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tld Dtrf- THENEWS GHY MAGAZINE OF MARINA DEL REY L 1 3011-A wash1ng t on a1 vd. os Angeles, ca1ifornia 90066 ( - DEC. 11 - CAL-20 NOVICE SKIPPER RACE All novice skippers of Cal-20s are invited to par- ticipate. Meet at Corinthian Yacht Sales (on Mar- quesas Way) at 10:30 AM. More experienced skippers are avai l able to sail with those who want help in getting started. . 1964 Christmas Parade Winner DEC. 18 - ALL FAITH FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS PARADE (Spectator) Entry fee is $1.00. Entry blanks will be circulated through the different marina offices. Excellent spectator points are mole ends anywhere in marina or along the main channel (end of Ma- rina Peninsula). Parade will rally at 6:00 PM in various basins . Judging will take place at Cali- fornia YC and the Trophy Presentation will take place at Pieces of Eight Restaurant after the 1111 -..---• ev. ent. (Se •e• Pa -ge . 3)

DEC. 11 - CAL-20 NOVICE SKIPPER RACE...during the contest, the Skipper may then select a slower log speed for that portion of the course. It was explained that the Skipper notifies

Feb 15, 2021



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  • tld Dtrf-


    L 13011-A wash1ngt on a 1vd. os Angeles, ca1ifornia 90066



    All novice skippers of Cal-20s are invited to par-ticipate. Meet at Corinthian Yacht Sales (on Mar-quesas Way) at 10:30 AM. More experienced skippers are avai lable to sail with those who

    want help in getting started. ~ ~


    . 1964 Christmas Parade Winner


    Entry fee is $1.00. Entry blanks will be circulated through the different marina offices. Excellent spectator points are mole ends anywhere in marina or along the main channel (end of Ma-rina Peninsula). Parade will rally at 6:00 PM in various basins. Judging will take place at Cali-fornia YC and the Trophy Presentation will take place at Pieces of Eight Restaurant after the

    1111-..---•ev.en•t. •(Se•e•Pa-ge. 3) ~



    The Pioneer Skippers Club in-vites all to join theirthird annual HOLIDAY FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS Parade. Those intending to parti-cipate in this event are asked to fill out an entry form (which may be found at most marina offices) and leave it and a donation of $1.00 with a marina office.


    RITTS TAKES ALL!~~ The American Power Boat As-

    sociation on November 20, award-ed local skipper and "Dinghy" columnist, HERB RITTS the top nationwide predicted log racing prize-the Martini-Rossi National Predicted Log Trophy l

    Piloting his 36' Egg Harbor "DOLPH IN, 11 Ritts captured two other national trophies, the Herbert L. Stone Trophy, and the George Codrington Trophy. This gave him three of the five national awards.

    Besides these outstanding achievements, Mr. Ritts was awarded the King Brugman Trophy, the 13th District ·u.s. Power

    2 Continued Page 7

    ' ~ I ~

    s: l I ~ ~ ' ~ ~ I

    t l~ [ . ~ ~ C C

    ,1 I I ,, l

    There is no restriction on type of decoration, however classifica-tions by length of boat are as fol-lows:


    Class A - 26' and under; Class B-27' to 35'; Class D - 36' and over.


    16' and under and youths of 16 years and under.


    Any size boat decorated by and carrying a scout troop.


    Any size boat representing a yacht club.

    After the Parade Marshall lights the Christmas tree, he will lead the parade of boats twice around the channel. Entries must follow the official lead boat. Spectators are requested to keep well clear of the parade I ine.

    Immediately following the parade, and after returning to slip, participants will gather at the Pieces of Eight Restaurant for the awarding of prizes.

    FREE classifieds-Page 8




    FIRST OFFERING Entire Block Zoned C-2 (3.62 acres) Property fronts Marina del Rey. Two blocks to beach; only large C-2 parcel in the area. Suitable for resort hotel, shopping~ center, et~ Unlimited po-tential. Excellent terms to I qualified buyer. FOR PARTICULARS CONTACT:

    PACIFIC SHORES REALTY Specialists in Marina Properties 327 Wash'n St., Venice 399-3211

    if~HY I of



    Edwin Borgeson


    Betty Sands


    Al A.Adams Carl Eggstaff

    Margaret Falkard Herb Ritts

    Where to 1et your co11y of the "Di111hy" Admiralty Apts. Anchora1e Marina Beach Hut California YC Deauvi lie Marina Del Rey YC Fisherman's Wharf Hickory Farms Jeffries Marine Supply Kini Harbor YC Marina Chamber Ole. Marina del Rey

    liquor Mart Marina Pt. Harbor Apts . Mystic Cove

    Marine Radio Neptune Marina Apts. Pieces of Eight

    Restaurant Playa del Rey Marine Sheraton Marina Hotel Small Crafts Adm. Bldg. Val's Pharmacy Villa del Mar Marina Villa Venetia Apts. Windward Yacht

    & Repair 44 De I Rey Marina

    The Del Rey Dinghy is published every other Friday by Borgeso~ Ad-vertising Co., 13011.-A Washmgton Blvd. , Los Angeles, California, 90066; phone 39~-4472. Distributed free of charge in Marina de! Rey.

  • 8

    C E

    N G 2088

    r hy"



    I lg.

    1964 Prize Winner

    All Faiths


    Dec.IS Entry fee is $1. 00. Entry blanks and ful I details of different classes of boats will be circulated through the various marina offices. Parade will rally at 6:00 PM in a_ll basins. Judging will take place at California YC and the Trophy Presentation will take place at Pieces of Eight Restaurant after the event. Details: 392-3011 or 390-1133

  • The new edition of the COAST GUARD'S light list for th is r~g ion is now out. LIGHT LIST, Vol. Ill, Pacific Coost & Pacific Islands, 1965 Edition, paper, $2.00. Cot. II 147 .52:V .3/965.

    WRITE TO: USCG, 19 Pine Avenue, Long Beach, Atten-tion AIDS TO NAVIGATION 0IVISION.

    PROFESSIONAL SAIL WASHING We wash out salt, smog -remove rust . MARINA YACHT SALES, INC.

    13443 Bali Way, Mystic Cove

    396-4274 Leave Monday - Pick Up Friday

    Our specialty Sailhoat Loan~ Low rates - up to 5 ~-,. terms ~

    New and used boats • "JIRST STATE BANK 112n 5. Atlantic Ave.,

    Lynwood, Calif Sandy NE 6-7164

    Greenberg Dirt. inq , ' 1 invited

    COonig CJ:'on CBeauty the Custom Salon .. , .. • • .. • • , • • • • • • • All services custom designed

    for your needs 91 0 GARFIELD, Venice 390-2478

    Do It Yourself in a boatyard with c.;omplctc facilities for all repairs

    • Fast haul-out • Nominal layover fee Playa del Rey Marine Supply Co., Inc.

    13!5!5!5 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey . 392-3081


    THE 6601NGHY ..



    A ~~~~I~~ free ~~t~~~~~~ ghoftes

    .,_ __ ... ~ OCEAN F~~~~1~L and -RINA PENINSULA PROPERTY

    EX 9-3211 327 WASHINGTON ST.


    I ~~iW~~~1l!Wl'~;i"~..,~~~,r~.~-',fj;,'9.U,'J~~~~-•ti~t .... .,.":1'~;:-:~~;..,~,;):,:~~~1"~-:""!t :~~,:i~ ., ,,,_.-,.·- - ·"' .., ~•411 ... .,. ·~""~~i,'if;,:' CZ~ ,~~-~..,. ·r.:-~-!, ~c ~ . ~i I JJe/ore Our _Atarina l I W. Jl -~ "" a" ere ~ I'-" Perhaps it was the silt-rich land c, ,., · extending back from the banks of f':$.

    , La Ballona Creek that attracted the 'J.if ,,i;.·.

    l•.• _ first settlers to what was then known h 1· b d h f h ;._·~.·-,· as t ey c 1m e to t e top o t e ~• · as La Ballona Valley. But, to Will steep bluffs rising above the resort. t~ ·,.-: • Tell, in 1871, it was the flights of Boardwalks encircled much of the ~

    wild ducks wheeling onto the sur- lagoon, and a reinforced concrete ·f~ rounding marshes to feed that en- bridge, "the longest in the world" ijff.

