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Palazzo Spinelli Firenze Higher EducationI in Cultural Heritage English Edition

Depliant PS 2014 eng

Apr 08, 2016



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Higher EducationI in Cultural HeritageEnglish


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The Association Palazzo Spinelli Non-Profit Association was founded in 1998 with a mission to protect world cultural heritage through the promo-tion, organisation and management of initia-tives for the study, conservation, restoration, promotion and fruition of cultural and artistic heritage.Palazzo Spinelli currently operates in over thir-ty countries through training schemes and re-fresher courses for people working in the field of cultural heritage management, conserva-tion and restoration and events organisation. It also carries out projects in collaboration with public authorities and private companies, the European Commission, UNESCO and the Ital-ian Foreign Ministry.

Palazzo Spinelli is currently involved in the or-ganisation, consulting and management of:

• Accreditedtraining,specialisationandrefreshercoursesinthefieldsofart,restorationandmanagementofculturalheritage.

• Restorationcampaigns,archaeologicaldigs,documentationandcataloguingprojects.

• Restorationandconservationprojects.• Integratedproposalsforthe

developmentofculturaltourism.• Organisationofconferencesand

thematicmeetings.• Organisationofculturalandartistic


AccreditationPalazzo Spinelli is an accredited Institute of the Tuscan regional authority (Regione Tosca-na – Decree no. 1722 of 25 March 2003) and since its foundation it has held courses recog-nised by the Ministry for Public Instruction and Welfare.

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EuropeanLeagueofInstitutesoftheArt consorzio sviluppo e promozione

International HorizonsSince its foundation the Association has cre-ated and developed international projects in over 60 countries.According to a monitoring report from the Ministry of Work and Social Policies on training activities for Italian residents in non-EU coun-tries (data 2012), Palazzo Spinelli obtained the following student satisfaction:satisfaction with teaching: 9.6 /10; satisfac-tion in terms of expectations: 9/10; perceived usefulness: 9.6/10 (highest score of all courses monitored);percentage of participants who would do an-other course at Palazzo Spinelli: 93%Students who participated in master’s courses between 2003 and 2014 came from over 30 countries.

Our Mission “To contribute to the understanding and ap-preciation of the artistic and cultural heritage of mankind, and to develop management models aimed at increasing a sense of be-longing, interest, respect and awareness of our own and other cultures”.


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Why study in Florence?

When UNESCO declared the city centre of Florence a world heritage site in 1982, it ob-served that there was no need to justify the decision given the numerous works of art and heritage contained within its walls.Students also say the same thing when they choose Florence for their studies in humani-ties, conservation, restoration and promotion of cultural and artistic heritage.The city is full of diverse museums and monu-ments symbolic of western civilisation. It is home to prestigious cultural institutions and it has excellent facilities for students. Florence creates a welcoming atmosphere for facilitat-ing studies and learning: libraries with open shelves, reading and meeting rooms, numer-ous exhibitions, plays, conventions and con-ferences throughout the year. Florence is the ideal place to come into di-rect contact with the values that initiated its humanistic and Renaissance advancement and progress.Palazzo Spinelli is an excellent training centre in this field and is unanimously recognized as such.

Florence awaits: Palazzo Spinelli is a key to the door of one of the most unique cities in the world.

Prof.ClaudioPaoliniSuperintendence for Architectural and Land-scape Heritage and for Art Historical and De-mo-ethno-anthropological Heritage for the Provinces of Florence, Prato and Pistoia

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Palazzo Spinelli is a founding partner of the Florence International Art and Restoration Fair, a showcase for all businesses and peo-ple working in the cultural heritage sector. Through sharing knowledge and experience, specialists interact and work together to con-solidate a still thriving area of our economy: producing works of art, training young people and providing services for conservation, res-toration and promotion of cultural and envi-ronmental heritage. The success of the event has been made possible thanks to important partnerships and patrons including:

Consiglio Nazionaledelle Ricerche


Ufficio Scolastico Regionaleper la Toscana

Ministero degli Affari Esteri

Pontificia Commissione per i Beni Culturali della Chiesa

Ordine degli Architetti Pianificatori Paesaggisti e Conservatori della

Provincia di Firenze


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LocationsPalazzo Spinelli takes its name from its first home, a sixteenth-century building in Borgo Santa Croce, Florence. The school opened on the site in 1976, followed shortly after in 1985 by another campus in Via Maggio at Palazzo Ridolfi.Construction on Palazzo Zanchini (later Ridolfi) began in the early fifteenth century and the building has stylistic and architectural features typical of late sixteenth-century Florence, which, evoking past architectural traditions, seek to recover values in danger of disap-pearing due to the experimental nature of the Mannerist period.Palazzo Ridolfi has over 500 m2 of laboratories for restoration, classrooms for theory lessons, a main hall for presentations and conferences, a library, executive offices and a magnificent fifteenth-century chapel linked to the school of Santi di Tito.

