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Deshbandhu College

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Vol. V July-September1956

No. 1--;)

ENGLISH PAGESEditorial R,anl Nath Ganpati 3My Childhood Hira Ballabh Tiwari 4WaT and Peace Surendra Minocha 6

Dr. M. B. C. Y. MoraThis Vale of Sorrow Tej Mohall -9A Strange Lover Manohar Lal Satija 10Please Exc"use Me Usha Kakar 11Dialogue of Metals Samir Kumar Datt 11Little Laughs Naresh Chander Madan 13

Lakshman GanpatiVeena PllriTej Mohan

Smile a Bit -Iiwan Saund 14

The College Chronicle Shri K. C. Kanda 15

" D. S. Chaudhry

HINDISampadkiya Kamlesh Malhotra 1

Rahasyabad aur Kabir Inderjeet 3Vidhi ka Vidhan Vimla Rawat 5Sesh Prashan Hira Ballabh 7Geet Shanti Satija 9Baat Adat ki Hai Amrit Lal Gupta 10EI{ Aansoo-Ek Muskan Prem Saran 13Sandhya Raman Purshotma Kapur 17Dukh Sukh Veena Puri 18


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Saehia Dit Tay Sallib RaziDorangi DunyaMahnat Kar Toon mahnat YarSampadki Vichar

Ilarfi. Awwal

GllazalAndhera hi AndheraGhazalGhazal

RubiyatMr. Pate KhallGaon Ki JhankiDo Ashyar



Pushpa ButaniYogindra KhushalaniPushpa MalkaniPushpa Butani

Shri K. C. KandaShri V. N. PasrichaGyan SharmaInder Mohan TandonShri V. N. PasrichaShri Josh MalihabadiSarjit DhawanJ aswant SinghGhalibAkhtar Shiran.i







. 1'4e next issue of Desh will be published in January, 1957. Ourcontributors are requested. to send their contributions by 8th December,1956. They should not copy the writings printed elsewhere but tryto be original.' All articles must be written on one side of the paper andin ink.


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The 'Desh', being .essentially astudents' magazine, I thinkit would­not be too much to expect that thestu­dents ofour college evince keen interest,and make willing contributions, whichalo-ne can add worth and' weight to itspages. Despite repeated requests forcontributions, the response hae beenfar from encouraging. What is worse,almost all the articles that we receiv­ed, smacked of indifference and hasteon the part of their authors. Hence,quite a bit of re-editing and recastinghad to be done before they could bebrought under print. These remarksare certainly not meant. to cast anyaspersion on the journalistic ability ofour students. But even a casual read­ing of the contributions would revealtheir desire to rush to the print, with­out taking pains to revise and improvetheir scribblings. If, only, they couldput their heart and soul into the job,and make a conscientious effort towrite, the quality of the. contributionswould improve considerably. So whatwe want is active part.ioipatioruenthu­siasm and a genuine desire at self­expression in right earnestness, whatwe disapprove is apathy, indifferenceor lack of interest.

To write an article or an essay, is110 easy task. I myself am 110 morethan a beginner in this field. I hadbeen thinking all these days that itshoulcl not "be very difficult to writearticles or editorials if only one had agood command of the language. Nattill 110W, when I had .to make my

debut as an Editor .of this magazine,did I realise fully what it is to writean editorial and. write it' well!" Thetrouble started as soon as I took nlYpen and paper and sat down to write.Ideas turned vague and hazy, theright word would not suggest itself,the constructions of the sentences

, looked clumsy and cumbrous. Theseare the usual. experiences of theamateur. But, by dint of constant andsincere efforts one gets the knack ofwriting. The" 'Desh' offers such .oppor- .tunities for the development of theseattributes, and I earnestly hope; thatour students will avail themselves ofthese pages ·to learn the useful art ofwriting.

Being but .little accustomed to. theduties and responsibilities of an Editorof a Magazine, I was at a loss tochoose a topic of interest upon whichto write the Editorial. I started look­ing into old piles of newspapers, to seeif they had anything to write aboutstudents or student activities. Ishould confess to a sense of disappoint­ment that anything I could find inthe newspapers about the studentswas mostly derogatory or disparaging.

,It 'became very clear to me that. ther.:came to be associated of late a certairstigma with- the term 'student'. I gO'L

the impression that the student com­munity was generally being lookeddown upon by others. This naturallyset me thinking seriously, whether thestudent community was. treated as itreally deserved to be treated.


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I have no views to propOlII1CI, 110

sermons to preach, and certainly nopassions to excite. ~ All I wish to do isto share a few thoughts with thereader, on a subject which vitally con­cerns our community.

The students of to-day are thecitizens of India of to-morrow. Theimportance of proper training anddiscipline of the students cannot beover emphasised, especially, whenIndia has just risen from subjectionand serfdom to independence. Prob­lems of enormous magnitude andvariety stare us in the face. It is, ofcourse, encouraging to think that inthe last four years we registered consi­derable progress in the different fieldsofhuman activity. It is imperative onthe part of the students to fully realisetheir sense of responsibility. Toimbibe qualities of good citizenship,and to inclulcate a spirit of unity, arethe essential tasks before us in the pe­riod of transition. The recent distur-

banees ill Ahmedabad over the forma­tion of a Bigger Bombay State "reflectpoorly on the conduct and commandof the student organizations. Theflood of criticism that their behaviourhas invited from different responsi­ble quarters cannot be rightlyresented.

But looking around ourselves, Ifind that the atmosphere is quiteheartening. We, in this remote cor­ner of Delhi, are so far free from theaforesaid malady of students, andlead an academic life worthy ofcollege students. The credit for thiscordial and congenial atmospheregoes to a great measure to ourveteran Principal, Shri HarishChandra, whose able administrationand wise counsel are sure to keep uson the right path of duty.

Ramnath Ganapati,(Student Editor)

B.A. III Y~ar.


My childhood was very sad. Mygrand-mother told me about my child­hood. She told me that my motherdied giving birth to me. After thedeath of my mother, my father handedme over to a relative to bring me up.One day my grand-mother visited ourrelative's house to see me. She saw Iwas crying and no body was there toattend to me. She took me to our house


and started nursing me. From that daythe old lady was my mother, nurse andguide.

She told me that some months aftermy mother's death, my father marriedagain. With the arrival of my step­mother, our domestic conditions impro­ved. My step-mother loved me verymuch until she gave birth. to my sister.After that she did not care for me. My


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Lef(Top Reading the Annual Report.Middle Playing Cards at Okhla.Bottom Skipping the rope on the

Annual Sports' Day.

CentreAfter receiving the photoalbum presented onbehalf of the CollegeDramatic Club.

RightAt his desk.At lunch with students at Okhia.As Mamun Mian in Sazish presented

by himself.

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father also did not care for me. Therewas only my grand-mother who sacri­ficed her life to bring me up. She didnot let TIle go out of her presence evenfor a single minute. She tried to keepme happy always.

I was then 6 years old. I used tocall m~y gralld-mother, 'mother'. Icannot forget one event in those days.It was like this. My aunt (grand­mother's daughter) visited us. Whenshe heard me calling 'mother', "mother',she told me that my mother was dead.I refused to believe her and I told herthat the old lady was my mother. Shereplied that she was not my motherbut hers. I started beating her andcried out: "No! she is my mother! sheis not your mother". At that timemy grand-mother came out and askedme what had happened, My aunt toldher the story. Immediately my grand­mother gathered me in her arms anddeclared: "I am your mother, youralone and no body else's".

AsI grew up, my step-mather's Jovefor me declined. For every childishprank which brought on me the angerof my step-mother and father, filygrand-mother stood by me anddefended me. Often my step-motherand father used to quarrel with the oldlady for spoiling Ine. The old ladyused to weep and I could not also checkmy tears. Gradually she lost her sightand one day she was completely blind,

I was sent to a school a few milesaway from our village. But I did notwant to part from IT1Y grand-mother.But I had to go. Every day after schoolI used to rush back horne to myoId


grand-mather's arms and tell her allthat happened at the ·school. She toldme countless stories of fairies anddevils. Whenever I think of her, one9f her pet superstitions comes up mymind and hurts me very much. Sheonce told me that the evil spirits lurk­ed in uncovered pots to take away thelives of sleeping persons It impres-sed me so much that I used to wakeup in the dead of night, tremblingwith fear, and feel round in the darkroom to check up whether my grand­mother was safe and all the potswere covered properly. But all myprecautions to save the only personwho loved me were useless. She diedone day when I was at school.

After her death I used to weep ina corner of our house. When myfather returned home in the evenin.g,he used to take me in for dinner andput me to bed. I gave up playing.The memories of my grand-motherhaunted me always. I was alone.My desires were chilled. I becamevery sad and serious. OUf villagerstold me that my step-mother ill­treated me and they started pityingme. I believed them. Only mystep-sister gave me consolation bytalking childish talk. Sometimeswhen I wept, she also wept with meand I used to console her. But Iwas afraid of playing with her forfear of offen.ding my step-mother."'TheI1 I went down to play with thechildren of the farm labourers ourneiahbours called me an outcast andmy father beat me for that, Littledid I know at that time that myfa ther loved me and ill his own hard


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,,"ay was training me to become thehead of the family after him.

In my childish fancy I saw onlypity and injustice surrounding me.Whatever I did was considered wrong.At school I was punished for beingnaughty. My little world was verycruel and merciless to a motherlessboy, who had lost his only friend. Ibrooded like this in my lonely wayand gradually a feeling of revolt wasborn in my mind. I wanted to runa\vay from horne.

One day after a '7"ery severebeating, I suddenly felt that I wasno more a child and should look aftermyself like Gobind. our neighbour'sson, ,vho ran away from home someyears ago and was then in Delhi andearning lots of money. So after everybody had gone to bed, I stepped outinto the starlit night, walked intothe dark, unknown world, leaving be­hind me my childhood for ever.

I was 12 years old.Hira Ballabh Tiwari,

B.A. I Year.



"War, my lord,"Is of eternal use to human kind;For ever and anon when they have

passed,A few dull years in peace and

propagation,The world is overstock'd with fools

and wants,A pestilence at least, if not a hero.

Jefferys Edwin.

"Eternal peace is a dream and noteven a beautiful dream, and war is apart of God's World Order", was thefamous saying of Meltke (1800-91), aField Marshal of the Prussian armybefore the Franco-German vVar. Herefers to a philosophy of war whichhas enough of scientific and historicalj ustificat.ion,


Man is a fighting animal as muchas a thinking one. There is no denyingthe fact that somewhere in the bloodof everyone of us there is a wardance. The sight of Inen fightingmoves us strangely. It excites theinborn pugnacity in everyone, It isusually the weak an(1 cowardly whofight shy of war. Their pacificism isonly a cloak for their weakness.

Man has indeed been dreaming ofeternal peace since the beginning ofcivilization. Are we yet in sight ofit? Gandhi was repelled by the sightof blood and carnage and wanted toestablish the kingdom of peace. Butwith his death people in India forgothis teachings. Japan and China areBuddhist countries but there is hardlyanv 'ahimsa' there. Jesus Christpreached to an inflammable I>eople in


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Palestine: "Peace to earth and good­w ill to men" and those people crucifiedhim. Christianity has not broughteternal peace anywhere near us. Manytheorists and philosophers Iike SirThomas More and Bacon have plannedUtopias and Arcadias of eternalp2ace. But Arcadianism is nothingmore than an intellectual luxury. Inactual practice, continuous peace hasnever been possible. The League ofNations was not able to do any­thing to make world peace a practi­cable thing, and the U.N,(). may gothe way of the League any day.

Indeed; this dream of eternalpeace has its dangers. If one nationturns pacific and endeavours toestablish the reign of peace, theneighbouring nations will certainlyattack it in no time and annex itsterritory, The other danger is thatwhen. we are not doing anythingenergetic we are apt to stagnate. Itis necessary that there should bephysical as also emotional release ofenergy every now and then, otherwisewe will have to suffer from physicaland moral illness. Some suggest thatin peace one may cultivate the artsof peace. As for that it is good toremember that too much of thesearts of peace makes us luxurious,ease-loving and effeminate.

Thus, we conclude that eternalpeace is not practicable and longdrawn-out peace demoralizes a people.\iVar is, in 111any respects, a necessitywith men. There is historical evidenceof this fact. Mere diplomacy withoutthe sanction of arms behind it neversucceeds. Germany enjoyed such a


superiority in European politics in theyears 1936-39 because the otherpowers knew fully well that behindeverything that the Germans saidthere was the sanction of her splendidpanzar divisions and bombing planes.There are many problems in inter­national politics which can never besettled without a war. It is un­fortunately true that if a nation isnot prepared for war other nationswill take advantage of its weakness,as Italy did ill the case of Abyssiniaand Japan in the case of China.

Philosophically it is all a questionof struggle for existence. Keats saw ina vision that in the animal world "Thegreater on the less feeds evermlore"and so we find the stronger aways,destroying the weaker, The fittest isbound to servive. Man is more power­ful with his power of thinking,nimblen-ss resources and adaptability.Man had to carryon war againstthose prehistoric monsters of landand water to win his place in theworld; he fought them with manymeans like sp,~ar and arrows. Todayman is the most powerful of all. IsII0t war, thus, "a part of God's WorldOrder', as 1\101tke has put it ?

It is true that war brings suffer­ings in its wake. It is also true thatimperialist wars and wars of aggressionhave no moral justification. It mayalso be said that most of lIS want tolive and die. peacefully, howevermuch we Inay be attracted by theidea of war. But it goes withoutsaying that just as war kills anddestroys, it also brings out the highest.and noblest qualities in 111en and


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women. It serves as a sort of mentaland physical cure making us fit fornew endeavours and betters orderingof our life and society. Every post­war period is a time for new idealsand larger reconstruction.

Since we cannot do without war,we can only try to make it less fre­quent than it is to-day. But we can­110t certainly eliminate "val' altoget.herfrom the scheme of things.

Surendra MinochaPre-Medical (1st Year)

11*[Peace hath her victories no less

renowned than war. Evil, how-soever inevitable, is evil.-Editor]

Force and violence bring forthnothing. That is the belief 'of menof goodwill everywhere, This beliefwas underscored recently by PresidentEisenhower, when he promised to takeevery honourable measure to promotethe peaceful cooperation of the coun­tries of the world.

The great French poet, PaulFaure, described man's hope of peacein these words: "If only to all menwere given the reality of the supremehope, that which the gospelcommands, that they live in peaceand love, employing all the moral andspiritual forces of man, building ourworld enriched, and fertile for ourchildren, and a peace to receive ourbones when Mother Earth calls us ... "

TIle poignance of man's age-oldquest for peace is told in a grimanecdote of old Greece. It is saidt~~t_the ~~I~Eior,__ Alcibiades, at the

*Inserted to mark the U.N. Day: 24th OClob~r.


arch of the temple in Athens, askedSocrates: "'What is peace, master?"After meditating a few minutes, theold philosopher replied: '-Peace is the

.time when the children bury theirparents." Alcibiades, a bit takenaback by the response J determinedlyinquired: "And what is war, master?"The wise man quickly answered:"War is the time when the parentsbury their children."

The impact of Socrates' responseis profound. I t goes to the roots ofhow alien is war to human nature.War alters the path of generations.It weakens the species of humanbeings, as it takes "to the grave themost vigorous, the strongest force­youth. And if that "vas true in thetime of the Greeks, how much moretrue is it in this epoch of mightyadvances in weapons of death,weapons which mak.e war a diabolicmeans of destroying everything-luan,woman, and child, cities of treasure,works of art, libraries, museums,beautiful buildings. The works ofcivilization which took not only cen­turies but millenniums to build canbe destroyed in a few hours if man'sintelligence is to be used fordestruction.

But if war is born in the minds of111en, then it is in the minds of menthat we must combat war. And itfollo \\TS , that combating war in theminds of men is an increasing res­ponsibility for men of culture, writers,teachers, newspapermen, philosophers,and artists.

Certainly all statesmen of staturebelieve that science should direct its


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works toward the peaceful use ofatomic energy. The force of theatom, whose power is hardly known,is a, force which could transform theworld. It would offer everybody, therich and the poor, more conveniencesand less injustice. The natural wealthof today is enjoyed by only the for­tunate few.

And then the atomic era that weregard with fear and mistrust wouldbe a real blessing for the entire family.Confusion and fear would disappear inthe common collaboration for univer­sal welfare.

Dr. M. B. C. Y. Mora

(Courtesy of The American Reporter, New Delhi.)


Grave silence was reigning supreme.The night was horrifyingly dark. Thestars were twinkling dimly from be­hind the clouds. In such bleak andmurky atmosphere the sooty dim flameof all earthen lamp flickered under thethatched roof of a solitary hut.

"My boy! My soul I"~, a faint voiceforced its way out of a parched throat.

"What is the matter, Baba"?

"A little w a ter.'

Ramu's father was on death bedand Ramu was sitting beside him.Baba was seriously ill. He was verypoor.

The night slipped away. Thedawn found Ramu fast asleep. Babatouched Ramu's brow and drew hishand with a jerk, as if Ramu wassuffering from fever.

"Baba! I am going out to-day.I will search for a job and get some


money for your medicines", Ramusaid in depression.

"No, My soul! Don't leave mealone, I feel restless without you.Don't go, Do n't ", and Babacould not speak further.

Despite Baba's repeated requeststo stay at home, Ramu forced his wayout without thinking where to go,whom to meet and whom to ask forhelp. Ramu was a young unemployedmatriculate.

Ramu found out a job as a domes­tic servant at a Seth's house. Hecleaned the utensils in the Seth's houseat rupees tell a month.

Baba's condition was speadily de­teriorating. Bleedinghad started withcough. But Ramu still had hopes.He would get some medicines, Buthow ? He would get the money afterthe month was over. Arid he determinedto ask tho Seth for some money.


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"Sir, my father is ill, I need somemoney" begged Ramu,

"What! Money? Get out !", camethe thundering reply. Ramu's feelingswere badly hurt, He set about his_dailv routine. The endless exertion ofbody and mind depressed him.

Next day he went to search for apart-time job but could not get any.He was late in reaching the Seth'shouse that day.

"y011 have come at last! Yaurascal, why are you late?" roared theSethani. She got enraged and gave afew severe slaps on the young cheeksof Ramu. Ramu trembled and witha thud he fell flat. The Seth approach­ed Ramu with anger and kickedhim. Ramu rose, staggered, fellagain, lifted himself and stood quiver­ing before the Seth. Sethji orderedRamu to be expelled from the house.

It was scorching mid-day. Thesun "vas ablaze. Ramu was returninghome, after the servere kicks he hadreceived from Sethji, all depressed.

On arriving at home, he saw Baba'seyes glazed and wide open. "Oh.Baba Baba Ba ba, youhave also kicked me into this cruelw o r ld", and he felt chok-ed. '0 Baba, give me your hand,Baba. Speak Baba ; touch me" He tried again but felt againchoked.

Baba had paid the debt of nature.Ramu felt himself alone. He wouldnot li ve in this cruel callous, selfishworld-s-the world where the cries ofthe poor remain suppressed and whereinjustice thrives day and night. "Iwould commit suicide" ~ he determined.

, 'Yes, suicide, suicide!" he utteredthese words while he was engrossed indeep thought, but he was hardly awareof what he had uttered.

His tears rolled down his cheeks ashe saw the wide open eyes of Babaadmonishing him to fight the world &live. He left the hut and ran fast as ifhe knew where his destination was.

Tej MohanPre-Medical II Year


Once I fell in IO'Te. She too accep- If I am sitting among friends she wouldted me with pleasure. I enjoyed be- come to me without any notice. ill her company. But 110W I am that time I feel very small; my friendspestered by her. I do not know how mock at me and say, "Oh! y'Oll are tooto get rid of her. I try to avoid her much under her influence. "That isbut she won't. I t.hink she is not a. the matter": Inlay turn pale but ittrue lover but a false one. She would makes no difference to her. She is notnot leave me. Sh3 would cling to Ole. afraid even of my mother. My mother

nFSH 10

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too, would ask me to go with her. IfI am all alone she would come veryfreely and put a kiss on nlY eyes. Heradvances are so persistent and soaffectionate that at times I yield toher.

Everyday she would intrude intoMr. Kapoor's class. She would standoutside and like a knight of the MiddleAges summon me by making gestures oflove. But as soon as Mr. Kapur be­comes conscious of her presence, shewould run away. This has made mequite notorious in the class and every­body thinks that I am too 'love-lorn'.

However, she would not come inMr. Rai's class because he is "\Tery strict.

My love just stands outside the doorimpatient to have another look at me.

She is no stranger to my brother;whenever my brother teaches me, shewould enter the room and sit besideme. I scold her for this interference inmy studies and tell her frankly, "Ifyou are careless about your career,why should you spoil my career". 1scold her to ffi)T heart's content but tono purpose. At last in disgust I come tomy bed. I do not know what to do.'Oh : Sleep! my strange lover, you arevery annoying. You must learn theart of love-making."

Manohar Lal SatijaPreparatory Science.


I t would be better to forget thisphrase of three words, but how? Themore we try to forget it the more itis dinned in our ears. This phrasehas got on my nerves, At almostevery place: home, college, cinemahall, bus-stop or shopping centres,I hear this phrase as if some epidemichas broken out, the treatment of whichlies in vomiting it.

In fact, these three words are nobetter than a disease. It has spread outmore widely and universally than anyinfectious disease possibly can. Thedifference between other infectionsand "Please excuse me" is that whilethe rumours about other diseases


cause panic, this particular diseasegives us peace of mind.

This malady has come in more orless from. the West. Western edu­cation is responsible for its propaga­tion. Indians, being fond of imitation,have also adopted it. It is not knownwhether animals, too, have been in­fected with it. But very surelyyoungsters, particularly boys, havebeen the worst victims of it. Undercover of these three words, they givevent to their mischievous designs..Whenever a boy is bent upon pin-pricking, after indulging in it,he takes shelter under these three


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words. Thereby he reduces the angerthat }le might have generated.

It is a very good weapon forwreaking vengeance. At first hit aman and when he prepares himselfto hit back, apply this phrase of'Please excuse me' and the otherfellow becomes harmless and quietlysays, "It is all right". I wish th~t

some mischievous boys, fond of thisphrase, could employ it in their day­to-day dealings with some villagers. Iam reminded of an incident in thisconn.ection. Once a collegian boardeda train from Delhi. When he enteredthe compartment, it was packed tothe brim. He could not get any placeto sit. He had to stand till a seatfell vacant at some stoppage. Whenthe train started, unluckily it gave agreat jerk and the collegian fell on avillager who was sitting near by."Please excuse me", the collegian

saicl. The villager hurled a volley ofabuse on him and said, "Are youblind? Why cannot you keep your­self steady? I would not have saidanything, if you had kept quiet butafter falling on me, you had the cheekto ask my pardon. You have notfallen on me deliberately and as suchthe question of my excusing you doesnot arise. The train should be excusedand not you. I thought, as an educatedfellow, you had some sense but whenyou said, "Please excuse me", I feltthat I must teach you the lesson ofyour life. It is not manly to feel sorryor to beg anybody's pardon unless youhave committed a mistake inten­tionally. This is against Indianattitude of chivalry and manliness.You should stop copying the fo­reigncrs in future".

Usha KakarPrep Arts-


Once upon a time five metals; GoldSilver Aluminium, Copper and Ironwere busy in a hot rlis.cussion a?o~ttheir OWl1 uses to humanity. ThIS IS

how it began.

(Gold meets Silver on the way)

Gold:- Mr." Silver, you ought tohave greeted me first! What a uselessfellow you are. You see, I am rulingover human beings. Don't you knowwhat respect . they show ~o me by


decking their persons with glitteringornaments made of me?

Silver :- Don't be so proud ofyourself, Mr. Gold. You are too deli­cate to talk with nle. You shouldhave known that when I become acoin, I call buy you and put you intoany use. I remain in the kitchensof all rich men as plates and dishes. Fieupon you! You are only worn by thefemales whereas I am liked by bothmales' and females.


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Members of the Dancing Group. adjudged the best amongst Delhi Colleges.

The Punjabi peasant dance.

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Raghu Nath Singh, the best athlete for 1955-56, receving the certificate of honou r.

Santosh Kumari Punhani stood 1st in theUniversity Examination B.A. Pass 1956.

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SamirKumar ·DUIIPre-Medical I Year

Thus the discussion ended andmankind was saved from the war ofmetals.(Meanwhile, Iron dropped in)

Iron :- Listen, I rule over you all.How is it that you neglect me totally?

(Aluminium who was flying in the You, Mr. Gold, have forgotten thesky carne .and joined). beatings which I gave you to make

Al .. H · ·t th t you a civilized ornament. Mr.' Silver,UIDInIum :- ow IS I a d 't 1· k I "II · h

vou don't talk of me at all? on ~ I~ away. hW1 again ammerOh l M G ld Ih Iied wi t you to give you a s ape presentable to

· k.rci oM' , ave s~pr Ie wIn/s. 0 . man and markets. Mr. Aluminium,~anb~nd · a~ slfilfsJ)1~a Ion 0 ymg how do you feel when you are cast into

e(I Irt~ was. ut.

e cyme. ) wires and aeroplanes after I liquifyn e mean nne opper came you in the furnace? You all owe your

Copper:- Mr. Aluminium, you seem existence to me. How is that youto be very egoistic in your outlook. Is don't acknowledge your debts to me?it only you who satisfy man's ambition .for flying? Without joining hands (Everybo~y was stunned, hearmgwith me you cannot make the aero- the threate~mg words from Iron andplane. Oh ! Perhaps you are thinking fled away frightened)of the proportion in which we join eachother.


1. "Oh, mummy"! cried a littlechild, "Look! there is a big dogstanding outside; it is as big as ourhouse!"

"Boy, why do you exaggerate"his mother said wearily, "I have toldyou twenty million times about thatbad habit of yours".

2. The teacher asked the class,'twho is happier, the man with sixmillion dollars or the man with sixchildren?"

One of the students had an instantanswer.

t'The man with six kids"."Why"? asked the teacher.

. "Because the man with six milliondollars longs for more".

Naresh Chandra MadanPre-Med. II Year.

3. A photographer and his smallson were walking along a street when anegro' passed by them.

(tOh, look dad, " exclaimed the boyexcitedly,

"There goes a negative".Lakshman GanapatiPre-Med. II Year,


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4. "Where is the Post Office, please?""In front of the Bank"."Where is the bank, please?""In front of the Post Office"."But where are the two?""In front of each other".

Veena PuriB.A. I Year.

5. An ideal student is he who saveshis parents' money from buying use­less text-books, but spends iteconomically on a copy of "filmfare".

6. College tuck-shop is an inn givingshelter to the refugees fled from theirlectures.

Tej MohanPre-Med. II Year.



Smile a bit and keep your wit;

Laughter helps to keep you fit.

It isn't good to worry when anything goes wrong,

You needn't take it gravely but meet it with a song.

It isn't good to hurry when patience is that's asked;

Just take it slowly and steadily the reward will come at last.

It isn't good to grumble, keep smiling all the while;

If each attempt seems hopeless just try again and smile.

Quite often your footsteps stumble when the way is very steep,

But keep on persevering, don't give it up and weep.

Jiwan Saund

Pre-Medical I Year.


Page 20: Deshbandhu College


We promised our readers to bringout three issues of Desh and also thePunjabi Section, We are happy to saythat we have fulfilled the latter promiseand by God's grace hope to live toredeem the former. We are obliged toShri C. L. Kurnar for readily agreeingto become Professor In-charge of thePunjabi Section, We welcome him tothe Fraternity.THE COLLEGE

Snugly perched on the rockystretches of Kalkaji, our College isspeadily growing ill strength andstature. With the opening of theB.Sc. Classes (in Physics, Chemistry,Mathematics, Botany and Zoo.1ogy)there has been an appreciable rise inthe number of students, who comefrom distant parts of Delhi to quenchtheir thirst for scientific studies. Tocope with this rapid pace of pros­perity the college building is going tobe enlarged ill the near future. Atthe same time, the College laboratoriesand library are receiving the specialattention of 0111' Principal, who isdetermined to raise this college to afirst-rate institution, worthy of im­parting useful instruction to itsstndents.

As is quite natural, the gro,vil1gnumbers have enhanced the charmand liveliness of our College. Whetherit be the class-room, the corridor orthe canteen, there is a sparkle of lifeand joy emana.ting from the happy


faces of our boys and girls, who seemto enjoy the cordial family atmos­phers of the Alma-Mater. We canalso hope for a keener interest on thepart of the students in the extra­mural activities this year. This isevident from the unusual enthusiasmwhich encouraged" the elections of theoffice-bearers of the College UnionExccntive, the different Societies andAssociations briefly reported below.


The Union under the able gui­dance of Shri D. S" Bhalla, offers aunique opportunity to the studentsfor developing their diverse tastes andtalents. It holds on its platformdebates, declamations, speeches andrecitations, which go a long way illshaping a student's personality.

TIle first signs of life in this orga­nization became visible with theadvent of the annual elections whichwere fairly contested, especiallyfor the office of Presidentship.Promilla Gtl1ati, .B.A. III Year, wonagainst Raj Pal by a narrow marginof 011ly two votes. Harish Kapur waselected Vice-President by a wide mar­gin against Tarun Kumar. RipshodanGopal and Vijendra Vaid wereunanimously elected Secretary andAssistant Secretary respectively. Thefollowing were elected representativesfor the various classes.Prem Lata Sawhney B.A. III YearPhool Kumar B.A. II YearArjun Manghani B.A. & B.Sc. I Year


Page 21: Deshbandhu College

Laxrnan Ganapati Pre-Medical ClassRavinder Sikka Qualifying Class

The inaugural meeting of theUnion was held on 8th September,1956. It was addressed by the Princi­pal. In a short discourse he enlighten­ed the students on the tasks andfunctions that a Students' Union isexpected to perform. He advisedthem never to deviate from the pathof studies, which is the path of dutyand truth.

The progralnnle then began with adebate on the subject: "In the opinionof this House love marriages are moresuccessful than arranged marriages".As many as 21 speakers participated.F. o. Bhatia and Vijay Kishore Singhwere adjudged 1st and 2nd respecti­vely. The meeting ended with theconcluding remarks of the Principal,who made some useful observations onthe art of speaking. He suggestedthat a small class should be organizedwhere 'speakers' could be trained underthe guidance of the Adviser of theUnion. He expressed his readinessto give personal assistance shouldsuch a class actually come into beingLet us hope that the encouragementthus offered will inspire our students tocome forward and learn this useful art.


Among all literary societies, theHindi Parishad has the largest numberof students as its members. 'I'hisspeaks for the popularity of the societyas also for the love our students beartowards their national language.

The Parishad became active withthe elections of its office-bearers that


were held on 16th August, 1956.F. C. Bhatia, B.A. III Year, waselected President. Hira BallabhTi wari, B.A. I Year and Kumari Om"Tati, B.A. II Year, were elected'Secretary and Joint Secretary res ..pectively. To make the organizationmore democratic, representatives ofthe different classes were also elected.

The executive of the Parishad heldits first meeting under the Chairman­ship of Prof. Suresh Chandra Gupta.It chalked out an ambitious pro­gramme ofdebates, speeches, seminars,variety entertainment, story and essaycompetitions.

TIle first function of the Parishad'Vc1~ inaugurated by the Principal. Hegave an instructive talk on the futureof Hindi. Among those who contri­buted to the success of the function,Sewak Kumar, F. C. Bhatia, andHira Ballabh Tiwari deserve specialmention. Shri Suresh Chandra Guptaread a paper on 'Panchwati' and itsSignificance at the literary seminarheld in the middle of September, 1956.Besides this the Parishad organized astory-writing competition as well as adebate. The subject for the debatewas: ~~ e+lf ~T ~~~fij" ij ~lir(t CfiT ~ijf

Ef)r~~ fu~~ ;:rf~qenl ~r ~~;nT~) i{1~~1~1 ~

SJf~ fq~1Sf ~ ~~~ ~."Yogindra Kumar and Kumari

Veena Puri were awarded the firstand second prizes respectively.Kumari Chander Sethi and DhirSingh were declared bracketted third.The debate was judged by Shri R. K.Sud, Mrs. Prasad and Shri V. N.Khanna.


Page 22: Deshbandhu College

Prlncipal Harish Chandra~e:ading the Annual


Dr. G. S. Mahajani,

Vice-Chancellor, Uni­

versity of Delhi, deli­

vering the Presidential

address on the Annual

Prize-giving Day.

Page 23: Deshbandhu College

THE ECONOMIC SOCIETYThe Society resumed its activities

with the annual election held in...\ ugust, 1956. The following are itsoffice-bearers:--Siri Chand B.A. III Year - President.Dhir Singh B.A. III Year - Vice-President.Gargi Gupta B.A. I Year - Secretary.Neem Chand Preparatory - Asstt, Secy.Vinod Saberwal " - Asstt, Secy.


As usual, the Society has en­thusiastically planned, and we hopeit will successfully execute, all

elaborate programme consisting ofdebates, discourses, film-shows, andessay-writing contests.

The opening event of its prog­ramme this year was a prize-dec­lamation contest on the subject:·(Planned Economy without plannedparenthood is a farce." The subject,perhaps, was introduced by its'parent' to jusify his own refusal-sofar-to be a party to this 'farce'.

The Society now proposes toarrange a trip to the Bhakra NangalProject and Chandigarh during theDiwali holidays. Shri S. P. Kapoor,the Adviser of the Society, is busymaking arrangements for the successof this trip.THE POI~ITICAL SCIENCE

ASSOCIATIONThis Association was the first to

complete its elections as far back asin July, 1956. This promptness ofthe Society springs mainly from theactive interest that its ~YOUI1g andenergetic adviser, Shri V. N. Khanna,takes in its affairs. The credit forthe successful running of the orga-


nization should also be given to itsPresident, Prem Lata Sawhney B. A.III Year and its Secretary, YoginclerKumar Sharma, B.A. I Year. TheAssociation has drawn quite a heavyprogramme. Beside the usual featuresof debates, contests and. competitions,it plans to hold a mock session of theLondon Conference on Suez, and pro­poses to visit the session of UNESCOmeeting shortly in New Delhi. Theinaugural meeting of the Associationwas addressed by Principal HarishChandra. His address was followedby a debate in Hindi in which 15students took part. The motion for

the debate was: "f:r~,f~~ C6T ~Tifitrfij- if~rlT ;:r{f ~;:rr =qrf~~ 1"

The motion was adopted by theHouse. F .C. Bhatia, Gargi Gupta andHira Ballabh Tewari were adjudgedIst, 2nd and 3rd respectively. Inanother function, held on 13th Sep­tember, 1956, Surendra Nath Vairlof B.A. II Year, read a paper on"1.'he Urlited NatioI1S", which wasfollowed by a general discussion onthe subject.

The members of the Associationvisited the Lok Sabha in Sessionon 3rd September, 1956.


The Society elected the followingoffice bearers:-

Sri Chand - PresidentSushila Butani - SecretaryChandru Motwani - Joint Secretary

It also elected Ratna HiraNandani, Mira Dudani, and. SarlaRam Chandani as representatives for


Page 24: Deshbandhu College

tile B.A., Pre-Medical and QualifyingClasses respectively. TIle first gather­ing of the Society took place on 21stAugust, 1956. It had all interestingprogranlme including songs, poemsand essays. The Society organised apicnic at Okhla, which was largelyattended and much enjoyed by themembers, Similar programmes ofinterest cum instruction await itsmem bers throughout the currentsession.THE SCIENCE ASSOCIATION

TIle affairs of this Association aregllid(d by Dr. C.L. Madan and ShriR. 1(. Dewan, "rho, in accordancewi t h the prevailing practice, wereunanimously elected its President andSecretary by the Science Staff. Asmany as 170 students are mem-bers of the Association, which earnest­l~\l' desires all Science students to jointhis brotherhood.

In the elections which were heldin .the last week of August, 1956, thefollowing students were elected to itsexecutive:-

Bhagwan Behari Mathur-Student Secretary.lagan Mohan Rao-Joint SecretaryMohinder Singh-Representative B.Se.Sudesh Verma-Representative Pre-Med. II Yr.Bharat Bhushan Kumar-" Pre-Med. I Yr.Man Mohan- " Prep. Science ALajpat Singh - " Prep Science B

At a meeting of the newly formedexecutive, presided over by Dr. C. L.Madan, matters concerning the acti­vities of the Association were dis­cussed. It was decided to inviteHeads of the Science Departments ofthe Delhi University to come and ad­dress the members. I twas also felt that


occasional visits to places of scientificand industrial importance would be ofgreat use and interest. To realize itin practice, the Association success­fully arranged an educational tour oft118 Modi Industries at Modi Nagar.

The Association also proposes tohold a General Knowledge Compe­tition during the current year.


Under the auspices of this Society,a Hobbies Exhibition was arranged inMarch this year. The respollse fromthe students was quite heartening.Quite a good number of drawings,paintings ancl photographs were ondisplay. Girls' contributions con­sisted mainly of hand and machineembroidery, which was creditablydone. The following were the prize­winnere:-

1. Pencil Sketching - S.R. Sathya Kumar2. Paintings - S.R. Sathya Kumar3. Photography - Kamal Seth4. Hand I:.mbroidery - Prabha5. Machine Work - Vijay Kumar6. Miseellaneous - Purshotma Kapur

The success of the exhibition re­flects the keen interest taken by ShriP.M. Kaul, the talented Adviser ofthe Society.

S. P. Chaudhry B.Sc. Ist Year'is the. Secretary of the Society.

The Society prepared a batch ofboys and girls for the folk-dancecompetition held in the Univer­sity for the election of a team for theensuing Youth Festival. Prof. DaljitArora, assisted by Mrs, Thomas,spent a good deal of labour in direct­ing the rehearsals. Our team was


Page 25: Deshbandhu College


With the increase in the number ofstudents this year there has sprung upa greater life and gaiety on our play­fields. Though the numbers have gone~p in all games, Cricket, Volly-ball andBadminton have been the specialfavourites of the players. Arrange­ments will be made to provide thestudents with one additional cricketpitch and one more court each forvolleyball and badminton. .

"Ve have started playing friendlymatches in cricket and find that thestandard of our cricket is steadily im­proving.

It is proposed to start foot-ballfrom October this year to meet theincreasing demand of students. Prac­tice in Net Ball, Kabaddi and Athleticswill also commence from October.

We have entered in Inter-CollegeTennis Tournament (singles) for thefirst time this year. Let us hope thatwe acquit ourselves creditably.

Inter-class tournaments in variousgames, that were introduced last yearand proved very successful, will now bestarted from the middle of Octobel'.Below is given the list of the offiice­bearers appointed for the year1956-57:-

adjudged Lhe best of the competingteams. To Shri P.M. Kaul and Shri..Arora has been entruscd the task ofpreparing the Delhi University Groupfor the Youth Festival. We wishthem success. Prabha Godbole parti­cipated in the Vocal Classical Musiccontest. Her rendering of song Deshwas commended by the judges. \Vehope she will do better next year andwin laurels for the college.


Working under the supervision ofProf. I.S. Kapur, the Organization hasbeen actively engaged in impartingdelight and instruction to our stu­dents. Quite a number of documen­taries and fiims were exhibited duringthe term under review.


The Association stands for being alink between the 'Old' and the (New'students of this College. We, there­fore, cordially invite our Old Boys toenrol themselves as its members, Thefirst meeting of the Association willbe held on the eve of the next convo­cation of the University.


To provide (gas' to the sciencelaboratories a gas plant of 500 c.c.capacity has been erected at a costof Rs. 15,000 by Messrs VijayamBrothers of Calcutta. We conzratu­late Shri C.L. Kumar for acqui~ing anew feather in his cap. V\Te hope thatthe 'Mahoorat' will be observed withall ceremonies that are usual in India.Laddoos for us all !






CaptainSecretaryCaptainSecretarySecretaryJt. Secy.SecretarySecretarySecretary

- Harish Kapoor- Shanti Swarup- Dilbagh Singh- Dinesh Kumar- Ripshudan Gopal- Meenakshy- Parshotam Kapoor- Sri Chand- Somesh Shaney


Page 26: Deshbandhu College

Volley Ball Secretary - Dharm SinghDeck-Tennis Secretary·, Naresh Kumar.

(Shri D. S. Chaudhry D. P. E.)


Shri M. M. Kulshreshtha has beenappointed. Assistant Librarian in th.evacancy created by the departure ofShri Mathur,

THE STAFF. There have occurred some changes

in the staff during the term under re­view. Dr. P. C. Chakavarty left us toaccept the Principalship of a Govern­ment College in Calcutta. His depar­t.ure from our midst has robbed us of atrue gentleman. But it is hearteningto hope that his qualities will be betterutilized in his new capacity as a princi­pal. Shri Daljit Arora has become awholebime Lecturer in History. Ourcongratulations.

The vacancy created in the depart­ment of Chemistry by the going awayof Shri I. P. Mittal has been filled byShri R. K. Dewan, a pleasant andpopular teacher.


We take this opportunity to felici­tate Miss Santosh Kumari Punhani, aformer Editor of Desh, on having stoodfirst in the University in the B ....~.Examination, thereby bringing laurelsto herself and to her 'Alma-Mater".

(K. C. Kanda)


We offer our heartiest congratula­tions and warmest felicitations to Prin-


cipal Sahib on getting an extension ofservice. \\re need not say that thedecision of the Board of Administra­tion and the Ministry of Rehabilita­tion, Government of India, is awisedecision. The College needs PrincipalHarish Chandra for years to come. Weare expanding in all directions and weneed an administrator with a broadvision, academic experience and sympa­thetic approach. SlICh a one is Princi­pal Harish Chandra. The like of himare rare.


The famous troupe, Shakes-peareana, staged Othello in theCollege H-all on the lOth of October,1950. The performance was almostperfect. The Hall was packed bystudents, members of the staff and ofthe Board of Administration.

Quite a sensation was caused bythe rumbling tremors of the earth­quake that rocked Delhi during theperformance. They synchronized withOthello's words.

"0 insupportable! 0 heavy hour!Methinks it should be noon or huge eclipseOf Sun and moon, that the affirighted globeShould yawn at alteration". •

(Lines 97-100)

(Act V, Se. If)

The chicken-hearted among theaudience made a dash for the gates,smashed windows and broke chairs­no wonder that they cut their hands,chins and shins. Luckily there were noserious casualties.


Page 27: Deshbandhu College

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Page 28: Deshbandhu College

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Page 29: Deshbandhu College

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Page 30: Deshbandhu College

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;:r~~;:r CliT ~ft C6To"{T,~ij~T q(iflT f~~T~

q~;:r ~T f:q;p ~Tft ~,

fq~ 6fiT ijfj;:r R+1l'(i II

~;:~ ~.~ fSl~~lf ;:J{t f;rQf~ , q~

it-it E6~' ~q;T~~ ~ f\;f~~ ~;=J~1 ~~

~~ srcFiT{ iT ~Tff1 ~:-

~f~~ at +iT~ tr~,

ti~ fii~T~ fif~R

~T~f~~T ~QtT q~T,

iJllT ~~Tft ~~Tft IIen~T"{ C6T 'Sf~~l ~ ;rl~~ I ~~~~ ,

~~~T, ~~~ CfiT ~~~;:Q ~'T Cfifq~q'i~

~rr ~ ijr,,~ ~~T~~ §~T t I ~if


~~ft~ ;:rT~r ~;:ra- ~ at ~;:r€fiT ~~ISf~ ~T

;:r~, cnf~~ liT ~~~ ~t{ q~T t I ~T~~T ~,Rr~l e,ft ~1;ft ~~1 ~ ~T~

~q;{ ~ {~ qT~ C1iift~ q;1 ~T~llT ifi m:~ it ij~q~ ~ :-

oQftFi f~ ifTQtif iT~ f~T,

f~w:t ;{(t ~;:r ~ ;:rit fi{~,o~ ijijftn ~ +r)~ fCJi~T I

~q; .,~1, ~ ;J(f ~~~ qif it ~;:r~

~~ ~T~~ ~ f~(qT~ ~a ~ ~~

ilT~ +Tfq;r ~ ~ ~,",~T 'ft~,~~. ~oT ~ ~ q~ tfi~ ~6~ t :-~ ((~ CfiT ~qqtT Cf;'{~,

erTol ;r(ffY ~q- I

ijlT& ~RT ij-ijf ~T,

ef)~ . tI~ ~~) qTcr II

~+fi ~ ~~ fSl~~q q)T t I a~ ~\1T

<tiT ~r"fq~ it 'f~T ;r')Qr QfrnrT~, 'f~jf<ti

eJi~~ 66T ~crifT ffi' ~~ t ~T.,(t t 'a"(Tfi+n;n) ~q~ Cf~ ~TlJff ~ lfT~ I' ~m ~T+rTq;{Tt{ fq~q·ef)f~ ~q~ ~ ~To~ it +ftfif(!fffi ~ I q~ ;n~~ ~-"We feel weare nothing for all is thou andthee." q~ ~q;r Sl~ CfiT cgr~;:JT ~

~ll~ l1TiTa- ~ "~ ~q;r tWf51 ~~T;:r

C6T lrT<ffT iSf'iT~O: I" (]'\Iake me the

gardener of your flash garden).

q(rg q)~T~ ;r .{qTr~~) q~T~ ~~T

~ I q~ ~q'iT ~ert~!:I~ q~ .~~Tq~q;~ ~ ~ ~q{T;:~ ~T.~;:g~ ;J(f ita-,~fqg Sl~ ~ ~~ ~et';{ ~ ~q- itCfiT~ Cf;~;r it tTRq- ~T ~~~q eti~a-t :-- .

Page 31: Deshbandhu College

~~fr( ~ijT ~Tlf cpT, t!f~~T ir"{T ;fl~,

lim ~T;r ~T ~q~T, firff ~~ f~Q ~1"* ICfi~~ ~ ~~~qT~ if ~T{~T~ jJ~qT~,

~th~ ~ SfiT efiT qT~ (f~T ~Teri{T~t6

~~~qT~ cpT ~~~ ~;r;:cr~ g~T t I~.;rCb1 ~~~T{t C6fq~ ~iI% f~ijJ

~~~ ~T ~~q C6t sr~~ Efi~ijT ~ f~(1~T

;(~ ~T~fiI;n efiTQf ~ ~~~~qT~' ~~~l

ffCfi ~:ft ~q~ ~i{T( q~~ft ~ I ~~r ~T

~{?ft6{ ETo ~iJr;rij;:~~qT~ Cfif Cfiar'T~­

q·~CRffr ~T ~flrCfiT ;j- ~~;{T q~T-

"(~~~erT~ ~fq~l it ~~~ eJiT

~1(1'l (1ij~ ~:qr ~ I ~ ~{~qT~

~qqr ~;:if ~T ~ I"

\imretlfar ~ ~~1 ifr~ "fTlf{,

~ij(~Tfi{ijJ ~ ~T~(ff +hl~ e6trT il~ ((;=( ~f ,rc~f~lfT ~t ~Rr6~ !IlT~TU it,:qr~~T ~~ :qf~etiT {1~ ~{T ~~T ;=r+r it II

~~~il~ Rq-ijJ ~a- ~ f~ ~r ~~~,

~~ ~1 l Sf(:Jif ~ =<fr;:lfT ciT (:J~~ I

q"{ ~T ! !I~~ iJ~ ~-m~ ~ ~~ ~~ f~~ ~T,'VIlefl<nT <nT ~'i~ ferq)ijf ~, ~er~T {~T ~i( it I

-~TU fq1fijfT ~Tq~,

iltR:a-(t ~Te~~ ,....

