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Demystifying the Bermuda Triangle.doc

Jan 13, 2016



A research paper on the Bermuda Triangle and its supposed mysteries.
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Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle


It is a place where ships sail off the end of the earth, where planes climb up into the sky never to come down again, and where sailors and airmen disappear forever. Richard Winer.

The place Winer mentioned is the Bermuda Triangle, famous for the unexplained shipwrecks and disappearing planes on its borders. It is bordered by the Atlantic coast of Florida, San Juan, Puerto Rico, and the mid-Atlantic island of Bermuda. The area is one of the most heavily-sailed shipping lanes by ships for ports in America, Europe, and the Caribbean Islands everyday. Cruise ships, and pleasure crafts cross the bordered area regularly back and forth between Florida and the Central American islands. Furthermore, the area is a heavily flown route for commercial and private aircrafts towards Florida and South America from points north.

Although some of the disappearances that occurred in the Bermuda Triangle have been found to be explainable, certain phenomena such as ships vanishing without a trace, empty ships with half-eaten meals, freshly-made coffee, and a lost crew, and planes disappearing into thin air, green hazes, malfunctioning compasses and air disturbances are examples of disappearances which are unexplainable. The unexplained disappearances of planes and ships along its borders have given rise to a number of theories, both supernatural and scientific. Some people say that the strange occurrences within the area are attributed to human error and acts of nature. Others say that it must be attributed to the supernatural, under the realm of physics or the intrusion of extra-terrestrial to our planet.

The proponents want to learn more about some of the supernatural and the scientific theories revolving the strange disappearances of ships and planes inside the Bermuda Triangle. Is the area responsible for the strange disappearances? Or is it not? If so, what are the different theories revolving around the unexplained disappearances in the area? Are there any hard-proofed evidences that could strengthen such theories? Curiosity of the answer to these mind-boggling questions has led the proponents to pick the topic. Furthermore, the proponents want to seek probable answers to this mystery that has baffled everyone through the decades.

Theoretical-Conceptual Framework

There are certain events or situations in this world that are difficult to fully understand or explain by simple terms or ideas. Mysteries, as they are called, are strange occurrences that are difficult to understand and comprehend by the human mind.Unexplainable disappearances are closely associated with the concept of mystery. Mysteries oftentimes entail questions with difficult or sometimes unknown answers. Appearances of ghosts, apparitions, stigmata, demonic possessions, and miracles are some of the few mysteries that couldnt be explained only by scientific means or by logic. Even the world of science has little or even no answers to such mysteries that have made people look for answers themselves.

Some say that the Bermuda Triangle is a mystery itself, being an area where ships and planes mysteriously vanish into non-existence. Even a single trace of the debris of some of these disappeared planes and ships could not be found which makes the Triangle more obscure in our well-understood world. Even though many theories have already risen through the decades, not even a single explanation could clearly answer the questions regarding the mystery that lies behind this Triangle.

As people continue to search for possible explanations to the mysteries surrounding a certain phenomena, occurrences also continues to defy explanation and resist to answer the queries that could help clarify why such mysteries take place. Extraordinary things happen here and there which are not fully understood and eludes the understanding of many people.

Scientifically, a mystery is one of the oldest and most familiar things that have turned out, under scientific analysis, to be extraordinarily complex and hard to understand; light is such a mystery, so is time, so is space, so is gravitation, and so are many other things which all men have known about from the beginning.

In the present day, many supernatural phenomena, unsolved puzzles and unexplained disappearances occur around the world. Some had tried to answer these mysteries and came up with several theories that can never be proved due to the intricacies of the mystery itself. Some had tried but never arrived at any explanations at all.

