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Descriptive catalogue of Japanese colour-prints : the collection of ...

Dec 30, 2016



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Page 1: Descriptive catalogue of Japanese colour-prints : the collection of ...




Page 2: Descriptive catalogue of Japanese colour-prints : the collection of ...








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At the request of Mr. Mosie I have written thzs catalogue w£thout having the prints before me, and must therefore crave indulgence for any mzstakes that may be dzscovered. Havz"ng had for my guz'dance the scholarly notes prepared by Mr. Mosie and Mr. Frz"tz Rumpf, whose names should appear upon the #tle-page assodated with mine, and havz"ng also had cit hand the co.llotype reproductz"ons £ncluded £n the z''llustrated catalogue of "Selec#ons from the Mosie collectz'on" whz"ch was publzshed z'n Le-ipzz"g z"n 1914 by E. A. Seemann, I am in hopes that no serious errors have sl-ipped in.

The MosU collec#ons are among the best-known gatherings of :Japanese works of art that are owned z"n Europe. The pr£nts are not many 'i'n number, but most of them are in remarkable conditz"on, and among them are some of exceptz"onal rarz"ty and beauty. The Zashz"k£ Hakke£ set by Harunobu, regarding which Mr. Mosie has wrz"tten a special note, should be o.f deep interest to all collectors and students. These were acquz"red by hz'm in :Japan where he lz''ved from 1884

untz'l 1907. The collectz"on was largely made whz'le he was there, but was supplemented from #me to !'/me by desz"rable z"tems after Ms return to hzs home zn Lez'pzig.

321 Linden Street, Winnetka, 1/Nnois, :June II, 1927


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The Mosie collection of Japanese works of art was, for the most part, formed during my long residence in Tokyo, from 1884 until 1907. It consists of paintings and colour prints, armour , weapons, swords, sword fittings and ornaments, bronzes, lacquer, and textiles. These were exhibited in 1909 at the Royal Fine Arts Museum in Berlin, and in connection with that exhibition a catalogue was printed. This was followed in 1914 by an illustrated catalogue consisting of reproductions of 8 50 specially chosen works in two folio volumes, with text in German, French, and English.

The present catalogue deals with the colour-prints only. In the years that have elapsed since the other catalogues were prepared, our knowledge of these prints has been greatly enlarged, thanks chiefly to the researches of American, English and Japanese students. Mr. Gookin's work in this catalogue speaks for itself, but I wish to add a few words to what he . has said about the Zashiki Hakkei set by Suzuki Harunobu.-The remarkable state of preservation of the prints is due to their having been kept packed away during all of the one hundred and sixty two years that have elapsed since they were printed. They were bought by me from a Japanese pawnbroker who told me that to his knowledge they had been kept in one storehouse for more than a century. Of their exceptional quality and rarity I need not speak save to say that very few prints of the Meiwa period that were issued in sets put up in paper w:rappers, have come down to our time intact, in the original wrappers as when issued. And this set has especial interest as being without doubt the personal set owned by the poet Kikurensha Kyosen, who employed Harunobu to make the designs. Besides, the fact that one of the prints bears Kyosen's autograph signature is most notable. It is perhaps the only specimen of his writing in existence. Miss Hirano Chie of the Boston Museum of Fine Arts has expressed to me the opinion that it must be one of the first sets struck off after the printing was begun.

The rarity of the prints of this first edition may indicate that it consisted of only a few sets that Kyosen desired for personal distribution, Mr. Gookin, however, calls my attention to the fact ·that of none of Harunobu's finer prints have many impressions survived in good condition. And he says further, that in this case the rarity may in some measure be due to the great fire of April 8, 1766, when a large section of Edo was destroyed.

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Later editions of the Zashiki Hakkei, which were printed for sale, vary greatly in colour. That the set was very popular is attested by the fact that several editions were published. In this connection it occurs to me that it may be of interest if I call attention to the prices for prints that it is said were current in Edo at or about the time this set was issued.

For an ordinary hoso-e 12 mon were charged , , , chuban 1 momme was , , , , oban 24 mon were ,

For a set such as the Zashiki Hakkei, in the original wrapper, and enclosed in a kiri-wood box the price might be as much 1 bu in gold. It is, however, difficult to say just what would be the equivalent of these prices in the money of today, owing to the widely different value of money, and the still wider relative values of things as compared with each other that then prevailed. And, of course, the prices quoted would not apply to prints issued for private distribution, which were not sold by dealers.


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Japanese words for which there are no English equivalents furnish the most conve-nient way of designating the size of the prints. In this catalogue sizes are given in centimeters (em) vertical size mentioned first.

Hashira-e (pillar print) . Vertical format: height, about 7 I em; width, from 10,2

to I2,65 em. Prints of this shape and size are sometimes called "hashirakake" or "hashiraka-

kushi". These are the names of "pillar ornaments" of quite a different type, and they cannot properly be applied to prints. Okumura Masanobu who first designed pillar prints gave them the right name, "hashira-e", i. e., pillar pictures.

Kakemono-e. Vertical format: height, 55,8 to 71 em; width, 20,3 to 30,5 em. Horizontal format: various unusual large sizes.

Oban-tate-ye. Vertical format: height, about 38 em; width, about 25 ,35 em. Oban yoko-e. Horizontal format: height, about 25,35 em; width, about 38 em. Chuban. Vertical format; height, about 27,9 em; width, about 20,3 em. Koban. Vertical format: smaller than chuban. Hoso-e. Vertical format: height, about 30,5 em; width, about 15, I 5 em. Tanzaku-e. Vertical format: height from 25,35 to 38 em; width, about 6,25 em.

Gwa. Fude.



This term, the equivalent of egaku, signifies "drawn by.'• Brush. The alternative pronunciation "hitsu" is seldom used for Ukiyo·e


Most of those that appear in the text have their English equivalents appended. Mon. Distinguishing badges used upon clothing. Commonly mistranslated as

"crest," for which there is no warrant whatever. The heraldic equivalent is "badge," but even that in European usage is not quite the same as the Japanese mon.

Urushi-e. So-called "lacquer prints" which were hand-coloured with a coating of fish-glue over parts of the surface, giving it somewhat the appearance of lacquer.

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For the convenience of possessors of the catalogue of Mr. Mosie's collections that was issued in 1909 when they were exhibited at the Konigliche Kunst-Gewerbe-Museum in Berlin, and of the illustrated catalogue of selections from the collections which was published in Leipzig, in 1914 by E. A. Seemann, the numbers that appear in those catalogues are here appended at the end of the several descriptions, together with the plate numbers in the case of prints that are reproduced in the illustrated catalogue.

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KONDO KIYOHARU(?) (Worked c. 1704-1715)

1 SCENE IN SAKAI-CHI), the theatre street in Edo. At the right the Saruwaka Kanzaburo-za of which the 3rd Kanzaburo (1649- 1709) was the manager; and adjoining it at the left, the Ichimura-za of which Ichimura Takenojo II (who later became the 81h Ichimura Uzaemon, 1699-1762) was made the nominal manager in 1703 when he was a child aged four years. The names of these managers appear upon the box-lantern attached to the front of the theatre build-ings above the entrances. The probable date of this print is 1704. It was about this time that Kanzaburo changed. the name of his theatre to the Nakamura-za. On either side of the entrance to that theatre members of the staff stand and call out the attractions to the passers-by; who are also given a glimpse through the open doorway of the performance that is taking place upon the stage within. At the entrance to the Ichimura theatre, within which a por-tiere is hung, a ticket taker is seated beside the ticket-box. Only one man is shouting to attract patronage, but upon an opposite bench two of his fellows are resting from their exertions of the same sort. In the street in front two women walk toward the right followed by a man servant· who carries a boy upon his shoulder. Coming toward them from the right is a wakashu (fashionable youth) who uses both hands to hold his wide straw hat upon his head. His man servant who follows, turns to look back at a brawl between an otokodate and a samurai. The two angry men stand facing one another and a street guard is trying to prevent them from drawing their swords. The yakko (servant) of the samurai stands by his side and does not see a youthful pickpocket who is stealing his master's purse.

Placards attached to the front of the Kanzaburo (or Nakamura) theatre give the names of the three leading actors. These are Saruwaka Kanzaburo III, Nakamura Shichisaburo I (who came to Edo in December 1703, and died in 1708), and Tamagawa Sennojo II (dates not known). Besides the manager's. name, the words "Kyogen zukushi" (several plays) are inscribed upon the box lantern. The names of four of these plays are given upon placards attached' to the building: "Tsuru-ya 0-Sen," "Koi no Ukimi," and "Suzumi no Toko," at the left; and at the right "Koshoku Koi no ..... ," the last word being covered by the figure of one of the men. Similarly advertised. are two out of the three (san-ban tsuzuki) plays at the Ichimura theatre, "Ima Saigan," and "Nagae no Hashi-kuyo." The names of the three leading actors are also displayed but are obscured by the box lantern.


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.... This print is an important record of the outward appearance of the two theatres as they were in the early years of the nineteenth century. It is not signed, but is probably from the hand of Kondo Kiyoharu, a self-taught follower of Torii Kiyonobu I. It may be that when issued the names of the artist and the publisher appeared upon the margin which has been trimmed off.

Kakemono-e. Size, 32 X 55 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1855. Illustrated in colour, pl. CXXXIV.


2 "WAKA EBISU 0MEDETAI." Waka Ebisu means the special worship of Ebisu in the New Year. Omedetai is the word for greeting or congratulation. The title it will be perceived is a play upon words. It was customary to self pictures of Ebisu during the New Year holidays. Evidently this print was made for use as a New Year's greeting. Ebisu is shown seated upon a huge tai (red sea-bream) that he has caught with rod and line. He laughs aloud as he drives it through the surf, while five youngsters dressed to resemble him, caper about him in the shallow water, each holding an open fan. Signed: Okumura Masanobu zu. Seal: Masanobu.

Hand·eoloured kakemono-e. Size, 31,4 X 54,8 em. Publisher's trade· mark "lga-ya, Moto-hama-cho," of Iga-ya Kanyemon. Mosie Cat. 1858. Ill. pl. CXXXVII.

3 A KARASHISHI (FABULOUS CHINESE LION). The animal is scratching its ear and looking up at butterflies that flit about peonies in bloom beside a projecting rock that has a great hole in it. Signed, Nihon gwako (Japanese artist) Okumura Masanobzt sho h£tsu (true brush). Gourd-shaped seal, which, in his imprint in the form of a round seal, he states is appended as a certificate of genuineness, as forgeries of his work are being printed.

Hoso-e. Urushi-e. Size, 33,7 X 15,7 em. Published by the artist. Mosie Cat. 1862. Ill. pl. CXXXVIII.

4 SPARROWS IN SNOW, on the thatched roof of a cottage and a bamboo that grows beside it. Hand-coloured in black and gold. Signed: Nzhon, gwako Okumura Masanobu sho hitsu.

Hose· e. Urushi-e. Size, 27 X 14,6 em. The artist's imprint as a publisher states: Tori· shio-cho (street) Etoi·ya (picture shop), beni-e (prints), ezoshi (picture books), oroshi (whole sale), akaki hyotan (red gourd; his trade-mark) me-jirushi tsukamatsuri soro (to make the sign) Okumura. Mosie Cat. 1861. Ill. pl. CXXXVIII.

5 "TOKO-BANARE OMOI-IRE." A yujo seated upon her bed (toko) is thinking of the lover who has left her. In the background are a screen with a picture of Chinese sages upon it, and a fusuma (sliding partition) decorated with a picture of geese in flight over a lake. Above, on the right, is the

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title; and at the left a poem printed in red. Signed: Hogetsudo Okumura Bunkaku gwa. Red-gourd seal: "Tanchosai."

Hoso-e: middle sheet of a beni·e triptych, Size, 30,8 X 14,5 em. Mosie Cat. 1859.

6 SANOGA w A ICHIMATSU I. Tall standing figure of the actor, who holds a large straw hat. Signed: Hogetsudo shomez: Okumura Bunkaku Masanobu shtJ-hi'tsu. Seal: Tanchosai.

Hand-coloured kakemono-e. Size, 69 X 15 em. Publisher's trade-mark of the artist. Small red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1863. Ill. pl. CXXXIX.

OKUMURA TOSHINOBU (Worked c. 1727-1741)

7 THE ACTOR ICHIKAWA MONNOSUKE I (1682-1729) in the role of Ariwara no Narihira, carrying on his back a young lady of high rank, imperson-ated by Yamashita Kamenojo, thus illustrating an incident related in the "Ise Monogatari." When they came near the Akuta river, the lady saw dew upon the grass and exclaimed "What are those white jewels?"

As from 1722 to 1727 the production of actor prints was forbidden, and as Monnosuke died early in 1729, this print must have been published in 1727 or 1728. Signed: Yamatogwako Okumura Toshinobujude.

Hoso-e. Urushi-e. Size, 32,2X 15,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Emi-ya," the shop name of Kamimura (? Uemura) Kichiemon whose business name was Rankodo. Mosie Cat. 1865· Ill. pl. CXXXVIII.

8 A YUJO dressed in a furisode uchikake (long sleeved overdress). Signed: Yamato eshi (Japanese artist), Okumura Toshinobu jude. Seal: "Mitsuoki."

Hoso- e. Urushi-e. Size, 34,4 X 15,9 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Emi-ya." Mosie Cat. 1868. Ill. pl. CXXXV.

9 "0 HIMESAMA FD." This title means a young lady of high rank. Standing figure in raiment befitting that station. Not signed. The attribution to Toshi-nobu is tentative.

Hoso-e. Urushi-e Size, 34X16,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: " Izutsu-ya," the shop name of Uemon, of Shin-mei-mai in the Shiba district. Mosie Cat. 1866. Ill. pl. CXXXV.

SHOJU (Dates not known) 10 THE ACTORHAYAKAWA SHINKATSU as a woman who stands beside a blossom-

ing cherry tree. Signed: SMju jude. The style of the print indic,ates a date between 1727 and 1735. It is the only work bearing the Shoju signature that has come under observation by the writer of this catalogue.

Hoso-e. Urushi-e, Size, 31 X 14,8 em. Publisher's imprint of Denshichiro of Yushima Tenjin Onna Saka-no-shita, Edo. Mosie Cat. 1864. Ill. pl. CXL.


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II A WOMAN WALKING under an umbrella pauses while a boy uses a fan to remove the snow that has clogged her geta. Signed: Torii Kryomasu fude .

Hoso-e. Urushi-e. Size, 31,6X 14,9 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Hirano-ya, Ningyo· eho Tori (street). Red owner's seal "Burondo" of Paul Blondeau. Mosie Cat. 1869a.

12 HANA-URI; SANBUKUTSUI, i.e., "Flower peddlers; set of three.'' In this, the right-hand sheet, Onoe Kikugoro I is depicted as a vendor of flowering potted trees. The role has not been identified. Printed above his head is the ode: '' Kozuka fuku wakashu no tamoto kiku no tsZI)'u," i. e., "The sleeve upon which the young man wipes his knife is covered with chrysanthemum (kiku) dew." Signed: Torii Kiyomasu fude.

Hoso-e. Size, 3,17 X14,9 ein. Publisher's Yoshizawa. Trade-mark: "Naka· maru." Mosie Cat. 1870. II!. pl. CXXXVI.

I3 THE ACTOR SEGAWA KIKUNOJO II as Matsukaze in "Yamatogana Ariwara Keizu," at Nakamura-za in I760. Signed: Torii Kiyomasu Jude.

Hoso-e, beni-e. Size, 30,3XI4-3 em. Publisher: Ise-ya Sanjiro. Mosie Cat. 1872.


I4 ScENE FROM A DRAMA. Matsumoto Koshiro II (who in 1754 became the 4th Ichikawa Danjuro) as (?) Narukami Shonin, who is seated upon a bridge. In front Sanogawa lchimatsu I as (?) Taema, and Ichimura Kamezo I (who in I762 became the 9th Uzaemon), are drinking sake. These actors played together only in 1748 and I749, at lchimura-za. As it is not recorded, that Koshiro played the role of Narukami Shonin the identification of that role is tentative. Signed: Toni Kryonobu fude.

Hoso-e. Beni-e. Size, 31,5 X 14,9 em, Publisher's trade-mark: Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1856.

IS THE ACTOR ICHIMURA KAMEZO I as Tamba Yosaku in "Koi Nyobo Some-wake Tazuna," at Ichimura-za, 1 st month Horeki 4 (I 7 54) . Signed : KiJ;o-nobu fude. ·

Hoso-e. Beni-e, in beni a!ld green, faded into yellow and neutral brown. Size, 31,2X 14,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "lga-ya," the shop name of Bunyemon, whose do-go (business name) was Bunkido. · Mosie Cat. 1857. Ill. pl. CXXXVI.

I6 SCENE FROM A DRAMA. Utagawa Shirogor6 (as Sawamura S6jur6 II was called between 1743 and I75o), in the role of Ukijima Daihachi, and Sano-gawa Senz6 as Senju-no mae. Upon the shoji behind them is the silhou-ette of a maid servant. Such silhouettes are rare in early prints. Signed: Torii KiJ;onobu.

Hoso-e. Three-colour print. Size, 31,1 X 14,7 em. Publisher: Oshima-ya. Mosie Cat. 1871.

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OMI HAKKEI. The eight views of Lake Biwa. Five of the set of eight hand-coloured prints (urush£-e). Each is signed, Esh£ (artist), Nishimura Shigf -naga. Seal: Shz"genaga.

