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Denning Signed (Final)

May 30, 2018



Jay Tamboli
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  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    THOMAS E. PEREZAssistant Attorney General2 Civil Rights Division3 JOr[N M. GADZICHOWSKfChief456789


    LOUIS LOPEZDeputy ChiefRICHARD O'BRrENTrial AttorneyUnited States Department of justiceCivil Rights DivisionEmployment Litigation Section950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NWPHB 4033Washington, DC 20530Phone: (202) 514-7491Facsimile: (202) 514-1005Email: [email protected] tor Plairitiff


    MATTHEW T. DENNING, )17 )Plaintiff, )18 )v. ) Case No. 2:09-cv-1165-RLH-(LRL)19 )- - - S T O N E S e A P E - P A V E R S , - b b C , - - - - - ~ ) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - --.-----20 . .) TIPULATED DISMISSALWITHDefendant. ) PREJUDICE21 ' )22


    For the Teasons set forth inthe Settlement Agreement ("Agreement"), attachedhereto as Ex.hibit 1, plaintiff Matthew T. Denning and defendant Stonescape Pavers, LLC(collectively, the "PaLiies"), by and throtlgh their undersigned attorneys, hereby stipulate andagree that the above-captionedcuse be dismissed with prejudice, pursuant to Federal Rule ofCivil Procedure 41{a)(1). The lenns of this Agreement shall become effective upon entry and

  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    approval of this Stipulation by the Court. Notwithstanding the dismissal of this action, the Parties2 hereby stipulate and respectfully request that the Court retain jurisdiction to oversee comrJ1iance.3 \vith the temlS of this Agreement and to resolve any motions to modify such terms. See4 Kokkonen v. Guardian Life Ins. Co. ofAm., 5[1 U.S. 375, 381-82 (1994); Flana2:an v. Amaiz,5 143 F.3d 540, 543 (9tb Cir. 199&).6 DATED this ,:)

  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)








    DATED: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

    . _ - - - --------- ------------ - - - - - -

  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    THOMAS E. PEREZAssistant Attorney General2 Civil Rights Division3 JOHN M. GADZICHOWSKIChief456789


    LOUIS LOPEZDeputy ChiefRICHARD S. O'BRIENTrial AttomeyUnIted Stutes Department of JusticeCivil Rights DivisionEmployment Litigation Section950 Pennsylvatlia Avenue, NWPHB 4033Washington, DC 20530Phone: (202) 5 1 4 ~ 7491Facsil'niJe: (202) 5 1 4 ~ 1005Email: [email protected] Plaintiff



    ))5) Case No. 2:09-c"'-1165-RLH-(LRL))

    19 STONESCAPEPAVERS,LLC, }-- -- ---------------)--SE-T'FhBMENTAGREEMENf-----------------20 Defendant. )---------------------------)212223 This matter is before the Court for elltry of this judgment by consent of plaintiff Matthew24 T. Dennii1g ("Denning") and defendant Stonescape Pavers, LLC ("Stonescape") to effectuate a25 compromise and settlement of all claims.26 1. Denning cOlm11enced thisactibn in the United StatesDistrict Court for the District of27 Nevada, alleging that defendanl Stonescape willfully violated the Uniformed Services


  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)



    1011!.'21.3141516171819202122') ">-,J


    Emp!oymentand Reemployment Rigbts Act of 1994,38 U;S.C, 4301 ef seq. ("USERRA"), byterminating Denning during his statutorily protected reemployment period.2. Stonescape denies that it has violated USERRA. Neverlhc;:less, as a result of

    settlement discllssions, Dennin&and Stonescape (collective!:)', the "Parties") have resolved theirdispute and have agreed that this action should be resolved by entry of this SettlementAgreement C'AgreemenC'). It is the intent.of the Parties that this Agreement be a tina! andbinding settlement in f\I1! disposition of any and all claimsaUcged in the Complaint filed in thisaction.

    STIPULATIONS3. The Parties acknowledge the jurisdiction anhe United States District Court for the

    District ofNe'vada over the subject matter of his action-and of th e Parties to this action for thepurpO!;ie of enteIing and. if necessary, enforcing this Agreement

    4. Venueis pl'opcr in tbis judicial district for purposes a f entering this Agreement andany proceedings related to this. Agreement. Stonescapeagrees that all conditions precedenttothe institution oftl1is action have been fulfilled.

    FINDINGS5. Havingexa.mined the provisions ofthisAgreement,the Court finds the following:

    a . The Courf has jurisdictionover the subject matter of this action and the Parties tothis action.

    b. Th e termsttndprovisiol1s of this Agreement are lawful, fair, reasonable and just.The rights of the Palties are adequately protected by this Agreement.

    c.This AgreemcnLconforms\vith the FederalRules of Civil Procedure andUSERRA, and is not In derogation of the rightS and privileges of any person. The entry of theAgreement will further the objectives of USERRA and will be in the best interest ofthe Parties.


  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    NON-ADMISSION2 6. This Agreement is being entered with the consent ofthe Parties, and shall not3 constilutean adjudication or finding on the merits of he action or be construed as an admission4 by Storiescapeofany violations of USERRA.5 NON-RETALIATION6 7. Stonescape shall not take any actioll agains t any person, including but not limited to7 Denning, that constitutes retaliation or interference with the exercise of such person's rights under8 USERRA because such person gave testimony, provided us.sistance or participatedinany manner9 in any investigation or proceeding in connection with this action.

