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DC Machines Week 5,6

Feb 19, 2018



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  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6



    DC Motors

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    Direct Current (DC) MachinesFundamentalsDc motors are dc machines used as


    the same physical machine can

    operate as either a motor or agenerator-it is simply a question othe direction o the po!er "o!

    through it#Dc motors are compared $y their

    speed regulations#

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %ypes o dc motors

    %he separatelye&cited dc motor

    %he shunt dc motor#

    %he permanent-magnet dc motor#

    %he series dc motor#

    %he compounded dcmotor

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he 'quialent Circuit o a DC Motor

    its equialent circuit is e&actly thesame as that o a generator e&ceptor the direction o current "o!#

    Figure (a) %he equialent circuit o a dc motor# ($) * simpli+edequialent circuit

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he 'quialent Circuit o a DC Motor

    %he internal generated oltage in thismachine is gien $y the equation#

    induced torque deeloped $y themachine is gien $y

    These two equations, the KVL equation of the

    armature circuit and magnetization curve, arenecessary to analyze the behavior and

    performance of a dc motor

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,eparately e&cited and shunt dcmotors* separately e&cited dc motor is a motor

    !hose +eld circuit is supplied rom aseparate constant-oltage po!er supplya shunt dc motor is a motor !hose +eld

    circuit gets its po!er directly across thearmature terminals o the motorhen the supply oltage to a motor is

    assumed constant. there is no practicaldi/erence in $ehaiour $et!een theset!o machines

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he ,eparately e&cited and shunt dcmotors

    %he KL equation or the armaturecircuit is

    (a) The equivalent circuit of a separately

    excited de motor.

    (b) The equivalent circuit of a shunt dc


  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he %erminal Characteristic o a,hunt DC Motor

    %he terminal characteristic o amotor is a plot o its output torqueersus speed#

    1o! does a shunt dc motor respondto a load2When load load> ind so E ! "#


    ! (%T

    & E


    ind ! "#$*+,)

    load= ind

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    nduced %orque in the 4otating Loop

    5utput characteristic o a shunt dcmotor

    (a) Torque-speed characteristic of a shunt

    or separately excited dc motor ith

    compensatin/ indin/s to eliminate

    armature reaction.

    (b) Torque-speed

    characteristic of the motor ith

    armature reaction present.








  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,peed Control o ,hunt DC Motors

    n general. there are 3 methods to controlthe speed o dc shunt motor

    *d6usting the +eld resistance 4F(and thusthe +eld "u&)

    *d6usting the terminal oltage applied tothe armature#

    Less common methodnserting a resistor in series !ith the

    armature circuit

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,peed Control o ,hunt DC Motors

    Changing the FieldResistance

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,peed Control o ,hunt DC Motors

    Changing the FieldResistance

    The effect of field resistance speed control

    on a shunt motor0s torque speed


  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,peed Control o ,hunt DC Motors

    Changing the Armature Voltage

    The effect of armature volta/e speed

    control on a shunt motor0s torque-speed


  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    DC Machine Construction

    Inserting a Resistor in Series with theArmature Circuit.








    The effect of armature resistancespeed control on a shunt motor0s

    torque-speed characteristic.

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,ae 4anges o 5peration or the common methods

    If a motor is operating at its rated terminalvoltage, power and eld current, then it will

    be running at rated speed, also known asbase speed.

    ield resistance control can control thespeed of the motor for speeds above basespeed but not for speeds below base speed.

    !o achieve a speed slower than base speedb" eld circuit control would re#uiree$cessive eld current, possibl" burning upthe eld windings.

    Field ResistanceControl

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,ae 4anges o 5peration or the common methods

    If a motor is operating at its rated terminalvoltage, power and eld current, then it will

    be running at rated speed, also known asbase speed.

    Armature voltage control can control thespeed of the motor for speeds below basespeed but not for speeds above base speed.

    !o achieve a speed faster than base speed b"armature voltage control would re#uiree$cessive armature voltage, possibl"damaging the armature circuit.

    Armature VoltageControl

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he '/ect o an 5pen Field Circuit

    %hat would happen if the eld circuit wereactuall" opened while the motor isrunning&

    !he 'u$ in the machine will drop, and (Awill drop as well. !his would cause a reall"large increase in the armature current,and the resulting induced tor#ue would be#uite a bit higher than the load tor#ue of

    the motor. !herefore, the motor)s speedstarts to rise and *ust keeps going up.

    !his condition is called runawa".

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %1' 8'4M*9'9%-M*:9'% DCM5%54A permanent magnet dc motor

    +-C/ is a dc motor whose polesare made of permanent magnets.Advantage1

    2ince the motors do not require an external field circuit.3o field circuit copper losses.2maller than correspondin/ shunt dc motors.

    Disadvantages1cannot produce as hi/h flux density 4loer induced torque5678 motors run the ris9 of dema/neti:ation.

    not possible to control the speed of the 5678 motor by varyin/

    the field current or flux.

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %1' ,'4', DC M5%54

    A series dc motor is a dc motorwhose eld windings consist of arelativel" few turns connected inseries with the armature circuit.

    !he 0irchho12s voltage law e#uationfor this motor is

    The equivalent circuit of a series dc motor.

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    nduced %orque in a ,eries DC Motor

    the 'u$ is directl" proportional tothe armature current, at least untilsaturation is reached.

    the load on the motor increases, its'u$ increases the speed deceases

    %he induced torque is ;ind

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %he %erminal Characteristic o a,eries DC Motor

    >sing equation =< c* the torque-speed

    characteristic cure or the series motorcan $e deried as

    ideal torque-speed characteristic is






    T +



  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    ,peed Control o ,eries DC Motors

    3nlike with the shunt dc motor, thereis onl" one e4cient wa" to change thespeed of a series dc motor.

    !hat method is to change the terminalvoltage of the motor. If terminalvoltage is increased, the speed willincrease for an" given tor#ue.

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %1' C5M85>9D'D DC M5%54

    A compounded dc motor is a motor withboth a shunt and a series eld. Such amotor is shown in igure below.

    The equivalent circuit of compounded dc motors1 (a) lon/-shunt connection; (b)

    short-shunt connection.

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    %1' C5M85>9D'D DC M5%54

    %he KL or a compounded dc motor is%< '*? *(4*? 4,)

    and the currents are

    *< L- FF< %@4F

    %he net mm and the e/ectie shunt +eld current are

    Fnet< FFB F,'- F*4F< F B (9,'@9F) * F*4@9F

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    Cumulatiely Compounded DC Motor


    %here is a component o "u& !hich is constantand another component !hich is proportional toits armature current (and thus to its load)#

    CC motor has a higher starting torque than a

    shunt motor (!hose "u& is constant) $ut a lo!erstarting torque than a series motor (!hoseentire "u& is proportional to armature current)#

    %he CC motor com$ines the $est eatures o

    $oth the shunt and series motors# LiEe a seriesmotor. it has e&tra torque or starting liEe ashunt. it does not oerspeed at no load#

  • 7/24/2019 DC Machines Week 5,6


    Cumulatiely Compounded DC Motor


    * comparison o the torque-speedcharacteristics o each o these types omachines is sho!n $elo!

    (a) The torque-speed characteristic of a

    cumulatively compounded dc motor

    compared to series and shunt motors ith

    the same full-load ratin/.

    (b) The torque-speed characteristic of a

    cumulatively compounded dc motor

    compared to a shunt motor ith the same

    no-load speed.