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Denon Avr-2105

Jun 02, 2018



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  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105













    A B












    ON OFF



    2 We greatly appreciate your purchase of this unit.2 To be sure you take maximum advantage of all the

    features this unit has to offer, read these instructionscarefully and use the set properly. Be sure to keep thismanual for future reference should any questions orproblems arise.



    2 Nous vous remercions pour lachat de cet appareil.2 Pour tre sr de profiter au maximum de toutes les

    caractristiques quoffre cet appareil, lire avec soin cesinstructions et bien utiliser lappareil. Toujoursconserver ce mode demploi pour sy rfrerultrieurement en cas de question ou de problme.

    FO R EN G LISH R EA D ER S PA G E 2 ~ PA G E 73, 144 ~ 148 PO U R LES LEC TEU RS FR A N C A IS PA G E 2, 74 ~ PA G E 148



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105





    A void high tem peratures.A llow for sufficien t hea t dispersion w he nins talled on a rack.

    Eviter de s tem p ratures lev es.Ten ir com pte dun e d ispe rsion de cha leu rsu ffisante lors de linstallation sur une tagre.

    H andle the p ow er cord carefully.H old the p lug w hen unp lugg ing the cord.

    M an ipu ler le co rdon d alim en tation a vecprcaution .Ten ir la prise lors du d branche m en t ducordon.

    Ke ep the set free from m oisture, w ater, anddu st.

    Protger lap pare il co ntre lhum idit, leau et lapo ussire.

    U nplug the po w er cord w hen n ot using the setfor lon g p eriod s of tim e. D b rancher le co rdo n dalim en tation lorsqu e

    lap pareil nest pas utilis pendan t de longuesp riod es.

    * (Fo r sets w ith ventilation ho les )

    D o no t obstruct the ven tilation ho les. N e p as o bs true r les trou s daration .

    D o no t let foreign ob jects in the set. N e pas laisser des objets trang ers dans


    D o n ot let inse cticide s, be nzen e, and thinn er

    com e in co ntact w ith the se t. N e p as m ettre e n contact de s insecticide s, duben zne e t un d iluant ave c lappareil.

    N ever disassem ble or m odify the se t in anyw ay.

    N e jam ais dm on ter ou m od ifier lapp areildun e m an ire o u d un e autre.




    Th e ligh tning flash w ith arrow he ad sym bo l, w ithin anequilateral trian gle, is intended to alert the use r to thepresen ce of un insu lated dan ge rou s voltage w ithin theproducts e nclosure that m ay b e of sufficien t m agnitud e toconstitute a risk o f electric sh ock to perso ns.

    Th e e xclam ation p oint w ithin an e qu ilateral trian gle is intend edto alert the user to the p resen ce of im po rtant op erating andm aintenan ce (se rvicing) ins truction s in the literatureaccom panying the app liance.





    1. PRODUCTTh is produ ct com plies w ith P art 15 of the FC C R ules. O pe ration is sub jectto the follow ing tw o con dition s: (1) this p rod uct m ay n ot cause harm fulinterference , and (2) this prod uct m ust acce pt any interference received,inc lud ing interferen ce that m ay cau se u nd esired op eration .

    2. IMPORTANT NOTICE: DO NOT MODIFY THIS PRODUCTThis product, w hen installed as indicated in the instructions contained in thism anual, m eets FC C requ irem en ts. M odification not expressly app roved byD EN O N m ay void yo ur authority, granted by the FC C , to u se the product.

    3. NOTETh is produ ct has b ee n tested and fou nd to co m ply w ith the lim its for a C lassB digital de vice, pu rsuant to P art 15 of the FC C R ules. Th ese lim its arede sign ed to p rov ide reasonable p rotection against harm ful interference in aresidential installation.Th is p rod uct ge ne rates, uses and can radiate radio freq ue ncy en ergy an d, ifno t installed and used in accordan ce w ith the instruction s, m ay cau seharm ful interference to radio co m m un ication s. H ow eve r, the re is noguaran tee that interference w ill not occu r in a p articu lar installation. If thisproduct do es cau se harm ful interference to radio o r television recep tion ,w hich can b e d eterm ined by turning the product O FF an d O N , the u ser isen courage d to try to co rrec t the interference b y on e o r m ore of the follow ingm easures:

    R eo rien t or relocate the receiving an ten na .Increase the se paration be tw ee n the eq uipm en t and rece iver.C onne ct the p roduct into an o utlet on a circu it different from that to

    w hich the rece iver is conn ected.C onsult the local retailer au thorized to distribute this type of product or

    an expe rien ced radio/TV techn ician for he lp.

    FCC INFORMATION (For US customers)


  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS1. R ead Instructions A ll the safety and operating instructions

    should be read be fore the product is operated .2. R etain Instruction s The safety and operating instructions

    shou ld be retaine d for future reference.3. H eed W arnings A ll w arnings on the product and in the

    op erating instruction s sh ou ld be adhe red to.4. Fo llow Instruction s A ll operating and use instruction s sho uld

    be follow ed .5. C leaning U nplug this product from the w all outlet before

    cleaning. D o not use liquid cleaners or aeroso l cleaners.6. A ttachm ents D o not use attachm ents not recom m ended by

    the produ ct m anufacturer as they m ay cause hazards.7. W ater and M oisture D o no t use this product near w ater for

    exam ple, ne ar a bath tub, w ash bo w l, kitchen sink, or laund rytub; in a w et base m en t; or ne ar a sw im m ing pool; and the like.

    8. A ccessories D o not place this produ ct on an un stable cart,stand, tripod, bracke t, or tab le. The product m ay fall, causingserious injury to a ch ild or adult, and serious dam age to theproduct. U se only w ith a cart, stand, tripod, bracke t, or tab lerecom m end ed by the m anufacturer, or sold w ith the product.A ny m ounting of the product shou ld follow the m anufacturersinstructions, and sho uld use am oun ting accesso ry

    recom m ended by them anu facturer.9. A product and cart

    com bination shou ld bem oved w ith care. Q uickstops, excessive force ,and une ven surfaces m aycause the product and cartcom bination to overturn.

    10 . Ve ntilation Slots and op en ing s in the cabine t are provide d forventilation and to ensure reliable op eration of the product and toprotect it from ove rheating , and the se open ings m ust not beblocke d or cove red . The ope nings shou ld ne ver be b locke d byplacing the produ ct on a bed, sofa, rug, or other sim ilar surface .This product should n ot be p laced in a built-in installation suchas a b oo kcase or rack un less p roper ventilation is p rovide d orthe m anufacturers instructions h ave be en adhe red to.

    11 . Pow er Sources This produ ct shou ld be o perated only from thetype o f po w er source ind icated on the m arking label. If you areno t sure of the type of pow er supply to yo ur hom e, consult you rproduct de aler or local pow er com pany. For products intendedto operate from battery po w er, or other sou rces, refer to theoperating instructions.

    12 . G rounding or Polarization This product m ay be equippe d w itha polarized alternating-current line p lug (a plug h aving o ne b ladew ider than the other). Th is p lug w ill fit into the pow er outletonly on e w ay. Th is is a safety feature. If you are unable toinse rt the plug fully into the outlet, try reve rsing the plug. If theplug should still fail to fit, co ntact your electrician to rep lace yourob solete outlet. D o not de feat the safety purpose of thepolarized plug.

    13 . Pow er-C ord P rotection Pow er-supp ly cords should be routedso that the y are not likely to be w alked on o r pinche d by item splace d up on o r against the m , paying p articular atten tion tocords at plug s, conven ien ce receptacles, and the point w he rethe y exit from the product.

    15 . O utdoo r A ntenna G rounding If an ou tside an tenn a or cablesystem is conne cted to the product, be sure the antenna orcable system is grounded so as to p rovide som e p rotection

    against voltage surges and built-up static charges. A rticle 810of the N ation al Electrical C od e, AN SI/N FPA 70 , provide sinform ation w ith regard to proper grounding of the m ast andsuppo rting structure, grounding of the lead-in w ire to ananten na disch arge u nit, size o f grou nding con ductors, locationof anten na-discharge un it, connection to ground ing electrod es,and requirem ents for the grounding electrode. See Figure A .

    16 . Lightning F or adde d p rotection for this product during aligh tning storm , or w he n it is left un attende d and un used forlong pe riods of tim e, unplug it from the w all ou tlet anddisconn ect the antenna or cable system . Th is w ill preventdam age to the product due to lightning and pow er-line surges.

    17. Pow er Lines A n ou tside antenna system should not belocated in the vicinity of overhead pow er line s or other electriclight or pow er circuits, or w here it can fall into such pow er linesor circuits. W hen installing an ou tside antenna system ,extrem e care should b e taken to ke ep from touching suchpow er line s o r circuits as contact w ith the m m igh t be fatal.

    18 . O verload ing D o n ot overload w all ou tlets, extension cords, orintegral convenience receptacles as this can result in a risk offire or electric shock.

    19 . O bject and Liqu id E ntry N eve r push objects of any kind intothis produ ct through openings as they m ay touch dang erousvoltage points o r short-out parts that cou ld result in a fire orelectric sh ock. N ever spill liquid of any kind o n the prod uct.

    20 . S ervicing D o no t attem pt to se rvice this p rod uc t yourse lf asope ning o r rem oving co vers m ay expose yo u to dan gerousvo ltag e o r other hazards. R efer all se rvicing to qualifiedse rvice p erson ne l.

