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DEEP FEATURE FUSION FOR SELF-SUPERVISED MONOCULAR DEPTH PREDICTION Vinay Kaushik, Brejesh Lall Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi ABSTRACT Recent advances in end-to-end unsupervised learning has sig- nificantly improved the performance of monocular depth pre- diction and alleviated the requirement of ground truth depth. Although a plethora of work has been done in enforcing var- ious structural constraints by incorporating multiple losses utilising smoothness, left-right consistency, regularization and matching surface normals, a few of them take into con- sideration multi-scale structures present in real world images. Most works utilize a VGG16 or ResNet50 model pre-trained on ImageNet weights for predicting depth. We propose a deep feature fusion method utilizing features at multiple scales for learning self-supervised depth from scratch. Our fusion network selects features from both upper and lower levels at every level in the encoder network, thereby creating multiple feature pyramid sub-networks that are fed to the decoder after applying the CoordConv solution[1]. We also propose a refinement module learning higher scale residual depth from a combination of higher level deep features and lower level residual depth using a pixel shuffling framework that super-resolves lower level residual depth. We select the KITTI dataset[2] for evaluation and show that our proposed architecture can produce better or comparable results in depth prediction. Index TermsUnsupervised learning, Depth prediction, Self-supervised learning, Deep learning 1. INTRODUCTION Depth estimation is a fundamental problem of computer vi- sion encompassing wide range of applications in areas such as robotics, augmented reality, action recognition, human pose estimation and scene interaction. Traditional depth predicting algorithms rely of certain assumptions like multi-view camera data, structure from motion or stereopsis for efficiently esti- mating scene depth. To alleviate this problem, recent deep learning approaches pose depth prediction as a supervised learning problem. These methods depend on large collections of ground truth depth information for training a deep learning model to predict per pixel depth. While these methods work well, there are many scenarios where there is scarce possibil- ity of getting ground truth depth data. Self-supervised depth prediction solves the depth predic- tion problem by tackling the problem of image view synthe- sis. Garg et al.[3] proposed a deep network that enforced a photometric constraint on stereo image data for predicting depth. DVSO [4] uses sparse depth computed from visual odometry pipeline as a supervisory signal for improving depth prediction. Although a lot of work has been done on enforc- ing multiple constraints on learning depth, like surface normal constraint, left-right consistency constraint, etc. by construct- ing a loss for the same, not much has been done to enforce changes to the encoder-decoder architecture itself, that has to actually learn those constraints. The most crucial of them is capturing multi-scale structural information present in the scene itself. In this work, we pose depth prediction as an unsupervised problem, where our model learns to predict multi-scale depth by learning pixel level correspondence between rectified pairs of stereo images with known baseline. Our work optimises the depth prediction pipeline by utilising a novel deep learn- ing framework bringing critical architecture improvements over existing methods enabling us to achieve better accuracy and qualitative improvements in our results. In summary, we make the following contributions: (i) A self-supervised learning architecture utilising multiple feature pyramid sub- networks for feature fusion at every feature scale, (ii) Our model takes advantage of the CoordConv solution[1] by con- catenating coordinate channels centered at principal point in every FPN sub-network along with every skip connection, (iii) A residual refinement module that leverages lower reso- lution residual depth utilizing a residual sub-network, incor- porating pixel shuffling for super-resolving predicted depth, (iv) The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art perfor- mance on KITTI driving dataset[2] and further improves the visual quality of the estimated depth maps. 2. RELATED WORK Predicting depth from images has always been a crucial task in computer vision. Majority of traditional approaches use stereo or multi-view images to predict depth. Advent of deep learning led to collecting depth ground truth by expensive scanners, posing depth prediction as a supervised learning problem. We target on a specific domain of monocular depth prediction, posing depth prediction as a self-supervised learn- ing problem, where given only single image as input, we aim arXiv:2005.07922v1 [cs.CV] 16 May 2020


Nov 14, 2021



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Vinay Kaushik, Brejesh Lall

Dept. of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi


Recent advances in end-to-end unsupervised learning has sig-nificantly improved the performance of monocular depth pre-diction and alleviated the requirement of ground truth depth.Although a plethora of work has been done in enforcing var-ious structural constraints by incorporating multiple lossesutilising smoothness, left-right consistency, regularizationand matching surface normals, a few of them take into con-sideration multi-scale structures present in real world images.Most works utilize a VGG16 or ResNet50 model pre-trainedon ImageNet weights for predicting depth. We propose adeep feature fusion method utilizing features at multiplescales for learning self-supervised depth from scratch. Ourfusion network selects features from both upper and lowerlevels at every level in the encoder network, thereby creatingmultiple feature pyramid sub-networks that are fed to thedecoder after applying the CoordConv solution[1]. We alsopropose a refinement module learning higher scale residualdepth from a combination of higher level deep features andlower level residual depth using a pixel shuffling frameworkthat super-resolves lower level residual depth. We select theKITTI dataset[2] for evaluation and show that our proposedarchitecture can produce better or comparable results in depthprediction.

