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ORMSKIRK LIFE & TIMES December 2013 Editor Barry Hewitt The Ormskirk Life and Times Volume 7 Issue 2 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You All It was Ho! Ho! Ho! and jingle bells all the way at the Ormskirk and District Group Children's Christmas party. The Masonic hall was filled to capacity with members, family and friends who revelled in the excitement of over 70 children thoroughly enjoying themselves. All the children were happily entertained by Izzy Wizzy children's entertainer with plenty of fun, games and competitions. During a break in the festivities the children tucked into light refreshments. Izzy Wizzy then got busy performing magic tricks much to the delight of his young audience, and this was followed by a game of 'Play your Cards Right' good game, good game!!!!! Jingle bells then heralded the arrival of the much anticipated guest of honour 'Father Christmas', who taking time out from his hectic schedule preparing for the festive season, made a welcome visit to the hall, and was cheered into the room before taking his rightful place amongst his adoring fans. Each child received a beautifully wrapped gift, selection box and a friendly word from Santa. It was a brilliant afternoon and full credit must go to Ken Hives and his hard working team of helpers; John Wootton, Derek Gibson and Tom Stub. Appreciation must go to Gary O'Brien and his hard working staff for keeping everyone refreshed throughout the afternoon. Thanks must also go to the lodges, chapters and the Ormskirk Ladies Group for supporting this event through their generous donations, and a special thank you from all the children to Father Christmas. Father Christmas takes time out to visit Ormskirk Maya receives her present from Father Christmas Fun and games with Izzy Wizzy

December 2013 Merry Christmas and Happy New … LIFE & TIMES December 2013 Editor Barry Hewitt The Ormskirk Life and

May 21, 2018



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Page 1: December 2013 Merry Christmas and Happy New … LIFE & TIMES December 2013 Editor Barry Hewitt The Ormskirk Life and


December 2013

Editor Barry Hewitt

The Ormskirk Life and Times

Volume 7 Issue 2

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To You All

It was Ho! Ho! Ho! and jingle bells all the way at the Ormskirk and District Group Children's Christmas party. The Masonic hall was filled to capacity with members, family and friends who revelled in the excitement of over 70 children thoroughly enjoying themselves. All the children were happily entertained by Izzy Wizzy children's entertainer with plenty of fun, games and competitions. During a break in the festivities the children tucked into light refreshments. Izzy Wizzy then got busy performing magic tricks much to the delight of his young audience, and this was followed by a game of 'Play your Cards Right' good game, good game!!!!! Jingle bells then heralded the arrival of the much

anticipated guest of honour 'Father Christmas', who taking time out from his hectic schedule preparing for the festive season, made a welcome visit to the hall, and was cheered into the room before taking his rightful place amongst his adoring fans. Each child received a beautifully wrapped gift, selection box and a friendly word from Santa. It was a brilliant afternoon and full credit must go to Ken Hives and his hard working team of helpers; John Wootton, Derek Gibson and Tom Stub. Appreciation must go to Gary O'Brien and his hard working staff for keeping everyone refreshed throughout the afternoon. Thanks must also go to the lodges, chapters and the Ormskirk Ladies Group for supporting this event through their generous donations, and a special thank you from all the children to Father Christmas.

Father Christmas takes time out to visit Ormskirk

Maya receives her present from Father Christmas

Fun and games with Izzy Wizzy

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The first meeting of St Michael's Chapter No 5756 held at the new venue Heskin Hall was a very successful evening. It was enjoyed by 38 members and guests who witnessed the first principal Derek Midgley, assisted by his co-principals and officers, exalt his son Robert Midgley into the chapter. Among the many guests in attendance was Paul Renton Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, Ormskirk and District Group Chairman Frank Umbers and the vice chairman Stephen Brereton who this year is the acting Provincial Grand Scribe Nehemiah. The ceremony was further enhanced by the surroundings and also, much to the amusement of

the companions, a winged intruder made an impromptu entrance near the end. Or, could it have been one of the halls most talked about inhabitants, the ghosts. According to history there were three documented apparitions but one left, it is said, "with his piece of furniture". The two remaining ghosts are that of a young girl and an older man that are said to date from the Civil War. An excellent festive board was enjoyed by all present and everyone agreed that this first meeting in Heskin Hall had been a success and bode well for the future.