Page 32: Deshbandhu College

, f~~~~",,~"

"<f;i$f ~~rn iftr "5fT~ <fiT qit ?""~T~) iiif ctiijf~ ~lirrrT I""m~c{, arga f~'l ~ [~~ it ~~-Sl~'l

~, tJ~ ;; ~T~ ~1 g:li~ q(f 'l~ trIor [ I

'i( fft ~~T ~ ;:r~' ilT.nilr ;; 7"'t'lf~it ~lT(if i$fT~ ~e;r ~~T +rFlit

enT q:~T ~~ ~ 7""g+T if~T Cf~T (iHT~ft ~ ~T ~-lT<{ it

;ru itqT q)~ {~1 ~ 7""~~ ~ ;r{T EIi~o~ ~, ~~Qf ~1~'

"~f~i{ S5ltJit srfu ~oilT ~r~l~

~17""~1I1~ ~eT" Cf~ c:grT~~~ ~ ~~T I

H~~r fCfi ~T~ ft{~-~m g~ ;r~ qT~

~6T {~ijT ~ I :grTf~~ ~r~ itm~ ~

~Rr +1"1' ~ S!;~r(T ~~ ~ao~ ~ '1! ftfi~

~~ ~~T~ q:~T 7""~~tr;;T EIi~o~ ~+r+hoT [, ~+rQT

~T~ I ~~ ;:~~-~;:~U~ ~ ~ o:tiff \S~aT Ift'fi{ +r~T ~TqepT tfil15ff ~ ~~~T. ~ Sf~TCf)~ ~~T [ 7" .

"~lT(!f" ! glT \g~ ~~ ~T~cft ~ 7"-"en~, ~lq~ ~q;:~~ C6T q~ iilf~~T

t I"f'li~ +{QfT ~it et)ii ;;(f ~litiJT 7""~T~ ~t EliU,: mg~~ ;riT '~ijQf'

~qr('{T~ ~T ~ I" :'

"~T ~J, ~ ~;:~~ .~ I ~T, Q;<f; ~Ti'f'i~ ~ijT [ 7"

"'i~)' q:~T 'i~T :qT~~ft it 7"

"~T~, ~Tq~ '~rij(!J' ~qr~T~ C6T

~;:~ ~T i,ill, ~~ ~ =grTll ~T~~ 6)it I.- ~Tq~ mafl~ ij- ~t~ f~~T tft~1 CJ»),

~lit Cf~T itiTT" ?"~~ ~ '161 ~T;r1T I""'lit ~T~~ ! ~~t ~P:{c})T '3qr~~J1~

~;~ ~e~T ~;:ff ~TqiT qaT 'l{t 7""~r f~t~~, ~ ~;:Cf 'l~ ~T;:raT I ~l~~

enT~ 6.1" ~I;r af~T ~(el~ q:~T trT6Cf)" I

'~ftfi~ ~~ ~~tIi ~;:ff it f+r(ff~ ~T

~"{~ fqf{ef ef), ~lJTR" ~l Eti~~ { 7",,~ ~~ +1T 'l~ ~T~"T I ~q~ ~(fijT

. ~Tt:fCfT [ fCfi ~;:cr ~(=f++rq~, ~~ it ~~

~ ~q~ ~ I ~T ft:rt~{, ~T~ ~;r ~TaT

~T I 55fT~ if ~T~ q:~1 §+r~ ~Tff EIi~~ it~T :ql~QT ~ l;r ~1~ ~~ ~T~ ~ g~

;ru q:llI ijfilaT ~1 ~) gif~ !!it ;;r~:fTlJ

~~ srqT~~"{ ~: ~'qC{ ~ ~fQ +rT~

~ ft{~T t I""~ ~~ q{T~ if fq~e{T(1 ;rif ~~~t,

fir~ ~T;' I ~~ ~T<6 CfiT ~T~ <€Tf~it I"

"~~ ~)~ it it~T ~T~ :grq'lT 'lit ~ I~~ ;rr-~Tq +11 :UT~~ ~~;=fT ~.~~ ~ ~~,

~~ tf ;{it ~T~ijT I 6:T, ~ijTcr ~T ~r~ ;r~~ ijf~Cf)T ~cr~T ~T fittfi~ ~T~ ~, ~~qr

~q) ~{~ ~qrijT ~,~+rT·ef)~T m~T:qQT

[ ~"ijf {t ~ glT, q"{ ~~ ;r~T iT~~T ~

f~~G~ fen ~ ~;~ ~~ ~T ~~lli ( I q~~q(if '~raqr' etiT 'tTMCliT ~ ~T ~q it if~

~T~ ~~T ~ fflrir ~1i1.: it iJ~ I ~~ ~ff;:rT

~M"~T{ E1i~T ftf) ~~: ~CJ) ~l~ f'R ~:qqiT

Page 33: Deshbandhu College

~T ~{~ ~t[~ ~T ~it ~;fq(!J ~{ { r""m~e~, ~q ef~l U7"~'~T I"

"cp.JT ~~T ~Tttf ~ ~{T ~T;=J ~. ~~T

~~"T , g+~J~T ~~~ ~~T~T I ~~ ';r(r~QI ~T ,"

"~~ ~~(ff ~T~? ~~T f:f~T ~ f~~T

~q~ ~T ~ ~{T +rT( I""ftfi~ g+r;r €fi+r& ~ iSlT~;r ~~T.,{t

'i~r 7""~~T¢f ¢fTef ~ ~~Qf ¢fl~ I +!"mT ~

q:~ 'i(, ftfi~ ;r~J ~ij~T ~f~efiT~ ~~r 7""~N't6T~, ~~ Cf~T eJ)~~T U f~~e{ 7

~ ffi" =qT~oT [ f~ ~T~ g;~ ~~ ~~ ~crT

{, [~~ ~)(jJ ~~ ~~ { 1 wrrrrr ffi~?:~ 7~~~ ~ ? <Ii{t ~ *ll!f it m~{t [ ? ~rr(~C{r{' ~;r~!T ~[f(r f~ g~~ ~:~ "~~{

~~ +IT ~@ ~~ f+r~iTT I ~T m~i 7""~1 ~f~it q~ ~~T ~ ~Tq~ ~)~

f~;qT ~ ,cr(f «I"t 'q:~T +r~ijf~ 7""iTij~~ ~~T f?6 ~q;:~T~ 6fiT S5J"ra 1

~~~ q~~ ~T ~lq~~~oT ~{t, ~~Tf~

il~ '~;:~(ff' q~T ~ S5fT~ '~rij(!f' ~Tq;;pT

~Qw{T ~tqiiT ~, ~f(!f~ ~ 'itt 7" .

t'~T, ~ I ijtf~~ gil" ~~ ~T~6T {r 7""~~ i{~ '{f~~ ~;rQl ~T~ , ;:r{t

~~ I ~Tq ~~<fi l ffi ~ ~T'{T [, fq:;~ll&T '~raq{' eJ)T ~r~~T efi+rijf ~ :grTq~T

it( ~;~q ~{t {~ ~ep~T !fqT 7""~f~~ ~qr~R1 ~6T, ep~qa +ft it

~~~r ~ I".' "it ~EfiaT ~, q~ '~qr'''~ I q~

~c~~, ~\1~T ~~-~=:J) ~~'lT ~~~~,

iT~ir t iftf 7""~T, ~ f{-r~2:"{, q{ g+r ~~ ~~ ~~

~T;:fol {r,",.~~ ~ ~f.l~~ ~T.,t't JlT.,~ft, f~+r~

ill~ !"'.:./ '" '" .

"q~ ~a~T ~Ef~~ ~[llT T~ Cfi+t(i(

~ ~Tq~ ~1~ fq~qTa~~l~ ;=f{f f?6~T I"

,.~~ if~T ~~~T it g+r 7~~~ fq!{qT~"

'ifT~ ;{{t ffi" ~l~ q:~T ~? \3~~ !!~

CJ)T~5f if f~~ijf~T~T, ~\1~ !!~ ~lfT~

;r CJ)(!{r~ff r:n~T, ~G;:r!!~ ~ liit~ c6t~~T f~QTqT~ , ~~ {1~ C1T~T ;=f&:1 msil~ ~~T ~r I"

"~~T m~TqtfiT *ll!f~, fCfl1Qf ifT~',~~f~~ Vqi~ i=I~ ~qfT-"~(=f;r ~~q~T

er)~T ;;{~ f~~T, ~~~ ~T'1~ eiT€{T fi{~T 1

~Pi;:r .~~~ ~T~~ ~ f(q~erT~ f~~T,..... ......

:grTq;:r \g~~T ~+rT~ iT ~~ill ~+i~ .

Ch~qT~T I"

,,*' ! f~H~( ~~ g~ Cf~T <fi~~{t {r !"

"~.T t1<ti Oli~ "{~T [, fq~l!f ~r\ I ~efillq£ it~ft ffi ~ ~T ~~T ~r C6,~ft'l

~ir;u ~ f;r~"T-~~;:rT :grTq~T q:~T

~~{T ? ~~T fQlit '1. ~ ~Tq~ (=f):q fQt;qT

fCfi ~+rijf ~~~ ~ ~+r ~{~ QlrrT ~ I~e:t fqri{ ::;rTq~ ~TT ~ ~ Cfi+rijf etiT ij~c:JTlt

r:J)~T , ~yf(!J~ ij ~{1C1iT ~~;:rT ~ll{ Cfi (

~~T, ~+rT~ it !l~( ~~;r ~ q)T~.1Qf

;:r~l {~T I ~~r o~ r:ti '3"~~ +rTij"T-fCl~T

oEf) ~ III 'l~ ~~T I f1fi~ ~Tq ~~ ~~a

~ f~ Cfilf(ff ~ ~lq~t en~T f~~T I ~Tq

Page 34: Deshbandhu College

· g~Tl II 'inq'i!- Biil ~lJT ~ I ttlJ 'n~T~, ~lIT"{l ~Cr{l~T ~~ Cf)') .,T~ ~ ~~T~~

it ~ q5:T~ ~~ ~T"T ~ I"

"~~-iT ~tt Cf~T it iT~T ~ fB'~~ ?gl1 ~l ~qr~l~ Cf)l =JgfTiji,:qifT qi{ ~~1

fJ ef~T ?""~(f fq~~ ~n~t~ ~~ <liT'igfTQIRin

Cfi~ ~~T [I ttiTf~~~) +£T a;r Cfi~ qi{

~~ ~ ~T ~&'l ?~~ +IT ~ Cfi~1 [~+rqr ~T~, Cfilrijf ~P:reJ)T ;:r(f ~ijfT

~iTT I ~Tq 'a~ ~ ~, ~fCfiOf q~

~Tq~ fm~ ~~ (f~ STaT~T Cf)~ ~~T

itilT I ~~ ~~cf1 {1 t ~\=r ~Ta q;T,

~~r=ti i1 ~T~T [, ;:rr{T q)1 ~~~ q~T;{6T

[I t1:Cfi ~Tq~, ~~ 'a~ ~@T ~ ~~

~, ~~ iT;r Efi~;r ~ ~f+1ij{l~T Efi~~~ I " "

"f~'G~ ! ~iij ~lJ'~T ~~ if Cfi~ , '3T~ijo:t;r <tl'T ~f'ffi o:t{t ~ ~ I qJi~q It~ ~ [ B;sJ '{Tq) CfiT ~ I g;~ ~T~ ~~~~ Cfi' lTT;1 ~q{T ~~T I qT~ijq it gillf~~ it fe~c{! Efi~T ~ trT~T g~it~6;:{T ~ 7" e· "

"i51TQ ~q;r CfiT ~ij'qT q:~ fiT(.T~ ~,

fCflJQf ~,~ ?~ ~rqCfi) v4T o:t~ oi{mU I

qT~aq it ~@T ~T~ ffi" ~~~T ~~ it~;r~ tfiT ~T~ +IT ~ I" .•••.••. •••• "

~T~ m~~~,~;:r ~lol cpT I ifu q~

tfiTlf Cfi~ ~tiTT ? Slf ffi" ~liftiT it, ~ ~~~~ it ~i(~T;r [I ;r~ trT~ ~qit ~ I~ g;~ q~T il~T ~ijT [feJi{·fr SlCfiT~ ~

~~ "Ii) "lilT~ ~ q!'ifT it I ~ §;~~ru~qqiT~ Cfi+lr ~{f ~(';YT I"

'l~q~l ~ tJTtr ~)~T T.fT~a- ~

fqlJQf aTT\?"I '!!~ ~ij;:rT (!('~~~ i{ efiU I f~~~"{t

~~ ~lfT ~ V I"

"~f~;:r ~ q~T ;:r(t itilt ~t;rij{ ifl\ !ftn~ +ft ~~ ijfT~' il ~~eJ)T ~=ij~F{TfiI~er

~tf;r ~q~ ~aT [ I it ~~ ~~ "~ q~T(i11 I ~=l.i{ ~~ ;r~T ~~(~Tf~q ;:r~ ~

f':'fi q~ ~ ~ if ijt I ~~r ftr;f{il ~r~

~I~ ~;:r '5fTttCfi) a-ff q!:qT~, ~ ~lJT

~~ ~;:rT, ~~~ ~ tr~~e6t i. \1fTa'T I: I"5Jil{ :qQft iJ~·"· ••......•. i{~ q~ ~ I

;:r~ ~ ~T~ ~ ~T(f ~~(iI ~ [~

it ~g: f~~ iJ~T , SI~~l CfiT ~TiT{ ~;r~

~T~l I ~~ ;:r~ ~~;{T ~~ ~~ ~~ ~TilijT

~? ~) ~~ ~~;:r ~~r, q~ ~~~~, q{

~q CIi'{ qrt q5:? ~T{, f:fiffilT =grq~Ttr;:r

~r ~~Cf)T qT~T ~ ! ~r trO'T Cf)1«!T ~ it~{ I ;{fST ~ ~~ ~~ it \=r~ij"J ~ ? cp~qr

it~T ffi" ~~ijfl ~ijT I q~ \ifT +ft ~,~~ +£1 itcr;:r it itep{ ~T{ t , ~CIi)

+1T f~~T ;r a-~ q§:qT~ t I ~f~iI ~8:

~~ ~T~ qJ~ fcp ~. ~~~ tilT~ Cf){(fT t 1

i:rt ~~~ Cf)T ~ qCfi~ fijw~ ~ir I ~

trit ~~~ {T ~tf{ ~~l{ lTT~;r it \1fT~T I

tJ~ ~ ~~ +fi it, ~~ '-1l~{ W=q~ ~ilT I

CfiT~ ! ~Cf) ~T~ ~~ ~~T ~~ I ~ srifiT~

~qit lfif CfiT ~T;:~ ~~T Nlf~ it I ~l~

~~ q~ ~) i{ ~tfiT, ijif~ ~ ~~

~~ ~~ if~ I ~o if~ ~o f~q

fqt1Q1 CfiT qft ~T{i\~ ~1~ I o.ft ~ep

~q;T ~~~ ~T~ it V f:qt1' tr'4~T iJ~T I~tfi ~ijT~ ~ ;:rIll" ~r ~(={~T fqlM ~ I

Page 35: Deshbandhu College

;ffi ;r ~~ffitnT mrT ~T ~T( ;i1~ fijf~ (f+rT q{t ~'T, ~~ +r~ ~~~ ~ ilT~

~r-"~CR:~, \g~~ ~~ ((lf~~TfT fep Rtt SJenT~ ft(~Ti fcr~T I ~lIir 610 ~~T ~T

~r if ~T<ff I ~(t at ~i1c€t. ~T~l t(~ ~1I(ff ~T q~QtT SI~ ~~'T ~T, i1~ Cfi~j

\:fq:CfiT q§~iTT t" ~~ ll~ ~:q- qi~ ~TCfG~ ~? u~lI(ff ~~T ~ q'T ilt t I !gfTq~fq;r~ ~, q{t ~ijI;r QiilT I fq-llQl it i(llT ~Cfi qS( ~~T~, q~ tiS{ ~~ "

!3T~ ~, ~T~ WI~ ~Qf ~1 WI~'l q~~ I WI(f ffi ~T~l q( ~T ijlitm",~(t ~ I ~T~cr tfiij{ ~T~ CfiT &{lol ~ ~~ ~~ij §~ ~l~c~ :qijlT iT~T ~(~~~~T qrrr ~T it I ftt'( lfT ~~CfiT lfW{;:(~ f.6Cfi'6~OiIfq~~-~T is(r({ m~~ e6T ~RCfiT~;r ~ fijt~ ~Tqij{T ~ ~~T ~r I ~ijT ~~T, ~~T ~~ I


ilTif it~ ijil ~T ~,

~T~ ijWl ~ ~~ iro I

iJT(f iTT iTT C6"{ ~~1~,

fq~q f~ ~ iT fua-T~T I

ftrg ~a ~~ ~ij~,~~~) f~ijI ~ q~T II

t~l~ !Jifi~ ~ :i~T ~iT,

~l~ ~~ U\~ iro IiTT;{ ;r~ ij;=f 3CfiT ~lJ,

~~ ij~ ijT ~~iI it~T II

~~q ;r fil;f;f ~it ~,

~ ~crT ~li CfiT ((~:qT I

fOfirs a lfJ ~"' ~m,~~ 6fiiCli ~g;r if ~:qT II

~i(~ itit ~~ ijfi t ,~~ ~ ~mo iRr IiTT;=( ~ WI 3CliT ~,

~T~ ~ ~ ~~ iRT II

Page 36: Deshbandhu College

~q;:{ ~T~~il ~T eT~T-~T;:rT ~ I

~iTr~T ~qT~~lJ, ~~ it~ ~r.~~T ~iIr~T

~T~ol q~ fi{~~ ~, ~~ ~T~+rT ij~~ ~

~~~T it~;{aTl ~CJ) ~T~~T ~ ~~"{T CfiT(;{~,

~Cfi ~~';{~T1: ~ ~{1~T ~~+rT'l, q:~f€n

~~~ ~e"T ~4:~T~ f€n~T ~ ~~ ~Tqi{

it ~~T c:&TT~~ ~T~ ijfT ~ I lf~G~ eJiT

i:rgiT~, ~~ ~~ ~~, ffi{ ~{')~ ~o

~T~T ~~ 6~ '3"~CfiT ~T~~T % ~T

qR~T~ ~~ ~ t ~&;r, :q~;r, f&{q~,

~C!f~, ~6it qiT irr, QT~{ '3"o;r, ;f~T~,

~T~, CfiTll ~(;r cr ~Tit CfiT ~li~, ~~

fq~T~, it ~ar ~l{ ~lJT~ ~Tqc:r q)T CJ)~

~efi ~Tff ~+rr{t :grT~~1 CfiT ~T ~q ~ f

~T ~~ ~li ~~~ ~~ ~T:q~ ~ '3"~;nT

~it ~T({Q ~ \1fT~fT ~ ~,~ ~;r qif ~:it ~iT Cfi{~ ~)~~ %:' {1:q fft ~~ ~f:Ji ;r~~ ~r~~iT CfiT ~~~T~, ~iJ

~{1tfiT ~T~al ~ ~lJ( ~(!ffJ €Ji~~ ~~T

~1~ ffT ~~~T :qR:~ ~l~ o~f~cq ~T~T

{~ ~TcrT ~ ~T{ \g(1;nr ~~ilT ~5,:1 ftfi\ill ~e,:;aT I o~f~cq ~T?{~l it ~.,~T ~ I

i511~(f =-3fTcIiT C6T ~q ~qT ~ i

~~~ ;r ~T~~ (1T~~ cr ~;=JT~ Cfft~fffi ~~T ~~~T ~)~ ~q~iTT itijT ~ I~~ Cfi+fT cil~ eJ)llf C6~ ~l~ ~:P~T ~TijT

~ ~l{ ~iT~ \g~ Cfi~~;r:~ ~T q~ ~~ilT

~r~Tif it ~~trT ~ f~ ~it q)~~ it Mi~ft...... r--.. ~

(f~~ Cfi" t[T{~iT, ~T~ q Sl~r~ CfiT 151'~~q

~~ ireT I ~~ q-T{ ~t Q~Tt=I ~ir f~i{T

(T ~r~ Cfi{ fqr~T ~T~r ~ I ~«iiT ~ii

'~T~~ ~ i1~~; :grT~ij ~iil~ qiT ~;~(lT

~fT ~q~iJT ~,tf~Tf'-6 ~~~ +1"'1 ~~

~f:g: q~ ~~ ~+r q~~T ~ ~l~ ~iT '=f~

f~:UT it !1lJl~ CJ)~ ql~ t I ~ar ~T{

QT~ ~T ~a- ~ thT~ ~tClir efT

CfiTfu~ €f;~~T ~ ~aefiT f:fi~T~l it ~T~

~iT ~T"{ o~q~~T 'lit itcrT, ~Q~l ~g6

~r e6Tf:aii o~~ ~T~t {, ~lfr il~6 ~~t

it ttl~ ~Tijf ~ijT ~ ~~T ~~T;sr~ .,~

~~ qT~T, ~~ .ft CfiTlT it ~ffT'S{ i{~1

it~T q~ ~ ~;rtl % ~4=~TlH ~ ~l~

q~ f~Q=~qt 6Tefi tit q t€t~ ~T~~ ijlilaT

~ ~{q~~ q {1+r~ ~g~ Sf)~ ~ffT ~ I

~~ {1l1~ ilIa ~l~ q~ q~ ~~ ~~(!fnT

~l~ ~iT+r6T ~ 'iiT~ aTleTrfT ~ f~ ~ i1~

qaT ;;~ ~6T fef) 'a"a~ ~ar ~l~ cfi~

~~ I ~T~ q~ q~ q~~ ~t~ ~~qT ~T~

q~ I stta- ~~ir enT e,;TiT lf~et~ ~ol ~T~'

~ ~l~ ~T~ l1 ~T~:qlcr q ~T~ fq:qT~

+fl :qqraT t ~~ llTi{) etTa- ~ifq~ tJit ~1a:6it ~ ~, ~~ CfiTlf ~q~ ~Tq ~(fT +rr~il

q~ffT ~,ij~ c~Ti{ m~ fq-:q"T{ ~~~$:l~

~trUift ~flfllt ijfllT~ ~T tf~a t I

~TtCfi~ Tf(ifT"lT ~T~;r it (!f~~ C6Ttt',~lT~ (fflTT8- qft~+r ~~~ ~; lfq+rT~ Cfj~ W4.~T~ ~~~ ~ I efi~ ~r,

fll~~~, ~tG ~T~ t, CJ)q~ tfi~ ~T~ l,~~~T aJT~1 =;JTT~ aTilT it ~~ it~ QTiTfi T

~, ~~ ~1", ~i{ ~l~ ~T~T ~ I Cfi~ ~Rl~~ ~ ~...... ('

Cfi l;:r~;:ij"~ ~4:~T~ en ~T~ ~~~ (1T~~ijf

:q~T~ it ~lJ ~l"{ ~~Q{ijT fer~l~ ~~

Page 37: Deshbandhu College

ffl~aT ~,~~~T f~~l~ ~f~~ V~ (!filaTt, ~~~T ~T~;nQl ~~Cfi q~ ~~~ \g~

;=f{t +r~F.f)~T, ~T~ q.~ ~(T ~Tq~, l~Qf

s:~ ~~ ;:J{f 6TctT, ~~(: ~~ e~T;:r

gr~(ff q{ ~T ;:r{f ~ir ~~~, ~iif ~

~T~enQf :q"ijfl;r t6t O::.f) {1{ijf ~T~T~ttr

~r;r ~~lf.~~, ~~lf ~e ~~ ~, ~T~~qr

~q;r ~Tq" ~T~ 1:T~a- q~ :q(!f~ft ~TijT ~

S5il~ :q(!f~ ~~~ ~ ~~~ ~Tij q){~ q

iTl~ +IT ~l~ ~ I ~ ~~{T ~Tij ~~1

~T{~ ~ Cbl: qT~ ~ f~ ~r~ ~4-~T~

aTiT ~T~~ijf =T:("(!fT;r qi') ~T~(1 V lT~ ~ I

~~ (ffTq ~~ ~jtrt ~T f~to~ ~

~;:r q~~ ~ =it{ ~~~T ~ iI~T-~t, 6fiq~q~~ ~T+r ~ f&~ ~~T( V ~T~ l t

~~ ~~ .,{f ~ijT ;:{ ~~;;{ff q~~T~,

=gJT;:r~ ~T ~T~ ~ I q~ ~1"{ ~TfJ i fiti~~T fa~"~ q~ q~ ij~a-l~ ~~a {I ~~

Q~~ CfiT ~r~T:pT~~T, Gf~T~ ~~ ~Rn~

~~it ~~ ~T:qT ~naT ~ rn~if !i~aT~...... ~ ~ r'" ~ r-;

~ CfiT~ ~ Efi I ~ T+T~ I Ch(J{ ~~ ~r~

"~ lT~, ~T~ ~~~l~, qil{T cn+fT ~~~.,T ~trT~ ~ fur~ f~~Cfi~ iT~, qJ;:{T

iGT~, ~trT i;flJT ~ ~~T~ I ~~ ~ar

~~(f e€t ~T(I ~ I

t{~T~T t{T~ ~T ~~r ~ I ~T+r ~lf

~ U~ ~T ~;r ~~m ~T~T ~, ~~

q~~ ~T ~~~T~ ~ ~~ CfiT qiT+r eti~T

Cfiqf q~ ~~ ~~, f~~ ~~ 'R

~q~ ~TtT '3~'lT ~T ~~(ffoT ~ ~QCfi

'3"61 QT ~ f=li fmr'lr ~~Qf~r ~ ~FlT

~QT q Cfiq~ ~oT ~ I ~T~ 1Il~

~l~ ~~+rq ;.{~ ~~~ I '3"~ ~~;r ~

q~;r CliT ~T~~ ~ I CfilTQf ~~~ \g~~ ~T

~lm it q~T ~~(lT ~ ~T:q(fT ~ ~~r

q~T~ ;r O:~ ;r~T;:YT ~ ~T~ ~(ff (

q~T~ ~(!f ~ ~1i ep~·lTT I q~ ~~ ~t

it ~~qT~ etiUlT t fep:-

~l~ Cfi~ ~ etiT(ij ~{, ~TQf Cf4~ QT t("{QTI~T ~(r~T etitrr q~T. :g:r~'T ~WlT ~ i{(~TII

q~ q;TiJ~ ~~~ fijr~~ ij[llQT ~, ijif~

~q~T q~~rrT, vq~~ ~T llfi!Jo~~ ~T;r

<fiT f~r~T, ~T~"'T~ ~QT l, 'R ~<fi

~~~ ~~ ~6aT ~T{ C1i+rT ~6 +IT ~TaT t "~ ~ ~ ~"{ ~TlI' ~fClC1i ~~~~ ~~~~it (!fTf ~TaT ~ I fu~:q~ ~it CE~ qTffi"

<fiT'" ~ft ~fQi!f) q~ q~', ~o <fi~ q~' ~,~a- etil:, ~l~ ~T m~ ~~ ~., ~Q1

:gr~lf~~ i~;r ~~ 'ef~~f ~QQT ~

~T~T ~ I ~~ {TQ CJiT t:; ~~ ~~ ~Cfi{

~ffT ~ ~ fu~T ~~ ~l;r (iliTij- ~ I~T:qaT t fCfi ~TQ: CJifQT ~~~1 ~6 CJi~

q~·i(T ~f"{ q{rg srrff:~ l1"ToT ~ 'WrrT~'

~ at ~~lit ifT~T ~T Cfi~ WIQf~~ i ~eT

~QT t I iT~ ~T ~T\jf'lTit oll~ ~To' t~~~~ q, ;{(f qToT I ~1? ~ V~;:r qiT ~T~o \lfT ;rtf if;rT~ I

~{11Rnit ~q;{ ~l~ CfiT~ it =:&T~T

~Ttrff ~;:YT ~'ll ~cnQrnT CfiT q~(ffT ~it t,~~lt ~T~ etiT q~~'T !{:qQ~T ~ I «;J~

q;1f ~iT6T ~ ~R "CfiT+r tt~ ~iT ~ itoT

~ t ~T~ol q"{ ~llQ qiT if§~ ~~~ q~

~ I ~f€r ~ifTtt ~mtT ~~1 ~ ~~~T"{T ~T~ff +ft ~ ~lm ~~~

~1~ I Q~ ~ ~f~eJ) SI~rq ~ ~Tijl

CliT ~QT ~ IlGti1.l SIT~: q~r ~'lQT t ~T


Page 38: Deshbandhu College

~~t€t ~T~T ~e- ~;n;{T :qT~ff' t I ~)

f.u~T~ ~it ;rr~T 9:T~T f~{iI~T~, ~ f=qaT((~ ~lfT~T ~T~ ~a, ~ I l1;Cfi fq~t{ ir~ tlefi Cfi~T ~-"~~ lIl~T ~ f~l\Iitit if,N~ ~ I" ~T~ ;rT~T ~T~{~T~ ;r (tftT6JT~~) CfT~6fqep f~~T ~T~T ~T I

~6J it ~q;ft ;rT6T ~ CfiT~~ tt ~;:rT

~ ~~'if ql~ ~ I ;rT6T ~ ~q~tff ll~'i~

'R ~~T Sl~Tif ~~~ eTf~~1 CliT ~ijT

t I~ CIi~Tqo [-"~~ 61~T~ ~(;~a

~~~ I" ~=QlI' ~lTRr ~ 1i~'i~ it (=J<[~~

~ff t ~, ~6 ~iTRr ~ ~~~~ I srm:g:~~T Cfi~ 00 ~Rl ;r ~Cf) ~~ijJ q~

~ ~-,,~ flfit ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ f<6~ it~T ijrr~ Cfi~ ~ ~T{ ~ ? ~~;:r~~ ~~T ~~ ijiT;:~ ;",1 ~tr;fT ~tf t;" ~~Qf ~~ q~~ (fEli~Tif <fi'T~ CRT~'Tif ~~T ~ ~~ft CfiT ~~ ST~TCf ~ I" ~Clift it~ ~T~ ~~ q~ CIi~T t-"~lJ~tCfffT ~ ~Tiferl ~ ~r~ {~ffi" CfiQar ~~

~ {t ~T~iJT I" q-Rq~ ~~ ~ f~ ~~li~

i ~q ~1 CfiT CJ)ift it ~qt€t 'lf6 fll~

iIr~r ~ ~r~T ~ I~~T:qr~ .ft ~T~~ ~ I ~.T o~fu; q~

~ it ~;r~~T ~ ~ijf6T ~, f~~ ~:q

~ijfir e€t ~T~~ ~ I 'lfif Cf~ f~~:ft ~Cfi~

it ~oT ~ ~~ ~~~.~~~ ~iT~ ~~,

arr~ ififlir q cr~T;r ~T~1 Cfil ~~(f ~tf

q,ffi I a-6~r ~1~(fT ~Jtn ~ ~~ ~;rur ~~

~{i(~T ~T~T t ~~!R~ ~ ~:q ~iTT,

\S"6ift" (t ~~{if(fT, ~q:g~6T ~~ ijm«tT

~ ~i:fc{T ~ qi{ ~T qi{C{ffi" ~ I 'R ~~

~ ~~ efiT ~R(f ;=fit, f~ ~o

~ijfit q ifTij ififTir it~ f~~T~Z

ilit, ~~ ~:qr~ q ~~tt ~ CfiTlT

CIi~ ~ ~~T SI~R=r ~ ~ffT ~ ~R

~ ~~ ~~+rq eti~aT ~ Ai ~~ Ai C6'iif~T ~;fr CIi~ ~T ~ I

~~~ ~~T ~ ~ ~Ttt :eJlia"T

~~T t, ~;r Cf);f ~~ t, ~T~T CliTtf

~NC6 a~ ~ f;r~ ~ tm t, ~~

~~~ Cf),it ~ ~~{ ~~ ;:rtf +nT'en;:rrq~ij'T ~((lfT~ ~;:r ~ f;r~~ ~~

(=f~~ ~T +rnIeti fir~~ ~ QliTaT ~ I


Page 39: Deshbandhu College





















































,~lah~!l" ~


~~:t&~:o-ltJJf:~:o ~

Page 40: Deshbandhu College

,,~~ ~T~, !I~ q~T ~tff ~T;{T ~ I ~lf

it \WTi1o ~T ~t ~ ~Gqr-iTc~ q;T

fgcn~ijfT ~~ ~~~T ;:(~1 ijJlTftT I"

"~~ ~T{ ~i~) +iT it ~T~ I ~(ffl f~afT

l{ {If Efi~-t"

"ffi +rffi f~an it .~ ('f~r i\"eqf·'iTT~ it ~~T ~~~;:~ ? .q::qT q~r i{q f~;:(T

enl;r ~~ :q(!f ~~ijT ~ Y""f~~~~ ;{~ I ~&ft;r {~~~ ite~

it ~T;{T mer., CliT \=r~~ ~~~ ~~T

~Tq~~q) q~~~, ChQ it '~Tq~~ii' q~

i't( ~~ ~ efi~-"~~;:r it ~~ 6T ;r~T

~CiT :qTf~~, ~~ ijr ~ffl"rrT-I"

¥i~;:r it ~;~~ m=grT ~T I ~+rqr '3"~

~~a ~T Rs:rr ~oT-"~~ ~r~{ ! qT6:,ijif +it ~~ ~+r~ q~ ~T~ t ~T~t (ffil~

~ ;r~T~]~ \if) q;T r:tlTliT or~ ~~ I"

"cRt, ~~:ft ~r q:~T ifr~ it rr~ 7"~({, ~~1 q{ aJoff ~ ~ijfT I

"ij~~ ~ ~~ ~T~ ~~J~:T~ CiT ite'Qt

ijT ~T ~~T ~r I +fijiT ~.u ijT q)~Qlt firm'it 4{~itT ~~T (r~(j{ ~T~T ef~T ~~~ ~ I

~ ~~T t il;:~. fttmr ~lir ~~ fCfi(

tT~Qf ;;~~{ fCfi{ fq~~1: en.,Te tijr~

it itcij( it ~f(t f~rqiJT ~;:rT ~tJi{ ~qiI

q~ ~~61 ~ I ~~ iI~;:~, qi+r ~ ~lf ~T~

ijT ~(!I.,T ~T r.r~i1T I"~rit1 (IT '3fQfiT ,~T ~at ~ ~fi ~o;

~q;.,T 4TT ~ ftJift ~ I ~~~T i{ iTa ~ ~T

~1:;:~ ~) ~T~T ~T tJ" ~~ ({~ it ~~ ~lJ

~~ ~~ ijT~ :q~(f ~1 ~~ iT~T I it~l

it !Ilr~qlq ~m ~ iT6~ q~ qq) V3~ ij~T ~T~ itq~ ~ "f~ijfl~ fFi~:Tf~


~t, ~T(!T;r fulJ~G, ~{T~ o~T CliTttit ~

~~~1lJr~ ~T §~ ~T ~1~ ~~CfiT~T ~J~

~ I ~~ ~~ ~~a ~T iI{;:~ ft f~~liT ~

f~~T ~T;r ~ q~ fll~Tf~;:r ct~,{T~ ~tt­

"~l\~~ tfffT I""~t~T ~a tf~T fq~it" I CJi+r(ff if

;;l~ ~) ~lfi~ ~~ ~, I

"~~ ~T~ m~~J/~ ~T lflJT~T" I

~:q it ~T W~{ ~~ ~oT I"~it ~T~, ~~ ~q)T:q ClT:q" It Cit'

rer-m," I ~~3: ~ ~T ~~{T~ ~ Cf)~T I

"g~ +it q:~r ~Tr:r+fi it, ~~ ;:r ~~~ ~~"! "~~ g~ WTT;grr .fr Clil1(if,

~~ ~r~ ~T~ t ijy ~~ ~·iT ~" ~;:~~

~ ~,~ CfiTa-a- git I +TT~ ~~ ~ft~~ ~(fT ~

ift~erT r"fi~tfiT ~T ~T lT~ ~l~ ijT~ fifQfT~

if1 f ~~;:~ % l1;JT ~~;r Tf~ ~:ft ~~

f~ fiT~T~ +1"( f~~T ;'f~T. q~;:s ~~~

~T~l it ~(IytT ~T~~ if ~T ~CliT f?6 f~~T9

'~6reT ij;:~, if ~e~ !lflol q~ fiT(ffT~

ijfllT ~~T tt~ ~~~ +nc~ ~ ~~

~q~ tf1.: ~~ f~~r I ~~ ~:q ~~T ~,

~~ ~~l~ct li" ~Tif ~eT ~ I

~'l ~.lT;r q~ijfT m<nlq Q~'R

cr;~ ~ir Cfi~T ?'-~~ qr ~T (!IT, ~T~ it fij{~ ~ft{

~~{T,(T i(~:q~ lliT +iT iT ~T~ at q:~,

s~T f~;:~llT It lTijfT ~~ f~i{ E1i~ CfiiT

~lij- t ~CfTif'T~, ~~1i( it- ~,~ ,'"~(!f) ~r~~, ~(itT ~lfijT"

t'~T~ ~rq ~T~~, ~J~, ·fir~

:q)~T I" ~Te ~ (ffi{Cfi ~6a- ~ ~irijJ

Page 41: Deshbandhu College

~ ~~T I "~\1 ~lqit ~~T ~ ~T~ fq)(.{T

~T {~T ~T" I "~it--+rT~~" ~T"{ f+r~

~Tq~T ~~;:~ ~11(ff ~ qr~ qTQfT ~TQfTN ~ ~

~HT q{ ~o i1~ I

~zr~ !!~T~fT ~lT ~ qFf(!ft ~T {{r~T,

f{:r~~T g~T ~&T~il f~~ it Cfi~~ q>T

~~~ij~ +fliT i{;'t {t ~~ ~T(lT ~T I ~16,

~qrQf, ~~ ~;p ·~T ~lT it ~ir §~ ;rT~;r

it~ ~ f

inft!r~ it ~ijfa git f{1lT~~ iT f+r~

:qTq~T ~{=l ft~T%- ~ it6T q~ m\itTijT ~r

f~ fifa~ q~ falTle ir~T q~ ~T ~rr~T

~H ~fu+i ijlTQlT ~T ~~T ;{ ~, ~) :<TT'J~

itit ~ qT~q~ cpT f~qT~ ~ f<n~ QllTT~

iT~ ~T I, ~ ::.. ~

, ~~T ~I ~4l::T"

"~T &:~{"

"~cp ffJ(!fT~ m1: (ffT:;;:rT ! ~"{ ~t

flf~ ~q~T ~P:J ~CfiT:;;r fq~iTT ~T ~~


1'S5fT~ ~T~~ ~~T~" (I like scotch)

"S5l~~T ~~ ~i56 flTQfT~ (f~T ~~ qlT~~T:q I" ,,~~ ~Tq filC!fTe- l1a #lTT~

~~ ~T q~T~" ;;{~;~ ~ ~q;r ~~ 2~

fT(qyr~ ChI ~T~ (1~~ Cfi~ ~ g~ ~~T I

,,~~ ~Tq~ ~~T ql ~U I it~ ~

~&T~Cfi ~G" (DOll0t you lil\:e it) fil~

:itq~T irQfT -~'~~r ~;=JT~ ~{T m~Pi~ ~I~ ~

('. ~ " ~ ("... r"\ r.~~ ~+i ~., CiiT (1~+nT ~~ ~ Tii ~~ ~T~~t

~~T~~T ~ ~{ ~~ f~:ql~ ~+rr(T ~4:~

{1+rT\1f tT~ ~Qf~ { I ~~1~ fcr:qr( qlQfT

~ ~~ ~~T~ ~~ ~ :a~~1 it ~if fu:+rT(!f~

~ :qreT q~ ~ I ~~T !!~~~ ~ m

~ ~,~

~~T~T '1U ~::r ~~ ~~rff ~~tl ~rrT ~ I

~~ ~f, ~Tq mTrrl ~r qf~:;:;r~ ~T W;{T~T

~T ;:r~f I ~~ ~ it~ fli~ ~~;:~ :a+rr~ ~ ~ ~ r-: ~ *'.'(.1:;0 G~I i[ 6,Q=~-T ~Tr:fia"{ ~r{ ~~ tf+T~ ~r+TiT ~Tq~T B"i:f ~~ ~"T ~T"{~

GTo ~Tq~T qiT g3j t I""~"{I ~qT ~ ;ftc ~:' very 11Hl)P.Y

to meet you. ~~ flr~ :crTq~T ~

:;;rq;:rT ~T~ ~Tit q~T f~~T I '1' :qT~it ~o:

~l ;=f~;:~ ~ ~q~-'~T 6:T~ ~lit iij~T~T ~T

q~T ~~T ~~5IT q~T "~Tq ~ f+rQl~~

~~ft ~~" ~T~ ~B- ~~~ it (!lilT +TT~t

~~~T ~q~ ~~f ~ '1{t ~~'\ ~~ f~;:~

~T~t it ~ ~T (~T ~t I"~T6: f+r~G·{ ;:rl:r~, ~Tq~ ~+ft a-q)

;=fit f"~T ~i:t I" f~H :qrq~T ~ ~~ ~~. ,-..... '"' '\

6T~ +r rrr~T~ ~T+ro ~~ ~~T ,

"~T" S5fT~ ~{1it ~~ f:n ~~ ~~ ifl~eti~oT f+T~ :qTq~T Cf)T ~~ ~T~ ~~;:~ q;~T~ q"{ ~T frr~T ;;srl~ ~~~ ~l~ ~ ~~

ftr(ffT~ ;:r~r~ ~ ~~i[ ~ (!TTlT f~~T I ~

~T~ eJ~ ~~~ ~~ fC6~ ~~T~ ~~~ lT~

~ ifl~ ~{fq) lT~ "~Tf~~ f+r~ :qTq~T

iT i'l~T" ~~ (ftCiT 66:T~T +rT~~{ ~~

q~ I :O~J~ tliT CE~~T~f! \g~~ iT~ ;r~QT'1 q~T ~~ ~~T ~ft I ~~~ ~T ~q~

~Tit ~T~ ~~ ~~ ~;r~T '1"~( ~l;qT'

iT~, ~ij~, ~'~Te-, :Z~1+r, fi1B" :qTq~T

~l{ fth~ ~T~] ~T(ff I a-B~ it ~(!J f+r\1"",)q~"T ~ ~~~ ffr"{ ~ ~~~ ~n~i it~lli f(ff~T q{ ~~ ~~~ %~T~ ~6: 'SoT

~l~ ~Cf) ~;~ ~~ f~~T f(r iEf~t if ~~..... --. . ... ~ .....

tJ~T I ~~;:~ q:; qT~ Q1~~'~T (~ ~' ~l{

~Get' ~T~q-I~ ff~ ~~ q.+f ~~T ~T f

Page 42: Deshbandhu College

~~;r o:~, ~q:e-T C6T ~~~ fep~T ~T ~~

~~~ '3'~~ ~~]T., ~T ~T{ +flit ~qft I( ~ ). ~

~~~T CfiT ~~fflTq;:r tfiQlT g~T ~T

~~ ;:r~;:~ ~T~ '< e~ijf '{~ ~T I qT~

~~ +rT~T i( it ~~ ~ ~~ ~ I q~ ~q;r~T~ ~~T;{ q~ f~~ Cf») ~;:{1 ~T~l it

~t;r ~o iT~T ssr1{ ~~~ \g~~ e€T ~Tij

it:q;r (ffiTT-"GfT\~T, lJ::t6 q~T I"~~ ~ it~ ~~T;:rCfi ~q~ \go lTir

sm~ +rT'{~ ~ +rfq~ ~lllijT ~ ~~ q~

~TOfi~ ~ lT~ I f+T~TR:W{ cnle q~T­

:UT~~ ~~ ~T:qen, efiT ~~:ft CfiQl ~T m'3~~ \g~ ~6ifT ~1 ~ I ~T~ ~T ~~T


":gr~, ~~( ~T~T I"q~ ~~ ~~ ~Cfi1, ftfi~ it1:;:~ enT ~T~

it~ ~t~ iJ<t ~1~-"~lT <!TIc ip.:{T ;rr~. I"

"$I' eT~Tl ~T\~T~"

"~T, CfiV CfiV, ~~ q:~1 iT~· I"

"itit ~T~T ifi(!f .ft at ~Tqit '3Iom

~T ~.ft, ftfi{ ~T~-"

"ftfit ~T~ +rqrT q:~T a-~iTT-"~~e,

~~;:~ ~ ~~ ~ :groilT fit~T~ ~"{ Et~T-'

"~~ oi),-""~tt ttrT\ ~r, ~ ~(t iiJr-""q:~T 7" q~ ~,{T;:r ~T ~~ lT~T I"Cfi(ff ~f'\T ffi'- "I'~~ qr) ~T~T-" ~~;:~ ~ ~qit it