17 SETA NO SEKISHO i. e., The evening glow at Seta. 18 YABASE NO KIHAN, i.e., Returning sails at Yabase.

19 HIRA NO BOSETSU, i. e., Evening snow on Mt Hira.

20 KATADA NO RAKUGAN, i. e., Wild geese flying down at Katada.

21 ISHIYAMA NO SHUGETSU, i.e., The autumn moon at Ishiyama. Hoso·e. Size about 34X 16 em each. Publisher's trade-mark "Kamimura" (?Uemura) of Kamimura Kichiemon. Mosie Cat. 1877 a, c, d, e, f; a and e ill. pl. CXLI.

22 NOJIMA NO SEKISHO. The Evening glow at Nojima. Series: Kanazawa Hakkei, i.e., Eight Views of Kanazawa. Signed: Eshi Nishimura Shigenaga. Seal: Shigenaga.

Hoso·e. Urushi-e. Size, 34X 16,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Kamimura Kichiemon. Mosie Cat. 1877b. Ill. pl. CXLI.

23 A TEA-HOUSE WAITRESS. She hands a cup of tea to a young man who is resting at a wayside cha-ya under a willow tree. Poem above. Signed: Nishimura Shigenaga fude.

Hoso-e. Beni-e. Size, 3o,6X 14,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark of .Kamimura Kichiemon. Mosie Cat. 1876.

24 "JONIDAN SANBUKUTSUI." Left-hand section of a hoso-e triptych. The actor Sanogawa Ichimatsu I (1722-1762) as Ushiwakamaru in "Kiichi Hogen Shinan-guruma," the Kaomise play at the Morita theatre, December 1755. He stands holding the flute with which he serenaded Joruri-hime. Printed in red, green, yellow and black. Signed: Senkado. Gwa-ko (artist) Nishi-mura Shigenaga gwa. Black seal: Shigenaga.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,5X15,7 em. Publisher's trade·mark: "Mikawa·ya" of Mikawa·ya Rihei. Mosie Cat. 1875. Ill. pl. CXXXVI.


25 A YOUNG GIRL CARRYING AN IKE-BANA (flower arrangement) of chrysanthem-ums and suzuki grass, in a flower-bucket. Signed: Yamato eshi (Japanese artist) Nishikawa Sukenobu fitde. It may be that this print is a leaf from a book and that the signature was printed upon it after it was removed from the volume. As it is not known that Sukenobu designed any single sheet prints, if this was so issued it is a notable rarity.

Hand-coloured hoso-e. Size, 31,3X16,4 em. No publisher's imprini. Mosie Cat, 1869. Ill. pl. CXXXV.

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26 AN ACTOR as a peddler of "flowers of the four seasons." Middle sheet of a hoso-e triptych entitled "Shiki-no-hana uri. Sanbukutsui," i. e., "Four-seasons-flowers peddler. Set of three." Signed: Nz'shz'mura Shz'genobu fude. Shige-nobu was an early brush-name of Toyonobu.

Hoso-e. Urushi-e. Size, 31,3 X 15,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Urokogata-ya Magobei (?).

Mosle-Cat. 1873. Ill. pl. CXL.

27 ANOTHER ACTOR as a peddler of flowers of the four seasons. Left-hand section of the same triptych as No. 26.

Size, 32X14,6 em. Mosie Cat. 1874. Ill. pl. CXL.

28 SEGAWA KIKUJIRO as Yao-ya 0-Shichi. Kikujiro played that role in "Nana-kusa Wakayagi Soga" at Ichimura-za in 1744, but this print probably re-presents him in an earlier impersonation which is not recorded. Signed: Esh£ (artist) Magosaburo (one of Toyonobu's early brush-names).

Hoso-e. Urushi-e. Size, 32X15,3 em. Trade-mark of the publisher Jirobei whose shop name was Murata-ya, and whose business name was Eiyudo. Mosie Cat. 186o.

29' SCENE FROM THE DRAMA "Izu- kosode Akinai Kagami" at Nakamura-za in 1751. Sanogawa Ichirnatsu I as Yao-ya 0 Shichi, who holds a battledore and is talking to her lover the temple page Kichisabur6, impersonated by Nakamura Kumetaro I. Signed: Ishikawa Toyonobu fude.

Hoso-e. Beni-e. Size, 31 17X14,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Suruga-ya.'' Mosie Cat. 1881. Ill. pl. CXLIII.

30 THE ACTOR NAKAMURA KIYOSABURO as the keisei Matsuyama, and Ichi-mura Kamezo (later the 9th Uzaemon) as her lover the famous merchant Wan-ya Kyubei, who holds an umbrella above her head. These roles are not recorded in the chronicle of the Edo stage, but were probably taken in the drama "Yuzuriha Sugatami Genji" in the first month of Horeki 2 (February 1752) when both actors were in the company at Ichimura-za. Signed: Tanj'odo. Ishikawa Shuha Toyonobu zu. Two black seals: Ishikawa u;i' (family name), and Toyonobu.

Oban-tate-y6. Beni-e in beni, green, and black. Size, 44,5 X31,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1878. lll. pl. CXLII.

31 A GIRL SARUMAWASHI (monkey exhibitor) with a monkey performing tricks on a bamboo pole. A drum, hoops, and a mask hang from her obi. Signed, Tanjodo, Ishikawa Shuha gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 66,5Xll,I em. Publisher's trade-mark of Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. x88z.

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ISHIKAWA TOYOMASA (Worked c. 1772-1773)

32 "SANGATSU," the third month. Picture of children celebrating the Hina Matsuri, or doll festival, third day of the third month. Series: "Furyii Jii-ni Getsu," i. e., Fanciful twelve months. Signed: Ishikawa Toy omasa gwa.

Chukan. Size, 25XI9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1884.

TORI! KIYOMITSU (1735-1785)

33 THE HARUGOMA ODOR!, i. e., the hobby-horse dance. Two geisha dancing. One plays a samisen, the other a sasara, an instrument formed of small split bamboo sticks which emit sounds when rubbed together. In the centre a young man is beating a drum. Three-colour print. Signed: Tor# Kiyo-m£tsu gwa. Seal: Kiyomitsu.

Oban yoko-c!. Size, 3I.3X43 em. Trade-mark of publisher: Nishimura-ya Yohaehi whose business name was Eijudo. Mosie Cat. 1885.

34 THE ACTOR SEGAWA KIKUNOJO II as a court lady(?). Three-colour print. Signed: Torii Kiyomitsu gwa.

Hoso·e. Size, 31 1 IX14 em. Publisher's trade-mark: Yorozu Izutsu. Mosie Cat. 1886.

35 SUGAWARA MICHIZANE riding upon an ox. In the right hand upper corner Michizane's ode upon plum blossoms. Mizu-e, printed in five colours. Mizu-e, i. e., water-p_rints, is the term by which one of the experiments that led to printing in many colours is designated. For them some of the colours were thinned with water. They were made in the years 1763 and 1764. As they faded quickly few have survived to our time in pristine condition. Signed: Tor# Kiyomitsu gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,2X 14,2 em. Publisher's imprint: Eijudo ban, and his Varna- tomoc! trade-mark. Mosie Cat. 1887.

36 IcmMURA UZAEMON IX as Teraoka Heiemon in "Taiheiki Chiishin Koshaku" at Ichimura-za in 1767. · Across his shoulders he wears a priest's robe (?) that bears the mon (badge) of Segawa Kikunojo. Holding a hishaku (dipper) between his teeth, he stands before the bell-tower of a Buddhist temple, while from the dragon-like hoop on the end of the bell, a jet of water emerges. Three-colour print. Signed: Torti' Kiyomt'tsu gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 30,9X14.6 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1888.

37 THE ACTOR SEGAWA KIKtJNOJO II in an unidentified role. He is dressed as a woman, but carries the two swords of a samurai. The sanderlings upon the skirt of his kimono suggest the impersonation of Soga no Juro , but it

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is very doubtful whether he ever appeared in that role. Above his head a short ode is printed; also his stage name and his haimyo (literary name) "Roko." Signed: Tori£ Kiyom£tsu fude.

Hashira-e. Size, 69,8X ro,6 em. Pnblisher's trade-mark: Enami. Mosie Cat. 1890.

38 SEGAWA KIKUNOJO II as a young woman who has a roll of paper in her hand, and holds one end of her obi betw.een her teeth. His mon does not appear but as the wig that he wears was peculiar to the actor it is a sufficient designation. Signed: Torii Kiyomitsu gwa.

Hashira·e, Size 68,5 X 19,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Yamamoto Xobei whose shop name was Maru·ya. Mosie Cat. 1891. Ill. pl. CXXXIX.


39 THE ACTOR ICHIKAWA KOMAZO I (1737-1802) seated in his "Korai Sembei" shop, inscribing an ode upon a fan for a young woman who is seated upon the edge of the platform. On a conventional cloud above is an ode signed with the actors literary name "Kinko." In the eighteenth century many of the actors supplemented their professional income by keeping shops for the sale of tobacco, toilet articles, cakes, oil, etc. As shown in this print, Komazo sold Koma rice-cakes, "Korai" being the equivalent of .Koma, the first character of his stage name. The figure of the. actor is by Kiyomitsu; that of the woman by his pupil Kiyotsune. Date about 1770. Signed: Tor# Kiyomz'tsu gwa and Torti' Kiyotsune- gwa.

Chiiban. Size, z8,3X.2I,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1889. Ill. pl. CXLIV


40 ICHIMURA KAMEZO I (the 9th Uzaemon) as Jo, and his brother Ichimura Kichigoro (1754-1828) as Uba in the "Takasago" shosa (mimetic dance). Jo holds a bamboo rake, Uba, a besom. They stand beside an ancient pine tree upon which a great bronze temple bell is suspendeGi. Signed : Tori£ Kiyohz'ro fude.

Unsevered hoso-e diptyeh. Beni-e. Size, 3r,zxz8,7 em. Publishers trade-mark of Varna· moto Kohei, Tori Abura-eho, ••Yama-Maru," and "Maru-ko,", both abbreviations of his personal name and his shop name Maru·ya. Mosie Cat. 1892. Ill. pl. CXLV.

41 LOVERS ON A VERANDA; the girl cutting the youth's finger nails. Poem above. Three-colour print. Signed: · Tor# Kiyohiro fude.

Hoso·e. Size, 3I,5XI4,I em. Publisher's trade-mark "Yama-Kiehi" of Yamashiro-ya. Mosie Cat. 1893.

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42 A GIRL HOLDING a young man upon her back while he ties to a branch of a blossoming cherry tree, a strip of paper upon which he has inscribed a poem. Behind them a maku (wind curtain) is stretched. Above an ode is printed. Three-colour-print. Signed: Torii Kiyohiro .fude.

Hashira-e. Size, 70,8X 10,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Okumura Genroku, "Okumura· han" on a red gourd. Red owner's seal: Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1894.

TORII KIYOTSUNE (Worked c. 1757-1779)

43 LOVERS ON THE ENGAWA of a house; the girl reading a love letter. Poem above. Three-colour-print. Signed: Toni' Kiyotsune gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31 X 14 em. Publisher's seal: '\Yama-Kiehi" of Yamashiro-ya. Bakuro cho, iehome. Mosie Cat. 1895. Ill. pl. CXLIII.

44 SAGI MUSUME. The heron-girl, spirit of the snow. A young woman dressed in a white kimono and with a white cloth thrown over her head, is walking in the snow and carrying an 'umbrella. Snow-laden b ranches of a willow tree hang down overhead. Printed in four pale-colours. Signed: Tori£ Kiyo-tsune gwa.

Hoso·-e. Size, 31,2 X 14,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1S96. Ill. pl. CXLIII.

45 IN A BED-ROOM under the mosquito-net canopy, a sleeping man, and a yujo who is smoking a pipe. In the foreground a shinz6 (maid) arranges the an don (night lantern); above is a humorous ode. Signed: Kiyotsune gwa.

Hashirakake. Size, 64,7 X 12,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1897.


46 THE ACTOR lCHIMURA UZAEMON IX (1724- 1785) in one of the shosa (mimetic dances) in which he was famous. Three-colour-print. Signed : Kitao Shigemasa gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,2X13,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark: Kawa-Yoshi, with the three fish· scale symbol of Urokogata-ya appended. Note: This was used by Magobei, Ogawa, Kawa-Yoshi, and Tomita. Whether they were independent publishers or succesive proprietors of the same shop, is not known. Mosie Cat. 1877 h.

47 SCENE FROM "TAIHEIKI SHIZU NO FURISODE," the Kaomise play at Naka-mura-za, December 1767 and January 1768. Segawa Kikunoj6 II in his first role as a country girl, Itsuki, sister of Kuryuzaemon, in which he scored a great success: Band6 Hikosabur6 II as the court servant Oyamado Taro. Three-colour-print. Signed: Kz'tao Shigemasa gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,3X13,9 em. Trade-mark of the publisher Urokogata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1877 g.

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48 BOTAN NI SHISH!. Peonies (the lion flowers) and mythical Chinese lions. Poem above. Signed: Suzukz' Harunobu gwa.

Hoso-e. Beni·e. Size, 30,9X I3,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark "Ki" of Iwato-ya Kisaburo. Mosie Cat. 1915.

ZASHIKI HAKKEI. Eight parlor views. Complete set of the earliest printing of this famous series, together with the wrapper in which the prints were enclosed. This wrapper bears impressions of the large-size seals ofKikurensha Kyosen for whom Harunobu designed the prints, and undoubtedly the set that it covered is the one that Kyosen retained for himself. The other sets of this first edition were presumably presented by him to his friends who were members of the Kyosen Renchu, a society of art lovers, the name of which indicates that he was the founder and the guiding spirit. No con-temporary account or other detailed information about this society has yet come to light. From the evidence furnished by the prints designed for, and in some instances by its members, it may however, safely be inferred that its purpose was to bring together at meetings held at some convenient tea-house, a group of men who were deeply interested in the charming prints which the perfecting of the printing process had made po!Ssible. It is also evident that each member was expected to provide in turn, prints of .suit-able character for distribution at these meetings. To many of them additional interest was imparted by making them e-goyomi, or pictorial calendars in which the numerals for the dai and sho - the long and short months according to the lunar calendar then in use- were ingeniously incorpor-ated in the design, and often so hidden that their discovery would yield still further pleasure. Following the example of Kyosen, members who com-missioned artists to design prints for them, often let their names appear as conceivers of the subjects illustrated, this being designated by appending to their names the character usually pronounced "Ko" and meaning "work," but by them used as an abbreviation of "kufu," i. e., "conceived by." In the case of many of the more elaborate prints of this class that had been ex-pensive to make, and which were especially attractive in design, after the blocks had served their original purpose, and the calendric numerals and the conceivers names had been removed, they were sold to publishers who used them to bring out several commercial editions. To suit the taste of the general public, these were, as a rule, printed in more brilliant colours than those used for the privately printed first editions.

The Zashiki Hakkei prints were not e-goyomi. It seems probable that the first edition was struck off toward the end of the year 1765, and it may be that Kyosen used the prints as New Years gifts in 1766. In the "Ukiyo-e" magazine (No. 5, October I, 1915) J-!ashimoto Goyo mentions a set for which the wrapper was inscribed "Kyosen ko" and also "Suzuki Harunobu gwa." The writer of this catalogue thinks that Mr. Hashimoto had Mr. Mosie's set in mind, but was misinformed as to the appearance of the artist's name upon the wrapper. What, in the absence of further

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information must be regarded as the second edition was issued by the publisher whose business name was Shokakudo. A set of that edition together with its wrapper, formerly in the possession of Mr. Ochiai Naoshige, is now owned by Mr. Mihara Shigekichi, the well-known Tokyo collector. The prints of that set are illustrated in "Ukiyo-e" (No. 48, June I, I9I9) and also in "Hyaku-go-ju Kai Kishin Tenkari Harunobu Zuroku," the catalogue of an exhibition of prints by Harunobu, held in Tokyo in I920, to commemorate the I501h anniversary of that artist's death. Upon the back of the wrapper the titles, or "pretext names" for the prints are given. The order in which they there appear is here followed in listing the prints in Mr. Mosie's set.

Each of the prints of this first edition bears the signature Kyosen, which in the case of the "Nurioke no Bosetsu" is written. All bear impressions of a small seal "Kyosen no In," and upon the "Daisu no Yau" an impression of a small "Josei Sanjin" seal is also appended.

49 THE WRAPPER in which Kyosen's personal set was enclosed. Paper gray with a karakusa pattern in green. In the centre, the title "Zashiki Hakkei" in large characters. Above this "Furyu e-awase," i. e., Fanciful picture competition. At the right: Josei Sanjin Kyosen ko (or ku). At the left are faded impressions of two of Kyosen's seals. The upper gourd-shaped one reads "Josei Sanjin;" the other "Kyosen no In," i. e., "The seal of Kyosen."

Size, 35,6X22,9 em. Mosie Cat. 1945.

50 OGI NO SEIRAN. The clear-day mountain wind of the fan. A girl who walks toward the left uses a fan to shield her eyes from the sun. She is attended by a nakai (maid servant) who carries a bundle enclosed in a furoshiki (cloth wrapper).

Note. Later editions were printed in different colours, but no changes were made in the blocks save the eliminati~n of the Kyosen signature, and, for the third edition, the addition of Harunobu's signature.

Chll.ban. Size, z8,8X21,7 em. Mosie Cat. 1953· Ill. pl. CLVI.

