6.8 4 3.63333; 459 6.2 4 5.46667; 460 6.8 4 2.1 82. 461 7.4 4 2.1; 462 7.4 4 3; 463 8 4 2.1; 464 5.6 4 1.7375; 465 6.2 4 2.1875 83. 466 4.4625 4 2.275; 467 4.08333 4 3.09167; 468 4.84167 4 3.04583 84. 469 9.4 4 6.8; 470 8.7 4 7.4; 471 8.7 4 8; 472 8.7 4 6.8; 473 9.4 4 7.4 85. 474 8 4 5.4; 475 8.7 4 5.4; 476 8.7 4 4; 477 9.4 4 5.4; 478 10 4 2.65 86. 479 11 4 2.65; 480 12 4 2.65; 481 8 4 3.5; 482 8.66667 4 2.88333 87. 483 9.33333 4 2.76667; 484 9 4 1.7; 485 9 4 0; 486 9 4 0.85; 487 0 8 2 88. 488 0.925 8 2; 489 0.925 8 4; 490 0.925 8 0; 491 1.85 8 2; 492 0 8 6 89. 493 0.925 8 6; 494 0.925 8 8; 495 1.85 8 6; 496 5.6 8 0.6; 497 6.2 8 0.6 90. 498 6.2 8 1.2; 499 6.2 8 0; 500 6.8 8 0.6; 501 7.4 8 0.6; 502 7.4 8 1.2 91. 503 7.4 8 0; 504 8 8 0.6; 505 10 8 1.3; 506 11 8 1.3; 507 11 8 4; 508 11 8 0 92. 509 12 8 1.3; 510 1.85 8 1; 511 2.5875 8 1.06875; 512 2.5875 8 2.1375 93. 513 2.5875 8 0; 514 3.325 8 1.1375; 515 1.85 8 3; 516 2.5875 8 3.06875 94. 517 2.5875 8 4; 518 3.325 8 3.1375; 519 3.75 8 6; 520 2.8 8 6; 521 2.8 8 8 95. 522 6.8 8 8; 523 5.6 8 7.4; 524 6.2 8 7.4; 525 6.2 8 8; 526 6.2 8 6.8 96. 527 6.8 8 7.4; 528 7.4 8 7.4; 529 7.4 8 8; 530 7.4 8 6.8; 531 8 8 7.4 97. 532 5.6 8 5.4; 533 4.675 8 8; 534 4.675 8 5.7; 535 4.675 8 6.85; 536 4.675 8 4 98. 537 6.8 8 4.26667; 538 6.8 8 5.53333; 539 5.6 8 3.5; 540 6.2 8 3.56667 99. 541 6.2 8 4.13333; 542 6.2 8 3; 543 6.8 8 3.63333; 544 6.2 8 5.46667 100. 545 6.8 8 2.1; 546 7.4 8 2.1; 547 7.4 8 3; 548 8 8 2.1; 549 5.6 8 1.7375 101. 550 6.2 8 2.1875; 551 4.4625 8 2.275; 552 4.08333 8 3.09167 102. 553 4.84167 8 3.04583; 554 9.4 8 6.8; 555 8.7 8 7.4; 556 8.7 8 8 103. 557 8.7 8 6.8; 558 9.4 8 7.4; 559 8 8 5.4; 560 8.7 8 5.4; 561 8.7 8 4 104. 562 9.4 8 5.4; 563 10 8 2.65; 564 11 8 2.65; 565 12 8 2.65; 566 8 8 3.5 105. 567 8.66667 8 2.88333; 568 9.33333 8 2.76667; 569 9 8 1.7; 570 9 8 0 106. 571 9 8 0.85; 572 0 12 2; 573 0.925 12 2; 574 0.925 12 4; 575 0.925 12 0 107. 576 1.85 12 2; 577 0 12 6; 578 0.925 12 6; 579 0.925 12 8; 580 1.85 12 6 108. 581 5.6 12 0.6; 582 6.2 12 0.6; 583 6.2 12 1.2; 584 6.2 12 0; 585 6.8 12 0.6 109. 586 7.4 12 0.6; 587 7.4 12 1.2; 588 7.4 12 0; 589 8 12 0.6; 590 1.85 12 1 110. 591 2.5875 12 1.06875; 592 2.5875 12 2.1375; 593 2.5875 12 0 111. 594 3.325 12 1.1375; 595 1.85 12 3; 596 2.5875 12 3.06875; 597 2.5875 12 4 112. 598 3.325 12 3.1375; 599 3.75 12 6; 600 2.8 12 6; 601 2.8 12 8; 602 6.8 12 8 113. 603 5.6 12 7.4; 604 6.2 12 7.4; 605 6.2 12 8; 606 6.2 12 6.8; 607 6.8 12 7.4

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116. 617 6.8 12 4.26667; 618 6.8 12 5.53333; 619 5.6 12 3.5; 620 6.2 12 3.56667 117. 621 6.2 12 4.13333; 622 6.2 12 3; 623 6.8 12 3.63333; 624 6.2 12 5.46667 118. 625 6.8 12 2.1; 626 7.4 12 2.1; 627 7.4 12 3; 628 8 12 2.1; 629 5.6 12 1.7375 119. 630 6.2 12 2.1875; 631 4.4625 12 2.275; 632 4.08333 12 3.09167 120. 633 4.84167 12 3.04583; 634 9.4 12 6.8; 635 8.7 12 7.4; 636 8.7 12 8 121. 637 8.7 12 6.8; 638 9.4 12 7.4; 639 8 12 5.4; 640 8.7 12 5.4; 641 8.7 12 4 122. 642 9.4 12 5.4; 643 9.4 12 2.66667; 644 9.4 12 1.33333; 645 8 12 3.5 123. 646 8.7 12 3.41667; 647 8.7 12 2.83333; 648 9.4 12 3.33333; 649 8.7 12 0 124. 650 8.7 12 1.88889; 651 8.7 12 0.944444; 652 0 16 2; 653 0.925 16 2 125. 654 0.925 16 4; 655 0.925 16 0; 656 1.85 16 2; 657 0 16 6; 658 0.925 16 6 126. 659 0.925 16 8; 660 1.85 16 6; 661 5.6 16 0.6; 662 6.2 16 0.6; 663 6.2 16 1.2 127. 664 6.2 16 0; 665 6.8 16 0.6; 666 7.4 16 0.6; 667 7.4 16 1.2; 668 7.4 16 0 128. 669 8 16 0.6; 670 1.85 16 1; 671 2.5875 16 1.06875; 672 2.5875 16 2.1375 129. 673 2.5875 16 0; 674 3.325 16 1.1375; 675 1.85 16 3; 676 2.5875 16 3.06875 130. 677 2.5875 16 4; 678 3.325 16 3.1375; 679 3.75 16 6; 680 2.8 16 6 131. 681 2.8 16 8; 682 6.8 16 8; 683 5.6 16 7.4; 684 6.2 16 7.4; 685 6.2 16 8 132. 686 6.2 16 6.8; 687 6.8 16 7.4; 688 7.4 16 7.4; 689 7.4 16 8; 690 7.4 16 6.8 133. 691 8 16 7.4; 692 5.6 16 5.4; 693 4.675 16 8; 694 4.675 16 5.7 134. 695 4.675 16 6.85; 696 4.675 16 4; 697 6.8 16 4.26667; 698 6.8 16 5.53333 135. 699 5.6 16 3.5; 700 6.2 16 3.56667; 701 6.2 16 4.13333; 702 6.2 16 3 136. 703 6.8 16 3.63333; 704 6.2 16 5.46667; 705 6.8 16 2.1; 706 7.4 16 2.1 137. 707 7.4 16 3; 708 8 16 2.1; 709 5.6 16 1.7375; 710 6.2 16 2.1875 138. 711 4.4625 16 2.275; 712 4.08333 16 3.09167; 713 4.84167 16 3.04583 139. 714 9.4 16 6.8; 715 8.7 16 7.4; 716 8.7 16 8; 717 8.7 16 6.8; 718 9.4 16 7.4 140. 719 8 16 5.4; 720 8.7 16 5.4; 721 8.7 16 4; 722 9.4 16 5.4; 723 9.4 16 2.66667 141. 724 9.4 16 1.33333; 725 8 16 3.5; 726 8.7 16 3.41667; 727 8.7 16 2.83333 142. 728 9.4 16 3.33333; 729 8.7 16 0; 730 8.7 16 1.88889; 731 8.7 16 0.944444 143. 732 0 20 2; 733 0.925 20 2; 734 0.925 20 4; 735 0.925 20 0; 736 1.85 20 2 144. 737 0 20 6; 738 0.925 20 6; 739 0.925 20 8; 740 1.85 20 6; 741 5.6 20 0.6 145. 742 6.2 20 0.6; 743 6.2 20 1.2; 744 6.2 20 0; 745 6.8 20 0.6; 746 7.4 20 0.6 146. 747 7.4 20 1.2; 748 7.4 20 0; 749 8 20 0.6; 750 1.85 20 1 147. 751 2.5875 20 1.06875; 752 2.5875 20 2.1375; 753 2.5875 20 0 148. 754 3.325 20 1.1375; 755 1.85 20 3; 756 2.5875 20 3.06875; 757 2.5875 20 4 149. 758 3.325 20 3.1375; 759 3.75 20 6; 760 2.8 20 6; 761 2.8 20 8; 762 6.8 20 8 150. 763 5.6 20 7.4; 764 6.2 20 7.4; 765 6.2 20 8; 766 6.2 20 6.8; 767 6.8 20 7.4 151. 768 7.4 20 7.4; 769 7.4 20 8; 770 7.4 20 6.8; 771 8 20 7.4; 772 5.6 20 5.4 152. 773 4.675 20 8; 774 4.675 20 5.7; 775 4.675 20 6.85; 776 4.675 20 4 153. 777 6.8 20 4.26667; 778 6.8 20 5.53333; 779 5.6 20 3.5; 780 6.2 20 3.56667 154. 781 6.2 20 4.13333; 782 6.2 20 3; 783 6.8 20 3.63333; 784 6.2 20 5.46667 155. 785 6.8 20 2.1; 786 7.4 20 2.1; 787 7.4 20 3; 788 8 20 2.1; 789 5.6 20 1.7375 156. 790 6.2 20 2.1875; 791 4.4625 20 2.275; 792 4.08333 20 3.09167 157. 793 4.84167 20 3.04583; 794 9.4 20 6.8; 795 8.7 20 7.4; 796 8.7 20 8 158. 797 8.7 20 6.8; 798 9.4 20 7.4; 799 8 20 5.4; 800 8.7 20 5.4; 801 8.7 20 4 159. 802 9.4 20 5.4; 803 9.4 20 2.66667; 804 9.4 20 1.33333; 805 8 20 3.5 160. 806 8.7 20 3.41667; 807 8.7 20 2.83333; 808 9.4 20 3.33333; 809 8.7 20 0 161. 810 8.7 20 1.88889; 811 8.7 20 0.944444; 812 0 24 2; 813 0.925 24 2 162. 814 0.925 24 4; 815 0.925 24 0; 816 1.85 24 2; 817 0 24 6; 818 0.925 24 6 163. 819 0.925 24 8; 820 1.85 24 6; 821 5.6 24 0.6; 822 6.2 24 0.6; 823 6.2 24 1.2 164. 824 6.2 24 0; 825 6.8 24 0.6; 826 7.4 24 0.6; 827 7.4 24 1.2; 828 7.4 24 0 165. 829 8 24 0.6; 830 1.85 24 1; 831 2.5875 24 1.06875; 832 2.5875 24 2.1375 166. 833 2.5875 24 0; 834 3.325 24 1.1375; 835 1.85 24 3; 836 2.5875 24 3.06875 167. 837 2.5875 24 4; 838 3.325 24 3.1375; 839 3.75 24 6; 840 2.8 24 6 168. 841 2.8 24 8; 842 6.8 24 8; 843 5.6 24 7.4; 844 6.2 24 7.4; 845 6.2 24 8 169. 846 6.2 24 6.8; 847 6.8 24 7.4; 848 7.4 24 7.4; 849 7.4 24 8; 850 7.4 24 6.8 170. 851 8 24 7.4; 852 5.6 24 5.4; 853 4.675 24 8; 854 4.675 24 5.7 171. 855 4.675 24 6.85; 856 4.675 24 4; 857 6.8 24 4.26667; 858 6.8 24 5.53333 172. 859 5.6 24 3.5; 860 6.2 24 3.56667; 861 6.2 24 4.13333; 862 6.2 24 3 173. 863 6.8 24 3.63333; 864 6.2 24 5.46667; 865 6.8 24 2.1; 866 7.4 24 2.1 174. 867 7.4 24 3; 868 8 24 2.1; 869 5.6 24 1.7375; 870 6.2 24 2.1875 175. 871 4.4625 24 2.275; 872 4.08333 24 3.09167; 873 4.84167 24 3.04583 176. 874 9.4 24 6.8; 875 8.7 24 7.4; 876 8.7 24 8; 877 8.7 24 6.8; 878 9.4 24 7.4 177. 879 8 24 5.4; 880 8.7 24 5.4; 881 8.7 24 4; 882 9.4 24 5.4; 883 9.4 24 2.66667 178. 884 9.4 24 1.33333; 885 8 24 3.5; 886 8.7 24 3.41667; 887 8.7 24 2.83333 179. 888 9.4 24 3.33333; 889 8.7 24 0; 890 8.7 24 1.88889; 891 8.7 24 0.944444

