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Feb 02, 2022



CBD Cream

Whether you’ve dealt with chronic stress, tension or a lack of sleep, there’s a chance you’ve considered CBD at some point or another. And for plenty of individuals, CBD has made a great tool in managing a vast array of ailments such as these. But sometimes, CBD stops working so well, or maybe it never worked at all.

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Whether you’ve dealt with chronic stress, tension or a lack of sleep, there’s a chance you’ve considered CBD at some point or another. And for plenty of individuals, CBD has made a great tool in managing a vast array of ailments such as these. But sometimes, CBD stops working so well, or maybe it never worked at all.
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Whether you’ve dealt with chronic stress, tension or a lack of sleep, there’s a chance you’ve considered CBD at some point or another.
And for plenty of individuals, CBD has made a great tool in managing a vast array of ailments such as these.
But sometimes, CBD stops working so well, or maybe it never worked at all.
Or maybe you love CBD, but you want to supplement it with something a little more potent; preferably something sweet, chewy, and downright pleasant to
If this sounds like you, delta-8 gummies could be worth a shot!
Just like CBD gummies, delta-8 gummies are tasty, easy to dose, discreet. But instead of CBD, delta-8 gummies are made with delta-8 THC.
Don’t worry!
In this guide, we’re answering all of the big questions of delta-8 gummies.
What is Delta-8?
So what exactly is delta-8, and what makes it different from delta-9?
Both delta-8 and delta-9 are forms of THC, which is just one type of cannabinoid out of the 113 found in cannabis.
As such, delta-8 and delta-9 are both extremely similar, they have a few differences.
While delta-8 possesses similar psychoactive properties to delta-9, delta-8 isn’t as concentrated. In fact, it’s commonly said that delta-8 is about “half as
potent” as delta-9. So in other words, 20 mg of delta-8 is like 10 mg of delta-9, 50 mg of delta-8 is like 25 mg of delta-9, and so on.
delta-9’s side effects are a major reason why so many people turn away from it. Aside from spiking anxiety, delta-9 can also cause side effects like
drowsiness, increased blood pressure, and panic. delta-8, on the other hand, tends to display side effects that are far less intense.
While delta-9 is still banned from most states, delta-8 is legal by means of a loophole, which we’ll discuss later under the section, “Are Delta-8 Gummies
The Benefits of Delta-8 Gummies
So, what is it that gives delta-8 so much appeal? We see what sets it apart from delta-9, but how is it distinguished from CBD?
Unlike CBD, delta-8 will get the user high, but not to the extent that delta-9 does.
And as a fellow cannabinoid, delta-8 interacts with our bodies in a unique way, just like CBD and delta-9, through a series of receptors in our bodies known
as the endocannabinoid system.
The endocannabinoid system helps manage a number of functions such as sleep, stress and mood, and it sends messages throughout the body through
Because delta-8 is a cannabinoid, it’s theorized that it can create a unique type of influence on these functions when they enter the body.
While research is still being done, there is a significant amount of evidence to suggest that delta-8 can help ease discomfort by reducing the inflammatory
Discomfort relief is easily one of the biggest reasons people go for delta-8 gummies, and those who’ve tried CBD, but didn’t feel it was potent enough.
delta-8 can also help encourage relaxation, which is incredibly valuable for countless Americans, especially with mental health issues ever on the rise.
When used in tandem with professional help, delta-8 can help ease stress, and they may also help improve sleep quality, especially for those who suffer
from insomnia, or have trouble falling asleep. While it’s not fully understood how, it’s been believed that delta-8 may influence sleep by binding to CB1
receptors in the brain to help prompt sleep, and taking delta-8 gummies in the evening alongside melatonin can be especially helpful.
How Long Does it Take for Delta-8 Gummies to Start Working?
For those new to delta-8, it’s common to ask how long it will take for delta-8 to start kicking in.
And unfortunately, there is no universal answer, because it’s ultimately going to vary for each user. Every person is unique and has their own parameters, and
factors like body chemistry, metabolism, weight, and product potency all come into play.
Generally, the time for delta-8 edibles to hit the bloodstream will take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours. So if you’re trying delta-8 gummies for the first
time, pay attention to how you feel. And while it might be tempting, try not to take more if you don’t feel the effects immediately. Try not to take any more
gummies for at least the first 2 hours!
Are Delta-8 Gummies Legal?
So is delta-8 legal in the US?
And if so, how can it be, when THC is banned in most states?
At least for now, delta-8 is considered de facto legal in the United States.
In suit of the 2018 Farm Bill, most states allow the manufacturing, sale, and consumption of hemp products as long as they contain less than 0.3% delta-9
THC. However, this legislation says nothing about delta-8, which can be synthesized from the CBD in hemp through a process called isomerization.
Consequently, hemp manufacturers and enthusiasts have inferred from this that this makes delta-8 legal by default.
However, customers should be aware that some lawmakers have voiced intent to change this legislature so that it bans delta-8, as well, especially in states
with strict cannabis laws.
That being said, make sure to check the legal status of delta-8 in your state specifically, since laws can vary state to state.
Are Delta-8 Gummies Safe?
Because delta-8 is so new to the industry, it’s been met with some apprehension, and many individuals have questions about its safety.
But rest assured that delta-8 is safe, and there is no evidence to show that it produces any kind of adverse effects, even when taken in excess.
However, any product’s safety will make or break on the company that creates it, so it’s important to make sure you’re shopping from a reputable one.
And luckily, there are ways to ensure that you’re shopping from a reliable brand, which we’ll discuss below.
How to Shop for Safe Delta-8 Gummies
If you’ve ever shopped for CBD products before, good news! Shopping for delta-8 gummies isn’t too different, although a little more research might be
So first things first: where do I find delta-8 gummies?
delta-8 gummies still aren’t as widely available as CBD gummies, so you might not have as much success from googling “delta-8 gummies near me.”
Although, depending on the state, you may actually find delta-8 gummies in cannabis dispensaries.
Nonetheless, the best place to find delta-8 gummies is online.
If you choose to shop online, make sure you’re buying from a reputable seller.
To do so, you typically go by the same criteria for CBD gummies:
It’s already a process to figure out the best dosage for your needs, so why buy from a brand that makes it harder? Always go for delta-8 gummies with
packaging that clearly states the potency in milligrams (mg), the number of gummies, weight in ounces, and the ingredients.
Like most cannabis products, delta-8 gummies can get expensive, so make sure you’re getting the best bang for your buck. Keep in mind though, that your
dosage for delta-8 will probably be very different from your CBD dosage. With delta-8 gummies, 50 mg is considered quite high, while 5-10 mg is more
suitable for beginners.
Third-Party Testing
Because cannabis products are still not regulated by the federal government, brands need to show the proof that their delta-8 gummies are safe in order to
be viewed as reputable. To do so, these brands will hire a third party lab to test every batch of product for heavy metals, pesticides, and any potentially
harmful contaminants.
Always make sure to shop for a brand that third-party tests their delta-8 gummies, and make sure that they offer a certificate of analysis proving it.
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