In Italy

Calenzano(FI)A new school location opened in Calenzano in 2012-2013 in a modern and efficient building with excellent facilities for staff and students. The Calenzano campus has 12 classrooms equipped with state-of-the-art tools, a main hall and a large car park. There are two per-manent secretaries on site. Florence city cen-tre is a short bus or train ride away.

Alessandria(AL)The city of Alessandria was named after Pope Alexander III and its primary purpose was as a military stronghold. The eighteenth-century citadel still stands on the opposite side of the Tanaro river. It was built for Vittorio Amedeo II and is characterised by a solid star-shaped structure. It was enlarged in 1859 and several Baroque additions date to this period. The campus is in the old town centre and has frescoed classrooms around a cloister with a garden.

Perugia(PG)Perugia is a historic town with cultural heritage from Etruscan, Roman and mediaeval times and the Renaissance era. It hosts important events such as Umbria Jazz, Eurochocolate and the Umbria Music Festival. It is surround-ed by mediaeval towns such as Assisi, Gub-bio, Todi, Spoleto, Città di Castello, Città della Pieve, Trevi, Spello, Foligno and Montefalco.The campus is in a recently refurbished historic building in a large park, well connected to the old town centre. There are well-equipped classrooms, student services, a restaurant, a car park, bike hire and free wifi.


Dubrovnik(CROATIA)The University of Dubrovnik is the “youngest” university in Croatia.It was founded in 2003 as a result of experi-ence in education dating back to the seven-teenth century, and decades of experience as a modern higher education institute. Palazzo Spinelli founded the university’s three-year undergraduate program in Conservation and Restoration.

Tokyo(JAPAN)The Institute was founded in Tokyo in 1994 by a group of graduates from the Academy of Fine Arts in Florence, who wanted to promote the training of specialists in the preservation of artistic heritage.Many courses and seminars are on culture and traditional techniques on Japanese paper (Hyogu techniques etc.) and are at-tended by students from Asian countries and Europe.

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8 Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro • Palazzo Spinelli

CoursesMaster• Master’s in Management

of Cultural Heritage• Master’s in Art Conservation

and Restoration• Master’s in Management

of Cultural and Artistic Events• Master’s in Exhibition

and Museum Design• Master’s in Cultural Mediation

and Museums • Master’s in Performing Arts

Events Management• Master’s in Integrated

Technologies for Cultural Heritage

• Master’s in Archiving and Cataloguing

• Master’s in Antiques

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Vocational Courses• ManagerialQualificationinOrganisation

andCoordinationofArtsProductions• VocationalQualificationinthePromotion


• VocationalQualificationinManagementofMuseumsandGalleries

Short Courses and Summer CoursesEach year there are short courses and sum-mer courses lasting one, two or four weeks.To see the list of courses go to page. 29



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Course StructureThe master’s courses feature four stages:

PhaseI- Theory, design workshops, practical exercises, visits to companies, conferences and talks by experts, seminars, research and documentation, tests and assessments.PhaseII- Workshop designPhaseIII - Practical trainingPhaseIV - Final exams

10 Palazzo Spinelli • Associazione No Profit

Workshop Project

The workshop phase during each master’s course is a pivotal moment during the stu-dents’ training as it allows them to manage a real project, whether it is the organisation of an event related to performing arts, the de-velopment of a communications plan for a museum or the development of an art exhibi-tion project.

Study TripsDuring the master’s courses students go on a number of technical visits to museums, art gal-leries, theatres, laboratories, businesses, design studios, press offices, restoration sites, cultural associations etc. Students also participate in meetings, conferences, performances, study days, workshops, and other events related to the topics covered in the curriculum.

Internship Programme

The internship makes up more than half of the course. The aim of the internship is to experience a real work situation and apply the knowledge ac-quired during the residential phase of the course and during the design phase of the workshop. In-ternships give students the chance to gain practi-cal experience and a new cultural perspective.It is also an essential part of the students’ personal development as they come into contact with professionals working in the field.

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InternshipCompaniesSome of the companies that have hosted internships for our master’s students:

Anyway Group – MilanApice – FlorenceArtemisia Srl – MilanAssociazione Civita – RomeAssociazione Fabbrica Europa – FlorenceBiblioteca Nazionale Italiana per l’UNESCOComune di FirenzeConnecting Cultures – MilanContemporanea Progetti – FlorenceD’Uva Workshop Srl – FlorenceDafne Srl – FlorenceEnte Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze – FlorenceEuropean Consulting Agency – ParmaFarsetti Arte Casa D’Aste – FlorenceFondazione Antonio Mazzotta – MilanFondazione del Monte – BolognaFondazione DNArt – MilanFondazione Fitzcarraldo – TurinFondazione Guggenheim – VeniceFondazione Museo Horne – FlorenceFondazione Palazzo Strozzi – FlorenceFondazione Pitti Immagine – FlorenceFondazione Rugghianti – LuccaFondazione Rinascimento Digitale – FlorenceFratelli Alinari – FlorenceFrittelli Arte Contemporanea – FlorenceFurini Arte Contemporanea – ArezzoGalleria degli Uffizi – FlorenceGalleria dell’Accademia – FlorenceGalleria Tornabuoni – FlorenceGenova Film Festival – GenoaGnam (Galleria Nazionale di Arte Moderna) – RomeGuest System – FlorenceIstituto Museo degli Innocenti – FlorenceLa Corte Arte Contemporanea – FlorenceLaboratoria delle Idee – BolognaMac (Museu D’Art Contemporani) – BarcellonaMilano Film Festival – MilanMismaonda – BolognaMLAC ( Museo Laboratorio Arte Contemporanea) – RomeMuseo H.C. Anderson – RomeMuseo Opera del Duomo – FlorenceMuseo Salvatore Ferragamo – FlorenceOpen Care Spa – MilanOpera Santa Croce – FlorencePalazzo Ducale – GenoaParallelo Sas – FlorencePS Design Consultants – MilanRai Educazione – RomeSalone dell’Arte e del Restauro – FlorenceSoprintendenza Speciale PSAE e Polo Museale FirenzeSpace Cultura e Innovazione – PratoTeatro della Limonaia – FlorenceThe Brick Lane Gallery – LondonWolfsonian – Genoa

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ContextDuring the last few decades the importance of the arts, museums and cultural heritage has rea-ched its highest point since the creation of the first public collections in the eighteenth century. The opening of new museums, the renovation of existing museums, more and more temporary exhibitions and new forms of cultural tourism as well as easily accessible information about exhi-bitions, restoration and conservation projects all show the growing sensibility and interest in cultural heritage in ever increasing brackets of society. Despite this, there has been no signifi-cant regeneration of management models in cultural institutions that need to offer the public more and more complex and diverse services. This is true in particular among Italy’s vast net-work of museums, which have recently been given new decision-making authority over their organisation and finances.

ObjectivesThe course prepares graduates for work in the cultural heritage sector. It equips students with vocational skills often overlooked in academic study programmes including management techniques, economics and finance and new information technologies. Students also focus on access to European funding programmes for culture and innovation, which support the growth of this increasingly important sector in the world economy.

Master’sinManagement of Cultural Heritage

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Professional ProfileGraduates from this course work in the pro-motion of cultural heritage, planning and carrying out events and cultural initiatives. They possess entrepreneurial skills and have good knowledge of legislation in the cultural sector. They can work with public authorities for the protection of cultural heritage, mu-seums, archaeological parks, libraries and companies in the culture and tourism sectors.

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ProgrammeMarketingandCommunicationforCulturalHeritageMarketing TechniquesMarketing for Cultural Heritage Communication for Cultural HeritageInterpersonal Communication and Team Working

LawLegislation for Cultural HeritageWorkplace Safety

EconomicsandFinanceBudget Management and European ProgrammesFundraising for Cultural Enterprises

Technical–ArtisticSkillsMuseology and MuseographyInformation Technology and New Technologies for Cultural HeritageMuseum ManagementHandling and Packaging of Works of ArtEducational ServicesAccessible MuseumsCultural Events Organisation

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Promotion and Development of Cultural Heritage

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CollectionsSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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ContextConservation and restoration plays an impor-tant role in the study and management of historical and artistic heritage. Cultural herit-age preservation is our responsibility – whether architecture, church furnishings or museum pieces – and artefacts need proper preser-vation, followed by promotion projects and campaigns. Despite these clear needs, art historians and technicians working in the sec-tor often do not receive adequate training as part of their academic education; they can-not correctly interpret the state of deteriora-tion of works of art and risk factors, identify procedures for proper conservation, or coor-dinate the restoration process.

Master’sinArt Conservation and Restoration

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ObjectivesThe course provides graduates with skills that are generally overlooked on formal educa-tion courses. Students study works of art direct-ly and spend time on restoration worksites and in restoration laboratories. Students also go on work experience in sector-specific companies and institutions. The course equips students with the skills to manage and market cultural heritage and combine this with knowledge of conservation and restoration processes and promotion projects.

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Professional ProfileGraduates from this course are able to recog-nise and evaluate cultural heritage in order to preserve and restore where necessary. They can identify suitable exhibition areas and plan the layout of works of art; recognise risk fac-tors; prepare safety measures; and supervise moving works of art. They possess the skills to choose how to manage artefacts in order to ensure their preservation, guaranteeing pub-lic access and handing works of art down to the next generation intact.The subjects studied during the course pro-vide an overview of how to evaluate the ma-terials used in the creation of works of art and how to conserve and restore them, nurturing a more pragmatic approach to the manage-ment of cultural heritage.