5 I DAISU NO Y AU. Night rain at the daisu. Seated in a tea-room by the daisu (stand for a water-heater) a girl has fallen asleep, and her young brother is putting in her hair a small stick to which a strip of cut paper is attached. Behind them another girl stands, looking on.

Note. In later editions the Kyosen signature is omitted, and upon the narrow band at the foot of the wall beneath the round window a powdering of conven· tionalized kiri leaves and blossoms is added. In some of these impressions the wall above is of dark slate gray and the floor mats are a creamy yellow: in others the wall is black and the mats are green.

Chiiban. Size, 28,7 xzr,8 em. Mosie Cat. 1949· Ill. pl. CLIV.

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52 KYODAI NO SHUGETSU. The autumn moon in the mirror. A girl seated before a small dressing-stand, looks at the reflection of her face in the mirror while a young woman arranges her coiffure. Behind them at the right is a tsuitate (one-panel screen) upon which a karashishi (fabulous Chinese lion) is painted. Autumn is indicated by waving suzuki grass seen through an open window in the wall at the back of the room.

Note. In later editions the Kyosen signature is omitted, and the dado has a pattern similar to that mentioned as having been added to the "Daisu no Yau" print. The second state shows no other changes in the blocks. In the third state the signature "Harunobu gwa" appears upon the tatami (floor mat) at the right, having been cut into the block, so as to show up in the white of the uncoloured paper. The colour differs in all three editions.

Chiiban. Size, 28,8 X 21,6 em. Mosie Cat. 1947. Ill. pl. CLIII.

53 KOTOJI NO RAKUGAN. A young woman seated in a parlor beside a koto, is putting on kotozume (ivory finger guards) to protect her while playing the instrument. Before her a girl is reading a book entitled "Kiu Kyoku Shu,"_ i. e., "Collection of Koto music." The kotoji (koto bridges) are likened to a flock of geese flying down.

Note. In the second state the Kyosen signature in omitted, and a pattern in white lines to imitate the graining of wood appears upon the dado of the shoji back of the figures. In the third edition the signature "Harunobu gwa" appears in white upon the tatami at the right. The colouring was changed for each edition.

Chllban. Size, 29 X 21,6 em. Mosie Cat. 1952. Ill. pl. CLVI

54 ANDO NO SEKISHO. The evening glow of the ando (night lantern). A young woman seated on the floor of a parlor is reading a letter by the light from an ando, and another woman is fixing the tiny lamp in its socket.

Note. For later editions no changes in the blocks have been noticed save the omission of the Kyosen signature, and for the third edition the addition of Harunobu's name.

Chiiban. Size, 28,8 X 21,7 em. Mosie Cat. 1951. Ill. pl. CLV.

55 TENUGUI-KAKE KIHAN. The returning sails of the towel-rack. On the engawa of a dwelling a young woman stands dipping water from the chozu-bashi (cistern) to wash her hands. Back of her a towel pinned to a tenugui-kake, flaps in the wind; and just within the house another woman is seated.

Note. Save the omission of the Kyosen signature no changes in the blocks for later editions have been observed.

Chiiban. Size, 28,7 X 21,7 em. Mosie Cat. 1948. ll1. pl. CLIV.

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56 TOKE! NO BANSHO. The evening bell of the clock. A maid-servant seated upon an engawa engaged in massaging the back of her young mistress who is attired in a bath robe, turns to listen to the striking of a clock that stands just within the open room behind them.

Note. For later editions no changes in the blocks have been noticed save the omission of the Kyosen signature. But upon one impression of the second(?) edition the young woman's yukata is printed in pale yellow instead of the usual light blue or pearl gray.

Chuban. Size, 28,5 X 21,7 em. Mosie Cat. 1946. Ill. pl. CLIII.

57 NURIOKE NO BOSETSU. Evening snow on the nurioke. Two women in a small room are making mawata (floss silk) into wadding by pressing it into sheets and drying them over the dome-shaped tops of small heaters called nurioke. One of the women has completed her labor and is resting, pipe in hand.

Note. In later editions Kyosen's signature is omitted, a diaper pattern covers the upper part of the wall at the right, and upon the dados of both walls an incised pattern like that added to the "Daisu no Yau" print, appears.

Chuban. Size, 28,6 X 21,8 em. Mosie Cat. Ill. pl. CLV.

58 KoTOJI NO RAKUGAN. Another impression. Second edition and state. Chuban. Size, 28,2X 21 em. Mosie Cat. 1953b.

59 AN ONNA Wo SHITSU. A young Japanese woman standing in a parlor, looking down at two other girls who are playing a kind of sugoroku, somewhat like the European game of backgammon. The wall of the room behind her is decorated with a painting of a waterfall. This is a mitate-ye, or "likening picture" parodying the legend of the Chinese patriarch Wang Chih, known to the Japanese as W6 Shitsu. When wandering in the moun-tains to gather firewood he came upon two old men (or boys) who were playing at wei ch'i. While watching them he threw down his axe, and one of them gave him something like a date-stone to eat, which he put in his mouth and found that he no longer felt hunger or thirst. After a time one of the players said: "You have been here a long while and should now go home!" So he stooped to pick up his axe, but the handle had mouldered into dust: and when he got home he found that all his friends and kinsmen were dead, for he had been absent several hundred years . Not signed.

Chuban. Size, 28,5 X 21,1 em. No publisher's imprint. Two seals of a member of the Kyosen Renehu (Society). Mosle Cat. 1943. Ill. pl. CLII.

6o A YOUNG WOMAN stepping into her geta to go out at night, holding a bonbori (portable hand lantern). Signed: Suzuki Harunobu g'"dla.

Chllban. Size, 27,8 X 20,4.em. No publisher's imprint. Mosle Cat. 1917. Ill. pl. CXLVI.

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14 ALEXANDER G. MOSLE ----------~--------~--------~------~---------------------

61 A YOUNG WOMAN seated on the floor of a parlor, listening to a young man who stands outside and looks in through a sudan~ (curtain of bamboo slats) that is pulled down quite to the floor. A bonbori lies on the mat before her. Back of her in the chigaidana is a bookcase containing a set of the Genji Monogatari. Not signed.

Chuban. Size, 28,9X21,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat 1918. ill. pl. CXLVI.

62 REST BY THE WAY. A young woman seated in a kago on the ground under a cherry tree is filling her pipe while a maid kneels by her side and holds a lighted hinawa (fire rope). Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 28 X2 1,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1919.

63 THE SLEEPING KAMURO. A Y oshiwara woman in night attire looking at her girl attendant, who, while waiting outside her mistress' bed room, has fallen soundly asleep. The outlines of the woman's white nighf robe are indicated only by gauffrage. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 29X22,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1920. Ill. pl. CXL VII

64 WOMAN WITH A PET CAT. She holds it in the folds of her kimono that cover her breast. She stands beside a tsuitate (one panel screen) upon which is a Chinese winter landscape and a poem by Ochikochi Mitsune. Her little kamuro stands beside her and looks up at the cat. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 28,5 X21 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1922.

65 TSUKIMI, i. e., Viewing the autumn full moon. A young mother holds her little son on her lap and shows him the moon shining through a rift in the surrounding clouds. Behind them stands a girl who holds a pipe in her hand. Signed : Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 28X21,4 em. No publisher's mark. Mosie Cat. 1923. Ill. pl. CXLVIII.

66 "Y AMABUKI," the Kerria japonica. One of a series illustrating humorous poems about flowers. Two strolling musicians, a young man who plays a kokyu (three-stringed fiddle), and a woman who plays a samisen, stand upon the bank of a river where yamabuki is in bloom. An ode on the yamabuki is printed on a conventional cloud above. Signed: Sutuki Httru-nobu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 27,9X2o,8 ern. No publisher's mark. Mosie Cat. 1924. Ill. pl. CIL.

67 Two BOYS rolling a huge snowball with the help of their elder sister. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 27,8X21 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1925.

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68 THE COMING OF AUTUMN. Illustration of the poem by Fujiwara no To-. shiyuki Ason on a conventional cloud at the top of the print. A young woman in a striped bath robe stands in the parlor of a house on the bank of a river and looks out at a kiri (paulownia) tree from which large leaves are falling. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chilban. Size, z8,8XZI,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1926. Ill. pl. CXLVII.

69 A DISGUISED VISITOR. Standing before the "mise" of a house in the Yo-shiwara is a young man disguised as a komuso. To him the woman Michi-noku, who is seen standing behind the bars of the mise, has sent her kamuro out to deliver a love letter. A poem is printed on a conventional cloud above. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 27,8xzo,7 em. No publisher's imprint. · Mosie Cat. 1927.

70 THE COMING BREEZE. A young woman seated in a pensive attitude on the engawa of the Kiyomizu-do of Toeizan temple it Ueno in Edo. Crypto-merias in the foreground. Not signed.

Chiiban. Size, 28,7X2o,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1928.

71 Two YOUNG WOMEN in a fishing boat; a sailboat in the distance. Humorous illustration of the famous poem by Sangi Takamura, (No. XI in the "Hya-kunin Isshu"~ collection), which was written as he sailed away to the Oki islands to which he had been banished. In a metrical translation by Clay MacCauley, AM., it reads:

An Exile's Farewell. 0' er the wide, wide sea

Towards its many distant isles, Rowing I set forth.

This, to all the world proclaim 0 ye boats of fisher-folk!

Signed: Harunobu gwa. Chuban. Size, zB, 1 >< 20,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tada-mas a. Mosie Cat. 1929.

72 OMU KOMACHI, i. e., Parrot Komachi. The ninth century poetess was so-called when in answer to a letter she returned it to the writer with only one word changed. Here a yiijo is handing to her kamuro to deliver to its writer, a love letter with only a single word changed. Title and ode printed ~bove. Also the series title "Fiiryii Yatsushi Nana Komachi," i. e., Fanciful transformed seven presentations of Ono no Komachi. Not signed.

Hoso-e. Size, JI,8X 15 em. No publisher's mark. This and Harunobu's name probably appeared upon the wrapper in which the set was enclosed when published. Mosie Cat. 1930. Ill. pl. CLI.

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73 LISTENING TO THE HOTOTOGISU. A young woman who kneels before the -steps to a Shinto shrine is listening to a cuckoo that flies across the bow-shaped moon (yumi-hari zuki) above. Not signed.

Chuban. Size, 28,6X21,6 em. No publisher's mark. Mosie Cat. 1931.

74 THE HANAGURUMA. A young woman holding in her arms her little brother who pulls a flower-cart on which is a basket containing chrysanthemums, kikyo, fuyo (hibiscus), golden-rod, and suzuki grass. Above, a poem on a conventional cloud. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,5 X 19,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1932. Ill. pl. CLII.

7 5 Two NAKAI (waitresses) at the Eiraku-ya tea-house (noted as one of the "Nikenjaya") in the Gion quarter in Kyoto. Both wear the aka-maedare (red aprons) which were in Harunobu's time, and still are today, peculiar to the three most renowned tea-houses in Kyoto. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26 X 20 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1932 b.

76 "NJHON-ZUTSUMI NO Y AU." Night rain on the Nippon embankment of the Sumida river. A yujo and her kamuro are watching people plodding along through the rain. Above, a poem on a conventional cloud. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

ChUban. Size, 28,6X 21,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1932 a.

77 "]IN/' i. e., kindness, humanity, benevolence. A young woman shaving the neck of a girl. No. 1 of the "Gojo" series illustrating the five cardinal vir-tues, jin, gi, rei, chi; and shin. Ode in right upper corner. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chohan. Size, 27,2X2o,1 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1916.

78 "REI," i. e., politeness, decorum. No. 3 of the Gojo series. A young bride being helped by her mother to put on an uchikake (long over-dress) over her wedding kimono. They stand beside a screen decorated with a picture of a karashishi (mythical Chinese lion). Title and ode in the right upper corner. Signed : Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 28,7 X 2o,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1942.

79 "CHI," i. e., knowledge. No. 4 of the Gojo series. A young girl seated before a low table in a room that is open at the left, is being taught to write Chinese characters by a woman who bends over and takes hold of her hand to show her how to use the right stress when making the brush strokes. Another girl seated at one end of the table looks on; and at the

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further end the top sheet of a pile of writing paper bears the date "Meiwa shi, ku gatsu," i. e., ninth month, 1767. An ode is printed in an upper corner. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size 28,6 X 20,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1934.

8o "SHIN," i. e., truth, sincerity, fidelity. No. 5 of the Gojo series. The poetess Murasaki Shikibu seated upon the engawa of the Ishiyama temple on the shore of Lake Biwa. She is looking up at the full moon that is seen through a rift in a cloud that spans the sky. Title and ode in an upper corner. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Siz!!, 28,6 X 21,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat, 1937.

81 "Tsma," i. e., the moon. A Yoshiwara woman seated at an open window looks up at the full moon. Behind her stands her kamuro, holding a samisen. Above, a poem on a conventional cloud. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26,8 X 20,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1935·

82 A YOUNG WOMAN who stands in a room with the shoji pushed aside, beckons to a young man who stands upon the engawa outside. Near the house a lantern is suspended from a branch of a blossoming cherry tree. Signed: Harunobu gwa. .

Chuban. Size, 27,4 X 19,7 em. No publishers imprint. Mosie Cat. 1936.

83 "HATSU Km," i.e., First Love. Standing by a well-curb that is trimmed for the New Year holidays, with shime-kazari (decorative straw rope) a youth and a girl have come to draw "waka-mizu" that is, the first water to be drawn on the morning of New Year's Day. The youth is taking the tsurube (well-bucket) from the well. Above, upon a conventional cloud an ode is printed. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 28,3 X 20,6 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1938.

84 A MUSUME Rosm. Roshi is the Japanese name of the Chinese sage Lao-tzii. In this pictorial parody, instead of the sage, a young Japanese woman is shown riding upon an ox and putting a kanzashi (hairpin) in her hair. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chilban. Size, 28,6 X 21,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Moslt! Cat. 1940. Ill. pl. CIL.

85 A YOUNG WOMAN seated on the engawa of a dwelling watches a maid servant insert a new paper pane in the shoji (window) . Fanciful illustration of the ode by Saka-no-ue no Korenori which is printed upon a conventional


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cloud above. Series, San-ju-rokkasen. (The 36 Famous Poets.) Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 28,5 >< 21,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1941.

86 ")UROJIN." The "fortune-god" seated in a parlor beside a kotatsu (covered fire box) is fitting, with a pair of white tabi (Japanese socks) a young girl who is seated before him. Illustration of a humorous ode printed on a conventional cloud above. Series "Furyii Shichi Fukujin" i. e., Fanciful Seven F ortunebeings. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Chuba.n. Size, 27 >< 20 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1944. Ill. pl. CL.

87 HIS FIFTH BIRTHDAY. A koshimoto (maid servant) and a yakko (man servant) taking a young samurai out for a walk (?to visit a Shinto shrine) on his fifth birthday, when for the first time he wore the ceremonial kami-shimo and hakama (trousers), had his hair tied in a k~ot, and was given two wooden swords to carry. In the background the top of a blossoming peach tree rises above a garden wall that is surmounted by a shinobi-gaeshi (chevaux-de-frise) to keep out intruders. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 37.9>< 21,6 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1939· Ill. pl. CLI.

88 IN NIGHT ATTIRE. A woman (? Hinazuru of Choji-ya) standing beside the mosquito-net canopy of her bed, reading a love letter. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu.

Hashira-e. Size, 69.1 >< 11,7 em . Publisher's trade-mark of Daikoku-ya. Mosie Cat. 1954.

89 THE SMITTEN THUNDER · GoD. An 01ran and her kamuro hold their hands to their ears to shut out the sound of the thunder, as Kaminari Sarna (otherwise called Raiden, or Raijin) on a storm cloud above, overcome by the woman's charms prepares to throw her a love-letter and in his excitement has dropped one of his drumsticks. Signed: Suzuki Harunobugwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,8><11,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1955. ·

90 SHOKI IN LOVE. Captivated by a woman, who has gone to a river to wash linen and is lifting the skirt of her kimono, exposing her bare legs, the Demon-queller who is upon a high cliff above the stream, lowers with a rope, a small oni (demon) as his messenger to carry a love-letter to her. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu.

Hashira-e. Size, 66,5 ><:12,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Red owner's seal of Wakai Oyaji. Mosie Cat. 1956.

91 A BIJIN KINKO. A young woman riding on a huge carp and reading a love-letter as the great fish swims in a rapid stream. A travesty on the

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legend of the Taoist rishi Kinko (Chinese Kin Kao) who jumped into a river, and after some days reappeared riding upon a carp. Signed: Haru-nobu gwa. Red seal: Harunobu.

Hashira-e. Size, 69 Xl2 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1957.

92 A CRITICAL DAY. Caught in a sudden shower, a young woman has written a love-letter to Fuden, the God of the winds, and a gust which has scattered her roll of sheets of paper has blown it up to him. He stands upon the storm cloud above and is reading it. Beside him is a wooden placard attached to a post. Upon it is a table of the critical days of the year coupled with a warning against undertaking anything on any one of them. Signed: Harunobu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 69X 12,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie coli. 1958. Ill. pl. CLVII.

93 GATHERING PLUM BLOSSOMS. Lifted on the back of a young man, a girl reaches up to break off a branch from a blossoming plum tree that stands on the further side of a hedge. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Hashira· e. Size, 67.,5 X 11,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1959.

94 THE HOBBY HORSE. A small boy straddling a hobby horse, accompanied by a young woman who carries an uchiwa (round fan) and shelters herself under an umbrella. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 64,3 X I 1,6 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1960. Ill. pl. CLVII .