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182. 902 6.2 28 0.6; 903 6.2 28 1.2; 904 6.2 28 0; 905 6.8 28 0.6; 906 7.4 28 0.6 183. 907 7.4 28 1.2; 908 7.4 28 0; 909 8 28 0.6; 910 1.85 28 1 184. 911 2.5875 28 1.06875; 912 2.5875 28 2.1375; 913 2.5875 28 0 185. 914 3.325 28 1.1375; 915 1.85 28 3; 916 2.5875 28 3.06875; 917 2.5875 28 4 186. 918 3.325 28 3.1375; 919 3.75 28 6; 920 2.8 28 6; 921 2.8 28 8; 922 6.8 28 8 187. 923 5.6 28 7.4; 924 6.2 28 7.4; 925 6.2 28 8; 926 6.2 28 6.8; 927 6.8 28 7.4 188. 928 7.4 28 7.4; 929 7.4 28 8; 930 7.4 28 6.8; 931 8 28 7.4; 932 5.6 28 5.4 189. 933 4.675 28 8; 934 4.675 28 5.7; 935 4.675 28 6.85; 936 4.675 28 4 190. 937 6.8 28 4.26667; 938 6.8 28 5.53333; 939 5.6 28 3.5; 940 6.2 28 3.56667 191. 941 6.2 28 4.13333; 942 6.2 28 3; 943 6.8 28 3.63333; 944 6.2 28 5.46667 192. 945 6.8 28 2.1; 946 7.4 28 2.1; 947 7.4 28 3; 948 8 28 2.1; 949 5.6 28 1.7375 193. 950 6.2 28 2.1875; 951 4.4625 28 2.275; 952 4.08333 28 3.09167 194. 953 4.84167 28 3.04583; 954 9.4 28 6.8; 955 8.7 28 7.4; 956 8.7 28 8 195. 957 8.7 28 6.8; 958 9.4 28 7.4; 959 8 28 5.4; 960 8.7 28 5.4; 961 8.7 28 4 196. 962 9.4 28 5.4; 963 9.4 28 2.66667; 964 9.4 28 1.33333; 965 8 28 3.5 197. 966 8.7 28 3.41667; 967 8.7 28 2.83333; 968 9.4 28 3.33333; 969 8.7 28 0 198. 970 8.7 28 1.88889; 971 8.7 28 0.944444; 972 -2.4 32 4.5; 973 -1.8 32 4.5 199. 974 -1.8 32 5; 975 -1.8 32 4; 976 -1.2 32 4.5; 977 -0.6 32 4.5; 978 -0.6 32 5 200. 979 -0.6 32 4; 980 0 32 4.5; 981 -1.2 32 6.5; 982 -0.6 32 6.5; 983 -0.6 32 8 201. 984 0 32 6.5; 985 -1.2 32 8.6; 986 -0.6 32 8.6; 987 -0.6 32 9.2; 988 0 32 8.6 202. 989 0.925 32 8.6; 990 0.925 32 9.2; 991 0.925 32 8; 992 1.85 32 8.6 203. 993 2.8 32 8.6; 994 2.8 32 9.2; 995 2.8 32 8; 996 3.75 32 8.6 204. 997 4.675 32 8.6; 998 4.675 32 9.2; 999 4.675 32 8; 1000 5.6 32 8.6 205. 1001 1.85 32 6.66667; 1002 2.8 32 6.66667; 1003 1.85 32 5.33333 206. 1004 2.8 32 5.33333; 1005 2.8 32 4; 1006 3.75 32 6.66667; 1007 3.75 32 5.33333 207. 1008 0.925 32 4; 1009 0.925 32 5.16667; 1010 0.925 32 6.58333; 1011 5.6 32 5.4 208. 1012 5.6 32 7.4; 1013 4.675 32 6.73333; 1014 4.675 32 4; 1015 4.675 32 5.36667 209. 1016 6.2 32 6.8; 1017 7.4 32 6.8; 1018 6.8 32 8; 1019 8 32 7.4 210. 1020 6.4 32 7.4; 1021 7.2 32 7.4; 1022 5.6 32 3.5; 1023 6.8 32 4.26667 211. 1024 6.8 32 5.53333; 1025 5.6 32 1.5; 1026 6.2 32 1.5; 1027 6.2 32 3 212. 1028 6.2 32 0; 1029 6.8 32 1.5; 1030 6.2 32 4.13333; 1031 6.2 32 5.46667 213. 1032 7.4 32 1.5; 1033 7.4 32 3; 1034 7.4 32 0; 1035 8 32 1.5; 1036 8 32 3.5 214. 1037 9.4 32 1.33333; 1038 9.4 32 2.66667; 1039 8.7 32 2.83333; 1040 8.7 32 4 215. 1041 8.7 32 1.41667; 1042 8.7 32 0; 1043 -2.4 32 3.5; 1044 -1.8 32 3.5 216. 1045 -1.8 32 3; 1046 -1.2 32 3.5; 1047 -0.6 32 3.5; 1048 -0.6 32 3 217. 1049 0 32 3.5; 1050 -1.2 32 1.5; 1051 -0.6 32 1.5; 1052 -0.6 32 0 218. 1053 0 32 1.5; 1054 -1.2 32 -0.6; 1055 -0.6 32 -0.6; 1056 -0.6 32 -1.2 219. 1057 0 32 -0.6; 1058 0.925 32 -0.6; 1059 0.925 32 -1.2; 1060 0.925 32 0 220. 1061 1.85 32 -0.6; 1062 2.8 32 -0.6; 1063 2.8 32 -1.2; 1064 2.8 32 0 221. 1065 3.75 32 -0.6; 1066 4.675 32 -0.6; 1067 4.675 32 -1.2; 1068 4.675 32 0 222. 1069 5.6 32 -0.6; 1070 1.85 32 1.33333; 1071 2.8 32 1.33333 223. 1072 1.85 32 2.66667; 1073 2.8 32 2.66667; 1074 3.75 32 1.33333 224. 1075 3.75 32 2.66667; 1076 0.925 32 2.83333; 1077 0.925 32 1.41667 225. 1078 4.675 32 2.66667; 1079 4.675 32 1.33333; 1080 8 32 5.4 226. 1081 9.4 32 5.33333; 1082 9.4 32 6.66667; 1083 8.7 32 6.73333; 1084 8.7 32 8 227. 1085 8.7 32 5.36667; 1086 0 35 6; 1087 0.925 35 6; 1088 0.925 35 8 228. 1089 0.925 35 4; 1090 1.85 35 6; 1091 2.8 35 6; 1092 2.8 35 8; 1093 2.8 35 4 229. 1094 3.75 35 6; 1095 4.675 35 6; 1096 4.675 35 8; 1097 4.675 35 4 230. 1098 5.6 35 6; 1099 6.8 35 6; 1100 6.8 35 8; 1101 6.8 35 4; 1102 8 35 6 231. 1103 0 35 2; 1104 0.925 35 2; 1105 0.925 35 0; 1106 1.85 35 2; 1107 2.8 35 2 232. 1108 2.8 35 0; 1109 3.75 35 2; 1110 4.675 35 2; 1111 4.675 35 0; 1112 5.6 35 2 233. 1113 6.8 35 2; 1114 6.8 35 0; 1115 8 35 2; 1116 6.8 2.66667 4.93333 234. 1117 7.4 2.66667 4.93333; 1118 6.8 1.33333 3.06667; 1119 7.4 1.33333 3.06667 235. 1120 7.4 0 1.2; 1121 8 2.66667 4.93333; 1122 8 1.33333 3.06667 236. 1123 6.8 6.66667 4.93333; 1124 7.4 6.66667 4.93333; 1125 6.8 5.33333 3.06667 237. 1126 7.4 5.33333 3.06667; 1127 8 6.66667 4.93333; 1128 8 5.33333 3.06667 238. 1129 6.8 10.6667 4.93333; 1130 7.4 10.6667 4.93333; 1131 6.8 9.33333 3.06667 239. 1132 7.4 9.33333 3.06667; 1133 8 10.6667 4.93333; 1134 8 9.33333 3.06667 240. 1135 6.8 14.6667 4.93333; 1136 7.4 14.6667 4.93333; 1137 6.8 13.3333 3.06667 241. 1138 7.4 13.3333 3.06667; 1139 8 14.6667 4.93333; 1140 8 13.3333 3.06667 242. 1141 6.8 18.6667 4.93333; 1142 7.4 18.6667 4.93333; 1143 6.8 17.3333 3.06667 243. 1144 7.4 17.3333 3.06667; 1145 8 18.6667 4.93333; 1146 8 17.3333 3.06667 244. 1147 6.8 22.6667 4.93333; 1148 7.4 22.6667 4.93333; 1149 6.8 21.3333 3.06667 245. 1150 7.4 21.3333 3.06667; 1151 8 22.6667 4.93333; 1152 8 21.3333 3.06667

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248. 1159 6.8 30.6667 4.93333; 1160 7.4 30.6667 4.93333; 1161 6.8 29.3333 3.06667 249. 1162 7.4 29.3333 3.06667; 1163 8 30.6667 4.93333; 1164 8 29.3333 3.06667 250. 1165 5.6 27 0; 1166 3.325 27 0; 1167 5.6 27 2.275; 1168 3.325 27 2.275 251. 1169 5.6 27 1.2; 1170 5.6 27 0.6; 1171 3.325 27 1.1375; 1172 5.6 27 1.7375 252. 1173 4.4625 27 2.275; 1174 4.4625 27 0; 1175 4.4625 27 0.584375 253. 1176 3.325 27 0.56875; 1177 4.4625 27 1.16875; 1178 3.325 27 1.70625 254. 1179 4.4625 27 1.72188; 1180 5.6 -1.5 0; 1181 5.6 -1.5 1.2; 1182 3.325 -1.5 0 255. 1183 5.6 -1.5 2.275; 1184 3.325 -1.5 2.275; 1185 4.4625 28 1.16875 256. 1186 4.4625 28 0; 1187 3.325 -0.75 0; 1188 4.4625 -0.75 0; 1189 4.4625 -1.5 0 257. 1190 4.4625 0 0; 1191 5.6 -0.75 0; 1192 3.325 2 0; 1193 4.4625 2 0 258. 1194 4.4625 4 0; 1195 5.6 2 0; 1196 3.325 6 0; 1197 4.4625 6 0 259. 1198 4.4625 8 0; 1199 5.6 6 0; 1200 3.325 10 0; 1201 4.4625 10 0 260. 1202 4.4625 12 0; 1203 5.6 10 0; 1204 3.325 14 0; 1205 4.4625 14 0 261. 1206 4.4625 16 0; 1207 5.6 14 0; 1208 3.325 18 0; 1209 4.4625 18 0 262. 1210 4.4625 20 0; 1211 5.6 18 0; 1212 3.325 22 0; 1213 4.4625 22 0 263. 1214 4.4625 24 0; 1215 5.6 22 0; 1216 3.325 25.5 0; 1217 4.4625 25.5 0 264. 1218 5.6 25.5 0; 1219 3.325 27.5 0; 1220 4.4625 27.5 0; 1221 5.6 27.5 0 265. 1222 3.325 -0.75 1.1375; 1223 3.325 -1.5 1.1375; 1224 3.325 0 1.1375 266. 1225 3.325 -0.75 2.275; 1226 3.325 2 1.1375; 1227 3.325 2 2.275 267. 1228 3.325 6 1.1375; 1229 3.325 6 2.275; 1230 3.325 10 1.1375 268. 1231 3.325 10 2.275; 1232 3.325 14 1.1375; 1233 3.325 14 2.275 269. 1234 3.325 18 1.1375; 1235 3.325 18 2.275; 1236 3.325 22 1.1375 270. 1237 3.325 22 2.275; 1238 3.325 25.5 1.1375; 1239 3.325 25.5 2.275 271. 1240 3.325 27.5 1.1375; 1241 3.325 27.5 2.275; 1242 5.6 4 1.1375 272. 1243 5.6 8 1.1375; 1244 5.6 12 1.1375; 1245 5.6 16 1.1375; 1246 5.6 20 1.1375 273. 1247 5.6 24 1.1375; 1248 5.6 28 1.1375; 1249 5.6 27 1.1375 274. 1250 5.6 -0.75 1.1375; 1251 5.6 -1.5 1.1375; 1252 5.6 0 1.1375 275. 1253 5.6 -0.75 2.275; 1254 5.6 2 1.1375; 1255 5.6 2 2.275; 1256 5.6 6 1.1375 276. 1257 5.6 6 2.275; 1258 5.6 10 1.1375; 1259 5.6 10 2.275; 1260 5.6 14 1.1375 277. 1261 5.6 14 2.275; 1262 5.6 18 1.1375; 1263 5.6 18 2.275; 1264 5.6 22 1.1375 278. 1265 5.6 22 2.275; 1266 5.6 25.5 1.1375; 1267 5.6 25.5 2.275 279. 1268 5.6 27.5 1.1375; 1269 5.6 27.5 2.275; 1270 4.4625 -0.75 2.275 280. 1271 4.4625 -1.5 2.275; 1272 4.4625 0 2.275 281. MEMBER INCIDENCES 282. 1 1 265; 2 2 3; 3 4 5; 4 5 6; 5 7 8; 6 8 9; 7 1 4; 8 2 1252; 9 3 185; 10 4 7 283. 11 5 8; 12 6 9; 13 10 405; 14 11 414; 15 13 404; 17 16 409; 18 17 440 284. 19 10 402; 20 11 411; 21 12 419; 22 13 407; 23 14 447; 24 15 474; 37 28 575 285. 38 29 584; 39 31 574; 41 34 579; 42 35 605; 43 28 572; 44 29 581; 45 30 589 286. 46 31 577; 47 32 612; 48 33 639; 97 73 1060; 98 74 1028; 99 76 1008 287. 101 79 991; 102 80 1018; 103 73 1053; 105 75 1035; 106 76 980; 107 77 1011 288. 108 78 1080; 109 1 10; 110 2 1195; 111 3 12; 112 4 13; 113 5 14; 114 6 15 289. 115 7 16; 116 8 17; 117 9 18; 118 10 19; 119 11 1199; 120 12 21; 121 13 22 290. 122 14 23; 123 15 24; 124 16 25; 125 17 26; 126 18 27; 127 19 28; 128 20 1203 291. 129 21 30; 130 22 31; 131 23 32; 132 24 33; 133 25 34; 134 26 35; 135 27 36 292. 136 28 37; 137 29 1207; 138 30 39; 139 31 40; 140 32 41; 141 33 42; 142 34 43 293. 143 35 44; 144 36 45; 145 37 46; 146 38 1211; 147 39 48; 148 40 49; 149 41 50 294. 150 42 51; 151 43 52; 152 44 53; 153 45 54; 154 46 55; 155 47 1215; 156 48 57 295. 157 49 58; 158 50 59; 159 51 60; 160 52 61; 161 53 62; 162 54 63; 163 55 64 296. 164 56 1218; 165 57 66; 166 58 67; 167 59 68; 168 60 69; 169 61 70; 170 62 71 297. 171 63 72; 172 64 73; 173 65 74; 174 66 75; 175 67 76; 176 68 77; 177 69 78 298. 178 70 79; 179 71 80; 180 72 81; 181 82 1; 182 83 1180; 183 84 3; 184 85 4 299. 185 86 5; 186 87 6; 187 88 7; 188 89 8; 189 90 9; 190 91 92; 192 94 424 300. 196 91 94; 197 92 95; 199 94 97; 200 95 98; 202 100 91; 203 101 92; 204 6 92 301. 205 3 91; 206 12 485; 209 15 476; 210 102 181; 212 102 477; 215 18 471 302. 217 107 642; 219 33 641; 220 36 636; 241 121 1037; 242 122 1081; 243 75 1042 303. 244 78 1040; 245 81 1084; 246 124 1059; 247 126 990; 248 128 1050; 249 129 976 304. 250 125 1069; 251 124 1057; 252 128 1052; 253 129 979; 254 130 983; 255 79 988 305. 256 80 1000; 257 131 1056; 258 131 1054; 259 130 985; 260 132 987 306. 261 135 1043; 262 133 972; 263 136 1046; 264 135 1045; 265 137 981 307. 266 134 974; 267 133 975; 268 138 428; 269 139 432; 270 138 425; 271 140 436 308. 272 139 410; 273 19 490; 274 20 499; 275 22 489; 277 25 494; 278 26 525 309. 279 19 487; 280 20 496; 281 21 504; 282 22 492; 283 23 532; 284 24 559 310. 285 97 509; 286 21 570; 287 24 561; 288 141 183; 289 141 562; 290 27 556 311. 291 143 513; 292 144 517; 293 143 510; 294 145 521; 295 144 495; 296 146 593