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ProgrammeMarketingandCommunicationforCulturalHeritageMarketing Techniques and Marketing for Cultural HeritageCommunication for Cultural Heritage

LawLegislation for Cultural HeritageWorkplace Safety

EconomicsandFinanceProject Planning and Quotations

Technical–ArtisticSkillsMuseology and MuseographyInformation Technology and New Technologies for Cultural HeritageMuseum ManagementHandling and Packaging of Works of ArtHistory of Artistic TechniquesRestoration Theory and TechniquesVirtual RestorationCataloguing and Documentation

LaboratoriesRestoration of PaintingsRestoration of StoneRestoration of Ceramics and Archaeological ArtefactsRestoration of FrescoesRestoration of Paper

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Development and Design of a Restoration Project

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CollectionsSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Laboratories, Museums and Institutions

LaboratoriesPalazzo Spinelli currently works with more than thirty specialist laboratories in various restora-tion sectors (frescoes, stone, historical monu-ments, paintings on canvas and wood, wall paintings, paper, wood, ceramics, archae-ological artefacts, plaster and stucco). The school has undersigned agreements with do-cumentation and diagnostic laboratories and we are involved in numerous active restora-tion worksites in Florence and throughout Italy.

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ContextThe management of exhibitions and events is a rapidly growing field within the cultural he-ritage sector. Events are an essential part of the relationship between the public and cul-tural heritage institutions.In order to create and promote events that are relevant and innovative, various skills are needed such as marketing, communica-tions, new management techniques, in-depth knowledge of history of art, museology and museography as well as excellent economics skills to find and make use of funding and sponsorship.The professional profile is complex as the work-force needs to be able to combine artistic and humanistic knowledge with the manage-ment skills that make the promotion of cultural heritage possible on a national and above all, international scale.

Objectives The course equips students with the skills to curate, mount and manage exhibitions and cultural events. Students are able to design and carry out events and coordinate staff. The course culminates in a project design wor-kshop, putting into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired during the first phase. The workshop allows students to get to know how events operate and acquire essential team working skills to produce results.

Master’sinManagement of Cultural and Artistic Events

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Professional ProfileGraduates from this course are expert manag-ers with a high level of cultural knowledge and experience. Graduates are able to keep track of new developments in the sector and pos-sess in-depth knowledge of the history of mu-seums as well as problems related to modern museum management and administration, including staff and human resources manage-ment and information skills and technologies. Graduates possess the skills to select and iden-tify exhibition premises, to produce the most appropriate exhibition plans, to choose the right type of management for museums and cultural institutions, and to plan cultural events from start to finish, from concept to manage-ment with the capability to access funding. The course includes modules on current sector laws and regulations. The subjects studied dur-ing the course provide key transversal skills to work in cultural events and exhibition organi-sation, European project management and fundraising.

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ProgrammeMarketingandCommunicationforCulturalHeritageMarketing TechniquesMarketing and Communication for Cultural EventsInterpersonal Communication and Team Working

LawLegislation for Cultural HeritageWorkplace Safety

EconomicsandFinanceBudget Management and European Project PlanningFundraising for Cultural Enterprises

Technical–ArtisticSkillsMuseology and MuseographyInformation Technology and New Technologies for Cultural HeritageHandling and Packaging of Works of ArtDesigning and Mounting ExhibitionsOrganisational Skills – Management and Promotion of Cultural Events

Contexts for Cultural Events

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Organisation, Set-Up, Management and Promotion of a Cultural Event

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CollectionsSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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ContextThere is a process of “democratisation” of culture going on in most European countries. The increasingly widespread use of interac-tive technologies and personal devices, and the need for the renewal and maintenance of the “cultural industries” have contributed to the demand for new trends and strategies in cultural heritage. The design of museum spaces in the new cultural landscape will re-quire professionals to possess transversal and interdisciplinary skills, which combine classical culture with the knowledge and language of new tools and new technologies, capable of designing immersive experiences and hyper-media.

ObjectivesThe course provides students with the theo-retical and practical knowledge necessary to design museum routes and installations, and create experiences for public enjoyment and understanding of cultural heritage. The course has a strong interdisciplinary approach com-bining architecture, design and traditional and multimedia communications. Students acquire the essential management and or-ganisational skills needed to develop com-plex projects.

Master’sinExhibition and Museum Design

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Professional ProfileGraduates from this course are able to design, plan and manage museum routes, exhibitions and installations in museums and in the cul-tural heritage sector. They possess the techni-cal and technological skills to define spaces and texts for a museum exhibition, focussing on the relationship between the displays and the public. They can use visual communica-tion tools and media as well as the interactive design and hypermedia. Graduates can work freelance or as part of a company or institu-tion, perfecting their ability to optimise team work on complex projects.

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ProgrammeArtisticSkillsMuseology Museography Handling and Packaging of Works of Art

ProjectDesignExhibition Design and Staging TechniquesInteraction and Experience DesignMaterials and Technology

CommunicationCommunication SkillsCommunication in MuseumsMuseum Route Design

TechnicalSkillsSketching3D Areas (Modelling and Visualising)

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Design and Development of an Exhibition

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CollectionsSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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ContextA museum is, by definition, a place that gen-erates and communicates culture. Museum communication, however, is often one-way and does not establish a real dialogue with visitors. The communication tools available to museums (websites, catalogues, brochures, audio guides, multimedia) are not able to perform like a conversation, or at least not completely. The role of museum guides (of-ten not included in the ticket price) does not compare to professionals who are able to establish a dialogue with the public. Cultural mediation in museums encourages dialogue, deepens understanding and the mediator is often the one who, rather than talks, listens.


