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Dealing with premature roof failure

Jul 23, 2016



What causes premature roof failure, what can be done to avoid it, and how do you deal with it? Find out in this three-part blog series!
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Page 1: Dealing with premature roof failure
Page 2: Dealing with premature roof failure
Page 3: Dealing with premature roof failure


When it comes to our homes, we want everything to last. Unfortunately, the elements and old-fashioned wear-and-tear will ensure that every component will eventually need to be replaced. Roofs have service lives that define how long they will last. You only really start having problems when your roof begins to fail before its expected lifespan is up.

Premature failures usually occur because homeowners ignore the maintenance needs of a roof. For instance, a lot of the time many homeowners are so busy that they no longer take the time to routinely check their roof for problems, which leads to much bigger problems. Here are other common causes of roof failure.

Picking the wrong roofing material

While different homes have different needs, the same guidelines can be used when it comes to choosing a roof, like taking into consideration local climate, roof pitch and the homeowner’s budget. A roof is likelier to fail sooner, for example, if it is not particularly suited for the local climate.

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Working with the wrong people

A reputable contractor will advise a homeowner against choosing a roof that’s not suitable for the home. But aside from not getting expert advice on what kind of roof would be best for them, working with the wrong people may also translate to haphazard installation that doesn’t meet manufacturer standards and undermines eligibility for warranty coverage.

On the other hand, it’s still possible for roofs to fail prematurely even after having them expertly installed if you completely forget about your roof once it’s on. Roofs are built to withstand the harshest weather but they will still need some TLC from time to time. Routine maintenance, after all, can fix small problems before they worsen.

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Neglecting a roof can lead to premature failure, but what exactly can you do to avoid that? Find out in Part 2 of this e-book series. Read on for more!

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Page 6: Dealing with premature roof failure


Neglect is the number one reason why roofs fail prematurely. The solution is simple then: pay more attention to your roof. Consider the following:

Choose roofing materials wisely

Homeowners are not always given the chance to pick out their own roof so take advantage of this opportunity. By making the right choice at the very beginning, you eliminate risks of premature failure due to unsuitable roofing materials. To find the right roof, factor in your location’s general climate, how big your home is and the overall look you want to achieve.

Pick a good roofing expert

Will you entrust your roof to just anyone? Not all roofers are made equal so go for one with the necessary skills and experience to take care of your needs. Go over testimonials and check certifications and credentials to help you zero in on a roofing expert you can count on.

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Perform regular maintenance

Even the most durable of roofs will eventually succumb to the elements. However, with regular maintenance, problems are found while they are small, making them not only easier to deal with but preventing them from worsening as well. Roofing problems don’t appear out of nowhere, so routinely checking your roof from the ground will help you spot damage before it can become major. A lot of people do roofing maintenance when the seasons change but scheduling check-ups once or twice a year will suffice.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to do your own roofing maintenance. There are some tasks you can carry out on your own, but to make sure that all bases are covered, it would benefit you to employ a roofing contractor to do the work for you. Doing so will cost you more, but experienced roofers know what to look for and have all the necessary equipment to perform thorough checks on your roof.

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There’s a lot you can do to avoid premature roof failure, but what if the damage has already been done? Find out what to do in the final part of this blog series.

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Page 9: Dealing with premature roof failure


Very occasionally a roof fails sooner than expected. Perhaps it was improperly installed or there was a defect in the materials. Regardless of the cause of your roof’s failure, you need to act as soon as possible. Here are a few pointers to help you figure out what to do.

Contact a roof expert immediately

Every day that a roof failure remains unaddressed is a day that your home is exposed to the elements. Get a hold of a professional and explain the situation. Roof experts with emergency repair or restoration services are not difficult to find.

Find out the cause of the failure

Knowing the kind of damage that caused the failure can make it easier to figure out the best way to restore your roof. Your roofing professional can help.

Check if the roof still qualifies for warranty coverage

A crucial way to save on the replacement of a failed roof is to take advantage of warranties. In fact, if failure occurs while your roof is still under warranty and you meet all terms and conditions, you might end up not paying anything at all to get your

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Premature roof failure is a serious problem but it’s not unavoidable. Hiring a reputable contractor and giving your home extra attention can go a long way in preventing it. We hope this blog series has taught you how to actively care for your roof and make the most out of your investment.

Pay more attention next time

If you failed to take good care of your roof the first time around, this is your chance to give it the attention it deserves. This means choosing the right replacement materials, keeping an eye on the installation process and scheduling routine maintenance.

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