~~ C6it~"T sn i1~ I q~ q~ ~o~Tffi~ far'lr ~l :q~ q~r, ;:rl;:~ iT ~q~

~Tq q~ ~g~ it~ !gJT~T fS6 ~{1;:r ~~

~~~T~ CfiT ~ ~~ ~~ q:~ Cfi~' q~\g~~ qT~ +TritT ~l{ ~~ q~~ f~T I

~~ ~~ +1T c~;=J ;{ {~T ftf) ~e~ C6q~

lf~~, \gi{~ ~;:~ ~TaT ~-~ft~ ~~

~oifr q t~T ~T - I tr~rg ~~CfiT ~~a~

~T~ ~~ ~(t ~l-ljlTT ~~ilr it ~~T;:r I

"~lT-gli ~T it +ft ~aT ~-"

i{l~ ;r ~~ srCfiT~ 'i~T llT;U \g~CfiT

fq~T~ it f:n ~T~(f ~,~~ ~;:qTiI ~

fqr~ ~l;=JT +IT ~~T >rCET~ qfi~ ~ I ~~!l~CJ)T;:{T-


Page 43: Deshbandhu College

~~ ~f~~ lTrr;:r ~ t

~+r ~ ~l;f{!f+rT ~T f4Qli{ ~ U~~6 ~1 ~ ~~ ~~ ~T ~iJ it fliQlT fq({T~ t~~ft!JlTT f~~ +rTCf-+iffll1T ~~q ~~ ~ ~Ti .~

~~ ~~eJi ~q~;r~ ~~;:r ;r t fqftJaT I

~~ ijTRCJiT ~iT ~~ :grT~q~ ChT :<T"t+fr t f~cr~T I.

fqCfr ~T ~~T ~~ ~q :a;:~ ~ tI~~ ~c~ ifiT'1 ~ I~lT ~ ~r~f~~T CfiT f~ijf~ ~ tl

f~~ ~~ { q~ ;r' fi:r~ ~~f+ra ~q-g:T~ ,

~~ ~~ it ~6r ~;r~ ~ i6~ ~~T fq~T~ J

q~ qi16 ~~. it ~+r~ q:~ g~T ~ ~rcrT I

fiff:a +1"( ~~ ~;:r~'1 ;r ~Tij Cfi~ijT t ~~ ~T t~

Cfi~ ~~T ~it *fa ~~~ ~ I

~~ ~t~l{ iJiT'1 ~ t

~+r ~ ~~f~+1T ~l f;fijl., ~, tI

~~o ~;:~(T ~!If~;=fT ;r ~ ~ifT ~ ~~T~ t

~itq~ ~T ~m~ ~f~;nT ~ q~' ~~ ~ ~T~ t

{{e~r C6T f.,~ ~g;(ff ~it ~ q)~(fT ~ +r~~l~ t~

~~T ~~ ~\jf ~l~+r ~T ~ ~~ \3"l3ei'T ~q~T"{ I'

~rr~~'1 ;r ~~ ;rll~ ~ I

ijlf ~ ~~f~;rT CfiT f~(!f~ ~ (I:

~~ ~T~ ~ ~T~T ~ ~+r-;T~ ~ ~~ ~~ I+liTefi ,{~T ~;it it +R: ~T~ ~iT enT ~iT I~'1~ ~~cpT'1 mo: ~ ~;:~~ ~f+r;:{~ Cfi(~T I'

~~q-~~i't CfiT Sfe-Tf{~ tfi~ffT fiI~ ~ft~q{QT I~

q)lf~T~ ~~~T ~fo :qQf~ ~ II

If.~ ~~ rrrr'1 ~ IQ;f ~ ~f~.nn 'liT flf(ff"f ~ II

Page 44: Deshbandhu College;!~0110t.e'~1~Ih~El~l1t~


I~.eJ:tttti'0110l.e!)hl~l~- vv

























Page 45: Deshbandhu College

fcfi!>H1Cilil RU'~Cl g

tR?>lilCl fR'UI 'lilC1'

))iT~~'" 3 ,",a1fl?iji T ...

}Ii ~1 ftf))fla


a1s1a iI~'ol

... ~8l31a f-AlII 'ela'

... 3~ -Hun f"R~

••• }Itt?) fHUI

... ~s~la fli~ 'l31a'

... tStlt!'e f'R"Ul e~al'E

~"Hlal f~~o il13 ~a

.•• \.I~n ~}lla

••• }-Itts fRtu

Page 46: Deshbandhu College

»ftl as f~»il(Ji ~ 'J:JJ:i: ~lH 3 ~dl

t!1 '5(!1 fiol i1~al ~, t!m u..wa f~R

i=ll-p\jl0 U3 iJi dli'~ f~tJ ~~l~al~~...~, tiel ~l iI~al HHf~".,' ili~l ~ I~~1~dl>1ics \11 fi~ ~1iT J11~() ~ ftfR e~~'aT ~~lca »ill.1'i f~tJl0i 5 \J1CS0l1~J=llijl-ri Cltt H~~T .~ I -

~~3 -ea 3:' ~,j Hn f;Eta f~u f-SSl~1 f;x '-ea' f~tI t.i~'~l f~g1aJ ~l l.I«'E3

'5cT~1ul~1 ~, 3i t1 trHT~l ('iTS fu»tTCftilan ~1cS "Rtlo ))I1Ucl f~31))li t~lal titi1a1slEl :el H~l Ole HOlC! I ~tI<! f~\3 3 i f~u

»iR9~ f1=lu' tL313 ~el til, tic ftl'R ~~

f~FI ~T ~l;sl ~fa))fT faJ))fl 3; tiR1~1 ~ na

f"EOl ul-Il ~ ~~ ftl))ila ~ Cilg f~u?; 1=11))Ilf-e»ii ))Ilfl:f))ll 3 fl?H ~1 031";11=f~ufoafs ""l fa '-eB' i t,til~l f~tJ l.!3(TB3~ ~ Hl~ fe~ t1 ~}hn i; \.Ia1 <Xi'.! rB3l IfeR l.:!Bl f~~ }j~ ~lju ~ ;1"S1 UTotili ~t)lafe~ ~'Ql~l t1:eT- ui I o'S ul, H=fU"RllJZ'J Hlfu~ H1 tJala r,t!a, -eB-e... ~ ....~lG '))I~lca liJ ijT'QT faB5 ~e, "ReTE


lii~lca ~1]:11. ~(S. ~}-f1a 3 -50 }:JT-et1»ii

~l, f~f{j;· ~ »j1U<i-~, ou'cl~i '3af~31~i ~lf'e e~7al '~B' i5 "RiB" ~~;<!

B' 1iI30 -a131~, »jf3 'Qo1i;t!l ui :3 '))111=1

aot!T 'Oi fa jij ~1 ft!un i "Rg l:ri=l~i ~

~~01 OT~ '~13' tJ-a ~tto' (')l~ 'lICllE3- ...- ~ . - ~u ~ ~TO«T tlTR 'YtlBTo'ij01' IJ:l11: ~1 ~'9 ~~ ij(! t1 q 1ao 'eE' I

~ ii"H'~l f~9Tal -e tlCllB3 ~~ lI1'ij"Ro~3 u"tI~ 'U}ll)Hi i; "'~0I1 3ai f~fe'3... = ~

ntll: a131 t=lT HfOl))1T, filR Old~ ~1J1 t:cn-lT~1 tP~a 5 I (5l(S "ijl -H:' <!"iJoi 'Rl'el~i

3: ~l f.tIHT }jijJt!l ui ftlni -e Btl c%}i~

rnTf€ "5e O?CJ-au 0(1B3 n'Ul:' Oll3 1=17 l=I-a I~: @uoi 'i; f~~ f~B~TR ft~i-e' \)i fa»jOJi >HC? f~\J t:!uoi tl ~H:a1 ~l ~ij31~T UijT ll'ij11i13n ~131 t:Jl~OIT I -

= >i13 fe\J}r~ 'Rl~ H'tIo i t T, f~q,i

c5" '~l:I' Bl 'R:6~31 ~l!l 'Rr~l"ul:( ~~1f~»fI

ij, -iti tlO"@1t:! aa~l ui 3 ))111=1 CitfBl iji

fa H:,T ~l f~R 30i J:iuT~l ~ -a -eB 'li~ =

'R:6S ~eTc: ell I

13cs-sla fRUl '~la'

(f~r~»ITatt't -RlJT~Cl)

Page 47: Deshbandhu College

\iilTl:I -e 0113 feOl a"ijl'~luo, ~i

3 Hf~}Jii ~lt ~~nl"3 "61=1Si -el I f~ualaI un-, ~Qai -3 tl1(J~i ~, .~}iOli '3f4»fTo -e ililf~l)1i 'e'" I

i~litul -sTs:Jl aJ:~, C11rcl»f; "3~ii ~~1 aTit!#el ~ I

~ f@;] ~1<!1

Hi "Hal d'<!l

f\J~ "HoT aT~T

-ijo Ui;3T 3 1;:1T

-R~ ~l 1=Il:i~))ii

til el ~T ~()~1~'

f~R 1~~: foeri OJT

~Ol linT oTilT'6C5 til~ 3 l t=i1 I

0113 lft1Tal 'a~l ~l))fi ~a,l".,i Htlai~l or~lc:l un I fea ~l 3fu f~~': f\.l))fToe1 l:l~llST 6Ce1 ~. '3 f~u fea fo~ iJ5

.ci) ·~l·HC1S ~i:~l ~. I lJ~ liae' ~~~

-OJ1~~~ uo ,~ll f~).ft~ \3: «~1=Islt!1 ­

-8H lji ~l ~~ ~:3}fl~l

f~R H·i ~l ~"ijcl ,fncralfU/~ - l:jiel, ial ~cel~ycl ~c ~c ~fij»tl tilts

~~cl 'tf~ fnoT~i CiTS' ICiilf8))if -3 Hf~t»l»ii ~1 '3Tu~,lo

~-al tit! ftr9t!l ij .3i a1i~£~l ~ I"@ce; HI nul£ Hfc9lHT,

:ijTl3B T ~a al f-e31 ~l I::... '"l-ftiaT lfOO n gT~

-a5 3 tJ~ ~~e aaJl))fi~

oft<T g:l01 lHT~

~C<!T -H: otll£ }lf~>Hl,

tiTSST ~a ~l fe31 ~11" " "CSHT a'H 'R-S-~1

f-uCll lim "3 fRo oti£e'~~l lim -3 c"aJi

~C~T - ii: o~l£ lIf~lHT I

ftf~d11 sa ~ lisi ~l cfijT~l lHClRa

.-aallti ~~l ~ ,\lla ijtj e f~)Jflii .~t! Halo ."5

(JJi~£el 5 I


ai~T Cla~l,

(lil ·H~))fll.1 --ai5t ,"U"81ai'Se ill ~~ ';'1-G .SI~,

-H~ .\110(1) "'1~ .. a~lll3T~8 ~l -ale f~~ Cli~i Q{ijnEl~

iltJl f~if:t))fi ~1l.11= c)l~, -~q ~o~1ij IalStlHi "3 ~ltt~i W~5 slal>W,~aT· »Iiene; . cirs.))fl \!a~JI.

atl ijl:l ~Tl:IS - .Ula. ))t1l.«!.

ijl 'Bs1 f-S0l1~ ~J:I I(~~TO El~1 ~ Rli: 1]3"30 ))fl~li1i


Page 48: Deshbandhu College

~l S:aJl~3 "3 ~S "5-8 t«:1V fRo'i cnl3 ~1

f"EOl "R3a \:Ie aefo iI;~ ~ I

'~=l 3 1 J:1Trcl f3~ ~ 31a~,

!1rc1 3 1 f~ireT ~l!l tyfHl)ilij ~ IiI= 3 tj"St:!l nm~

foSiI§ ~ tI 3~1c'i n~l: Itre~ fl-l~~1 -R~1-oui~ 'iie13; fireOil

~trfo»fi '3 @-ela t:!' ))lT~C1T H"01~ ij I- -Sal ~3: l;1 fRQ~,

alsl 3 H:))Il tifS))fi

lf3i J:liel;5 »iT fcaB' I

'Rtln -e -Rue~(') ii fl30l cl.1 :ell:la~

ft:!31 ;:Ii-el ti I =

~iI'a f~a:~T 3~ST

H'ul "Ru~ 3 (5Tj U3~1

)tftl lH"R31nl- i S il1n1~S Wol- lil~l (JJsllHf~l£

3(11 liuatJlC51 Iaial ~T CJl13 fufr;"p ~ f~>H1C!.B

Cll!l Cl~l.K')l Cla-eT ~ Ia~ "3 f6Ct -ao"Sl,~TCit -a~ 13iX~ ~3 s8T I))f~; ~~1~1~~ -H:f~>Hi ~,

"3 tall ~uTc1 ti\:l iJ~1 Il1ifl~l 0113 un iiilTii t:!l ))f1=1iSl"3

'Ri51 ~TEli11 fl!O"i afl3; f~~ 'Sa iMi" ... ~

CJn, 'lriP'S SS~l n I


f~ ilijl film 1:1(11 ~ -at JtTti" f~3CiT

301 ClCI ft:!31 ~ fti 'In,,'~' m;;ra1=fll~ tiCl'

3"' fI-e1~ I tia' ftlm"fTc11 i; 3; ~1~ re3nl~C11 3(Ji "6Rlfl3>H' ~ fOl ))tRl -'ita1 El- w

€C~TOT o~:Jl: \.II 1=ICli I esm: ~1<!~

fa35 maH ft!~ icl f~m 'fla1' f-ctlfoCi'll) ))fl~:e un J

HT3T til i; fauT '}iU() ilaT ~61 31

f~»i' -e I' t],e ~l1 "R13i11 3'~~1 sa

a @of }fcnT@el ~ 'lIo fCl'ijT 'ilo1 J=I'Sm 3 1- -fS))il ii' »iiji: »f"Rl: ~l fl:U f~ij ~>Hl~i

~ ~~3C1 ee ~ H~l. f3»iTij \]1 afcie eli

'3 afu ft:!3', i~~ (Chemistry) afH~col



~1 f~ul(') ~ I -H:~ eCl3 om: I'3~ ilOI fifOT "3; a}l fau1 ~t ~u

~ ~ lim! cil31 I tld' tI~ t:!l ;:rr 0', ~aI' f'6d ilCi' tl~ltf 13))1~ -e lJl1:! ~1~

~l fU»11 »13 ~fil fs>-ti1 fe311'JI~ f~»tlre))fl ~£, ita1 c1~ t:!1

oCll£ I f'E301 ~~T ij fCl1>H1 -s: ticl f~ol

J:t~ill (l)Cll~ fS»fI JlCl~1 I ~1 lJ-es -a j)til I'f~tla rent ~l 3 1 iTa' filnl iTa' \11 \TelC1ul '3 @tld ~C11 ~Hc I u~ ~~ ii'iRa- _ ..."R1futl ~ H: al CloialT fCl 1301 'R~ill ~

)tIt:!~1 i'€~l -e (i1C1n 'H~ ~~ l;I1t:! oul£

Page 49: Deshbandhu College

at; l1~»iT I 'lia iI'e1 fll))tT I»i~ )jill"i ua 0" ~l i ClH~ f~-e "Bel

~ Utl D1 ijftf»iT -A1 fa J:ll~ o~: o~:..,-:-E ij~ OJ~i~l ill cfcl-a 11l? ~l ~~T;:J

¥!~l (}i~o t.loT -a~a 3 1=ala'il 3:' fS})jT- .ti

HTj l:Iclef }-IS ill ~ lila 3 1 Rl:t nICS~ l)j1 t!l \IS'~o D1 ~ I J;j1f~e f'e?>i c5caCl ac-as -e f~r§tl 'AetJT lOP tlft:f>rl; ZI I~()i t:!l ~301 fu3~ ii ClB ~l ~ fa Ol'El

~~1 31 f~o..t -el r,;~l ~;i(il ol~H1t~a1 fOl ~l. ~. el r3~TCll atl 'a~l ~!

3 ~u~ fiE'e a~l :Goa ul oul= feHt2T I"RT~ ~l OlTij -ea1Cj t:!T ;;lOT o~i n~i

i1~ Hl '-075 feC'ii ~TR3 f\.l3T mi; l)I\J~lii1a 0 1 ;;JST(! 1:!1 oleo Bl~)l ~a}1 € Icftfl)tT 1311 Hl~ ~l flaT >1«1 fl-lS fcn»iT~ H"C :Sc ijT -a f3»·pa ij 01-8 J HT~8JHTa~; -a );i1 l:icla liS til i; 'floT' Jt~al Sf f~31 i 'i1a~ ~~as \,IT t~l:' 3~ \Jiel Ulc ij~ 3 1 @i; r:l ilijl '••... f ~cal


Ci'S f~ReTaft ~ ilaT lifcJB' ij:~s lila

<S~1: 3 :H f"6(J ~l 0 1 1=ic1cc "5~ 3 1 ilaT

QOlT•••••• ( lJo 'lIfu~ l.Jul".,i f~tI ira' u~Tea C3~: I' ilaT 011 ~e 3 1 >if'Rl~ HIetT

"q'!1 aBo ?i f3))fl{3 1=ITI flaT ~Ta ;:r -e~Tcsl~ = ~

Hl J

l;tcl~ }f~~l ~l lJScC'i H-a fu~

~s tl'El ,- \Jr(J~ 3 1 Hf~>ii1 \3S' ti«1 '\)1CSa1~l~i en tltI f'6o f~~TS »Ilfs»fl fq ~

a"81 ~H ~ fOlJ)tl 3; ~e f~H ~Ta I ~~lljBa¢5 o'S f\Js1 ~~lf~})11 I

~~a ! Olla 1=11 fa iis O1i;31 Clt 8 0~T HT11S ! ;;raf i/oT 1=IS C!'S a13T lJtl

~:~S 3 i Cf~3 l-pfa»iT '-Ja f'6(J ~l

ReTtI-C ~ t!1 of 0 ~~ I ~-el. \.IJ=ll~ OTS

30 'S3a "5 ~~ 3 1 ~1~J:I )Hle ul l;oi J=llfOl olla 'Acrae ~ al~T leI'S eT BaaHoTfs~T us ,)itl 'Si/Ta f-etJ \11 lJ~~- 1=11fOl ella ~~ I

~:l1 'ija C3Tf'E)}tl 4CJ iR 3£ H1=I 0'

"5~1 I ~rc acSii ~ tile e aTc!"e >2iii flJ~

ariift»ii 1:t=l»ti "5~ li cnl))1i I }:ITa li-a ~cs

"3 131 l:fcTc HCS "111 ~l ala ~s ~tle ei'al I.. -»11=11: ~1 EdH traG 'Bi ~ nul: ~l t1 "Rlfa~i

~ 1=ITD}fe ~:~S }fTa-e I ft:l>rlTs - »iTft!»jT

f~ i1 tiijT ft=lni reoaTCJ aCi fei 3 1 f~~

u'S 3 i (')1 ~~1 I 'R1BT B~ ~l \JOT "5~fOlJHT 1=11 I ~f~tJfT ~i ~\1 aa a Uia ~1oR tiS -3 tl ll ~a ~ ))fl\.l€ on·l-a fe-e ,'ijTSi "s;31 tJl -ec 3Ci ?ifRl)tT til fa fij))iT~

)Hlf'E>2iT fa ))fTijc§ aHa f~tI We 3£ \lfu~i

Bll:tcla 1-15 ~l ~ ~o1H-e f~~: ~ rc il1(!1

;-8 (fiT i ~ @0 i tl \JlS~o t3 ft?a ~l- w

fRtllul C'f ~l:i fB»iT 3 1 RTa' U~ "ttl?~ - ~

ilT'E OJ' I

~lt1R oA, ~fij»fT ia i C'f forR ~T

faR 30i t1~ QaT a elTa fECi lJTH tt~l

Q'o f-e31 ~ I lJa f-su al Bll:fclo lJS ill~l c;;i ?>";;1cil:' \,I-e I ~e ci ~131 "t11~ 'S~3'Su3 Olfuol RB f~'t11o 3~ '~pe ~OT -&~

111~ ~l P'Sl I }if) it:lf~)<"'1 ~1 iii" l:iclaHB' 111 i '501 ~ ljR~C1TiJ~ fg;1~ ~~-3 UTo CiifiE))fi -5f'E)}ii ilo1 f}fal f~(Jl

l)i~'iI f~t1 f«uT, "fOc~:, f«-e -el 'Ra ~

(i(Jl ~ ? -Ro \31 Old?:' iil 3 1 J=ll~l alofqH ~1'R3 J.:Il 9" ~"Rl: ~l iI aT l-I ~radife»fi. -ijfs~i f«ijT, ,,}:t: ;;raT lfafoOl 5 ~C)1~

fdl»fl ):11 J @~ 3 1 3(Jlm (i1a ?> (J~1~1- ~~ =

Page 50: Deshbandhu College

iI(]l~ ~eT:e~ 0}1 I" ~U lJa uT ~B"5~ I -

~ij~ ~CalaT til -a itaT i31 (lilS

»fl./<! Ol}f-a f~"iJ 'lI~ '3 ~CiJ Oli'a ~lOll

~ aCl ~l~ , »f~ \lfu~l (Conversion) ulora aU Ri, rot nlHl-IT )2..1lJ~~1 I l-Illaai-

fe»fi '5f'SlHi Olfu~ scnl "1:ia' \17) ~'ul;:'~ 1"

~Fll: el ,j0 7§Cl a t1 f~3T I ~fe~nEl£ n~l: €R31 ~ 1:1rrnt! ... -3 011't.Io' ~HOlcrr"ij ~ ;:l- l!S ~T 3 i ... I II

iio~ ~T ~1 "i:J1S3 ci~ aft f:E~ 3 1 a~ ~~

~31 -gciJ 011 I flliT:e 3 i ~ f-a fn~ ~

o~l: ~~~~'~l ~l tll!~ an ua »isl tli@u~ Sgi "3 }ItiOla~uc -3 'AT 0' I

- -w -

3tl -Hun f~UI

('liar -HlllOlH ~tlT Hl~1

-allT, ~"El >Hl~ 3 ~1 i!Tnl I=am ))Jl~ ~ }f"iji fu!))Jl7)l I

~Bl »fl~ 1HBCT t!1 q<l31 I...~-sl »fT~ ~l'.fi 'e1 \)a31 I

~llHl-ij ~ ira~ faJJ)l131 I

tid -H~ 3; ~l~i lif~?i~16 I

-ijfl:oH'S, -af~o1=lT:6 I

fa~:; lit:! ~1~ ~ ~~: t!J:I I

f-sa ~T~ 3: cS~~T \i~ !

f'SOl t1 H'2 t:!1 l-tS \lill a I:::: -

f~Ol t1 (!~3 f~1ie BalTo I

f-eel -5 -R-e -gGi f!~3 I

f'SOl 5 g5~ as ~ ~~3 I

f~Cl ~1 lq(l 5 "Slila amEs I["Sa f\J»il i~ jall 31a<! I

reOl f\J>HT ~g cJI~ ~ ~o I

f~a f\J)}Il l:tl~ "H~c; ~~d ,

f"Sa l:IT efT i ~ fal ~T 11~ I

fl:a ~q, lja a -a fdll)iT a-e' I

f~a ~O(dl ~ f~Cl crAl~l t

f6a ~1 »it-ij grsl grsl I

~1U ! -a~T 301 renRT'6 I

'H~ 3 1 aftlf11 ~f"Eo'R16 I

'l-Il:IC5 ft!Byfnu10l ,IIbl 'H~laes ~~1 'RT~


Page 51: Deshbandhu College

~a~l 11~ \i~ B1 ni nul: 'Rl tS o~l,

reR 3~i SOIt!l Rl, f!1~~ ~~3 t:l.l::I ~C1

tiel' ~ , ue @'R ~l:t i5 RglS~T @c;i -e- - - - = -y

~R ~l d15 nul: 001"3 @(I)i -ae1 BO era-..a --

fe"31 ~ I f~R '3S'i HQl::I ~l, fuR ~~ ~1=1-e ~R ~l OJS oul~ df'5~l, >tJll.J<§ tl::l ~

))il:li ~ ~lcl f~tI ~-es B:~l ~ I

»i~ ~foC5l ~la 'Hun l:!1»ii 1}Il:li

f~-e -5! ~ije f~~)}IT d-5 }:Io I f"Eu 3 1

~f~lHT - fal))iT ~ f« ,)fa3i 3 i '5c -a ~:-el»ii

un, ua Hat:!i ~ ,;j~: -aeT nul: »ii~T,

ua )JiM 3 1 HDo ~l ~ f~~T ~ I

UlCJ tt}»ii ~lili fl?tJtJ ~~d fttSCi,)}.i

~~))ii un, "3 ura ~l WSOl ~1 ))iii ntra6Dl: ))11 'dul I ~(Jo ~ ~CiJ -e H1Si t:!1

oilT(jT f'8~ 'Rl0 ~l 3"01 UfHe ~01 fti»11

~"€~ fCl ~R t T fr:~TU if~~i ~~ uT l-Iul~-5-s llo, fa ~ J=I ~l }11 "3 ~-gcl, -ali f~~

cssl~l ~ (J1~1. 'Rl I "Hi ll"Sl fH»f'el FIT, 3'1~ Cia CJl~1, tla ali "i a~l t!tfl)}ii 3ol~T)jfi l.!el~rt»fi I f~R 3:' lJl'De ~~ lila

~:. ~~ 5 'al"El I (11"i ~:31 ~B 1=11, 'fa tle5~aJT -5f~»fT, CJ"e fall 't:T -a0~ 3 1 o~l~

aD 011, ))fl~ 'Q-ei ciJ 3 ))iT\) ~l~i ciJ \'tic ~-=Ja fl:'R ~TJ=r3 f3>;f'(j o~l: 'Rl I »il~a

Hti~a 5 ~, €t~~ ~~cl OT~ ftl~l u1ftl))il I ~u a~l ~()i fFl})il(!T ~l nul: 111,

-a~s ~11~1£ ijlR Rl »13 13'61CJB 01~

@~c?i f-SOi HCS dtt~ Hu15 ~1 iQol fH~ai~f liT I €tU~T- fr:))f1u dli n1~ aa f'2'31fai»tl, ~ f~8~l; ~1 ))Intra" ill I -Hun~l ura f~~ "As 3~ ~~1 Hl~ ffiR Citra 'Hi?; fEOl icl tlul ~\J f5l)t1e ;:!T 13;11 ;:11 ~l,

~ €!1=1 i; Huo ~ f~))ilu i cl ~Ha f~t:I\)1 Cla fe31 I }Ii -e ~u f~c5 13~~ 11\J~ ~

UI~l H~l li11e »iT au ~o fi1~;i @uoi -e~l::I '5<i 3 €LR i cr5 1=10 I '\!3a~ ~ C)T­

H~S -E~, l::I1u l-t~lu f-e~-e fl.Ji l;5OJ i J:l1j

-a~' EQ ci fa'ijl ~:, ~lt f~~ \rs31~: Oil I3a130ijlt] ~l inl ouT£, f~ f"Eu 3-a o"fl:5-ac ll~ I ))t~T ~ tlcfH'31-1T~ lio~a,\.Id'H'3~1

3d1 em €!l-tCl aa, 'HCIl ";lal ;:IYf( l::IG l::I1e "3~~ }ili:' I -eii, }Ii tiT ~~l "Hal ~f~il3l CiT

a'; 'H: 3()1?; ~~ ~ ~Hi 011 ~ 'R'i3

'CIltlTd1"1, _ = , _

6 1 ~l 5f"E~T 3; ~tJli -aef }tOle') 0\11£ »t~

cit ,1;tT3 d "fll-ti d~" I dli~ ftmal,!iJ fuiH~ aul liT, CIaO! ~ -asl I -- -e }Io1i; ~1~ ~R -e Ufo Y3a '5 fOl))41

3 'HCJo ~1 ~Olal ~l ~c "ffi~ll d;~: ~

))t't.I~l Hi- ~ ~'ST fS~T lil. lora }iDn -e}I; fl.J~ ~ ~3; ~l 0 1 fe"31 I »fT):fd, tt~oi?; fCl~: ~ fC(~: \.13' ($01 \]1 fC11>H1 3 ~u

~1lri C5~ ;:Io'H~ ii3-a § ~~~ ))il~, ~ao'<§ ~ 3 1 @OT (il~ fEii ~~ OIl; ~l (')1- ~ ~


Page 52: Deshbandhu College

cit31 I fl!J:I exira (tu i31 \)1 ~l\.1l1 ~j

ar~ I ~;~l ~1a @\J \i~ iii) a~s f-an i.... --. .... -ft .... = "' ....-e \)1:1 3 ijl:l aJ~ ~Hlu CltI~ 'Hijn 0 eara fCl§~ f" @u @O'i fe~i fe\1l "@uBT-ll11

- - w

iiij?5 -e ~3 ilia i!' titre \i fa~T"Rl If~J=I ~1 sS f~~ ijf~)Jil fCl UJCJ f~tI-at:I

a=T-el 501=1 "5C! Bar fij>Ji1 ,

))t~ ~3~Ta ~ "3 ali »ITlIe1 Hi 01S

\1-& tJsl (fI~l ~ I ~i-e -frS cpi ~1 Hi ClfCJ

01t!1, "ir~: 3~ as aTsl"OR "5 We! 3 i

lt3 fcs~ -a ali: 7; }rar: C$l!l:' , 'H~o -e=-=

fes f~tI lj-a !I= i ftll)f1(S »iT fa~l Hlfot f~»flu ~ ~l% f~CJ~ }lTij fl!\J~ -e~l

=Fl131 Clf\i~ J=Jo I "R131 ~ 3i \J31 n1(S

~t:!i ~~ ~i f~tJ -a~ 'RO', ua f~u 'R13T3 i ~t:!i ft?n ~l (1)1 ere 1i~l I

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"Hi ~1 f\.i»llij .

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f"Sil ij fa yaB ~l JagT ~1 ~5 ai5a -5:e1

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Page 53: Deshbandhu College


HQtI -el, ~l~n -e os il3CJ r~~

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Ulc ()ul: I ~ij ~ltJ<! ~f~l)ii ~~l

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"Hi ~o01T W<! mT~i sC'- ,~ '" ....-H0 oila 0 1 ""1l! I~ --a ftlH 3& sf ~Q1cft,

c1lJ C'i Jl(JtJI S(!'~ I"aTal ~g ~(1»ii e S~t- - =

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ora~l t1'<J1 ~e 3~ fi3i1T(J 3aT I

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'ij5 »fi o;(S l:I~T a~l CJi 'CJTO 301 I

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tltl (f~fcnlil1o)

Page 54: Deshbandhu College


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Page 55: Deshbandhu College

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Page 70: Deshbandhu College


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Page 71: Deshbandhu College






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Page 72: Deshbandhu College






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Page 73: Deshbandhu College

English Section

Staff Editors

Student Editors

Hindi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

PODjabi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

Sindhi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

Urdu Section



Shri Radha Krishna Sud

Shri Radha Krishna Sud

Shri K. C. KalIda

Ram Nath Ganpati

DiJsher Nagi

Mrs. Raj Kumari' Parshad

J{.a.mlc·sh Malhotra

Shri C. L. Kllma.r

Balbir Singh

Shri S. M. -Ihangiani

Pushpa Butani

Shri ·K. C. Kanda

Printed at Arun & Rajive (Printing Press) Connaught Place New Delhi, and published byShri Radha Krishna Sud M.A. for Deshbandhu College, Kalka]', New Delhi.

Page 74: Deshbandhu College



Page 75: Deshbandhu College

Vol. V October 1956 -- March 1957 Nos. 3-4

(jleallings frornt.he Harvest Shri I(. G. Saiyidain

EditorialSeek and thou shall FindFighting the WaspsMystery (Poem)l'he Toy-sellerJ--iife as I see It'j'he Birth of Deathl"he sands of Life (Poem)TIle bane of PovertyA boy or a GirlLittle LaughsThe world -'is too much

with UsTh(~) Things I like mostIndia 11 SocialismThe Essential Qualit ies of a

LeaderStudents and PoliticsOld Boys' Corner

(~ollpge Chronicle

Edi torialArchnaBhart iva Sanskriti aur Lok Geet-no RubaivanHirada-va'i\lalltllan(jeet v

.Ir-evanKa varsha ja b krishi SukhaneBhakti SangfletMa111\.i \Ta,vathaPoonjipati v

Prall \TibhaManav aur ManavtaInsanAntim AkankshaRakhi ke do 1'flg(~

Punar Milan -


Ram Nath GanpatiDilsher l'agiSushma Tandon

, Surinder VaidPushpa BlltalliSurinder VaidShant KumarSashi Va(lallJnderjitDesh Bhushan v\laflhwaSurjit l!ha\Va11 andKanta Chopra

Promilla GulatiKarunaSushila Butani

Purshot ma KapurHarsh .VardhanSantosh Kumari·Stldesll K umari

HINDIK arnlesh l\-fall10traHiI'll. .J3allabh KapurN aresh ]3hard wajHira 13allabh TewariDinesh KumarSwadesh KumarSuman LuthraBrijendra KaurShashi VadanChandra PrakashShri Surcsh Chandra GuptaTnderjitDinesh KumarShri Suresh Chandra GuptaSarlaI(alnlesh Malhotra











Page 76: Deshbandhu College

EditorialMithhat Neewi NanokaTyagIk HanjuDo Rangi KawitaAh! Je MelIn wi aurat HundaMaut de PichhonHoni de Rang

Sindhyun ji Samajik HalatNeeluHindustan ji Pardehi NeetiAkhrin MulaqatGharib- jo-GunahSampadaki VicharMukhe Suhini Zal KhappUmeedSatawaray ji Mani

Harfi AwwalShair ki ZabaniSal ka 365 wan DinKhayyam NamaNawab Sahib'l'alakh HaqiqatGhazal1957Ghalat FahmiGhazal


~albir Singh 'Bir'Inderjit KaurShri C.L. KumarKrishan KumarNaresh Kumar BharadwajMakhan lshpunihaniSurjit Dhawan 'Musafir'Tejinder Kaur


Pushpa ButaniChandra MulchandaniSushila ButaniKamla MamtaniYogendra KhusllalaniPushpa ButaniShri Santdas -IhangianiSushila ShiranghiPushpa Malkani


Surjit Dhawan

Shri Radha Krishan SudShri K. C. KandaSurjit DhawanVijay Kishore Singh SodhiShri V.N. PasrichaJaswant Singh ShaidaSashi VadanShri V.N. Pasricha









Page 77: Deshbandhu College

GLEANINGS FROM THE HARVESTcitizenship" and Politics is primarilythe study and organization of civiclife, in the larger sense. But - andit is an essential if rather vexatious(but' !- they must honestly andstrenuously equip themselves for thismost responsible task; half. bakedideas and confused minds are notsuitable equipment for the field ofPolitics. It does not matter so muchto what school of thought a personbelongs; but it does matte!' profoundlywhether he has honestly and intelli­gently come by his opinions and hasaccepted them according to the bestof his lights or has merely borrowedthem from some glib salesman whocan play on his feelings and prejudices.I have no doubt that Inany of youhave the natural and laudableambition to become political workers.Before you decide to take this plunge,however, you should ask yourselveswhether you possess the intellectualclarity, devotion to public good andthe moral courage which this form ofnational service demands."*

"Students in the colleges anduniversities are faced, however, notonly with the problem of liveli­hood but also with another livelvquestion which has aroused greatcontroversy: Should they take partin politics? In the recent past,before we attained our politicalfreedom, it was confidentlv assumedby the official circles that they shoulddo nothing of the kind, It wasconsidered to be obviously improperand dangerous. On the other hand,the nationalist circles generallyassumed, equally confidently, that­they should do so-when the freedom'sbattle was joined, how could theywatch it unconcerned ? To the former,even the study of political opinions onthe part of students seemed scandal­OlIS. The latter wanted them totake a practical part in the politicalstruggle. Whatever the merits ofthat controversy-and I feel that bothwere mistaken in varying measure­the nature of the situation and theform of political work and activityhave now changed and it is necessaryto define the relationship of studentsand politics afresh. Sould studentstake part in politics? Assuredly, for - .With kind courtesy of the Asia Publishingit is one of the most important House, Bombay-Calcutta, reproduced fromfunctions of education to train Education, Culture and the Social Order by Shristudents for the duties of "creative K. G. Saiyidain.


Page 78: Deshbandhu College


UNJVERSI·TY EDUCATI-ON IN TH,E INDI.A OF TO-MORROWOne Is 'apt: to' 'be 'perplexed and

distracted' by, conflicting views on, theproper alms' of aUniversity. Abilitytoearn a 'living, preparing for life and'for.citizenship, 'acquisition of' know-lege .and the power to" add; to it,formation of l a, good and virtuouscharacter-s-all 'these, 'singly'or together,have struck theorists 'as. the 'funda­mental 'purpose of education.

, ,'j 'think, if'we ,'~,() not "car,e to ,beprofound ,'or philosophical but becontentwith a common and .intelligi­ble ideavwe may 'regard' a 'Universityas. a place w~er~p,ersonality playsupon, 'personality by the 'establish­ment of anintimate \ human relation­ship ber.ween teacherand 'taught. 1'hi~W~Y'i of looking.. at it has the greatmerit '6f drawing' our .attention to the.supreme importance of the teacher as'a,factor in University life.:" In the presentday.Tor most of thepeople, when theyleave G911eg~, a sortof menta.l-exhauation seems to set infrom which' only 'a few rccover. Afamous story of Dr. .Iohuson comes touiy mind. Once while he was recover­ing from an illness someone proposedto- send ,for, Burke.. I'Don't !'" criedthe Doctor, "if that fellow were toappear nowit 'WOlIJd kill me at once.He calls forth all my mental powers!"Without having the excuse of physi­cal debility many of us seem to be inmortal dread of having to listen to alively debate 011 a rousing topic, letalone taking part in it.

Even more than this mental alert­ness and elasticity another attribute isdistinctive of University culture - thebalanced mind. Modern life, with its


hurry and whirl; seems to-have banish­e~ Ieisure, ; poise .and' serenity /, ofoutlook. The' countless' little" detailsclaiming ourat-te11tioll from moment;to moment S,C'8JrceJy .allow: the') forma­tion; of ia whole .and .harmoniouspicture with ,every' feature' in; theperspective. ' ;The newspaper press/s-houting and screamingall day long,keeps pouring intoour minds 'a


chaosof unrelated thoughts'. Of anyparti-.cular object or idea we ',seem only ·to:catch a fleeting iphase~ an "aspect 'ofall aspect. And yet, we have to make,up 011r minds' tochooseour sides- Stud;to cast our votes. I think· 'tllat. the;true mark of ,a, completed course of'education. should be the' habit of,proving 'ali things before 'coining 'to'a,judgment, the disposition-to 'look at amatter from, all points of view, thehabit, even' under exciting .oircJ.lnl-'stances, of bringing full and uncloudedreason tobear on the .subject;at·issuew'

In the present context, one of theaims of University eduoationishouldbe the development of a high ideal ofcitizenship. Mostpeople imagine thatcitizenship is a grand name for .atrifle, that it is nothing more thancasting a vote once in a few years forall unknown candidate as one may be)cajoled, bullied or bribed into doing' (Citizenship wax a tiny and preciousbundle of rights a century ago; it isnow a precious cargo which has costmany years of manly struggle, manyexemplary and heroic Iives.

Ramnath GanapatiB ..4 I" Year.

/ Student Editor)

Page 79: Deshbandhu College























































































































Page 80: Deshbandhu College


God was not satisfied with Hiscreation, until He said :-'Let therebe man and Adam came forth; andfor his benefit ", Eve was created.Human life has been the acme of crea­tion but, let us not-forget, that He alsosaid - 'Dust thou art, and unto dustreturnest. ' The span of our life is,indeed, very short. Let us, therefore,be quick, for we have no time to lose.Art is long and time is fleeting.

With a world so rich! so beauti­ful ! and so interesting I-one wouldask, "Why do so many millions sitbrooding and moping under the treeof dejection?" Some one has rightlysaid :-

"The world is full of a nunlberof things.

We should all be as happy askings."

And yet we are for ever cursingour fate. A reason for this can bethat so many people condemn them­selves to solitary confinement, andlive a restricted unsuccessful exis­tence. They ignore the bountifulgifts Nature has bestowed upon them.One of the greatest tragedies ofhuman life is the limitations peopleimpose upon themselves - either ofbirth, education or insufficiency. Manmust master his instincts. In thewords of the Scripture he must rulehis OWLl spirit I But, reclinning on asoft cushion, one says :--"1 wish Iwere this, and I wish' I were that !"Those who think Dame Fortunewould go round distributing giftsfrom her basket; - giving her favourit­es the better ones - they, I should

say, are sadly mistaken. It is per­sonal endeavour that is required. Therewards of life demand, as Mahatma

. Gandhi said, self-sacrifice, patienceand unremitting toil. The Lord hathsaid : "Seek and thou shalt find."

We look to the heights of achieve­ment and are thrilled. Full of ecstasyour hearts over-flow with pride; butwhen we 've to pay the price, wehesitate. It seems to us tedious anda useless attempt to make, but weshould never forget the two littlewords 'Let's try'. We should never sayto ourselves: "We just can't acquitourselves well because the going istough I"~ The bravest comes for.ward,but - God forbid - if, when he hasgone midway his foot slips anddown he falls, what a hearty laughthe others would have. One wouldsay : "What a fool he was to try;"and another: 'That serves him rightfor showing off'. But does that meanhe has failed? By no means! Forthere is glory in the attempt, andeven more so, if the objective isachieved. Failures are the steppingstones to success - though it is a diffi­cult path to tread.. "Sweet are theuses of adversity", Shakespeare

.remarked. He, who has really triedhas never wholly failed and wouldnever regret his attempt. A dictumgoes :~'It is better to have tried' andlost, than never to have tried at all."People, who' never make a sincereattempt, seem to be satisfied with thefew amenities of life. But, Natureseems to deny them even these fewsimple things. In the midst of plenty

. they live starved, -unexisting . lives.


Page 81: Deshbandhu College

But 'effort' would change their wholeoutlook. 'Effort' is nothing less thanlubrication for the human body which,if not used, would become useless andunfit for any purpose.

Our efforts can also be directed tobuilding our personalities. Here, it is'self discipline' that is required. It isthe capacity for 'self-discipline' thatunderlies all human goodness.

Let us focus our thoughts on thevirtues of people and not on theirvices and let us not pass hastyjudgments.

How quick are we to find faults inothers, but let us say to ourselves:'If I were placed ill the same situ­ation, the same troubles and tempta­tions, might I not have been as bad'.Leave the judgment of others' sins

to God alone, for no one is free ofthem. The invisible Satan has a rideon everyone's back.

Wh)T are people calling us 'ladies'and 'gentlenlen' to our face, andhooligans and ill-mannered personsbehind our back? Instead, let's proveto them that their words weren'twasted.

No character can be built, noranything of worth accomplished,without 'self-discipline'. Let us steerour souls towards a richer, fuller andhappier life.

Come, dear readers! peep into yoursouls - no cheating - and you'll steerclear.

Dilsher NagiB A. II Year

Assistant Editor.


This year whitewashing of ourhouse came to a sudden stop whenthe labourers refused to proceed withtheir work on seeing a vast-sizednest of wasps in the verandah. Thereappeared to be clinging to it hundredsof thousands of wasps and they darednot approach it, much less remove it.They, therefore, made ita pre­requisite for proceeding with theirwork that it should first be got re-moved. It posed a great problem forus all. At long last, I made up mymind, 'Let me earn the laurels' 9 Isaid. I gave the "Thole matter a goodthinking and did as follows:

Like a ring leader I doled outinsructions to one and all around me.


I asked my Mummy to stitch a napkinfor me with two holes, one inch apart,and ordered my younger brother to gethold of a shovel from the next doorand sent ill)! sister to the market tobuy a fine string. The task of findinga hose and a pump, I took on my­self.

No sooner did the equiprnent be ..come handy than I was all agog formy operations against the wasps.Everybocly's heart -in the householdwas throbbingwith anxiety to see thewasp-nest go but all were afraid lestit should prove to be a misadventureand were dissuading me one by one.But no body could come in betweenmy objective and my determination.

Page 82: Deshbandhu College

I brushed every OI~e aside. Then, Itied the string round my sleeves andtrousers and also put on a pair ofgloves and fastened the napkin to thenape of Illy nr ck (my small, smalleyes shining, without doubt, throughthe small holes which my Mummyhad made into the napkin.) I filledthe punlp with water. Now I wason the point of making a start.

I pointed the end of the hose atthe wasp-net with one hand andpumped with the other. It was agood shot and the nest came down.All the wasps went mad. So did I.My mother was in one corner of thehouse, screaming and shrieking, andmy father ill the other, jumping upand down like a ping-pong ball. Myyounger brother carne running to mebreathless (to me he appeared likea mad dog) and tried to cling to mylegs. With Herculean strength, Igave him a blow with nlY hose-pumpand sent him rolling backwards. Thepoor ch.ild screamed and ran intoMummy's lap. She herselfwas in a stateof coma. He dared not look backeven once. The wasps flew as if insorties to attack me. I had now tobe on the defensive. I was mad.The wasps were furious. I threw apail of sand over the nest. TIlew-asps went madder. And I too. Asthe nest now seemed to be seethingwith rage, I thought I ought to getit away quickly, but how? Spottinga long broom-handle, I shoved itunder the nest and ran out as swiftlyas the wind.

Soon, I found myself out on theroad. Somebody asked me what I hadgot, and when I told him, he ran away


scared. Another asked the same ques­tion and he too ran. Everybody ran.Don't forget, I was all wrapped up inclothes and also had-a napkin around

my head. We all saw two tongas com­ing in our direction but as SOOll as thetongawalas sawall the pedestrians run­ning towards them, they got suspiciousand turned their backs .on us. Tileytoo began to run as if on wings of thewind. A car-driver, coming from adistance, perhaps, also got frightenedand reversed the direction of hiscar. He drove the car frantical­ly. Obviously, they were so muchafraid of me !

All of a sudden my running cameto a dead stop. In front of me lay apond full of muddy water! I threwthe wasp-nest in with all the courageI could muster. And 10 ! it sank andwas no more!

When, like a hero, I entered myhouse to convey the tidings of m~y

success to dear Daddy and dearerMummy, I was astonished beyondmeasure to find that the entire housewas full of wasps flying here, there,and everywhere, stinging everybodyand sparing none. Daddy, Mummy,and my younger brother had beenstung by so many wasps that theirfaces were beyond recognition. I,however, came to know later on that,in my enthusiasm, I had carried withme 110 wasp-nest. Somehow, myyounger brother's sponge had got!stuck to the end of the shovel andthe wasp-nest lay on the floor asit was.

Sushma Tandon(Prep. Arts)

Page 83: Deshbandhu College


Oft myself have I asked, "My lord,Where art Thou, if Thou art ?"

And ever have I within me heardThy solemn voice speaking soft,

"Search in thyself and about thee,Thou shalt not fail to perceive Me."

In vain do I roam about the world,Aye, without a glimpse of Thee!

Till a sigh from within is heard:"0, God! Reveal Thyself to me!"

Lo ! when I rise up from slumber soundThou art present all around!

Surrinder VaidB. A. II Year.


"Come, Come !"Romi said,"I reallycannot blame you."· .

But the poor boy did not move aninch. His face was red with anger

.and disappointment."What do you mean by the way

you are glaring at me? What onearth did I say."

The boy gathered his toys and puthis silly old hat on, and went his way.When he departed, Romi sobbed.

"RaDIi I"~ His wife was calling him.Rami looked at the boy with a lookof pity and astonishment.

'Nalini, today I am very sad. Ihate myself."


'What is the matter, dear?" Hispretty wife asked him.

"Nalini, this is what happened.A boy, who sold toys, passed by ourdoor. I thought of buying something;not actually, I mean; but, nevertheless;I stopped him. The boy seeing me smil­ed, and placed his things down. Youmust forgive me, Nalini, for mybrutality. I began to waste his time fornothing. I asked him to show mesomething superior. H.e showed meall that he had. I J on the contrary,spoke very foolish.1y and said "Noth­ing interests me. What have youbrought, boy? All YOllr things arerotten."

Page 84: Deshbandhu College

The boy was very angry. He re­plied, "Sir, you are at liberty to buythings from me or not, but really youcannot call my things rotten. Theyare dear to file, because they aremine."

made him angry and now he is weep­ing. "

In the evening Rami returned veryhappy and full ofspirits. He told Nalinithat he expected a visitor at dinnertime. He was very fussy the

"I felt pity for him and tried to whole evening. Sometimes, he wouldbuy something, but the boy won't place flowers on the table; sometimeslisten. He went away." rearrange the table cloth.

Nalini smiled. "This is the cause Nalini was startled to find thatof your sadness! This thing troubles the visitor at dinner was the boy toy­vou ! Romi, you are a strange man, seller.very simple, very noble."

Romi was sitting with him in theRomi shurgged his shoulders. drawing room.

In the morning, he was at the "My dear friend! I will buy all thebreakfast table. Nalini was looking at toys from you and decorate my roomhim. "'Vhat are you thinking, Romi? with them." The boy was smilingYour eyes are red ?" silently. He was such a handsome

Romi made no answer. He swa- boy. He had a charming face andllowed a slice of bread with a piece of blue expressive eyes,boiled egg. After some time, he departed.

"Nalini, I am thinking over a very Romi told Nalini that his name wasacute problem. Tell me how many of Anoop.the people are fortunate enough to For days Anoop was every thingeat eggs and bread at breakfast? for Romi. Nalini did not like his new

"1{OIpi!" cried his wife, "Why friendship. Though Anoop was hand­are you talking like this? Where is some and looked innocent, yet sheyour old laughter which echoed in had the strange feelings that herour lonely home? What does this husband was not safe in his hands.change mean ?" Sometimes, Anoop gave a laugh which

was very sarcastic and strange.Romi raised his eyebrows. Nalini

saw in his eyes a strange expression. One day Romi told his wife that hewas leaving his job as he had accepted "

As Romi left for his office, he mur- the editorship of a newspaper.mured, "'I must find out this boy."

'·You do whatever you like," wasNalini asked him, "What will you the straight answer from his wife.

do with him ?~' He made noanswer. She said to herself: "Na.lini, my ideas are changed," he"Rami is such a problem. He is .. said to his 'wife the next day.: "Anoopa mystery. I' wonder, what is he is the dominating force in Iny life.about? HOe joked with the boy, I feel he is my long lost son."


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"Your lost son! What are youtalking, Romi 1"

"Yes dear, my son, whom I lost ina fair. He was 5 years old then."

"But you never told me .this,You are very secretive," said Nalini.

"Yes, I never told you, Thoughhis memory was haunting my mind,yet I did not like to trouble you withmy past life."

"Does Anoop resemble your lostson ?,

"Every inch; the same nose, thesame forehead, the same eyes as hehad. He is sixteen. It was twelveyears ago when I lost him."

Nalini's eyes widened, -oi, God !is he really your son ?"

Romi answered calmly: ' 'Nalini,will you be happy to live with him? Iknow you don't like him, Nalini, Idon't want to make you unhappy."

Nalini gave an emphatic reply, "Ishall be rather glad, very glad, Romi.I like him, he is a fine lad."

Romi's eyes brightened with asmile.

"He is! Nalini, he is mv son.To, I am happy. My "life isperfect. I have got a pretty andaffectionate wife and a dear son."

As Romi was delivering this emo­tional speech, Anoop was seen smilingat the door. He ran in to the roomand clung to his father.

Pushpa ButaniB. A. II Year.


"Serene will be our days and brightAnd happy will our nature be,When love is an unerring lightAnd joy its own security."

It was in the beginning of the 19thCentury that Wordsworth had such abeautiful concept.ion of the ideal life.For ages man has tried to know the me­aning of life but without a,ny success.Great thinkers and philosophers havemanoeuvered year after year to findan answer to this pertinent question,but each time they thought that theyhad it they made it more and morecomplicated. We have varied con­ceptions, beautiful and enchanting

as they are, about the ideal life butwhen it comes to finding the meaningof life no satisfactory solution isavailable. Well, whatever life is eachindividual sees it differently andattempts to understand it in his ownway.

Whenever I think of life I amalways .reminded of the story of thesix days of Creation. For six dayscontinuously, God worked hard andon the seventh and all days thereafterHe stretched His limbs. But eversince God has gone on an indefiniteholiday Man has become nothing buta restless creature, and this tendency


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is still on the increase. Restlessnessseems to be the essence of man's life;otherwise, it would have become astagnant and stinking sea. In a \vayit is good for it makes man run aftersomething worthwhile and, properwithout losing his sense of proportion.To-day, I believe, there is an excess ofrestlessness together with uncertaintyof purpose.

Our achievements in the scientificfield are tremendous, no doubt. Butwhat about culture - culture in thereal sense of the word? Someonehas correctly said; ,,'We are taughtto fly in the air like birds, and swimin the water like fish, but how tolive on the earth - that we know not."\\Te are but half barbarians and halfcivilized. We talk of peace andprepare for war. Some get up andbecome self-made guardians of peaceto help destroy all undefendedcountry. If a man kills another heis sent to the electric chair; but if hekills great many people at the behest ofhis own country, he is a great patriotand hero and is honoured with aV. C. If he cheats an individualwe put him behind the bars; but if hesuccessfully cheats and defraudsa whole country, we hail him withlot of flash as a great diplomat.We talk of love and yet treat 0111'

destitute fellow-beings as if it wouldbe death to touch thrill even with apair of tongs. We boast of serviceto mankind and imagine that ourback is just going to break with theburden of responsibilities ; and allthat we do is to grind our own axe.We give charities not out of sympathybut because we "rant to feed oursense of importance and perhaps toreserve before hand a comfortable


and luxurious seat for ourselves inHeaven. We kneel before God andpraise Him because we have a notionthat He will rescue us on the day ofperil.

We have, as a matter of fact,failed to realize that civilizationcannot be equated with materialadvancement alone. Life, as a whole,has three aspects - physical, mentaland spiritual. You cannot ignore anyone of them and call yourself civilized.But what. has happened to us? Wehave become nothing but slaves of themachine, and to such an extent thatwe have lost contact with the spiritthat informs the universe; forgettingthat even a machine, to be a machine,must have some purpose behind it.Life, too, has a meaning and apurpose and it is up to us to realizeand make it a vital part of ourselves.

It is absolutely necessary to behonest to our own selves. Our con­science is the best judge and it isneither wise nor honest to ignore thevoice of the conscience and seekconsolation through self-deception.Quite often we suffer because we donot, or cannot, or will not, be honestto ourselves. We must learn tounderstand and respect other people,their ideas, actions and aspirations.It is no use having a United Nationswhen individuals do not want to giveup their narrow 'is!11S' for better andwider ideals. It is within ourselvesthat hell and heaven exist.The goal is within our reach. Onlywe have to make an effort, a veryhonest effort, to reach out for it andmake it a part of our being.

Surrinder VaidB. A. II Year,

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Abhimanyu, the brave son ofArjuna, was killed cruelly in the greatbattle of Mahabharata. His father,Arjuna, and his uncle, Yudhishtra,sorrowed bitterly for him. Yudhishtra,who went to pluck consolation fromVyasa, asked. him, '(What is Death ?"And the answer to him was given inthe following story of the birth ofDeath.

At the beginning of the world,Brahma, the Creator, made all lifewithout change. Everything wasfixed in a beautiful state of unchang­ing perfection. There was no decayand no old age. The result was toomuch life. 'I'he earth became veryheavy with living beings. Then theGoddess of Earth, Bhudevi, came toBrahma, the Creator, and complain­ed to him; '(Father, my burden istoo heavy to bear. My children aretoo manv. Great harm will come tothem. Do something to help us."

Brahma did not know what todo. He had given the gift of livingunchanged. Yet life must change.Then, from his mind, came a wave oftroubled thought. It became a fieryflame. It spread to all the worlds, Itbegan to burn everytiling before it.All life was being killed. Then, the GodSiva, alarmed at this, went toBrahma. He begged him for mercy :"there would SOOl1 be 110 life onEarth." Brahma listened to him.He said! "Life shall live. I killthrough love, not through hate. 'fellme a plan to ease the earth of its over­burden. I cannot kill without causeyet life must be kept down." Then

God Shiva told him of a plan."Let there be three divisions of time

. in the world. Let there be the Past,the Present, and the Future. Thusshall the world be ordered in peace."

Brahama meditated for a longtime. But, out of his thought, arosea new being, this was Mrityu, orDeath, in the shape of a woman. Shewas lovely in face and bearing. Shewas sweet and tender in heart. Shelooked at Brahma in fear. He saidto her! '(Go into the world. Kill thoseyou feel must die. I have made youfor this. Obey me and fear not."

But Mrityu was too gentle for thisdreadful work. She cried to Brahms !"Why did you make me a woman,then ?How can I do this duty? . Ishall be guilty of sin. Why mustpeople die? They are so happy. "Vhymust they be torn spart from one an­other? I am too weak to do thiswork."

But Brahrna was firm. She mustkill for the good of all. Then Mrityuwent into the woods and did penance.She prayed and wept, At last,Brahma came to her. He asked herthe cause of her tears. Gentle Mrityuprayed for mercy as before. ThenBraharna said, ('You must kill. Ishall free you from the sin of murder.Yama, the God of Death, shall helpyou. Plagues, sickness and famineshall help )TOU."

Mrityu told him of a plan! "Letpeople be killed by their own sins.Let their own hates and follies killthem." Brahma agreed. He said


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Members of the Executive Committee 1956-57


Members at Nangal Rest House

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(Sitting) Phool Kumar, Ravinder Sikka(Chairs) Prem Lata Sawhney, Shri S.D. Bhatia Promilla Gutati Principal Harish Chandra

(Adviser) (President)Ripshodan Gopal Shri B.S. Puri Harish Kapur

(Secretary) (Vice-President)(Standing) Shri D.S. Chaudhri, Shri K.C. Kanda, Shri R.K. Sud, Ram Nath Ganpati,

Arjun Manghani, Vijendra Vaid



(Chairs L to R) Shri S.C. Gupta, Shri K.C. Kanda, Shri R.K. Sud, Principal Harish Chandra,Shri C.L. Kumar, Shri S.M. Jhangiani

(Standing) Balbir Singh, Dilsher Nagi, Surjit Dhawan, Pushpa Butani, Ram Nath

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to her, "Let death enter so into theworld. You shall be without blame.It shall be said of you: ·'Death killsfor love, not for hate.' Thus, byDeath shall come peace. Mel1 shall

-even long for death. See, I havemade your tears into woes. Fromthem will come grief and loss, sick­ness and pain."

must not be grieved over. Some­times, death comes as a welcomechange. Let it be gladly met. Some­times, death comes as a punishmentfor sin. Even then, it must be greet­ed. So death is always the will ofGod. It works out His divine pur­pose.":

Shant Kumar,Pre-Medical I Year.

Thus came death into the world. ~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~Is this not a grand lesson for us? * Read about the fate of Tithonus whoDeath must come some time. Life secured the boon from his celestial beloved

that he should never die but forgot to askcannot be without death. Death, that he should not grow old with age. Tenny-therefore, must not be feared. 1t son wrote a beautiful poem on it.


What life is this, like a bird in barsWith wings but cannot fly ;Like streams that run day and nightBut merge in seas and die ?

To this world you were sentTo do deeds, to earn a fair name.Not to stand before God and repentWith blushing face bent with shame.

Your golden prize may not be nigh.With swift strides and a head to guide •Why stay behind, why think twice ? ­Quick! On your feet ! Your life flies.

Beware, 0 man ! This thief of lifeComes daily from the peaks :Then facing west, it goes to restWith pockets full of weeks.

Shashi VadanPre-Medical II Year.


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THE BANE OF POVERTYNina was a lonely girl. I saw her

in the bazaar for the first time withragged clothes on. Since then shehas met me so many times with her­eyes down-cast, and her gait dejected.

Many times I have felt that lifefor a lonely person, cut off fromaffection and love, must be miserable.Four years ago, her father died. Shewas brought up by her mother.Thus her bleeding heart was healedup by the soothing balm of hermother's love. Time passed on. Hermother worked as a maid-servant butshe could hardly make both endsmeet. Nina, with her dark eyes androsy cheeks, grew· up into acharming damsel. Though she wasonly sixteen, her sympathy for others,her affection for her mother and hersense of duty and self-respect reflectedthe maturity of her mind and sense.But the fate of the poor girl wassealed when the cruel hand of deathsnatched from her the love of hermother too. Now she was left alonelike a lonely cloud in the sky tossed"from one place to another. In ahysterical voice she cried, "Oh God!'Vhere am I to go now? \iVhere arefily father and" mother? Oh! I aman orphan",

The mistress of her mother tookpity on her and she offered her thejob of her mother. Now she had 110

\\lOrry about food and clothing. Oneday Nina was sitting in the roomthinking of her future. SuddenlyManohar, the son of her mistress,stepped in. He was tall and hand-


some, with eyes fearless and magneticand a smile always flickering on hislips. She stood up to welcome him.Both remained silent for two or threeminutes. ~~t last, Manohar broke thesilence : "Nina, would you tell meabout yourself ?" And she relatedthe story of her misfortune wi theyes dow11-cast and full of tears.

"Alas Nina! .death spares none",he said. He expressed his sympathyand just to continue the conversationsaid, "You know I have got a tempo­rary post in a local bank but after ... "

Suddenly Nina's mistress calledher and she went out. Nextday Manohar was feeling excited andindisposed. In the evening Ninaentered his room. "Ho\v are youfeeling, Sir?" She enquired. "Thereis no relief as yet", Manohar replied.He continued, "Nina sit by me. Ihave something to say to you." Shesat "down on one edge of the bed.Manohar fixed his eyes on her andsaid, "I should be bold enough to saythat I love you with all my heart.I have decided that I would marrynone but you." Her heart leapt upand "her blood rushed in her veins.With a little. effort she replied,"Sir, I am a pOOl' maid. What willyour parents and society say? won 'f

· t . t S' "....•....SOCle 'y...... . SOCle y... .. . H',

"Love knows no horizons, no caste, nohigh or low barriers. I will marryyou if yOll agree to it." She remainedsilent but her heart was beatingviolently when she left the room onthe call of her mistress.

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Manohar was transferred toCalcutta. In his absence she paintedhis picture and worshipped it as heridol. Her prayer "vas: "An Indtanwoman selects her husband but once·and he is a deity for her. Sol\Tall0har, you are my God, I worshipyou and am happy in this condition.I am satisfied. J don't want wealth."

One day, all old man came tooffer the hand of his daughter toManohar, After an hour, the talkwas over and the terms were settled.Nina's hopes were smashed and shesaw her future dark. But still shewas confident that her Manohar wouldnot agree to the proposal.

It was the betrothal day. Manoharwas back home and Nina was troubledwith the cross currents of fear and

hope. She as.ked .hesitatingly, "Mydear Man.ohar, are you going to bebetrothed to "

"Yes, is there any doubt about itl"he replied curtly.

'(No! sir No doubt !" She wasperplexed and to remind him of hispromise said, "Sir, that day thatday you said... that youwould ".

"Oh !" he laughed. "you are but achild, That was only a joke and youtook it seriously." He went away.Everybody was happy. But the maidservant was missing him. She wouldmiss him for ever.

InderjitB. A. III YearRoll No. 15.


In this world ,of equality not onlyriehts but also the habits of boys ando ~

girls are similar.* Sometimes itbecomes difficult to identify whethera certain person is a boy or a girl. Infact, if the boys are no longer bravethe girls are' 110' longer meek andmild as in olden days. Both of themhave reached a stage that thereremains no apparent differencebetw. en the two. Then, how toidentify their sex? It is indeed agreat problem.

When we think out, we find that

..Much to the annoyance of Shri J. R. Saksena,our Head Clerk, the latest similarity is that of names.

. Editor.

there can be the following ways ofidentifying thern :.-

If some one enters a shop with greatcare and asks for powder, lipstick, facecream etc, examines them very care­fully, higgles excessively and whilereturning looks into the mirror, thenit is certainly a girl and not a boy.And if} on the other hand; a personenters a shop quickly, bargains quicklyand also returns quickly, then it isdefinitely a boy.

Next, if sitting in a bus two personsgaze at each other and examine eachother from tip to toe, then you can


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say with certainty that both of themare girls.

If on some occasion (say a marriageprocession etc.) a group of persons talkabout the clothes of the bride andthe bridegroom, about the beauty -ofanyone of the two or about thedowry, then it is certainly a woman'sfamiliar gossip.

But, if you want other confirma­tory tests, because you think the abovetests are not sufficient the followingtest may prove to be a deciding one.

If two persons are going along aroad and by chance .the purse or thehandkerchief of any of them falls andthe second one does not pick it up,it is sure that both of them are either

boys or girls. But if one helps theother in picking up that object, thenyou should be sure that the helperis a boy assisting his girl-friend.

Thus by applying these tests onecan easily judge whether a certain.person is a modern girl or a modernboy.]

Desh Bhushan WadhwaPrep. Science.

[This reminds us of an illustrated joke in ThePunch, London. A modern girl : her hair cut in theAlbert fashion, wearing shorts and smoking a cigarette,lay flat on a mound in a holiday resort. An old manhappened to pass by that way. He wanted to greet'him' or 'her' as the case be. He gazed and gazed ather but could not make up his mind how to address this'youth'. Fearing lest he should be taken for an ill­mannered person he walked up to the mound, rightbelow her shadow and said, "Miss or Mr ? anyway, Good day!


Business - man : Everyone pokes his nose into my business."What is :rour business"? enquired his friend."I manufacture handkerchiefs", replied the businessman.

* *Agatha Christian says: "Mine is an ideal husband - the older I grow themore interested he feels in me". Her husband is an archaeologist.

Surjit DhawanPre-Medical I Year.

Father: Satish ! leave the company of bad boys, I don't like it.Son: Yes, father, I have left the school already.

* *" *"Any big man born here"? asked a tourist."No sir; only babies are born everytime," replied the villager.

Kanta Chopra,B. A. II Year


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The evening shadows had leng­thened. The sun, like a monarch,riding on his Golden Chariot, majesti­cally bade adieu to the earth andleft t.he horizon full of colours­colours, red., and orange - that createeven in the dullest mind a love forbeauty - a beauty that is beyond thepowers of a mortal being to describe.And just then, these sweet naughtygirls clad in their native dresses burstout in a peal of laughter and 3· divinemusic seemed to be coming fromtheir rosy lips. It filled the wholeatmosphere, as if it were, with anintoxicating wine ..... I gazed andgazed at them and wondered howGod could conceive of such an ideato create a world so beautiful. Werethey really the dwellers OD. this earth?Oh ! how happy they were! It seem­ed as if all the beauty of the worldwas peeping out of those innocentfaces ....

Suddenly, I looked up. 'I'he nightwas throwing her dark gallzy veil overthe city. The bats and night birdsslowly crept out, seeing that theirenemies were off to bed. A cool .breeze began to .blow as darknessspread gradually over the sky and thefirst few stars were sighted. Themoon came up lazily- and lingeringly,creeping, like a coy maiden, steadilyover the tree-tops. Here a bat­darting across the rising moon, silhouet­ted clearly against its silvery light.

J3v this t.ime, the steel-grey skywas decked with innumerable starswhich seemed to mock at the deserted

streets. Those bright and beautifulstars I What innumerable multitudesof them there were! Why were theycreated? Through countless centuriesbewildered mankind has gazed atthem and asked the same question­a question never to be answered. Butwhy was I pondering over thesequestions? . .. . And soon my mindgre,v fatigued with pondering, I wasawakened from my reverie by thethought that I was just wasting mytime. It was not for me to sit forhours together and admire the crea­tions of the Almighty; I had a lot ofother things to do besides. And onlythen did I realize that the "World istoo much with us".

Yes! \\Te are so much absorbed inthe material world to-day' that wenot do trouble ourselves about naturalbeauty any more.

Man is crazy after wealth. It iswealth alone that provokes man todo all sorts of deeds. It is wealththat incites man to indulge in shame­less acts of violence and bloodshed.

Man is the supreme and indepen-'dent creature, master of all hesurveys; yet a helpless slave of hisever-growing desires. Ah! the desiresof man are even lower than those ofbeasts. Man is more rapacious thana wolf and more treacherous than asnake, Under the garb of a smilingface, he hides a false and selfish heart.He stands gibing at God and nature.Does he ever think that behind theveil of this pompous and glamorous


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life, lurks the face of death? No, hehas no time to think of anything thatdoes not concern the world around mind is too much entangled in thefalse splendour of the materialisticworld.

Just let us have a look around.There are hosts of people, pompousand popular, their names emblazonedon the lists of honour, who can be metat every turn, stalking abroad likebeasts in search of a prey. These arethe people who can be seen in all thepublic places, cafes, hotels, restaurantsand theatres. And there these beastsof the day are found absorbed in theirsensual pleasures.

Just ask these people, do theyhave peace in their minds? Do theyget sound sleep? And their replywould be that no one in the worldsleeps well now-a-days save childrenand hard-worked diggers of the soilwho enjoy cool breezes of naturethroughout the day We - who think:

"Oh ! the entanglement and perplexi­ties of these thoughts I': - have noleisure to rest or relax; between thesmall hours of mid-night and morning.We rest on our pillows for mere form'ssake, and doze and dream ; but we

. do not sleep. After all, how can wesleep? Are our minds free from theworries of the world? Do we everbehold the divine beauty aroundourselves that speaks to us in hersilent language in those green andgrassy lawns full of budding flowers?Do we ever try to seek for joy in thedawn or the sunset? Do we attachthe slightest importance to the beautyand witchery of nature, whose multi­tudinous manifestations always beckonus ?

No; how can we! "The world istoo much with us. Getting andspending, we lay waste our powers.Little we see in Nature that is ours."

Promilla GulatiB. A. Final.


Opinions vary, tastes differ. Somepersons are interested in new inven­tions, some love reading books, othersare interested in films and so on andso forth. But persons like me wouldnever care for these things. Thesethings are useless for them,

There may be a few followers ofmine in this case and to encouragemyself I would like to make friendswith them, So I am. disclosing myinterest. The thing I love the most in


my life is 'Sleep'. Sleep gentlesleep Nature's soft nurse thesleep, which provides the sweetestdreams to me. How dare I hate it?I cannot even talk ill of it.

"Sleep' is the best cure for 'wakingtroubles'. Keeping this in mind Isleep continuously for twelve hours.But it is a pity that 'He giveth Hisbeloved sleep' and everybody .hatesit. At least, my parents do not likethis habit of mine. If I do not· get

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good marks in the examination theycomplain that I sleep too much, Mygrandfather, however, says, "Oh!You get. very sound sleep ; that isvery good. It is a sign of goodhealth." I have not been able. tomake out whether he speaks sincerelyor tauntingly.

If my younger sister speaks a bitloud. even at 7 0' Clock in themorning, I cry out with anger,"Pillky! you neither sleep' yourselfnor let others sleep. You have nobusiness to disturb others." Themore I protest, the more my YOllngerbrothers enjoy teasing me.

But I have to get up at 7-30 A. reach my College in time.

Sometimes, I curse my College, as itopens so early in the morning that Ihave to bid a hasty adieu to mybeloved 's~u~ber'. But I am help­less.

If there is any person in theCollege who can teach me early-rising,I would be grateful to him or herthroughout my life. But he or sheshould see that I may not face anyinconvenience in d.oing so. I seekthis assistance only because I haveto neglect my studies to woo thisbeloved. But remember, I cannotoffend my sweet heart for all them~rks t~at my examiners may pro­mise me In return.

KarunaPrep. Arts