The course aims to train professionals in cul-tural mediation in museums and equip them with the specific knowledge and skills neces-sary to analyse the needs of the wide variety of audiences who come to museums, study different approaches to cultural heritage, de-sign educational models and provide target-ed solutions for dialogue and interaction with collections and different areas of museums.

Master’sinCultural Mediation and Museums

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Professional ProfileGraduates from this course are able to nur-ture “synergy between science, ethics and democratic society”. They are able to or-ganise targeted activities in cultural heritage education, use museums as an educational tool, plan cultural heritage teaching projects as part of funding from the European Social Fund, plan educational activities in museums for different types of visitors (school children, students, adults, groups etc.), produce ma-terials for the public to use in museums, plan activities to make visitors more aware of their surroundings and heritage.

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ProgrammeSocialPsychologySkillsHistory and Methodology of Art CriticismLanguages of ArtPsychology of Art and Visual PerceptionEthics of Communication

MarketingandCommunicationsMarketing Techniques and Museum CommunicationsInterpersonal Communication and Team WorkingCultural Mediation Techniques in Museums

MuseumsMuseology and MuseographyAccessible MuseumsEducational Services in MuseumsOrganisation of Museum Routes

Technical–ArtisticSkillsAnalysis of Environmental ContextsDigital Publishing and Applications for the ArtsPhotography, Cartoons and Art Therapy

LawLegislation for Cultural HeritageSafety in the Workplace

LanguagesEnglish for Arts Communication

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Design and Development of a Cultural Mediation Project

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CollectionsSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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Master’sinPerforming Arts Events Management

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ContextThe world of performing arts events is varied and complex and needs proper manage-ment to highlight the artistic strengths and cul-tural worth in our society, especially in order to appeal to the up-and-coming generation.Young people are getting more and more in-volved in the sector but they are often lacking the key skills they need to appreciate and un-derstand the meaning of some arts produc-tions, limiting their capacity for growth.Considering the vast cultural wealth in Italy, it is incredibly important for us to count on pro-fessionals who are able to manage and pro-mote the sector to the best of their ability, as many other European countries already do.

Objectives The course has a hands-on approach and focuses on various forms of arts productions to apply mar-keting and business management techniques. Practical case studies provide examples of best practices for concept design, project develop-ment and event management. Fundraising tech-niques and cultural economics provide the frame-work for students to act. The project management workshop allows students to apply their theoretical knowledge to a real experience, managing and promoting an event of their own creation.

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Professional ProfileManagers of arts productions and events are able to work in complex situations that de-mand the skills to deal with high-profile cultu-ral settings. Graduates are able to analyse and interpret situations, develop public and private fundrai-sing strategies, develop budgets, work on Eu-ropean projects with funding for culture and the arts, form relationships with organisations and institutions, be aware of legislation for ad-ministration, be aware of and apply marke-ting techniques for the cultural sector, apply quality control systems, generate communi-cation plans, manage press offices and press relations, write critiques, manage public re-lations, stay updated regarding new laws for arts productions and staff, know about types of contracts for artists and manage working relationships with artists and understand fun-damental concepts of public demand.

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ProgrammeMarketingandCommunicationforCulturalHeritageMarketing TechniquesMarketing and Communication in the Performing Arts SectorInterpersonal Communication and Team Working

LawLegislation in the Performing Arts SectorContractsWorkplace Safety

EconomicsandFinanceFundraising for Cultural EnterprisesBudget Management and Project PlanningContracts with Artists and Agencies

Technical–ArtisticSkillsOrganisation and Management of Press OfficesTelevision and Radio ProductionsCinema ProductionsConcerts, Festivals and Music ProductionsTheatre and Opera ProductionsDance and Performing ArtsOrganisation and Management of Arts Events – Key Skills

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Design, Development and Promotion of an Arts Event

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Theatres, Shows and CompaniesSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Theatres, Agencies and Companies

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ContextOur society is now full of information and the concept of cultural heritage has evolved along with it. It has expanded to include ever-increasing tangible and intangible aspects making cultural heritage a tool with extraor-dinary potential.The cultural heritage sector has huge poten-tial for innovation and growth.ICT (Information and Communication Tech-nology) and the development of computer systems have made it possible to share knowl-edge in previously unimaginable ways. We can now create virtual art exhibitions, 3D re-constructions of historical sites, cultural herit-age databases and much more. Despite this, there is enormous further potential for new developments and the proper use of the sys-tems already on the market. Existing tools are not yet being used by the public in a way that they could and should because there is a de-mand for more knowledgeable professionals in the sector.