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314. 397 176 1070; 398 178 995; 399 177 1003; 400 179 994; 401 178 992; 402 180 423 315. 403 181 422; 404 180 420; 405 182 508; 406 183 507; 407 182 505; 408 184 275 316. 409 185 6; 410 184 188; 411 186 438; 412 187 446; 413 186 441; 414 188 1120 317. 415 189 445; 416 188 1118; 417 185 1122; 418 190 464; 419 191 463; 420 192 523 318. 421 193 531; 422 190 413; 423 192 526; 424 194 417; 425 195 530; 426 194 1125 319. 427 191 1128; 428 196 549; 429 197 548; 430 198 603; 431 199 611; 432 196 498 320. 433 198 606; 434 200 502; 435 201 610; 436 200 1131; 437 197 1134; 438 202 629 321. 439 203 628; 442 202 583; 444 206 587; 446 206 1137; 447 203 1140 322. 456 212 1143; 457 209 1146; 466 218 1149; 467 215 1152; 476 224 1155 323. 477 221 1158; 480 228 1012; 481 229 1019; 483 228 1016; 485 231 1017 324. 486 230 1161; 487 227 1164; 488 232 454; 489 233 481; 490 232 457; 491 234 418 325. 492 234 415; 493 235 462; 494 194 460; 495 235 458; 496 236 539; 497 237 566 326. 498 238 503; 499 236 542; 500 238 500; 501 239 547; 502 200 545; 503 239 543 327. 504 240 619; 505 241 645; 506 242 588; 507 240 622; 508 242 585; 509 243 627 328. 510 206 625; 511 243 623; 544 261 1022; 545 262 1036; 546 263 1034 329. 547 261 1027; 549 264 1033; 551 264 1023; 552 265 1190; 553 266 1194 330. 554 267 1198; 555 268 1202; 560 273 1068; 561 265 1192; 562 266 1196 331. 563 267 1200; 564 268 1204; 565 269 1208; 566 270 1212; 567 271 1216 332. 569 274 1182; 570 275 5; 571 276 232; 572 277 236; 573 278 240; 579 275 1255 333. 580 276 1257; 581 277 1259; 582 278 1261; 583 279 1263; 584 280 1265 334. 585 281 1267; 587 284 1183; 588 285 1227; 589 286 1229; 590 287 1231 335. 591 288 1233; 592 289 1235; 593 290 1237; 594 291 1239; 596 294 1184 336. 597 285 1272; 598 265 1224; 599 295 296; 600 297 394; 601 295 297; 602 296 298 337. 603 299 295; 604 300 296; 605 4 296; 606 1 295; 607 10 401; 612 303 397 338. 613 304 396; 614 303 398; 615 304 400; 616 305 451; 617 306 448; 618 305 434 339. 619 266 429; 620 286 466; 621 307 305; 622 286 433; 623 308 536; 624 309 533 340. 625 308 519; 626 267 514; 627 287 551; 628 310 308; 629 287 518; 630 311 616 341. 631 312 613; 632 311 599; 633 268 594; 634 288 631; 635 313 311; 636 288 598 342. 637 37 655; 638 38 664; 639 40 654; 641 43 659; 642 44 685; 643 37 652 343. 644 38 661; 645 39 669; 646 40 657; 647 41 692; 648 42 719; 649 314 724 344. 650 315 722; 651 39 729; 652 42 721; 653 45 716; 654 317 673; 655 318 677 345. 656 317 670; 657 319 681; 658 318 660; 659 320 683; 660 205 691; 661 320 686 346. 662 207 690; 663 321 709; 664 209 708; 665 321 663; 666 212 667; 667 322 699 347. 668 323 725; 669 324 668; 670 322 702; 671 324 665; 672 325 707; 673 212 705 348. 674 325 703; 675 269 1206; 676 279 322; 677 326 696; 678 327 693; 679 326 679 349. 680 269 674; 681 289 711; 682 328 326; 683 289 678; 684 46 735; 685 47 744 350. 686 49 734; 688 52 739; 689 53 765; 690 46 732; 691 47 741; 692 48 749 351. 693 49 737; 694 50 772; 695 51 799; 696 329 804; 697 330 802; 698 48 809 352. 699 51 801; 700 54 796; 701 332 753; 702 333 757; 703 332 750; 704 334 761 353. 705 333 740; 706 335 763; 707 211 771; 708 335 766; 709 213 770; 710 336 789 354. 711 215 788; 712 336 743; 713 218 747; 714 337 779; 715 338 805; 716 339 748 355. 717 337 782; 718 339 745; 719 340 787; 720 218 785; 721 340 783; 722 270 1210 356. 723 280 337; 724 341 776; 725 342 773; 726 341 759; 727 270 754; 728 290 791 357. 729 343 341; 730 290 758; 731 55 815; 732 56 824; 733 58 814; 735 61 819 358. 736 62 845; 737 55 812; 738 56 821; 739 57 829; 740 58 817; 741 59 852 359. 742 60 879; 743 344 884; 744 345 882; 745 57 889; 746 60 881; 747 63 876 360. 748 347 833; 749 348 837; 750 347 830; 751 349 841; 752 348 820; 753 350 843 361. 754 217 851; 755 350 846; 756 219 850; 757 351 869; 758 221 868; 759 351 823 362. 760 224 827; 761 352 859; 762 353 885; 763 354 828; 764 352 862; 765 354 825 363. 766 355 867; 767 224 865; 768 355 863; 769 271 1214; 770 281 352; 771 356 856 364. 772 357 853; 773 356 839; 774 271 834; 775 291 871; 776 358 356; 777 291 838 365. 778 64 895; 779 65 904; 780 67 894; 782 70 899; 783 71 925; 784 64 892 366. 785 65 901; 786 66 909; 787 67 897; 788 68 932; 789 69 959; 790 359 964 367. 791 360 962; 792 66 969; 793 69 961; 794 72 956; 795 362 913; 796 363 917 368. 797 362 910; 798 364 921; 799 363 900; 800 365 923; 801 223 931; 802 365 926 369. 803 225 930; 804 366 949; 805 227 948; 806 366 903; 807 230 907; 808 367 939 370. 809 368 965; 810 369 908; 811 367 942; 812 369 905; 813 370 947; 814 230 945 371. 815 370 943; 816 272 1186; 817 282 367; 818 371 936; 819 372 933; 820 371 919 372. 821 272 914; 822 292 951; 823 373 371; 824 292 918; 825 374 1014; 826 375 999 373. 827 376 998; 828 374 1007; 829 375 996; 834 73 378; 835 74 379; 836 76 380 374. 837 77 381; 838 79 382; 839 80 383; 840 378 1105; 841 380 1089; 842 382 1088 375. 843 378 1103; 844 380 1086; 845 379 1112; 846 381 1098; 847 75 384; 848 78 385 376. 849 81 386; 850 379 1114; 851 381 1101; 852 383 1100; 853 384 1115

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380. 869 74 1025; 870 263 1029; 871 64 128; 872 67 129; 873 70 130; 874 70 126 381. 875 71 127; 876 65 125; 877 64 124; 886 394 298; 887 396 298; 889 397 297 382. 891 398 304; 894 400 13; 896 401 303; 898 402 13; 901 404 139; 903 405 138 383. 905 406 430; 908 407 16; 909 409 140; 912 410 140; 915 411 1242; 916 413 194 384. 918 414 234; 920 415 194; 923 417 191; 925 418 12; 927 419 191; 930 420 478 385. 931 422 95; 933 423 94; 935 424 480; 940 425 406; 942 428 266; 944 429 286 386. 947 430 139; 948 432 307; 951 433 307; 954 434 306; 957 436 306; 963 437 444 387. 966 438 17; 967 440 437; 969 441 189; 973 444 18; 975 445 187; 977 446 18 388. 980 447 186; 981 448 17; 991 451 14; 994 452 453; 995 453 189; 997 454 14 389. 999 457 235; 1001 458 452; 1011 460 235; 1012 462 233; 1015 463 233 390. 1018 464 276; 1027 466 276; 1039 469 473; 1042 471 103; 1045 473 103 391. 1048 474 187; 1050 476 102; 1052 477 469; 1055 478 181; 1058 480 95 392. 1061 481 15; 1072 485 180; 1084 487 22; 1085 489 144; 1086 490 143 393. 1087 491 515; 1088 492 25; 1089 494 145; 1090 495 145; 1091 496 1243 394. 1092 498 200; 1093 499 238; 1094 500 200; 1095 502 197; 1096 503 21 395. 1097 504 197; 1098 505 563; 1099 507 98; 1100 508 97; 1101 509 565 396. 1102 510 491; 1103 513 267; 1104 514 287; 1105 515 144; 1106 517 310 397. 1107 518 310; 1108 519 309; 1109 521 309; 1110 522 529; 1111 523 26 398. 1112 525 522; 1113 526 195; 1114 529 27; 1115 530 193; 1116 531 27 399. 1117 532 192; 1118 533 26; 1119 536 23; 1120 537 538; 1121 538 195 400. 1122 539 23; 1123 542 239; 1124 543 537; 1125 545 239; 1126 547 237 401. 1127 548 237; 1128 549 277; 1129 551 277; 1130 554 558; 1131 556 142 402. 1132 558 142; 1133 559 193; 1134 561 141; 1135 562 554; 1136 563 183 403. 1137 565 98; 1138 566 24; 1139 570 182; 1239 572 31; 1240 574 147 404. 1241 575 146; 1242 576 595; 1243 577 34; 1244 579 148; 1245 580 148 405. 1246 581 1244; 1247 583 206; 1248 584 242; 1249 585 206; 1250 587 203 406. 1251 588 30; 1252 589 203; 1253 590 576; 1254 593 268; 1255 594 288 407. 1256 595 147; 1257 597 313; 1258 598 313; 1259 599 312; 1260 601 312 408. 1261 602 609; 1262 603 35; 1263 605 602; 1264 606 201; 1265 609 36 409. 1266 610 199; 1267 611 36; 1268 612 198; 1269 613 35; 1270 616 32 410. 1271 617 618; 1272 618 201; 1273 619 32; 1274 622 243; 1275 623 617 411. 1276 625 243; 1277 627 241; 1278 628 241; 1279 629 278; 1280 631 278 412. 1281 634 638; 1282 636 108; 1283 638 108; 1284 639 199; 1285 641 107 413. 1286 642 634; 1372 645 33; 1391 30 649; 1392 649 106; 1393 106 644 414. 1394 644 643; 1395 643 648; 1396 648 107; 1397 652 40; 1398 654 318 415. 1399 655 317; 1400 656 675; 1401 657 43; 1402 659 319; 1403 660 319 416. 1404 661 1245; 1405 663 212; 1406 664 324; 1407 665 212; 1408 667 209 417. 1409 668 39; 1410 669 209; 1411 670 656; 1412 673 269; 1413 674 289 418. 1414 675 318; 1415 677 328; 1416 678 328; 1417 679 327; 1418 681 327 419. 1419 682 689; 1420 683 44; 1421 685 682; 1422 686 207; 1423 689 45 420. 1424 690 205; 1425 691 45; 1426 692 320; 1427 693 44; 1428 696 41 421. 1429 697 698; 1430 698 207; 1431 699 41; 1432 702 325; 1433 703 697 422. 1434 705 325; 1435 707 323; 1436 708 323; 1437 709 279; 1438 711 279 423. 1439 714 718; 1440 716 316; 1441 718 316; 1442 719 205; 1443 721 315 424. 1444 722 714; 1445 723 728; 1446 724 723; 1447 725 42; 1448 728 315 425. 1449 729 314; 1541 732 49; 1542 734 333; 1543 735 332; 1544 736 755 426. 1545 737 52; 1546 739 334; 1547 740 334; 1548 741 1246; 1549 743 218 427. 1550 744 339; 1551 745 218; 1552 747 215; 1553 748 48; 1554 749 215 428. 1555 750 736; 1556 753 270; 1557 754 290; 1558 755 333; 1559 757 343 429. 1560 758 343; 1561 759 342; 1562 761 342; 1563 762 769; 1564 763 53 430. 1565 765 762; 1566 766 213; 1567 769 54; 1568 770 211; 1569 771 54 431. 1570 772 335; 1571 773 53; 1572 776 50; 1573 777 778; 1574 778 213 432. 1575 779 50; 1576 782 340; 1577 783 777; 1578 785 340; 1579 787 338 433. 1580 788 338; 1581 789 280; 1582 791 280; 1583 794 798; 1584 796 331 434. 1585 798 331; 1586 799 211; 1587 801 330; 1588 802 794; 1589 803 808 435. 1590 804 803; 1591 805 51; 1592 808 330; 1593 809 329; 1685 812 58 436. 1686 814 348; 1687 815 347; 1688 816 835; 1689 817 61; 1690 819 349 437. 1691 820 349; 1692 821 1247; 1693 823 224; 1694 824 354; 1695 825 224 438. 1696 827 221; 1697 828 57; 1698 829 221; 1699 830 816; 1700 833 271 439. 1701 834 291; 1702 835 348; 1703 837 358; 1704 838 358; 1705 839 357 440. 1706 841 357; 1707 842 849; 1708 843 62; 1709 845 842; 1710 846 219 441. 1711 849 63; 1712 850 217; 1713 851 63; 1714 852 350; 1715 853 62; 1716 856 59 442. 1717 857 858; 1718 858 219; 1719 859 59; 1720 862 355; 1721 863 857 443. 1722 865 355; 1723 867 353; 1724 868 353; 1725 869 281; 1726 871 281

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446. 1737 889 344; 1829 892 67; 1830 894 363; 1831 895 362; 1832 896 915 447. 1833 897 70; 1834 899 364; 1835 900 364; 1836 901 1248; 1837 903 230 448. 1838 904 369; 1839 905 230; 1840 907 227; 1841 908 66; 1842 909 227 449. 1843 910 896; 1844 913 272; 1845 914 292; 1846 915 363; 1847 917 373 450. 1848 918 373; 1849 919 372; 1850 921 372; 1851 922 929; 1852 923 71 451. 1853 925 922; 1854 926 225; 1855 929 72; 1856 930 223; 1857 931 72 452. 1858 932 365; 1859 933 71; 1860 936 68; 1861 937 938; 1862 938 225 453. 1863 939 68; 1864 942 370; 1865 943 937; 1866 945 370; 1867 947 368 454. 1868 948 368; 1869 949 282; 1870 951 282; 1871 954 958; 1872 956 361 455. 1873 958 361; 1874 959 223; 1875 961 360; 1876 962 954; 1877 963 968 456. 1878 964 963; 1879 965 69; 1880 968 360; 1881 969 359; 1980 972 134 457. 1981 974 137; 1983 975 129; 1985 976 137; 1988 978 174; 1990 979 76 458. 1992 980 174; 1995 981 130; 1996 983 79; 1999 984 79; 2002 985 132 459. 2003 987 126; 2006 988 126; 2010 990 179; 2012 991 178; 2014 992 179 460. 2017 994 376; 2019 995 375; 2021 996 376; 2024 998 127; 2026 999 80 461. 2028 1000 127; 2032 1001 178; 2034 1003 1001; 2036 1005 374; 2038 1006 375 462. 2040 1007 1006; 2043 1008 177; 2056 1011 228; 2057 1012 80; 2063 1014 77 463. 2070 1016 231; 2071 1017 229; 2072 1018 81; 2073 1019 81; 2085 1022 77 464. 2086 1023 1024; 2087 1024 231; 2089 1025 261; 2090 1027 264; 2092 1028 263 465. 2094 1029 264; 2108 1033 262; 2110 1034 75; 2112 1035 262; 2115 1036 78 466. 2116 1037 1038; 2117 1038 122; 2120 1040 122; 2126 1042 121; 2130 1043 133 467. 2131 1045 136; 2132 1046 129; 2133 1048 173; 2134 1049 76; 2135 1050 136 468. 2136 1052 73; 2137 1053 173; 2138 1054 128; 2139 1056 124; 2140 1057 73 469. 2141 1059 175; 2142 1060 176; 2143 1061 176; 2144 1063 393; 2145 1064 273 470. 2146 1065 393; 2147 1067 125; 2148 1068 74; 2149 1069 74; 2150 1070 1072 471. 2151 1072 177; 2152 1074 1075; 2153 1075 374; 2206 1080 229; 2207 1081 1082 472. 2208 1082 123; 2211 1084 123; 2224 1086 382; 2225 1088 391; 2227 1089 389 473. 2229 1090 391; 2232 1092 392; 2234 1093 390; 2236 1094 392; 2239 1096 383 474. 2241 1097 381; 2243 1098 383; 2246 1100 386; 2248 1101 385; 2250 1102 386 475. 2253 1103 380; 2254 1105 387; 2255 1106 389; 2256 1108 388; 2257 1109 390 476. 2258 1111 379; 2259 1112 381; 2260 1114 384; 2261 1115 385; 2279 1116 189 477. 2281 1118 1116; 2283 1120 185; 2285 1121 187; 2287 1122 1121; 2290 1123 195 478. 2291 1125 1123; 2292 1127 193; 2293 1128 1127; 2300 1129 201; 2301 1131 1129 479. 2302 1133 199; 2303 1134 1133; 2310 1135 207; 2311 1137 1135; 2312 1139 205 480. 2313 1140 1139; 2320 1141 213; 2321 1143 1141; 2322 1145 211; 2323 1146 1145 481. 2330 1147 219; 2331 1149 1147; 2332 1151 217; 2333 1152 1151; 2340 1153 225 482. 2341 1155 1153; 2342 1157 223; 2343 1158 1157; 2350 1159 231; 2351 1161 1159 483. 2352 1163 229; 2353 1164 1163; 2360 1165 1221; 2361 1166 1219; 2362 1167 1269 484. 2363 1168 1241; 2364 1165 1170; 2365 1169 1172; 2366 1166 1174; 2367 1166 1176 485. 2368 1168 1173; 2369 1170 1249; 2370 1171 1178; 2371 1172 1167; 2372 1173 1167 486. 2375 1174 1165; 2376 1176 1171; 2381 1178 1168; 2386 1180 1191; 2387 1182 1187 487. 2388 1183 1253; 2389 1184 1225; 2390 1180 1251; 2391 1181 1183; 2392 1182 1189 488. 2393 1184 1271; 2394 1182 1223; 2397 1186 65; 2408 1187 265; 2409 1189 1180 489. 2411 1190 2; 2413 1191 2; 2416 1192 266; 2418 1194 11; 2420 1195 11 490. 2423 1196 267; 2424 1198 20; 2425 1199 20; 2430 1200 268; 2431 1202 29 491. 2432 1203 29; 2437 1204 269; 2438 1206 38; 2439 1207 38; 2444 1208 270 492. 2445 1210 47; 2446 1211 47; 2451 1212 271; 2452 1214 56; 2453 1215 56 493. 2459 1216 1166; 2462 1218 1165; 2466 1219 272; 2469 1221 65; 2474 1223 1184 494. 2476 1224 285; 2478 1225 285; 2483 1227 286; 2486 1229 287; 2491 1231 288 495. 2496 1233 289; 2501 1235 290; 2506 1237 291; 2514 1239 1168; 2520 1241 292 496. 2523 1242 190; 2524 1243 196; 2525 1244 202; 2526 1245 321; 2527 1246 336 497. 2528 1247 351; 2529 1248 366; 2530 1249 1169; 2531 1251 1181; 2532 1252 184 498. 2533 1253 275; 2534 1255 276; 2535 1257 277; 2536 1259 278; 2537 1261 279 499. 2538 1263 280; 2539 1265 281; 2540 1267 1167; 2541 1269 282; 2580 1271 1183 500. 2582 1272 275 501. ELEMENT INCIDENCES SHELL 502. 888 298 394 395 396; 890 394 297 397 395; 892 396 395 398 304 503. 893 395 397 303 398; 895 304 398 399 400; 897 398 303 401 399 504. 899 400 399 402 13; 900 399 401 10 402; 902 13 402 403 404; 904 402 10 405 403 505. 906 404 403 406 139; 907 403 405 138 406; 910 16 407 408 409 506. 911 407 13 404 408; 913 409 408 410 140; 914 408 404 139 410 507. 917 190 411 412 413; 919 411 11 414 412; 921 413 412 415 194 508. 922 412 414 234 415; 924 194 415 416 417; 926 415 234 418 416 509. 928 417 416 419 191; 929 416 418 12 419; 934 420 180 423 421