    -if-'. ticed him to build a hunting and at that time, arched over the middle , ,~ fishing lodge on the natural lagoon m'·-1·~ rr,,· of the two mile long lagoon. .. t-f at the mouth of the creek. Others -~\.,': ~ found the location equally attractive, In 1904, the first Post Office :/_ ~.A._' and the area quickly became a popu- "·~ ~ was established at Playa de! Rey, r,:• :'6 Jar spot for sportsmen from Los An- and a year later a School District ,;;; ~ geles, 15 miles to the Northeast. was organized, with 26 pupils. Playa f~ B In 1885, with the coming of the de! Rey was fast becoming a com- -~~ I railroad and the land boom, the first munity as cottage~ sprang up around ~ ;f plan to turn the lagoon into a huge and overlooking the lagoon, and ' }, harbor was conceived, by Moye L. along the beaches, and a two-story 1~ i k h d bank was erected. A 30 feet wide K'' Wic s - a visionary 75 years a ea automobile boulevard, 18 miles in --~'!.··'".~ of his time! A corporation was ,., ., formed , dredging begun, and a rail length ( the present Culver Blvd.) t~

    line run out to the proposed harbor established a new link with Los if (_~_:_·, site; but by 1888, funds were ex- Angeles. ~I~ Jlt hausted and the work discontinued Playa de! Rey's popularity as a .. , ~ . ~--.. sea-side resort continued to grow, I i~ In 1902, a thousand acres of and the holiday crowds returned re- · i ~ • .. ;No land, induding the original "har- peatedly to watch the boat races and ~ f.llii bor" site, were purchased by the the greats o( auto racing, who com- ·i·~ {f. Beach Land Company. The con- peted over an 18-mile road race · " f, ~ 1?," struction of an elaborate new resort, course. ,?: ;r-~~ to be named Playa del Rey, was an- l.1 !!fl nounced . In less than a year a three In 1913, a great fire consumed ~~ ~ story pavillion with restaurant, din- the hotel and pavillion. Shortly there- J~ ~; ing room, bowling alleys and dance after, the grandstands were dis- ~ :l floor ; a speedway for automobile mantled and erosion completed the ~ ::.~, racing; and the 50 room Hotel Del resort's demise as the boat course ~ {f.,?' Rey stood handsomely at the edge filled with sand. The little "harbor'( ~ ,•.• . of the lagoon. A boathouse and 40 town settled into retirement. ~ §1. boats and gasoline launches did a Today, the dream of Moye L. df


    A/A/lK/ By Herb Ritts

    Southern California was honored to have the American Power Boat Association 62ND ANNUAL NATIONAL MEETING, November 17- 21 at Long Beach.

    The APBA is the national authority in the United States for the Union of International Motorboating. This includes all classes of motorboats; Cruiser, Drag, Inboard, Offshore, Outboard, OPC, Stock Outboard, and Uni imited.

    On Thursday, the 18th, I attended the meeting of the Cruiser Racing Commission, which was presided over by Vice President, James D. Paris, of the Cruiser Division. The discussion brought out many of the same problems that seemed to be prevalent in all regions of the country. The ever present problem of reliable Observers, and the integrity of Skip-pers was discussed as a National condition to be improved on at the lo-cal levels. A mild comment on the possibilities of classifying the boats as to size and horsepower was mentioned.

    It surprised many of the delegates to learn of a broad interpretation taken by one Region concerning the Nat'l. Contest Rules. It seems they have a local option of turning in three log sheets, at different speeds, for each event. Should the weather take a turn for the worse, du ring the contest, the Skipper may then select a slower log speed for that portion of the course. It was explained that the Skipper notifies the Observer of his intention to switch to a different log after making the next mark. Past Commodore, Wm. Edgar John, who has been in Predicted Log Contests for over 25 years, stated that this new idea created a definite advantage over the regulation one log that is nat-ionally required and used by all other Regions. The Commodore recom-mended to Dr. Paris, that in order to preventsuchoccurances, all local options must be submitted for approval to the National Association Headquarters when a contest sanction is requested.

    Probably the longest discussion was on the maximum number of sanc-tioned contests each region should run. Commodore Fred Woodwa rd, of Southern California Cruiser Association, brought forth the fact that there was a better average participation in 11 contests this year than in 15 or 16 contests in past years. The Eastern Cruiser Association also ran 11 sanctioned contests this year, however the Mid-West Cruiser Association ran 20 sanctioned contests.