    10 REMEDIAL RELIEF11 8. Without adrnittingthe allegations ofDcnning, and in settlement ofthe claims for reiief12 by Denning who, by his signature to the release .uttached as Appendix A, accepts the relief to be13 given pursuant to this Agreement,Stonescape

  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    RETENTION OF JURISDICTION.DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND COMPLIANCE2 10. The Court shall retainjurisdiction and wiII have all available equitable powers,3 including injunctivereIlef, to enforce thls Agreeinent. Upol1l1lotionof any p a r t y ~ theCciurt may4 schedufea hearing for the purpose of reviewing cornpliance with thi:;:Agrecment.567

    11. The Palties shall engage in good faith efforts to resolve any dispute concerningcompliance with this Agreement. In the event of a dispute, the Partiessball give notice 10 eachother fifteen (15) days before seeking resolution of the dispute by the Court, and may conduct8 expedited discovery under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for the purpose of determining9 compliance with this Agreement.10



    MISCELLANEOUS12. The Parties shall bear their own costs and expenses in this action, including attorneys'

    13. Ifany provision ofthls Agreement is found to beunlaWl''u!l only the specific provisionin question shall be affected and the other provisions shall remain in ftlll force and effect.- 15 14. The terms ofthis Agreement are and shall be bindillg upon the heirs, sllccessors,und

    16assigns ofDenningand upon the present and future owners, officyJ;s, directors, employees, agents,17 representatives, successors, and assignsotStonescape.


    15. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and commitments of the Parties.- - - - u A n y - m o d i f i c a t i o n s - t o - t h i s - A g r e e m e i 1 t ' - m u s t ' b e - m t l t u a I l y ~ a g r e e d - t 1 p o n - a n d - n i e m 0 r - i a l i z e d - i n w r i t i l 1 g - --------20 signed by Denning and S t o n e s c ~ p e .

    211 : < 5 ~ The effective date oftl* Agreement shall be t h e d a t ~ uPQl1which it isentereci by the




  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    e+-"'-DA TED this of October, 2009.2 Agreed to by:3 THOMAS E. PEREZ.j Assistant Attorney Gei1eral-r Civil I{ights Division


    i : ~ t ~ -Deputy ChiefI I DC BarNo. 461662


    13 R ~ l ~ . ~ ~ Trial Attorney14 NY BarNo. 402385915 PHB 4033950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW16 Civil Rights Division

    Employment Litigation SectionWashington. DC 2053017 TelephOrle:(202) 514-749118 Facsimile: . (202) 514-1005Email: l . i c \ ~ ard.o bdcn@usdoj,goy


    ;.iJIsr:iFRtY R. SYLVESTElt-N ~ \ ' a d a Bar No. 4396SYINESTER&POLEDNAK, LTD.7371 Prairie Falcon. Suite 120LasiVegas, Nevada . 8 9 I 2 ~ Tel{1Phone: (702) 952-5200FacsImile: (702) 952-5205Email: [email protected] for Defendant StonescapePavcrs, LLC~ ~ ~ ~ Stonescape Pavers, LLCDefendant

    ____ 1.9 Attorreys - r-Plaintiff-Matthcw-T-.Denning------202122 M A T T I : I E \ ~ . r - " - : - D E N N I N G Plaintiff2324



  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    APPENDLXA2 RELEASE3 I, Matthew T. D e n n i n g ~ for and in consideration of accepting the rel iefto be provided to4 me pursuant to the provisions oftbe Settlement Agreernententered in Matthew T. Denning v.5 Stonescape Pavers, LLC, release and discharge Stonescape Pavers, LLC, its current, fonner and


    6 future ofticials, employees and agents fromalllega\ and equitable claims arising out of thecomplaint filed in that case occurring prior to the date ofthis Release.7 I understand that the relief to be given to me does not constitute an admission by8 Stonescape Pavers, LLC ofthe validity of any claim raised by me, or on my behalf.9 This Release constitutes the entire agreement between Stol1escapePavers, LLCand

    10 myself, without exception or exclusion.I 112

    ! acknowledge that a copy ofthe Settlement Agreement in thIS action was provided to me.1 HAVE READ THIS RELEASE AND UNDERSTAND THE CONTENTS THEREOF

    AND 1 EXECUTE TI-llS RELEASE OF MY OWN FREE ACT AND DEED.1314 Clay ofOctober, 2009;1516 (II17 fa..18 1Y!atthew T. De.ming192021222324252627



  • 8/14/2019 Denning Signed (Final)


    CERTIFICATEOF SERVICE2 I hereby certify that 011 this "d.8 day of October, 2009, r filed the foregoing pleading3 electronically through the CM/ECFsystemand caused the following parties andlor counsel to beserved electronically through the CMIECF system:[email protected] (for Jeftl'ey R.4 Sylvester, 7371 Prairie Falcon, Suite 120. Las Vegas, Nevada 8912&) .56789




    Is/RichardS. 0 ;BrienRichard S. O'BrienTrial Attol11ey.Emeloyment Litigation SectionCivIl Rights DivisionUnited States Department of Justice