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Delusion pitch

Apr 14, 2017



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E G A N V, L


M A R T ,


A D R U Z Y N S K I / C

L A S S 6F

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OVERVIEWSub genre: The sub genre of our film will be a physiological thriller as after

extensive research into thriller sub genres we decided that this would be the best one to do as it can have a very large impact on the audience

plot of sequence: two friends will be messing around in a wood taking pictures of each other to gain memories of their trips out. One friend blacks out and drops the camera. After this the camera turns on and the person on the floor is pictured and the supposed “person” taking the picture takes a picture of his shoes iswell after this shot the camera cuts again. following this he wakes up to find that his friend is missing and that he has blood on his hands he cannot fully reconstruct what has happened so he begins to search for his friend. The next scene consists of the first friend developing photos they took on the day and trying to find something that helps him find his missing friend and why he had blood on his hands, while he is doing this he hears the door opening in the dark room and he turns around to find that nothing is behind him.

Themes: some of the themes we as a group thought of are, hallucinations, delusions and mental illness although the last theme could be offensive some people we would not make it very clear or apparent to the audience that there is actually something wrong with the character, we would only give subtle clues that could suggest something like psychosis for example.


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LOCATIONSInterior: we will be filming one scene of our opening

in the photography dark room in the college this is where flashbacks will trigger. This will also be where Benjie suffers a hallucination. This is also where Benjie will be developing the photos from the day in the woods where Lucy went missing.

Exterior: The exterior location will be Reigate priory woods which is a 10 minute walk from the college. We will be filming in the daylight so we will have to desaturate colours in the shots to create a more thrilling mood.

Permissions: we will need permission to film in the dark room from the photography department. But we do not need permission to film in the woods as it is a public area

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STRUCTUREAct 1: act 1 consists of the two friends in the woods messing around and taking

pictures of each other. In this act Benjie blacks out for an unknown reason.

Act 2: In act 2 the mysterious person picks up the camera in POV and snaps 2 pictures of Benjie on the floor and of his shoes. Following this Benjie wakes up finds the camera and begins his search for Lucy because she has gone missing.

Act 3:In this act Benjie is in a dark room developing photos from the day when Lucy went missing. In this act Benjie hallucinates and he thinks he hears someone entering the room.

Key dramatic Moment: The key dramatic moment is Benjie waking up and discovering the fact that he has blood on his hands. He is unsure what has happened and starts panicking as he cannot remember what has happened

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REPRESENTATION: CHARACTERCharacter 1: This is the main character that appears throughout most of

the film opening, his name is Benjie Teller and he is 16 years old there is something that is wrong with him but no one seems to know what it is. He only has a few friends but none of them are really close to him. He only has one very close friend that he actually opens up to.

Character 2: This is the girl that Benjie is very close with and the friend that goes missing. Her name is Lucy Mitchell and she is 16 years old. She is much more comfortable around people than Benjie and has a more elaborate social life than but she chooses to be friends with him because she thinks that he is an honest person and honest people do not form a large part of her social group.

Character 3: It is unclear if this character is a delusion in Benjie's head or in fact a real person this is the “person” that pics up the camera and takes pictures of Benjie on the floor and of his shoes

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HOW?Genre conventions: from our research we have understood that

to make a good psychological thriller the conflict has to be in the protagonists head and that the battle in the movie has to be more mental than physical.

Attracting target Audience:

Mood/Atmosphere creation: The atmosphere in our movie will be a sense of uncertainty. This will be created as throughout the opening the audience will not know if Benjie himself has done harm to Lucy because of the blood on his hands and the fact that it is not shown how Lucy in fact disappears.

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HOW? MISE EN SCENESetting: The setting of this movie will be in a small town

called Reigate and the main part of the opening will be in the woods.

Props – prop requests: one prop we will defiantly need is a film camera which we have acquired from Libby in our group. Some other minor props will be tongs, and photography paper for the darkroom scene.

Lighting: The lighting is mostly going to be low-key to help with the mood creation we are going to achieve this quite easily as the woods will be quite shady and the dark room will have a dim red light on as no other lights can be turned on.

Costume/makeup: The only make up we will really need is the fake blood on Benjie's hands and the costumes will consist of casual teenager type clothes e.g. jeans, chinos and coach jackets etc.

Performance and proxemics:

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HOW? CAMERAWORKGenre conventions: The most used type of shot in psychological thriller is

the mid shot and the close up this is because it allows the viewer relate to the characters. Sometimes the shots are also quite dragged on so that the viewer can really capture the characters emotions.

POV: we will be using POV in quite a significant portion of our film opening

Particular key shots: A very important shot will be the close up of Benjie's bloody hands and the close up of his eye this will be very important as it will shock and confuse the audience and make the question what has happened.

Variety: In our film opening there will be a variety of shots including: close ups, medium shots, extreme close ups, medium body shots, long shots and many more.

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SOUNDThere will be a significant amount of dialogue in our film

opening therefore a script will be written. We have found an artist on YouTube with a range of suspense

music that is free to use for projects etc. his name is Peder Helland and he allows the use of his music if he is credited in the project.

We will need to record other non diegetic sounds for other elements of our opening but there is already a very wide range on final cut pro itself.

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POST PRODUCTIONThe only SFX we have in mind so far is the shot from the

camera perspective when the “person” picks up the camera we will have to edit the clip to make it seem as if the camera is a polaroid camera taking two pictures of Benjie on the floor.

The titles used will most probably be credits over blank screen as this will effectively add to the thriller genre and it will add to the uncertain atmosphere. The titles will roll over into the film opening.

The cuts in the opening will be edited quite quickly in moments of tension to get the audience interested and to build up a lot of tension . The quick cuts will also be used as the audience will suspect that there is something wrong and this will make them restless.

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A very large influence for our film opening is the movie shutter island as it has a similar feel to our film opening and film idea. The flashbacks in our film where heavily influenced by the movie and it showed us how they could effectively confuse the audience and make them question what is real and what isn't. The main character in shutter island also inspired our main character as he is also very secluded and hard to figure out, our character also has a subtle problem with him that no one can really figure out.