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512. 950 430 406 427 431; 952 432 431 433 307; 953 431 427 286 433 513. 958 140 410 435 436; 959 436 435 434 306; 960 410 139 432 435 514. 961 435 307 305 434; 962 432 307 435; 968 17 438 439 440; 970 438 186 441 439 515. 971 440 439 442 437; 972 439 441 189 442; 974 437 442 443 444 516. 976 442 189 445 443; 978 444 443 446 18; 979 443 445 187 446 517. 986 450 449 447 186; 987 448 450 438 17; 988 434 449 450; 989 306 450 448 518. 990 306 434 450; 992 434 305 451 449; 993 449 451 14 447; 998 14 454 455 456 519. 1000 454 232 457 455; 1002 456 455 458 452; 1003 455 457 235 458 520. 1006 447 14 456 459; 1007 459 456 452 453; 1008 186 447 459 441 521. 1009 441 459 453 189; 1010 235 194 191 233; 1013 235 460 461 462 522. 1014 460 194 417 461; 1016 462 461 463 233; 1017 461 417 191 463 523. 1021 464 190 413; 1022 464 413 465; 1023 276 464 465; 1024 465 413 194 460 524. 1025 232 276 465 457; 1026 457 465 460 235; 1031 433 286 466 467 525. 1032 468 466 276 232; 1033 307 433 467 305; 1034 305 467 468 451 526. 1035 467 466 468; 1036 468 232 454; 1037 451 468 454; 1038 451 454 14 527. 1043 18 446 470 471; 1044 446 187 472 470; 1046 471 470 473 103 528. 1047 470 472 469 473; 1049 187 474 475 472; 1051 474 15 476 475 529. 1053 472 475 477 469; 1054 475 476 102 477; 1056 181 478 479 422 530. 1057 478 420 421 479; 1059 422 479 480 95; 1060 479 421 424 480 531. 1065 102 483 478 181; 1066 476 482 483 102; 1067 481 482 476; 1068 15 481 476 532. 1069 481 233 482; 1074 233 463 484 482; 1075 483 484 420 478; 1076 482 484 483 533. 1078 419 12 485 486; 1079 463 191 486 484; 1080 486 485 180 420 534. 1081 484 486 420; 1082 191 419 486; 1083 450 186 438; 1140 22 487 488 489 535. 1141 487 19 490 488; 1142 489 488 491 144; 1143 488 490 143 491 536. 1144 25 492 493 494; 1145 492 22 489 493; 1146 494 493 495 145 537. 1147 493 489 144 495; 1148 196 496 497 498; 1149 496 20 499 497 538. 1150 498 497 500 200; 1151 497 499 238 500; 1152 200 500 501 502 539. 1153 500 238 503 501; 1154 502 501 504 197; 1155 501 503 21 504 540. 1156 505 182 508 506; 1157 506 508 97 509; 1158 491 510 511 512 541. 1159 510 143 513 511; 1160 512 511 514 287; 1161 511 513 267 514 542. 1162 144 515 516 517; 1163 515 491 512 516; 1164 517 516 518 310 543. 1165 516 512 287 518; 1166 145 495 520 521; 1167 521 520 519 309 544. 1168 495 144 517 520; 1169 520 310 308 519; 1170 517 310 520 545. 1171 26 523 524 525; 1172 523 192 526 524; 1173 525 524 527 522 546. 1174 524 526 195 527; 1175 522 527 528 529; 1176 527 195 530 528 547. 1177 529 528 531 27; 1178 528 530 193 531; 1179 535 534 532 192 548. 1180 533 535 523 26; 1181 519 534 535; 1182 309 535 533; 1183 309 519 535 549. 1184 519 308 536 534; 1185 534 536 23 532; 1186 23 539 540 541 550. 1187 539 236 542 540; 1188 541 540 543 537; 1189 540 542 239 543 551. 1190 532 23 541 544; 1191 544 541 537 538; 1192 192 532 544 526 552. 1193 526 544 538 195; 1194 239 200 197 237; 1195 239 545 546 547 553. 1196 545 200 502 546; 1197 547 546 548 237; 1198 546 502 197 548 554. 1199 549 196 498; 1200 549 498 550; 1201 277 549 550; 1202 550 498 200 545 555. 1203 236 277 550 542; 1204 542 550 545 239; 1205 518 287 551 552 556. 1206 553 551 277 236; 1207 310 518 552 308; 1208 308 552 553 536 557. 1209 552 551 553; 1210 553 236 539; 1211 536 553 539; 1212 536 539 23 558. 1213 27 531 555 556; 1214 531 193 557 555; 1215 556 555 558 142 559. 1216 555 557 554 558; 1217 193 559 560 557; 1218 559 24 561 560 560. 1219 557 560 562 554; 1220 560 561 141 562; 1221 183 563 564 507 561. 1222 563 505 506 564; 1223 507 564 565 98; 1224 564 506 509 565 562. 1225 141 568 563 183; 1226 561 567 568 141; 1227 566 567 561; 1228 24 566 561 563. 1229 566 237 567; 1230 237 548 569 567; 1231 568 569 505 563; 1232 567 569 568 564. 1233 504 21 570 571; 1234 548 197 571 569; 1235 571 570 182 505 565. 1236 569 571 505; 1237 197 504 571; 1238 535 192 523; 1287 31 572 573 574 566. 1288 572 28 575 573; 1289 574 573 576 147; 1290 573 575 146 576 567. 1291 34 577 578 579; 1292 577 31 574 578; 1293 579 578 580 148 568. 1294 578 574 147 580; 1295 202 581 582 583; 1296 581 29 584 582 569. 1297 583 582 585 206; 1298 582 584 242 585; 1299 206 585 586 587 570. 1300 585 242 588 586; 1301 587 586 589 203; 1302 586 588 30 589 571. 1303 576 590 591 592; 1304 590 146 593 591; 1305 592 591 594 288 572. 1306 591 593 268 594; 1307 147 595 596 597; 1308 595 576 592 596 573. 1309 597 596 598 313; 1310 596 592 288 598; 1311 148 580 600 601 574. 1312 601 600 599 312; 1313 580 147 597 600; 1314 600 313 311 599 575. 1315 597 313 600; 1316 35 603 604 605; 1317 603 198 606 604

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578. 1324 615 614 612 198; 1325 613 615 603 35; 1326 599 614 615; 1327 312 615 613 579. 1328 312 599 615; 1329 599 311 616 614; 1330 614 616 32 612 580. 1331 32 619 620 621; 1332 619 240 622 620; 1333 621 620 623 617 581. 1334 620 622 243 623; 1335 612 32 621 624; 1336 624 621 617 618 582. 1337 198 612 624 606; 1338 606 624 618 201; 1339 243 206 203 241 583. 1340 243 625 626 627; 1341 625 206 587 626; 1342 627 626 628 241 584. 1343 626 587 203 628; 1344 629 202 583; 1345 629 583 630; 1346 278 629 630 585. 1347 630 583 206 625; 1348 240 278 630 622; 1349 622 630 625 243 586. 1350 598 288 631 632; 1351 633 631 278 240; 1352 313 598 632 311 587. 1353 311 632 633 616; 1354 632 631 633; 1355 633 240 619; 1356 616 633 619 588. 1357 616 619 32; 1358 36 611 635 636; 1359 611 199 637 635 589. 1360 636 635 638 108; 1361 635 637 634 638; 1362 199 639 640 637 590. 1363 639 33 641 640; 1364 637 640 642 634; 1365 640 641 107 642 591. 1366 615 198 603; 1373 33 645 646 641; 1374 645 241 647 646 592. 1377 641 646 648 107; 1378 646 647 643 648; 1384 241 628 650 647 593. 1385 628 203 651 650; 1386 589 30 649 651; 1387 651 649 106 644 594. 1388 647 650 644 643; 1389 203 589 651; 1390 650 651 644; 1450 40 652 653 654 595. 1451 652 37 655 653; 1452 654 653 656 318; 1453 653 655 317 656 596. 1454 43 657 658 659; 1455 657 40 654 658; 1456 659 658 660 319 597. 1457 658 654 318 660; 1458 321 661 662 663; 1459 661 38 664 662 598. 1460 663 662 665 212; 1461 662 664 324 665; 1462 212 665 666 667 599. 1463 665 324 668 666; 1464 667 666 669 209; 1465 666 668 39 669 600. 1466 656 670 671 672; 1467 670 317 673 671; 1468 672 671 674 289 601. 1469 671 673 269 674; 1470 318 675 676 677; 1471 675 656 672 676 602. 1472 677 676 678 328; 1473 676 672 289 678; 1474 319 660 680 681 603. 1475 681 680 679 327; 1476 660 318 677 680; 1477 680 328 326 679 604. 1478 677 328 680; 1479 44 683 684 685; 1480 683 320 686 684 605. 1481 685 684 687 682; 1482 684 686 207 687; 1483 682 687 688 689 606. 1484 687 207 690 688; 1485 689 688 691 45; 1486 688 690 205 691 607. 1487 695 694 692 320; 1488 693 695 683 44; 1489 679 694 695; 1490 327 695 693 608. 1491 327 679 695; 1492 679 326 696 694; 1493 694 696 41 692 609. 1494 41 699 700 701; 1495 699 322 702 700; 1496 701 700 703 697 610. 1497 700 702 325 703; 1498 692 41 701 704; 1499 704 701 697 698 611. 1500 320 692 704 686; 1501 686 704 698 207; 1502 325 212 209 323 612. 1503 325 705 706 707; 1504 705 212 667 706; 1505 707 706 708 323 613. 1506 706 667 209 708; 1507 709 321 663; 1508 709 663 710; 1509 279 709 710 614. 1510 710 663 212 705; 1511 322 279 710 702; 1512 702 710 705 325 615. 1513 678 289 711 712; 1514 713 711 279 322; 1515 328 678 712 326 616. 1516 326 712 713 696; 1517 712 711 713; 1518 713 322 699; 1519 696 713 699 617. 1520 696 699 41; 1521 45 691 715 716; 1522 691 205 717 715 618. 1523 716 715 718 316; 1524 715 717 714 718; 1525 205 719 720 717 619. 1526 719 42 721 720; 1527 717 720 722 714; 1528 720 721 315 722 620. 1529 695 320 683; 1530 42 725 726 721; 1531 725 323 727 726 621. 1532 721 726 728 315; 1533 726 727 723 728; 1534 323 708 730 727 622. 1535 708 209 731 730; 1536 669 39 729 731; 1537 731 729 314 724 623. 1538 727 730 724 723; 1539 209 669 731; 1540 730 731 724; 1594 49 732 733 734 624. 1595 732 46 735 733; 1596 734 733 736 333; 1597 733 735 332 736 625. 1598 52 737 738 739; 1599 737 49 734 738; 1600 739 738 740 334 626. 1601 738 734 333 740; 1602 336 741 742 743; 1603 741 47 744 742 627. 1604 743 742 745 218; 1605 742 744 339 745; 1606 218 745 746 747 628. 1607 745 339 748 746; 1608 747 746 749 215; 1609 746 748 48 749 629. 1610 736 750 751 752; 1611 750 332 753 751; 1612 752 751 754 290 630. 1613 751 753 270 754; 1614 333 755 756 757; 1615 755 736 752 756 631. 1616 757 756 758 343; 1617 756 752 290 758; 1618 334 740 760 761 632. 1619 761 760 759 342; 1620 740 333 757 760; 1621 760 343 341 759 633. 1622 757 343 760; 1623 53 763 764 765; 1624 763 335 766 764 634. 1625 765 764 767 762; 1626 764 766 213 767; 1627 762 767 768 769 635. 1628 767 213 770 768; 1629 769 768 771 54; 1630 768 770 211 771 636. 1631 775 774 772 335; 1632 773 775 763 53; 1633 759 774 775; 1634 342 775 773 637. 1635 342 759 775; 1636 759 341 776 774; 1637 774 776 50 772 638. 1638 50 779 780 781; 1639 779 337 782 780; 1640 781 780 783 777 639. 1641 780 782 340 783; 1642 772 50 781 784; 1643 784 781 777 778 640. 1644 335 772 784 766; 1645 766 784 778 213; 1646 340 218 215 338 641. 1647 340 785 786 787; 1648 785 218 747 786; 1649 787 786 788 338