    21. D am age R eq uiring S ervice U np lug this p rod uct from thew all outlet an d refer se rvicing to qualified se rvice personne lunde r the follow ing cond ition s:

    a) W hen the po w er-supply cord or plug is dam aged,b) If liquid h as b een spilled, or objects have fallen into theproduct,

    c) If the product has b een e xposed to rain o r w ater,d) If the product does n ot ope rate norm ally by follow ing the

    operating instructions. A djust only those controls that arecovered by the op erating instruction s as an im prope radjustm en t of other con trols m ay resu lt in dam age and w illoften require extensive w ork by a q ualified technician torestore the product to its norm al operation,

    e) If the p roduct has been d ropped or dam aged in any w ay, andf) W hen the product exh ibits a distinct chan ge in perform ance

    this indicates a need for service .22 . R eplacem ent Parts W hen replacem ent parts are requ ired, be

    sure the service techn ician has used replacem en t partsspecified by the m anufacturer or have the sam e characteristicsas the original part. U nauthorized substitution s m ay result infire, electric shock, or other hazards.

    23 . Safety C he ck U pon com pletion of any service o r rep airs to thisproduct, ask the service techn ician to pe rform safety ch ecks tode term ine that the p roduct is in p rop er op erating condition.

    24 . W all or C eiling M ounting The product shou ld be m oun ted to aw all or ceiling only as reco m m ended by the m anu facturer.

    25. H eat The product should b e situated aw ay from heat sourcessuch as radiators, heat registers, stoves, or othe r products(including am plifiers) that produce heat.











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    Than k you for choosing the D EN O N AV R -2105/885 D igital A / V Surround R eceiver. This rem arkable com ponen t has been e nginee red to p rovidesupe rb su rrou nd soun d listen ing w ith hom e theater sources such as D VD , as w ell as providing ou tstanding high fide lity rep rod uction of yourfavorite m usic sources.A s this product is provide d w ith an im m ense array of features, w e recom m end that be fore you begin hookup and operation that you review thecon ten ts o f this m anu al be fore proce ed ing.

    TABLE OF CONTENTSz B efore U sing ...............................................................................................5x C autions on Installation ...............................................................................5c C autions on H andling ..................................................................................5v Features ......................................................................................................6b C onnections........................................................................................7 ~ 15n Part N am es and Functions..................................................................16, 1 7m U sing the R em ote C ontrol U nit ................................................................18, Setting u p th e S ystem ......................................................................19 ~ 33. R em ote C ontrol U nit.........................................................................34 ~ 380 O peration ..........................................................................................39 ~ 44

    1 M ulti Zone ........................................................................................45 ~ 472 Surround ...........................................................................................48 ~ 563 D SP Surround S im ulation .................................................................57 ~ 604 Liste ning to the R adio ......................................................................61 ~ 645 Last Function M em ory ..............................................................................646 Initialization of the M icro processor...........................................................647 A dditional Inform ation ......................................................................65 ~ 718 Troubleshooting .........................................................................................729 Specifications ............................................................................................73

    Check that the following parts are included in addition to the main unit:

    q O perating instructions .................................................................1w W arranty ......................................................................................1e Service station list.......................................................................1r R em ote control unit (RC -980)......................................................1

    r t y iu

    t R 6P/AA batteries .........................................................................2y A M loop antenna .........................................................................1u FM indoor antenna ......................................................................1i O m nidirectional m icrophone .......................................................1



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    2 CAUTIONS ON INSTALLATIONN oise or disturbance of the picture m ay b e ge ne rated if this unit orany other electronic equ ipm en t using m icrop roce ssors is used ne ar atun er or TV.If this happe ns, take the follow ing steps:Install this unit as far as p ossible from the tun er or TV.S et the anten na w ires from the tun er or TV aw ay from this units

    po w er cord an d input/ou tput connection cords.N oise or disturbance ten ds to o ccur particularly w he n u sing ind oo r

    antennas or 300 ! /ohm s fee der w ires. We recommend usingoutdoor antennas and 75 ! /ohms coaxial cables.

    For heat dispersal, leave at least 4 inch/10 cm of space betweenthe top, back and sides of this unit and the wall or othercomponents.

    4 inch/10 cm or m ore

    4 inch/10 cm or m ore

    W all

    3 CAUTIONS ON HANDLING Switching the input function when input jacks are not

    connectedA clicking no ise m ay be p roduced if the input function is sw itchedw he n no thing is co nnected to the inp ut jacks. If this happe ns, eithe rturn dow n the M A STER VO LU M E control or connect com ponentsto the inpu t jacks.

    Muting of PRE OUT jacks, HEADPHONE jack and SPEAKERterminalsThe PR E O U T jacks, H EA D PH O N E jack and SP EA KE R term inalsinclud e a m uting circuit. B ecau se of this, the outpu t signals aregreatly red uced for seve ral second s after the pow er sw itch isturned on or input fun ction , surround m od e or any other-set-up ischange d. If the volum e is turne d up du ring this tim e, the ou tpu t w illbe very h igh after the m uting circuit stop s function ing . A lw ays w aituntil the m uting circuit turns off be fore adjusting the volum e.

    Whenever the unit is in the STANDBY state, the apparatus isstill connected on AC line voltage.Please be sure to turn the power off ( off) when you leavehome for, say, a vacation.

    1 BEFORE USINGPay attention to the following before using this unit: Moving the set

    To preven t short circuits or dam aged w ires in the co nn ection cords,alw ays unplug the po w er cord and discon nect the co nnection cordsbe tw een all other audio com pon ents w hen m oving the se t.

    Before turning the power switch onC he ck once again that all conn ection s are proper and that the re arenot problem s w ith the connection cords. A lw ays set the pow ersw itch to the standb y po sition be fore connecting and d isconn ectingcon ne ction cords.

    Store this instructions in a safe place.A fter reading, store this instruction s along w ith the w arranty in asafe place .

    Note that the illustrations in this instructions may differ fromthe actual set for explanation purposes.

    V. AUX terminalTh e A VR -21 05 /885s fron tpanel is equ ipped w ith a V.A U X term inal. R em ove thecap cove ring the term inalw hen you w ant to use it.













  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    4 FEATURES1. Dolby Digital

    U sing ad van ced d igital proce ssing algorithm s, D olby D igitalprovides up to 5.1 channels of w ide-range, high fidelity surroun dsound . D olby D igital is the de fault digital audio delivery system forD VD and N orth A m erican D TV.

    2. Dolby Pro Logic II x compatibilityD olby P ro Log ic II x furthe rs the m atrix decod ing technolog y of

    D olby P ro LogicII

    to deco de aud io signals reco rde d on tw ochanne ls into u p to 7.1 playback channe ls, includ ing the surroundback chan nel. D olby Pro Logic II x also allow s 5.1-channe l sourcesto b e p layed in up to 7.1 ch anne ls.The m ode can be selected according to the source. The M usicm ode is best suited for playing m usic,the C inem a m od e for playingm ovies, and the G am e m ode for playing gam es. The G am e m odecan o nly be use d w ith 2-chan nel aud io sources.

    3. Dolby Pro Logic II Game mode compatibilityIn add ition to the previously offered M usic and C ine m a m odes, theAV R -2105/885 also offers a G am e m ode o ptim um for gam es.

    4. DTS (Digital Theater Systems)D TS provide s u p to 5.1 channe ls o f w ide -range , high fide litysurround sou nd, from sou rces such as laser disc, D VD andspecially-en code d m usic discs.

    5. DTS-ES Extended Surround and DTS Neo:6The A VR -2105 /885 can be d ecoded w ith D TS -ES Extende dSurrou nd , a m ulti-channe l form at de velop ed by D igital Th eaterSystem s Inc.The AV R -2105 /885 can be also decoded w ith D TS N eo:6, asurrou nd m od e allow ing 6.1 channe ls playback of regular stereosources.

    6. DTS 96/24 compatibilityThe AV R -210 5/885 can be decoded w ith sou rces recorded in D TS96 /24, a m ulti-channel digital signal form at developed by D igitalThe ater System s Inc.D TS 96/24 sources can be played in the m ulti-chann el m ode o n theAVR -2105 /88 5 w ith high sou nd quality of 96 kH z/24 bits or 88 .2kH z/24 bits.

    7. Auto SetupU se o f the m icrophone for setup app lications m easu res thepresence of speakers, the distance to the speakers, and othe rinform ation, and perm its autom atic setup . Th e ch aracteristics ofeach spe aker can also be co rrected.

    8. Multi Zone Music Entertainment SystemM ulti Sou rce Function :This u nits M ulti Source function lets you se lect different aud iosources for listening D ifferen t sources can thus be enjoyed in them ain room (M A IN ) and the subroom (ZO N E2 ) sim ultaneously.

    9. Future Sound Format Upgrade Capability via Eight ChannelOutputs

    For future m ulti-channel audio form at(s), the AVR -21 05/885 isprovide d w ith 5.1 channe l (five m ain channe ls, plus on e lowfrequen cy effects channel) inpu ts, along w ith a full se t of 7.1chan nel pre-am p o utputs, con trolled by the 8 ch annel m astervolum e control. Th is assu res future upgrade po ssibilities for anyfuture m ulti-channe l sound form at.

    10.Front input TerminalTh e u nit is equ ipp ed w ith a Front Inp ut conne ctor for theconven ien t conne ction of a vide o cam era or othe r equipm en t.

    11.Video Conversion FunctionTh e AVR -21 05 /885 is equipp ed w ith a fun ction for up -convertingvide o signals.B ecause o f this, the A VR -2105/885 s M O N ITO R O U T jack can beconnected to the m on itor (TV ) w ith a set of cables offering a high erquality conn ection , reg ardless of ho w the player and the AVR -21 05/885s vide o input jacks are connected .