Mysteries have evaded answers through the years and even though some have provided us with probable answer to these conundrums, no one can still provide us with concrete answers to these so-called mysteries. These mysteries will continue to exist and we will continue to answer them.Review of Related Studies

Among the many mysteries that have still perplexed people until today is the Bermuda Triangle, a western section of the Atlantic. It is bounded by Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. It is a place where almost hundreds of ships and planes vanish every year without a trace, even until today. What is mind-boggling about this place is that no theory has been proven to explain the strange disappearances of ships and planes that crossed the Triangle. The reported disappearances in the area have attracter attention because the number of such disappearances is far greater than would normally be expected in an area of that size. In addition, according to the stories told, in all cases, the weather was good, no distress calls were made, and thorough searches were made, yet no survivors wreckage, bodies, or oil slicks from the lost vessels were ever found. In some cases, boats were found in excellent condition, except that their crews were missing. In several cases, warm meals were on the table, and animals were on board, completely unharmed. The greatest disappearances to have ever been recorded in history are the Flight 19 and the Mary Celeste incident.

On March 4, 1918, the U.S.S. Cyclops, en route from Barbados to Norfolk, Virginia, with 309 naval personnel aboard mysteriously vanished without a trace after abruptly turning south instead of north to its announced destination. Among the disappearances suffered by the Navy the Cyclops is the best known and also the most unusual considering land-sea and ship-to-ship communications at the time of World War I.

hUhOn December 5, 1945, five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers designated as Flight 19 disappeared while practicing runs on a target hulk. Although all of Florida joined in the search effort with over 240 planes and many surface ships nothing was ever found of flight 19. The mystery of the Devils Bermuda Triangle had begun. A board member of the Naval Board of Inquiry commented, They vanished completely as if they had flown to Mars, thereby introducing the intriguing elements of space travel and possible UFOs which have since become very much part of the Bermuda Triangle legend

Here, we will elaborate related studies on the theories that might be connected to the Flight 19 and the Mary Celeste disappearance.Almost every imaginable theory has been put forward to explain the jinx of the Triangle One of these is the existence of UFOs or Unidentified Flying Objects. They say that UFOs are the reason for the total disappearances of ships and planes because they spacenap humans along with their ships. Although there are a lot of photographs that are said to be authentic, the question of the validity of their existence is still in doubt due to reports by officials saying that the photos were false or fake. They (UFOs) have been photographed with varying degrees of clarity United States government, Air Force, and Navy releases have attributed most of the sightings to the moon, lunar halo, comets, mirages, balloons, bright stars, meteors, the planets (esp. Venus), test aircraft, contrails, searchlights, the northern lights, fireballs, fireworks, autokinesis, aftermirage, will o the wisps, hoaxes, or mass delusion.

John Spencer, author of the Limbo of the Lost believes that UFOs exist and is the reason why ships and airplanes disappear on the Bermuda Triangle. He observes that since the complete disappearance of 575-foot vessels in calm seas 50 miles offshore or commercial airlines going in for a landing can not happen according to earthly standards and yet are happening, he is forced to conclude that they are being taken away from our planet. Another supporter of the UFO theory is Dr. Manson Valentine and was interviewed by Charles Berlitz in his book, The Bermuda Triangle. From the interview, Dr. Valentine quoted Dr. Jessups work on UFOs and relayed his theory on magnetic fields could transform matter from one dimension to another. That UFOs could come into our dimension and get out again taking human or other samples with them. He further thought that the accidents were caused by the UFOs cathode rays creating a vacuum which disintegrated planes upon entering this field. This statement led to the notion of time-space warps, particularly through the use of wormholes. If UFOs really do exist and they appear to be popping in and out of our planet, then there should be a pathway for them to enter Earth and here enters the wormholes.According to Dr. Robert H. Frisbee, during an interview for the Discovery Channel, Wormholes are natural pathways that surpass space and time. If wormholes are present in the Bermuda Triangle then it could also be a reason for the total disappearance of ships and planes. According to Rohn de Silva, it is a well-known fact that in the Bermuda Triangle the compass needle point to true north rather than magnetic north. It is apparent from extensive research that there are strong magnetic vortices within the Triangle. According to fundamental laws of Einstein these strong magnetic fluxes could create a distortion in the space-time continuum. When a plane or ship enters this vortex they would simply be transported to another dimension provided the magnetic flux is strong enough to distort the space-time continuum. This could explain the complete disappearance of ships and planes and the lack of wreckage. The possibility of time-space warps and wormholes is still in question that Ivan Sanders, in his book Invisible Residents, suggested another possibility: that there is an underwater civilization/s on this planet that has been here for a very long time and which was evolved here, and/or that there are intelligent entities who have been coming here from elsewhere which prefer to use the bottom of the hydrosphere, and possibly also the surface layers of the lithosphere below that, on or in which to reside and from which to operate. On this notion, the birth of the theory of Atlantis surfaced and it is possible that it may be the reason behind the strange disappearances.