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644. 1657 758 290 791 792; 1658 793 791 280 337; 1659 343 758 792 341 645. 1660 341 792 793 776; 1661 792 791 793; 1662 793 337 779; 1663 776 793 779 646. 1664 776 779 50; 1665 54 771 795 796; 1666 771 211 797 795 647. 1667 796 795 798 331; 1668 795 797 794 798; 1669 211 799 800 797 648. 1670 799 51 801 800; 1671 797 800 802 794; 1672 800 801 330 802 649. 1673 775 335 763; 1674 51 805 806 801; 1675 805 338 807 806 650. 1676 801 806 808 330; 1677 806 807 803 808; 1678 338 788 810 807 651. 1679 788 215 811 810; 1680 749 48 809 811; 1681 811 809 329 804 652. 1682 807 810 804 803; 1683 215 749 811; 1684 810 811 804; 1738 58 812 813 814 653. 1739 812 55 815 813; 1740 814 813 816 348; 1741 813 815 347 816 654. 1742 61 817 818 819; 1743 817 58 814 818; 1744 819 818 820 349 655. 1745 818 814 348 820; 1746 351 821 822 823; 1747 821 56 824 822 656. 1748 823 822 825 224; 1749 822 824 354 825; 1750 224 825 826 827 657. 1751 825 354 828 826; 1752 827 826 829 221; 1753 826 828 57 829 658. 1754 816 830 831 832; 1755 830 347 833 831; 1756 832 831 834 291 659. 1757 831 833 271 834; 1758 348 835 836 837; 1759 835 816 832 836 660. 1760 837 836 838 358; 1761 836 832 291 838; 1762 349 820 840 841 661. 1763 841 840 839 357; 1764 820 348 837 840; 1765 840 358 356 839 662. 1766 837 358 840; 1767 62 843 844 845; 1768 843 350 846 844 663. 1769 845 844 847 842; 1770 844 846 219 847; 1771 842 847 848 849 664. 1772 847 219 850 848; 1773 849 848 851 63; 1774 848 850 217 851 665. 1775 855 854 852 350; 1776 853 855 843 62; 1777 839 854 855; 1778 357 855 853 666. 1779 357 839 855; 1780 839 356 856 854; 1781 854 856 59 852 667. 1782 59 859 860 861; 1783 859 352 862 860; 1784 861 860 863 857 668. 1785 860 862 355 863; 1786 852 59 861 864; 1787 864 861 857 858 669. 1788 350 852 864 846; 1789 846 864 858 219; 1790 355 224 221 353 670. 1791 355 865 866 867; 1792 865 224 827 866; 1793 867 866 868 353 671. 1794 866 827 221 868; 1795 869 351 823; 1796 869 823 870; 1797 281 869 870 672. 1798 870 823 224 865; 1799 352 281 870 862; 1800 862 870 865 355 673. 1801 838 291 871 872; 1802 873 871 281 352; 1803 358 838 872 356 674. 1804 356 872 873 856; 1805 872 871 873; 1806 873 352 859; 1807 856 873 859 675. 1808 856 859 59; 1809 63 851 875 876; 1810 851 217 877 875 676. 1811 876 875 878 346; 1812 875 877 874 878; 1813 217 879 880 877 677. 1814 879 60 881 880; 1815 877 880 882 874; 1816 880 881 345 882 678. 1817 855 350 843; 1818 60 885 886 881; 1819 885 353 887 886 679. 1820 881 886 888 345; 1821 886 887 883 888; 1822 353 868 890 887 680. 1823 868 221 891 890; 1824 829 57 889 891; 1825 891 889 344 884 681. 1826 887 890 884 883; 1827 221 829 891; 1828 890 891 884; 1882 67 892 893 894 682. 1883 892 64 895 893; 1884 894 893 896 363; 1885 893 895 362 896 683. 1886 70 897 898 899; 1887 897 67 894 898; 1888 899 898 900 364 684. 1889 898 894 363 900; 1890 366 901 902 903; 1891 901 65 904 902 685. 1892 903 902 905 230; 1893 902 904 369 905; 1894 230 905 906 907 686. 1895 905 369 908 906; 1896 907 906 909 227; 1897 906 908 66 909 687. 1898 896 910 911 912; 1899 910 362 913 911; 1900 912 911 914 292 688. 1901 911 913 272 914; 1902 363 915 916 917; 1903 915 896 912 916 689. 1904 917 916 918 373; 1905 916 912 292 918; 1906 364 900 920 921 690. 1907 921 920 919 372; 1908 900 363 917 920; 1909 920 373 371 919 691. 1910 917 373 920; 1911 71 923 924 925; 1912 923 365 926 924 692. 1913 925 924 927 922; 1914 924 926 225 927; 1915 922 927 928 929 693. 1916 927 225 930 928; 1917 929 928 931 72; 1918 928 930 223 931 694. 1919 935 934 932 365; 1920 933 935 923 71; 1921 919 934 935; 1922 372 935 933 695. 1923 372 919 935; 1924 919 371 936 934; 1925 934 936 68 932 696. 1926 68 939 940 941; 1927 939 367 942 940; 1928 941 940 943 937 697. 1929 940 942 370 943; 1930 932 68 941 944; 1931 944 941 937 938 698. 1932 365 932 944 926; 1933 926 944 938 225; 1934 370 230 227 368 699. 1935 370 945 946 947; 1936 945 230 907 946; 1937 947 946 948 368 700. 1938 946 907 227 948; 1939 949 366 903; 1940 949 903 950; 1941 282 949 950 701. 1942 950 903 230 945; 1943 367 282 950 942; 1944 942 950 945 370 702. 1945 918 292 951 952; 1946 953 951 282 367; 1947 373 918 952 371 703. 1948 371 952 953 936; 1949 952 951 953; 1950 953 367 939; 1951 936 953 939 704. 1952 936 939 68; 1953 72 931 955 956; 1954 931 223 957 955 705. 1955 956 955 958 361; 1956 955 957 954 958; 1957 223 959 960 957 706. 1958 959 69 961 960; 1959 957 960 962 954; 1960 960 961 360 962 707. 1961 935 365 923; 1962 69 965 966 961; 1963 965 368 967 966

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710. 1970 967 970 964 963; 1971 227 909 971; 1972 970 971 964; 1982 134 972 973 974 711. 1984 972 133 975 973; 1986 974 973 976 137; 1987 973 975 129 976 712. 1989 137 976 977 978; 1991 976 129 979 977; 1993 978 977 980 174 713. 1994 977 979 76 980; 1997 130 981 982 983; 1998 981 137 978 982 714. 2000 983 982 984 79; 2001 982 978 174 984; 2004 132 985 986 987 715. 2005 985 130 983 986; 2007 987 986 988 126; 2008 986 983 79 988 716. 2011 126 988 989 990; 2013 988 79 991 989; 2015 990 989 992 179 717. 2016 989 991 178 992; 2018 179 992 993 994; 2020 992 178 995 993 718. 2022 994 993 996 376; 2023 993 995 375 996; 2025 376 996 997 998 719. 2027 996 375 999 997; 2029 998 997 1000 127; 2030 997 999 80 1000 720. 2031 178 177 374 375; 2033 178 1001 1002 995; 2035 1001 1003 1004 1002 721. 2037 1003 177 1005 1004; 2039 995 1002 1006 375; 2041 1002 1004 1007 1006 722. 2042 1004 1005 374 1007; 2047 980 76 1008; 2048 174 980 1008 1009 723. 2049 1009 1008 177 1003; 2052 984 174 1009 1010; 2053 1010 1009 1003 1001 724. 2054 79 984 1010 991; 2055 991 1010 1001 178; 2060 999 1012 80 725. 2061 999 1013 228 1012; 2062 375 1006 1013 999; 2066 1007 374 1014 1015 726. 2067 1015 1014 77 1011; 2068 1006 1007 1015 1013; 2069 1013 1015 1011 228 727. 2077 1012 228 1016 1020; 2078 1021 1017 229 1019; 2079 80 1012 1020 1018 728. 2080 1018 1021 1019 81; 2081 1020 1016 231; 2082 1020 231 1021 729. 2083 1021 231 1017; 2084 1018 1020 1021; 2091 261 1025 1026 1027 730. 2093 1025 74 1028 1026; 2095 1027 1026 1029 264; 2096 1026 1028 263 1029 731. 2099 1022 261 1027; 2100 77 1022 1027 1030; 2101 1030 1027 264 1023 732. 2103 228 1011 1031 1016; 2104 1011 77 1030 1031; 2105 1016 1031 1024 231 733. 2106 1031 1030 1023 1024; 2109 264 1029 1032 1033; 2111 1029 263 1034 1032 734. 2113 1033 1032 1035 262; 2114 1032 1034 75 1035; 2121 78 1036 1040 735. 2122 1036 262 1039 1040; 2123 1040 1039 1038 122; 2125 262 1035 1041 1039 736. 2127 1035 75 1042 1041; 2128 1039 1041 1037 1038; 2129 1041 1042 121 1037 737. 2154 135 1043 1044 1045; 2155 1043 133 975 1044; 2156 1045 1044 1046 136 738. 2157 1044 975 129 1046; 2158 136 1046 1047 1048; 2159 1046 129 979 1047 739. 2160 1048 1047 1049 173; 2161 1047 979 76 1049; 2162 128 1050 1051 1052 740. 2163 1050 136 1048 1051; 2164 1052 1051 1053 73; 2165 1051 1048 173 1053 741. 2166 131 1054 1055 1056; 2167 1054 128 1052 1055; 2168 1056 1055 1057 124 742. 2169 1055 1052 73 1057; 2170 124 1057 1058 1059; 2171 1057 73 1060 1058 743. 2172 1059 1058 1061 175; 2173 1058 1060 176 1061; 2174 175 1061 1062 1063 744. 2175 1061 176 1064 1062; 2176 1063 1062 1065 393; 2177 1062 1064 273 1065 745. 2178 393 1065 1066 1067; 2179 1065 273 1068 1066; 2180 1067 1066 1069 125 746. 2181 1066 1068 74 1069; 2182 176 177 374 273; 2183 176 1070 1071 1064 747. 2184 1070 1072 1073 1071; 2185 1072 177 1005 1073; 2186 1064 1071 1074 273 748. 2187 1071 1073 1075 1074; 2188 1073 1005 374 1075; 2189 1049 76 1008 749. 2190 173 1049 1008 1076; 2191 1076 1008 177 1072; 2192 1053 173 1076 1077 750. 2193 1077 1076 1072 1070; 2194 73 1053 1077 1060; 2195 1060 1077 1070 176 751. 2199 1074 273 1068 1079; 2200 1079 1068 74 1025; 2201 1075 1074 1079 1078 752. 2202 1078 1079 1025 261; 2203 1014 1078 261 1022; 2204 374 1075 1078 1014 753. 2205 1014 1022 77; 2212 1084 1083 1082 123; 2213 1019 229 1083 1084 754. 2214 81 1019 1084; 2216 229 1080 1085 1083; 2217 1080 78 1040 1085 755. 2218 1083 1085 1081 1082; 2219 1085 1040 122 1081; 2226 382 1086 1087 1088 756. 2228 1086 380 1089 1087; 2230 1088 1087 1090 391; 2231 1087 1089 389 1090 757. 2233 391 1090 1091 1092; 2235 1090 389 1093 1091; 2237 1092 1091 1094 392 758. 2238 1091 1093 390 1094; 2240 392 1094 1095 1096; 2242 1094 390 1097 1095 759. 2244 1096 1095 1098 383; 2245 1095 1097 381 1098; 2247 383 1098 1099 1100 760. 2249 1098 381 1101 1099; 2251 1100 1099 1102 386; 2252 1099 1101 385 1102 761. 2262 378 1103 1104 1105; 2263 1103 380 1089 1104; 2264 1105 1104 1106 387 762. 2265 1104 1089 389 1106; 2266 387 1106 1107 1108; 2267 1106 389 1093 1107 763. 2268 1108 1107 1109 388; 2269 1107 1093 390 1109; 2270 388 1109 1110 1111 764. 2271 1109 390 1097 1110; 2272 1111 1110 1112 379; 2273 1110 1097 381 1112 765. 2274 379 1112 1113 1114; 2275 1112 381 1101 1113; 2276 1114 1113 1115 384 766. 2277 1113 1101 385 1115; 2280 189 1116 1117 445; 2282 1116 1118 1119 1117 767. 2284 1118 188 1120 1119; 2286 445 1117 1121 187; 2288 1117 1119 1122 1121 768. 2289 1119 1120 185 1122; 2294 195 1123 1124 530; 2295 1123 1125 1126 1124 769. 2296 1125 194 417 1126; 2297 530 1124 1127 193; 2298 1124 1126 1128 1127 770. 2299 1126 417 191 1128; 2304 201 1129 1130 610; 2305 1129 1131 1132 1130 771. 2306 1131 200 502 1132; 2307 610 1130 1133 199; 2308 1130 1132 1134 1133 772. 2309 1132 502 197 1134; 2314 207 1135 1136 690; 2315 1135 1137 1138 1136

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776. 2329 1144 667 209 1146; 2334 219 1147 1148 850; 2335 1147 1149 1150 1148 777. 2336 1149 218 747 1150; 2337 850 1148 1151 217; 2338 1148 1150 1152 1151 778. 2339 1150 747 215 1152; 2344 225 1153 1154 930; 2345 1153 1155 1156 1154 779. 2346 1155 224 827 1156; 2347 930 1154 1157 223; 2348 1154 1156 1158 1157 780. 2349 1156 827 221 1158; 2354 231 1159 1160 1017; 2355 1159 1161 1162 1160 781. 2356 1161 230 907 1162; 2357 1017 1160 1163 229; 2358 1160 1162 1164 1163 782. 2359 1162 907 227 1164; 2377 1166 1174 1175 1176; 2378 1174 1165 1170 1175 783. 2379 1176 1175 1177 1171; 2380 1175 1170 1169 1177; 2382 1168 1178 1179 1173 784. 2383 1178 1171 1177 1179; 2384 1173 1179 1172 1167; 2385 1179 1177 1169 1172 785. 2398 951 949 282; 2399 951 1185 949; 2400 1185 366 949; 2401 1185 1186 901 786. 2402 1186 65 901; 2403 1185 901 366; 2404 914 272 1186 1185 787. 2405 292 914 1185 951; 2410 1182 1187 1188 1189; 2412 1187 265 1190 1188 788. 2414 1189 1188 1191 1180; 2415 1188 1190 2 1191; 2417 265 1192 1193 1190 789. 2419 1192 266 1194 1193; 2421 1190 1193 1195 2; 2422 1193 1194 11 1195 790. 2426 266 1196 1197 1194; 2427 1196 267 1198 1197; 2428 1194 1197 1199 11 791. 2429 1197 1198 20 1199; 2433 267 1200 1201 1198; 2434 1200 268 1202 1201 792. 2435 1198 1201 1203 20; 2436 1201 1202 29 1203; 2440 268 1204 1205 1202 793. 2441 1204 269 1206 1205; 2442 1202 1205 1207 29; 2443 1205 1206 38 1207 794. 2447 269 1208 1209 1206; 2448 1208 270 1210 1209; 2449 1206 1209 1211 38 795. 2450 1209 1210 47 1211; 2454 270 1212 1213 1210; 2455 1212 271 1214 1213 796. 2456 1210 1213 1215 47; 2457 1213 1214 56 1215; 2460 271 1216 1217 1214 797. 2461 1216 1166 1174 1217; 2463 1214 1217 1218 56; 2464 1217 1174 1165 1218 798. 2467 1166 1219 1220 1174; 2468 1219 272 1186 1220; 2470 1174 1220 1221 1165 799. 2471 1220 1186 65 1221; 2475 1182 1187 1222 1223; 2477 1187 265 1224 1222 800. 2479 1223 1222 1225 1184; 2480 1222 1224 285 1225; 2481 265 1192 1226 1224 801. 2482 1192 266 429 1226; 2484 1224 1226 1227 285; 2485 1226 429 286 1227 802. 2487 266 1196 1228 429; 2488 1196 267 514 1228; 2489 429 1228 1229 286 803. 2490 1228 514 287 1229; 2492 267 1200 1230 514; 2493 1200 268 594 1230 804. 2494 514 1230 1231 287; 2495 1230 594 288 1231; 2497 268 1204 1232 594 805. 2498 1204 269 674 1232; 2499 594 1232 1233 288; 2500 1232 674 289 1233 806. 2502 269 1208 1234 674; 2503 1208 270 754 1234; 2504 674 1234 1235 289 807. 2505 1234 754 290 1235; 2507 270 1212 1236 754; 2508 1212 271 834 1236 808. 2509 754 1236 1237 290; 2510 1236 834 291 1237; 2512 271 1216 1238 834 809. 2513 1216 1166 1171 1238; 2515 834 1238 1239 291; 2516 1238 1171 1168 1239 810. 2518 1166 1219 1240 1171; 2519 1219 272 914 1240; 2521 1171 1240 1241 1168 811. 2522 1240 914 292 1241; 2542 1180 1191 1250 1251; 2543 1191 2 1252 1250 812. 2544 1251 1250 1253 1183; 2545 1250 1252 275 1253; 2546 2 1195 1254 1252 813. 2547 1195 11 1242 1254; 2548 1252 1254 1255 275; 2549 1254 1242 276 1255 814. 2550 11 1199 1256 1242; 2551 1199 20 1243 1256; 2552 1242 1256 1257 276 815. 2553 1256 1243 277 1257; 2554 20 1203 1258 1243; 2555 1203 29 1244 1258 816. 2556 1243 1258 1259 277; 2557 1258 1244 278 1259; 2558 29 1207 1260 1244 817. 2559 1207 38 1245 1260; 2560 1244 1260 1261 278; 2561 1260 1245 279 1261 818. 2562 38 1211 1262 1245; 2563 1211 47 1246 1262; 2564 1245 1262 1263 279 819. 2565 1262 1246 280 1263; 2566 47 1215 1264 1246; 2567 1215 56 1247 1264 820. 2568 1246 1264 1265 280; 2569 1264 1247 281 1265; 2570 56 1218 1266 1247 821. 2571 1218 1165 1249 1266; 2572 1247 1266 1267 281; 2573 1266 1249 1167 1267 822. 2574 1165 1221 1268 1249; 2575 1221 65 1248 1268; 2576 1249 1268 1269 1167 823. 2577 1268 1248 282 1269; 2578 1182 1180 1183 1184; 2581 1184 1225 1270 1271 824. 2583 1225 285 1272 1270; 2584 1271 1270 1253 1183; 2585 1270 1272 275 1253 825. ELEMENT PROPERTY 826. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 827. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 828. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 829. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 830. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 831. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 832. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 833. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 834. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 835. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 836. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 837. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2226 2228 - 838. 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 - 839. 2263 TO 2277 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 -