As I am writing this, electionslogans are being shouted, Westudents have to be prepared, becausein a short time we shall be full­blooded citizens of India; and thecountry will look up to us for intelli­gent leadership.

One of the political slogans thatwe hear these days is 'Socialism'. Theelection manifesto of the Congressparty promises a full socialist. order.The Praja Socialist Party has longbeen for socialism, Practically allpolitical parties swear by one or theother form of socialism.

What is socialism? A famouseconomist (Von Mises) defines social­ism as Government ownership and

control of the instruments of pro­duction. What are the instrumentsof production? Any ordinary textbook of Economics would tell us thatthe instruments of production areland and machinery.

Now, does the Gover.nment ofIndia want to take over the owner­ship of land and machinery? Aboutland it is clear that the Governmenthas no such intention. The Govern­ment desires that cultivatorsshould themselves own the land, orform cooperative societies for manag­ing large areas of land. So in respectof land, India is not going to be asocialist state; and land accounts formore than half of our nationalincome.


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In respect of machinery theGovernment again has no intention oftaking over small manufacturingconcerns. Most of our industry is ofa cottage or small scale type. TheGovernment of India encourages smallindustries in every possible way, TheGovernment gives loans, subsidies,and technical assistance of every kindto small manufacturers and workersin cottage industries. If you go tothe Khadi Bhandar you will find thatfor every rupee worth of goods youhave to pa,y only thirteen. annas,which works out to a subsidy of overtwenty per cent. If you go in busNo. 29 you will find betweenNizammuddin and Purana Quila abig black board: 'Small Scale Indus­tries Service Institute'. Supposeafter graduating you cannot find a job,you go to this institute, and they willexplain to you many market possi­bilities, give a loan to you for settingup a small business; even give youmachinery on hire or trial, and repairit when necessary. Our Governmenthas set up many such institutes.Round Kalkaji itself the Governmenthas reserved land for trading estates.These trading estates furnish youpremises for small scale business andmanufacture, with all arrangementscomplete. You have to pay only asmall rent.

Now try to think intelligentlywhat all this means. Our Govern­ment really wants to create opportuni­ties for employment for all of us.Socialism in India, therefore, meansfull employment.

Let us go a little further. Whatare our -major industries? OUf majorindustries are cotton cloth, . jutegoods, sugar, iron, steel and coal. TheGovernment, again, has no intentionof nationalising cotton, jute or sugarindustries. In iron and steel Govern­ment is setting up plants of its own.But it is 'at the same time encourag­ing the private producers to producemore and more, because India wantsall the steel that Government orprivate producers can make. India isa big, undeveloped country. Thereis room for all. Even if the Govern­ment does its best, there will be stillmore than enough that privatepersons can profitably do on theirown account.

We, young people, therefore shouldnot be deceived by politcal slogans.The issue in this country is notSocialism versus Capitalism and themeaning of socialism is not what thetext books tell us. We must think onour own.

Sushila ButaniB. A. II Year.


"A leader is best," says WitterBynner, "when people barely knowthat he exists." Everyone likes tobecome a leader. But 110w manyactually succeed in achieving. thisaim? Very few. If all are leaders,


who will be the followers? Now thequestion arises: 'What are thosequalities that. go to make a leader ?'There' are various types of leaders,viz, moral, social, political, andliterary leaders. The qualities requir-

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Principal Harish Chandra with his '~~y' cup

()~ce-bearers (1956-~7)

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The History Association

Members at the Hauz Khas on a study tour

The Science Association


Members at the D. C. M, Factory, Delhi.

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ed by one type of leader may bedifferent from those required by theother types. 'But there are someessential qualities which must be foundin every leader, to whatever categoryhe may belong.

The essential qualities of a leadermay be summed up in two words:moral and intellectual integrity.Moral integrity implies that he shouldposRess all moral and spiritualqualities.

First of all, he must be compara­tively selfless. Only an exceptionalleader will be cornpletely selfless. Itis said, "Fame is the last infirmity ofa noble mind". Even the great saint,Gandhiji, could not escape this weak­ness. * One should be selfless as faras possible. A leader has to guideand lead others. For this purpose,he has to make a sacrifice of hispersonal interests.

Secondly, a leader must be just inhis ways of doing and looking atthings. If he is not so, people maygo against him. He must be fearlessin deciding things and pursuing themjustly. For taking just actions enoughboldness is required. This was theway of all the great leaders of theworld. 'I'his requires the character ofthe leader to be firm, self-respectingand disciplined ; and in its absence hisleadership may be at stake.

'To be a leader one must turn one'sback on men.' He is to be a manof action, rather than of mere prattle.All can talk: but only a few startwork and lead others forward. bygoing forward themselves, and thusproviding their own examples.

Intellectual integrity is also anessential fea.ture of a leader. A personmust be an intelligent fellow to becomea leader. He should have the neces­sary training a,ndculture. He musthave a thorough knowledge of the pro­blems of his time. He should be a manof wisdom, enterprising and capable ofthinking out things for himself. Ifhe does not have his own principles,on what basis can lie lead others?

Besides, he ought to have a know­ledge of mass psychology in order tolearn something about the minds ofthe people. Although a leader isfirm and fearless, yet he should beable to adjust himself to the people'sneeds. Subordination of personalambitions to general good is necessary.But this does not mean that he shouldbecome a plaything in the hands ofthe people. He should ponder deeplyand then take decisions with the helpof his advisers.

A leader cannot force his will uponthe people. He has to convert themwith his knowledge of psychology andconvince them that whatever he issaying is correct. I-litler andNapoleon used this technique andbecame great leaders. This is themethod of every great leader. HThefinal test of a leader," says WalterLippmann, '·is that he leaves behindhim in other men the conviction andthe will to carryon (his policy). Thegenius of a good leader is to leavebehind him a situation which com­monsense, without the grace of genius,can deal with successfully."

Thus, in short, moral and intellec­tual Integrity are the two minimumqualities essential for a leader. There


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is nothing more difficult to take inhand, more perilous to conduct, ormore uncertain in its success than totake the lead in the introduction of anew order of things. But it is the

effort that matters and not success.

Purshotma KapoorB. A. (Final)

*Few will agree with you-Editor.


We notice today that the scope ofa student's activities at the universitystage has grown wider. A student,according to the commonsense view,is supposed to keep himself aloof fromthe cares and troubles of every daylife as his sole task is to devote' him­self wholeheartedly to his studies andpass the examination.. 'But what wefind at the present time in a student'sbehaviour is that" his spirit and out­look have widened a good deal. Heis primarily concerned with his studiesbut he does not remain isolated fromthe environment round him. Anyactivity, whether of a social, economicor political nature, has a profoundinfluence on him and as a result of ithis emotional and mental set upundergo a change. Modern facilitiesof newspapers, magazines, cheap lite­rature etc. have contributed enormous­ly to establishing close contacts amongdifferent parts of the world. Astudent", by these means, is enabled tokeep himself abreast of the eventsof the world.

Students in India have been forsometime past taking an active part inpolitics. Our political subjection tothe British rule impelled them toenter the political field. The feelings


of nationalism and patriotism werevery strong and intense in the heartsof our countrymen till the achieve­ment of independence. The Indianmasses were suffering heavily fromthe effects of foreign rule. This.roused the young hearts of· studentstoo to resist boldly the imperialisticactivities of the British rulers. Howzealous and full of the feelings ofpatriotism were the minds of studentscan well be illustrated by an incidentfrom Subhash Chandra Bose's studentlife. All English professor once inthe presence of Subhash began to talkslanderously against India, This in­furiated Subhash so much that thecalumny took an ugly turn and itresulted in the professor being man­handled. At that time the sparks oflove, sacrifice for and dedication toour motherland were present even inthe heart of a man in the street.Students, then, being more enlighten­ed and blooming with the vim andvigour of youth naturally came outon the political scene and wagedtheir fight against the indignities ofthe British rule.

A student at the present time, inwhatever part of the globe he may beliving, cannot completely remain Ull-

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affected. by events that take place in .the political sphere. Feelings ofsympathy and co-operation. amongstudents to fight for human rights areeven stronger today than they werebefore. If an. inhuman act is done,the hot blood of our young studentsis at once aroused to protest againstit. A student's unprejudiced and un­biased conscience does not allow himto remain inactive when somethingunjust goes on before him. Studentsall over the world have strong orga­nizations \\7 hich come out to expresstheir resentment unanimously againstpolitical injustice. 'I'heir ardour offighting against injustice ~o~~ tohumanity by the great politicians,does not abate even to the slightestdegree by the threat of police force,tear gas or governmental ban etc.But often their ardour is carried toextremes. They are found indulgingin unfair means in achieving theirend. Now and then we read in news­papers or hear on the radio thatstudents have burnt the effigy of agreat leader, insulted and destroyeda sacred book or beaten, stoned orassaulted a person of dignified st~tus.

Not only this, but sometrmest hey are reported to have raisedimmoral and vulgar slogans. Suchdebasing activities of students go tocreate a very poor opinion abo.utthem. It indicates their lack of dIS­cipline and sound reason and deteri?­ration of their moral sense. It IS,therefore, very necessary on the pa-rtof students to shun and abjure suchactivities. In order to achieve alofty end it is absolutely necessarynot to stoop to ignoble tactics, forth.ey mar the very essence and 'great-

ness of their efforts. Means mustjustify the end.

It is realized today that absorptionof students in political activitiesmore or less accounts for their losing

.interest ill their studies. Going onstrikes and holding protests disturbthe academic atmosphere. This some­times results in the slackening ofteaching work. So far a~ .the. jus~i­fiability of students' participation Inpolitical activities is c?ncerned, .t~e

answer is in the affirmative. But It IS

commonly seen that sincere and cap­able students do not come out in thepolitical field for fear of being placedin an awkward situation which mightafflict their conscience. What obser­vation shows is that usually students,who for one reason or another haveacquired a diataste for serious studies,take to politics because there theyfind enough opportunities to gratifytheir sense of inferiority complex. Sucha thing is beneficial neither to themnor to those whose rights they pretendto defend.

What gives us satisfaction on thewhole is that despite some of thebad things that have crept in them,students have grown highly con­scious of political problems. Studentsundoubtedly are the prospectivebuilders of the nation and so it is agood sign that they are taking a keeninterest in politics. If they areguided by lofty ideals and principles,they can rise to their full stature ~nd

serve the country in a befittingrnanner.*

Harsh VardhanB.A. II Year.

*Please read Page 1.


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OLD STUDENTS' CORNER[To mark. the 5th Birthday of

'''Desh'' we have introduced a newfeature entitled 'The Old Students'Corner'. We invited the registeredOld Boys to writ ~ on a subject thatmight interest them. We did notrestrict their range to the narrow fieldof their activities in ,the college formore reasons than one. I t is acoincidence that our correspondentshave chosen to write on their stay incollege. The reason is not far to seek.Their memories are as vet fresh. Ifthey feel happy about~ them we cansay with confidence they did notwaste their time here.. We can assurethem that as they grow older andtaste the bitter-sweet cup of life thesememories of college life will flash

across their minds like a blazingmeteor trailing glory on a darknight. Out of the archives of thoughtthese recollections will make garlandsof joy and place them on their heads.If they record them in the pages of'Desh' what a thrill they willfeel when a child of theirs MayGod bless the kid! hits uponan old copy and cries! "Papa! youwere so happy at college!" We hopeour Old Boys will avail themselves ofthe opportunity of recording theirrecollections. Weare thankful toMisses Suresh Kumari and SantoshKumari for responding to our invi­tation.


(i) Yes, It was surely wonderful !

"All the world's a stage.And all the men and women

merely players: They have their exitsand entrances ; . . .. '"

To day sitting in this room ofmine, I also join my voice withShakespeare, though my voice is notso forceful, 'Life is but a stage in thebig "0". Every body comes intothis world to act the roles assigned tohim and then quits the stage for ever.That can also be said about me. Inever wanted to leave this College,but fate contrived against me, en­meshed me in her net and threw me


over to the Hindu College. When­ever I go to my new College, I havethe feelings of a child who goes to herstep-mother taking each step cauti­ously so that she may not disturb herand incur her displeasure. What apity! But as soon as I enter thepremises of this College, I regain thesame joy as I used to feel when Iwas a student here.

I recollect the days gone by. Theirmemory haunts me. The scenescome one after another and leavetheir impressions on my mind, Ishall, with your leave, relate here

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some of my experiences as an editorof the College Magazine and as aperformer on the college stage.

. When I joined this College, to bethe editor of 'Desh' was my greatestwish. I have a love for literature.Many times it provokes me to write.My wish was fulfilled by theproposal of Mrs. Prasad (then MissRaj Kumari Mathur) to become theeditor of the Hindi Section. Iwelcomed it and accepted the res­ponsibilities. From that day I'monopolized' - this was what otherssaid - that post and left it with myexit from the College. *

Our learned Principal defined theaim of 'Desh'. "The most obviousobject of a College journal.", he said,"is to provide an opportunity to itsyoung constituents. to .. le~~n andpractise the art of wribing". I hadto make personal requests to studentsand professors for contributions.With the beggar's bowl in my handI had to go round repeating mycall: "We are running shortof articles. The Magazine cannotcome out with so few articles. Iam requested by the Editor-in-chiefto get more articles some how orother." I requested the probables andgot their replies ; It Listen, Santosh!we haven't got time; or 'suggest tous some topics'; or 'Give us somehints'. What a troublesome and tire­some task! Though the wholeburden was on our etaff-editors, yetwe also had to help him. The daycomes when the magazine is to besent to the press, but the College

*You shifted from the Hindi Section to theEnglish Section. We wonder if monopolymeans that,

news-report is not completed yet.Articles are to be arranged, indexmade, proofs to be seen, the printer'sdevil checkmated etc. etc. But allthese worries come to an end with its

. corning out of press. What joy, naywhat ecstasy! With its first copy inmy hand, I used to have the feelingsof a mother holding her first born inher arms and thinking that her babyis unique in the world, and feelingproud of his tiny tiny smiles.She bears all the pain to give him ashape and feels elated that herchild is the best in every respect(though he may not be). These feel­ings of mine lIlay be due to the factthat I am a woman, but 'Desh' wasmy child; yes, 'a pet child', as it wascalled by our Principal.

To participate in stage plays wasmy craze of childhood. In my schoollife also, I used to take part in plays,but that was elementary. I feel veryshy and nervous to come upon thestage. Many of the students, whohave seen me 011 the stage, knowmy weakness, but in my first debutin the one-act play, 'Kis ka Ghar' 'inthe role of a step-mother, allshyness vanished and I was in aposition to depict the role of the cruelstep-mother, who wants to drive herstep-son away but ultimately has toleave the house due to her husband'sdeath.

Rehearsals had a lot of joy and funin store for us. Ours was the best teamthe College has ever got so far. Pre­paring tea in the evenings was adelight. The boys used to help us.A homely atmosphere was created,Sundays became picnic days in theCollege for us. The credit goes to


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San t osh PunhaniOld Student.

the President of the Dramatic Club,but it also goes, in no less degree, tothe participants.

Applying base creams and powderon the face, tinging the lips with vari­ous shades of Max Factor or Cotylipsticks, wearing lovely saris andasking one another whether welooked all right or not usedto be the greenroom talk. Giv­ing the last touches to the make­up, looking into the mirror, feelingvery much excited and nervous andafter all these facing the waitingaudience I-all these are stories ofdays never to return.

I always liked to play the role of ayoung lady, who takes life seriously,accepting what is given, even in hersorrows remaining calm and quietlike the deep blue sea. Though. thevolcano maybe trying to burst outof her breast, yet not letting it comeout ;-this is what I like to depict onthe stage. I know not whether Ishall be able to fulfil this dream in mylife. But I realized it partly when Iplayed ·the eldest daughter-in-law int.he 3-act play: Mahabbat ki RahPar. In my opinion, taking part inplays enables us to fulfil our dreams.If one feels that one should be a kingand if one is able to portray the roleof a king on the stage then one issatisfied. Art is the medium throughwhich mall can realize his dreamsand visulize the fancies he has hugg-

ed in the sub-conscious mind. Thisart can be of any type; whether it ispainting, writing stories and poemsor it is taking part in plays. Artgives to marl the joy he lacks andit makes his life complete. Throughits expression man has become thebest of the creations of God.

I remember the day very wellwhen J saw our Principal and Mrs.Prasad on the stage in Imtiaz AliTaj's play 'Sazish'. Seeing them, Iwas excited. They created a feelingin my mind to unwind myself fromthe tight bonds of the examinationand to take part in plays. But,could I do so? No, that was notpossible. Now, it is still worse.These examinations have tamed meand that zest for impersonation on thestage is fading slowly and slowly.

The past is past and cannot be,turned into present. I feel I amgoing in a ship enjoying myself.Suddenly, on the 10th of June, 1956,comes a flood and I am thrown outof the ship into the sea-water. Istruggle with water near the sea-shore.I see the ship sailing calmly andquietly away. Only I am not on it.I long for reaching there but I can­not. Only the memories of the timespent on it are left. The times pent.there was wonderful ! Yes iii wasreally wonderful !

(ii) Why do you come to the college, girls ?

"Why do you come to theCollege, girls?" is the question that


still echoes in my ears, though t,,·.years have passed since our learned.

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Principal asked us this question. Iremember very distinctly that I wassi tting with some of my friends in theroom adjoining the Reading Room ofthe College. We were busy in laugh- .ing and talking. Some of us werenotorious or, as we would prefer to beknown, famous for making a noise intile College verandahs, while otherswere known for their talkative andhumourous nature. As we were'enjoying our jokes, suddenly thePrincipal entered the room and wehad to stop our talk all at once. Butone of us could not help laughing Shepressed hard her mouth with herscarf, but failed in the effort. Ipinched her, but she was unable tocontrol herself. Seeing all this, heasked, though not in anger, "W"'llY doyou come to the College, Girls 1" Oneof us replied: 'To study and toacquire knowledge". The other saidtimidly: "To enjoy ourselves"; whilethe third, who was the best athlete ofher days, said; I come to the collegejust to play." All these answerscould not satisfy the learned 'Philoso­pher and Guide' and he, in hispeculiar manner, said: "You all cometo do all these things and not justone of them. You come here forgetting education."

Education, in its widest terms. isa life-long process involving self-

culture and self..improvement. Butin reference to the educational insti­tutions, the term means those specialinfluences, which are designedlybrought to bear on the members ofthe rising generation before they enterthe struggle of life. Education is asource of illumination, giving us acorrect lead in the various spheresof life. Knowledge, which we acquirein these institutions and outside them,becomes the 'third eye' of the man,which gives him insight into affairsand teaches him how to act. The illu­mination given to us by educationshatters illusions, removes difficultiesand enables us to realize the true .value of life. A person, who does notpossess the light of education,may be really described as blind. Thecorrect insight which men and womenget from education, naturally, increas­es their intelligence, power andefficiency. It "nourishes us like themother, directs us to the proper pathlike the father and gives us delightand comfort like the wife. "If oneman is superior to another," says aVedic thinker, "it is not because hepo~sesses an extra hand or eye, butbecause his mind and intellect aresharpened and rendered more 'efficientby education."

Sudesh Kumar;Old Student.


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The Desh

With this combined number TheDesh completes the 5th year of its life.Year after year it has grown from moreto more arid better to better. Newfeatures were added; the most recentbeing the Old Students' Corner. - Weregret that it has not been possible tobring out three issues as promised lastyear. We assure the readers that thefault lay with them and not with us.Probably, they did not take our requestfor Winter-term contributions seri­ously. Anyway, we shall try nextyear to fulfil this ambition of raisingthe Desh to a quarterly magazine. Wealso hope that by then the title coverwill display the College crest.

To provide impetus to our contri­butors to write for the Desh two prizesfor the best article ill English and inHindi were offered. The student edi­tors were debarred from contesting forprizes in their respective sections. Like­wise, two prizes were offered for thebest snapshots of events in the AnnualSports of t he College.

The Sindhi section has come intune with the other sections. For thefirst time it has not been printed at alitho press. This has improved theget-up of the Desh considerably.

The Staff:

Dr. P. C. Chakravarty, "the VicePrincipal, who had earlier left forCalcutta to take up the Principalship ofa Government College, resigned his

post on his subsequent appointment as.Professor" of Historv and CurrentAffairs at the University of Jadavpur,Calcutta. We are very sorry to losehim permanently, The Desh was hischild. We wish him success and

.happiness in his new job.

It appears that the Department ofHistory must. once" again look for anew shepherd: Shri Diljeet Arora,who so ably stepped into the breachcaused by Dr.Chakravarty's departure,has been selected in the I. A. S. Theday he came to the College, we knewhe would be but a migratory bird.His dashing youth, love of hard work,scholarly habits and winsome person­ality chalked him out for a higherdestiny. We shall miss "him and hisready smile. Our only consolationis that our loss will be the nation'sgain. Let us hope that his successorwill carry 011 the tradition of combin­ing learning with gentlemanliness andcheerfulness - a tradition which heinherited from Dr. Chakravarty. Ourheartiest congratulations to ShriArora on his brilliant sucoess.

Ever since his return fromGermany Dr. C. L. Madan had beenfeeling the College rather too small aplace for him. He did not have tostay long. He has left us to join theCentral Drug Institute at Lucknow,"\\'e hope in the wider sphere of lli~.

new activities he will be as useful ashe was here. With his departure theAlma Mater hae lost the seconddiadem of Ph. D. in her crown. In


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Throwing the Javelin

Ishwar Kaul in action

Pole Vault ill progress

Dilbagh Singh in action

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his place Shri Karamjit Singh M., Se.'has been appointed. We welcomehim.

We also welcome Miss. Saroj Gulatiwho has joined the Hindi Departmentin a leave vacancy.

\\Te congratulate lVII's. Raj KumariPr2 sa d on the birth of a daughterand Shri R. P. Budhiraja on hismarriage.

We also congratulate Shri R. K.Sud on his promotion to the SeniorLecturers' Grade. We hope he willnot forget our share of the feast whichhis colleagues must be looking forwardto. He is one of us.

The Office

Shri B. L. Bhutani, the CollegeCashier, 'went on sick leave about ayear ago. He has not resumed dutyso far. V\Te wish him health. ShriGianchandani has been working in hisplace. Shri Gianchand continuesto occupy the Clerk's post.

We congratulate Shri Om ParkashHasija on, his marriage and ShriGianchandani oil the birth of a SOIl.

We hope Shri Hasija will emulateShri Gianchandani's example.

The \. ollege Union

The College {J nion has been veryacti ve during the past months.Students evinced much interest in itsactivities and made every meeting asuccess, 011 the 20th of October,1956, a debate in Hindi was held.The subject for the debate was: -uis in the best of interests of thecountry to introduce prohibition."

On the 8th of December, t 956, anExtempore Speech Contest in Hindi'was held. Hira Ballabh Tiwari, B. A.I Year, was awarded the first prize.His subject was: "The good of being aback-bencher", No one qualified forthe 2nd prize.

The 4th Annual Inter-CollegeDebate in English' for the DeshbandhuDebating Trophy was held on 4thFebruary, 1957. The subject fOI' thede bate was: "Ill the opinion of thisHouse for the success of democracyin India it is essential to have arecognized opposition." Six teamstook part in the debate. The trophywas won by the St. Stephen's College,Delhi. The first prize was awardedto Miss Salima Ahmed of the DelhiCollege, Delhi, and the 211d prize wasshared by Messrs. Manak Wadhwaniand Dhruv Dev of the St. Stephen'sCollege. Our College was representedby Vijay Kishore Singh and NirmalaChhabra. The latter acquitted herselfwell. Mrs. Freda Bedi (Ministry ofEducation), Shri M. N, Kapur(Principal, Modern School, New Delhi)and Dr. R. R. Sethi (Vice Principal,Punjab University Camp College,New Delhi) acted as judges. Mrs.Bedi announced the award of thejudges and also gave away the trophyand the prizes.

'A prize debate in Hindi was heldon 16th February, 1957. The subjectwas: "Religious' instruction should beim parted in schools and colleges."The first prize went to Vijay KishoreSingh and the 2nd Prize was dividedbetween Usha Kakkar and SatishSuri.

A prize debate in English was heldon 23rd February, 1957. The subject


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for the debate was: "The progress ofa country lies ill its moral, and econo­mic rageneration and not in itsmilitary strength".

"The following were awardedprizes":

1. Sllmir!(umar

2. Sushma

The Hindi Parishad

The Hindi Parishad has been fairlyactive during this year. It is tryingits best for the progress of Hindi byorganizing debates, competitions andother literary functions. Shri SureshChandra G-upta is the "Adviser"of theParishad, F. C. Bhatia, the President,and Hira Ballabh Tewari, theSecretary. After the _expiry of thefirst academic term, the HindiParishad had a busy programlne.

The Parishad organized an extem­pore speeches competition in themonth of October. The first andsecond prizes were awarded toPurshotama Kapur and Raj KumarKhanna respectively. Th~ speecheswere quite appreciable.

A competition in writing stories bas­ed on historical topics was held inOctober 1956. A number of entries werereceived. Hira Ballabh Tiwari andKamlesh Kumari were awarded thefirst and second prizes respectively.

The. ~arishad organized Poetrycompetition-s-a competition in originalpoems-in November, 1956. Anumber of student-poets of the College


recited their poems in this function.Dinesh Kumar and Chandra PrakashSharma won the first and second prizesrespectively. -

The Parishad held an essay com­petition in December, 1956. Themembers of the Parishad took a keeninterest in this competition.

The first and second prizes wereawarded to Purshotma Kapur andSuman Luthra respectively.

The Parishad paid homage toMahatma Gandhi on 30th January,1957. The function was presided overby Principal Harish Chandra. Anumber of students took part inthis function and contributedtheir poems and essays etc. ShriV. N. Khanna gave a good andinstructive talk on the principles ofMahatma Gandhi. In the end, themeeting was addressed by thePrincipal. He advised the studentsto follow the path of Duty and Truthas laid down by Mahatma Gandhi.

The Parishad invited Shri YagyaDatta Sharma, a well known novelistand critic of Hindi, to give a talk on"Prem Chand and his novels" on 31stJanuary, 1957 . He discussed thetopic very clearly and helped thestudents a great deal to understandPrem Chand.

The Parishad is contemplating toorganize a seminar in which Miss SarojGulati will read a paper on Chavavadi.e, "Romanticism in Hindi Poetry".It also intends to organize an exten­sion lecture in which Shri PadamVedalanker will give a talk on'Panchvati', the well known book ofShri Maithili Sharan Gupta. A func-

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tion is to be organized in which' thestudent-poets of the C'ollege will recitetheir porms, The annual functionwill be celebrated towards the end ofFebruary, 1957.

The Economics Society

Since the last issue of the CollegeMagazine was brought out, the Societyorganized a trip to the Bhakra Nanga)and Chandigarh projects during theDiwali Holidays. A batch of fourteenstudents studied the Bhakra Dam Con­struction, the Darn, the Nangal Hydelcanal and Ganguwal Power Stationon the 2nd and 3rd of November. Onthe 4th the party spent several hoursin seeing all the public buildings atChandigarh. It was a very successfuleducational tour. Besides this thestudents had a feast of fun and frolicby living together in the Rest Houseat Nangal for three days. Thestudents' behaviour was exemplary.

The Society held a prize debate inHindi on the subject; "I'he Govern­ment should strive for completesocialism in the country at the earliest'.Hira Ballabh Tewari was adjudgedthe best speaker, while Gargi Guptaand Veena Puri were awarded the 2ndprize.

All Essay-Writing Competition tookplace on 28th February. All the fivesubjects for the competition are ofgreat national importance.

The Society has organized a Plann­ing Forum in the College under direc­tions of the Planning Commission.All Governmelltpublications in regardto the 2Ild Five Year Plan are beingmade available by the Society for the


use of the members, who, -in their ownway, are trying to make the peoplePlan-minded,

The Society arranged a picnic atOkhJa on the 17th of February and atrip to the various mills at Modinagaron the 27th of February.

The Society proposes to hold aPaper Reading contest and Prizedistribution on the occasion of itsAnnual function.

The Sindhi Literary Society

The Sindhi Literary Society orga­nized a number of meetings in whichthe members read out their composi­tions in the form of essays, poems andshort stories. The programmes includ­ed items of Sindhi songs as well.Sushila Butani, Pushpa Butani,Yogendra Khushalani.Sushila Shirangiand Sri Chand took an active part.

A picnic was held at Okhla whichwas largely attended and enjoyed byall.

A Prize Essay-Competition wasorganized in January, 1957. PushpaButani and Chandra Mulchandanisecured first and second positionsrespectively.

The Society proposes to invite afew famous poets and social dignita­ries. The Society proposes to inviteSindhi poets and the elite to its annualfunction to be held in the Ist week ofMarch, 1957.

The Political Science Association

Its fourth function of the yearwas organized on 17th September,

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1956. The members of the Associ­ation, accompanied by the Adviser,Shri V. N. Khanna,went on a picnicat Kotla Ferozshah. ' They had avariety programme including SOIlgSand Panjabi "I'appas'. Later themembers visited the Rajghat andoffered prayers at the Sarnadhi ofGandhiji and sang Ramdhun.

·Mr.- P. Basll, Deputy Director,United .Nations Information Centre,was the guest on the United Nations'Day celebrated in our College 011 24thOctober, 1956. He addressed theAssociation. His address was followedby a discussion. A photographicexhibition of the activities of theU. N. E. S. C. O. was also organizedill the College Hall.

A symposium (in English) washeld on the 30th October, 1956, onthe subject: "Righ"ts without dutiesare meaningless." Twelve studentsparticipated. Nirmala Chhabra(B. A. I Year) and Karuna Arya(Qualifying class) were adjudged I andII respectively. This was a prize con­test.

A mock session of the First(London) Suez Conference was held011 8th November, 1956. Twenty-sixstudents appeared on the stage asdelegates of various countries. Theywore their national Narsingh Lal (S. R. H.School, "Delhi), Shri R. K. Sud andShri D. S. Bhalla acted as" judges.They declared the performances of thefollowing to be the best: NirmalaChhabra and Jagan (First) DilsherNagi (Second) and Bharat Bhushan(Third). Mr. M. P. Bhatnagar (ofMalviya Nagar) announced one silver


cup each for Nirmala Chhabra andPurshotma Kapoor and Shri V. N.Khanna announced a personal prizefor Nirinala Chhabra,

'The 'First Inter-College Debate forKathpalia - Jain .Trophy was heldunder the auspices of the AssociationOIl 30th November, 1956. The SilverTrophy has been presented b)7 ShriR. K. Jain, a former member of theBoard of Administration of ourCollege and it has been named"Kathpalia - Jain Trophy" after thenames of our Principal and ShriJain.The Judges: Dr. Mrs. Dustoor, (Princi­pal, Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi),Prof. R.N. Aggarwala (Ramjas College,Delhi) and Shri K. C. Kanda (Desll­bandhu College) awarded the runningtrophy to the St. Stephen's College.The first two individual prizes wereawarded to Raja Raman (St. Stephen's)and Nirmala Chhabra (Deshbandhu).Principal Harish Chandra thanked thejudges. The motion which was discuss:ed in the debate was: "In the opinionof this House India should not leavethe Commonwealth of Nations".

Dr. C. J. Chacko, Head of theDepartment of Political Science, Uni­versity of Delhi, addressed the Asso­ciation 011 29th January, 1957, on"Parliamentary Democracy in India".

The History Association

·The Association came into exis-tence ill October last year. Thefollowing were elected office bearers :-

Inderjit Kaur - President.Shiv Shankar Saxena - Secretary.

The main purpose of the Accocia­tion is to students to

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Shri Radha Raman 1\1 P. addressing studentson the Deshbandhu Day

Shri A. A. A. Fyzee, Member U.P.S.C__delivering an extension Ieetere

Staff at home to Dr. Kempers (West Germany) Delegate to Unesco Conference held In New Delhi

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Political Science Association

Inter - College Debate for the Kathpalia-Jain Trophy.

College Union

Inter-College Debate for the Deshbandhu Trophy

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acquire individualistic perspectives ofhistorical problems through the mediaof seminars, At a function, presidedover by Shri Diljeet Arora, theAdviser, a number of students readpapers on varied subjects ranging fromThe 'Suez problem' to 'The influence ofGeography' on History'. An excursionto the surrounding historical monu­ments was also organized. Shri DiljitArora explained the distinctivefeatures of ancient architecture. Mrs.M. Thomas chaperoned the girl stu­dents and Shri R. K. Sud acted as thecamera-mall.

An essay competition is to be heldshortly.The Science Association

The Science Association arrangedan educational tour of Modinagarfactories, the I). C. M works at Delhiand the National. Physical Laboratory,New Delhi.

The Association celebrated. itsAnnual function on the 6th March, 57.Shri C.L. Kumar presided. PrincipalHarish Chandra in his inaugural add­ress to the members emphasized theimportance of writing papers and ac·quiring the scientific outlook on thingsand life in general. His address wasfollowed by a competition in FancyDress. Prizes were awarded toHarbans Singh (Munim Ji) and Leela(Gaddi girl); to Kanti Anand and Su­darshan;to Harbans Singh and Prabha.

The Educational Films OrganizationThe Educational Films Organiza­

tion, under the charge of ShriI. S. Kapur, has been instrumental inarranging a number of film shows inthe College hall by the U. S. I. S.These shows are very popular with

students. With the purchase of aFilm Projector by the College itshould be possible to make film showsa weekly feature and cover a widerrange in choosing films.

The Social Service Association

A new society with the name ofThe Social Service Association has beenformed and placed under the chargeof Shri V. N. !(hallna. The object offorming it is to infuse in the studentsof the College the spirit of selflessservice of the community and renderpractical service on all occasions whenit is needed. This is ill tune withour ancient ideal that we have adopt­ed as our College Motto. We hopeour students will join it in largenumbers.

The Old Boys' Association

The first. informal meeting of theOld Boys' Association was held on theConvocation Day, 1st December,1956. In spite of the best efforts ofthe authorities to bring a largenumber of the Old Boys (includingwomen) into the fraternal fold, thenumber remains very small. Thenext meeting is scheduled for the 14thof March, 1957, the day for theannual prize giving function. Wehope our old boys will respond toour appeal and become members ofthe infant association.

Extension Lectures

'!'hanks to the efforts of ShriR. P. Budhiraja, we had a number ofdistinguished speakers this year toaddress our students.


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Dr. Kempers, a German delegateto the U.N.E.S.C.O. Conference heldlast November, gave on illuminatingtalk on " Present day problems facingGermany" on 23rd November, 1956.Mr. A. A. A. Fyzee, Member Unioll­Public Service Commission, addressedour students on 'Islamic Culture andits impact on the Indian way of life".Both Dr. Kempers and Mr. Fyzeeanswered questions put by the Staffand students at the end of theirrespective talks.

A talk on Yogic Physical Culturewas given by Shri S. L. Vohra,Principal Yogic Physical Centre,Delhi. It was followed by a practicaldemonstration of yogic asans.

Department of Physical Education

Our difficulties about PlayingFields continue to thwart our efforts atstarting new games. The soil aroundthe college is rocky and it is almostimpossible to prepare grassy groundswithout a tube well. However, regu-lar practice in Cricket, Badminton,Volley-ball and Net-ball has beengoing on during the winter season.

This year we entered the Univer­sty Tournament in Cricket, Ath!eticsKabaddi, N3t-ball and Tenni~(Singles).

The Inter-Class tournament on theleague system was played in Cricket,Kabaddi, Volley-Ball, Net-ball, Deck­Tenllis, Badminton and Table-Tennis.It lasted for over a month and about250 students took part in it. TheB. A. Class 'von the tournament.

rI'he Table-Tennis and Badmintontournaments (opel! to staff and stu-

dents) were organised as usual. Thenumber of women competitors wasfairly large this time. The numberof participants is increasing everyyear.

Physico-Medical Examination.Every student "vas given a

thorough Physico-Medical Test by theCollege Doctor and the Director ofPhysical Education. The examina­tion was followed up by a check-upand the parents and guardians of thestudents were advised accordingly.

Miss Prema Pandit has beenappointed a part-time lady doctor inorder to conduct the Medical Exami­nat.ion of our women-students.

Annual Sports

The Annual Sports of the 'Collegewe;e held on 8th and 9th February,1907. 150 boys and girls took partin athletics and gymkhana events.

Our Principal, who is a veteransportsman, took a keen part in thesports. He won prizes in two eventsin skipping the rope and the StaffHandicap Race.

( For results of the Annual Sportsand Tourna.ments see pages 37 - 40 ).

The Dramatic Club

The Dramatic Club proposes tostage in the 3rd week of March twoone-act plays in Urdu entitled 'KhaliBotal' by Shri R. K. Sud (a transla­tion of t.he English play, 'ShiveringShocks' by Clemence Dane) and'Kanlra Number Paanch' by Mr.Imtiaz Ali Taj. The former is beingdirected by Shri P. M. Kaul and thelatter by Principal Harish Chandra.


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Those of us' who saw Principal Sahibact Mamun .Ian in Sazish will watchhim play Hakim and wonder at hisrare and bewitching histrionic talent.He is equally great every time and inevery role.

The Club has decided to stageanother one-act play in Urdu called'Khud Kushi' by Shri H. L. Dawaron the Farewell Day.

We h.ope t tie plays will be likedby students for whose entertainmentthey are being staged. We are surethe Dramatic Club will maintain itsreputation that it has built up steadi­lyand so laboriously during the pastfour years.

The Fine Arts Society'

The Fine Arts Society will hold itsannual Hobbies and Art Exhibition inMarch soon after the Prize-giving day.

Paintings by Miss Usha Pasricha,the talented Delhi artist, will beexhibited.

It is also planning to organize apoetical symposium cum musicalcompetition 011 the eve of the Fare­well Function.

We hope memhers of the staff andstudents will lend their f1l11 supportand. co-opcratioll to make this newventure a success,

We are gratified to know that lVII'sM. Thomas, who readily associatesherself with all cultural activities,has taken the initiative to stage 'TheAffected Ladies' by Janet Dunbar-a one-act play in English. She willbe breaking l1P\V ground. We have110 doubt that she will come out with

flying colours. She has a charmabout her and inspires young girlsand boys with confidence. With hertheatri~aJ experience, command overthe English language, and a thoroughknowledge of English ways of lifeand speech and love of arduous work,it is a foregone conclusion that theplay will be a 'hit'.

The Recitation Contest

A prize recitation contest in Englishand Hindi was held on the 2nd ofMarch, 57.. Twelve students partici­pated in it. The best reciters were :Kanti Anand, Pre-Medical I year (inEnglish) and Yogindar Kumar B.A. IYear class (in Hindi). IIarish Kumarof B.A. II year class entertained theaudience with recitations from thepoetry of Ghalib. PrincipalHarish Chandra and Mrs. M. Thomasjudged the recitations ill English andShri D.S. Bhalla and Suresh ChandraGupta in Hindi. At the end of thecontest} while announcing the award ofthe judges, the Principal explained the'do's and don't's of recitation and illus­trated his remarks by reciting linesfrom poetry. He expressed his desireto start next year a class of a few talen­ted students and personally coachthem in the arts of recitation, elocu­tion and acting. He remarked thatthis class would provide a recruitingground for the College Dramatic Cluband improve the quality of the per-formances of our speakers in debates inthe college and outside it., We neednot say that it is a laudable venture.'Ve are sanguine that not only studentsbut some members of the Staff too willjoin this class;- the latter can, in theirown turn} teach a larger number ofstudents, May we suggest that as an


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aid to teaching correct pronounciationin English the use of the LinguphoneRecords may be introduced and forrecitation and elocution records ofpoems, speeches and plays may beplayed from time to time. Quite alarge number of these records areavailable. For example, for the speak­ing of verse in English we haveColumbia Records Nos. D40018 -9 byJohn Drinkwater.

The College LibraryThe College Library has more than

7000 books on its shelves. With theopening ofB.Sc. classes science sectionshave acquired a large number of goodbooks. The atmosphere in the libra­ry is now quiet and congenial to read­ing. The new mercury lamps havebrightened up the shelves and thelook of the rooms. But it is a pitythat few students avail themselves ofthe facilities provided for them in thelibrary. Probably it is due to theclosed shelf system or the newly impos­ed restriction on taking books intothe library that the number of read­ers in the library is small. We areinclined to believe that it is due to thelack of a reading habit and not to therestraints imposed in view of maintain­ing the reading atmosphere. It isobvious that the majority of students,who belong to the junior classes, arenot interested in reading magazinesor journals other than the illustra­ted issues. It is not their fault. Theyhave never before quaffed the watersof the Pierean Spring and tasted theambrosia of Knowledge. They do notknow what they are missing by notcaring to know the world around them.I ts problems, its personalities, itsachievements and its failures, sad to


say, are a complete blank for them.They, therefore, .treat the standardmagazines and journals with holydread. The serious students should bethankful to them for it because their'favourites' they leave desecrated: tornand disfigured beyond redemption.The fate of the Dailies is deplorable,indeed. Within half an hour of theirarrival in the reading room their pagesget mixed up and by mid-day you donot know which is which, l\Ia-y we sug­gest that after every period one of thelibrary staff should go round and seethat the newpapers and, for the matterof that, other magazines and, journalstoo-are restored to their respectiveplaces. We also feel that the methodof displaying books and book jacketsrequires to be improved. If fewerjackets are displayed at a time andsubjectwise and the frequency ofchanging them is increased our pur­pose will be served. This work shouldnot be entrusted to a peon who doesnot know the art of display. If aseparate display board is used for lang­uages congestion on the present boardcall be easily avoided. Display ofthese jackets and of hooks in the lib­rarv will attract, more readers to thelibrary. Let not our students denythemselves the privilege of learning,pure joy and the innocent fun ofreading books. at a time when theirminds are budding forth. An Arabicproverb runs thus :-

Men are four:

He who knows not and knows nothe knows not, he is a fool--shunhim;He who knows not and knows heknows not, he is simple- -teachhim;

Page 120: Deshbandhu College

1500 Metres RaceShiv Kumar Bhargava leading in the last round

High Jumpfor GirlsKanta Chopra, the best athlete of the college in action

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Musical Chair Race for Girls

Staff Handicap Race

Principal Harish Chandra nearing the winning post

Page 122: Deshbandhu College

He who knows and knows not tieknows, he is asleep - wake him;He who' knows and knows heknows, he is wise - follow him.

On the shelves of. the libraries youmeet men and women who belong tothe last category. To which categ.oryyou will belong - it is upto you tomake the choice.The Women's Association

The Women's Association was ad­dressed by Mrs. Amita Malik, a Gold­Medallist of the Oalcutta Universityand a reputed Columnist and Fea­ture-writer of Delhi. She spoke on'Journalism as a career for Women'.She explained that it was easy for awoman to become a journalist in herspare time if she was interested inpeople and things. The journalistfeels satisfied and proud of herself ifwhat she writes goes to help thepoor and the downtrodden. Of course,the journalist must possess 'guts' if

she has to make a headway. She mustnot take the first rejection of her con­tributions to the Press as the final 'no'.She must persevere. With experienceshe can learn to evade the editor's'red and blue pencil', With the spreadof fine arts, the popularity of cul-

. tural shows and display of handicraftsetc., new avenues for women writershave been opened as they are more sen­sitive to these than men. This feature'will, ill due course of time, find itslegitimate place in Hindi journals. Inshort, journalism is a career whichwomen can combine with marriageand a home with children'.

Safeguard against Fire

To provide immediate anti-fire mea­sures fire extinguishers have been fix­ed in the walls of the corridors. Wehope they will remain 'more or less de­corative pieces. May the emergencyfor using them never arise !


"I wish to impress upon you thenecessity of building up character anda proper outlook in life. The primenecessity of the day is hard, honestand conscientious work. However, itis sometimes found that you lay toomuch emphasis on passing examina­tions. Examinations, in themselves,are not ends ; in fact, there are otherbasic things which are needed to builda successful career. .

The first important thing is thequest for knowledge. Without hav­ing an ardent desire to know a thing,

you can do nothing. Secondly, youmust have a feeling for 'values. Un­less you are deeply attached to idealsyou cannot steer through successfullyin life. Thirdly, you must have fellow­feeling. You must broaden yoursympathies. This, to file, is the mostimportant thing."

Shri K.· G. Saiyidain'sPresidential Address.


Page 123: Deshbandhu College

Deshbandhu College, Kalkaji,NEW DELHI



Roll -Name Subject PositionNo.

Pre-Med. I Year

4 Surindra Kumar Minocha Aggregate I34 Promila Sikka English I4 Surindra Kumar Minocha Chemistry I7 Devinder Kaur Biology I

13 Bharat Bhushan Kumar Physics I










Pre-Med. II Year

(On the basis of April and December /956 House Examinations)

Padma } AggregateNaresh Chandra MadanPadma EnglishNaresh Chandra Madan PhysicsNaresh Chandra Madan ChemistryPadma Biology

B. A. III Year

(On the basis of April and December 1956 House Examinations)Kamlesh Kumari Malhotra AggregateSuman Luthra EnglishSuman Luthra HindiKamlesh Kumari Malhotra Philosophy

B. A. II Year

(On the basis of April and December 1956 House Examinations)4 Pushpa P. Butani English I4 Pushpa P. Butani Sindhi I

15 Phool Kumar Mathematics I


Page 124: Deshbandhu College

B. A. I Year

32 Nirmala Chhabra Aggregate I32 Nirmala Chhabra English I2 Veena Puri Hindi I2 Veena Puri Economics I2 Veena Puri History I

32 Nirmala Chhabra Philosophy I32 Nirmala Chhabra Pol. Science I

B. Sc. (Group A & B)13 Sunder K, Karamchandani Aggregate I2 Subhash Chander Sekhri English I2 Subhash Chander Sekhri Physics I

13 Sunder K. Karamchandani Physics I13 Sunder K. Karamchandani Chemistry I56 Swarn Bala Anand Botany I13 Sunder K. K.aramchandani Sindhi I13 Sunder K, Karamchandani Mathematics I2 Subash Chander Sekhri History of Science I

Qualifying Class (Science & Arts)

Roll Name Subject PositionNo.

1 Mohan N. Hira Aggregate I

5 Vijay Kumar Dhamija Aggregate II5 Vijay Kumar Dhamija English I1 Mohan N. Hira English II

271 Santosh K.hurana Mathematics I

1 Mohan N. Hira Mathematics II1 Mohan N. Hira Physics I5 Vijay Kumar Dhamija Physics II1 Mohan N. Hira Chemistry I

40 Rajinder Singh Chemistry II5 Vijay Kumar Dhamija Hindi I

231 Sundrya Adya Hindi II Mohan N. Hira Add. Maths I


Page 125: Deshbandhu College

282 Yogindra Khushalani History I231 Sundrya Adya } History II286 Nand KishoreCha~Tla

304 Rajindra Kaur Civics I302 Chandra Bhatia Civics II286 Nand Kishore Chawla Economics I282 Yogindra Khushalani Economics II90 Pushpa Malkani } Sindhi I6 Hira Chabria

General KnowledgeJunior Paper

Roll Name Class PositionNo.

5 Vijay Kumar Dhamija Qualifying Science I19 Arvind Singh Popli Qualifying Science III Navnit Kumar Sharma Pre-Med. I Year II

Senior Paper

32 Subhash Chander Dewan B. Sc. I Year I26 Harsh Vardhan B. A. II Year II


English DebateSamir 1<umar DutrSushma Rani

Extempore Speech ill HindiHira Ballabh 'I'ewari

Hindi RecitationYoginder Kumar

Eng/ish Recitation

Kanti Anand

Hindi Debate

v. K. Singh1Jsha Kakar l

Satish Suri J

Class .

Pre-Med. I YearPrep. Arts

B. A. I Year

B. A. I Year

Pre-Med. I

Prep. Arts








Page 126: Deshbandhu College

Music Competition IUrmil BawejaBal Krishan

Fancy Dress

Ram NathRajeshwar jPromilla Gulati .Sudershan

Janki Parshad

Sukhbir Singh

Preet Singh

Parupkar Singh

Manphool Singh

Shiv Kumar Bhargava

S. S. KumarIshwar KaulGovind Singh

Hari KumarJ agdish ChanderMohinder SinghDilbagh SinghDharam SinghSubhash Chander


For 1955-56


(C) SPORTSFirst in Hop-step and JumpFirst in 400 MetresSecond ill Running Broad JumpSecond in High JumpSecond in 110 Metres HurdlesAll round best Athlete of the year

from amongst boys.

First in 100 Metres~'irst ill Running Broad JumpSecond in 400 MetresSecond in 200 l\Ietres

First in High JumpFirst in 110 Metres HurdlesSecond in Hop-step and JumpSecond in Pole-vault

First in putting the shotSecond in 100 MetresFirst in Hammer ThrowSecond in putting the shotFirst in 1500 MetresSecond in 800 MetresFirst in 800 MetresFirst in Javelin ThrowSecond in Javelin Throw

First in 200 MetresFirst in Discus ThrowSecond in Discus ThrowFirst in Pole vaultSecond in Hammer ThrowSecond in 1500 Metres


Page 127: Deshbandhu College

Kulwant SinghDaljeet SinghDaljeet AroraHarish Chandra (Principal)~Irs. M. ThomasKanta Chopra

Karuna Arya

First in 100 Metres OpenSecond in 100 Metres OpenFirst in Skipping the RopeFirst in Staff Handicap RaceSecond in Staff Handicap RaceFirst in 50 Metres'First in 100 MetresFirst in High JumpFirst in Running Broad JumpAll round best Athlete of the yearSecond in 100 Metres

Purshotama KapurChitra Vohra & Chandra BhatiaLeela Jhangiani

Gargi Gupta

,Jagdish RaiHoshiar Singh

Second in 50 l\letresSecond in High J urnpSecond in putting the shotSecond in slow cyclingFirst in Putting the shotSecond in Running Broad JumpFirst in Slow cycling

Junior Staff Race


(D) Badminton Prizes

Men's Singles

Men's Doubles

Mixed Doubles

WinnerRunner upWinnersRunners upWinnersRunners up

Sri ChandD. S. ChaudhryD. S. Chaudhry & Harish KapurMohinder Singh & Arvind PopliD. S. Chaudhry & ChitraSri Chand & Vinod Sabharwal

(E) Table-Tennis Prizes

Men's Singles

Men's Doubles

Mixed. Doubles


WinnerRunner up


Runners up

WinnersRunners up

v. N. PasrichaMohinder Singh

V.' N, Pasricha & Sri Chand

Ram Nath & R. Vaid

Sri Chand & Nirmal ChhabraTshwar Kaul & Prabha Godbole

Page 128: Deshbandhu College

Snapshot Competition

First prize awarded to Samir Kumar Dutt

Annual Sports

Girls' Obstacle Race

Page 129: Deshbandhu College


Mrs, Amita Malik & Office-bearers



Members on a picnic at Okhla

Winners of the Inter-class Tournament

Page 130: Deshbandhu College

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Page 131: Deshbandhu College

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Page 132: Deshbandhu College

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"Hn 3 ~f3 ~d~ '5 »iT~el}1(;:= -= -=~

lrsT~ II"

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d~ UI tl1d?i ~a ~-~1 u I;::::

n{fi ~ ()~~ ;:{'}{1~ f~tJ J=ll~ f1?u'f(l)}{31 3 fH<5 T €(\5el'€~: tlltli »lc;U...5~1~i ,:ptr~l~i"u(J) , c:ra f1?« }f~l:f

fE« ~~ 75 CITe?; ~~~1 '5 I ~u f~61

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ua t1€: ~~: hjFlAl~3 ~ ~Cl~ uT,

3 1 alel f~t1 ~1 fE?i7 ~O?i ~"iJo 'R~1(t5u -

~1 ~3a fe3 1 5fE~1 '5 I ,~1~1 :6dl~

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f~~l ~f~ ,', fG~' ~c3CJ1fu Bfe~,

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l1aCl ))4TfCl~, tilc!l ~fu F1t1,fl? II '.

Page 133: Deshbandhu College

~T.,Cf Gf~l1 ~ ~T ~q ~T~ ~G.,r ifiJ ~~fa~

~ Cfi~ ~ij"T~ if tlGrefor Cfi"~a-T ~ I 5I"fa-~T ~ lt~ ij- lr~~fCf~T +rTql cpT ~q- erT~ur cp~ ~T ~ I ~'i +rTcff

cpT ttfTTCfiilf 5I"epC:Tcp~ ur ~TGfi"ifTaT [T~T ~)a-T ~ I ~T

cpT~TJT ~(lf;:ff sra-;:.,a-r ~~crij"~ q-~ ~(lf tTTlf'i if

fcr+tr~ ~r \joCfT ~ I \;f~ ~ij- ~It ?;ij" ~ifaT ~ a-r +rr~ifralllf ~Glf~~ ~G.,T ~ij- m:t;~TfGa- cp~ ~aT ~ 1

~r.,cr cpT ~llta" \ifTcr;r Q.T tiifTcr~ ~ I fq~q-a-: ~~-

~:;~ ~ if~ij"~T q-~ Cf~ if~lf ~T ~rcp~Ta-T 1f ~~ ~q

~~fta- cpT ~T~lf ~crr ~ I ~ ~T<: :q"Cfcpf :q"~Ta-, \if~

+r~a- a-~r CPl~Rq~ cpTQ cp~a- ij'l1lf, lfT?fT ii, ~~ ii,

~~-~~, ~~f-l1~rep a~T fq~~-~{;rrf~ ij 5fTlf: .,~­

.,rf~lfT ~ ~rr-ll~~ fcrf+r;:rr q~g~T cpT a'T~ ~'fr cp~

'iT:q ~oa- ~ ~t·"{ \jrr~ Cfi''1oT ij- ~~f~lfT cp~a- g~

ifT(IT ~ tATa- 5Tf~fca ~T ~T~T~TJT Gf'l-ij"l1TGf l:j' f~\~'~

\ifTa- ~ I ~fii~T~T~UT ~ ~T ifTa- ~TcpifTa- cp~~Ta- ~ ~

+TrCfTfcr~Cfi ~ B"~lf <1lf~;[ +rTGfT cpT lffG ifrcr CfiT

~~fT ~T \ifTlf crr ~:qa- ., ~ifT I ~lttCi Gf;;~~T\if i:i\ifl' +rT~"T~ ~a-rr-~~(f;r ~q if ifT~« ~) cp~ Sf ~Cfer

~~., ~.,~ f~~ ~)epifTer ~Cf~Cfa ~¢~ ~ 1 tf~r ~

cp~'fT~~r~, ((~TCfliffa- ~TfG~T'lq etlT ~~T~lllf ~1l1(f

~ I" ~~ToT ~ ~~TlfOf) ~~cp ~T" ij"~Tf~ar tfi~~ ~

~T~~r~_Il~Tt~rlf f'llf~T CfiT q-~qT~ ;r cp~~

ij"rltfC=lf ~Ttl)-olfcr~~ ~ \jq-lfTif i:t ~r~ ~ f~~ ifT~Cf

SR"q~ ifT.,;:~-er~if it \if) ~~~)~;g: qTUJf tr~Gf \j~~ff·

Cfi~crr ~, q~T ~repifTd ~ I" crr~q if ~repifrdT it

;IJ·erc1~.,T etr ~f~olffCfa- ~rdr ~ I ~~ ~~'iT ~ ~1

wlJferCfi" ~:@ ~~crT ~clffercp ~~ ~l'1T ~T ~T ~Cf.~

~ I ~Cf~ ~r.,;:~ ~f cpT- ij"l1r~~ ~R ~ Cf.T~ lJ ~);ff

qf"{41T~Tt! ~ cr ~ef)tllT ~ I

~~T~CR1)qTf3lfT f~tf'iepT ~ ~li" ~@ep cpT

Cp~'l ~-({~T;PilTCf lff;:rCf \;fTfer ~ ~~lf ij-, ~ij'

if~rcrT e:r~T Gfrlf, sr~fa--sr({~ mqTW ~ [T~T tr:qT'lCf)

.:!q-~ Cfi'"{ 5I"Gfic ~T~ crr~T ~lT)ff ~, \ifT ~a:lf CflT ~T~

~~T ~~~ ~ f;:rfl1~ ~)~ij Cf)T ifq~r iff Cfi~ ~)crT

e:T~T oQ"Cffi f~lfT ~rCir ~ I" lf~ ~+rrq ~~ cpT ~T '.~Tffi' ~ ~j-( ~:~ cpT ~T I Cf~~a-: ~)~ifTff tfTlfT;:lf

l1r;;q cr.T ~CfT srfcr+rr ~ ~ij"f;rep ~m ~ \ifT ifT~

SR"~T fertir~ it ~'lTlfT~ ~~ q-~~ ~ I 1:1 qr~~~1.

~r~ ij"a:?ff ~:J:t;~, q'l-~lf-ifr'l ij"~~ ~li'f~~, ij'~~,~ ~

~trT~, ~~ a-~r ~lflJ:Cf~r ifTa" ~ I

\if) Olffem-~~ ma- ij"T~Tf\;fOf) marT cpT m;:a:)f~~

ef)~ m-fer~ ~~, epT~T~ it q~T ~)er;~Tcr ~ \ifTffi"

~ I ~TGf)lfTa- Olffeffl' if ~1=f~e Cf)T ij'~r~~ Cf)~~ ~ I

~1fTa' ~ lfT'elflf ~ ~)Of)~~en ~T cp~ ~)cpif)cr crlff~

Cf ij"Tl1Tf\ifCf) if;:a~ f+reTa- ~ I ~rcpifrCiT cpT ij"~r\jf ij-

~~urT 5TTCCf ~)ar ~ I ~~i:i cTlffGf~ ~T~ ij"r~Tf~Cf)