    12.Component Video SwitchingIn add ition to com po site vide o and Svide o sw itching , the AVR -2105/885 p rovides 3 se ts of com pone nt vide o (Y, P B/C B, P R/C R)inp uts, and one set of com po ne nt vide o outputs to the television ,for superior picture quality.

    13.Auto Surround ModeTh is fun ction stores the surrou nd m od e last used for an inp utsignal in the m em ory and autom atically sets that surround m odethe next tim e that signal is inp ut.

    14.Preset Memory Tuning56-Station A M /FM R andom Preset M em ory tuning.

    15.On Screen DisplayTroublesom e o peration s such as adjusting the de lay tim e an d o the rparam eters according to the listen ing en vironm en t are greatlysim plified . Th e variou s param eters can be set sim ply by se lectingthe graphic displayed on the m on itor scree n according to thelisten ing roo m s system environ m en t.



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  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Connecting the video components equipped with S-Video jacksW hen m aking con nections, also refer to the operating instruction s o f the othe r com ponents. A note on the S input jacks

    Th e inp ut selectors for the S inp uts and Vide o inp uts w ork in con jun ction w ith each other.Th e A VR -21 05 /88 5 is eq uipp ed w ith a fun ction for converting vide o sign als.T he signal con nected to the S-Video signal term inal is outpu t to the com posite video and com ponent video m onitor out term inals.T he R EC O U T term inals have n o conversion function , so w hen reco rding on ly connect the S-Video term inals.









    V I D E O

    I N


    V I D E O

    O U T




    D V D player or video d iscplayer (VD P)

    Connecting a DVD player or a video disc player (VDP)DVD/VDPC on ne ct the D V D playe rs S-Vide o output jack to the S-

    VID EO D VD IN jack using a S -Video connection co rd.VD P can b e conn ected to the V D P jacks in the sam e w ay.It is also possible to con nect a video d isc p laye r, D VD

    player, vide o cam corder, gam e m achine , etc., to the V.A U X jacks.

    Connecting a monitor TVMONITOR OUTC on nect the TV s S vide o inp ut (S-V ID EO IN P U T)

    to the M O N ITO R O U T jack using a Sjack con nection cord.

    S-VID EO

    M on itor TV

    Connecting a TV or DBS tunerC on ne ct the TV s or D B S tun ers S vide o o utput jack (S-V ID EO

    O U TP U T) to the TV or D B S IN jack using an S-Videocon nection cord.

    S-VID EO

    TV or satellite b road cas t tuner

    Video deck 1

    Connecting the video decks

    C on nect the vide o de cks S ou tpu t jack (S -O U T) to the V C R -1 INjack and the vide o de cks S inp ut jack (S -IN ) to the VC R -1 O U T jackusing S -Vide o conn ection cords.

    C on nect the vide o de cks S ou tpu t jack (S -O U T) to the V C R -2 INjack and the vide o de cks S inp ut jack (S -IN ) to the VC R -2 O U T jackusing S -Vide o conn ection cords.

    S-VID EO

    S-VID EO

    S-VID EO

    S-VID EO

    Video deck 2

    C onnect the com ponen tsaudio inpu ts and ou tpu ts as d escribed o n page 8.



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  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105




    2 3

    Connecting the antenna terminals


    A M L O O PA N T E N N A(A n A ccessory)

    FM A N T EN N A

    G R O U N D

    A M O U TD O O RA N T E N N A

    FM IN D O O RA N T E N N A(A n A ccessory)

    75 ! /ohm sCO AXIALC A B L E

    AM loop antenna assembly

    C onne ct to the A Manten na term inals.

    B end in the reversedirec tion.

    R em ove the v inyl tieand take o ut theco nn ection line .

    a. W ith the an tenn aon top any s tablesurface.

    b. W ith the antennaattach ed to aw all.

    M o un t

    Ins tallation ho le M ou nt on w all, etc.

    Connection of AM antennas

    1. Push the lever. 2. Insert thecon du ctor.

    3. Return the lever.

    Note to CATV system installer:This rem inde r is p rovide d to call the C ATV system installersatten tion to A rticle 82 0-40 of the N EC w hich provide s guide line sfor proper grounding and, in particu lar, sp ecifies that the cableground shall be con nected to the grou nd ing system of thebuilding, as close to the point of cable entry as practical.

    NOTES:D o no t conn ect tw o FM antennas sim ultaneo usly.Even if an external A M antenna is used , do no t discon nect the

    A M loop antenna.M ake sure A M loop antenn a lead term inals do n ot touch m etal

    parts of the panel.

    A n F-type FM antenna cable p lug can b e conn ected directly.



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105






    Connecting the external input (EXT. IN) jacksT he se jacks are for inp utting m ulti-channe l audio sign als from an ou tbo ard d ecod er, or a com po nent w ith a different type o f m ulti-channe l

    decod er, such as a D VD A udio player, a m ulti-chan nel SA C D player, or othe r future m ulti-chan nel sou nd form at decod er.W hen m aking con nection s, also refer to the op erating instructions o f the other com po nents.

    D ecoder w ith 6-channelanalog ou tput

    F r o n t

    S u r r o u n


    S u

    b w

    o o

    f e r

    C e

    n t e r

    For instruction s on playb ack using the e xternal input (EXT. IN )jacks, see pag e 4 2.

    Connecting the video component equipped with V.AUX jacksTo con nect the video sign al, con nect using a 75 ! /oh m s video sign al cab le co rd.






















    L I N E O U T

    D I G I T A L O U T

    V I D E O

    O U T

    S - V

    I D E O

    O U T





    L R



    Video gam e

    Video cam era

    Connecting a Video game componentC onnect the Video gam e com po nents ou tpu t jacks to

    this units V. A U X IN PU T jacks.

    Connecting a video camera componentC onnect the video cam era com po nents output jacks to this

    un its V. AU X IN PU T jacks.



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    Speaker system connectionsC onnect the speaker term inals w ith the speakers m aking sure that

    like polarities are m atched ( w ith , w ith ). M ism atching ofpolarities w ill resu lt in w eak central so und, unclear orientation ofthe variou s instrum en ts, and the sense of direction of the stereobe ing im paired .

    W hen m aking con nection s, take care that none of the ind ividu alcon du ctors of the speaker cord co m e in co ntact w ith ad jacen tterm inals, w ith other speaker cord con du ctors, or w ith the rearpanel.

    NOTE:NEVER touch the speaker terminals when the power is on.Doing so could result in electric shocks.

    Speaker ImpedanceW hen speaker system s A and B are use separately, speakers w ith

    an im pedance of 6 to 16 ! /ohm s can be conne cted for use as frontspeakers.

    B e careful w hen u sing tw o pairs of fron t speakers (A + B ) at thesam e tim e, since use of speake rs w ith an im ped ance o f 12 to 16! /ohm s.

    S peakers w ith an im ped ance o f 6 to 16 ! /ohm s can be con nectedfor use as cen ter and surround and surrou nd back sp eake rs.

    The protector circuit m ay be activated if the set is p laye d for longperiods of tim e at high volum es w hen speakers w ith an im pedancelow er than the specified im pedan ce are conn ected.

    Connecting the speaker cords

    1. Loo sen by turningcou nterclockw ise.

    2. Insert the cord. 3. Tighten by turningclockw ise.

    Connecting banana plugs

    Turn clockw ise to tigh ten , the n insert thebanan a plug.

    B anana plug

    This unit is equipped w ith a h igh-speed p rotection circu it. The p urpose of this circu it is to p rotect the speakers undercircum stances such as w hen the o utput of the pow er am plifier is inadvertently short-circuited and a large current flow s, w henthe tem pe rature surrou nd ing the un it be com es un usually high , or w he n the u nit is used at high ou tpu t over a lon g p eriodw hich results in an extrem e tem pe rature rise .W hen the protection circuit is activated, the speake r ou tput is cu t off and the p ow er supp ly indicator LED flash es. Shouldthis occu r, please follow the se steps: be sure to sw itch off the p ow er of this unit, check w hether there are any faults w iththe w iring of the speaker cables or input cables, and w ait for the u nit to cool dow n if it is ve ry hot. Im prove the ventilationcon dition around the un it and sw itch the po w er back on .If the protection circuit is activated again even thoug h there are no problem s w ith the w iring or the ventilation around theun it, sw itch off the po w er and contact a D E N O N service ce nter.

    Protector circuit

    The protector circuit m ay b e activated if the set is p layed for lon g pe riod s o f tim e at high volum es w he n speakers w ith anim pedan ce low er than the spe cified im pe dan ce (for exam ple speake rs w ith an im pedan ce of low er than 4 ! /oh m s) areconnected. If the protector circu it is activated, the speaker output is cut off. Turn off the se ts pow er, w ait for the se t to cool

    do w n, im prove the ventilation arou nd the set, the n turn the po w er back on.

    Note on speaker impedance



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    Front PanelFor details on the functions of these p arts, refer to the pages given in p arentheses ( ).