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842. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 THICKNESS 0.15 843. 2410 2412 2414 2415 2417 2419 2421 2422 2426 TO 2429 2433 TO 2436 - 844. 2440 TO 2443 2447 TO 2450 2454 TO 2457 2460 2461 2463 2464 2467 2468 2470 - 845. 2471 2475 2477 2479 TO 2482 2484 2485 2487 TO 2490 2492 TO 2495 2497 TO 2500 - 846. 2502 TO 2505 2507 TO 2510 2512 2513 2515 2516 2518 2519 2521 2522 - 847. 2542 TO 2577 2581 2583 TO 2585 THICKNESS 0.15 848. 2578 THICKNESS 0.2 849. DEFINE MATERIAL START 850. ISOTROPIC STEEL 851. E 2.09042E+010 852. POISSON 0.3 853. DENSITY 7833.41 854. ALPHA 1.2E-005 855. DAMP 0.03 856. ISOTROPIC CONCRETE 857. E 2.21467E+009 858. POISSON 0.17 859. DENSITY 2402.62 860. ALPHA 1E-005 861. DAMP 0.05 862. END DEFINE MATERIAL 863. MEMBER PROPERTY JAPANESE 864. 109 TO 180 834 TO 839 847 TO 849 2360 2420 2425 2432 2439 2446 2453 2462 - 865. 2469 TABLE ST H300X300X10 866. 196 197 199 200 561 TO 567 579 TO 585 588 TO 594 601 602 2361 TO 2363 2416 - 867. 2423 2430 2437 2444 2451 2459 2466 2483 2486 2491 2496 2501 2506 2514 2520 - 868. 2534 TO 2541 TABLE ST H250X250X9 869. 13 15 17 37 39 41 97 99 101 215 219 220 243 TO 245 250 TO 252 254 TO 256 268 - 870. 269 271 273 275 277 290 TO 292 294 296 297 299 394 398 553 TO 555 560 616 - 871. 617 621 623 624 628 630 631 635 637 639 641 651 TO 655 657 675 677 678 682 - 872. 684 686 688 698 TO 702 704 722 724 725 729 731 733 735 745 TO 749 751 769 - 873. 771 772 776 778 780 782 792 TO 796 798 816 818 819 823 825 826 840 TO 842 - 874. 855 TO 857 859 861 863 865 901 903 909 942 948 957 981 991 1042 1085 1086 - 875. 1089 1103 1106 1109 1118 1119 1131 1240 1241 1244 1254 1257 1260 1269 1270 - 876. 1282 1285 1391 1392 1398 1399 1402 1412 1415 1418 1427 1428 1440 1443 1449 - 877. 1542 1543 1546 1556 1559 1562 1571 1572 1584 1587 1593 1686 1687 1690 1700 - 878. 1703 1706 1715 1716 1728 1731 1737 1830 1831 1834 1844 1847 1850 1859 1860 - 879. 1872 1875 1881 1996 2006 2012 2019 2026 2028 2036 2043 2063 2120 2126 2136 - 880. 2140 2142 2145 2148 2149 2211 2225 2227 2232 2234 2239 2241 2254 2256 2258 - 881. 2366 2375 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 TABLE ST H300X150X6.5 882. 14 18 TO 24 38 42 TO 48 98 102 103 105 TO 108 192 206 209 210 212 217 241 - 883. 242 246 TO 248 257 TO 262 264 TO 266 270 272 274 278 TO 289 293 295 298 300 - 884. 389 TO 393 395 397 399 TO 407 410 TO 439 442 444 446 447 456 457 466 467 - 885. 476 477 480 481 483 485 TO 511 544 TO 547 549 551 571 TO 573 600 607 612 - 886. 613 TO 615 618 TO 620 622 625 TO 627 629 632 TO 634 636 638 642 TO 650 656 - 887. 658 TO 674 676 679 TO 681 683 685 689 TO 697 703 705 TO 721 723 726 TO 728 - 888. 730 732 736 TO 744 750 752 TO 768 770 773 TO 775 777 779 783 TO 791 797 799 - 889. 800 TO 815 817 820 TO 822 824 827 TO 829 843 TO 846 850 TO 854 858 860 862 - 890. 864 866 TO 870 886 887 889 891 894 896 898 905 908 912 915 916 918 920 923 - 891. 925 927 930 931 933 935 940 944 947 951 954 963 966 967 969 973 975 977 980 - 892. 994 995 997 999 1001 1011 1012 1015 1018 1027 1039 1045 1048 1050 1052 1055 - 893. 1058 1061 1072 1084 1087 1088 1090 TO 1102 1104 1105 1107 1108 1110 TO 1117 - 894. 1120 TO 1130 1132 TO 1139 1239 1242 1243 1245 TO 1253 1255 1256 1258 1259 - 895. 1261 TO 1268 1271 TO 1281 1283 1284 1286 1372 1393 TO 1397 1400 1401 1403 - 896. 1404 TO 1411 1413 1414 1416 1417 1419 TO 1426 1429 TO 1439 1441 1442 1444 - 897. 1445 TO 1448 1541 1544 1545 1547 TABLE ST H250X125X6 898. 2287 2293 2303 2313 2323 2333 2343 2353 2523 TO 2526 TABLE ST H250X125X6 899. 2364 2365 2367 2368 2376 TABLE ST H250X125X6 900. 1548 TO 1555 1557 1558 1560 1561 1563 TO 1570 1573 TO 1583 1585 1586 1588 - 901. 1589 TO 1592 1685 1688 1689 1691 TO 1699 1701 1702 1704 1705 1707 TO 1714 - 902. 1717 TO 1727 1729 1730 1732 TO 1736 1829 1832 1833 1835 TO 1843 1845 1846 - 903. 1848 1849 1851 TO 1858 1861 TO 1871 1873 1874 1876 TO 1880 1980 1981 1988 - 904. 1992 1995 1999 2002 2003 2010 2014 2017 2021 2024 2032 2034 2038 2040 2056 - 905. 2057 2070 TO 2073 2085 TO 2087 2089 2090 2092 2094 2108 2110 2112 -

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908. 2259 TO 2261 2279 2281 2283 2285 2290 TO 2292 2300 TO 2302 2310 TO 2312 2320 - 909. 2321 TO 2322 2330 TO 2332 2340 TO 2342 2350 TO 2352 2369 TO 2372 2381 2527 - 910. 2528 TO 2530 TABLE ST H250X125X6 911. 253 267 1983 1990 TABLE ST H450X200X9 912. MEMBER PROPERTY JAPANESE 913. 181 TO 189 202 203 569 587 596 603 604 2386 TO 2389 2408 2413 2478 - 914. 2533 PRIS YD 0.5 ZD 0.5 915. 1 TO 12 408 409 552 570 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 2532 PRIS YD 0.6 ZD 0.3 916. 190 204 205 597 TO 599 605 606 2393 2394 2474 2476 2580 - 917. 2582 PRIS YD 0.5 ZD 0.25 918. 249 263 871 TO 877 1985 2132 TABLE ST H200X100X5.5 919. CONSTANTS 920. BETA 90 MEMB 109 TO 180 196 197 199 200 561 TO 567 579 TO 585 588 TO 594 601 - 921. 602 834 TO 839 847 TO 849 2360 922. MATERIAL STEEL MEMB 13 TO 15 17 TO 24 37 TO 39 41 TO 48 97 TO 99 101 TO 103 - 923. 105 TO 180 192 196 197 199 200 206 209 210 212 215 217 219 220 241 TO 275 - 924. 277 TO 300 389 TO 395 397 TO 407 410 TO 439 442 444 446 447 456 457 466 467 - 925. 476 477 480 481 483 485 TO 511 544 TO 547 549 551 553 TO 555 560 TO 567 571 - 926. 572 TO 573 579 TO 585 588 TO 594 600 TO 602 607 612 TO 639 641 TO 686 688 - 927. 689 TO 733 735 TO 780 782 TO 829 834 TO 877 886 887 889 891 894 896 898 901 - 928. 903 905 908 909 912 915 916 918 920 923 925 927 930 931 933 935 940 942 944 - 929. 947 948 951 954 957 963 966 967 969 973 975 977 980 981 991 994 995 997 999 - 930. 1001 1011 1012 1015 1018 1027 1039 1042 1045 1048 1050 1052 1055 1058 1061 - 931. 1072 1084 TO 1139 1239 TO 1286 1372 1391 TO 1449 1541 TO 1593 1685 TO 1737 - 932. 1829 TO 1881 1980 1981 1983 1985 1988 1990 1992 1995 1996 1999 2002 2003 - 933. 2006 2010 2012 2014 2017 2019 2021 2024 2026 2028 2032 2034 2036 2038 2040 - 934. 2043 2056 2057 2063 2070 TO 2073 2085 TO 2087 2089 2090 2092 2094 2108 2110 - 935. 2112 2115 TO 2117 2120 2126 2130 TO 2153 2206 TO 2208 2211 2224 2225 2227 - 936. 2229 2232 2234 2236 2239 2241 2243 2246 2248 2250 2253 TO 2261 2279 2281 - 937. 2283 2285 2287 2290 TO 2293 2300 TO 2303 2310 TO 2313 2320 TO 2323 - 938. 2330 TO 2333 939. MATERIAL STEEL MEMB 2340 TO 2343 2350 TO 2353 2360 TO 2372 2375 2376 2381 - 940. 2397 2416 2418 2420 2423 TO 2425 2430 TO 2432 2437 TO 2439 2444 TO 2446 2451 - 941. 2452 TO 2453 2459 2462 2466 2469 2483 2486 2491 2496 2501 2506 2514 2520 2523 - 942. 2524 TO 2530 2534 TO 2541 943. MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 1 TO 12 181 TO 190 202 TO 205 408 409 552 569 570 587 - 944. 596 TO 599 603 TO 606 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 - 945. 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 - 946. 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 - 947. 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 - 948. 1043 1044 1046 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 - 949. 1074 TO 1076 1078 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 - 950. 1385 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 - 951. 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 - 952. 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 - 953. 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 - 954. 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 - 955. 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 - 956. 2216 TO 2219 2226 2228 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 - 957. 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 - 958. 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 - 959. 2354 TO 2359 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2394 2398 TO 2405 2408 TO 2415 2417 2419 - 960. 2421 2422 2426 961. MATERIAL CONCRETE MEMB 2427 TO 2429 2433 TO 2436 2440 TO 2443 2447 TO 2450 - 962. 2454 TO 2457 2460 2461 2463 2464 2467 2468 2470 2471 2474 TO 2482 2484 2485 - 963. 2487 TO 2490 2492 TO 2495 2497 TO 2500 2502 TO 2505 2507 TO 2510 2512 2513 - 964. 2515 2516 2518 2519 2521 2522 2531 TO 2533 2542 TO 2578 2580 TO 2585 965. SUPPORTS 966. 82 TO 90 100 101 274 284 294 299 300 FIXED 967. LOAD 1 LOADTYPE DEAD TITLE BEBAN MATI 968. ELEMENT LOAD 969. 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 - 970. 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 - 971. 987 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 -

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974. 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 - 975. 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 - 976. 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 - 977. 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 - 978. 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 - 979. 2104 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 - 980. 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 - 981. 2295 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 - 982. 2354 TO 2359 2398 TO 2405 PR GY -120 983. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 1156 1157 1213 TO 1237 2226 2228 2230 2231 - 984. 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 - 985. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY -49 986. MEMBER LOAD 987. 13 14 17 TO 24 37 38 41 TO 48 192 206 210 212 215 217 220 268 271 273 274 - 988. 277 TO 284 286 288 TO 291 294 296 299 402 403 407 411 412 418 TO 421 428 - 989. 429 TO 431 438 439 488 489 491 496 TO 498 504 TO 506 553 TO 555 571 TO 573 - 990. 617 624 631 637 638 641 TO 651 653 654 657 659 660 663 664 667 TO 669 675 - 991. 676 678 684 685 688 TO 698 700 701 704 706 707 710 711 714 TO 716 722 723 - 992. 725 731 732 735 TO 745 747 748 751 753 754 757 758 761 TO 763 769 770 772 - 993. 778 779 782 TO 792 794 795 798 800 801 804 805 808 TO 810 816 817 819 898 - 994. 903 908 909 915 918 925 927 931 933 935 942 957 963 966 967 973 977 980 981 - 995. 997 1015 1018 1039 1042 1045 1048 1052 1058 1061 1072 1084 1086 1088 1089 - 996. 1091 1093 1096 TO 1098 1103 1109 TO 1112 1114 1116 TO 1118 1122 1127 1128 - 997. 1130 TO 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1239 1241 1243 1244 1246 1248 1251 1252 - 998. 1254 1260 TO 1263 1265 1267 TO 1269 1273 1278 1279 1281 TO 1284 1286 1372 - 999. 1391 TO 1397 1399 1401 1402 1404 1406 1409 1410 1412 1418 TO 1421 1423 1425 - 1000. 1426 TO 1427 1431 1436 1437 1439 TO 1442 1444 TO 1449 1541 1543 1545 1546 - 1001. 1548 1550 1553 1554 1556 1562 TO 1565 1567 1569 TO 1571 1575 1580 1581 1583 - 1002. 1584 TO 1586 1588 TO 1593 1685 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1697 1698 1700 1706 - 1003. 1707 TO 1709 UNI GY -200 1004. 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 2523 TO 2528 UNI GY -200 1005. 1711 1713 TO 1715 1719 1724 1725 1727 TO 1730 1732 TO 1737 1829 1831 1833 - 1006. 1834 1836 1838 1841 1842 1844 1850 TO 1853 1855 1857 TO 1859 1863 1868 1869 - 1007. 1871 TO 1874 1876 TO 1881 2529 UNI GY -200 1008. 97 98 101 TO 103 105 106 108 389 391 394 398 481 545 546 560 826 1992 1999 - 1009. 2012 2019 2026 2072 2073 2092 2110 2112 2115 2134 2137 2142 2145 2148 - 1010. 2206 UNI GY -750 1011. 1 2 6 TO 12 190 205 408 409 552 570 599 606 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 - 1012. 2532 UNI GY -1000 1013. SELFWEIGHT Y -1 1014. LOAD 2 LOADTYPE LIVE TITLE BEBAN HIDUP 1015. ELEMENT LOAD 1016. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 1017. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 1018. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 1019. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 1020. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 1021. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 1022. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 1023. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 1024. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 1025. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 1026. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 1027. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 - 1028. 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 - 1029. 2335 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 2354 TO 2359 PR GY -250 1030. 2226 2228 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 - 1031. 2252 2262 TO 2277 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY -500 1032. 2398 TO 2405 PR GY -1000 1033. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY -1500 1034. LOAD 3 LOADTYPE WIND TITLE BEBAN ANGIN Y 1035. MEMBER LOAD 1036. 110 119 128 137 146 155 164 173 182 835 2360 2386 2413 2420 2425 2432 2439 - 1037. 2446 2453 2462 2469 UNI GZ 308