Atlantis was described by Plato in his dialogues, Timaeus and Critias as the land of the Golden Age which in a single day and night of rain sunk beneath the sea due to violent earthquakes and floods and that is the reason why the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable. The discovery of the Bimini wall in the Bermuda Triangle was a giant leap to connect the existence of Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle. Ruins of an ancient civilization were found under the depths of the Triangle. In recent discoveries however, the basis of modern plate tectonics theory, which is accepted by the vast majority of geophysicists and oceanographers, doesnt support the existence of Atlantis on the Atlantic. Still, many believe that Atlantis does exist and that there are technologies that are still functioning among the ruins.

According to Berlitz, a gigantic power source, predicted by the sleeping prophet Cayce is still active in the Atlantic Ocean. Frequently this power source becomes active for some unknown reason. If a ship or a plane was unfortunate enough to enter the field generated by the crystal, they would be destroyed, pushed in to another dimension or atomized. An interesting connection to this is the behavior of the mysterious white waters noted by Columbus to our astronomers. No one has satisfactorily explained the mystery.

A scientific theory to be the most possible one in the disappearances of planes and ships are methane hydrates. According to H.J. Gruy, natural gas hydrates occur on the ocean floor in such great volumes that they contain twice as much carbon as all known coal, oil and conventional natural gas deposits. Releases of this gas caused by sediment slides and other natural causes have resulted in huge slugs of gas saturated water with density too low to float a ship, and enough localized atmospheric contamination to choke air aspirated aircraft engines. The unexplained disappearances of ships and aircraft along with their crews and passengers in the Bermuda Triangle may be tied to the natural venting of gas hydrates.

Another study conducted by Richard D. McIver, which was published by David Deming states that if natural hydrates that were sealed on the ocean floor were broken abruptly, the gas would be ejected and will quickly rush to the surface, breaking into smaller and smaller bubbles during its ascent through the water column. There would be a patch of highly agitated frothy water of very low relative density, and any vessel accidentally entering this patch would lode buoyancy and sink very slowly. Furthermore, if the gas flow were large, a plume of free gas would rise above the oceans surface. Any low-flying aircraft passing would experience engine failure and might crash. If one can visualize a glass of beer with foam, one realizes one can float a toothpick on the beer but not on the foam. As this gas pelled, ships would no longer be buoyant and would sink below sea level and be swallowed up.

Actually, the disappearance of vessels and ships found abandoned with no

life aboard, in or near the triangle, goes back for more than a century. It is only recently, in the air age, that these occurrences have increased with the addition of aircraft. Atmospheric aberrations of some sort might include the loss of ships, but would hardly cause the disappearance of crews aboard unless the ships were abandoned in panic. Since no survivors have been found to tell their stories, the mystery still remains unsolved.

Statement of the Problem

This study intends to present explanations of the mystery surrounding the Bermuda Triangle.