95 TOKONATSU, i. e., Eternal Summer, the fancy name of the Nadeshiko pink. A tall young woman standing beside and looking down at a pot of

pinks. She is dressed in a summer kimono of striped silk gauze, and is placing a hairpin in her coiffure. Signed: Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,2 X I 1,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Daikoku-ya . . Mosie Cat- 1961. Ill. pl. CLVII.

96 THE ANGLER. A youth on a river bank, :with a fishing rod and a fish-basket. Signed : Suzuki Harunobu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,5 X 12 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1962.

ISODA KORYUSAI (Worked c. 1765-1787)

97 "SHISH! NI BOTAN." A shishi (mythical Chinese lion) playing amid peonies, Signed: Koryu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26,5 X 19,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohachi. Mosie Cat. 1963.


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98 "SEIRO GEIKO NIWAKA-KYOGEN ZUKUSHI." The geiko (i. e., geisha) Nui and Chiyo dancing the harugoma odori (hobby-horse dance) in a farcical performance in the streets of the Y oshiwara. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26,6 X 19,5 em. Publisher's trade·mark: "Eiju han," of Nishimura-ya. Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. 1964.

99 "KWAKKYO." One of the series "Furyu Yamato Ni-ju-shi Ko," i. e., Fanciful Japanese twenty-four paragons of filial piety. Kwakkyo is the Japanese reading of Kuo Ku, who, yielding to the persuations of his wife agreed to sacrifice their child as they were too poor to buy food for both it and his mother. Proceeding to dig a grave for the child, at · a depth of three feet he came upon at pot of gold, "a gift from heaven" to reward his piety. The print shows a young Japanese couple seated in their parlor, the man dipping hot water to fill a tea-bowl, his wife beside him holding their infant chlld in her arms. Behind him in the tokonoma (picture alcove) incense is burning in a cormorant-shaped koro. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chuban. Size, 21,8 X 18,8 em. No publisher's imprint, Mosie Cat. 1965. Ill. pl. CL VIII.

100 "FURYU MITSU NO HAJIME." Fanciful three beginnings. A visitor to the Yoshiwara taking his leave, while the banta (head clerk) of the house respectfully bows as he says: "Sayonara." The rising sun and ravens flying across the sky both announce the morning. A humorous ode in

· the right upper corner. Signed: Koryusai gwa. Chuban. Size, 25 X 18,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1966.

101 THE BARRED WINDOW. Same series as the last. Two young girls look out through a barred window at a samurai and his attendants who are passing by. Signed : Koryusai gwa.

Chllban. Size, 25,1 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 1967.

102 CHERRY BLOSSOM Time on the Naka-no-ch6. A man who wears a black mask endeavors in. vain to free himself from a kamuro, while her mistress looks on. Signed : Koryusai gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26 X 18,5 em. No · publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1967 a.

103 THE SIGN OF THE TIGER. A young woman seated in front of a tsuitate (one panel screen) on which is a picture of a tiger. Series: "Furyu Ju-ni Shi," i. e., Fanciful . Twelve Zodiac Signs. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26,1 X 19,6 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1968. Ill. pl. CLVIII.

104 KIYOMIZU KOMACHT. One of the series "Furyu Nana Komachi," i.e., Fan-ciful seven [presentations of] Komachi. Here her modern representative

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is an oiran, who attended by her kamuro, is walking under a blossoming cherry tree. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chilban. Size, 26 X 19,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1971.

105 KAMI-NA-ZUKI. Fancy name for the tenth month. Wakamatsu and Waka-tsuru of Tawara-ya. Standing figures of two oiran. No background. Series: "Hokkwaku ju-ni moy6." The twelve months in the licensed quarter. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,5 ·x 19,5 em. No publishers imprint. Mosie Cat. 1972. in. pl. CLX.

106 "HATSU YUME," the first dream in spring. The oiran Sugawara of Tsuru-ya dreaming of Daikoku and the riches he brings. By her side her two kamuro are reading a book. A poem above reads .: "The first dream in the spring (i. e., the new year) usually comes true:" In old Japan "spring" was the first three months of the year. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,6 X 19,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" of Nishimura·ya Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. 1969. Ill. pl. CLIX.

107 MUSUME NO SEKISHO. The evening glow of the daughters. One of a set entitled: "Furyii Jinrin Mitate Hakkei," i. e., Eight fanciful views of human relations. Two girls stand on the bank of a winding stream and watch bats flying about overhead. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,7 X 19,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cal. 1970. Ill. pl. CLX.

108 BIKUNI NO BANSHO. The evening bell of the nun. Same series as the last. A bikuni (Buddhist nun) and her komegami (novice) passing by the fence of a Buddhist temple, beyond which the bell tower is seen. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,1 X 19,1 em. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1973.

109 KUSAZURIBIKI. One of the series "Fiiryii mitate iro buyii," i. e., A girl pulling off the sleeve of a youth's haori: a parody on the famous incident in the story of the Soga brothers' vendetta, when Asaina no Saburo, in trying to drag Soga no Goro into a room where a banquet was in progress, pulled off the kusazuri (tassets) of his armour. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 26,2 X 19,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1974. Ill. pl. CLIX.

I IO TWO UNSEVERED TANZAKU. Right: a woman hanging up a kaya (mos-quito-net bed-canopy), a cat by her side. Left: Shizuka kneeling before Minamoto no Yoshitsune. Odes on conventional clouds above. Each signed: Koryu gwa.

Size, 30,6 X 14,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1975.

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I I I THE ACTOR KITE. A youth showing to a young boy who holds a reel of cord, a kite decorated with a portrait of the actor Nakamura Sukegor6 II. Signed : Koryu gwa.

Hashira·e. Size, 66,5 X I z em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1976. Ill. pl. CLXI.

I I2 HANGING THE KAKEMONO. A young woman standing before a tokonoma (picture recess) turns while about to hang up a kakemono, the middle picture of a set of three, and looks down to see what has caught the skirt of her kimono. Signed : Koryusai gwa.

Hashira·e. Size, 66,7 X IZ em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1977. Ill. pl. CLXII.

I I 3 A YOUNG SAMURAI holding a fan. In the engawa of a house 111 the back-ground, a young mother and a child. Not signed.

Hashira-e. Size, 71,3 X 10,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1978.

1 I4 THE LOST GETA. A geisha dropping one of her black lacquered geta (clogs) while boarding a boat with the help of a young man. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira e. Size, 68,8 X 10,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1979.

I I 5 THE LOVERS SANKA TSU AND HANS HI CHI. They stand upon the platform of a boat landing and Sankatsu has his arm about the shoulders of Hanshichi. Overhead the morning sun is rising above a stratum of clouds, and ravens fly across the red disc. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,5 X 10,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1980. Ill. pl. CLXI.

I I6 A WOMAN AND HER LOVER. His face is concealed by a hood. Overhead, is a branch of a blossoming cherry tree. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,I X 12 em. Mosie Cat. 1981.

I I 7 GIRL HOLDING AN UMBRELLA. She stands beside a tree, around the trunk of which an asagao (morning-glory) vine is twined. Signed: Koryitsai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,5 X ll,S em. No publisher's imprint. Owners seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1982.

I 18 A YOUNG WOMAN dancing the Sambas6 dance. Above a poem. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,4 X IZ,I em. Mosie Cat. 1983.

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II9 YOUNG GIRL under a pine tree. She turns toward a servant who is bringing her a love-letter. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 70,3 X 12, I em. Mosie Cat. I984.

120 THE BLACK KERCHIEF. A coquettish young woman with a black kerchief about her head looks back at a little kozo (boy servant) who trots along behind her carrying a folded umbrella across his · shoulder. Moon and clouds above. Sig·ned: Korxusai gwa. Red seal: "Masakatsu." "'

Hashira-e. Size, 67 X I2 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. I985.

1 2 1 FEEDING THE CARP. A youth and a young woman on the drum bridge of the Tenjin shrine at Kameido, are clapping their hands to lure the carp in the water below, to which a small boy is throwing the little cakes called fu. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 69,3 X I2,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. I986. Ill. pl. CLXII.

122 THE PET RAT. Standing figure of a young woman in summer attire who is f~eding a white rat which she holds on the palm of her left hand. Possibly designed for the rat year 1780, though the coiffure of the woman indicates a date several years earlier. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira·e. Size, 68 X u,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosle Cat. I 987. Ill. pl. CLXI.

123 TAKING THE AIR. An oiran stands upon the engawa of a seiro at night and listens to two lovers in a room behind her, of whom only the legs of the girl and a bit of the man's kimono are seen in a narrow opening between two of the shoji. A tall hagi bush (lespedeza bicolor) stands in front of the engawa. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Note. This print was published in or about 1774. In or about 1783 the blocks were plugged and another head with a coiffure in the prevailing mode of that year was substituted for the one drawn by Koryusai. An impression of the revamped print is in the Buckingham Collection in The Art Institute of Chicago. It ·is without signature.

Hashira-e. Size; 70,2 X I I,7 em. No publishe1's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1988. Ill. pl. CLXII.

I 24 GIVING HER A LIGHT. A young man and a woman standing under a blossoming plum tree to the branches of which poem slips are attached. The man is giving the woman a light for her pipe. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 71 X 13 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosle Cat. I9g9·

12 5 A YOUNG KOMUSO on the road before a country house. Two young women look at him from a window. A travesty on the story of the priest Saigyo Hoshi and the Eguchi no kimi. Signed : Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 66,4 X u,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosle Cat. 1989 a,

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126 MITATE-YE WATANABE NO TSUNA AT THE RASHOMON. A "likening picture" parody on the well-known incident of Watanabe's encounter with the demon disguis,ed as an old woman. A young woman grasps the top of an umbrella bearing the mon (badge) of the Mori family, which is carried by a young man. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,2 X 11,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1989 b.

127 ONLY A DREAM. A young woman asleep seated beside a low table, dreams that she is eloping with her lover. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 70,1 X I 1,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. I 989 c.

I 28 THINGS TO DREAM ABOUT. A young woman carrying a basket of egg-plants: Mt Fuji above a cloud bank in the background. Left-hand sheet of a diptych illustrating the proverb that to dream of egg-plants, a falcon, and Fuji on the night following the first day of the year presages good luck. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,1 X II,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1989 d.

129 GoMPACHI AND KOMURASAKI. The lovers are in komus6 attire: m the clouds above, flying geese. Signed: Koryu gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68,3 X 12,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1989 e.

130 SHIRATAE OF OKANA-YA under blossoming cherry trees on the Naka-no-cho m the Y oshiwara. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,2 X I2,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1989 f.

131 GIVING HER A LIFT. A youth lifting up a girl so that, with her broom, she can remove a spider's web from the ceiling of the roof of the engawa on which he stands. Signed: Koryitsai g-wa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,7 X II,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1989 g.

132 LOOKING IN AT HER. A woman standing in a room and a young man looking in at her through the window. Signed: Koryusai gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 67 X 12 em. Mosie Cat. 1989 h.

UCHIMASA (Dates not known)

133 ON THE RIVER. A young man seated in a boat, and a young woman standing by his side holding a bamboo pole with which to propel the craft. In the water kakitsubata (Siberian iris) are growing. Not signed. As usual

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the signature has been removed, but the impression reproduced m the Hayashi sale catalogue (Paris 1902) bore the signature Ucht"masa.

Hashira·e. Size, 70,8 X n,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1990.


134 MATSUKAZE OF OGI-YA seated beside .a hibachi, and her kamuro handing her a love-letter. One of a series of pictures of Y oshiwara women, whose names appear upon labels in the form of folded love-letters. On a con-ventional cloud at the top of the print is a list of the names of the oiran of Ogi-ya, nine in number. Signed: Yoshinobu gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,1 X 19,8 em. Publisher's trade·mark: "Maru -Ko" of Maru-ya, Yama-moto Kohei. Mosie Cat. 1991. Ill. pl. CXLVIII.

TOMIKAWA FUSANOBU (Worked c. 1745-1770)

135 ScENE FROM A DRAMA. Ichimura Uzaemon IX as a shicho (nobleman's attendant) standing in the courtyard of a mansion on an evening in winter, holding upon his back a woman impersonated by Nakamura Matsue. Seated in a house at the left is a nobleman impersonated by the famous comedian Arashi Otohachi I. These actors came together at the Ichimura theatre at Kaomise, December 9, 1768. The next autumn Otohachi died. The scene here depicted was probably enacted during the summer of 1769. Signed: Eshi (artist) Tomikawa Fusanobu gwa.

Yoko-hoso·e. Size, 13,9X31,1 em. Publisher's trade·mark: "l'omita han" of Uroko-gata-ya. Mosie Cat. 1993. Ill. pl. CXLV.

136 "NARIHIRA AzUMA KUDARI," i. e., The Eastern journey of Narihira, who is shown on horseback passing Mt Fuji. Three-colour-print. Signed: Tom£-kawa Fusanobu gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31 X 14,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Tsuru·Shin," Mosie Cat. 1994.


137 THE ACTOR NAKAMURA SUKEGORO II as the wrestler Haregoma no Chokichi in Act 2 of"Fude Hajime Soga Tamagusa" at Nakamura-za, in February 1768. Signed: Katsukawa Shunsho gwa. Seal: Hayashi.

Hoso-e. Size, 30,7 X 13,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1996.

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138 NAKAMURA Nosmo I as a young woman walking in the country and carrying a long walking stick. Role Kusunoha. Signed: Shunsho gwa. Owner's seal in red.

Hoso-e. Size, 33,1 X 14,6 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1995. Ill. in colour, pl. CIII.

139 "FURYU EHON Is:E MONOGATARI.'' Fanciful illustrations of scenes from the Ise Monogatari. Complete set of twenty-four small sheets and the wrapper in which they were issued. Some of the sheets are signed Katsukawa Shunsho gwa, some are not signed, one bears the artist's seal-signature: Hayashi.

Mosie Cat. 2ooo.

140 THE ACTOR SEGAWA KIKUNOJO III 111 a female role. Signed: Shuns!w gwa. Hoso-e. Size, 32,5 X 14,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie! Cat. 1998.

141 SCENE FROM "NUE NO MORI lCHIYO NO MATO," the Kaomise play at Nakamura-za, from December 17, 1770. Matsumoto Koshiro II (the 4'h Danjur6) as Osada no Taro Kanemune in disguise as Goroz6 of the cave, woodcutter of Iwakura-yama, finding a baby (the future Prince Takakura) in a basket in a deserted place on the mountain. Signed: Katsukawa Shunsho gwa. Seal: Hayashz:

Chiiban. Size, z6,7 X 17,9 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Urokogata-ya. Mosie! Cat. 1999. Ill. pl. CLXIII.

142 }IGAMI-E, i. e., a fan-mount picture. Large head and bust portrait of the actor Otani Hiroji III (1746-1802). Signed: Shunsho gwa. The name of the actor written in red ink. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tada-masa.

Size, 3 l X 4:1 em. Publisher's imprint: Iwato -ya Gempaehi. Mosie Cat. zooo a.

143 THE GONIN ONNA. Five actors impersonating women kyokaku as they appeared in the opening scene of the first act of "Waka Murasaki Edokko Soga" at the Ichimura theatre, January and February 1792. This scene was an amusing travesty of the popular representation of the "Gonin Otoko" or five chivalrous men (otokodate or kyokaku) who in real life were champ-ions of the people against aggression by the samurai. The actors and roles were: Segawa Kikunojo III as Karigane 0 Bun, Nakayama Tomisaburo as An no 0 Yasu, Iwai Kiyotaro II as Kaminari no 0 Sho, Nakayama Tatez6 as Gokuin no 0 Sen, and Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Hotei no 0 I chi. Signed: Shunsho gwa.

Hoso-c! pentaptych. Size, 32,2 X 72,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Daikoku-ya. Mosie Cat. 1997.

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144 THE ACTOR ICHIKAWA YAOZO Ill (1748-1818) as a boatman walking along a beach, carrying a tabakobon (box for holding smoking utensils and burning charcoal). Signed: Shunk~ gzva.

Hoso·e. Size, 32,5 X 14,8 em. No publisher's imprint-Mosle Cat. 2009.

IPPITSUSAI BUNCHO (Worked c. 1768- 1778)

145 ICHIKAWA KoMAZO I (1736-1802) as Soga no Jiir6 Sukenari in disguise as a fox-trapper and holding a fox trap with a rat as bait. This represents the actor as he appeared in Act 2 of Sakurada Jisuke's play "Kagami-ga-Ike Omokage Soga" at Nakamura-za, in February 1770. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Red seal: Mori ujz; i. e., Family name Mori.

Hoso-e. Size, 31 X 14,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2022.

146 THE AC'l"OR IWAI HANSHIRO IV (I745-18oo) as a girl. Signed: lppitsusai Buncho gzva. Seal.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,2 X 14,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2023.

147 THE FAMOUS COMEDIAN ARASHI 0TOHACHI I as a man in winter dress and wearing a broad-brimmed hat. He stands under a willow tree on a· river bank and is holding two fish that he has caught. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori uji.

Hoso-e. Size, 32,3 X 15,5 em. No publisher's imprint Mosie Cat. 2032.

148 USHIWAKA-MARU standing on the Goj6 bridge in Kyoto, waiting for Benkei to attack him. Behind him a white heron stands upon a post of the bridge railing. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori uji'.

Hoso-e. Size, 30,1 X 14,2 em. No publisher's imprint. Owners' seals of Wakai, and Hayashi Tadamasa, Mosie Cat. 2024.

149 THE ACTOR ICHIKAWA BENZO (1743-1794) in a female role. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori uji.

Hoso-e. Size, 31,7 X 14,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2025.