ObjectivesThe course equips students with the skills to un-derstand the challenges linked to the sustain-able promotion of cultural heritage through advanced digital technologies in museums and galleries. Students learn how to identify and protect cultural heritage so they can develop technological systems and solutions for the enjoyment and understanding of the public. They acquire all the skills necessary to become a dynamic and innovative heritage promoter.

Master’sinIntegrated Technologies for Cultural Heritage

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Professional ProfileIn the context of globalisation, cultural herit-age is undoubtedly an important part of what motivates visitors to travel. Thanks to ICT, herit-age can now be promoted through new and interesting forms of communication, creating solutions to problems such as preservation, protection, restoration, understanding and enjoyment of works of art and historical sites.Graduates from this course become ICT ex-perts in companies and institutions linked to the cultural heritage sector. They can draft, develop and carry out interactive communi-cation projects. They are able to plan and co-ordinate activities for the development and implementation of a design system, ensure consistency in style, tone, quality and organi-sation of publications (websites, brochures, social networks, web applications etc.), ana-lyse and develop methods for the public to learn about objects, and use the internet to create networks, communicate and promote their projects.

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ProgrammeMarketingandCommunicationforCulturalHeritageMarketing TechniquesMarketing and Communication for Cultural HeritageInterpersonal Communication and Team Working

LawLegislation for Cultural HeritageWorkplace Safety

EconomicsandFinanceEuropean Project Planning and Budget ManagementFundraising for Cultural Enterprises

TechnicalSkillsInformation Technology and New Technologies for Cultural HeritageQuality Control for Web SitesIntroduction to CADGraphic DesignWeb DesignDigital Cataloguing Art Photography and Digital VideoVirtual Restoration and Interactive Museums

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Design and Development of an ICT Project for Cultural Heritage

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CompaniesSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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ContextThe rapid development of information tech-nology and communication has changed our approach to the management, conservation and use of documents and archives. Pub-lic administration authorities and companies have been paper based for many years but now traditional procedures are unsuitable for modern-day operations, legislation and tech-nology. Technological innovation has led to faster and more efficient services, computers, smartphones, tablets and other devices ca-pable of operating in any environment and at any time of day.

ObjectivesThe course provides practical skills in digital conservation and management of docu-ments and archives. Digital cataloguing and archiving are the main focus of the course and students put their theoretical knowledge into action through the development of a project.Students become professionals who are able to streamline the processes of document management and make the most of the po-tential offered by new technologies in order to guarantee the preservation of digital and paper archives.

Master’sinArchiving and Cataloging

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Professional ProfileGraduates are able to promote best practic-es in production, management, storage and preservation of documents, regardless of the medium or format; work with archiving sys-tem designers to incorporate processes and procedures for efficient organisation from the outset; redesign processes and administrative procedures for public and private organisa-tions with correct methods of Business Process Management (BPM); design and manage complex archival systems in the public and private sector ensuring the best use of infor-mation technology and communications; ensure the long-term conservation and use of digital and hybrid archives with information on different mediums (paper, digital, micro-film etc.); produce research tools for archiv-ing; and be able to catalogue cultural herit-age using up-to-date technology.

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ProgrammeInformationTechnologyApplied Computer ScienceMultimedia ConceptsWindows / Mac PlatformsInternet SolutionsElectronic Data Processing

PhotographyReflex PhotographyLightingPhotographing Moveable Works of Art (Paintings/Drawings/Ceramics)Photographing Architecture and InteriorsDigital PhotographyPhotographing Works of Art, Lighting, Staging, Copyrights

PhotographyandDigitalisationMethods for Digitalising PhotographsScanningDigital Cameras

CataloguingCulturalHeritageSkills and Methods for Digital CataloguingObject DefinitionDigitalisation SystemsDesign and Development of a DatabaseIntroduction to MS Access and File Maker Pro SoftwareDevelopment of a Database for Moveable Works of Art on AccessDevelopment of a Database Moveable Works of Art on File Maker Pro

LanguagesEnglish – Key Skills

ProjectManagementWorkshop for the Design and Development of an ICT Project for Cultural Heritage

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries and CompaniesSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums and Institutions

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ContextIn recent years interest in the antiques trade has grown. The world that revolves around an-tiques is complex and involves many different concepts. The success of an antique from a commer-cial point of view is very difficult to determine and depends on objective and subjective aspects, which make the art market very dif-ficult to manage.Professionals must have knowledge of the humanities and business skills in order for the market to grow and contribute to the general economic recovery.

ObjectivesThe course aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills to be able to provide de-tailed advice in the field of attributing, dating and appraisal of works of art, crafted objects, antique furniture and other items. Working op-portunities can arise in consultancy in buying and selling works of art, in auction houses and specialist galleries and in antiques shops.Students acquire theoretical knowledge in lessons and practical skills in antiques shops and companies.