Specifically, it aims to:

1. narrate mysterious events that happened in the Bermuda Triangle namely:

1.1 Flight 19

1.2 Mary Celeste

2. present scientific claims on the unexplained disappearances of ships and planes namely:

2.1 Wormholes

2.2 Methane Hydrates

3. show supernatural claims on the unexplained disappearances of ships and planes namely:

3.1 Unidentified Flying Objects

3.2 Atlantis

Significance of the Study

If we would try to examine clearly, a lot of people is still wondering what secrets lurk in the infamous Bermuda Triangle. Even though the discovery about the Bermuda Triangle started many years ago, different conceptions and beliefs on the disappearances of ships and planes are being formulated until today.

The researchers came with the idea of presenting both the scientific and supernatural claims concerning the controversies of the Triangle. This research paper intends to relay information to the people who are interested on the facts and assumptions regarding the Triangle.

Furthermore, this study helps people to be more aware of the explanations on the disappearances of ships and planes, not only dwelling on the idea that the disappearances were caused only by human errors or environmental factors, or the structure of the ships or planes. Consequently, it can contribute to the very fund of knowledge as it relays facts and conceptions about the Triangle.

Definition of Terms

1. Bermuda Triangle mysterious disappearances of ships and planes along the border of Bermuda Triangle

2. cathode ray generators instruments that are believed to be used by Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) when traveling in great velocities3. electromagnetic interferences is a disturbance that affects electricity due to electromagnetism. It may cause power black-outs, radio/TV interference, etc.4. star gates pathways that are used by extra-terrestrial beings in traveling back and forth from their own dimension to our world5. space-time continuum is a plane that is the location for every event that has happened, is happening, and will be happening.6. true north the direction which points to the north pole7. vortex is any flow of fluid that is spinningMETHODOLOGY

In this study, research materials such as encyclopedias, books, and other references about the Bermuda Triangle will be gathered by the researchers first. Second, a list of disappeared planes and ships on the borders of the Triangle are to be collected. Next, three famous disappearances shall be selected among the collected information. Furthermore, information on the selected three disappearances shall be extracted and studied.

Consequently, scientific claims on the Triangle shall be gathered and analyzed. Next, supernatural claims on the Triangle shall also be gathered and analyzed. Gathered data will be presented by the researchers and explanations shall be shown and reflected on the research paper.

ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONUnexplained ship and plane disappearances

A. Flight 19

Flight 19 was the designation of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers which left their base at Fort Lauderdale on the afternoon of December 5, 1945. They were manned by five officer pilots and nine enlisted crew members. Each plane carried enough fuel to enable it to cruise over a thousand miles and the day was very suitable for flying. Flight time was calculated as two hours for this specific mission. The planes started taking off at 2 P.M. and by 2:10 P.M. they were all airborne. Lieutenant Charles Taylor, with over 2,500 hours flying time, who was in command, led the planes to Chicken Shoals, north of Bimini, where they were first to make practice runs on a target hulk. Both pilots and crews were experienced airmen and there was no reason to expect anything of an unusual nature to happen during the routine mission of Flight 19.

At 3:15 PM, something strange happened, after the bombing run had been accomplished and the planes had continued east, the radioman at the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station Tower, who had been expecting contact from the planes regarding estimated time of arrival and landing instructions, received an unusual message from the flight leader saying that they are lost and not sure which way is west when asked by the Tower. Furthermore, the leader also described that the ocean doesnt look as it should.

At about 3:30 P.M. the senior flight instructor, Lt. Robert F. Fox at Fort Lauderdale had picked up on his radio a message from someone calling Powers, one of the student flyers, requesting information about his compass readings and heard Powers saying that they dont know their location. Lt. Fox was able to contact the leader of Flight 19 instructor, who told him that both of his compasses are out and he is trying to find Fort Lauderdale but could not. He was also sure that he was in the Florida Keys but doesnt know where in the Florida Keys. Lt. Fox advised him to fly north-until he reached the Fort Lauderdale Naval Air Station. Subsequently, he heard Lt. Taylor saying that they had passed an island, with no other land at sight. This implies that they were not flying over the Keys and thus, they had lost direction.