    The main objection brought forth by a majority of delegates present, was the unfair advantage of having almost twice as many contests to apply for the 5 Nat'l. Trophy Awards.

    The Nat'I. High Point Trophy is for total points earned in each sanctioned contest for the year, and v.ould afford a contestant in 20

    Continued Page 6

    Free Classifieds- see Page 8


    3 98-9793 4251 Lincoln Blvd., Marina del Rey

    FOR LUXURY LIVI NG -2 Bdrm ., 2 Both • Channel' i;ieu; •

    Fully carpeted, drapes • All electric kitchen • Fireplace • Parking.

    CHANNEL VIEW APTS. 21 V ia Marina, Corner 5500 s . Pacific RE 5-1121 or EX 2 -3474 after 3 P .M .

    6979 Trolley Way, Playa del Rey 397-2079


    * Elizabeth Sara Pearce

    Prescription Specialists Featurin1 El izabeth Arden and

    Other Fine Cosmetics Free Delivery EX 2-3937

    %/J'!¼JC/li,ti8,i Next to Venice Po~

    €~ Money for any worthwhile purpose. Buy, sell , ref inanct & refit new · -. or old yachts-cru isers-sa ilboats. ,,.. U NIVERSAL FINANCE

    - CORPORATION 3460 Wi lshire Bl. , DU 1-3911 , 2633 W. Coast Hwy., Newport Bch1, (714) 642-4160, and 700 Henry Ford Bl.. Long BcH .. (213) 435-0218.



    Serving the Bay Area

    ~~ tor 38 years. J..-"Tf"J·~ ~ EX 8-6243



    Marina Del Rey LIQUOR MART • Deli • Party Planning f. • Boat Provisionin~

    OPEN 6 A.M. - 2 A .M. . • Block-Crushed

    Cube Ice • Keg Beer • Sandwiches


    7!53 Washington St. - 471 O Admiralty


  • MIJ/lkf continued events a greater advantage over a contestant in 11 events.

    The Nat'I. Predicted Log Trophy, for the most points in l0contests, would also be an advantage for the best 10 out of 20 events, as com-pa red to the best 10 out of 11 contests.

    The George Codrington Trophy is awarded the cruiser scoring the most points in 5 contests. The Herbert L Stone Trophy is awarded to the cruiser scoring the most points in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places only. The Martini Rossi Nat'I. Trophy is awarded to the cruiser having the highest average per contests with a minimum of 8 sanctioned contests. The winner of this trophy,with the highest average per contest, is now considered the Nat'I. Predicted Log Champion, as it reflects the most consistent skill by a skipper, so stated Vice President James Paris, at the Nat'I. Trophy Dinner.

    Southern California Skippers did a terrific job in all classes and took home a good percentage of the hardware.

    Our thanks to AMERICAN POWER BOAT ASSOCIATION for having their 62nd National Meeting in Long Beach, and we shall took forward to having their new Western Meeting at Marina del Rey.

    Good weather and good cruising-


    By Carl Eggstaff

    BAND equipment with the ex-pectation that communication with the Coast Guard is possible. By the same token, the Coast Guard can not home on Citizens Band eql!ipment as they can on marine channels. This in no way detracts from the value of CITIZENS BAND radio when used for its designated purpose of per-sonal and business communication.

    .~·················~········· : AL A. ADAMS SAILING SCHOOL : ! Year Around ! i All-Weather Instruction ! • • • • • Announcing as every year - • ! Hang a sailing course on the ! ! Christmas Tree for a member of ! • the family, your crew, a friend, • ! or yourself. Reduced Christmas ! : Gift Rate. ! • • ! Classes start when you wish in ! • 1966. We mail your gift to the • • r~e~~ ! ! EX 6-9780 . ! • • : AL A. ADAMS : ! MARINE SURVEYOR : •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••

    Dealer For

    "7/~1-/P,~ ~,~

    BOSTON ~J For Sales WHALER / and Service - _ see Jim Sweeney - eoats

    Playa del Rey Marine Supply Co., Inc. 13555 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey



    44 DEL REY MARINA Mindanao Way at Admiralty Way

    399-5775 offers

    • Boat Launching • Boat Rental • Boat Storage

    Courses in basic sailing Individual and Group Rates


    QUESTION: I have heard that the Coast Guard can not be reached on some radiotelephones installed on boats. Why is this? ANSWER: All marine radiotele-phones are equipped with the International Calling and Distress frequency of 2182 kilocycles. In addition, they usually have several other channels such as 2638 kc, and SHIP TO SHORE channels. The US Coast Guard stands watch continuously on 2182 kc, as do all ship stations when they are not communicating on some other channel. Thus a distress call will always be heard by, or relayed to the Coast Guard on 2182 kc.