~~~falfT a-~ fiTa- ~) cp~ ~~aT ~ I ~~ cpT~ ij'1=fr~

CflT f'l\ifT ~~tSoTf'iCf) ~~qT ifTq:qTf<:cp fq~~ ~~fcr

cpT 1f{S3~f~ ~ a-~T ~ij"ili' .if~q ~1 ~TctrqTcr ~a­

~ I ~a-: ~rCf)ifTaT i:t ~tfli'fa-cp ~l~'i fq-WJTT'l ~~ffT

~ I \if~' lfr'fCr if'~ep fq~'q- srCflr~ cpT ~fCfJ:fcr q ~fQ

cpT ~~lf g-J;fT, d+lT ~)CfiqT~T CfiT ~cr~q ~ f;rf~;qcr

~) q-T~T I

~ ~T~f.,cp f;:r~T"{ ~f;pfa- ~ q-·~.lfCi ~ra- ~ f~·;lir~

~Cfa ~fl{Cf.T if trlfT\if cli-r ~;ijT fcr?1trr'l ~T I ~~~r

Page 134: Deshbandhu College

srepGleo~~ ij"~lfcrT QTU ~)crT ~ I ~~fcr i(cr:Cf;~~

~, ~+~a-T ~ij"CflT ~\r~ I src~Cfi ~~T\if CfiT f~T

~fCf)fer-f~~t:f ~Tar ~ I m~a cpT ~T ~q;r1 ~~TcrCo

~~fa ~ I srT:qr., cpT<:1 If fij'~ ~T~ ~~fq~T ~ ~T~TCo 0

q~ ~flSflfT ~ ~r~~T it ~ij"~T \ift=11 g~r I ~ij" \ifT;~qT

Cf1T ~;rrd ~T~T i:i ~~, Ri!f, q"or;r, lfq'f, ~~, ~iT~,

~<:~ ~rf~ ij"~T erT~T~ ft1~l ~T~ ~Cfl~~ ~T ~~. I

~~ erT~T ~fqf~~;;r ~~r I lf~T ~~ erT~T ~~T~ ~T=ll­

~rCTT ij ~fq<:~ ~~~T ~T \iff ~~T ~ I

+n~a-T1l tt~~f~ cpT +ro~ +rq'f ~q, ~~, enTl1

9;fT~ lfT41 cp) ~f~T~-f~7fr q~ f'ifqa- ~ I ~;r :qT~T

it ij"~'5I"m'i ~.~ erq ~T ~ I ~+rr~T ~t~fa- cpT ~~~

eeltiT ~ t1~CSlf cpT ~i{~ q~ q~ ~r~~ cp"{f Cfl~ \j~

~~ cpT ~r&1r~r"{ Cfl<:~r ~rrr I ~~T enr~(!J ~l1r~

oqrfqil \ifT:rrr ~ ~;(f~ff lli;rq-m~'i cpT ~i{~ ~~

~tfi~ ~'1T~ ~ f'if11~ fqf~r;r ~ft»r"{T CflT fcP:lf'1 ~ I

~t=ll ~ ll(lf-ql[ra +rT"{a-erTij"T ~ ~T~., if ~ijef)Co 0

~tCflT~ ij"1=qr;r ~)a- ~, f~'ii:f \ifiJJ)~trCf, ~~fcplf

(~~;r), lf~)qqTcr cr~r fqqT~rf~ tiT~~ ~fopT"{

~clfra- ll~Gf~~ ~ I ~'i ij"~T ~fapr~T if 5I"cqCfl ~Tfa-­

f"{qf~ ~ ~i63f;r_it f:l"f4f~ >rcpT~ ~ .~:!~~ ~Tep­

ifTa-T cpT ~Tt; ij")~ ij ij")~Tit CflT Cf;Tll cp'(crT ~ I ~~

\Tfcrf~Cfa ~~~ ~er-~q"CfTijT cr~T G:~T~'U, aT~, ~T~T,

?olfq(!Jr ~Tf~ ~~~T~ep qqT ~ 9;f~"{ q"~ ~tCflifT(f

9;fQ'iT "{~qfGe cp"{a- ~ I ~tCfiT~T ~ t1~~Cf cpT f~zcrT~Co

~ ij"r~ -ij"T~ qTcrrq"{~ ~T ~~r., ~.,T Cfl~ ~ ~rCfl~fr(f

+rr~a-Tlf ij"l1r~ ~ ~~ij"r~ cr~T +r;:r)C;~Tij" Cflr f:q~~

cp<:a- ~ I frf1:.,f~f~cr ~TCfl~Tcr fqqr~ ~ ij"lllf ~ CflrlfT

~ +rrqT CflT f~:r'iT llrfqc:p ~T{ ~rG:"{ f~?f(!J

en~a-T ~ :-

ij"fs~T f~f~lfr ~r :q;crT I'" .~T~~ ~ij"T ~~ \ifr.,r II

f;;l=lTr~f~a ~)~ifTa it ;;qq~ Cf)T fCFaijT ij'tfi~,

ij"~Tq q Cf)~p~~ f:q~ ~ :-

fq)ij"~T-~r q-~~~T, f?~~~T ~T;~ ~~TCffT ~T I

~.~~~rr ~ij'~lfT, ~T~ if ~~\if ~llT~T ~T II

+rr~arlf \ifTcr., it ~ ~~;PT"{ ~lit:i >rr=tfT., Cfl [(1

~ 51' qf~ff ~ (f~r ifT~r :r;r~~r ~)eplftcrT enT ~T., ~T

~tf?i ~~~rij", l1f~'f cr ij"T {q Cf,"T ~3=qr~ Cfl<:crT

~Tlfr ~ I "{P:r~f~ffJfrr:r~ if ~1"eplfTa-TfT'i enT cn:&rrfq(1(fT ~ I ll~T~r~(f-1.~ # ~T~~lf lf~rf~ ~ 9;ICf~"{

q~ ~rffQrfij"ep (f~r fq~T~rfG: if ~cr-fq~lfCf) ~T~nt

~Tlfr \ifTar ~T I ~f'1Q";;: CflT(1 ij +l"T ~r~r->r:q~'i l)T

fqCf~~ f+r(1(fT ~ I ~ ~-JfT =frr ~ ~Teplf)er

l~rff<ll' CflQ:(1ra- ~ I cff~ll a-~r q"T\rf(!JCf) lTifT if +l"T'0

(1TllrrT~T Cflr >rq-Trr ~T1T ~r I ~f~er-~Tf~lf ~

9;f~~ enfCflfT ~ (11" fltTTa-T ~ ~T., CflT q~;; ~q'1T

~ fCflfT it fctrlfT ~ I

ij"~T ij- ~ (1);PtTTa ~lTT~ ~~TQ cpT qf;[, cr~TCo

~t1T~T ll~)~~ Cf)~a- ~Tlt ~ I ~r~T tTTcrT CflT ecrf'i

~ 11T~t.f it '1~-~T"{T ~ f.,\if ~11-f;:rcrT~lJf fCfllfT1 ;n:~

f~~ frf]"T~~T ~ '~)9 if ~~, ~CfCf) ~l:fTrlfTf~a- ~~,

q~T ~ t1;:rT~\if., fCf;lff, ~"{rflfQ"T ~ ~q~~TTJfa- qT.,

;~fl:rr, fq~1 ~q'fir if ~~lf-~~'rr flleTit, fqqqnrr~ ~ff)T~T ~ft~'i it ~ij" ~:qf~a g-:r;rT, qf~CfiT ij ~enR

f+rei~, ~~Cfi) ~ ~ff ~Ta- cr~T Jf~~T ~ fq~T~ +Ffi=fT

cpT :;;rTCf)T~ >rG:t;:r fCfilfT I

~TcpT~:qr~T erTf~~t~ Cf.T .~TlfT ij"1~ ~t1T~ (1TCfl­

ifTaT it +l"TUfTlf ~~~fcr CflT ~9"ep ~T ~r'iqpi ~,

CflfTf~ ~Cfl m~crcrT~T Cf)T 5f~~ep ~r~~fcr +rT"{a-Tlf

~~fcr ~ ~ifT ~ ~ :l;fT~ +rT~aTlf ~l1T~ eft fq~T~

+ITer-~.,T ~'i ~Ta-T cpT ~~ en?T i:i \ifT~cr ~ I ~;:rcpT

>rcqCf) q~ +rT~Tlf ~f~f(f Cf.'T f~t~~'i en"{Ta-T ~ I ~~q

Page 135: Deshbandhu College

~~~fcr ~T ~fcr~T~ f;:rfQa ~ I ~r ~~ru 5fij'f({

fg~~T ~fr if; ~o~T ii-"~'c: q~~~ Et» ~qT lff~ ~Gca-T~ ~p:r~, ~T 'i)~ ~ ep~ cp~r \jf r ~icpa-r ~ fep ;r f11 lfTCfCf1T 11~~ -q-T~;:r\ifT~T~T ~ cp~T 3;fferer ~ I"

~)'lilfTCf ~liT it cnfli;p, ~TliTf;;Tcfi)~rr'Cl:frft ~'Ii cpu~T\jf;ffa-er; ~fCf)fa- ;poT qf~=tp:f ~a- ~ I ~l1r~T ~~ ~fa- i:i'Cflf 'liT lJ:~ ~ ~~Tq'ifin: I ~lir~ ~TifilffaT 'i'i f~F.f­~rer~q cpT lf~ ~~ ~T iSfra- ~ I \j~T~~UTCflfT :--

~a-crr \if;1t Cflcr~ q:)~, ~ ;rrt ~n~~ ,~f~lrr q~;:~ \if~ ~)~, (f~ tfiC?f ~T~ ~ 'I

fCfcrT~ ~ ij"q"lf Cfi;:lff CfiT ~~f CfiT f~~r ~T

\ifTar ~ I ~f~ ~T \jij- f':P:i1~1f@"a- ~f~f(f ~lJiT cpr~q-~:rr fGtrT \ifT~T ~ :-

q~;;T q~'1T ~T ~~Tf~~, ~T~ ~\if(T IGlfT ~i{ Cf)T 3;jT~T ~~f~lIT,

~T~ CflT ij:;rr if ~r~) ep\if~T II

+rT~Tlf ~f~fa- ~ 9;f:!tn~ ~m\if T.i ~~ ~~T'1fCf?If, Clq Cf ~T~ CfiT SfTcCf ~ I f~J:~f~f~d ~TCf)ifTcr

~r cpTl1~i Ji lf~ f'i~rf~~ :-

~~ . ~ ij"T~ ~~-tfT~Tif,

ft sCf) 7:fTlfr ~'1 \ifTqT I

f~GT 9;fTG:~ ~ \T~ aT \ilfTG:T,

~T~T Gf'11 q-~t a- q~rcrT II

~~ft 5TepT~ ~;:lf ~t~..~fta) ij- ~+rrft tJ~~~fa- ~

:l;fT~Trf, ~Tfa-~lf, ~~-~+r a-~T OlfTGCfl 1ftcCf))~ mf~trf~~f&1cr ~Tff ~ I

~~crT ~ :~ ~Tferf~ep lfif i:i ~Tep~TCf) q ;:raft'f'C,) 'Q

~~~T ~r~ ~ I ~~ ~ ~ ~ \.9 cpT ~Tf;Cl it ~;:raTtiT \joT :- '"

~T~T ~)~T ~ ~r~f ?::~ I

iTTq·c ;:r~T ~~~fT,

;:r~1 ~~tTr Cf~fT~T ~~ II

lf~ q'~ ffi''liToir;{ ;;FfCfT ~ ~~~ \iff~~CfiH ~ ~fCf~C'>~ '+fT'fT 'liT ~m ~ I ?ft~ 'liT 'Ii~~ ~ G 'lif Cf~~~a-T~ Cf)~ epT~ ep~cp cpf~ iff ~oT :-c:.

~f~trT II

~f~Cf>t:rr ~TCfi~T~ fq~ ~~Cf,T~) ~ f~~ ~ I~t~T~) ~ fer;:rr ~ ~TeplT1a-T CfiT +r~~ ~~lia- ;:~~

~~ \ifTClT ~ I ~«~T s;rT~ ~Tep~ra- ~+rT~ ~~Of)T\r a-~T

~mGfT it ~~~T~ ~~, l1T~lf a~T ~ttlS6cr CfiT ~~~

ep~ \jr~ ij"~ti - f~et ~ ~T~-ij"T~ ~;:~~ +rr ~;:rT ~a­

~ I ~)eptTTa-~f~d ~f;PT'~ ~~T tT~-~lft~r~ 1"r~ij" q~(1Tij"~r., \~ \ifr~ ~ I ~r~a-Tlf ~~~f(f ~ ~f~a­~TepiTTCl ~n~+nfcr~Tif ~a- ?[~T~ ~ ~~~ ~ I +rmJTlf~~~fcr-~~ ;r ~)~tTTa ~CfdT ~fl=tf)~ ~ I ~~ar-fqQr;;

~-lfT~r ~l41rfCfQ:Tif ~ a~T~?f-~T" ~iffT fq~c:.· ~~ I

~~TCT'f CfiT~ ij" ~~f<1~ ~., ~TepifTaT gT~T

+rr~(lTlf ~~fa CfiT ~;;TCf;:r +rTcp=rr~T· Cfi"T ~~~1~ pTc:.

~ , ~) fitTTa-T if ~;[ ~) eJlr ~;rr~T ij-t~ fa Wi"{ ¢Tij"

~ ~ I ij"~~ Cf~T ~ ~~~ fer~~ft ~Tij";:r fi ~r ~Jfr~T

~t~fa- CfiT qft;:r ~Cf~ ~)CPiT1crT ~ ~fqcrr gT~T ~Tc:.