First night a success at the Hall

The three Principals with members and guests

At the regular meeting of Harmony Lodge No 580 held at the Ormskirk Masonic Hall the members settled down to receive an enlightened talk from guest speaker Fred Lomax entitled "Whatever happened to Freemasonry?" Fred is a regular speaker throughout the north of England and has written numerous papers on Masonic subjects and several articles for The Square Masonic magazine

and his "Five Minute Papers" appear as a regular quarterly feature and are also available in a book titled ‘Fred’s five minute talks’.Well who could have foreseen what was going to happen at the conclusion of his talk! Unbeknown to the members an impromptu fire

drill had been arranged by the lodge secretary Neill Stewart. Just as Fred was asking for questions from the floor the alarm was sounded prompting an evacuation of the building. Catering staff along with all the members assembled on the car park at the rear of the hall. A roll call was taken of the brethren using the tyler's book and this confirmed all had safely evacuated the building. After confirmation from Gary

O'Brien (Masonic hall caterer) that the premises where safe to re-enter, the brethren resumed their places and the meeting continued in peace and harmony. This is a timely reminder to all lodges and chapters meeting in any venue that they should have procedures in place should the unthinkable happen, and more importantly that the members should be made aware of what to do and where to meet in the event of an evacuation.

Harmony disrupted by fire alarm

Alan Browne (WM) thanks Fred for his talk

Neill takes the roll call

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The installation meeting of Aughton Lodge No 7996 was well supported by 48 members and visiting brethren. Stewart Seddon chairman of the Leyland and District Group of lodges and chapters, represented the Provincial Grand Master at the meeting. Stewart was accompanied by Frank Umbers Ormskirk Group Chairman together with other grand and Provincial grand officers. The installation was carried out by Edward Harrison who welcomed all attending and wished them a pleasant evening. Edward installed John Doyle into the chair of King Solomon in a confident and sincere manner. Edward was word perfect conducting the ceremony and was very ably assisted by Frank Smith occupying the senior warden's chair, James Kontzle junior warden and

Charles Browne as inner guard, under the expert guidance of DC John Wootton and ADC Ian Tupling. The explanation of the working tools were well presented by Jim Carrie third degree, Anthony McGee second degree and Charlie Browne first degree. Bringing greetings from the Provincial Grand Master Stewart congratulated John on his appointment as Master and wished him and the members of the lodge well for the forthcoming year. Stewart also took the opportunity to warmly congratulate Edward and his installation team on their expertise which had resulted in an excellent ceremony that many other lodges would wish to emulate. At the end of the ceremony John presented Stewart with two cheques, one for the magnificent sum of £700 for the West Lancashire Masonic Charities and £200 for Friends of Tithebarn. Other donations to the sum of £700 given away on the night included £100 to the Masonic Hall Building appeal fund, £200 North West Air Ambulance, £100 to Alder Hey Hospital, £100 Liverpool Heart and Chest Unit and £100 to Aughton Lodge 2015 Festival Fund. Stewart congratulated the brethren on behalf of the recipients for their generosity in raising £1600 for charitable good causes.

John first in the chair for the new season

Stewart Seddon, John Doyle, Edward Harrison and Frank Umbers

The members of Ormskirk Priory Lodge No 4007 were honoured to welcome Bryan Henshaw Chairman of the Southport Group of Lodges and Chapters to their installation meeting at the Ormskirk Masonic Hall. Brian was representing the Provincial Grand Master. Bryan was accompanied by Philip Gunning Assistant Provincial Grand Master, Frank Umbers Ormskirk and District Group Chairman and several other grand and Provincial grand officers. Also in attendance were Derek Gibson and Ian Rooney who were carrying out Provincial duties for the first time. The ceremony was attended by 37 brethren which included lodge members visiting masters and members of other lodges. Barry Keal was proclaimed WM and placed into the chair of King Solomon for a second year. This unique ceremony was overseen by DC Bert Patterson and assisted by ADC Edmund Rothwell. The explanation of the working tools were presented to Barry by Edmund Rothwell third degree, Ian Kennedy second degree and John Wallbank first degree. At the completion of the ceremony Bryan brought greetings from the Provicial Grand Master to Barry, congratulating him and thanking him for once again becoming a ruler of the craft. Barry presented Bryan with cheques to the value of £1,000 which included £300 to the West Lancashire Freemasons' Charity, £250 to Soldiers, Sailors and Air Force Association, £250 to Walton Neuron Science Fund and £200 to the Friends of Tithebarn. After the meeting the brethren retired to the festive board to conclude an excellent evening.