Index Terms— Unsupervised learning, Depth prediction,Self-supervised learning, Deep learning


Depth estimation is a fundamental problem of computer vi-sion encompassing wide range of applications in areas such asrobotics, augmented reality, action recognition, human poseestimation and scene interaction. Traditional depth predictingalgorithms rely of certain assumptions like multi-view cameradata, structure from motion or stereopsis for efficiently esti-mating scene depth. To alleviate this problem, recent deeplearning approaches pose depth prediction as a supervisedlearning problem. These methods depend on large collectionsof ground truth depth information for training a deep learningmodel to predict per pixel depth. While these methods workwell, there are many scenarios where there is scarce possibil-ity of getting ground truth depth data.

Self-supervised depth prediction solves the depth predic-

tion problem by tackling the problem of image view synthe-sis. Garg et al.[3] proposed a deep network that enforced aphotometric constraint on stereo image data for predictingdepth. DVSO [4] uses sparse depth computed from visualodometry pipeline as a supervisory signal for improving depthprediction. Although a lot of work has been done on enforc-ing multiple constraints on learning depth, like surface normalconstraint, left-right consistency constraint, etc. by construct-ing a loss for the same, not much has been done to enforcechanges to the encoder-decoder architecture itself, that hasto actually learn those constraints. The most crucial of themis capturing multi-scale structural information present in thescene itself.

In this work, we pose depth prediction as an unsupervisedproblem, where our model learns to predict multi-scale depthby learning pixel level correspondence between rectified pairsof stereo images with known baseline. Our work optimisesthe depth prediction pipeline by utilising a novel deep learn-ing framework bringing critical architecture improvementsover existing methods enabling us to achieve better accuracyand qualitative improvements in our results. In summary,we make the following contributions: (i) A self-supervisedlearning architecture utilising multiple feature pyramid sub-networks for feature fusion at every feature scale, (ii) Ourmodel takes advantage of the CoordConv solution[1] by con-catenating coordinate channels centered at principal point inevery FPN sub-network along with every skip connection,(iii) A residual refinement module that leverages lower reso-lution residual depth utilizing a residual sub-network, incor-porating pixel shuffling for super-resolving predicted depth,(iv) The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art perfor-mance on KITTI driving dataset[2] and further improves thevisual quality of the estimated depth maps.


Predicting depth from images has always been a crucial taskin computer vision. Majority of traditional approaches usestereo or multi-view images to predict depth. Advent of deeplearning led to collecting depth ground truth by expensivescanners, posing depth prediction as a supervised learningproblem. We target on a specific domain of monocular depthprediction, posing depth prediction as a self-supervised learn-ing problem, where given only single image as input, we aim








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Fig. 1: Architecture for deep feature fusion encoder-decoder with depth refinement for predicting self-supervised depth.

to predict it’s depth without considering any scene prior.

2.1. Supervised Depth Prediction

Laina et al.[5] introduced ResNet based FCN architecture forpredicting supervised depth. Hu et al.[6] constructed a multi-scale feature fusion module to produce better depth at objectedges. Chen et al.[7] formulated a structure-aware residualpyramid network for learning supervised depth.

2.2. Self-supervised Monocular Depth Prediction

Garg et al.[3] presented the problem of predicting depth asa learning problem with depth prediction as an intermediatestep of image synthesis. The photometric error is computedto train the deep network. Godard [8] proposed that the depthproduced by both left and right images must be consistentwith each other and constructed a left-right consistency lossenforcing the same. He also utilized an effective weightedcombination of SSIM and L1 loss along with a smoothnessconstraint to further optimize the predicted depth. Pillai [9]introduced depth super resolution by using a sub-pixel con-volution layer thereby improving depth at higher resolutions.UnDispNet[10] provided a cascaded residual framework util-ising super-resolution for refining depth by utilising multipleautoencoders.

Almalioglu et al.[11] utilised a generative adversarial net-work by assuming the depth encoder as a generator networkand feeding the synthesized image to the discriminator net-work. Feng et al.[12] constructed a stack of GAN layers,with higher layers estimating spatial features and lower lay-ers learning depth and camera pose. Zhou[13] presented analgorithm to learn depth from a monocular video. His frame-work comprised of separate depth and pose networks, withthe loss constructed by warping temporal views by combin-ing camera pose with the predicted depth of the target image.GeoNet[14] resolved texture ambiguities by incorporating anadaptive geometric consistency loss. Godard[15] proposed a

Fig. 2: Qualitative results KITTI diving dataset 2015[2]

shared encoder framework for predicting depth and pose frommonocular videos. He also introduced a minimum photomet-ric error loss that learnt optimal depth at every pixel from a setof temporal frames. UnDeepVO[16] combined both temporaland spatial constraints of photometric consistency and depthconsistency to create a single framework for egomotion anddepth estimation. GLNet[17] designed a loss to only learndepth from static regions of the image. GLNet also proposedan online refinement strategy that further improved depth pre-diction and thereby provided an efficient solution for bettergeneralization of the learnt depth on novel datasets.