:l;fT~ (rep ~~~qf~~ ~~T ~ I ~~ ~TepifTaT cpT 5T:q~;;

+rr aT ~+rrt ~fCf)rff [T~T ~r g~T I ~fCf;T~T ~ ~+rTCf

if ~'1epT >r=ij~'1 CPl1 ~) ~TltifT ~~r ~Ttt: ~ q~ q~;q"{T

~llTCcr ~T ~TtrtrT I ~w SfCflT"{ +rT~11lf ~t~fcr ~T\~ifT~ ~TcpifTcr q~~~ ~Cf; ~ij"~ Cf)T~erT-qT;; Cf)~T cp~~+r~~cr "5f~Tif Cf1~a- ~ I

~fCf)fa- Efl ~~~ep It ~)epifra enfolf cpT ~ffSC: ~c:. c:.~T ~~ticr Jf~~cr~ ~ I f~lt ~lt ~~~T ij- ~qtc: ~)CfT~ fep ~~ep ~)Gl);rraT ;r +rrCfq-~ Cf Cfl~rq~ cpT :q-~licr

~t=~~ f~GfTQ: ~~T ~ I ~Cl~ +r~~Cf~rT~T ~T~ q~ "+fr

Page 136: Deshbandhu College

9AfetCfi~T (1TcplfTCf ~TR~ep ~q ;r ~T fGf~P:tT'1 ~ I

~r "{T1ftl't~T f~qTor, ~~~ ~~lfT~1 ~Tf~ ~ if~T,!­

+rTqr ~ (1TCfitTrar ~ ~ep~~ Cf)T 5TlT~tl fetllfr _~, fCf);:~

~l=~~ +rT~cr ~ ~ft~lfTcr ~~r G"Cfl ~enf~cr ~1 ~ I

qT~~Tclf ~~lfaT Cf)T ~ifTq-T ~T~f~Cf) ;:rriTf~Gl) ~rr

~TCfilTraT ;rf;;f~CT ~f~fa- cr ~;r~ if~~Cf Cf)T fq~lf~W

<fi<':~T m <':~T ~ I ~;; Wfr <fiT ~q-~ r ~~r if; f~t:!;

tr~ljcr 9;ff~Cf)~ ~Tt1T I +rr~cr if-~T, iff~~ ~p:r~a

fq~Gr fi ~TT~a--~ :rPl~T-~CZ if"qr;; ti~fcr q srT~r;;

~~etrfcr cpr ij"Tl13=~~lf_ mq~~ ~ I ~~ f~~ ~)CJ)-

rrrClr Cf)T ti~~{I] 3;ff;;qpf ~ I

-~qT~T ~~qT~ifT Cfl~~,

~ft. ~., !iClTlf crt~

: ~ :

f~~T ~ \if) fCfi"~i1(i ij, ~-it fl:f~ ~r ~ \ifT~T I

ifcT'f ~ ~;:rT f\ifCl;:rT, Gf~ \ffl;rr ~T err 9;fT;:rr II

ftf)"{ ~T?" ;;~r ~~ cpT, ~Tlf"{ erep- :erT~ Gff9;fT I

\3~ij- aT Sl;ffeTCfl ~ CflT, ;:rT~l1fCf);:r ~ m;fT II

: ~ :

~cT ~ lff~ f~<:1 aT ~~ \ifT~ f~f~T;:rr I

tfi1~T~ iffiT CP)f, ~) aij- +rT~ f~~~T;:rr II

f+roT~ +l~r f~~r ij-, CP~ffi' ~ ;:rw I

~~ ~ lff~ cpTf, aT aij- f'f?f ~.,T.,T IIQ

-'f~~ +rT"<:aT\if ,

~q ~ri~"\

Page 137: Deshbandhu College

~Tf~ CPr' t;~~T q~~ ~T I qf~~T~ sr~fCf ~er

~T Cf)~ ~~~ft ~ tr·cp if ~Cf;lif fllcT ~~T ~.ft I Cfi~-Cfi~

Cf;~a- glt ;:r'~r, ;:rT~ f~+fi~ ~Tf"(~f tfT ~~ it , if;:({ ~

qq'1 ~cff Wlf fa- cpT ~q-f~lfT ~ ~~T ~T I ~~q: ~

~f~+rT cpT :qT~ lfTcr'1 it_, ~~ ~T Cfi~ ~~T~ cpT

5TcpT~ 1eT ~~T ~r~1 :qr~r ~T~. ~Cp 5fCfiT<: CfiT i1'~os

l11'i QlfTca- ~T I cp'+lT ~ ij'TlT-ij"TlT Cfl~a- g~ ~~1 Gf1T

~q.;r ~TqNT 5T~fcr cr.T iff~ fi fq~~ ~T~ "{~T ~T I

cpf~~ cpT <:T\if-5Trij"T~ +1T f~;:r +r~ ~ cpT~T~~

~ ~;:a ~T CP<: ~T~ ~T I ~fcp'i cp~T ~ feptrT 5l"~U

cpT {(\jfT:sra- ~~T" CfiT i1'TCfT\if ~~ l1ffl fi fq~ ~T~

~~T ~T I ~<: f~m if f~:rfa- crrfeCflT ~ ·TSq ~T~+r

far~\ ~~ ~ I ij"Tl1if ~T\if~lf T~ fij'~T~ cpT ~lfif-~~

~T ~~+r ij- ~~f+Tcr ~T' ~~T ~T I Cfim~T q~ ~T~­

+rT~T~ if+Tr Cfen ~~~~T ~~T ~T I ~f~ cpT ~f~~lff

~'i-~'i cp~ f~~epT ~ ~TCfi:qT ij- ~~ i:f tr~~ cp~ ~~T

~T I ~~~ it ~QGfCfT<:T ~~, 9;f~ f~~fcr ii \iftf~m

~~T ~T :ijT~ ~~fr a-T~ q-~ ~f;.~(f ~ ~r~~ifT\ fij';gl~

~ ~~ I ~Ti;~ +T~~<: .~Tq'i ~ \j~l1T~ ~ ~f~ ~T\jf­

~TrrT tl ~)et~T ~et ~)~ q'?,T ~T I ~TerT q\ f~qCf)T

~T ~g~ I q'\ ~T\jf~~r~ ~T~ 5TlR'i cp~ij q\ +IT ;;~1

~T ij"~ ~ I ~T\jf 'itf"\-~11~ ep~a- ij"l1lf, GfTq-;; ~ \ifT

a-T;:r cft~ffi ~q- ~;:QT~ .~~ ~ CfQT ~~-~~ Cfi~ ~ ~;:reft

~T(CfT ~~'~T~~ ~~ ~T ~~ ~ I Cfi+ft ~ftifT\ mCfT (IT

tfi+rT q~ ~i~ Cfi'+TT iflti" cpr Q.q1 f~'~r~ ~iT I ~~

~CllT ~~ GfT;:rr :qT~a- ~ I q-~. frrtCf)<ff ~~ I ~'i~

~~lf if e:;:[ f~~ tflfT I 5T~T ~T ~~r ~~ tf~ I

~CfiT ~~lf ~~~[;:~ ~ ~cqcT;:r ~m I ~~l[ if >r~rr

~oT-CflfT rr~T \ifTCA' ~? lI'~T ~ftq;:r cpT ~;:Cf ~?

~T~ ! fCfia;:r-T +TlfT'1en ~T Cf~ ~4 ! trf~tT-fq~~ CFT

~f~T, ;:r~-etf~T~ cpT ~Cf,~T I q~ ~.;rT ~~ Cfilft, ~

el~T ~~ ~T~ ~1~ Gf~ ~T+{T~ ollferCf! fCf)ij" 5l"~T~

~~(lif BT~ ~ ~~T ~T ! ~T~~;:r ~~Cf)T ~;:cr-lJ~~ !

."CflfT ~~T +IT lf~T ~T~ ~~i tfT ?" ~1\3f~ lJT<: ~ ~~ If if

ftfi<: >r~ ~6T I u~f, Cf~T -~~1'?" ~~~ ~ fCf,~T Cf~it

.~ ~'i:'I~ f1i~T I f'l:~ ~;; ~,Si~cf,~ f!c.CfiFT fl{~tTT ?(~Ter;:rT ~' ! fcr.~T t.~Tcr ~f9cr ~ 5I"Q;; CfiT \3~

f~lfT I ~lerifT ! ~Te(;:rT ef;~ ~~i(fT ~ ?'9l[T \iiT(~T it

\ifT Cf,~ ~q Cf,,,.,T q~~T ? l\~ ~T\if-5fl~nG, ~~, ~lff;e,

~T\jrr, {H~T-~~ ~~Cf~ ~lI'TT(;:r-T q~~T ? ~f, ~T ij'~~

efi~;:rT q~tfT I q~ \;fTef;; ~ 5I"~+{" !f~<: fi ij'Ter;:rr CflfT ?

~lfT=t ~flll[T ;r aT lf~ CflTli ~T~T tr~~~T CfiT ~Cf~TlfT

~ I ftfi~~~* CflTfGf~l~~~Cfi~'rI ? ~fCf,;:r-:qT~r J;fq~~T

aen aT Gf~T, oll'Tf~, +{"~ \ifep~ ~~T I ftfi"( CflfT Cfi~'rI ?c;. Q •

epij- ~'l ~~~ ~eeFiT~T ql3i'rl ? ~ij' 5I"CflT\~ cr~-fcrcrCfil~

.ij- U\jf~ifT~ cpT ~Grr if~r+rTU1 ~;:r-T ~T I Cf+fT ~'iCfiT

Gf~e ~T~T'iT ~~~T ifi ~;~-ifO~~ ~ q~T I :q~Co

cpT :ct:q~ fCf,~(!JT U ~T\if~T'iT cpT ij"TGll .~+fCP ~~T ~T i

~~'.T if 11~~ ~cpT;:r clfrca- ~T I ~~~ ";(. ~T~ ~?f-cr~

f~@~ ~ I Cf,fc CflT Cff~ ~q~T ~~ ij- ~~T ~ I ~Cfl

ta;; q~ <:Tg~ ~q~'T ~:I~ er~ ~T I ~~~ q~ 9;fq~ ~Cfi'

~r~ ~ ~f~cpT~ \iflJTll ~T I ~TGf~+{"T~ ~ij'S1;f,:!q-+{" ~q

cpT ~;~ tfi<: ~(!J +r~ cpT ij"~ ~~ ~c:1 ;rlt ,~f~ epl~I~T

a~ ~T~li~ >rcrl~ fi ~~ t11IT I ~q~cp 1f{c ij- ~er

~T\jf~l1T\T cpT ~iT~<i fif~T~a- '.~ I a+fT ~~ ~~ q~~

CfiT Cl~' 1I1G ~l ~l~T I ~l~~ 111"\ Cf;T ~~~ ~~l~

Page 138: Deshbandhu College

~oT I ~~lf ~ ~~ ~ q~-"~T, 'i~ lfm~~T CfiT

~r~ Cfi~ ~ Cfl~T ;:r~ \ifT ij"Cf,CfT I ~.fer;:rT ~11~ f~1t

Cfi~~ ? l1T~ 5I"Ttcr Cfi~~ ~ f~ir ? lTTer ij- ~~~ srrfCcr

~lifT ? q~ ~lif Cf,~a- ~ l~lT ~) ~~\ ~ I' ftf)\ fCfiij"

~~~ cpT 5I"rf(8" ~ f~ lr ~~ trf~ ~ ~lT cpT ~ep\T ~~

~Ter;:rr ep~~.? i=f~1 ~T~'iT ~lif ~, Q-lT ~T \iTTq;; cpT

~~lf~ I

~fCfi;rr ~Cf) en~ fCfi\ ~T\jf"~+rT~ enT +r'1T~

q-~eT I mlf~ lf~ l1TlfT ~) I ~~~ I ~~1 if f~\?fT ~

fep l1TlfT ofif'i) ~ I ~~ft er;) \ifTq-'1" CfiT~ aTCfTlfT ~T

~ I ~T oTCl) ~ I lff~ lf~ l1P:rf, +nfa"T ;:r ~) ffT ~fCfcr

ef>T 5f~'i ~T ;r~T ~~m I a-T q~~ lfTliT ~ ~T f4l~T

q~~f I m~ ~TlJ4iT q~m I e:i'f~ ~Jf, ~:~, ~Tf;.(f,

~~crliJ ~+t'f~, ~T~lf ~ f~lr ~.~ ~~lf \ifTcr;:r Cf;) o!f~

'i~T rrcrr.,T ~f~~ I \ifTcr;:r Cfi"T ~~lf \lITer;:r CflT ~~

~~~;rT ~ I ~ ~., ~~~ ~~ \~ Cf)~ ~T 5I"fCcr ~TifT I

oTCfi" ~, m~ ~T 1 ~~ft ~~ lf~ lTT~ ~lfTil'iT q~llT I

~ij" 5I"eflT\ ~T~~l1T\ ~~lf Cfi) Q~~ \ ar;:rT cp~ 'tf\ ~T~~

cpT \3"q'3filT Cfi\ ~T ~~ it fCfi" ~rl1rf~;;T cpT a-~~ lf~Ter~T

~~r ~T ~~ f +rlf ~ ~ffCf)r :rr~T~ ~f~a- ~T I ~q-c' Cfi"~

~T\5i~lTT\ ~ qrcr qCf)~ f~lr 9;fT~ arl~T-r'mq, ~

~;~ ;:r~T \5iT~ ~':IifT I ~lT ~~ ~)? 91~ 'f@ \iff ~epa-J

'i~1 \iff ij"Cf.a- I arT~), ~~ tr~~ ~T"~?i Cfi"~T \iff ~~

ii ~11 ?" ~T\ 8"+1"T U~~liT~T cpT fij"fffCf:lfT ~ Cfl1R

Cfi"T crrcrTcr~~ f@~ ~) ~or I

~T\jf"~\ ~?~Ta- ~lr aTT~-teit aT q-~T ~

lfm ! ep~T aT "~T \ifT ~~T ~T ~ I :rrTlf~ ~;~ ~c;;

f~~T ~ I" ij"~ eft ~1\jf" ~~;:r crT~ ~T\if~llT\ ep-) ~3

Cfi"T ~T~lf ~.,f ~T q~T I

1';:r~T, ~lf \ifT ~~. ~ I q-cr;:r erT +rrf, fr'i +rPT ~~

~ I ~ T=~T~T q')~T ~~ ~~T ~) I ~;~ ~Cf>T~ ~~T ~ft I

q~ T1 i=f~1 ~~ I qT~ ~~Cfl~ ~ft i=f~r ~'?rT I ~~

CfiFr-~T ~ofe ~{ ;rT~, f\ifffCf>T ~ij;:rr ~~T ~u~ ~ ~~

~T 11f ?"II~T~1=frft lf~~ CflrT ~l ~~T ~ ? ff Cif)~1 +rT aT

.,~1 ~T I ~T GfTr;rT~TeT\T, ~Tf~ ~m~fSf ~ 1" ~~

epT ~~:q~ er;) ~T1=f ~\ \T~~~ fcr:qf~ ~T

Cf)~ ~T~ I

"~~ ~;:~ :q~T ~ qT~ ~1;:r ~), ;:rr~ I ~~~

I'.~'li ~~ ~ I <r \ifr;:r emf ~Fr \iff~~ ~? ~ ~rr

:q~~T Cf)) ~T'i:t ~~rrT, ~1=~ +TT~~ .,~1 ~~m I"

"~"{T .,~T, lf~ret\T I ~T il ~1=~ ~qfCfilfT ~a-r ~ I

~T ~TJ;fT I" :J;fT~ ~T:jf~1fr~ +Tlf+ITa- \T~m~T CfiT

~~T;:r CfiT 5I"lR'f Cf)~~ ~iT I q\ ~~~, it f~q+f qf\~~fa­~ ~u ~T~ f~lfT I 9;fT~ ftf)~ ~~cr al~ q\ fe(f; ~. I

~;;::lf ~;n:rlf orrr ~lfT I ci"~ \iffrr ~ lf~Tq'U it~

if'l cpT ~cr I ~T~:qrf ~ I \ifT if ~~lf if ij"T:er \~T ~T,

cr~T ~~ ~rr it ~~r, ~rf:?f\ ~~? ~~~T\ ~

~q-~ ~T it 5I"~t; f~lfT I I ~l1 cpT :rrfCfa" ij-, \T~~l1r\,"

~{lf ~ }f~;; cpT ~~\ ~Cfli ~ f~lfT I

~li Cf,T ~fCfcr ! ~T~ f~~;;T ~~ ~ ~ Gf) ~~r

l1Qr~fCfCf cpT ~Cfi~T CP\~TGf'1 ef.T ~~lf ~':I?:~ ~ f~~ \ifrrtiT

i:f f~CfT~ cp~~ cpT fcr:qr\ Cf)\~~T ~ I 'i~1 ~r\if]~T"{T,

;:r~, it ~1=~ ~~ cr;~T 'i~ GfT~qlfT I ~~lf if ~ffT

(f;~ CP\ ~CP erT\ ~QT~ ep~~ ~T« ~T~ru ~

~:~ Cfi) ~@fT I +rlf cpT ~Tq ~~T +IT olfTCcr ~T I crm'~Cfi eflTlfT \T\if~l1T~ ~ ~~T ~ ij"T+A @"~T ~) iff I

+rlf+frn' ~T~~l1r~ it >I~" Cf)~ ~T ~T(1T-I'etiT;:r

~) T1 ?"

I t~l~T~T ~(i"T, ~T\if~m\ I ~1=~ \iflfT~ ~Tf ~ I"

II~ ~~ ! ~fep;:r ~ efT \ifTifT ~ I"

1l.,~T ~r, ~+r ffl~ ~) I9;fQ.,T ~&-'lf ~~

Page 139: Deshbandhu College


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Page 140: Deshbandhu College



qT~T ~ ~FT~ CfiT ~Ta-T

~+rfa ~r ~cp f~'1r{T ~ I

\jf~ ~~lf ~iA" ~ ~Tif'1 i:i

If;:r 11'1-liltCfi 'Cf~~TaT ~,Q

~l1T :qCli)~ ~ fl1~~ Cf:T,

~rfa-~';:'C1T it 3;f~~T~T ~,

1if '1T~ q~Tij ~iJa- ~,

cr:sf '1~ ~ flr~(1T \jf~ ~T~T ~ I

tt~q fcpij"f cpT ~~~T ~,

11'1 Cf;'+fT ~:qT'1cp 'lTaT ~,

q~it ~ '1rf::rcp ~rCfir ep-T,

~T~T (fe ~ \jf~ '1T~r ~1

If+raT l1~T~ cp~ +fr lTT+f.T,

~~ +r'i ep-T CfiT~ ~QT~T~; I

~@"1=flf SJ;f~ft~ ~ ~'lq;:r ~,

l1~ ~f~t(fT'1 ~~fTT Cf~T ?

+rTf it itoT, ~Cfl ~~ ~~T,

q~ q'~T ~T\ :q~~T ~:r.rT ?

~~:qr~ Z1):q'f '1T~ +f~,

q""{ ~"{ q~a 1if-aT?::T ~ I

qT~l ~ trTif"{ GfiT ~T(fr~

~~fa- QT ~Cf) fCfi~T~T. ~ !

-f~~~ ~l1T~ ~~~{S6,

~T. ~'1 f[aTlf crri

J;{"'f'ifFf Cff~~ ! \ifTCf'i ~ q~ q-~,

~ 'i \jff'fr ~TQr I

~ftcr~ ~ f:q~ f~q- ~~tlf 911,

~T~T;; 'i~1 trT'fT ~TQT u

\jfTcr'f cr~ ~Q(fr \jf:f ~,

f\jf~CfiT ~ ~rf~ :JAr ~;:a Ofl~T I

\jfTq~ ~ ~~ 11~~ l=i:q tfr,

~@ ~:~. CfiT f=tf\ ~)\ 'iQl II

tTTrrr ~~;:rr ~T' ftfi~ \jfT'iT,

\ifTcr'i ~ ~ ~~ ~ -{~ I

~~"T, \T'fr, \T-\) ~~;;T,

\jfrq-'1 ~ ~~ l1~l1lf ti·~ II

q"~ ...'lZ1 ~ ~"Cfa-11 ~~<=tr ~,.. ~

~Ta- ~ '*tcr;:r it ~q:;T'1 I

f>rlf-fCf~Q ~ fft f~(f If'i ?f,

~T Gli ~T'lT f~a-lf 5fTUf Ii

~Tcr~Ff 3;f'1\jfT~ q~r,

~if<: ~g(f ~ ~l:~t ~T~T I

~f{(fr cpT ~~~ ~~~ ~,

~fl~.T f:fT ~eT ~ ~T~T IT

"-tCf~~ ~l1T\ +rfclfr~T,

5fTo lrf~Cfi~, f~~Tlf qq

Page 141: Deshbandhu College























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Page 142: Deshbandhu College

~{<I ~, f~~it; ~f~e:\~ 1f~ ~1~ ef.r +llf ~tTT ~~Z1T

~ 9;{1'~ ~~ ~~f~~ ~iS~ Eti f~lr fil~~~ ~~ti Cf)"(rfT

q~~T ~ I oTCfi ~~ ~T \ift~;r ~T~ ~1ji.i 9;flit qr~

~~q~~T CfiT lTT~T ~ I Iff~ ~11 ~T~ llT~ ~TiT ~~'Tt

dT q~ +Tr ~lf ;r J;fT1Cf q~T ~~ fer;~r 9;fT~ er;r d~T~

it (fcq~ ~Tit I

~~: f:;cp ~;;Tqfrr Et ~'~T~ ~it 5frlren ~1TJ 1 5f~lrep

qf~f~~f~ if >r~~~ 'Gfc;rr cpT 1;fT~Tqj;:a ~'i~T~~' Cfi~;;T

~Tn'T I +rT~r GfiTrr-~lf GfiT f;:r;rr1lT Gf7~ <}:"(;:(I" ~T Cfilf­

el?f ?i Cf,Tlf·~T~ ~Tt;T ~TlTT I ~)~T n-4' ~T (iT ~~l~ Ef.T

f:;Cfi 5r~T~ ..,-r 73"~ ~ft~ ~T ~q ~Ter:T~ ~~T., Cf)~aT ~ I

cr~;:~ olJ~ r ~Tit CfiT ~q~~T if 1~T~ 3;frp=rT ~q~r; ~fcf(;

Cf,T ~qlf)rr ep~ ~ +ft ~ q.~ ~lrrT] '~Bl:i ~~~ ~T ~ ,

+rTNfT '-if~ ~~ ijlf if~~ ~~'d cT ~ q~T cpT fu:qif

C{;~ flT +IT ~ q~~fGRf ~R ~~q~ ., ~tit, ~T~ ~l1lf

q~ ~~q- ~~ CfiT +lr f~:q'1 ~i!8'-~~~ 5Tfl~q ~~q~

9)rrrT , TJ:Cfi ~qr~ B"ffT'fTlfen irqit ~~~~T ~ m~~

q~ f'igr:1T ;;~T ~or ~Q~T 9;ffq-~ Gf~ q~~ ~T ~q'fT

~.,T~t ;PI +r~T Q'CfiT~ if1?[Tf~~ ep~ ~~-fCf?Ir iff'l,~tTJ Cfi'\ ~(fT ~, 3;fT~ ~q;r~ 5TTC(T Cll~ ~~T 5I'~T~

ep~~T ~, f~«~ ~q;ft fGf~ ~,.~ ~f~ cpT q~T~lf

f'lf~:q(=f ~) ~ T~ft ~ I tf)cr~q~ ~T~~r ~ lT~-~~~ if...., '0

qT~ ~TlITT ij'TifT ~ ~'f~' ~;:~-11~~ CfiT ~,~ ~r~~ ~

~f'iCf) ~(fT~ ~) ~~ ~T~ 3:1' ~Gfa-;:r ~ f~lt ~T~~ ~

~o CJ)~~ ~it I qT~~ lff~ ~ tflf CfiT ll~:a-T Cfi) 'f ~Jf­

~(ir ifT~ 3;fqit ij-f'fCfiT ~ q-~T1=f~t Cfi) iTT;; ~aT ~)

+rr~Cf CfiT 1=feWIifT;; ~ffl~T~ ~ 111~ f~~ ~~;:rT ~\1~T

~'1Cfi ;; ~T~T tfT<: fCfl~T ~,.<: ~T f~~l'T ij qf<:Cffi=ra-

~)oT I q~;:~ ~ij' >r~'{~q~1=ff~ TT~ ~-;rr~ ij ~+rlf ~

+r~~q enT ~1~Trr ~ifTa- ~lt ~qit ~~rar ifl c!:fT~ ff)~

f~~ ~l~ ~,q~ ~f~Cfil' ~ ~l~~ ~~lq ;:r qt~ ifit SI~

fCfitrT i ~;r ~c;;T it ~;:rTit ~Cfi ;;cfttf ~~T~ =J;fl~

t:~fCT cpT ~:qr~ fCflTT trT<: ~ij";+Tq .ft ~;~q ~;;

lTlff I ~Tl1JT ~t:rT cpT 9;f~lf ~;:lf ~~ q~Tf~gm, ~T~

~~ 7T1lf ~ :q~ CfiT !t~;; ~T~s:+r ~~T I

'1;:~ ~Cf," ;;rf~ :;P,,~,;pt.g a~T ~~ ~1;fT~ ~r I

f~;;T :I;f(r~T~ ~T ~ij"~ lTTtr ~;;Tqf(l Cfi) CfiT7p,r;r tt

tfiCfi ~1§fr S!Tf I ~T~~T ~T~r~T if f;;~T~ ef,7~ GfT~T

~1fep1 q~T ~'l~ ~Cfil1T~ ~~ ~~:!t1' ~ ;rT~~(lf;:(l

f;;tT'f~r ~ ~fl~;r Ef; f~;; Cf, Te 7 61 ~T I qffiGf: :q~~~

3)\~~ cT~ fiT ~oT ~:r~T CfiT ~f+r;:r~ ep~ 7~T ~T I

~T~ =ifTi)Jep:f ~Cf~ ~ f'ief);:;rr I \1~;r ~~~T, f:;Cf)

fqm~ 1=f~~Cfi aqT >r~;;r f:cr~ ;rl~Cfi' ~Tq ~;:~"{aT

Etl ij'T~ ~~qT,{ ~~n1t ~T~' ~ ~~T ~T 9;fTr Wlf

;rT~~ ~T~-~l~T ~ ~l1T., ~'i ~T~~T ~ trrn'i if~~tr~ if I ~~ GfiT~Cfi CfiT ~@ :qT~erl[ ~:(f fcrfnRr

~~T 9;fTT ~~it ~1~CfiCf?IT qT~ it :qr ~~r f:;Cfl tTTlf

~ f~lt !:rT~'l T CflT I ;rT;:;r;p :q~~r.<; ~ ~ eti'~T-

((~Tl1it ~T 7~T ifflfl 'it ~) ~Tr f~~~r ~Tq'~T

~Tf~~, ~ ;:;rTI~tr I" ~~ q~ ~TW~ ~ eJi~T-('lr

;r~~ (i"T ~~lf ~f=f1 GfiT ~ I ~~ q-'r lff~ ~~~ t~T+rT

trTqf~ Cfl~ f1T ?" ~Tf1Cfl ~T~T Cfi~~ ~~ ~)~T]

((Cfli;:r ~ ? ~T lf7T 9JTSfT CfiT \1~~'€f;; Cfi7:?" ~~;=rT

~T if ~~T l1TiT ~T ~T tT~ m~ ~;rit ~T~ \ifT~ eJi~

:qrnrCf~ ~ Cfi~T-( (iJT~rrr ~~~T, ~;r ef.r ~·:grrT cr.)

~'~'T ~Tf~lt] 'l~ ~~T ;re~e aTT{';fCf) ~ I q~;:~ :qroeJlf

~ Cf)~T-t(~~ ~Rev; :sr~fi ~);;~rT ~ I ~~~T 7.T~-

~~;rT~ ~ ~:p:qet ~);rT :q'rfttr I" ~lf~ f~;; ~T ~~r.(f

~q;rT lfT<:1T ~ ~T~ l:f~T'f;:~ if; ~7;r~ ;rq~ I Cf~t

a:~_~T~1) ~ (T\;f~rr ~Cfif~~ it. m~. ~~~ (f~r'

~~ ~~~Tf~,lfl ~T ~f~ cr.r f'f~1~~ Efi7,~ ~. f~~

~;p ~~.T fq~7T ~Tit ~, fm:rit ~Cfi fq~ ~~ ~T 1

Page 143: Deshbandhu College

M\if~ cpT ~T~ f~'1T ~1~ ~7f fu~ ~T qT~~ f';Cf)T~;:r

CflT ij"l{~T ~~~ ~T I ~T~ if;:~ ~ 4~afrft ~~5f~ ~T

~~ ~ I ~~ q~ arr~cp =T:f~~~~c ~oCf)~ ~l~T-lCif

~ij" f;:rCfiT~ ~qt1T I' lf~ ~R ep~ fCf) q~ lfTtT ~ifrqf~

Cf)T ~~ ~,~T\ifT it ~~1Q' Cfi~T-'I~ ~r.c ~T<:1ep,

1:ff~ ~. ~~ f;:riSfiT~~ it ~q;~ 'i ~~T ~T ~~ ~~T

fq~t if at;:~ Cfi'"( f~lfT \jfT~;rT I" ~T~T CfiT'1 ~oT I

q~~ Gf~ ~mvw~ ~T~Cfl ij"1=~fr ~T~-fer~qT~ ~ ~TS!f

~Tit q~T I ~~ ~T~~ ffr~ (fiT, ~T lffl{ ~ f;;fifr; ~T,

cpT :qr~T ~T-;:·« ~~T ~T~ +hC ~T ~ij- ~Tq ~ 3?q~

~~ f~lfT I ~c er~ fr:r~~ ~PlT I ~rGfT ~ ~~ '1~

~~ ~TCfi~ \3~ ~:;:q f~ ~T ~ f~~ (l~f~I~T ~Gf

f~lfT, ~f q~ ~~ +fTqf \ifTer'i CfiT fqCf)T~ ~~T tl"T~

ifT~ TtfT ~"ljfT~ =T:fr~~~ CfiT ~ll" ~~T I ~~ ~if) ~e;;T

it mm cpT ~fff~m qf~i:{fa-a Cfi~ f~lfT I lff~ ~ij"

trlilf ~~ ~ev; \ifTClT, aT ~~~ ~q~ \ifTer'i CfiT ~T ~~

~T \ifmT ~T,"( ~~eft l:fraTer;r· ~T ~q;;T ~'l \ifTer1

~:~ T{ ~T ;lf~f'ta- ~~'ir q~ar I ~TS!f ~T +rT~a '-q~~ca

q ~~Tif) '5fij- ~T~ ~r;rTe) ~ ~T~~Tfq;:a ;; ~laT I

~:p:~~f JrT;;Gf-\ifTer;; if ~CfT-Cf; T~ ~T ~~ ~trT

Cf,T~ ~ \if~ ~~~T~ ~T~ lf~~erfi:f,t&lr CfiT a~if Qif'i­

,l=~;; Cf)~;;T :q~~T ~ ~)~ ar~ ~ a~ it q~T ~~;;"{Tf?[

Cf) ~~a-ifa ep~~ ~ f~lr ~T~Tflffi ~faT ~ I ~ij- ~T~

it ;lqlf~lf;; aT)'irqri cr:'r a~~ q~ +ircn~~ it ~T (f,~

~~a-T ~-

"l~llpOH:4ihl{' iH tie ""01 <.l found in t l)(~ c]j{.­

tionnr"y of foo]~.~' :I;f~f~ 9;f;r1=+fq ~;p ~lfT ~~ ~,

f~~T ~f~~q itiq;:;r ~~l ~ Cf11'r 1f ~ I ~~ ~~~-

er.T~ it \ifT e~fet?f" ~~fC'i~ ~~~sq'T if q,% 7~~ ~ ~Tr

~~rr.rl1T;:r +rr~Cf;7 er>T t~~ 7f~lflfT cf,T ~f~;r~~;:r ;;~t

Cf,'~~! ~ ~~q (ilf CfiT CfiT~T ~,~'iT~T ~ ff)~-'lm?t

tfiq ~€r ~ 9A)'- ~~ ~;riT fAT~ ~~~ft ~ dT ~ ~(~ a­~ fCfl ~ftqrr et1T ~~1:fT w:r;;r ~~rff ~~ f:9"lt

~l:~~ ~~T ~ I a~ ~T~ l:f~~ ~ ~f~f~,9Cf CfiTt ~~

l1T~ a:T~ ;:r~J q~?TT I fq~q-~fa~T~ CfiT lff~ ~q~lCf,;;

fer.lfT ~Tlr crT lf~ Cl~lf ~Gliif+r ~l~ if ~\ i1~T ~~lIT

fep ~;r fer~nf?f ~,~1i:q q~ m+f;;lf qr~ Cf6)orrf~a- ~! ~T~ ~, f~~~T;r ~lilf GfiT +r~~rT CfiT ~lf~T

tl"lr ~er~~ ~T ~l~ ~ i1~T \;f~ f~lfr ~1~ ~tM' ~~lf

a'Cf> q§:qit ~ f~lr ;r f~;r ~~T, ~. ~r~ I t!:ep ~--~~

ct, f~ Cf>T \1f~~ f;pa-;:rT lT~r~' ~ :--

Tie heights that great men reached & kept,

were not at tained by sudden plight,

They while their oompaniona slept,

were toi ling u p,,-u rd in the night.

t1~T~ ~~fCf ~ ~?f(f f~~~T q~ ~~~ crT~

ll~T~'~~l;r f;:r~;:d"~ 7Tcr -f~;:r qf~~1f fCf.lfT ~T 'AT,(

~ ~T~T if +1"T er:T4"-~~ii~, ~~ f-:p ~~ ~r~T ~~

CfiT ;:ff~ ~T ~,~ ~ I

GilfT~ ~ ~~~ ;;rrll ~ ~ey; f'i~;r ~TW(!l' ~ qf~crT~

?f fq?1T-Olf~ef tzer; ~T~i:ll ~ ~~cr~:q~ f~T~TQ~ ~

'iTff ~ 1l~-~T+1" fer.lfT tl"T~ t!:Cfl ~ij"r ~CfiT~-~a;+T

f;:rfira- fCf.~T ~) lflf-'ltTT;:(f~J a'Ofi ~T~ cn~T ~a-falfl. '0 '0

Cfif 5f)mTf~a Cfi~aT ~~m, fep qf7~~1l a~T ~lf1:f ~

~r+r [T"tT frrei';r~T ~ fq~T~ Cf,T ~'iif ~tf,~~T~ciGf)

fCl)lTT \ifT ij"~~T ~ I f~qT \ifT ~en ~T~T~~ ~~~T,"( ~

~.~Ef; it, q7,~ q~ ~qij'~ ~ 11~~r.f CfiT ~~r +ltf~

~lf~~ ~ I 1l~r ~T~,{1J ~ fCf) Cf~ ~it ~fCf~~lT<1T

~;; '1~ fCf ~~ ~-;rT;; ~'~lf~~ ~T ;ft~ ~T ~7t+r

~) tT~ I

'ir:l'T il ~1l Cl:~ ~Cf;a- ~ fep fq~er-~f~~Tff if ~~e~f~~~T OfiT ~+Trq ff~T] f\ifr6)it ~'l~)CRf ~~1 ~

JA+rTCf ?i ~T~if CfiT'itc Ofi~ fa::I1T ~1~ ~1~ ~T ~~

O!ff9~~t Of.T +tr ~+frq ;;~T, fijf~l~ ~q~ qf~~l:f,

~?IT~~r'1ijT n~T ~~~r~6T ~ ~~ ~ ~q;fT ~T~~"

.f~m CFT qf~Cff~~ Cfl~ f~~T I lJ~T 'f.T7,~ ij f~ ~(iiCfi

Page 144: Deshbandhu College

~~T, 5I"c!rf) r:nT~ ;r; +rQr't fq~T ~er,T ~ ~\jfT ~~T ~ Cf,~

lf~ ~lq~T CfiT ~ fen ~+rlf Cf)T ~q~lfifr=rT CfiT \ifl '1

~ll-itlfr trT~ ~q;r~ cpT ~T~ ij- f'1ep~ \ifT~ ~~r,

~qCf;T ~~T ~ff ~fCfa- ~'~T ~, ~T q?" (fir ~~:ft ~T~T

ttl! Cf,Ta" ·~T ~T, f~~ q~ Cf~ ~3T ~ I ~~it ~qp:r ;:r~t .f~' ~ff?i ef)?;)~ qf~~q CfiT 9;TT~~aT~, f~+=f~ ~~

~.?[ den ~~ ~1~ m 7T+r if;l +fT ~flF:l' en~;:rT q~aT

~, q7.;;~ stT;:a- ~~tp:r ~T \ifT~T ~ I ~lf~Pllf ~1;r qT~T

~~~ ~T~~41 it ~~~ ~T fqq+rlf ~)aT ~ ~T~ ~7~~1

c1:ff~rr .t~q- ~ ~+rT'i J;fT~ ~~T qrT~·;P(ylf~ ~. f~~

f~q"'lr., en~a- iT ~Tlt ~ I

-~llT~T ~+r;:r 1~~T,

~T. ~'J (f~Tlf GfqCo

tJ."fr.:c q:;~T ~~. ~fCflfT" +TTfCfT'l ! i:i~ ~t={T ~

fep ~+r Cf)~t1fTiftT ~T I ~lfT ~ll ~+F; -ij-~T r=r~~ ~fq-etiT

efiT ~tti fq;;~ft ~qTCf)T~ ~~liT ? <f)~T itt ~~ ~TI1~

~~lf CfiT9~~T a-r 'f~T e:lit ? ;P~T lr~ ~T~ ij- mGT..;:rT~T ~ ~~T~ en) f:q~~) 'i~1 ~liT ? cp~T irfr~T~Tt~ ~flf~ ~T ;:r~T ef)~ G:lft' ! .,~T, ;:r~T ~~T ;p~t

;:r~T ~T ~CfCfT I ~~ ~if~ ~~T 3;fT?ITT ~T ~ I

+r;rer~ ! lff~ ~~ ;:~Tlff~lf ~T (iT ~+f. f~~f~;;

~T) ~T +f;T~r ef>~T~ ~~ ~Tlt ~~T ~, ~Ter.,T-(~qT

f~~r ~ ~T I ~~ ~q-;:fT ~r::ffi~ ~~:qT ~;:r 5f~Trr

Cf)~) I iT ~~ftit ~')., ~T ~T3?'" I ~~ ir ~T WI'iT

\ifrer;:r <5lfma- Cfl~t Sl;fl~ ~'it f~~q enT ~f1.l" ~~ I~'

fGf~ etlT ~~~~T ~T~ ~,~;:r);r ~~ ,~~ Cf)~ ~q'1T

~T;:a- ~fr~'1 Q~~T~ Cfi~'" I ~ feJ)ij"T Cl>T f:q~T '1 cp~

~q;:fr 9AT~qr it ~~ftd i:i ~T sr~r;:., ~~ I lr~)' qT~r,

, frr"{T~r ~T~ ~;:~:(g;:[ +rTqTfCi~;P CJiY' Sf ~~ 3)t$1JT~T ~

fq'Cf~ ep~ t~~+rlf ~~-~f~ etft ~~~T ~ ~ f it q~

f1Cf)~ I

~ar +rTieJ)crr~~f ;;r'~ ~~~m~ ~~lf ~ ~T"{T

q~ ifTfirefi J;I'l~f~ Glft =q)c ~(fr ~~) CfQ +f.~~ ~T

~o~r ~ I ~~ ~11lf ~~;::fT Jf~~, iT~~;:;r, ~;P)i1C1,

tftTTa- Cf\"{(if ~ r ~. :qT~~T ~ fer; if ~T ~~T CflT ~q-e

it ~r3i~ I t; if~;r ~qr~ff ~~.,T ~ ~'Gfi it ~1f ~~

~~9)~ ~q~ ifrii ~;F1Tq~ft ~~ I ~~ ~ll'Tf 1t~ ~;~~

~T~;n f:q~, ~rur~l;; ~T~nT, f~~a;~ Cf~T ~T;:a­

Gna-Tcr~1JT ~T q~ ~if; ~~ 'i ~lf Cf;~ lt~ ~lft(j cr:t'~ta-T ij ~ifa- ~T~ 1~ Cfi~~ g~ ~ftcrrT:;;r~ ~T I f~~

~f1:r~ trT~rr ~ ~f:i1r~ ij- ~;:~Tf~a ,\:;:r;rT ~~tT Q.T ~~3;fq;:fr lltrr ;rir lfflTflfT Cf)T lf~-a~ r~~{ ~~r ~TJ ~~

~l1lf 4 ~q'1T fq~-fqJfTf~rfr qTUTT ~T"{ +rfCfCf-~llTa­

er,T ~ Cfi~ ~~ ~~;:ft ef,T tGfT;Y~ ep~':I I

~r\if ilIa) ~ ~fer fa-~t~T~ ~T~ ~q~TfliT

+1'1 ~;;Tii ~PT ~~T ~ I if ~;yra- ~ tq~~ tTq~ ;:rr+r

r.rt ~) ~~~T ~;rT ~ :j~ f'1cT ~~ ~'1: ;f.ifta- ~ ~~

~;tt~ ~~i1 Cf,T ~:qT~ en~~ Cf)T ~~~;p ~ I ~ Cfl(iUTT­

f;:r~T;:r ! ~~;; ~ :qrf~lr ;:r ~n:qfa-, rr ~T~lf ~fr ~~

~ ;; ~~3i'l GfiT I lr~T s:r~~ ~:;~T ~T~ ~(~~ lf~T ~

fer; 13ft t~Cf{p:r ~ifTa- CflT ~:;:efT ~~ ~~ \ifT~ I ~~

tTT~T ~T '1~T' ~~ fGf~Gn~ ~fr ~., fep ~~ i:rfr3;1T~T~T cr.l f~'t9" '1~i Cfl~lir I

-~lfrfr fCjf~r~ Cf~~J ~r.r ~ri ~

Page 145: Deshbandhu College

~~'lT ~rft '1 ~r'1r -! ~~.,r?i >ffTTf lr~

~;:~~ ~~~ f;:r~ ;fa ij"1

f>r ~-fl1~;:r ~ ifT;; ~T.q-) I

f:fTlJfT ~1~ f.,~ ~r~ it..

:qT~ ~<9"T'1T ~;r ~;:rr~T

~~~ ({T irfr ~9..l'O-tTl{T ..

~T~ ~T, ~++:;PT ~T;:r lrt !

~~;:rT irfr ~ ~T.,T ! ~~;:rT;r ~rl!T, itt !

- ~li ~ f:q"{ Cfi fi5'l +f7T q-~.

if ~q)T +i~T qf~ep ~ IR

epT~ ~~ ~ ~TQ if,.

(firl1~ ep~"r B" ~~ ~ II

;:r ~r ~~T"{f, ;; ~TQ fe:;~p;fT.

:qr QT f'fent:1~ ~T srfur l:r~ I

~;:::;;T lrir rr ~T.,T, ~~~T ?i 5fTur ir~!

If ~Cf)T cllT~T ~~+T ~."

~q ~T ~Td~ ~~~ \1Gfr~T I

GF1~ ~T ~,,*,~), ~~ij ~T ~~

~ Il~r ~ ~f;:r"{~ ~Ofa-T l1tffT

~~T ~~'r ep)Jf~ ~§a- ~ !

et'lr cpfi5'l ~:ft{?f;; ~Tur srt,

~~'1T ~T;:r ~lrrT] ~C{;;T i:i 5TT(!y it~ !

- ~f~ Cf~;:rJ

~r-l:rfs'!fi~, f[(fl~ crrf

Page 146: Deshbandhu College

~~r'1 - ~~ ef,T ~Oll Cfl"il'{T I

~~-~~~~: ij~ I

( ~~ etl)~ q lr~ ~q{T ~ I ~~ rr~t:r~ fT~ f~~f

~~T ~ I Jt'i ~ ~)'1T ~~Cfi ({T ~f~lfr q-~r ~~ ~ '

~~~ enr~ if "iCf), f~~ q-~ ~r~ Cfrf'f~ ~, ~~ ~f5l)T

if; ij"T~ mf+l~ ~ I (frij"~ Cli")~ it ~~ ~T~~~ it~~ ~€~r

If?"T g~r ~ f~ij" q-~ a-~ enT ~Ta~, ~:c:rr ClQr ~r~r

~@T g~T ~ I :ql~ eny;r if ~r;rT~ q~ ~~ fq:)~s:ft f-q~

SJ;ft~ ~~ ~-TTrir~ f:q~ iiT ~~ ~ I ~Cfi a~Cfi Cl)T it~

GfT~ fCfi;;r~ '1~ ~ Cf)T~ CfiT :qr~qT~ qft ~~ ~ I)

,srCf)T~ l ' (m ~ \if) :qr~~;:rr;p~ ~T~ ~T,

qp;rrqf ~lfT{ I)

(5fCfiT~ ~T~T~ :r;rr~ ~r ~c aT2Jf, ~~~~ ~ f:q~

et=iT a~tO ~:~T i;lT~ f.,fSfCl ~cr~ it G(l~r )(Qf ~ft I'(~T ~cT, :q'Tlf fTr ~T I'

(~T~T ~l=+rr, ~~T eJ)tc fcplfT ~r'T~ I'

'~ij"it Cf)t~ CfiT er~T ~Ta- ~, ~cT !'5f~T~- ('eJ~T Cfir ij'~tf) ~~ ~~ :qTlf erT t'.:fr~r

t,ra- g~) ~: ~~ ~~, ~I=qr ! lfl~ Cf)y~ ~~~r~

~~it qT~r f~r:?fT~ ~ q) ~~r ~~T I

iff-;:ft~ ~;p:3,"arT~ ~~ ~ T~r ~, it ~'~aT ~ l:!s:f:qTlf fq-lf) I

(~~~ ~lfa-T ~ I ~~~r~r ~e~cr~. cpT ~r~r~

9ATaT ~)

!fCl)T~-~~;:rT 1fT, Cl)T'f ~rlff ~ ~~;r ~~~?

m- (~~~qT~r (§I)~ cp"( ~r~ qQ:qr;:r Cfl"( ) ~~

~~ if11, ~Pl !


!if;T~-~~i=~ ~ ~!:fr? (~~ ~.~) ~TqT ~l'lT,

:qrlf fq-lff I

~;:~-it :q"rlf qT~ GflT m~T ;:r~T ~ I ~T'l ~T

~)GF Cf)~~T~~ I

!l i)T~- ~T~ Cf;T ~T {fq-~ ~ Cf4"T ?~~r~-~T ~r, ~r~ cpT ~r I ~rq ep-f -('t!f .,~f~

Cf1:fT ~ ?

5f~r~-lt~T ~)~ ~1=~~ ~1=~ ifT~q- ~~T ? ~~

i trT arQcpT G(r€f cp~a- ~r ? lt~r ~)~ .,1=ST~ ~

~ ~t;\9 I

~~;:[--~~ llT~ Cll ~T, tT~;:~ ~~ ~~~ Iq"T I

~~T~T ftf)~ fl1oTt-f~oT~ etl~ f~~T ~~ ~T ? ~lf

f~a-Tlf ~~T Tf ~~T~ ~·ct ~l I

5feJ)Tq"':CT;:lP~'T~ ! ~rq;:r ~~ Cf,~T I ~~ :qT~)

(f~ @T ~T I ~l=~T~T ~J lfT~ ~ I q"{;:~ ~~~1 c{T~a­

iJ ·ft ~TlfT ~~ ~"it ~Tcp{r fiff{ ~r~tTr I

~~r~--~~ ~F; fll~r~ CfiT ~T~r~lfefiffT ;:r~T I

~To ~o a-) ~~ ~T f~~r, ;:rT~~T lfT ~~i"{ ~T flrrT

~ ~ft~ flf~ \ifr~lfT ! aT arCfTJ;f) ftfi"( fittr f~~

~T~" ?

SfetlT:IT-lf~ ~~ ~~T~iT q~ 5fr~;:rT -q~ ~~ ~~. ~ I

'~T ~~T~) q~ ~·c~Q~ 411" ~ ~rlfT ~ ! ~fef)~ ~~ epT411 ~1=qT~ ~.lJ f~lr ;:r~T fep \lf~ ll% ~T-aT., ~~~T ij­

arTCl:q"T~ CflT (JT qaT ~~r f~ ~;rCf)T fij"tf)Tf~~ ~f ~~r

~ I ~Cf) ~ c:p~T fef) itir ~Cf) Ef)) lf~ Cf)Tli cp"{T;?r ~

~~~ Y, 0 0 ~qlr ~~ cpT GfT1l~r f~tTT ~qr ~ I ~Gf~

~ ~~~ ~1~ \jfTij ~ : ~~=t ~ ~~ ~1=lfT~ ~ !