Barry proclaimed master for a second year

Philip Gunning, Barry Keal, Bryan Henshaw and Frank Umbers

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At a regular meeting of Maghull Lodge No 7190 in the presence of Philip Gunning Assistant Provincial Grand Master, members and guests joined Kenneth Gosling to celebrate his diamond jubilee in Freemasonry. Philip was accompanied by Malcolm Bell PrDGDC, Ormskirk and District Group Chairman Frank Umbers, and other grand and Provincial grand officers. The WM Bill Griffths welcomed Philip and wished him a very pleasant evening. Philip then accepted the gavel of the lodge and took his rightful place in the chair. Having Ken placed before him Philip informed the brethren that Ken was born in 1931 in Anfield Liverpool the son of a lighterman who worked on the River Mersey. Philip added that in the same year the largest ever earthquake was recorded in the UK, the first Highway Code was issued and the Empire State Building was completed. Ken was educated at Walton Junior School and then went on to Byrom Street Technical College. Having completed his education Ken followed his father's footsteps and signed up for a life at sea. Ken joined the New Zealand Shipping Company as a junior engineer and served on the 'S.S. Devon'. At the age of 27 he became a fully qualified Chief Engineer on the 'Norfolk', which later became the 'Hauraki'. Philip remarked that this was a highly responsible position for someone so young. Ken's majority of service involved sailing between the UK and Australia and New Zealand, some voyages taking up to 32 days and being away from home for five months at a time. On leaving the sea in 1961 Ken became a surveyor for Lloyds Register of Shipping in Glasgow and then became a superintendent engineer with the Lamport Holt Line having overall responsibility for the engineering of the ships whilst in port and dry dock. Ken is a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of the Institute of Marine Engineering and retired in 1996. Ken and his wife Ann were married on the 7 September 1963, recently celebrating their golden wedding anniversary. They have a son Andrew and a daughter Jane and are now blessed with four grandchildren. Ken was initiated into Bootle-Wilbraham Lodge No 2463 on 28 October 1953 but was not raised until 1955 because of his being away at sea. Ken became WM on 25 September 1974 and received his first Provincial appointment to PPrJGD in 1984 and then in 1994 received further promotion to the rank of PPrJGW. Philip pointed out that this was just reward for Ken's outstanding commitment to the craft. When the final meeting of this lodge took place in 2003 Ken had occupied every office in the lodge with the exception of chaplain. On the 15 October 2002 Ken joined Maghull Lodge. The following year he took on the role of charity steward an office he still holds to this day. Ken was exalted into Hamer Chapter No 1393 and installed as first principal in 1989 and served again in 2007 and received the rank of PPrPGSoj in April 1997 and five year later a further promotion to PPrGSN The personal greetings and congratulations of the Provincial Grand Master, Peter Hosker, in the form of a certificate, were read aloud by Frank, before being formally presented to Ken by Philip. In retirement Ken and Ann both enjoy cruising and

p lay ing go l f and spending time with the family. Later at the festive board Ken was presented with a 60 year lapel badge and a bottle of Glenfiddich single malt whisky and a beautiful bouquet of flowers for Ann, which came with the good wishes of all the lodge members. Ken thanked the brethren for their kind and generous gifts and said it had been a wonderful evening which he would remember for a long time.