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Professional ProfileAntiquarians deal with antiques for commer-cial purposes. Graduates become profession-als who are able to notice and appraise every detail of objects and know their history. They have expert knowledge of artistic culture.Graduates can specialise in a certain period or type of object (paintings, drawings, ob-jects, furniture, carpets), but must also have good general knowledge of art and related subjects. They are able to assess purchases, work with industry experts and advise clients. They possess knowledge of various restoration techniques and have an entrepreneurial spirit because antique dealers are primarily traders.Graduates have the skills to balance their personal preferences and their clients’ prefer-ences with industry and market trends.

website • 29

ProgrammeHistoryHistory of Ancient Painting in Italy and EuropeItalian Painting in the Nineteenth and Twentieth CenturiesHistory of Antique Furniture in Italy and EuropeHistory of MajolicaItalian and European CeramicsCeramics in the Nineteenth CenturyHistory of Jewellery-MakingHistory of Design

SpecialistSkillsFramesJewelleryOriental CarpetsGlass and WindowsAncient and Modern PrintsContemporary Art

EconomicsandFinanceLegislation for Cultural HeritageMarketing and Communications in the Antiques SectorAntiques Exhibitions and EventsICT for the Antiques SectorForgery

LaboratoriesConservation and Restoration TechniquesCataloguing Techniques

Visits,SeminarsandStudyTripsVisits to Museums, Galleries, Dealers and CompaniesSeminars with Visiting ProfessorsStudy Trips

InternshipsInternships in Companies, Museums, Institutions and Auction Houses

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30 Palazzo Spinelli • Associazione No Profit

Study CreditsThe master’s courses issue 60 credits. Credits are certified on the final diploma and calcu-lated based on the duration of each module or subject, taking into account personal study time and individual research. Credits can be used for further study and are recognised by state and non-state universities.

Student SupportPalazzo Spinelli provides various types of fi-nancial support for students on the master’s courses:• Advanced Booking: 20% reduction• Scholarships provided by Palazzo

Spinelli’s partners, through which students can receive partial coverage of fees

• Recognition of previous study credits• International partnership agreements• Loyalty reductions

For more information check our website

Student ServicesPalazzo Spinelli offers a vast choice of services for students at the time of enrolment (assistance in searching for accommodation, educational guidance, advice and practical orientation) as well as during the course (personalised web page for uploading/downloading documents, library access, personal tutor, technical assis-tance and learning support, conferences, de-bates, exhibitions and events), and at the end of the course (alumni community, employment research, CV consultations, orientation).

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PlacementIn order to guarantee the quality of the cours-es, Palazzo Spinelli carries out surveys and compiles periodical feedback reports to keep in touch with master’s graduates and monitor their progress in the job market.

82% 18%

69% 24%




Graduates in active employment

Time taken to find employment after graduation

Student satisfaction

<6months <1year >1year

yes no

yes no

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The vocational qualification courses are ac-credited by the regional public authority in Tuscany (Regione Toscana) and issue certifi-cates valid for participation in public sector calls and tenders. These courses allow partici-pants to obtain expertise, knowledge and in-depth information as well as the project man-agement skills needed in the field of cultural heritage.

Current vocational qualification courses:



The aim of the course is to train professionals for the business development sector with specific focus on cultural and environmental heritage services and addi-tional skills in designing and managing cultural events.


The aim of the course is to train professionals for work in libraries, archives, museums and other cultural activi-ties such as conservation and restoration. These profes-sionals have to know how to recover and preserve mu-seum heritage, recognise risk factors, identify suitable exhibition areas and plan the layout of works of art.


The aim of this course is to train technician-managers ca-pable of coordinating arts productions. From film produc-tions, television and plays to advertising and large-scale events, these professionals have the responsibility of or-ganising and coordinating technical and logistical activi-ties to fixed deadlines and budget constraints, taking into account possible restrictions and unforeseen problems.

32 Palazzo Spinelli • Associazione No Profit

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Short andSummer CoursesEconomics and Management of Cultural Heritage Department• EuropeanProjectPlanningforCultural

Heritage• FundraisingforCulturalHeritage• ManagementofCulturalHeritage• MarketingandCommunicationforCultural


Museums Department• MuseologyandMuseography

• AccessibleMuseumDesign

• MuseumManagement

• TeachingandEducationalServices

• CulturalMediationinMuseums

• MuseumandExhibitionDesign

• MuseumCommunications

ICT for Cultural Heritage Department• VirtualRestoration• ArtPhotography• DigitalCataloguingforCulturalHeritage

Cultural Events Department• OrganisationandSet-UpofExhibitions• OrganisationandPromotionofPerformingArts

Events• TerritorialContextforCulturalEvents• PressOfficeManagement• ArtistContracts

Design Department• ExhibitionDesign• InteractionandExperienceDesign• InteriorDesign• CommunicationDesign

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34 Palazzo Spinelli • Associazione No Profit

For many years Palazzo Spinelli has imple-mented a European and international policy aimed at strengthening the capacity of the sector, supporting international cooperation, facilitating access to professional opportuni-ties and promoting the movement of ideas and people.This mission has come to life through participa-tion, management and organisation of over forty trans-national projects as part of an inter-national network with over four hundred and fifty partner institutions.Initially, though programmes such as Rapha-el, Leonardo, Eumedis, Interreg and info200, and later, as part of Cultura 2000 and Cultura 2007, Leonardo da Vinci and ENIP as well as Erasmus +, Creative Europe, Euromed and Ho-rizon2020, Palazzo Spinelli has developed pro-jects and scientific research that have led to finding common ground between the world of education and the workplace. Palazzo Spinelli has implemented “knowledge allianc-es” and “sector skills alliances”, which form the cornerstone of a Europe that focuses on knowledge, intelligence and inclusiveness.