    A B












    ON OFF



    #5 #4 #1#3 @9#2#0 @8

    @6 @5 @4 @1 !9@3@2 @0@7

    r y i !0 !2 !5!3 !6 !7 !8q wt

    eu o !1 !4

    q Pow er O N /STA N D B Y sw itch .......................................(21, 39, 61)w Pow er indicator..................................................................(21, 39)e Pow er sw itch .....................................................................(21, 39)r H eadphones jack (PH O N ES)....................................................(43)t A N A LO G button .................................................................(40, 42)y SPEA KER A /B buttons .......................................................(39, 64)u SU R R O U N D B A C K button .......................................................(54)i Preset station select buttons ...................................................(63)o STA N D A R D button.................................................(48 , 50, 52, 54)!0 5C H /7C H STER EO button ........................................................(58)!1 D IREC T/STER EO button...........................................................(42)!2 V. A U X IN PU T te rm inals.......................................................(5, 12)!3 SETU P M IC jack .......................................................................(22)!4 SU R R O U N D M O D E button ......................................................(41)!5 SU R R O U N D PA R A M ETER button .....................................(50, 58 )!6 SELEC T knob ...............................................................(41, 51, 59)!7 TO N E D EFEAT button ..............................................................(43)!8 TO N E C O N TR O L button ..........................................................(43)

    !9 M A STER VO LU M E control......................................................(41)@0T U N IN G (up) / (dow n) buttons ..........................................(62)@1STATU S button .........................................................................(44)@2D IM M ER button .......................................................................(44)@3VID EO SELEC T button .............................................................(43)@4O U TPU T indicator..............................................................(47, 54)@5M A STER VO LU M E indicator....................................................(41)@6D isplay@7IN PU T m ode indicator..............................................................(41)@8SIG N A L indicator......................................................................(41)@9B A N D button ............................................................................(62)#0 EXT. IN button ....................................................................(40, 42)#1 R em ote control sensor.............................................................(18)#2 IN PU T M O D E button .........................................................(40, 42)#3 ZO N E2/R EC SELEC T button ..............................................(44, 47)#4 FU N C TIO N knob ..........................................................(40, 4 4, 47)#5 M A IN button.............................................................................(40)



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    Remote control unitFor details on the functions o f these parts, refer to the p ages given in parentheses ( ).

    S U R R O U N D bu tton s .............(41 , 48 , 58 )

    C ursor buttons .................(19, 36, 37, 51 )

    Test tone button.................................(48)

    R em ote con trol sign altransm itter .........................................(18)

    M aster volum e controlbuttons ...............................................(41)

    PO W ER bu ttons ..............(21 , 35~ 37 , 39)

    M U TIN G button .................................(43)

    M ode selector sw itches...............................................(34~ 36, 38)

    Tuner system /System buttons ...............(34, 36 , 37 , 62 )

    S Y S TEM S ET U P /S ETU P button ........................(19 , 36 , 37 )

    IN PU T M O D E selectorbuttons.........................................(40, 4 2)

    Inp ut sou rce selector button s...............................................(35~ 38, 40)

    S U R R O U N D PA R A M E TE R /S Y STE Mbutton ....................................(36, 37, 50)

    C H SE LE C T (channel select)/ EN TE Rbutton ........................(19 , 36, 37, 49, 51)

    S U R R O U N D B A C K /R E TU R Nbutton ....................................(36, 37, 54)

    D IM M ER button.................................(44)V ID EO SELEC T button .......................(43)

    S ystem buttons .....................(34, 36, 37)

    LED (indicator).............................(35, 38)

    ZO N E 2 buttons ..................................(47) M A IN buttons ....................................(47)

    O N SC RE EN /D ISPLAY button...............................................(36, 37, 56)

    SP EA KER button ................................(39 )



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    Following the procedure outlined below, insert the batteries before using the remote control unit.

    Range of operation of the remote control unit

    Inserting the batteries

    Point the rem ote con trol un it at the rem ote control sen sor as show non the diagram at the left.

    NOTES:T he rem ote con trol un it can be used from a straigh t distance ofapproxim ately 23 feet/7 m eters, but this distance w ill shorten oroperation w ill becom e d ifficult if there are o bstacles betw ee n therem ote control un it and the rem ote control sensor, if the rem otecontrol sensor is exposed to direct sunligh t or other strong light, orif op erated from an ang le.

    N eon signs or other devices em itting pu lse-type no ise nearby m ayresult in m alfun ction , so keep the set as far aw ay from suchde vices as po ssible.

    A pprox. 23 feet/7 m


    w Insert the R 6P/A A batteries properly, asshow n on the diagram .

    q Press as sh ow n by the arrow and slide off. e C lose the lid.

    NOTES:U se only R 6P /A A batteries for rep lacem en t.B e sure the po larities are correct. (See the illustration inside the battery com partm en t.)

    R em ove the b atteries if the rem ote control transm itter w ill no t be used for an exten de d period of tim e.If batteries leak, dispose of them im m ediately. A vo id touching the leaked m aterial or letting it com e in contact w ith clothing, etc. C lean the

    battery com partm en t tho rou gh ly before installing new batteries.H ave rep lacem en t batteries on han d so that the old b atteries can b e replaced as quickly as p ossible w hen the tim e co m es.E ven if less than a year has passe d, rep lace the batteries w ith new on es if the set doe s not ope rate even w hen the rem ote con trol un it is

    op erated n earby the set. (The includ ed b attery is only for verifying o peration . R eplace it w ith a new battery as soon as possible.)



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105



    O nce all conn ections w ith o ther AV com pon en ts have b een com pleted as d escribed in C O N N EC TIO N S(see p ages 7 to 15), m ake the varioussetting s describe d b elow on the m on itor screen u sing the AVR -21 05 /88 5s on-screen display function .These settings are req uired to set up the listen ing room s A V system cen tered arou nd the AVR -21 05 /885.

    SYSTEM SETUP button

    P ress this to d isplay the system setup on the display.

    CURSOR buttons ( , , 0 , 1 )

    P ress this chan ge w hat appears on the d isplay.

    ENTER button

    P ress this to sw itch the disp lay.A lso u se this button to co m plete the setting .

    1Set the slide sw itch to A U D IO .

    2 U se the follow ing bu ttons to se t up the system :

    S ystem setup item s and de fault values (set upon sh ipm en t from the factory)

    S ystem setup D efault settings

    Use the following buttons to set up the system

    A uto Se tup S et this to sw itch the su rrou nd bac kch an ne ls po w er am plifier for use for zon e2 .P o w e r A m pA ss ig n m en t S U RR O U N D B A CK

    SpeakerC on figu ration

    Inpu t the com bination of speake rs in y our system and theircorresp on ding s izes (S M A LL for reg ular spe akers, LA R G E for full-size, full-range) to au tom atically s et the co m po sition of the sign alsoutput from the sp eakers and the frequ ency respon se.

    Front Sp .


    C enter S p. S ubw ooferSurround Sp.

    S m all YesSm all

    Su rround B ack Sp .

    S m all / 2 spkrs

    S ubw oofer M ode This selects the subw o ofer speaker for playing deep bass signals. S ubw oofer m ode = LFE (N o rm al)

    Front L C enter Su rroundBack L

    12 ft 12 ft 10 ft

    D elay Tim eTh is p aram eter is for optim izing the tim ing w ith w hich the aud iosignals are p rodu ced from the speake rs and subw oofer accordingto the listen ing p os ition .

    Subw oofer

    12 ft

    Front R

    12 ft

    Su rroun dL

    10 ft

    Su rroun dR

    10 ft

    Su rroundBack R

    10 ft

    C rossoverFreque ncy

    Se t the frequ en cy (H z) be low w hich the b ass sou nd of the variousspeake rs is to b e o utput from the subw oofer. 8 0 H z

    Test ToneTh is adjusts the v olum e o f the s ign als ou tpu t from the spe akersand sub w oo fer for the different chann els in o rde r to o btainoptim um effects.

    Front L C enter Su rroundBack L

    0 dB 0 dB 0 dB

    Subw oofer

    0 dB

    Front R

    0 dB

    Su rroun dL

    0 dB

    Su rroun dR

    0 dB

    Su rroundBack R

    0 dB

    D igital InAssignm ent

    Th is assigns the d igital inpu t jacks for the d ifferen tinp ut sources.

    Inp ut sou rce

    D igitalInp uts

    C D D V D /V D P TV /D B S V C R -1 V C R -2 C D R /TA P E

    C O A X IA L O P TIC A L 1 O P TIC A L 2 O FF O FF O P TIC A L 3

    Co m ponent InAssignm ent

    This assigns the com pon ent video inpu t jacks forthe differen t vide o inp ut sou rces.

    Inp ut sou rce

    Co m p o nen tInp uts

    D V D /V D P TV /D B S V C R -1 V C R -2 V. A U X

    V ID EO 1 V ID EO 2 V ID EO 3 O FF O FF

    Video Input M o de S et the input signal to be output from the m o nitor output term inal. A U TO

    A uto SurroundM od e A uto surround m ode function setting. A uto S u rrou n d M o d e = O N

    Ext. In S W L evel S et the Ext. In S ubw oofer channel playback level. E xt. In S W Level = + 15 d B

    P o w e r A M PAssignm ent

    S et this to sw itch the surrou nd back chann els p ow er am plifier foruse for Zon e 2. Su rround B ack

    O n ScreenD isplay

    Th is se ts w he the r or no t to d isplay the o n-scree n d isplay thatappe ars on the m onitor screen w he n the co ntrols on the rem otecontrol un it or m ain u nit are op erated.A setting to p revent flicke ring .

    O n Screen D isp lay = O N /M ode 1



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    S ystem setup D efault settings

    A uto TunerP rese ts FM stations are rece ived autom atically an d stored in the m em ory.

    A 1 ~ A 8

    B 1 ~ B 8

    C 1 ~ C 8

    D 1 ~ D 8

    E1 ~ E8

    87 .5 / 89 .1 / 98.1 / 10 7.9 / 90 .1 / 90.1 / 90 .1 / 90 .1 M H z

    520 / 600 / 1000 / 1400 / 1500 / 1710 kH z, 90.1 / 90.1 M H z

    9 0 .1 M H z

    9 0 .1 M H z

    9 0 .1 M H z

    F1 ~ F8

    G 1 ~ G 8

    9 0 .1 M H z

    9 0 .1 M H z

    NOTES:T he on -screen d isplay signals are outpu t w ith p riority to the S-VID EO M O N ITO R O U T jack du ring playback o f a video com ponent. For

    exam ple, if the TV m on itor is conn ected to b oth the AVR -21 05 /88 5s S -Vide o an d vide o m on itor output jacks and sign als are inp ut to the A VR -21 05 /88 5 from a video sou rce (VD P, etc.) conn ected to b oth the S-Vide o and video inp ut jacks, the on -scree n d isplay sign als are o utput w ithpriority to the S-Video m on itor outpu t. If you w ish to ou tpu t the sign als to the video m on itor ou tpu t jack, do no t conn ect a co rd to the S-VID EO M O N ITO R O U T jack. (For details, see pag e 33 .)