    Bring your boat to ~

    On the other hand, CITIZENS BAND radiotelephones are tuned to a completely different fre-quency band of 27 megacycles, upon which the Coast Guard does not stand watch nor operate. One should not purchase CITIZENS 6

    • COMPLETE REPAIR SERVICE - in Marina del Rey's most reliable, fully equipped boatyard.

    • SKILLED PERSONNEL - experienced, professional marine craftsmen.

    • MODERN MACHINE SHOP - elec-trical and mechanical services.

    • MARINE SUPPLIES - full stock or hardware, paint, and accessories .


    ~ 392-3061 YACHT & REPAIR, INC. 13645 Fiji Way, Merine def Rey





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    l ab son An var Mo, rei~ cha the sun! the it i puff daw

    A ting char

    if ye luck


    ture sea~ orde that

  • • • • • • • • • • • • • II II II II

    t .. ..

    "A man and his dream make the best shipmates."

    • • • The luckiest people in the

    world are those who have whole-heartedly found sailing I That is a strong statement but think about it •

    If you feel that I imply one de-parts from religion or family with this statement- no, they are there too . More than ashore, the im-portant things are out there with you . A great awa reness of the im-portant things goes with you when you sa ii. Anothe r thought is im-pressed with me that sailing your own boat to tropic islands is per-haps the most common of dreams. If it is the most common of people-s dreams, then those who make their dreams come true a re the luckiest.

    To convey the love ofwaterand a boat is most difficult, for a per-son either feels it or he doesn •t . An expanse of sea is more ful I of variety than anything in the world. Monotony cannot continue to reign where there is so much ever-changing. How black it is under the stars and how golden it is at sunset. How menacing it is with the lashing gale and how serene it is in the gentle breeze with puffy clouds and a bright new dawn.

    As your boat completes the set-ting of each of these ever-changing attitudes and scenes--and if you are aware of it--then how lucky can the sailing man be?

    Yes, there is fear in this pic-ture--for any man who knows the sea will have known the fear of an ordeal, an encounter with forces that need understanding.

    People who remain ashore be-cause of circumstances can I ive these experiences through the senses--for seldom do you find a sailing man who is selfish about what he found out there on his boat--at sea.

    I marvel at all the people on all the different typesof boats out sailing on a busy weekend. Every person is getting something dif-ferent, a varied interpretation of the experience and certainly his or her own fix on the pleasure scale.

    I wonder as I watch them-how many will be lucky?

    Our salute this week to BILL DLJl"-.JN, ManagerofVilla del Mar Marina, for his able guidance and pioneering to develope the first anchorage in Marina del Rey to capacity and smooth functioning. -Con ti ~~';d.,_!"11 ...... ~,: ... -"'~···•'!"..; .• ~,"'~ t: " ' ' · ·

    Squadron Trophy (San Diego-Ensenada Race) and the Martini-Rossi WEST COAST Championship Award.

    In all, Skipper Ritts has now received a total of 26 trophies-establishing a new record I


    The Marina del Rey Schock 25 Fleet wishes to thank all those who participated in the recent Schock 25 Boat Parade. Entries were Gladys and Jim Weaver; Jack Peterson and family; Milt · Handman a nd family; Nancy, Jim Sr . , Jim Jr . , and Abby Grubbs; Wynn Womer; T rav and Ed Rosen; Larry Bartlett and guests: Gloria, Ralph and Bounce Chadwick and Kathy Newton (we missed Skip Wiener. However, Ned was there); and Harry Cooper and friends. Jim Crabtree and Herb Lund came up from King Harbor to participate in the event.


    aff!•~ ~!~~ ,~~!17 ~ULVE::::

    PLAYA DEL REY ':'HONE 39'7• 172!5

    HICKORY FARMS BEEF STICK is a MUST for boating, fishing, camping, picnics, or quick lunches. It keeps WITHOUT REFRIG-ERATION for a considerable length of time is ready . to eat and easy to prepare. It contains no pork, no garlic, no pepper and no vinegar. Beef Stick is 100% pure beef and it is hickory smoked. OPEN EVERY DAY!