Palazzo Spinelli Projects

34 Palazzo Spinelli • Associazione No Profit

Historical ProjectsARTISProjectArt and Restoration Techniques Interactive Studio is a project funded by info2000 that aims to spread knowledge of painting and fresco restoration techniques through digital media and distance learning platforms.

ARGOSProjectArt and Restoration Glossary Operative System is a project funded by Culture 2000, which has created a multilingual glossary online on con-servation and restoration techniques for works of art.

PLASTERARCHITECTUREProjectThe “Plaster Architecture” project is an inter-national research programme. Its purpose is to contribute to the knowledge and preservation of ancient techniques and artefacts made of stucco, mortar and artificial stone such as the decorative elements of European architecture between the nineteenth and twentieth centu-ries with a focus on public buildings. The project was done in partnership with Malta, the United Kingdom, Denmark and Italy.

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Recent ProjectsHUMARTSProjectThe project, in collaboration with the Rijksuni-versiteit Groningen, implements the “Sectoral Qualification Frameworks” in the field of hu-manities, applied arts and fine arts.

SISMILEProjectThe Sismile Project focuses on how to pro-tect and preserve human lives in case of earthquakes. Eight organisations from seven countries created an e-learning package on design techniques for the prevention of risks caused by non-structural elements in build-ings during earthquakes.

RE-SPECTProjectThe Re-spect Project aims to reflect on work-ing standards and ideals in the conservation and restoration sector and apply them to the environment, using the same ethical and so-cial approach towards the past and restoring awareness about the importance of protect-ing the diversity our heritage (artistic or natu-ral) and therefore the diversity of people.

SANTACROCEQUARTIEREAPERTOProjectThis project develops ideas and concepts to enhance networking between cultural institu-tions in the Santa Croce area where Palazzo Spinelli was founded. Funded by the Ente Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, the project in-volves the creation of online databases and the development of micro projects.

RESELTAMProjectThe aim of the project was to develop a dis-tance learning system for professionals work-ing in the field of restoration and adhering to the high quality standards in Europe. Palazzo Spinelli worked alongside universities and training centres in Turkey, Germany, France and Poland.

ARTESNETEUROPEProjectThis European project promotes education practices among Institutes for art, conserva-tion and cultural heritage in the “Economics of Culture” context.

INTER}ARTESTHEMATICNETWORKProjectSocrates Thematic Network is a project which involved sixty-five European Institutes of High-er Education to promote a common identity in creative subjects.

TIMECASEProjectTimecase is a project focused on innovative participatory techniques for the protection of the memory of the twentieth century. The project leader is the Goethe Institute in Paris in partnership with important organisations and institutions from Italy, Portugal, the Nether-lands, Sweden, Lithuania, Romania, Germany and the UK.

IMATProjectIntelligent Mobile Multipurpose Accurate Ther-moelectrical mild heating is a project carried out in partnership with the University of Flor-ence and funded under the 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. The final product is a portable digital hot table for painting restoration.

MEDITARESTurkey,AlbaniaandAlgeriaProjectThe project promotes the internationalisation of companies working in the conservation and restoration sector, with the aim of pro-moting “made in Italy” abroad. The project has led to successful promotional activities in Turkey, Albania and Algeria.

THEOTHEREGYPTProjectThis project focuses on promotion and devel-opment through integrated activities involv-ing training, planning, territorial campaigns and events to attract investors.The Other Egypt is part of the bilateral coop-eration between the Italian Government and the Republic of Egypt in the framework of the partnership between the two countries in the tourism sector.

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Cover illustration: Giambologna, Hercules and the Centaur Nessus (detail) photograph by Francesco Luglio. On pages 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34: photograph by Francesco Luglio. On pages 11, 16, 18, 19: Design by Contem-poranea Progetti (Palazzo Spinelli’s partner for the Master’s in Ma-nagement of Artistic and Cultural Events) for the exhibition The Shadow of Genius – Michelangelo and Art in Florence 1537-1631. On page 24: André Waterkeyn, Atomium (Brussels) photograph by Carolina Ödman published under Creative Commons. On page 28: photograph by Dow Gallery of American Art. On page 35: pho-tograph by Emanuele Amodei. The data published on page 31 is the result of a telephone survey carried out in 2013 of students enrolled between 2008-2012.







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