A true seafaring brother

Philip congratulates Ken on 60 glorious years

Malcolm Bell, Jim Charnock, Philip Gunning, Ken Gosling, Bill Griffith, Roy Worthington, Frank Umbers, Charles Browne and Ian Rooney

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Lathom Abbey delighted to have Mike in the chair

The installation ceremony of Lathom Abbey Lodge No 6286 was honoured by the presence of Joe Hall Provincial Junior Grand W a r d e n w h o w a s representing the Provincial Grand Master. Joe was accompanied by Frank Umbers Ormskirk and District Group Chairman and other grand and acting Provincial grand officers Derek Gibson and Ian Rooney. The brethren were treated to an excellent ceremony when Stewart Cranage installed his successor Mike Dutton into the chair of King Solomon in a confident and sincere manner. Mike has

recently retired after many years of dedicated service as response maintenance manager at the local Borough Council. Having progressed through all the positions in the lodge including a year as lodge treasurer Mike has very much looked forward to becoming WM. The installation team was led by DC Nigel Kent, assisted by ADC Jamie Lomax with additional support from Bill Jarvis senior warden, Reg Porter junior warden, and Pat McGuinness inner guard. The address to the master was eloquently given by Bill Dutch with great sincerity and the address to the brethren was presented by Joe which was very well received by all. The explanation of the working tools, were expertly delivered by Peter McLaughlin third degree, Stewart Cranage second degree and Jamie Lomax first degree. As the ceremony came to a close Joe congratulated Mike on behalf of the Provincial Grand Master and wished him well for the year ahead. Joe also congratulated Stewart on a very professional installation. Mike had the pleasure of presenting Joe with five cheques to the magnificent sum of £2,250. The beneficiaries included £500 for Queens Court Hospice, £500 Motor Neurone Disease Association, £500 Alzheimer's Research, £500 Rosemere Cancer and £250 Macmillan Nurses. Joe congratulated all the brethren for their immense generosity on behalf of the recipients. Later at the festive board 44 brethren enjoyed a delightful four course meal which concluded a most memorable evening.

Joe Hall, Mike Dutton, Stewart Cranage and Frank Umbers

The members of the Lodge of Chivalry No 3974 along with many guests met at Ormskirk Masonic Hall for the installation of John Duckworth as Worshipful Master. The lodge was honoured by the presence of Philip Gunning, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Philip was accompanied into the meeting by grand officer Derek Hunt, Ormskirk and District Group Chairman Frank Umbers the Provincial Grand Almoner Ernie Greenhalgh and Ian Rooney Provincial Grand Steward. The installation was carried out by the installing master Alan Hodgson, ably assisted by Tom Bradshaw senior warden, Arnold Pye junior warden and Charles Brewer as inner guard. The ceremony was under the expert guidance of the DC Mark Holloway and was witnessed by 44 brethren. The working tools were delivered by James Bradshaw third degree, Martin Stewart second degree, presented the long way with great confidence as were the first degree tools by Ian Woods. In bringing greetings from the Provincial Grand Master. Philip warmly congratulated John on once again becoming a ruler of the craft. Philip expressed his appreciation of the work carried out by all the installing officers and wished all the members a happy and successful year. Alan had one last duty to perform in presenting Philip with four cheques to the value of £700 which included £400 to the West Lancashire Freemasons' Charity, £150 Central Manchester Foundation Trust to fund research into Leukaemia, £100 Ormskirk Masonic Hall Building Appeal Fund and £50 to the Friends of Tythebarn. This is the third time that John has occupied the chair of King Solomon. He was first installed into the chair of King Solomon in 1993 when the lodge met at Hope Street Masonic Hall and took the chair again in 2002. A hearty meal was enjoyed by the brethren at the conclusion of the ceremony.

Third time as ruler of the craft

Philip Gunning, John Duckworth and Frank Umbers

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The members of Stanley of Bickerstaffe Lodge No 3511 met at Ormskirk Masonic Hall to witness the proclamation of Greg Smith as Worshipful Master for a second year. The lodge was honoured by the presence of Philip Gunning, Assistant Provincial Grand Master. Philip was accompanied into the meeting by Ormskirk and District Group Chairman Frank Umbers, the Provincial Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies Derek Gibson, Provincial Assistant Grand Pursuivant Charles Browne and Provincial Grand Steward Ian Rooney. The proclamation was presented to the assembled brethren by DC Raymond Tompsett with genuine warmth and sincerity. Ray was ably assisted by Bryan Collier senior warden and Robert Carver junior warden. The ceremony was attended by 42 brethren. The working tools in all three degrees were presented in his