150 ICHIKAWA UZAEMON IX (1724-1785) and Sanogawa Ichimatsu II as two young women standing on a dancing platform, above which hangs a great temple bell. This probably represents them in the shosa of "Musume Dojoji," at Ichimura-za, in February 1769. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori uji.

Hoso-e diptyeb. Size, 31,7 X 28,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Owner's seals of Hayashi Tadamasa (died 1902), the well-known Paris dealer, and of Wakai, his· Tokyo

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partner. Wakai's seal "Wakai oyaji" is jocular; "Wakai" signifying "Young ·and" "oyaji," "old man." Mosie Cat. 2028 and 2029. Ill. pl. CLXIV.

151 "AYASE NO SEKISHo." The evening glow at Ayase on the Sumidagawa. In the upper room of a country inn, a young woman is seated, smoking a pipe, and a youth is looking through a spy-glass at fishing boats on the river. Series: "Bokusui Hakkei," i. e., Eight Sumida River Views. Bokusui is a poetical name for the Sumidagawa. Boku is another name for sumi, i. e., Chinese ink; and sui means water: together therefore, "Sumi water." Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori 'll}i·.

Chuban. Size, 26 X 19 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2030.

I 52 THE YUJO HINAJI OF CHOJI-YA. In the tokonoma (alcove) hangs a Chinese painting of geese flying down to Lake Hsi-hu, near Hangchow. One of a "Love-letter" series, consisting of pictures of women whose names are given on labels in the shape of folded love-letters. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori UJ·i.

Hoso·e. Size, 32,5 X 18 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2031.

153 A KYoTO ACTOR of women's roles. Arashi Koroku II (1740-1796) re-ceiving the plaudits of the audience on his first appearance on the Edo stage. Signed: Ippz'tsusai Buncho gwa. Seal: Mori uji.

Hoso-e. Size, 32 X 15 em. Mosie Cat. 2026.

154 THE ACTOR SAKATA HANGORO II ( ..... -1782) as(?) the brigand Kuma-saka no Chohan. Night scene: he is severing an Odawara-chochin (cylin-drical paper lantern) with his sword. Hangoro played this role in "Chigo Torii Tobiiri Kitsune'' at Ichimura-za in December 1777. Signed: Ippitsusai Buncho gwa, Seal.

Hoso·e. Size, 31,2 X 14 em. No publisher's imprint. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tada-masa. Mosie Cat. 2027.

TORII KIYONAGA (1752-1815)

155 THE ACTOR MATSUMOTO K6SHIRO IV in the role of Kusunoki bokon (the ghost of Kusunoki Masashige), and Sawamura Kijuro as Omori Hikoshichi. These roles are not recorded, but were probably played in 1775 when the actors were together at Morita-za. Three-colour-print. Signed: Torii Kiyonaga gwa.

Hoso·e. Size, 30,6 X 13,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Matsu," of Matsumura Yahei. Mosie Cat. 1898.

1 56 Two YOUNG GIRLS and a married woman on Azuma bridge across the Sumida, viewing the busy scene on the river below. One of them points toward

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Kinryiizan temple which is on the bank at the right, not shown in the · print. Series: "Asakusa Kinryiizan Jikkyo," i. e., Ten views of Kinryilzan

temple, Asakusa district. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa. Chliban. Size, 21,7 X 16 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Nishimnra-ya, "Eijndo.'' Mosie Cat. 1899. Ill. pl. CLXVI.

I 57 Two YOUNG WOMEN in a tea-house on Matsuchi hill, look across the rice fields toward Kinryiizan temple. Series: "Asakusa Kinryuzan Jikkyo." Signed: :Kiyonaga gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 21,6 X 16 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Nishimura-ya, "Eij'udo.~' Mosie Cat. 1900. Ill. pl. CLXVI.

I58 "TAKATA." A young woman and a girl seated on the engawa of a tea-house in the grounds of the Inari shrine at Takata in the environs of Edo. Behind them a boy carrying an amulet from the Fuji-dera (Fuji temple) at Komagome, a rice-straw snake twisted about a bamboo branch with green foliage. Series: "Edo Natsu Jikkei," i. e., Ten Edo views in summer time. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Chiiban. Size, 25,4 X 19,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Takasn Soshiehi, Shiba Shin· mei mai. Mosie Cat. 1901. Ill. pl. CLXVIII.

I 59 TWo YOUNG WOMEN on the steps of the boat landing at Mimeguri look down at a hokan (professional buffoon) in a boat moored below. Humorous illustration of the precept: "Michi wo mamoru hito wo kirai, ware ni nazurau tomo wo aisuru koto," i. e., Hating a person who strictly follows the moral rule to welcome one who flatters, is a thing you must not do. Series: "Jijo Hokan Onna Imagawa," i. e., Moral precepts for women interpreted by the hokan. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Chllban. Size, 25,8 X 19,1 em. No publisher's imprint. Red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1902. Ill. pl. CLXVII.

I6o THREE YOUNG WOMEN standing on the engawa of the Kwannon-do of Kinryilzan temple, Asakusa district, in the time of the cherry blossoming. Not signed.

Chuban. Size, 25,4 X 19,1 em. No publisher's imprint. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tada-masa. Mosie Cat. 1903. Til. pl. CLXVII.

I6I CH~RRY BLOSSOM VIEWING in the Yoshiwara. Middle sheet of a triptych. Utahime of Matsuba-ya (Pine-needle house) out to view the scene, accom-panied by her two kamuro (girl attendants), and by a shinzo (maid) who lifts up one of the kamuro so she can tie, to a flowering branch a fan bearing a poem. Beside the tree stands a hakojochin, a large paper lantern that bears the mon of Utahime. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 39,2 X 26 em. Publisher's seal of Nishimnra-ya "Eifu han." Mosie Cat. 1904.

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162 RIGHT-HAND SHEET of the same triptych as the preceding number, upon which Nioteru of Ogi-ya (the Fan house), her two kamuro and two shinz6, are shown.

Size, 38,1 X 25,2 em. Same signature and publisher's imprint, and owner's seal of Haya· shi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1905.

163 VIEW OF HORIDOME, the gate to Edo castle, and Mt. Fuji, from Nihon-bashi (Nippon bridge), to one of the pillars of which is attached a zutsu mamori, a charm against headache. On the bridge are a peasant girl and a woman returning from worship, followed by a maid who carries a plum branch from the Tenjin shrine at Kameido. Signed: Ki;yonaga gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 38,5 X 25,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Nishimura Yohachi, "Eijudo." Owner's ·seal of Wakai Oyaji. Mosie Cat. 1906.

164 THE SLEEPING KAMURO. A Yoshiwara woman looks down at her kamuro who has fallen asleep while reading a story-book. Signed: Ki;yonaga gwa.

Oban tate -ye. Size, 39 X 25,5 em. Publisher's trade mark of Takasu Soshichi, Fuyodo, "Shiba, Takasu .. " Censor's "kiwame" seal, which indicates a date of 1789 or later. Mosle Cat. 1907.

165 THE BOTAN SHOW IN THE YOSHIWARA. Right-hand and middle sheets of the triptych. Tayu and attendant women are viewing the flowers which are set out in a fenced enclosure in the N aka-no-ch6, the middle street of the quarter. Right; Katachino of Ogi-ya, a shinz6 and two kamuro. Middle sheet: Hinazuru of Choji-ya (the Clove House) similarly accom-panied. Each sheet signed : "Kiyonaga gwa."

Oban tate-ye. Sizes, 36,7X23,5 and 36,6X24 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eijudo." Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 1909 and 1908. Ill. pl. CLXIX.

166 MIYA MAIRI NO Zu. Picture of a young girl being taken to Kinryuzan (Gold-dragon Buddhist temple), Asakusa district, by her mother (the wife of a wealthy merchant), two women friends, one of whom carries a mamori-bukuro (talisman), and a maid servant who holds an umbrella over the mother's head. Series: "Asakusa Kinryuzan Hakkyo," i. e., Eight Views of Kinryuzan. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,6 X 19,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eijudo." Moslt! Cat. 1910. Ill. pl. CLXVIII.

167 "KINRYUZAN NO BosETSU" (Night snow on Kinryuzan), and "Mim_eguri no Rakugan" (Geese flying down at Mimeguri). Two unsevered tanzaku on a sheet as when printed. At Kinryuzan a young woman descends the steps of the temple in winter. At Mimeguri a geisha watches wild geese fly down to the rice fields. Series: "Furyu Edo Hakkei," i. e., Fanciful Eight Edo Views. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Size, 31 X 14,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 191 I.

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168 AFTER THE BATH. A young woman stands, drying her ear with the sleeve of her yukata (bath robe) as she looks down at another woman seated upon the floor playing with her infant son. Signed: Kiyimaga gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 68 X 11,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 1912. Ill. pl. CLXX.

169 A NEW YEAR'S DAY GAME. A young woman playing hanetsuki, i. e., battledore and shuttlecock She stands near a kadomatsu, a new year decoration of pine and bamboo branches (emblems of longevity) set up beside a house. Signed : Kiyonaga gwa.

Hasbira-e. Size, 66,8 X 12,1 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosl( Cat. 1913. Ill. pl. CLXX.

170 A YOUNG MOTHER looking down at her infant son asleep under a mosquito net covering. Signed: Kiyonaga gwa.

Hashira-e. Size, 69,2 X 10,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark : "Eijudo." Red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 19t4. lll. pl. CLXX.

KATSUKAWA SHUNCHO (Worked c. 1780-1795)

171 VIEWING THE PLUM BLOSSOMS. A man and three women under a blossom-ing plum tree. Signed : Shuncho gwa.

Oban-tate·ye. Size, 32,6 X 21,9 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Ise-ya Jihei, "lse-Ji" on a fundo-shaped outline. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2010.

172 INTERIOR OF A HOUSE AT SHINAGAWA NEAR EDO. Women are looking out at Edo bay, across which the mountains in lzu are seen on the horizon. Signed: Shuncho gwa.

Oban·tate-ye. Size, 32 X 21 ,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Taki-ya ban." Mosie Cat. 2011.

173 NEW YEAR'S DAY SCENE. A woman on her way to make a New Year's call accompanied by her pet dog which plays with a spool of cord for a kite. She is followed by a young man; and two geisha holding hagoita (battledores) stand on the roadside. Signed: Shuncho gwa.

Oba.n-tate-ye. Size, 32 X 21,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark : "lse-Ji" of Ise-ya Jisuke. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Red owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 2012.

174 WAKANA WO TSUMU. Gathering young herbs in early spring. Three young woman and a boy thus engaged in a field on the bank of the Sumidagawa. Signed: Shunchi'J gwa. Seal: "Chihin."

Oban-tate-ye. Size, 37.4 X 25,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Fushi-Zen" of Fushimi-ya Zenroku. Mosie Cat. 2013.

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32 ALEXANDER G. ,MOSLE ----------------------------------------------~------------

175 CHERRY BLOSSOM VIEWING IN UENO. Three women admiring the flowers in the grounds ,of Toeizan temple. In the background, Shinobazu pond and the Ben ten shrine. Signed : Shuncho gwa.

Oban-tate-ye. Size, 37,6X25,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Jaku-rin-do" of Wak;Lsa-ya Yoiehi. Mosie Cat. 2014.

176 THE ELEVENTH MONTH. A woman taking her five-year old son to the ujigami (tutelary "god" of the family) Shinto shrine. The boy, who wears the formal kamishimo first donned on his fifth birthday, is carried on the back of a young woman. A young girl who is the fourth member of the party carries a toy cock on a temple drum. This may indicate 1789 as the date of the print. Signed : Shuncho gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,6X2o,2 em. Publisher's trade-mark: ''Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. 201 ). III. pl. CLXXI.

177 WAITING FOR GUESTS. Three geisha and two maid-servants in a tea-house. The garden is seen through an open window. Signed: Shuncho gwa.

Oban-tate-ye. Size, 38,9X26,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Juzaburo. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2017.

178 THE ENAMOURED WIND-GOD. On the stepping stone before a house a girl sits preparing to wash her feet in a shallow tub. Overcome by the sight of her bare legs, Fuden lets down to her from the clouds a love-letter tied to a string. Not signed.

Hashira-e. Size, 67,5XIZ,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2018.

KATSUKAWA SHUNZAN (Worked c. 1782- 1790)

179 "SEIRO NIWAKA ZENSHo." Four geisha made up as wrestlers for a niwaka performance in the Nakanocho (middle street) of the Yoshiwara. Signed: Shunzan gwa.

Chuban. Size, z6x 19 em. Publisher's trade-mark : "Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. 2007 a.

I 8o Two YOUNG WOMEN and a man feeding a caged bird. Illustration of the poem by Ariwara no Narihira printed above beside the series title, "Rok-kasen," i. e., The six poets. Signed: Shunzan gwa.

Chuban. Size, 25,5 X 18,7 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "E1jj1 han'' of Nishimura-ya Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. zoo6. Ill. pl. CLXV.

181 "AWAZU NO SEIRAN." Clearing weather at Awazu: a parody upon that subject. Four young boys are at play in a room. One who holds an uchiwa (round fan) is pushing back another who has snatched from a

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hachinoki (potted tree) its straw cover made in the shape of a kagashi, or scarecrow in the semblance of a man wearing a wide hat and a straw raincoat. The "clearing weather" is evidently the cessation of hostilities after a scrimmage between the two larger boys. One of the smaller boys holds a toy horse, the other, who is coming in through the doorway, holds a toy pagoda. Signed: Shunzan gwa.

Chfiban. Size, z6,SXI9,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" ofNishimura-ya Yohaehi. Mosie Cat. 2007. Ill. pl. CLXV.


182 THE ACTOR SEGAWA KIKUNOJO III (1750-1810) in a female role. Signed: Shunjo gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 31 X 12,7 em. No publisher's mark. Mosie Cat. 2019.


183 ICHIKAWA EBIZo IV (the 5th Danjuro) as Banzuin Chobei in Act 2 of "Gozen-gakari Sumo- Soga" at Kawarazaki-za, from February 23, 1793. Right-hand sheet of a triptych, of which the next number is the middle section. Signed : Shunyei gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 30,6 X 13,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Daikoku-ya. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat. 2002.

184 IWAI HANSHIRo IV as Shirai Gompachi. Middle sheet of a triptych adjoining No. 183. Signed: Shunyez' gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, Jo,SXI3,6 em. Mosie Cat. 2003 .

185 SEGAWA KIKUNOJo III as Tomoe Gozen, in "Yasa Gunbai Miyako no Jindori, the Kaomise play at Miyako-za, December 1793. Signed: Shunye£gwa.

Hoso-e. Size, 32,4X14,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2001. Ill. pl. CLXIII.

186 SEGAWA KIKUNOJo III as a woman standing under a blossoming cherry tree: Signed: Shunye£ gwa.

Hos.o-e. Size, 32X 14,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuru-ya Kieimon. Mosie Coli. 2004. Ill. pl. CLXIII.

KUBO SHUMMAN (1757-1820)

187 SAIKU HAJIME. The first work in the New Year. A maker of sword fittings about to begin work on the first day of the year. He is seated before a low work bench upon which his tools are laid out. At the right a woman kneels and bends forward respectfully. Behind her a boy looks


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at an illustrated copy of the "Hyakunin Isshu." Leaf from an album of poems and pictures. Signed: Shosado Shumman gwa. Seal: Shumman. (name is written Shun-man but is pronounced Shum-man.)

Size, 37,8 X 25 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2021.

KITAO MASANOBU (1761-1816)

188 KITSUNE MAJ. The fox dance by street dancers in the kitchen of a house in the Yoshiwara at New Year's time. Signed: Santo Kyoden gwa.

Double-page book illustration. Size, 2o,8 X 31,8 em. Mosie Cat. 2oo8.


189 AWA NI UDZURA. Millet and quails. Printed in black and yellow. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Chiiban. Size, 23,3 X 17,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Yamaguchi-ya Tobei. Mosie Cat. 2037. Ill. pl. CLXXIV.

190 UME NI TAKA NI SUZUME. A hawk on a branch of a flowering plum tree, with a sparrow in its claws. Signed: Utamarojude. Date-stamp, "Saru sho," for the first month (25 January- 23 February) of the monkey Year 1800.

Oban tate -ye. Size, 32,7 X 22,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Murata-ya Jirobei. Mosie Cat. 2038. Ill. pl. CLXXIV.

191 THE CAGED BIRD. Three young women seated on a veranda prepar-ing food for an uguisu (bush warbler commonly called the Japanese nightingale) in a cage held by another girl. In the background a tsuitate (screen) upon which is a picture of Mt Fuji seen from the sea-shore at Mio-no-Matsubara. Leaf from an album of poems and pictures. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Size, 25,2X37,8 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2039.

192 "NAMPO NO CHAMISE." Heq.d and bust portrait of a waitress in a tea-house "in the South," i. e. Shinagawa. She holds a tea cup on a small tray. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 26X38,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Varna-to" ofYamato·ya Kinbei. Mosie Cat. 2040.

193 TOMIMOTO TOYOHINA. Head and bust portrait of a woman joruri chanter, pupil of the famous Tomimoto Buzenday_u. Mica ground (kirara-e). Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,5 X 25 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jilzaburo. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Date about 1792. Mosie Cat, 2041. Ill. pl. CLXXVI.