After such, it became increasingly difficult to hear messages from Flight 19 because of static. Apparently Flight 19 could no longer hear messages from the tower, but the tower could hear conversations between the planes. During this time the powerful transmitter at Fort Lauderdale was unable to make any contact with the five planes, although the interplane communications were fairly audible.

After the Tower sensed that Flight 19 was in deep trouble, they dispatched a rescue craft, a twin-engined Martin Mariner flying boat patrol plane with a crew of thirteen, from the Banana River Air Station.

At 4 P.M. the tower suddenly heard that Lt. Taylor had turned over command to a senior Marine pilot, Captain Stiver. Although obscured by static, the Tower heard the captain say that they must be 225 miles north east of base and that they had passed over Florida. The flight leader decided to turn 180 degrees in hopes that they can fly back to Florida but the transmission began to get fainter, meaning that they are flying further and in the wrong direction. The last words that came from the mouth of the flight leader were that they had entered white water and that they were completely lost.

Meanwhile the tower received a message fifteen minutes later after takeoff from Lt. Come, one of the officers of the Martin Mariner, that there were strong winds above 6,000 feet. However, this was the last message received from the rescue plane. Shortly after this all search units received an urgent message stating that six planes instead of five were now missing. The rescue plane, with a crew of thirteen, has disappeared as well.

No further message was ever received from the Flight 19 training mission or from the Martin Mariner that was sent to rescue them.

B. U.S.S. Cyclops

Among the bizarre disappearances suffered by the Navy, the U.S.S. Cyclops is the best known. When the First World War was still raging, it was first thought that the Cyclops had either struck a mine, encountered a German submarine or surface raider, or suffered a mutiny arising from the actions of its Mutiny-on-the Bounty type captain. It was also assumed by many that the Cyclops had simply been betrayed to the enemy by its German-born captain, Worley.

In effect, evidence was indicated for some or all of these possibilities, especially since the Cyclops, on leaving port in Barbados, had abruptly turned south instead of north to its announced destination, and then, just as abruptly, disappeared. But eventual examination of German naval records indicated that there were no German submarines or mines in the area at that time.

However, a British ship, also incredibly named the Cyclops, had been sunk by U-Boats in the North Atlantic. The U.S.S. Cyclops disappeared having sent out no distress signal. However, ship-board communications were in their infant stages in 1918, and it would not be unusual for a vessel, sinking fast, to have little or no opportunity at a distress call.

As to date, no trace of the wreckage has been found. But the only sure thing known about the Cyclops is that it vanished- as have no many other ships, large and small, within the Bermuda Triangle.

Supernatural theories on the disappearances

I. Unidentified Flying Objects

Unidentified flying objects or UFOs are described as flying objects, may be real or apparent, that cannot be identified by an observer.

Reports of UFO sightings have increased worldwide, as well as in the southern Florida-Bahamas area. Furthermore, the sightings in the said area have been numerous out of all proportion to sightings elsewhere. They have been seen under the clear waters as well as in the skies. They have also been seen going from the sky to the sea and from the sea to the sky, by numerous observers. The numbers of locations of sightings have given rise to theories that the presence of UFOs has something to do with the disappearances in the Bermuda Triangle or rather, that UFOs have been hijacking planes and ships for generations. According to John Spencer (1973), he presupposes that the main reason why UFOs are visiting the planet and hijacking planes and ships is because they want to preserve a living relic or to check the current status of the advancement of our planet before the planet dies. It may be because they have seen several civilizations on other solar systems that have destroyed itself or destroyed by some other planet, leaving no traces whatsoever of their history, populations, or scientific and cultural development. Or they may have other motives, of which we dont know.