own amicable way by IPM Malcolm Sandywell. During the installation of officers for the ensuing year much hilarity was raised by bestowing Frank with the honour of steward of the lodge at which point one of the brethren exclaimed "this man will go far!" In bringing greetings from the Provincial Grand Master. Philip warmly congratulated Greg on once again becoming master of this very fine lodge. Philip expressed his appreciation of the work carried out and passed on his congratulations and wished all the members a happy and successful year. Philip was presented with four cheques to the value of £900 which included £600 to the West Lancashire Freemasons' Charity, £100 to Friends of Tythebarn, £100 Queens Court Hospice and £100 HCPT (children's charity) Greg has been an active Freemason for many years having previously occupied the chair of King Solomon in the Vale of Skelmersdale Lodge No 8719 in 1995 and again 2008, he is also the WM of Quingenti Lodge No 8516. Greg said he was extremely proud to continue as WM of Stanley of Bickerstaffe for a second term 

This man will go far!

Charles Browne, Derek Gibson, Philip Gunning, Greg Smith, Frank Umbers and Ian Rooney

Robert (Bob) Poole was installed as the new WM of Rufford Lodge No 7217 at the first meeting at the new venue of Heskin Hall. The lodge was honoured by the presence of Stan Rigby Chairman of the Preston Group of Lodges and Chapters, representative of the Provincial Grand Master. Stan was accompanied by Ormskirk and

District Group Chairman Frank Umbers, four grand lodge officers together with other group officers and two a c t i n g Provincial grand officers.

An excellent turnout of 69 brethren attended the meeting which was further enhanced by the excellent surroundings of the new lodge room. Bob, who only became a joining member of the lodge in 2011, was installed into the chair of King Solomon by the installing master Stuart Cunningham in an excellent manner. The working tools were very well presented by Chris Brooks third degree, Rob Midgley second degree and Chris Hayton first degree. In bringing greetings from the Provincial Grand Master, Stan acknowledged the good work of all the lodge members who took part in the ceremony and made a special point of personally thanking Frank for giving him the opportunity to attend as the representative of the PGM. He said Bob had been a good friend of his for many years and it was a great pleasure to be at Rufford Lodge on this special occasion. Stan was then presented with cheques for the total sum of £2,100 to the benefit of the West Lancashire Freemasons Charity £1000, Derian House £500, University of Liverpool Pancreatic Cancer Research Fund £500 and The Friends of Tithebarn £100 for which he gave grateful thanks on behalf of all those who will benefit from the kind generosity of the members. Greetings were given on behalf of all the visiting brethren by Ron Crister the WM of Tarleton Lodge No.7871 who thanked all the brethren who took part for a very enjoyable ceremony. Following the meeting an excellent meal was enjoyed by 64 brethren at a very friendly and happy festive board, during which the usual sale of pot plants and a raffle raised nearly £300 for the charities.

First installation at Heskin Hall

Alan Burgess DC, Stan Rigby, Bob Poole, Frank Umbers, David Rawcliffe ADC

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Christmas bells ring out

The annual gathering of the Ormskirk Group has always heralded the start of the festive season and this year was no exception. The Carol Service for the brethren and companions of the Ormskirk and District Group of Masonic Lodges and Chapters was once again held at Lathom Park Chapel of St John the Divine. The members with their families and friends came together to celebrate the advent of Christmas. The Reverend Chris Jones Vicar of Ormskirk Parish Church warmly welcomed everyone to the chapel. The Christmas story was explained by nine lessons, read at intervals throughout the service and many well known Christmas carols were sung by the congregation to celebrate the spirit of the season. The Christmas lessons were read in turn by Bill Jarvis President of the Ormskirk Masonic Hall Association, Stephen Brereton vice chairman of the Ormskirk and District Group of Lodges and Chapters, Kevin Casey master Mason of the Lodge of Harmony No 580, Edward Harrison representing masters of the Ormskirk and District Group of Lodges and Chapters, Paul Renton Assistant to the Provincial Grand Principals, Christopher Hayton master Mason of Rufford Lodge No 7217, Stewart Cranage representing principals of the Ormskirk and District Group of Lodges and Chapters, Frank Umbers Chairman of the Ormskirk and District Group of Lodges and Chapters and by Rev Chris Jones. The collection raised £145 which was divided between Tithebarn Residential Home and Lathom Park Chapel. The afternoon concluded with everyone chatting whilst enjoying a glass of sherry and a mince pie. This year the service was organised by Stephen Brereton ably assisted by group secretary Malcolm Alexander. The order of service books were compiled and printed by group treasurer Martin Howell. The service was made extra special by the accompaniment on the chapel organ by Brian Fairhurst who has recently celebrated 60 years in Freemasonry.