Page 147: Deshbandhu College

~ I ~GC-~tSc +IT ~ I 'C:f~ cpT ~~T ~, ~ q"aT ~

~TtrePT ?

~l1T'1T~" er~ enT OflfT ~~;rr? 5f~1f :qTqr Cf~

oTef1 ~ I q~~ ~T a-r ~ffi ep~ I

~Jf'iT~ - ~:;~T ;rTcr Cf,'~ ~~ ~ 1 ~~~T I (~Tit

~Ta- ~)

srCfiT~-'iTf~~T~ ~~~ ~~~ ~cf ~fa-~.f


~);rT-~efiT~ \iff ;:rT1~~T~ !

~lfT'iT~ . ~~T CFTl1:q~ ~~r ~ ~TqCfi T~T~~ I

!fCf)T~-~TqefT ~T ~ oTefl ~ I

~lfT;:rT~---lrfT ~:e~T ~ few=; ~lf er~ af~T ~r I

~~ft f~~ S?~ 11=~1~ q"r~ ~llfT ~ I ~~T ~l~ ~~Tq

,,~~ I .

5fepT~-~. ~~ oTCll ~, 9ATq ~anq ;;~1 ~T~

~~ ~, q~;:~ qr~fGfep ~T~ ~ ~ fCfi ~ ... I

~IfT'iT~-Cf)~T ! ~mT ;;~1 ! ~Tr.o Cf. ~ ~T !!:fCfiT~-cT~ ~ ~T ~Tq :qT~ cp~ !

~lfT;;T~ - ~if1T~ ~T -=< ~ _~'i Cf;T ~T~r ~~) I

(;fffT ~~ ~'iT ~T~ ~PfT it ~~ epl1T 'i m;:r qT~ I

:q~T :q~ I (~)1T \jfrer ~)}fefiFIT-- (';f~ :J.:fT cr;~ iff ~) iff} ~~ ;:rT~T~ ;;

~ ~) Cf)~ I ~it e1+fT Gf)"<: ~T I ~~ ~11~ f~;:rT ~~

fqqT~ ~cft~a- ep~ f~lfT I

ltT-oTCfi fcplfT I ~ ~T ~;rit Gf~r Of,~~T 7 q)¢T

et1T ~ .C:T ?sr;PT~- -=< ~ ~ et)T I

*-**(5I'Cf)T~ ~TeT fq~ il \ifr~ ~lfrJT ~ I~) if~T~

~Tii ~rer ~)

~!q';:rr--~rcT fl1~ I

~11'.:f - (fT ~~ f~'i I

!:f~T~ -~~ ~T~ ! lf~ ~TcT \if~~r ;:rt~T it +r~T

qT~ lfTttil1·it~ ~) i 9;fr~ ~"T ~f~~~ ij- er,~'iT ~T

Cf)~ ~T~ ~T~ \ifflr I

~T~ -~:;;~T arra- ~ ~r;: ! ~~fr ~Tf"jf·~ tr·~~T~ !

(~FiT ~)

(~JTf~;:~, \if) ~~ql:i q~ ~~T ~;r ~~T ~T,

~q-~ ~r~ Ji ~~ ~;:;rT q~ f;:;rtr ~;:~~ ~Ta-T ~) I

~'if:q;:~--~l1T~ ~f ;;~T Cfif~lt, ~t~et) lf~

q-a-I ~~ fep ~q (?fTlf fef)~ f~rf ~F~~ ZCfT;r ~ rit ?~Pletll' ~1=T1f~ ~~T ~~ I lf~ i9"T I (q~ ~<iT ~).

~;:~ - ~;refiT ;rT~~T fTf~ ~~ ?~Tl1:qr~--'fTetl~T 'i~1, Gff~ep lf~ en~-t fCf) ~r:r~­

i?fT~"{~) ~ I

~~;:f{--(~r~~lf~) ~:e~T ! ~~r q:ra- ~ I d~

~) 9)q~~ ~~:-' '1~T, \ifT';;; :j~lfT, ~(1Tar \if"Ti!;r,

~T~9" !

5fef)f'~--"q'~~~ ! f~;:1 5T~Tf ~1;r fTfC1~ q~ !.cftrfr--lr =?frif 'i f::::r~T~) I ~~ ~~ ~ ~11~ !

lffiiT ~T ~f~lt ;; I fCfl.g- a"{~: ~~ if'if ~~ ~ !1fT-~. fT, ~lf ~~) I tTI{ lf~ ~T ~~~'ritifT ~T ~

f~F'T~~m I~~;:~ 9;fT~ ~rq:q;:[ --1:f:;~r~) ~q :q~ 5P.f)T~

\iff ! +r~'ir 'i~1 ! ;:f1i~a- (~ra- &)

(~ll;n:q- ~h ~1iFfT:q- 'fiT J;f~~) 1fr----q~<:f ~:;~ I ~~~ 'fi~ '.!1i Gl'¥~) I ~::f11lf

1.:1ir<fW- (J;f'fim 'fiT <:f7l:fi ~ru Cfi1.:i!f» lf~ ~ ~T~ ~) ~~T I

(!f~iiT ! ~;.Cf ~"rf~ ! (~CfCfiT~ ¥ IDlfT I ~rr~tT ~ 0 0 olffet~~r ~

Q-J1;:;r~- (~~ Cfi"{) ~~ ~ ~Tt:1r lfT~l1 'l~~T ~et:T~ ~T ifT~T(i tf,T :qT~ :qf~ ~tTllr I ~tr ~T+rT

Page 148: Deshbandhu College

It.' Gf~T~ cn~T if ~~isr, ~T~:q:~, ~1~~ ~T~, ~T~i,

~R fij'~ 1:tr"ijTm', ~Tq fij'~ qqr cr~T ~4iT~ ~

l1T'1~llf 1];~ ~cr f5f If f~~ Cf, ~T ~(~l1f \iff ~T:qfli+ft ~f1=;rf~~ ~~ it I 'ef~ ~ ~'~GfTir ~ :ij'~ srilT~

~)~ q-~ :q'(J q)~ :q~T (iT ~«epT q~~T'l;rr ~T~Trr·;:r

~ r f ~~ ifT\T~ :qT~ ~~ cf f~a- ~q'1T~ tt 4ffGf ~

arrrr it ~r qS:qf ~~t Cf~ ~q;rr~ \iff Ef; f~

csll'fCRf ifT~Ta- ~ ~CfT~a- ft; f'ifif~ ~~ it I ;rT~r~

CfiT ~Tifcr or~ ~Cf)l~ ~qT I ~f'i ~~ ~Tf~ cpT ~t

q~ I;rT~rn cpT (fr'f~r~+l)~ ~\TlTT iflTf ~T~ ~fg~

f~;r ~~~ ij'~ fer~T Cfi~ f~1.fT 4flfT 5fenT~ etlT ~r~Ta­

~q;:r mer if ~frcr; ~T~~ ij~ f~;; ~ 'l§:q rrf I Cf,)~

q~~n;rT ;:r~1 ~{ I ~ar ~~Tefr ~Plij-~qij 'Cf"( :q"~ iTl.t~ STapT~ ~~ ~~;:r f~@"T~ ~~ ~lfT I ~ij' 5T~T~

Q"~T~~) ~f;; crtl srij"~;:r ~~a- ~~ it~ ~ I )

lff-~T, 'TT~ ~~Tij' CflfT ~, ~cf ?~lTT-~ ;;6:1 SI;f;lIT \lfT, q~T 'i~ CflfT m~

~ft~T SR"r;~ q;~cp ~T ~ !~t- +I1fT'i;n ~ ~e:T, ~~ ~~ ~);;f :qT~a-T ~ I

srepT~ - ij'~ +nfr;rcf) I ~~T ~l;:rr ~r~) I~

GfT'iT ~ f (f{~~ ~'iTiT ~ I)

(~l~r ~\ ~r~)

~t- srCfiT~ ! ~T;;T \9"T ~ ~cT ?

srllT~---~~r 1fT ! (~T~r ~it ~~a-r ~)

( ~ij"T «if~ q-)~Glt'1 ~ Cfi Cff\ ~rffr ~)

sr~T~-CfT~ ~ Cflrf? fef)~~ 'fflf ~! it~

ifrq ?

q)fe~'i-\iff ~f ! srepr~ Sl;frCf~T ~T ;;Pl ~ ~ !(~fGT~~ ~ Cfl\") ~ij' q-~ ~t~Te1 \ Cfi~ ~ I

srepm-(~~Te1\ ~tqa-~l~T ~ cp~~ ~r~ ~)~

. Cll~ q'~;:r ~ifa-r ~) 9;~T~ mtlT~ OlJq~r~ iti" Cfi"T~

I;~ q'~~~ fCf)~T ~n:rr ~ ! --ltit~~

5fCfil~--~ ~t1T \lfTdT ~ ~l~T ifi ql~ I itit~~

(+rTlfep~ ~l ~ I)

( ~T~T e!TT'f CllT ~~)

srepT~ - ~T~T ~ft, (~Ttfi CF\) '$f\1fTQ !~T 0 ~ ~T~(f ep~T ! et1~l erlT ;rT(f ~ ?sreti'T~ -11 ' ~ f;;·· 'CfiT" .~ •• f~lfT'''~ ?


~To-fen;:rij ~R ~ ;:r1CF~ ~ ~q ?sr;PT~- :qT"'~" ijT·· (1'-" ~ •• it ~ I (~1~

'TT ~~~)

fflo-cfctr ~T fef)lfT I ~~ ~T;:;r ~(f;r itcrf;g ~1i't ij- ~<f ~~HT ~T ~fijT ~ rlfi 1ITf~lfi ~r~'Cfi~t ·CfCP ~a- ~~' ? '1~ ,;;rq- ~)~ ~ iST~~ ~n~T ~~

q:q" ~nCfT ~ I ~ij ~r ~T(f lf~ ~ fef) ~ It +rel ~1;:r crT~)

~ ·~T ~;:r fq({ ~T~T ~ I ~T~) ~r ~~ fCf;lfT ~T iT~

~T ~ I ~ ~~ rr~l Cfl~ ij'Cf, (fT I

~CfiT~-lt·fT crc~T q~ ~lTT ~~T ! ~o, i:t~ ~~~

~~ ~\ ~T~q I (Cf ~~-Cf.~~ ll~T ~':I~ ~nCtT ~)

<ffT 0 - ! ~ ;r~) lfT aT :q~ ~TT~it 'i~T aT '1Tf;~

~ frrCf)~T~T ~ I CfiT~ f.,CliT(;f'~T ¥(~ ~n6:~ I (CfiT~

qep~ ep~ ~T~\ Cfi~ ~T ~)

* * •to

t(~ q'l erl~

t~T;;-~T~T 'ClI'l'f CfiT ",cti tttf ,~lllf-~Tf~ ~ ~lfT\a: ~~ I

( ~T 0 eliT., ~T~ 1!,:ft11 ~l ~ ~ g , qT~ ~T ~Cf;

~~TtB);; \~T ~)

~To -l1~ftif ~T, <!~~ ~T t; 0 ~\ifl~T f~~ ifi ~~ r~

tf}~ f~~ ?l!rflif_. \iff ~t !~ro- ~1=~~ qT~T ~t:f it; .qit\if~ ifiT q~ f;1~T I

1!(' --9A+lT ~1Z?fCfT ~ I

~To- or~ WCf ~T I f~;:qT - ~~Ti't ~or If,Q'ilT-

Page 149: Deshbandhu College

f~lfr eJ)t t;;Cflr~ ~) I ;;~ ~cff cp"{) ~1~~;sr tt~ 0 )- ~ 0) ~qit ~ ~T ! ~ij"T;r ep"{it q"( ~;~r~r

i=f;r~lr~ ~ lSQrt" ;pre- f~ll' ~rqit !

lffiTlf - (f~·~ tf)~) ~T{ ~~ ~T~r ~ft ?;To-iif~ ! ~~ ;:r~T ! jlj' l;f~ \ifT ~T ~ I ~r+Tr

~~ ~~ =J;ft~ ~rq etlt:;;T I (\jfr;:r ~lfffT ~ , )

(:sr~ tfiT ~~~)

~r~ - (~o cpT ~r~ '1~~ CP(') ~~'(c::r~ !

(ft:rtr:fTNf f~:-~T Of)~.) 1$fa-\T ~ I "{~ ~T~) ~~ ~ I

~ro-~T~~ft~·, ~. ~ ··+ft if "~T ~?

ff···~ •. !

(~T<:1T ~3f~l1r(1T ~ftl: ~T~ ~T ~'~~5T ~r:rr ~ (

~j~ ;J;Pl;:fr ;:rCflT~ ~ij'r~dT ~)


e , • , , ~...?

~I 0 - ('lQ:qr:; eJ'{ ~T~ , 1tr . lf~ et=i'j .

(flT?lf·~r ef)~) 1!'it ~T? ~T I it ~i=~' fq;~ ~~ ~~lfr,

5I"epr~ I

~r~ - ~~ f~if iiT \if~ ~ i;~T~ ij"rq~ f~~f~,r~

~r I a~ ~J:~ ~+h q"\, iR:r ~~ft ~et ;r~T q'"(. '{lfT

. if ;;rTf ~ft I ~r~ i;~r~ f~?fq~r;:r enT ~ru ~ !ter~'(~r"( ! ~r~T =tfrij"r cp~T ~ ? ;zcr~~G:r~ \jf) ~)t

~:qTlfT aT ! (fqfal~ f~~~Tar ~)

((1r~T crfT;r ~t ij' :qr4T ~ ~CI"r ~ I 5fef)r~ '\R{~

~':I~ it cpq-~l +I'"{ Cfi't ~ij'~ ~r~-qt ~~ Cfl~ ~T~

~ffT ~ ~T\ l1r~ ~ cP~ :q~r \ifTCfT ~ I)

~;ftJf - (tiif ~T Jfrr) q.~T ~T q'ij'T ! =ifl~

~f~~r \jft~ lTT ;rt ~ij"CfiT q-~qr~ ;;~T! ~'f ¥fTZ~TifT Cf») if«r :qrf~it ! ~~r\;f +ft ~'i ~Tlr'f cpT :qT~~

~ ~r~ ~TlfT ~) il'QT ~~crT ! iflf'{ ~ij' ~~ ij

sT~J;fT Cfi) ;r~r:rr at ~~~T ~)ifT;r ! m'{CI" CPT crfl]'T~

;rrrTlfT a-t ~~@ ~)rff;:r ! ~~Cr\~;r ~)lfT eti) ~;;f4 sr~Ttl

lfi"~ qT~ m~(f ~r \d'qepr~ Cf)~ ! .

-:q~ srCflr~ ~qT,

q-f 0 ~'" f;:ffrlf qrf

~rq~r ! ~ep Cf}~ :q~)J ~~T~ !

ftTij'Cf) ~~T a-~-~~ Cf)T lfT;r;:r,

flf.~ep "{~r ~~~T Cf)T \jfTqr;,

f~(llf-fcr~if ~"{ ~~) ~~,

~~rqT ~;:! ~T Cll~T~

;rrq(iT ! ~ep Cfl~ :q(1), ~~T~ !

lJ':I\if ~~r ~T~"{ '{q ~ qif)

fTc ~~ \jfif-11;r if; '1;;,~~ Q

fq;~ +lr f+r~;' Ef)) ~T~~ ~

wr~} ~ll'V ~f(c et1T ~T~.. ,

~TCf~T ! ~Cf; Gp\ :q~T) ~~T~ •

--iTo ~~qr ~~ ~C~1

~qO'~OI ~t

Page 150: Deshbandhu College

~rs:~ ~~ ~"{rf~lt ! ~~ ~ff1lfr at ~T~r~ li ij"~

~~ f~;pa-T ~ I ~T~ ;J;frc:r ~fr~ it Ofq") q-~ rr~·? Cf~

~f€r~ ij"TJf~ ~~.~~q ~~r~ ~ ~~f ~ '~~ ~~r~ ~) r .

c lfl~, 11T;;, ~~Trr-lf~T ij"~ ~~ f~cp~T ~' qT~,_

~Pl aT ~T~~T-~r· ~n;p ~~T ~ ! ~1=l1;r(f: ~)~ ~~r

~ fep lf~ q~~T Cflft ~T~a-r ~? ;J;fr;r ~~ :qf~~ 'f

\3"~ ~epT., q~ I ~~ ~;~) Cf~r f~et) ~~T -,~ 1 q{

~;:B"T.,· !'

l~:r ! ~P§f~ aT ij"~r I ~~ ~~~ ~q'1r ~~ett ~ f<1"lr~~ ~~T~;:r ~flfr ~ 3jt~ ij"Tif~ qT~ 'if:la- if ~ ~f~~T

fCfi~lf ~"~ ~~r ~! aT if~Glf .ft t{Tq) i:i f~Cli"~ ~it ?'QPT er~~T ~~ ~ ~!fr ! Cf~' ~f~~ ~ff~ q'fij"

~p:r Cfi"11 ~ ;;, ~ij"f~lr ~ii"r;:r~r~ olirr ft ~~ qQ +r~~r

~ f;r~l=l1T l{qepf.~~T ~~1 ~ !'

l~)~! ~T ,~ij- f'f~r~ ~)rrT q-~lff? \3"ij"~T

i:1~CflT ~) ~~~~ft Q:Trft !' (~ij"ij-OflJT ~)a-T ~ ? \3"ij"it

Jf~~ ~~t{~ CJ1T ~fCfa- ~T "~T 1~IJfT ~T Cflff ~ ?''er~ Cl)f;r ~r~~~T ,~ ..? 1

(q~r ~i:n~ l1rQ'c;~ ep-T q~l9""r fqtT;:.rr I'

'q~ ~~ ;J;f:;~r +r~ ~T ! 'l~~T et~ ?'

. f;:rer., 'lf~tlf ~+rr qPT~ Qr ~T Qra- ~! ~it

11raT-fq~T ;:r ~T a-T ~ij"~J~ f'1~~ ~~<:1T CfiT +rr~

~~+t Cf)~ f.,Cf;T(1" ft{lfT ~ l'

'a-r OflfT lf~ l1ra-r..fqa-f Cfi"T tlfT~ ~~T~~ ~T~ ~ ?~TQ ! if ''i~T 111 rr~fT ! ~#; ~ :q~T lfQ"T ij- I'

(;:r~T, o~'~T ~j~ ~1§fT I ~~ ~~ c!fr~ f+r~ lT~T I

~epT'1~T~ it ~ij- ~T;P"{ ~~ f(1lfr ~ \3"ij"~ q"Tff q(IT

ar'icrT \3fflr1fT ! :a-~ ~T~ clfr~ fq~a-T ~rlrlff I ~fCTep

~P1 ~t~ ({T, clfT~ q-rr ~~ ~T({T \ifflrlfr i 7

(~T, ~~ lf~T ij- ~ ~~) ! if ~~r ~:lqT lf~

ij'~ ! 1

(~ ~Cfi" q-~ ~T~ I q~ ~~T, qQ ~Cf) f'fo~~ ~

+rQT~~ ~tr~ ~rr ~T ~~ ~ I :;~r~ ~~ep ~rit ~Jr~~ ?1

(~t-~r, ~~ +ft ~rft lTT~l1 q~aT ~ , 7

(~t CflfT ., ? ~;p f~rr f~~T'1) ~T tlpft ~G CJl~

fG~T ~t~r 1 f:g-:tfr~ fCftTflf ~ ~rfq:)~~ ~T oQ:~ I"

'lf~ OflfT ~~ ~T~ QTit ?'(q~'1Tlir cpT ~~~ ~Tq~ ~ f~lr +rR ti~ ~Tlt

QT~ I'~ '"' ? 7

'Gf~ ep-fl" .

i~~T aT ~Qr 1 ~~T~~T,{ ~B".~) +rT~ ~ ~~T ~

er~ ~:~T I ~Cf;T~~T~ ~ ~ff.ij- ;,rq~ f~rz f~~~~ 11ft)"

~T- I Cf~ Wi) ! ~~CfiT lf~)ifr<f 41T ~i't ~r ! ~Tlf9;ff~;o ~ 1 l1T~ fq~ <if aT iflfT I'

,~ liT ~~ l?f~T~':J~r I'

ICflfT ?'(+rT'lq-a-r ! 1

(&rifT CJlTf~~ I ~~ lf~"'r ~<f) Cf~~ lT~t '1~T

fJf~a-T 1~r ifFs': ~~T Jfrrrera-r 1§f~T~ ~ lTT Cfi)~ ~T~

ij"erT ~n=r~~~ !''ar ~a-~ ~FTT it ij- ~;p 4fT JfT'i~ ;:r~T ~ ?'(~T+r ! ~H:r·! ~T(1r ~ ~ ~;:~ ! ({iff ~T

\ifTlrlfT ! ~T~ ~TQ~ ~T ~T~lr I'

(ql~ ! +rrrr~ CfiT ~T~T~ ~ ~T~ l1r;:rq-a-f cpT

~+rrer I'

'lf~r a-r ~l'~f~ efT fTf~ ~ I ~tri:i ~~~ ~ ~1lr

~1=~ +rr aT t{T'1Cf ~r ~t;;r ~lifT I'

-~l1T~T ~;:~~T~,

~To· lZo: ~~Tq- qq

Page 151: Deshbandhu College


















































•••••••• -Q'8I-~.l:!JIi~:O";Pi'·".·"'·.

Page 152: Deshbandhu College

~~~ ~ fq-;;lf efi~~ t{\ ~;;r ~ G:~9' ~ ~q;r ~CP

fi ~;:r ~iifqT~ eFT ~~~ 1;fT"{ ~~fr~T cpT ~6J'l~r ~

stfer;r ~ff~qc:~ 'l~:;;rT f?{lff I ~Tf~qc~ ~ ~r Cfi~

~~~r~ ~ ~Cfrrr ~1l ~T~ f~lfr I ~~T~T ~;p~+rrq: ~1

~q.~ ~;: ~ ~~~1Jf if ~r iT~ I "{~fr~r ~ llTij" errr ~r

J,TT~ \~~ ~T~ ~ Cffij" l1ff(icCF! ~~~ ~r~ ~ ~~lf

it ~;:~r;r ~T +ft:iTf ~ f~rJ: ~~mCf.;r~ ~~-~c Cf)~

~~T ~T I ~;:QT;r ~T 'l~~T CflP:r fCf;lfr Cf~ ~~T (~;:ij"r'i'

q-~ Cl)T ~~rq-;;T ~T\ :a-~~ ~T"(f IITrfCf-llT~ CfiT 'lrcT-

~Rr CfiT G:~-G:f!T ~~ ~ f'iCfiTt:1 ~Tit ~)~ ~~~ +JT~

'1\ ~r;iT I 's?~rij' q~ ?Sf;f: ~~T: ~;:'if1 ~'"{~ ~iTr I

"{~~ ~ij' ~T~T~ ij- :q~T!q"r a-~ ~~q:~T +r~rCf}Tf1 qta-r~ '1 ~T ij"~:r ~T I ~B"cnr 3;ff~i~ fir~ ~-r~r?{ ~:ft ~~~

;r f~ tfet1T sq-r I epT~ur ~q'te ~r fep Cf'~ ~p:5fa:TflfCfl

~it erfr ~PT it ~ q~r ~l~ ~r'\T~r f~~t:1T :q~r ~r~T 1

:r;rT~rr~ 1!fT~l1r;; :ifT, ~ij- ~1J~11T" ~'~T ~ ~ ~ ~r I

~~~ ~f~T ~ ~~ ~T Cfi"{ ~B'CFr ~~lr ~~~lfr=r ~·~T

ij' ~T I ~~~ llT-~Tq q~~ ~r 1l~ ~~ it, q"(;:j ~t~T

~T ~T~Tc{ ~ f~~ ~~~Tf~lfT ~ *~q fi q-~:qr f~~T ~T~

~T-~r., fG:., ~ J;f;~~ ~T ~~Cf,T f~~~;rT QCfT~ ~tT\i g:r~r

\jfT~ ;r,T }f~;:er ~ft ep~ f?{~T I f~~~T ti T q)~ ~ta-T

Gilfr~r llTeic if ~ef,' ~'TT-fq~r~~ ~ SfeTT'l ~'e~rfq-Cf)T

~T ~~ I ~~~ CfiT ~~·lT'1 ~ij- ~ep q~CflT~ ~l1~.,T~ \iff~ lf~T flf~ ~~T I ~l1~rrT~ ~ ~tar Cf)) ~'l~r GfQ'i

ij- ~T ~fCl~ ClfT~ f;P:q'T, ~fep;; ~ta-T ~ f~9" it 3;fq~

~1f~ ~~ ;;~T ~r~r~ ~ fif~~ cpr'\r ~~oi5T :srrfr "{~r I

\3'~ f~~arr~ ~r f~ ~ll;rr ~T~ f{c;~r it ~r ~J ~f~{

~.,~ fl1~~ ~r Cf,r~ ~r~'i 'i f~;~T~ ~(Tr ~r I

~tf~ ~1~ Cfi'l (~;:1jT;:r' s:'~Fr q'1 ~~ ~Plr I ~;l:fii

~r;!f~T<tT ~~ cpT (fr?-'l»~ etrT ;:ftf~ Cf)T f~~T ~T

~;:ft ~T ~~ft, ~fCf);; Ef,t~"ij"r ~{~T~ efT ~tf(f ~T 41T

J;fT~T:q;:n ~~~ft sq-r I ~~r~r ~';tT~ ?:~~ qr~ ~ '~J1 r.r~

Cf.~ ~tf)9" ~rrr;r ~ r~lt ~q';;r ij'~~;r ~ifr f~<1r 1 ~

~~ ~Cfi ~~T~~ GtrT sr;rrcr~lfCf)a-r ~ft ~T~ ~cn:J)q ij' \1r~

~ij"~;rr~ ~fr flfNf iTlr I J;f'1~;rr~ '3fT it "~rij'r;;' it,;:rTCfi~T efi7; t:1T ~;ft\ ~~?IT afTi ~T~ ~~ft?{r ~ij- vrrrffcpT tTr Cf)~ ~q~ epT 'ef;:!T ij"'1~r I ~;~ '~(«rrr' CflT

cprli.trr~ ~Tq ep~ ~Jf~ ;rr~ ~~ f~;:rT ~ f~lt lf~"{1

~~ ~it I ~l1~;;r~ et=lr ;'lo3f~~r T.f '~'~T;:r' q~ ~gr:r

~;;:rf~ Cf,~ rr:rrr I

~~~T ~~r ~q~'ir~ ~ ~,q T it !~ ~~Q ~r I

~li9"T ~r1=l:fqr~r ~(?f erir ~~~lfr ~r ~T~ ~J:T"{;;r~ \iff~ ~~ ~ar~~ q-~etiT~ I ~T;;T J;frq-~ Ji f~ff J ~l1~ct~

~ra--~r9' ::P~ff ~T,{ ij'r~-~r~ ~r~ +1T qra- ~ I ~q(.

.,f~ ~ lf~T Cfil1~r ~ri1T-~pfr!fr I ~r ij- \1~qil

q-f~~lf ~t~rr ~ ~f JflfT t qf~:qlf ~f ~~l, ~l~T it ~~~

+ft ~T iT'lT I ~~ f~;:rT ;rrrt fq~r,(T efT ferf+r;:;:rar ~er;T~{fJ Cfill~T ~T~ ~+r~'1T~ ~T;;T it cr;;rCf-B'T ~~~

c:;rm I f~?ITller;~ ~~~ fef) ~Tl=?;f'=fT~r ~t:1 Cf)T eif~~lfT

'~·~T;r' it ~~r~ ~r~r ~~l ~T~ ~+r~~T~ ifT~ ~1j~

clfq~~T ':ref, ~ t et=llf~ r ~il~.,P!l ~ ~~ ~taT =t:p1T ~~ I

~~ ~il ~1~ ~n~fT flf~r ~f'ief) ~T~T~ ~T f~ ~qif

~~r Cfil ~T~T cpT qT~;:; ep~;r it f~lt JAq~ srTlZT ~r

~ tTCfi(iT ~r I q~ ~T~r~ ij- +1Tif Cfi~ fQ;:~t~T'1 if ~T

~lfr ~r I f~?~-ef';:lfr~T cpT ~:qr~ ~ ~r~T'1 if tTrfetl­~a-T;r B"~epr~ ~ ~ij"Cffr f~r~q:a-rfr ~ qT~G ~n"(f tfl"{

f~~ it I Cf~ er~r J;fr~rr;: ~T ~T ~~~ ~r~ err ~f~"f

f+r?f ~t~ ~r~r Cfi'T ~~ -+rTf ?lr I ~~ f<{~<1~T ~ qT~r

dT ~r ~~~ 3;fT~ ~;-"r ij- fq~~ ~fep'1 epJi~T ij' fl{~1;'

'l"( ~ef) qCl;r;r «T1=lfqT~T ~) :q~T I Cfi",,~r ~T~ ~T~r~

~Tl=lfqT~r ~~ ~ ~!f ij~T QT illr I

~CP f~'1 ~fTa-T ~T if ~1f~r;r ~rr;:(fr cpT ~r::nr~

~ ~T~ it!~ Gfa'T'lT I ~r'ir epT ~'1~ ~r:lf T({ cpT

Page 153: Deshbandhu College

1f;~~ ~~T ~h: ~~~ f~~;r CflT ~~~T !)fefic t:fiT'Cf)q~T ~ ~ttjT ~ arT~ if :R'T\iT~ ~ f~ ~ f~lfT ~l~

\1~ ~fr g;rq;ft ~t~T <:pT tlTT;r ~T stfr~T t Gf)ll~T ij

~T~l~ Cfif ~t~T ~ fl:TNfTlTT, q~~~ ~h;T ~ ~~T fepCT~ ~T~T~ ~T~l~ ql~T '1~T ~ I q~ ~~ ~a:~ iflfT ~

~~~ n:(:qT~l it qf"\qa-;; ~T ~epT ~ I qg(f f~~T ~

~T~ f~~ ~! ~q: a:r;:fi ~ ~~;;-~:fTS:~T ~ ~P:rT;;

~J:l'l;fCfl ~T€i ;"fiT I

ll~~r ifi ~Cf) ~q:C~ Cf ~;:~~ cT~f1 =ti ~~ ~iTqr

~T~ :tfT~ rft ~~ i1' I ~~ ~ ~Til ij ~J1T ~?)T ~T I ~J1T

l1~~T ~ ~;p :STefc~ Cf;T ~~~~l(ft ~cT ~T I ~;rCf~ flTq:qll;; if ~T lT~ ~Cf;r ~T I ~~~ q~ ~ep ~Cf~r?f ~~ct:r

q'T ~t ! ~f'i~ ~~ 'iTJ f~~llT ~TrJ T, QTc~T it :;rrll"

Qr'1T \;~CfiT f'1~lT CfiT CfiTlT ~r I ~fCf;;; ~~ it ~lr~

arT;: ij- ~~CfiT qf~~lf ~~T ~B~ \ifrar;; ~ qf~qcf"

trT~ ~rrT I ~~ q~ ~q;;T :JAP.l~t~ ~l=flf ~ll~ ~T;:

~ ~T~ f~d'nfT ~T I ~T'1T ~;P-~1f~ etiT ~)~ ~TCffqff

~1€t ~T ~~ ~ I \1:r?IT iSfT;: it :;;rrlf r:ft1"-cfta- ~l:Tr ~

~q;r ~~ ~Tq;; CliT :q:qr cpT I ~llT en! ~r~ q-~NfT ~T~

JTT~Jf ~~T fen q~ "{lr~ CfiT ~;;T ~Tqrt -~T~~r 'i~T

~'iT ~Cfi~T I ~q~ ~~lf q~ fCf.B"T ~T"{ Cf,r

~fet;y7T~ ~ I

~lT~;;T~ ~fr ~ ~lr~ qT~ OFT (iT{ f~~T ~T f~

'~;~n'1 CJ)TlJT~lr' iT ~T\jf ~ ~~~T~ ~~ gl~ qFfr

~ I ~rr: ~~~ GfT~ fi~,"{T iT f~~~'"'r ~ f~ ~ ~cn;;r gr~~ ~ I :!Z:;:~T;;' r.t":r Ef> ~1~ ~~oTI" ;rT~ qq~ tf+fr~{qT Cf}T ~f~~T;;~"{ ~ep~ ~ ~T"{ CfQ W~T ~T~1Jf

~l1T CfiT ~JT ~ qf.,~~ f;ll;,~cff CfiT ~;~.~ ~n: +IT f~~itGl:)

J;f)~ ~~ q~ I "\lfT Gf,T ~ij"T ~ifr \if~ ~Gfl ~r:tr:;; ~T

~) ~e f(lfT j (~;:qT'l' Cf,T~TNf:q- it ~T3f ~T f~'i B'~~<iT;r ~r I epTlfT~~ if" er,p:r ~~~ ~r~ Gf,1f~T~r

CfiTlff~lf ~ ~r~~ (~H:lTc:fT~r ~~ f':fl" ;:~T.~rt' ~T~

l~l{~;:rT~ ~Gl~T~' it "T~ ~rrT ~~ ~ I ~~ f~~-

~~ ~;:~ ~T, fq)~ 4lT ~Jf~;;T~ ~ ~T~~ ~ fCf,ij"T ~~

ij' '~;:ij"T;;' CfiT ij"p:aTf~cp ~ '* ~qqr f~lfT ~T I ~ar

'~~~T'i' et1 ~f~~T epp:rl~lf i:i f~~~TJf ~

f~~ ~r{ ~~', at ~~ffi~ ~\ij CfT~T ij 'lT~ +IT ~)"(-

~l'\ ~ '1T~ ~iJT~ ~~ Cfl'\' I ~;~1;r Cf)~T f;;p ~

~f~lfT Cf~ aeti ~~T ¢fc ~cpal ~~ aCf.' ~fiT~T llfii~~r ;; ~T I q-~;:~ ~l~:qlf CfiT ~Ta ~~ ~7 fCf) ~ ~l{~'~T

Cfl~it cr,) tF.{lf alJT~ 'i ~, ~~~ ala aT ll~ ~r

fEfi ~~~ ~q~ ~r 1l~ qaT 'i ~T fCfi ~'iCP~ l1'Trr Cf~T

~? ~ ~T~T~ ~,<: q.l, ~T ~ ~ ~Cf:l~ ~ ~ ~ ~R ~ tll=t:r ~~T ~T fCfi' \5,~ ~~cn~ ~ ~T~T

(l;:~T.,' cpT ~lTT~ cp~~ ~l~trr I ~~~'iT~ t{

~~~T~1lfl ;PI ~T1~ T~ ~l T ~. tf~rr fCflfT, q~~~ ~er

!flf~;; fqtf,~ f~a g~ I ~~(fTf~liT ~ "~;~nti' .cr:)'

srfal{l r.; ~T~ ~iflit ct:T 6TrtT I qf~f~tlf~ ifl-+n~ ~T

~~ I oren 5:~T~ ~+rlT ~,it~ ~ni CfiTlfT~~ it ~1~ !qf~f~~f~ ~ll+f,;?r ;r ~~ ~ ~ifT I ~;:~1~ ~:~~nf~lTT ~)

~;~r'tfb1(f Cf.~~ ~~T-(~~r'1' tlp:r ~li1t CfiT &I

Cf,TlfTt:1~ ~T'T ~11iJT CfiT ~ I <:;flf\if~ ~~T ~lf~lt ~~ I"

~~~ ~n; cpT CfOfd'olJ' ~~~T S141T~~T~T ~T fep ij"q

Cf,lf:qrft 'l'~fll~;:;ep ~T rl~ ~T~ ~T cpT ~1~ Cfi~ ~

;riSf Cf;TJ:f q~ ~T iJit I i~~B"Trr' CliT Cf)T~T<:1lf efiT etT+r

;:r~ ~~~ :q~;;T ~~ ~J iT~T !

~Ti:lTql~"T ~(?f ~ <1"'l~T cCr fll~'l;;T{T ~1 ~~l:qr

9;f~: ~T~T~ ~l~ tfll1~T ~"l is{~~ ~J~ ~TJ{ Cf,~ ~~ ~ I

(~;:~n;:r' q~ Cf~T ~~~1~ ~c ~1~ ~ CflT~U'f Cfil1~T GtT

~~(f ~~ ~T I ~~~ '~'1fT~' q~ ~ ~+'TT~~ ~~~

~1ij" CfiT ~;:~T ;y,?:,~ Cf~ cr~T I \3:rcr,T f~:qT~ ~T fCfi~ -

~~~ ~ 'i -~~~ q~ '~:~tJT'l' "+1T rr ~~ xr~ifT I ~.q~

Cf1' ~~tTT Cf.T -ijT<: ~~it 9;{T~T~ Cf~T ~l'qT ~~"{ 9;fTifj~

Page 154: Deshbandhu College

'fi~ f~ifr a'fi sr<r<:Tf 'fi~~ t:r<: 4fT <:~q <f.T ~~r 'f 'fi<:

B"CfiT I ~ef~ Cfiq~r ~T~ ~~r~ CfiT ~~ f~~l a"efi

tnfcpf ;p~~ ~~;;r Cf,?a-T ~T I ep'1NfT epT ~~t~r ~~fiSf ­

~);ft :q~) if~ I ~~ ~ ~1fepT lfT\iTrfTl1 ~1ftfiNf ~T~T

if~· cf~ ~T ~~ ~~~ ~f~9"t)'fi cpT +fr ~:JT fGf~ar

=tft1T iTt I q~ q"PT~- *ffT ~T fT~ I

(~~qT'f' q-:;r?i ~) '~~ lfrT1~' ~;:rrtf ~ ~\2f

ffTCf)~ a-r ~r, q~ ~l{~ ~T~ ~1 ~J1;pr '17fT ~~ft~T ~

~tffi" ep) fq:~T ! ~ta-T ~ ~~lT ~ ep~r fen i~;P l1r'i~'

~'l;' ~~~ ~r~ ~T ~T ij"en~ ~ ! ~~;r ~~Ta:T ~ ~~T

f~ ~Cfi f~., ~l1'OI ;rT~ Cf)) ~~~ er~ '~llr ! ~#;rr

e.r~ ~ +fr ~ra-r Cf>T ~r~a- ~~frfT~ Cf."~ ~T ! _~'1f;

~~lf it ~q;fr ~t<ir ~ f~Q,: ij"~~Q ~o ~~r g-qr I

~~~ ~r;: ~l1T eJ)) l1~T ~)~ ;J;fTlr ~ ~fep~

Cf~ q~r ;:r ~~ q;p) ! ~~ ~ft;ft (~~gr;:r' ~TlfT~lf 1:f

~:qT ~T~ SR''1rft ~T~ '1~~T cr~f ~T ~ if)r~ur ~~T~T

Gfi'"'r ~;:r~m~;;~., if~! q~ ?ITtcrT ~ 'Cf~ ~T~9' Ti

~~fT~T ~ m~ Cf§:ef tT~ I

~Tq~ eJlfT ~TJ ~~ ~T ~T f~~T CfiT fl1~;:r ~r !

3;fT\;l ~tfiT ~gd sr~"f ~TJ ~~~ ~T;: OFT ~~;:'iZiT cpr~ft ~)t ~T1=fT ;;~T ~T I ~~~ 11;; etlT ~f:;;~;; cr~~ r:rrCa

~T ~~ ~T I

~~ ~T;:;?r +l"r ?ITt~T et1T ~rqa- epT ~T~ ~ff~T

ij"T~T ~ar;:q ;PT +n~ ~ifT ~ ~cr~ ~QT I ~~ft~T ~T~

~~~T~ it er)~~T~' ctfr ~~a-F1 ~r I ~l1r, ~ta-rl

3;f1~ ~lt~ an~ ~~a- ~T >rij'f:'f ~ I ~r;:;r ~ ~if~ ij"r;:

Cfi) m\ir~ ~ farff~ if ~~TlfT I ~;:~T~ ~taT cpT ~~'rliT

~ iI1~re: eJ)T ~rit "(r~~ q-<: ~r~ ~1 ~rcr ij"):qr ! qr?1~

UJfTC~ ~T~ q"( ~ ~)'fT cr~f lfir ~~f ~FffT~ qT"(Cf;m:rT t~a- ~ ! tfGliT?tcfi" ~lf~ Gl» qq~ ij"Tl1~ ~ @I" ~"{

~~r ~,.\ ~~r~ ~Cf~-.,)l ~~ iflt ! m~T~ ~

:qT~T f~ q~ <:If?IT 'fiT 9;f~; if ~~ ~J q<:~~

.~~1f q-~·k feo Cf~ ~~f ~~ffr ~llqr GfT~ ~ '~~ J ~1j~

~~T;q- cpT q-r~;; Cf;~~ CfiT lfT~ f~<:1r~ ! ~~~ ~r;:

~ Cfi"~r-(~~r~ q-~~ ~q- ~qrrr Cfi~;~ ~~T Cfl~T !~f~;; ~~;;r ~;;a- ~r 9;IT~T~ ~~q ~'rT ! q~ ~q

~ 1fT q-~ flf~ eti~ &1Jlf ~rrr~ ~;rf ! ~;;~ ~ ~f<:1~

if ~rr1r llr~T ! Cf;i1q-r ~T~ qr~r~ fff~q:ir~ ~T ;r~,

~l1~f en! ~lf~T ~T~'1 q"~ "{~q- @f ~~ q~?-r ~"r

~T,? f~~r tflff J ~fep'f qiqrr~ CfiT ~: I1QT~ epT

~~r g~ t Cfilf~T ~ ~fTCT;; it q~ if~T~ qf~ci"'1

gJ;ff I ~q-~~i~ Cf epTfq-r ~~ ~J1Jl ~ f~~ ~{~r~~

:q~ rr~ ~;T ~q-~;rr~ ;r 9111~r cpT ~err epr I '1;; ~T"'T~

Cfir t~Q fi.f)~ \jff~ ~5f ~r~ ~:r ~ ;sr~~ if'lr I

tf)11?ff ~tT~ ~T~ q-~ ~q~rrrq- ~"Iil ~rq ~Pl'1

f~~~T 3;fT ift( I \3'i ~T~T ~ ~~ ~) cp~ '~;:~r;;' en)

~~T 91~ ~r f~=qr~ fcp~r I 3;iq"(;rr~ ;PJ1~r ~

~'li it srr ~"( ~~fI ~T ~;~~ ~;~ f9"€i~ ~tTr ~r .1.

~l:fCfiT 1fj;;;f11 if rn ;q-r ;rf I '~;:lJfif' 4fT .,~ ~rf;r I

~ ep"\ ftf)~ ~ ~r $ ~T~ :q~ q~r I

~r\i"it!{ ~: ifT~ ~1t!{ ~i9"~. ~~ Cf)~ ~Tlfl I ~~~

~ ~~ ~~r~r f~ Cf~ 5f~('1 ;p~~ q~ +ft .~# ~~

\jfr~ # ;; ~~f ~~r l ~r~n~ ~~~T ~ q-~l q~ q~

Cf)~ ar.rr llrrr~ ~rrr ~T{ ep~r fi) 3;f;sr ~ 91~ 1ff ~

~j3? lfj J ~q<T ~)fT ~t Gf .rrq-i ff) ~;;QT;:r ~~

~3/~(-1jr ~~<?'1 ~q~ f~Jt ~~~ ~r ~ 1 ~q.~ ~ ~~T~T

Cf1T ~f~r ~r:ffr~ it ~~r ~r I ~srr~r qQ~ fT ~T ~r~re

Gfi"T =qf~,~a· ~T I ~~: ~q~ 91t~ ~ff~T\.TI ;;~ f;Plff I

~..rr ~r~ ~T~ :rrra-r ~~!i ~re:r '1 cp~ qrtt !~t~r ~ q-f~ q~Tt ~T ~~;:rT CflFi S!fT fep cr~ ~TT~r;r,

ij'T~ i:i ~):q ~T ;;@ ~ifi~fT $!1T I ~~~ Gfr~ q-~ ~1

(~~fTr'f' q"';f CfiT ~~~~Tf~~cr ;Pll-;; ~T I qQ "ijl

~'T;:fT ~T~ ~t(fr er;'"'r ~pfT ~ ~n=t it ;; tfr:q ~~ ,

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frr~a~~ ~\lf;:fr, ~;r ~)~ ~,';;fifrl~~~T fil~T cpT

frT";TT~lf ~ I 1T~;r ~ f~~l~ ~c ~~ ~.I f:q~'~ ~ ~

if,1 3;crft ~~ Cr7; ~~ f~f~ij 1:I~~eT cp;fq~ srf~~

qf~f~~ f~lJT CfiT 9;f~t11Cf,;r Cf. \ ~ ~l ~ I ~.,it1 ;rrr ri+TTCfT~~TCf)T ~T5jepT ;!fP:a- ~ I ~~ f=:fqf~ ~ Cfi~T;n ct~T fi~~T ~~T ~ I ~~ft fqqf~ if'; CfiT~lJT ~i~ ~T~T ~f~T

~ qT~T cp) ~~f~~T Cf~;r~ ~r ~T~T ~ ~T.~ I cfr~T ~

~q-~m-~:z -~~ 'liT !l;fTfi;r~;:r !:Tlf"'ii:lT it~TCfiT~ ~lfT I

7,111 ~flf Cf>T ~q- ;J;f~lf;:Ff ll;:ft~T~) 1~crrl:q~ ~

~~T ~ I {ut-~~~r ~ ~~f~~rr cft~T cT1T tt~ sr~mrT

~ ztCf~ 'flfT ;; ~) I ~~ q'~ 71~ fJfi~ CfiT ~~~~

~c~;~ ~~T I ~~;:fT ~;:lf+ffl1 EFT -~'1f 1~Tit CfiT

~11lT 9;fr:rT I

~~ 'it~ ;r~1, m~rIf ~~rff §~r, q~~:e: f'i~­

Cfir~r ~T I qT~ ~furT CflT fq~f~Cf,Tlf ~~T~ ~ CJ1'T

iff~~~T q~ 9;ffq-(f ~T ~~T i ~T~CJ(=fT ~r q~~'l ~~1

CflJTfCfl ~'l~T ~~uft ~;; Efi q-r~ ;; S!1T I ~eti"91I1T~l~

~~f~~l~ ~) i1~' I csr~~T ~ ~Tt :q~ illt ~,.~ ~Cfi~T

~~;:r~:q-T Cf)T ~T4111~ ~'.r lflfT I

~q~ 11~(=;f il i~1 Cf)lf::f~T ~ 3;q~ ~qf~ ~T

qcf;; ~c q~ T I epT~T!T ~r ;rerT9 Cff~ ~r ~ ~~T ~~

q~ fqq-fi; I ~~fr ~t~~ftlf ~q~~T ~if ~~ ;:rrft ~ ~q

SfiT ~T~tr f~~T' ~ij"~ 9;l"q~ ~:~ ~) Slf~ ~lf~

~:[ ~) f::rqf~ ~ Cfi\TNf q~t ~ ~q"T~T :qr~T I ~~

ct:T ~1SJ~15fT i:f ~~ ..qf~q;f'i ~T 1Cf)T ~T I ~~f q~~ q~

~q~1~ ij- :J;i~·~rrT <:T:jf~T~fr ~ft q~t ~T~ qi! 9;f~~lf fi:TtTef T

$qT I ~T~ 73"~Efl ;;1 q7 tz~, liT~ '1~~ ~T~fr ~T I

,f~~T ~ ~qa- \;~etl1{i1<1 ~\jn~' f~Gf(f $qT I ~~<;­

(Tf~ 9;fl~ ~~~~l[~~ ~r ~«Cfir q"rfoCf)r q"{ ~Q~T ~~T

~) I ~fiT iF ij~T ~ ~~ !fqlf6~~) ~g- ~ I q~;:ff'0 ,-..... .........