    Th e AVR -21 05 /88 5s o n-screen display function is d esign ed for use w ith high resolution m on itor TV s, so it m ay be difficult to read sm allcharacters on TVs w ith sm all scree ns o r low resolution s.

    Th e setup m enu is not displayed w hen headp hone are b eing u sed.

    2 Speaker system layoutB asic system layoutTh e follow ing is an exam ple o f the basic layout for a system consisting of 8 spe aker system s and a television m on itor:

    Subw oofer C enter speaker system

    Su rround speaker system s

    S urroun d b ack speaker system

    Front speaker system sSet the se at the sides of the TV or scree n w iththeir front su rfaces as flush w ith the front of thescreen as p oss ible.



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    Before setting up the system

    4 Press the S YSTE M SETU P b utton to en ter the se tting .

    5 Press the EN TE R or (dow n) bu tton to sw itch to the A uto Setup .


    NOTE:Press the SYSTE M SETU P button again to finish system set up. System set up can be finished at any tim e. The change s to the settings m adeup to that po int are en tered.

    NOTE: Please m ake sure the A U D IO position of the slide sw itchon the rem ote control un it.

    3 ON / STANDBY Turn on the p ow er.Press the P ow er O N /STA N D B Y sw itch (button).

    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    2 ON OFF Press the Pow er sw itch (bu tton ) .

    (M ain un it)

    O NTh e po w er turns on and ind icator is ligh t.Set the po w er sw itch to this po sition to turn the pow er on an d o ff from the includ ed rem ote control un it.

    O FFThe p ow er turns off and indicator is off.In this position , the po w er cann ot be turned o n and off from the rem ote control un it.

    1 R efer to C O N N EC TIO N S(pag es 7 to 1 5) and check that all con nections are co rrect.

    Auto setupTh e A uto S etup fun ction of this unit pe rform s an analysis of the speaker system to p erm it an appropriate autom atic se tting .

    W hen pe rform ing A uto Setup , an op tional m icrop ho ne is req uired for the setup.

    2 Measurement and setting detailsq : This sets the sp eake r conn ection m ode, polarity, and bass reprodu ction ab ility.w : Th is sets the op tim um de lay tim e from each speaker correspo nd ing to the listen ing po sition .e : Th is sets the volum e that is ou tpu t from each speaker.

    NOTE:A loud test tone is ou tpu t du ring the m easu rem ent. P lease con sider this sho uld yo u b e p lann ing nigh t tim e m easu rem en ts, and con sider

    not allow ing sm all children into the listening roo m at this tim e.



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    Connecting the microphone for Auto Setup

    1 C onnect the m icrophon e for A uto S etup to the S etup M icconn ector on the fron t pane l of the un it.SELECT




    A B











    2 Place the m icrop ho ne for A uto S etup at the actual listen ingpo sition w hich w ill be at the sam e heigh t as your ears. U se atripod or level su rface at positioning.

    Listen ing pos ition

    Setting the Auto Setup

    1 U se the (left) bu tton to sw itch the Auto Setup m od e.P ress the EN TE R or (dow n) bu tton to sw itch to the speake r

    configuration set up.

    1 AutoSet

    NOTE:W hen ZO N E2is selected at System Setup M enu

    Pow er A m p A ssign , surrou nd back sp eake r is no tdisplaye d.

    3 q Select the S tart. w Press the (left) button to start A uto Setup.

    (R em ote control unit) (R em ote control unit)


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    4 Start the m easurem ents.M easurem ent of each chann el is perform ed as follow s.D isplay

    FL FR C SW2 3

    S B L S B R1

    SL SR

    1 O nly the fron t speakers (A ) is m easured . Even if thefron t speakers (B ) is set, the setting autom atically sw itches to the fron t speakers (A ) on ce m easurem en ts are com pleted.

    2 Subw oofer speaker is m easured tw ice.

    3 W he n ZO N E2is se lected , this is not displayed.A fter each channe l is m easured , C alculating appe ars.The display sw itches to A uto Setup check screen autom atically.

    NOTES:M easurem ent is canceled w hen M A STE R VO LU M E is operated

    w hile the A uto S etup is perform ed .S et the volum e to halfw ay and set the crosso ver frequency to

    the m axim um or Lo w pass filter off if you r sub w oo fer speakercan ad just the ou tpu t volum e an d the crosso ver freq uency.

    About automatic retryR em easu rem ent starts autom atically to receive p roper resu lt of m easu rem en t.R em easurem en t is pe rform ed to 2 tim es, and R etry1or R etry2is displayed on screen duringrem easurem ent.

    About the error messageThese e rror screen s w ill be d isplayed w hen perform ing the m easurem ents of A uto S etup an d the au tom atic m easurem ents can no t be co m pletedbecause of the speaker arrang em en t, m easu rem en t en vironm ent, or other factors. P lease check the follow ing m atters, rese t the pertinent item s,and m easure again.W hen there is too m uch noise in the room , the speake rs m ay not be de tected prope rly. Shou ld this happ en , perform the m easurem ents w henthe no ise level is low , or sw itch o ff the po w er of the eq uipm en t that is producing the no ise for the du ration of the m easurem en ts.

    q Th is scree n w ill be displayed w hen the speakers req uired forproducing suitable rep rod uction have not been de tected .T he fron t L an d fron t R speakers w ere no t prop erly de tected.O nly one channe l of the surround speake rs w as detected .S ound w as output from the R channel w hen only one surround

    back speaker w as connected.Th e su rroun d back w as detected, bu t the surroun d speaker w as

    no t detected.Check that the pertinentspeakers are properlyconnected (see page 15).

    w This screen w ill be displayed w hen the speaker po larity is conn ectedin reverse.Check the polarity of thepertinent speakers.For some speakers, thescreen below may bedisplayed even thoughthe speakers are properlyconnected.If so, select Skip 0 .

    e This screen w ill be displayed w hen accurate m easurem entscann ot be m ade due to the inp ut leve l to the m icropho ne be ingtoo high.Set up the speakers sothat their position isfarther away from thelistening position.Lower the volume of thesubwoofer speaker.

    r This screen w ill be displayed w hen the m easurem ent m icrophon eis no t con nected , or w hen all of the speakers have no t beende tected .Connect the measurement microphone to the microphoneconnector.Check the speaker connections.


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    1 Select the item s.The m easurem ent results of each item can be che cked he re.

    A.Set SpConf.Ck

    (R em ote con trol un it)

    2 Press the EN TE R bu tton and d isplay the verification scree n.

    (R em ote con trol un it)

    NOTE:W hen m easurem ents have b een m ade u sing the m easurem ent m icroph one, speakers w ith a b uilt-in

    filter such as su bw oo fers m igh t be set w ith a value that differs from the ph ysical distance because ofthe internal electrical delay.

    [Speaker C onfig. C heck] [D elay Tim e C heck] [C hannel Level C heck]

    3 If the check en ds, press the EN TE R bu tton again.

    (R em ote con trol un it)

    4 Select from the follow ing three item s based on the m easurem entresu lts.S tore : Se t w ith the checked m easurem ent value.

    R etry : Pe rform the m easurem ent again.C ancel :C ancel the checked m easurem ent value.


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    Setting the delay timeInp ut the distance be tw ee n the listen ing po sition and the different speakers to set the de lay tim e for the surrou nd m od e.

    Preparations:M easu re the distances betw een the listen ing po sition and the speakers (L1 to L5) on the diagram at theright).

    L1 : D istance betw een ce nter speake r and listen ing po sitionL2 : D istance betw een fron t speakers and listen ing po sitionL3 : D istance betw een su rround speakers and listen ing po sitionL4 : D istance betw een su rround back sp eake r and listen ing po sition

    L5: D istance betw een subw oofer and listen ing position

    CAUTION:Please no te that the difference for every speaker shou ld be 15 ft or less.

    NOTES:N o setting w hen N on ehas b een selected for the Speaker C onfiguration setting .S urroun d back is not displayed w hen ZO N E 2 is set w ith the P O W ER A M P A SS IG N setting.

    L1 L2


    L3 L4

    C enter FRFL

    Subw oofer


    Listening po sition


    SB R

    1 Select the speaker to be set.

    2 Set the distance b etw een the speaker and listen ing po sition .Th e d istance changes in u nits of 1 foo t (0.1 m eters) each tim e the bu tton is pressed. Select the value closestto the m easured d istance.

    3Press the EN TE R or (dow n) button to enter the setting and sw itch the SU B W O O FE R M O D E setting.

    8 FRONT L 12ft

    SB L



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    Setting the Subwoofer mode and Crossover Frequency

    3 Press the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to enter the setting and sw itch to the Test Tone setting .

    Th is screen is no t displayed w hen not using a sub w oo fer.S et the crossove r frequ ency an d sub w oofer m ode according to the speaker system being u sed.


    Assignment of low frequency signal range T he signals p rod uced from the sub w oofer chann el are LF E signals (du ring playback o f D olby D igital or D TS signals) and the low frequency

    sign al range of channe ls set to SM A LL in the setup . Th e low freq ue ncy sign al range of channe ls set to LA R G Eare prod uced fromthose chann els.