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1040. 196 199 202 601 603 UNI GZ 154 1041. LOAD 4 LOADTYPE WIND TITLE BEBAN ANGIN X 1042. MEMBER LOAD 1043. 112 121 130 139 148 157 166 175 184 836 UNI GX 308 1044. 109 115 118 124 127 133 136 142 145 151 154 160 163 169 172 178 181 187 601 - 1045. 602 TO 604 834 838 UNI GX 154 1046. LOAD 5 LOADTYPE SEISMIC TITLE GEMPA ARAH Y 1047. SELFWEIGHT Y 1 1048. SELFWEIGHT Z 1 1049. ELEMENT LOAD 1050. 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 - 1051. 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 - 1052. 987 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 - 1053. 1022 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 - 1054. 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 TO 1083 1140 TO 1155 1158 TO 1212 - 1055. 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 - 1056. 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 - 1057. 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 - 1058. 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 - 1059. 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 - 1060. 2104 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 - 1061. 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 - 1062. 2295 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 - 1063. 2354 TO 2359 PR GY 120 1064. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 1156 1157 1213 TO 1237 2226 2228 2230 2231 - 1065. 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 - 1066. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY 49 1067. MEMBER LOAD 1068. 13 14 17 TO 24 37 38 41 TO 48 192 206 210 212 215 217 220 268 271 273 274 - 1069. 277 TO 284 286 288 TO 291 294 296 299 402 403 407 411 412 418 TO 421 428 - 1070. 429 TO 431 438 439 488 489 491 496 TO 498 504 TO 506 553 TO 555 571 TO 573 - 1071. 617 624 631 637 638 641 TO 651 653 654 657 659 660 663 664 667 TO 669 675 - 1072. 676 678 684 685 688 TO 698 700 701 704 706 707 710 711 714 TO 716 722 723 - 1073. 725 731 732 735 TO 745 747 748 751 753 754 757 758 761 TO 763 769 770 772 - 1074. 778 779 782 TO 792 794 795 798 800 801 804 805 808 TO 810 816 817 819 898 - 1075. 903 908 909 915 918 925 927 931 933 935 942 957 963 966 967 973 977 980 981 - 1076. 997 1015 1018 1039 1042 1045 1048 1052 1058 1061 1072 1084 1086 1088 1089 - 1077. 1091 1093 1096 TO 1098 1103 1109 TO 1112 1114 1116 TO 1118 1122 1127 1128 - 1078. 1130 TO 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1239 1241 1243 1244 1246 1248 1251 1252 - 1079. 1254 1260 TO 1263 1265 1267 TO 1269 1273 1278 1279 1281 TO 1284 1286 1372 - 1080. 1391 TO 1397 1399 1401 1402 1404 1406 1409 1410 1412 1418 TO 1421 1423 1425 - 1081. 1426 TO 1427 1431 1436 1437 1439 TO 1442 1444 TO 1449 1541 1543 1545 1546 - 1082. 1548 1550 1553 1554 1556 1562 TO 1565 1567 1569 TO 1571 1575 1580 1581 1583 - 1083. 1584 TO 1586 1588 TO 1593 1685 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1697 1698 1700 1706 - 1084. 1707 TO 1709 UNI GY 200 1085. 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 2523 TO 2528 UNI GY 200 1086. 1711 1713 TO 1715 1719 1724 1725 1727 TO 1730 1732 TO 1737 1829 1831 1833 - 1087. 1834 1836 1838 1841 1842 1844 1850 TO 1853 1855 1857 TO 1859 1863 1868 1869 - 1088. 1871 TO 1874 1876 TO 1881 2529 UNI GY 200 1089. 97 98 101 TO 103 105 106 108 389 391 394 398 481 545 546 560 826 1992 1999 - 1090. 2012 2019 2026 2072 2073 2092 2110 2112 2115 2134 2137 2142 2145 2148 - 1091. 2206 UNI GY 750 1092. 1 2 6 TO 12 190 205 408 409 552 570 599 606 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 - 1093. 2532 UNI GY 1000 1094. ELEMENT LOAD 1095. 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 - 1096. 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 - 1097. 987 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 - 1098. 1022 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 - 1099. 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 TO 1083 1140 TO 1155 1158 TO 1212 - 1100. 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 - 1101. 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 - 1102. 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 - 1103. 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 -

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1106. 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 - 1107. 2295 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 - 1108. 2354 TO 2359 PR GZ 120 1109. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 1156 1157 1213 TO 1237 2226 2228 2230 2231 - 1110. 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 - 1111. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GZ 49 1112. MEMBER LOAD 1113. 13 14 17 TO 24 37 38 41 TO 48 192 206 210 212 215 217 220 268 271 273 274 - 1114. 277 TO 284 286 288 TO 291 294 296 299 402 403 407 411 412 418 TO 421 428 - 1115. 429 TO 431 438 439 488 489 491 496 TO 498 504 TO 506 553 TO 555 571 TO 573 - 1116. 617 624 631 637 638 641 TO 651 653 654 657 659 660 663 664 667 TO 669 675 - 1117. 676 678 684 685 688 TO 698 700 701 704 706 707 710 711 714 TO 716 722 723 - 1118. 725 731 732 735 TO 745 747 748 751 753 754 757 758 761 TO 763 769 770 772 - 1119. 778 779 782 TO 792 794 795 798 800 801 804 805 808 TO 810 816 817 819 898 - 1120. 903 908 909 915 918 925 927 931 933 935 942 957 963 966 967 973 977 980 981 - 1121. 997 1015 1018 1039 1042 1045 1048 1052 1058 1061 1072 1084 1086 1088 1089 - 1122. 1091 1093 1096 TO 1098 1103 1109 TO 1112 1114 1116 TO 1118 1122 1127 1128 - 1123. 1130 TO 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1239 1241 1243 1244 1246 1248 1251 1252 - 1124. 1254 1260 TO 1263 1265 1267 TO 1269 1273 1278 1279 1281 TO 1284 1286 1372 - 1125. 1391 TO 1397 1399 1401 1402 1404 1406 1409 1410 1412 1418 TO 1421 1423 1425 - 1126. 1426 TO 1427 1431 1436 1437 1439 TO 1442 1444 TO 1449 1541 1543 1545 1546 - 1127. 1548 1550 1553 1554 1556 1562 TO 1565 1567 1569 TO 1571 1575 1580 1581 1583 - 1128. 1584 TO 1586 1588 TO 1593 1685 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1697 1698 1700 1706 - 1129. 1707 TO 1709 UNI GZ 200 1130. 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 2523 TO 2528 UNI GZ 200 1131. 1711 1713 TO 1715 1719 1724 1725 1727 TO 1730 1732 TO 1737 1829 1831 1833 - 1132. 1834 1836 1838 1841 1842 1844 1850 TO 1853 1855 1857 TO 1859 1863 1868 1869 - 1133. 1871 TO 1874 1876 TO 1881 2529 UNI GZ 200 1134. 97 98 101 TO 103 105 106 108 389 391 394 398 481 545 546 560 826 1992 1999 - 1135. 2012 2019 2026 2072 2073 2092 2110 2112 2115 2134 2137 2142 2145 2148 - 1136. 2206 UNI GZ 750 1137. 1 2 6 TO 12 190 205 408 409 552 570 599 606 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 - 1138. 2532 UNI GZ 1000 1139. ELEMENT LOAD 1140. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 1141. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 1142. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 1143. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 1144. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 1145. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 1146. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 1147. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 1148. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 1149. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 1150. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 1151. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 - 1152. 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 - 1153. 2335 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 2354 TO 2359 PR GY 125 1154. 2226 2228 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 - 1155. 2252 2262 TO 2277 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY 250 1156. ELEMENT LOAD 1157. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 1158. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 1159. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 1160. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 1161. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 1162. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 1163. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 1164. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 1165. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 1166. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 1167. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 1168. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 - 1169. 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 -

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1172. 2252 2262 TO 2277 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GZ 250 1173. SPECTRUM SRSS Z 1 ACC SCALE 2.044 DAMP 0.05 LIN 1174. 0 0.2; 0.2 0.5; 1 0.5; 1.2 0.42; 1.4 0.36; 1.6 0.31; 1.8 0.28; 2 0.25 1175. LOAD 6 LOADTYPE SEISMIC TITLE GEMPA ARAH X 1176. SELFWEIGHT Y 1 1177. SELFWEIGHT X 1 1178. ELEMENT LOAD 1179. 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 - 1180. 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 - 1181. 987 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 - 1182. 1022 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 - 1183. 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 TO 1083 1140 TO 1155 1158 TO 1212 - 1184. 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 - 1185. 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 - 1186. 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 - 1187. 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 - 1188. 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 - 1189. 2104 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 - 1190. 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 - 1191. 2295 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 - 1192. 2354 TO 2359 PR GY 120 1193. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 1156 1157 1213 TO 1237 2226 2228 2230 2231 - 1194. 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 - 1195. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GY 49 1196. MEMBER LOAD 1197. 13 14 17 TO 24 37 38 41 TO 48 192 206 210 212 215 217 220 268 271 273 274 - 1198. 277 TO 284 286 288 TO 291 294 296 299 402 403 407 411 412 418 TO 421 428 - 1199. 429 TO 431 438 439 488 489 491 496 TO 498 504 TO 506 553 TO 555 571 TO 573 - 1200. 617 624 631 637 638 641 TO 651 653 654 657 659 660 663 664 667 TO 669 675 - 1201. 676 678 684 685 688 TO 698 700 701 704 706 707 710 711 714 TO 716 722 723 - 1202. 725 731 732 735 TO 745 747 748 751 753 754 757 758 761 TO 763 769 770 772 - 1203. 778 779 782 TO 792 794 795 798 800 801 804 805 808 TO 810 816 817 819 898 - 1204. 903 908 909 915 918 925 927 931 933 935 942 957 963 966 967 973 977 980 981 - 1205. 997 1015 1018 1039 1042 1045 1048 1052 1058 1061 1072 1084 1086 1088 1089 - 1206. 1091 1093 1096 TO 1098 1103 1109 TO 1112 1114 1116 TO 1118 1122 1127 1128 - 1207. 1130 TO 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1239 1241 1243 1244 1246 1248 1251 1252 - 1208. 1254 1260 TO 1263 1265 1267 TO 1269 1273 1278 1279 1281 TO 1284 1286 1372 - 1209. 1391 TO 1397 1399 1401 1402 1404 1406 1409 1410 1412 1418 TO 1421 1423 1425 - 1210. 1426 TO 1427 1431 1436 1437 1439 TO 1442 1444 TO 1449 1541 1543 1545 1546 - 1211. 1548 1550 1553 1554 1556 1562 TO 1565 1567 1569 TO 1571 1575 1580 1581 1583 - 1212. 1584 TO 1586 1588 TO 1593 1685 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1697 1698 1700 1706 - 1213. 1707 TO 1709 UNI GY 200 1214. 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 2523 TO 2528 UNI GY 200 1215. 1711 1713 TO 1715 1719 1724 1725 1727 TO 1730 1732 TO 1737 1829 1831 1833 - 1216. 1834 1836 1838 1841 1842 1844 1850 TO 1853 1855 1857 TO 1859 1863 1868 1869 - 1217. 1871 TO 1874 1876 TO 1881 2529 UNI GY 200 1218. 97 98 101 TO 103 105 106 108 389 391 394 398 481 545 546 560 826 1992 1999 - 1219. 2012 2019 2026 2072 2073 2092 2110 2112 2115 2134 2137 2142 2145 2148 - 1220. 2206 UNI GY 750 1221. 1 2 6 TO 12 190 205 408 409 552 570 599 606 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 - 1222. 2532 UNI GY 1000 1223. ELEMENT LOAD 1224. 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 - 1225. 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 - 1226. 987 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 - 1227. 1022 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 - 1228. 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 TO 1083 1140 TO 1155 1158 TO 1212 - 1229. 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 - 1230. 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 - 1231. 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 - 1232. 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 - 1233. 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 - 1234. 2104 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 - 1235. 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 -

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1238. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 1156 1157 1213 TO 1237 2226 2228 2230 2231 - 1239. 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 2252 2262 TO 2277 - 1240. 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GX 49 1241. MEMBER LOAD 1242. 13 14 17 TO 24 37 38 41 TO 48 192 206 210 212 215 217 220 268 271 273 274 - 1243. 277 TO 284 286 288 TO 291 294 296 299 402 403 407 411 412 418 TO 421 428 - 1244. 429 TO 431 438 439 488 489 491 496 TO 498 504 TO 506 553 TO 555 571 TO 573 - 1245. 617 624 631 637 638 641 TO 651 653 654 657 659 660 663 664 667 TO 669 675 - 1246. 676 678 684 685 688 TO 698 700 701 704 706 707 710 711 714 TO 716 722 723 - 1247. 725 731 732 735 TO 745 747 748 751 753 754 757 758 761 TO 763 769 770 772 - 1248. 778 779 782 TO 792 794 795 798 800 801 804 805 808 TO 810 816 817 819 898 - 1249. 903 908 909 915 918 925 927 931 933 935 942 957 963 966 967 973 977 980 981 - 1250. 997 1015 1018 1039 1042 1045 1048 1052 1058 1061 1072 1084 1086 1088 1089 - 1251. 1091 1093 1096 TO 1098 1103 1109 TO 1112 1114 1116 TO 1118 1122 1127 1128 - 1252. 1130 TO 1133 1135 1136 1138 1139 1239 1241 1243 1244 1246 1248 1251 1252 - 1253. 1254 1260 TO 1263 1265 1267 TO 1269 1273 1278 1279 1281 TO 1284 1286 1372 - 1254. 1391 TO 1397 1399 1401 1402 1404 1406 1409 1410 1412 1418 TO 1421 1423 1425 - 1255. 1426 TO 1427 1431 1436 1437 1439 TO 1442 1444 TO 1449 1541 1543 1545 1546 - 1256. 1548 1550 1553 1554 1556 1562 TO 1565 1567 1569 TO 1571 1575 1580 1581 1583 - 1257. 1584 TO 1586 1588 TO 1593 1685 1687 1689 1690 1692 1694 1697 1698 1700 1706 - 1258. 1707 TO 1709 UNI GX 200 1259. 2397 2418 2424 2431 2438 2445 2452 2523 TO 2528 UNI GX 200 1260. 1711 1713 TO 1715 1719 1724 1725 1727 TO 1730 1732 TO 1737 1829 1831 1833 - 1261. 1834 1836 1838 1841 1842 1844 1850 TO 1853 1855 1857 TO 1859 1863 1868 1869 - 1262. 1871 TO 1874 1876 TO 1881 2529 UNI GX 200 1263. 97 98 101 TO 103 105 106 108 389 391 394 398 481 545 546 560 826 1992 1999 - 1264. 2012 2019 2026 2072 2073 2092 2110 2112 2115 2134 2137 2142 2145 2148 - 1265. 2206 UNI GX 750 1266. 1 2 6 TO 12 190 205 408 409 552 570 599 606 2390 TO 2392 2409 2411 2531 - 1267. 2532 UNI GX 1000 1268. ELEMENT LOAD 1269. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 1270. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 1271. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 1272. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 1273. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 1274. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 1275. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 1276. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 1277. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 1278. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 1279. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 1280. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 - 1281. 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 - 1282. 2335 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 2354 TO 2359 PR GX 125 1283. 2226 2228 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 - 1284. 2252 2262 TO 2277 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GX 250 1285. ELEMENT LOAD 1286. 888 890 892 893 895 897 899 900 902 904 906 907 910 911 913 914 917 919 921 - 1287. 922 924 926 928 929 934 937 941 943 945 946 949 950 952 953 958 TO 962 968 - 1288. 970 TO 972 974 976 978 979 986 TO 990 992 993 998 1000 1002 1003 - 1289. 1006 TO 1010 1013 1014 1016 1017 1021 TO 1026 1031 TO 1038 1043 1044 1046 - 1290. 1047 1049 1051 1053 1054 1056 1057 1059 1060 1065 TO 1069 1074 TO 1076 1078 - 1291. 1079 TO 1083 1140 TO 1238 1287 TO 1366 1373 1374 1377 1378 1384 TO 1390 1450 - 1292. 1451 TO 1540 1594 TO 1684 1738 TO 1828 1882 TO 1972 1982 1984 1986 1987 1989 - 1293. 1991 1993 1994 1997 1998 2000 2001 2004 2005 2007 2008 2011 2013 2015 2016 - 1294. 2018 2020 2022 2023 2025 2027 2029 TO 2031 2033 2035 2037 2039 2041 2042 - 1295. 2047 TO 2049 2052 TO 2055 2060 TO 2062 2066 TO 2069 2077 TO 2084 2091 2093 - 1296. 2095 2096 2099 TO 2101 2103 TO 2106 2109 2111 2113 2114 2121 TO 2123 2125 - 1297. 2127 TO 2129 2154 TO 2195 2199 TO 2205 2212 TO 2214 2216 TO 2219 2280 2282 - 1298. 2284 2286 2288 2289 2294 TO 2299 2304 TO 2309 2314 TO 2319 2324 TO 2329 2334 - 1299. 2335 TO 2339 2344 TO 2349 2354 TO 2359 PR GX 125 1300. 2226 2228 2230 2231 2233 2235 2237 2238 2240 2242 2244 2245 2247 2249 2251 - 1301. 2252 2262 TO 2277 2377 TO 2380 2382 TO 2385 PR GX 250

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1304. LOAD COMB 7 KOMBINASI UTAMA 1305. 1 1.2 2 1.6 1306. LOAD COMB 8 KOMBINASI ANGIN Y 1307. 1 1.2 2 1.0 3 1.6 1308. LOAD COMB 9 KOMBINASI ANGIN X 1309. 1 1.2 2 1.0 4 1.6 1310. LOAD COMB 10 KOMBINASI GEMPA Y 1311. 1 1.2 2 1.0 5 1.0 1312. LOAD COMB 11 KOMBINASI GEMPA X 1313. 1 1.2 2 1.0 6 1.0 1314. PERFORM ANALYSIS