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194 TAKASHIMA-VA 0-HISA. Head and bust portrait of the popular waitress 0-Hisa of the Takashima tea-house. She is attired in thin summer garments and . holds an uchiwa (round fan) that bears the mon of the tea-house. In the left upper corner a poem on a tanzaku (narrow slip of fancy paper) . Kirara (mica) ground. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,5X25 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jiizaburo. Mosie Cat. 2042. Ill. pl. CLXXVI.

195 "0IRAN." Large head and bust portrait of a courtesan of the highest class. She is in morning dress and is preparing to write a letter. Yellow ground; mica on the woman's under kimono. Series: "Hokoku [the Northern country, i. e., the Y oshiwara] goshiki sumi" [five-colour inks, i. e., five classes of women]. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36,3X25,4 em. Publisher's trade·!Jlark of lse-ya Magobei. Mosie Cat. 2043. Ill. pl. CLXVII.

196 "TEPP6." Large head and bust portrait of a woman of the lowest class in the licensed quarter. Her breasts are exposed and she holds a paper handkerchief between her teeth. Yell ow ground. Same series as the last number.

Mosie Cat. 2045.

197 "MINAMI SHUKU," i. e., the southern post-station. Large head and bust portrait of a Shinagawa yujo. Kirara (mica) ground. Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-e. Size, 37,8X25,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsurn-ya Kiemon. Mosie Cat. 2044.

198 KISEGAWA OF MATSUBA-YA. Large head and bust portrait. Series: "Seiro nana Komachi," i. e., Seven modern Komachi of the "green houses." Signed: Shamel. lltamaro jude.

6han tate·ye. Size, 37,1 X24,2 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Izumi-ya Iehibei. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 2046.

199 THE AUTUMN MOON IN THE MIRROR. Head and bust portrait of a girl viewing her face reflected in a hand mirror. Series: "Meisho Koshikake Hakkei," i. e., Eight views from benches at famous places. Signed: Utamaro j ude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,1 X 24,7 em. Publisher's trade mark of Ezaki-ya Kiehibei. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 2047.

200 TOMIMOTO TOYOHINA. Large head and bust portrait of the woman joruri and gidayu chanter so named. (See also No 193). Signed: Utamaro jude.

Oban tate·ye. Size, 33,5 X 22,9 em. Publisher's trade-mark of I wato-ya Genpaehi. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2048 . Ill. pl. CLXXV.

201 A BIJIN. Head and bust portrait of a Y oshiwara beauty, and her attendant maid. Signed : Utamaro jude.

Oban tate-e. Size, 37,7 X 24,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Jakurindo" of Wakasa-ya Yoiehi. Mosie Cat. 2049.

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202 VIEWING AN IKEBANA. Yoso-oi of Matsuba-ya (Pine-needle House) and her kamuro looking at a flower arrangement in a hanging vase. Signed : Utamaro fude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 25,2 X 22 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Maru-ya Bunemon. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat. zoso.

2 03 0 -SOME AND HISAMATSU, a famous pair of lovers. Hisamatsu kneels beside a soroban (abacus) while 0-Some shows him her tenarai-bon (writing book). Signed : Utamaro fude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 39,2X27 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Sen-iehi" of Izumi-ya Iehibei . Mosie Cat. 2051.

204 KODOMO So]o HENJO- Two women and a little boy who is made-up to represent the famous priest poet Sojo Henjo, by being wrapped in red cloth and having his head shaved. Series: "Tosei Kodomo Rokkasen," i. e., The six famous poets represented by children of our time. Signed: Utamaro fude.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,5X25,5 em. Censor's Kiwame seal. Publisher's trade-mark : Sen-iehi han, of Izumi-ya Ichibei. Mosie Cat. 2052.

205 KODOMO 0TOMO NO KURONUSHI. A young man holds a small boy who is made up to represent the poet Kuronushi. He wears the haori (coat) of a woman who kneels by his side, and on his head he has a funnel instead of a kanmuri (cap indicating noble rank). Same series and signature as the last number.

Size, 37 X 26 em. Mosie Cat. 2052a.

206 KODOMO BUNYA .NO YASUHIDE. A young woman and a boy. The child wears her haori (coat) and to represent an eboshi (old style nobleman's head-gear) he has a book tied upon his head, thus being made-up to represent the poet Bunya no Y asuhide. Same series and signature as the last two numbers.

Size, 36,5 X 25,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2052 b.

207 FISHING. A courtesan catching the gold-fish in a bronze basin. Behind her a shinzo holds a glass vase to receive the fish when caught. Yellow ground. Signed: Utamaro fude.

Oban tate-e. Size, 37,4X2$,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Uemura (? Kamimura) Yohei. Mosie Cat. 2053.

208 YAMAUBA AND KINTARO. The mountain woman Yamauba (pronounced . Yamamba) suckling her foster child Kin taro, who in later years was called Sakata Kintoki. Signed: Utamaro fude.

Hashira·e. Size, 69X 10 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2054.

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EISHOSAI CHOKI (Worked c. 1772-1797) 209 YOSHIWARA WOMEN PROMENADING. At the right, Hinazuru ofChoji-ya; at the

left Segawa of Matsuba-ya; each accompanied by two shinz6 and two kamuro. Signed : Choki gwa.

Ohan tate-ye. Size 36,5 X49 em. Publisher's trade-mark: " Yama-Sho" of (?) Yamada-ya Shojiro. Censor's "Kiwame" seal, indicating date about 1790. Mosie Cat. 2034.

210 A NEW YEAR'S ENTERTAINMENT BY MANZAI. Scene in a nobleman's mansion on New Year's day. The ladies of the household view the performance from a side room, the servants from a room at the rear. Manzai (variant pronunciation of banzai, the equivalent of "Hurrah!") is the name given to strolling clowns, originally from the province of Mikawa, who went about from house to house on New Year's day entertaining the occupants by dancing, music, and buffoonery. Signed: Choki gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36,5 X49 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jiizaburo. Mosie Cat. 2035.

2II "RYOSEN GO MAl TSUZUKI," i. e., Fishing-boat, set of five. Sheet No. I of a pentaptych. Party of women in a covered barge on the Sumidagawa. At the right maids preparing luncheon; at the left four singers. Signed: Choki gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 38x24,8 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jiizaburo. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 2033.

TOSHUSAI SHARAKU (Worked 1794-1795)

212 SEGAWA TOMISABURO. Large head and bust portrait of the actor in a female role, dressed in a red kimono and a black uchikake that has a chrysanthemum pattern. Kirara (mica) ground. Signed : Toshusai Sha-raku gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36,4X23,7 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta·ya Juzaburo. Owner's seal of W akai. Mosie Cat. 2055. Ill. pl. CLXXXIV.

2 I 3 T ANIMURA TORAZO. Large head and bust of the actor in (?) the role of Kakogawa Honz6 in "Chushingura" at the Kawarazaki theatre from the 21 51 of the 9 1h month of Kwansei 6 (October 14, 1794). Kirara (mica) ground. Signed : Toshusai Sharaku gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36,8x25 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jilzaburo. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2056.

214 ICHIKAWA KOMAZO II (1764-1838). Large head and bust portrait of the actor, as an outlaw. The role has been identified as that of Awa no Jurobei, though by whom or upon what evidence, the present writer is not

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informed, and he does not find it of record that Komaz6 played that role. Kirara (mica) ground. Signed: TtJshusai Sharaku gwa.

Oban tate-ye: Size, 34,7 X 23,7 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta·ya Jiizaburo. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat .. 2057. Ill. pl. CLXXXII.

2 1 5 W ADAEMON AND KONOZO. Large head and bust portraits of Nakajima Wadaemon and Nakamura Konoz6. Kirara (mica) ground. Signed: Toshusai Sharaku gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36X23,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jiizaburo. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. These, and the signature are nearly·illegible on this impression. Mosie Cat. 2058. Ill. pl. CLXXXV.

216 OTANI TOKUJl. Large head and bust of the actor in an unidentified role. Kirara (mica) ground. Signed: TtJshusai Sharaku gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 38,6X28,5. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta·ya Jiizabnro. Censor's •'Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat. 2059. lll. pl. CLXXXIH.

217 THE ACTOR IWAI HANSHIRO IV m a female role. Signed: Toshusai Sharaku gwa.

Hoso·e. Size, J1,4X 15,2 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jil.zaburo. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2060. Ill. pl. CLXXXI.

218 BANDO HIKOSABURO III as a daimy6. Signed: Toshusai Sharaku gwa. Hoso-e, Size, 31 X 14,2 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Jiizaburo. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Owner's seal of Hayashi Tadamasa. Mosie Cat. 2061. Ill. pl. CLXXXI.

219 SEGAWA TOMISABURO as a woman who stands beside a sanbo and a ch6shi (ceremonial sake-kettle). Left-hand sheet of the triptych of which the last number is the right-hand sheet. Same signature, etc.

Hoso-e. Size, 31 X 14,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2062. Ill. pl. CLXXXI.


220 UTAKAI. A woman's poem-party (utakai) in the large open parlor of a daimy6 palace by the sea at Suma. Pictures of three-renowned poets (a set of three kakemono) hang in the tokonoma. The poets are Kakino-moto no Hitomaro (died about 729) regarded as the greatest that Japan has produced, and honored as one of the gods of poetry; Yamabe no Akihito (8th century), almost as celebrated; and Sot6ri-hime, younger sister of the empress Osaka no Onakatsu-hime, wife of Inky6-tenn6 (412-453). At a poem- party each participant had to write down a poem from

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memory, and a prize was given for the one considered the best. Signed: Eishi gwa.

Oban triptych. Size, 74X37,7 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju-han" of Nishimura·ya Y ohaehi. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2063.

221 KIYOMIZU KOMACHI. Three young women, viewing the artificial waterfall at the Kiyomizu-do of Toeizan temple. Series: Nana Komachi, i. e. Seven presentations of Ono no Komachi. Actually Ukiyo-e modifications of the subjects. Signed: Eishi gwa.

Chuban. Size, 26,5 X 16,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohaehi. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat. 2065. Ill. pl. CLXXI.

222 A YOSHJWARA BEAUTY. Nanakoshi of Ogi-ya attended by a shinz6 and her two kamuro Mineno and Takane. Back of the oiran at the left a large hako-chochin (lantern) bearing the mon of Ogi-ya (the Fan House) rests upon the ground. Signed: Eishi gwa.

Chllban. Size, 26,1 X 19,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohaehi. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2066. Ill. pl. CLXXII.

223 A PAINTING LESSON. A young girl ready for the lesson. A woman who is her teacher, and a young maid servant are beside her. Behind her another woman stands and looks on. Upon the fusuma (sliding partition) of the room is a painting in Chinese style. Signed: Eishi gwa.

Oban tate·ye. Size, 37 X24,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Sen·Iehi'' of Izumi-ya Iehihei. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2067.

224 A YOUNG man and two women grouped about tables upon which food is set out. Part of a triptych. Signed: Eishi zu.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 38,3 x25,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Iwato-ya Genpaehi. Censor's "Kiwame'' seal. Mosie Cat. 2068.

ICHIRAKUTEI EISUI (Worked c. 1793-1798)

225 Two FAMOUS LOVERS. Abura-ya 0 Some and her lover Hisamatsu. Half-length, figures. Series: "Bijin awase joruri kagami" i. e., Mirror of a group of beautiful women represented in joruri plays. Signed: lchirakutei Eisui gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36 X 23,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Maru-Bun" of Maru-ya Bunemon. Moslt! Cat. 2106.

226 KoMURASAKI AND GoMPACID. Half-length figures of the famous lovers. Same series and signature as the last number.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 26,5X2o,1 em. Mosie Cat. 2111.

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227 SOMENOSUKE OF MATSUBA-YA. Large head and bust portrait. Signed: Eisui gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,7 X 24 em. Publisher's trade-mark of (?) Matsumoto Sabyoe. Mosie Cat. 2109.

228 TSUKIOKA OF HY5GO-YA. Large head and bust portrait of the oiran who is arranging flowers in vase shaped like a tsurube (well bucket). Signed: Eisui gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,6X24,6 em. Publisher's trade-mark of (?) Matsumoto Sabyoe. Mosie Cat. 2no.

229 HINAZURU OF CH6JI-YA. Large head and bust portrait of the oiran. Signed: Eisui gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 38,7 X25,4 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2107.

230 TAKIGAWA OF OGI-YA. Head and bust portrait. Series: "Bijin Gosekku," i. e., Beauties seen on the five great festal days of the year. Signed: lchirakutei Eisui gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 36,9X23,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Maru-Bun" of Marn-ya Bunemon. Mosie Cat. 2108.

CHOKOSAI EISHO (Worked c. 1793-1798)

231 HINAZURU OF CHOJI-YA. Large head and bust portrait of the oiran, against a blue background with a karakusa (vine-scroll) pattern. Signed: OJu (by request) Eisho gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 35X26,S em. Publisher's trade-mark of Yamaguehi-ya Chusnke. Mosie Cat. 2069. Ill. pl. CLXXIII.


232 IWAI lJANSHIRO IV. Full length standing figure of the actor in a female role. Kirara (mica) ground. Series: Yakusha butai no sugata-e, i. e., Figures of actors upon the stage. Signed: Toyokuni gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,3X24,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Sen-ichi'' of Izumi-ya lehibei. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2071. Ill. pl. CLXXXVIII.

233 ICHIKAWA MONNOSUKI II in the role of Soga no Jur6 Sukenari. Kirara (mica) gronnd. Signed: Toyokuni gwa. Same series as the last number.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,4X24,7 em. Mosie Cat. 2072.

234 KAYOI KOMACHI, i. e., Visiting Komachi. A geisha accompanied by a nakai (maid-servant) who carries a lantern, the light from which plays

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upon both figures. On the lantern is the mon of the famous tea-house Obana-ya, at Fukagawa. Series: Furyu nana Komachi ryaku sugata-e, i. e. Fanciful simple figures as the seven presentments of Ono no Komachi . . Signed: Toyokuni gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,5 X25,8 em. Pl!blisher's trade-mark: "Sen-ichi" of Iznmi-ya Ichibei Mosie Cat. 207 3- Ill. pl. CLXXIX.

235 SHIKA ]A-YA. The deer tea-house. View from the engawa. Women in the foreground, other visitors in the garden where there are cages for craries and peacocks and a paddock for the deer. Signed: Toyokuni gwa.

Oban triptych. Size, 74X37,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju han" of Nishimura-ya Yohachi. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2073a.

236 ICHIKAWA DANJURO VI as Hanakawado Sukeroku in "Sukeroku Kuruwa · Hanami Doki" at the Nakamura theatre in 1799. Printed across the back-ground is the ode:

Ichikawa no Ie no suo wa Kankobai Ikuchiyo made mo Nokoru Sukeroku.

The meaming of this is: "As the suo (gown) of the house of Ichikawa is like the kankobai (the plum that blooms earliest in the spring), which retains its beauty for thousands of years, so the brilliant acting of the Sukeroku [role] will remain as the master-performance of the [actors ofJ the house." The Ichikawa suo, was of Indian red hue, with the mimasu mon the badge of the Ichikawa line, emblazened conspicuously upon it in white. It was worn for shibaraku acts only. Signed: Toyokuni gwa.

Oban tate-ye. Size, 37,3X24,4 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eiju-han" of Nishimura-ya. Mosie Cat. 2070. Ill. pl. CLXXVITI.


237 TEMPLE VISITORS AT NICHIENZAN. In the foreground at the right the actors Matsumoto Koshiro V (1764-1838), Iwai Hanshiro V (1776-1847), and Sawamura Sojiiro IV (1784-1812), and a geisha. Similarly on the middle and left-hand sheets, townswomen and girls and their servants. Two of the girls hold mikuji (oracular straws) in their hands. Signed: Toyohiro gwa, on each sheet, and Toyokuni gwa beneath the figures of the actors. Date probably 1803, as the 5th Koshiro did not take that name until after the date of his father in July 26, 1802.

Oban triptych. Size, 37.5X74.5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Matsu-Yasu" of Matsumura YasngorO. Mosie Cat. 2074.

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238 HAWKING NEAR MT. FUJI. This an ukiyo-e parody, a mitate-ye or likening picture. Hawking was a nobleman's sport. Here a young noble is shown on horseback accompanied by women servants instead of men to act as sword-bearers, falconers, and beaters. Both sheets signed: Toyohiro gwa.

Two sheets of a triptych. Sizes; right, 37,5 X 24,6 em; left, 37,3X25,1 em. Publisher's trade-mark: Matsu-Yasu, of Matsumura-ya Yasugoro. Mosie Coli. 2075 .


239 A WAYSIDE SCENE. Three court nobles on foot, followed by four white-robed shicho, one of whom carries a young boy upon his back. They are passing along a road and over a foot bridge across a narrow _stream on the bank of which three bokudo (boy cowherds) are seated. (?) Pub-lished in "Onna Sanjiirok-kasen," an album of odes and pictures, 1798. Signed: Gwa-kyo jin (Painting-mad man) Hokusai zu.

Size, 25X37,4 em. Mosie Cat. 2098. Ill. pl. CLXXXVIII.

240 ToKAIDO OKAZAKI Y AHAGI NO BAS HI. The bridge over the Y ahagi river at Okazaki in the province of Mikawa. Signed: Zen Hokusai lz'tsu jude.

Oban yoko-e. Size, 25,9 X 38,5 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Yam a: mitsu tomo-e, Eiju-do han moto" of Nishimura-ya the second (or third). Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2095.


THIRTY-SIX VIEWS OF MT. FUJI. Three prints of the senes. Each oban yoko-e, about 26X38 em, and signed: Hokusai aratatJu (changed to) litsu. Published by Eijudo, the second or third user of that shop name.