    Crossover Frequency W he n Sub w oo feris se t to Yesat the Spe aker C on figu ration Setting , set the freq ue ncy (H z) be low w hich the bass so un d of the

    variou s speakers is to be output from the subw oo fer (the crossover freq uency).F or speakers set to Sm all, soun d w ith a freq uency be low the crossover freq ue ncy is cut, and the cut bass so un d is output from the

    subw oofer instead.NOTE :For ordinary speaker system s, w e recom m end se tting the crossover frequ ency to 8 0 H z. W hen using sm all speake rs, how ever,

    setting the crosso ver frequency to a high frequency m ay im prove frequency resp on se for frequencies near the crosso verfrequency.

    Subwoofer mode T he subw oo fer m od e setting is only valid w hen Largeis se t for the fron t speakers and YESis se t for the subw oo fer in the Spe aker

    C on figurationsettings (see page 25).W hen the LFE+ M A IN playback m od e is selected, the low freq uency signal rang e of chan ne ls set to Large are producedsim ultaneously from tho se channels and the su bw oo fer chan ne l.In this playback m ode, the low freq uency rang e expan d m ore uniform ly throu gh the room , bu t depend ing on the size and shap e o f theroom , interferen ce m ay result in a d ecrease of the actual volum e of the low frequency rang e.

    S election of the LF E play m od e w ill play the low freq uency sign al range of the channe l selected w ith Largefrom that channe l on ly.Th erefore, the low freq uency sign al rang e that are played from the sub w oo fer channel are on ly the low freq uency sign al rang e of LFE(on ly during D olby D igital or D TS sign al playback) and the channe l specified as S m allin the setup m en u.

    S elect the play m od e that provides bass reprodu ction w ith quantity.W hen the su bw oofer is set to Yes, bass sou nd is ou tpu t from the sub w oofer regardless of the sub w oo fer m od e se tting in su rround

    m odes o ther than D olby/D TS .In surrou nd m od es other than D olby D igital and D TS , if the subw oo fer is se t to YES, the low freq uency portion is alw ays o utput to the

    sub w oo fer chann el. Fo r details, refer to Surround M odes and Param eterson pag e 6 0.

    1 S e lect th e S u bw o ofe r M o de. S e lect th e se ttin g.

    2 Select the C rossover Freque ncym od e. Select the freq uency.


    17CR.OVER 80Hz

    4 0 / 60 / 80 / 10 0 / 12 0 / 150 / 20 0 /250 H z can be selected .



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Setting the Test ToneU se this setting to adjust to that the p layb ack level betw een the different channel is equal.From the listening position, listen to the test ton es produ ced from the speake rs to adjust the level.The level can also be adjusted directly from the rem ote control unit. (For details, see p age 4 8.)

    1 U se the (left) bu tton to the Test Ton e.P ress the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to sw itch to the D igital In

    A ssignm ent.

    2 Set the m ode.Select A utoor M anual.

    3 Press the (do w n) bu tton to start Test Ton e.

    18 T.TONE

  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Setting the Digital In AssignmentThis se tting assigns the digital input jacks of the AVR -2105/885 for the d ifferen t input sources.



    Select the d igital input jack to be assigned to the input source.To select the digital input jack

    To select the inp ut sou rceSelect O FFif nothing is connected.

    19 COAX CD

    NOTE:PH O N O , TU N ER and V. A U X cannot be selected.

    3 Press the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to en ter the setting and sw itch the Com po nent Video input setting .

    Setting the Component In AssignmentT his setting assign s the color difference (com po nent) video inp ut jacks of the AVR -21 05 /88 5 for the different inp ut sou rces.

    1 Select the com po nent (Y, P B/C B and P R/C R) video input term inal tobe assign ed to the inp ut source.C om ponent video term inal selection

    2Inpu t source selection

    Select O FFif nothing is connected.

    23 VIDEO1 DVD

    3 Press the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to en ter the setting and sw itch the Video Inp ut M od e setting .

    NOTES:W hen you adjust the chan ne l leve ls w hile in the T EST TO N E m od e, the chan ne l leve l adjustm en ts m ade w ill affect all surround m odes.

    C onsider this m ode a M aster C hann el Level adjustm ent m ode.You can adjust the channe l levels for each of the follow ing surround m odes: D IR EC T, ST ER EO , STA N D A R D (D O LB Y/D TS SU R R O U N D ),




  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Setting the Auto Surround ModeFor the three kinds of inp ut sign als as sho w n below , the surround m od e played the last is stored in the m em ory. A t next tim e it the sam e sign alinp uts, the m em orized surrou nd m od e is autom atically selected and the sign al is played.N ote that the surrou nd m ode setting is also stored separately for the d ifferent input function .

    SIG N A L D efault A uto Surround M ode

    q A nalog and PC M 2-channel signals STER EO

    w 2-channel signals of D olby D igital, D TS or other m ultichannel form at D olby P L II x Cinem a

    e M ultichan ne l sign als of D olby D igital, D TS or othe r m ultichan ne l form at D olby or D TS Surround


    Press the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to sw itch the Ext. In SW Level setting .

    Setting the Ext. In SW LevelSet the playb ack level of the analog input signal connected to the Ext. In term inal.


    Press the EN TE R or (dow n) button to sw itch the Po w er A m p A ssignm ent setting.

    Select O N if you w ant to use the auto surrou nd m od e, O FFifyou do no t w ant to use it.



    32 EXT.IN SW+15

    Select desired setting.Select according to the specifications of the p laye r be ing u sed.

    A lso refer to the players operating instructions.+ 15dB (default) recom m ended . (0, + 5, 10 an d + 15 can b e





  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Power Amp AssignmentSetting the power amplifier assignmentM ake this setting to sw itch the pow er am plifier for the surrou nd back chan ne l to Z O N E2.If ZO N E2 is selected , the signal that selected at ZO N E2 is ou tput at SU R R . B A C K/ZO N E2PR EO U T term inals.

    1 Select Surrou nd B ackto use as the surrou nd back chan nel,Zone2to use as Zon e 2 o ut.

    2 Press the EN TE R or (do w n) bu tton to sw itch the O n Screen D isplay setting .

    33 AMP S.BACK

    Setting the On Screen Display (OSD)U se this to turn the on -screen display (m essag es other than the m en u screens) on or off.S ets the on -screen displays display m od e.

    M od e 1 : P reven ts flickering of the on -screen display w he n the re is no video sign al.M od e 2: Flickering is not prevented.

    U se this m ode if the on-screen d isplay does n ot appear in the m ode 1 , as m ay happen according to the TV being used .

    1 Select O N or O FF.

    34 OSD ON

    3 Press the EN TE R or (dow n) bu tton to sw itch the A uto Preset M em ory setting.

    2 Se lect the O n S creen D isplay M ode.

    Select the M O D E1or M O D E2.



    35 OSD MODE1

  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    After setting up the system

    1 Press the S YS TE M SE TU P button to finish system set up.

    Th is com pletes the system setup operations. O nce the system is set up , there is no need to m ake the settings again unless o the r com ponentsor speakers are con nected to or the speaker layou t is chang ed .

    Auto Tuner PresetsU se this to au tom atically search for FM broadcasts and store up to 56 station s at preset channe ls A 1 to 8, B 1 to 8, C 1 to 8, D 1 to 8, E1 to 8, F1to 8 and G 1 to 8.

    NOTE:If an FM station canno t be preset autom atically d ue to po or recep tion , use the M anual tun ing op eration to tun e in the station , the n preset it

    using the m anu al Prese t m em oryoperation .

    1U se the C U R SO R bu tton to select Yes.

    Searchflashes o n the scree n an d se arching begins.C om pletedapp ears once searching is com pleted .Th e display au tom atically sw itches to scree n.

    36 PRESET

  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Operating DENON audio componentsTurn on the pow er of the d ifferent com po nents before operating them .




    Set m ode sw itch 1 to A U D IO .

    Set m ode sw itch 2 to the po sition for the com pon en t to b eoperated. (C D , C D R /M D or Tape deck)

    O perate the audio com pone nt.For details, refer to the com ponents operating instructions.

    W hile this rem ote control is com patible w ith a w ide rang e of infrared con trolled com po nents, som e m odels of com ponents m ay no tbe op erated w ith this rem ote con trol.

    1.CD player (CD) and CD recorder and MD recorder(CDR/MD) system buttons

    3.Tuner system buttons

    2.Tape deck (TAPE) system buttons




    6 , 7 : M anual search (forw ard and reverse)2 : Stop1 : Play

    8 , 9 : A uto search (cue)3 : Pause

    D IS C : S w itch discsS K IP + (fo r C D ch an ge rs o nly)

    SH IFT : Sw itch preset channel rangeCH AN N EL : Preset channel

    + , up/dow nTU N IN G : F re qu ency

    + , up/dow nB A N D : S w itch be tw e en th e A M an d F M b an ds

    M O D E : S w itch b etw e en au to an d m o noM E M O RY : P reset m em ory

    6 : Rew ind7 : Fast-forw ard

    2 : Stop1 : Forw ard play0 : R everse play

    A/B : Sw itch betw een decks A and B


    NOTE:TU N ER can be operated w hen the sw itch is at A U D IO position .



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Preset memoryD EN O N and other m akes of com pon ents can be op erated by setting the preset m em ory.Th is rem ote control un it can be used to op erate com ponents o f othe r m anu facturers by reg istering them anufacturer of the co m ponen t as show n on the L ist of P reset C odes (page s 144 ~ 148).O peration is no t po ssible for som e m od els.