CALCULATED FREQUENCIES FOR LOAD CASE 5 MODE FREQUENCY(CYCLES/SEC) PERIOD(SEC) ACCURACY 1 0.763 1.31102 4.640E-16 2 1.347 0.74231 1.388E-15 3 2.897 0.34518 5.147E-16 4 4.133 0.24194 1.481E-12 5 5.380 0.18587 1.836E-09 6 6.394 0.15640 3.667E-07 The following Frequencies are estimates that were calculated. These are for information only and will not be used. Remaining values are either above the cut off mode/freq values or are of low accuracy. To use these frequencies, rerun with a higher cutoff mode (or mode + freq) value. CALCULATED FREQUENCIES FOR LOAD CASE 5 MODE FREQUENCY(CYCLES/SEC) PERIOD(SEC) ACCURACY 7 6.720 0.14881 8.155E-08 8 7.479 0.13370 1.114E-06 9 7.910 0.12642 1.092E-05 10 8.062 0.12403 1.806E-05 11 8.343 0.11986 9.712E-05 C O M P O S I T E D A M P I N G SUMMARY MODE STRAIN ENERGY DAMP*ENERGY COMPOSITE DAMPING

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4 3.372347E+02 1.236082E+01 0.0367 5 5.713382E+02 2.199618E+01 0.0385 6 8.069424E+02 2.907030E+01 0.0360 RESPONSE LOAD CASE 5 SRSS MODAL COMBINATION METHOD USED. DYNAMIC WEIGHT X Y Z 1.010748E-07 7.436438E+05 7.436438E+05 KG MISSING WEIGHT X Y Z -1.010748E-07 -7.402167E+05 -1.632447E+05 KG MODAL WEIGHT X Y Z 1.011806E-19 3.427113E+03 5.803991E+05 KG MODE ACCELERATION-G DAMPING ---- -------------- ------- 1 0.08060 0.05000 2 0.10421 0.05000 3 0.10421 0.05000 4 0.10421 0.05000 5 0.09978 0.05000 6 0.09052 0.05000 MASS PARTICIPATION FACTORS IN PERCENT BASE SHEAR IN KG -------------------------------------- ------------------ MODE X Y Z SUMM-X SUMM-Y SUMM-Z X Y Z 1 0.00 0.02 40.56 0.000 0.020 40.563 0.00 0.00 24312.13 2 0.00 0.02 19.72 0.000 0.038 60.279 0.00 0.00 15279.22 3 0.00 0.00 6.60 0.000 0.042 66.883 0.00 0.00 5118.61 4 0.00 0.00 3.15 0.000 0.042 70.033 0.00 0.00 2441.11 5 0.00 0.36 7.44 0.000 0.406 77.476 0.00 0.00 5522.45 6 0.00 0.05 0.57 0.000 0.461 78.048 0.00 0.00 384.97 --------------------------- TOTAL SRSS SHEAR 0.00 0.00 29788.24 TOTAL 10PCT SHEAR 0.00 0.00 29788.24 TOTAL ABS SHEAR 0.00 0.00 53058.50 RESPONSE LOAD CASE 6 SRSS MODAL COMBINATION METHOD USED. DYNAMIC WEIGHT X Y Z 1.010748E-07 7.436438E+05 7.436438E+05 KG MISSING WEIGHT X Y Z -1.010748E-07 -7.402167E+05 -1.632447E+05 KG MODAL WEIGHT X Y Z 1.011806E-19 3.427113E+03 5.803991E+05 KG MODE ACCELERATION-G DAMPING ---- -------------- ------- 1 0.08060 0.05000 2 0.10421 0.05000 3 0.10421 0.05000 4 0.10421 0.05000 5 0.09978 0.05000 6 0.09052 0.05000

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MASS PARTICIPATION FACTORS IN PERCENT BASE SHEAR IN KG -------------------------------------- ------------------ MODE X Y Z SUMM-X SUMM-Y SUMM-Z X Y Z 1 0.00 0.02 40.56 0.000 0.020 40.563 0.00 0.00 0.00 2 0.00 0.02 19.72 0.000 0.038 60.279 0.00 0.00 0.00 3 0.00 0.00 6.60 0.000 0.042 66.883 0.00 0.00 0.00 4 0.00 0.00 3.15 0.000 0.042 70.033 0.00 0.00 0.00 5 0.00 0.36 7.44 0.000 0.406 77.476 0.00 0.00 0.00 6 0.00 0.05 0.57 0.000 0.461 78.048 0.00 0.00 0.00 --------------------------- TOTAL SRSS SHEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL 10PCT SHEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 TOTAL ABS SHEAR 0.00 0.00 0.00 1315. START CONCRETE DESIGN 1316. CODE ACI 1317. CLB 0.02 MEMB 2519 2382 1318. CLT 0.025 MEMB 2519 2382 1319. FC 2.25E+006 MEMB 2519 2382 1320. FYMAIN 2.4E+007 MEMB 2519 2382 1321. DESIGN ELEMENT 2519 2382 ELEMENT DESIGN SUMMARY ---------------------- ELEMENT LONG. REINF MOM-X /LOAD TRANS. REINF MOM-Y /LOAD (SQ.MM/MM) (KN-MM/MM) (SQ.MM/MM) (KN-MM/MM) 2519 TOP : Longitudinal direction - Only minimum steel required. 2519 BOTT: Longitudinal direction - Only minimum steel required. 2519 TOP : Transverse direction - Only minimum steel required. 2519 BOTT: Transverse direction - Only minimum steel required. 2519 TOP : 0.300 6.27 / 9 0.300 1.25 / 9 BOTT: 0.300 0.00 / 6 0.300 0.02 / 3 2382 TOP : Longitudinal direction - Only minimum steel required. 2382 BOTT: Longitudinal direction - Only minimum steel required. 2382 BOTT: Transverse direction - Only minimum steel required. 2382 TOP : 0.300 1.43 / 10 0.304 6.71 / 10 BOTT: 0.300 0.00 / 6 0.300 0.00 / 6 ***************************END OF ELEMENT DESIGN*************************** 1322. END CONCRETE DESIGN 1323. FINISH *********** END OF THE STAAD.Pro RUN *********** **** DATE= AUG 27,2015 TIME= 23:54:25 **** ************************************************************ * For questions on STAAD.Pro, please contact *

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* CANADA +1 (905)632-4771 [email protected] * * CANADA +1 (604)629 6087 [email protected] * * UK +44(1454)207-000 [email protected] * * FRANCE +33(0)1 64551084 [email protected] * * GERMANY +49/931/40468-71 [email protected] * * NORWAY +47 67 57 21 30 [email protected] * * SINGAPORE +65 6225-6015/16 [email protected] * * INDIA +91(033)2357-3575 [email protected] * * JAPAN +81(03)5952-6500 [email protected] * * CHINA +86(411)363-1983 [email protected] * * THAILAND +66(0)2645-1018/19 [email protected] * * * * North America [email protected] * * Europe [email protected] * * Asia [email protected] * ************************************************************

Information about the key files in the current distribution Modification Date CRC Size (Bytes) File Name ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/18/2006 0x3881 13000704 SProStaad.exe 07/17/2006 0x100 05738496 SProStaadStl.exe 09/19/2003 0x2fc0 00081970 CMesh.dll 05/30/2006 0x3c0 02486272 dbSectionInterface.dll 01/23/2001 0x9b40 00073728 LoadGen.dll 09/25/2003 0x6340 00704512 MeshEngine.dll 09/22/2003 0xce00 00069632 QuadPlateEngine.dll 12/22/2005 0x4181 00094208 SurfMesh.dll 06/02/2015 0x4040 00493568 aiscsections.mdb 06/13/2006 0xd4c1 01204224 AISCSectionsRCeco.mdb 01/05/2005 0x79c1 00319488 aiscsections_all_editions.mdb 01/05/2005 0x4b81 01810432 aiscsteeljoists.mdb 01/05/2005 0xcac1 03651584 aitctimbersections.mdb 01/27/2005 0xeb01 00552960 aluminumsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xcd01 00163840 australiansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x6a41 00229376 britishsections.mdb 07/08/2005 0x9d41 00434176 bscoldformedsections.mdb 06/28/2005 0x8201 00327680 butlercoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xabc0 00262144 canadiansections.mdb 05/31/2005 0x9e81 00450560 canadiantimbersections.mdb 06/09/2006 0x1f81 00774144 ChineseSections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd6c0 00600064 dutchsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x1a00 00354304 europeansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd301 00202752 frenchsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x11c1 00233472 germansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0x3c40 00264192 indiansections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xd540 00180224 iscoldformedsections.mdb 08/18/2013 0xc80 00200704 japanesesections.mdb 11/08/2005 0x9081 00376832 Kingspancoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xb740 00174080 koreansections.mdb 02/03/2005 0xda00 00096256 lysaghtcoldformedsections.mdb 02/07/2005 0x9a00 00243712 mexicansteeltables.mdb 06/13/2006 0x3501 00421888 RCecoColdFormedSections.mdb 02/03/2005 0x9b40 00307200 russiansections.mdb 09/24/2012 0x1140 00040960 secdblog.mdb 01/05/2005 0x9081 00206848 southafricansections.mdb 01/06/2005 0x9341 00194560 spanishsections.mdb 01/04/2006 0x8680 00223232 uscoldformedsections.mdb 01/05/2005 0xbac0 00149504 usersectionstemplate.mdb 01/19/2006 0x8e40 00159744 venezuelansections.mdb -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Node L/CForce‐X    












83 10 1990.1 172880.4 6917.2 1006.047 125.825 941.115

294 10 3633 165198 2530.8 2783.311 52.53 628.085

294 8 2896.5 149076.2 ‐10298.9 ‐3425.711 ‐186.044 499.32

284 9 ‐4121.8 139475.1 ‐12234.2 ‐1951.521 252.461 752.487

274 10 7545.1 137629.5 7235.3 2848.479 178.081 653.356

83 9 ‐2941.1 131835.7 4425.7 ‐1060.533 ‐151.236 1481.664

284 8 ‐4484.7 123944.2 ‐8728.3 ‐2544.763 111.623 ‐170.471

284 10 1884.2 123256.2 ‐4502.7 631.688 190.728 ‐26.042

84 9 ‐8192.1 117123.5 14726.1 5831.327 ‐538.836 5072.985

87 9 ‐1343.7 108465.4 2599 3155.463 200.676 1131.373

87 7 ‐170.1 107956.1 ‐665.7 260.479 38.184 ‐107.286

284 7 ‐1928.3 107703.6 ‐7039.6 ‐824.195 152.556 ‐315.997

86 10 22.8 106336.6 5189.7 2865.736 212.788 268.694

89 10 1109.7 104878.3 871.7 1669.211 38.881 535.068

85 7 606 104175.8 263 25.958 20.35 ‐120.401

90 10 ‐59.7 102692.7 1416.5 1983.098 51.873 538.814

86 8 ‐337.2 102661.8 ‐7505.7 ‐4677.428 ‐100.416 82.535

87 10 160.8 101065 1883 2433.892 73.373 195.319

86 7 ‐143.8 99905.2 ‐1265.1 ‐968.443 4.806 ‐49.738

89 7 445.1 99667 ‐1964 ‐791.944 ‐26.191 ‐327.781

87 8 ‐248 98681.1 ‐2261.3 ‐1251.736 ‐6.578 13.967

89 8 5.1 97599.8 ‐4839.2 ‐3138.951 ‐57.094 99.785

84 10 2098.9 97488.4 11768.1 4500.103 ‐51.78 1089.326

90 8 ‐661.4 95566.1 ‐1591.4 ‐953.922 ‐90.905 144.03

284 11 ‐1688.4 95151.3 ‐6286.9 ‐712.421 132.951 ‐273.629

87 11 ‐84 94667.1 ‐534.5 244.567 31.992 ‐105.954

85 10 705.8 94545.9 1765 1703.094 48.097 216.943

85 8 566.4 93476.2 ‐1366 ‐1456.919 11.204 16.816

83 7 ‐3979.4 92026.3 4566.4 ‐298.768 ‐69.594 147.299

86 9 ‐1652.5 90329.1 ‐2533 ‐1431.036 ‐103.111 1305.841

85 11 575.7 90286.2 227.4 33.288 17.531 ‐88.406

294 7 2862.7 87062.3 ‐4365.9 ‐343.862 ‐99.577 247.782

89 11 330.6 86711 ‐1848.6 ‐645.306 ‐22.192 ‐270.575

86 11 ‐223.4 86189.8 ‐855.9 ‐747.328 7.75 ‐22.15

85 9 ‐692.6 83938.6 ‐1311.6 ‐1613.324 25.045 1533.532

83 11 ‐3617.5 83808.5 4089 ‐252.036 ‐59.668 129.199

90 7 ‐517.1 83409.3 ‐248.1 260.554 ‐39.941 ‐233.17

88 7 805.8 83384.7 ‐1373.8 ‐66.975 15.467 ‐380.981

88 10 1076.2 80520 ‐745.8 1441.574 31.789 420.556

88 8 691.3 77885.7 ‐2035.2 ‐1303.763 20.816 22.893

274 7 3570.6 77244.4 4357.8 293.454 114.415 164.39

84 7 ‐412.7 77127.5 6854.6 1547.209 ‐186.712 229.825

90 9 ‐1572 77072.9 2246.7 2543.353 ‐166.579 1395.27

294 11 2527.1 75952.6 ‐3872.8 ‐295.795 ‐86.924 218.319

90 11 ‐507.5 73086.2 ‐398.1 237.353 ‐32.949 ‐196.347

88 11 814.5 72741.2 ‐1364.5 ‐46.457 12.625 ‐315.361

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88 9 12.1 70455.8 ‐1986.3 ‐1517.161 ‐7.429 1484.637

274 11 3307 69855.8 3801.5 255.147 97.596 140.241

294 9 1264.2 69253.4 ‐1977.4 ‐1195.037 ‐1.038 1280.269

84 11 ‐261.6 68961.3 6075.5 1345.893 ‐157.814 182.27

89 9 ‐1507.3 68728.8 ‐2422.6 ‐882.72 ‐125.978 1514.435

82 10 ‐143.6 62540.3 1909.8 1626.002 130.231 985.446

82 7 ‐672.7 57528.4 1386.4 90.255 ‐4.527 476.678

84 8 1509.4 53057.5 2591.1 ‐728.397 ‐170.35 ‐447.743

82 11 ‐704.1 51296.3 1388.2 87.248 ‐6.493 468.43

274 9 111.8 ‐44205.2 ‐801.8 ‐1117.561 93.31 1684.99

82 8 ‐654.5 43951.2 595.4 ‐1434.425 120.538 207.466

82 9 ‐8471.1 33668.3 864 ‐1425.902 100.76 5168.049

100 9 ‐4960.4 17987.1 2043 1107.55 83.335 2849.715

100 10 ‐1198.6 16076.2 1826.8 590.08 44.3 367.907

100 7 ‐1591.4 15391.2 1398.1 ‐426.772 22.126 44.847

101 7 ‐250.4 15205.4 ‐1898.3 ‐689.745 5.05 ‐78.636

101 10 ‐143.1 14405.4 ‐1521.2 330.084 21.355 209.56

100 8 ‐1330.2 14355.6 1054.6 ‐775.239 ‐1.121 ‐194.469

100 11 ‐1580.2 14295.6 1455.6 ‐347.781 18.328 21.275

101 8 ‐296.9 14151.6 ‐2274.7 ‐917.893 ‐13.151 26.089

101 9 ‐891.9 14070.1 ‐1316.3 839.987 24.221 948.268

101 11 ‐267.6 13810.4 ‐1881.5 ‐603.614 3.081 ‐72.629

299 10 1505.8 11137.2 2628.8 2478.105 36.513 691.163

299 7 1011.4 10259.2 1520.6 131.651 9.026 335.858

299 11 1046.1 9720 1580.6 137.636 8.739 342.708

299 8 1332.3 8793.7 563.5 ‐1809.652 ‐9.865 127.078

300 10 466 8612.6 ‐506.2 2212.177 30.857 306.316

300 8 297.2 8281.2 ‐2712.6 ‐1953.222 0.557 108.167

300 9 ‐831.7 8229.6 ‐2751.9 ‐2708.349 8.633 1622.761

300 7 364.3 8006.6 ‐1526.4 ‐149.034 11.103 ‐54.587

299 9 ‐2155.4 7549.1 430.5 ‐2441.613 0.92 3311.016

300 11 333.4 7443.9 ‐1575.2 ‐129.317 11.224 ‐14.124

274 8 ‐352.7 6421.6 ‐602 ‐2508.049 163.628 100.921

83 8 1067.4 6073.8 ‐13.4 ‐2030.644 ‐206.074 ‐344.878

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