    Tues-Sat 9 am to 9 pm Sun-Mon 9 am to 6 pm

    MARINE SHOPPING CENTER JEFF R IE S MA RI N E SU PPL Y on MARINE ROW - MARINA del REY 390-3514 - Most complete marin: hardware store in the Marina del Rey area. MARITIME RADIO SERVICE 398-9739- Sales, installation and1 maintenance of electronic and associated systems for all vessels. WEST COAST MARINE ELEC-TRIC, 390-3514 - Over 25 years in m~rine electrical work. A complete elec-trical and mechanical service to boat owners. YACHT SERVICE CO., 398-9220 :- Expert underwater and topside clean-ing. Free surveying and estimating.

    4210 - 4214 - 4218 Lincoln Blvd. Venice


  • FOR SALE, Cal-20--20 mos. young. XL NT condition. New Evinrude 6-AII Equiptment incl. Hull Guard. Call CU 3-6295 or ED 1-4519.

    FOR SALE, Genoa for Cal-20, 180%, used 10 ti mes, whisker pole incld. XLNT condition. Best offer. Call CU 3-6295 or ED 1-4519.

    FOR CHARTER, 21' sloop with Skipper. $50. per day. Call Owner, EX 8-1602.

    FOR SALE, "Pirate Ship" of Marina del Rey, the SCHIEF-FLE IN . The most complete cruising boat for its size. Call evenings for appointment or see at SI ip C 14 Vil la del Mar Marina. 645-8563.

    WANTED: Autos, ~oats, Cycles, Dinghies, Engines, Fiacres, Gondolas, etc.,--from A to Z-- "Come Clean With Us" at the new E-Z Wash & Wax, 5 minute 25¢ coin-op car wash, open 24 hrs., 1500 LINCOLN BLVD., Venice .

    FOR SALE, Cal-20 with Extras . $3350. Call 849-6-487.

    HELPWANTED. Youngman with good marine and sail knowledge to work in office. Also business background de-sired. Interesting work. Call 849-6-487.

    FOR SALE, near new Seagull 5 horse Century~ with Neutral Gear,used two times only. Cost $210., will sell for highest of-fer. Call UP 0-5060 or VE 7-4142.

    RENTAL TO SHARE- Business man will share home with same. 4 blocks to Marina. $75.00 a month. Call 396-0415.

    FOR SALE, New Churcill Crowns in plastic holders or key rings. Also, uncirculated Foreign Sets & Crowns. 742 Washington St., Call 398-0317.

    FOR RENT, Furnished Bachelor Apartments. Util. lncld . $65. Monthly . Close to Marina del Rey. Call EX 8-0317.

    HELP WANTED. Man to work for sailboat manufacture ring company in Rigging and Finish Dept. Experience requi red. Call 849-6-487.

    USED gasoline marine engines and parts. Used parts for Chrysler, Chris-Craft, Gray and most other models. Wilmington Marine Supply, 2423 E. Anaheim in Wilmington.

    FOR SALE, 1959 Hillman, 2 door convertible. New vinyl top, good radio, heater, good tires. Asking $300. Call eve-nings, VE 9-3232.

    NOW AVAILABLE. Miscel-laneous size slips at Playa del Rey Marine Supply Co., Inc., 13555 Fiji Way, Marina del Rey. Call 392-3081.

    LEARN TO SAIL, privately or in groups. Call Dutch, 399-5775.

    FOR SALE, 18 ' Glasspar In-board. ( 1965). Less than 100 hrs. Tilt trlr. Extras. Priced for quick sale. Call WA 3-8111, ext. 5752 or (714) 528-3251.

    FOR SALE, 1963 GLASSPAR Cabin Cruise r, 75 hp Johnson Electroma tic. Long range gas tanks. Wallstrong trailer. Near new condition. $1995. Cal I 391-0467.

    There is no charge for classified advertising in this section . Copy for each issue must reach us by mail (no telephone, please) not later

    than one week prior to date of publication . Ads will appear in order received . We reserve the right to edit or omit unsuitable material.

    Send copy to: Del Rey Dinghy • 13011-A Washington Blvd. • Los Angeles, Cali-fornia 90066