    Set m ode sw itch 1 to A U D IO or VID EO .

    Set m ode sw itch 2 to the com ponen t to b e reg istered .



    4Se t the A U D IO side for the C D , Tape deck or C D R /M Dposition , to the V ID EO side for the D VD /VD P, D B S/C A B LE ,VC R or TV po sition .

    3 Press the O N /SO U R C E b utton and the O FF bu tton at thesam e tim e.

    Indicator flash.



    R eferring to the included List ofPreset C odes, use the n um berbu tton s to inp ut the preset code (a 3-digit nu m ber) for the m anufacturer ofthe com pone nt w hose signals you

    w ant to store in the m em ory.

    To store the codes of another com pon en t in the m em ory,rep eat steps 1 to 4.

    The prese t cod es are as follow s upon shipm ent from the factory an d after rese tting :TV, VC R .....................................................H ITA C H IC D , TA PE ..................................................D EN O NC D R /M D ...................................................D EN O N (C D R )D VD /VD P ..................................................D EN O N (D VD )D B S/CA B LE ..............................................A B C (CA B LE)

    NOTES:Th e sign als for the pressed b utton s are em itted w hile se tting the preset m em ory. To avoid accide ntal op eration , cover the rem ote control

    un its transm itting w ind ow w hile setting the preset m em ory.D epen ding on the m odel and year of m anu facture, this function cann ot be used for som e m od els, even if they are o f m akes listed on the

    included list of preset code s.S om e m anu facturers use m ore than one type o f rem ote control cod e. R efer to the included list of prese t cod es to chang e the n um ber and

    check. The preset memory can be set for one component only among the following: CDR/MD, DVD/VDP and DBS/CABLE.

    1 2 3

    4 5 6

    7 8 9




  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Operating component stored in the preset memory



    Set m ode sw itch 1 to A U D IO or VID EO .

    Se t m ode sw itch 2 to the com pon ent you w ant to o perate.





    Se t the A U D IO side for the C D , tape de ck or C D R /M D

    position , to the V ID EO side for the D VD /VD P, D B S/C A B LE ,VC R or TV po sition .

    1. Digital video disc player (DVD)system buttons

    P O W E R : P ow e r on /stan db y

    (O N /S O U RCE)O FF : D E N O N D VD Pow e r off

    6 ,7 : M anual search(forw ard and reve rse)

    2 : Stop1 : Play

    8 ,9 : A uto search(to b eginning o f track)

    3 : Pause0 ~ 9 , +10 : 10 key

    D ISC SK IP + : D isc skip(for D V D chang er only)

    D ISPLA Y : Sw itch displayM E N U : M enu

    R E TU R N : R e tu rnSETU P : S etup

    , , 0 , 1 : C ursor up , dow n, left and righ tEN TER : Enter setting

    2. Video disc player (VDP) systembuttons

    P O W E R : P ow er on/standby

    (O N /S O U R CE)6 ,7 : M anual search

    (forw ard and reve rse)2 : Stop1 : Play

    8 ,9 : A uto search (cue)3 : Pause

    0~ 9, + 10 : 1 0 key

    3 O perate the com pon ent.For details, refer to the com ponents operating instructions.Som e m odels cannot be o perated w ith this rem ote control un it.

    NOTE:S om e m anufacturers use different

    nam es for the D VD rem ote controlbuttons, so also refer to theinstruction s on rem ote control forthat com pone nt.



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    3. Video deck (VCR) system buttons 4. Digital broadcast satellite (DBS)tuner and cable (CABLE) systembuttons

    P O W E R : P ow er on/standby(O N /S O U RCE)

    6 ,7 : M anual search(forw ard and reve rse)

    2 : Stop1 : Play3 : Pause

    C hannel + , : C hannels

    P O W E R : P ow er on/standby(O N /S O U R CE)

    M EN U : M enuR ETU R N : R eturn

    , , 0 , 1 : C ursor up , dow n, left and righ tEN TER : Enter

    C H A N N E L : S w itch ch an ne ls+ ,

    0~ 9 , + 1 0 : C h an ne lsD ISPLAY : Sw itch display

    V O L + , : Volu m e up /d ow n

    5. Monitor TV (TV) system buttons

    P O W E R : P ow er on/standby(O N /S O U RCE)

    M EN U : M enuR ETU R N : R eturn

    , , 0 , 1 : C ursor up , do w n, left and righ tEN TER : Enter

    C H A N N E L : S w itch ch an ne ls+ ,

    0 ~ 9, + 10 : C h ann elsD ISPLAY : Sw itch displayT V/V C R : S w itch b etw e en T V

    and video p layerTV VO L : Volum e up/dow n

    + ,

    NOTES:Fo r this C D , C D R , M D and TA PE com pone nts, buttons can be o perated in the sam e w ay as for D enon audio com pon ents (page 34 ).T he T V can be o perated w hen the sw itch is at D VD /VD P, VC R , TV position .



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Punch ThroughPun ch Throughis a function allow ing you to operate the P LAY, STO P, M A N U A L S EA R C H and A U TO SE A R C H buttons on the C D , TAP E,

    C D R /M D , D VD /VD P or VC R com ponents w hen in the D B S/C A B LE or TV m ode. B y default, nothing is set.



    Set m ode sw itch 1 to VID EO .

    Set m ode sw itch 2 to the com pon en t to be reg istered(D B S/C A B LE or TV ).





    3 Press the O FF (ZO N E2 ) button and the O N (M A IN ) button atthe sam e tim e.

    Indicator flash.

    4 Input the nu m ber of the com pone ntyou w ant to se t. (See Table 1 )1 2 34 5 6

    7 8 9


    Table 1


    VC RN o setting

    N o.1234




  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105



    Before operating

    2 1 3



    Preparations:C he ck that all conn ection s are p rop er.

    2Turn on the pow er.Press the P ow er O N /STA N D B Y sw itch (button).


    3Select the fron t speakers.P ress the S PEA KER A or B bu tton to turn the sp eaker on .

    A B


    (M ain u nit) (R e m o te co ntro l u nit)

    W hen pressed, the po w er turns on and the display ligh ts. Th esoun d is m uted for several second s, after w hich the unitop erates norm ally. W hen p resse d again, the pow er turns o ff,the standb y m od e is set and the d isplay turns off.

    (M ain unit) (R em o te control unit)

    T he fron t speaker A, B setting can b e also b e ch ang ed w iththe SPEA KER button on the rem ote control unit.

    1 Press the P ow er sw itch (bu tton).ON OFF

    (M ain un it)

    O NTh e po w er turns o n and ind icator is ligh t.Set the po w er sw itch to this po sition to turn the pow er onand o ff from the includ ed rem ote control un it.

    O FFTh e p ow er turns o ff and indicator is off.In this position , the po w er canno t be turned on and off fromthe rem ote co ntrol un it.



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105



    11 2 5

    Playing the input source

    1 Select the inp ut source to b e p layed.


    Example: CD

    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    To select the inp ut source w henZO N E2 /R EC O U T is selected, pressthe M A IN button then operate theinput function selector.

    2 Select the input m ode.S electing the analog m odePress the A N A LO G bu tton to sw itch to the analog input.


    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    S electing the external inp ut (EXT. IN ) m od ePress the EXT. IN to sw itch the external inp ut.

    EXT. IN

    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)


    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    Selecting the A U TO , PC M and DTS m odesThe m ode sw itches as show n below each tim e the IN PU TM O D E button is pressed.






    (M ain un it)


    Input mode selection functionD ifferent inp ut m od es can be selected for the different inp ut sou rces.Th e se lected inp ut m od es for the separate inp ut sources are stored inthe m em ory.q AU TO (auto m ode)

    In this m ode, the types of sign als being input to the digital andanalog inp ut jacks for the selected inp ut sou rce are de tected andthe program in the A VR -21 05 /88 5s surrou nd decode r is selectedautom atically up on playback. Th is m od e can be se lected for allinput sources other than PH O N O and TU N ER .Th e p resence or absence o f digital signals is detected , the signalsinpu t to the digital inp ut jacks are identified and de coding andplayback are p erform ed autom atically in D TS , D olby D igital or PC M

    (2 channel stereo ) form at. If no digital signal is being input, theanalog input jacks are selected.U se this m od e to play D olby D igital sign als.

    w PC M (exclusive P C M signal playback m ode)D ecod ing an d playback are on ly perform ed w hen P C M signals arebe ing inp ut.N ote that no ise m ay be g ene rated w hen using this m ode to p laysignals o ther than PC M signals.

    e D TS (exclusive D TS signal playback m ode)D ecod ing and playback are only perform ed w hen D TS signals arebe ing inp ut.

    r A N A LO G (exclusive analog audio signal playback m ode)Th e sign als inp ut to the an alog inp ut jacks are d ecod ed and p layed.

    t EXT. IN (external de code r inp ut jack selection m od e)Th e signals being input to the external decode r input jacks areplayed w itho ut passing through the surrou nd circuitry.

    NOTE:N ote that no ise w ill be output w hen C D s or LD s recorded in D TS

    form at are p layed in the PC M (exclusive P C M sign al playback) orA N A LO G (exclusive P C M signal playback) m ode . Select theA U TO or D TS m ode w hen p laying signals recorded in D TS .

    Notes on playing a source encoded with DTS Noise may be generated at the beginning of playback and

    while searching during DTS playback in the AUTO mode. If so, play in the DTS mode.

    In some rare cases the noise may be generated when youpreform the operation to stop playback of a DTS-CD or DTS-LD.



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    3 Select the play m ode .Press the SU R R O U N D M O D E button, then turn the SE LEC Tknob.