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Lathom Park Chapel of St John the Divine

Cath and Frank Umbers, Rev Chris Jones, Stephen and Margaret Brereton

A little Christmas spirit

Page 8: December 2013 Merry Christmas and Happy New … LIFE & TIMES December 2013 Editor Barry Hewitt The Ormskirk Life and

Please send any news articles, announcements, pictures or items of interest to:

[email protected]

Editor Barry Hewitt Page 8

Brethren as Ormskirk Publicity Officer I would like to publish a series of articles on any Masons within the Ormskirk Group with unusual and interesting hobbies. If you think you can help me achieve this aim and are willing to put pen to paper please e-mail me at :[email protected] Seasonal greetings from Barry Hewitt and Derek Midgley.

Ormskirk & District Group—Diary Dates 11.01.14 Mersey Lodge No 5199 Installation 15.01.14 Harmony Lodge No 580 Installation 28.01.14 Stanley of Bickerstaffe No 3511CH Installation 09.02.14 Group Sunday Lunch Ormskirk Masonic Hall 12.02.14 Unity & Perseverance No 580CH Installation TBA Masonic Church Service St Cuthbert Halsall 03.03.14 Vale of Skelmersdale Lodge No 8719 Installation 04.03.14 St Michael’s Lodge ( H ) No 5756 Installation 05.03.14 Group Meeting Ormskirk Masonic Hall 12.03.14 Ormskirk Priory Lodge No 4007CH Installation 14.03.14 Provincial Ball Reebok Stadium Bolton 18.03.14 Maghull No 7190 75th E R McKay 21.03.14 Ormskirk Masonic Hall Association Meeting 28.03.14 Lombardian Lodge No 4887 Installation


CH = Chapter ( H ) Meeting at Heskin Hall

At a time of remembrance when we are thinking of the men and women who gave their lives in the many conflicts around the world, we must not forget the numerous organisations that look after those serving our Armed Forces and those at home. In particular this year, the Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen's Families Association were foremost in the thoughts of the brethren of Ormskirk Priory Lodge No 4007. Ray Hampson charity steward recently had the pleasure of presenting a cheque to SSAFA for £250 to Squadron Leader Chris Ditch at RAF Leeming, Northallerton, Yorkshire. The history of SSAFA is the history of the men and women of Britain’s Forces and their families. The vision and drive of one man stands at the heart of the UK's oldest Armed Forces charity. In February 1885, as the Second Expeditionary Force set sail for Egypt, Major James Gildea wrote to The Times appealing for funds and volunteers to look after families left behind.

Within three months, the Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Families Association was born. Since then, they have supported millions of people, and continue to help many more. Through two World Wars and every subsequent conflict involving Britain, SSAFA has been here for our servicemen and women and their families. The ability to adapt quickly to their needs is still at the heart of everything they do. They believe that the commitment of our Forces and their families deserves lifelong support. So they provide practical, emotional and financial support to anyone who is serving or has ever served and their families.

SSAFA receives support from Ormskirk Priory

Ray Hampson presents cheque to Squadron Leader Chris Ditch

On a recent visit to Stratford-upon-Avon to attend the Ladies Festival held by Jordan Lodge of Good Companions No 201, the Ormskirk Group publicity officer Barry Hewitt and his wife Brenda encountered a strange phenomena. Whilst photographing William Shakespeare's birthplace a ghostly apparition appeared in the frame. As you can clearly see from the photograph a figure resembling William can be plainly seen walking by the front door of this ancient iconic building. Of course the more cynical amongst you will exclaim "he has photo shopped it" However Barry said "as a Freemason I can assure you with hand on heart, that the photograph is genuine and has not been doctored, superimposed or meddled with in any way". There is a perfectly plausible explanation of course, so answers on a post card please.

Is William Shakespeare alive?