$fqT~~ i{r_~{i~ ~~'t ;r £I;rH{(ff ~T ~tf)f~ :q~af.T I

~~~ 9;Jq~ fq~qrq'fT~ ;rT;P~ cr,T ~~j:q-T (fsq"r ~it

~Cfi rr~~1 ~ ef1t ,!lf~"{T\lf ~lfl~:I ~ qPJ ~~r I

•• • • •~lf~~1lJt ~;rT~ t;fT ~~T ~l I ~lTT~~ q~ll~~ ~T I

~Tif;:~ tr~~ ~~T~ CfiT ~T~ ~;:rT ~~ ~ I ~~ if ~qT­

~ f~r f~ if~r~ ~ ~a- ~T~T ~ I q'~?1 ~) ~'i Cfl~

~~ f;l'Tm gi;fT, q~;:~ ~q~;qT~ \jij- ~<1T ~\ifT' I

~T~~ it ~~ ;V;"{ ~~Tq- f~lfT ;;~T Cli1fq~r Cfi'T ffo~T

~~~ ~T'iT it ~ ~T ItT~~T ~T ~RT, ~~Jf q ;plfqijf

;f;T 1j~~ 9'fJT, ~T7?fT 'fiT ~t~T I GfT~~T~ if 1;:iT~,J

':f~~~~ !"

':~T~~~ ~~Tlfa- !"

"tf)'~ it~T~ CliT ~81 r Cf)T ~~) I ~~ft CfiT ~rft efT(i& ~ fep qT~ ~T~~(ir;rT it lj-it ~q~r m~ ~'iT~r ~ I

~ ~JTT;:r ~, q-~;:~ ~~;; ~ f~~~ EtST Cl:~\ i:r=t ff~lf

if *11' ~ I"

:~~f~;r jfstq;:n~ ! q~ ~T ~Pt~ ~~ et1T q~iiT


"f~~~~~ ! 1Jf t1~t \ifRff f~ ~TlqT ~ ~T (fTlfl

;r ,~~ g~ f?:~ fl{Nf \ifT~~, ~~~ fq~ arrf ~r~ ~ I

q Cfilf~~ft ~T f~~'?fT ~'U~T fef) 1.ff~ ·il1~ 11~ ~T~

~;;T~T ~ (fT il ~T 9;fI:J;rT crrtelf ~ Cf:~";rT I"

lif~r!~~! ~~rr if q'Zr 5f~~9T ~ I ~~T ~.~

"{r~1 ~l ~f~'9 L tJ1i~ itqT~-"{~T it. f~lt ~~ ~T I"

-~lfT~T ij'~~T,

~q- ffTt Tf

Page 157: Deshbandhu College

1;!t~T ~ll :!e ~QT ~ •••.• •\iff :qT~Cir ~ fCfl f:qCi~T

f~~~T ef)~ ~)3i~ I q~ 'f~T ~~ ~ ~~~r ~Tm' ·...•~er; .•••• ·'lQT 0 ••• o~;p ~t ~~T, ~~r ~ at ~;:~~ Cf;T

5fT~flf~ ~TiiT ~ I ij";:~~ ! ~~ q~ f~~ ~fer~T~~,

~;:~~ er;~~ cy;r! ~ :a-~ fqcT rr :ST~:I~ft I +rll'~

•• ~)q) ! it qlfT ij"1:q~ ~tTt I ~ Cf)~f ~ .• 'fep~

~f;:r~T ~ I if ~~ ~f;:rlfT ~ ~~~~ 'l~r· q""{ ~~

~~ ~f;;~T ~ ~:!~~ ~;:r'ir ~r ~TlTr I (l~ Cl?li ? cpfff~ ~~ lf~T ~f:qf9" ~ .•. .,~T ~f:q~ ~~f:qa' if ~~ ;rQT~Trn;T I r:r~ ~~ d"T !!~ ~T;:r;;r Q:T ~)rrr 1 ~T;:r~~ er,~

~;ij" it ~'l~r., ~)~ f~~;r f~'1 ~~ i-l'Gfia-r ~ I ~~

~q~ ~PT ef;"'r ~~ ~l~TGf~Uf ~ ~1;~~ ~.,T~T ~T

~TrrT, ~~Cfi~T;:rr ~)rrr, ~~lf cpT ;:~~T :;rr~ ~rt'l ;n"'t

~:;.fti!;;r ~~, !!* q~ q-~tcr ~ 1C?;T ~"'T rff5e ~~;:rr

~Trrr, ~~ i;fr<: fr 1fte: tor ep~ ~fcrlSlf eft ~T~ ~\?f;:rT

. ~trrr •.q"{ O. ~~Ffr ~rrT qf"{Cfff;r q ~q~ it (1"T etij-

qT~~~T ? ~~it ~i1~r ;(~ ef}QT, q~ J;faf ~T ~ ij"ar~

~"'1T ~T ~ftlff. '1~t ..~T ' .. 'l~T 1 q;r ~~lf apT ;!f~r

cit it ~~~ q ~ SFfic' 'l~t ~T~ ~~iTT I ~dT?T ~crC'1 ~T ,

~~ +f,<1 \jfr3)~~ft I' ~Tq) ! ~~ ff~lf eJ1T tr~ W(i'[;:g

«I1Tt:~ Cf)"{ ~~r ..Cit · 0 ~~ +i~'iT ~t()"r···~:T Cf~ ir~T

~GT ifiTt ~~T I 'i~Tt ~)tf) ! 9;fr~ ~f~c:;r-~T ~) ~~r ~ I

1~~r~tJ fcpij";r ~cr;r~T'" ~T lf~ ~~fT cpT~) ~CT~

$!fl'J q~T Jf~~Cfr . q~') ~):;r'. cr~~·· ';:r~T . ;:r~T ••

~~ Gf~ 'ltr =ft ij";par I fepij"~ ~'4; q~T~r········~~ ~ ~ -

cp~(fr ~ (flR ~T iii ? •....~)~~ eflll "~T I ~Tq) !~~ ~r~ fcn~ .....~~~ ((1) ¢fr~ if fq:)~ ~~T t~~

~~;;r :qT~~ft ~ I'

. "~if;:rr :qr~erT ~r err ~IH ~.~) · 'Cfi~t, ~~ ~~

;r~T f~\8f~ ~Cfr I ~q aT ifT'iGf ~T fq;~ erlfT 9;f~~lf

~) ...;;~T ..<r~T ~q ifTifq ;;~T ~lffT ~T, ;r=t ~iffl; !Uqq~ CllT ~)ZClT +fa' ~) ~~ft(1r I"

tcq~t ~) ~lf •• , •• ~TJ ~rct ~T~r, ~+r~ Cf)~T ~T,

~ij itt f~~ lf~ ~gr~ frr~trr~ ~7 ft ~ij";.pT ~)Q:-ar;:er;:r

~TC: ~-:liTr···'·· eft· · ·crt · ·Cfl1T •. '1~t ..~~~T I ~Cf) ~r~

q-qrft ~fq f~@T~T I'

j(q~ olf~·· °CfQ: B"~ ~~~ ~)rrT, ~q-;:ft ~~(i5"T ~)

'.:far ~t=~' ij'~r':ff ~"{c:rT ~)~T I"

{(f~9~ ! ~.;t; ~q-~~ ~T ~~ ~iT .,~ 5ffa~nt I"

'i~~ ~T~t, ~~~ ~~ .~~ \ifT~T I ij"ifT~-f;:rrira-

~~ fij"~T;:a) ~ rfr~ ~ G:Gf q~ ~, ~;:~ ~~ ~Tif) I

q~ ~q ifT~;r-llT~ ~i I"

(iq~ it 'iQT lfr'f~ft I '1~T .. "~T it rr@ lfRffT I"

(:~~~ JfT'irrT ~T~r I ~~r4" tllT Cf)~ Cfcll f~q-T

ij"~tq"r, ~~ ~~T ~T ~~J ~@;:rr ~T~aT ~) I" .

n~t" •• It .~q'.' ~ij' ~t:f;(, ;:r~T ~ij"r~ fif~ijT~

;:r@ .·.~ crT i1'~r ~Tf~a·····' 1"

I(q~ fCfl~ft ~T~ ~ fcpf~ •0 •• ' I ' ,

I(Ofl1T ep~ ~~ ~T ~if -5R"T·· 01"

t :'i~T .. "~T it ~~ ~~ ~l=afT~., Efl lfTtlf ;;~T

~it I1~T~J1r Cf)~T' ••,· 0 ~~lfT~ft ~QT · 0 • ~T(J~' •• ' •. 17'

tt~ .' ~T 0 rT'iT . ift{T'·· ;:r~t; ~f=~r~ ~~ ~

it l1~r~T;:fT ~~G: 'i~r ~~ tr~aT I ~if; ~aft~ (f)~) 0 • •

~~ ;rr{ 0 .~.~), •• ~4); ~':?f) cr) ~~ft ~T q~ ~ ~~~T~T

~;fT~T··· ... ~t:~ •••••• I"

Page 158: Deshbandhu College








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Jf~T~JfT f.,qT~ ~~ ~, lf~T~r~ :tr~ ~r f:qFaci~, ~T~T~T .ft Cfiq f:q~ij~ ., ~T t \j~~Tft:leprft tf.T

if+fTCf ~~ ~~~ \;JT ~~T ~T I q~ +lT~lI' q~ qrff if

QiT I ~~ f:q~aT ~ ~T~l~ CfiT 1~ ~\iTTJ,;JT Cf}T ~~F-f~

eJ;~ f~~r, ~ij"epT Sfa-l'i if;:~ q~;r ~ifr I ~~T~T\jf <:fiT

~qt~T f~'f-5ff~f~~ ~fr:q~'llf ~)a-r \ifT ~~T lqT1 l1~T~T~T

~;~ ~~ -=< en"\ ~:~T ~Tefr, ~T;:ff ~~~ ~;:r~ ~T ~t~T

Cf)~{fT ~~T q~ llT~ \1~~ ~~~ ~;:r;r ~ ij~ ., I JJ~T~T\lf

tq~ fij"erT"\ rrit 1 ll~T\T~r ~T q~ ~aft1~T fq)\. ~T~ ':;ef)~ \lfTiJ<f ~T 'deT, \3;;CflT :~ftcCf)T~ 1=f~~ CfiT ~Tqr~T

~) +[T cpf1=qa- Cfi"~~ ~ifT I q~ ~:qT;;Cf) ~~ ~~ ~'lT~

q~T1 I '~;~ trar~1 ~;;'iT ~)ifr- lT~ ~ar ~~i ~)~~r

~)f1T I" +r~T~T;ft ~OT, ~~~ q t3JT it, irclCf.T'{-~f~a- q~~Cf~)~ cpT ~Cfr-~n· ~tt I ~T\ilf GfiT ~rif~T~ ~;.n~

~ij"CflT q-f~ft~fer cpT ~J:~T~ f~lfT I ~\ifT ij;:~(SG ~T I

q~T"{TrrT .. " ~lflf it 'efTq ~~~ cpT ~t~T cr.T q- ~ +r~~

GfiT ~;rTtT'i ~;:~ ~~~a-T ~T I ~f:qCf I ar;:~9;fT GfiT ~~~r

~T;:r CP\ ~;:~T~ ~?f lft~ f~lfT I ;:r-T~Tlf1lf eft~ ~ ~~it

~rrT I +r~T\r;;T ~~~T fCf.~Tf\lfT it 9;lq;:rT :;:~

~~;r cpT ~~T Cf)~~ ~~ I

:JJT\;f +tiT~r err "{T;:rr . f~f;:a a- ~r I q\ ~j .•. OflfT

Cfi~~ $l.iT ? ~f:qq ~:qfl=~~ ~, G~~T~ ~ifr lq'T I ~r;:ft

fij'~T~'1 ij- ~~r 'lT~ ~~:q tq~ iT ;ft~T, ':~;:ft, •.~+r

~T:q aT \~ ~T ~lit fefi m\if :trij'~~ if~ ~;~ cpte· Oft):r

f~~T ? ;rra- ~~ fq:qr~un·~ ~ I J;fTq ~ar ~T +f"tfa­

~T'i~ ~ fep '1T\TlftJf f3flT ifr<ft ~~ ijJf~ ~l1~ iA°irjfTij"1,:epT~ Cfi) ~f:qa- Cfi""{ f~~T ~r I +rtT~ ~ar ~~ ~~

~~"{TfeTCf)T~T ~ifT~ CfiT ~lfT~ ;;~T ~T~ +FJ~fT ep-T q~

~q~ ~m-;; Cf;, ~~ q:~if ~ ~'l it ~q~T ~~ft ~~ifT rctm ~~ <1\J~T CfiT ~T~ ;:r-~T fep ~~T~T +fiTl:fr fq~f~ll{T

~ ~tftrr ~T ... etlfT i+r ~«+rT'l~ ~) ~lfT~ ~) .•• "

"~~T .••~~Tfq- ~~1 ... ~li ~l~ \;fT ~ftrT q"{ ~'O~~ff

~T ~ferCfT\ 'i~T ~)~ ~lr';, ~~ t:tep~)tq"{ii~I'~~~1

"PJT~T~ ! ~ i~ij- 7.f{r 'lT~T '11" I ~;:ft it~o G'~r~J:~ ~~ \j"ij' +f"r~~:fTlfr ~ '3'tT~q if ~Jf +f"T ~~~Tlf

~ifT ~)ifT 1"

ii~t, lf~T~f:qcr ~ ... lT~~T~r'lT ~~q't ~r~ etlT ~tT -"

~iT ~Cfi' ~T ~q"{ q fCfi"{ arT~ ~~ I

"'i~T, ~)(WfT +f"T~a~Ta-T CfiT ~lf, ij'iff~ +tT~T Cf:T

;:rTf{~T Cf)T ~ft ~'ij ij'~lfm ~'iT ~JiTT I lT~ll1~T ~~

Cf~ rl'zrT\T CliU I"

~:a :m~~II ~ ~T ••ifT\TlfUf +f"T ~:' \T~T ~ ~T.

Qf ~~q q-~ ~qT"{ ~T, ~) ~r~) if ~~crT~, ~~~ ~ ~TIf,

fCff~~ ~~ ~T I \TrrT CJiT fq\iflf f;rf~;:r~ ~T q-~

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Page 160: Deshbandhu College




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Page 161: Deshbandhu College

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Page 162: Deshbandhu College

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Page 163: Deshbandhu College


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Page 165: Deshbandhu College

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131 }of f~(X) f~'ij' «~1 ~ld Cl~l ac31f~OJ

Bl1 f~ij 3 «~l fcf~n f~~ n'ij~l. 3~~~1 ~?i ~u f~@~ ~oJl· ftr~:' t10- . ::::: - - ,~~~1 f~~: cr~1 fn«~t!l ~ 3 ·Cl~l§\.f~'

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Page 166: Deshbandhu College

f~iJ~n ~ ~~ ~i 3 )-)f~c fll'r)fl a -el \\4a 11


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~=a if1~1(1)z; 3: tfl~ g(3' ~1 ~ ~U (3131, CJ131'n(J1~' ~1 I' f1!uni ~~

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Y3a ~ a131 ~1 ~el f~Hf~3 or131 ~fo»li, }i:' ~u ~==" ~c~f~ClH1 fcl'tJ ~~fE~'- Hl I f~5l ~H. ~. \.I~e1 '5fe}){l ~ofe»li f~uT, "al"31· JI;;:I ~J:I, ~ '3'8Ha r ~ij?ii ?i aJOl~a til ~lJ=13 -ij-~3 ~:" ~(J~1 .»l~i~-· f~~ \Jlf}:ln I ~:. fC1\J1- - ::: -. . .:::: ,fefH}){l I ftlol 1I~ ~ ftl~:' f\.l31itl ~(J( "0131, »lara fl!5 u1i11~7) 5 '3i «1l:falP;l '5 CJl~ 3 fl?u orfc:f-ft?~i Df1?~i ~~1 fl?R ~. ~~c (')t11:" J:tor~ ," fJ:f~Cf­

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fEu f~~' ~u~el -~, ~3 11}'1 d13 T ~6T6T ~~ f~3T I ~u a -au1 Jl1, ftli~

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CJ131 f~~lul dl~l : :9Tt:l1 ~ fCX(Jl-

"a131 f~ol ~~l YO l.IT3 H1, ~ua (~:_ J:l1.hfH. ~wa)

Page 167: Deshbandhu College

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ft!u sCl C')1' JlfOl»fl

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3 l:In 'filij t;tfo faT»f1., '.' .

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»fQ,.,.;~.3'·ftu5 faJbf1

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Page 168: Deshbandhu College

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f~Ol }fBT~ ~ uEf f~tJ ~ ~, wa \llCJ r%~ ~i~l ~ I

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-qn ~1 l:(Tf3a fl?~ ~ ~~, C2C }{Ta ~a ~t~t ~ ·1

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W3 -e };ij € l1{ea tiT ~ ~l:fi ~1 f~or ;:I1n ~~1~= ,~fl1


f~3 -e1 ~lf3CJ, ~~i ~1 flu ~1t1 ~Cl~:::r)f~n

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Page 169: Deshbandhu College

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Ol~ «1 ua 13i »1a3 ~, ul alit

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":11 }i310{~, 'R1(g ~ill

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tJTU 'Rl, ua CJl:I ~ ))IT ~}fl "ae1 ~ llla1 Y)fl

»fTHi ~}flei "3 tpel ia fe3T 1 »f"t:l

C1~ '~alil '6Rc' ~T 'iC!T ~ a ~i ul-- . ~ - --- - ~13'91 ~'QTEl U I ~R 3 'ij~ol ~~, CJC?~

~j fRnH ~1 fc3?C! ~e1 5~, ii ~~1

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~=.c tli orH1t1 ~T orLl~T H~l 5~ 3i

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l.l~~ «a 37 ~1 'va c;s~ HH R'f<J~'

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~ ~31 -e~ ~ 0l~1 ~63d f~tJ ~R3i ?;:::=


Page 170: Deshbandhu College

~v f~3l HfR)){1 ~1 CjT3 1=11, tI~~

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"asl ?iT tl311~, t=f~3"

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Btl c13l~ ~o nT~' f~~!. ~r~:'~ ~ I

H~ ~;fl ftf31 tlt!l ~ I H~el ~l Hlf~~T

~ (1)1 I" -

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(Jga f~~~ f~or f~O(l fMul (lHeu

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";:113 alB ~H1~ 'H~ n(]l~ 451e=' - :::=

-a5 (l)1-n1 J=!ul, 40 fee; ~1 fS'Ol

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~30 ~:'ft?~i f~u1, 3 u~a f~~~ fOlH~ ~~ ~ ~1 ~l~TtI »{T~l I

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H(I)l ~alp)e ~1~1 li'i, f~~ :a1c1Ef ~'=for

(1)'c:5 f~YH1\J f~31 tll~ I

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Page 171: Deshbandhu College

~~~l)fl-fLl»{ld 'e1 'R~1 , fl1a:6 25000

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"_R~~ "iJl~l ~ l.(31 HalT, ~R ~ y~ll1

-: .fitl faUac f~':PE1 I ill~n ~l»ft

OfC5?)ll!l))fi "3 ~H1~3i 3~ \ij~al~ 5~

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ft!31 I [NFl ft!o 1;!it!H ~l ~Flp.)l

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"ell 3 lJ1 ~F1~1 ~1 1:11 ~: 1"o::s

~: yfs»{i I

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f~H ~1~3 f~»ITd ~1 (l)u': 1=11 cfu fCJ&~1 I

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f~~ fitt5?i \4t!1 Ola ~ \131 CJitl1~ ~\J

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('Bcfil13 "Q"in '~'FP:iC3'

~1 ~ala~, ~f\JZ;l 1=I1e!;)


Page 172: Deshbandhu College

~1 ~u t11:aTZ;S J:il? (lizW s(lil~i ~l~i €u~Cli, '~fFlll:13i ~ ~J:I ~

\.jl:aTe; l:I'e' f~3' J:ll, ~~ ~ J:I ~. t1':aTC?, gt!1~1 3 ~t:!1 3~i ~ (liT (Ii'e;

j1~tf(li ~o~ 11(1) I ~V t:1' fau' J:ll, fsre? f~il ~, l:pft?t! ~J:I~ ~1 (liuT'

1=11 l{3' I

-alr;:f~d s1.~. f"itJ ~:S~1 ~1 I flf31 ~ ~1\.f~ 'U'3Cl @§ or~1 @}f1~iu =' - - -

"5'f~~l or~~l~i 'CJn 3 f-gl1 € f\.f31 ~ ~1 ~s ua f~~ ~ 6(1 ~31 1=11, f01', = ~

'5e1 ~3 f'SJ=I?; ~1~~ fll)){'B 3 fE~~3 lJ3CJ 3.t ~t!1 Z;E1 ~.l:f O(d"~~a11 I~ -

~e ~d f~~ ~111 HT 3 ~R 'e1 ~uTal cpf;f~a iJl til I, Hi ~1 ~J'ci ~~3 '.

tfiwo arue ~ C')1C? ft:1C')T ~fl/~' Fll, .~oij 5 fcn~' FIll olfti't!o t1~1~1 •.

Page 173: Deshbandhu College

»f'R 'i1H ~e ~1 ))fll:fal 31-a1~ 'R1, f\Js~ }ful~ ~1 '61H ~1 ~\.IE

?i1 Be ora ~ ntJ1~ 1=11 ~ 1=Ifcxl)fl I )){;:J fl~ ~l~tI iPe ~ap 3i ~'R ~1

f~w:ar licll~CI f~5 u1 ~tJ feu' J:ll fer 61J:l f~J:l 3~i ~~iOll I ~J:l ~

Jl1el",i ~ 31tJ~ 'Hl~~ «fue :9~ Btf~ @JI ~ ~ni f~"ij a1t:1 -a5 'FIn I, - = -.~H'~1 .f~~ i5l131 fex cx1C?;tI ifle ~1 ei J1~Bn ~~ ~C;S1 tI'~ 3 f~JI

~l:f sal fi~d11 3~ Jlt!l ~1:!1 §c«lCll \11 ;:fl~ I ua tit! ~J:I t!' ftf»fln

~T -el))lT f\.4))fle 3 J:lfu~ :9C11}')1i if ~J:l }')Il:fi ~H f01))ll 3i ~J:l ~ f~u

f~)){ll; &se1 f~»fl I ~H ~1 3a ~ (lill; (liTC!; ul ~'R ~l l1~i ~1 ~:l1

3CJt!l;:11 (3u1 J:l1 I @11 ?; f~))fl~ l)flf~»{1 for fOl@~ (Ii' }i~ l)fllr~1 5e- - ~ -~1~1 ~3(1;1 'fit!' ?; f~l:fi f01 ~?; as of~»{i ~1 ild03 5 I lie f~or~}f= ~ ~ -- -- =@R 7; "Rf"ijl)fl fet ~~ fi(1il l:f"e01cB u i I @JI ~ ~~ ~ul~ 3~ fijcsl ~l- - - ~ =tI'il~ ntJ1~ f'e3 1 I )){fl iloo3 ~~ fl;):fe ~(Jll "iji I @u~?i fin1 }f3~l:I1= ~ ~

JlHiaJ1, 3 f~Ol ~}f f~CT fg)){lnOl ~ul ))fl~lil ~ ~JI ~ fl:t»fl~i ~1 !nl))fi, -

f"iij~ cfi f~31 I ~u «1"61 :91;1 f~"ij f'U4fa))41 5f~»{1 J:ll I f~Cl lP~ itr~ln

~;tl l:f~31 5l?1 J:ll, ftlJ:l ?i'H ~'A ~1 ))ltJl?iCl 'Zero 5l?1 J:ll I ~al ~ f~~i

B~t!j ~ "f~u ~qJlCJ ~" ~:~1 liTCJ 3: sal f~31 I fi~ f~tJ @JI t!1'== - -

Cl'HtI ))ll faT))ll I tI~ ~u erli~ f~tJ ~;:P, 3i ~~J:lo ~J:l~l ~M ?i~a i.'H feu'J:ll I \.ffu~l \.flal))la l:f3~ 5fl?))l1, ~J:lol \.4lal))la ))l~:a ~Cl?i ~1 ~i ~u

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fe31 I

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Page 174: Deshbandhu College

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faJ))f1 I ~a f1!er ~}f fl:f»l1C!? »11f1!»fT fer '€l:fi 3 ~u1, fOl'Q:a Ha .

3 ))fai: @u ~tJ (I)' 'Rf~~' @J:t ~1 }Ii f1?'R ~n1~i 3: scC5tlijl \.11 tlct1- , - - - -~Cl1 51!1 ~11 'Hi ~ '€l:f ~ ~~ ~1 ~1or foor~ 0I~1 3 ~ij u1 \.fEfa ~1 }ja3

8e fal»fl I \1l~ ~J=I ~~ Be "i1l=13 a~1 "iJ~ ~1 nul: 'R(Ii ,- :::::

~u ~tJ1 ~tj1 erfu fauT Jl1-"~: \./ll.l1 ui, 'Hi }i: ul 3dl ~3 t:'

ClraC! u1 I ~(J 'Hi -He l ell Cll1(J }tal ~~forR}f31 ~ 'HC3T ftl31 (1)1 C)f\Je== ,

f~3T, R~1tl "& 3~ ~1 Ha ~~: Qu fi?i»fT I li: ~e f~lt 'RWtl f~ij

ft!i~l afu ~ crl ora?ii 5 I f~oc ~}l @1=It!1 nitCJ}ii ~ J=ldl~ ~ ~~ tI~1- ~

51!1 fijcsl 3 0I~11 f1!~ fi~ ~ f~31 ~1 "Rll t1~ ~"R ~ ~f~»f" 3i ~a1o

afu fd1»f1 I ~J:I f~ij f~fl:f)){l 5fl?~1 }:Ill

"~: »I1~el C!?;rCll 3a ftl5 cSia:1c:5 n'c:5 nul: f~»f1~e1 ~lfl~l I,"

f~or "iTa ~l))4i € "Rei ~ ~R 3 f~ni ~'RCJ Sl131 foc ~u \IT:d1l; 5- -fOl»ll I ~ij1 ~ti1 "~: ~1l.l1, ~: ~1~1" »I1l:f~1 ama f(')or~ fOl»l1 3 or1c:51

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Page 175: Deshbandhu College

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Page 176: Deshbandhu College

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Only Sindhi Section Printed byShri Parumal P. Kewalramani

.at 'Kesari' (Elee.) Printing Press,Near Majestic Cinema, AJ iv1ER.

Page 191: Deshbandhu College



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Page 206: Deshbandhu College

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Page 207: Deshbandhu College

Englisb Section

Staff Editors

Student Editors

Hindi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

Punjabi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

Sindhi Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor

Urdu Section

Staff Editor

Student Editor


Shri Radha Krisbana Sod

Shri Radha Krishna Sud

Shri K. C. Kanda

Ram Nath Ganpati

Dilsher Nagi

Mrs. Raj Kumari Parshad

Kamlesh Malhotra

Shri C. L. Kumar

Balbir Singh

Shri S. M. Jhangiani

Pushpa Butani

Shri K. C. Kanda

Surjit Dhawan

Printed at Arun & Rajive (Printing Press) Connaught Place New Delhi, and published byShri Radha Krishna Sud M.A. for Deshbandhu Colleae, KalkaJi, New Deihl.

Page 208: Deshbandhu College




14TH MARCH, 1957.




Page 209: Deshbandhu College




TIle College entered upon the 5thyear of its existence in July, 1956.The enrolment this year reached amaximum of 416 as against 334 lastyear. The number of women studentshas increased from 86 to 129.

An outstanding feature of the yearunder report has been the addition ofthe B.Sc. Pass Classes (BotIl groups A& B). At present we are the onlyCollege which provides these courses inthe College itself.

A grant of Rs. 200000/- was sanc­tioned by the Ministry of Rehabilita­tion to start these classes with permi­ssion to make additional funds avail­able, if necessary, by reappropriation.A Gas Plant at a cost of Rs. 16000/­was built in October last. I expectthat the building of a separatePhysics and Chemistry Block will betaken in hand within a month or two,and completed by the beginning ofOctober next.

Board of Administration

Rai Bahadur Nathu Ram resignedthe membership of the Board of Ad­ministration for reasons of health andthe Government of India nominatedProfessor Dewan Chand Sharma in hisplace.

Shri B. S. Puri and Shri R. K. Sudwere elected by the teaching staff onthe Board vice Shri I. P. Mittal andDr. P. C. Chakravarty (resigned).

Staff :

Dr. Madan, Lecturer in Botany,returned from leave after taking hisPh. D from Gottingen and workedhere for a period of 10 months whenhe was appointed Junior ScientificOfficer at the Central Drug Institute,Lucknow. His place has been takenby Shri Karamjit Singh Rai.

Mrs. Prasad, Lecturer in Hindi,proceeded on 3 months' leave. MissSaroj Gulati has been officiating forher.

Dr. P. C. Chakravarty, Senior Lec­turer in History resigned in Septemberon his appointment as Professor ofHistory and Currrent Affairs at Jadav­pur University, Mr. R. K. Sud, Lec­turer in English, has been promotedto the Selection Grade vacated by Dr.Chakravarty and designated as 'SeniorLecturer'.

Mr. I. P. Mittal, Lecturer in Che­mistry, obtained an appointment inBurmah Shell. He was replaced bvShree R. K. Dewan.

Page 210: Deshbandhu College

Shri Diljeet Arora, part-time Lee­turer in History, was appointed as afull-fledged Lecturer vice Dr. Chakra­varty (resigned).

He has been. successful in therecent I.A.S. Examination. Our con­gratulations.

University Examinations

The College sent up 156· studentsfor the qualifying and 36 for the Pre­Medical Examinations and secured apass percentage of 47.5 and 55.5 res­pectively.

These percentages are about asgood as those of the University inthese .examina.tions , but that is notcause enough for satisfaction. Thefact is that these percentages are low,particularly in the qualifying exami­nation.

It is true that the previous acade­mic achievements of the average stu­dent admitted to this College areconsiderably lower than those of hiscompeer in other colleges. It mayalso b~ true that his financial positionis not so strong and he has not thesame opportunities for social, intellec­tual .and cultural contacts which maybe available to his counterpart in thecampus of the University or in the cityof New Delhi. But I should like toimpress upon the students of this Col­lege that these are not convincingenough reasons for not being able tosecure even a mere pass in their exami­nations. If a student attends his lec­tures regularly and puts in two orthree hours' work a day at home, heshould have no difficulty in gettingthrough.

In his Presidential remarks, on thisoccasion, last year, Dr Mahajani, Vice-


Chancellor of the Delhi University,observed that the poor pass percentageshown by the University in the B.A.Pass Examination, over a number ofyears, had been a matter of some con­cern to the University authorities. Ourown percentage of passes in this exa­ruination for the last three years,though not less than that shown by theUniversity on the whole, had beenrather low. I am glad to say thatthis year our results in the B.A. Exa­mination have been more encouragingthan we had anticipated. ·We secureda percentage of 58 which is the highestaIllong all the colleges, and higherthan that of the University by 15%.Incidentally the first position in theUniversity in this examination wasalso attained by one of our students,Santosh Kumari.

House ExaminationsIt has been noticed, with regret,

that the number of students whomanage to fall ill during the HouseExaminations is rather more thanduring the rest of the year. Applica­tions for sick leave from the HouseExaminations, duly supported bymedical certificates, are sanctionedmore or less autom.atically, althoughill some cases the medical certificatedoes not appear to be genuine. Icontacted the parents of all the stu­dents who were absent from the lasthouse examination on medical groundsor otherwise. and discovered thatsome students, happily very few, hadcut the examination without the know­ledge of their parents under falsepretexts. These students were, ofcourse, required to paJ! the usual finewhich is heavier than the ordinaryfine levied for absence without leave

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from lectures. They also forfeitedtheir fee concession and stipends, ifany. I wish these students to realizethat it would have been perfectly inorder if a more serious view had beentaken of this offence which amounts tomoral turpitude and is, therefore, de­serving of the highest condemnation.In. future students applying for leavefrom House Examinations on the pleaof illness may.if neccesary, be requiredto produce a certificate from the Col­lege Medical Officer and no other cer- .tificate may be acceptable.

Fee Concessions & Stipends

The Board of Administration sanc­tioned 15~~ fee concessions this yearfor deserving students as against 20<j!olast year and the Ministry of Rehabi­litation made a suitable donation tothe Students' Welfare Fund for grantof stipends to students who are notwell-off financially. Fee concessionsand stipends are sanctioned by thePrincipal on the recommendation ofthe Financial Assistance Committee,which interviews every applicant andgoes carefully into each case. Theseconcessions are given at the beginningof the year and all cases are reviewedevery term in the light of the progressshown by the recipients. Of 145 stu­dents WI10 were awarded these conces­sions in July as mallY as 87 lost them inJanuary for doing badly in the Decem­ber House Examination, although thestandard of achievement laid down fortheir retention was a little lower 1haneven a mere pass. I should like torepeat what I said last ~year that po­verty alone could not be regarded asthe sole criterion for the award or theretention of these concessions and thatthe present rather low qualification

required of a student applying for re­taining a fee concession or a stipendis almost .certain to' be raised' nextJanuary.

The Library

We have added about 1400 booksto the Library during the year at acost of Rs. 17685/ -. The average issueof books is 40 per day. The librarysubscribes to 63 Journals, periodicalsand dailies as follows :-

Dailies 4Weeklies 13Fortnighrlies ... 2Monthlies 33Quarterlies 8Annuals 3

Language-wise the distribution isas follows :-

English 46Hindi 13Urdu 3Sindhi 1

The Convener of the Library Com~'

mittee, Mr. Sud, is most interested inthe development of the Library.

The Library space, at our disposal,is extremely inadequate. Perhapswhen the New Science Block ha-s beenbuilt it may be possible to spare oneor two more rooms for the Library.The lighting arrangements which werenot quite satisfactory have recentlybeen improved.

The College Magazine 'Desh'We have been able topuplis~ .two ..

issues instead of the: usual' one andhave added a PunjabiSection. Stu­dents have been contributing to .the :magazine in larger numbers this year,and the standard of articles, also, hasshown some improvement.


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Mr. Sud, the editor-in-chief andmanager, is assisted by Mr. Kanda,l\lrs. Prasad, Mr. Kumar and. Mr.Jhangiani from the staff and by RamNath, Dilsher Nagi, Kamlesh Malhotra,Balbir Singh, Surjit Dhawan, andPushpa Butani from among thestudents.

The College UnionMiss Promilla Gulati was elected as

Preside nt and Ripshudan Gopal asSecretary of the College Union. Mr.D. S. Bhalla, Lecturer in English, con..tinues to be the Adviser.

The Union organized debates inEnglish, Hindi, and an extemporarespeaking competition.

The high-light of its activities wasthe Annual Inter-College Debate forthe Deshbandhu Debating Cup whichwas won by St. Steph-en's College.The first prize was won by SalimaAhmed of the Delhi College for the 3rdyear in succession, and the 2nd prize

. by Manik Wadhwani and Dhruv Dev,both from St. Stephen's.

Drama and ArtThe College Dramatic Club has been

staging. three one..act plays: KhaliBota/ (Shivering Shocks by ClemenceDane-translated by Mr. R. K. Sud),'T/1e Affected Ladies by Janet Du nberand Kamra No.5 by Imtiaz Ali Tajfor the last two days and has anotherone act play, namely "Khud Kus?i"ready for presentation on the occasionof the annual function of the CollegeUnion on the 20th of March.

Mr. Sud and Mr. Kaul have beenmainly responsible for the productionof plays and looking after the Drama..tic Club during the last 4 yea,rs... Mrs.Thomas is responsible for staging


(The Affected Ladies' this year. Theselection and casting· of plays hasnever been an easy task but it ishoped that 'with the propos~d

introduction of Inter-Class contests InOne-act and Radio Plays it should bepossible to stimulate the interest ofstudents in this cultural and enjoyableactivity.

We are grateful to the Ministry ofRehabilitation for giving us a hand­some grant partially to meet the costof the equiprnent required for theDramatic Club. This will give theclub a good start.

The Delhi University held an Inter­College competition in Folk-Dancingto select the best team ill the Univer­sity for participation in the Inter­Varsity Youth Festival. 011r tearn of6 boys and 6 girls trained under thecare of Mrs, Thomas, our Lecturer inPhilosophy and the guidance of Mr.Diljit Arora, who himself is a successfulFolk Dancer, won this competition andrepresented the Delhi University atthe Youth Festival. Mrs. Thomaslooked after all the girls from variouscolleges who ,vere required to stay inthe Talkatora Gardens in connectionwith the festival.

A Hobbies Exhibition displayingthe works of our students who areinterested in the various branches of...-\rt such as Photography, Pencil-Sket­ching, Painting and Embroidery etc.will be held on the 20th of March andwill, as usual, be arranged by Mr.P. M. Kaul. This exhibition has nowbecome an annual feature of theCollege.

The Hindi ParishadF.e. Bhatia and Hira Ballabh

Tewari were elected as President and

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Secretary of the Hindi Parishad. TheParishad held a number. of competi­tions in Story-Writing, Debating,Extenlporare Speaking, PoeticalComposition and Essay Writing andprizes were won by Yogindra Kumar,Veena Puri, Chander Sethi,Dhir SinghPurshotma Kapoor, Raj KumarKhanna, Hira Ballabh, KamleshKumari, .Dinesh Kumar, ChanderParkash and Suman Luthra.

Shri Suresh Chandra Gupta, Lec­turer in Hindi, who has been in chargeof the Parishad during the absence ofMrs. Prasad, read a paper on the'Literary Appreciation of Panchvati'.Shri Yagya Dutt Sharma a wellknown novelist' and criti c of Hindi,gave a talk on 'Prem Chand and hisnovels'.

Extension Lectures

These Lectures are organised byShri R.P. Budhiraja.

. Dr. Kempers,a German Delegate tothe UNESCO Conference, was invi­ted to speak to the. students on 'SomeProblems facing the German Nation',Mr. A.A.A. Fyzee of the Union PublicService Commission on 'Islamic Cul­ture', Mr Basu, Deputy Director,United Nation Information Centre, onthe 'United Nations Day' and Dr. S.L.Vohra on "Yogic Physical Exercises'.Vidur Bhaskar, a student of the Qua­lifying Science, gave a talk on theScience of Crime Detection.

I addressed the College two orthree times.

The Science Association

The Science Association, this year,has been administered by Messrs.

C.L. Kumar and R.K. Dewan withBhagwan Behari as a student Secreta­rYe It comprises a membership ofover 170 students. Many of its mem­hers visited ~{odi Nagar, the DelhiCloth Mills and. the National PhysicalLaboratory. It also arranged a PaperReading Contest and had a success­ful annual function the other day.

The Political Science Association

The Political Science Associationmaintained its reputation as the mostactive association in the College. Itheld four meetings in addition to orga­nizing an Inter - College Debate, aMock Session of the Suez Conferenceon the pattern of the London Confer­ence, a visit to a session of the LokSabha, and a picnic to Kotla FerozShah,

Prizes were won by }".C. Bhatia,Gargi Gupta, Hira Ballabh Tewari,Nirmal Chhabra, .Iagan, Dilsher Nagi,Bharat Bhushan and Karuna Arya inthe various contests organized by theAssociation from time to time.

Dr. C. J. Chacko, Head of the De­partment of Political Science, Univer­sity of Delhi, addressed the Associa­tion on 'Parliamentary Democracy inIndia. '

Most of the success of this associa­tion can be directly ascribed to the in­defatigable labours of its staff Presi­dent, Mr. V.N. Khanna, assisted byPrem Lata and Yoginder KumarSharma, the "student President-and.Secretary respcetively.

The College is thankful to -ShriRajinder Kumar Jain, an ex-memberof the Board, of .Administrabion, for

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donating a handsome running trophyof the value of Rs. 250/- to the Politi­cal Science Association for organizinga yearly Inter-College Debate.

This trophy was won by St. Ste­phen's College.

The Economics Society

The Economics Society had a Dec­lamation contest in English, a Prize­Debate in Hindi, an Essay Writingcompetition, and a Paper ReadingContest. Vijay Kishore Singh Sodhi,PromiIla Gulati,Hira Ballabh Tewari,Gargi Gupta and Veena Puri wonprizes.

The Society also arranged a sue­cesful trip to Bhakra Nangal, Chandi­garh, and Modi Nagar under Mr. S.P.Kapoor, Lecturer in Economics.

. It has recently organized a Plann­ing Forum under the directions of thePlanning Commission and it is hoped·that members of the Forum will helpin making the Second Five Year Planknown as widely as possible amongthe people of their villages during thenext summer vacation.

The Sindhi Literary Snclety

In addition to a. number of ordi­nary meetings the Sindhi Literary So­ciety held an Essay Writing Competi­ti.on. Miss Pushpa Butani andChander lV1001 Chandani secured the1st and 2nd prizes respectively.

The History Association

The History Association took anexcursion to the historical monuments

in and around Delhi under the leader­ship of Mr. Arora.

Social Service

The Staff and students paid avoluntary donation of Rs. 500/- to theFlood Relief Fund.

A Social Service League has .beenorganized under the leadership of Mr.V. N. Khanna, but it appears that sofar it exists only on paper. We arehoping that the members of thisLeague will be able to do some activesocial work during the coming sum­mer vacation.

. Games & Sports

We have only one small playingfield at our disposal, but even this isnot satisfactory from any point of·view. It is impossible to maintain itill a proper condition without waterand a compound wall to stop tres­passing. A tube well and a com­pound wall are dire necessities.

A considerable number of studentsplay Cricket, Volley -Ball, Badmintonand Net-Ball fairly regularly, and goin for some practice in athletics. TheCollege participated in the Universitytournament in. Cricket, Athletics,K.abaddi, Net-Ball and Tennis, butdid not do well in anything, That,however, does not matter much. TheInter-Class tournament which wasstarted last year, in a number ofgames, has proved to be a popularevent. As many as 250 students tookpart in it. It was won by the B. A.Class. The question of reorganizingthis tournament on a more equitablebasis is under consideration. TheBadminton and Table-Tennis Tourna-

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ments attracted a large entry, bothfrom men and women students. Andmore than 150 boys and girls tookpart in the ...Annual Sports.

Physico-Medical ExaminationEvery student has been given a

Physico-Medical Examination jointlyby the College Doctors and theDirector of Physical Education, Mr.D. S. Chaudhry. rl'he parents andguardians of students who have beenfound to be suffering from seriousphysical defects have been informedand advised to secure proper treat­ment to their wards .

. Dr. Miss Pre~a Pandit was ap­pointed as part-time medical officerto cater to the requirements ofthe women-students of the College.

The College Office

The work of the College Office wasinterrupted a number of times thisyear owing to the illness, luckily turnbv turn, first of the Cashier, and thenof the Accountant, .the Stenographerand the .Iunior Clerk all of whom wereaway on leave for considerable peri­ods. The work, however, was notallowed to go into heavy arrears bythe commendable hard work of theHead Clerk and his t\\70 remainingassistants.

The accounts of the College haveto be kept in greater detail than, pro­bably, in any other College and theprocedure adopted in incurring ex­penditure has to be much more elabo­rate to satisfy the requirements ofGovernment Audit.

The Bursar who is in charge of theCollege Office is definitely of the

opinion that the amount of clericalwork is far too much for the presentstrength of the office staff and at Ieastone more senior clerk is needed tocope with it efficiently.


Action had to be taken against twostudents of the qualifying Class forusing unfair means in the DecemberHouse Examination under a pre­arranged plan. They were asked to leavethe College. Apart from this unplea­sant incident, discipline has, on thewhole, been fairly satisfactory,

But it is a pity that the need the value of discipline uponthe students, in general, and the morelively section among them, in parti­cular, should a-rise a little too often,Students must realize that the great­est source of a successful and joyful

. life is a disciplined mind and..body andthe greatest opportunity to develop adisciplined mind and body is now and'·here. Habits of discipline are mosteasily formed and cultivated at schoolor college where their only responsibi­lities are to gather knowledge, buildup their body and character, learn toplay the game and conduct themselvesdecently in all circumstances. Thosewho fail to' make use of this greatopportunity will have themselves toblame if they fail to face the struggleof life beyond the college gates withany degree of success.

The Future of ·the College

The Minister of Rehabilitation pre­siding over the prize-distribution ofthe College four years ago describedhimself as the father of this institution


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and Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, theMinister for Education, who performedthe inauguration ceremony of theCollege, as its god ..father. I expressedthe hope, on that occasion, that withsuch comprehensive and powerfulparentage responsible for its birth andupbringing of this little college, with atiny enrolment of only 67 at that time,could look forward to steady growthand a career of useful service to thepeople of this area, for whose benefitit was founded. With the present en­rolment of over 400 students and theaddition of the B.Sc. Class, this hopemay be regarded as having been parti­ally fulfilled.

The bulk of our students, however,still belong to the Preparatory Class.It has been decided by the Universitythat the Qualifying examination willbe discontinued in 1961. In 1961therefore, at the present rate of admis­sions to the College, the total enrol­ment may come down to 300. WhileI expect that the number of admis­sions to the JJ.A. Pass Course willcontinue steadily to increase and wemay hope to have four to five hundredstudents by 1961 without the Prepara­tory Class, I am confident that we caneasily have our quota of 600, the maxi­filum allowed by the 1Tniversity, if thestatus of the College is raised from an'affiliated' to a (constituent' College.This will solve many problems. Theimplications of this change, arenow under the active consideration ofthe Ministries of Education and Reha­bilitation and the University.


I have pleasure in recording myappreciation of the co-operation that


I have received from the staff through­out the year, and I thank them forit. I should also like to thank theHead CJerk, Shri J. N. Saxena, and hisStaff, Shri N.C. Vasishtha, the Libra­rian and Shri Om Parkash Hasija, theStenographer. I am indebted to ShriR. L. Kakar, the College Bursar, forthe efficient discharge of his dutieswhich cannot always be of a verypleasant nature. But Mr. Kakar mayhave the consolation that the Bursarwho can please everybody, every time,is not yet born.

Last but not least, I wish to ex­press my gratitude to members of theBoard of Administration for the helpthat I have received from them fromtime to time and particularly to YouSir, as Chairman of the Board.your guidance in many mattershas been most valuable. Workingwith you has been an inspiration. AsChairman of the Board of Adminis­tration, it may be your duty to safe­guard the interests of this College, butwe have no doubt that as EducationalAdviser to the Government of Indiaalso, you will see to it that the futureof the College is assured.

Sir, functions of this kind are, attimes, apt to degenerate into certainamount of window..dressing. I hopewe have not been guilty of that charge.But I shall be grateful if you, as of the Board of Administrationof this college, "Till sometimes makeit convenient to pay us a visit on anyordinary working day to enable us tohave the benefit of your personaladvice, on the spot, on a number ofour problems.