According to Dr. Jessup, distinguished and famous scientist and astronomer, UFOs are described as disk-shaped ships having a perimeter of cathode ray generators which could rapidly travel in any direction simply by operating the generators on the lead edge or side of desired motion. Then, the generators would ionize the air in front of the vehicle, thus causing a vacuum into which the craft could move. Pockets of ionized air left by UFOs in the area could possibly be a cause of the clear air turbulence experienced by pilots. Furthermore, the disappearances were probably caused by the UFOs cathode rays creating a vacuum which disintegrated planes when they entered the field where the UFO is stationed. Moreover, a green haze is produced whenever cathode rays are generated, which could actually explain the strange green haze appearances reported by ships passing over the Bermuda Triangle.

According to majority of the people who had experienced close encounters with UFOs, they had described it with physical evidences such as magnetic disturbances, electromagnetic interferences, and other evidences.

Magnetic disturbances could have been caused by Dr. Jessups theory, that the power of magnetic fields could transform and transport matter from one dimension to another. This could account for the disappearances and reappearances of UFOs around the world. When UFOs appear and disappear, they leave magnetic disturbances in the area which could actually tie-in to the physical evidences as observed by those who had encountered aliens.

Electronic interferences can cause black-outs, radio/TV interferences and magnetic compass deflections, and others. The compasses as described by the Flight 19 pilots became lost due to malfunctioning of the compasses or what is known as magnetic compass deflection, which could be affected by strong magnetic influences due to the presence of the UFOs in the vicinity. II. Atlantis

Atlantis is a sunken continent the location of which is unknown and is still in question. Many scholars argue on the location of the continent, reaching as far as Asia, including the Philippines. Many argue that it doesnt exist, that it was only a figment of imagination. Still, many wonder if it exists, where it is located, and what secrets are lurking amongst the rubbles of a once prosperous continent.

An exploration in 1968, the Bimini Road, had uncovered a little light on the mystery of the location of the sunken continent of Atlantis. The Bimini Road is an underwater rock formation consisting of giant limestone monoliths. The shape and placement of the monoliths, and pillars underneath some of the stones are conclusive, yet still not universally accepted, proof that they are man-made. Since it can be supposed as to be man-made, it could be possible that these structures are remnants of the sunken continent. Edgar Cayce, a prophet during 1938, prophesized that a portion of the sunken continent of Atlantis will be uncovered in 1968 or 1969, which somewhat ties up with that discovery of the Bimini Road in 1968. Furthermore, Cayce, on his readings on Atlantis, repeatedly made references to nuclear power sources, lasers and masers, which can be compared to our current advancements in technology. Cayce specifically mentioned a gigantic crystal power source, called a firestone, where a movable capstone was situated at the center of the crystal. It was used to concentrate incoming rays of energy from different sources such as solar, lunar, stellar, etc., and directs the energy to the different parts of the continent for different purposes such as illumination, radio energy, etc. The rays produced by the firestone make for the disintegration of the atom, which through the misuse of it, brought about the destruction of the continent.

If the giant crystal had survived after the sinking of the continent and even though damaged, continues to function underwater, it may be an explanation for the total disappearances of ships and planes. From time to time, the energy rays emitted by the giant crystal become very powerful that any plane or ship coming to its area of effect disintegrates and becomes pure energy. This explanation can account for the total disappearance of ships and planes.

Scientific theories on the disappearances

I. Wormholes

A wormhole is basically a 'shortcut' through space and time. A wormhole has at least two mouths which are connected to a tube. If the wormhole is traversable, matter can travel from one mouth to the other by passing through the throat. They could allow objects to experience time travel, including humans, ships and planes.

According to Dr. Michael Preisinger, a German historian scuba diver, the deviations in magnetic and gravitational fields off the coast of Bahamas could be caused by micro-wormholes. Small underwater caves, called blue holes, have been found in the Triangle area and it is assumed that the popping in and out of existence of micro-wormholes formed them.If these are true, then there could be a connection between extra-terrestrial sightings and wormholes. These wormholes could possibly be star gates that allow UFOs to travel back and forth from their own dimension to our world.