This section describes the working of our self-superviseddepth prediction framework in detail. We introduce a deepfeature fusion method, combining features at multiple scalesto compute stereo depth without requiring any supervision orground truth depth. We enforce the CoordConv solution[1]at critical places in our network to optimise scale awarenessin our network. We also describe the residual refinementmodule for learning higher scale residual depth.


Method Dataset AbsRel



D1-all δ<1.25 δ<1.252 δ<1.253

Deep3D[18] K 0.412 16.37 13.693 0.512 66.85 0.69 0.833 0.891Deep3Ds[18] K 0.151 1.312 6.344 0.239 59.64 0.781 0.931 0.976Godard[8] pp K 0.124 1.388 6.125 0.217 30.272 0.841 0.936 0.975 Lower is better

UnDispNet[10] pp K 0.110 1.059 5.571 0.195 28.656 0.858 0.947 0.980 Higher is better

Ours no pp K 0.107 1.056 5.370 0.188 27.379 0.866 0.955 0.983Ours no fusion K 0.108 1.098 5.425 0.187 27.218 0.869 0.953 0.981

Ours no CoordConv K 0.106 1.082 5.371 0.185 26.727 0.870 0.955 0.983Ours K 0.104 1.022 5.290 0.185 26.163 0.871 0.956 0.984

Table 1: Results on the KITTI 2015 Stereo 200 training set disparity images[2].For training, K is the KITTI dataset[2]. pp isthe disparity post processing specified by [8].

3.1. Depth Prediction as View Reconstruction

Our network considers predicting fine grained depth as learn-ing a dense correspondence field that shall be applied to thesource image for reconstructing the target image of the scene.In a stereo setup, source and target images are the left andright images respectively. Our networks takes left image Il asinput and predicts depthDl. Given the left depthDl and rightimage Ir, we can generate Il as the reconstructed left image.Same can be done with the right depth as input. We can sim-ply compute d = bf/d as the metric depth, given baseline band focal length f . We compute depth of both left and rightimages, at 4 scales for training our network.

3.2. Feature Fusion Network

The core of our architecture is the Feature Fusion Network.Our pyramidal encoder utilises a combination of high leveland lower level features, learning global image structure aswell as the intricate shape details present in the scene. In-spired from [7], our fusion network takes input as features atmultiple scales, fuses them based on their neighbourhood andgenerates a richer set of features as shown in Fig1. Unlike [7],we don’t reshape and feed all the features at all scales, andmake sure that the feature at a given scale is given more im-portance than the feature at a lower or higher scale by reserv-ing more channels for the feature at given scale. The encoderextracts a set of L features {F p

E}Lp=1, where p is the featurelevel. The feature shape decreases by 2 at every level as thelevel increases due to convolution with stride 2. Our featurefusion network computes FF p

D taking input as a combinationof upsampled features.

FF pD = {F i,p

UP }p+1i=p−1, (1)

where F i,pUP is the encoded feature at level i reshaped to fea-

ture at level p. A convolution operation with stride 1 is appliedover the set of fused features to generate a set of richer fea-tures at every scale. These features form a new set of encodedfeatures that are then forwarded to the CoordConv block be-fore being send to decoder module.

3.3. The CoordConv Solution

The CoordConv block[1] creates three additional channelsfor every set of feature it receives. These coordinate chan-nels are simply concatenated to the incoming representations.These channels contain hard-coded coordinates which isone channel for the ith coordinate, one for the jth coor-dinate and one for the polar(radius) coordinate defined asr =

√(i− h/2)2 + (j − w/2)2 . These channels are cre-

ated for every feature set before being fed to the feature fusionnetwork. Also, as a standard, these blocks are applied to theskip connections in the fusion encoder-decoder module.

3.4. Residual Refinement Module

Our residual refinement module takes input as fused featuresFF p

E generated by the convolutional decoder, which is thenfed to a set of convolutional features to compute residualdepth. This residual depth is then combined with the pre-dicted lower resolution depth utilising super-resolution forupsampling similar to [9]. The fused depth is then sent to aset of convolutional layers with stride 1, for predicting refineddepth. This super-resolved residual architecture induces ourmodel to decipher structurally rich intricate details and refinescene structures while preserving global image layout. Weuse pixel shuffling after convolving feature with a set of 32,32, 16, 4 channels to super resolve depth to twice the inputresolution.