241 BusHu TSUKUDA-JIMA. View of Fuji from near Tsukuda island at the mouth of the Sumida river.

Mosie Cat. 2094.

242 SEN Pu KAISEI. The cone of Fuji seen on a summer day in fair weather with a gentle breeze.

Mosie Cat. 2093.

243 KANAZAWA OKI NAMI URA. Fuji seen beneath a great wave of the sea at Kanagawa.

Mosie Cat. 2096.

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244 SEI SHONAGON. Illustration of a poem by Sei Shonagon on the stratagem of Keimei, the Japanese reading of the name of a retainer of Prince Tan (Japanese, Moshoku) of the Yen State in China. When Yen, who with a large number of his followers had been detained as a hostage in the Ch'in State, effected his escape in B. C. 230 they reached late at night, a barrier called .Kankokkan (Japanese reading) the gates of which were closed from sunset until cock-crow in the morning. Being closely pursued, Keimei climbed a tree and imitated the crowing of a cock so skilfully that all the cocks in the neighborhood began to crow. Deceived by this the barrier guards threw open the gates and the fujitives passed through. Series: Shika Shashin Kyo. (Mirrors Reflecting the Pictures expressed in Chinese and Japanese Poems- commonly called "The Imagery of the Poets.") Signed: Zen Hokusai litsu.

0-tanzaku-e. Size, 49,3 X 22 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Mori-ya Jihei. Mosie Cat. 2077. Ill. pl. CLXXXVI.

245 TOBA. A Chinese nobleman seated on horseback on a snowy crag, gazing at gulls on the sea below. There is no sub-title to tell whom Hokusai intended to depict. It has generally been assumed that he had in mind Toba, i. e., the famous Chinese poet and calligrapher Su Tung-po, banished from Court as a result of intrigues against him, and on his way to the island of Hainan. Major Sexton, however, points out (Japanese Colour-Prints, p. 165) that the print may illustrate a poem by Tobo, i. e., Tu Fu, another 8 1h century Chinese poet who rivals Li Po in fame. He says: "The poem is supposed to be sent to an absent friend, lamenting that in time of war and disturbance he had left friends and kindred and had ridden out alone into a land of desolate winter, when the roads were hard to travel." Same series and signature as the last number.

Size, 50,4X22,7 em. Mosie Cat. 2076. Ill. pl. CLXXXVI.


THE HUNDRED · POEMS EXPLAINED BY THE NURSE. Thirteen out of the twentyseven published prints of this series of fanciful illustrations of odes m the classic collection entitled "Hyakunin Isshu."

Each oban yoko-e, size about z6X37 em, and signed Zen Hokusai Manji. Published in 1839 by a successor of Hibino Yohachi the 18th century proprietor of Nishimura·ya who used the same business name, Eiju-do. .

246 AN EMPEROR'S SYMPATHY. Poem by Tenchi Tenno, (the Emperor Tenchi) No. 1 of the series. View of farmers gathering the rice harvest in autumn.

Mosie Cat. 2084.

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44 ALEXANDER G. MOSLE ------------------------------------------------------------

247 A SONG OF LONGING. Poem by Kakinomoto no Hitomaru. No 3 of the series. View of fishermen dragging nets up a mountain stream. On the bank a fire is burning from which a column of smoke arises.

Mosie Cat. 2078.

248 BEAUTY MADE PERFECT. Poem by Yamabe no Akihito. No. 4 of the series. View of Mt. Fuji from a hill on the coast of Tago in Suruga, overlooking Suruga Bay.

Mosie Cat. 2090.

249 A THOUGHT OF HOME. Poem by Abe no Nakamaro. No.7 of the series. The poet is shown standing on a hillock by the sea in China, gazing at the image of the moon reflected in the water below.

Mosie Cat. 2092.

2 50 AN EXILE's FAREWELL. Poem by Sanji Takamura. No. I I of the series. View of women diving for awabi shells at Ise, and a boat sailing away.

Mosle Cat. 2o8o.

25I ANGELS ON EARTH. Poem by Sojo Henjo (Bishop Henjo). No. 12 of the series. Two nobles' daughters dancing a Bugaku-mai in the presence of the Emperor at a court festival, the Toyo no Akari no Sechie - "The Feast of the Light of Plenty," held during the Niiname Matsuri in con-nection with the first offering of rice to the gods and to the Emperor in autumn.

Mosie Cat. 2082.

252 AUTUMN AT TATSUTA RIVER. Poem by Ariwara no Narihira Ason. No. I7 of the series. Wayfarers and farmers crossing a bridge over the Tat-suta river, near Nara in Yamato, in autumn look down upon the stream that is reddened by floating maple leaves.

Mosie Cat. 2087.

253 NATURE'S OFFERING. Poem by Kan Ke. No. 24 of the series. Kan Ke-"the House of Kan," was a name of Sugiwara no Michizane. His attendants are shown waiting beside his ox-cart while he visits a temple on Mount Tamuke in company with the Emperor. As it was not proper for a subject to make an offering of his own on such an occasion he begged the god to accept from him instead of a nusa, the brocade of red maple leaves then lying upon the mountain.

Mosie Cat. 2091.

254 THE MAPLES ON MOUNT 0GURA. Poem by Teishin Ko (Fujiwara no Tada-hira). No. 26 of the series. Picture of the Emperor Ucla after he had abdicated and become a Ho-o, i. e., "an Imperial religious devotee," visiting the Buddhist temple on Mt. Ogura and being received by the monks.

Mosie Cat. 2085.

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JAPANESE COLOUR-PRINTS 45 ------------------------------------------------------------

255 A MOUNTAIN HAMLET IN WINTER. Poem by Minamoto no Muneyuki Ason. No. 28 of the series. ·winter scene. The lonely dwellers in a hut on the mountain side warming their hands at a log fire.

Mosle Cat. 2086.

256 A SUMMER NIGHT's FANCY. Poem by Kiyowara no Fukaya:bu. No. 36 of the series. The prow of a great pleasure boat lit with lanterns, and two other boats on the Sumidagawa on a summer evening.

Mosie Cat. 2088.

257 SCATTERED GEMS. Poem by Bunya no Asayasu. No. 37 of the senes. Women in a boat gathering water lilies.

Mosie Cat. 2083.

i58 LOVE BEYOND CONTROL. Poem by Sanji Hitoshi. No 39 of the series. A court noble attended by two servants walking along a raised path through a plain covered with asajiju (many small plants growing together) and enveloped in long lines of fog. As he walks his mind dwells upon the love that has taken possession of him.

Mosle Cat. 2089.

KATSUSHIKA TAITO (Worked c. 1821--1853)

259 THE MONKEY BRIDGE, between two steep cliffs over a river, between Hachioji and KOfu, on the Koshu-kaido. Above, a poem by Senseki. Signed: Katsushika Taito. Red seal: "Katsushika no ln.''

This is the later of two nearly identical prints. It lacks the publisher's imprint of Idzumi-ya Ichibei and the two censors' seal indicating a date of about 1842, which appear upon most impressions.

Oban-tate-ye. Size, 37,3 X 25,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2097. Ill. pl. CLXXXVII.


26o TAKINOGAWA KoYo. Maple trees on the banks of the Takino river, m their autumnal foliage. Book illustration. Signed: Hokkei.

Size~ 25,1 X 34,4 em. Mosie Cat. 2100.

261 CHINESE LANDSCAPE, from "Toshi gwafu," a book of Chinese Songs. Signed: Hokkei. 1

Size, 25,5 X 18 em No publisher's imprint. Mosle Cat. 2101 a.

262 CHINESE LANDSCAPE. From the same book. Size, 25 ,2 X I i ,8 em. Mosie Cat. 2101 b .

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263 CHINESE LANDSCAPE. From the same book. Size, 25 >< 17,6 em. Mosie Cat. 2101 c.

264 CHINESE LANDSCAPE. From the same book. Size, 25,2 X 17,6 em. Mosie Cat. 2101 d.

SHOTEI HOKUJU (Worked c. 1802- 1834)

265 "TAKANAWA OKIDO." The Takanawa gateway. The gate itself, which was to a barrier in use in former days, was taken away and the barrier dis-continued, long before ,Hokuju's time, only the massive walls that flanked it then remaining. Signed: Shotei Hokuju.

Oban yoko-e. Size, 25,5X36,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2103. Ill. pl. CLXXXIX.

266 VIEW FROM BENEATH AzUMA-BASHI, looking up the nver. Perspective view in semi-European style. Not signed.

Oban yoko-e. Size, 19X 31,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2102. Ill. pl. CLXXXIX.


267 THE MASK CARVER. He is seated before his work block, leaning upon his adze, and is contemplating a newly begun mask. His carving utensils lie upon the ground before him. Poems above. Signed: Katsushika Hokumyo, with red stamp only.

Double oban. Size, 42,8X52,7 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2104.


268 TOKAIDO GO-JU-SAN TSUGI NO UCI-II. The so-called "first" T6kaid6 series. Complete set of fifty-five prints bound in an album. Each print signed: Hiroshige gwa. Published about 1834 by Takeuchi Magohachi.

Mosie Cat. 2148.

269 MITONO. Two torii of an Inari Shinto shrine on a hillock where plum trees are in bloom. In the foreground a sun-lit field of suzuki grass. No. 42 of the series: "Kisokaid6 Roku-ju-ku Tsugi," the Sixty-nine post-stations of the Kiso road. Signed: Hiroshige gwa. Seal: "lchiryusai."

Oban yoko-e. Size, 22,7 X 35,2 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Kin judo" of Ise-ya Rihei. Second edition. Mosie Cat. 2 II 9·

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270 ECHIGAWA. The muchin (free) bridge over the Echi river. Two komuso enquiring the way from a woman who is leading an ox. No. 66 of the Kisokaido series. Second edition.

Size, 22,4X34,7 em. Mosie Cat. 2121. Ill. pl. CXC.

271 TAMAGAWA AKI NO TSUKI AYUKARI NO ZU. Trout fishing in the Tama river under the autumn full moon. Series: "Meisho Setsu-gekkwa," i. e., Snow-moon-flower views of famous places. Signed: Hiroshige gwa. Seal : "lchiryusai."

Ohan yoko-e. Size, 24,5 X36 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Maru-Jin" of Maru-ya Jinpachi. Mosie Cat. 2124. Ill. pl. CXC.

272 AWA NO NARUTO NO FuKEI. View of the Naruto whirlpool, province of Awa. Signed : Hiroshige gwa.

Ohan triptych. Size, 36X 70 em. Publisher's trade-mark of Tsuta-ya Kichizo. Moste Cat. 2115.


"THE SIX T AMA RIVERS IN THE HOME PROVINCES." Complete set. Each print signed: Hiroshige gwa.

Hoso-e. Each about 36,8 X I 3 em., and bearing the "Shoeido" trade-mark of the publisher Kawaguchi-ya Sbozo. Dated, uth month, snake year, Ii!S7·

273 CH6FU NO TAMAGAWA. Women washing linen on the bank of the Tama river in Musashi. Ode by Sadai-e.

Mosie Cat. 2142.

274 Tor NO TAMAGAWA. Women seated on the bank of the Tama river in Settsu on a moonlight evening, fulling .cloth by the kin uta process of beating it with wooden mallets. Ode by Toshinori.

· Mosie Cat. 2143.

275 IDE NO TAMAGAWA. A noble on horseback and two attendants fording the Tama river in Yamashiro. Ode by Toshinori.

Mosie Cat. 2144.

276 NODA NO TAMAGAWA. A court lady standing on the bank of the Tama river in Michinoku, watching a flock of chidori (plovers) flying above the stream. Ode by No-in.

Mosie Cat. 2145.

277 NOJI NO TAMAGAWA. A nobleman accompanied by a sword-bearer, standing on the bank of the Tama river in Yamato, looking at the hagi (lespedeza) flowers, and the reflection of the moon in the water. Ode by Toshiyori.

Mosie Cat. 2147.

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278 KoYA NO TAMAGAWA . . A chigo (temple page) on a bridge over the Tama river in Kii. Ode by the priest Kukai.

Mosl~ Cat. 2146.


"FLOWE;R-BIRD PICTURES." Eleven subjects, each signed: Hiroshige jude.

279 FUYO and long-tailed bird. Poem above. Hoso-e. Size, 38.4>< 13,2 em. Publisher's trade-marks: "Kawa" and "Sho" of Kawaguehi-ya Shozo. Mosle Cat. 2125.

280 NAMI NI TSURU. A crane standing upon a rock amid breakers. Second edition and state, with the large red disc of the sun added in the upper corner at the left.

HosoĀ~. Size, 35,5><16,7 em. Trade-mark of the publisher Sano-ya Kihei. Mosl~ Cat. 2126.

281 SUZUKI NI KAMO. Suzuki grass and wild ducks. Poem above. Hoso-e. Size, 38,2>< 13 em. Trade-marks of the publisher Kawaguchi-ya Sh<!zo. Mosie Cat. 2127.

282 HATSU HINODE. "The first sunrise of the New Year." Falcon, pine, and rising sun. Poem above.

Hoso-e. Size, 37,8><17,4 em. Trade-mark of the publisher Kawaguehi·ya Shozo. Mosie Cat. 2130. Ill. pl. CXCII.

283 SHIRASAGI NI SHOBU. White heron and iris. Poem above. Hoso-e. Size, J7,9XI7,5 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosl~ Cat. 2131.

284 AsAGAO NI CHABO. Morning glory and bantam cock beside an umbrella. Chinese poem above.

Hoso e. Size, 38,7 X 17,3 em. Trade-mark of the publisher Sano-ya Kihei. Mosl~ Cat. 2132.

285 SASA NI OsHIDORI SETCHU. A mandarin duck on sasa grass in falling snow. Ode above.

Hoso-~. Size, 37,4><12,9 em. Mosl~ Cat. 2133·

286 AME NI HOTOTOGISU. A cuckoo flying through a shower. Poem on the sky. Hoso-~. Size, 37,4X 12,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosl~ Cat. 2140. Ill. pl. CXCII.

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287 Am. The rose mallow. Poem above. Hoso-e. Size, 37,6:x 13 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie .Cat. 2148 a.

288 BOTAN. Tree peony. Poem above. Hoso-e. Size, 37,7X12,9 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2148 b.

289 KIKU. Chrysanthemum. Poem above. Hoso·e. Size, 37,6X12,8 em. No publisher's mark. Mosie Cat. 2148 c.



290 HIRA NO BOSETSU. Evening snow on Mount Hira. Series, Omi Hakkei (Eight Views in Omi). Signed: Hz"roshige gwa.

Oban yoko·e. Size, 25,1 X 37,3 em. Publisher's trade-mark: "Eikyudo" of Yamamoto Kyubci. Mosie Cat. zu6.

KEISAI EISEN (1790-1848)

291 SNOWY LANDSCAPE. View of the Benten shrine at Susaki on the shore of Edo bay. Aizuri (blue print) in tones of blue only. Prints of this type came into vogue in 1805, when it is said, an attempt was made to restrain extravagance in printing in many colours, though if such an edict was promulgated it must have been abrogated very soon. Signed: Kdsa£. Seals: "Ke£" and "Sa£."

Oban yoko-e. Size, 23,8X36,3 em. No publisher's imprint. Mosie Cat. 2113.


292 ASAZUMA BUNE. Landscape with the Asazurila-bune design, showing 0-Same, the mistress of the Shogun Tokugawa Ietsuna, attired as a shirabyoshi (dancing girl) seated in a boat and holding a tsuzumi (shoulder drum). The moon that is seen over head is of the shape called by the Japanese, "koroshizuki" (the murderer moon). Signed: KochortJ Kunisada gwa.

Oban yoko·e. Size, 24,6X37,3 em. Publisher's trade·mark of Yamaguchi-ya Tobei. Censor's "Kiwame" seal. Mosie Cat. 2114. Ill. pl. CLXXX.

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SHUMMAN (179o--182o)

293 Two YOUNG WOMEN gathering fireflies on the bank of a pond. Signed: Shosado. Red seal: "Shumman."

Size, 19,2X24 em. Mosie Cat. 2150. Ill. pl. CXCIII.

294 BUTTERFLIES AND A POEM. One of a "Gunch6" (butterflies) senes edited by Shosado Shumman. Not signed.

Size, 19,5 X18,7 em. Mosie Cat. 2152.

295 A .ABI-TORI (divers) and two boys beside a large basket containing shells. Three .Poems above. Not signed. One of the "Tosa Nikki" (The Tosa Diary) series edited by Shosado Shumman.

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2162.

HOKUSAI (1760-1849)

296 LOCUST ON A PERSIMMON. The disc of the full moon in the background. Poems on the left side by Asakura. Signed: Sorz" gwa, red seal: "Sorz"." The same print exists also with Hokusai's signature.

Size, 19,9 X 19,3 em. Mosie Cat. 2155 .

297 WOMA'N SEATED on a rug beside a kinuta (a block used in fulling cloth). Her little son stands beside her with a mushikago (a kind of cage for confining insects) in his hand. Poem by Hyakubantei Sotonari, member of the Yatsuhashi-ren (a poet's society). Signed: Sorz" gwa, red seal: "Sorz"."

Size, 21,6 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2156. III. pl. ·cxcrv.

298 -YOUNG GIRL making a .bonkei (landscape on a tray made with fine sana and pebbles). On wall a kakemono representing the Chinese ·sennin (sage) Koshohei transforming a stone into a goat by touching it wifh his staff. Poem above. Probably printed for a goat year ·18II or 1823. Signed: Hokusaz" aratame lztsu ljit"de.