According to Rohn de Silva, it is a well-known fact that in the Bermuda Triangle, the compass needle point to true north rather than magnetic north. It is apparent from research that there are strong magnetic fluxes within the Triangle. According to fundamental laws of Einstein, these strong magnetic fluxes could create a distortion in the space-time continuum. When a plane or ship enters this vortex they would simply be transported to another dimension provided the magnetic flux is strong enough to distort the space-time continuum. This could explain the complete disappearance of ship and plane and the lack of wreckage.

If a vessel was to travel by the edge of this vortex, again a loss or gain in time could be experienced rather than total disappearance. This could also account for spinning of compass needles and the strange green haze reported so many times. II. Methane Hydrates

Methane hydrates exists all over the world both under land and under the ocean. There are large amounts of methane hydrates deposits on the sea floor of the southeastern section of the Bermuda Triangle. Methane hydrates occur on the ocean floor in such great volumes. Releases of this gas might explain some of the many mysterious disappearances of ships and planes.

According to a study by Richard D. McIver, if the methane hydrates were released due to natural causes such as sediment slides and others, the gas that would escape would rush to the surface and during its ascent, would break into smaller and smaller bubbles and create a patch of frothy water of very low density. According to the law of buoyancy, an object with a higher average density than the fluid has less buoyancy than weight and thus, the object will sink. Thus, any ship which accidentally happens to cross the patch will lose buoyancy and will definitely sink to the bottom.

Furthermore, if the gas flow was large and escapes above the ocean surface, any low-flying aircraft passing through the concentrated area of gas would experience engine trouble and probably will crash into the sea. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONSCONCLUSIONS:

From the data gathered from references, books, online sources, and other reference materials, we have arrived at several conclusions.

The existence of UFOs is questioned by every skeptic and so far, many evidences on their existence are either disputed or discarded. Majority of the pictures and videos presented by observers on UFOs had been proven false. Furthermore, there are no actual items that had been extracted from UFOs. Thus, the existence of such extra-terrestrial beings in the area can be proven false and the whole theory discarded.

The credibility of Cayces predictions and prophecies on Atlantis can be questioned due to lack of proof that the area he referred to is truly the site of the sunken continent of Atlantis. Until today, it has never been proven that Atlantis is submerged in that area. Furthermore, the existences of the said firestones are still in question and in doubt. There are no evidences that could prove the existence of such power sources and thus, we cant conclude that the sunken continent of Atlantis is the main reason for the unexplained disappearances.

If such wormholes truly exist in the Triangle, then it would be a concrete explanation on the disappearances of both ships and planes but the lack of proof and evidences on the existence of such wormholes in the Bermuda Triangle can question the credibility of such claim.

Methane hydrates cant be the main reason for the disappearances of ships and planes. When a plane or ship encounters the frothy patch of water, it may be destroyed or submerged but cant disappear totally. It can possibly explain the fates of destroyed ships and planes found in the area but it cant explain the total disappearances of ships and planes.

These conclusions have led us to deduce that among the four theories presented in the research, none could actually answer the queries on the disappearances of ships and planes along the borders of the Triangle.


To future researchers, the researchers recommend to add more theories to expand the probability of finding a concrete answer to the questions. Moreover, we recommend to further enrich the research by presenting the latest updates on the happenings inside the Bermuda Triangle. Furthermore, we recommend formulating a new theory regarding the unexplained disappearances of ships and planes. BIBLIOGRAPHYArticles in an Encyclopedia:

Bermuda Triangle Colliers Encyclopedia. Vol. 4. P.F. Collier: 866 Third Ave., New York, p. 86-87.

Articles in Journals or magazines:

Deming, David. Can a Single Bubble Sink a Ship? Journal of Scientific Exploration, XVIII (2004), 307-312.Gaddis, V. H. The Deadly Bermuda Triangle Argosy, (1964), 116-118. Gruy, H.J. Natural Gas Hydrates and the Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Petroleum Engineer International, LXXI (March 1998), 71-79.Bermuda Triangle: Myth or Reality? Readers Digest, Into the Unknown. Pleasantville, New York: Readers Digest Association, Inc., (1981) , p.324.