3.5. Loss Function

Our network predicts depth Dl at 4 scales for left input imageIl. Similarly, it predicts depthDr. Provided multi-scale depthof left and right images, we compute appearance matchingloss, disparity smoothness loss, left-right consistency loss[8],with occlusion regularization[4]. Our losses are computed at4 scales with standard weight factor at every scale[8]. Ourarchitecture learns a combination of these multi-scale lossesin an end-to-end manner. Our fusion network selects featuresfrom both upper and lower levels at every level in the en-


Method Resolution Dataset Abs Rel Sq Rel RMSE RMSE log δ<1.25 δ<1.252 δ<1.253

Garg[3] cap 50m 620 x 188 K 0.169 1.080 5.104 0.273 0.740 0.904 0.962Godard[15] 640 x 192 K 0.115 1.1010 5.164 0.212 0.858 0.946 0.974GeoNet[14] 416 x 128 K 0.155 1.296 5.857 0.233 0.793 0.931 0.973UnDeepVO[16] 416 x 128 K 0.183 1.730 6.57 0.268 - - -Godard[8] 640 x 192 K 0.148 1.344 5.927 0.247 0.803 0.922 0.964GANVO[11] 416 x 128 K 0.150 0.1141 5.448 0.216 0.808 0.937 0.975GLNet[7] 416 x 128 K 0.135 1.070 5.230 0.210 0.841 0.948 0.980SuperDepth[9] 1024 x 384 K 0.112 0.875 4.958 0.207 0.852 0.947 0.977UnDispNet[10] 1024 x 384 K 0.110 0.892 4.895 0.206 0.868 0.951 0.976SGANVO[12] 416 x 128 K 0.065 0.673 4.003 0.136 0.944 0.979 0.991Ours 1024 x 384 K 0.960 0.851 4.386 0.179 0.878 0.962 0.984

Table 2: Self-Supervised depth estimation results on the KITTI dataset [2] using the Eigen Split [19] for depths at cap 80m, asdescribed in [19].

coder network, thereby creating multiple feature pyramid sub-networks that are fed to the decoder after applying the Coord-Conv solution. Our pyramidal encoder utilises a combinationof high level and lower level features, learning global imagestructure as well as the intricate shape details present in thescene. We also propose a refinement module learning higherscale residual depth from a combination of higher level deepfeatures and lower level residual depth using a pixel shufflingframework that super-resolves lower level residual depth.


We evaluate our method on KITTI Dataset[2] for both KITTIand Eigen [19] test-train data splits for fair comparison. Ournetwork is trained from scratch with input image at 1080x384resolution. D1-all and depth metrics from [19],[2] are usedfor comparison.

4.1. Implementation Details

Our base architecture consists of VGG14 model with skipconnections. We train our model using Adam optimizer with10−4 as learning rate for 70 epochs, where first 50 epochsare trained on all 4 scales, next 10 epochs on 2 scales andlast 10 with no regularization and smoothness loss for fine-tuning. Inferencing takes 30ms using NVIDIA RTX 2080TiGPU. Our network has only 27 million parameters as com-pared to a basic ResNet 50 having 44 million parameters [8]or a stacked module containing 63 million parameters [4].

4.2. KITTI split

We tested our method on 200 stereo images provided byKITTI 2015 Stereo Dataset. Our model preforms drasticallywell when compared with other methods as shown in Table1.Our architecture outperforms [8] which shows the optimalityof our architecture in predicting depth. Feature fusion helps

in preserving structure and learning refined depth. Super-resolution makes sure that the learnt residual depth isn’tinconsistent due to sub-optimal sampling. Also, we observethat feature fusion does significant improvements on depthprediction and CoordConv also gives slight performanceboost in depth evaluation.

4.3. Eigen Split

As shown in Table 2, we observe that our method performsbetter than rest of the methods exploiting geometric con-straints for self-supervised depth prediction. Our methodproduces visually rich results as show in Fig2. SGANVO[12]which utilises stacked generators with adversarial losses per-forms better but predicts depth at smaller resolution. Ourmethod predicts accurate depth estimates and in future canalso utilize GANs for further optimization. We show thatarchitecture has as important role in learning better depth asdoes having better constraints enforced in form of trainingloss. Following the same paradigm, we observe that ourmodel performs significantly well than other methods trainedon similar losses[8, 9, 10, 16]. Compared with the others,our method generates more clearer textures and fine graineddetails in the predicted depth.


In this work, we propose a deep feature fusion based architec-ture leveraging multiple feature pyramids as sub-networks foran optimal encoder network. We combine encoded featureswith the CoordConv solution thereby learning robust invari-ant features refined by a residual decoder that incorporatesdepth super resolution for learning fine-grained depth. Ourmodel predicts accurate depth at higher resolution than othermethods. In future, we would like to use adversarial trainingscheme along with a separate pose network to facilitate learn-ing by monocular video and further improve the performance.



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