Size, 21 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2158.

299 "WAKAN BUYU AWASE." (Group of Japanese and Chinese champions.) Iga no tsubone, a woman famous for her strength, lifting a sake barrel and pouring sake into an enormous cup which is held by Hankwai (Fan K'uai), who was renowned for his ability to drink at one draught twenty

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sho of sake (The sho is a. liquid measure, equal to 1 qt. 1 pt. 3 oz 1 dr. of the English Imperial measure). ·Three poems above. Signed: Hokusaz· Ta£to araiame Katsushz"ka I£tsu fude .

Size, 27,7 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2153.

300 "JiSMYO-YAMA." The top of a dashi (a "float, or ornamental car drawn in a festival procession") with puppets of Tsutsui Jomy6 and Ichirai hoshi fighting on the half-demolished Uji-bridge. Signed: Hokusai Taito aratame Katsushika litsu fude. Red seal: (illegible).

Size, 22 X 19,3 em. Mosie Cat. 2154.

301 A YOUNG WOMAN seated before a book-case from which she has taken two volumes of the "Makura no Soshi." Two poems above. Signed: Fusenkyo l itsu fude.

Size, 21,8 X 18,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2157.

302 "HANA-GAI" (The flower shell). Series: "Genroku Kasen Ka.i-awase," (Poets of the Genroku-period; the shell game). Flowers, scissors and a water-jug on a board. Three poems above. Signed: Gwasoku ro;in I£tsu fude.

Sjze, ~o,6 X 16 em. Mosie Cat. 2159.

SHINSAI (c. I8oo-1810)

303 THE TOP OF A DASHI (ornamented car for a festival procession) with the puppet representing a warrior of the Muromachi p,er~od, with a potted d~arf plum-tree in his hand. Above two poems. Signed: Shznsai.

Size, 21 X 18,6 em. Mosie Cat. 22oo.

304 VARIOUS ARTICLES used as New Year presents. Above two poems. Signed: Shznsai.

Size, 21 X 18,6 em. Mosie Cat. 2201.

305 A DRUM such as was used in the _9lden time in the music for the Bugaku dance. With this artificial flowers are shown and a kanmuri, ~ h_at indicating high rank, formerly worn by court nobles. Thes.e things are designed to bring to mind the classic romance entitled the "Genji Monogatari." Signed: Shinsai.

Size, 21,6 X r8,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2202.

306 A YOUNG WOMAN accompanied by her mother an9 a boy servant visiting the Tenjin shrine at Kameido on New Year's Day. They stand on the


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edge of the pond, and the young woman holds an uso-omocha (toy bullfinch). Blossoming plum trees in the background. Signed: Shinsai.

Size, 20,5 X 18,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2203.

HOKKEI (I78o-I858)

307 "MAKURA SosHI." An uchikake (long overdress) and an obi upon an iko (clothes-rack). The uchikake is embroidered with a design of a hare at the sea shore running across breaking waves. A tabakobon (tray with smoking utensils) rests upon the floor. Two poems above. Probably printed for the hare year 1 8I9. Signed: Oju (by request) Hokkei gwa.

Size, 22,3 X 18 em. Mosie Cat. 2160.

308 "MAKURA SOSHI." Picture of two peacocks and a reel of red silk.- Poem at the left. (Same series as No. 307). Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21 ,4 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2171.

309 Two SPARROWS flying about a tile in the form of a mask of Hannya (a demon) from the angle of a temple roof. Two poems above. One of the "Edo Meibutsu" (Famous products of Edo) series, edited by Sh6sad6 Shumman. Signed: Hokke£ utsusu (copied-from the object-by Hokkei).

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2161 . Ill. pi. CXCV.

3IO A GEISHA PLAYING A SAMISEN, and two drunken men dancing and molesting her. Above, three poems. One of the "Shokoku Meibutsu" (Famous pro-ducts of several provinces) series, edited by Shumman. Signed: Oju (by request) Hokkei sha (copied).

Size, 21 X 18,3 em. Mosie Cat. 2151.

3 I I ONNA DARUMA. A travesty upon the legend that the Buddhist patriarch once crossed a river in China standing upon a reed. A red-robed young Japanese woman is depicted performing the same feat. Facetious poems signed: Keiri and Setsubun complete the composition. Not signed.

Size, 21,7 X 18,7 em. Mosie Cat. 2163. Til. pl. CXCIII.

3I 2 "ROCHISHIN." This is the name of the priest (Chinese Lo Ta) who is one of the heroes of the Chinese romance "Suikoden." To show his great strength he pulls up a willow tree with its roots. One of the series entitled "Suiko Go-gy6-moku." Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2164.

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3I3 Two GIRLS dressed in the fashion of the Genroku period (I688-I703) playing ball. A dog in the foreground. Two poems above. Probably printed for a dog year I8I4 or I826. Signed: Hokkez'.

Size, 21 ,8 X 18,6 em. Mosle Cat. 2165 .

3 I4 A MONKEY dressed as a Sambaso-dancer. Poem above. Probably printed for a monkey year = I8I2 or I824. Signed: Hokkez'.

Size, 20,9 X17,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2166.

3 I 5 A BOY who has a large bundle upon his back shows a young woman a large kite upon which the characters "Ama" (rain and "Tsuru" (crane) are inscribed. Above two poems. Signed: Oju (by request) Hokkei gwa.

Size, 21,5 X 19 em. Mosle Cat. 2167.

3I6 THE POETESS Ono-no-Komachi. Poem in the left upper corner. Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21,5 X 19 em. Mosle 2168.

3I7 ONIWAKAMARU (the young Benkei) catching a huge carp in a waterfall at Kumano in Kii. Poem at the left. Signed: Hokkez'.

Size, 20,7 X 18,5 em. Mosle Cat. 2169. Ill. pl. CXCV.

3I8 CLAY PUPPET (Fushimi-ningy6) of Okame in court lady's dress, and New Year's decoration. Above three poems. Signed: Hokkez~ red seal.

Size, 20,8 X 18,9 em. · Mosle Cat. 2170.

3 I9 "RESSENDEN BANGUMI." The Sennin Rin-na-sei accompanied by a Karako and a crane. Above two poems. Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21,4 X 18,6 em. Mosle Cat. 2172.

320 Two FAN-MOUNTS. One decorated with Fukujus6 (Adonis amuraisis), the other with waving lines and poems. Signed: Hokkez'.

Size, 20,5 X 18,2 em. Mosle Cat. 2173.

32 I THE STRONG BOY Sakata no Kin taro acting as the umpire in a fight between a cock and a Tengu. Above two poems. No 3 of the "Yama mata yama" series. The cock indicates I8I3 as year of publication. Signed: Hokkez' gwa.

Size, 21,6 X 19 em. Mosle Cat. 2174.

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322 "W ASHO KURABE." Two melons on a tray and a serpent crawling over them. Poem above. Probably printed for a snake year = 1809 or 1821. Signed: Ofu ni Hokkei utsusu.

Size, 21,2 X 18,6 em. Mosie Cat. 2175.

323 A PIECE OF CHARCOAL, a cha-tsubo Gar for powdered tea) and a red lacquer box containing incense. The pattern of the chatsubo's wrapper shows hares. The print was therefore probably issued in a hare year -== 1807 or 1819. Poem above. Signed: Oju ni Hokkei utsusu.

Size, 21,5 X 18 em. Mosie Cat. 2176.

324 A WHITE CocK ON A DRUM. In olden times a drum - kanko - was kept on the main gate of the Chinese Emperor's palace to assemble the troops. Under the rule of Y ao, peace being general, the drum fell into disuse and became a roosting place for fowls. In the picture this motive symbolises eternal peace. A poem in the left upper corner. Calendar numerals for the year 1825 are upon the drum. Signed in red: Aozgaoka Hokkei.

Size, 21 X 18 em. Mosie Cat. 2177. Ill. pl. CXCV.

325 A DAISU (stand to hold a pot for boiling water), a tea-pot and two tea bowls upon a tray. Two poems above. One of a series entitled "Go-gyo," the five elements of nature according to Chinese philosophy, i. e., wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. This picture for "tsuchi" (earth). Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21,5 X 17,1 em. Mosie Cat. 2178.

326 "KAI ZUKUSHI." Two women, a man, and a boy gathering shells on the sea shore at Shibaura. (From a series of thirteen prints.) Above three poems. Signed: Hokkei.

Size, 21,7 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2182. Ill. p. CXCIV.

327 (Same series as No. 326.) Shells on the sea shore. Above two poems. Signed: Oju (by request) Hokkez' sha (copied or drawn from nature).

Size, 21,8 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2179.

328 (Same series as No. 326.) Shells- on the sea shore. Above two poems. Signed: Hokkei sha.

Size, 21,2 X 18,4 em. Mosie Cat. 2180.

329 - (Same series as No. 326.) Shells on the sea shore. Above three poems. Signed: Ofu ni Hokkei sha.

Size, 21,7 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2181.

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HOKU-UN (c. 18oo-1825)

330 HOKU-UN. Singer disguised as Senzai (role of the pantomime "Okina") beating a drum. Poem on the left side. Signed: Hoku-un Taiga gwa.

Size, 20,9 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2184.

GAKUTEI (c. 1800-1840)

331 GAKUTEI. Carp swimming among moku (water-weeds). Above three poems Signed: Gakutei, red seal.: "Yashima."

Size, 20,9 X I 9 em. Mosie Cat. 218j. Ill. pl. CXCV.

332 "KATSUSHIKA SAKURA ZUKUSHI, KOMACHI-ZAKURA." The poetess Ono-no-Komachi on the veranda of a palace surrounded by cherry blossoms. Poems by Bunjutei and Bunkitei at the side. Signed: Gakutei.

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. ; Mosie Cat. 2194. Ill. pl. CXCVI.

333 ON A CIRCULAR COMPOSITION, an oiran on parade, attended by her Kamuro. On a rectangular field above, a view looking through the entrance gate of the Y oshiwara in the time of the cherry blossoming. At the right two poems. Signed: Gakutei Sadaoka jude. ·

Size, 21,6 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 2193. Ill. pl. CXCVI.

334 HATSU HIODE (The first sunrise). A raven seated on a torii as the red sun rises on the first day of the new year. Two poems on the left side. Series: "Mitsu Kurenai" (The three red ones). Signed: Gakute£. Red seal: "Kyu-zan."

Size, 20,3 X r8,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2195.

335 CH6SHI (a metal kettle used for warming Toso-the New Year's sake-) and a Sakazuki (sake-cup). Above three poems. Signed: Gakutei Harunobu.

Size, 21,5 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. :u96.

336 "KOTO." A woman putting on kotozume (ivory fingershields) preparatory to playing a koto (the Japanese harp). Above, two poems. Series: "San Kyoku" (The three musical instruments, i. e., taiko (drum), koto, and samisen.) Signed: Gakutei Sadaoka jude.

Size, 21,2 X 18,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2197.

337 "SAMISEN." A young woman playing a samisen. Two poems above. Series: "San Kyoku." Signed: Gakutei Sadaoka jude.

Size, 21,2 X 18,8 em. Mosie Cat. 2198.

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56 ALEXANDER G. MOSLE ------------------------------------------------------------

338 SATSUMA FUKU kneeling before her parents on an engawa (veranda). Poem above. One of a series entitled: "Honcho ni-ju-shi Ko" (Twenty-four Japanese paragons of filial piety). Signed: Gakutei. Seal: "Sadaoka."

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2199.

SHUNTEI (c. 1785- 1820)

339 "KOTO HAJIME" (Playing the harp for the first time in the New Year). Court lady putting on the Kotozume (ivory finger-shields used in playing the koto). Above a poem by Tategawa DanshUro Emba written in his seventy-fifth year, and one by his pupil Rokuzotei Homa. As Tategawa Emba, was born in 1743, and died in 1822 the date of this print must be 1817. Signed: Shokosai Kyuko Shuntez" gwa. Red kakihan.

Size, 21 X 18,3 em. Mosie Cat. 2187.

EIZAN (c. 1800-1829)

340 Two GEISHA and a funayado (a person who keeps boats for hire) playing kitsune ken (a game played with the hands) . Above a poem. Signed: Eizan fude.

Size, 20,9 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2188.

EISHIN (c. 18oo-1825)

341 TOILET UTENSILS, such as combs, ribbons etc. and a benizara (bowl with rouge for lip painting). Above three poems. Signed: Horai Eishin gwa, . Red seal: "Ei."

Size, 21,7 X 19 em. Mosie Cat. 22o4.

SONSAI (c. 1830)

342 Two WHITE RATS in a rice measure with Daikoku's mallet (uchide no kozuchi) therein. Rice g rains are scattered around on the bottom of the measure. One of the rats wears a garment, that has a diaper pattern with the mimasu mon of the actors of the Ichikawa line in the alternate squares. Poem above. Probably printed in the rat year 1804. Signed: Sonsaifude.

Size, 20,7 X 18,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2205. Ill. pl. CXCVI.

HARUKAWA GOSHICHI (c. 1800-1825)

343 KYUBIGITSUNE. (The nine-tailed white fox). Reflected in a mirror, one sees that if a fox assumes human appearance the mirror always reflects

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' 4 •

JAPANESE COLOUR-PRINTS 57 ------------------------------------------------------------

its real figure. According to the Japanese tradition the white fox with nine tails was Tamamo-no-mae, the concubine of the Emperor Toba (1108--1123). Abe no Seimei, whose mother was the vixen Kuzunoha, discovered her true character, and, under his exorcisms she assumed her rightful shape and fled away. Signed by red seal: Harukawa Goshz"chi sha. Red seal: "Seikodo."

Size, 21,1 X 18,4 em. Mosie Cat. 22o6.

RYUSEN c. (18oo-1825)

344 THE SENNIN Koshohei (Huang Ch'u-p'ing) touches with his staff a stone which becomes a goat. Above two poems. Signed by red seal: "Ryasen" (Yanagawa). Red seal: "Seikodo."

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2207.

345 "KOTOBUKI GOBAN." (The long-lived five). Urashima Taro asleep on a rock beaten by the waves. Above poems. Signed with red seal: "Ryusen" (Yanagawa).

Size, 21,7 X 19,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2208. Ill. pl. CXCIII.

346 "KOTOBUKI GOBAN." (The long-lived five.) The Chinese Tobosaku (Tung Fang So) steals three of the seven peaches which the fairy Sei-0-Bo (Hsi Wang .Mu) had presented to the Emperor. · Each of these fruits is said to prolong the life of a man for three thousand years. On the right a poem. Signed with red seal : "Ryusen" (Yanagawa) .

Size, 21,7 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2209.

347 "KOTOBU:in GOBAN" (The long-lived five.) The long-lived hero Miura no Osuke of the Minamoto clan, leading when 1o6 years old a sortie on the besiegers of the Kinugasa fort. Above two poems. Signed with red seal: "Ryusen" (Yanagawa) Red seal: "Sezkodo."

Size, 21,7 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2210.

348 Two PERSIMMONS on a porcelain tray; one 1s peeled. Not signed. Red seal: "Sezkodo."

Size, 21,z X 18,4 em. Mosie Cat. 22 1 r.

TOYOHIRO c. 1773-1828

349 EBISU and a geisha under an umbrella (ai-aigasa) in the snow. A poem on the left side. Signed: Toyohzro gwa.

Size, :.U ,4 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2186. Ill. pl. CXCIV.

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TOYOKUNI (I769-I835)

350 A WHITE HARE SEATED ON A CARPET. It wears a child's coat and is writing on a gaku (board adorned with Chinese calligraphic characters). Writing u~ensils, scrolls of paper and fans are scattered on the floor. In the background a small screen with a picture of the moon and gras.s and a pot with a fukujus6-flower. Two poems above. Probably printed m a hare year - 1807 or 18I9. Signed: Toyokuni gwa.

Size, 21,5 X 18,5 em. Mosie Cat. 2185.

KUNISADA (I805-I864)

35I GENKURO-GITSUNE AND KITSUNE KOJORO. A shosa (theatrical dance) by Ichikawa Danjuro VII (I791-I859) and Iwai Hanshiro V (I776-I847) . The actors appeared in this dance in I8I5. Poems by Tategawa Emba (I743-I822) and one of his pupils. Signed: &ototez' Kunz'sada, red seals : "Toshi-dama," and: "Ryusai."

Size, 21,2 X 18,9 em. Mosie Cat. 2189.

352 FUDE HAJIME. (The first writing in the new year.) The boy-actor, Ichikawa Shinnosuke (Danjuro VIII I823-I854), seated on a carpet, writes on a large sheet of paper. Close to him his father Ichikawa Danjuro VII (I79I-I859) watches the work. Behind them a girl rubs China ink on an ink-stone. Two poems above. Signed: Gototei Kunisada gwa. Red seal.

Size, 21,7 X 18,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2190.

353 ACTOR in the role of Aoyagi. He stands beneath a plum tree and is protecting himself with an umbrella. Poem on the left side of the Signed: Kochoto Kunisada gwa.

Size, 21 X 18,2 em. Mosie · Cat. 2191.

354 A STREET of the Yoshiwara at night time. Above two poems by Tategawa Emba (I743-I822) in his seventy-seventh year of life and by one of his pupils. (Emba was 77 years in I8I9.) Signed: Kunisada gwa. Red seal: "Ryu-sen" (Yanagawa).

Size, 20,9 X 19,2 em. Mosie Cat. 2192.

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Printed by W . Drugulin, Leipzig (Germany) ·