Mystery of the Bermuda Triangle Solved? MARCOs AETHER, XXXI (October 2007), 1-3.

Articles in Websites:

de Silva , Rohn. The Bermuda Triangle, Exoscience. Home Page.

[Date Accessed: January 16, 2008]. Bermuda Triangle, Home Page. <> [Date Accessed: January 10, 2008].Books:Berlitz, Charles. The Bermuda Triangle Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Company, Inc., 1974.Sanderson, I.T. Invisible Residents: A Disquisition upon Certain Matters Maritime, and the Possibility of Intelligent Life Under the Waters of This Earth Ty Crowell Co.: New York, 1970.

Wallace, J.S. Limbo of the Lost Westfield: Philipps Publishing Company, 1973.APPENDICES

Figure 1. The map of the Bermuda TriangleActual Predictions of Edgar Cayce in 1935:Poseidia will be among the first portions of Atlantis to rise again- expected in 1968-and 1969-not so far away.

--Cayces prediction of the year Atlantis will be found

In the sunken position of Atlantis or Poseidia, where a portion of the temples may be discovered under the slime of ages of seawater near what is known as Bimini off the coast of Florida.

--Cayces prediction of the actual site of Atlantis in which the light appeared as a means of communication between infinity and the finite or the means whereby there were the communications with those forces from the outside. Later this came to mean that from which the energies radiated, as of the center from which there were the radial activities guiding the various forms of transition and travel through those periods of activity of the Atlanteans.

It was set as a crystal though in quite a different form from that used there. Do not confuse these two for there were many generations of difference. It was in those periods when there was the directing of aeroplanes or means of travel though they at that time would travel in the air, or on the water, or under the water, just the same. Yet the force from which these were directed was in the central power station or Tuaoi stone(firestone) which was and the beam on which it acted--Cayces description of a gigantic power source

the storage of the motivative forces of nature from the great crystals that so condensed the lights, the forms, the activities, as to guide not only the ships on the sea but in the air and of many of those now known conveniences for man as in the transmission of the body, and in the transmission of the voice, as in the recording of those activities in what is soon to become a practical thing in so creating the vibrations as to make for television as it is termed in the present.

--Cayces description of the uses of the power source

In the center of a building which today would be said to be lined with nonconductive stone-something akin to asbestos, with . . . other nonconductors such as are now being manufactured in England under a name which is well known to many of those who deal in such things.

The building above the stone was oval; or a dome wherein there could be . . . a portion for rolling back, so that the activity of the stars- the concentration of energies that emendate from bodies that are on fire themselves, along with the elements that are found and not found in the Earths atmosphere.

The concentration through the prisms of glass (as would be called in the present) was in such manner that it acted upon the instruments which were connected with the various modes of travel through induction methods which made much the (same) character of control as would in the present day be termed remote control through radio vibrations or directions; through the kind of force impelled from the stone acted upon the motivating forces in the craft themselves.

The building was constructed so that when the dome was rolled back there might be little or no hindrance in the direct application of power to various crafts that were to be impelled through space or under other elements, or through other elements.The preparation of this stone was solely in the hands of the initiates at the time; and the entity was among those who directed the influences of the radiation which arouse, in the form of rays that were invisible to the eye but acted upon the stones themselves as set in the motivating forces- whether the aircraft were lifted by the gases of the period; or whether for guiding the more-of-pleasure vehicles that may pass along closer to the earth, or crafts on the water or under the water.

These, then, were impelled by the concentration of rays from the stones which were centered in the middle of the power station or powerhouse.

--Cayces description of the firestone or crystal complex that waskept in a building and from which its power was diffused

Figure 2. General Map of the Bimini Road System

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