    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    4 Start playback o n the selected com po nent.For operating instructions, refer to the com po ne nts m anual.

    5 A djust the volum e.


    To select the surrou nd m ode w hileadjusting the surrou nd param eters,ton e d efeat or tone control, pressthe surroun d m ode button thenoperate the selector.


    (M ain un it)


    (M ain un it) (R e m o te co ntro l u nit)

    Th e vo lum e leve l isdisplayed o n them aster volum e leveldisp lay.

    Th e volum e can be adjusted w ithin the range of 70 to 0to 18 dB , in steps of 0.5 dB . H ow ever, w hen the ch anne llevel is se t as d escribe d o n page 48 , if the volum e for anychanne l is set at + 0.5 d B or greater, the volum e cann ot beadjusted up to 18 dB . (In this case the m axim um volum eis adjusted to 18 dB (M axim um value of chan ne llevel).)

    Input m ode w hen p laying D TS sources

    N oise w ill be ou tpu t if D TS -com patible C D s o r LD s are played in theA N A LO G or PC M m ode.W hen playing D TS -com patible sou rces, be su re to con nect thesou rce com po nent to the digital input jacks (O PTIC A L/C O A XIA L)and set the inp ut m ode to D TS .

    Inp ut m ode d isplay










    In the AU TO m ode

    In the D IG ITAL PC M m ode

    In the D IG ITAL D TS m ode

    In the AN ALO G m ode

    O ne of these lights, dep en ding on theinpu t signa l.

    Input signal disp lay










    Th e indicator lights w he n digital signals are be ing input

    prop erly. If the indicator does not ligh t, check w hether

    the digital inp ut com po nent setup (page 29 ) and co nn ection s are

    correct and w he the r the com po nents po w er is turned o n.

    D IG ITA L

    D IG ITA L

    NOTE:T he ind icator w ill ligh t w hen playing C D -R O M s

    containing data other than audio signals, but no sou nd w ill beheard.

    D IG ITA L

    Example: Stereo



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    Set the external input (EXT.IN ) m ode.Press the EXT. IN bu tton tosw itch the external inpu t.

    O nce this is se lected , the inp ut sign als co nn ected to the FL

    (front left), FR (front right), C (ce nter), SL (su rround left) an dSR (surrou nd righ t) channe ls of the EXT. IN jacks are ou tpu tdirectly to the front (left an d right), center an d su rround (leftand righ t) speaker system s as w ell as the p re-ou t jacksw ithout passing through the su rroun d circuitry.In addition, the signal inpu t to the SW (subw oofer) jack isoutput to the PR E O U T SU BW O O FER jack.

    1 EXT. IN

    2 C ancelling the external inp ut m od eTo cancel the external input (EXT. IN ) setting, press the IN PU TM O D E (AU TO , PC M , D TS) or AN A LO G button to sw itch tothe desired inp ut m od e. (S ee pag e 4 0.)


    W he n the inp ut m od e is se t to the external inp ut (EXT. IN ), the playm ode (D IREC T, STEREO , STAN D AR D (D O LBY/D TS SUR RO U N D ),5C H /7C H STE R EO or D SP SIM U LATIO N ) cannot be selected.

    NOTES:In p lay m od es o the r than the external inp ut m od e, the sign als

    conn ected to EXT. IN jacks canno t be played. In addition , sign alscann ot be o utput from chan ne ls not con nected to the inp utjacks.

    T he external inp ut m od e can be set for any input source. Tow atch vide o w hile listen ing to soun d, select the inp ut sou rce tow hich the video sign al is conn ected, then set this m ode.

    If the sub w oofer output leve l seem s to high , set the SW AT T.surrou nd param eter to O N .

    Playback using the external input (EXT. IN) jacks

    2 1

    2 1

    (M ain unit) (Rem ote control unit)

    (M ain unit) (R em ote control unit)

    Playing audio sources (CDs and DVDs)The A VR -2105 /88 5 is equipp ed w ith tw o 2-chan ne l playback m od es exclusively for m usic.Select the m od e to suit your tastes.

    1 DIRECT modeU se this m ode to ach ieve go od qu ality 2-chan ne l sou nd w hile w atching im ages. Inthis m ode, the aud io signals bypass suchcircu its as the tone circu it an d aretran sm itted directly, resu lting in goodqu ality soun d.

    2 STEREO modeU se this m ode to ad just the tone andachieve the desired sou nd w hile w atchingim ages.


    (R em ote con trol un it)

    1, 2

    (R em ote con trol un it)


    (M ain un it)


    (M ain un it)



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    After starting playback

    [1]Adjusting the sound quality (tone)Th e ton e control fun ction w ill no t w ork in the direct m od e.

    32 1

    To increase the bass or treb le: Turn the control clockw ise.(The bass or treb le so und can be increased to up to + 6 dBin step s of 1 d B .)

    To de crease the bass o r treb le: Turn the controlcoun terclockw ise. (Th e b ass o r treb le so un d can b ede creased to up to 6 dB in steps of 1 d B .)

    1 The tone sw itches as follow s each tim e the TO N E C O N TR O Lbu tton is pressed.TONE



    2 W ith the n am e of the volum e to beadjusted selected, turn the S ELE C Tknob to adjust the level.


    (M ain un it)

    3 If you d o n ot w ant the bass an d treb le to be adjusted , turn onthe tone defeat m ode.TONE

    DEFEAT The signals do no t pass through thebass an d treble adjustm ent circuits,so it provides higher qu ality so un d.

    (M ain un it)

    (M ain un it)

    [3] Turning the sound off temporarily (muting)

    1 U se this to turn o ff the audio ou tpu ttem porarily.Press the M U TIN G button.

    C ancelling M U TIN G m ode.P ress the M U TIN G button again.M uting w ill also be can celled

    w hen M A STE R V O L is adjustedup or dow n.


    [2] Listening over headphones

    NOTE:To prevent hearing loss, do no t raise the volum e level excessivelyw hen using headphones.1

    Plug the headph on esplug into the jack.

    C onn ect the headp hon es to thePH O N ES jack.The p re-out output (including thesp eaker output) is au tom aticallyturned off w hen headp hon es areconnected. 1


    Sim ulcast playbackU se this sw itch to m onitor a video sou rceother than the audio so urce.Press the VID EO SE LE C T button repeatedlyun til the de sired source app ears on thedisp lay.

    C ancelling sim ulcast p layback.S elect SO U R C Eu sing the video

    select button.S w itch the p rog ram source to the

    com pon en t conn ected to the videoinput jacks.

    [4] Combining the currently playing sound with the desired image


    (M ain un it)

    (R em ote con trol un it)




    IN=V SOURCED isplay



  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105


    [5] Checking the currently playing program source, etc.

    1 O n screen displayE ach tim e an o peration is pe rform ed , adescription o f that operation appears onthe disp lay connected to the unitsVID EO M O N ITO R O U T jack. A lso, theunits o perating status can be checke ddu ring playback by pressing the rem otecon trol un its O N S C R E E N /D IS P LA Ybutton.Such inform ation as the po sition of the inp ut selector andthe surrou nd param eter setting s is ou tpu t in sequ en ce.

    Fron t panel displayD escriptions o f the units o perations are

    also displaye d on the front panel display.In addition , the d isplay can be sw itchedto check the units operating statusw hile p laying a source by pressing theSTATU S button.


    (M ain un it)



    U sing the dim m er fun ctionU se this to chan ge the brigh tness o f the

    disp lay.Th e d isplay brigh tness changes in four

    step s (brigh t, m ed ium , dim and o ff) bypressing the m ain u nits D IM M E Rbu tton rep eated ly.



    (M ain un it)

    (R em ote con trol un it)

    (R em ote con trol un it)

    Multi-source recordingPlaying one source while recording another (REC OUT mode)

    1Press the ZO N E2/R EC SE LEC T button.The display sw itches as follow s each tim ethe bu tton is pressed. ZONE 2 /


    2 W ith R EC O U T S O U R C Edisplayed, turnthe FU N C TIO N knob to select the sourceyou w ish to reco rd.


    3 Set the recording m ode.For operating instruction s, refer to the m anual of thecom pone nt on w hich you w ant to record.

    4 To cancel, turn the fun ction knob andselect SO U R C E. FUNCTION

    12, 4 2




    D isplay

    NOTES:R ecording sources other than digital inp uts selected in the R EC

    O U T m ode are also ou tpu t to the Z O N E2 aud io ou tpu t jacks.D igital sign als are n ot ou tpu t to the R EC SO U R C E or audio

    ou tpu t jacks.Th e D IG ITA L IN s sign al selected w ith the fun ction selector knob

    are output to the D IG ITA L O U T (O PTIC A L) jack.

    (M ain un it)

    (M ain un it)

    (M ain un it)








  • 8/10/2019 Denon Avr-2105



    Multi-zone playback with multi-sourceMULTI ZONE MUSIC ENTERTAINMENT SYSTEMW he n the ou tpu ts of the ZO N E2O U T term inals are w ired and co nn ected to integrated am plifiers installed in o the r roo m s, different sources

    can be played in room s other than the m ain zone in w hich this un it and the playback devices are installed . (R efer to ZO N E2 on the diagrambe low .)

    ZO N E 2 S PE A KE R O U T and PR E O U T can be used w hen ZO N E2is selected at System Setup M enu Pow er A m p A ssignm ent. In this case,Surround B ack Spe aker O ut cannot be used for M A IN ZO N E.

    W hen a sold separately room -to-room rem ote control un it (D EN O N R C -616 , 617 or 618) is w ired an d conne cted betw een the m ain zone andzone2 , the rem ote-controllable d evices in the m ain zone can be controlled from zone2 using the rem ote control un it.